##VIDEO ID:HAWhXHkgvew## welcome and good evening for those of you in the audience who have not attended one of these hearings recently please allow me to review our normal procedure staff will introduce each item for consideration if you'd like to speak please fill out of the speaker forms that are located out in the lobby and indicate on it which item you want to speak in reference to uh and on which side you are standing and once you do that please give that form to the clerk to my left the applicant and those supporting the applicant will be heard first those in opposition to the request will be heard next then the applicant will be given a chance for rebuttal comment should be restricted to pertinent information regarding the agenda item under discussion neighborhood disputes personal disputes Homeowner Association disputes that this is not the forum for any of that if you're an individual you'll have three minutes for your comments and if you speaking on behalf of a group you'll be given six minutes speakers should move closer to the podium when their item is being presented by staff speakers should identify themselves for the record by name and their home address each speaker should be given respectful courteous attention and please recognize that the board may ask questions of speaker or staff or anyone we have questions uh relative to information shared photos drawings anything like that are kept as part of the record if there is something that you have on a digital device uh if you wanted to be part of the record if you want us to consider it you do have to send a copy of it to staff and if you do it after the meeting that's fine uh Al then asked the uh asked for a motion from the board once a motion's been made and seconded we'll discuss the matter and close the floor to input following discussion a vote will be taken during voting board members who do not cast objection objecting votes are considered to have voted in favor of of the motion any person AG grieved by a decision of this board has 15 days to file an appeal to the board of County Commission and after the meeting staff can help you with that process having said that number one please good evening um Angie gates for the record item number one is a request for a sidey yard East setback variance from 10 feet to 6 feet for a detached carport in the PD plan development district and the Chelsea play subdivision located at 910 Lewis Place the proposed attached carport will be 360 Square ft and will encroach 4T into the required sidey Yard East setback there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation gentlemen any questions for staff Miss Gates I just one quick question I notic from an area that the neighbor the adjacent neighbor has a parking area do we know I guess my two questions are is that concrete or gravel do we know and also uh is that in any way was it permitted or um had gone through the per the neighbor's concrete was permitted I'm I don't know I don't know what if the neighbors I don't know if it's a parking pad if it's a Concrete usually doesn't require a permit unless it has something built on top of it there may be um a review for drainage but um I did not research that gotcha so though in a residence now now maybe this what you're saying when we start talking about impervious surfaces that's what you're meaning when when you say drainage yeah yes yes gotcha all right thank you ma'am um anyone changing their mind on questions for staff all right is the applicant here yes yes sir is there anything you like to add what staff had said you can speak if you'd like but you don't have to unless any of youall have questions for this gentleman all right no questions uh anyone in the audience to speak in support of this matter anyone to speak in opposition to the matter seeing none I'll close the floor gentlemen your preference move to approve we have a motion to approve is there a second who was the second I'm sorry Vice chair seconded all those in favor all right opposed all right enjoy sir item number two is a request for one a side yard North setback variance from 10 ft to 5 feet and two are rear yard setback variants from 30t to 10 ft for an addition in the r1aa single family dwelling district and the Druid Hills State subdivision located at 1050 Druid Drive the proposed addition will be approximately 1,200 square ft and will encroach 5 ft into the required North Side yard setback and 20 ft into the required rear yard setback the addition will consist of a bedroom bathroom and covered porch two letters of support were submitted from ajacent Neighbors and there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here yes I'm here anything you'd like to add to what staff had said ma'am nothing to add all right do you all have any questions for the applicant this is easy tonight oh I hope there's nothing out there that might change it come on man what you is there anyone here to speak in support of this matter seeing none anyone here to speak in opposition to this matter gentlemen your pleasure move to approve approve judge second second from the judge all those in favor I I opposed all right enjoy never talk about a no hitter number three please item number three is a request for one a sidey yard East setback I'm sorry item number three is for a side Yard East setback variants from 10 ft to 5 and 1/2 ft and two a rear yard setback variants from 30t to 7 1/2 ft for a shed and the r1aa single family dwelling district and the Willa Grove subdivision located at 1765 Willa Circle the existing shed is 500 square ft and encroaches 22 1 12 feet to the required rear yard setback and 4 and 1/2 ft into the required sidey Yard East setback a building code enforcement V viation 24241 was issued for this structure resulting in the necessity of this variance there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you m'am gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here would you come up please sir because of course share what you have but