##VIDEO ID:q8y-cBgLW5M## good evening everyone welcome to the meeting of the Sebring city council it's Tuesday September 3rd 2024 if youall stay with me the mayor's going to lead us in a prayer and pledge go would me or thank you once again for the wonderful City that we live in thank you for the staff that we have that keeps are running so so good we ask that you watch over city council tonight to make sound and right decisions we ask that you watch over our citizens as this our community continues to grow and prosper we ask that you watch over Scott na as he wiers surgery today and as and we'll recover with no issues or I shouldn't say that but there's a few issues but I just ask you put your healing hand on him and guide him through this uh piece that he's going through we ask that all we do in your name Jesus Christ amen pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for call the roll please may sh here car herey here M here Stewart here Bishop here all right if anyone has anything that they would like to discuss that is not on the agenda you can fill out one of the forms here on the front table handed in to Clark Haley and we will get to it later in the meeting uh mayor report uh not a lot not didn't do a lot since the last meeting but we had an opportunity to go out to Spring Lake and look at their new wastewater treatment trailer it's a small trailer not a big plant anymore that's a kind of new technology and it's really if it works it'll be a big savings to anybody that utilizes it it takes a $30 million plant puts it in a $3 million trailer and does produces more output so um it's pretty pretty interesting and spring lak's kind of a test for it uh but that's about all I got for you sir all right I'll take it you got it Mr Carlo report ble um good evening everyone so glad you're here um September 18th coming right up uh the airport Authority myself and a couple of citizens are putting together a dedication celebration for major Tommy Maguire out at the airport it's going to be very cool and uh that'll be at 1: p.m. on September 18th and we would love for you all to come um we're going to have speakers uh talking about Tommy McGuire and lard Henrik and then the airport's going to give a a little talk about what they're doing out there and the advances they've made and I've heard that presentation and it's quite amazing you know I really have never gone out to the airport much other than to go for the races and even then I wasn't paying that much ATT attention of what was going on in the way of the airport but it's quite amazing we're very blessed to have a very good airport and uh so that's September 18th 1 p.m. out at where the runway Cafe is the uh Airport Authority uh Friday before last I went to a workshop that uh Sheriff Paul Blackman was putting on over there at the sheriff station and it was touched on homeless domestic abuse and really kind of um majored on um the folks that are getting out of jail trying to see that they don't reenter try to see that they have some resources uh and lodging and transportation and help with mental health issues and it was a very good meeting put together by Shirley Johnson a lot of people know her and some others out there and it was really quite amazing and we do have a lot of people that are working together to try to take care of some of the issues and including the homeless issue that's a very serious thing that's it all right thank you two things I uh went to our code enforcement meeting uh last Tuesday and again want to give a shout out to Tyler and Joe had another guy there who had been cited by code enforcement and he um went out of his way to say how great they were to work with and thank them which again doesn't it's not what you expect at a code enforcement meeting um the other thing just an interesting thing happened last week I was getting my haircut at a new barber shop and was talking with the barber and he moved down here from Orlando about 6 months ago and you know said Well why'd you do that that's usually the opposite of how it goes around here and he said um that he had to work so much up there and he had an hour commute each way that he was never able to see his his kid his four-year-old son you know that he was asleep by the time he got home and he moved down here so that because things were cheaper and he would have more time to be able to to be with his son and I thought that was great a great encapsulation of what we like about SE and what we're trying to keep that's it no report okay all right next up is the consent agenda any questions or comments on the consent agenda motion we approve the consent agenda as presented I second it all right pull the board please yes yes M yes yes yes all right we have no old business on on to new business we have a public hearing and ordinance reading of 1529 uh I will open the public hearing and hand it all to Mr slain uh proposed ordinance 1529 is entitled an ordinance of the city of Sebring Florida changing the zoning classification of two Parcels that total approximately 18,000 Square ft located at 503 Rose Avenue and 513 Rose Avenue from multiple family District R3 to public and quasi public lands District P providing for separability Prov for conflict and providing for an effective date all right next up M Torres do you have the presentation part of it today I believe we you already went through the presentation yes well I can um answer any questions you have or I can go through the presentation however you want to do uh I'll just see if anybody from the public has any questions nope all right I'll close the public hearing anybody from Council have any questions or comments all right I'll entertain a motion make a motion that we approve ordinance 1529 on second final second all right P the board yes yes yes steart yes yes all right next up item 10B uh we have the 2025 African-American Heritage Month would like to uh hold an event at the Civic Center with the waving of fees is Mr Selvin Walker here no all right I'll entertain a motion I make a motion we approve request as presented second hold the board yes yes yes steart yes Bishop yes next up is item 10 C the Rotary Club of seing is wanting to help out in putting a bathroom facility on the circle all right I think good evening uh May M of the council want to thank you for taking the time to uh hear us out today um my name is Tod SCH and I'm the president of the Y Republic sebr my left is Bill V he is the committee chair for our 100th anniversary uh project committee um what we are proposing to do is to build a bathroom in downtown Sebring there's a little bit of history behind this the very first project that the the rary club ever did was a bathroom that they built in downtown Chicago and the reason why they built this was because they found that women um who were shopping in downtown Chicago um often left early because they didn't feel they had a place to use the restroom um in private so they built a bathroom in order to further um improve the business prospects for the local businessman downtown in downtown Sebring we have sort of a similar situation we have a number of events where we have to bring in porta potties um that are an eyesore a nose sore and U so we thought that as part of our 100th anniversary that we would address this problem much like the very first R Club addressed that problem so long ago so this is our um September 8th 2024 marks uh the 100th year anniversary of the r rep public SE and in the past we've we have done large projects to celebrate um essentially any big milestone so for the 75th Anniversary uh we did did a lot of work out at ly Park um and so this kind of follows through with what we've done in the past so um the proposed site is going to be at 122 North Commerce Avenue it's a city-owned parcel it's located behind the Circle Theater it's uh currently a small parking lot and it's located close to the the circle Center so it'll be easy for people who are visiting downtown to access the uh the resturant facilities and we have here a proposed project plan U there's a in the in the packet you have there is one might be little EAS to see but you can see we have a men's and a women's room um we also have have a changing station uh it'll be concrete block walls with stco finish inside and out uh standing seam metal roof uh epoxy floor drains automatic faucets toilets hand drives and lighting uh air conditioned and wired for exterior lights and cameras it'll be ADA Compliant band or resistant um again we'll have built-in large baby chaining tables that will be large enough to support adult change SK um and um we will also include a rotary um and Sebring theme bual that's going to face the C the project financials are as follows we have a preliminary cost estimate about $200,000 uh the Rotary Club of Sebring is committed to contribute a minimum of $50,000 and the the city of sing is going to contribute $50,000 we have a request from the CRA to contribute another $50,000 and then the gap between that money and the ultimate cost will be fund raised by the we have also a number of members of the Rotary Club of ceding here including uh George Hensley who's in addition to being I believe the longest member of the r Club of seing also a former mayor to and say anything about the project yes he [Laughter] does thank you very much I yes I am the longest member of the club not in length but time since 1963 and I'm the oldest member and not only that's a good thing or a bad thing really at this point but I do want to just share with you that the Rotary Club of seing formed in N 1924 has done a lot for our community uh we have Rotary Park that rebuilt the pier a number of years ago uh our fundraising and giving throughout the community