[Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] n [Music] good afternoon we're going to go ahead and get started it's 1:32 uh on April the 25th welcome to the uh regular code enforcement board meeting for SEO County for April 25th uh we're going to start by the uh pledge of of Allegiance followed by the swearing in of witnesses so if you're going to be speaking today in any manner please remain standing after the pledge this point follow me with a Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all if you're going to be speaking today as a respondent or witness or for anything else please raise your hand to Madam clerk so she can swear you in hello okay do you somly swear or affirm the testimony you will give today is the truth thank you uh Madam clerk could you conduct roll call please Craig Davis here Mike sinon here Kevin Ross Andino here Don Peterson excused Dennis here I bet here Dan uh Catherine here okay thank you uh I'm going to recommend that we make a couple changes to the order of the agenda uh and start the first case to be heard which would be case number item number six on page three uh and uh that is the case of Robert Blanc followed by item number five on page three William Hoffman uh 24-37 ceb followed by three cases with the same respondant it's items seven8 and nine on page four five and six Douglas garon uh with uh different case numbers 23-23 CB 23-24 CB 23-25 CB that one being on the lean request I believe [Music] uh I think y yes yes okay so uh with that being said if we can do I have a motion to revise the agenda in that manner followed by every other case that's on on the agenda so moved second motion by Mr sign and second by Miss Townson all in favor say I I I oppos motion carries uh can I yeah just the room is configured a little differently so when your case is called please come up and you'll be actually sitting in those three seats right closest to the to the audience um these matters are being electronically recorded therefore it's important that you speak directly into the microphone at the center of those um seats and the county has the burden proof so the county will present their case first you will then have an opportunity to present your case please make sure to limit your comment solely to the allegations made by the county if you need assistance due to a hearing impairment or a language barrier please make sure to advise us at the beginning of your hearing and to make sure that there's no interferences with these cases please check your phones and make sure that they're turned off or silenced while in Chambers okay thank you that being uh addressed uh we're going to move to the first case that we're going to hear which is item number six on page three uh that's case number 24-23 CB Robert Blanc 1:40 Morning Glory Drive Lake Mary 32746 and uh Mr Blanc you've been sworn in correct yes thank you whenever you're ready officer Tammy lonus good afternoon Joan Tammy lonus simal County Sheriff's Office code enforcement on North Region this is case number 2423 ceb and the respondent is Robert Blanc we were here last month with this case uh I presented the PowerPoint to the clerk and uh we spoke about this case uh it was continued so that I could see if I could possibly get an organization to help Mr Blanc with the mowing off his lawn if you recall uh we have spoken uh the organization I thought would potentially help uh has apparently dissolved uh we have come up with some other means of assistance for him in the future but not specifically for mowing of his lawn so he has been reaching out to a company and apparently they did not show up I went by this morning and Mr Blanc was actually out there with uh like a scythe or I think they call it a um grass whip which I just found out exists so he's doing manual labor trying to cut the front of the lawn so he is absolutely trying um I had informed the clerk prior to what I saw this morning and talking with Mr Blanc uh a new compliance date to be recommended for May 16th and then he can I'm sure finish it by then and possibly even find a way to get his lawnmower fixed um that is where we're at so the May 16th date I believe will suffice for Mr Blanc in this case thank you as I recall were the fines were $50 a day the recommended fins I think yes that's correct okay any questions Rosser tamulonis see none Mr Blanc this is your opportunity to speak to this she has said that you've requested a an extension that you're out there trying to get it done of May 16th you can offer anything else you may have for us to consider yes I I did request an extension uh the company I ta that has made uh notified me of three separate dates on the 16th the 18th and the 22nd that they would come and every time it gets nothing happens I get an email we'll contact the contactor we see nothing has happened uh we we'll s a new date I'd like to think happy thoughts that they're out there right now maybe working on it now but I'm I'm not that optim istic about it yet I hope by the 16th somebody will actually show up any questions Mr so you're you feel comfortable by the six the 16th are supposed to get it done or you're going to get it done not that it man I'm just curious uh I hope that I'll at least get a more of a response than I've received so far okay to see as to whether or not I need to find another Avenue right just for clarification he was physically out there when I drove up this morning he did not know I was coming he was physically chopping that grass down doing the best he can he had a tool thank you you're welcome anybody have a motion what are your I'd like to ask the board what their thoughts are on doing one more continuance on this yes I'd make the motion for staff recommendation extended to May 16th I'll second it motion by Miss Townson second by Mr Ross uh that there was a violation however we're extending the compliance date to May 16th or $50 per day fines will be imposed at that time all in favor say I I oppos okay so that's what we've done sir uh thank you for trying hard to get it done hopefully you'll get it done hopefully we won't see each other again okay thanks for coming in today appreciate that thank you next case is right above that one on the same page uh item number five case number 24-37 CB William Hoffman 2355 Sunny View Drive OVO Florida 32765 and officer Hill whenever you're ready officer Hill Simo County Sheriff's Office code enforcement east region I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint to the clerk as exhibit one this is case 2437 CB William P Hoffman located at 2355 Sunny View Drive in Ido violation charge EML county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation my initial inspection was October 20th of 2023 with notice