##VIDEO ID:0RHHRklRCTU## [Music] sing please and that's a problem not me that mic is next to that screen on that computer I don't know if that's a problem or not all right this all right if everybody would find their way into the chambers and and grab a seat we got a huge celebration to celebrate our little Leaguers from uh Lake Mary tonight we're so glad that they're able to join Jo us I'm going to ask commissioner her to lead us in the pledge allegiance real quick and then we'll get things kicked off I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you commissioner and so that the public understands we switched up the agenda tonight in an attempt to uh accommodate our children in the community to get them in and out of here as quick as possible we don't want to bore them with a budget hearing which uh was scheduled originally but we'll do this right after that uh an attempt to make things efficient let me just give you a rundown how we're going to do things tonight commissioner lockart who is the district commissioner uh for Lake Mary will read the proclamation John Oma from Gallagher promotional products willing present engraved baseballs to each player and coach and he'll speak for one moment I will present copies of Senator Rubio's Congressional Record recognizing Lake Mary little league as the 2024 Little League World world we have World Series champions and then we'll all come down and get pictures all at once and try to get everybody moved on as quick as possible so commissioner lockart yes thank you all so much for being here I don't think you realize the fans that you have up on this Das um three of us would have loved to have been all five of us actually traveled to Tallahassee to be with you at the governor's mansion to celebrate that fabulous experience and uh we just couldn't be more proud of you so um with that Commissioners I move the following proclamation of the seminal County Board of County Commissioners proclaiming August 25th 2024 as Lake Mary Little League World Championship day in seminol County Florida whereas the Lake Mary little league established as a nonprofit organization at the Lake Mary Sports Complex is dedicated to providing a safe instructional and fun environment for children ages 4 through 16 fostering their growth in baseball and softball since its founding and whereas the Lake Mary little league proudly represents Central Florida and Little League District 23 and whereas the 2024 season roster of the Lake Mary little league included number seven Chase Anderson number eight Christopher chiad number nine laan Norton number 10 Hunter Alexander number 12 Jacob bio number 14 James Feliciano number 15 Liam morisy 18 Lewis Kao number 19 Landon Bono number 22 Garrett roosen number 25 DeMarcos Masis trra number 26 Taj Alexander coach Paul bio coach Kyle Bono and manager Jonathan Anderson and whereas the Lake Mary little league Allstars achieved an incredible 6 in1 record in the 2024 Little League World Series and whereas they showcased their resilience and skill with crucial victories against top teams from the Midwest Northwest Metro West and mountain regions and whereas the team displayed exceptional performance Under Pressure including a dramatic 10 and S win against Texas in the US championship and a thrilling comeback in the world championship game overcoming Chinese Taipei with a winning score of 2 to1 and whereas the young athletes of the Lake Mary little league through their unwavering dedication exceptional teamwork and Relentless perseverance have achieved tremendous success and demonstr demonstrated the true Spirit of sportsmanship and whereas they have become Hometown Heroes setting an inspiring example of commitment and passion for the entire Community now therefore be it proclaimed that we the board of County commissioners of seol County Florida do hear I congratulate the Lake Mary little league for their historic Victory and designate August 25th 2024 as Lake Mary Little League World Championship day in seol County adopted this 24th day of September 2024 second second motion second all those in favor oppos like sign see none it's unanimous congratulations [Applause] thank you commissioner next up is Mr John omara John if you'll come up to the podium here real quick sir right and feel free after you address us feel free to hand those out all right good evening everybody uh my name is John I'm with Gallagher promotional products and uh Ken smart the owner of her company apologizes that he couldn't be here this evening he had travel plans that he was not able to um yeah grab that and then I'll you can help me hand him out so he wasn't able to be here tonight so I'm here on his behalf uh he had a short uh little say he wanted me to say to congratulate everybody uh in recognition of your hard work the Integrity in which you played and the tremendous success you've achieved the entire team at gallago promotional products is proud to present engraved baseballs uh commemorating your historic achievement at winning the 2024 Little League World Series the tenacity belief in your teammates the courage that you displayed are inspiration to the team at Gallaghers and to the citizens of seol County May this gift be a reminder to each of you for years to come of the victory you've brought this community our state and indeed all of America congratulations all right out all feel free to hand those right out to those come on down here boys congratulations Jacob Raj congratulations Liam congratulations gar congratulations congratul congratulations and we do have one for each of the coaches as well yeah and one other thing I just want to say before I uh leave uh these are some fine young gentlemen and the parents really need to be congratulated for the way they've raised these kids they've handled this except Cally and I'm very proud that so is everybody at Gallagher the way they've handled this congratulations thank you mror it's uh my honor to enter into the record uh and we will hand these out to each and every one of you uh con or yeah Senator Rubio could not be here tonight uh but he has entered into the Senate record uh Proclamation uh through the Senate President recognizing each and every one of you by name uh which will forever live in the history of this country uh each of you will get a document and I'll read this Congressional Record proceedings and debates of the8th Congress second session Washington Wednesday September 11th 2024 recognizing Lake Mary little league Mr Rubio to Mr President I recognize Lake Mary little league the winners of the 24 Little League World Series held in South Williamsport Pennsylvania on August 25 2024 the Lake Mary little league baseball team led by coach Jonathan Anderson reached the Little League World Series with a perfect 130 record and finished their season with an overall record of 20 and one the team achieved victory in the Southeast Regional Tournament winning all four games with a combined score of 35 to8 and qualifying for the world baseball tournament to make it to the 2024 Little League World Series Lake Mary defeated the Little League team from godlet Ville Tennessee in the Regional Championship Game by a score of 11 to Zer during the tournament Lake Mary also emerged Victorious against teams from South Dakota Washington New York Hawaii Nevada and Texas in the championship game against Taiwan City Taipei Lake Mary managed to tie the game in the sixth inning after trailing 1 to zero leading the game into Extra Innings for the third time in championship history after a scoreless seventh inning the eighth inning began with a runner at second base taipe failed to score in the top of the eighth Inning on the first pitch of the bottom of the eighth inning Hunter Alexander executed a bunt to the right taipe pitcher grabbed the ball but his throw to first base flew into the right field after no one was at the bag allowing the runner from second base to make it home to home plate and win the game for Lake Mary this was a thrilling victory for the Lake Mary team and for all Floridians I extend my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to coach Jonathan Anderson Chase Anderson Christopher chodor lean Norton Hunter Alexander JJ Feliciano Jacob bad Liam morisy Lewis callow Landon Bono Garrett Rosen Demarcus misus and Taj Alexander I look forward to hearing of their continued success in the years to come congratulations if you all would come down we'll get pictures and I'll give each one of you the Senator's proclamation of one for you four five left over I think was say the oh the players that AR here okay that's all right you guys [Music] can you see onat good work go ahead G yeah I'd like the coach to have a few words coach Anderson thank you thank you for uh everything you've done for us um you know we're we're not all just Lake Mar we all go to Lake Mary little league but these kids are scattered throughout seino County you got some Longwood kids you got some Sanford kids so we got kids from all over and uh yeah we appreciate anything everything you've done for us anything that you can do in the future for for the City of Lake Mary and and and Lake Mary little league I see you guys got some DG M I like that but yeah we uh you know if you go over to to the Lake Mary Sports Complex it's not large so what we did with that facility is is is crazy and it's just going to get bigger every year there's a new rule that little league made that anyone that's seven and under can play in any little league we want wow so that could make things crazy for for Lake Mary so I heard the budget meeting today you know take us take us into consideration take us into consideration I knew the the boomba Sports Complex looks amazing I would love for Lake Mary Sports Complex to look something close to that so you know we'll have a discussion with the mayor yes please get in discussion with the mayor put up you know think about us man there's things that we need and I would love I would love to make Lake Mary larger and just leave an impression here for the for the future kids to come so thank you guys thank you for giving me a few minutes coach I would tell you that it's not lost on me nor the rest of them up here the sportsmanship and character of these children based on your coaching as well as their parents um the comments I was unable to make the parade in Lake Mary I had a a medical emergency in DC but I had calls from all over the country of other elected officials congratulating and what was so telling was the way the sportsmanship of these children uh at the end of the games against their opponents is not lost on this community and it could go a long way with many adults these days and so we we sincerely appreciate that character that you've instilled the sportsmanship as well as the parents and we all the parents have made a huge sacrifice for these children both financially and TimeWise so thank you all very much for making sure seminol county has been recognized um good job well done we hope it happens once again and it will we'll keep coming don't worry guys don't worry thank you all right we'll uh we'll give these folks who have to attend school tomorrow a little bit of time to to make their way out and then we'll get started on our budget hearing take your time coach not Thursday that's right school's closing back to school and back to and by the way oh yeah by the way school's closed on Thursday [Laughter] y'all haven't missed enough school already right see you later thanks coach take care bu Take Care thank [Music] you top that Tim Jacks yeah so you know it's uh what a beautiful thing you know it's a good change of pace to what we deal with in our everyday commission meetings and so forth that uh it's just great to celebrate the community and celebrate these young children that uh you know many of them will go at at vast distances around this country hopefully and college ball and so forth and maybe one day we'll even see some of them in the Major League scene so we'll be able to sit back tell our grandchildren or our great grandchildren hey that's right from Lake Mary where we all are from so good stuff well Mr JX please uh go ahead we're going to get opened up with our this is our second hearing for the fiscal year 2425 uh final budget uh we've already done the pledge so we'll skip through that tonight's meeting's purpose is to present the final millage rates and budget for fiscal year 2425 and allow the public comment before we begin the public should be reminded that this board accy commission does not have control over the tax levies or budgets of the school board the Water Management District the property appraiser the tax collector or any of the Seven Cities in seol County questions John questions regarding assessed property valuation should be addressed to our property appraiser Mr D David Johnson with that said before Mr JX gets started for those in the public uh at the last meeting we had a individual um that was concerned about her property taxes uh that was vetted out by Mr Johnson that claimed that there was a 31% increase in her tax uh upon further analysis it's been determined the purpose and reason for that was is that property owner actually did an addition substantial addition to their home so that is based on the value including the addition just so that the record's clear um uh some comments were made so that that is the the scope of why that occurred so Mr Johnson thank you very much for you know allowing us to uh get that information anticipation of this hearing so thank you very much Mr JX please proceed thank you chairman I'm Timothy JX with the Office of Management and budget in in accordance with Florida statute and truth and millage requirements the FY 2024-25 budget was developed based on the millage rates shown here the First Column shows the current FY 24 adopted rates the second column shows the rolled back rates which would provide the same amount of AD valorum tax revenues as the current year excluding new construction the next column shows the fy2 final millage rates and the final column shows the percentage of the final millage over the roll back rates as you can see the FY 24 final rates are the same as the current rates for all taxing districts I will now read these rates into the record the general countywide millage of 4.875 1 ms is 6.90% above the roll back rate of 45604 M the fire rescue mstu millage of 2.76 49 Ms is 7.18% above the roll back rate of 2579 6 Ms the unincorporated Road mstu millage of 01107 Ms is 7.06% above the roll back rate of 01034 Mills and the final aggregate millage rate for all BCC taxing districts is 6.88 3 Ms which is 6.48% over the current aggregate roll back rate of 64616 MS that concludes my presentation thank you Mr J um anyone here from the public wish to speak not on this not on the millage not millage okay seeing none we'll close public participation on the millage go to board action commissioner Constantine thank you Mr chairman I'll move to adopt the uh fiscal year 2425 final millage rate as presented second MO second all those in favor I oppose like sign seeing none motion carries unanimous Mr JX the total final countywide budget is 1 b99 M 97,7 N9 balanced with revenues and expenditures this includes $4 million of adjustments detailed on page 20 of your document general fund revenues are being increased by $4 million for the anticipated return of Behavioral Health funds previously transferred to the seminal County Sheriff's Office expenditures are being adjusted by $4 million for an increase to the Sheriff's certified general fund transfer as discussed at the first public hearing also included in the final budget is an update to the approved itemized Appropriations within the supervisor of elections budget this chart by service area shows that Public Safety physical environment and transportation make up 74% of the County's total expenditure budget that concludes my presentation thank thank you Mr JX any public comment on this item yes sir we have three okay if we would call those three and they would come up line up and we'll get yall on the podium John Horvath Bill Hyde and Tim lockart Mr horbath Mr chairman it's good to see you again tonight good to be seen John horbath 1004 Bradford Drive Winter Park Florida this is probably my 50th budget I've tended so it's watch it go up but uh get to the point you've had a hearing this morning or memorandum on the medical examiner's office extended for five more years and I know you've looked it bring it in house I would like to see that in the next 5 years CU I think there's things involved more than the money time Tav for members that have to identify bodies Etc i w into details of but also I noticed the fire department celebrated their 50th anniversary today and I remember when it started cuz I was on the board of one of the volunteer fire departments back in 74 and I watched it changed and now we have an ISO one class rating and I know it's do up in a couple more years and not the iso Rec recommends they weren't suggestions they recommendations so I hope the board and the fire department will look at those and make make sure they carry through cuz I like to see us have that