##VIDEO ID:eddatlxVYaE## [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to go ahead and uh get started here uh welcome to the December 5th 2024 uh seal County Code Enforcement board meeting uh like to start by taking the roll call Madam clerk if you could do that for us here cine Townsen here Mike San here Dudley bites not present Craig Davis here Vice chair Kevin Ross Andino here Don Peterson here any Vette Brown here thank you uh welcome Don haven't seen you for a while welcome back here sir uh we're going to do the Pledge of Allegiance and then I'm going to read some things and talk for just a moment and we'll get started but please rise for pledge of Al IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you if you're going to be speaking today anybody in the audience if you please remain standing raise your right hand so the clerk here can swear you in do you swear or affirm the testimony that you're about to give is the truth yes thank you okay uh the agenda normally we uh make a few changes here I'm not sure if the changes will be warranted by the board today uh the first respondant has eight cases we're going to move that around but since then we've got there's another respondent that has three cases another one has two another one has one so uh my thought is just to go in the normal order we would begin with the one that has eight was going to put that one at the end but it really doesn't really seem to matter at this point everybody okay with that agree Okay then if there's no objections we'll just go with the order that uh we have uh at this time and the respondents that are here the way we'll take them is item number 1 through 8 uh that respondent is Phyllis l Scott uh and I'll read all those case numbers when we get to them individually and that would be followed by case number number nine Miguel Leon a Maria I Leon Miguel a leon followed by the respondent that has three cases uh that would be items 10 11 12 respondent is property Scholars invest Group LLC and looks like SBC startups resourcing and Enterprises LLC and that would be followed by items number 14 and 15 uh Edward sarapin and Frankle yenny low on both of those cases and that's the order we will go in after we do those and all the folks that aren't here we will and the lean request and everything anything else we we'll do separately so uh I guess I don't need a motion since it's the order we have so that uh being said I'm going to go ahead and read something into the record folks for you all that are here today and anyone else uh give me one moment uh good afternoon and again welcome to the December 5th 2024 hearing of the seal County Code Enforcement board before we begin I'd like to advise everyone about the procedures of govern appearances before the code enforcement board this meeting is open to the public under Florida's government in Sun in the Sunshine Law therefore every effort will be made to hear all persons having relevant evidence or argument to offer it is required that every person who appears before the code enforcement Board needs to be registered with the clerk the cases where the respondents are present and signed in will be heard first you will be sworn in or affirmed by the clerk once all cases where the respondents are present have been heard the code enforcement order will hear the remaining cases as they appear on the agenda when your case is called please be seated at the table reserved for respondant the county will present their case and the respondents will be allowed to present their case additionally please limit your comments to only information relating to this case each party May question Witnesses offered on behalf of the other party additionally staff members May question those appearing before the code enforcement board the board will then make the decision based on the evidence and the testimony presented by both parties all proceedings before the code enforcement board are electronically recorded please speak directly into the microphone at the center of the table and state your name clearly before presenting your case should you need assistance due to a hearing impairment or language barrier please inform the clerk upon registration all cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off for silenced while inside the chambers thank you for your cooperation uh if everybody understands that pretty simple basic it is what it is we'll call you up when we call your case up uh has everybody been sworn in and registered who has a case here today thank you so much so if there's nothing else we'll begin with uh case number be item number one case number 2479 ceb philis L Scott uh and there will be several to follow that one so whoever here for the Phyllis L Scott case if you could please come up to this table here chairman if I could while they're coming up there are five of these have one parcel number and five of these or three of these have a different parcel number okay U is it okay if I ask if these two properties are uh adjacent to each other yeah the uh officer yeah they're 1810 and 1820 they're right next to each other thank you thanks once youall get comfortable there if you can sir we'll start with you uh your name please I'm Robert L Scott J okay and your relationship to this case I'm the son okay of Mr and M Scott thank you and we have on your left phis L Scott and you're the owner Miss Scott yes okay uh okay we're alisar Hansen you're ready whenever you're ready go ahead code enforcement officer Shannon Henson s County Sheriff's Office uh Code Enforcement North Region uh for the record I'm going to submit a copy of the presentation to the clerk as they said it one this case is 2479 dceb philis L Scott the property uh the partial uh the property is at Hy Avenue and Douglas Street the violation charge of simal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 defined in the section 95.3 a as rubbish my first inspection was October 31st 2023 my notices of uh respondents was 11:14 2023 and April 2nd 2024 the compliance dates were December 1st 2023 April 17th 2024 I did follow-up inspections the the last one was today and the results of the inspection was a violation of rubbish remains on the property these were taken on my first inspection this was December 11th 2023 and February 15th 20124 April 3rd 2024 May 15 2024 May 30th 2024 June 25th 2024 August 1st 2024 11 uh November 1st 2024 and this is when I posted the property for the hearing was 11:21 2024 and this was uh today December 5th the 24th um s the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in the case number 2479 CB it is determined that the respondent is Phyllis L Scott the owner of record of the property located at Hy Avenue in Douglas Street located in simal County as determined by the property appraiser records they're in possession uh or control of the property and is in violation of simal county code chapter 95 95.4 is defined in 95 3A it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondant to correct the violation or be on or before midnight of December 19th 2024 in order to remove the violation the respondent must remove all the rubbish from the property if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact the code enforcement officer myself Shannon Henson and for a followup inspection to verify compliance this completes my presentation thank you any questions from the board from for offer Hansen uh officer could we see the June slide June of 24 slide please yes can you tell me what that is on on the photograph that would be on your left it looks like some type of heavy equipment yes there's um multiple different items that there's been uh some tractors like Caterpillar tractors there's been some U-Haul beds and they've been a lot has been removed actually and then sometimes it's moved to different spots depending on what parcel it's on thank you any other questions okay uh for Mr Scott and your witness Mr Scott uh this is your opportunity to speak to these uh violations that we're we're addressing right now keep in mind we're here there's multiple cases each each separate violation is heard separately so this is the one that we just saw so then we'll go into the other ones this is your opportunity to speak to what we just saw on the F on the uh board up there um I want to just speak as a whole is I'm sure all the violations are in relations to the all the property um you're welcome to Sir my father's 80 years old um we he's finally come to the conclusion that he know he's got to get rid of this stuff um the issue we having is as we're cleaning it up you know we might take a 3 four five days cuz we have to adjust our schedule to accommodate helping him and the grass grows back up and we're trying to get rid of the uh tires we're accumulating tires as we cleaning up the property we was wondering if there's any way that we can be accommodated with some type of removal of the tires up in US remove the tires but we don't have the the they don't cuz I know one time they accommodated the town with uh dumpsters to get rid of the tires old tires that's beyond this board control though just so you know uh we're here to decide whether or not there's a violation or violations and what the remedy is going to be so that's really all the authority we have uh I'm glad that you're sort of moving forward in that direction but we can't we can't help with that I mean I know the case is she's the she's been bearing with us with cleaning it up but it's just you know pretty timec consuming with adjusting