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personal disagreements neighbors uh if you're an individual you'll have 3 minutes for your comments and if you're speaking on behalf of a group you'll have six minutes for your comments uh and as we move through the agenda if you could kind of start moving closer down the uh uh down the seating so we can move a little more quickly uh and speakers should identify themselves clearly for the record by stating their name and mailing address each speaker should be given respectful and courteous attention the board may ask questions of members of uh of the staff or of the applicant any information that's brought pictures site plant letters and things like that presented at the hearing will be kept as part of the public record for uh what we're considering uh thereafter I'll ask the ask the board for a motion once a motion has been made and seconded discussion will be closed to the floor following board discussion a vote will be taken taken excuse me and during voting board members who do not cast objecting votes are considered to have voted in support of the application or of the motion uh any person AG grieved by any decision of the board of adjustment May within 15 days file an appeal to the board of County Commissioners through the Planning and Development Department uh and and staff can help you with that having said that what's up first good evening for the record Angie Gates item number one is a request for a rear yard setback variance from 30 to 9 and 1/2 ft for a single family dwelling in the R1 single family dwelling District in the lockart subdivision located on vacant lot 9A West 18th Street the proposed single family dwelling will be approximately 1,170 Square ft and will encroach 22 and 1/2 ft into the required rear yard setback the applicant applied for a building permit permit number 231 18863 and at that time it was determined that a variance would be required for the rear yard setback there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff yes uh the rear guard setback is because of the alley that's located in the plat or is it because of the rear property line it's because it doesn't meet the rear yard setback to the property line the Alle way can be used for half of the measurement but in this case it doesn't matter because it still wouldn't meet the back okay and that alley exists only on the plat not in the real world it's not it's not paved but yes it's still an Alleyway just may be unused it hasn't been vacated no okay any other questions yes sir um just my question is is the the 9 and 1/2 ft um is that's not the distance being measured perpendicular to the rear line though correct it's in the current code it's measured straight along side the house and the first property line in which it strikes is the rear property line okay so after that does that not apply then to the the rear building line too if you extend that to the property line I'm sorry I don't understand your question well I guess my question is is the I don't know if we could put on the uh the site plan maybe that'll help I don't think we got one the the rear oh that uh let's see North the southeast corner of the building measured perpendicular to the property line is 5.5 ft or rough I can't read 5.7 something feet versus nine and and my question is is is that extension of the line the more critical point for the request of the variant I mean I I recognize where you came up with the 9.5 but Larry make sure I'm I'm understanding your question correctly because I think we were just talking before the meeting the value of having Engineers on the board so it sounds like what you're saying is that you're wondering whether it should just come straight down from the house what would be perhaps more accurate is to go from that corner and draw the line such that it's perpendicular to that diagonal well you know if I was to measure the if we were to look at a sidey yard setback we would take the corner of the house and measure it perpendicular to the sidey yards in this case the because of the odd shape of the property it appears that the southeasterly corner of the building extends past or or is close to that and that's why there's a dimension there of 5.7 to the rear property line oh I see now and again I'm not challenging either one I just want to make sure that we're going to make if we're going to give them a variance that we want to make sure that we're giving that would be considered aside even though the dimensions measured to the rear property line yes okay judge look this North is up am I correct yes and that's an alley is that is that road used for FAL traffic no it is a it is is a paper alley hasn't been improved it's not even dirt but it is platted so we can take half of that as part of the rear yard setback part of the what please our code allows to use half of the dimensions of the width of the alley as part of their rear yard when we're measuring it and the building you want to put up is going to come within 9 and 1/2 ft of that that alley yes okay any other questions for staff the applicant here I'm sorry I'll just make one clarification so on staff's recommendation in the staff report it says that if you decide to Grant this they would suggest the following conditions of approval and one of the the first condition of approval is if a variance any variance granted will apply only to the single family dwelling as depicted on the site plan so if you decide to approve this matter and tie it to the site plan then the site plan shown with the 5T measured and the 9 foot that will prevail and I don't think you'll have a problem with permitting after that Gentlemen by the way this is our new representative from the county attorney's office nesa borker Deputy County attorney should have said that first not of practice first day Naya Naya borers n NASA neyssa Nea like nay like a horse so that's usually how I that's usually how I say it phonetically but thank you so just one question that follow up so um as you said you don't think it' be an issue because we're using the site plan as part of the um numerically though we we're granting instead of a 30 foot we we're using the 9t dimension 20 ft right I mean it's definitely five the 5 foot I don't know how many inches it was 11 in or whatever it was to the closest property line now whether or not that property line is the rear is considered the rear setback or the side setback due to the configuration of a lot I mean that's within staff staff is usually the ones that makes those interpretations so you know that's why I would say I mean if you wanted to be completely safe you could say granted at the five foot or whatever that is but then it would only pertain to the corner so I think if you just grant it like this and then make it conditional as shown in the site plan that'll cover it either way okay are any of 10 11 12 13 and 14 across from the pled alley any of those developed there are some of the lots that do have homes on them but they were built in the 19 early 1900s 1930 19 prior to our subdivision regulations being adopted and then in our package there's an areial that has shows at least the C current one that's yeah I could figure that out but okay so so there's this lot appears