ISO one class fire recommendation also Parks and Recreation I'm sure they have certificates of good service I like to see that continued I know with Co a lot of the parks picked up attendance and you probably hav't continued attendance at these parks and they need to be upgraded you heard the gentleman from Lake Mary it's all over the county like everything else and Five Points you got stuff moving to fly points I like to see that continue because at fly points that's in center of the county and get equal distance for all the taxpayers to travel to conduct Court business or whatever business will be at fly points so in a sheriff I understand he's looking for some money to keep from losing deputies and I know it's a constant I was at a Calo meeting earlier this month and one of the Commissioners from one of the other cities they said we just finished agreeing with our Union and our police officers for a starting salary then they find out 2 days later one of the other cities raise it so looks like a poker game right now that I meet you and I'll raise you and it concerns me CU I understand we need a policeman and and the shair of deputies but do we really gain when we're playing you go here I go there type of thing so we need to look at how we can maybe eliminate that I don't want to say we're holding wages down but some of these people need to know money management even though they they have a chance to get paid raises but uh you have running good budgets I know I've been here for many years looking at these and I don't think anything's cheaper today than it was 5 years ago and I think it's like 6 months ago is up so uh it's hard to figure your budget when you have fluctuating prices of products I was another place and I mentioned the cost of a fire truck was a half million dollar and commissioner delore greatly corrected to me on on the engine on an engine he said it's a million dollar now for them and then 2 million for for the for the ladder truck and that's not counting the hose and stuff that goes in those trucks so you got to look at all that so it's a big budget so thank you Mr chairman and thank you John we appreciate it be well thank you thank you Mr Hyde good evening my name is Bill Hyde I live at 23 79 odley Street in Ovito um you may have noticed that last year I didn't speak at all on the budget or the millage and I didn't speak at the first uh meeting you had this year either I had no intention of speaking at this one and I'm going to go slightly off topic so if the chairman wants to gavel me down it won't be the first time um at the last meeting there was a young lady here who was was very frustrated and she she had her tax bill in her hand and she was trying to decode the water management and this and msbu and so on and so forth and my first thing was well you know you should have read that and think wait wait that's not right how how could you expect Joe citizen Mrs citizen that works all day has kids in school they have after care they got a fixed dinner how can you EXP expect them to be able to decode msbu and fire fees and all that kind of stuff and I thought well you know I think our elected officials our our our property appraiser our our tax collector our County Commissioners our school board could do a better job in communicating how the budget and the taxes and the msbu and all that stuff fits together uh certainly we have the Electronics we have uh next door we have a many ways that we I just think that you guys could do a better job I can I I can decode them I can tell you about the inflation versus the but you can't expect 90% of the people that have to pay those taxes to understand all that and the frustration that she had I I really felt and so that's maybe I'm a little off topic but I was I really felt that you guys should hear something you know from people that actually pay those taxes they they could use a little understanding you know what may maybe it would make people feel a little bit better about the government if they knew more about it so that's all I got to say I just hope you guys can find a way to work with school board the Water Management the mbus and and just make it a little easier for that lady and her family to understand thank you thank you Mr Hyde Mr Mr lockart Lynn toart no Tim lockart yes uh 417 Lake Boulevard uh how you all doing today I know you all don't see me up here very often because about 12 years ago I lost my first amendment rights to be public but today I don't know you might not be doing very well after this meeting today uh special day for me because I really want to talk about this issue it's really really important to me and um and you know kind of the thing is I'm just kind of uh speaking for the people who who look like me I heard that get your all attention um is I'm a lake liaison and my Lake we have an msbu and in our Lake uh our msbu pays for our Lake services and it's very very important that we have all the dollars from the msbu go to the lake and there's been uh a little bit of a runaround on this issue and I've been trying to get it someone's attention to it so I'm bringing it publicly so that you all can make a decision on it maybe not you directly but I think there's some collaboration needs to happen with the tax collector and other things so that the issue here is that uh my $300 for my property gets added to my tax bill uh that is then um but it's not a tax by the way it is not a tax mspu should not be counted as a tax but it is and when I when somebody pays their mortgage uh tax payment through their mortgage they get a 4% discount that takes away money from the msbu going to the msbu and they're giving the discount even though everybody who's in the msbu wants every dollar going towards the lake this is not just affecting mspu for Lakes it's garbage and everything that you have that's not a tax but is on the tax bill is being affected by this and I it's doing a disservice to the to the the community I did the math on my Lake and um we've had our msbu for 20 years and it doesn't sound like a lot of money but it's $6,000 over 20 years that we could be putting in air Raiders or whatever with that would be going to it we have a bigger Lake system that has 200 people on it right next to us and that would be in the same time period $50,000 that's lost to the lake Endeavor so I'm here to talk about that and to see again I've talked to the governor 's office the governor's office put me to State Legislature I went talked to one of our local state legislators they said go talk to the tax collector I talked to the tax collector he says I'm I'm I have to do whatever the County Commission does so I'm here full circle hey babe how you done so um just trying to make sure that everybody knows that uh that's an issue it's important to msbu and actually I did talk to one of your service providers who do um garbage and it they take account of this 4% even though it's not a tax they have to take account of it and actually increase their rates because of it so it it's a silly system when it's not a tax so that's my three cents and I I encourage you all to reach out to the tax collector up you're out of time Mr lockart I good luck Tim yeah you probably got a better chance me than you do with her so just go ahead and sit down I'm fine I got Tim Jackson myself oh you want to clarify that any other any other public comment check that sir see thenone we'll close public comment and I will ask the county manager if he has anything to add no sir just well I guess I do have one thing I just want to thank uh Tim J and his staff as well as all the directors back here of all their hard work this past year and and really helping us balance the budget as well as this board so I appreciate it absolutely all right we'll go to board action commissioner Constantine thank you Mr chairman I will move the adoption of the FL of the fiscal year 2425 final budget as adjusted of 1 b99 mil 97,7 n90 second we got a motion a second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppos like sign seeing none motion carries that concludes our second budget hearing we appreciate everybody being here this evening be safe have a good evening also remember the school board has decided they will be closed on Thursday on Thursday they will make a determination whether they will be open on Friday or not tomorrow we'll have a emergency management meeting um discussion to determine what else is happening throughout the county but stay tuned so thank you all very much enjoy your evening [Music] --------- ##VIDEO ID:CuLNuY9n1jc## everyone and welcome to the afternoon session of the border of County Commission meeting here in Seal County the date is September 24th 2024 uh I would ask each of you check your cell phones make sure they're in the silent mode if you have any other electronic devices with you if you'd be kind enough to silence those out of respect for any of the speakers and presenters today we also would like to remind you if you're here to speak either on an agenda item that's currently on the agenda you will need to grab a form in the lobby fill it out bringing up to miss Dominique right here the clerk make sure she gets it you'll need to have your name your address and the item in which you want to speak upon if you're here to speak an open Forum you will also need to fill out one of those forms and briefly explain what you're here to speak about and make sure you give that to miss Dominique as well in the interest of efficiency we will not wait for you to fill out a form during the proceeding you should be filling that form out now if you desire to speak in advance at a respect of not only the commission's time but your fellow citizens who are here that uh are are either here to speak or to listen so with that said we're going to open the meeting with our afternoon uh agenda and I will move for a motion for proof of publication so moved second motion second all those in favor I I oppos like sign hearing none carries unanimously please each commissioner disclose any expar communication you've had on the agenda for this afternoon no I have none to report n none to report and likewise the chairman has none I will now go to miss Kate Lor the County Attorney to read into the record the rules for public speaking today well chairman we don't have any quasi judicial items on the board this afternoon so I don't think it's necessary to read this cuz our item is legislative that's right thank you all right then we'll move to number 28 which is the expedited building permits and this is going to be presented by Mr Dale Hall Mr Hall thank you Mr chairman and Commissioners I'm Dale Hall the planning and development manager for you this afternoon for consideration is an ordinance forly known as expedited residential subdivision building permit process Land Development code Amendment that's a mouthful but what this in summary what this is are basically it's an ordinance that creates a process for Expediting the issuance of building permits for residential subdivisions before a final plat is recorded its purposes to achieve compliance with some new state Legislation during the 2024 legislative session the Florida legislator passed Senate Bill 812 which requires that counties more than 75,000 residents establish a process to expedite the issuance of building permits for residential subdivisions prior to the recording of a final plat the bill requires that counties allow for up to 50% of the Lots within a new sub residential subdivision or plan development to be permitted prior to plating subject to some specific requirements this process must be enacted prior to October 1st 2024 which is why we're currently seeing this item in this presentation by December 31st 2027 the requirement for permitting prior to final platting raises to 75% the ordinance creates a process or this ordinance creates a process to expedite the issuance of building permits for residential subdivisions before a final plat is recorded in accordance with the statute or with the requirements of the statute specific specific changes to our existing ordinance include the following section 3516 home construction prior to Plat recording the current ordinance refers to specific staff positions that have been revised over the years and are out of date the new ordinance updates those titles to current position designations the ordinance provides the the proposed ordinance defines submitt requirements that are also outlined in the statute and include the following the requirement for submitting a plat plan a plot plan for each permitted lot a plot plan is a newly defined term for the section of the ordinance that means a scaled plan that shows existing and propo improvements within the boundary of a lot including but not limited to structures infrastructure utilities and boundary lines of the lot in relation to each other the purpose of the plot plan is to show how each propos osed building meets all the lot setbacks and development regulations and will assist staff in review of the application submittal of emergency access and water supply plan is also required that details the fire department access to the subdivision and how water supplied to those lots seeking expedited building permits the new process requires a bond in the amount of 130% of the construction cost for the subdivision and outlines the process for preliminary assignment and property addresses for each lot additional revisions to section 3516 outlined some of the criteria for approval this includes submitt of a preliminary plan site plan final engineering plans proof that the plans have been submitted to the applicable utility companies all all proposed structures must meet the requirements for the approved Master building permit and most recently adopted Florida building code requirements the aforementioned emergency access and water supply plan must be approved by the fire marshall adequate addressing and installation of street sign codes in accordance with the requirements outlined in the code and as mentioned in the submitt uh process proof of the performance bond in the amount of 130% um of the uncompleted necess improvements and the execution of an indemnification and hold harmless agreement in favor of the county in other words the applicant accepts the responsibility and the county will not be liable for issues arising from pursuit of development prior to issuance of the final plat one one of the most important points to note is that the transfer of ownership issuance of a certificate of occupancy and any occupancy of the homes is not allowed until the final plat is approved mov D the ordinance also amends another section section 3544 which is titled require required submittals for the final plot necessitating an as-built plot plan for each lot that was permitted within the subdivision under the expedited process an as built plot plan is a signed and sealed survey of each individual lot that shows the final surveyed location of the constructed building builds or homes and how they meet the setbacks and other development regulations submitt of this plan allows the staff to ensure matched the configurations of the approved final plat in conclusion staff requests the board adopt the ordinance amending part two procedures of securing approval of plats chapter 35 subdivision regulations Section 3516 home construction prior to Plat recording and SE section 3544 required submittals for final plot of the seal County Land Development code to establish an expedited residential subdivision subdivision building process pursuant to section 17307 3 of the Florida Statutes this concludes my presentation and I'm available to answer any questions you may have thank you Mr Hall any inquiries from the board seeing none I'll go for board action Mr chairman anybody public any public comments on this matter no sir Mr chairman like to make a mo okay we'll close the public hearing without the public Disclosure by the County Attorney but go ahead like to make a motion to approve the ordinance amending part two of chapter 35 section 3516 home construction priority to the plot recording of the suar county land to establish and expedited residential subdivision building permit issuance process pursued into section 137 073 of Florida statute section and section 35.4 of the land devilment code is presented here today second motion second any further discussion commissioner lockar then commissioner her I know it will be reflected in the actual minutes but just because it was 73073 I read it wrong I'm sorry that's okay I just want to make sure we've got it that we said what was written commissioner her I wasn't paying that close of attention uh but you can always count on me I can count on you for details I have a bigger picture question though this is really rather significant in terms of the potential liability for something going wrong with this and I realize there's a hold harmless there's all the legal process that's in place that protects the county are we really prepared for this in terms of the processes and the answer is probably no because it's brand new but what I'm asking from the county manager and the county attorney's office is