our schedules to help him out the problem is you're you're running the the time yeah we're we're here to put a date on it a fixed buy date that's what we're going to decide today on each one of these uh and this started back it looks like October 2023 so that's what we're here for to when can you get this done speaking as to the first case right now the rubbish and we're trying to get rid of it's hard trying to get rid of that the he has three pieces of equipment and that's the main issue is the equipment but as far as the other stuff we should be able to get rid of it by the end of the year the small things but as far as the equipment we're trying to find a way to get rid of that and the tires pretty much the tires and the equipment is our main problem the recommendation that this board has at this moment to consider is it needs to be done by December 19 understand do you were you asking for something different I need an extension on that if you could if possible these folks will decide here what what what is it you're asking for I mean on what you think well let me ask you a question you say we who's we you and your father you and your si father back there yes but excuse me but this is the boss lady but my brother but my brother-in-law is one helping us he have the equipment in the DP truck to do it and he helps us in his spare time but what slowed the progress he fell before the holidays injured his head so he wasn't able to you know after the hurricane to do anything thing and he doesn't want anyone's out there if he's not and he doesn't let anybody else run his equipment so we basically working in between him cuz if we try to find someone and you know tell them that they can move the stuff they might move it and leave everything get just take what they want and leave everything else in a mess so that wouldn't help us at all if if I could um ask the officer here and and you if we could have the officer respond first is is the equipment that they're referring to this a part of the this specific violation that we're talking about it's part of a another violation for inoperable Vehicles okay so let me go back to you then you believe that you can get the smaller things by the end of the year the equipment that were going to hear about in in a later incident is going to take longer that's what you're saying yes and once we move the stuff the rubbish shot we're going to move that inside on the property so it won't be outside our line or won't even be noticeable maybe if we can get it inside the property I'm sorry I didn't understand that you're want to do what get the the equipment is on the outside we're trying to cons the outside of what on the street we're gonna have to keep moving along so focus on the small stuff for this case and then you'll hear a little bit more about the equipment so on this case he's saying he needs a he believes he can do it by the end of the year so maybe a little more time than December 19th so for for this particular violation that we're dealing with now I'd like to move that uh we give the respondent until uh December 31st in order to um comply with this um um and then if if it is not done by that point then uh a $100 fine would be imposed for each day that the violation continues or is repeated I appreciate that but I can't second that and I would say that considering that we're going into 14 months of this I think there's been enough adjustment of schedule to that I would hold to the December 19th date we have a motion by Mr signning to accept s recommendation have removing the uh compliance date to which de to December 31st give them an extra uh 12 days that would be 31st any further discussion on that or a second we've heard I'll second that okay which one uh his motion which would give them until December 3 31st move the compliance to the 31st or $100 a day fine any other discussion we have a motion in a second all in favor say I I I no okay uh motion passes uh and moving to the next case which is case number 24-8 CED Phyllis Scott Douglas Scott Sanford Street 32771 uh and if I didn't read the first case that's the same uh okay uh AER Henson whenever you're ready courot enforcement officer Shannon Henson s County sheriff's office North Region uh for the record I'm submitting a copy of this presentation to the clerk is exhibit one um this case number is 24- 80 CB respondent phis L Scott it is on the property is located on Hy Avenue and Douglas Street the violation charge simal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as described in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation I first initially inspected this property October 31st 2023 with a notice of violation uh a notice of respondent on November 14th 2023 and April 2nd 2024 with compliance dates of December 1st 2023 and April 17th 2024 I did followup inspections including today December 5th 2024 the result of the follow-up inspection the uncultivated vegetation violation remains on the subject property these pictures were taken October 31st 2023 my first inspection December 11th 2023 December 11 2023 February 15 2024 April 3rd 2024 May 30th 2024 June 25th 2024 August 1st 2024 November 1st 2024 uh November 20 1st 2024 when I posted the property for hearing and today December 5th 2024 the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in the case number 2480 CB is determined that the respondent phis L Scott is the owner of record of the property located at Hy Avenue and Douglas Street located in simol County determined by the property appraiser records and is in possession or control of the property is and is in violation of simal county code chapter 95 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of December 19th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the uncultivated vegetation in excess of 8 in in height if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or or is repeated after compliance the respondent must uh contact myself to make arrangements for inspection when the property is in compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for officer Henson yeah officer Henson can you go back to today's photo please um I'm I'm assuming just if you could get me up to speed that you have spoken with them about what it's going to take to get this particular uh overgrown into compliance and can you just explain to me what what more has to be done yes well this one here's the uh pictures for the uh vegetation even though it has other items in it but we have discussed multiple times it's just the reason I gave them a little longer time is because they have had illnesses and um so this here they have cut the grass and then of course it comes back so this is veget in this in this picture thank you any other questions I don't have a question I have a a request I think the answer is going to be the same thing to every every one of these why don't we just listen to them all and give them the same compliance date instead of I mean I think it's kind of kind of redundant to give or if we're going to do six different um compliance dates that's going to be almost impossible for them to figure it out I mean we're going to have to be consistent and compliance days so we can do them one by one but I don't think the answers are going to be any different they're going to need to the end of the year well I mean they've already made it clear that they won't when we get to the one with the larger items that they won't be able to comply right to keep the record clean do it like this okay okay just just keep the cases moving along but to keep the records clear I think you need to kind of address individuals right I'll be I'll move that they be given until the 31st okay this is again an opportunity for you to speak if you have anything You' like to offer the recommendation again is December 19th on this particular violation which is the vegetation over 8 in uh it would be $50 a day for violations beyond that point that's where we're at that's what we're considering this is just keeping the grass down overgrown she the a sir can explain but that's my understanding we can get that under under control by the 19th okay nothing else to offer okay is there a motion uh again the recommendation by December 19th or in this particular violation $50 a day fund I I'll move that we accept staff's recommendation they say they can get it done by the 19th okay I'll second that okay uh motion to accept s recommendation as presented second motion by Mr son and SEC second by Miss Townsen all in favor say I I oppos okay December 19th the date on that one moving to the next violation which is number item number three on the agenda case number 24- 81 CB uh same respondent same address uh officer hon code enforcement officer shanana Henson s County Sheriff's Office Code Enforcement North Region I'm submitting a copy for the presentation to the clerk is exhibit one this case is 24- 81 CB respond at Phyllis L Scott the property is located on Hy Avenue and Douglas Street the charge the vi violation charge the simol county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as determined in 95.3 e abandoned or junk vehicles I my first inspection was October 31st 2023 the uh first notice of respondent was November 14th 2023 and the second one was April 2nd 2024 with compliance dates of December 1st 2023 and April 17th 2024 my I did multiple inspections the last one was December 5th 2024 the results following of the follow-up inspection the violation of abandoned or junk Vehicles remains on the property this uh