[Music] n [Music] clock back there good evening everyone so time is 6 o'clock go ahead and get started with the seal County Board of adjustment meeting for July excuse me 22nd 2024 um for those of you in the audience who've never attended one of these just go over some of the procedures that we usually follow um for each agenda item that we have staff will introduce each item for consideration if you'd like to speak outside if you're not the applicant um you can fill out a speaker form they're located in the lobby um whether you're for or against any item that's on our agenda tonight uh the procedure will be the applicant after staff's report the applicant will be allowed to speak and then supporters will be heard first uh anyone in opposition will be called next uh then the applicant will have a chance for rebuttal um please keep your comments restricted to the information related to the item that we're speaking on and if you're an individual you'll have three minutes for comments if you're speaking on behalf of a group uh you'll have six minutes to speak speakers please move closer to the Post iium when their item when your item is being getting presented by staff and that speakers when they come to the podium please identify yourselves clearly for the record by stating your name and address each speaker is going to be given respectful and courteous attention um following the speakers the board may ask questions of speakers or staff members um any information that's presented tonight to the board uh whether it be pictures plans letters um will become part of the public record um typically our chairman will normally tell you that if you have something that you want to display on your phone um we'll have an ability to display it um but we ask that you provide that information to us following the meeting so we don't have to keep the phone at that point uh once the applicants and the speakers have finished um I'll ask for a motion from the board once a motion's been made and seconded uh discussion will be closed to the floor and then following board discussion a vote will be taken um during voting any board members who uh do not cast objecting votes are considered to have been voted in support of the motion lastly any person who is aggrieved by any decision of the board of adjustment May within 15 days file an appeal to the board of County Commissioners through the Planning and Development Division of the development services department with that we can start with our first item good evening for the record Hillary item number one is request for Street located in the runwood subdivision the request is for a height variance from 6 1/2 ft to 8 ft for a privacy fence in the R1 zoning District the request is to construct 250 ft of 8ft tall vinyl privacy fence meeting the 5ot side street setback the proposed privacy fence encroaches into a utility easement and it building permitting will be required to meet the criteria of placement within a stopple letter the proposed privacy fence is approximately 7 ft from the sidewalk and 17 ft from the edge of pavement traffic engineering is no objection to the placement of the fences it relates to site visibility this concludes my presentation AV for any questions any questions from the board seeing none is the applicant present please come forward identify yourselves sorry name and address please right here Podi up here Podium thank you right here right here oh Sor it's okay just address um my name is Jessica and I live at 7033 Betty Street Jessica I'm sorry what's your last name Lee l thank you and then just um you know please let us understand what you're looking for tonight absolutely so I bought this house um at the end of last year and there was a fence that the previous owner had installed that had gaps in between the panels so there's no privacy um I am personally over 6 ft tall by a little bit so having a 6ot tall fence isn't very private to me I was hoping that um I could do 7 feet but then when I reached out to fencing contractors they said that in order to do that it's a Custom Fence they have to pretty much cut the posts and you know make it custom which I'm open to doing I don't I feel like 8 ft feels a little bit High to me but that was just like the best route as far as pricing goes and um also when I called seal County and they reviewed or they called me when they reviewed my application and felt like they haven't seen s feet come up a lot so they were also suggesting 8 feet instead of seven but I'm not like set on either one so either one would be great okay gentlemen any questions as a 7 foot person I also understand just saying um so when you came out basically what is the size of the fence right now that's on the property right now so the previous owner put pulled the permit as 6 foot but I can see over it like to me it feels more like a 5 foot fence maybe five and a half in real life yeah why' you get 6 and a half on the application um J sorry foot to 8 ft 6 and 1/2 ft is the standard height requirement it can't exceed 6 and 1/2 ft per our code oh it's okay it's not starting at 6 and A2 she's asking possibly for an increase to I got you yeah so right now you think it's about five yeah the fence that's currently there I would like to remove and put up a fence that actually is private because I do have a pool back there and so like seeing through the fence currently is a little bit odd and doesn't feel very private and I don't think they make six and a half foot fences they'll make anything so um did you talk to any neighbors so I noticed on the on the map here there's uh we'll usually get you know the county sends out uh requests around your within a certain area have you talked to your neighbors about anything with regarding uh I know that you're on a a corner lot but you still have somebody there to your um to your South have you spoken with them about that such a tall fence I've spoken to all three of my neighboring neighbors I'm actually like really close with like every neighbor that's adjacent to me in any way um and I spoke