to just make sure that we have processes in place that will back this up so that we're not the ones that can be pinged for not calling something to somebody's attention Etc because they're still going to behave as though they've always behaved and we're going to behave the way we always behave but yet we have a new ordinance that's being thrust upon us we need to be prepared for that commissioner Constantine then commissioner lockart and what I was going perfect comment commissioner um and I can just see the scenario that you know they they build it halfway all of a sudden wait a minute that's not the right way to be building it and then all of a sudden we got lawsuits and this and that I just want to reiterate to anybody that wants to hear this the only reason only reason that this is coming before us is because the legislature has made this uh a mandated requirement of our expedited building permits thank you commissioner Lockard that's what I was going to say okay um all I would ask is is to dovetail on that it is mandated by the state legislature that we make sure that don't we reach out to uh Associated building contractors our our building and and development Community um here in the region to make sure they understand uh that we have adopted this ordinance pursuant to Senate Bill 812 so that we've done everything we can in our due diligence to inform those stakeholders that just now exists because it's going to happen they're going to come in and say why why why or you need to do this or do that well we should be referring to them to to what we've actually done so very good and legislators in the area that's right I voted for all those in favor I oppos like sign seeing none pass unanimously very good next is the county attorney's report I have no report today chairman no report no report today you just want to be quiet over there all afternoon now we're just we're just cruising along in the county attorney's office all right we'll move to uh County manager report and staff presentations County Manager you have anything other than this presentation uh just one other item real quick and as you all know the potential storm that could be coming our our way you know our emergency management team is on it we most likely will have an executive team uh meeting or committee meeting tomorrow morning so you'll be notified chairman of that but any information that comes out that I'll make sure I get out to the board great thank you very much so Mr Durr with Parks and Recreation will be giving us the Rolling Hills update Mr dur good afternoon Commissioners um for the record R dur parks department director before I get started on the uh giving you the update on the project wanted to kind of retrace where we've come um and where the community has come along this entire journey together um since the um redue Rolling Hills group first addressed the county back in 2014 it's been a 10-year stretch of working through a pretty complex set of situations uh one that has become um actually folks from around the state calling our departments and other folks asking how are you guys doing this because we have we're faced with the same kinds of situations in our community uh I just matter of fact the City of Cape Coral just contacted me last week and said can you send us some information that we can go on we just bought our own golf course that went out of business and now we got to figure out what to do with that so um so in acknowledging that I asked my staff to please go back and and just sort of retrace our steps and talk about first off the The Incredible amount of input that we've had with the community in general not just the Rolling Hills neighborhood with the community overall um my first Parks project that I worked on back in the beginning of my career was back in about 1995 uh and I've worked all over the southeaster United States and I've never seen a community participation uh to this level uh ever on any particular project so just to give you some some numbers um there have been eight Community public meetings where we've asked the community to come out and and just provide input along the way this is the 15th time we've been before you um on just to give you updates and input on the process we had five public meetings with the state with the Florida community's trust through that process we had 16 different updates given to the uh County's parks and preservation advisory committee where this has appeared on an agenda for an update and their input um we met with the steering committee back when the master plan was being created seven different times we met in folks neighborhoods or excuse me in their living rooms uh with a group of folks that they opened up their homes in the evening on a weekday and we were able to sit and and talk with them and provide and get allow them to provide input into this process um in addition to that we've given 10 different community Outreach presentations at least that I've been involved with and I know that you've been involved with other ones four different rotaries as a matter of fact within the uh Community alone have asked updates and and presentations uh the Chambers of Commerce and other nonprofits but 14 different videos and videos updates done by sgtv uploaded to our our Channel um eight publicly advertised rfps the ninth to come which is basically why we're here today to give you this update we're on the threshold of taking the next step in this process um and then we even had one County Special Event put on by our serve group where 53 community volunteers showed up on a rainy Saturday morning back in 2019 to plant 1100 Wetland plants around the various ponds uh out out in the community um that's just the breadth not even counting the hundreds of emails and phone calls and and one-on-one meetings that have been had with you your offices and with our offices as well um and it's certainly just not a one depart department or a oneman deal here um I was you might say I got the Short Straw giving you this presentation today but really um from the county manager's office the county attorney's office to our Purchasing Department Public Works arks and wreck department environmental services the planning department the finance and the msbu team the watershed management folks again mentioned the serve program we had University of Florida IAS come down from Gainesville and have a number of grad students give us some great environmental information they spent their entire summer down here working on the project and providing us great information we've had input from nonprofits and engagement from nonprofits um not to mention uh HDR who is our uh consultant who did the streets and infrastructure design and Engineering on the project and G Community solutions group who's worked with you in the past on the overall master plan and on the trails and Parks um design a cast of hundreds if not thousands have been involved with this working with the neighborhood and I couldn't be more proud to be here today representing all of those folks and all the hard work that's gone into this so what I wanted to do is walk you through exactly where we're at with the project as I mentioned we're at the threshold of taking the next major step in the process and that's really why we're here today so I gave you that that long overview uh to just put put a placeholder in the discussion going back to October 20120 where we stood before you and we had a master plan that you approved for phase one it involved not just the park the Trails um the storm water ponds it also included the roadway conceptual roadway design for the streets and the traffic homing that were part of that project um and that came before you like I said back in October 2020 from there a lot of hard work had to go in after that uh that included hiring the consultants for both the roadway the parks and trails design that overall phase one program included about four miles worth of trails obviously all the landscaping and earthwork bridges you name it all of the the kinds of things that you'd see in a park of this type Pavilions the peer Overlook and we'll we'll look at all of these and at least illustrative uh as we go through the presentation other Pathways and trails that would connect with the main trail site Furnishings parking and access you see the whole list in front of you including the fct passive Park Grant requirements that came over from the old Jetta Park site um those things included there was about a dozen of those they included some parking areas and environmental signage and uh environmental plantings and so forth and then last but not not least uh which is a huge portion of this project is the roadway and drainage improvements so every time we've been before you to discuss the project we always start with the overall vision and that the vision is really our our guiding force through the entire project and this was first brought before you back in 2019 can't believe it's been 5 years now that said what we really wanted to try to accomplish here is something that restored this area that made it look like it was found here naturally and it would be a place at which that as we continue to improve the the uh site that nature would allow itself to grow so the trees could get larger we would use all Florida friendly plant material we're not looking to recreate a golf course in this location we want to make this look like it was created that way by the original Creator if you will of this particular property and as we move through that design uh phase we looked at a place for the community to come together there'll be some areas where you'll have some pavement you'll have some formal fountains and so forth but that we really wanted a place for folks to come together and enjoy being in the outdoors so everything from how we design the trails to work with the natural landform to um how we would design our storm water systems less pipe like we talked about in the Deer Run project more sale drainage Wetland plantings allowing nature to drain itself if you will and improve that entire drainage situation for the neighborhood we showed back in the conceptual master plan what some of those spaces might look like this is Lake Janette in the center of the uh the park and you've seen these before of what it could be with Wetland plantings and having a small Pier going out onto the lake other areas where we've got large areas of green space with the formal former formal Golf Course uh this is what used to be hole number nine looking to the southwest of being able to recreate again allowing nature to grow over time obviously we wouldn't plant trees that large that would go in from day one that they would allow to grow and give them space to grow as they normally would out in nature we also had a 2020 Vision plan that came before you in October and while this is not something that you would put an official stamp on or official approval on this is sort of the catchall of all of the other ideas that came forth through the working with the public everything from dog parks to um you know other formal garden areas we heard about vegetable gardens at that particular time we were we wereing looking at um what do we do about we had a clubhouse building there a possible community building in the future uh you name it and then the last part of that that developed was um the request for a playground of some sort in some location throughout uh throughout the park uh and that was part of the plan that said we don't have the money for that at the time back in 2020 we barely have the money for it now right now as a matter of fact in 20124 but that being said we said it was really going to be a function of opportunities with future Capital dollars grants working with other nonprofits like the parks foundation and other folks that wanted to become involved private donations that may be we'd be open to working with the University of Florida iist extension which I just mentioned but that these would be things for the future as we would look forward to uh future development here the other part of that was during that during the time of the master plan development we started talking about the idea of whatever the playground would be that it would be an inclusive playground so so the idea that children and adults of and guardians of any uh ability uh could participate in this and really what it meant was it was just a different way of looking at playground design so not just Ada making it Ada accessible to maybe a child in a wheelchair or something of that nature but also the kids that had uh developmental disabilities autism you name it but the ability to really look at doing a playground design that also incorporates nature into it so this is a picture of and you've seen these pictures before of the common ground playground in Lakeland clearly that's not the way we typically design playgrounds um and this would be an opportunity to do something very different here uh in simol county that we haven't done before so during that time due to covid and different opportunities um it came before you with our with our County Manager to go ahead and move about a million dollars worth of funding that became available due to arpa and move that into help fund the playground at at that particular time excuse me so along that Journey we then hired um two different teams the GI team and the HDR team as I had mentioned to start engineering this and literally with the kind of project that this is this became very very clear from the onset if we hadn't if they didn't know it already was we were going to need to redesign everything on the ground above the ground and below the ground everything from the utilities that you find below the ground how we deal with storm water all the way up to above the ground uh in dealing with overhead power lines and you name it it really became more of a community enhancement Redevelopment project so it wasn't just the actual boundary of the golf course it took into account the perimeter of the golf course the roadways how the drainage worked or didn't work as the case may be and make sure that as we were going into that project that all of those things were identified and all of the needs were identified really the difficulty became is trying to knit that whole system together so how do you take an existing site like this one and all of the design ideas that we had had and engineer those so that when you construct this you do it once you're not stepping on each other as the construction may may necessitate the permitting can run smoothly uh and all of the uh engineering and the construction can run smoothly overall with a different construction uh document packages and uh permit packages were put together this package it's itself is uh just about 400 sheets long if you've ever been involved in the construction project um the permitting on this one is quite complicated across the board whether it's the County permitting utility connections or the Water Management District uh permitting the stormwater drainage because it just doesn't take into account the golf course itself it takes into account the blocks where folks have their homes and how they drain and how they drain into the golf course so are lots lots of different cross coordination that had to happen as these documents uh made its way through the development process so really from about the middle of last year we had a public Workshop in uh July of 2023 and then between that time and then January of 2024 the end of January 2024 was our most recent public meeting um all of those details had to be cross- sorted and cross coordinated we had a number number of different meetings and workshops with our two different Consultants Public Works parks name it everybody involved to make sure that this was a well-coordinated package and be able to move forward through that the other part of that and now we get to the very end of the presentation is how we would then deliver the construction of this project so being able to determine that because of the complexity the typical design bid build process where we just throw it all out for one contractor to try to bid on was going to be a little too onerous that we needed to get someone who could go in and sort out all of these details about how they would necessarily stage the construction of this project and be able to work with them and I'll talk to you about that in just a moment and I just dropped half my papers on my lap take your time there we go so back in January um we presented this to the to the community of an updated rendering that showed the details of the design uh and Engineering documents uh after again after a lot of public input through the through this whole process and I'm going to start and highlight the sort of the core center of the property and what that might look like and I'll just enlarge that here so the core back where the clubhouse used to be along the shores of Lake Janette the existing parking lot that was there U the trail system that would be integrated and reconnected that location as well as the other the other uh roadway and storm water improvements would all come together sort of right in