[Music] d [Music] l [Music] w [Music] but [Music] [Music] oh [Music] for for [Music] [Applause] evening thank you for joining us for those of you in the audience who've not attended one of these hearings recently uh allow me to review our uh normal procedure when each item comes up staff will introduce each item for consideration if you are not the applicant and you would like to speak in support or against the item uh please fill out one of the forms that are out in the lobby indicate whether you're for or against it and write the item number on it once you have filled it out if you could please give it to the clerk to my left there please uh the applicant and then the applicant supporters will be heard first anyone in opposition will be heard next and the applicant has an opportunity for rebuttal should it uh should the applicant so wish comments should be restricted to just the pertinent information regarding the agenda item under discussion we don't get into personal disputes or neighbor neighborhood spats or anything like that um if you're an individual you'll have three minutes to speak uh if you represent a group you will have six minutes to speak uh and as we start moving down the agenda if you could kind of start moving closer to the uh to the microphone just so we can move along uh efficiently when it is your turn to speak please identify yourself clearly by name and by stating your address uh each speaker should be given respectful and courteous attention and and be aware that the board may ask questions of anybody who comes before us information that you share uh pictures site plans letters anything like that will stay with the clerk as part of the record anything you share that might be on a digital device uh we'll need you to share a copy of that with us that needs to go into the record as well uh once all of that has happened I'll ask the board for a motion once a motion has been made and second it discussion will be closed to the floor following board discussion a vote will be taken during voting board members who do not cast objecting votes are considered to have voted in support of the motion any person who's agreed by any decision of this board May within 15 days file an appeal to the board of County Commissioners and our staff can help you with that process having said that let's begin number one good evening for the record Angie Gates uh with development services Planning and Development item number one is a request for a lot size variance from 1 acre to 36,000 Square ft for a single family dwelling in the A1 agricultural District located on lot 16d on Mary drive this is a legal parcel of record that was created prior to this to semal County subdivision regulations being adopted the future uh single family dwelling will be approximately 2400 Square ft and will meet all of the minimum A1 z uh setback requirements there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here yes come on up or I should say only if you want to if you have anything you'd like to add to what staff had said no no um there there's a a house next to the lot uh which is the um previous lot owner that we purchased from and she has a house on the same exact size lot I believe that these were were 1acre Parcels until lot J got implemented a few years back for permanent right of-way easement to the other Parcels in that area so it is basically an acre got uh any questions gentlemen Mr chair if she if she is speaking then um get the name and her address please thank you for for reminding me yes your name and address please Shannon Mahia at 132 Buck Court Castleberry Florida excellent any other questions all right thank you Ma easy enough is anyone in the audience to speak in support of the application anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none your pleasure gentlemen move to approve a motion to approve is there a second second from the judge all those in favor opposed passes enjoy thank you guys app number two item number two is a request for a rear yard setback variance from 30 ft to 20 and 1/2 ft for a garage addition in the r 1 AA single family dwelling District located at 110 Cherry Hill Circle in the Brantley Hall State subdivision the proposed garage addition will be 792 Square ft will encroach 9 and 1/2 ft into the required rear yard setback the Brantley Harbor homeowners association approved the proposed garage addition two letters of support were submitted by uh the one was submitted by the directly affected neighbor to the west and the neighbor Direct to the East and there have not been any prior variances for the subject property this concludes my presentation thank you is the applicant here is there anything you'd like to add to what staff said do you all have any questions for the applicant all right anyone in the audience to speak in support of this is there anyone in the audience to speak in opposition all right seeing none your pleasure Mr chair sir move to approve motion to approve is there a second second we have a motion and a second all those in favor opposed it passes enjoy item number three is a request for a rear yard setback variance from 30 ft to 21 1/2 ft for an addition in the R1 single family dwelling District located at 391 whitcom Drive in the Lake Harney Manor subdivision the existing residence was built in 1973 and as a legal non-conforming structure the proposed two-story Edition will be approximately 67 sare ft and will encroach 8 and 1/2 ft into the required rear yard setback the first floor part of the addition will be an open carport the second floor of the addition will will be comprised of the the space that the owners lost during Hurricane Ian essentially converting the portion of the home into a stilt home to prevent future flooding there have not been any prior variances for this subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff I actually have one chair um so I I guess you know staff found uh for for denial right