to respondent on November 3rd 2023 and December 1st 2023 with compliance dates of November 24th and December 15th 2023 with f inspections in November and December of 2023 and March and um in a and yesterday the results of my inspection was the violation of uncultivated vegetation remains on the subject property these photos were taken on my initial inspection on October 20th 2023 these photos were taken on November 30th 2023 these photos were taken on December 18th 2023 these photos were taken on March 14th 2024 these photos were taken yesterday so some of it has been cut these photos were taken from um the neighboring property with their permission the um High Grass is growing through the fence and over onto the neighboring property they have also already spent um thousands of dollars trimming the trees that are coming from the sunny View Property over onto the um neighbors's property even though that is not a code violation we do not enforce um trees but we do tell neighbors if it is growing over the fence line you can trim that and they've spent a lot of money doing that um and so uh Mr hofman's vegetation is growing over onto the neighboring property these photos were taken of the back yard yesterday so just a little bit of History um this is not the first time that um this property's had this code violation before it has never been brought to code board but he has had um six six um uncultivated vegetation cases open starting in 2018 including up until 2023 uh four of those did come in um by a complainant to were self-observed from doing other inspections on that same street the suggested recommendation is based on the testimony evidence in case 2437 CB and to determine that the respondent William P Hoffman is the owner of record located at 2355 C View Drive located in simal county is determined by property appraisers records in possession or control of property and is in violation of s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 9.3b it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honored before midnight of May 12th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all the uncultivated vegetation more than 8 in in height from the subject property if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day of the violation is Contin continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you uh any questions for roster Hill I wasn't the other six times those apparently were coming in compliance before they got here correct okay okay uh see no questions for rer Hill uh Mr hoffen this is your opportunity to speak on behalf or to these uh violations that are cited I have have no defense against this it's it's been a mess but getting it cleaned up now they calleded off a dumpster load just a couple days ago and there was two two guys out there this morning tidying up stuff um I can easily have it done before May 12th any questions for Mr hofman we're a motion I move that we accept the recommendations uh and uh impose the F if not in compliance by May 12th second motion by Mr sign and second by Miss Townsen all in favor say I I I opposed uh so that's what we did that's the amount of time you got thank you uh appreciate your efforts on this brings us to cases 7 eight and nine on page Pages four five and six Douglas gon uh Bank of New York melon list pendants 1509 sugarwood Circle Winter Park Florida 32792 two and this is case number 23-23 CB there's three of them I'll cite the other two and then we'll hear them all together and address them separately uh case number on the next page page number five case number 23-24 CB same respondent Douglas gon Bank of New York melon's pendant 1509 sugarwood Circle Winter Park Florida 32792 and the final and third one page number six next page it's item number nine case number 23-25 CB Douglas gon Bank of New York mless pendants uh 1509 sugarwood Circle Winter Park Florida and I believe we have uh somebody who's here to testify on this case I don't I might make some comments my name is Kim George I represent the Bank of New York melon oh okay so you represent the bank uh is there anyone here on behalf of Douglas gon that's me oh okay uh and you've both been sworn in correct I've been she doesn't have to be she's an attorney I don't know if the gentleman was sworn it sir we need to swear you in if you can raise your hand do you solemly swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide is the truth yes thank you uh this I believe is a Le request and so uh again we're not going to hear the entire case but also judges if you want to bring us up to speed where we're at with this okay Tamara judges sual County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this is case 2323 CB Douglas garon located at 1509 sugarwood Circle violation charge seminal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 F stagnant water the initial inspection was back on November 17th 2021 my code board compliance date was January 4th 202 4 my follow-up inspection was April 23rd 2024 as of the result the violation of stagnant or foul water as I assume remains on the property as Mr Gan denied me access to his backyard two days ago and told me himself he has not been back there in several weeks the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2323 CB it is determined that the respondent Douglas garan is the owner and record of the property located at 1 159 sugarwood Circle located in seol County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records in possession or control of the property and is a violation of seminal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the findings of fact conclusion of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue and an order constituting a lean in the amount of $28,000 for the 112 days of non-compliance from January 4th 20124 through including April 25th 2024 at $250 per day and the fine shall continue to acre at $250 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after April 25th 2024 the respondent must contact myself to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you if you want to does anybody have any questions on this one before I I'm have to give the other two issues cuz I have a quick question because I recom this is not the first time we're coming on this particular one is that correct this is just for lean because we hadre had this cou come up a couple of times before because I recognize yes attorney okay that's what I thought okay if youall move to the next one uh let's move to the next we'll get sir sir we'll get to you we'll get to you we'll get to you just a minute okay just you speak you'll have an opportunity to speak to anything that's uh presented here just give us a minute let her finish uh Mr doser judges uh if you