the middle of the of the course um this is where a lot of the detail has G into the idea that as this was developed that at least the center of the core even though we're calling this phase one would look complete we wouldn't have big holes in the landscape for example that we would focus on a a completed area where folks used to come together around this around the neighborhood and still congregate around Lake Janette and still do all of the kinds of have the public amenities there uh and again we don't want to make it look like it's it's sort of half done we'd like to have a finished product even if it's just phase one so again I'll I'll start with what was there before uh this was the clubhouse site right along the shores of Lake Janette on the Downs slope about overall about 13,000 Square ft at least in footprint of um of impervious surface was um then removed after we brought it back to the board and said it would probably be cheaper to go ahead and build new if we were to build a new community building after having inherited it for about a year um and then turn that set inside out so that on the shores of Lake Janette instead of having a building that's impervious we would we would turn that into a place where folks to come together within nature so the idea of the playground and a playground that was set within nature and and a natural space we wouldn't necessarily look to just take a again a flat playground that we drop into a field somewhere that we see at so many of our other Parks but that it would become part of the experience of coming together at Rolling Hills so that's about where the clubhouse was located we've replaced all the heart stuff with landscape and places for folks to be able to enjoy being out enjoy the views of being on the shores of Lake Janette and just enjoy being out there in the outdoors so if you were to sort of fly around this like if you're were in a drone um we're now looking almost East you see the U off to the right you see the little fishing pier off of Lake Janette and this is more looking towards Lake Janette and you see different components now within the landscape that are part of both the playground as well as places for adults to sit and adults to be uh enjoy being in shade the only structure that we have as part of this phase one originally it was thought that we would kind of litter the landscape with a couple of standard Pavilions like we've had in other places and then we have a small restroom building instead of doing that we combine them into one footprint so that the only enclosed area below that roof line is right in the center where the two restroom areas would be for men's and women's if you will and the majority of the space on the ends would just be shaped so places for folks to sit so rather than have a series of smaller spaces spread throughout the landscape we combine that into one and the architecture was basically derived from the architecture of the neighborhood sort of the Contemporary mid mid-century modern look that would sort of blend in low low profile look something that looks like it belonged within the neighborhood and the context of the neighborhood so again as you were to rotate around that structure you start to see some of those other uh play areas within the landscape lots of landscape lots of shade and then as you pulled away from that space you're back into nature again so the idea that nature's come together in this location with your restroom your Pavilions your your plate areas your Gathering spaces would all happen within this Central space that bit of water that you see right there is a new uh drainage feature that instead of just piping the storm water from the top of the hill down the bottom of the hill to another retention area this would be a bios swell so it would be planted with Native plantings and would allow the the water that as it continued to settle into that particular area it would be naturally U uh cleaned up if you will so that's the core of the uh of the design if you will not I'll call quite honestly not a lot of stuff that we're talking about in the core of uh the former golf course the four miles of of Trail then traverses the entire balance of the site but then really the major piece that you find As you move around that particular area becomes the roadway features so I've highlighted the three areas where we have larger traffic uh calming devices which were part of the original conceptual master plan and I'll highlight those as we go through them so one of the things that the design team did as they were looking at uh these kinds of features was we really wanted a combination of Park and Street to come together along the perimeter so that it wasn't just a we're going to drop this thing in from outer space and it's here was where we carved out a big roundabout and no we want this thing to feel like it's knitted together and these are just some photographs from different neighborhoods around the Orlando metro area if you if you will where some of these ideas came are are have already been constructed and it starts to show you how these features could look within a neighborhood and within a park setting so again the idea that all of these features are working together to create this one aesthetic and this one traffic calmed location so the first one that we're looking at is on the northwest corner of the site North is to your left this is the roundabout as you enter in the uh the neighborhood on Raymond Avenue about two blocks south of 434 to give you an idea where this is located at this particular intersection as it stands today there are five different streets coming five different areas or directions of roadway coming together in one spot so this is like our mini Five Points if you will in within this neighborhood it's a real bizarre way of bringing these roadways together so the idea that we could recreate that and traffic home this spot and then create almost an entry feature not just for the park but for the entire neighborhood as you moved into the into the uh into the neighborhood as you're coming down from 434 what this might look like so it's one thing to take a look at this in U from above it's another thing to take a look at what this might look like from the ground so this is a view of what it looks like out there right now Raymond is on your left you're looking North up Raymond it's a two to three Lane section it is a straight shot from 434 all the way down into the neighborhood so by incorporating those kinds of designs it might look something like that it almost creates the impression of what you find almost at a new Housing Development if you will that kind of an entry feature natural plantings we wouldn't look at you know irrigating the heck out of this thing we want these things to grow naturally we want them to be part of the park as well and at the same time by slowing the traffic down we can have safe Crossings for all the trail Crossings and the sidewalk that knits the entire park and the neighborhood together so that's one example on Raymond As you move to North Street and you're going to this is North Street which runs East and West so got to get that you calibrated in in this whole thing um North Street runs East and West runs along the bottom of the screen uh basically runs from Palm Springs to Raymond um the the larger traffic circle in that particular area I'm going to highlight in just a moment this is where we have one Nelson Nebraska sort of tease into this just north of north north of north um Virginia Avenue comes up from the south they're all misaligned if you will and at this particular location same kind of an idea of stretching out more of a a traffic Hing feature in a roundabout area major improvements to the storm water in this location which needed already even with the existing streets and the way that the the hydrology Works in this location so if you're looking now to the West this is that location just about where that Tall Pine Tree is back there might look something more like that so again something more in character to what you find when you come down into Raymond at that location and again we're we're showing this is a artist depiction so those are renderings of some large trees want to plant trees where they want to live and allow them to grow over time and become larger uh and become specimen Oaks over time so the third Corridor ajacent to and through the golf course is Palm Springs which is probably the more heavier of of the uh the three um the diagram on the bottom of the screen North is to your right um and originally in the conceptual master plan that was approved there were two roundabouts proposed on this particular location as they got into the design and Engineering of this it became really problematic to have two roundabouts so close to one another so one of them was completely eliminated and in his place I'll show you what what we put in its place instead but the one that would remain would be the one at Stanley and Palm Springs this used to be the main entrance or where the sign used to stand that said Rolling Hills Golf Course and it would send you down Stanley to go over to the clubhouse we were looking at putting the Park main entrance at that location as well so folks are going to arrive in the park if you will at this roundabout there'll be a sign that that says parking this way or you know welcome to Rolling Hills Park um and then this would also act as once again a place for folks to be able to to cross traffic safely through the trail system and on the golf carts as they will through the through this particular area so by eliminating the northern uh round round about we're able to take a look at that straight shot of Palm Springs and once you make the bend in the road and you go right along the edge of what used to be one of the old Fairways it's a Runway and that's easily where folks can go 40 45 miles an hour and not even think about doing it um so instead of the roundabout looking at taking a different traffic caling device and looking at doing a chicane which is basically allowing for the road to kind of move over to one one side and then back to the other again eliminating that Runway appearance while you're in a car and then allowing it to to slow you down as you begin to move off to one side again these are used all over really all over Florida and other places of the country um in this particular location that's where we settled on working with public works and our Traffic Engineers so with that being said a lot of the graphics that you just saw were shown at the last public meeting back in January since that particular time we've been working with the P of hundreds here in the county to be able to put together what the next RFP would need to be and that's to take this out to construction and at this time we've got a contract together that's ready to go out uh to be advertised publicly for a construction manager at risk or a semar project that would allow us to be able to work with a contractor who was qu who was the most qualified candidate to then figure out exactly how we will then go through and Stage the construction of this over time the reality of the parks and the trails improvements those are pretty quick to get done but at the same time we don't want to go in and create a park excuse me a trail system that crosses all these roads that are just going to get torn up again so how do we go ahead and make sure that all of these things are knitted together the other thing that allows us to do is by having a construction manager on site is it that comes the spot where if folks have questions they want more information we'll have a we'll have a contractor's trailer out on site where the project is being run and we can have someone there uh even including U County staff to be able to answer questions and concerns as they come up because the roadway piece of this is going to take a lot longer to construct and say the park and the trails so that's ready to go that was a heavy lift between all the different departments that participated in this and getting this ready to go out to bed um what will then happen almost immediately as we'll do a new public information update another probably another video that gets uploaded um we would love to a groundbreaking ceremony to go folks we've been working together for the last 10 years let's put a shovel in the ground let's memorialize this let's celebrate the fact that this has been a long haul and let's move this thing forward uh and then at that particular time as we be are able to lock in a construction price that will come back to the board for a guaranteed maximum price we'll know exactly where the funding has come from what it's funding how the construction is going to be staged and move through uh through the entire neighborhood and the golf course site and then be able to go through implementation as as we go through here so again we are right at the threshold of being able to move to that next phase of the project so before I finish up however there's been a lot of discussion um with a number of residents who've come back and said um there's a lot of stuff that we like but there's some concerns that we have regarding the secondary parking lot as it was designed as well as the playground uh in that particular location we were recently able to uh let those folks know as we worked with our Consultants to try to understand what we could do to possibly decrease the amount of uh pavement and parking in that particular area as well as the overall size of the playground um the parking lot that's shown that circled um the first circle on the North side there um one of the ideas we came up with was saying could we just do Pap block and allow it to be green for example so instead of doing asphalt do it as stabilized parking um it would be open when we need it uh but it wouldn't necessarily just be a parking lot that we would go ahead and pave over uh it would also help reduce the amount of just overall U impervious surface that we had in the overall implementation the second one is the playground and limiting the size of the playground right now as I mentioned the playground is divided up into smaller pieces throughout that um as we go through the process of working with the contractor and getting the most current price in on all of this stuff um we're looking at probably having to reduce the footprint of some of those just based on budget Alone um we'll also have the more current or the final designs of some of those playground structures uh we've been working with and there's a local um uh game time uh group that is based out of SEO County who is looking at custom features for this park that they have and want to invest in this neighborhood and have invested in suol county for many many years and they're really looking forward to continue to work with the county on what that design might look like so being able to reduce the footprint of that location is another thing that we've uh We've looked at doing and and have transmitted that to uh the several um residents that we've met with who's had those particular concerns so with that we are like I said we're at the threshold here and wanted to give you this update we got a lot more information that'll be coming in the future and uh wanted to open that to any questions that you might have thank you Mr dur and and for the public uh benefit other than today's agenda I've seen a lot of folks taking pictures of of these screens can you tell the public where they can find this document online at the County's website correct so this first off this presentation is online currently with and it's attached to this agenda item um all of the graphics that you've seen are on the County's website they've also been uploaded to a second website that is maintained by our Consultants so that information is there um and the presentation that was given that that was much longer that walked folks through a lot of Graphics back in January was also uploaded to the County's sgtv YouTube site and is accessible off the County's web page as well so what we've been showing you is not new in that sense uh it is available to the general public it has been available to the public I I just want to make sure that we got it out there so the public knew if they had more interest or wanted to it's hard to see from the screen but they can get it on their own desktop or their their iPhone okay with that said we will go to any inquiries from the board commissioner lockart I've never heard a community ask for a playground to be smaller walk me through that walk you through that folks folks so so let's go ahead before we get started we're going to have some public input here I'm going to ask all of you to be patient please don't yell out don't scream out if you agree with something just simply hold your thumb up and say if you don't agree with it thumbs down out of respect for the commission your fellow citizens uh we're not going to tolerate outbursts and those types of things and this is not a a back and4th type discussion between the commission and the general public you all have chance to come up and speak and we'll give you that opportunity so