to be vacant right here and then this is built how much is there is there any concern well last with the 9 ft that he would be able to move it up to interference with any of these properties if they develop in other words one of the setbacks on those lots as close to the alley so are we going to is he going to be having able to develop his and then have some concern of safety because of the closeness to the development on the other properties the other Lots would that are undeveloped at this point would be required to meet the 30ft setback they would be they have 30 ft they come in and ask for correct variance if they wanted less yes sir which time then possibly could be a challenge because he got in first it would be up to the board to determine I'm thinking a head down the road okay okay any other questions for staff all right is the applicant handy yes sir come up here yes sir please I mean unless you have anything to add if if you don't feel the need to you don't have to give us your your name and address for the record sir then then share what you'd like address is 1325 away uh I'm representing Chris Jackson actually he's building a single family home for his daughter and his grandkids uh Chris is actually retired military I've been working with for Chris probably for about 15 years uh I don't think it'll affect anything in that area a house was once on this property before I don't see where it would affect the neighbors anything is going to enhance that area that area is a area that really would really uh benefit from having a new home sitting in that area and cuper Street Silver is a very very bad area a lot of stuff going on in the area a lot of drugs a lot of stuff going on uh so seeing a new house deal it probably would enhance the whole Community I think it it actually would everybody benefit from it gentlemen any questions chair sir um on the site plan that we were showed on the screen a second ago the sorry I don't have my we're looking at a a footprint building footprint that looks like it's 35 by 44 approximately you saying the width of the house I'm just saying the outside Dimension that I'm seeing put on the screen there that that box that's represented it's 35 ft from the or 25 that's 25 ft from the front 25 in the front 44t deep and then you have 7 and a2t setbacks on both sides and you're left with 35 ft um my question is is is there anything outside of that footprint of that envelope screen porches utility pads that are going to be also further into the no none of that none of that no no AC pads Noone of that heating no none of that would not affect anything in that area because those would if I'm not mistaken would also require the variance correct screen porches things of that nature structures yes those require not the AC pad no pool equipment can be placed in there closer than the setback and all that as long as it's okay that's all I was asking thank you sir okay any other questions I think it brings up a point is that if you're going to allow the setback to be increased to 9 and 1/2 ft and then he wants to put something else or air conditioning pad or pool enclosures for you know the storage Etc did he would he be allowed to encroach even further or would that require another variance any structure that he places on the Lots going would have to meet the setbacks AC pads pull equipment are not considered structures a slab that doesn't have a structure on it isn't required there are things that he can do then that will bring him in closer than 9 ft that he's allowed to do by the code yes that's what I'm saying yes depending on what we do today and you say the the granting of it would be limited by would you give you exception again please you said there was an exception that if we Grant it there were limitations I think I think what they were telling us is that you know he's applying for what he's going to build now and if he's building something else in the future you know whatever it is we'll cross a bridge and come what we passed today is based on the the building Dimensions that he's already set out okay any other questions gentlemen I I'm again I still have one followup and get best to staff I apologize um so I'm still unclear why you know based on that site plan we have a 25t front stck pack we have a 44t building pad that's being shown in our package at 69 ft the side property is 6849 so I don't understand how the building extends half foot past the side Lot line that we would still use the side Lot line as the the reference line versus it being the 5.71 and I I I'm paraphrasing cuz I it's a little blurry so um and that's what I'm trying to figure out the the rear corner on the southeast part of the building extends beyond the side Lot line a half a foot so the closest line is the rear line which is 5.7 I'm understanding why we still don't use that number I understand you know we extend the building line down to the the rear line but you can't you can't apply that to the the side di side corner because the lot extends or is short before the building end so um just trying to understand where the logic is and why we would not use this the corner to depict the uh rear lot line and the only reason I'm saying that it's not y or n I'm just I'm thinking for the purposes of the thing that we should admin the the motion or whatever the item that we're looking at to from 30 to 5.7 1 ft versus 9.7 if we do that we'd have to we couldn't consider it today it' have to be roted we can't make that change because it's it's been a precedent here that we cannot Grant a Varian for more than what the applicant has asked for if I may I'm I'm Dale Hall I'm the development services manager our planning and development manager um there there's some semantics here that we're talking about and I understand where you're coming from but our code actually talks about the setback was measured along the building line line to the rear setback line so that's where we're coming up with the 9t understand now the 5ot is a what we would do engineering wise perpendicular to the property line but that number is not what they're getting the variant for it would be for the 9 foot now but you you I'm sorry to interrupt but you understand by definition we're using the extension of the building line correct the building corner is goes past the side line so that if you extend the rear line the closest it doesn't hit the side line it hits the rear line you are correct the side setback is 7 1/2 ft so it was it might have been a misunderstanding to say that that's a side property setback it's still 7 1/2 ft and 7 1/2 ft on both sides so that's the side setback it's the rear setback typical engineering would be perpendicular and we would say 5 foot something the County's code says per it goes parallel or it goes along the building property line straight back so it's a 9 foot so that's what we're asking for the variance on it no side setbacks those are 7 and 1/2 ft we only need that 9t rear setback I understand engineering wise we would go perpendicular but our code States it a little differently I and I understand but I just think the the the the shape of this building is we're not taking or the shape of the lot we're not taking into consideration that the the setback to the when