this photo was taken October 31st 2023 December 11th 2023 February 15th 2024 April 3rd 2024 May 15 2024 May 30th 2024 June 25th 2024 August 1st 2024 November 1st 2024 and what is my posting of hearing was on November 21st 2024 and this was taken today December 5th 2024 the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer based on testimony evidence presented in case number 24- 81 CB it is determined that the respondent phis elcott is the owner of record of the property located at Hy Avenue and Douglas Street located in simal County as determined by the property Appraiser's record in possession she's in possession or control of the property and is in violation of simal county code chapter 95 95.4 as defined in 95.3 it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honor before midnight of December 19th 2024 in order to correct this violation the respondent must remove an inoperable vehicles from the property if the respondent does not comply with the order a f of $100 will be imposed each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact myself when the property is in compliance to verify this concludes my presentation thank you any questions officer Hanson uh yeah officer Henson is that is there only one vehicle that's currently causing this violation I saw in the photo from today is that the only one or are there still other vehicles currently on the property that are violation there's another but that that one is the one that's helping is cleaning up that one's operating okay there's one other one that's partially apart and it looks like they moved it a little bit um but it's still one on that that property there's one on the other property still thank you any other questions okay again this is your opportunity to speak to this particular violation uh can we get to the 31st on this one as well okay the request is that all you you're request extension to the end of the year instead of the 19 Maybe it's being requested that the compliance date be extended to the 31st I'm happy to move that we uh give them until the 31st uh at that point we would um impose a fine of $100 per day is there a second on this second uh motion by Mr signning second by Miss uh Mr Peterson to accept St recommendation as presented however extending the compliance date to December 31st any other discussion all in favor say i i i oppos n motion carries with one day uh and moving on to the next one it's item four on the agenda case number 24- 83 CB same respondent however this address my understanding it's adjacent it's a different uh partial ID but it's right next door if that's not correct please please correct me and officer Hanson you're whenever you're right code enforcement officer Shannon Henson s County Sheriff's Office code enforcement for the record I uh submitting a copy of this presentation to the clerk is exhibit one this case number is 24 24- 38- CB the respondent is Phyllis L Scott 2483 I'm sorry about this 2483 C said 38 24- 83 CE sorry and this is out the property it's located at Hy Avenue in Douglas also the violation charge simal county code chapter 95 95.4 as defined in 95.3 abandoned or junk Vehicles the first my initial inspection was October 31st 2023 with a notice of respondent for November 14th 2023 the second one was April 2nd 2024 with compliance dates of December 1st 2023 and April 17th 2024 I I did multiple follow-up inspections uh the last one was today upon that uh follow-up inspection the violation of abandoned vehicles remains on the property this one was taken October 1st 20 October 31st 2023 December 11 2023 February 15 2024 April 3rd 2024 May 15th 202 24 May 30th 2024 June 25th 2024 August 1st 2024 November 1st 2024 and the say was taken today December 5th 2024 the suggested recommendation by the uh code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in the case number 24- 83 CB it is determined that the respondent phis L Scott the owner of record of property located at Hy Avenue in Douglas located in simal County it as determined by the property appraiser record is in possession of the property possession or control of the property and is a violation of simol county code chapter 95 95.4 as defined in 95.3 e and it's further recommended that the code enforcement board issue a an record for the respondent to correct the violation honored before midnight of dis mcber 19th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the inoperable vehicles from the property if the respondent does not remove the with the order a fine to does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondents must contact myself for an a follow-up inspection to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you and if anyone has any questions rer Hansen and and just as a reminder same type of violation as the last one abandoned vehicles just on a different property that they own both of them so it's separate violation anyone has any questions for user Henson seeing none sir that you saw the presentation this is the vehicles on the so now do we need to just get that truck off of that corner or because that's a working truck it's just we have we don't have a tag on it at the moment so do we need to just get it off that corner or what's I mean what as far as that goes that vehicle cuz we've got all of them set for that one that's still on the corner to me that one looked inoperable and it's never been shown to me that it wasn't um also it could be another violation because you're not supposed to store items on an empty parcel a vacant parcel okay so so it's supposed to be if there's a house or permanent structure it could be stored there if it's operable I got you okay so we'll get it moved I guess offer Henson am I mistaken and I mean it appears that the Vehicles parked in the exact same spot in all the photos thank you is there a reason why that this one appears in the exact same spot in all the photos well we've got rid of all of them and we just haven't figured out what we're going to exactly do with it yet sell it junk it or he hasn't made his my father hasn't made his mind exactly what he wants to do with it so I was wondering if we could just like we need to get it off the corner cor until you know he figures out what exactly he wants to do with it if it was a problem with it being on that corner on outside on the road officer Henson so if he thinks he's going to put a tag on it in your opinion that's not going to solve the problem no there's there's a violation you're not supposed to store anything on empty Parcels so I could have just done I suppose one blanket one for no storage on empty Parcels I got you we'll get get it taken care of right by the 19th 31st all right so he's requesting the 31st on this one also move that uh we accept staff's recommendation of a $100 fine and extending the date to December 31st for compliance I'll second it I have a motion by Mr signning second by Mr Ross to accept recommendation have remov in the compliance date until December 31st or $100 a day fine will be imposed all in favor say I I oppos nay motion passes uh item number five on the agenda it's case number 2484 CB philis L Scott uh same partial ID as this previous one we just heard Oscar Henson whenever you're ready code enforcement officer shanon Henson s County Sheriff's Office Code Enforcement North Region um submitting a copy of my presentation to the clerk of exhibit one this case number is 24-8 4cb the respondent Phyllis elcott the the property is located on Hy Avenue in Douglas Street the violation charge of simal county code chapter 95 95.4 defined in section 95.3 a rubbish the first inspection was done October 31st 2023 with notice to the respondent no November 14th 2023 and April 2nd 2024 the compliance dates were December 1st 2023 and April 17th 2024 I did multiple follow-up uh inspections including yesterday I mean today I'm sorry December 5th 2024 and the result of the followup uh inspection the violation of rubish remains on the property this picture was taken October 31st 2023 this one was December 11th 202 3 February 15 2024 April April 3rd 2024 then May 15 2024 May 30th 2024 June 25th 2024 August 1st 2024 November 1st 2024 December 5th 2024 the uh suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in the case 24- 84-minute 5.3a and and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondents to correct the violation honored before uh midnight of December 19th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the rubbish from the property if the respondent does not comply with the order a f of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact myself for follow-up inspection to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions officer Hanson seeing none sir this is uh your opportunity to speak to this again same recommendations be made on this one as well I'm sorry get extension to the 31 on this one the request is for extending the time to the 31st of December I'll move that we accept staff's recommendation a fine of $100 per day extending that deadline until uh December 31st I'll second motion by Mr sign and second by Mr Ross uh that we accept staff's recommendation as presented however extending the deadline to December 31st or $100 day F will be imposed all in favor say I I I opposed nay motion carries moves us to item number six case number 24-85 CB phis Scott uh same address and partial ID as the one we just heard uh also hon whenever you're ready code enforcement officer Shannon Henson s County sheriff's office North Region for the record I'm submitting