[Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] good afternoon welcome to the March 28th 2024 SE County Code Enforcement board meeting uh thank you all for being here we're going to go ahead and get started if we can start with uh Madame clerk doing a roll call of the members please here J H Craig Davis here Don Peterson he's excused Kevin Andrew Ross he also is excused Katherine Townson here and Dennis Warren here and Mike S Mike S presid and I don't believe Jane is on the board anymore correct sorry about that we have a quum sir we do have a quum thank you uh so we're going to go ahead and uh do do the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the swearing in of witnesses if you were here to testify in any behalf today please remain standing after the Pledge of Allegiance for your swearing in thank you I pledge aliance the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all again please remain standing uh raise your right hand so the clerk can swear you in if you can testify do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give us the truth thank you thank you uh I would uh suggest or look for a motion to revise our agenda in order to take those that are present first uh and then we would follow by the folks that are not present for their cases to be heard after that so moved second thank you so we uh have a motion by Mr s second by Miss Townsen to revise the agenda so we would take case number one followed by case number two followed by case number three followed by case number four moving to case number seven case number eight N9 and 10 11 and 12 and then the remaining cases would be heard all in favor say I I oppos uh so that's how we'll we'll get started folks again thanks for coming today uh when you are you hear your case called you're going to be asked to come up and have a seat at this table the code enforcement officer is going to present the case you'll have an opportunity to speak and then uh the board uh will be making a decision on how to handle your case today and they may have some questions for you so with that being said we'll start with what is numbered as case number one it's on page one of page 8 case number 24-5 CB above all modular Inc Mark W rice registered agent address is 4374 North County Road 426 Geneva uh sir if you could uh go and have a seat and identify Yourself by name I am Mark rice thank you and uh this case will be presented by officer Hill yeah that takes time Mr R I see you're the registered agent you're also the property owner yes sir thank you good afternoon officer Hill suo County Sheriff's Office code enforcement I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint to the clerk as exhibit one this is case 2405 CB above all modular Inc Mark W Rice Jr registered agent located at 4374 North County Road 426 in Geneva violation charge ofo County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 6 section 3102 use is permitted an extension of a business is not a permitted use or use allow by special exception in an A1 zoning District my initial inspection was on August 1st 2023 with notice to respondents on February 7th and April 13th 2023 with compliance dates of March 15th and May 14th 23 with multiple follow inspections including yesterday the violation of an extension of business that no longer remains on the property this photo is taken on my initial inspection on August 1st 2023 this photo was taken on August 17th 2023 this photo was taken on August 23rd 2023 this photo is taken on September 15th 2023 this photo is taken [Music] [Music] [Music] for in compliance and my inspection yesterday still in compliance the suggested recommendation based on the testimony evidence presented in case 245 CB has termined by the respondents above all modular Inc is the owner of record located at 4374 North County Road 426 in semal county in possession or control of the property and was in violation of s County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 6 section 30102 is permitted let further recommend the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to refrain from repeating the violation honored before midnight of March 28th 2024 or a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated this is not the first time I've had a case open so that is the reason why I brought it before the board to get an order so if he comes out of compliance again the F will start running this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for wer Hill can you explain specifically what the violation is here he's not allowed to have these modular is that correct he it's an extension of a business he does not live at the property so you can operate a homebased business from your property but he does not live here so that does not pertain to him he's got a business caddy corner from this property thank you you're welcome and that business is on a separate address than with this correct any other questions from Hill seeing none um Mr rice this is your opportunity to speak to that uh apparently you're in compliance now we're here to determine if there was a violation and deal with it moving forward should we have to hopefully there not but you're welcome to well the problem is to begin with I used to run my business out of there and live there I own the property behind it also I own both of them and I was told I could not run a business out of there because it was not commercial property so now owning the property that I own outright I have to rent the property across the street now makes no sense to me so here's the property that she's violating me on straight across the street for some reason is allowed to be commercial so instead of being able to run my own company out of a business where I provide employment for people in our our our town and everything else they make me force me to move across the street and pay $5,000 a month for rent now which I could provide better income for my employees if I wasn't charged for rent if I could run my company out of here but on the other hand those trailers actually belong to me personally they're not owned by my company and I don't see what's the difference of having an RV parked in my front property or a a goose neck trailer it's on Wheels it has a hitch it's mobile it is not permanently put there so I'm confused why that trailer cannot be either if it's not in my company's name and it's mine personally confused uh would you like to address that officer so in 2019 there was an open case where these modular did belong to him and in the past we have spoken um I think it was around right after covid and the reason why he explained that the modular were sitting there is because a business deal had fell through the new owners could did not pick them up and so he was just temporarily storing them before bringing them H to his his place of business that did happen but the other ones have been mine no one's question to me if they were my companies or mine these have been mine personally just because I own the company don't mean that I don't buy these out of my personal money and they're mine personally it would still be considered an unpermitted use cuz he's storing them there they're not permitted they're not attached to the ground they're just being stored there so what's the difference of having an RV trailer stored there or a goose neck TR trailer stored there that's not tied down can you explain the difference between an RV trailer or the trailers that I have because I was told they have to be on tires and have to have a hitch and be mobile which they are so you would need to get a permit from the building department to allow them to stay there if you're going to have them more there than more than 6 months they're never there more than 6 months go back to your photos you ever found one there longer than 6 months no thank you so that's what I'm confused on you're welcome and everybody and and I don't understand because here's the big thing y'all had someone call in on me for running my company on the backside on my back mobile home years ago when I first started this I've been there 22 years I've worked out of Geneva I've owned that P property 22 years and nobody could ever see what was going on and somebody called in one day and made a big stink of it and now forced me to be across the street now you see what it looks like across the street you can see everything and somebody's upset over this so they keep calling in on me for some reason and I don't understand why they're going in on me because it's it's frustrating but back to the main main main problem here it's on wheels and tires and it has a hitch and it's my personal name you should not be able to violate me so you're correct back in 2019 there was a complaint that came in you are correct about that so when we do get a complaint we have to do an inspection um then there was another complaint back in 2021 I believe and that's when we had spoke it was right after Co but I said let me finish let me finish um then after that because that is a road that I frequent quite often for other violations in the main road through Geneva I did observe it this final time in 2023 but then I also got a complaint as well and I had told the complaint and I had already had an open case and i' filed it for a hearing but again you said it's got to be there longer than 6 months and there ain't been a trailer one there longer than 6 months so I feel this is violation of my rights of my own property being here today do you have any tags or any proof that those do not belong to your company there's nothing that puts them in my company's name I can get I'll have a piece of paper that when someone sells it to me that it's personally in my name but there is no title to any of them title to my company at all none so the property is owned by above all modular ink correct that front the front property is owned by above all the back property is owned by uh me okay so the business cannot be operating from there because you do not live I'm not operating business over there I'm operating a business across the street I'm storing my personal property and above all modular so all those Modell that keep coming and going they're all your personal property you are not selling them to anybody they're mine and I ended up bringing them back and scrapping them for personal use okay cuz yeah I believe that the first case that was open in 2019 was actually um a case for a rubble of a structure because the windows were out of it do you know if those any modular such as that is titled I do not know if they're titled no I don't enter I don't enter the property there's certain ones that are titled most of them aren't because they're commercial trailers so they don't have a tag or title they're commercial they're not residential so so residential has a title to them the commercial ones we actually have to use a transporter tag to locate them from spot to spot Miss Hill can you explain to me if if this were um a personal trailer of his would would he would it be legal for him would it be legal for him to store it for 6 months in the in the manner that it's stored in these photos because these are commercial modulars like he said these are not residential modulars but it's still it's still a trailer on Wheels and axles I you know if it was set underneath if blocks were underneath it and the tires and axles were off of it and it wasn't mobile I could see you coming at me but this thing is mobile I can move it at any point just like an RV or a gooseneck or or any type of trailer this is commercial your property not Zone commercial your property is Zone Agricultural and that's the but there's nothing tackling that actually commercial it's just an office trailer right office trailer would be commercial this is not a residential this is residential it's tag y'all decide what y'all want to do I'm tired of y'all I'm being in Geneva trying to run a business taking care of Simo County and all y'all do is keep coming at me I've been there 22 years and all I do is get hammered I've tried turning the property commercial the county won't let me because he said B yard Barrel Miss yard Barrel now she's pass my apologize would not allow me to turn that commercial because she didn't want commercial to come out that way I am one I I mean I can sit in my office and look at my property and I begged to turn it commercial I PID whatever it took but instead everybody just just keeps hammering me and I'm just done with it so whatever y'all decide that's all I have to say yeah can you explain to me if this were his personal even if we're going to call it an office trailer how long he would be able to store it there without moving it and still be in compliance so if it he wouldn't be able to store a Comm so this is a um a commercial use in an aone property um this is not a customary