when we talk about a a 30 foot rear set back line is that measured from the right corner of the property up the line and the left corner line up the line or is it measured perpendicular to the rear line rear setbacks are unique situation in our code I understand what you're getting at uh but if as brought by the assistant Deputy County engineer or attorney I don't know n's exact um I'm not an engineer yeah I said attorney I said engineer but if we approve this subject to the site plan that's approved or is potentially recommended in this drawing then we would be covered for us when we move forward on our actual uh permitting so getting to how the setbacks are written in our code is I think a little bit deeper than we should be considering right now um because of the unique way it's written and we can we can cite the code to you if you wish however it's um I understand where you're going with that and and if I might add it l you know this the nature of why this board is what it is this is something you can consider when you decide uh how you're going to vote or whether you might even make a motion or something so that's that's within your discre it's just a it's Unique it's Unique way set back you know when when we look at the our board we we look at granting the minimum you know is one of our criteria the minimum variance necessary to you know meet the request um it just to me it's plainly obvious that it's I understand how it's calculated but you bring up a very good point if you said 5 foot it would actually allow them to go deeper into the property and that's and obviously that's not what we really want to have happen exactly but understand okay all right hopefully I didn't fting I'm fighting a dead issue so thank you is it any surprise that the two board members who have the most trouble grasping the concept are the two Engineers nope nope not at all any other questions for staff for the applicant M Mr little which branch of military were you in I wasy good this is historically been an army board so that's that's good to hear the former chair was 82nd so yes all right uh anyone else here to speak in favor of the uh application seeing none any anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none is there a motion Mr chair yes sir motion to approve motion to approve do we have a second we have a second uh all those in uh in in support of the motion say I I opposed all right enjoy thank [Applause] you item number two is a request for two variances the first request is for a sidey yard West setback variance from 10 feet to 6 feet and the second variance request is for a rear yard setback variance from 30 ft to 6 ft for a detached garage and the R1 double A single family dwelling District located in the bare Lake Manor subdivision at 359 Bonnie Drive the detached garage will be 1,500 square ft and will encroach 4T into the required sidey yard West setback 24 ft into the required rear yard setback and will be for personal use only three letters of support were received from the neighbor to the east located at 3513 Bonnie Drive and to um it says one but one was submitted this evening um both adjacent neighbors and the neighbor um in the front of the property and there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff I see none is the applicant here is there anything you'd like to add um if so please come on down really but if you give us your your your name and address are here also to my left and to my right they did I had the written letters I with the paperwork and they signed more today so it's a duplicate and I apologize for just for the record if you'd give us your name and and address uh beatric joh 3509 body Drive yes ma'am um so yes my neighbors are lovely we have a great neighborhood we all get along really wonderfully so they're here just to make sure that you guys say yes and um I also brought it this part of a challenge more of a backyard project instead of just to build the garage cuz I my house definitely needs work and I brought some pictures too of like some other stuff that's coming down the pike with this project so of course I haven't done permitting yet cuz I got to get this first before I can let the building people know okay we can St for with purpose could you talk just a little faster I can actually it's a Latin thing that would being cute but um I did I did print out like more pictures of the actual drawings of all that's going on in the backyard if you guys want to look at it so you understand more of a picture of what this is part of it's your your presentation you do what you want so so this is basically like say a detach garage for storage for everything but it's also the the overhang is going to be part of the pool area that's going to create a deck is when we have our my fourth of July party there's nobody to sit everybody's always crouching the grass area has just been nobody wants to go in the grass because been like ants and bugs and oh thank you there you go so that's kind of what the overall project is going to be so you can see there's an aerial view there's the building and then the um yeah and just different angles I just printed a bunch of different photos of what's going to be happening back there this all part of the permitting once I get the variance approved and we can move forward with everything else and we're all very excited okay I um sorry I I have a question because it it will come up in your justification statement you you mentioned that it is a garage and you needed it for parking it is and for you know the hurricane and things like that um do do you see the garage Yeah so basically the side that side is part of what's going to happen like around the pool area the the the garage door okay the garage door to the left is going to have a driveway going to the front correct yeah so that's where so right now my house currently um I don't know if you can see it you can't see it but um over here oh hold on all the way to the left of the pool I have like a little carport I don't have a garage right so part of what I'm doing is again this is like phase one getting this well last year actually was the whole yester we pulled a bunch of per relocated the SE the drain fill the septic tank buried already paid to be bury the aerial power line everything's in the front yard now to prepare for this that was last year a lot of permits so now once this gets done my little enclosed car report that she's been working as my garage which is gets moldy and stuff CU it's not really a real structure per se everything's going to go in this garage M car can go in there also I'm hoping to retire in the next 8 to nine years and join my neighbors and you know talk talking about a boat or R to beo so of course I don't want to build something twice I want something that's big enough when we have a hurricane my truck can go in there if I have a boat or would may go not sure which one yet can go in there this building is um I've been around for this it's actually hurricane proof 165 mph wind so you know I kind of joke my neighbor it's like hey that's her shelter for Hurricane now you know so it's kind of a combination like a catchall but yeah I needed um I'm sorry I just wanted to make sure the use didn't change and that it wasn't being