to the one directly who I think would see the most of the fence and we I let her know that I wasn't going to do like a really bright white vinyl fence to where she walks out of her front door and she's like blinded by it every day so I was either going to go with something that was a little bit more neutral maybe like a a nice like T color or something that looks like a wooden fence like they make they make vinyl fences now that are like kind of like brown neutral wood looking so I wanted to do something that wouldn't be like an ey sore CU and they were okay with that all the neighbors were cool with it so far yes I mean I've talked to the neighbors that are I share like property lines with and the one that lives directly um like that would see like that longest part of the fence I talked to her and everyone seemed fine with it thank you yeah um anybody gentlemen questions I do have one question um can we show the survey on the screen that go back one I'm sorry so it looks like the existing fence is again I don't have Dimensions but um that dash line with the squares on it and the yellow line so are we moving the location of the fence to where approximately the yellow line is yes um when I went to fill out the variance form um the I asked them upstairs like how far out can I bring the fence with it being within the guidelines and they said that 5T from I don't know the right terms but like 5 ft in would be the the already requirement per the code and so that that would have been okay there was no variance request for that okay thank you I just want to be clear thank you yeah I don't have any further questions now the picture that we just saw that's the fence and Sky up there yes sir gotcha thank you okay thanks at this time we'll ask if there's anybody in the audience who would like to speak in uh favor of the motion seeing none we'll ask for the anyone in the audience who'd like to speak against the motion that will close that we'll ask for board for their pleasure move to approve second Mr be we have a motion judge we have a second second thank you um I do have one question for our discussion um because this is a corner lot and the location of the fence are do we have any other concerns about the sidey yard setbacks for the fence the sidey yard setbacks are now 5T for side streets okay that's now our new official code as of April 1 yes perfect thank you any other discussion gentlemen this time call for a vote all in favor hi hi all opposed motion carries thank you not unless you want to I mean what you saw is the next 11 items so so um and I apologize before uh we do item number two um I didn't call for a roll so if we could do that real quick just to add that to our minutes I didn't ask you know make sure Mr hadway was noted that he was absent tonight so do we normally do that don't you do normally do a roll call for see who's here no no okay fine I just want to make sure I didn't miss something you know I am I am new to this right tonight I'm just looking at Megan her her understanding present so okay as we as long as we have a quorum that's yeah that's I just want to make sure thank you I want to V violate any rules good evening Angie Gates item number two is a request for a rear yard setback variants from 15 ft to 102 feet for a covered porch Edition in the PD plan development district and the deer run unit 5 subdivision located at 260 Saxony Court the covered porch addition will be 551 Square ft and will encroach 4 1/2 ft into the required rear yard setback the rear of the property backs up to a 175 ft drainage utility in greenbell East there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation board any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant present yes please come forward name and address please thank you yeah my name is Doon joal and it's my address is 260 SE wi Spring Florida 32708 thank you and um just give us a brief you know understanding of what you're asking for tonight yeah I know his variance like like Sumer kiss set back okay gentlemen any questions i' I've got one question um so for some reason I I have it in my head I guess I don't know if it's correct but are you are you extending the the building or the footprint of your building or are you building on an existing patio it's like is is Lake Baro okay so you like you're so like where the grass is currently you're not extending any more concrete into that grass going backwards you're just putting up a screen porch where it already kind of exists there is that kind of a patio coming off that slider right there uh it's okay this some like is uh only Ro top MH that's it and it's but is there an existing patio currently no patio like only Ro okay only Ro yeah simply simple that's all I had thank you thank you thank you sir any other question gentlemen seeing none thank you sir yeah okay thank you everyone thank you so much at this time we'll ask if there's anybody in the audience who'd like to speak in favor seeing none ask if there's anybody in the audience who'd like to speak oppose to the item again seeing none we'll move to board board pleasure Mr chair motion to approve Mr Kon we have a second second Mr bigley any discussion gentlemen and you guys are quiet tonight making it easy okay call for the vote all in favor I I I all opposed motion carries item number three is a request for a rear yard setback variance from 15 ft to 0t for a screen room Edition in the PD plan development district and the Glen Wood Village section 2 subdivision located at 117 Hidden Oak Drive the proposed screen room will be 476 Square ft and will encroach 15 ft into the required rear yard setback the subject property AB buts a green belt and utility easement the Springs Homeowners Association has approved the proposed scream Court Edition and two letters of support were received from the adjacent Property Owners one was from the neighbor at 115 Hidden Oak drop drive and one was from 119 Hidden Oak Drive there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none applicants already at the podium my name is Donald