[Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] good afternoon we're going to go ahead and get started uh it's 1:32 p.m on May 23rd 2024 welcome to the SEO County regular code enforcement board meeting for May of this year uh we're going to start uh first by asking clerk to do a roll call please Dennis Warren here Katherine Townson here Dudley Bates here Kevin Ross Andino here Mike San here Craig Davis here I bet Brown here thank you next we're going to do uh the Pledge of Allegiance if I get everybody to stand and if you're going to be speaking today uh remain standing after so we get you sworn in I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you if you remain standing if hear me speaking as a respondent or our witness and raise your right hand and the clerk will swear you in here do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth thank you and uh respon we have ma'am did you swear yourself yes okay thank you have uh a couple of suggestions here to change the agenda so we can take the the persons that are present today those cases first followed by the others in that particular order which would mean I would recommend that we change the agenda and start today's meeting with item uh number two gosh I don't have the page numbers but it's it's case number 24-12 CB mcka C blend uh that would be followed by uh the these three items are the same respondent item 24-39 24-40 and 24- 41 CB celinda D and Eric L Johnson for those three items those are items number 8 n and 10 followed by that's not what we have here no that's Mr chairman that's not what we have in the okay book three so far you've called out items one three and five all right give me one moment so far you've called out item 13 and five there is no more 24-40 right res 24-40 is on page 8 of 10 okay okay what it was yeah it's at the complied it's not going to be heard so which one it's after number 11 for to the end of the agenda but the other two I believe are complied prior but the first two are okay yeah 24-20 is on page 8 10 okay so yet 39 is on page eight that is that on your page eight it's on my page two 39 is on page two 40 is on page eight okay so let's be the agenda 41 is on page two okay so so first case it's going to be heard is 24-12 which is Misha Bland which is item number one on page one the next cases are going to be 2439 and 2441 which are on page two items three and five correct yes okay yes and then the last two cases are under your lean consent cases 2414 and 2415 Shannon creamer and so that looks like it's items n 9 and 10 on pages six and seven correct correct that requires a motion so moved second okay thank you uh so we have a um motion I believe Mr uh and second Miss towns and to uh change the agenda taking those three respondents and those cases first and then we'll follow it by the rest of the cases All In favor say I I I those I'm going to do a brief introduction so when your case is called you'll stand you'll come to the table where uh this respondent is sitting if you are here also as a witness and I believe your first case has the lender she's going to also sit at that table um the county has the burden of proof therefore the county presents their case first the respondent will then have an opportunity to present their case please limit your comments solely to the allegations made by the county the board will make their decision based on all the relevant evidence and testimony presented here today these matters are being electronically recorded So it's important that you speak directly into the microphone at the center of the podium please make sure all phones all cell phones and pages are turned offer silenced while in Chambers if you need assistance due to some sort of hearing impairment or a language barrier please advise us at the beginning of your hearing okay thank you and again this particular case that we're hearing first is case number 24 as2 CB mcka C Bland 401 baswood Lane alont Springs Florida 32701 and AER Adair before you get going could you identify yourself starting over here please mesha Bon Cynthia Bland thank you and ma'am Amanda Murphy Council for the pl uh for the lender thank you okay uh user D whenever you're ready all right Officer a s County Coe enforcement South Region this is case number 24-12 CP the respondent is Misha Bland mha okay I'm presenting a copy of the PowerPoint to the clerk exhibit a so again this is case 24-12 CB the responding is Misha C Bland mesha C Bland uh and the property is located at 401 base wood Lanes seal County Florida the violation being charged is semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a rubbish so my initial inspection was on 613 2023 notices respondent we on 620 2023 and 713 2023 compliance states were 77 2023 and 727 2023 I conducted follow follow-up inspections starting on 6 2023 and ended on yesterday 522 2024 uh follow-up inspection results were the rubbish violation remains this is a digital image of my first inspection all the way on 620 2023 follow-up inspection and images on 710 2023 followup inspection on 731 2023 followup inspection on 8 17 2023 uh this was another inspection uh the cardboard was removed but it was replaced with wood and debris and Moss and the vegetation was a little ungrown uh this was the date of posting on 510 2024 uh the tree debris and Moss still remained this was an inspection yesterday the debris still remain the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on testimony and evidence presented in the case number 24-12 CB it is determined that the respondant is Misha C Bland is the owner and record of property located at 401 baswood Lane located in simal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records she is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of seminal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of June 7th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the miscellaneous debris and rubbish from the yard if the respondent doesn't comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact me to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions Sher I just have a quick question so it was the tree branches in the Moss and it used to be cardboard correct okay can you tell us what the origin of this complaint is um it was a complaint I got via email on my first day so I think it was officer Bavaro that had it and gave it to me thank you uh S no other questions this is your opportunity to respond to that uh you saw the recommendation is giving uh giving the respondent until J excuse me June 7th of this year to uh to get it rectified or there be a fine of $100 per day that's what's being considered up here ma'am we'll start with you if you would like to address um I'm not sure when this officer came out to my property but my property doesn't look like that I have pictures here he always comes on the worst days when I'm getting my lawnmower was broke or something like that the um the debris and all that stuff it's cleaned up and I can have I have pictures to show that then