[Music] oh h [Music] was born already all right the staff ready Miss Hamil staff ready to start youall ready we ready all right let's heat it up good evening for those of you in the audience who have not attended one of these meetings before please allow me to share with you our normal procedure staff will introduce each item for consideration if you are the applicant and you'd like to speak or if you're anyone affected by it and you'd like to speak please fill out one of the forms out in the lobby and hand it to the clerk and please make sure you state on it whether you're for or against the item the applicant and supporters will be heard first those in opposition to the request will be heard next and then the applicant is given a chance for rebuttal comment should be restricted to pertinent information regarding the agenda item under discussion if you're an individual you will have three minutes to speak if you represent an organization you will have six minutes for your comments speakers should move closer to the podium uh when their item is being presented by staff speakers should identify themselves clearly for the record by stating their name and address each speaker should be given respectful and courteous attention the board may ask questions of speakers or staff members and information pictures site plans letters whatever you choose to share uh presented at the public hearing will be kept as part of the public record if you have things on your phone you'd like to share that's fine our camera can pick that up from your screen uh but you do have to promise to share with us a hard copy or email or text a digital copy afterwards I will then ask for a motion from the board once a motion has been made in seconded discussion will be closed to the floor following board discussion a vote will be taken during voting board members who do not cast objecting votes are considered to have voted in support of the motion and finally any person agreed by any decision of this board uh May within 15 days appeal our decision to the board of County commit iers and our staff can help you with that process having said that who's first good evening for the record Angie gates with Planning and Development the first item is a request to enlarge a previously approved Guard housee from 385 ft to 785 Square ft by adding an attached carport in the A1 agricultural District located at 285 North Orange Avenue on April 25th 20 2022 the board of adjustment approved a request for a front yard setback variance from 100 ft to 10 ft for 385 foot uh accessory structure the applicant is now requesting to increase the size of the accessory structure to 785 feet by adding an attached carport the existing 385t accessory structure consists of a guard shack room and a trash receptacle room attached by a covered drive-thru the carport addition will add an additional 400 square ft the carport will not be encroaching into the 10-ft front yard setback but will be increasing the size of the structure that was approved on the site plan with a recorded development order development order 22-3 00000000 21 and previously in 2006 a lot size variance was approved for the slot from 1 acre to 37,4 4,000 or 42.5 Square fet on May 22nd 2006 and this concludes my presentation should you have any questions for staff I'd be happy to answer thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff yes yes sir uh you mentioned that the variance was granted in 2022 for the accessory structure uh however as we can see in the street view picture right there there is a concrete block wall surrounding the property which appears to be a lot closer to the property line than the accessory structure is uh at that time the block wall didn't need a variance at that time why because of the zoning because the well the code just recently changed April 1st okay so this property is grandfathered in yes no variance will be that not walls permitted very well thank you any other questions all right is the applicant here yes yes sir how are you I'm doing well please please give us your name and address and share what you'd like to share uh Jason Turner 285 North Orange Avenue um no that's pretty much about it so uh just curious so he said they changed the codes for privacy walls or the entire code really wow huh lucky you yeah start wow oh okay yeah that was curious I didn't know you uh gentlemen any questions for the applicant well that was easy yeah all right hello thank you sir so wow okay cool thank you guys thank you sir is there anyone here in the audience to speak in support of this application seeing none is there anyone here in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen your pleasure move to approve second we motion to approve in a second any discussion seeing none all those in favor I opposed it passes enjoy thank you sorry no no no what's next item number two is a request for a rear yard setback variance from 30 ft to 20 ft for an addition in the R1 single family dwelling district and the Renwood Heights unit 2 subdivision located at 7125 Ivy Court the proposed addition will be approximately 720 Square ft and will encroach 10 ft into the required rear yard setback the addition will not con excuse me the addition will consist of a covered porch a game room and with a kitchenet and the kitchen kitchenet area will not have um cooking facilities or 220 volt um hookup there um was it does the staff report says that there have not been any prior variances for the subject property but um today prior to the meeting I found a variance that was approved in 2006 for a rear yard setback from 