a copy of this presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this case number is 24-85 dceb respondent is Phyllis L Scott this property is located Hy Avenue in Douglas Street in simol County Florida violation charge is simal county code chapter 95 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B and cultivated vegetation my first inspection was October 31st 2023 notice to respondant was November 14th 2023 and April 2nd 2024 the compliance dates were December 1st 2023 and April 14th 2024 with followup inspections and the last one was today December 5th 2024 the result of the follow-up inspection the uncultivated vegetation remains on the subject property this picture was taken October 31st 2023 this one was taken April 3rd 2024 this one was taken May 30th 2024 this was taken June 25th 2024 these were taken August 1st 2024 these were taken November 1st 2024 and this was taken on my posting on no November 21st 2024 and this was taken today December 5th 2024 it is suggested the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-85 CB is determined that the respondent Phyllis elcott is the owner of property located at Hy Avenue and Douglas Street located in simal County as determined by the property appraisers record and is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of simal county code chapter 95 95.4 as the term 95.3 B and is further recommended that the code enforcement board order uh issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honored before midnight of December 19th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondant must remove the uncultivated vegetation in excess of 8 Ines in height if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or or is repeated after complt liance the respondent must contact myself for follow-up inspection when the property is in compliance this concludes my ver my presentation thank you any questions aler Hansen I just have one um we we're I know we were doing these individually but I'm going to ask it anyway we have these ping ponging deadlines on it how isn't that going to impose an extra burden on your office and on the county to go there twice for for to check different things and different different dates no all of them were the same time I would visit sometimes I would like just wouldn't see something or it' be behind something and I wouldn't get the proper picture soct there I mean going forward we have some on the 19th some on the 31st you going to be and would you have to go back twice for these if we since the dates are different on different ones and you're going to have to go back to the property to make sure the 19th things are done by the 19th and then again in the 31st to make sure the 31st things are done by the 31st right they would like if you've seen other pictures some of the violation would be remove mov D so I think there was one that was different yeah the the mowing is the one that so here we are again at the mowing the mowing it's the same the 19th we can we can take care of the mowing part that's that's not a problem oh no that's not a problem okay I'm in those areas a lot so right okay I got you any other questions folks I'm assuming it's the same request okay the 8 in is we can get a hold on that this one he can okay that move that we accept staff's recommendation uh with a compliance date of the 19th and if that is not done a f of $50 per day second motion by Mr sign second by Miss Townson uh to accept st's recommendation as presented that would be the deadline of December 19th or $50 per day would be the fine imposed all in favor say I I I oppos okay and it brings up well I abstained from voting on okay vote against or for okay one abstention uh where am I here one moment okay uh item number seven that's case number 24-9 CB same respondent same uh same partial ID and address as the last one officer Henson when have you ready code enforcement officer Shannon Henson Sim County sheriff's office North Region for the record I'm submitting a copy of the presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this case number is 24- 89- CB this property is located at Hy Avenue and Douglas Street Simo County Florida the violation charge to simal County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 14 section 30.1 14-19 I is that I or l i sorry sorry all fences must be M shall be maintained in their original upright Condition it's initial inspection was October 31st 2023 with a notice to the respondent no uh November 14th 2023 and April 2nd 2024 with compliance dates of December 1st 2023 and April 17th 2024 with follow-up inspections the last one remain was today December 5th 2024 the result of the inection the fence violation remains on property this one is take October 31st 2023 this one was taken April 3rd 2024 this one is May 15th 2024 this one is June 25th 2024 this one was August 1st 2024 this was November 1st 2024 and this was on my posting on November 21st 2024 and this was today December 5th 2024 the suggested recommendation by code enforcement officer is based on a testimony of evidence presented in the case number 2498 CB it is determined that the respondent Phyllis L Scott is the owner of record of the property located at Hy Avenue and Douglas Street located in simal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's record and is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of simol County Land Development code chapter 30 part 14 section 30.1 14.19 L I mean I I and is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of December 19th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must repair or remove the fence repair or remove the fence to its original upright condition if the respondent does not comply with the order fin of $50 will be imposed for that each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact myself for a follow-up inspection to verify complaints this concludes my presentation thank you questions roster Hansen U yeah officer can you just walk me through that last photo from today because it I mean it's really clear in the first photos I'm having a difficult time seeing there's an extra tire and a cone in the fences behind there in the gra has grown up again the but the fence is not in an upright position there or it's leaning and part of it's down and up just all the way up and down thank you fix that she any other questions profor Hanson okay sir this is your op the mic the 19th is fine for that one we'll fix that okay uh so there they have no objection to the recommendation does you need a permit fix it if he removes it he does not need a permit say that again on a vacant parcel he shouldn't need there shouldn't be a fence at all so it has to be remove remove the entire fence and entirety you hear that there Mr Scott he needs to understand that cuz he I would check I would check with the building department they can give you more uh clear definition of what permit you would need for that parcel all right when you determine can we get that by the 31st the removal of the fencing I thought we were just going to be able to fix it and but being it we got to remove it if we can get extension to the 31st as well it's requested moving compliance date to the 31st I'll move that we accept uh staff's recommendation of find a $50 a day with the compliance date of December 31st I'll I'll second it motion by Mr sign second by Mr Ross to accept status recommendation however moving in compli dates to December 31st or the same B $50 day fine imposed after that date any other discussion all in favor say I I opposed yay motion carries you've got to December 31st on that one and I believe the last one we have for you today is item number eight case number 24-9 CB same respondent we're back to the first address uh on this particular violation uh in the partial ID if you want it's in the book in the agenda officer Henson whenever you're ready quote enforcement officer Shannon Henson simal County sheriff's office North Region I'm submitting a copy of this presentation to the clerk is exhibit one the case number is 24-9 CB respond is Phyllis elcott this property is located at Hy Avenue in Douglas Street in simol County Florida violation charge simal County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 14 section 30.1 14.19 L all fences shall be maintained in their upright or original condition our initial inspection was October 31st 2023 response notice to respond it was November 14th 2023 and April 2nd 202 24 with compliance dates of December 1st 2023 and April 7th 2024 multiple inspections uh I followed up with multiple inspections the last one was today December 5th 2024 with a result of the followup inspection the fenes of violation and the fence violation remains on the property this one was taken October 31st 2023 April 3rd 2024 May 15th 2024 June 25th 2024 August 1st 2024 November 1st 2024 this was supposed to be November 20 21st 2024 when I posted the property and this was taken today December 5th 2024 the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in the case number 24-9 CB it is determined that the respondent Phyllis L Scott is the owner of record of the property located at Hy Avenue and Douglas Street located in simal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's record in possession or control of the property and is in violation of simol County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 13 section 30.1 14.19 L and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honor before night of December 