a lot of different organizations U doesn't get at publish very much but I want to just tell you that rary Charities is very very active in in supporting the community and the organizations that help people within the community so this project we feel is an opportunity for us to really get together partner with the city the CRA and our own members and fundraisers to present this project to the city as a part of our 100th anniversary so we encourage you to support that and encourage you to say yes that's a really good thing Josh thank you very much our former uh president of our club and so we've got a good good group of people and uh ever since Paul Harris founded rotary in 1904 and with one man and three other men in Chicago amazing what rotary has done in communities in our United States and around the world World millions and millions of dollars have gone into projects of rotary one of the biggest projects that is known as the elimination of polio around the world and in Con in connection along with the Bill Gates Foundation at one time they they committed $50 million toward that project and uh it's it has done the job I think there are only two countries where in the in the world that uh that polio still has some some uh position uh We've uh we've built water wells we've built housing we've done things all over the world when you when you go to another country you can go to a rotary club and you're welcomed even though you may not speak the language it doesn't matter you're a rotaria and that makes a difference thank you very much thank you just a a couple of quick comments uh first I want to thank the council for an opportunity to partner with the city of Sebring on this project uh we could not do a project without a partner that's willing to take on the uh maintenance and the upkeep of such a facility uh so it's instrumental that we find a partner that's willing to do that we want to thank you for the opportunity to present to you tonight um also there were a couple you know our club is a legacy of making a difference in the community not any one particular ular member but under years from now we'd like to think that Rotary Club of Sebring will still be here and that the impacts of that club can be seen throughout the community this is just one way whether that building is standing 100 years from now or not uh Rotary will be here hopefully to continue to make an impact in what we're doing in our community and make it a better place for all citizens um just wanted to give a couple accolades to a couple people that were instrumental in this project um first uh Jeff Roth and uh Bruce Li Barger actually came up with this project uh as a memorial way to go back to rotary's history from the very beginning uh and make that impact here in Sebring uh maybe a fewer people than Chicago but all the all needed all the same um also some of your own city council member and uh and and uh employees have been instrumental uh not only in this project but as m members of our club um obviously Josh Stewart and Scott neglet have been important uh in helping this project get off the ground as well as Carl Co has who has donated his services to much of what you see here tonight uh so I just want to thank you for your time thank you for the consideration and we love being a partner to what we consider the most wonderful City in uh Florida so thank you thank you all thank you you know I just want to say congratulations did not know it was 100 years in Sebring so that is pretty amazing and this is a much needed project thank you and it is and also our sister club and Avon Park is also celebrating their 100th year this year wow thank you does anybody have any questions I don't have any questions I well I do how you going to Vandal Proof it to start with so I believe it's um I believe that the material that we're using makes it um more difficult for um somebody to come in and tag it do something like that and I'm proud of you guys I've been on this Council for 10 years and I've asked why haven't we done a public bathroom so very proud of you I've got a comment to answer your question lonard part of our our process when we did this is I met out there with Steve and Greg with our preliminary design and said you know what do you guys want to see in here how are we going to keep the maintenance low for the city and still make it look nice and they had some suggestions that we kind of Incorporated to keep the maintenance low and make it as Vandal Proof as as is possible where there's a will there's a way but for the most part it's pretty good well I understand that that's just you know it's almost almost impossible and I also I need to probably um abstain from this vote just because this is my club and my company will likely be involved in some form of of this project in construction there are doors on this right yes just saw Carl Carl cut us a little short here and didn't put doors on the plane okay I just had a question about the air how did you guys go to air conditioning and not just be sustainable like the rest of our restrooms are since it's not I mean it's not going to be used eight hours a day so it's up come on up oh cool you're asking about the air conditioning yeah and I mean the rest of our bathrooms like behind a Police Station non advet vets Beach at um City Pier Beach are all they have air flow through them where it's not air conditioned so reduces some of the maintenance cost from that standpoint it reduces electricity um because it's I think as much as it's used or not used I think that's a pretty good cost to have to run that thing a day there there'll be two air it's way we have it designed there'll be two air conditioner one for the men one for the women the uh City staff can set the thermostat setting and if there was a time to where you didn't want people in there you can lock the doors and turn the air conditioners off I mean usually at night you lock all and you the thermostats can be programmed so that they go off and the air conditioner quits at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. you you have that option uh as a part of the building okay I was just kind of curious why we didn't I mean you guys did a great job with this and I really it's needed and we talked about this before just the air conditioning kind of doesn't scare me but I'm just thinking the cost the idea of having a fan system to pull air out but in the summertime you're GNA be 90 plus degrees inside with the fan system so it was suggested that it it'd be more like a public restroom that is air conditioned so that it would be more comfortable we know that you're going that will make it'll be a challenge to maintain it and and your staff is aware of that you know I think air conditioning especially when you're dragging a bunch of little children trying to get in there and get everything done change the diapers and all that it's almost impossible if it's not air conditioned everybody's just miserable we we had a lot of discussions about just air flow or air conditioning and there is a big difference there is a big difference so that this is the design we came up with I think one additional comment I would make on that is um obviously we can amend some of this to fit whatever your desires and needs are on a maintenance type issue but I think our desire was to make something that's attractive with the community make sure that uh it meets the needs but also um is not I think it if you have something that's more open for air flow not that it always happens but I think it's more susceptible to both wind and weather damage as well as vandals and so I think that we're trying to make something that's fully contained and and a something that's nice for the community that people will receive as a nice benefit of being downtown yeah anybody else have any questions no questions thank you for what you're doing good thank you anybody from the public have any questions I didn't hear you I'm sorry the air conditioner they he made Carl made the comment that it can just be set to go off and on at certain times I mean thermostats are fully programmable it can be remotely programed with City staff all right handling the okay anybody else I'll entertain a motion make a motion we approve project second P the board yes yes yes abstain yes all right good job thanks everybody give them a minute to depart all right moving on item 10d we have resolution 2024-25 addressing the non-ad Orum assessment for residential Solid Waste Services um you'll find that the rate is going from $225 per unit a year to $230 a unit per year um does anybody have any questions or comments any questions or comments from the public all right I'll entertain a motion make I'll make a motion we approve resolution number 2024-25 all the board yes yes yes yes yes items 10e and F have been removed for tonight why that uh they had a meeting um and there was earlier today that there was not a quorum so they weren't able they when we had to have that first so it's just being pushed to a later date okay all right item 10g that's why we're all here come on up Craig Craig Fuller is going to give us an update on the West Lake Jackson West Lake Jackson storm water Improvement good evening uh mayor council City staff um so I I brought it up just so I can look at it way got it um so just as an update we're 90% on the Bas on what I wanted to do is is try to guide you through all of the decisions in case you disagree so we can change them and an amend is needed um so first of all this is kind of what it looks like there's some Cuts it's kind of down near we call it number 26 it's not important to you that's down just north of Don Jose along St a um there was some noted drainage issues that were determined as