30t to 20 feet but it was for the family room Edition so they're increasing the non-conformity so they do need this variance and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none as applicant here whoever would like to speak come on down or both if you would like how we doing doing well if you could share with us your name and address please my personal address or or yes sir oh is Daniel Grafton address is 7125 Court okay I said just we we don't always know whether there's an applicant the representative representative green L Design and Renovation for Ivy Court we the contractor got you uh anything You' like to share with us no it's fairly self-explanatory which is why we requested the second variance I got it do you have do you share an address with him no no he's just here just as our support we work we work together would you give us just real quick again your name and address for the Bry Breen 7125 Ivy Court gotcha thank you um gentleman any questions for the applicant I have one um neighbors we check with neighbors on neb yep we did we did our due diligence as far as that concerned there's no issues thank you that's good Jim any other questions that was my question too all right well thank you for your time is there anyone in the audience to speak in support of this application seeing none is there anyone here to speak in opposition to it seeing none gentlemen Mr chair move to approve motion to approve do we have a second second have a second any discussion seeing none all those in favor I opposed I enjoy item number three is a request for a rear yard setback variance from 7 and 1/2 ft to 5 ft for a pole screen enclosure in the PD plan development District in Buckingham Estates Phase 2 located at 6313 bordeau Circle the proposed pool enclosure will be approximately 1300 Square ft and will encroach 2 and 1/2 ft into the rear yard setback the rear of the property abuts a retention open space easement there have not been any prior variances and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here please come on down sir if you could first give us your name and address Chad hulley 6313 bordo Circle thank you sir anything you'd like to add to what staff had said no it's pretty self-explanatory thanks so gentlemen any questions for the applicant neighbors good with it I saw your neighbors to your East are already and actually both to your East have one as well actually into your West now I'm looking at it but everybody good with it they just mess with me saying they're going to come speak and they just around sounds like all close nobody had any issues we got our approval from the HOA before we submitted to um I just it just triggered that setback so that was the only thing and and just to I want to question just to dovetail on what my colleague had said we are we're reading looking at the area correctly to see that all of your neighbors seem to have this kind of enclosure uh yes yes I'm the only one without it and the leaves and the snakes and the rabbits have been fun to deal with you don't have Gators so you know we F not there hasn't been any Gators in there for as far as I know all right well thank you sir all right thank you is there anyone in the audience to speak in support of the application anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen your pleasure um move to approve motion to approve is there a second second any discussion all right all those in favor I I opposed all right keep those Critters out item number four is a request for a sidey East setback variance from 6 feet to 5T for an addition in the PD plan development District in the Bell Vista subdivision located at 1108 B Vista Circle the proposed garage addition will be 225 square ft and will encroach 1 foot into the required sidey Yard East setback the Bell Vista at Lake Forest homeowners association approved the proposed construction of the garage Edition letters of support were submitted by the neighbors to the East and the west of 1101 Bell Vista Circle and that concludes my presentation thank you gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is our applicant here if you could please come down sir good evening if you could please first give us your name and address sir Joseph anino 1108 B Vista Circle right anything you'd like to share along with what staff is no heo is approved both neighbors are good with it one foot gentlemen any questions just my quick question just a minor thing is is what you're planning to build uh it's going to stay just within the existing I was going to say uh concrete but I guess with the existing pavers yeah essentially I mean here this is already this is already the 5ot mark right here so basically we be you know creating a garage that looks similar to that one over there gotcha okay very good thank you sir that was painless anyone in the audience to speak in support of this application seeing none anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen move to approve second and we have a motion to approve in a second any discussion seeing none all those in favor I I opposed all right enjoy it sir item number five is a request for a sidey yard South setback variants from 10 ft to 7 ft for detached carport and the R1 AAA single family dwelling district and the Springs Valley Chase subdivision located at 157 Spring Chase Circle the proposed carport will be 240 ft and will encroach 3 ft into the required South Side yard setback um letters of support were received from the adjacent neighbors and there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here yes sir is there anything you'd like to add