yesterday he posted this on my door the same officer Adar he's saying that he doesn't have anything to do with it but he is it's constant harassment from them nonstop and it's like it's a fetish of theirs I don't know why what's what's in your hand just tell me just this is another violation um omitted use of RV I have a RV in my backyard okay it been moved and I moved the back I use it when I when I'm traveling or going anywhere so that's not before you today that's a separate issue unfortunately if you want to show the board your pictures they would have to take the phone and become a part of the court file and so I don't think you can see her picture um but it looks as though she believes she's in compliance the time period should be okay for them to schedule an appointment and she and the officer do a walk through to confirm whether she is in if I can deal with another officer I would love love to these this officer has nothing but harass me constantly I'm getting this paper um decked out in my front yard like I'm having an auction going on then I'm getting mail constantly on different dates in my mailbox constantly from these people okay uh in relation to the particular complaint the debris and the rubbish that's that needs to be cleaned up you have anything else there's no rubbish or debris and these are other um you can't show them pictures they going to take the phone okay so they're listening to your testimony okay okay so I want to know where where I can submit this and not to those officers well this board is hearing testimony and evidence today so those pictures needed to be printed out and referred to today that wasn't any instructions that I had here okay so you can believe her testimony at the end of the day the officer is the only one that can close out her case so they have to make a meeting his supervisor right there who I'm sure would be more than happy to make the appointment and all three of you do a walk through if that's necessary but you have to make the decision on whether the property is in violation or not okay uh do we have questions as well for Miss uh bland is it I'm sorry yes Miss bland is is there a reason why the cardboard was there and the were there grass around the um fence line then I burnt it to get the grass from growing around the fence line cuz I'm planning on putting bushes there any other so in your opinion I mean this you you if we agreed to a compliance date by June 7th you believe that you will be in compliance by that day that's cuz that's really what we're being asked to cons to consider not whether you're that you're there today if if my compliance has to be involving the those officers they're going to say I'm not in compliant so we're going to be back here again well let's let's just try to get clear on what it is you need to do you can't unfortunally you can't pick your officer it's you know just like if you called the police for something also D to clarify for me when was the last time you were out there you showed several pictures she's saying it doesn't look like that did you have a picture a recent picture uh yesterday's inspection I spoke with her daughter give me just a moment please was there a picture from yesterday right there those two right there okay and I spoke with her daughter informing her that the code Board hearing was today and she said yes my mom's not here but she's going to attend and it looks like it's on I guess the picture to the right it's the stuff over on the right that looks like a log or something yes uh tree debris from I'm assuming the tree above ma'am do you see what's in at least that second picture for the moment and a tree just recently fell on my house well okay irreg that's what we're that's what he saw yesterday when he was out there so that's the issue uh you you don't dispute what we're looking at right there that's to separate the the grass that I'm I'm trying to get the bushes to grow in I understand but that you that's that's a photo he took of the issue so whatever the purpose of it is is I just want the harassment to stop putting new notices on my door yeah and and let me just say there there's due process that is afforded to everybody that these officers deal with and he doesn't make these things up but there's a hanging a it's CU he has to put a hanger uh and so forth and so on we won't go into everything but uh in any case uh so it looks like I think we're somewhat clear I think the suggestion was you can that's a reasonable time frame question yes ma'am so as we look at this picture you're saying that whatever this is that fell in your yard is there today and so my question would be they've recommended June 7th can you have this cleaned up by then and be in compliance in your front yard yes okay and I can't have uh log separating the grass what what needs to be cleaned up I'm not understanding the because I know I know for a fact people use logs to separate their grass from their fence and they put trees in front of it so wood needs to be cleaned up I'm not I'm confused all of the miscellaneous debris such as the logs it's in the code specifically mentioned as Lumber so if you can go ahead and remove all that there is nothing can you show me which what needs to be removed moved because this debris right here I've seen a lot of people have logs go around their fence so is it this this this is what you want me to clean up all of that yes okay that's fine I can do that including the logs including the log including the logs cuz that's what the ordinance says you cannot have logs I I have a question is is there um if these were aligned in a perfectly straight line and a you know whatever distance she chose from the fence would that be allowed and if if the answer is no do you have a suggestion on what she should put there in order to she what she in order to accomplish what she's trying to accomplish which is separate the grass from the bushes so no it still wouldn't be allowed but a garden she can play that along the fence line that's fine but it's been almost a year now and no Garden has arised so do you do you have any suggestions for her on what she could legally put in order to separate the two uh I cannot give advice on that thank you I do want to bring to your attention I am in a HOA so he can't just make up his rules so if my HOA say I can have a log in my front yard to separate My Bushes that's what I can have you're incorrect but we can't give her legal advice you have to make a decision okay well that's what the issue is that's what needs to be cleaned up and uh sounds like you're you acknowledge that's there and the date will work for you um ma'am from the bank and I'm sorry I forgot your name Amanda Murphy and we're just here to monitor the status of the violations and any fines that are imposed um we um our mortgage has been in Fall we haven't been able to file our case because of uh bankruptcy automatic stay um so we're just here to monitor for our interests in that in the property okay uh any other questions for any party