part of this I don't have to go through all the background but I know there's some that haven't been involved since the start of this but uh a lot of sediment was washing down especially Don drive and uh some other notable areas but we've kind of calculated and predicted that a lot of your large culs were under size and notably there was a blowout on one of them during the project design so we know there's kind of a rush but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't spend your money wisely that was already repaired so what we've done this is kind of a a standard layout if you look at the next sheet um and what it is is a uh it's an inline treatment system basically it removes all the nutrients that are going into the way so your system connects to everything eventually makes its way Downstream to Lake o that means this is part of what's called a BAP basic management action plan this project depending on how it gets implemented we'll update it with the calculated nutrient removal and you'll get credit toward your goal removal overall in this there's there's this huge number that everyone's shooting toward and you guys have a fraction of it so this will actually move you toward that goal that's part of that that's why we're seeking funding we don't have an answer back yet so I can't give you that answer but next sheet this is some of our uh interesting approaches so what we were doing is regreting and this is just kind of a typical what a profile looks like on the road um millonary surface and then regrade it so it's kind of a standard uh side to side slope along with longitudinal standard sloping um some of the large swes we how large they had to be and we increased their size notably um this one example is is at St Agnes but there's another one we'll show you at uh don Drive in seconds but uh we allowed this to decrease the amount of discharge but also slow velocity because if if you make the area bigger and the volume bigger well it'll send more through but there's some interesting things we added here there's almost like a bur can't quite see it in this and I apologize I can see it in mine but if depending on on the print out you got hopefully it's visible there and what that burn does is on the on the effluent side as it goes towards the lake it'll stop debris from going in the lake on the one side and so it just skins and then you just have the the fast moving water and largely these are coming from large SES and colberts I'll say like Lake SE brings an example joh Drive is an example um and then down by uh Don Jose and then St Agnes so those are kind of your big ones where this would be applicable but the other uh benefit of the uh BM is to prevent uh sand for coming back in so we have it so the water actually has to build up and go over into your lake so we have it designed at roughly your high water mark on where your leg Le should be all right next slide um so we noted an an unusual issue geometry uh horizontal was a little off in a couple places and that's to say that the lane widths actually vary and it there's an area where it it looks like it should follow a radius but it doesn't and so it was almost like pieces put together of call it Vector right it's got a distance to length distance to length distance to length and so that may and is likely leading to where it kind of feels strange and driving it so we can either and so kind of the rules for us are either fix all of it or none of it and so what we found was a way we could do it within the area that existed but meet all of I'll call it current rules for a roadway so it'll be uh and what we did was um we found some some widths that were highly variable some of the narrowest lanes are actually 10.9 up to 13 ft which is really really wide you know compare that to like I95 is 14 ft so you know it's like that's what we kind of believe might have been lead leading to the speeding because we we heard that we and and we we came up with a way to address that um but what we did was we narrowed up the lanes to 11 ft and made it a standard 11 ft and we we've got some comparable examples so it's not this is not unheard of this is actually a pretty standard practice but we the reason we narrowed it up is a multifold m so uh one of the biggest is the roadway structure doesn't exist at 12 feet lanes for the whole route that would mean you'd have to reconstruct U big sections of it next to it also there's a and early on the project we looked at this there's a ton of what's called off-site uh storm water that just kind of comes down the hill well to meet what's called spread which is where you have a a certain rain event how far the the water will come into the lane because the water coming into the lane causes hydroplaning and because of the classification of the road we have to meet spread because you have a certain speed limit otherwise you'll hydroplane and so anyway to prevent this we have to intercept it take it into the storm system treat it run it through largely that it's pretty good quality water it's it's just a run off from uh Lawns and things like that but to fit all this in this 11 foot allowed us to do that kind of go through that and then the other was um this was kind of a a a late ad but uh it it delayed the project but I think it'll uh really really really benefit things here we noted uh and worked with the uh the property owners at St Agnes and you can see kind of a more regular engineered Channel as opposed to what nature kind of cut through there and um so what they're going to do is uh got Define eement for reiring this they're going to allow us to have that and then you'll also noce um it has kind of a shading there what we've done is uh parly especially on these outfalls and I'll go to the next slide and and kind of where it Narrows in and this is a this is another one uh on but Narrows in what we've done is is uh put um uh some differing types of uh rip wrap and that's to hold the structure so it doesn't wash away during large events and this is kind of a neat thing we did at at dawn so the existing Pulver is what nature cut a path that goes basically straight down to Dawn and then straight over paralleling it the outfall there has a uh well the conveyance system is 15 to 18 inches depending where it is along there we've increased the size to 36 but also we uh cut it and you can that's what the uh it kind of goes little left on the on your on your page we we put in a like a um a divider and wormed it up to force it to go into the existing Channel that's already there the existing uh and then once it goes next slide once it goes into that Canal what we've done is put it's uh put a bank and Shore type rip wrap which is it's designed basically for Lake systems almost identical to what you have but it can actually handle titles so it's not going to wash away like some of your existing ones and uh the width on it you know just comparably is is for once it gets past the seaw wall is roughly two to three times the width so it'll really slow it down that way it's not just ripping apart the uh the lake side as it goes through when you have a big rain event it's designed for this B big rain event and it knows it's coming um and then this is this is just kind of show you on this slide here it's fairly incomprehensible but you can see it just a little bit it comes in it's only a foot it goes in on either Lane but it should slow things down the only we we looked at doing speed humps or or or speed tables or things like that and um in last one of the last slides I'll show you it's just because of the type of Road it is it's not allowed we'd have to completely when I say the type uh every road has a classification every major road and this is one of the main roads for the city arguably um it's one of the main roads for the area and it's called a like a major uh collector because it's a major collector unless you say hey we don't want this to be a major collector we're calling this something else you'd have to like petition to the do get them to reclassify if they reclassify it you can kind of do whatever you want but then it's just a local and that's done it's just it's a tough process and I'm not 100% certain that's what you want to do if you want to slow it down that much youd actually have to put speed limit change es take it down to like a 25 instead of a 35 and then that would prevent some of the uh I'll say the spread in the offsite and things like that um but just to give you then a history on it where we're redoing the first ones or the major ones at Lake Sebring um at uh St Agnes uh just north of Don at D drive um so these are like some of the the main ones that through um and then oh yeah hway and that was the large that was a double barrel that kind of goes out to a large Al first phase and this is largely due to there's two things offsite improvements we think we can cut some costs here uh but on the next one sorry what each one of these are and so at each one of these it will narrow up to that 11 foot which will slow things down because you will feel kind of a little closer but when I say 11 foot that's a good College Drive that's that's roughly WID there that's an 11 foot uh there's a lot of 11 foot 10t in the area so it's not going to feel super narrow it's not a it's not a tiny you know little downtown Street it's a it's an 11 foot it's going to be ready to you know and the the actual conveying capacity is 99 something of stand 12 l so next one so just this phase one the initial cost right now the estimate for construction is about 6.3 but we think we can cut a decent amount out because right now we have just in case we can't do the offsite wheel we have a uh yes Tren strand yeah so we have to to try to keep all of that water from coming