use for azone property this is a customary use used for commercial property these are the types of modulars you see us school grounds um construction sites that type of thing not something that is in azone property um temporarily being stored with that being said I'll actually say something else you know how many farms and ranches and uh uh um anywhere that they grow plants that we install these trailers for that's a right that's agricultural Farms are all that is I set them on all these properties so you can't just say this is commercial it's Al also used for agricultural when they get a permit to have them in no they don't have to get a permit on agricultural property so there's no period of time that he would be allowed to store one of these without a permit correct so I can put that building on agricultural property without a permit yes I can you do not pull a permit on agricultural property for a modular building I've been in business 22 years Mr rice let me ask a question I think I heard you say earlier sometimes they have TI and sometimes they don't no most of Home temp titles the stuff that you have on your property or that you've had over the last I have not had a title for no sir do I have no titles for any building that's been on that property when's the last time have it when's the last time she said so you don't have titles I have no titles for any of the buildings that's been on the property no sir are they titled as far as I know no they just permitted you know when I got them some of them came off Farms some of them came off school grounds yes so she classifies them as all commercial but it's not all commercial I mean I you know like she said I have not had a building sit there over six months okay I'm confused I thought when you were speaking you said that all of these were commercial commercial units commercial units but also used on agricultural property so you don't call it a agricultural unit but it's a commercial building yes but you don't have title to any of them I don't have no titles for these no ma'am you bought them without a title yes ma'am when's the last time you sold one confused from uh I haven't sold them I had to move them because I kept getting letters in the mail so they're all moved I haven't sold any of them so I had to haul them from there to Bushnell property how many of you sold from there I don't sell any from there that's what I'm saying I moved it's not play but in two years I've sold two buildings how many have you sold regardless of from where how many units has above all modular I'm not I'm not I'm not a selling company I'm that's not my question sir I probably sold five units in two years am I correct that right now he's in compliance there's nothing on the property correct and am I correct that you understand you cannot put anything on that property I I'm confused though why I can't well that's not that's not my question are you do you understand that you cannot do it from what she's saying yes okay but I'm confused on like he said why is there not a period of time that I can't put anything on there like you're telling me it's nothing's been you said earlier over six months there's nothing been there over six months what's the purpose of them being there do you just collect these no what happens is sometimes you know I'll get it and I can't I have a yard in Bush now that I can use but if I have a job in Jacksonville and I get a unit like this say I purchased one and I want it and I go up there to Jacksonville I get it I can't make it to Bush now I'll drop it overnight and then I'll pick up the next morning and haul it off sometimes it's two days but I mainly try to get it out of there you know it's not I don't use it as an actual storage hard but when you work all over the whole state of Florida you know now I get the reason behind it but but she's saying I can't use it at all that as a pit stop from Jacksonville to Bushnell for two days that a lot of people would consider that storage short term but storage all right I have a question for M to your knowledge what's the longest amount of time time that one of these has been on the property well you know the last one was just in January and it was removed and that's why I I never I don't ever receive any Comm it was there two months it was there um my point being they've been there more than quote a couple of days oh AB oh absolutely and never I don't receive any communication from M from Mr rice and I just kind of figured he was getting my notices because he came into compliance but then and I was about to close out my case and then we were back out of compliance again so okay any other questions for either side M Mr base officer Hill what again what's the reason that the county says that he can't rezone this property to commercial so that this problem would go away if he uses it for storage I can't answer a rezone question um that with the county if he wanted to apply for a rezone I think he might have tried that in 2019 I'm not sure I don't he's not in yet so I'm guessing that didn't that didn't go forward um but this is considered an extension of a business cuz he's using the property as a pit stop for the Modell before he can get them installed okay and is there not room where your office is across the street to put that for quote a couple of days before you move it to wherever you're going no man not at all I barely have enough room for the equipment that I have now how do you move those from where they're at to Bush or wherever how do you move those on the highway without a tag on them do you have a transporter tag is slap on tag well we anybody ready for a [Music] motion there you go I'll make the motion I don't think there's any choice but to make the motion to um for staff recommendation I can't see it up there right now so I can't quote it that recommendation was uh finding of non-compliance property's in compliance and so property not come back into non-compliance on or before March 28th uh if not then a $100 day fine to ensue thereafter for that would be my motion yes that and that will and that will carry forward as we move past March 28 as as a legal matter the finding by the board if the board finds non-compliance then the respondent is found in violation but not in current violation which means no fine would ensue if a violation is subsequently found after the board's action the respondent could be deemed a repeat violator and subject to enhanced fines statutorily that go back to the date of first observation by the officer of any repeat violation so the the re of being found in violation is is you know statutorily to deter one from from falling into a repeat status because the fines become more significant statutorily going forward wouldn't ensue in a fine in this instance at this time because the property's in in compliance at this time as I understand officer report okay so so the person is in compliance and the motion that we're making here today is to find them extra for future non-compliance well the finding as recommended by the officer is that there has been a recurring violation which hasn't been corrected within the time uh prescribed by the by the county and so and so that would need to be the board's finding to find a a violation but but the I'm sorry but just as I understand the the County's position is that the property is currently in compliance it's just that it's just that this has been a recurring situation and one of the keys here is that if we find it uh that there was a VI in compliance but there was a violation from this point forward when she rides by and sees out of compliance the fin start from that day it could statutorily conceptually that's true I'll second the motion motion on the floor to accept stat recommendation as presented that's by the 28th of March compliance date or $100 a day fine any other discussion all in favor say I I I opposed no and the motion carries all right Mr race thank you uh appreciate your time coming in your assistance yes sir uh brings us to case number by the way Mr Jack morg apologize I'm Jack morgon I'm I'm partners with the brown sitting in for her today she couldn't be here so you're stuck with me is I my my dad I should have introduced him I thought you were bet thank you uh so brings us to number two which is on still on page one of page 8 case number 2414 ceb Shannon o creamer 309 Cherokee Circle Sanford Florida 32773 believe that's 809 809 yeah it sure is these things aren't working right now but uh Miss Kramer I'm J thank you so much uh okay aler Henson Cod personman officer Shannon Henson simal County Sheriff's Office uh North North Region for the record I'm submitting a copy of the presentation to the clerk this exhibit one 244 ceb Shannon Kramer 809 Cherokee Circle simal County Florida violation charge simal county code chapter 95 second 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B un uncultivated vegetation I first inspected this property August 15 2022 first notice was sent out September 6th 2022 the second 117 2022 and January 1st uh 2023 That was supposed to be compliance dates were supposed to be uh are September 23 2022 November 23 2022 uh January 25th 2023 follow-up inspections I started on uh September 8th 2022 December 6 2022 114 2022 and the last one was um March 27th 2024 the results of the follow-up inspection the violation of uncultivated veg uncult vegetation remains on the property this picture was taken uh August 15 2022 by myself and this one was taken September 6 2022 and 114 2022 January 1st uh the 3rd 2023 January 10th 2023 February 7th 2023 again February 7th 2023 and March 7th 2023 April 5th 2023 June 7th 2023 July 18th 2023 dece I mean October 5th 2023 and February 7th 2024 March 8th 2024 when I posted the property and this one was taken yesterday on the 27th and it was still out of complaints there a suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in the case number 24 414 ceb it is determined that the respondent Shannon Kramer is the owner of the property located at 809 Cherokee Circle located in simal County as determined by the property appraisers records in possession or control of the property and is in violation of the simal county chapter 95 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B um as further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation onor 4 April 12th 2024 in order to correct this violation the respondent must remove all uncultivated vegetation over 8 in in height if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact myself um to arrange an inspection when the uh to verify the compliance this concludes my my presentation thank you any questions for rer Hanson uh yes yes ma'am I'm sorry it's totally my fault I forgot my glasses can you go back to the last photo the one from yesterday and just sort of walk me through what the the ongoing is there I took a picture over the front to show that um the sign was still up there the notice that I had but she is taken care of the front part of the yard but the side she still has a lot of stuff growing up and over and then she's got random piles thank you any other questions Mr B just wander in the why this hasn't come up before us now in the 2year history of this going on it started um when it was Hurricane Ian and then we had to um I forget what it's called but we didn't do any notices or violations or anything so then after the hurricane came then I started it again and I had contacted a family member of hers CU I couldn't get a hold of her cuz the house was messed up from the hurricane so I contacted a family member they contacted her and then she started cleaning it all off as you see everything was getting removed so I was like oh good we're going to get compliance soon and then it just stopped again so I told her we going to have to go to code board so okay thank you any other questions um Miss Kramer this is your opportunity to speak I don't I don't have an excuse and this will apply to the next piece as well is I I got sick I relocated after the or before the hurricane because the hurricane was coming I got sick it fell behind it got to the point where I was overwhelmed I would was making good progress unfortunately I got Co again it took me a long time to recover I've been working on making and officer Hansen has worked incredibly well with me um and been very patient as I've been trying to get this the house is going up for sale um it's reached the point where I just I I don't have the time the money the effort to be able to to go back and forth between locations and get it into compliance within the time frame and I I [Music] to get it to get it closed on but yeah that's I will I will make it work Miss Townson I thought you had a question I know okay uh well if we were to go 30 days uh let me see where that brings us well April 27th yeah April 