anyone no I just I'll just move that we um accept staff's recommendation she sounds like she can do she can fix it by June 7th so we accept staff's recommendation as proposed second motion by Mr Ross second uh by Mr Bates all in to accept stat recommendation as presented all in favor say I I post that's what we've done we found that there was a violation there is a violation that it seems pretty simple straightforward what you need to do sounds like you can do it just call either AER air or his supervisor or both and they will meet you to confirm it's done MH hopefully we'll be done with us okay thank you for coming okay uh moving on to our next case uh there's two cases for for this respondent on the next page item number three case number 24-39 CB uh celinda and Eric L Johnson at 2016 Williams Avenue in sford 32771 same respondent same address case number 24- 41 ceb and uh officer Henson if you want to cover both of those and uh then we'll go from there s County Sheriff's Office code enforcement Shannon Henson uh uh North Region I'm for the record I'm going to submit a copy of this presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this case number is 2439 CB celinda D Johnson and Eric L Johnson at 2016 Williams Avenue the violation charg to s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a rubbish the first inspection was June 22nd 2023 notice of a response was for June 26 2023 September 18th 2023 with compliance dates of July 11th 2023 and October 3rd 2023 my follow-up inspections started uh in July 19 2023 3 and ended yesterday uh May May 22nd 2024 the results of the follow-up inspection the violation of rubbish remain remains on the property this image was taken of my first inspection in June 20 2022 20223 um the next one is also the same date and then this was July 19th 2023 and also the same date is taken this was August 22nd 2023 by myself and the next also the same date this is September 5th 2023 and September 5th 2023 this was uh September 15 2023 and September 15 2023 this was taken October the 26 2023 and October 26 2023 this is 1117 2023 and again same date and this was December 6 2023 December 6 2023 and this photo was taken January 10th 2024 and same date this one was February 21st 2024 also same date and this was March 25th 2024 March 25th 2024 and this was taken uh May 8th 2024 when I did the posting of hearing and this was taken yesterday and the suggestion recommended by the code enforcement officer based on the testimony evidence presented in case number 2439 CB it is determined that the respondent selinda D Johnson and Eric L Johnson are the owner of record for of the property located at 2016 Williams Avenue located in simal county is determined by the property appraisers record in possession or control of the property and are in violation of simal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a and is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondents to correct the violation honor before midnight of June 7th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all the rubbish from the subject property if the respondant does not complied to the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after this compliance date they can arrange an inspection with me to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you and the uh second 40 40 that was 40 that was 39 separately yeah there's 39 right and uh do you want to go ahead and cover uh 41 41 yeah 41 code enforcement officer Shannon Hinson s County Sheriff's Office Code Enforcement North Region for the record I'm submitting this copy of this presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this case is uh case number 24- 41 CB celinda D Johnson and Eric L Johnson this property is 20 20 260 Williams Avenue the violation charge of simal County chapter 95 chapter 95 .4 is defined in 95.3 abandoned or junked vehicles my first inspection was June 22nd 2023 with follow uh with the first notice of June 26 2023 September 18th 2023 with compliance dates of July 11th 2023 and October 3rd 2023 followup inspections were July 19th 2023 and yesterday was my last uh follow-up appointment which was May 2nd 2024 the results of the follow-up inspection the violation of abandoned or junk Vehicles remains on the property this was taken by me June 22nd 2023 this was July 19th 2023 this was August 22nd 2023 uh September 5th 2023 now this same day this was September 15th 2023 this was October 26 2023 November 17th 2023 November 17th 2023 and this was December 6th 2023 January 10th 2024 February 21st 2024 March 25th 2024 and this was when I did my posting on May 8th 2024 and this was taken yesterday on May 5th uh May 22nd 2024 the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony evidence presented in case number 2441 CB it is determined that the respondents celinda D Johnson and Eric L Johnson are the owner of record of the property located at 2016 Williams Avenue located in simal County as determined by the property appraisers records in possession or control of the property and are in violation of simal County uh code chapter 95 section 95.4 as a find in 95.3 a and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondents to correct the violation on or before midnight of June 7 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondents must remove all inoperable vehicles or store them in an enclosed garage or permanent structure if the resp respondents do not comply with the order a fine of $100 a day will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after the after this after compliance U they can arrange an inspection with me to um verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions Rosser Hanson yeah I do can you in looking at those pictures are we only looking at the reddish vehicle is that the only violation that you're showing us there this is this is the vehicle uh case that I'm doing the other one was for rubbish and the one that is already in compliance with vegetation so the pickup truck's not an issue the dark black it looks like pick is that a issue that also how many how many inandon vehicles are we talking about that need to be removed there was probably four like there Parts there was like two full ones and about three or four half ones okay and the and um but the the black vehicle appears to be in a different spot every time I'm assuming it's it was on the other side of the property and then it was moved to this side but the tires are flattened so it didn't quite look like it was operable I did speak to the um the P The Violator yesterday and he said it could be could be operational count June I wanted to make sure I counted that slide went by pretty quickly so from last June you've made 13 visits to this property thank you wanted to make sure I understood that and so okay the vehicles should be easy to identify there was uh like a yard trailer that's not included in this since it's not motorized I'm guessing or I I don't know I just want to be clear for them when they go back it still has flat tires there