on to the road we put trench drain just inside the curb and because there is there's just uh I mean you've seen it every every time there's a rain event it either comes down off the hill or it goes down and it hits that heart pan and comes in so this was a way to cut it off from Cut coming into the road itself uh but we believe we can cut that out and put a much cheaper option in which is uh like a tiny sale uh deepest part one foot deep um B basically to intercept all the offsite and then convey it into our system and we say offsite from all the neighboring properties it's largely presidential and then uh next one just kind of go through some comparable roadways with a similar wi because that's probably the only notable change um so if if you're Haven the top left is Lake Summit Drive that's one of the busiest ramps in the chain up there uh they only have 10t l I think that's way too narrow for the number of uh boats in I mean they have probably more boats I've seen that's a tough one but Lake Shore Lake Shore and Lake Wales which is on Lake Wales it's the the the the road that surrounds Lake Wales that has 11t Lanes it's also and you'll know the top one they actually split it off they have it defined as a local so if you go into the do's U classification you'll see that one has a it's weird it's a great out you can see they changed it to a loc um lak Shore is a major collector Urban and it has 11 F Lanes Lake June around Lake clet same thing uh major collector rural that's exactly what you guys are Lefty Lanes uh St Lucy Boulevard uh in Stewart if you've ever been to srit park those are L Lanes um and I don't love their geometry it's it's a little tighter than what you guys are going to have but uh but yeah I mean some of the biggest there's 40 foot boats going out on that on that uh ramp so they're definitely getting in there they're getting out of there that's that's the only Bo that connects to it uh and then another it's not on here uh Lake Howard Drive that goes around Lake Howard and Winter Haven another major collector Urban very similar feel it's say very very residential but also there's some businesses so um I have a question yes well so Bob you can help me kind of walk through this but so the city is is looking to potentially put in a an Eco park behind uh Lowe's okay are you aware of this yes okay all right being that Dawn Drive is going to be one of the major flows patterns would this Ecco Park affect what you're doing at dawn Drive uh definitely not negatively I I mean in a positive manner to where we can do would you have to change the design at all no it's uh so this will be the collective outfall for whatever happens in that Eco Park as well okay um the the issue with Dawn is it largely cuts the the elevation of that the primary was it Prime's Prim yeah the prim Prim yeah is it's a bit above it so if it can't there are some that it can intercept intercept largely at say like the 27th ENT or outall but most of it comes down and through other ponds and then it's discharging and it's cut its way down kind of the call it the access where it looks like you're primarily driving up there to access that area and that's kind of where it's cutting through and then going down G and then finally gets way through there but it's largely that it's also there's four or five we've modeled this try to figure out what the flow paths are and it kind of comes through three or four and then converges on the one the largely kind of cuts down on Drive which stinks because it wasn't really designed to do that that's why there is the Swale system because the sale system is already there it just kind of got overgrown and it doesn't the water for whatever reason at least a third if not half of it goes the wrong way and so what the intent of this is to build it back up so it largely goes back to the direction it's supposed to and then if there is an overflow it still has a capability of sendings roughly four times what it's capable of sending right now okay any other questions I've got one um so was I understand that the entire roadway will be 11 ft or just at those major outfalls great question the entire roadway eventually but this is phased so phase one those outfalls will be 11 exactly yeah that's it yeah okay because we you know just knowing how expensive this is we try to split it into chunks that are dies and mine was really the same question because I know there are some issues with boats being wide and it seems like is it necessary to make it real uniform all down to 11 or could you leave some wider spots for the bigger boats when they come you know two of them meet that was just a question that I had heard there was an issue so and we looked into that and that's uh so the the whest tra there's four so the most common wake boat there is is eight8 and half ft and the reason being if you go wider than 8 and 1 half ft you have to have the Ember lights you have to be guided as an oversized load it's so which is to say it's eight these are 11t Lanes plus the curbing gutter meaning it's it's a little wider than 11 but uh if we if we made a couple it it's we're definitely changing some radiuses to make things easier to drive in and out of but I don't know if like you know that it's going to make any difference of you know if we have three feet between them or in other words is is there a way to would it it'll cost less if you don't go and try to refigure it down to all 11 fet no um is there any reason why you can't leave it in the variable position at s is there yes uh so right now it's this classifications right now it's it's what's called a failing road because it doesn't meet the there's you can't get you can't get the water off the road and the water destroys the base material that's underneath it and so to fix that we have a a proposed grade line so if you have a proposed grade line the other is as I was mentioning on the radius that makes it extremely difficult for anyone with the trailer to drive that because right now there's no radius at some points it's just a it's a it's a weird little bump and then back and I don't know if you've ever noticed that but we saw it when we tried to create a radius on that road we're like I can't what do you mean radius is that the center line yeah so roads are all designed around Center Line you can uh you can actually if you go up to I want to say it's the second uh fourth the project approach it it kind of defines there that work yeah so this kind of shows you what it looks like you can define a roadway by Center Line right and to each side there's a certain fall for this distance a curve and then a fall and then a fall if you have everything standard you can reconstruct it and that that's exactly the issue we had we tried to keep everything but we realized we can't keep everything and then because the variability to try to reuse it we had to make it slightly narrower otherwise we have to rebuild all the other stuff over here and it was far more expensive well I see it looks like it works at these other places you know the the uh similar width and use of city and county roadways they're 11 feet and there's one that's 10 feet um so it looks like it does work correct yeah and that was that was another like a I'll say like a QC check like would this work and that's that's exactly what we wanted to look at sandsprit has similar curves that one like I said I don't love the geometry there I mean but you guys you guys already have a fixed geometry we're not going to change the general other than fix and a correct radius when they rebuil it but that was the the beauty of it there was enough right away to fix it with 11 but if we go to 12 there isn't in spots yeah exactly and then the other is we we would still allow all of that storm water to go onto the road there's just not there's just not enough room in some areas otherwise we'd have to move uh approximately I don't know probably it' be quite a few thousand feet of water made or we just don't fix it and then if we don't fix it it's it'd be still considered a failing road then feel like what could give you every major storm event we'd have to sign some waiver saying basically hey look as long as you guys accept this it doesn't meet current engineering standards and you're going to be like what' you give us and so the um the parts where the vegetation was an issue with uh the going into the lake uh so so that's going to be fixed then yes ma'am and then how do you what was I saw in in some of the stuff when I was looking over it how do you keep like the I don't know what the proper term is the nutrients the bad stuff or whatever how do you how do you make that go back into the ground instead of into the lake great question so uh what we're actually doing in in all of these there's a couple things the SES help a lot and that's kind of why we put the um where we held it back so it didn't flow directly in there so it it's basically it'll have to build up to a certain point it'll it'll it'll cause some settlement to occur inside the sailes so that during low periods of uh rain you can actually access it clean it out it'll largely settle I'll say kind of at the end of your uh box CT which means you can get in there get it out and so be it but the other is the inline and that was I think slide two that's kind of the three all that that's kind of the uh the meat behind this project uh and that's the way we were able to get a lot of the next one this one yeah exactly that's a baby version of it you'll have some much larger units I think so you because it's a large Road there's there's also off-site you know implications here what it has is these inline treatment units that have a reactive um was actually created by the University of Central Florida