samarco 17 Hidden Oak Drive in uh Longwood uh this is my first forray in through variances so I looked up what a exactly what a variance was to make sure I got it right and found that the factor quality of being different divergent or inconsistent was one of the definitions um I have submitted this information to the HOA and they approved it which is telling me that things have indeed changed since the um since the zoning was brought into being sometime in 71 as the best I know I immediately drove around the neighborhood and found that a number of these screened areas are already existing two of them are right next to where I live or where we're going to live uh we're moving out there so uh that's why I'm requesting that okay um was there any I'm sorry gentleman is there any questions I have pictures of the existing I have six uh pictures of existing screen porches that have have no setback to them whatsoever um can you project these at all or oh take and keep them and I also I don't know if it's in there I have a letter from my physician with regard to the request for the screen porge is that any information yes okay the fence is the is the line of the lot line and you can see the screen porch comes right to the fence with the zero setback thank you um the only question I have is obviously my concern is you know when we when we look at variances personally myself yes sir we always look at what providing the minimum variance in this case this is the maximum it's there is no it's basically the entire 15t zero up to the property line so is there a a reason you know why you didn't go 12 or 13t and give us a buffer to be honest with you I didn't even know I needed a variance uh my contractor told me he said well I can't build that and I said well look around they're all over the place and he said no you need a you need it it's it's against the zoning because it's a 15t setback so that's what brought me into looking into actually doing that I wanted to get the maximum use of what is now a patio uh just my neighbors have thank you gentlemen I've got one one uh quick question so on the application it noted that the HOA approved but you just had to remove uh your your gutters to not shed water on the other neighborhood get done he said you know they don't want water run off to the neighboring properties but as far as I know that goes Way Beyond HOAs and variances I was just curious if you had looked at that with your cont it doesn't the the down spouts run along the side of what will be that porch so I won't really need to change them okay so you don't you don't believe any water will be going onto your neighbor property I'll make sure there'll be no water going on that property okay that was it for me any else thank you Mr SM thank you this time we'll ask if there's anybody in the audience who would like to speak in favor seeing none is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak against the request again seeing none close public comment and look to the board for a motion um so just disclosure I am actually serve on the HOA board in this community uh but there's no Financial aspects I actually know the residents uh very well in there so but yeah actually serve on the sca board Springs so but no Financial so we're good thank you the other he said there were several other properties that had their screen porches going right up to the property line did they all seek variances or do you know um there were I only found two previous variances in the subdivision there was one for an addition a 225 squ ft addition for the rear from from 15 ft to 0 feet and that was at 129 cedar or excuse me Red Cedar Drive and one at 112 rain tree drrive from 15 ft to 10 ft for covered screen room those were the only two variances that I found judge a lot of the um homes in there were built uh 1980s 19 late 1970s early 1980s a lot of them have not had and back then it was a different story a little bit so just let you know I'm I'm noticing the trend now people are less concerned about the overall Aesthetics as to the individual Comfort uh it's a different world back whenever okay any other discussion did I call for a motion already move to approve second motion by M Mr Bravo for approval second by Mr Begley all in favor say I I I all opposed motion passes thank you good luck item number four is a variance request for 275 Francis Circle located in the San Lando subdivision the request is for a rear yard setback reduction from 30 ft to 10 ft for an accessory structure in the r1aa zoning District the request is to construct 952 2T detached garage 20 ft into the rear yard setback the detached garage will be 28 by 34 with two garage doors two windows and an entry door and will be utilized as a garage and storage two letters of support have been received from adjacent Property Owners this concludes my presentation I'm Avail for any questions thank you gentlemen any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant present Lisa Don junman 275 Francis Circle uh we've lived there for 27 years Plus thank you sir um just give us an idea of what you're uh trying to accomplish um if there's a photo of the property area I'm sorry uh I feel it's a we have have okay I feel it's a hardship because of the all the properties in that area mine has the shallowest you know from the north to south side and I feel it's a hardship uh I don't have what my neighbors are able to install so you're just trying to keep up with the Joneses is well can I have you take the microphone so we can hear you it's Lots 25 26 up there as you see rest of them are all much deeper than mine now this is separated this is not connected to the house no it's not connected to the house tell me about the building it's going to be uh single story walls are 8 foot high uh I think you added it was 28 by 34 feet uh it's going to be Hardy Board construction I've tried to get it I didn't want a metal building in there cuz some neighbors have a metal building and my neighbors would have killed me uh so I tried to get to where it would reflect the house so