27th here we go yes uh is what she's saying would be a more comfortable date I could agree with that for [Music] her any opposition from County whatever the board decides uh I would I would make the motion to take staff recommendation with the change of the date to April 27th 30 days for compliance comp dat of April 27th on 4 what did I say that's great oh okay just confirm me yes okay yes second second by Mr Dudley motion by Miss Townson accept staff's recommendation as presented changing the compliance date to April 27th or $50 in day fine any of discussion all in favor say iOS so what we've done you've got till April 27th uh thank you for uh for coming today and sharing what you shared second oh you have the next case too yes I'm sorry uh 20 it's uh on page two and it's case number three which is uh it's item number three case number 24-15 ceb uh same respondent Sharon o creamer same address 309 809 Cherokee Circle sford Florida uh offer Henson code enforcement officer Shannon Henson s County Sheriff's Office Cod uh North Region for the record I'm submitting a copy of the presentation to the clerk is exhibit one case number 245 CB Shannon Kramer 8 809 Cherokee Circle Simo County Florida violation charge of Simo county code chapter 95 section 95.4 isin in chapter in 95.3 C remains or Rubble of a structure my first inspection was August 15 2022 first notice September 6th 2022 November 7th 2022 and January 10th 2022 compliance dates were September 23 2022 November 23rd 2022 January uh 25th 2023 um my the followup inspections were September 8th 2022 October 2 October 6 2022 uh with my final inspection is in March 27th 2024 officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2415 CB is determined that the respondant Shannon Kramer is the owner of the property located at 809 Cherokee Circle located in simal county is determined by the Property Appraiser's record in possession or control of the property and is in violation of simol county code chapter 95 95.4 as defined in 95.3 C and further is recommended that the code enforcement board board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation onor before December on before midnight of April 12 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must repair or remove the reubel of a structure if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondant must contact myself to have a follow-up inspection to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions uh froster Hanson seeing none ma'am this is just a different violation of the same property do you have any I don't have any additional any request on that you see the dates the same original recommended date on the other one uh I think we gave you on the other one to 27 would you like that to be considered is that comfortable my ask long enough yeah I like I said I'm I'm working on the the sale of it now okay I'd like to unless there's discussion I'd like to move that we accept the recommendation of Staff uh with a compliance date of April 27 second motion by Mr sign and second by uh Mr Bates to accept staff's recommendation as presented however changing the compliance date to April 27th or a $100 a day fund all in favor say I I osed that's what we've done you got the same amount of time when you come to compliance let the officer know okay and thank you for coming and uh and presenting what you presented uh moves us to item number four same page page two case number 24-16 CB Jones leonda East Al to mon drive out to mon scre 32701 I believe we may have a witness after to testify I'm not sure uh officer in could you identify yourselves after you get seated in there who who you are I'm leonda Jones okay and the gentleman next to you Henry Jones thank you uh his relationship I see your name is on the property he's my father okay thank you aler aare whenever you're ready right Officer d s County Sheriff's Office code enforcement for South Region present going to submit this copy of PowerPoint as exhibit a this is case number 24-16 CB the respondent is lond Jones uh the property is located on East Alon Drive Crossroads Brewer Street uh in semal County Florida the violation charge is sem County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 11 as divined in section 30182 use is permitted storage on a vacant parcel is not a permitted use in R1 zoning District so the initial inspection was on October 5th 2023 notices to respondents were October 11th and November 15th 2023 they had compliance dates of November 11th and November 30th 2023 and my followup inspections were November 14th November 28th 2023 March 13th 2024 and March 27th 2024 follow-up inspection results were that the unpermitted use violation remains on the property this is or these images are from my first initial inspection on October 5th uh 2023 I think one of your employees Pete allowed me in the back so this is behind this picture on the right is behind the fence uh the pile of junk all the way in the back of the property this is a follow-up inspection on November 14th 2023 it's hard to tell but behind the golf carts you can see not much has changed and the picture on the right is to the left of his Food Shack showing all the junk cars and some of the rubbish there as well another follow-up inspection on November 28th 2023 not much has changed you can still see the pile of rubbish behind the gate lines on the left slide this was two weeks ago on March 13th 20124 nothing has changed there's still the rubbish located in the back and this was my inspection yesterday March 27th 2024 you can see the pile has gotten big figure suggested recommendation by me is based on testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-16 CB it is determined that the respondent Londa Jones is the owner of record and excuse me the owner of record of the property located at East Altimont Drive located in sem County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of semal County Land Development code chapter 30 part 11 section 30.1 182 it is further recommended thir excuse me again it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honor before midnight of April 25th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all storage rubbish from the vacant parcel and refrain from bringing it back if the respondent does not comply with the order fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact me uh to ensure compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for Ross there yeah can you what is the origin of this complaint uh the Fire Marshall from Altimont Springs J weed thank you if my serves me right and it's been a number of years I thought officer um yeah she's not Dorothy herd had a case related to I don't know if it's this property or the folks here yes uh do we have do you know if there if this property has a prior similar violation that we should be considering I don't know I'm trying to remember I think they may have been on somebody else's property it's been five or six years I think from my knowledge no I did not see anything opened up okay okay leave it that uh okay any other questions for office officer Adair okay Miss Jones or Mr Jones this your opportunity to speak so um this is the old Jones barbecue yes sir well the own the old Jones barbecue was located where the other restaurant is now this was the property that was always owned by the same family basically so to be honest I hadn't been over in a long time um when officer D contacted me I called him back and we spoke um that the stuff you see he's accumulated over 40 years he he told me he's been cleaning it up he did start with the roadway first I went over today to actually see for myself I work at night so I'm like I sleep during the day and I live in Orlando so I'm just not over there that often so I went over over today and the roadway part um he says he's taking loads out every day he's 82 years old he's doing it by himself he has a couple people that are homeless that help him do it um I did want to get the property Zone commercial um officer there informed me that they wouldn't do it because the surrounding properties are residential however there's only the residential property is only on the right side of him the property directly behind him is being used as commercial although it's residential as well by the people that own the Petrified Forest so I don't understand if the property in front of him on uh 436 the property behind him uh is being used as a commercial property in front of him is being used as commercial I don't understand why I can't Zone that commercial I understand it does look a mess I do agree um I just ask that you give him more time he's trying he's old and and also I expressed the officer dear I could say to my dad you know I can't afford to have somebody just come clean it out I could say to him you know cut it out let's clean it up whatever hurry up but this is how he eats this is how he keeps a place to live if I do this to him this is giving him a death sentence my dad is an old man who's worked hard his whole life if I stop him from working he's going to die I don't know how much longer I have with him but I know what this means and I mean I would rather you guys find me than for me to basically kill him so that's all I have to say and how much you're asking for additional time how much time he told me that he's going to try to have it cleaned up in the next 6 months it's a lot of stuff for 82 2-year-old to clean up at once I I didn't pay attention and it got out of hand I'm sorry you can speak Mr Jones well I've been there for 46 years she was a baby when I first started there and I've been putting uh you know I pick up stuff myself and people bring me stuff I don't buy nothing I sto it back there then I sell it I don't have to pay no taxes on it because you like a a person that go in the dumpsters and get it I get it on the side of the road bring it back there but when the price go up I sell it that's my living it ain't no commercial and my it ain't no business I ain't got no sign up they say Joan scrap yard or nothing you just sitting back there so what's wrong with that it looks ni that thank you also D in relationship to where the restaurant used to be that I remember you know where I'm talking about on 436 on the other side of the WWI I'm just trying to figure out because it says Altimont yes and but then it says residential I can't in my head and I heard her say petrified 4 I think that's where the haunted house thing is and so the property is directly behind the haunted house behind going south off of Al right so the haunted house is on on Simon directly behind it is the property adjacent to it so it's really like a side street there isn't it so the side street was kind of abolished once they did um the storage unit over there behind Wawa so um what was pent Mike pent when he was going to do the storage unit he asked to have it Zone commercial they told him no cuz he was going to get zone for for me commercial and they told him no so that road that runs through there they're supposedly abolishing the road that runs through there okay I just thank you yeah uh okay so uh we' got hands raised uh so I think we have uh some people in the audience that may want to speak to this uh would would the uh also a there you have possible witnesses that are here today I don't think the witnesses would provide the information further than what's provided in the slides you know it's up to the board's discretion as to whether it would be relevant to your decision in any way you know typically I don't recommend uh quieting public comment if it's relevant or Germain but it's within the board's discretion um it's I I guess what's the the board's pleasure to hear the witnesses if someone's taken the time to come here to testify I'd like to hear what they have to say I I would sort of agree to that we'll decide whether or not it's relevant uh so uh who has I saw one I thought I saw two hands raised one one okay just you want and you were sworn in Sir Mr chairman I would just recommend I don't mean to interrupt just recommend if there's a individual that is here on behalf of a group of people that will s um summarize the group's position that's usually the most efficient way uh if there are people that are together okay you're prepared to speak for anyone else that may be here for TMK holding the owner of the property that used to be uncle Jon's Barbecue okay uh yes sir go ahead whatever you have to say that may be relevant to this yes you were mentioning that there is a please state your name and your yes my name is a con and your address uh 525 Verona Lane ultim Timon Springs 32714 and you're the owner of TMK property T TMK holding the adjust prop pardon me is that a metal company no it's a construction company it's a holding TMK Holdings own the property yes sir okay as you mentioned