but this is in conjunction with the seminal County Emergency Management for mitigation right I don't know I can't answer that we we can ask the applicant that when we get to there all right any other questions for staff all right sir are you the applicant yes sir please come on up if you give us your name and address please Jesse Durham at 391 Wickham I'm the owner of the property here with my wife Jamie Durham um we uh just to add some flavor I brought some photos of the flooding as as well as uh a sample of the floor plan and and site plan of the addition um we're not looking to really net add any square footage to our home um we you know suffered from a pretty severe lost during Hurrican and uh water was um approximately 4 to 5 foot in our home for over 3 months and um really just looking to add resiliency to our home and have a safe spot for our family to live man I'm so sorry you guys went through that any questions Mr Evans you had your question so coming before this board you've already worked with seminal County Emergency Management I assume gotten grant money for the mitigation on this things like that yes sir so this is this is really just the permit to get the final process moving yes sir well it it's been approved currently by simol County um it's with the state along with the rest of the hurricane losses and is in the process of transferring to Federal approval sure sure sure okay that's it for me I know the property well yeah those l Cary folks just got shellacked yes and any other questions for the applicant thank you sir thank you is there anyone here to speak in support yes sir come on down and if you'd give us your name and address please sir Rolo madling I'm at 385 wickom Drive I am the uh property owner immediately South 391 uh durhams are my neighbors I lived in Geneva for four years and have had the pleasure of of living next to the durhams um I think just there's two pieces that I wanted to address here and the first is that as a practical consideration the uh the additions or the approval of the setback uh that they are requesting the variance uh does their construction work will not have any uh they will not impede my view or enjoyment of my Waterfront I believe that there uh to the immediate North the lot is basically abandoned um but I think that uh the more qualitative consideration that I'd like to speak to is that um Jamie and Jesse have been really exemplary neighbors I think they've been great citizens of seminol County you know when the hurricane hit us it was really difficult to deal with we were kaying through a half mile of of water just to get to our homes to try to protect them and it was a historic flood and then yet in in spite of all that you know they haven't invested a lot of of money into their property but you talk they talked about that first floor that had been remodeled and I saw them toiling for two years to make that a livable space it was a garage that they converted into a living space in their and basically in their basement that was completely wiped out I think you saw in those photos that was about 3 ft of water right over you know right up to their kitchen vanity or their bathroom vanity and this variance that they're asking for is um you know a reinvestment into their property into seal County and I would sure love for them to continue to be our neighbors that's it thank you sir any questions for this gentleman thank you sir anyone else to speak in support anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none your pleasure gentlemen move to approve motion to approve is there a second I gu it we have a second all those in favor I opposed all right best of luck best of luck stay dry all right no next please sorry item number four is a request for one a rear yard setback variance from 10 ft to 7 ft and two a side yard North setback variance from 7 and2 ft to 4 and 1/2 ft for a shed in the R1 single family dwelling District located at 5118 Cypress Court in the Renwood height subdivision the proposed shed will be 100 square ft and will encroach 3 ft to the required rear yard setback and 3 ft into the required side yard North setback there have not been any prior expan es or building permits found for the previous shed and this concludes my presentation thank you mam gentlemen any questions for staff is the applicant here is there anything You' like to add to what staff had said sir do you all have any questions for the applicant I have a question if you could come down please sir just um if you give us your name and address please and 5118 s score One Park Florida thank your H okay there is some discussion about the tree and The Roots and so forth but you're not planning on putting the shed by the tree is that correct correct yeah the the reason that was brought up was as to why where I'm trying to put it at is really the only spot for it to go because in the opposite corner there's a large tree that would prevent me from putting so it's at the other end of the lot where it's all just yard technically there's three different well two different large trees so it didn't show in the picture I don't think um I think well there's there's a picture with some so the wood correct that kind of frames out as it that's the proposed shed location correct sir while you're with us have you chatted with your neighbors about this um no I haven't any other questions all right thank you sir anyone here to speak in support any you here to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen second motion to approve and a second those in favor I I all right it passes enjoy okay next please good evening for the record Hillary Peyton Planning and Development item number five is two variance requests for 1200 North Street located in the San Lando Springs sub subdivision the request is for an east side side street setback variance from 25 ft to 7.8 Ft and a North Side yard setback variance from 10 ft to 6' 9.5 in for a shed in the