there's a a med within it that reacts with both the nitrates and the phosphates to remove them and gather them and then every 5 to 10 years you're replace the media you don't do a regular clean out yeah there's a regular cleanout um so it it has it has a floating turbidity barrier and a basket for I'll call it the the normal leaves and things like that but it's like if it gets through that then there's the other and if it gets through that there's uh there's also a settling area for sand and things like that the bottom but it's that's where uh you just pop the lid off and the one area you can get the leaves and other debris the other you can get the settled sand and things like that so yes um that's kind of the meat behind it they're clean typically quarterly that's why they're so big but also they have to be so big to allow for the reaction time and removal of some of these nitr may you did you mentioned your first statement said something about a smaller culbert on a repair job um so okay so yeah so if you if you scroll up to Second here so there was a uh I believe it was this one it had blown out so what what had happened is some of these colberts and and conveyances that go under the road are underz and we were calculating how far under their sides and that's where I think a bit ago we came back and we said hey you know they're so it's very possible that they might fail and we had a major Rin event one of them failed so that's what we're trying to do is that's why we we phased it the order we did not because well you're gonna you're going to put a larger size maybe I heard you wrong that you weren't GNA it was repaired yes it was a temp repair yes right but you're okay the way I understood it that you were not going to oversize it you were just going to leave that like it was oh no no no that one will go away that was very temporary apologies yeah um I I apologies I I'm sure I worded that wrong what I meant to say was um yes it's it's it will take quite a long time for for the for nature to do its work again and blow that apart but it eventually will again okay and that's why this what the meat of this project is basically to vastly improve your arterial networks of water so it's kind of like um if everyone's got somewhere to go if you have your roads are big enough they can get them there and right now your roads are way too small and it's trying to get there and it's backing up so you've got these traffic jams of water trying to build up behind there and that's why at dawn it's kind of washing out over on the other side of the street this one in particular it's uh it it it blew it out um so there's three or four of these that we know are like immediate and we wouldn't have done it or recommended these first other than um just to save save your road and save your which one is that right there is that St agus I believe this one is s Agnes yes way that's this one is Don apologies I'm sorry get on John P got it does anybody from the public have any questions yes okay come on up tell us who you are uh I'm Michael Martin I live at 4090 like you and things there and I guess a couple questions that I had specifically I guess in a couple orders group them together um at um Highlands and also down from St Agnes there's constantly a drainage thing and I didn't hear those areas mentioned because um Highlands there's a bus stop there and the kids can't even stand there because the water flows in almost half a lane across and it's a tital wave for anybody that happens to be on the sidewalk and that's 10t away from the road and the water protrudes in a good five or 6 feet every time it rains and it doesn't go away for months so I didn't hear that area address there's also been runoff that was coming down um Jeff what's your address 397 um in that area from Lowe's and when they were building the storage building it's constantly been flowing down and a few houses up from there over and things so there is concerns that these areas were not mentioned as far as being dealt with from the drainage I think they are but I'll let the gentleman behind you answer your question um I'm up I know uh there's 397 right so okay down here right so the construction at lows much of that will be uh because a lot of that does flow kind of toward that Dawn that same uh that same Canal that that goes through there that we were mentioning just that's like 15 well no it's it's see it's there's 3970 and live almost right yes right so this large Canal will is is being redone and regraded to be able to handle that FL because right now it's that's another one it's stopped up with you're right you know there's tons of trees the trees really inhibit the flow but also it gets because of the way it was originally and maybe things ended up settling in over time it kind of promoted growth so what we're what we're proposing is a largely like rocked in Canal system that way it doesn't you know prevent a or or cause you know backups and you know so that will be and there is one I have an actual proposed layout let me see if it it shows up better on this a cut it so it doesn't look that great I apologize but it was on the sixth slide it was Innovations um and it's kind of the L shape that's that's say and and so you can see how wide that's going to be now right now it's only you know roughly 10 ft we're taking it to roughly 30 so it's just it is largely to slow it down it's uh because it flows through there so fast and it's just ripping through and it takes a bunch of silk into your Lake right um a couple down or maybe EXT there that's what the new dawn that's Dawn on the right side and what we're doing is building up a it and then then goes over to the canal system this is and the next one down shows back here no it would be up further up yeah straight it's over yeah it's right here you got to you got to turn that map upside down that's what's confusing yeah I mean basically yeah blow is right there it's basically and so it's and now it's um so if you Orient this is the construction recreating over this way they're going to put a well we we're the one thing we're absolutely certain of is the amount that's coming here and that's coming here I'm just saying that there's also a problem area there is so there is there is another and this is what we're uh we this offsite this should because this is propos parking that should help on your offsite that you were mentioning that where it's coming in to that's the um property um that that would benefit this correct and then we're this is part of yeah Craig I think I think they need to understand that there's four phases to this this is the first phase to tackle the major ones right okay but that Park the park that you referenced is not it's not a playground park it's a it's a water retention area with a walkway around right now we're just addressing bringing up the point that the construction that's going on has basically caused all kind of um and they were continually running pumps and stuff they were pumping water off they they shouldn't be right and the minute anybody wasn't watching them they turn the pumps back on it was all kind of flooding and running so and this so conceptually yeah if we expand the size of this it should alleviate it because basically this is all backed up it's so small by comparison to what it could or should be that nothing can flow over here so where does it flow it just goes the easiest possible route over Overland flow to L so once it's freed up to go because this is this is the canal system it's it'll be like 30 wide and it's yeah this was 8T by 4T the existing like two and and it's an equivalent of 36 equivalent yeah um the only other thing I have to comment then your examples um for the other places where you're making the road things there I'm not really a fan of that but because when you're trying to back a trailer out or something and you're right in there taking away any it's just fairely enough right now to be able to back in because you can't just figure a truck or things there and your examples weren't a very good example because they don't you know our lots and things there have two sides that basically our Lots flow across Lake View and have the second component that's on the lake side and the residential that when you're coming out you know you can't just go right out of your driveway you've got to go in if the curves are not in the right place or things there plus there's a continual flow of bikers there on the weekends and weekdays they start about 5 a in the morning so um I don't know if you're addressing bike Lanes or anything like that and how that would be addressed because none of the examples would be seem to have bike Lanes or anything like that there's a reason yeah and you're right there's so okay valid points on the bike Lanes there's a reason I didn't select any of bike Lanes none of these do and the reason the the right of way that exists doesn't it's possible to both to put in a bike lane much less so right now it' be it' be a rebuild of quite a bit more and then you'd have issues with your off-site drainage exactly what he's mentioning that it's going right across the road that's why we were proposing a sale system up in front because exactly what he's saying we modeled and said that's happened that more than half your road is taken up and I think our our limit something like 5et that's as much as we can allow and what we're trying to do is prevent all of your offsite from coming on and that your 5T backup will only be from water that just hit your road and it's trying to find its way out but it should quickly recover now I'm not saying right now this is phase one but once all the other uh sections get completed there are examples that do have bike Lanes but I'm not