restaurant used to be yes Uncle Jones used to be but now it's pablanos previously pablanos there is the road that you come in that is called Pearl Street which is between located between the Petrified Forest and the pablanos restaurant and that's a County rideway Road and at the end of it is that what you see that all pile of a garbage and pile of the I mean numerous different thing is a metal scrapyard business is going on there in reality and that did not start 45 years ago or 30 years not even 20 not even 10 years ago started about 78 years ago less than less than seven years he started that business over there bringing all kind of garbage there and the county Ro right now we are trying to leas the property as soon as you drive in you will see this pile of trash metal and the rest many anything you name it is there everybody's asking is this going to stay like this prior to me apparently fire department complained because the vacant property that he's using it started 20 2016 using it and that's a vacant property now I have only one request from this Commissioners there is a county road over there I don't care what's behind the gate they cover the street they gated the street it doesn't concern me it doesn't affect me it's not bad for me do whatever you want behind it it's between you you and the city and the rest but in the county road that you drive in please let's keep it clean and the focus has been on that but here is my request if I am the citizen I'm the owner next door if I see the county road dirty do I have a right if I see garbage on it do I have a right to clean it on my own my own expense and keep it nice and clean and groomed that's one question second is Mr Jones has raised the ground level where the water supposed Dr drain to the South now he's draining back to the 436 because he put pebbles in there just because he's selling barbecue there occasionally without the license and all that and you you know he the water is Flowing backwards where it's supposed to go South toward the lake now he's going sort of out of our perview but I'd like a clarification before you uh say anything else in the beginning you said that it was a ride of way and now you're calling it a road is it a rideway or a road does anybody know officer adir do you know Excuse me yes there are portions of Mr Jones property that is covered in rubbish that is right or public county road it's definitely not a road though it's a a rideway is not a road I'm sorry I have maybe a little bit more information it is called Pearl Street when you turn in from 430 so it's an actual Street not a right away okay no Pearl Street but at the end of a Pearl Street is the county right away where all these trash is stored thank you you welcome Mr you should afford Mr Jones if she if she wishes to cross-examine the gentleman or ask any questions she should be allowed um so I just like to say that I understand what reso is saying in one sense he's right about uh him selling the stuff that he collects that started it did not start seven or eight years ago it actually started longer than that ago and I can honestly tell you that that property and that stuff is being piled back there forever when they started the Petrified Forest I was actually pregnant with my last child she's now 16 it was going on Long even before then so this is not something that just started six seven years ago this is something that has accumulated I'm I'm being honest with you I know that it's a mess but this is something that has accumulated over 40 years honestly can can you tell me ma'am how often the truck operates there I don't even know cuz he told me he wasn't doing it anymore and then I spoke with my sister about it and she says well sometimes he does people come and ask him and then sometimes he'll buy food and cook it a couple days I don't think it's something that's consistent I think it's something that because he's been in that location so long different people ask him to cook and then once I don't know once he's not making enough money to pay his bills with whatever he can cash out maybe he cooks a couple days I can't be honest and tell you how many days but I know it's not all the time that's my honest answer you have anything for him you like before I ask I need to say something please I know Nikki since she was a little kid we were neighbors since 1990 okay Nikki was a little kid she is right I don't wish any harm or ill toward them I told Henry why do why don't you put the you know fence front of all your garbage I help you to develop your truck Foot Truck in here make it nice A little Courtyard County won't say anything I help you I give you water I give you electricity from my yeah that's that's might good idea I don't wish e on them understand it's just that the only thing is I want that County Road to stay clean sure we understand and thank you for coming today appreciate that any other questions for officer Adair or the Jones's uh the request is for six months extending the date is what the request is the the recommendation is compliance by April 25th or $100 a day fine so I mean it's clear that it's not going to be complied with by April 25th so let that guide what the board would like to do but it's I've been to this property and there's a very large mess there any thoughts on a motion would 90 days or 120 days or something like that would it help or would that can down the road not getting a solution Miss Townson did you have a thought yes I'm confused officer there yes I'm trying to picture this because I'm not familiar with the area so you turn onto a street at the end of the street is County rway and this trash is on County rideway property not his private property is that correct both both oh both most of it is on his private property but there are sections where it has crossed over like can you go back to the SL so is there any possibility the county will clean up their section of the property I will have to get in contact with roads and see if there's anything they can do when he when when they say street though what that it's much more like a like a small strip of road that enters to the restaurant on your left and the Jones property and the Petrified Forest is on your right don't think of it as like a regularly County maintained I got you large Road that's not what it is but at the end of that there is County RightWay where there is a portion of rubbish yes sir I would think it would help if you could get the county to take care of the part that's on their property don't know what the dimension of that is but any thoughts we heard from Mr Bates did you say this was initiated by the fire marshall correct what was his reasoning for um is this a health and safety issue or I believe so it's been a little bit since I read his initial email but he sent me pictures and asked me to take this case on I would say from the pictures there's no mistaking it's a health and safety issue especially with the large amount of tires that are stored there and the vars I know I sound heartless so often when we're on this board I think six months is a long time if it's been going on for years that makes it in my opinion more Dyer and so I would personally go along with uh staff recommendation I'd make that motion just to clarify on the motion does the motion include that you think it's a public safety issue as well I could you put that back up on on the screen please I don't see that in my book what the motion was and just that the reason I ask is because if if the board finds that the vi viation poses a public safety issue then the order will then be uh that's my personal opinion if if the Fire Marshall didn't say that then I don't think that should be I'm not trying to inject it I'm just saying that if the board feels that it becomes a safety issue the order will be transmitted to the county would then the county may or may not wish to take remedial action and assess any costs of such against the the land owner it's just a it's a statutory empowerment the board feels it's a safety issue for the public statutory for the county yes to help out it authorizes them to take action at the subject property to bring the property into compliance but there's a c so I can make that Rec that motion on my personal opinion well it has to be based on the Testament of evidence well it is based on the Testament and the pictures that we saw that's within the board's power to do if the board feels it's a safety issue could you that you couch that motion for me well what I what I'm trying to say is if the board finds that there's a violation and in fact the violation is a public sa the concern then that becomes part of the motion if it's second and approved then the order from the chairman and the board is transmitted to the county the county then is empowered they don't have to but they are empowered to take remedial action to bring the property into compliance and the costs that the county incurs to do that can be assessed against the property own so you know this is only to suggest that because there's been discussion about the safety that needs to be vetted out or confirmed as a it is an issue or not an issue in the board's determination that's the reason I asked the question Mr s might we might we ask U Miss Jones what her opinion is on that as to whether or not that would be a something that would help the Jones family if the county were to clean this property and give you a bill for it so to be honest sir um if they were to clean the property it would cost me and then he wouldn't make the money needs to take care of himself that's why he's trying to sell it but can I also want to throw that out there when that's out of our take care of their portion not the whole thing the only reason I mention is is that it's up to the county if they are notified of that the county ultimately has the power to decide whether or not they take that action so that can't be any part of a thought that that will remedy a situation just it's just a procedural and they would only take care of their portion not his private property well no it it it it would Empower uh the the county to take remedial action against the subject property if the county felt it was a safety issue for the community and the costs of that could then be assessed against the landowner well I think the fact that it's been brought forward by the fire marshal shows that it's a safety issue may I please speak I'm sorry um go ahead I I just also want to I also want to make a point that the rubbish that you see I understand what you're saying about the varmints and everything but what you're not seeing is like right on the other side it's piles of looks like trash as well because that's what they used to build the Petrified Forest old wood old broken down cars old all kind of stuff like that so like what you see is where his Fen is open but that extends into like the other part of a storage part where they store all that stuff that they break down from the Petrified Forest which is also basically garbage so it's the same kind of stuff right on the property behind it it's just you can't see it because it's behind him you see what I'm saying well that has not been brought forward as a complaint so that's not something we can consider at this yes no ma'am I understand I'm just I'm I was just trying to let you know that that's not the only like thing that could create rodents is what I understand um before we get to a second on this Motion in your opinion what would we would we be able to say in this in this motion that we would like we would hope that the county would take care of its portion of no I apologize and I I'm not sure that I if there is a motion before I I might have missed it so I apologize all I was saying is that chapter 162 states that if the code enforcement board or magistrate in this case board finds that there's a that the violation creates a public safety welfare issue and concern that that be a part of the order that eminates from the board and if that happens that order then will be transmitted to the county to alert the county the the governing Municipality of County of that concern from the FactFinder then the the county would have that order and could statutorily then take action if they choose to if the county chooses to which is their their discretion and if they do take that action andur that expense and bring the property into compliance assess that cost of whatever that would cost against the landowner that that's contained in chapter 162 so I I just want to make sure the board is aware that if there is a public safety concern on this that should be a part of any motion and order if that's the board's feeling not suggesting it is or is not I'm not trying to influence the board well I'd like to make it clear to the county that there is a problem on there right