to what staff had said gentlemen do you have any questions for the applicant there we go we won't make you walk anyone here in the audience to speak in support of this application seeing none anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none your pleasure move to approve sorry second get you to it we have a motion to approve and a second any discussion seeing none all those in favor of the motion I I those opposed it passes enjoy sir next one's all you you ruined the rotation I didn't I didn't know we were for item number six is a request for a side street West setback variance from 2 feet to 0 feet for privacy fence in the r1a single family dwelling district and the woodrest unit 5 subdivision at 7413 Barnacle Court the subject property is a corner lot considered to have two front yards for setback purposes the front of the house faces Barnacle court and the Northwood Crest side is where the variance is being sought the existing privacy fence was previously approved for a side street subback variant from 25 ft to 2 ft on January 22nd 2024 by Board of adjustment on April 11th 2024 the simal County building department inspected the fence of under building permit 24- 6484 and it was determined that the fence is located at 0t and not 2 feet requiring the applicant to reapply for another variance um traffic engineering still has no objection to the placement of the fence as it relates to site visibility and this concludes my presentation actually I do have have to add that um the applicant is out of town I just found this out prior to the meeting um there's a gentleman here to speak on her behalf but he he is not able to speak on her behalf he can speak and you can still hear the item um according to our County attorney um he just can State what he has to say but he can't say he's speaking on her behalf and do we have something from the applicant stating that that that she authorizes this um he can speak and say what he wants to because it's a public hearing but no but he can't speak on her behalf she did not fill out the owner's authorization allowing him to do that before we address that point gentlemen do you have any questions to for staff all right seeing none before you say anything sir I have a question and then based on your answer I want to say something to the board tell tell us please your relationship to the applic actually I'm sorry first tell me your name and address U my name is Alexis Rodriguez and I stay at 7413 Barnacle Court Winter Park Florida um she is my fiance oh okay um she had a last minute had to fly to North Carolina for work and we didn't realize there was a something we had to fill out from her for me to speak on behalf of her so I'm just here speaking I can't officially say on behalf of her gentlemen do you want to proceed and and hear what this gentleman has to say and rely on him to answer your question questions or would you rather continue it to be honest I'm continuing I mean I'd be okay with continuing I would check with the county attorney though specifically on this is what are we allowed to weigh in what are we not allowed to weigh in on or she wrote me notes it's it's nothing personal you're you're already married so so yeah um sorry aan so NASA borker County attorney for the record because we don't have an own owner's authorization for him he can't speak on behalf of the applicant however he's absolutely allowed to speak as a member of the public any personal knowledge that he has of the fence and what happened and when when it went up he can put on the record but it just can't be taken as you know a testimony of the applicant okay um you know you're welcome to continue it but you can always choose to hear cases where the applicant's not present that you know that's up to the will of the board typically applicants come try to make it to every meeting but obviously emergencies can happen so it's up to you so if he's going to speak I would just have him come up um during public comment and then he can speak you're free you're always free to ask the public questions if you want to um but it's at the will of the board my I have questions I would like to have from the own have answered by the owner as part of the record part of the competent substantial evidence and if you all agree I'd certainly entertain a motion to continue this I'm I'm kind of on the same principle is that I have questions for her and since I know you can't going off with the county attorney is stating it's nothing against you I really appreciate you being here I really do um but yeah I also have some questions Mr chair is that a motion I will make a motion to continue we have a second I'll second it those in favor I'm sorry can we do one thing before we do this so we don't have to Ren notice it and the county doesn't have to go through that process can you um continue it to a date certain so can Kathy winon next Board of adjustments meeting can we just say in our motion to next meeting what was that can we just say in our motion to next meeting 25th sorry June 25th I think it's the 24th June 24th if you could a motion yeah I'll amend it to I'll amend it to uh continue to the next uh variance meeting which is June 24th I believe and we have a second speak uh all those in favor I all right so please tell your fiance it's it's nothing personal it's not dispositive of the application we'd just like to chat with her for sure I kicked her out of town so I could be hearing you realize this is on television oh man all right thank you sir we'll see you next month how's that WD on can I speak on behalf of the public we've