I know I have questions and some of the others might also I have one as well yeah if you could please share with us your name and address um Joseph King 1765 R of circle all right sir what do you have to share with us I just have a couple pictures and um letters from all the surrounding neighbors that's good anything else you like to add No Sir Mr Beasley did you have a question Bey it's been years you still can't get my last name so you know I was I was young in the 7 so uh so I had a question uh regarding those letters i I'm going to look at those in a second uh those are the ones that are directly behind the property um left side right side and the 63 67 and and then the rear um diagonal to the left 70 33 uh 33 yes sir 33 have you talked to 31 looks like it's impacting them a little bit more than I have not talked to 31 okay is the pool already there yes sir the picture the the shed was put up before the pool and and the building that's there the small building is that the one we're talking about today yes sir so that the building's already there that's the building question right now yeah it has already there okay yeah um how did we get here with the code forcement um with the pool there was the fence was inspected I believe a rear fence for safety and he reported the shed I'm just curious how the shed got built without proper permitting or I that was that was on me I um basically my parents were losing this house this was the childhood house I was born and raised in my parents were losing the house um foreclosure I was able to um with the help of my boss was able to get it out of foreclosure relatively quickly because they handed me the note very late um and I put them in Assisted Living all their stuff was still inside the house all the stuff I grew up with um Furniture just everything they left with two suitcases I put them in assisted living and then I built the shed just how long has it been there for sir that sh had been on up year and a half year and no one said anything none your re neighbors or anything else no sir okay actually Mr King to the right he actually enjoys it oh he says it okay yeah he says it helps with this the growing of his plants and it helps I don't know and it helps with shade helps with the Wind on the um fence he wrote that down I thought it was kind of comical when you get when you got your permit do you need any questions he had a permit for the building you built it I didn't no no sir that's why we're here it's a code enforcement matter okay any other questions all right thank you sir thank you is there anyone here to speak in support of this matter anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen Mr chair sir move to approve a motion to approve we have a second second second from the vice chair all those in favor I I opposed I all right sir enjoy your your sh thank you jman number four please item number four is a request for one a rear yard setback variance from 30 ft to 3 ft and two a sidey yard North setback variance from 7 1/2 ft to 4 1/2 ft for a workshop in the r1a single family dwelling District in the Williamson heights subdivision located at 1220 George Street the existing Workshop is for 48622 ft and encroaches 27 ft into the required rear yard setback and 3 ft into the required side yard North setback a building code violation 24- 232 was issued for this structure resulting in the necessity of this variance the existing Workshop will be used for personal use only and there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff one quick question and and please pardon my ignorance what is the you know we as we just saw earlier we're so used to code enforcement violations what's the building code violation it's this it's what goes to code enforcement they it gets reported they want to someone usually calls wants to know or just like the last gentleman they come out for an inspection they check to see if other stuff sometimes has been inspected or I just just curious cuz the packet had just said building didn't say code enforcement so and it's a building code enforcement violation gotcha thank you ma'am gentlemen questions the applicant here the applicant your onor through your representation representative yes my name my name is Grace an glavin my I'm an attorney My office address is 1511 East State Road 434 Winter Springs Florida I represent Harold moris and Crystal moris who is present Mr Harold moris was hospitalized Friday with a very serious heart heart problem he had a four four blockage operation he tried to come tonight but he can't he's too ill so only the lady applicant is here the wife I am here representing her I have to speak if I could with regard to asking the board for some mercy with regard to our situation quick question yes um nope I answered going miss uh M Mrs moris also has her names on the title yes it is both Mrs Morris and her new husband Mr Harold Morris my apologies for interrupting please continue please Miss Morris was married to a gentleman by the name of I have here Anthony Richard in 1982 and not in 2015 they bought this beautiful home in Winter Springs and unincorporated semal County of course and Mr Anthony Richard passed away on unfortunately at an early age in September 2019 so she owned the house for four years before she became a widow then thereafter she married Mr Harold Morse who is a 100% disabled veteran dis charged from the US Army in 1970 sir and with his heart condition and um he and Mrs Morris who is present our Co of property in in in June of this year she wanted to produce a shed on the property for her current husband's woodworking Hobbies only for hobbies so she contacted um Empire sheds in Apopka and they subbed out to um tuar sheds for for insulation they called Sam's Sam's the concrete man for a concrete slat now none of these contractors got a permit and then and Mrs Mrs um Mor so was unknowledgeable about the permanent situation unn knowledgeable also about the um setback situation in any event so we have shown