away no understand uh Public Safety and Welfare issue is what is is how it's framed in the chapter 162 so and I apologize if there was a motion I I don't think there was no okay we're almost there we're almost there all right so the uh recommendation is compliance by April 25th $100 day fine uh request from respondents was 6 months uh so that's where we're at Miss Townsen clearly uh explained she wouldn't be comfortable with that amount of time and that maybe it should be also considered a public health and safety issue I'm going to try my best to uh couch this unless one of the gentlemen wants to try to do it based on the recommend based on the finding of the fire marshall and what we have seen here I would make the motion that it is a public safety health issue and to have it and and so is your motion that you think there's a violation yes and the violation is a public safety issue I do and if it is then you would set a date to be brought into compliance okay I would like to set it for 30 days is that time enough for it to be transferred to the county for their consideration I would let me just suggest that I would separate what the county will or won't do on it just to stay with in the lane of is there a violation if so is the violation of Public Safety welfare situation and a date for compliance and failing a date of compliance that a certain daily fine that I would make the motion that the board uh wait lost M there take it forward that there is a violation that's your vote okay and I would suggest a 60-day extension that would be June the 25th compliance honor before June 2th compliance honor before June 25th and if no compliance if no compliance in the fee the fine would become active yes at $100 a day and is that motion finding that the violation is a public safety concern yeah that's I thought I said it that beginning clarify just wanted to clarify it's okay I just want to clarify finding that it is a public safety concern that would be my motion so now it's right for a second if the someone from I'll second it Ru we have a motion by town and second by Mr Davis that uh moving the compliance date to June 25th $100 day fine and also uh finding it to be a public health and safety issue yes everybody on board there okay now all in favor would say I I post motion carries so that's what we've done you've got to June 25th not quite as long as he asked for but still an extension and wish you the best thank you for coming in thank you Mr Jones got good barbecue by the way I've eaten there before okay uh moving on to [Music] is anyone else we need a break or we're good no here he comes right yes sir right Officer d sun County Code Enforcement South region uh for the record I'm submitting this copy of PowerPoint to the clerk is exhibit a so this is case number 24-20 dceb the respondent is Barbara Fredericks and this is located at 230 Scarboro Cove Sun County Florida as determined by property appraiser website uh the violation charge is semal county code chapter 95 section 95. 4 as defined in section 95.3 C remains a rubble of a structure the initial inspection was conducted on August 22nd 2023 with notices to respondent on August 23rd 2023 and October 26 2023 compliance dates for those notices were September 24th 2023 and November 26th 2023 followup inspections were on December 7th 2023 March 12th 2024 and March 27 2024 results of the followup inspection is the remains rubel of a structure violation remains so these images were from former officer Bavaro on his initial inspection on August 22nd 2023 it shows a hole in the chimney and on both front and back also these images were taken by Officer Bavaro on December 7th 2023 nothing has changed you can still see the hole in the roof these images were taken by me on my initial inspection on March 12th 2024 same condition as previous inspections and this these images were taken yesterday on March 27th 2024 you can see the hole in the chimney on the right slide and in the left slide there is a divot SL hole in the roof itself the suggested recommendation by me is based on testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-20 CB it is determined that the respondent Barbara Fredericks is the owner of record of the property located at 230 Scarboro Cove located in Seal County as determined by the property of appraiser records is in possession or controlled the property and is in violation of semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined section 95.3 C it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct a violation honor before midnight of April 25th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove repair or secure the remains of Rebel of a structure if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each date of violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact me to arrange inspection for the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for eler air yes Mr Officer Adair what would this lady need to do on the property to bring it into compliance repair those holes in the structure or what exactly um so yes uh she would have to repair the holes in the chimney and the roof itself either replace the roof have that quoted out but in previous reports officer paaro stated that Miss Frederick's had a quote for around 27,000 to remove the or to repair the roof and that it's unsafe for Builders to actually go up there and repair the roof itself um um so one option is repairing it another option I believe is to secure the whole property with a chain link fence uh is it occupied now yes it is it's occupied Miss I've been told Miss Fredick lives in there yes and can you tell me when the initial Mr bavaro's uh initial report was that found it out of compliance it [Music] was on August 22 thank you oh 2023 I believe yes August 22nd 2023 yeah okay any other questions mayam it's your opportunity to speak to this well um officer Vin had um come out and talk to me and so we hired a um a contractor one of the HOA um board members gave me a name and he came out and gave me an estimate and um there was also a part in the front where the the sighting was missing all so and um so the estimate was for $5,000 um $5,700 or something and he came he repaired just the three pieces of siding on the front um and then said he couldn't go up on the roof because it wasn't safe and so he couldn't to the rest of it um I got a $500 refund 500 and some dollars refund and um so since that time I had talked to officer Vinnie he suggested maybe calling um seminal County for assistance because I couldn't afford the roof um I've been talking to Doc um Mr aasta and um at the time they told me that there would be money available the 1st of January well when I called on the first the 2nd of January they said well all the money was given out in DEC December and so to keep trying so I you know beginning of each month so I call each month um so far there hasn't been money available to assist me um so I'm I'm just at a loss I um I live on Social Security um my I was told I could either move which would cost me more than what I it costs to live there I could build a fener around the house but um that the homeowners wouldn't wouldn't go the area that that part is is um there's a pool enclosure and then there's a um a gate at the other end but he said that wasn't adequate to fence it in um so I I've done nothing but just because I can't it's the house doesn't the roof doesn't leak yeah it does okay I mean I would love to have the I would have loved to have it done years ago you know right and you live there by yourself M MH Mr toon help me out here what good would a chain link fence do for the roof it's a recommendation by the building official um sorry so it's a recommendation by the building official to secure the property with a chain link fence to answer your original question uh not much because the roof would still be or still have a hole in leaking so a fence doesn't Rectify that issue it just prevents others from getting in and are we thinking people are going to go in and climb around on the roof I do not think so okay odd is the property in any danger of being condemned I mean is it safe and okay for this lady to live there I don't have the authority to say that but my opinion would be no because a roofing person is saying it's unsafe to go on the roof meaning it could collapse if there's further weight on it I mean I've got an estimate to do the roof but it's $27,000 I I mean I can't get a loan and I don't have that kind of money so I'm looking for assistance but if the property should end up being condemned because of unsafe conditions and she's got a whole another another set of problems where does she go what does she do but she certainly can't continue to live in condemn property but you have any organizations that you've reached out to church or otherwise and I was told they didn't have any money every name I was given nobody has money because of I don't know why I mean what money was the you talked to somebody saying there' be money in J what money was that the county it was from developmental development services um and his name was Bonito aasta I'm just curious I don't know anything about that there well doesn't matter where they're located goodness people on here who want to speak oh uh is the board okay hearing we have some people here would like to speak in the audience uh have you all been sworn in um yes I didn't sign in though so if you need me to sign in I really wasn't anticipating saying anything but I live if you could step up and we're going to need you to identify yourself at the public there uh and ma'am your name please and address my name is Susan Alvi o l v y and I'm at 226 Scarboro Cove um my house is connected to Barber's house we have Zer lot line so I literally am connected to her house um her screen attaches to my house um and I was the first one to see the hole and while I have compassion for getting older and having Financial situations there has been a remedy offered our homeowners association president um has a cash bo for Miss Frederick I don't know the details but I know that has been offered rather than have her house condemned and have nothing um there has been a cash offer for home by multiple people over the years and currently I I'm not familiar with that you told me one time that you get some on realtor to buy my house I talked to um somebody and and she said that she would buy it or you know but Cheryl has somebody and I I know you don't want to but I'm at what point in time are you I mean we all wonder if this house is going to collapse in on you this is a twostory house too yeah I mean it's the whole that he's is like this fig around thanks thank you I appreciate the input uh well I'm not sure if that's an immediate solution to this I'm sure there's cash buyers all over the place yeah I'd like to I'm sorry go ahead I guess we're waiting for discussion here because I mean make a motion I mean I'd like to make a motion that we accept staff's recommendation in this situation and um give the time to comply and if it's not complied with then the fine suggested by uh staff begin I don't see any other way here that we're going to get this situation resolved I wish there was another way but I don't see one I mean $100 a day ma'am I'm sorry there's a motion on the floor right now the board's in discussion Mr Townson you wanted to speak I think or no well there hadn't been a second yet correct okay okay so the motion on the floor is accept staff's recommendation I'll second for discussion second uh but Mr Bas for discussion okay M Townsen I don't know what to say I mean I I would love to have a different and better solution here but I I just I don't see it I mean if if if it's going to be $100 a day then she may have to make this decision on selling the home which seems to be the most prudent thing to do CH if I could yes sir just just a just an observation as Council for the board the very difficult case of course as you all know um board really can't try to solve the matter uh the motion has addressed the violation and the recommendation for time to comply or resulting fine certainly uh in the event that a fine begins to acre uh because compliance is not met there are procedural minations whereby respondents can reappear before board at some subsequent time uh to address the acred fine and so forth um so I really I think trying to get it solved is probably going to be beyond the collective capability of G I agree thank you thank you uh M I do have one question of the council um so if we go with the fine as recommended does that put a lean on her if she's trying to sell it well it it it begins to ACR as a find that can be recorded as an administrative fine and creating a lean yes but um you know again I'm sure that the lean holder the county would be incentivized at at