continued it so we're just not going to we're not going to do anything related to it today not approved not deny anything okay thank you thanks all right next item number seven is a request for a front yard setback variance from 50 ft to 38 ft for an addition in the A1 agricultural District located at 509 Hill View Drive the proposed front porch Edition will be 280 Square ft and will encroach 12T into the required front yard setback there have not been any prior variances for this subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here could you come on down sir or sir ad Madam whoever wants to come on down and if you all could first please give us uh your name and address rodrik Waller 9 Hill Drive Altimont spring all right and the person with you my wife s Waller same address I presume anything You' like to add to what staff said sir they were very um accurate on our request we have a good staff all right well gentleman any do you have any questions for the applicant I I've got a a one so what what is preventing you from putting on the back of the house where it may not need any sort of variances I'm not sure if it would but just there nothing's preventing back is just the um front is narrow we have a our her sister is handicapped and it's kind of tight getting her in and out so we're trying to widen the uh front porch area for people to come in so then to clarify that the front porch is for accessibility issues of the okay all right understood now your questions sir yes sir any other questions uh Mr Waller and and taking a look at the map am I am I seeing the map correctly that across maybe not this but just or areas I guess I should say across the street from your house there's a new community that's got a big wall right in front of it so nobody in that Community would be seeing your house no they wouldn't that's what I thought I okay thank you sir um any other questions for the applicant all right thank you is there anyone else in the audience who wants to speak in support of this matter seeing none anyone in the audience who' like to speak in opposition seeing none your pleasure gentlemen um move to approve motion to approve we have a second second all right any discussion seeing none all those in favor I opposed all right it's approved I'm sorry did I miss something no I'm ready all right you all enjoy it thank you thank you sorry item that's I'm I'm happy let's move yeah item number eight is a request for rear yard setback variants from 30 feet to 21 ft for an addition in the r1aa single family dwelling district and the Raymond Oak sub subdivision located at 107 Raymond Oaks Court the proposed covered patio will be 384 Square ft and will encroach 9 ft into the required rear yard set back um there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this this concludes my presentation gentleman any questions for staff uh I I have one question that that taking a look at the map there I was wondering what that block of woods was behind the house and I see that it's it's got a PD designation uh it's going through the uh approval process now okay so what what's what's what is being proposed a subdivision okay more more residences gotcha yes all right thank you ma'am you're welcome um any questions for staff all right the applicant here please come on down more come you're trying to be black y'all are playing the playing the young card on us that's not fair oh sorry if you give us your name and address please Francesca Toro it's 107 Ron Oaks gotch you uh anything you'd like to add to what staff had said no just a perola said gentlemen any questions for the applicant I made you come down here for nothing I'm sorry sorry thank you very much ma'am thank you uh is there anyone else in the audience who' like to speak in support of this apart from that young lady anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none uh gentlemen move to approve Mr chair second motion to approve in a second any discussion seeing none all those in favor I opposed all right enjoy all right are we at Changing of the Guard time that's right he got really quiet on this side I have nothing else to good evening for the record Hillary Peyton Planning and Development item number nine is a variance request for 2583 Alamosa Place located in the chase Grove subdivision the request is for a rear yard setback variance from 20 ft to 17 ft for a scream room Edition in the chase GRS plan development the request is to construct a 12T X 22t screen room addition 3 ft into the rear yard stepback the Architectural Review Board has approved a patio enclosure for the subject property two letters of support have been received from the adjacent neighbors sorry I'm trying to do two things at one time here uh this concludes my presentation I'm below for any questions thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff see no there the applicant here come on down on and as we've been saying please share with us your name and address sir good evening gentlemen Brian Dorian 2938 Stonewall Place sford 32771 um representing the homeowner as contractor uh it's on a culdesac and those lots are all angular they're all pip shaped uh they're asking for only 3 fet to in order the corner can be accommodated on a screen room uh we ironically have actually already built screen rooms on both sides and a few of those homes had to require variances for those and were granted variances also that's all gotcha thank you sir gentleman any questions uh I have a question but seeing as how the speaker is the contractor not the homeowner himself or herself I'm not sure how prepared you