was a couple of them okay can can you put the slide back up from um yesterday please the the trailer that the vehicle is sitting on is that also a violation um that was in the yard I was notified this afternoon uh when the violators came uh reported here that that was taken away last night thank you any other questions for aler okay this I'm sorry could you identify yourself one at a time um Eric Johnson Eric Johnson in your relation oh you're one of the okay and ma'am celinda Johnson thank you very much uh there's two cases here today same address we'll call one the rubbish case and one the abandoned vehicle case whether they abandon whatever so it's the vehicles and the rubbish that's what we're here so uh you've heard the recommendations to correct both violations by June 7th it's your opportunity to speak to both situations the vehicles there'll be in compliance by the 7th the vehicle the the red car is actually gone they came and picked it up last night um the black truck I just got to find the keys for it everything was my dad on uh he don't want he started cleaning up then he got sick so I started taking over for him start cleaning up but then he was ending out the house build ending out of uh nursing homes so then he fin he passed so I've I've actually been trying to get everything in compliance yes as of March 18th he passed away so we've been trying to help out and clear out this land or this property do you live at the property now no no he didn't live at that one no you you do not live there currently no I don't no I have my own house that was that was all of his prop every it was his proper were state so that property I I guess my question is pretty simple I mean can you comply with all of this by June 7th well like I said the cars I can I probably need I would say probably the middle of June maybe the 27th of June for the rubish and I could have all of that gone but as far as the vehicles they they're gone so you said June the what for the rubbish probably the like the 20th probably like another month I could have all the rubbish gonez I've actually been there every day cleaning up Henson do you have any to add in regards to their request it sounds like they're requesting for a little more time for the rubbish that's up to the board okay I'd like to take um can I is it okay to take these out of order can I can I take up the um junked vehicle yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah first yeah I'd like to move that we accept staff for recommendation on the junk vehicle uh compliance by June 7th uh with a fine of a $100 a day after that if it's not complied with second motion by Mr sign and second by Miss Townson to accept St recommendation as presented finding that there was a violation this is in regards to case number 24- 41 CB regarding the junk Urban of vehicles any more discussion all in favor say I I oppose I oppose I was going to give discussion oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there I consider you know this is just considering for the board it's not their home and someone passed away I think June 2nd is unreasonable to have people who are trying to clean up after someone's death I don't see a reason why we can't give them to July that's just my own personal feeling that been there done that myself and I think giving them another month is not going to kill kill us and so I was just going to propose July the July date to give them another month to be able to I might agree to that on the other one but he said he could have the vehicles gone by the 7th yeah the vehicle that's fine like I said the vehicles are gone so the the black the black truck is there it is Opera I just have to find the keys for it okay I still I still don't agree so you it carried that's okay so that motion carries one nay uh on 2441 and the other case is 2439 CB this deals with rubbish uh was is there a motion do we have a we have not had a motion yet I'm ready to make one okay I'd like to move that um we uh accept staff's recommendation and give them until July 7 to comply with this order does that seem reasonable and I'm happy to amend if that doesn't seem reasonable does that seem I think I'm hoping that's reasonable no I I would second that one yeah okay uh and they're nodding their head they that works for them so that so uh on case number this is 39 yeah case number 24-39 ceb motion on the table by Mr sinning uh accept St finder was a violation accept St recommendation as presented however moving the compliance date to July 7th uh or $100 a day fine and that was second I second by Mr Ross uh all in favor say I I opposed so that's what we've done get to June 7th on the vehicle whatever may be left and then you get to July 7th on the rubbish okay okay thank you for what you're doing and coming in today much appreciate it brings us to the next case on the same page no we just did that one brings us to than on the lean request we should be at at 24-36 I believe item two I think we're 24-14 page page six item number nine this is on the lean request 24-14 CB Shannon o Creer 809 Cherokee Circle Sanford Florida 32773 and uh Miss user Henson yes code enforcement officer Shannon Henson s County Sheriff's Office code enforcement for the record I'm submitting a copy of this presentation to the clerk is exhibit one case number 24-14 CB Shannon Kramer at 809 Cherokee Circle violation charged with simol County uh code chapter 95 95.3 is defined in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation these are my multiple inspections the first one was August 15th 2022 with follow-up ones September 6 2022 November 7th 2022 and January 10th 2022 with compliance states of 923 2022 November 22nd 2022 and January 25th 2022 my final inspection was yesterday May 25th uh 22nd 2024 the result of the followup the violation of uncultivated vegetation remains on the property this was my posting on March 8th 2024 this was uh taken March 27th 2024 and May 3rd 2024 and May 13th 2024 for my posting of the lean hearing this was taken yesterday um by myself the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony evidence presented in this case number 24-14 it is determined that the respondent Shannon Kramer is the owner of of record of the property located at 809 Cherokee Circle located in simol county is determined by the the property appraisers record in possession or control and is in violation of simal County chapter 95 section 95.4 defined at 95 and defined in 95.3 B and is it is further recommended that the code enforcement board based on the findings of fact conclusion of Law and Order issue issued on March 28th 2024 I am requesting that the code enforcement board to issue an or an order imposing a lean in the amount of 1,350 for 27 days of non-compliance from April 27th 2024 through the through and including May 23 23rd 2024 and that that sh fine shall continue to acre at $50 per day for each day that the violation continues or is repeated after May 23 2024 thank you uh and let's go ahead into the the second one we'll let