making sure that the property is brought into compliance so and my only comment was in regards to the Fine itself and the fines are normally used as leverage to get somebody to fix them something it doesn't matter what the fine is here she's not going to be able to do it obviously it appears uh so my only thought is you know maybe we've had some $50 day fins I I hate to penalize her in the end if she decides to sell the house and then she's got a lean and monies that are code enforcement that are I me they'll be somewhere assuming but that would certainly be friendly to an amendment well you do have a motion with a second so it's right to be voted upon even if it's going to UNS make a friendly amendment to it you want to do that to 50 bucks instead of 100 is that what you said that's what I was thinking way I've always practiced is because the motion's been seconded the way framed it has to be addressed respectfully it passes there'll be another motion correct if it w weren't to pass then there' have to be another motion some type so so all in favor of the motion on the floor as it stands which would be the uh compliance by April 25th or $100 fun all pay say I I oos no no I $100 a day ma' Lord is acting right now we're not done yet I'm sorry so the votes uh in favor of that motion I to say I and the Nay votes n nay three so that Mo so that motion failed I'd like to move that we accept the recommendation of Staff uh compliance by April 25th uh if that's not complied with then the fine would be $50 I today motion about Mr sign a second Mr Bates uh accepts St recommendation as presented however reducing the fine if not into compliance uh at $50 a day any more discussion all in favor say I I opposed okay M what we've done uh the recommended date is April 22nd uh we understand your difficulties but we we don't have any answers for that we're very sorry uh so $50 a i those would be F 00 a month and I I barely make that much Social Security but we understand that's really on the low end of fines that this board normally imposes you heard Council here if it gets to the point where these fines actually turn in to a possible lean or start AC crewing you you can let me let me finish you can always request to come back here and speak to us about reducing it tell us what's happened uh the board would probably expect to see some movement or something happening you know if you I don't know whether it's you've got your house you know a contract or whether you whatever but so you can come back is my point and ask for consideration on the fines yeah but so and you're I'm sorry you're welcome to speak ma' can I interject yes was the recommendation for April 22nd no it was your the 25th it was just a Miss spoke Mr chairman if I could address the just ma'am you know the board has acted within the scope of what it's allowed to do but you clearly have people here in the community that have an interest uh in in your well-being they're here I would encourage you to work with them and County staff and seek other uh uh help and Alternatives but the board the board doesn't have the ability to to remedy the situation unfortunately I mean I called this person every month and he said call back in a month and we'll see if we well a month from now is April end of April I'm already in compliance understand and and for me to no I understand I understand I I'm just I'm just encouraging you to to speak with your neighbors and your community are the ones that are complaining yes ma'am is there any way your family could help you out your daughter yes anyways Mr yeah we're going to have to move on to the next case discussion and you can have this discussion with them uh also have you been in touch with the the family I'm just curious I have not no I just took over this case okay uh so can you is it possible for you to contact County development yes that would be great okay thank you ma'am thank you for coming in today uh we all hope for the best for you and again you can come back if you need to if situation go about that with man ma'am yeah yeah the board can't give you any further Direction ma'am work with the county with your community and your support group as best as he can uh the next case is on the same page uh page number four it's item number eight it's case number 24-21 CB Joseph M and Casey McVey 750 Willoughby Court Winter Springs 32708 uh officer judges and this respondant has five cases uh all the pieces the def here they're not here mine are not here so I just wanted to make sure got the MCV I've got they I've got five cases yes but the defendants are not here I just wanted to make sure we had everyone else's cases of the defendants oh I got you okay I thought they were here I Mark is here that yes so yeah if they're not here let's go ahead and I guess hear that and then we'll start beginning of the list so just present them in order yes sir thank you Tamar judges seal County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one um this is going to be 2421 CB we're going in order okay huh okay this is case 2421 CB Joseph M and Casey McVey the violation is located at 750 Willoughby Court Winter Springs Florida 32708 the violation charge is Seal County loan development Co code Chapter 30 section 30134 9e and the description is all fences shall be maintained in their original upright condition the violation was first observed on 127 202 3 the notices were issued on 12:15 2023 and 1:10 2024 the compliance dates were 1229 20234 2024 multiple follow-up inspections were done on the property with the last one being 327 2024 the results of the inspection show that the fence is now in its original upright condition and then here are my pictures this one was taken on December 15th 2023 these were taken on 13 2024 126 2024 313 2024 I posted on the property 313 2024 and then yesterday I went by and the fence had been put into compliance on 327 2024 the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence president presented in case number 2421 CB it is determined that the respondents Joseph M and Casey McVey are the owners of the record property located at 750 Willoughby Court located in seol county and determined by the Property Appraiser's records are in possession or control of the property and were in violation of seal County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 70 section 31 349e and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondents to refrain from repeating the violation on or before midnight of March 28 2024 or a fine of $50 will be imposed for each violation continues or is repeated they must contact me when the property is in compliance for inspection this concludes my presentation thanks I guess we'll knock these out one at a time uh first of all is there anyone here to speak as to this particular ular case or this respondent is seeing none any questions for offer judges uh the recommendation is uh finers a violation compliance date of 328 March 28 through $50 a day fine I Mo that we accept the recommendation of the officer please second motion as uh I just read by Mr B by Miss Townson all in favor say I oppos no uh okay motion carries next case is item number 9 24-22 CB same respondent Joseph M and Casey McVey yes same address 750 Willoughby Court Winter Springs 3278 officer judges Tamara judges SEO County Sheriff's off office East region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one 2022 this is case 24 2022 CB Joseph M and Casey McVey the violation is located at 750 will Court wi Springs Florida 32708 the violation charged is simal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a rubbish the violation was first observed on 127 2023 the notice were issued on 1215 2023 and 1:10 2024 the compliance dates were 1229 2023 and 12424 multiple follow-up inspections were done on the property with the last one being on 32722 excuse me 2024 results of the following inspection show that rubbish is no longer on the property these are my pictures that were taken on 12:15 2023 you can see you can see on the left hand side up by the fence it's a big mound of um tree debris this was on January 3rd 2024 January 26 2023 March 13th 2023 I posted on March 13th 2023 This was um March 27 2023 and the rubbish from there were bags in the bushes have been removed the um mound of tree debris has been removed from the backyard the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony EV evidence presented in case number 204 2022 ceb it is determined that the respondent Joseph M and Casey McVey are the owners of record of the property located at 750 Willoughby Court located in SEO County as determined by the property appraiser records are in possession or control of the property and were in violation of the SEO county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined as as defined in 95.3 a and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to refrain from repeating the violation on or before midnight of March 28th 2024 or a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated the respondents must contact myself for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions offer judges uh seeing none recommendation finders violation compliance by March 28th or $100 day fine I Mo this officer's recommendation second motion by Mr bit second by Mr Davis to accept stat recommendation as presented all in favor say I I I oppos no and motion carries brings us to the for clarification can we ask Mr s what his objection I mean these people are my objection is that the people are in compliance and you know to see that they got into compliance like they were supposed to I mean I would like to not immediately begin finding them the next time there's any type of violation I'd like them brought back here um then they're a repeat offender and I'll have a different opinion but these people were brought in front of cut enforcement and they complied with what they were supposed to comply with well okay yeah and I that's where I stand let me just expound on that in a general sense I have no input on any board members with the way they vote on a on a matter my in interpretation of what is presented is that property was not brought into compliance within the time specified in the notices of violation and so albe it was brought into compliance after uh those dates that were given but before the board hearing by Statute that still creates a right for the city or county to prosecute the case and really what the board members are being asked is whether or not the evidence shows that there was a violation which was not corrected within the time specified I think I think you were clear at the start of this meeting uh that what is being asked is that we give the right to begin the $100 fines at the next site of a violation well if I just in finishing my thought if in fact uh the board finds that the the respondent was in violation at the not within the time specified but before the hearing then the statute and the and the testimoni evidence would support a finding of violation but no resulting fine because the property is currently in compliance however the recommendation is that a fine begin to acre if the if the property falls back into violation after a certain point and I only pointed out that by statutory definition once you've been found in violation uh based on testimoni evidence you are within that 5year period of time on any other property you own or on the property you have for that violation you are a violator that falls under the definition of repeat violator and if you are subsequently found in violation of that same code section on the subject property order other properties within the jurisdiction you can be subjected to an enhanced fine so I I'm just giving you my opinion I don't I I'm not in I'm not I'm not understanding your vote of um against the motion as that the that the respondent was not in violation I think your point is they corrected it and so I don't want to vote in favor of the recommendation that they be fine that at next of a violation well by Statute if they're found in violation which has been found 41 they are by definition VI correct so that that's what that me so I'll get you in just a minute sir could you put the screen up of the first violation for me just I just want to back to yeah the uh are you talking about in the case we just heard yeah the case yeah the case that we just heard 24-22 CB uh while we're doing that can I make a statement in response to your reasoning um I was going to wait until the end but since it was brought up I've been trying to work with this family since December of last year and as you'll see in my next PowerPoints that are coming up this has not only affected their property it's affected the whole Community the neighborhood that they live in they live on a corner lot there are a lot of children in this neighborhood