can give it a try be okay we've got letters of support from The Neighbors on the left and the right to this house however the neighbors would most directly be affected would be adjoining to the backyard and that's a completely different cesac from the culdesac where this house is located now as part of the public notice for applying for a variance the homeowner gets a placard puts it in the front yard that's supposed to be the notice to the neighbors hey if you support this or if you're not in support of this this is your chance public Notice come to the meeting write a letter to the county something like that my concern is that those Neighbors being on a completely different culdesac and not having any business on this culdesac would per perhaps not even have been aware of the placard being placed and uh if they were not in support would not have had the opportunity to do so Mr chair letters are also sent out am I correct correct letters are also sent out within a square footage area miles of is it everyone who shares a property line with the property receives a notice a notice from the county you could have stopped me 10 minutes ago I I was letting you go it's like let's let's let's head on the new guy here yeah I'm not the new guy anymore remember oh that's right yeah that's right we got Mr Evans now yeah all right there we go I think does that answer your question it does all right okay any any other questions for for this gentleman all right thank you sir appreciate it is there anyone here to speak in support of this application seeing none anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen oh it's me uh motion to approve motion to approve do we have a second second any discussion seeing none all those in favor I I those opposed all right sir successful is that you all right item number 10 is two variance requests for 2449 cpes Avenue located in the Packard's first edition to Midway subdivision the request is for uh a rear yard stepb back reduction from 10 ft to 5T and a North Side yard setback reduction from 7 1/2 ft to 3 and 1/2 ft for a shed in the R1 zoning District the request is to bring into compliance the construction of an 8ft X 10ft shed built 5T into the rear yard setback and 4 feet into the north side yard setback a code enforcement violation number 24-44 was issued for this structure resulting and the necessity of this variance the property AB buts an 8ft alley with a church on the other side of it to the rear and a vacant parel owned by the same church on the North side the subject property is located within the Midway Target area this concludes my presentation of V pry questions thank you man gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here come on down sir and give us your name and address please Darren price 244 9 cyes Avenue 32771 anything you'd like to share You' like to share in addition to what staff said NOP I mean that's it's in the perfect spot I got a septic uh tank that's taken up more than half my yard on the other side that's not in the picture there um could you turn around and look at the photo behind you and kind of point to where the septic tank is thank you please it's it's uh actually right before the concrete this whole all of this right here is my septic so it's the whole that's all drain field yeah absolutely so drainfield um so that's actually a current picture so as you can see I got enough space to mow and get behind and around the shed per big spot and uh now I got Gardens next to it so yeah that's about it gentlemen any questions for the applicant uh yes is the shed built on a slab or is it yes it's on a paper sorry so it's not movable no um I'm actually in the process of uh getting the permit they they advise me to get the variants done first and then to do the permit okay begs the question how did we get here negligence on my end we're learning about how government works absolutely this is my first uh home and um I'm learning the ropes you're not alone in that we we hear that kind of stuff all the time any other questions gentlemen all right thank you sir thank you anyone in the audience to speak in support of the application anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen move move to approve all right we have a second second all right motion and a second any discussion seeing none all those in favor I those opposed all right sir thank you very much and don't do it again won't I promise all right next item number 11 is a variance request for 618 trail with Drive located in the Trailwood estate subdivision the request is for a front yard setback reduction from 25 ft to 19 ft for a garage Edition in the r1a zoning District the request is to construct a 9t by 21t garage Edition approximately 6 ft into the front yard setback the privacy fence is 11 ft from the sidewalk and 19 ft from the edge of pavement I don't think that was supposed to be there I disregard that last sentence it is concludes my presentation I'm Avail for any questions gentlemen any questions for staff uh yes question for sta staff uh looking at the street view for this house I noticed that the neighbors across the street at 619 Trailwood have a carport in the driveway uh is there an approved variance on file for that I did not find any similar variances in no in the neighborhood interesting thank you any other questions for staff all right is the applicant here yes sir yes sir please come on down take your time and if you could please give us your name and address sir Johnny buts 618 Trailwood Drive out to mon Spring Florida 32714 Mr buts anything you'd like to add what staff had said uh