necessarily proposing that because that would be a big acquisition of property um so can I interject one question even if we wanted to do just wider lengthes to go from like 11 to 12 yeah you're still going to have to you go past the right of way right it's property acquisition and and dramatically increased costs uh the it's a dramatic increase we can go to 12 it's going to be a dramatic increase of cost mostly because all of the drainage that we're proposing to capture the offsite will hit all the water that's there because it now we shifted everything two feet landside and it fits but not really because then these two can't coexist we have a minimum separation between uh Bob's water and Scott's I'm sorry Steven's uh uh drainage system so just having that minimum of Separation the one's going to hit right on top of the other and it's not going to We Can't permit it that way at least you know we have to move uh uh Bob's water which isn't challenging it's just very very costly so you got to move all the water lines basically is what you're telling to to get to 12T Lanes yeah if we want to go to 12 it's possible it is I just want to make it clear why you're proposing 11 instead of 12 it's so it's what's the current width of it's 12 well it's variable the current width of the road is that what you're asking it ranges from 10.9 to 13 yes right it's variable yeah and is that per side or that's on per side yeah so so uh and it's not like where the 10.9 is the 13 was on the other side it's not like that it's more like it squeezes in yeah it's high yeah feel that when you're driving right it doesn't feel it's because it's not it was originally laid out in the 20s and you know we it's it's been upgraded and updated but the problem is is that kind of a lot of the original Concepts were kept and what we're trying to do is fix all of it as part of this the the least expensive way possible where we're trying to use all of the existing structure that exists below because we know this when the structure was updated which was was 1994 19 something like that when we redid All of the uh storm and most of it's pretty decent we just replacing everything that also causes a huge detour which that's really where the you know because you have there's so much uh dirt work you know it's on a roadway project they they call it like getting out of the ground right that's like your major step wow you're out of the ground you're actually able to start Paving and it seems like the paving goes really fast because it does but everything else takes forever and the earth work can be extremely painful and that's why we're like well I think you're because of the costs and the uh the benefits of hopefully we're going to slow things down because I think you have the um The Irregular speeder uh but the Speeders can be pretty high it's going to be a lot more difficult to speed in 11 ft Lanes versus 12 because you're not going to feel like you're on an interstate right so if you put 14ot Lanes you're going to feel like you're on the interstate because that's with the interstate lengthes but if you put 11 it's going to feel like what the road was kind of intended which is uh largely a slow speed I mean it's not 45 um and so people generally maintain that 40 to 45 because it's not designed for it it's not capable of it but people are doing it because they can't you'll see I think you'll see less of them I'm not I I I I'm not I'm not gonna argue yeah um but but the S but St Agnes that was one man they've been a great uh partner and property owner uh and that's where that that was one where they had the way the Wayward uh see if I can do number of this it was showed it on five it it was just like kind of an existing Channel it kind of cut its way there looked like a snake and what we're proposing now is just basically to straighten it out because what was happening is just uh you know it's funny we modeled it and we're like huh this looks like it over tops here and here let's check with the property owner or check with Steve first Stephen's like oh yeah they've been complaining about that ever since they got here I'm like okay so and he's like you know can you talk to them and see if we can do this and they were willing to most people are not willing to part ways with land but it was I guess such a brutal you know maintenance it just washing away getting extremely close to their uh infrastructure right off limits here up to the north where you can see the dots to their church so uh they certainly don't want that loss all right any other questions do I have a question I well I am older and I ride my bike on the sidewalk not sure if that's legal or not but I do some people ride their bike on the sidewalk but those of us that ride on the sidewalk are not going fast like these regular Young bikee Riders and I I had never really thought about the bike riders and a lot of times they're a fair amount of them and they have little I don't know Flags or whatever where people do go around them but I hadn't thought of that but with the residents that are here that are are um directly affected which I'm not as familiar with the way this this water goes you know I've gone over there and I've seen the wash out on the water side of some properties and damage that way but do you feel like the residents feel like you can work with this plan in phases please I'm Fred Corino I'm 4241 L you drive on and I'm the junior warden for St Agnes church that means I'm in charge of buildings grounds and toilets uh first time I've seen this but thank you for showing us that and we would like to get that done with the uh improvements of drainage behind St ad's church because we don't want the church to fall in the creek uh as far as being a resident uh you may not realize but uh Lake View Drive is a major thoroughfare for lots and lots of bicycles so I understand to put a a lane in the road for bikes is cost prohibitive and you can't make the road that wide but they're there every day and especially on weekends when bike uh clubs come over from the from the coast so uh I don't mind bicycles on the road uh I might give my neighbor uh Michael a couple of lessons on backing up the trailer but uh you got to do what you got to do to to get it in the road or off the road uh but the road is heavily used and I do see people running 60 M hour down that road and um uh it's it's it is what it is I've been on that in the same house for 30 31 years now and uh I remember when they redid Road in 97 and uh I remember meeting like this and they were going to narrow the roadway to slow traffic down so now we're going to narrow the roadway again to slow traffic down didn't work the first time but I hope it does this time and uh if there's anything we can do with St Agnes to help this process uh let me know or let us know and then also I didn't know if you needed a retention po or Swale on the lake side because we've got property there we can't use okay but but uh we love to get invol more involved with this but uh in the in the hurricane Seasons hurricane events we've had which I've been through all of them since uh 1994 uh the dirt road behind Upstream from St Agnes has overtopped with flood watchs washed all that roadway down into the creek and then we've also flooded our our church uh uh classroom with so we've done that I think four times in the last 10 years and it's a big pain to replace furniture and carpets and draperies and stuff like that so we we've been negatively affected by the drainage issues on that Creek I'm sorry that on that ditch and then also uh we're looking we'd love to get uh better use of our property on on the south side of the creek there because we have really don't have any access to and right at the the Oxo here used to be the rec but uh our neighbor lives in that house and that yxo is about to cut into their yeah both sides yeah this one and this one there right there yeah yeah so we need to get that corrected but thank you for doing this and if for phase one uh I would ask when are we gonna start moving dirt I don't want to give a date but uh all right we are we are definitely hoping though for uh a real desired date and it depends on funding things like that but a realistic would be early to next year all right thank you Craig hey one more question too then so what's the longevity of this how long do you think once all phases are completed we looking at 30 years 40 years before we're gonna have to do this again oh so so the actual built-in infrastructure should last 50 years plus okay but roadways are what they are yeah yeah no those are uh usually it's like a 15 to 20 year life cycle on just like I'll call it a military service but that's a recommended uh you know I think we've got I don't remember what the p structure looks like a this it may be longer than 20 but uh you may what you may be able to do is is just SK like a like a thin surface like an inch and a half as opposed to the entire because what I recollect is the the structure on it was because of the way uh asphal just tends to separate over a long period of time but uh and I think it's it's kind of standard for it to be like a 20year life cycle on and you have to replace it but I don't think you'd have to replace all the way down uh okay yeah it's a it's a 3 in structure on asphalt I think 8 inch on um 8 in OBG yeah U base group and then 12 inches of so it's a it's a really robust structure underneath it um and that that the real key to it is getting the water away from it and then the um the structure beneath doesn't fail the one thing I did neglect to to address I didn't get I ran out of space Lake Howard Drive is almost identical to what which you guys have in in Winter Haven they have uh I say especially on that