we have discussed with with C with um staff that we do believe that the concrete which was poured by Sam's concrete does encroach thoroughly into the easement also perhaps right to the over the border to the neighbor's property we have to call this morning a contractor same contract to pull all that out we want to take all that out immediately as for the shed itself which is constructed with with Miss Morris's own funds we do believe it is 6.4 feet from the property line which would violate the 7.5 foot setback we're asking for the mercy of the board with regard to this widow woman trying to please her husband and she was she'll get a permit she'll get anything she has to do to re re reconcile situation but she doesn't have a permit and it was done incorrectly anything else no we just need a little bit of time to remedy whatever situation the board tells us to do gentlemen do you have any questions yes please um who prepared the uh application packet was that yourself or the no I was just retained like this week I was I was prepared by Mr Mrs moris themselves all right they came to the county all right well then perhaps um the property owner would be better to answer the question maybe just want to ask your question and who can answer uh as part of the application there are six uh answers to be given for various uh questions about V the Varian criteria come for come for and several of them go into subjects that do not appear to be immediately gerain to the application such as employees from the property uh to the back uh about a brick wall about people doing drugs what these the answers of my client yeah we just suggested they're not if they're not relevant just to strike them sir okay just a TR then is that okay any other questions if that not relevant about the back wall the wall is not relevant it's the back of the property right it's the back property line and I and I think my question Dove tales and something with Mr kinsen was saying is we have a member of the Florida bar here we have six variance criteria that we're to uh take into consideration uh for each application do you have anything you'd like to add to or amend your client's Arguments for those six criteria uh no your honor we we have we have stated our case we say what we have what's on the ground and that's it I mean we would like to say that she had no knowledge of the permit she will get a permit she had no knowledge of the violation set back she she will amend that however she needs whatever you would like her to do she will do gotta thank you ma'am there's correction to the date of when my husband passed he passed in August not in September please that's that's I appreciate that but that's but thank you that's not necessary all right gentlemen any other questions all right thank you thank you thank you sir please keep in mind of course you do if some other folks speak you will have a chance for rebuttal sure so just um anyone else there to speak in support of this matter absolutely please come on down sir oh support no not support sorry I'm so excited to come up all right is there anyone here to speak in support of this matter seeing none uh we have I have a list of folks here uh who' like to speak in opposition I'm going to read them in no particular order other than my than than the stack handed to me so when I call your name please come on down Uh Kevin Lathrop and Mr laop when you get to the microphone you take your time but just for the record give us please your name and address again my name is Kevin Lether I live at 12:30 George Street next door and thank you sir please hear your thoughts okay I've gotten multiple pictures here of uh things that are you know within the building the concrete uh and the position of things uh this building is among mon rosty it's as big as the house is practically I don't see where anybody needs a building of that caliber for a workshop uh I've got pictures here you're welcome to them the clerk can help you uh there's a camera above then so we we can take a look at okay and you show us as many or as few as you want to you're see them all well you've got two more minutes okay this is this is the end of the building which faces this is my fence that you see okay and the concrete pad is within about a foot of the fence okay the fence is the actual property line uh I understand the concrete's coming out based on what was just said let's go to the next one okay this is looking down the back side of the building the black wall being to the warehouses that's behind behind us that black wall was put up primarily for uh to divide off the warehouses from the neighborhood because everybody could see right into our backyards okay uh this picture here this this fence here this is going from this is my fence post on the backside which is my property line okay so it's this way and this way this is a added on to the wall because they had a dog at one time trying to keep the dog in the backyard that's fine I don't have a problem with that and again this is the front side of the building okay now this is the concrete pad again this is my fence this is the concrete pad that's in question that they're taking out but this other shed is right on top of my fence I'm thinking that shouldn't be like that but you know I'm not a a building engineer and again this is this bottom pole here is the property line where the fence used to be in that yard that they took down so that property from there back it belongs to the county the city whoever it's not it's not mine it's not anybody else's on the street but there are folks that have taken their fence down encompassed it into their yard I am not one of them I chose not to do that this is uh before the concrete pad went in you can see some of the framework this is the one that's beside the little shed along my fence and uh the next one this is the whole thing encompassed without the building on it when it was all framed up my question is is this thing built to code is it going to stay there in