well no just trying to uh the garage too small um and I have a problem getting in my car and I just want to uh enlarge it so I can get in and now makes sense thank you sir gentleman any questions for me just real quick did you did you chat with your across the street neighbor about what you were planning to do and see if they okay with it yeah I told yeah they uh couple neighbors asked me what's going on I told them so you probably saw that sign you put up yeah yeah the pink sign they thought it was something um for breast cancer something that's October that's October yeah early start you know all right thank you sir um unless you have anything else we're all done with you thank you sir uh anyone in the audience to speak and supported this application seeing none anyone in opposition seeing none gentlemen Mr chair move to approve motion to approve do we have a second second we have a second uh any discussion seeing none all those in favor I opposed all right sir enjoy your garage home stretch here item number 12 is two variance request for 304 North Jungle Road the requests are for a lot size reduction from 5 acres to 23,100 Ft and a width at the building line reduction from 150 ft to 110 ft for a single family residence in the A5 zoning District the parcel is a parcel of record prior to the adoption of the Land Development code in 1960 when the Land Development code was was adopted this property was assigned an A1 zoning classification which allowed for 100t wide Lots on 10,000 square ft uh which has since been amended leaving this property to no longer meet the requirements the property abuts two similarly portioned developed Parcels on the North and South sides constructed in 1963 and 1979 and a developed 10 acre parcel in the rear this concludes my presentation I'm available for any questions thank you ma'am gentleman any questions for staff I've got a couple but they don't necessarily pertain to like this project but sort of do um so Jungle Road I assume this is going to be east of the rural boundary line um I didn't check okay so my my only concern is just sort of this board as a whole let's let's let's pause with that question because that that was my question can we miss haml do you have or someone can can we check real quick and see for sure whether this is or is not in the rural area it's absolutely in the rural area okay I thought so that's what I figured just based on the street all right please continue so does simal County as a whole sort of because there's uh setbacks and and minimum lot requirements and all that for the rural boundary do we track how many Properties or percentage of properties are below the minimums that we've given variances or anything like that and is there any potential for simal County to have issues with enforcing the rural boundary if so many variances go through and maybe it's for the attorney I don't know but I'm thinking more longterm is sort of a principle of the board I the County Attorney can correct me if I'm wrong in this but I believe it's every applicant is taken on their own merits sure and and and that whatever happens with the other properties are not necessarily uh any any kind of of of um you dispositive towards this not not a precedent right yeah am I am I correct in that well um so the whole boundaries set yeah was set by Charter it's there can't be amended um to uh well you could remove maybe eventually it takes an act of Congress to do so not really but um so the rural boundaries set the amount of variance is given out will have no effect on the location of the the rural boundary um Kathy can answer as to whether or not variances are tracked but the fact is this law was established prior to the Royal boundary and is vested laot even though it doesn't meet the minimum lot requirements by no you know you know they didn't change his zoning on their property it happened so um this is something that if not granted you would probably look at uh taking the county would look at probably having some liability under the bird Harris act or some type of other takings claim sure and and and my question really wasn't towards this property but more the the future of the enforceability of the royal bound yeah no rural boundary is set make sure mhm all right that's good for me I'm thank you did you have other questions NOP that was purely it yeah on that one any other questions all right thank you ma'am um is the applicant here come on down please and if you could please sir share with us your name and address thank you Mr chairman Brett bager 296 North Jungle Road anything You' like to share in addition to what staff had said I know Miss Peyton covered it very well and uh I like discussion on that so so uh just looking forward to getting it approved gotcha gentlemen any questions for the applicant okay you have one no okay that was easy thank you sir is there anyone in the audience to speak and support of this application anyone in the audience in opposition seeing none uh your pref what's your pleasure gentlemen Mr chairman uh motion to approve a motion approved we have a second second any discussion all right all those in favor I all opposed all right enjoy item number 13 is a variance request for 68 Lake Shore Drive located in the Oakland Shore subdivision the request is for an East sidey yard setback reduction from 10 ft to 6 feet for an addition in the r1aa zoning District the request is to construct an approximate 413t bedroom and bathroom addition approximately 4 ft into the sidey yard setback four letters of support have been received from the surrounding neighbors this concludes