want to continue the next one which is 23-24 CB Douglas Gan Bank of New York Mel and list pennant 1509 sugarwood Circle Winter Park Florida 32792 it's item eight on page five if you want to go with that one Tamar judges sual County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I'm submitting a copy of the this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this this case is 2324 CB Douglas Karan located at 1509 sugar word Circle violation charged would be rubbish my initial inspection 1117 2021 code board compliance date January 4th 2024 follow-up inspection April 23rd 2024 results of the violation excuse me results of follow-up inspection the violation of rub rubbish excuse me that should say remains on the property these are my pictures from April 23rd 2024 again some more pictures the one to the right um is the he has done some yard work but he leaves the pile of rubbish in the y in the front on the by the roadway here's some more of the rubbish on the roadway the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case 2324 ceb it is determined that the respondent Douglas Kuran is the owner of the record of property located at 1509 sugarwood Circle load located in seol County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records in possession or in control of their property and is in violation seminal County chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board based on the findings of fact conclusions of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $11,200 for the 112 days of non-compliance from January 4th 2024 through and including April 25th 2024 at $100 per day and the fine shall continue and AC crew at $100 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after April 25th 2024 the respondent must contact myself to arrange for inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you uh let's just move to the next one and then we'll see we have questions 23-25 CB same respondent same address if you can finish that Tamara judges SEO County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one excuse me this is case number 2325 CB Douglas Karan located at 1509 sugarwood Circle violation charge abandoned vehicle inspection initial inspection 1117 2021 code board compliance date4 2024 follow-up inspection 423 2024 results of the follow-up inspection the violation of abandoned vehicles remain on the subject property um these are pictures Tak taken on April 23rd 2024 showing that this vehicle has flat tires uh this is an older classic Corvette um that Mr Gan stated that both vehicles would not start the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2325 CB it is determined that the respondent Douglas garon is the owner of the record of property located at 1509 sugarwood Circle located in Seal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records in possession or control of the property and is in violation of seal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 e the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the findings of fact conclusions of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $1,200 for the 112 days of non-comp cents from January 4th 2024 through the through and including April 25th 2024 at $100 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $100 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after April 25th 2024 the respondent must contact myself to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for eler judges on any three of these cases I have one clarification I'd like to make make sure I understood what you said and read here all three of these have been going on for two and a half years yes ma'am I wanted to make sure I understood that thank you yes and it's 11,000 per each one not all together correct so this violation itself totals 11,200 so each one each violation has a different total correct one was 28 the first one was 28,000 okay any other questions and we'll start with Mr gr we have two respondents here the B one Mr gron the property owner this is before you start let me briefly just say we're here to talk about the request for a lean so we're not here to retry the whole case the case Was Heard by this board uh there was a compliance date so I just want to let you know before you get into a lengthy uh discussion about the merits of the case we're here to hear about leny Sir okay it won't be lengthy no whatever it was I go ahead this it's you got the microphone closer okay she's going to approach she's going to approach you because we need this on the microphone so just be just one moment she's coming closer be careful okay the Autos she she pointed to two Autos that she said wouldn't I start she doesn't make an appointment when she comes out the one car is my son he was diagnosed with Ms he can't drive so he doesn't maintain insurance or use to or register a car that he can't drive okay the Corvette is a classic car and I I have a two-car garage with one car in it the Corvette could be in it or out of depending on what I'm doing to it if she made ever made an appointment instead of coming at 9:00 in the morning unexpectedly and said I want to come tomorrow can you start the car I could charge the battery and start it up but that's not the way it goes okay those cars are not abandoned two car two vehicles that I did have in Prior visits were sold for junk and they're not there okay so this that that's the status of those they're not abandoned that's baloney you want to go on well we need to be specific to the lean request you're starting to get into the I'm getting fact the case yeah and those facts were presented or whatever facts he presented in regards to the case to this board and determination was made giving you compl liance date that wasn't adhered to and that's why we're here today because there's a request for lean on the table so okay it's a homestead of property you can't lean it so that's a mute point and I don't know you're wasting your time up there if you read the law okay but I'd like to talk about the so-called stagnant water she came out to look at the property and the pool and my son raised what does my son do with the pool you you've said it here so it's on the record okay you can tell them Mr gr go ahead he raises fish in the pool from Little Fish to catfish okay now the charge is stagnant water isn't it with the pool is it don't don't you can't answer a question sir this is your opportunity to tell the board while you believe you're in compliance what am I being in charged with what was I stagnant water do you believe you're in compliance oh having of not having stagnant water absolutely okay here are three three samples of water the pool the retention Pond and tap water I had those when she came out four I had