a storm I have been told that if this building comes apart uh in a hurricane and it you know destructs and ends up in everybody's house you know hey who's paying for it because I don't need that destroying my property you know we need to wrap up yours sir okay so anyhow the rest of the pictures are here uh you guys welcome to them and the clerk will share them with us thank you sir thank you Mr chair yes sir I have a question for staff whenever it's appropriate to have that in reference to Mr leop or something else what he had shared with us or just we'll Circle back um before we uh do anything else the next person I have is Judy please forgive me bonad gotcha no worries David Duncan okay all right you gentlemen I'll have a copy of this correct well we don't know what is okay is it is it is it from the applicants you can hand it to clerk okay perfect I have five copies that's perfect and I'm going to read off that and make my notes to that so I want you to be able to if you please give us your uh name and address for the record though please ah David Duncan 1210 George Street I am the other neighbor on the other side all right here we go got it what are the special conditions and circumstances on question number one she put there the concrete wall Winter Springs and City Hall and blah blah blah has nothing to do with the building so my question for question number one is the concrete wall is outside of your existing property so please explain how that affects your new shed with or without the concrete wall you would still be required 30 ft of variance on the back of your property why not a block wall but the size of the shed that you picked is over four over over 200 ft question number two how are these special conditions and circumstances she calls it a brick wall it's not a brick wall it's a block wall question my comments for number two once again how does this existing block wall not brick that sits roughly 5 to 6 feet back from your actual property line affect the fact that your new shed is too close for the variance the variance laws question number three how would you how would you granting the variance considered please explain why putting your shed closer than the county the county variance law allows for you to in your backyard to your back property line will this help out other property owners nearby I mean how is that going to help out she wants to do something that there's a Code I'm a contractor like we do things to code so I don't understand how that is going to help us cuz she put in here that's going to help her or help all of us question number four how would this literal interpretation of the provisions of the zoning registration my question for number four as far as the flooding control the block wall that has existing draining holes that you have covered up and sealed off the block wall that you do not ex do not own that Mr Reese owns that is between your property and the and his property so to the other owners the water flooding would be worse now that your shed is also that close to the block wall where is the water supposed to go question mark other properties nearby how also how does the shed variants have anything to do with the birds and squirrels having a quote place to place and get a drink of water since that's on a totally different place in your property we need you to start wrapping up sir yes got two more how would the request variance be a minimum variance question number five how does the requested variance have anything to do with what you're going to use the shed for where does your husband keep his tools what where where your husband keeps his tools could be anywhere why should that be allowed to get a closer variance for a Big Shed just because your husband needs a workshop that close to the back property line is that a thing and Final yeah if you could if you could please give us your conclusion I'm sorry to everybody number six is my conclusion how would the guarant thing I said please explain why you have people hiding and doing drugs on your property and how this shed will now discourage them also how does your shed help other homeowners maintain their properties will you be running a free lawn care company out of this shed to maintain the other homeowners properties because she said it helps the the other property own it mainly seems that if your shed is allowed to stay without following the variance laws of the county of simol that has written in place then all the homeowners nearby will do the same and still and and will still variance non-compliant the shed on their property who knows where the flood waters will end up so basically one person does it why can't we all if it gets approved that is my conclusion any questions gentlemen thank you for your time sir yes sir those are all the forms is there anyone else who'd like to speak in opposition seeing none uh the applicants rebuttal yes sir yes sir I have on the screen a survey sir bam this is a survey done by Long Surveying on August 20 20th of this year what we wish to show is the gentleman who just spoke Mr Duncan his property is to the south of our sub we are Lot 12 his property is to the south on George Street and the first gentleman Mr lather is property whose property was affected was is on lot 11 so lot 13 and Mr Duncan is not being encroached upon but lot 11 has been now the concrete wall that they speak about is in the back it was constructed by the warehouse company long time in the back and nothing to do with nothing to do with our application for adjustment um apparently when my clients without benefit councel fill out the application for this board they made they make comments with regard to the concrete wall has nothing to do with this sir so we have agreed and we certainly do agree that the concrete pad for our shed which is shown here doesn't croach onto the lot of Mr Lether and also into well into the easan so we were we plan to remove all of that what we're asking is that since the shed is so close to the