you present that and then we'll hear them individually oh wait I have a question on this one before you do is that all right yes did you did I read correctly this was initiated in August of 22 um is that what I saw on that slide that's what I wrote down I think yes yeah okay want to make sure it was during Hurricane times okay okay if you the next case yes simal County Sheriff's Office code enforcement uh Shannon Henson Code Enforcement North Region for the record I'm going to submit a copy of this presentation to the clerk is exhibit one case number 2415 ceb Shannon o Kramer property 809 Cherokee Circle the violation charged to simal County uh code chap simal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 C remains or Rubble of a structure this my initial inspection was August 15th 2023 with a notice of September 6th 2023 November 7th 2020 I mean that was 22 sorry September 6th 2022 November 7th 2022 and January 10th 2022 uh the compliance dates were September 23 2022 November 23 2022 and January 25th 2023 I did followup inspections uh my last inspection was yesterday May 22nd 2024 results of the follow-up inspection the violation of remains or Rebel of structure remains on the property this was my first posting for the hearing was May 8th 2024 this was this was uh March 27th 2024 May 3rd 2024 this was when I posted for the lean hearing on May 13 2024 and this picture was taken yesterday the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-15 CB it is determined that the respondent Shannon Kramer is the owner of the property located at 809 Cherokee Circle located in simal County as determined by the property appraisers records in possession or control of the property and is in violation of simol county code chapter 95 95.4 as as defined in 95.3 C and is further recommended that the code enforcement board based on the findings of fact conclusion of Law and Order issued on March 28th 2024 I am recommending that the code enforcement board to issue an an order imposing a lean in the amount of 2,700 for 27 days of non-compliance from April 27th through and including May 23rd 23 2024 and that the fine shall continue to acrew at $100 per day for each day that the violation continues or is repeated after May 23rd 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you uh any questions rer Hanson on this one I have one question so it's either the structure has to be removed or repair because it looks like an abandoned broken roof building so what is it is it supposed to be the whole thing removed or was the it could be removed or it can be fenced okay fenced okay and if I'm trying to remember I know we've already heard this case but was this the roof that was collapsing or something I think yeah yeah okay okay uh can I have you identify yourself Shannon creamer okay and uh this is your opportunity to speak to both of these cases uh we'll uh we'll call one the uh en culted vegetation and the other one the uh the remains rubel of a structure so if you want to again we're here actually we're here we're not to hear the case all over again but whether or not we should put a lean it's still out of compliance and whatever your your thoughts are understood yeah the house is being sold uh contract was signed on May 3rd um with Florida Cash home buyers uh we've got a projected closing date uh onor before June 10th um so it it is in the process of being sold um the inspection has happened um my understanding had been that signing the contract would essentially stop the clock um if that's not the case then then of course I will I will pay the fees through the time that the that the title changes hands and you say there's a closing date set um it was supposed to be within 30 days um there was a brief delay on getting the inspection done because I was in Tampa for work um but yeah we signed the signed the contract on May 3rd there was an extension of one week so yeah June 10th it was this a vacant house I'm trying to remember uh it was it is currently vacant um you know it was my house I lived in it it was damaged in the storms um there was a long drawn out fight with the insurance company that did not go my way um I'm I'm living elsewhere right now because of the condition of house and now it's being sold okay so that's what we have uh she's got to we're here to decide whether then we'll we'll take these one at a time again this is uh this is the uncultured vegetation we'll go ahead I guess we'll take first did you just a quick question did you bring this contract at all to I have it on I have it on my phone I I didn't have a chance to print it out I I the notice went to the the buyer not me so she did send me a copy of it but we have to have a certificate of title before we can close it for it to be somebody else's property and they are aware they are pulling the the permits to to complete the repairs as soon as the sale is is completed and did I see a did I see a dumpster in one of those photos is there a dumpster there's a dumpster there currently as as we're as I'm emptying out the the yard vegetation and the the last of property in the house thank you I mean the way I see it it's out of compliance and we don't really have much of a choice but to either agree with the leans or not and if we're going to be consistent we have to I would move that we would accept the staff's recommendation on both of them and that the new buyer deal with it we don't have choice just just so that I can be clear the the a new buyer would have to come to the county and ask for lean reduction correct correct thank you so I I mean I meant that as a motion not as a statement so I moved accept the staff's recommendation on both of those um two claims Sor okay uh start with the first one 24-14 CB uh the motion by Mr Ross second by Mr Bates accept status recommendation as presented that would be to impose the lean as noted any more discussion all in favor say I I opposed and then the the next case is uh 24-15 CB same motion by the same parties uh to accept St recommendation as presented finding that there was a violation all in favor say I I opposed and uh that carries and uh so it's that's where we ended up and uh thank you for doing the best you could I guess I and I I apologize this is I've never had to to do this before how do I do I how do I pay that how do I we can't give you legal advice you have to talk to the inspector okay good luck thank you okay and uh that brings us back to the original order there's nobody else that has come in is there that has a case it wants to be heard no okay so what's left on your agenda is item two on page one and items six seven and eight on pages three four and five so we'll start with item two on page one that's case number 24-36 CB Ruby Smith Jimmy Smith and Johnny day Jr 1257 to Pew Street out to mon Springs 32701 one officer dare whenever you're ready code enforcement officer Cameron darce s county code or excuse me S County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24-36 dceb the respondents are Ruby and Jimmy Smith