four she wouldn't so much as go over and smell them or look at them she was this far from the mugs of water at that time she wouldn't even bother to look she had two cops with her that day she they went back to the pool and her thing has always been you got to see the bottom of the pool well to do that you got to look she wouldn't come close enough to look in the pool and you could see the bottom okay and then she turned she had made up her mind before she got there she turns around and leaves and and that's it the cops they wouldn't look either okay how about the rubbish you can look you can smell look or whatever you do this is water taken today from the pool the retention Pond and the tap and you tell me if they smell stagnant foul or anything that's alleged in this how about the rubbish the cuting that are still by the road thank you I wouldn't call it rubbish I would call it trimmings from trees and bushes still there okay so what you're hearing today is basically his position on whether he believes he's in compliance or not okay the only thing you're here to decide is whether you want to proceed with the lean the only person that can bring him into compliance is the Cod inspector pursuant to chapter 162 so at this opportunity you're being told that she does not believe he's in compliance he's also I heard testimony say that she was not allowed access to the back of the house to confirm the pool situation so today you're limited on what you can do it simply impose the lean doesn't mean he can't continue to work towards compliance and they can make an appointment and have her inspect the backyard to see if she believes the pool is now in compliance or not um there's testimony that the rubbish is still by the side and there's a situation with regards to the car that I'm sure she'd be more than willing to make an appointment to go out there but if you see cars with flat tires that makes them inoperable so it's not just a battery issue it's they have to be able to be ridden on the road and properly licensed and tagged but again the only thing before you today is that the code officer is telling you that the property is not in compliance so you really only have the decision to make whether to keep case moving through the process can I ask one question though sure do you have any intention at all of meeting with the officer and making the changes that she's asked you to made to the property with these three issues my point is the pool and vehicles are in compliance my question I'll there about the rubbish you're calling rubbish I'm calling trimmings I'm not going to even argue but I'm just asking do you have any intention to meet with the officer to bring the property into compliance as you've been asked to do oh yeah I do Mr Brown Can you can you explain to me what Liz pendant means and am I am I allowed to ask why the bank is here sure she can explain to you go ahead M George a list pendant is a foreclosure on the property this one's due to monetary non-payment on the loan we have gone to final judgment we have not gone to sale um the problem that the bank faces in these situations is we are not the title holder because we have not gone to sale we cannot go to sale because he has filed a bankruptcy so that puts a stay on our list pendants forclosure action right now what we tried to do was get a property preservation person out to try to get bids on the property to bring this to compliance but they were faced with um occupants there that I can just quote what they advised us which was hostility or hostile um we can't get back to court to motion to go in because there's a stay per the bankruptcy so our hands are very tied and the problem becomes if it goes to sale and we get the property back through that sale then we're encumbered with these leans that are being set by you all today so I have no defenses to whether these are done or not I just want to put on record that the bank it would like to correct them um we can't and we there's not a lot we can do given the bankruptcy stay at this point but I would like reference to it for leniency at least even in the post lean imposition if we do obtain title to the property to try to resolve this or settle it in some fashion um that's why I'm here thank you yes uh and let's keep in mind once we get to that stage of determining fines uh or if whether the lean stays in place it's also acre still the daily rates as you know if that's the decision we make ma'am do you have anything else you want to present on behalf as being a respondent secondary respondent no sir thank you thank you Mr chairman if you don't mind I'd like to start in the Middle with number eight sure and let's uh take a vote on that one first sure U the rubbish or cuting as it were um I would make a motion to go with staff recommendation on that particular one this is case number 23-24 CB item number eight and I would second that okay then we have a motion on the floor of M towns and second by Mr Ross to accept staff's recommendation as presented which would be imposing the lean for $1,200 for $129 12 112 days of non-compliance at a rate of $100 a day and the F would continue to acre at that point all in favor say I I opposed motion carries uh thank you the second one anybody want to go with the next one I'll take the next two I think we should accept the staff's recommendation and all three on all of them okay people well I have a question first okay on U 23-25 on the abandoned vehicles they're not abandoned it's his convention these are not the vehicles that were cited in November of 21 they are they were along with them but he has gotten rid of some but yes these have been there since 2021 so okay so these also have been there for two and a half years yes okay thank you okay does anybody have a motion on that one I think you have a motion I have a motion to to to I can do them separately we can do them together so I'll do number seven I'll move to accept the saff recommendation on item number seven second uh motion to accept status recommendation by Mr Ross M signing I think on case number 23-23 CB the same respondents have a question is it legal to raise fish in that pool so yes I've had a case like this before and you can have fish but the water still has to be clear but yes people can actually make their pools Coons cool interesting I didn't know that so we have a motion accept stat recommendation on uh this one which is $28,000 lean to be imposed and continue to acrw $250 a day on of violation continues to exist motion by goodness where was I by me Mr Ross second by Mr sigon all in favor say I I oppos okay brings us to the third one on this respondant uh case number 23-25 CB same respondent same address uh is there a motion on this