and there are rodents there are flies there are flies coming in through the sewers because this um property was in such bad condition and I have not met the property owners but one time because they dodged my calls myself myself and one of my deputies waited for 40 minutes to meet with them they did not show up and the neighbors are calling me telling me they're running out of the house so they did not try and work with me and it was what I was going to point out because I thought I recall there was many non-compliances the code enforcement offic usually give them at least 30 days when they first go out there and see a violation granted they haven't come in and you're welcome to your vote I'm just sharing with you my thoughts since you shared yours but as I recall can we get to the dates where all the dates were that you here we go uh let's see this started in December of last year December of last year well this one was two compliance dates so they didn't come into compliance they end up getting here some of these have multiple ones well they receive a notice of violation warning and then a notice of violation final okay if there is progress we can work with the family but like I said they would not return any of my calls so let me okay we cleared that because there's a gentleman who wanted to speak and there's different cases on this same respondent uh and I think I'll let him six is the next one and just to let you all know as well the the father of Mrs McBay is the one who has worked the last 48 hours to get this into compliance it has not been the property owners okay page six I think is your I think we've gotten through eight and nine correct I think we're still on page five aren't we 2425 is the next one K I have that on page six is that correct 24-25 now presenting 2425 on culted vation page five oh excuse me okay five and sir we close that case out you're raising your hand uh the same respondent we have additional cases is this something uh you're your testimony is not going to matter at this point cuz we already voted but let us know I'll ask you again at the end of the presentation of this case so we're 24 my apologies of you were raising your hand before we voted I didn't see you this is 24-25 CB Joseph M and Casey McVey 750 Willoughby core Winter Springs 32708 also judges tamaron judges seal County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one thank you this case is C excuse me 2425 ceb Joseph M and Casey McBay the violation is located at 750 Willoughby Court Winter Springs Florida 32708 the violation charged is Seal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation the violation was first observed on 12 12 7 2023 the notices were issued on 12:15 2023 and 1110 2024 the compliance dates were 1229 2023 and 1 124 2024 multiple follow-up inspections were done on the property with the last one being on 327 2024 the violation of uncultivated vegetation no longer remains on the property these are my pictures from 12 125 2023 again 12:15 2023 1 3224 1 3 2024 126 2024 again 126 2024 313 2024 313 2024 that's when I posted on 3113 2024 and my last followup yesterday 327 2024 the suggested recommendation by code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and EV evidence presented in case number 2425 ceb it is determined that the respondent Joseph M and Casey McVey are the owners of record of the property located at 750 Willoughby Court located in SEO County and as determined by property appraisers Rec records are in possession or control of the property and were in violation of the SEO County chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B and it is further recommend recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for respondent to refrain from repeating the violation on or before midnight of March 28th 2024 or a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or repeated the respondents must contact code enforcement off officer myself at to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for us judges see none the recommendation is finally was uh they still in violation no no not for this okay was was in violation uh with uh no future violations from this date forward March 28th 2024 or $50 day fine is there a motion I move the officer's recommendation second motion uh for recommendation as presented all in favor say I I oppos no and brings us to next page on my agenda page six it's item 11 case number 24-26 CB Joseph M and Casey McVey 750 Willoughby Court Winter Springs Florida 32708 uh offer judges Tamara judges seal County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one can I see my water please this is case 2426 CB Joseph M and Casey McBay the violation is located at 750 Willoughby Court Winter Springs Florida 32708 the violation charge is suono county code chapter 95 section 95.4 and defined in 95g unsecured pool the violation was first observed on 127 2023 the notices were issued on 1215 2023 and 1110 2024 the compliance dates were 12 129 2023 and4 2024 multiple follow-up inspections were done on the property with the last one being on 327 2024 the results of the following inspection show that the pool is now secured here where the fence was down on 12:15 2023 this is on 13 2024 and I have an arrow on the right picture as showing that there are slits in the lower part of the screen this is on 126 2024 313 2024 and that is showing the left picture is the gap in the fence and then the right picture the actual screen door to the pool is open so anyone can walk in there and walk right into the pool March 2024 is when I posted the property this was from our alert helicopter on a 314 20124 and where the arrow is it shows that the screen door is propped open yesterday I went by for my last followup on 327 2024 and the fence had been put in its original upright condition making the pool secured the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented Ed in case number 2426 CB it is determined that the respondents Joseph M and Casey McVey are the owners of the record property located at 750 Willoughby Court located in seol County as determined by the property appraisers records are in possession or control of the property and were in violation of the seal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 G as it and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order of the respondents to refrain from repeating the violation honor before midnight of March 28th 20124 or a fine of $250 will be imposed for each day of the violation continues or is repeated they will need to contact myself to arrange an inspection for the property to verify compliance and that is concludes my presentation thank you any questions for user judges sir did you have something I'm I'm sorry I missed you as to this case you the beginning it looked like no sir sir you'll need if you want to speak to the board you need to come and identify yourself into the microphone just still need to give his name and address okay thank you sir and if you could step to this Podium or El judges and and give us your name and address for the old guy it takes me a while yeah oh take your time I know the feeling uh if we can get your name and address sir for the record in the be in the beginning I'm Fred Hill I live in the neighborhood uh when took them because they were not being taken care of uh these people don't care and this will happen again given time so I want to be sure the fine starts when it does happen again thank you and that's the way the board voted there was some discussion thank you so much okay uh and again no questions did you have something okay uh I'll move the officer's recommendation officer's recommendation by Mr Bates is is the uh the motion I seconded seconded by Mr Davis and that would be F there was a violation uh that's in compliance now no further violations by March 28th of this year or a $250 per day fine all in favor say I I oppose no and brings us to uh item 12 same page case number 24-2 7 CB Joseph Joseph M and Casey McVey 750 Willoughby Court Winter Springs Florida 32708 offer judges Tamar judges seal County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one sorry this is case 2427 CB Joseph M and Casey McVey the violation is located at 7 50 Willoughby Court Winter Springs Florida 32708 the violation charged is Seal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 F stagnant water the violation was first observed on 127 2023 the notices were issued on 12:15 2023 and January 10th 2024 the compliance dates were 1229 2023 and January 24th 2024 multiple follow-up inspections were were done on the property with the last one being 327 2024 the results of the follow up inspections show that the violation of stagnant or foul water remains on the property this was taken by our helicopter alert on 324 or excuse me 314 2024 and it clearly shows the stagnant pool on the property um this is also two more aerial views of the property and the arrows um were actually done by alert but I just wanted to show you and tell you again that this is a corner property and there are many children in this neighborhood that could wander right onto this property this was taken yesterday 327 2024 um again I spoke with casy mcvey's father who's working on the property and the reason um it's still stagnant is because even though it is clearer you can still not see the bottom um but he is diligently working on the property the suggested recommend Commendation by the code code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2427 ceb it is determined that the respondent respondents Joseph M and Casey McVey are the owners of the record property located at 750 willby Court located in SEO County as determined by the property appraisers records are in possession or control of the property and are in violation of the seal County chap seal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 F and it is further recommend recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondents to correct the violation on or before midnight of April 14th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondents must remove the stagnant water from the property if the respondents does not comply with the order a fine of $250 a day will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated at after compliance the respondents must contact myself to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for user judges is this pool secur now or yes it is secure so in the I had a lot but there's from the prior presentations um the fence is actually making the pool secure because he fixed it so it's secured all the way around the property it was just that section of the fence um that was was down making it able to get into the backyard but it no longer exists how does the county look at that then if it's secure but it's still stagnant pool separate violation the violation was identified as a separate violation which is the stagnant water which is and it doesn't matter if it's secured or not then correct it's it's still a violation of the code so God forbid the gate is left open and a child get in there we can see them as soon as possible I this officer recommend second uh Mr Bates um making a motion uh that there is a violation uh compliance date by April 14th or $250 day fine second by Mr signon all in favor say I I oppose motion carries uh there's a request for short short break and Mr Bates I think as I told you before unfortunately I'm going to have to leave momentarily okay thankfully you still have a quorum so you can proceed on with the rest of the business I'm sorry but I no we're have any choice no matter we're we're going to take a short break here uh 5 minutes and we've got three cases when we come back uh so we'll be at recess for 5 minutes [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where my microphone go there okay we're going to go ahead and get started again uh and I believe we had another respondent that has arrived uh item number 13 on page 7even so we'll go ahead and start with that one and then I think we have maybe two after that that we'll knock out uh but this one is case number 24-23 CB Robert block 1:40 Morning Glory Drive Lake Mary uh 32746 and this case is Miss Tammy oser Tammy lon's case uh and whenever you're ready good afternoon code enforcement officer Joan tamy lonus Sim County sheriff's office North Region I'm submitting a copy of this PowerPoint um as the presentation to the clerk as exhibit one it's case number 2423 ceb the respondent is Robert Blanc at 1:40 Morning Glory Drive the violation charges s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B which is uncultivated vegetation in excess of 8 in in height my initial inspection on the property was September 26 2023 was notice to the respondent on 929 2023 and again on 1024 23 compliance dates of 10723 and 111123 uh numerous inspections from 