it's going to have lap sighting white lap sighting and I've contacted talked to all my neighbors and they're not against it most of them have fences anyway uh plus I'm going to put foliage around it and I I spent a lot of due process and laying this out so I would not have to remove any trees uh I do have a master in urban planning actually graduated with one of your former planners here and uh you know tried to make sure it wouldn't object to what my neighbors would want 28 by 30 and it's going to be used for what uh two-car garage plus a little shop on the side and an office in the rear just a small office looking for the picture that one picture is that access to the property there's a tree and then there's few no branches yes there's so a lot of people move into the neighborhood because of the canopy tree canopy but we've noticed we had a real high aial notice that a lot of people removed the trees we're not in favor of that I'm just trying to figure out where the excess to your is going to be you see the red line on the middle photo yeah that's that's the footprint that's the footprint okay but how do you get there it's one of those pictures there's a driveway goes straight through Beyond on that black Mini Cooper sitting there that's how you would get there and uh there's going to be two garage stores but I'm only going to have one driveway I'm going to use the other garage store for the shop area it's going to match your house yes sir yes sir now this is off of 436 uh between 436 and 434 along seal Avenue and uh south of North Street which seems like an odd statement okay it's uh prettier uh yeah it's not city like it's a lot of trees as you see it's almost I wasn't com the trees as M I was trying to figure out the the how how you get how you get to the garage so we're halfway between Longwood and altimore nothing else on any um I have a question just a quick question for staff um so I was just curi and and you may have gotten to this point or maybe it's uh compliant but the 952 Square fet um that that's in compliance with all building code for adus for the far ratios and subservient primaries and all that that at the time of building permitting okay all right so this is purely just for the setbacks at this time all right cool thank you anyone else um thank you Mr jman question that you might as well stay just for a second the uh applicant in our package the description is that it's a detached garage corre and storage Mr junkerman indicated that he's planning on using as an office too does this change the definition of what we're looking at um it shouldn't be used as an office no um we don't have detached like living space as a permitted use correct so I mean and that that that I apologize but that was the red flag that came up for me is that in this case as he said his use was planning on for an office that is not really Allowed by our code at this point that's the first I've heard of that okay it's really not an office per se it's just an area to store a lot of car magazines and stuff on shelves in there my wife wants out of the house understood and and the reason I'm bringing it up is you know when I hear the word office that means a a desk a phone and someone's working in there as a as you know more of a outside of just a normal garage so um so you going have a separate room inside there for that or just something you're going to just something with shelves back there yes no additional construction inside to create this office space no than I have no no further questions thank you sir this time in the audience I'd have to ask if there's anyone here that would like to speak in favor of the motion oh excuse not the motion of the item seeing none ask if there's anyone like to speak in opposition again seeing none bring it back to the board board's pleasure move to approve second motion to approve by Mr Bley second by Mr kunen any discussion gentlemen um I do have one question and maybe for our County attorney so um my question regarding whether or not you know an office you know definition is is used um is there anything that we should include tonight that would make sure that he understands that an office is not allowed yeah I think I would clarify the motion that the inclusion of that space is not to operate a business and that isn't that it's in line with the the current zoning and any except any existing exceptions in that uh zoning District correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that already in the literature in the application in the application uh it may have I might have missed it but just for a clean motion I would I think that in an exercise of caution there's nothing wrong with that okay I'll amend the motion then uh to uh for the two garage with no no mention space of any office as it's not compliant with some county code second to that thank you clerk we have that good thank you gentlemen all in favor of the motion I I all opposed motion passes thank you item number five is a variance request for 1912 West Airport Boulevard located in The Bungalow City subdivision the request is for a rear yard setback reduction from 10 ft to 3T for an accessory structure in the R1 zoning District the request is to construct an 80t shed encroaching 7 ft into the rear yard setback the proposed shed is 10 ft by 8 ft and will be used to store tools and Lawn Equipment this concludes my presentation of Avil for any questions thank you gentlemen any questions for staff see none as the applicant present good evening hello I'm Sarah kooch I live at 1912 West Airport Boulevard thank you what would you like us to know about your project tonight well we bought a nice new Shed from Costco without really understanding setbacks um and then when we went to you know talk about install and placement that's when I realized that we we would really like it to be closer to the the back property line um so as you can see right here and I do have it Illustrated but basically the whole right side of the house is septic and Drainage Field so that that kind of yeah negates that whole