one yes same motion same motion we have a motion to accept St recommendation of imposing a lean the amount of $11,200 for the 112 days non-compliance and continuing new crew at $100 per day for each day the violation continues motion by Mr Ross by Mr signning all in favor say iOS okay ma'am thank you for your time coming in today than you app much much appreciated okay and then that brings us back to the original order of the agenda is anybody else showed up by chance is anyone else here or anything any no one else okay make sure no one's here yeah there my cases no one else has come no one El here because we have other folks brings us to case number one under new cases 24-20 it's on page one by the way 24-21 CB Mark D and Vivian s m severon uh and as a matter of fact we've got four cases under theirs the next one's 24-28 CB same name same address then we have 24-29 CB same respondent same address and 2430 CB same respondent same address officer judges if you want to give us all four of them sure Tamara judges seino County Sheriff's Office east region codee enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one thank you okay uh car 24 24 that's okay we're having little slow computer issue okay case number 2424 CB Mark D and Vivian M serson 3331 1 Alina Court violation charge rubbish initial inspection October 16th 2023 notices to respondent 10:18 2023 and 112 2023 compliance dates 1031 2023 11:15 2023 with several follow-up inspections to include my latest of 423 2024 the results of the the results of the inspection the violation of Rish remain on the property so this is most of these pictures are actually taken from the property behind the subject property as um the property owners they don't answer their door when I come there so these are actually taken through slats of a fence so this was on 1016 2023 I'm sorry so the arrow that you're seeing is a tarp and all there's it's hard to see cuz again through a slot but there's metal all on the grass area as well there here um this was taken on 423 2024 um again there's more metal pieces and you can see the blue tarps and it's kind of hard to tell in a picture but I couldn't get any closer but in the long grass there's a bunch of rubbish in there a suggested recommendation of the code enforcement officer based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2424 CB it is determined that the respondent Mark D and Vivian M severon are the owners of record of the property located at 3331 Alina Court located in Seal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's record in possession or control of the property and are in violation of the seal County chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a and is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondents to correct the violation honor before May 12th 2024 in order to correct the violations the respondent must remove all rubbish from the subject property if the respondents do not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day of the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondents must contact myself to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you next one 24-28 CB same respondant same address yes okay Tamar judges seal County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this is case number 2428 CB Mark D and Vivien M Severson and they are located at 3331 Alina Court in Winter Park violation charge is uses unpermitted occupying a camper is not permitted in use in a r1a zoning District initial inspection 1016 2023 notice to respondent 10:18 2023 and 112 2023 compliance stes 1031 2023 and 11:15 2023 with multiple follow-up inspections including my most recent which unfortunately I forgot to put up there but it was 423 2024 the violation of occupying a camper which is hooked up to water power sewer etc etc remains on the property so this was taken on 1016 2023 and you can see that oh that's okay you can see um all the piping and everything hooked up to the camper this was taken on January 4th 2024 the piping is still and everything is pushed out as you're using the camper again on January 4th excuse me this was taken 4 23 20 24 um the piping is still there however they've pushed it underneath the camper so it's not as visible um all of the sections of the camper were pushed out as like it were to be in use go ahead thank you um this is the other side of the camper where it's pushed out and I took a picture because the tires are flat so obviously it's not being moved on a regular basis um I I did not make contact with them yesterday um I did have several deputies with me as this is a problem house for us that's actually made the news and um we could hear them moving around there was activity in the camper but they would not come out the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2428 CB is that the correct number okay it is determined that the respondent Mark D and Vivian M serson are the owners of record of the property located at 3331 Alina Court located in Winter Park as determined by the Property Appraiser's records in possession or control of the property and are in violation of seal County Land Development code code Chapter 30 Part 12 section 30202 uses permitted this concludes my presentation thank you and we'll move on and the last questions here in just a moment 24-29 CB same respondent same address stagnant or foul water okay Tamara judges SEO County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one 2429 case number 2429 CB respondents Mark D and Vivian M Severson located at 3331 Alina Court Winter Park violation charge stagnant water initial inspection 1016 2023 notices to respondent 1018 2023 and 112 2023 compliance date 10:31 2023 11:15 2023 with multiple follow-up inspections and my latest being 423 2024 results of the follow-up inspection the violation of stagnant or foul water remains on the property um again this is taken from um the yard behind the subject property between slats and the arrows are pointing to that is actually the water the green um in the pool and they as well have quish in their um pool so they have plants growing in their pool as well this actually I was able to take um on the property as um our undercover unit escorted me onto the property during this day as we had some interaction with the property owners this was taken January 4 2024 as you can see the water is still stagnant and this was taken April 23rd 2024 and the water remain stagnant the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2429 ceb it is determined that the respondent Mark D and Vivian M Severson are the owners of the record of property located at 3331 Alina Court located in seminal County as determined by the property appraisers records in possession or control of