and Johnny day Jr going to hand a copy of this power Point presentation to the clerk as exhibit a this violation is located at 1257 to Pew Street in semal County Florida the violation charge is semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 abandoned or junked vehicles my initial inspection was on December 14th 2023 notices to respondents were December 28th 2023 and January January 11th 2024 compliance dates were January 11th 2024 in January 25th 2024 the follow-up inspections were as follows in my last one was yesterday May 22nd 2024 the results were that the junk and abandoned vehicles remain on the property so these two images show my initial inspection on December 14th 2023 see the junk Vehicles all throughout the yard follow-up inspection on December 18th nothing's changed another followup on January 11th same results nothing's changed January 26th vehicles in the same locations uh this is date of boasting on May 10th 2024 and this is the recent photo from yesterday uh the vehicles still remain the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in the case number 24-36 CB it is determined that the respondent Ruby and Jimmy Smith and Johnny day Jr is the or are the owner of record of property located at 1257 to Pew Street located in sem County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and is it is in violation of semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 e is further recommended further recommended that the board issue an order for the respondents to correct the violation honor before midnight of June 7th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove repair or place inoperable Vehicles inside a garage or P permitted attached carport if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each date of violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact me to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions officer there yeah have you spoken with these um homeowners and if so what did they say um I spoke with Mr Johnny day on the day I the initial inspection he called me back and was like oh I'm 86 years old but I'm going to work towards compliance you have nothing to worry about then I believe he called me a month or two after um same story asking for more time he like but I'll get it done and then I haven't heard from him since and then Alexis informed me today that he would not be able to make it due to medical reasons I think and just out of curiosity why don't we get the pictures from the same van Point each each visit in other words I can see the vehicle with nothing in the front at all I mean there's not even a motor in there in half of the pictures but not in the other half because it's taken from a different vantage point where you can't really see that section of the property that's something I could work to a better show for you guys next time there's no answer to it thank you does anyone live at the property yes okay any other questions okay the uh so you haven't spoken to the Smiths only to Mr ray da yes correct okay uh the recommendation is compliance by June 7th or $100 a day fine move the officer's recommendation second have a motion by Mr bit second Townson to accept s recommendation uh finding there is a violation setting a compliance date of June 7th 2024 or $100 day fine from that point forward all in favor say I I oppos motion carries takes care of that one then on page three uh item number six lean request 23-43 CB Shon and Diana M M 3046 holiday Avenue of Pop Florida 32703 officer Adare can we make a motion to warm the room up awful I thought Dudley would offer me his jacket but he didn't it's just harassing when everybody else are to do code enforcement officer Cameron adir s County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 23-43 CB the respondents are Shannon and Diane mocked going to present a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit a this violation is located at 3046 holiday AV in semal County Florida the the violation charge seminal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 abandon or junk vehicles um the initial inspection for this was on April 27th 2023 by V Vincent bavara the code board order date was December 22nd 2023 and the followup inspections since that were December 27 2023 May 10th 2024 and yesterday May 22nd 2024 results are the junk demanding Vehicles still remain on the property so this was the initial inspection by Vincent Bavaro on April 27th 2023 shows the flat tire on the Explorer another photo by uh Mr Bavaro on May 24th 2023 same thing a photo from Mr pavaro on 621 2023 same thing Mr bravar provided this photo on 711 2023 same thing uh another inspection done by Mr bvar on 9:14 20123 this is the I believe the initial posting by Mr bavar on 11:20 2023 uh follow-up inspection after the hearing on December 27 2023 uh this was the lean posting I provided on May 10th 2024 and this is a current inspection of yesterday uh results haven't changed but you see the posting has been removed and that the respondent has threw out the trash in their front yard suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on testimony and evidence presented in case number 23-43 CB it is determined that the respondents Shannon and Diane mocked is are the owner of record of the property located at 3046 holiday a located in semal County as determined by the property appraiser record is in possession of control of the property and is in viation of sem county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 it is further recommended that the code enforcement board based on the findings of fact conclusion Law and Order issued on December 23rd 2023 I am requesting that the code enforcement board issue a order constituting a lean in the amount of $15,300 for a 153 days of non-compliance from December 23rd 2023 through an includ May 23rd 2024 at $100 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $100 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after May 23rd 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you any questions officer or Mr Bates officer have you had any contact with either of the respondents I have not no and I One I took this case over from Vinnie I don't believe he has either so we're in the totally in the dark as to why this has been the sitting there with no response no action correct nothing does it appear that anybody lives in the house other than the garbage being in the front of it I can't attest to that because I haven't done the previous inspections off the two I've seen windows open so I I do believe someone's living in there excuse me so this has been going on over a year I noticed there's a license tag on the vehicle do you by any chance know if it's up to date I I have not looked into that but I can okay I move to accept the staff's recommendation impos the lean exactly as the staff has recommended second yeah motion by Mr uh the Brooks Ross Ross sorry Brooks is my is my cousin good bye Mr bait that's other to accept staff's recommendation as presented imposing