r1aa zoning District the sub subject property is a corner lot and has two front yards for setback purposes the front of the house faces North Street the mara Avenue side is where the variance is being sought the request is to construct a 16x16 shed 17.2 ft into the East Side Street setback and approximately 3.2 ft into the north side yard setback a letter of support has been received from the directly affected neighbor this concludes my presentation I'm any questions gentlemen do you have any questions for staff I I have I have one m p uh sure this this sheds they're proposing to build it within the existing fence correct do we have any do we know whether or not that fence was lawfully erected yes they have a variance that they received in 2003 for that fence gotcha perfect thank you ma'am you're welome um is the applicant here would you like to add to anything staff had said do you have any questions cman for the applicant all right anyone else in the audience to speak in support is there anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none move to approve second motion to approve in a second all those in favor those opposed all right there you go you have your shed thank you yes ma'am got to have a shed wish I had a shed what's next item number six is two variance requests for lot one on Tangerine Avenue located in the Pine Level subdivision the request is for both side yard setback reduction from 7 and 1/2 ft to 5T for a single family dwelling in the R1 zoning District the request is to construct a single family dwelling no l no larger than 29.97 ft wide by 45 ft deep 2 and a half ft into the North and South Side yard setbacks this concludes my presentation pH for any questions is is this do we know is this a legal partiel of record for it is prior to the LDC yes cool thank you any questions for staff yes yes sir so because as you said it was a legal partial of record so there is no uh it meet the requirement for minimum lot size for single family development doesn't apply in this case that's correct only for set bus all right and what about is there an administrative waiver required for a minimum dwelling size because the proposed house mean to put on here is they would be required to meet the minimum house size okay at the time don't think they meet that based on the plan they submitted if it's true story then it would is it twostory I'm not sure okay I guess we'll to well to be fair that's that that issue is not before us though right that's something that would be reviewed at the time of building permitting okay ours just say if it's okay to go then we go if not then everything else still has to fall in place for them all right any other questions for staff the applicant here there you are would you like to share with us sir anything do you have any questions for the applicant you can still even though it's not that issue you can ask your question if you want well if it's for our consideration moot then I don't need to ask all right anyone here to speak excuse me in support of this application anyone here to speak in opposition position seeing none your pleasure actually I have one question for yes I'm sorry the applicant uh for the staff for staff okay so um the north side parcel I I was actually on the MLS earlier and I it didn't show who owns it I assume it's like a simal County Conservation that then goes on the east side of the property like I it was totally grayed out like I couldn't click who you mean that that kind of landlock lot the one just north of the parcel we're looking at on the screen and then it kind of looks like it goes down the line and then behind the property and all the way down almost like a Swale for runoff is that owned by the county um I believe that property is in the city of Sanford okay I'm not I'm not sure um I didn't look if I'm being honest yeah my my only concern I guess is that by allowing a 5 foot and that property there I mean I I think it becomes incredibly difficult to build but again it was grayed out on my MLS so I really don't know who owns that or if it's even subject to be built Kathy can probably look it up um it is located in um s County and the owner must be protected for certain reasons yeah and the uniqueness about this property is it is actually zoned commercial zoning interesting which is unique that is unique on that stretch of road okay it's probably historical that's been there for quite a while yeah I know that the rest of the houses um to the north that you can see in that photo I know those were Zone commercial does that answer your question yeah we can yeah I I guess my my question then becomes is it part of our concern for this matter effectively that that property the would we be stripping the property from the north building rights by allowing this setback because then those two buildings would be Incredibly Close with a five five foot setback I mean does that make sense like I I I don't even know if that's even a subject for this board but this um whoever would want to inquire that parcel would be coming to the existing condition with that setback so they would be informed okay um if I could just interject Nisa borker Deputy County attorney for the record the building code has a required separation of structures for fire safety purposes um don't quote me I think it's like 3 feet or something like that but I mean if this is because it's first in time so this applicant's coming in 5T away if another applicant would come in they would have to deal with you know it would take into consideration this applicant structure that's on their property it' be looked at at that time but um you know 5T in urban more urban settings are on small Lots it's not an unusual side setback but um I don't think there's any concern the concern that you raised I don't think will be concern in the future um with the next person that comes in based on the building code separation requirements okay so then just to kind of