the property and are in violation of the seal County chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 F and it is further recommendation that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondents to correct the violation honor before midnight May 12 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondents must remove the stagnant water from the pool if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $250 a day will be imposed for excuse me $250 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact myself to arrange for an inspection to inspection of their property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you and the final 24-30 CB same respondent same address if he could take a breather and then present that one Tamara judges SEO County Sheriff's Office East Region Co enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one case number 2430 CB respondents Mark D and Vivien M Severson located at 3331 Alina Court Winter Park violation charge uncultivated violation excuse me vegetation initial inspection 1016 2023 notice to respondent 1018 2023 and 11122 2023 compliance States 10:31 2023 and 11:15 2023 with multiple follow-up inspections the most recent being 423 2024 results of the followup inspection the violation of uncultured vegetation remains on the property this was taken 1016 2023 as you can see the grass is high oh it's okay um and that's taken through um fence slats so are these these were taken April 23rd 2024 and you can see how tall the grass has gotten the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2430 CB it is determined that the respondents Mark D and Vivian M Severson are the owner of record of property located at 3331 Alina Court located in Seal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records in possession or in control of the property and are in violation of seminal County chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B this concludes my presentation no it does not conclude my presentation I think I'm getting a little crossy from reading all these Powerpoints and it is further recommend recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for their respondents to correct the violation honor before midnight of May 12th 2023 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all uncultivated vegetation over 8 in in height if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed OS for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondents must contact myself to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any uh questions forer judges we've got four cases here on the same respondent I'll call one the rubbish case the other one is the uses the camper case the other one is stagnant or foul water and the other one's uncultivated vegetation yeah my question question would be um have you had any interaction at all with the homeowners over the course of this of this entire I guess we're at 18 months now and can you describe what happened in those interactions yes um I've had interactions with the homeowners and their son also lives there as well um the parents are the ones who actually live out of the camper they've given the house to their son um I've spoken to them several times either over the phone or in person and they stated that they want to move because the neighborhood is bad um and that um and I suggested you know well I mean you could sell their your house you could live in your camper at a campground so that we can get this into compliance um but they just refused to leave in the last time on the 23rd when we were there they were in the camper and in the garage and they would not come out to speak with me but yet they called me 3 minutes after I left to let me know that they weren't going to be here today uh also can you um um explain what happened on the day that you you said once you were granted access to the backyard can you explain what happened on that day please so our undercover units had received a tip that there was some illegal activity going on there so obviously they follow up with that and there was illegal activity going on there this is all public record and it's been on the news there was drug activity going on and homemade explosives um so our bomb squad had to come out and actually blow up the explosives in the back of the home cuz they were so unstable that they could have affected the entire block uh finally um can you explain uh why the county is seeking um $500 per day total if we were to approve all of these I mean that's that's uh I guess it would be $15,000 in a month in so each violation has its own actual violation price so it just adds up over time that's why we present each violation in a different PowerPoint they used to be all separate and then the laws changed or whatever now they're all I mean they used to be all together now they're separate any other questions uh I have a question on um 2429 stagnant or foul water is it possible for us to recommend a higher um it what are they asking are they asking I believe that was $250 a day is it possible to recommend higher or that's what we have to go with that's the maximum on the first time for that one okay is it secured um yes it actually is secured there is a fence around the whole property they have some just a couple inches where I get my phone right up there to those slots but it is secured okay uh we ready for a motion we we'll start or further discussion but we'll start with the First on 24-24 CB this is the rubbish one uh case uh recommendation compliance by May 12th or $100 per day fine sta recommendation I'll move to accept it second motion by Mr Ross second by Miss Town accept staff's recommendation as presented all in favor say I I I post next case is 24-28 CB that's item number two same respondent same address this is the camper case or uses permitted uh more appropriately probably stated by May 12th is the compliance date recommended or $100 per day fine I'll move again to accept the staff's recommendation I'll second it motion by Mr Ross second by Mr Davis all in favor say I I opposed next case uh item 3 24-29 CB same respondent same address stagnant or fou water recommendation by May 12th or $250 per day fine so moved second second or first by Miss Townson second by Mr Ross all in favor say I I I opposed no n by Mr signning four uh 24-30 CB it's item number four same respondent same address this is the uncultivated vegetation Case by May 12th is a recom recommended compliance date for $50 per day fine all in favor say well can I get a motion first so moved motion on Mr signing second second by Mr Ross all in favor say I I I opposed motion carries that finishes that I think we have one more respondent that has multiple cases if I'm not mistaken uh item 