sidey yard so we wanted to place it in the backyard basically facing that window um but if we you know complied with the 10 ft it would be really right next to the house so we just have limited space and we're just trying to make it still look nice thank you gentlemen any questions neighbor okay with it behind you yeah and actually there's no neighbor directly beside or behind um it's an L-shaped vacant lot okay yeah so so behind us is actually vacant and then beside is vacant and then there's a brand new house to the left of us and they don't they don't care okay thank you yeah anyone else thank you anyone in the audience who'd like to speak in favor of the item seeing none anybody would like to speak opposed to the item again seeing none close public comment gentlemen I ask for uh board's pleasure move to approve bigley second Mr C thank you any discussion gentleman ask for a motion all in favor I I sorry that was me saying nothing all opposed motion carries thank you item number six is a variance request for 1592 Thornhill Circle located in the Cobblestone subdivision the request is for a rear yard setback reduction from 30 ft to 16 ft for a perola addition in the r1aa zoning District the request is to construct a 312t perola Edition encroaching 14 ft into the rear yard setback the addition will be 26t by 12T aluminum perola this concludes my presentation of V for any questions thank you gentlemen any questions for staff um I have just real one quick one um just looking at the survey so is that an existing concrete patio that's there that on the survey yes yeah one so that's not new that's just the per the structure is being built above it that's how it appears yes thank you any questions the applicant present good evening hi my name is cor Dias and I'm the owner of 1592 Thornhill Circle thank you good evening give us uh please uh an understanding of what you're looking for tonight sure so that picture you see right there that white area um that's not existent that's exactly where the perkola would be the flooring is already there the slab um I just want somewhere that's covered we still have more than 15 ft towards um the fence because I do have a 15t setback from the county um in that same area so yeah I the previous owners illegally built um a structure that we had to pay a lot of money to bring down because it wasn't in compliance with anything and so we hired a company to Red a construction company that's going to redo um the perola um with permits and everything but the variance request 30 ft and that's basically inside my house I apolog you for doing things the right way that's a breath of fresh air so and I'm going to have to admit after over 80 years I had to look up what a Pergola was sure what you were putting up there now I know add a new word to my vocabulary gentlemen any uh questions for the applicant thank you no thank you anyone in the audience who'd like to speak in favor of the rec excuse me of the item that we have before us I'll do it sorry you're just you are you know you are not allowed um anybody in the audience like to speak against the item I'm assuming you're related is is this gentleman the contractor are the cont oh the contractor I I apologize I assume you know I'm I made an assumption that was an error so it just if you would like to speak in favor you know then you're more than welcome to come forward I thought it was her hello uh Dean Hoffman so uh we will be keeping it with at least 15 1 12 ft from the uh from the setback and or from the uh there's a wall behind her property so and then does your property extend actually beyond that that brick wall okay so I think that uh inside her property we sent a a couple of attachments to the boa at Simo County email I don't suppose but you said that I have to give you that's why you emailed us the speak I don't know oh okay sure I I thought it was part of the applicant are are you speaking for this or are you speaking to the project um I'm just in favor of it okay close enough okay Mr Offman I apologize I didn't hear did you give s your address uh it's the 1592 your address oh my address yes uh 474 Lake Circle thank you sure I made the Assumption earlier that you were the same address and that's why I was no no and then we spoke to we have approval from Ace okay we have approval from Ace one of your uh um neighbors and then the neighbor on the other side uh has approved it as well but we don't have any material to that effect and there's a fence as well so uh it's around the side it's and she's on the the interior of a of a corner so it's highly unlikely that it' be visible from the street at all yeah so that's uh 17 ft to the existing concrete okay any questions gentlemen Mr H the only thing I'll ask is if you could forward that photo to staff so that we can have that part of the record already done thank you thank you okay that'll close public comment gentlemen entertain a motion Mr chair motion to approve Mr cson okay second by Mr Bravo any discussion gentlemen seeing none call for a mo uh call for a vote all in favor I I I forget about myself um all opposed motion carries congratulations Kathy Hamill development services I'm going to be presenting the next six items these variances are to the sual County Land Development code requirement of a maximum height of 35 ft for buildings and structures the purpose of these variances is that the applicant wants to replace all of their meters and to install poles so they can remotely read water meters the poles that they are proposing are 40 ft in height with a 10t antenna which makes the structures 50 ft therefore 15 ft above the 35 ft requirement for a structure the applicant does have over 13,000 water meters throughout the county many of them are in older subdivisions from the 20s 30s um 7s in which the infrastructure such as lift station and water treatment plants were embedded into the neighborhood to be able to serve um the neighborhood these tracks of land or lots already have existing infrastructure so such as lift stations and water treatment plants all