1019 2023 uh through and including 32624 uh the vegetation violation remains on the subject property and you'll see on 926 2023 the overgrown vegetation and the front yard and again on 1019 2023 on 113 2023 it is still not been modowe and this is a time of year when it's actually pretty much stopped growing um sorry okay on uh 326 24 I just wanted to show you this board that I made so the measuring board is created to provide contrast for the viewing of the height of the uncultivated V vegetation makes it a lot easier to see so as you can see I measured this board out and placed the the blue tape on there the top line is 16 in from the ground level and 8 in from the ground level on the bottom blue line and when we hold that up on 326 you can see it is well over the 16 in in height so the top of the board is actually 20 in so it's almost 20 in and another photo on 326 on the other side of the front door as well and that is also over 16 in in height just a little panning on the front yard didn't go out there measure there was actually areas which were much higher than the ones you just saw on the board but we did not take any more photos of that so this has not been mowed since um my first visit in September and I have spoken to Mr Blanc in the past um possibly during Co and I believe a different officer might have spoke to him after that um he had in the past had lost his job and um I thought that had been rectified at this point and and that has but uh he explained to me that he still has financial difficulty and his lawnmower is not working and he's having a problem getting that fixed um I have offered uh a place where he might be able to get some help um we're going to talk about that more after this hearing but based on the uh evidence presented in case number 20 423 CB it is determined that the respondent rer Blanc is the owner of record of the property located at 1:40 Morning Glory Drive located in semone County as determined by the property appraisers records in possession or control of the property and is in violation of simil county code chapter 95 section 95.4 is defined in 95.3 B and further recommendation that the cut enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honor before midnight of April 18th 2024 remove the uncultivated vegetation and excess of 8 in in height if the respondent does not comply with the order of fine of $50 be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance and the respondent must contact me to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance that concludes my presentation thank you any questions roster tamy lones did I understand you correctly that you're going to work with him you have an idea yes I I have a couple of ideas of who he might be able to reach out to okay any other questions seeing none uh Mr Blan Mr Blan correct correct okay it's and you were sworn in yes I was here at the beginning good okay I don't remember seeing you thank you uh it's your opportunity to speak to this matter do you have anything to say the you see the recommendation I believe it's by April 18th my is certain me right the or $50 a day fine uh is the recommended compliance date is this something since I have not really contacted these people I don't know still what their schedule is going to be or or whether or not I can I'm I'm also dealing with some health issues that they're making it hard for for me to to address stuff like weeding and stuff like that uh at this point my right knee is swollen it's making hard for me to get up and down so I can't just you deal with this personally uh no motorized tools function in terms for for making you know Landscaping possible at this point I understand what this board's going to do here today is make a decision you've been sitting here so you seen a lot of what goes on as far as how to move forward and it you'll normally have a compliance date and then finds it's normally what happens here uh so and normally the responding if they have need a little more time if they have a certain request or something they want to share that's what happen so sort of the floor is yours at this point that's what we're looking at that's probably what we're leaning towards at this point unless you've got a request or I I think I'm said all that I can say on this matter at this point is that front yard photo it wasn't a whole lot there it was certainly but it was was there stuff in the back on the side or I have not seen the backyard but I according to his statements to me before this and now that he it doesn't seem that he's being able to mow the back either right Mr chairman yes ma'am I'd like to make the motion that staff work with him on this recommendation that she has and let's table this to the April meeting and see what shape it's in then I'll second oh good okay uh any other discussion motion to table this until our April meeting let me find the date somebody has on top April I think uh 25th Mr chairman okay until our April 25th meeting uh all in favor say I I I oppose okay so motion carries so we table this you'll have an opportunity to come back he gives you some time and staffer tamy lonus might be able to have something to offer she's certainly not going to go over the along for you but maybe maybe she got some ideas certainly thank you for coming in and we're going to move on I believe we have two more cases left that one 5 six seven okay uh yeah on page three item five case number 24-18 cebo veto mullik LLC 1640 East molic Road OVO Florida 32765 there is no respondent so uh officer Hill whenever you're ready officer Hill S County Sheriff's Office code enforcement east region I'm submitting a copy of PowerPoint to the clerk is exhibit one this is case 20148 CB oito mull LLC located at 1640 East mull Road in Ido Florida violation charge ASO county code chapter 95 section 95.4 is defined a 95.3 a rubbish my initial inspection was on September 11th 201 23 with notice to notice to responded on October 12th and November 10th 2023 compliance dates were November 5th 2023 and December 15th 2023 with multiple follow-up inspections including yesterday was my latest and the violation of rubbish Still Remains on the subject property these photos were taken on my initial inspection on September 11th 2023 the rubbish is the debris um from the trees that have fallen onto the property photo was taken on September 11th 2023 photos were taken on October 3rd 2023 photos were taken on November 8th 2023 photos were taken on December 18th 2023 this photo was taken on December 18th 2023 this photo was taken on March 25th 2024 see on the left side they have removed the tree debris and then they had m um because for the tree debris and they were not mowing around they were just mowing around and keep on going um and then the tree debris and parking lot there as well photos were taken on the same date and I went by again this morning too and the violation Still Remains So based on the testimony evidence presented in case 2418 CB is deter that the respond in noo Mulla LLC is the owner record located at 1640 East col Road located in simal county is determined by property appraiser records in possession or control of the property and is in violation of s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a it is further recommended the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honored before midnight of April 12th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all the rubbish from the subject property the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues for repeated after compliance so just a little background this is a Chevron gas station the Chevron owner does not own the property they lease the property from Ovito Mall LLC out of New Jersey I have made contact with the store manager and her supervisor back in September my initial inspection we walked the property I showed them what needed to be take what needed to be done to come into compliance even though they are technically not responsible to to maintain the property oito mol LLCs I have not heard from anybody from New Jersey um they did sign the certified Green cards for the notice of hearing and then yesterday when I went in they took photos of the notice of hearing as well so everybody's fully aware of what's going on um the store manager did tell me that there was somebody out there this week to look at the violations but she said nothing was taken care of and that concludes my presentation thank you for that additional any questions so so the people in New Jersey did find out about this yes they were Ser for the notice of hearing thank you any other questions roster Hill uh property is not in compliance recommendation is to come in compliance by April 12th for $100 per day fine so what's on the table I I'd like to move that we accept staff's recommendation motion by Mr sign and second by Miss Townson to St recommendation as presented all in favor say I I oppos and motion carries next cases item number six on page three case number 24-19 CB same same respondent oo mullik LLC 1640 East mullik Road oo Florida 32765 officer Hill officer Hill S County Sheriff's Office code enforcement east region I'm submitting copy this PowerPoint to the clerk is exhibit one this is case 2419 CB oo McCulla LLC located at 1640 East McCulla Road in Ido Florida violation charge of SEMO county code chapter 95 section 95.4 is defined in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation my initial inspection was on September 11th 2023 with notice respondent on October 12th and November 10th 2023 with compliance dates of November 5th and December 15th of 2023 the multiple f inspections including yesterday and this morning the results the violation Still Remains on the property these photos were taken on my initial inspection on September 11th 2023 these photos were taken on the same date these photos were taken on October 3rd 2023 these photos were taken on October 3rd 2023 photos were taken on November 8th 2023 these photos were taken on November 8th 2023 these photos were taken on December 18th 2023 these photos were taken on March 25th 2023 so you're only maintaining part of the um the area you see on the left that that's maintained and that because this is a corner lot as well on Mulla and um old and Lockwood Boulevard so um the portion of the property that faces Lockwood Boulevard being maintained but the portion that's facing um aulla road is not these photos were taken on March 25th 2023 excuse me it should have been 2024 based on the testimon evidence presented in case 2419 ceb it is determined that the respondent Obito MLL LLC is the owner of record located at 1640 East mola Road located in simal county is determined by property appraisers records in possession or control the property and is in violation of s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B is further recommended the code enforcement board issue an order to correct the violation honor before midnight of April 12th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all the uncultivated vegetation more than 8 Ines in height from the subject property respondent does not comply with an order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions Rosser Hill seeing none the recommendation we have on the table is uh find that there is a violation the compliance date April 12th or a $100 day fine I move that we accept sta recommendation I'll second it motion by Mr sinon second by Mr Davis to accept stat recommendation as presented all in favor say I I post motion carries and that I believe con the case is there's one case this case not heard I guess that may come up another another time I'm not sure uh but it's certainly not going to be heard today uh we have approval of the minutes from February 22nd 2024 is there a motion to approve so moved motion by was that Mr s Mr s second by second Mrs Townsen all in favor say I I oppos next meeting is April 25th 2024 if you can't make it please let uh the clerk know a bring them back Workshop we're going to have a workshop that day at 11:30 so uh it'll is it going to be in this room or one of the rooms or do we not know uh sir we're we reserved another room here in the building okay and we'll direct you to it once I'm sure there'll be an email that'll go to everybody uh and then uh uh so we have the election of the chair and vice chair uh that we can do we are missing Mr Ross Mr Peterson may not show Mr Bates so we can we can move and handle that now or we can do it next meeting it's up to a pleasure of the board to do it next meeting when there's more MERS I would agree I would love it I'm good with that okay so we'll make table it table it until the next meeting all in favor say I I post that's what we'll do and then motion to adjourn mov second M Town second by Mr sign hi okay for in good seeing you to see everybody AB [Music] nah