19th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the offense and its original upright condition if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact myself for a follow-up inspection to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you questions offer Hanson so it's a similar issue this just the other parcel right and there's a structure on that that one or how because it didn't sound like anybody lives there so you were treating them different you said this one because it's empty it has a different set of rules neither of those have a permanent structure there's a house that is adjacent to it they own three Parcels there any other questions uh this is your opportunity uh this is about the fence same thing 31st extension please request is to extend the time to the 31st move that we accept staff's recommendation of a fine of $50 a day with a compliance date of December 31st I'll second uh motion by Mr sign and second I think by Mr Ross uh to accept stff recommendation however moving the compliance date to December 31st or a fine of $50 per day will be imposed all in favor say i i oppos y motion carries done uh we are done with you all thank you thank you for coming in hope you can take care of if I can give you one piece of advice just know that even if you got all these things done tomorrow the next time there's a violation it's not going you're not going all the warnings like you got this time so just it automatically kick yes sir just be aware of that it kick in right away thank you next uh next case is item number nine in the agenda uh it's on page four case number 24- 74 CB it's under continued cases Miguel Leon air Maria Leon Miguel a leon at 1208 Helen Street of Poa Florida 32703 and they have one case have you all been sworn in I think so yeah okay and I don't know the name will start to the right of the table sir your name please Ruben Leon Ruben Leon and ma'am your name Esther Michelle hton U daughter of Miguel Leon oh you're Miguel you're who you're the only I'm the daughter of Miguel oh you're the daughter okay and Miguel's the owner yes so you all are family and this is his brother yes okay got it all right thank you uh offic R whenever you're ready for the first code enforcement officer Cameron adir sem County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24- 74- CB one second sorry I'm prepared [Applause] the respondents are Miguel and Maria I Leon and Miguel a leon would like to submit a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk is exhibit a the violation is located at 1208 Helen Street in sua County Florida the violation charge SEMA county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined 95.3 abandon their junk vehicles are we here on a new case or is this a lean request this is alen okay all my cases toen request so we don't need to hear the case again okay corre it's just all right so be very careful as to why we're making a presentation um I'm going to kind of just see if this is what's accurate on the agenda um the matter came before the board on August 22nd and the order was giving the respondent a compliance date of October 21st 2024 is that correct correct and there was an Affidavit of compliance filed by the code enfor Code Enforcement inspector after the reinspection on October 31st 2024 is that correct correct so the property is currently in compliance correct and so it looks like at this point and I kind of recall their faces I don't sure why we continue it is there a reason that was continued uh the October hearing I was not here and I think it got uh the hurricane Milton postponed the October hearing so um now we're here okay so what you're in for right now is that the county is requesting a lean in the amount of $1,000 for 10 days of non-compliance from October 21st 2024 through an including October 30th 2024 is that correct correct and so if you look at your agenda it looks like administrative costs have also been provided to you the clerk's administrative costs are $183.7 the code enforcement officer administrative cost are $340 for a total administrative cost of $484 and 13 C so the only thing before you today is to decide whether or not you'd like to is isue a lean and if so what the amount is and the other option would be to eliminate the fines that have accured for those 10 days just wave it this is the case where the grandson was living on the property yes sir I don't so the administrative costs really aren't relevant in yes sir no no no this is a case like any other lean request it was just continued for some reason and I think you heard some testimony last time as to what the situation was I don't have any recollection um so you might want to talk to the respondent since they're here again but yeah the property was out of compliance for 10 days it came into compliance during that 10day period a fine accured so you would decide whether you want to file the lean for $1,000 or REM remove it completely wave it or reduce it to administrative cost to be paid within a certain amount of time okay okay so we all okay hopefully you heard that folks that's what we're here for there's some different options on the table obviously it appears that you were out of compliance for 10 days so some issues are attached to that we have to decide what to do the floor is yours if you'd like to speak to that well we we did everything what Cameron wanted us to do and we were just hoping if you can just completely take all the lanes off because we have no money to pay my Social Security Pays His housing my dad's pays for the rent and the um utilities and the lights and he has just a little very income and he has cancer and we didn't even know about this until my dad came to live with us I didn't know all this was happening I mean this is just like a a lot thrown at us and we didn't know so if you can take all the Lans off we that's a problem is that we didn't know until 8 10 months ago about this situation of the Le and I came here to represent my brother and it was impossible for the next meeting after the I think it was in April or this year and then the grandson TJ he never show up he never took the cars away anything by the by the 17th I think I have everything done except for one boat and and one one more in there and then came the Milton a urri and drop another Tree on top of the roof of the house and where the boat was and too came and tried to get it out and couldn't get it out the mod and the thing it was impossible so I talk to Mr Cameron and I explain I'm going to try and finally I did it I I can hardly move myself and I did it myself I cannot afford to pay nobody to to that uh I have one question for us there any County objection if we were to either apply administrative cost instead of the fine or if we were to wave them any of those options is there a is County have a position on any of those um I can only recommend either administrative cost or we go for the lean I I can't determine fin or waving them or reducing them okay so that's what we have we have three options maybe more but at least those I have a question just to make sure I understand everything is in compliance now yes okay I would make the motion that we um negate the lean and go with the total administrative cost with a 30-day time frame to get it paid how much Hold On We're the total 48843 okay we can do that in fact I would say 90 days no so 90 days is March 5th yeah they want to pay in 90 days yeah okay okay I'll second who who is that everything that's 4 8413 that's the recommend let us finish we're we're discussing okay okay motion by Miss Townson to apply administrative cost instead of the ,000 lean he seconded second by Mr sinon uh and if paid within 90 days dides isard March 5th by March 5th if paid by March 5th uh it resolves this if it doesn't it goes back to a lean on the property for $1,000 for that violation is that right yes okay that's the motion and Mr signing you're good with the okay I'm just clarifying it okay uh all in favor say i i posos n uh nay by Mr Ross motion passes that's what's happened uh administrative costs have been applied 90 days please pay it by then or it goes to the $1,000 and thank you for taking care of that and the CL will let them make payments is that it I don't know give you loan and so someone just direct them where they need to make the payment okay yes ma'am right we've been asked to take a quick break is that okay we have two lanes don't we separate cases did I miss it's not this month it's not this month okay it's that's all for today ma'am uh if there's something else going we're unaware of it you can talk to the officer when you get outside thank you clear happy holiday you too thank you have a good holid thank you for taking care of that uh we're going to take quick break here uh 10 minutes so what time do you want to start again M 10 good 10 minutes 250 250 we will be back okay [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Applause] [Music] everybody here let's say we're missing somebody okay we're going to go ahead and get started again it's 2:51 p.m. uh picking up where we left off I believe uh we'll us on uh item number 10 which is on page two top of page two this is a lean request uh case number 24-48 CB property Scholars Investment Group LLC in SBC startups resourcing and Enterprises LLC and there will be two other cases the same respondent to follow uh whenever you're ready to go AER you said 24-48 correct that's I believe that's what I have yeah all right yes come on [Applause] up Sir your name please khil M and uh