six of the items have the same purpose and background but I have to present each site legally because they need to be presented and a separate motion for each one of the sites um also to let you know we did extend the public notice out to 500 ft um throughout the neighborhoods which is is for community meeting purpose um type of notification I did receive several phone calls um all of the phone calls were people just interested in understanding um what what they were doing um at this point before I go into each one of the items do you have any questions concerning the project or clarification of anything um I have one question so um my assumption here is once you present on all the remaining six items that we have um um the applicant will come up and discuss basically all six items but then as far as our motions go we will take care of those individually one by one I believe um and Council you can correct me that we have to open it up for any support or opposition which each indiv yeah we would as long as as there's an individual motion for each item I think we're we're okay um as far as how we want to be presented it's probably best to have the um applicant present for each site um especially if there's any um nuances to each lot that needs to be discussed okay so and that's what I'm trying to clear up my question is is for the format once Miss Hamill presents all of these we'll have the applicant go through each one at the end of a single one we still call the you know opposing correct in favor of correct carry the motion and then we just have her do the second one or him do the second one third one and fourth one correct okay and and and the uh the individual speaking for the applicant um if there's any redundancies you know she she doesn't have to say the same if she doesn't feel like saying the same thing every every uh on every item should have to but as long as we at least present that opportunity I just want to make sure that you know my understanding I would be I would want to do each one individually and that you know we go through the same public comment just to make sure that everyone had an opportunity to speak to each individual one okay thank you thank you um that gives me an opportunity to abbreviate what I was going to say for each item um but I do have background for each one of them item number seven is located at 6236 Bear Lake this is located in the Jansen subdivision which was ploted in 1957 the pole is being proposed on a platted lot um in which currently has a water treatment plan the location of the pole meets all of the setbacks in r1a zoning District Number Eight is located at 1460 East Waka Trail this is located in the Riva Club subdivision which was ploted in 1977 the pros location is on a corner of a track that abuts East Waka Trail the larger parcel is um dedicated for a school and that school is Waka Elementary and the poll meets all of the setbacks in the r1a zoning item number nine is Sand Lake Road is located in the Bell Vista subdivision this is our newest subdivision which was ploted in 2007 the PO the poll is being proposed on a track of land dedicated as part of the plan de development as a utility use it does have a lift station and it does meet all the setbacks of the plan development zoning classification number 10 is Lake Shore Drive it's located in Oakland Shore subdivision which was ploted in 1955 the this poll is also um on a platted lot in which there currently has a water treatment plant and the poll meets all of the setbacks for r1a zoning item number 11 is South press view an Avenue it's located in San Lando which was platted in 1925 the platted parcel has a water treatment plant and this is located on the corner of State Road 434 in South prview and it also meets all the setbacks in the r1a zoning classification our last item is Temple drive this is located in the Ravina Park Subdivision this was platted in 1955 um it is located on a platted um um two platted parcels and it does meet all of the zoning classification um setbacks for r1a all of these items meet the criteria for granting a variance we are recommending for the board to approve the variances with staff's condition that the polls will only be used for the communication of the water meting in system and this concludes my presentation you board any questions very well done thank you well I have a question but maybe this is something that the applicant needs to answer the last thing you said was that you wanted to specify that the polls should be used only for the purpose of the water meter reading what other purpose could these poles potentially be used for anyway communication tow such as carriers at 50 ft we just want to make sure copy all right very well okay thank you thank you is the applicant here tonight my name is BR I'm live at 563 West Hillsboro Avenue in Flor home Florida Adam G with Sunshine water uh living at uh 395 G BR Circle City uh Longwood sorry thank you um as as kind of heard from my question about regarding instruction so um think we'd like to just go ahead and take you know you can give us a blanket you know over the top of all six but um if there's anything specific to each individual one um you know we'll stop we'll ask for public comment and and run a motion um take a vote on it and then we'll we'll do that same procedure for all items okay thank you um the reason for the for the poll to be installed is because uh they are trying to monitor new meters that they're putting in which would eliminate the need for for them to have to go to the home every month excuse me and um also this will also uh accelerate their ability to detect a water leak instead of having to wait monthly it'll the uh readings will let them know that there's a problem before it becomes a big problem um so it is a necessary a Improvement that they need and um we hope that you approve them um do you have any questions for us gentlemen um I have a question so normally when we look at a variance of any sort you know we look for uh people that have U contacted their adjacent neighbors