clarify that even if there was a concern because they were here first it's really irrelevant right beautiful okay and I think to add to that I mean isn't that that's why we WE Post and notice these things that if there's an agreed party they can come before us and say something okay then I'm good any other questions for staff is the applicant here we've already gone through that you said you didn't want to add anything that's right having said that though does anybody need to have any questions for the applicant anyone here to speak in support anyone here to speak in opposition well there we go what's your pleasure gentlemen move to approve motion to approve do we have a second second it we have a second those in favor I I I it's approved next item number seven is a variance request for 500 West Faith Terrace located in the Oakland Shore subdivision the request is for an East Side Street setback reduction from 25 feet to 0er feet for a privacy fence in the RP zoning District the subject property is a corner lot and has two front yards for setback purposes the front of the house faces West Faith Terrace The mland Avenue side is where the variance is being sought the request is to bring into compliance a 6-ft privacy fence entirely within the side street setback the privacy fence is 11 ft from the sidewalk and 19 ft from the edge of pavement traffic engineering is no objection to the placement of the fence as it releases site visibility a code enforcement violation number 24-39 was issued for this structure resulting in the necessity of this variance four letters of support were received from Neighbors in the community this concludes my presentation bill for any questions any questions for staff I have one go go ahead no no you go ahead um the notice that they were given um code enforcement the fence is already in place yes okay thank you and do you the applicant is telling us that the fence was installed by the prior owner do we know for sure when that fence was erected um it was my understanding that there was one there prior that and then they replaced that was my understanding but you can clarify that with her is the applicant here please come on up good thing you're organized we were chatting about that before the meeting if you could please give us your name and address for the record correct um my name is FL Rodriguez okay my name is FL Rodriguez um I am the owner of 500 w f teras uh I have been the owner of the property for almost almost three years I received the letters by February um letting me know that I was in violation that the fence was um uh in violation uh the fence was uh placed by previous owner by 2020 all the letters was showing me uh pictures where you can see the dates um by Google you know the pictures that the city sent is showing the before and the after uh the previous owner did all the renovations of the property um I bought the property in June 2021 so by October I guess I did an application to remove the trees that are in front of the garage to provide a little security to myself and a single woman that live alone in that property so I was feeling a little you know um um not secure in that property because it's a corner unit so I wanted to put a fence but somebody says leave it like that because the trees are going to grow and you are going to have enough security the trees that are in front of the garage which right now are they grow and are very strong and big so I don't need um offense anymore so then two years after I received the letters from the city requesting me you know to be on place with the violation so I came two days after to speak with the ladies in the front about that so I mov the fence to fet and 2 Ines because I read bad the notification I it was my mistake so I contact somebody I move the fence and somebody say it's not two FS man it's 25 ft and I was actually in a little this concerned with myself and sad like a I'm going to lost half of my pario so my property is H residential 1A that means that it's a professional office as well but I had my Homestead and I using the property as a residential property my actually my neighbors were very happy because the house was destroyed in the past it was using as a storage and now it's a very beautiful property those trees are from the city and are in front of the fence that are the problem right now if the fence is removed I'm going to lose my privacy I'm going to lose my security and it's going to be exposed for everybody who Cross by and basically everybody's going to have access to my property also uh is the only property in Mand Avenue that is residential my neighbor in this size is a property management and in the other size is a lawyer office so yeah this is basically basically what is going on but um this is thank you ma'am thank you so much for having me any questions for the applicant thank you for your time in thank you is there anyone here to speak in support of this application is there anyone here to speak in opposition your pleasure gentlemen Mr chair sir move to approve a motion to approve do we have a second second do you all want to any need to discuss this or do you all want to go ahead to the vote say this is a little bit funky we'll go right to the vote those in favor I opposed all right it passes what's next item number eight is a variance request for 106 Fairway Drive located in the te and green estate subdivision the request is for a front yard setback reduction from 25 ft to 17.8 ft for a front porch addition in the r1a zoning District the request is to construct a 10t x 16t screened in front porch Edition 7.2 ft into the front yard setback um it is unknown the was a front porch there and it's unknown when that was constructed the house was constructed in 1960 I'm not sure if it was original to the house or what but it was 17.8 ft from the front property line this concludes my presentation will for any questions thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff see none is the applicant here could you come on down sir I've got a question the others might but if you give us your name and address please 106 Fairway Drive Wayne Thomas thank you sir is is before we ask you questions is there um is there anything you'd like to add to what staff had said um I bought the house in 2020 it was built in 1960 it had the front porch on it the Hurricanes sustained some damage so I took it down cuz it was unsafe and wanted to bring it back up to code and and realized if I build it way it was it was encroach me on the setback so I wanted to see if I could put it back the way it was if not you know it's I just have to go shorter uh gentlemen any questions my question was just answered okay uh are you looking I'm just asking this based on all I know is what I saw looking at the photos are are you just enclosing the existing concrete pad that's there yeah and that the original house had like a 3ft overhang at the front entry and whoever lived there before do it yourself or built on to and extended it out and they poured concrete it was only inch and a half thick M so I wanted to keep it in the same footprint get rid of that and pour a proper foundation for it and then just put a covered porch for now maybe screen in the future gotcha thank you sir uh any other questions I'm sorry Who's name you Me Oh I thought I saw in the in the drawings that you were adding on to the house itself you're just you're just going to put the roof over the current pad with a New Foundation yes sir I get rid of the Old Pad that's there now because it's not structurally sound adding that to the house and just keep it no just keep it all in the same footprint as what it was any other questions all right thank you sir thank you anyone here to speak in support we do have someone you could share with it's your name and address first please my name is Michael rice I live at 12 112 Fairway Drive two north of Mr Thomas I've resided there for approximately 11 12 years U I've seen probably three families move in and out that home there the porch was there before prior to me moving into my home I know many of the people that live in the little horseshoe shaped development there um and uh I actually have a good friend that actually owned the second house built in that neighborhood and uh majority of the houses had porches on them when they were built they said this one didn't but it was shortly thereafter um probably in the early 70s that that porch was built on there um I visited Mr Thomas at once and saw that that porch was was a life safety issue and that's why he R he removed that porch so I'd like to see him gain that porch back on the property thank you thank you for sharing that gentleman do you have any questions for this gentleman while he's here thank you sir for your time thank you you anyone else here to speak in support is there anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none your pleasure gentlemen mood approve a second have a second those in favor I opposed it's approved thank you all for your time last item item number nine is a variance request for 101 North Sunland Drive located in the Sunland estate subdivision the request is for a front yard setback reduction from 25 ft to 20 1/2 ft for an addition in the r1a zoning District the subject property is a corner lot and has two front hours for setback purposes the front of the house faces Sunland Drive the Cherokee C side is where the variance is being sought the request is to build an addition and convert an existing carport into a 648 square foot master bedroom and bathroom 4 and 1/2 ft into the front yard setback two letters of support have been received from the adjacent Property Owners this concludes my presentation I'm will for any questions gentlemen any questions for staff Mr chair yes sir um on the on the site plan going engineering on you again um I'm not the dimension that says 20 they say 20.9 I know ours says 20.5 but again it's not perpendicular to the front line so again I always ask that question how do they how do you measure is it not the extension of the building to the property line from the closest point of the the building to the closest uh property line based on what direction closes line line is going to be perpendicular and the 20.9 is not showing perpendicular to that line so that that's why I was just trying to figure out where the vention came from that's the measurement that was provided so I went with it all right any other questions do you have a follow up or no I'm I'm you know in baffle mode trying to figure that out so I was wondering if someone one of you Engineers would ask about that measurement is the applicant here there we going an answer to that question now if you could share with us your name and address please sir my name is Marty pikowski my address is 267 Lake View Drive Sanford Florida 32773 uh you raised a really good question The Architects are the ones that actually did the dimension and it is it is supposed to be measured perpendicular to the a property line and I think that that is the dimension fromont perpendicular right at that corner I don't I don't I mean it's close like I said it just threw me because it said 20.9 and we're using a 20.5 measurement I know it's 4/10 of an inch but or 4/10 of a foot but I I'm just trying to figure out where the I went with that number that's what was on the application okay all right so I I'm it's not going to make a break meet tonight so I just want to ask the questions anything else you want to share with us thank you sir no just appreciate um an approval any any any other questions for the applicant Mr Cen you're thinking not exactly a question for the applicant but I do have a concern that the applicant did say that according to his architect that 20.9 ft distance is supposed to be perpendicular to the property line but he just said he wasn't sure my concern is that if we approve the 20.5 ft it's