10 on uh page 7 uh case number 23-32 CB Mary TDC 1562 lawdale Circle Winter Park Florida 32792 and then uh this is Officer judge's case uh we'll just have her then State the next case 23-33 ceb same uh respondent same address and then there's 23-34 CB offic sir judges could you start with 24-32 CB Tamara judges seminal County Sheriff's Office east region code and enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one thank you this is case number 2332 CB Barry T DC located at 1562 lawdale Circle violation charg abandoned vehicle and again this is a lean hearing so initial inspection is May 2nd 2023 code boards code boards excuse me code board compli State January 1st 2024 and my latest followup was on April 23rd 2024 results of follow-up inspection the violation of abandoned vehicle remain on the subject property and there is the vehicle that's been sitting with flat tires the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2332 CB it is determined that the respondent Mary T DC is the owner of record of the property located at 1562 Longdale Circle located in semal County as determined by the property appraisers records in possession or control of the property and is in violation of seminal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the findings of fact conclusions of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue and in order constituting a lean in the amount of $11,200 for 112 days of non-compliance from January 4th to 2024 through and including April 25th 2024 at $100 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $100 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after April 25th 2024 the respondent must contact myself to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation yeah let uh I'm confused here my my agenda maybe may it looks like that's the recommended lean amount for 2334 and I thought we were just doing 20 excuse me 23 yeah 2334 and I thought we were just doing 2332 the abandon Vehicles which has a lean amount of 5600 if I'm not mistaken according is it let's go back yeah what we were on 2332 I believe correct abandoned vehicles you showed the vehicle with the flat tire can I see the file okay I would like to correct that and it says based on the findings of fact conclusion of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean of amount of $5,600 for $12 days of non-compliance from January 5th 2024 through and including April 25th 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acre at $50 per day for each of the violation continue or repeated after April 25th 2024 okay thank you so that's the recommend this is again obviously a Le request and uh the recommendation is a lean in the amount of $5,600 even for 112 days non-compliance lean would a crew continue group $50 per day this is the abandoned vehicle case that we just saw the picture this has basically been a Year's worth yes hold on car just one second yes it has um I started with um Miss DC in May she unfortunately was incarcerated in October but she had from May to October to get into compliance and she's still incarcerated at this time my I suggest since no one's going to respond that we just so we're not confused we just vote as she as she um closes each ones instead of trying to do them all at the end just to make it easier for us I think we should vote individually is this this cases is this this person in this case is this their first appearance before the board or we're voting on The Lean request reest so this has already been to this board yes yes okay thank you so I would move to accept that that recommendation is corrected to the $5,600 for the first violation thank you so we have motion on the floor by Mr Ross impos Le $5,600 500 or $50 per day to continue for violations after that point is there a second second second by Mr Davis all in favor say I I opposed that's what we've done 20 333 uh just make sure we're clear on Rec recommendation there if you could yeah we verified it I made sure okay says 5600 okay so the the recommendation on this one and this is the uncult of vegetation case another lean $5,600 separate from the diff from the first one $ 5600 and $50 a day after that fact it continues is there a motion was she going to present on that one or not yeah we we would like to see the presentation please okay thank you yes uh again 2 3-33 CB same respondent same address yes ma'am Tamar judges seal County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one case number 2333 CB respondent Mary TDC located at 1562 laale Circle Winter Park violation charge uncultivated vegetation initial inspection May 2nd 2023 code board compliance St January 4th 2024 follow-up inspection 423 2024 result of the follow-up inspection the violation of uncultivated vegetation remains on the subject property and these are my um photos taken from 423 2024 the that's okay the first picture is actually the side of the house um looking into the backyard and you can see there's a brick wall that is her back f area cuz it leads out to Main Street and you can't even see the brick wall because the grass is so high there and then that's just a front view of her property the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2333 CB it is determined that the respondent Mary TDC is the owner of record of the property located at 1562 lawdale Circle located in in Seal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of the seino county chapter 95 section 95.4 as a fine in 95.3 B and is further recommended that the code enforcement board based on the findings of fact conclusion of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $5,600 for 112 days of non-compliance from January 4th to 2024 4 through and including April 25th 2024 and $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acre at $50 per day for each day the violation continue or is repeated after April 25th 2024 the respondent must contact myself at the at myself to arrange the inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for have you spoken with Miss DC since her incarceration no I have not do we know how long the incarceration is um she has a history of dealing with law enforcement so I think that's taking into play of why she's there so long thank you tell me again when did this originate in May in May yes may of 23 2023 MH okay any other questions recommendation is a lean in the amount of $5,600 uh or of $50 a day excuse $50 a day uh for continued violations beyond the compliance date that's a recommendation I have one other question is the house vacant now yes it is I make the motion to accept staff's recommendation I'll second Mo I'll second motion by Miss towns and second by uh Mr Ross to accept T recommendation as presented all in favor say I I post