north side and there was um they've got uh houses and access to Lake on the other side houses access to Lake there's another one in Winter Haven that's uh Lake Elbert but that's St Road 542 I don't think you want to and that that really is a fast throw there I don't think you want that structure there but that has 12 foot lengths so and that's why you know that's like the difference I'll say like it's you know where one is designed for relatively slow Speed The One is fast you know it's a it's a Freel Lane structure with 45 to you know 50 is a lot a lot of times what people are going because that's the way it feel and it's easy to drive that back thank you C thank you thanks for the update we appreciate it um sorry yes sir concern about the amount of drains that's in that area The Collection points for water because we were told that they were actually going to eliminate some of the drains in the that would be an issue on the roadway have to travel more laterally before it can enter a drain so opposites actually true there will be significantly more drains but there will be last it's out there's 28 separate systems that basically most of them just go across the road and dump into the the lake and that's we we just we've frequently gone by that numbering system uh since we walked it originally accepting the project that's on second one way back there you go and red was like wow so the entirety of the road now what what we're doing is grading it both to the side and in a Direction P new inlets but we're largely doing this instead of Peace Meal which is kind of what happened before it's like hey we got Pinewood big drain system works largely fairly good other than on the L side is you know needs to work to harden it right uh but some of the other ones there's nothing and there might be a drain an outlet on the other side with another like a pa um on our area right now there's a drain and there's no the drain until front of our house right and we were told they were going to eliminate the drain in front of our house so that the water would have to travel more laterally enter a train no there's going to be significantly more uh inlets significantly more unfortunately that's the largest junk of this project is the lack of of drains but it's the pipes that go out what we're trying to do is condense them into ones where there's property that Steve and Steve can maintain because right now some of them just go off and then they've they've fallen in and there's nowhere for the water to go so it just kind of pops out into mons long and you know it's there's there's a couple of them that just uh they're they are within an agent so small they're not useful and and there's some that are just kind of unusually put together and they're hard to maintain you know it's a there one it's a really deep trench it's really narrow um there's the you know just some that just got got kind of Outlet into where there's a bunch of treats and then it just keeps growing around it it's really hard to keep it clean so the whole idea of the eventual project is one to have kind of a universal look one where if there's not a major Outlet what we're going to have is a like a large it'll look like a drain but as an outlet so it's reversible meaning uh Mike backs his boat in there he accidentally runs over it he's not running over a uh an outfall he's running over what looks like an inside so his tire doesn't get stuck and but water can physically go out of it and then we have the rock to break up the water so it doesn't was so water travels from 27 to the lake that e park is will that cut downers so what will what we're going to do is the water that kind of comes out comes across we're going to intercept and grab it before it goes on the lake or on the roadway and go under um and that's that's the other extent of having the U uh the the swes to cut it off from coming onto the road because again then it just like M noted it just keeps coming right it just keeps flowing and it's not it's because it some of it kind of went to the into the ground and then it kind of it hits that hard pan layer kind of comes across and then comes right onto uh or across rather the uh the curve and right into the right the road right whatever you take our yard yard see the water constantly and so so yeah there is is yeah we're going to grab the the water that's flowing and we'll put in like a like a small Swale y impact system it'll go into the main system that takes it right the way and where would the SS be uh it would be it's just a couple feet right in the front of the curve on the properties on they yes the the yeah with yeah it's and it's all in the and that's I'll say part of the uh intent of like narrowing it up so we have room for that so that we don't leave it I'll say like it exist right and that would be within it's it's it's in the roadways property so it's not going to be like you know way up you know away from it we're narrowing up the road we could put this system and so we don't put the system right on top of your water Ms and have to remove your water mans potentially outside of you say a SW you mean a SW grass or oh grass yes yes so that's going to be in front of all of our properties running uh not every the ones that are really steep heading down to to uh uh to late view yes um but it would be relatively shallow um without it uh the the right now it's not as you mentioned it's not being cut off and it runs right through it and runs right into the road itself right and so this the the intent of this is to capture the water as it's so some of the prop our properties will have a sale between the roadway and the end of our property right there in the front yes the driveway will have a p the water goes underneath uh I'm not sure it's going to be connected yeah I don't think you'd see it meaning it wouldn't be a c it's going to be below grade oh be Miss no no no no so no it's it's a fully it's not ah yeah I see I see yeah no no it's not going to be like a really deep deep deep sale system the the only intent of the sale is to capture the water the underground water exactly and then it goes further underground into the the the drain system you're mentioning and eventually goes into much larger drains that were designed for all the water that it knows is coming some of our proper had to put French drains I saw a couple because ex water was incredible underneath there right and right now those French drains they kind of they clog up clog up and they kind of get into the system roadway how will that water be addressed how will that water that's so that's exactly why we're we're proposing that channel in the syst exactly yep so basically all we calculated it that it was there and we were trying to figure out where and then we realized oh that's what they were talking about that's why but we realized that the because everybody's kind of was put in at different time they don't necessarily All Connect together and they don't the problem with French strain system is there there's a lot of maintenance involved which means you either have to like cify it or clean it out in some way otherwise things grow in the little perforations right and then once once you get enough roots in the perforation just like setting water down that the soil system it just doesn't go so what what we're doing here is yeah we just going straight to a I'll call it traditional really and there's a there's a detail we we just don't have it that's think to add it but it's a really small I think it's what 12 in or 15 inch maybe yeah two Square okay so the collar is 2 feet square it's a 15in little drain it's not like one of these huge inlets that is like you see at the corners it's a much smaller and then you just have largely a little bead that goes to it widens up so it goes in there and then moves on and that's the deepest point it's literally what they call like a ditch bottom Inlet and it goes in the inlet into the main system well the smaller main system that goes into the big main system that eventually goes out and I've got a question uh the 28 separate drainage conveyance systems that we're kind of talking about are is that going to be in Phase One or if it's not what the folks that need the help are they going to get theirs first so the phase one is first that's what needs the absolute most work and phase one would it help these folks it does St Agnes yes it does Dawn Drive yes it does not go far enough North to I believe that's either phase two or three I really can't can't remember right up hand uh where Highland hits It's kind of right right in that edge um and then phase four goes all the way down to um where it connects at us27 so how long would it be before they'd have some relief it depends on funding so funding is we expect phase one would be a year phase two would be a year phase three would be a year phase four would be a year for construction however they can be faster and funding happens we you build there's nothing to stop more than one phase from being constructed at once because they actually run I say concurrently one and then you have two three four so the two overlaps part of one and three overlaps part of uh one as well and four overlaps part of one but they go back that that's where they saw cut in the end right's end of one starts next starts next you can't do the the stuff further down the road until you set the main infrastructure in phase one because then there would be nowhere for the water to go you have glad you're telling me that you have to do pH one this all goes together to be able to handle all the extra water that will be coming into the later phases well they live close to East View East View is right there at St a that may be part of one yeah East View is yeah East