the lean for $15,300 uh and the fines will continue to recr all in favor say I I post it carries and it brings us to the next case uh on the next next page item 7 23-44 CB horem air uh care of G Crystal Bailey 128 Leon Street out M Springs 32701 AER Adair code enforcement officer Cameron Adair Simon County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 23- 44- cev respondents Horus Mack and Co Crystal Bailey going to present a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit a this violation is located at 128 Leon Street semal County Florida the violation charge is semal County Land feling code Chapter 30 part 11 as defined in section 30182 use is permitted storage on a vacant parcel is not permitted use in R1 zoning District so the initial inspection was conducted by Vincent Vincent Bavaro on April 26 2023 the code the code board order date was March 8th 2024 and follow-up inspections were March thir March 11th 2024 and May 10th 2024 uh results of the followup inspection the unpermitted use violation no longer remains on the property this was initial inspection by Vincent on May 17 2023 a follow-up inspection by Vincent Bavaro on June 8th 2023 follow up by officer bavar on October 20th 20123 this was his initial posting I believe on February 6 20124 this was a followup when I took the cas face over from him on uh March 11th 2024 shows the boats and vehicles are still there and this is a recent the most recent photo uh from May 10th it shows that the lot's been cleared the suggested recommendation by me is based on testimony and evidence presented in case number 23-44 ceb it is determined that the respondents Horus Mack and Co Crystal Bailey is are the owner of record of the property located at 128 Leon Street located in semal County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and was in violation of semal County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 11 as defined in 30.1 82 it is further recommended that based on the findings of fact conclusion a law order issued on February 22nd 2023 I'm requesting the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $6,300 for 63 days of non-compliance from March 9th 2024 through an including May 10th 2024 at $100 per day this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for us or there Mr Bas same question officer have you had any contact with this respondent and and second part of that is is the place occupied people in there um so to answer your first one no I have not had contact with them and the second question it's a vacant lot so there's no one living there okay and it is in compliance now correct can you tell me why this uh item says uh horse Mac Air Care of Crystal Bailey is that because the previous owner died or I I believe so I think Horus Mack um I believe his father passed but his son has the same name I think that's what was going on and do you know when this property came into compliance on my inspection on May 10th but you don't know when the vehicles were removed they were they were not removed in the March inspection correct and they were removed in the May inspection thank you let me just couple observations here one some I mentioned already it's in compliance and what has been done many times in the past and when we get to a case like this and it's in compliance you'll notice right above the recommendation line is the administrative costs and so sometimes in these particular cases when they brought in complaints there might be a motion to reduce it to administrative cost if it's paid within a certain number of days calendar a calendar date or it reverts back to that that's one option I just throw it out there cuz I don't think we've done that since some of you been here the other one is in regard and I don't know what how why it says air next to it but this horem family has been here several times over the years I'm surprised they're not here now uh but it sounds like that they've just made this they've cleaned it up and made it into a lot uh uh and cleaned it up so just for whatever that's worth they're not here but uh we are able to consider if the the board's pleasure uh administrative costs in Le of the fine however we would normally say if it's not paid x amount of days and it reverts back just for your information it's listed that way because that's how it's listed on the property appraisers site Mac comma Horus air and then the mailing address is care of Bailey Crystal so that's why it's listed that way I'd just like to point out that if someone did make a motion to go with the administrative cost and if not paid by a certain time reverting back to the findings uh of a $6,300 lean I mean we don't even know for sure when these people came into compliance other than for this May 10th inspection I mean it could have been May 9th it could have been March 10th so I'd just like to point that out to the board well but that's why the order clearly says to the respondent as soon as you believe you're in compliance you reach out to us and let us know so that officer I would move I mean I don't think it makes any sense to reduce the cost if nobody's here to to hear it and say it's going to revert to 63 60 days or 90 days no one's here listening to it so I would just move to accept the staff's recommendation or not I would move to accept to accept the staff's recommendation if they want to get it reduced they can come and show up I'll second that I can't go for that uh he second motion uh by Mr Ross second by Mr Davis get it right here in a minute uh further discussion M Town do you have [Music] anything I wouldn't be in favor of that okay anything else okay all in favor for for that and that's imposing the uh the recommended lean of $6,300 and continueing $100 today from this point forward well no no no it's no it's in compliance so it stops oh it's in it sure okay so it would be imposing the lean for $6,300 uh no other discussion all in favor say I I oos no no all right you got to raise your hands do it again no no all in favor raise your hand all opposed wow I haven't had this ever it's been a long time it's been a long time hold on we stated ourselves so he got a coin oh no there's the Robert's Rules of Order right I mean it's Rob 33 the motion fails I mean or somebody can make an alternative motion it's time for a new motion yeah the chairman get a second vote what is your come come on you and I are talking I don't remember the rob you you you yeah tell who knows the Robert's Rules of Order 3 three the motion fails the motion I thought you're supposed to come up with a second a different now it's time for a new motion hold on and I I'll move that we um I move that we um find them the administrative cost of 538 605 or I'm sorry 638 is item seven yeah it's 538 53805 you're right um and should they not should that not be satisfied within 90 days it would revert to the uh lean amount of $6,300 second all right give me a date for the 90 days please August 20 no excuse me uh yeah August 21st 2024 okay okay that okay uh so we have a new motion