converted to that you changed your mind from the justification State because it would change yeah no no no no no it's take garage just wanted to clarify the the little roof thing that came out of that was actually first I was looking for a garage I need a garage I need a garage I need a garage and then of course everybody's like this one's so ugly in your backyard I go well we can make it pretty then the building guy goes well you want to do a little hanging out go yeah and that kind of spun off the whole other let's redo the paper let's do papers around the yard and it turned into like a much bigger project so but of course the what we start is with the variance because I need something big enough there to fit my truck and you know get rid of that other storage just I can actually demo that that's will be a next year project permit and then put I think I I think we we we follow and okay any any questions for the applicant yeah where where's the entrance is the entrance off a Bonnie Drive yeah so my front yard okay you see my truck right there in the driveway that white truck up there that's me at the top of the picture yeah yeah but your garage is going to be on the other side my garage is going to be right here you see all this grass here it's like that's the grass that you're not going to have to cut that you didn't cut anyway say again that's the grass you're not going to have to cut that you didn't cut I have a long guy that cuts it and you know's the on yeah so she'll be coming in that grass has just been an eyesore for years nobody even when my kids there never played in the grass with the ants and bugs and you know so I want to kind of put my building there so I can put my truck there the right side of my house this right here this area right here all that needs to come down and get done properly but I can't cuz that's like my storage know that's going to go garage as well drive into the garage you're not going to drive into the garage from there of course I am yeah you see that wait a moment hold the phone we're we're talking apples and oranges you said something's going to be removed that's okay is that a building that's that's right now my you see the white area to the left long way that's like a enclosed carport so that's like my storage where my Christmas stuff is all that that's that's too much so all that's going into this garage how are you getting into the garage through the you see the fence on the right that's a double that's a 10ft gate right here right here that's a 10t gate 10t 2 5ot Doors okay it's a 10ft gate and you can you can put a driveway there yes part of the yeah part of the drawing shows the concrete driveway without violating the restrictions mhm okay that that's there be conc drive going all the way to the front was landlocked okay all right yeah I got it any other questions thank you ma'am is there anyone else here to speak in support or anyone here to speak in support you don't have to if you don't want to but but hands up are good all right is there anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none your pleasure gentlemen chair sir motion to approve we have a motion to approve is there a second we have a second all those in favor say I I I opposed enjoy invite us in July please item number three is a request for a side street sou setback variance from 20t to 10 ft for offence in the PD plan development district and the hollow Brook West Phase 2 subdivision at 3603 okobe Circle excuse me the subject property is a COR corner lot and considered to have two front yards for setback purposes the front of the house faces okovi Circle and the St Lucy uh Drive side is where the variance is being sought the prop proposed replacement privacy fence will be 10 ft from the sidewalk and 18 ft from the edge of pavement traffic engineering has no objection to the placement of the fence as it relates to site visibility at the time of building permit review for the proposed fence 2374 93 it was determined that a setback variance was required there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and or a previous building permit for the existing fence that's being replaced and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am any questions for staff is this replacing the fence yes so there's no change correct but it wasn't permitted or variant so she get they're going asking for approval what was previously done it's going in the got it okay it's when you're changing something is the does the is the applicant here is there anything you like to add to what step said no existed before or if you're going to speak we need I'm sorry you just real quick give us your name and address yes and and then share what you want to share my name is El my name is Elias 3603 the fence has been there since we bought the house and when the storm came in last year it destroyed it has been there for the last 25 years and all we doing is we just replacing the face same same way also than gentlemen any questions for the applicant all right thank you sir and is there anyone here to speak in support anyone here to speak in opposition to this request seeing none uh your favor gentlemen move to approve approve second those in favor I I opposed enjoy sir what's next item number four is a request for a front yard East setback variance from 25 ft to 18 ft for a carport in the R1 single family dwelling District in the little Waka State's number one subdivision located at 810 Cela Avenue the existing non-conforming addition will be replaced with a carport and will encroach 7 feet into the required front yard setback the applicant submitted for a building permit 23 17449 at and at that time it was determined that a variance would would be required um there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and no building permits found for what was existing enclosure and this concludes my presentation Miss Gates I noticed in your comments you know well first of I'm noticing this is a fire damaged building but I noticed in your background notes You' mentioned it was a um an existing non-conforming addition is it lawfully non-conforming do we know it was we don't know I don't have record of building permit fair enough fair enough thank you gentlemen questions for staff do you know is the a proposed addition going to be in front of that garage or is it going to be just the right by the front door where the that's going to be it right there that's what it is um they probably aren't going to have the gate Gates there but it is going to be the carport I don't know that if I understood the answer is it going to be on the driveway coming forward or to the right of the driveway in front of the house it's going to be where that existing structure is right now exact same footprint exact same footprint there was a fire structure was damaged is that a garage that we're looking at at the end of that driveway yes sir it's that that going to go there yes sir oh that answers the question okay any other questions for staff seeing none is chair sorry sorry I'll extend this um for the purposes again of the variance as if we adjust it from the 25 to the 18 does that will that also um because it appears that the opposite corner of the house is a 233 that cover that as well the 23 I'm