allowable setbacks of 72 ft we're at 6.4 ft We believe We would ask for the board of adjustment to allow us to have the shed in place remove the concrete book before we have a permit allowance shut in place we'll make application for permit make sure it's up the code have it inspected by the county and everything we happy to that's our that's our position thank you gentleman any questions thank you Mr chair um did you put the survey back up I'm sorry just want make sure we have the geography here so the understanding that the concrete you're referring to is the on the north side of the large large shed it's underneath the shed and it's also all along the easan on the North side and encroaching upon Mr Lether plot also going be removed immediately as soon we call them this morning understand I'm looking at the survey and it showing approximately 1.8 1.9 ft of concrete that is over the property line into the adjacent property it will all be removed immediately right right up to the building line and what I'm asking my next question my next question is there's a second shed that also encroaches over the property line based on that survey and my question is I know we're talking about the larger shed but the smaller shed encroaches over are you I see that sir and are you rectifying that as well that was there for a long time and we plan to move that immediately like next week sir we we they realize that no sir no we're going to be courteous to we understand now since they have Council of explain all this about setbacks and encroachments that is encroaching the small shed is going to removed immediately immediately like within within 10 days thank you and and the concrete will be within two weeks and we'd like to have permission to have our our building where it is as it's for her current husband's Workshop any other questions thank you ma'am thank you Mr kinson I know you had a question for staff um the question was was addressed by uh the vice chair thank you oh sorry that clear it's fine all right uh before we move to calling the question do you all have any questions for staff or just in general all right good pleasure Mr chair sir motion to deny motion to deny Mr gson is there a second second the second Mr my man any discussion yes yes sir every single application that we entertain here the homeowner or the representative is is expected to put at least a good faith effort into answering the mandatory six questions that they're supposed to answer for us for our consideration um without pertinent answers to the mandatory questions in my opinion we have an incomplete application and um I don't think we have sufficient information to make a decision yeah I agree that's why i' asked to question whether Council would choose to amend and they chose not to um any other comments before I call the vote seeing none all those in favor of the motion to deny say I I I opposed I the motion is denied if you would like to appeal it to the County Commission you have 15 days after the meeting staff can help you all with that if you need it number five please good evening for the record Hillary Peyton Planning and Development item number five is a variance request for 1193 benell Road located in the McNeil's orange Villa subdivision the request is for a front yard setback variance from 50 ft to 38 ft for a privacy fence in the A1 zoning District the request is to construct a 6ft privacy fence 12 ft into the front yard setback lining up with the front building line of the existing home which was constructed in 1958 prior to the Land Development code the proposed privacy fence is 47 ft from the sidewalk and 57 ft from the edge of Pavement in 2006 there was a court ordered rightaway taking of 33 ft from the front property line to Wi and Bell Road this concludes my presentation I'm Avail for any questions thank you mam gentlemen any questions for staff I have one yes sir uh that 30 3 fet was that through eminent domain yes thank you any other questions is the applicant here yes sir anything you'd like to add to what Steph said please just please give us your name and address for the record Robert Cortez 121 benell Road good evening gentlemen Mr chairman Meers members uh yeah I uh I own 1193 I also own 1201 which is contiguous to this I own both properties uh to the West uh uh when we uh made an application to pull a permit for the fence we found out that the house itself uh the setback we would not make it uh we tried to see if we can move the fence back to meet the 50 ft but that's where the septic tank and the drain field is so we would actually have to be putting the fence over the septic tank the purpose for the fence is to protect the septic tank and the drain field um upon doing some research we found that originally the house did uh have 50 ft and plus to do uh setbacks but it was taken in 2005 for the widening of benell Road uh the property next door is uh is a church uh the pastor uh I met saw him Sunday yesterday at church and he said he does not have any opposition if he can provide a letter if needed also the 1173 has also um if I may is that better this one right here if you know noce the church they can't even meet the setb because of the taking this property has a fence similar to this one here and it has the same problem so it's consistent to what's going on in the community with about five or six homes that have uh had to the road the property taken for the widening of the road I'm happy to answer any questions at this time thank you sir gentleman any questions all right thank you sir thank you sir uh is anyone here to speak in supported this matter is there anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none your pleasure gentlemen move to approve motion to approve second from the judge all those in favor I opposed all right sir good luck with the offense next item number six is a variance request for 511 Wood fireway located in the Deer Run subdivision the request is for a ride of way setback variance from 20 ft to 14 1/2 