you're the owner yes sir thank you and you've been sworn in correct I have thank you I there whenever you're ready code enforcement officer Cameron s County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24-48 CB responding as property Scholars Investment Group LLC the violation is s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation this case was originally heard by the code enforcement board on July 25th 2024 and an order was issued giving the respondents a compliance date of August 8th 2024 an affidavit a non- compliance was filed by the code enforcement officer after reinspection on August 8th 2024 an affid of compliance was filed by the code enforcement officer after reinspection on September 25th 2024 the administrative costs to process this case for the clerk are $21.35 administrative cost for the code enforcement officer total $38 60 together both administrative costs cost $569 N5 the recommendation by me is based on the findings of fact and conclusion Law and Order the code enforcement board issue in order cons constituting a lean in the amount of $2,400 for 48 days of non-compliance from August 9th 2024 through and including September 24th 2024 at $50 per day and the fin shall continue to ACR for $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after December 5th 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you any questions offer there see none Mr was it Majid yes sir yes sir this is your opportunity to speak to that the recommendation by county is lean to be applied to the property for $2,400 for the 48 days of non-compliance uh it's your opportunity to speak to that did we have any questions for us right there do we see photos of the non-compliance from today this one's in this property is in compliance oh this property is for the violation of vegetation it's in compliance thank you but it was out of compliance for 48 days which correct why we're here okay sir again back to you this is your opportunity to speak to that uh probably guilty is charge but if I could get some relief on the lean am out uh just a lot of financial difficulty over the past probably 18 months now so uh just been trying to do as the best as I can on keeping these properties up to par so your your request to the board would be what sir uh cuz I'm pretty sure we got to it's some more and that's why I say I was overwhelmed had I opened the mail it was just a lot a lot of stuff coming in the mail at the time um and uh I would have tried to correct it before the fine started uring daily but was just overwhelmed and just having some health issues and just it was a lot um still is but um yeah just some relief on that one the the fine I know the court cost is you know cost truly incurred [Applause] any specific he's asking for Relief on the the amount the, fund U 2400 oh excuse me400 so yo like one of these issues I'm not sure if you see it but uh I was behind on the property taxes so that was going to a tax theed auction so I did come up with I think it was like 5400 bucks so it's just like just things just keep coming and you know to get this house demoed and to stay on top of it this is just one of several properties I have in for different counties and it's just been a series of uh just financial difficulty the storm didn't help nothing's been helping it is in compliance now uh admin costs were sided uh which were $569 59 I think 95 95 okay uh County's request is $2,400 lean so again more than one ways we can go on this I'm going to move this to be consistent that we we ex we do the administrative costs imp payable 90 days second thank you uh we have a motion by Mr Ross second by Miss Townson to accept St recommendation uh that have lowering the fines to the $569 195 cents if paid by 90 days what March 5th March was it by March 5th or it reverts back to the $2,400 okay okay well let's get through this uh is okay all in favor uh towns towns towns and seconded before before we vote um do we have because we have two more of these cases coming forward can I just ask officer Adair if if this prop this property in compliance in full now for all cases that we're going to be hearing no the next two are non-compliant thank you okay so Mr Ross made the motion Mr Town made the second uh reducing the amount to the admin cost $569 195 if paid by March 5th or reversed to the 2,400 that's what's on the table any other discussion all in favor say I I oppos no motion carries uh on that particular one that's what we've done you understand understand what we've done there you okay you got an 9 you till March 5th to pay that where it goes back to now hang on we got two more uh item number 11 same page case number 24- 49 CB same respondent officer Adair whenever you're ready code enforcement officer Cameron Adair Sunland County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24- 49- CB the spor in his property Scholars Investment Group LLC uh the violation is located at 13A anchor Road and the violation charge is Sun county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in section 95.3 a rubbish this case was originally heard by the code enforcement board on July 25th 2024 and an order was issued giving the respondents a compliance date of August 8th 2024 and affidavit and non-compliance was filed after reinspection on August 8th 2024 the recommendation is based on the findings of fact conclusion of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $11,900 for 119 days of non-compliance from August 9th 2024 through including December 5th 2024 at $100 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $100 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after December 5th 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you any questions rer there we again we're not going to see the December 5th today photos uh we normally present them we're going to pull it up now but for consistency uh was reading from what you guys have in front of you we are going to the photos so this is yesterday's inspection December 4th you can still see the rubbish which can on the left photo it's shingles there's a couple piles throughout the property it shingles from the roof and then the right photo there is a blue shed on the property that's full of debris and rubbish again it's is still not in compliance as of this date officer D has any progress been made on this property since then besides the last case for the grass no any other questions sir this is your opportunity again we're here to see that particular violation we're here to discuss a lean uh we're not going to argue the or hear the case again uh however share with whatever you feel is important for us to make that decision about the lean um what was this lean amount $11,900 for 119 days but it'll continue to acrew until the property's in compliance you say it's a f it's a fine for how much $11,900 is uh yes where the fine stands today since the first day they notified you about the violation okay I see what I think I see what you so I'm assuming this one kept going on where the grass one stopped so so it was either from the pictures I was shown so I'm coming over from Tampa Florida so from the pictures I was shown um I thought this rubbish and stuff was bagged up if I could have some time to try to get that corrected immediately I will the the board heard this case and these fines have already started and we're sort of at anend process if you will uh so since it has nothing's been done the board now has to decide whether or not to apply a lean uh and they just simply add the days that it's been out of violation really that doesn't mean you can't continue to work towards compliance that's the ultimate goal so you do what you need to do to bring the property into compliance and once you're in compliance the inspector can explain to you the next step all they can decide today is whether to file the lean or not because the property is still out of compliance it doesn't stop you from doing what you need to do to come into compliance okay so uh yeah I would just ask for the lean not to be if that's what it is the lean not to be imposed um it's just a again my mental hasn't been the best but it it's probably a breakdown you know some attempt has been made I I guess this one was just overlooked I believe the third one is tearing the house down that one I do know like you know my back up is up against the wall for a little bit on that one but I would assume that this one was taken care of when they went out and cleaned up the property I'm not sure if that was their fix putting some of it in the shed and if some of the the shingles is well I don't know if that's you hearing the case but so I guess you hired somebody and you just didn't check on I mean how I got pictures so I just went through a uh a little app service cuz it allowed me to do a credit card cuz it's just been cash flow issues so most yard men is cash I found the app that allowed me to use a credit card I moved to accept the staff's recommendation that's presented but what one thing I do want to say is with the Lans I've been kind of anxious so I have been working on like a portfolio loan to get some cash so some of these leans and stuff is kind of been hurting me as they get kind of filed and noticed holding up this loan cuz it's like a several property several counties so seminol orange poke Hillsboro so I am trying to get a loan to get this property demolished or take care of all my real estate walls but in that is uh tearing this property down to get it in compliance so if even if it's a delay