looking at the the existing says existing fire damage single story concrete block wallhouse to be maintained and the front right corner is 233 which is 1.7 ft because that is legal non-conforming for the existing structure since they the what is being looked at right now for a variance was the addition that was never permitted that is encroaching so you can't increase the non-conformity so that's why they have to apply for a variance so it will not apply to the 23.3 but that's legal non-conforming if they ever want I guess there's there's no necessary action that we should take at this time to make both of them you're just going to leave it legal non-conforming correct if they ever want to increase or add an addition at that point then yes they would have to apply for a variance because they would be increasing the non-conformity at that location okay so when they go to um again I'm just reading the text so it's fire damage so when if they go to rehab or you know obviously correct you know the building um through permitting if it's legal non-conforming they're not going to have any issues they're not going to have to come back to us to get variance that is correct thank you any other questions for staff good question by the way hi there hi please um please share with us your name and address and my name is Linda hbert and it's 810 Chamilia Avenue Altimont Springs this house all right what would you like to share uh I've been in the house since 1996 and that's the house that's the footprint I didn't add anything to it um we were just trying to restore the house so we could live in it again I'm sure my neighbors would appreciate having the house repaired um I'm sorry you had a fire yes sir oh it's been tough goodness goodness and gentlemen sir did you you want to add my name is Rick Thomas I'm with Beacon Bay construction I represent the contractor uh the house would be completely brought to code it the exterior walls of footprint does not change the only the only change it's not I mean there's quite a few changes but the garage doors I think this was come up these are wood doors right here so they would be removed and obviously they're gone now with a with a windload gar door I think that's I think my understanding was is the improvements within the encroachment was the question if we could improve anything that was encroaching so and my understanding was just the garage door at that point got gentlemen any questions the exterior walls remain the same makes sense gotcha thank you any any questions for the applicant so nothing's going to change in regards to the configuration just going to be new one more time I'm sorry my hear nothing going to in regards to the configuration just going to be new a new building that's correct same measurements yeah there's a lot of work there to be done oh sure oh the burned house I can imagine any other questions gentlemen thank you so much for your time is there anyone else in the audience to speak in support of this matter come on down just please share with us your name and address and then share would you'd like to share I don't have the correct item apologize um my name is Cynthia Toller 594 Coral Glen Loop apartment 304 in Altimont Springs I'm her daughter um I just wanted to add to um like for the betterment of the community like my brother was in the house fire and he had grade four Burns to his lungs so he's now um in a wheelchair so I just wanted to add I think it would be very beneficial to get the variant for accessibility purposes and um also just for you know security and to rebuild something better for him and for my mother I'm so sorry your brother was hurt gentlemen do you have any questions for this lady thank you for sharing that thank you for your time anyone else to speak in support is there anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none is there a motion Mr chair sir motion to approve a motion to approve second I have a second all those in favor I I opposition all right enjoy doing a good job today you're getting a lot of Applause I've never got all right what's what's next good evening for the record Hillary Peyton planning development item number five is a variance request for 1700 North Street located in the Sando Country Club State subdivision the request is for a North Side Street setback variance from 25 ft to 15 ft for a garage addition in the r1aa zoning District the subject property is a corner lot and has two front yard sorry three front yards for setback purposes the front of the house faces North Street the Oak Valley Drive side is where the variance is being sought the request is to construct an an attached two-car garage 10 ft into the required front yard step back this concludes my presentation I'm willing for any questions thank you ma'am any questions for sta wow okay you got off easy nice is the applicant here anything you like to add sir if so come on down and first please give us your name and address hello everyone my name is say zi and I live at 221 Big Spring Terrace Sanford Florida no I don't have anything to add I just thank you so much for um reviewing the case and we're adding two car garage which we don't have right now okay any questions for the applicant tring to figure out where the garage is going to go and is it there go back to the previous picture no the one that shows the fir of the house with the gate the structure is going to be at the it wouldn't be at the front you wouldn't see it from thisle the structure would be at the rear of the property so you won't see it from this Ang hearing a voice from over there okay say it again please this the garage will be at the rear of the property you won't see it from this angle it's on the other side how do you get to it um there's three streets um there's one on the south the East and the north so Oak Valley Drive on the North okay so the entrance okay it's going to be sir if you could if if you could uh maybe just on that image behind you just kind of point to where it's located so so I have an access point here which is the front of the house and I have an access point right there there's a gate right there right next to it uh so I'm adding a garage right here um which is going to be from the back alley into the Gage okay so the picture that we looked at with the entrance with the gate that's North Street corre um North Street no yes yes North Street I'm sorry going to go in North Street and around the back that is one of his access points he says yes okay so he's not married to any particular one today he's got choices as long as he has access from the from the street any other questions for the applicate all right thank you sir thank you is there anyone else anyone else here to speak in support of this matter seeing none anyone here to speak in opposition all right gentlemen I have a question for staff uh going by the site plane it looks like we have another I left that dog die I know where you're going okay your turn come on bring it what we already discussed with the first one okay I understand copy paste yeah nothing further thank you next next they amend the Land Development code you guys need to submit that to to staff all right well then uh is there a motion motion to approve sir have a motion to approve is there a