ft for a screen enclosure in the Deer Run plan development the request is to construct a 255 ft screen enclosure en encroaching 5 1/2 ft into the 20ft setback from the right of-way requirement of the PD the Deer Run PD requires a 20ft setback from the RightWay lines on Woodfire way and Mystic wood there is not a setback from the property lines like traditional properties between the property lines and the RightWay line there's a green bell owned by The Mystic Woods homeowners association this concludes my presentation I'm aail for any questions thank you m'am gentlemen any questions for staff Mr chair yes sir the uh applicant is speaking about the existing patios um many other properties have screened in patio areas um can you show any sort of uh history that you know of in the area that also has that that were approved by previous boards or by us I was not able to find any variances for this area thank you any other questions all right is the applicant here yes yes ma'am would like to come on down please and just give us your name and address for the record please sure it's that one you know what I mean my name is Lisa Pierce 511 wood fireway Castleberry Florida yes ma'am please um so there there are other uh screened enclosures on a lot of the uh units in that subdivision uh consequently there's one right across the street from me at 513 um I measured it unfortunately uh we had an incident in the family today we had to put a dog down I didn't get to go by the house to get my records before I came here so um but I did go over over and measure uh this unit here is 513 and it is 14 ft from the setback and there's no variance application that was done on it not to mention the fact that the variance code was written in 1980 these buildings were built in the 1980s 82 to 84 the the block wall that encompasses the patio is already at 14 and a half feet and there was no variance for that when it was built so I I I'm curious to know why I had to pay for a variance and apply for one when the block wall already exists and the one across from me exists with less of a distance and it screened in and no variance was applied for or uh approved for that one to your question I'll just say in the short term term it's a little more expensive to do things the right way it'll benefit you in the long term though uh but that but a permit was was applied for for that one I looked on their unit it was applied for and approved without a variance interesting so why am why am I held to a higher standard than that unit that one was built in 2012 I would just say that that assumes some facts that aren't before us and we can't address it we can just you in your situation but gentlemen do you have any questions for the applicant all right thank you ma'am appreciate your time and I'm sorry for your loss too thank you uh is there anyone here to speak in support of this matter anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none gentleman your pleasure move to approve second motion to approve we have a second from Mr Ken all those in favor opposed all right' enjoy your screen room thanks last one item number seven is a variance request for 111 Brown Drive located in the Sun State subdivision the request is for a rear yard setback reduction from 30 ft to 26 1/2 ft for an addition in the r1a zoning District the request is to construct a 264 foot addition with a covered porch in Breezeway 3 and 1/2 ft into the rear yard setback this concludes my presentation I'm aail for any questions any questions for staff yes yes sir uh the site plan uh shows some details about the proposed addition uhhuh uh which includes what looks like like a bathroom is this an addition onto the house or is this a separate accessory structure cuz I know that plumbing in an accessory structure can make a difference it's going to be um it's going to be an addition okay so it's attached yes yeah okay thank you any other questions Mr Wright this the geography of this this lot this parcel didn't I I have a question have a question so the the existing structure has several covered enclosures in the back that cross over the setback line was there any previous need for variances on those or because they were were they not were they not necessary right that's not subject to this variance they are looking to construct this building um they have not received any code enforcement violation there no there was no previous variances for the lot okay thank you I should have just asked that all right no other questions all right is the applicant here anything youall like to add to what staff had said do you all have any questions for the applicant is there anyone here to speak in support of this matter Mr Duncan's your chance here now at the end and anyone here to speak in opposition to this matter seeing none gentlemen your pleasure move to approve judge moves to approve we have a second from the vice chair all those in favor I those opposed all right enjoy thank you uh last thing in the matter the chair will entertain a motion regarding two outstanding minutes that need to be reviewed motion to approve motion to approve do we have a second second second Mr mey all those in favor before we call a vote on that I did notice a slight uh error in one of the minutes I already emailed the CL we got that last meeting though right no that's this was that's right we didn't consider last meeting that's right but you okay but have you already shared that with the clerk yes all right then it's taken into consideration then otherwise all in favor of the motion I I subject to what Mr Cen had shared with the clerk it's approved I made that you just you just tag on whatever you want to after the vote's been done is that how this works you know I've been watching politics here lately and all this talk of fascism sounds really you know all right any other anything else youall need for the good of the order we are adjourned thank you gentlemen politics what's happening oh I don't know I've been thinking Halloween