please be uh courteous of of the process today we appreciate it commissioner so completely understand the rationale for wanting less impervious space and and support um the stabilized parking done that way I think that makes great sense and we probably ought to look at that in other areas where we can do that as well um but the playground is is a huge piece it is um it's something that I know we've all been very excited about bringing something like this to this County it's the only um Park of would be the only playground of its kind in this County and so hearing that it did it wasn't we weren't asking to make the playground smaller members of the community had asked for it to be made smaller and perhaps moved so I'm just asking for you to walk through the request how why where we've landed um are you looking for the board's feedback on that to um put that decision at rest I just I need to know what where we are and what feedback you're looking for understood so I'll start with the end of mind is it yes obviously we're looking for the the board to give us Direction on what you see before you and as we proceed forward into the next phase um where this orig originated from is we had a public Workshop back in July of last year where we showed just north of that uh that other C that other yellow circle um in that green space in there on the conceptual master plan was approved back in 2020 there was a note on the plan that said future playground location um in July of last year when we brought that back to the public we showed what that might look like in that location there were a lot of concerns about the size about the fact that it was um easily viewable from directly across from folks homes that that Di and circle that particular area um and their request was it's kind of visible it's pretty out there can you show us a different location and maybe reduce the size in terms of some of the concerns about folks coming in from both in the neighborhood as well as outside the neighborhood at that location um at that particular time to some degree went back to the drawing board and said well the clubhouse building isn't there anymore if we want to create a uh finish looking product with phase one then maybe what we do is we move it to the other side where the the clubhouse building used to be it's right on the south side of the existing parking area um and quite honestly if it's on the slope then it's facing the lake and it's not directly in front of someone's yard for example um so that now it becomes part of the overall experience of the trail the playground the restrooms you name at all of those things coming together at that Center core right where the building used to be um so we came back in about I think about December or so internally worked out the engineering of that got that ready and then went to the January meeting um with the new location and the new footprint um the general feeling coming out of that meeting was you guys you guys did a better job we like it we like it better than the previous one since that particular time we've had a number of inquiries that have come in both to your offices as well as our office that said it's still too large it needs to be smaller um how can you make it smaller there's a lot of concerns over how many people is it going to attract and so forth so it became a question of all right well we're we're now at the point where we've tightened up all of those engineering drawings gotten all the storm water things to work and all of that happening and be able to move forward um we just need to be able to get some input from you all as to do you like that footprint do you like that design that location uh and should we proceed forward with reductions in the playground based upon some of the comments that we've had thank you commissioner her so a couple of comments and then a couple of questions uh comment we continually hear about the need for shade over the playground not over the adults so I do want to take that into consideration a kid on a burning hot sliding board is not a fun outing for either the mom or the dad or the kid um and it didn't look like we were doing that the playground size was not the only issue that came up it was also not necessarily whether it was impervious parking lot or not it was how many cars are we accommodating and are we attempting to become a regional attraction that's the word that kept flowing through the feedback that I've gotten so have we reduced the number of parking spaces what is the total number of parking spaces and what was the total number of parking spaces when it was a golf course and I probably should have started with this that's okay full disclosure for those of you that are in here visiting from the neighborhood I'm a former neighbor um I recognize several of you out there I lived at 310 press viw for uh 14 years and I lived at 1770 Adam Street uh we were the ones that turned the purple house white and a lot of you thanked us for that um so don't be ripping my head off today that's what I ask you I I'll I'll ask for past privilege um so so this is home to me my name was on on the wall in the golf club we were the kids that were asked where are your parents when we used to come up there and try to act like members even though we were members so looking at this building breaks my heart but the issue for me is as long as we're not driving more traffic down those streets than was driven down those streets with the golf club I feel okay but from the description from the current neighbors who probably did not live there when there was a golf course when it was active uh some of them that that's the calibration that we need to set forth and I didn't hear the answer and while you're talking about parking lot and parking spaces and traffic I also want to talk about how many stalls you have in those bathrooms because I also don't want that to be a place of high activity m because that's not going to be the foury olds in there right so I'll start with the parking lot first the existing parking lot that's there today as you're very well familiar it's a single slab of asphalt from end to end big old rectangle of asphalt and a road sort of makes its way through there uh and then there's some striping that was there uh previously um the striping that was there uh they parked a lot more than that and when we went back and took a look at some Aerials of just when it was operating as a Golf Course uh and not counting you know cars parked under trees CU we couldn't identify them uh just in one area alone we picked out 68 cars being parked in that existing lot now according to today's lay development code and our design criteria we can't just rep Park people in a big slab of asphalt we need to bring that like lot up to code um when it went through redesign and brought up to code we're down to 38 spots of being able to park in that SP in that location plus the the driveway for art Haagen place that that would remain through there uh as well so with only 38 spots for a 100 Acre Golf Course excuse me 100 Acre Park that we were looking at with the trails and so forth we looked at what we had in the in the master plan which was having a secondary lot next to that to try to bring the count up um when you added that in we were getting up to about 90 spots is and I mean is meaning question of how many uh Ada spots for example would we have obviously those are larger and they take up more more room as we were going through the engineering plans so as it's shown today if we were to go ahead and Gras that parking area you'd end up with about 37 strip lot spaces left in the existing parking area once it's brought up to code with landscape and shrubs and so forth uh as part of that so not huge it's about half of what could be parked there previously when it was a golf course um with based on the me back through the the plus that got me to 90 um it would be the rest in the asphalt lot next to it as it was designed that would now be just become a grass stabilized area and so there's no parking in the grass stabilized area or you anticipating it would be if needed so if you if someone had a so the answer to the question Rick is that there used to be 68 and now we're at 90 um well if we make that grass then we're 37 yeah well it doesn't matter whether you're parking on grass or not you're still parking somewhere and four people are jumping out of of a car in a neighborhood sure sure so that's the objection is that can we get that back to what it was originally and by the way there probably haven't been 68 cars parked in that parking lot for 40 years otherwise it would still be a golf course yeah so let's let's just set the expectation we all live there so so that's the piece of it that I think is wildly concerning is that are we driving 90 cars through there to park and are we facilitating it becoming the catchment area for people outside of the county quite frankly that we're paying for so in addition to this we also have parking spaces available along the perimeter of the property so while the Center Court if we're only striping 37 spots out in front of where the clubhouse used to be there's a smaller lot where the maintenance area used to be right off of North that has to be capped and paved um that's about 20 spaces the idea would be is that if you're coming from outside the community and you want to use the trail system can we intercept those folks along the edges of the property and be able to do that so not just in that spot there's a couple of parallel spaces that would be created with the traffic cming feature along Raymond and then up on the um right off of Palm Springs a very small lot for the same kind of an idea that you could have folks that are coming down Palm Springs that just want to get out and use the trail we can intercept them at that location as well so 30 if it was down to 37 paved spots in the center you start to add about a 20 down at this location another 14 over here and another nine over here you sort of balance the whole thing out now to have just as many spots on the perimeter of the property that you would in the middle so that's awesome so I think then what I might be hearing is that we're amenable to maybe not making at 90 in the middle plus all of the extra around the sides that's the feedback that I'm hearing and then did we talk about the bathrooms uh oh the the restroom area so right now as designed there's four stalls per men and four four stalls per women um with the size of both the playground and the parking shrinking probably don't need that many so one of the exercises that we'll go through working with the um construction manager is to Value engineer that down to something that's much more applicable the other thing that has come across our desk at least is we continue to look for the latest and greatest in design of not just park restrooms but the idea of an inclusive area is going to one Central restroom or having multiple stalls that have their own entrance to them that are literally it it they're not identified as men and women it allows a maybe a mother who has a male child to be able to use that one stall and then come out again um especially if you have kids with special needs so the idea of making those flexible spaces with their own doors you probably only need a couple of them in that particular location and quite honestly it will help us on the budget um to be able to reduce that footprint as well okay okay any other inquiries commissioner delari and then we'll go to commissioner Constantine if he has something thank you Mr chairman so I've walked this park or Golf Course a number of times because I like the hills and uh we don't have that many Hills here in Central Florida so I actually like walking the area uh I've noticed in the area that you have those yellow circles that there are some existing large trees are they staying yes okay perfect cuz in looking at your renderings uh with the different grades I just wanted to make sure that the large trees are staying uh cuz it will provide quite a bit of shade yes uh in the roundabouts that you're uh showing uh are we depicting curb and gutter with those as well let go back to because I I've known some areas where people put in roundabouts where there's no curbs and people just drive right over them so yeah there is there what's what's the I'm looking towards our public work so they're all noding their head yes that's me and Sanford but I mean I've seen people didn't even notice it I understand but we should not be we should be having curbs around those roundabouts and then just to note as well is that uh we sat down with and the whole group including Public Works sat down with Chief Kinley to go through the design plans for these to make sure they're all in in accordance and agreement with uh fire response and emergency response as well so what you see in the plans and and these renderings is is with that input as well that was going to be my next question on slide I think it's 24 you actually show some uh street lights around some of the uh roundabouts but you just passed it I think and then on the rest of them you didn't show uh lights are we actually lighting up the roundabouts in the other areas we lighting the roundabouts yes okay because you need to be able to see where you're going I understand that but I didn't see them in the other renderings correct and then with the restrooms I know they're potentially getting smaller but since we're putting in New Roads this will be one of the few times we can actually put in San sanitary are we going to connect that to sanitary or is it just going to all be septic a great question and we'll have to look at that going forward with give the because we'll only have one shot to do this with the new roads going in and then I like the idea of doing one bid so a SE at risk I think that's great you're talking about improving the drainage in certain areas uh large tree you have uh Fire Department lights curb and gutter uh you mentioned game time game time did a phenomenal job at Red Bug Lake Road and they were true partners with not just the county but the true community and they need to be commended and if they're going to be doing exactly what they did at Red Bug Lake Park it will be truly amazing so looking at your renderings uh can you also put numbers on the elements so we know if you're removing something or EXP expanding something we know what you're doing absolutely instead of just saying it's the one on sheet that one or that one yeah cuz I know I'll get confused and then uh at some point when this comes back to us we're going to need to know what the operation and maintenance of this all is going to be especially with the Landscaping that you're showing in these roundabouts that's correct okay yeah great thank you Mr chairman good job by the way yes sir and by the way commissioner I have roundabouts in my district which I think some overlap yours people drive right through the midle of them I understand not just over the curve but right through the middle and commissioner that's why I'm stating that with the Landscaping they're putting in there there needs to be through the middle of hopefully that would you know something like that yeah doing that uh commiss conin do you have anything for I go to public well I I am looking forward to the public um in and looking at this as uh A New Concept a new design um s very very similar to what we have looked before but in taking in their needs um I have sat in the kitchen uh and uh dining room of of a number of members of the community and I see some of them out in the audience today um I've walked this area as commissioner her I lived there for many years um and uh this is a very this from the beginning this has always been very important a couple of things that I just wanted to reiterate um the the concerns that many is that some of the citizens have had since we started in you know really putting out the designs in 2020 has been the design the design and the size of the playground you're you're addressing that and you're also even suggesting that it might go smaller you and I have had as well as the county manager a number of discussions about the sto soil stabilization in putting in the different parking areas which I think uh we probably should have thought of from the beginning but we we've got it now and whatever number we come up with there it will be almost all of the time except in the Overflow uh something that will be of a natural state the um the opportunity not only to fix the road system but the drainage system is going to be something that just for that the citizens are going should be excited about because I know and you all can shake your head yes how much problems we have in drainage in that area over the years especially in rain I guess the one thing I would ask getting to the restroom and you and I also discussed the the uni restroom if you will that you just brought up and and how I think that could make the impact smaller size of the whole thing obviously because of the nature of what we're using it for the ability for it kind of more like a family restroom because the parents will probably if some of the if if