to get whether they're you know going to be opposed to it or um how many people are affected by you know in this case the number of people how did you notify that um as you said when new meters are installed but is you know is that within your service area is all all these meters like this or are there still some that are manual um current currently they're all manual this is step one and actually converting them to the automated meter reading product so we have to put the towers up and the network up before we can actually start to put meters in so that's kind of the next phase as we get the towers up then we're going to start contacting individuals and putting meters in as we work through that so we haven't we haven't made it to that step of the project yet we need the network first so so there really hasn't you haven't really notified that this is a a path forward you're putting in the did notify um we sent out a mailer to each individual within 500 fee in addition to what the county did we also sent a mailer out from from um Sunshine water just explaining the system and how it works and what we're doing and um so each one of those would have received that thank you Mr chair I was going to say the county would still send stuff out and and that from because this is just a normal um application just like anybody else so I I imagine that's Kathy am I correct on that is that it's just a normal mailer that it would be for any any variance correct correct that notice of the public care notice of the you the variance requests for each each individual and that what it was yeah yes but sunshine did send out an additional one an addition to that so yes we send out our typical public notice also placard the property also advertised um but we went one step further also with the applicant is that we went out 500 feet from each one of the sites wow awesome thank you in addition I'd like to say that the tower int an that we're using and when I say Tower it's 8 in and then 4 in at the top but um the tower antenna that we're using is a non-s antenna okay thank you I don't have any further questions gentlemen anything thank you just showing you the flyer that they sent out to all of their customers explaining the entire system this is just moving into the age of Technology yes sir taking the guy off the street and going to the computer I believe part of this is their initiative to go green by 2050 cool thank you uh let me scroll back up here real quick also by gr going green there's two ways to do that one is the leak DET detection and the other one is for the uh vehicles to be off the road that would normally be out there servicing these every month which is a huge endover I do I did have one opposition that called and they were concerned about the meter reader employee losing his job so I think they they hope that find another placement for him thean yeah we've we've got plenty of space for people who need work we've got a lot of work to do so we'll find the home thank you um I would just go ahead and suggest take a seat we'll we'll go ahead and um I'm going to call each one of these individuales and then we'll um move on it and and if there's any questions we can pull back okay so first item in this case out of the six is two 2024955868 in favor that would like to speak seeing none I'll ask if there is anyone in opposition to the item yeah my name is Danny Ward I live at 622 Lakes Shore Drive directly north of the 620 Lakes Shore Drive facility um I think you did show this deal what they're misleading you on is this gets circulated and says it's a 40ft tower pole there no mention of how tall the antenna is can I show this sir what did you say your address was again 622 Lakeshore Drive he's on adjacent to the20 so this is in looking at all the the pictures that of all these deals most of these facilities are more in a a long a major thoroughfare this is in a neighborhood of Lake Shore Drive and Oakland Shores what you're seeing there that's the com that's at their gate looking at their deid um plant it's one of these guys are some of the most these guys are new I'm hoping they're taking care of it it's an isore but you can see this the utility pole sitting there that's 35 ft so they're talking about adding 15 ft on top of that so I don't understand why we need a variance um to to run the the Ami the Ami probably is running 400 megahertz and probably what's it running on 900 9 so it's a 900 mahz system which you can broadcast widely and does not need necessarily elevation and all they're trying to do is pick up the reads from 175 homes within about a six block radius so this is overkill for them and uh you know by the way I'm vice president of sustainability for a large corporation so when somebody keeps telling me they're green one these meter readers are going to lose their job this will have no impact on the environment this facility has engineers in and out of there at least twice a day and I'm sure most of them do so they're trying to sell you on that which is going to have very little impact on any kind of greenhouse gas but this is overkill that's my backyard to the right of that so this is going to stand up again in my backyard so I already have to look at the facility which is typically poorly maintained if you guys look there I would advise you guys to come by and look that when you guys wash the tanks you blow it out into our park to to us sir yeah please yeah please keep the discussion well this is this just is indication that they are they poorly maintain the facility and when they flood the when they do their work and have to drain the tank they jet it out into our Park eroding all of the soil out the backside of the park so so one let's just get a state of the fact they don't need a add 15 feet to that type of to to pole there's just no need for it it's in a it's in a residential neighborhood this isn't a commercial neighborhood so I'm opposed to it I I just for my clarity here and and the clerk um the item we're taking each one of these individual there's six of them we're speaking