in 11 I won't have that type of money and if it shows up you got to kind of C the property is the collateral so you got to kind of clear it to get the loan understand you have a motion on the table motion on the table Mr Ross to accept this recommendation as presented second second by Mr Davis all in favor say I iOS okay and there is one one more case which would be item number 12 case number 2463 CB same respondent same address officer Adair whenever you're ready all right code enforcement officer Cameron adir suon County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 2463 CB the respondent is property Scholars Investment Group LLC the violation is located at 138 anchor Road in Castle Bay the violation charge is Su county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 C The Remains are Rubble of a structure this case was originally heard by the code enforcement board on July 25th 2024 and an order was issued giving the respondent a compliance date of August 8th 2024 an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed by me after reinspection on August 8th 2024 the rec recommendation is based on the findings of fact conclusion of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of 11,900 for 119 days of non-compliance from August 8th 2024 through and including December 5th 2024 at $100 per day and the fine shall continue to acre at $100 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after December 5th 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you any questions char D sir similar situation uh you were cited that hasn't been fixed uh there hasn't come in compliance and so that's where we're at we're here to determine a lean or not it's your opportunity to speak to that I wasn't what happened to the first the the second one second one there was a lean uh that was imposed for the amount that we had said 11,900 it it was imposed yes sir shees so I'm just asking the same thing they're saying this is the remains of a I mean it's a wood Rock to s or facia which part of the building's falling apart apparently a part of the building mhm is what it looks like by the pictures yeah it's Rubble yeah that's where we blocked off the window I think the the the vagrant is going in I do remember closing that window so it's been times in the past where it was out of compliance and we tried to secure the property but I believe it's just individuals going back into it uh but like I said I don't have that type of uh money so I'm just asking that the F had I known about the 25th I would have came back in the 25th when the case was being heard okay folks so again similar request he's motion to accept staff's recommendation as presented motion by Mr Ross to accept staff's recommendation presented there a second second second by Mr signing any other discussion all in favor say I I oppose motion carries that's what we've done sir uh the two later cases that we heard here were the loans were applied in the other one we gave you that compl PL state that we gave you have to go back to my notes and find it we reduced it simply to administrative cost thank you yes yes to be paid by 90 days back to the original requested amount thank you for coming in uh the again the fines are still running on those ones that are not in compliance I strongly suggest you try to get those in compliance as quick as you can uh all right is there another time to hear about a reduction in fines once it is bought into compliance talk to the inspector once your property is in compliance he can explain that to you okay thank you 14 uh 14 15 then back to 13 okay uh next case is item 14 same page case number 2466 CB Edward SAR do we not have item 13 got respondents present for item 14 and 15 first and then 13 wonderful thank you it's just the order that we're going uh items excuse me Edwin sarapin and Frank Franken low okay it's I am Franklin low okay okay Edward sarapin is my father okay and um he has he is currently in Assisted Living um I believe we are compliant give give me let's one second here thank you thank uh so we have M Mr low here and uh officer Adair yours again whenever you're ready code enforcement officer Cameron Adair s County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 2466-20 as defined in section 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation this case was originally heard by the code enforcement board on July 25th 2024 and an order was issued giving the respondents at compliance date of August 8th 2024 in affidavit a non-compliance was filed by me after reinspection on August 8th 2024 a follow-up inspection there was an affid of compliance filed by me on September 11th 2024 the administrative cost to process this case for the clerk total 24 $147 my administrative cost cost $386 the total of both administrative cost equals $550 7 the recommendation is based on the findings of fact conclusion and Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of 1,700 for 34 days of non-compliance from August 9th 2024 through including September 11th 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to ur at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after December 5th 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you questions for there okay uh have a property that is in compliance the recommendation is $1,700 lean for the 34 days it was at a compliance admin costs if they are to be considered $550 7 uh excuse me sir this is your opportunity uh to offer whatever you'd like to offer um my father was living in the Pro at the property and I was living in valua County I found out about it the last week of August when I was called by a hospital um to and found out that he was not there by stopping at the property I saw the post so that's how I found out about it um the vegetation this is this is the vegetation correct correct okay um I have done what I can I am disabled and I have been the one working on on getting that vegetation up you know lessened and up to par um I ask that the lean be waved and be just with uh administrative costs um because I am currently financially strapped due due to my income you living at the property currently sir I will be moving into that property I'm currently in in the U process of moving my things from vucha County to seminal my father is going to be permanently at Harborview of West Altimont which is a uh assisted living facility I move to accept to to to phrase it like I did last time to go at the $507 for administrative costs in lie of the lean and then give them to March 5th and if he doesn't pay by March 5th it reverts to the 1700 hopefully that was artfully uh stated but I'll second motion on the floor by Mr Ross to uh to reduce the fine amount uh to administrative cost $550 7 if paid by March 5th of uh 2025 if not it will revert back actually I'm sorry I meant to say April 5th April 5th correct uh and if not it reverts back to the $1,700 at that time with the lean as well miss Townson did you have no I was okay talking to myself oh okay it was seconded by Mr Davis second by Mr Davis correct Mr Davis thank you any other discussion all in favor say I I I oppose that's what we've done sir thank you for taking care of that and good luck oh he's got another one you sure item number 15 it's case number 2467 CB same respondent uh officer Adair whenever you're ready code enforcement officer Cameron Adair s County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 2467 CB the respondent is Edward sarapin and Frank Frankin low violation is located at 207 Grace Boulevard in Altimont Springs and the violation charge is Seal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in section 95.3 F stagnant or foul water this case was originally heard by the code enforcement board on July 25th 2024 and an order was issued giving the respondents a compliance date of August 8 2024 an affidavit and non-compliance was filed by me after reinspection on August 8th 2024 an affidavit a compliance was filed by me after reinspection on September 13th 2024 the administrative cost to process this case for the clerk total $2995 my administrative cost total $386 combined both cost equal $689 the recommendation is based on the findings of fact conclusion and Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting the lean in the amount of $8,500 for 34 days of non-compliance from August 8th 2024 through an including September 10th 2024 at $250 per day and the vine shall continue to ACR at $250 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after December 5th 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for officer Adair officer I don't know if you're the one who was agreeing to these compliance dates that would be us well I mean who who normally there's a respondant that says yeah that date will be good for me was was there a respondent here for these previously or not uh the respondent was not no okay any uh any other questions sir that's what we have on the table on this particular violation uh the uh appears to be in compliance now recommendations $88,500 fine lean that would be applied today or the admin cost is another option at $689 if paid by a certain date those are two things that we're considering that it's your opportunity speak to this okay I would um excuse me I would again ask that the lean be waved um the reason that the we were um in non-compliance for so long is that the water was not running and therefore was um there was a problem with the well and obviously if you cannot put more water in and get it cleaned out you can't do anything