second second we have a second all those in favor say I I opposed all right enjoy sir thank you all right are okay so have number six here keep motion item number six is a variance request for 351 East Highland Street loated in the west alont heights subdivision the request is for a side street setback reduction from 25 ft to 20 ft for a privacy fence in the r1aa zoning District subject property is a corner lot and has two front yards for setback purposes the front of the house faces East Highland Street the Press View Avenue side is where the variance is being sought the request is to bring into compliance the construction of a vinyl privacy fence encroaching 5 ft into the side street setback the privacy fence is approximately 43 ft from the edge of pavement and without a sidewalk to encroach upon traffic engineering is no objection to the placement of the fence as it relates to site visibility a code enforcement violation number 24-3 was issued for the structure resulting in the necessity of this variance this concludes my presentation on Bill for any questions thank you manam gentlemen any questions for staff all right is the applicant here come on down please I think we'll have a question or two but if you could first please give us your name and address hi there uh Tom spurns uh 351 East Highland Street aont Springs thank you uh is there anything you want to add to what Steph had said um just that uh um we the fence has been up since March actually February of 22 so um our fencing contractor actually started the process we were moving down from Pennsylvania so we just purchased the house and the fence was the first that we added to the added to the property um what happened was our fence contractor I guess submitted for a permit to get the process started and then uh through the process he never submitted any additional documents no site plan no nothing so um I asked him several times I've have I have emails back and forth to the contractor regarding the permit he said it was in always in process but he never provided one for me so um we never found out till January 24 when we got the violation that you know there was no permit in place so we're just trying to bring up the bring up the uh fence to code and get the proper permits for what we need if we had if this board had a nickel for every time a fencing company let someone down my my first experience kep moving into Florida was the this fence contractor and it's just like so now he goes to me I can't get I can't get a hold of him I've called several times emails nothing gentlemen any questions yes question the picture behind you that is the current fence as it stands right now correct yes uh it looks like you're actually taking less than your neighbor to the to the rear yes well if that's that's your white vinyl fence right there and on the right side of the picture is the wooden fence of your neighbor joining your backyard correct yeah yeah yeah she I I believe that and he's a lot closer to uh the street than you right right yeah question for staff if I may when when when you sit back down okay thank you thank you I I well we might have more questions but okay yeah you're not in charge and I said when he sits back down I didn't say he could sit back down I guess my question is so so you did you put this up in 22 and it's in 24 that code enforcement started correct yeah that's twoyear gap I don't like that any questions gentlemen for the applicant all right sit down jeez no let me well I guess staff can answer essentially he wants to get approval for what's already been done that's not coming down and starting over okay I'm with you now CU that was my question but if we say no he has to tear it down s me if we say no he has to tear it down okay oh that'll be fun yeah yeah and and I have there's an existing shed there now that that that sets on the other side of the fence and it it cost you know a lot of money cuz I would have to turn the turn the shed and move it the additional you know 5 ft that I need mhm so there's a defin VY or wood that it's a vinyl fence vyl fence yeah it's not cheap all right thank you sir all right thank you all right all right okay so now my followup question for staff uh now that we've established that the wood fence the neighbor is a lot closer to the street than the applicant right here is there an approved variance on record for that house 348 East Hill Crest Street I did not find one now interesting thank you the answer was what I did not find a variance for that rear property maybe in two years code enforcement will catch that one not till they replace it okay is there anyone else here to speak in support of this application anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none it's your pleasure gentlemen to approve second motion to approve and we have a second all those in favor I all right good go home and don't do anything yes thank you sir all right is our next one the continued one no okay one more by the way you're from Pennsylvania if I had closed my eyes I thought I was listening to Todd gasby you know who he is oh was the funeral homes he's from Pennsylvania he up there down here if I had to close my eyes I said it's Todd so Pennsylvania guys all s of like thank you yes ma'am item number seven is two variant request for 4175 bear Gully Road located in the Golden Rod Shore sum division the requests are for a front yard setback reduction from 25 ft to 2 feet and an East Side Street setback reduction from 25 ft to 2 feet for fence columns in the r1aa zoning District the subject property is a corner lot and has two front yards for setback purposes the front of the house faces be Gully Road the Golden Rod dri side is where the second variance is being sought the request is to construct a 2ft wide 6ot tall concrete block columns with aluminum open fencing 23 ft into the front yard and side street setbacks the proposed column fence is 11.9 Ft from the sidewalk and 19.7 ft from the edge of pavement the gates over the driveways will be set back further to meet the requirement from the edge of pavement traffic engineering is no objection to the placement of the fences it relates to site visibility this concludes my presentation and V for any questions miss pton when they when it's mentioning aluminum open fencing is that chain link um no it's I think it's like the slats the metal metal okay okay gotcha and then there's going to be the posts gotcha gotcha gotcha thank you any questions for staff gentlemen seeing none is the applicant here is there anything you would like to add to what staff had said okay do you guys have any questions for the applicant I do Mr chair if I'm sorry if you could come on down please sorry no no no it's your right if whoever is going to speak we'll just share with this please your name and address um Claudia Dominic 3041 Nicholson Drive Winterport Florida yes sir thank you um the we were referring to fence Columns of what's the what's the dimensions of the columns 16 16 inches Square yeah thank you that's all I need easy enough thank you I have a question staff please the I apologize I was chasing butterflies here I wasn't see who was talking but um the setback will go to the face of the column so if it's a 16x 16 the 16 in starts at the face