motion carries and uh I believe the last one is 23-34 CB same respondent same address this is on page nine this is the rubbish Case Case uh AER judges Tamara judges seminal County Sheriff's Office east region code enforcement for the record I am submitting a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this is case 2334 CB respondent Mary TDC located at 1562 laale Circle violation charged rubbish initial inspection May 2nd 2023 code board order January 4th 2024 follow-up inspection April 23rd 2024 results of the follow-up inspection the violation of rubbish remains on the subject property and here you can see again the side of the house there's there's chairs and behind that you can see a cooler and a tarp the cooler the yellow the blue is the tarp this is in the right that is her driveway and has accumulation of rubbish as well there's another picture to the left of her driveway and up by the front door there's um rubbish leading up to the walkway the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 232 2334 ceb it is determined that the respondent Mary TDC is the owner of record of the property located at 1562 laale Circle located in seol County as determined by the property appraisers records in possession or control of the property and is in violation of seal County chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B it is further recommended that the code enforcement board based on the findings of fact conclusions of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $1,200 for 112 days of non-compliance from January 4th 2024 through and including April 25th 2024 at $100 per day and the fine shall continue to acre at $100 per day for each of the violation continues or is repeated after April 25th 2024 the respondent must contact myself to arrange for an inspection of their property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for officer judges the P let me sure I blinked and the picture went away that's okay um so the chairs and tarps and so forth have been there since May yes okay we did I just wanted to make sure I understood that thank you MH just a I'd like to make a motion I mean we here we are with a person that there's no way that they can comply because they're not available to comply um this $100 a day for the for the rubbish is not going to be fixed we're already at the point of where we will be approving $22,000 in leans here uh I'd like to make a motion that we um find uh in favor of staff's recommendation but reduce for this final one to $50 a day I mean you know what are we what is this person going to have when they come out if we've now already assessed $22,000 in leans and you know but I mean we're going to continue to ACR fines here just not at the $3,000 a month level it's going to be at $1,500 a month level I'd like to move that we reduce that amount moving as we move forward to $50 per day so that each one is now at $50 a day insector wants to speak uh offer judges you yes I just wanted to so you can get the clear picture this isn't the first time dealing with Miss DC um she had 5 months prior to incarceration to get into compliance this is a residential neighborhood they're small children there we've gotten calls for squatters because of the way that the property looks and um she unfortunately did also have a leak so now they're dealing with that in the neighborhood and before she left she had probably about 50 feral cats so she had plenty of time to come into compliance and I actually gave her time because she was dealing with some personal issues um she had an Unexpected death and she said that she would get it taken care of and she decided not to and did some things that she knew were going to get her where she is today so you have a motion on the table uh motion on the table St recommendation I changing the uh the fine amount to $50 per day for continued violations sir a second to that motion seeing none is there another motion I I move to accept the staff's recommendation as it I'll second that motion by Mr Ross second by Mr Davis accept staff recommendation as presented all in favor say I I oppos motion carries unanimously I think that's all the cases if I'm not mistaken yes okay and then brings us to the election of the chairman and vice chairman well before you do that let's approve the minutes please okay uh minutes from March 28th 2024 meeting is there a motion to approve those minutes I'll move approval second motion uh by Mr sign second by Miss Townson to approve those minutes all in favor say I iOS all right so now I need to take the gavel this is my favorite time of year not kidding not kidding no kidding all right so the first thing you're going to do is an elect a chairman chairperson um so I need nominations I'd make the motion to continue with our current chairman Dennis Warren okay do you accept the nomination uh yes okay I'll second that all right all those in favor hi any opposed we're not allowed to vote I'm kidding they're new they don't know that I'm kidding I agree all right so now you get it back yeah okay all right Mr chairman now you need to ask for nominations for vice CH nominations for vice chair am I allowed to nominate no no okay now being new to this board I'm going to defer any nominations to someone else please I'd like to do the same thing Mr Davis you can't me you and I can't you want it or you want me to take it hey I've been chairman before it's fine with me you can have it well I can't vote for a nominate myself what's his last name huh Ross Ross his last name is Ross Ando I threw a blank I couldn't remember his last name I nominate Mr Ross for his vice chairman the guy at the end SC you that dude I told to stop losing weight I told you you didn't look like yourself can't see anymore uh okay so we do you accept the nomination yes I do now you got to take the all to vote okay uh all in favor say I I'm just kidding all right well there you go you got your chairman and your Vice chairman please take a look at the dates on your calendars for all the upcoming hearings make sure you recognize that we have a meeting in June this year which we've never had in the past yep um so it's important that you let the clerks know with as much anticipation as possible for these summer months if you are unable to attend is there no conference this year no conference there is it's just earlier oh okay um anything else and and so the chairman will sign the minutes from the last meeting return them to the clerk for filing and I believe you are adjourned but I can't do that here so you need to do it Mr chairman you need to adjourn the meeting oh uh I have a motion to adjourn the meeting motion to adjourn second please okay U motion by Mr Ross and second by Mr sign and all say oh oh