many of the children are the children that we want them to also be there that the parents will have to go in with them uh the idea of the potential of of getting a sewer there I I I guess we've looked at probably can't happen um I'm sure we are going to use the the um the more updated and um improved uh septic system if we have to use it um but um as we're going through it just the possibility because I know that there is sewer down the road but just the possibility of being able to get sewer there would be important and of course I certainly believe that the restroom itself would be um the the community would be better served both this community and the Greater Community that is this is a county park for All County residents uh would be greater served by having the um the the the smaller imprint and and the use of it from a family type restroom the the rest of it though I mean we've all talking about the things that we want to get improvements but let's be honest folks the rest of it gorgeous I mean it's just beautiful I I I am so excited to be there and I I was just mapping out the Four Mile Run you know that you could potentially do there I mean it is you going to do it me I'll get a bicycle okay I've got a bicycle I'll do it on bicycle but electric one or pedal it is you know I don't have the ankles for running okay guys maybe when they start replacing ankles I might be able to do it um but the rest of it I I just you know this will be an amenity of major proportion for not only the people that live there but for the whole seminol County community and I'm I'm just so excited to see this happen okay all right we're going to go to public input so I want to remind everyone here that wishes to speak if you wish to speak please go get a form fill it out immediately give it to Dominique here our clerk so we can call your name and come up if there is anyone here that's going to be speaking on behalf of a homeowners association what we would ask of you is the homeowners association will get six minutes single citizens will get three minutes but if you're here representing an HOA and your HOA is speaking on behalf of your homeowners association we would appreciate apprciate it that you will not need to duplicate as a additional citizen with 3 minutes so we'll we'll get started here and let things move along again proper decorum is is uh expected you may or may not like what's being heard again thumbs up if you like it thumbs down if you don't but it's not a time to yell out and and make comments back and forth Miss Dominique if you'll call the first three up please and if you all would line up here uh behind the podium we'll get you rotated through kit Bradshaw Michael Smith and Cheryl A and when you come up just give us your name and address to the record and the clerk will begin the timer okay uh my name is kit Bradshaw I live at 323 South View Avenue I used to live at 480 Raymond Avenue AC cross room number 14 but I'm still in Rolling Hills um I was part of the steering committee that worked with you not long ago to change Rolling Hills Golf Course to Rolling Hills Park and the park was created overall to increase Green Space in what is now become kind of a bustling area that is not quite you know Serene as it used to be I want to make one comment that I didn't write down uh Mr dur mentioned all the meetings and all this and that I don't know if the Commissioners are aware but the Rolling Hills website that we could go to find out what was going on was taken down in 2020 so there's no ongoing thing that we can look at all the time uh you have a contract with the state to use their con their grant money to convert this former golf course to a green passive Park you also have a contract with the owners of 1,162 residential Parcels when you asked us to tax ourselves via that msbu to clean up the former golf course so it could be used by the public you gave us that command and we set out on foot and golf cart carts and we contacted every single one of these Property Owners to sign the msbu petition and 80% 80% agreed to do so and we did it all in 6 weeks the small intimate accessible playground that was part of your initial plan we've never had any problem with that since you only considered having about 40 parking spots frankly because we're not a golf we're now a golf cart Community we thought that group might kind of go down in parking spots because we could just zip in there in our golf carts because the website was taken down we didn't really get on board with some things and we all of a sudden we saw the plans for a much larger playground and for the eight-seater bathroom that would require a septic system and one of the questions is why do you want septic when you're going to get put in sewers uh it's much larger than proposed now one thing that was mentioned Lakeland Common Ground that's 100 acres of a public area that publ created 30 seconds M Bradshaw okay it's not compatible with rolling heels we think the accessible playground should blend seamlessly into our residential neighborhoods and we particularly should not think it should be a vanity project for the Commissioners the Departments area foundations or anybody else this playground should be one more example of how SEO county is keeping the area green thank you Mr Bradshaw next please yeah I'm Michael Smith I live on Andrews and um I'm impacted by the traffic that would be coming through so again I'm glad they're reducing the size of the parking lot because I don't want 90 cars coming in front of my home we're stakeholders in this so we're being taxed more for that for facing the park but I also had a question too about the bathrooms so are they going to be locked up are they going to be left open so I mean like it's like an attractive nuisance where it's like you're going to have people coming in and out I mean is it going to be policed that's one of my questions as well so that's it thank you thanks thank you and our staff will be happy to address all those um offline as needed and give you additional information I think we pretty much understand what the answer is want Mr Durr to come back up yeah I think we want him to come back up and answer for the benefit of everyone right yeah Mr dur if you would just make notes of the questions and you can come back up and answer those questions yes ma'am name is Cheryl Adam kevich I'm a resident of Rolling Hill since 1968 um I'd like to read from you all from the Florida community's trust management plan this property is given the opportunity for a passive Recreation with minimal imp on the existing resources okay any proposed development in this site has to be considered low impact the parking area should only be able to accommodate up to 40 cars will be fenced landscape parking stop striping will be used to delineate the spaces no additional construction of parking places should be anticipated no structures are planned this is under Hazard mitigation for development near a flood prone area like Janette no other activities to development of the Wetland areas should be planned the Greenways life Corridor the heart of this project is the protection and preservation of green corridors within an established urbanized area okay been several things that have come up with this um we have a lot of a lot of issues that are in here one question is um we have we have not felt that we have been worked with the community you don't listen to us you ask for our input and then you basically it falls on deaf ears we have not been asked for input basically since n since 2020 and that was just for phase one which was a trail and park and no mention of a playground the 1.5 million implemented on the 1,162 residential Parcels guarantees a passive public park which will en enrich the quality for its residents protect our property value serve to preserve the natural environment and promote a strong sense of community qu why have this County not worked with most we're being taxed for this passive Park a passive Park does not have large bathroom facilities destination playgrounds or 90 plus parking spots which we have all been T to uh does not these things do not belong in the middle of a quiet neighborhood it belongs in a location with an infrastructure that might manage this visitation such as red bug Park which is more centrally located in simal County versus Rolling Hills which is maybe three miles from Orange County as the C lies who are we attracting here simal County or Orange County the parking lot was a sufficient footprint for the clubhouse and the golf course we saw no reason for anything past the 40 places um at uh have I don't know this I don't believe it has been the traffic Studies have you had done on the internal roads 15 seconds ma' okay and why is the county proposing to pave over a huge portion of green space next to Lake prones to flooding and the Waka Basin study area um I can go on and on I think you've got the gist we have thank you I would like to thank you for your comments and Lee both I think you have been here in our area and aware thank please be respectful of the process next three please next speaker Mr Bill Spivey and Larry those are all the speakers Larry just Larry hi thank you Commissioners again Bill spy V 339 Bernard Avenue just my one concern I I spoke with a couple of the engineers the last meeting on the roundabouts uh the one from North and the one on Raymond it just seemed to me I'm not a a transportation planner but it just seemed to me from a traffic perspective it almost seems like it's going to divert traffic through the neighborhood going up Nelson from North Street up Nelson and over to Stanley just connecting instead of having to go North to that four-way stop and then up to Raymond that's just my one concern is what are they what are they doing to try to demote uh and not promote any but any cut through traffic um up up Nelson or or through Stanley so that's my only concern just want to bring that point up thank you Mr SP thank you next please I'm Larry number 3 well first of all um I'm actually a master planner that's worked globally on a lot of projects much bigger than this one we need your full name and address for the record sir Oh I thought I put it oh of the project you need to announce it in the microphone your full name oh Larry zbar and your address um I put it on there but if you if you read it into the record pleas 1661 Carlton Street thank you sir um anyway overall I think that the package that came together before was very very good I thought it was an award-winning opportunity for our neighborhood the community uh I think the one now is even better and part of that comes from how the distributed parks around have been centralized but then it's been moved from an area where and I don't live in that location but I noticed that there be a lot of houses looking into those parks where it was originally located which is now a nature walk so I think the moving of that Central playground area was a very good decision so and that didn't come from my comment that came from you know others uh so overall I think that the vast majority of what's there is very impressive well done and obviously had a lot of thought a few very small percentage of things that I have uh would like to bring up is the parking issue isue and reducing it in the central core I think is really important uh at one time there was what was called a stage in the very first plan that was the end of the ninth Fairway apparently that's been removed from what I'm seeing now and uh yet I saw something to the uh left of the hard surfaced or side block parking lot that they talked about that I agree we shouldn't have have to have that if we've got those spaces for a small uh the 32 spaces I guess in the existing location for the small um playground uh I wanted to make sure that wasn't becoming an Amphitheater because that would also draw a lot of people and I don't think that that's the intent of the project uh and the only other thing I'll say on parking is on press view if you look really closely at the at the road alignment and the master plan if you're headed towards where the Golf Clubhouse was where the 32 spaces are you get in front of a house that I don't own but in front of a house that actually gets wider for a backstack lane to turn right into the parking lot which makes it look like wow they must be really expecting a lot of people to be coming there for certain events and certain occasions and that doesn't really match with what I heard so thank you very much thank you appreciate it Dominique any other speakers no sir we'll close public input we'll ask Mr Durr to come up and answer the few questions that the public raised and again uh my office has verified that this whole project is yet online at the County's website and on YouTube and multiple facets and availabilities so and to um dovetail into that I just received a uh text message from our Communications group they've taken this presentation and and are currently uploading that to the website as well so even today's proceedings will be available as a standalone piece um question about the uh the mspu um I don't know if it was a question more more so of an observation the mspu went towards the cleanup of the uh both the groundwater and the soils um the soils were completed within 6 months of the purchase of the property um the groundwater the active remediation that was cleaned up and we've got one final well we're dealing with with FD at this particular time so those that particular project was closed out um uh the majority of that was closed out fairly quickly in the process um regarding the notion of Paving over the Green Space we've talked about reducing already the parking lot in size and the number of cars so I don't know if I need to respond necessarily to that as we've we've already said we're making we'll be making those changes going forward um the restroom itself um the we have those in many many passive parks in the county county owned Parks um City owned Parks have them as well um yes they are lockable doors um yes this area would be patrolled um and as has in the past where we've had issues come up um we've gotten in touch with the the SE County Sheriff's Department as well um where we've had n nuisance issues we'll design these so that they will not be an attractive nuisance as we've seen in a lot of other places where we've had to design and add new park or excuse me new um uh restrooms in much smaller facilities actually so um overall the size of the restroom the size of the parking even the size of the playground that we're talking about here um while we're talking about 100 acres of Total Space these will not be the largest that we have in our entire park system um the playground will not we have larger playgrounds um at smaller parks in the county right now so um we're not necessarily going way above and beyond and creating something that's outside of our experience in in managing Parks um within the county um question about the fct grant the actual fct Grant actually does require parking that's one of the items that was part of that Grant application not just paved parking but unpaved parking it included bicycle trails and a number of other uh uh smaller amenities as it went through there um the original Grant as it was approved by fct was literally at a sports complex at Jetta point so in this case one of the attractiveness to fct was the fact that we were getting away from developing a sports complex out at jeda point and moving this to purely passive Park as as defined by uh all of our uh County regulations as well as our County Park system um is consistent with what's in the fct Grant and was very attractive to the state because we were literally doing a much um a much better job at creating Green Space and preserving green space than the previous and original Grant application to fct um we talked about the reduction in parking spaces in the central lot um Paving over Green Space was was another one just a note as well we went back and and looked that since the county purchased the property um it it's easy to miss now now today because it's been this way for a while now but um when we went in there and started cleaning up the property um we removed over 30,000 Square ft of P of impervious surface in the form of various buildings by themselves so um we're we're this isn't just we're doing this now it started originally with the promises we made when when when the county purchased the property um I'm not exactly I'm a little confused on the traffic flow questions as they were moving through and maybe that's better suited to to speak with our our Traffic Engineers about um how that works or what some of the results might be we certainly don't want any unintended consequences um the main reason why those traffic circles were coming in there was to try to prohibit as much cut through traffic in this neighborhood as possible so um those would help hopefully help deter the the cut through traffic that's occurring both in the past and and now um and then lastly sorry Mr der to that point I think it's important to understand these are the proposed concept at this point it will go through full