about it I have since had someone come out and um repair the pump and it is going to be um cleared up U the water has been drained at this point and all should be taken care of so I would ask that the lean be waved and merely uh administrative cost I'll make the same motion I did before to reduce it to the administrative cost I'm not going to try to say the number because I know I'm going to mess that up but the administrative cost and to give till April 5th to pay it or it reverts to the 85 I'll second that motion by Mr Ross my town to uh reduce the amounts uh to $689 to be paid by April 5th or reverting back at that point to $88,500 that's the motion on the floor second by Miss Townsen just scrier clarification I thought I heard you say March but I think you meant April yeah the first time I corrected myself to April and so I'm being consistent April 5th okay all right and so you're yeah okay okay uh any other discussion seeing none uh all in favor say I I I oppose that's what we've done administrative cost on the second one thank you good luck I thank you very much thank you so now go back to 13 okay going to item number 13 which would be case number 2464 CB Delroy Clayton and Latoya Myers Clayton if you're here for that case please step up to the table sir I'm not sure if you were sworn in if you were not please remain standing and raise your right hand for the clerk to SAR you in Adam Clark do you want to swear do you swear or from the testimony you're about to give is the truth thank you you see and state your name please my name is deloy clayon thank you uh officer you right code enforcement officer Cameron at Su County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24- 64- CB the respondent is Del the respondents are Delroy Clinton and Latoya Myers Clinton the violation is located at 2643 San Lake Road in Longwood Florida the violation charge assema county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as toin section 95.3 B on cultivated vegetation this case was originally heard by the code enforcement board on July 25th 2024 and an order was issued giving the respondent a compliance date of August 8th 2024 an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed by me after reinspection on August 8th 2024 an Affidavit of compliance was filed by me after reinspection on August 15th 2024 the administrative cost for the clerk total $27.72 the administrative cost for me uh total $316 181 both combined cost equal $587.5 the recommendation base is based on the findings of fact conclusion Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $350 for 7 Days of non-compliance from August 8th 2024 through an including August 14th 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after December 5th 2024 this concludes my presentation so the lean request is less than the administrative calls correct so in all the years I've been doing this never seen anything like that wait to make sure somebody else heard um that's fine oh boy interesting the board has the ability to come up with a different solution any amount you believe is reasonable as well as waving or um imposing the fine that has acur in the lean that you want to hear from the respondant first I'm sure I have a question of the officer yes ma'am do you have any idea right off the bat how many times you had to visit this property um since re since the order I think about three times before that probably seven 7 to 10 I've been working with Mr Clayton over here and he's been coming into compliance for everything is this the property that's basically a a lot yes on San Lake Road yes where we went through there were vehicles and okay uh Mr Clayton this is your opportunity to speak to this uh we're looking at two different possibilities here uh and may be others but we're looking at the a fine of 58 $753 is a is that would that be the lean no or a lean amount of 300 well they would well we're looking at the recommendation is a lean amount for $350 uh for the non-compliance uh the admin cost that we're considering since it is in compliance is $587 53 uh so there's different ways to skin this cat I guess what do you do you have a presentation you like to make at this time in regards to this matter well um I'll just say we we were out of compliance because we we got somebody to cut the lawn but their tractor broke down that's the only reason why we came out of compliance and um we ask to just um foro the the the uh Mr dare this property is currently in compliance yes thank you i' make the motion to um Abate the lean and charge the administrative cost of $ 58753 with 90 days to pay which would be March the 5th of 25 I'll second that would be March the 5th and did you say I had 587 53 is that what you said okay yes by March 5th okay and the second was Mr Ross Mr Davis okay okay uh recommendation is to Abate the cost Bas thean thean uh and imposed change the fine amount to $587.5 which represents the administrative costs to be paid by March 5th 2025 ORS to the 350 I would then there's a lean for 350 or then there will be a lean for $350 applied to it unusual option but that's that's where we're at here uh well it's not just the lean at 350 it also has other components to it doesn't it yeah it's would just to be the lean be the lean it's in compliance so it's sort of in compliance so it's just it's a lean so that's the motion that's on the table $587 53 to be paid by March 5th or a lean to be imposed on that date three amount of $350 Mr Davis was the second oh I had a I'm sorry but thank you uh by Miss Townson second by Miss Davis Mr Davis all in favor say I I opposed motion carries that's what we've done sir you've got until uh March 5th of next year to pay $587 53 or there'll be a lean applied in the amount of $350 okay thank you for taking care of it thank you for coming in all right so Mr chairman you have four matters left starting on page 11 you have item 16 item 17 on page 12 and then same respondent on items 13 page 13 and 14 items 18 and 19 in each of these cases there an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed by the inspector and in each of these cases the respondents were properly noticed and there's no one in Chambers um so you could everyone take a moment and look at each of these four items to see um what is being presented and you can do a consent agenda where you basically approve or reject all of them at the same time or if you wanted to pull one or so out and listen to those but because take a look at these real quick if you see anything you want to pull out for discussion uh we can do so officers are here obviously and then if not we'll hear them as a consent agenda matter then you can do one motion approving all four or one motion it said we would just be read them into the record and then do the consent yep you can just read them all four if you're not pulling anything off the agenda go ahead and read all four into the record and then just do one motion yeah so we would be looking at these as the recommendations are in the agenda that's what the we would be looking at approving don't have to we pull off anyone that you want or discuss them just sort of take a quick look at that well I already read them all so I'll move to accept them all all four of them as recommended I second that motion by Mr Ross let me read these into the records we're discussing uh item numbers 16 17 18 19 that'll be case number 20 2 4-68 CB Carman cologne and damy cologne /ws Fargo Bank list pendants 20 case number 24- 76 CB Agnes mui Chia uh item number 18 is case number 2477 CB Clemy T locket item number 19 case number 2478 CB Clemy T locket those four items uh we are considering as a consent agenda matter uh the who made the motion Mr Ross made the motion second Miss Townson to accept stat recommendation as presented in our agendas for each of those items any discussion anything need to be pulled by anybody we all good to vote all in favor say I I opposed motion carries those were all passed F where we're at here I think you're on page 15 the last page of the agenda approval of the minutes I have a motion to in which minutes were these Al I'm sorry August 22nd 2024 I'd also like it uh on the record with the meeting dates for the 2025 that yes in fact on the weeks that there is a fifth Monday or Tuesday we are meeting on that Thursday thank you to staff for that I'm appreciative okay uh all right so you need to do the minutes first was there a motion to approve the minutes motion to approve second by someone second okay motion by say uh Mr sonum approve the minuts all in favor say I iOS uh the next meeting date January 23rd if there's no issues here if you have an issue that arises let Alexis know we have did we look at these yes so take these back to your homes or offices and make sure if you know of a conflict already let the clerk know and we'll need to make sure we get this to Mr Bates since he's the only one who's not here check the June 20 the June date they usually have something going on in June as I recall yeah uh and anything else for the good of the order am I missing anything coun nope this is it so we'll see we make a motion to make it warmer in here next time let's make a motion see make a motion to see Don Peterson more off it is nice to see Mr Peterson absolutely welcome back back all right uhy holid I make a motion to adjourn the meeting second motion uh who's seconding Mr okay uh Mr sign and seconds all in favor say I post thank you Davis was going to say nay but he decided it's time to go home [Music] n n [Music]