at the setback and then goes in correct as soon as it goes vertical M right it's not to the center of the where the fence is going to be placed it's the column itself will be the determining part correct okay and that's clear by basically what we say here when we review it at building permitting we will make sure that that's what's comped with I trust you thank you all right anyone else here to speak in support is there anyone here to speak in opposition to this matter all right gentlemen move to approve motion to approve is there a second second you have a second motion and a second all those in favor not my turn all those in favor I I all right it's approved we're having our own discussion sir Engineers goodness all right item number eight is variance for 1200 North Street but is being continued to the April 22nd 2024 meeting due to not posting the placard in time whoops all right last but not least item number nine is a variance request for 1450 Lake Mills Road the request is for a front yard setback reduction from 100 ft to 21 ft for an accessory dwelling unit in the 85 zoning District the applicant is converting an existing dwelling unit built in 1911 to a Adu however the Adu does not meet the required front yard setback of 100 ft as it will project in front of the primary dwelling unit resulting in the necessity of this variant the request the applicant will be removing the um existing porches to meet the 1100t allowable Adu size with an administrative adjustment this concludes my presentation for any questions Miss Pon in my understanding what I've read in the packet and what you're sharing tonight correctly to mean that if we decline this application the project can still go forward but just this historic rure would have to be demolished correct yes got you thank you m gentlemen any more questions for staff yes I have a question yes on the variance criteria the six questions for question number six the property owner said a fence with masonry columns will be erected to enclose the property uh beginning 50 ft from the center line of the road and the structure is set back roughly 20 ft further back from that so why are we not entertaining a variance request for the fence that wasn't what they were applying for the variance for but yes they would need a variance for it for Bas and calling I guess statement of intent okay I guess K I'm sorry excuse me it's an agricultural zoning district and they don't need um a variance for masonary columns understood thank you any other questions for staff all right sir is the applicant here please you first just give us your name and address please good evening Paul macheski 2361 folage o Terrace in oito Florida 32766 yes sir uh if I can answer your question about the fence if that's of need um again based on the zoning the um location of fence is measured from Center Line of the road to the fence itself and that's um that's not uh that's not what I was asking but the question was already answered okay it's fine thank okay um as as has already been stated um this is a historic home um we purchased the property from um the Hamill family who owned property in this area for years Norma Hamill was the last of her U family um when she left this property um this was her her home or Homestead as part of the property we kind of inherited a renter when we bought this property um somebody really who does not have another place to go so um although we're looking to build our um residence um we kind of pushed back our process um with um permitting to try to get this this to allow this facility to be uh this building to stand so um we're we're actually improving the distance um from the property line to the face of the building um by removal if you can go back maybe two slides um if you look at the white box this here represents the current corner of the um existing porches so that portion of the structure will be removed um as it wraps around to um get to the 1100 square foot so we're able to provide a continuous residence U for somebody who needs one as well very nice gentleman any questions um Mr chair I just now look you know I didn't I didn't pick up on this and and when he spoke about inheriting a renter um I just have to disclose the mother of my my ex-mother of the my ex-wife actually lives in that house as the renter so I I want to uh obviously I have no interest in it I have no Financial so I don't have any conflict but figured I would at least disclose that that is a small world mother of my children live in that house so she's been renting that for a while so we love no GL somebody does as I said kidding lost of V going to watch that later you know all along we told her there was a chance that um you know be a point where we'd have to tell her that we'd have to have her vacate but we're really doing our best you know what what that's on you I'm just you know for the purposes of you know me now recognizing you know the the where who this house is and and I just wanted to disclose that I have no I have no financial interest in it so I'm I'm good to go for not having a conflict so thank you thank you uh any other questions all right thank you sir is there anyone else here to speak in support of this application is there anyone here to speak in opposition to it please come on down and as you've probably heard all night sh with this your your name and address first please yes sir my name is Rebecca Conway I am the daughter of Nicholas Taurus and he actually inherited Norma's dwelling as he was the caregiver for normagene and Frank and we have Susie here that's been wasn't born in 1911 but she's been in chilota for a very long time so even though not blood relative of normae still family um by marriage so what I wanted to say is I currently live at 14:30 my name is Rebecca Conway again I live at 14:30 Lake Mills Road um I am staying there currently planning on making it my permanent residence um I'm just concerned that that dwelling that is existing I know it's it's it's very old it's falling apart it is kind of an iore so I appreciate the the wanting to beautify the area it's it's it looks like a mega house um it's it's not encroaching on my property so I don't have a a a problem with that the only thing I would like is chilota is so Rural and it's been that way for years my family has been there since 1978 I moved to chilota when I was 2 weeks old now we came from Third Street on chilota not off Lake road but it's important to me that we keep it consistent keep it rural because that's what we love about chilota and it's very hard to get property as you know in chilota it's it's a luxury for very many and for my family it is just something that we really had to um it it just didn't fall into our hands you know we we really are the caretakers of these individuals that live there and we were um my like I said my father is the um the trust holder of Norma jeene ham um and I know she sold the property to him years ago my thing is I just want to keep it consistent I do feel like creating the variance will increase the opportunity for future Varian is my concern and my um I'm just afraid you know that's so much there it's 10 acres how I'm afraid that and I know this is only about a variance but I am just so wanting to keep things the way