my presentation I'm available for any questions thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff see none is the applicant here anything you'd like to add sir to what staff had said yes sure come on just please give us your name and address Joseph sutera 618 Lakes Shore Drive I want to say that uh I hope you approve my request because uh we need to make a bigger uh B bedroom and uh thank publicly they've been very helpful and I'm very proud of you guys running our County thank well thank you we we do have an excellent staff I think the best around and I'm glad you agree yeah gentlemen do you have any questions for the applicant all right that was easy thank you sir thank you is there anyone in the audience to speak in support anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none it's the board's pleasure move to approve motion to approved we have a second second any discussion seeing none all those in favor I opposed all right sir enjoy thank you 14 item number 14 is a variance request for 940 Lake Markham Road the request is for a front setback reduction from 35 ft to 10 ft for a gate with pillars in the rc1 zoning District the request is to construct two 5T tall two 2ot X 2T wide Square decorative pillars with a sliding gate 25 ft into the front yard setback the applicant plans to put 4 foot hedging along the sides of the pillars this concludes my presentation I will for any questions thank you ma'am uh any questions for staff see none is the applicant here anything you'd like to add to what staff said sir sure come on down and as we've been doing all night please give us your name and address [Applause] hi I'm Robert bass 940 Lake Markham Road uh yeah so we're just trying to put two pillars out there our property line is 35 ft back from the road already so to go another 35 ft from that we put the pillars 70 ft off the road make them hard to see and the whole point of them is to kind of Mark the entrance and I understand the code just changed April 1st because prior to that I don't think pillars would have had to been set back that far so just asking to move them closer to the road uh yeah if I had known uh or I guess a question is if I wanted to amend my request to go from 10 feet to on the property line is that something I have to reapply for or can that be approved yes sir it's it's it's uh it would be changing what's been shared with the public through the notice and yeah we definitely notice it so the request is just for put them 10t from the road so they're visible from the road gotta all of our neighbors have theirs much closer to the road uh sometimes 15 feet from the road these would be 45t from the road part of being the new guy yep that's all right any any questions for the applicant all right thank you sir yes actually now that you mentioned it do you actually intend to move your pillars closer are you going to submit a new variance request no I don't think so I think we're okay you're sing with this the 10et yeah okay good to ask thank you all right sir thank you for your time yeah anyone in the audience to speak and support the application anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen move to approve motion to approve do we have a second second all right Motion in a second any discussion all right all those in favor I opposed all right sir enjoy last but not least last item item number 15 is a variance request for 1277 Bramton Place located in the branon Cove subdivision the request is for a rear yard setback reduction from 10 ft to 7 ft for a swimming pool in the heath R plan development the request is to construct an 18tx 30ft swimming pool 3 ft into the rear yard setback the property abuts an open space tract on the North and East sides a letter of support has been received from the only adjacent neighbor on the west this concludes my presentation of well for any questions gentlemen any questions for staff Miss pton I'll ask this the U the wet area behind the house there's no chance anything will be developed in there right no sir it's an open space ement yes oh oh good okay good thank you any other questions for staff is the applicant here yes the one guy wearing a suit has to be last I was already dressed up for you chair with us your name and address Sir Richard Liber 1277 Bramton all right what would you like to share nothing folks I we just would like to put a pool on there and um based on the current design it it just comes very close to where the support pillars are for the back of the prop property um it's a little hard to see but uh if if we don't do this we'll there'll be about two and a half or maybe even even less feet between support the back of support pillars and where the pool starts that's just not safe I have a couple kids we're going to try to push it just a little farther out so we have some usable space for them and I can put in that safety fence um to to keep them out of it if we're not using it any questions gentlemen all right thank you sir is anyone in the audience to speak in support of this Deputy you have anything to say you got anything no anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen your pleasure Mr chair move to approve motion to approve do you have a second second all right any discussion all those in favor I this opposed all right enjoy I think our last item on the agenda is the minutes I know you've all read them the chair will entertain a motion move approve we have a second second all those in favor I all right uh did I miss anything I think we're done we are adjourned thank you so much you sure you don't say anything deputy [Music]