oh good it's all along Dawn Drive we're just trying that's the there's only so much you can send out Dawn and that's the problem like a swamp yes right so and it is it's it's to regrade so we're sending it to the existing infrastructure that was there but also upgrading and then uh upgrading all along Dawn so that when there are big enough events Dawn can still handle a huge amount of flow because right now it's I believe eight 18 on the outfall so a 36 inch pipe can handle four times as much as an 18 all right looking there is there any way that you can tell us we're going to lose that we have us we are very conc and then every time there's a lot of water it'sing all over our driveway that work so Mark who's with me is the engineer of record on the project so he works on this every day a drawing but yeah I 90% sure you're getting more drains uh and they're much bigger uh if it's if it is right there by they're add they're actually adding drainage they're just decreasing the outflow so they're tying a system together they're going to put more drains to get the water off Lake View and it's going to go into fewer outflows on the other side but they're going to be more they they're bigger outflows that are controlled so you're actually having more drain so it should it should help your property it should help all those proper properties on there so that'll be those will be those are the outputs that's where it goes into the that's the outflows right the outflows are going to be reduced the inflows are going to be increased so right right right so so your outfall is quite a bit undersized and running it it is kind of make sense because it was going to eat up so much of your property so I believe this is one where um and asked him where's that one moving but it's they are combining some of the other ones that were kind of fail and where the water comes off the roadway they're routing it through but they're expanding it and it'll be along a couple lot lines the other advantage of this is is like you mentioned we're recating the road so that it gathers more into that alcohol and sends it where it's supposed to go Asos to right now where it's a lot of it goes there that's not necessarily A L which is kind of problematic for you um enough you know I'll say it probably works great for you but maybe not a neighbor you know few Lots down where the actual low point or I think it's actually right yeah you to look at it you know maybe come come out after right across from East View is a ditch right yeah and and if it was clean it would help a lot thing's been a mess for years Y and and that is part of phas point because that was one of the whose responsibility is it to clean those ditches well right so this is where this no this is little problematic Steve ker so I won't say Steve because the problem is who owns it right and the problem is is like some of these are not in City owned property and that's what we're trying to fix is one either put it within and this that I think that's why this one was moved a bit uh because expanding it within somebody's property is I say not necessarily the right thing to do maybe if we can borrow an edge where it's like between uh maybe city property and then maybe their property makes a little more sense but plus I think where this one is the ones we're looking at we're looking at a different type of outfall so it wouldn't necessarily be a ditch the the issue right now you've got is ditches aren't real pretty and so we're trying to minimize the number of so-called ditches that you have to maintain and they are hard to maintain a ditch fills full of dirt that's what's going to happen so if we put it into a structure where it the velocities will push it out but the heavy stuff's going to settle you can take the grade off or even you know get a vacuum through the grade get your dirt and debris that settled down there and remove it plus it's already run through you know three different types of treatment to go before it goes to outet structure so that's hopefully going to make Steven's job feasible because right now it's like how do you maintain that I'm in you know Mike's yard or you know or your yard and I'm trying to maintain a ditch you're like what are you guys doing here I'm just trying to fix my ditch but right now it's not conving and hopefully that'll solve it all right sorry we beat this horse to death yes well it's a complicated issue and it really impacts a lot of people so I'm glad to be getting an education on it thank you Craig thank you no you're good that was very informative thanks I information there's no information to read we're we've put in an offer on the property uh We've submitted a contract right we have the seller has not yet accepted there's a sort of a complicated process for the seller to consider it they say they'll do it sometime later this month so we hope to have an update on that next month but you know I I believe from what I understand it's going to be a very good thing because it's going to keep that area from being an industrial area and and make it into a nice little park with a foot path and different things and I guess water retention is that the theory will be very similar to what is in Spring Lake Spring Lake has something very to what we're trying to achieve that is so far down the road we don't and I don't know where they would go it's just a sidewalk around a body of water yeah it's actually not a park it's a water retention area with a burm around it with a sidewalk a sidewalk around a a lake if we make it an Eco Park the state will help us pay for it and it'll have birdies and you know nice wildlife and stuff so the purpose of just for water retention yes have a little bit fac well there'll be a BM around it kind of like Lake Oobi with the road ground kind of thing said there' be a sidewalk where you can ride your bike or whatever it's actually not a park but they call it Eco Park because of maintaining the water and stuff there's no Road accessible somewhere yeah you can come in through between Lowe's and we're trying to work through all that yeah but I think they they're going to try to make it accessible from from the lake side too like a sidewalk or access is one of the issues that's still to be resolved okay but it's going to be a good thing for the community all right well I think we're working on all that but the alternative as I understand it would be an industrial part back there so this would be much more uh am amiable L well I think they're trying to work on it I don't know I don't think but you can go up East View to West Beach and go toward the bomb shelter and there's another roadway that's all public yes yeah all right back back to the meeting please I got a question on that is that going have an out some up all of that's going to be is yet to be designed all right we have no business from the audience Mr attorney do you have anything else no sir thank you m administrator good evening for the project report Craig just gave a update on the West Lake Jackson project and now we're talking about the Ecco Park we're still waiting on the contract as Mr Swain mentioned so there's no update there we're hoping to have something executed in September this month the potential fdot Road swap of a portion of State Road 17 is there's still no update there relocation of Public Works utilities I believe a contract has been we submitted a contract submitted for that purchase Bob do you has anything we haven't heard back we have not we hope to hear back by the end of the month okay uh the mobile home park moratorium there special Council has been acquired to assist with that the Lake View Water Sports agreement has been sent to uh Lake View Water sports for review and to my knowledge we haven't received anything back from them that's correct and the veget vegetation on Lake Jackson FWC is meeting with the city on September 5th to discuss and what's FWC Florida Wildlife Commission fishion Wildlife Commission all right thank you next up we need to schedule a shade meeting yes sir for the discussion of the fire Union contract for the meeting I heard that lonard was not available from 95 to 910 are you available later in that week Lenor yes 11th 12th yes but Terry's not available 94 all right and the 16th I can do that oh I'm good yeah I can do that what so we're trying to get it on the council agenda for the 17th okay potentially I could schedule a meeting with the Union on the 7 the morning of the 17th and not be able to provide the actual agreement to council well I mean we really don't have any other dates right because you're going the 9th through the no I'm leaving the fifth through the 5ifth through the what the 10th the fth through the 10th and Terry's out the 11th 12th and 13th uh yeah I'm out the 8th through the 14th through the sth through that gives us the 16th 16th is Monday I can do that are you here Monday yes does everybody prefer mornings or afternoons mornings I don't don't care doesn't matter but I don't care you want me knock it out first thing in the morning that would be great 9:00 a.m. Monday the Monday 16th at 9:00 a.m. okay mayor can you get out of bed by then I can but I don't have to because I can't oh that's right well you can sleep in you can sleep in that so the 16th 9: a.m. correct huh I'm going to have my own meeting okay and that is a shade meeting on on the fire fire contract bargain contract all right thank you Miss Haley two things one I just remind everybody about the meeting tomorrow at 5:15 it'll be the first of two public hearings to adopt the budget so that's by 15 don't be late those meetings last 30 seconds so be um 14a is the approval of the bills please so moved second call the board yes yes mindle yes St yes Bish yes