directly to East Waka Trail I know that we haven't really discussed Lake Shore but you are specifically yeah 620 Lake Shore Drive I'm opposed to that yes sir I noted it on item 10 thank you appreciate that thank you this way you don't have to come back up and respe um and and I apologize but again if you uh I know you presented something on your phone if you would send that to staff I'll do that right now thank you Mr chair when we do get to item 10 I'd still just call for opposition as well even though we've already had a speaker just I'm still going to do that but like I said it's unfortunately he was speaking against one of the items that we weren't discussing yet so this point we'll close public comment on Mr um does the applicant not get a chance to rebut yes if he when we get to the item yeah we're going to save it for then I was going to save it for the third item not this item but I will defer to attorney um I'm not sure if is there is there a provision in your bylaws for rebuttal is there any bylaws I mean they're allowed for a rebuttal yes sir okay but again it was not specific his that's why I clarified that he was speaking Tod I we yeah when we get to item 10 um if it's uh if if the applicant would like to rebut uh any of the comments okay and I don't need to do that I don't need to do that for this item right now thank you man you guys are making this hard on me tonight well I mean should have brought the training wheels um all right board I will ask again we're speaking to item 2 I I scrolled on my sheet and I moved I apologize so I correct that's 20024 0947 be Lake Terrace sorry thank you for correcting me move to approve second we have a motion we have a second board all in favor I I all opposed motion passes okay make sure I got the right one this time so next item would be East Waka Trail 20024 0955 moved to approve I'm going to ask for U just any public comment first real quick and then we'll move on um this time we'll ask for anybody in the audience who would like to speak in favor of this item seeing none anyone in the audience was opposed to this item at East Waka Trail again seeing none ask the board for the pleasure move to approve second Mr bigley Mr Cen you have a motion call the vote all in favor I I all opposed motion carries uh 949 09 I'm sorry 0949 Sand Lake Road 39 Sand Lake Road 3009 thank you Sand Lake Road okay um what anyone in the audience would like to speak in favor of this motion anyone opposed who would like to speak seeing none again Ask the board's motion or excuse me pleasure uh Mr chairman uh motion to approve second thank you motion by Mr Evans second by Mr Bravo call the vote all in favor I I all opposed motion carries next item anyone in the audience like to speak against we've already had yeah sorry about that that's no no worries no worries we we were we're taking care of it administratively um we've already had gentlemen come forward and speak against he gave us our L you know our reason um before we move to the board give the applicant an opportunity to provide a rebuttal yeah I guess um with regards to uh whether or not that's required at that height uh we've gone through careful engineering analysis of what's required in order to get as many meters as we possibly can on the system um the Alternatives if we kind of lower the Tower or do anything with eliminating the tower it creates gaps in our ability to read which forces us to select more expensive alternatives to try and get that reading uh done through those meters so that's that's kind of why we've selected the 50 Foot height um as to the other points on the plant itself I I can't really comment to that that's outside of project that we're working on but um it honestly from from my purpose you know again the understanding the gentleman's you know opposition um what we're looking at is the tower height tonight so you know the other the other stuff is um not really part of our okay what we're reviewing today I you can work that out individually you know if the the point is cost Effectiveness and and bringing that down to our rate pairs is is you know as cost effective as we possibly can that was that was the objective of the 50ft tower height and the propagation study that we did on it which is the analysis of the network kind of pointed us to that 50 foot height gentlemen any questions for the opp again okay thank you all right we are closing public comment closing the rebuttal Opportunity by the applicant uh this point put it back to the board as for uh their pleasure Mr chair motion to approve Mr Cen we have a second second second by Mr Bravo we have a motion and a second call the vote all in favor I I all opposed motion carries next item 100 South pressview Avenue 202495 N anyone in the audience who would like to speak in favor seeing none anyone in the audience like to speak opposed again seeing none bring it back to the board what's your pleasure move to approve second vley second by Mr kunen call the vote all in favor I I all opposed motion carries and the last one 111 Temple Drive 224-9666 anyone in the audience who would like to speak opposed again seeing none bring it back to the board it's your pleasure move to approve second motion by Mr Bravo second by Mr Begley any this point we don't need any discussion so call the vote all in favor I I I all opposed again motion carries that is the last item on our we have no other business and minutes will be sent on the following meeting so um we do not have to approve any minutes for tonight cool really pulls our thank you for making my night difficult I appreciate that gentlemen um Blen Cy and motion to adjourn I'll let you guys know we have four more next meeting four more of these same on was a surprise for well maybe it's time to uh change the code you finally got rid of the uh you know side yard corner a lot so you know this could be the next one was there was there a a confirmation on the adjournment who who second Mr Bravo voted but nobody second it they just got up and left motion second all all in favor hi oh [Music]