uh Mr signing motion to uh reduce the fine amount to the administrative cost of $538 in5 cents as long as it's paid by August 21st is that what I said August uh I'm sorry uh paid by no paid by September no August 21st you saying 90 be August 21st yes yes thank you uh so the motion is reduce it to administrative costs paid by August 21st 2024 or it reverts back to the recommended amount of $ 6300 everybody okay understand that uh and that was a motion by Mr s second by Miss Townson all in favor say I I iOS a motion carries Mr Davis was a a and concludes that particular case brings us to next page page number five it's item number eight case number 24-2 ceb Howard C Clinton 101 Holly Hawk drive out to mon Springs Florida 32701 AER Adair code enforcement officer Cameron Adair s County Sheriff's Office South Region case number 24-2 dceb respondent Howard C Clinton going to present a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to clerk as exhibit a the violation is located at 101 Holly Hawk Drive semal County Florida violation charged semal County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 70 as defined in section 30.1 349e fence requirements all fenes shall be maintained in their upright original condition so the initial inspection was on June 7th 2023 the code board order date was on March 8th 2024 uh follow-up inspections since the order date are March 11th 13th uh August 2nd 2023 March 22nd 2024 May 10th and yesterday uh May 22nd 2024 the results in the inspection the dilapidated fense violation no longer remains on the property uh this is the original inspection date showing the dilapidated fence uh August 22nd or 27th 2023 this is another inspection on July 18th 20123 shown the same fence same thing um fence Still Remains delapidated on 829 2023 so October 11th 2023 same thing this was the original posting date um showing the fence back in February 6 2024 this is February 21st 2024 the fence same condition this is March 11th the correction date was supposed to be March 9 8th I believe uh the fence Still Remains dilapidated this was the lean posting on May 10th 20124 same condition and this is yesterday's inspection uh May 22nd 2024 they erected a new fence suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-2 dceb it is determined that the respondents Howard St Clint is are the owner of record of the property located at 101 Holly Hawk Drive located in semal County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and was in violation of semal County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 70 as defined in section 30.1 349e it is further recommended that based on the findings of fact conclusion Law and Order issued on February 22nd 2024 I am requesting the code food enforcement board issue order constituting a lean in the amount of $3,750 for 75 days of non-compliance from March 9th 2024 through and including May 22nd 2024 at $50 per day this concludes my presentation thank you any questions f s there I have a question actually foret oh and this isn't because of the other vote we just had and I'm assuming we're going to do the same thing um if we red like the other word we reduce the down administrative course and you're giving somebody who's not here who doesn't comply 90 days to comply they're not going to even know they have the 90 days to comply we're going to increase it anyway which I which I think is was a waste of time for us to do but how does that work because you record a lean does that mean the clerk has to re record the lean to increase it so this property is in compliance correct so was the other one but we reduced it to to the administrative cost and then we gave the person 90 days to pay the cost or it would go up how does that orever or it reverts back to the original amount corre they're going to hold off on filing the lean for the 90 days got it and so once they either have payment or if they get payment as soon as they get that reduced payment then there's no lean right right if they don't get it on the 91st day they go ahead and record it at the full amount so they just hold off okay I just want to see if we're doing extra work yeah and and how does that notification occur do you know what notification uh of that they were find an administrative cost they're going to get a copy of the order order is going to be sent to them be mailed to the residents just like they got notice of today's hearing and chose not to be here right that that's kind of my point right I mean that's that's the whole situation is they they could be here to explain their situation they chose not to but now they'll get a copy of your decision as well oh I mean we don't know why they're not here perhaps they can I interject um I believe the property owner passed in March so his son's been taking the care of the property he called me once I called him I left a voicemail never heard from him since um so it was the neighbor who actually gave me his phone number mean it's possible that I mean these people are have a job that they can't just leave in the middle of a Thursday afternoon to sit through a code enforcement board meeting oh but they can also reach out to the clerk at any time or reach out to the inspector at any time and explain that they can't be here and we also can't just assume excuses because then we would have to excuse every single person that can't be here and we haven't done that in the past and that's kind of you know you can't we can't selectively decide make excuses for someone we have to accept that they're here we're not right and stop so I'm going to assume we're going to do the same thing as last time with that's why I asked the question so I don't mind moving to accept administrative cost with the 90day period and let it revert into the full amount if it's not going to create unnecessary work for the clerk that was mostly my concern is creating unnecessary work for the clerk's office I'll second okay motion by Mr Ross I believe second by Mr signing toess uh recommendation the administrative cost however reducing it to the administrative cost of $554 26 to be paid within the same name calendar date August 21st 2024 thank you so much uh or it averts back to the original requested amount which is $3,750 all understood all in favor say I iOS nay M Mr Davis okay Mr Davis is nay uh motion carries and I think that might be our last one case is not heard unless I missed it yeah uh I'll move to approve the minutes from the April 25 meeting second thank you uh motion Mr signning second by Miss Townson to approve the minutes from our April 28 25th 2024 meeting all in favor say I I I post uh next meeting date we have June 27th that's right you're not going to your June thing right so we'll have have a meeting normally they every June they go to a conference an annual conference but that's not happening this year uh anything else any other business anybody has before we adjourn motion to adjourn Nate no Miss so move all in favor thank it's done love y'all but I got to go fall out [Music] l [Music]