not 100% clear that that 20.9 ft is perpendicular to the property line I don't want to approve a distance that's going to be insufficient for for the the structure that's going to be on the property I'm wondering if we shouldn't continue this to next month so the applicants architect can have the opportunity to uh revise the site plan or or so we can be certain that the distance we're going to approve today is what's going to support the structure you can see on the site plan I'm sorry to interrupt no please yes you can see on the site plan that they drew a line where the setback line is where the 25 ft is do you see that dotted line I don't what page is that on it's on the site plan page 188 well Tom's looking that up let me ask a question we'll loop back to this does does staff have any discretion you know to look at an as built and see something as kind of a DI Minimus and approve it not if it's beyond what is approved for the variance so if the variance was approved at 20 and A2 ft which I assuming is why the applicant requested 20 half instead of 20.9 to give them a couple inches if it's more than that the staff cannot approve it they would have to come back for the variance um but if you look at the drawing like I was saying on the site plan you can see that it minimally there's only a tiny corner of it that encroaches into that front 25t setac I I might be able to help you with this MH if it's the setback is 20.5 ft from the front yard that is closer to the street than the 20.9 that's dimensioned so building would have footprint would have to grow to get to 20.5 Engineers does that make sense board if I may my name is Megan sork project coordinator I do the residential permit review for all of um these projects that come in so usually I'm the person that's advising um our lovely applicants if they need a variance in the first place when they they come in because they usually they've submitted um a building permit and I see that there's a discrepancy I will tell because we've had a couple of situations arise where they've gotten a variance and they're off by inches because of a form board that's off on a foundation so I will typically advise our applicants to give themselves a little bit of a Grace so if it says 20.9 on their site plan I will advise them to ask for a few extra inches and go for the 20.5 so that when they go for their final inspection that if their contractor is off by a few inches when they're forming that Foundation they don't fail because things happen in the field and I would hate for our applicants to have to come back in for another variant because their contractor was off an inch here and an inch there and it failed our applicants in the field not because of anything they did or anything their Engineers did on their site plan but because of accident in the field so I typically if they're all you know on a whole foot or a half foot I will tell tend to tell them to ask for just a slight bit more on the inches just to give themselves a cushion so they don't fail on their final inspection because we have had it happen and that honestly is what I was concerned about but it sounds like well let's let's get to once we finish uh the the the public input part and then we can have a further discussion if I might if I might add what with the at two at 20.5 ft we have that cushion from what the building Dimension is shown on the drawing okay there's 4/10 of a foot difference the building it the what's dimensioned on the plan is 4/10 of a foot into the lot and we're asking we're not asking for 20.9 Ft we're asking for 20.5 ft to the back line there you got a question yeah I just B still here um on that site plan there's a dimension that looks like it's coming from the corner of the driveway at the residence 23.6 what is that what's that Dimension two the existing carport excuse me so the existing residence already encroaches then it appears so are we should we deal with that too no no considering this house was constructed a long time ago okay no I'm just asking a question but I mean the entire structure is part of the request including that carport because they're converting that carport as well okay just want to make sure that that wasn't you know being enclosed and also is an encroachment that's all it it is being enclosed it's part of the addition since it's already in place right we but I guess the proposed bedroom it in encroaches more so is that why yeah well the the what the excuse me n worker for the record the request is for the addition and the addition area showed in the proposed bedroom the lined area and that includes the roof carport cuz that will be enclosed so the 20.5 setback would apply to that also correct me I understood that part I just I didn't understand that Dimension was CU I'm assuming that the uh cross-hatched area is the proposed addition I wasn't sure if that structure for the roof was staying or Not So yeah thank you any other questions gentlemen thank you sir for your time anyone here to speak in support of the applicant anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none we close the floor your pleasure gentlemen motion to approve MO approved we have a second uh all those in favor I I all those opposed all right you're approved enjoy all right let's move on to the minutes actually i' I've read them uh anyone else read them chair will entertain a motion motion to approve as is second second have a second those in favor I all right unanimous anything else youall would like to chat about there's two sets of minutes for February and March you are right thank you for reminding me can we clarify which what that was approved for we modify amend your motion to include both I would like to amend my motion to include both sets of minutes you have a second on that all right second all those in favor I again those opposed all right unanimous we are adjourned thank you thank you [Music] all and to our sta [Music] oh [Music]