engineering review before and come back to this board for approval is that so it's it's been it's been engineered now will still come back to the board for U approval in terms of both the construction budget and what will be part of that yes okay yeah great uh and then the last one I think I if I if I caught them all a question about the stage yeah that's not part of this phase of of development it was part of a concept that came out of the um the conceptual master plan if that's something the community would like to see or not not see that's some future phase down the road so I think I callau them all thank you Mr dur we'll start at the far end commissioner Constantine and work our way across the D well thank you very much I I think that from the very beginning the citizens have been real Partners in this overall process first in in the fact that I can remember the very first meeting um that we had at the old Clubhouse um commissioner delore and I were both there I think commissioner Henley was there also and the fact of the matter is is that um you know it it was the first time I think that this community um themselves saying God I wish we had a homeowners association for this just one day or for this thing but never won them before but they came together and you know this this Pro process is very unique I I when I'm going out to other communities and other counties as Mr Durr indicated they're asking me how did you were able to acquire these golf courses to stop the the opportunity for a number of homes and and other things and I said it was just a priority of this board a little luck and a lot of good citizens so here we are today as I said in our in our public hearings that we had at at Lyman High School and I'm going to continue to reiterate this over and over again we all have to communicate together we have to do a better Communications uh whether it's on the website maybe not updated on the in the past I'm not talking about now but we understand that we had covid in between this has taken longer than all of us wish it had but here's where we are and I know because citizens asked me and to get a meeting with the county manager they got a meeting with the county manager they went through the process they aired their concerns those concerns were addressed doesn't mean that this is the final outcome come as Mr dur said just Financial considerations May mean we have to continue to make it smaller and smaller which I'm sure some other people will find in the community not just outside of the community will not like it you know that if we have to cut a few things out but we continue to move forward I think we all want to see this started I asked this week both the county manager and Mr dur we need to get a ribbon cutting so we can start the process yes we can still continue to communicate yes we can continue still talk but we need a ribbon cutting so that everybody knows it's started folks nobody we're never going to get 100% consensus we never get 100% consensus we didn't get 100% consensus on you all helping us buy it after we had already had the price and had the money but didn't have the remediation for the um for the environmental concerns you all came to the rescue you all said okay we're going to handle it but even that didn't get 100% we're never going to get 100% of everybody I still have once a month somebody calling me can we turn it back into a golf course I'm serious every somebody's always it's usually somebody that just moved there and it's usually somebody says Oh I thought I was buying a golf course um I don't know where the what their due diligence was but it is what it is we will continue to work with you but I think this plan is better than the plan that you all came to me and were concerned about we every one of the things that you have cons that you had a problem with they have addressed maybe not your total satisfaction but all I'm saying is we continue to move the process forward and I'm excited about that I'm excited about getting this thing moved I want a ribbon cutting so we can start this thing and just I think all of you know it is not going to be a golf course um and uh let's just continue if you have continued concerns please not only make sure that we've got the website up but that Mr dur will be available to continue to work with you as we go through the process that's all I have commissioner lockart my ribbon cutting I don't want a ribbon cutting I I don't I don't yeah I don't care about a ribbon cutting you all may you do ribbon cutting um so I've understand that I'm newer to this project um than a couple of my colleagues and I've never lived in Rolling Hills um but I do know Carlton Henley and I remember vividly this being a very important critical piece of what would be his legacy and someone said this shouldn't be a legacy project I think it should be I think the fact that so many people have come together to make it get to this point shows an incredible um stroke of Genius on the part of um staff and the community and elected officials and how things can work together very very well and I'll Echo commissioner Constantine's comments about everything except for the fixation on a ribbon cutting that um that this is remarkable and it is a million times better than an abandoned golf course that was overgrown or development rights with a bunch of tow houses being built on it so I think if we all can kind of focus on the great things that are happening with this project and and and a little less on you know the minutia of how many stalls are in the bathroom um you know this we couldn't be here without the community but the reality is this is a c this is going to be a County Park and it's going to be for everyone in the county and yes people from Orange County may cross over and come and enjoy it just like we go over and enjoy things in Orange County and it's not a private neighborhood this isn't Heathrow they aren't private streets it's not going to be a private park I think it needs to be scaled appropriately I think it is scaled appropriately um I think people will come into this park and see your neighborhood and they'll go man I really want to live there I think this is going to drastically increase property values when it's fully completed it already has um actually it's funny I remember when I was a staff member here and commissioner Henley was a commissioner and he was being accused of wanting to develop this project because it would increase his property values for his house that he was getting ready to sell in Rolling Hills and he always chuckled about that um because he knew this project was for the greater good of the entire Community not just Rolling Hills but all of seal County um I do think we have to put an end to the back and forth at some point we have to tell our staff that this is the project that we are putting out for the private sector to bid on and once we start making changes after that happens the price goes up so we've we have to give clear direction to our staff when we have reached that point in time that we are not we're not fiddling with it anymore and I'm I'm personally at that place I think the compromise of the location of the playground is a is wonderful I love the change in in the parking um and I think we just need to get moving so I I appreciate the community's Indulgence I've met with several of you um and I and and and I don't think any of the folks that met with me individually liked what I said that's fine and I told you I'll go meet with my other commissioner cuz you all you need is three votes you don't necessarily need mine um so if the majority of the board agrees with your position that's all you need and I think you went and met with them and we've made some some good Headway so um I I will implore you to please um be gracious with our staff who have communicated exhaustively um with members uh with some of your neighbors on these topics and let's get moving and get this project done for the community Mr L thank you Mr chairman first I want to thank staff Rick your staff did a phenomenal job we also want to thank the citizens uh but I also want to thank the State of Florida because we first came up with this idea about moving the improvements from jeda point to Rolling Hills the State of Florida told us no and then after we asked him a second and third time they still said no I'm being serious I know I remember and then I also remember that citizens were complaining about the height of the grass and I remember Constantine basically talking about well you know maybe it should be 12 in and wish I could get a second to go 8 in and we did that and so Constantine you did a great job going 8 Ines so I mean a lot of things have happened and a lot of things basically said that we couldn't do this and we did and I think it was the true Partnership of the citizens the staff and the state and the ability to communicate and things do go arise sometimes because people communicate differently we do have that issue sometimes amongst ourselves but I think we're in a good place uh I like the comments that commissioner her talked about uh talked about the purple house going to white as well as uh the red front door red front door as well as the smaller parking lot and Etc and I think you're a spot on commissioner on many of those uh I can't thank the citizens uh it's going to be interesting um can't wait till we sell jeda Point that's going to be another Community issue and I'm looking forward to that uh Rick I got a do you any other comments I have relating to the project itself and I'm not talking about a ribbon cutting is uh I know that we're looking at security in some of our playgrounds I'm hoping that and I know it's going to be based on how much we can afford I realize all that but I think there needs to be some level of security in that playground park area whatever that is and I know it's going to be based on what we can afford so I'm hoping that that's actually addressed in the SE at risk project aspect of it also I know that dot is now allowing uh inground uh lighting at intersection crosswalks so I'm hoping that we can look at that as well someone talked about Paving uh outside of this project I think we should look at you know is there ability to do or need additional Paving in that area from public works and John Dred is here so that hopefully we can look at that aspect and if it's not needed that's okay too but uh I know that the engineers should be looking at the redirection of the cut through that was talked about at the podium I don't know how that works so just want to make sure that we're dotting our eyes crushing to teas but from an overall project I think you and your staff has done a phenomenal job I think the community has done a phenomenal job talking to us about it and uh I'm looking forward to it and I think there's plenty of time to plan for a ribbon cutting at some later date what color what color do you want the ribbon you know my turn my no I'm ask you guys to respect the process I'm just saying it's the end of end of my end of my comments please commissioner keep going and I would give the microphone to commission her so Rick stay right there for a minute um number one I do think that the Rolling Hill site is accessible if you go to the county site and you search Rolling Hills it pops up and it's accessible it does not however bring you down to the level of detail of what's being described today because you can't expand the screen wide enough to see it so so I think there is is a little bit of a communication gap that we can address I I don't love it when we stand up here and say we've got it we're good we're great but you can't see something so we should probably address that I know that you have cutouts of the individual phases that maybe need to go on here because that's not here um does a passive Park include a playground there seems to be a definition I just want it for the record there seems to be a definitional concern that we're in violation of the agreement because the playground is now not passive short answer is yes okay and the the playground has been being discussed I know the playground's been being discussed at least since 2019 because I think in 2019 I made a donation to The Playground so that's been in play for as long as I've known I didn't come here until I lost my mind in 2020 U so I don't have as much passionate about this as as those that have lived here before me um but the playground's been in play for several years and should not be a surprise are we in agreement that we're not expanding the parking lot beyond what its original capacity was yes okay and can we make sure that these roundabouts are not pushing people into the neighborhoods there's multiple of them where there's concerns the third one I think is where Barton is there was concern about that as well I think that may have been addressed but we need to make sure that we are not re-engineering this at a later date because that happens and I might have a little bit of PTSD because I've just lived through the roundabout Nightmare on 46 where we had to re-engineer an entire road to the tune of about $800,000 to get people out of a neighborhood that was an unintentional outcome of a roundabout that was not designed well by the way that was not us that was F dot so don't worry that was state not us but we need to be super clear that we're not shooting cars down the wrong side of a out the wrong Outlet of a roundabout and quite honestly we need to take into consideration that Floridians don't do roundabouts very often and so I do joke about the fact that I drove right through the ones in Sanford but by the third one I did realize there was a problem yeah but I grew up in a part of the country where we had circles in the middle of highways they were clearly marked you knew what you were doing it gave you warning you that's not what we have down here for the most part and so part of it is is is around signage Etc we need to make sure we're not negatively impacting the neighborhood or we'll be digging those things back out and re-engineering and we can't do that it's horrible um and then you mentioned when the question of the amphitheater came up and the right turn lane in there that it's not in this phase so we might need a little more clarity around do we anticipate that an Amphitheater is coming into play it it's not in this project okay use the word phase so I wanted Clarity around that it is not in this project and so the right turn lane is maybe just to keep traffic flowing that is all of my comments very good um you may have staff look at the website I can get it on my phone in full picture of the master plan it is in PDF maybe some jpegs that would be enhanced maybe not everybody can do PDFs on their particular device I think that's an it question um several concerns I have and I have been around like many of the others uh before I was elected I did sit on the parks foundation help raise money for this project donated myself to this project a couple things that that I think need to be said is we've gone from a golf course that arguably was going to be developed and the wisdom was that the golf course should instead be purchased so that these homeowners would not be looking at Town Homes and other who knows what um on the fairways where they actually had Fairways green spaces whether they liked golf or not um that's where it was destined and that's where it was headed fortunately you know between the decision makers uh the community and staff made that happen I'm a little troubled however by a few things that I've heard from the public and I've heard this at some of the community meetings um which is again this is not a private park this is a county park it is being paid for by taxpayers dollars across this entire County and so we have to understand that although we would like to think that people are not going to come from outside the area to this park it's going to happen and with that my concern is to commissioner dar's point is the Enforcement issue when you have this type of asset in a park setting with the amount of parking spaces that have been indicated to be in this master plan we are going to be overrun with complaints about people parking where they should not be parking either on site or offsite in these neighbors neighborhoods either at the end of their driveway or a block away blocking whatever walking to get to the park I'm not sure how you cure that um we have had some of that in my district with some of the parks I know we've had it at Black Bear wilderness where people are parking down the streets in front of people's houses um it's something that we've we're going to have to consider is this parking appropriate or is it not I understand what the public wants and I understand what the neighborhood wants but in stark contrast this could be all town homes with cars and traffic everywhere that's not what this is going to be instead it's going to be green space improving the impervious area improving the drainage for the community making the house values go up but there's a cost for that as well and that means people are going to want to come enjoy that asset so it's important that we