that they are and if it was zoned for that I would love to keep it as the way it is zoned because it is consistent with all of the neighbors all of us are kind of off of the main road the traffic is already horrible I mean granted granted everyone that has children have big fences um and and the dogs you know it it's I would just push to just leave it the way that it is I realized it is an old house and it is a historic house but it does not look like it's in the best condition so I think that would have to be evaluated anyways um but I would just like to say again we've lived there for many years as a not direct blood descendants of Norma genene um but I mean we are the caretakers of these individuals that came to chilota many many years ago and I would like to keep it as much the same as we can ma'am in my understanding you C to say that you you would like this house to stay where it is I would not like to have a variance whatever they decide to do with the house is their business if I don't know if they're reconstructing the house adding on to it to make it you know it's I I know there there was some type of um they would have to remove the porch or something to be in compliance I I'm not sure the the specifics I'm not an engineer I I this is my first time here so bear with me um I just would want to voice that if it was owned for specific purposes and for specific measurements that we try to maintain what was created for that area and and we we we have respect for your concern and a question for staff this is chilota so it's it's in the rural area isn't it absolutely so so you've got the this this won't change those those protections one bit so you're it's it's still going to be considered part of the rural area and all of those requirements right I'm just and and the only thing that we can vote on to tonight of course is the application that's before so any any larger issues what I'm here to address is I would just like to say could we keep it the same is there is like like like when they say I mean I I work in the medical field and and I know this is totally unrelated and we do hippo we we want to give everyone the the bare minimal that they need to do their job all I'm asking is it is a mega house plenty of property plenty of room plenty of place to build why does it need to be so close to the road this isn't the new house I understand that correct I understand that it's an existing house which I'm I'm guessing is not is going to be updated or we talking existing just leaving it and just cutting off the porch I mean yes so you're leaving the house as is yeah with the wooden just I mean it I don't I I can only say what it looks like from outside I mean I don't I don't know anybody that lives there I the application before us is the house is not going to be moved as not going to be demolished they're going to trim a few things off of it but otherwise at least what the applicant has told us is it's staying as is otherwise okay and does this increase the likelihood let's just say another dwelling wants to be put in would it go with the same variance qualification that they're do they can only have one accessory dwelling unit so they wouldn't be able to build a third home onto the property okay and was there a time frame for all this to occur we're just kind of getting pre I don't think we can build whatever we choose to build oh I'm just curious if it's let's let's let's not have a cross it's okay oh it's okay um so yeah I I just I like I said I I was just afraid to modify anything that was existing already in there if we're talking about the same dwelling and that's all we're doing we're cutting off a porch and it's the same then then by all means I mean that's old sholota like if it's from 1911 then that's what it is it's I'm not here to take away a home I just do not want to create new variances that will allow more variances like this one will open up for other variances opportunity for other ones so that's what I'm trying to just limit what I'm by what I'm saying okay I appre gentlemen any any questions for the lady very good thank you ma' okay thank you is there anyone else in the audience to speak in opposition having heard that your pleasure gentlemen Mr chair sir motion to approve a motion to approve is there a second second second from the judge all those in favor I I oppos all right going forward next let's see here we have an election we have to do thank you your Fai thank you enjoy I wouldn't felt bad if we didn't get a final [Applause] Applause so I've been I've been shering these things in my capacity as as Vice chair from from when uh our our disting distinguished uh prior chair said his wife told him you're done um I'm happy to continue in the job but I I serve it your pleasure oh is that what happened oh he and he said it that night spilling the tea H yeah he's like yeah his wife said you know you're you're he could have gone in through I think through January but she said no in end of 23 that's in there and U so what is your pleasure gentlemen and I'm an A2 for chair thank you sir I'll second that thank you good evening if I can start the nomination for share and open the floor officially you have to run it I'm sorry yes my apologies you're not allowed to reelect yourself rewind you will open for vice chair just seems to get things done you know so good evening Jaylen Marino clerk to the board of adjustment I now open the floor for nominations for share your pleasure I nominate head away for chair second any other nominations no her hearing now on floor is closed for share nominations all in favor say I I I thank you thank you very much pleas take no pay increase no I want to be doubled when I'm getting paid you are you you can be tripled granted you guys in your math jez all right so now we need we need a vice chair and um we can open the floor for that or if anyone would like to denominate themselves or someone else if no one else is wanting to say something I'll pass the gavel George may I pass a gav to you I would like to nominate Tom for vice chair but procedural question as he's an alternate can he be the vice chair no all right he has to be an actual um not an alternate I was concerned about that then I would nominate Larry if if you are if you would accept I I'll second that all right I will serve in capacity as your right-and person thank you good I feel more secure now thank you sir all right so all in favor I anyone opposed was your chance all right you are Vice chair now all right don't be absent don't let it go to your head don't be absent drink on you I have I have coup Tendencies you have what coup Tendencies okay um Madam clerk anything else on that subject before we move on anything else on elections we're all okay um we're not going to discuss the minutes we'll get that next week and um chair will entertain a motion to adjourn I have one question I'm sorry before um I know we had uh there was a planning session set up coming in is there any I'll Senda okay so I apologize I was I was out out of the country for the last 10 days I just didn't I really haven't caught up on all my emails yet so thank you perfect thank you sir all right now we'll entertain a motion to adjourn so move all right good night thank you everyone thank you