really to commissioner H's Point really drill through this and I think when you get your CMR CMR at risk out there and start going through it you're really going to drill down to to the specifics of of the circles and all these other things that that come into play but a few mistakes we've made in the past I want to make sure that we get on the record that we don't make again is with some of these tree plantings I know I know this board gave direction of Florida friendly which I think we all want um but we've got to be very careful with any of these infrastructures whether it be the sidewalk improvements or roadway improvements whatever is going to happen ultimately in in the overall scheme is that we're not planting trees that 20 years from now are going to heave the curbs and all this that we have to go back and rip those trees out and replant we have these beautiful big canopy trees now but now we got to cut them down and start over for the Next Generation so now we've lost all these big canopy trees because the roots got beneath the Kirby he the Kirby and those kinds of things so I think we need to make sure we look very closely at that the bathrooms um I mean the reality is I know some of the public don't want rest rooms but you also don't want people standing in your backyard urinating out in public in the Middle with your children and yourselves wives and husband watching all this and that's ultimately what's going to happen um without some kind of facilities that are reasonable for people to use utilize that but we do need to make sure it's secured and I haven't heard yet so this question is many of our Parks sun up to sun down things are locked up secured is that going be the intent with the restroom facilities in this setting yes okay so hopefully we we have answered yet another question that sun up they'll be open sun down they'll be closed um I know we've had some of that problems in in my district which I'm thankful you all have taken care of and I think this board funded an additional employee as a quote park ranger that now can Patrol that we otherwise didn't have and we had to call the sheriff and hope they get a deputy out there and do these kind of things and then finally we promised the taxpayers of this County when we decided to go down this path that we would sell Jenna point and we have continued to discuss it uh we had our lobbyist as was mentioned earlier get us to the point of the State signed off and letting us transfer all these things so we could take that property and sell it off it is currently sitting on the most valuable intersections in this County at 417 434 um we owe it to the taxpayers because quite frankly looking at the budget looking at the mspu you put this out there's there's not enough money to quote do a groundbreaking at this point uh or Ribbon cutting um and that was the whole point behind selling j a point was to help fund this project so that has to happen um you know commissioner lockart and I arrived here in 2018 commissioner lockart was here as a staff member prior to that um as she said with Carlton Henley understanding what was going on I was on the Planning and Zoning Board when all this was going on so I was pay paying close attention to to what was happening here and I don't want to convey to the public that this is something that's going to break ground in six months or even a year from now we've got a lot of moving parts that have to happen I think we're all dedicated to moving this project forward and we all understand government moves slowly but you have to write the check as well and and we're not going to be able to write the check as Jenna Point gets gets sold and that's where the big the big boost I think is going to come from in pushing this project forward with enough financial horsepower to actually see this realized and that's just the facts of the matter so um with that said I'll go back to the board one to last round any other input thank you all very much we sincerely appreciate Mr Durr thank you sir uh we appreciate the public being here thank thank you all very much be patient with us we'll continue to try to move things along keep the dialogue going anything you should need you you all have never been shy about reaching out to our offices or our staff so we sincerely appreciate it we're going to take a quick 10-minute break folks and we'll come back for the rest of the hearing God bless you n get back on the record and get moving forward we're going to move to the district commissioner reports first report is District 3 commissioner Constantine okay thank you very much I did want to um say that congratulations to the Sharing Center for opening up the new Village Shops I went there that day and uh lot of nice Bargains and a really beautiful thing and you know to go out there and find some uh clothes Furniture whatever it all goes to a good cause um commissioner lockart and I uh we're at the fac Innovation and policy conference and uh I mentioned a few things already today one of the things though that uh I was very interested in and I've already talked to uh Rebecca about and of course our County manager is that they had this one presentation from the University of Florida EAS on the Florida friendly Landscaping that they've used it seems that Tavistock has picked it up for all of their projects that it is cheaper than putting in grass and it is of course with our concerns about cups certainly not in you District 5 but everyone every place else that it could save us a lot of uh it it it's just a good education just like we've done with other things like Bears everything education brings many of the folks those developers come in that we can talk to them about it and hopefully some of these homeowners associations will start see seeing that they don't need St Augustine grass and on every home um the U Statewide opioid uh batement uh met while I was there so I was on Zoom but it was a zoom meeting anyway our Sher was chairing it for the attorney general and um one of the things we have to I think we're one of the ones that needs to get our reports in a little bit quicker and just just I'm not asking I know that we were working on it but they were saying some of the counties need to get their reports in so I just wanted to mention that a little bit um it was submitted I'm sorry sorry I just had to say it was submitted it was perfect thank you um the greater Orlando Sports commission uh that we work with and has been so successful with us is celebrating uh the women in sports luncheon one of the I think I just wanted to mention this the one of the recipients is uh Davin sugs who is our legislative director for facc his wife who by the way has just been appointed the uh uh athletic director for FAMU so that's that's pretty cool uh also um on the 27th coming up the kids house is going to have their 25th anniversary and I I love the fact that uh you know commissioner heris was so excited about ston and I was rooting for them all the way they made it a game the first quarter or first half or whatever um but I got to tell you that on Saturday we all know that UCF is um is entertaining Colorado and uh the FSU great Deion Sanders is the coach but what you don't know and it's just announced or maybe you do but it was announced just uh today the um the fox big noon kickoff show is going to be there so they're they're starting uh right there and if the last time that we had game day there it was packed all along memory mall so that'll be exciting it'll be a lot of good exposure for you CF and certainly um for Central Florida uh I know that we have a number of different openings like uh uh I'll let others talk about theirs and their District but sanlando Park loop trail ribbon cutting is going to also be September 30th I'm looking forward to that um CNO is going to be meeting October 2nd and we are hosting the county is hosting it's my so we're going to have it at the new Five Points facilities and give them a tour of much of what we can show them and also to give them a report on the golf courses because they've all been asking about the golf courses and and what we're doing since they're so close to their neighborhood uh the last thing is our last couple of things is number uh first of all many of us um are very familiar and have gone to anunciation Catholic Church they're doing their Fall Festival on the 4th and the 5th of October and um I am so excited about the the Lake Mary Little League World Champions coming today and I also want to thank the um the the staff for working on the alamont Springs Brave Bruth uh world champions that will be coming I think in the near future and with that I will end my report thank you very much very good commissioner lockart um sorry I'm writing my note to myself to not forget something sorry um um talking about the Florida Association of counties um conference it it's always wonderful to to come together with counties from around the state and you know you develop relationships and friendships with some of these Commissioners and um the our counties our sister counties that are up in the Panhandle right now um we just my heart just breaks for them they have been beaten up pretty badly and um someone just sent me that wulla County Board of County Commissioners today has just instituted a mandatory evacuation for their entire County oh my God so things um things are going to be not great up there and of course we don't wish it we don't wish Devastation on anyone but if you would please keep our our other counties in your prayers for for protection over over the next few days and it's going to be wild um several of us were up at the uh Governor's Mansion uh honoring all again our Little League World Series champions it was a a wonderful event it was wet it rained but it did not stop these kids from jumping in a bounce house and going in the dunk tank and they had a grand old time um it was the governor announced that he uh was the state of Florida is giving each of them a 2-year Florida Prepaid scholarship which was just incredible um and so anyway so excited and proud of of of those student athletes and their families um today is known as World Rivers day did you know that was a thing I didn't know that was a thing Patty told me that's a thing and U the purpose is of course to raise awareness about the importance of rivers and promote their conservation and we have several fabulous Rivers here in seol County one of the things that we learned um at at the fat conference in Escambia county is that they have through project green Shores they have been doing uh a a Shore not just a shoreline restoration but in order to mitigate storm events and degradation and and waves lapping up along their um one of the areas of the bay they have put in um what is that uh it's terrible Limestone that took a minute um large chunks of limestone to attract oysters because oysters are a natural water um clarifier and purifier and so I reached out to Kim orberg and said hey do we I know I know there some that's salt water but I know that there are some freshwat by Valves and so she and her team are looking at the possibilities of looking at in some of our water quality projects if we can't um start implementing the use of some oysters um of course we talked this morning uh Brian Applegate was here to talk about Paul chipo and his time here and his celebration of life will be over in New Smyrna Beach um at 1:00 at the Grand 7:21 um another fun thing a good thing and then I'm going to I'm going to ask for your feedback for one of my meetings on Thursday um tomorrow is commissioner her's birthday happy birthday we should go of 50th it's commissioner her's 50th birthday earlier today going to take that one con happy birthday we hope you have something fabulous planned if they don't I will that's how it works um the feedback that oh September 30th um I will be attending over up at setson University The Institute for water and environmental resilience uh little meeting to talk about the great work that they're doing um water water everywhere and so more conversations and and the more we can learn about that and things that we can bring to seminal County the better so I will be with that group the feedback that I need for you from you all is pertaining to Links um I'm I'm I believe the county manager and his team have been updating you all along the way uh Tim Jax isn't here poor guy um I hate when I say a staff member's name and then I look and they're not here but he and I have been uh talking quite a bit about this funding agreement and at the last finance committee meeting Tim was the Lan County representative to vote against the agreement for a variety of reasons um and I just want to make sure that at Thursday's meet links meeting um assuming we have a lyx board meeting on Thursday depending on what happens with storm um I want to be sure that I am um reflecting the direction of this board and and County Manager I'll let you speak to reiterate any of the things that you think are important in this but um there has been there is a linkx funding model um it has changed without the direction of the links board um in terms of the neighbor link funding and the way that that that's calculated it is um seal County and Orange County are the two counties that have wound up having paying additional um funds because of the change um it's likely that Lynx will ask the board to change the funding model at some point in the future but they have not done that yet and my thought has been and um the county manager's thought has been until you change the funding model and the board changes the funding model you should be billing us based on the funding model that was approved by the board so that that was my plan for that to be my position tomorrow at Thursday's board meeting and to um vote in kind uh with Mr Jax against the funding agreement but I want to make sure that that is the will of this board Mr chairman very good commissioner lari thank you Mr chairman uh commissioner Lockard you've done a very good job keeping us informed about the links funding agreement or lack thereof and I think you'd be prudent for us to support you in that decision uh the information you've given us to date supports that and I wholeheartedly support you in that and I don't know how the rest of board members feel but that would be my request your turn for report commissioner D commission she's asking for input I agree if they're not billing according to the funding agreement and we're not following our own contracts that's that's a no I just going to say one and absolutely and commissioner lart is absolutely right and that's the way why we oppose the the the whole the budget and uh our funding agreement did not match the model we do have by the way scheduled for our second meeting in October uh a links conversation with the board you had asked us to follow up so just to let you know we're we have looked at other options as well commissioner lockart is um working with us and I'll be briefing all of you prior to that but um that is scheduled for the second meeting in October yeah and Mr chairman since she has asked I'm just going to say before they until they vote and there is a vote of the board to change it you know we have to be opposed to any changes yeah I mean it goes without saying if if it's not a contractual agreement that was voted upon and agreed upon why why are we even doing it St can't do it arily I don't need to waste a lot of breath on that but do what you think is right and I think if it's not what we decided why would we do it okay thank you commissioner clari no commissioner your next up for report it's commissioner hers next I'm changing it on you pay attention I'm paying attention I'm just going by the list which the way the agenda is written you can't always go by the agenda cuz I'll switch it up on you okay thank you for that uh Meals on Wheels I was at the uh September 29th breakfast that they had in long with I thought they did a very good job and it's nice to see them doing F fundraising and awareness for Meals on Wheels I wanted to commend them on that and it was nice to see a lot of individuals there and I also wanted to thank uh Robbie from the the attorney's office for inviting me uh please pass that along uh that was very nice for him to invite us to that there is an upcoming Deer Run Park meeting a public meeting about the golf course uh this coming Monday on the 30th at 6 pm at Sterling Park Elementary uh encourage anyone that like to get some more information to be there and also this coming Saturday uh the national Varian cancer Coalition walk at Cranes Roose is taking place uh the walk starts at 8:00 a.m. at Cranes Roost uh and as commissioner Constantine noted uh kids house 25th anniversary is scheduled for this Friday we are rescheduling it due to the uh parent weather that could potentially happen because we can't set it up outside so we believe it's going to be rescheduled to November 1st so please stay tuned uh where is it supposed to be supposed to be outside in the parking lot but because of the high winds uh on Thursday it be kind of hard to set it up uh we're just paying attention to what's going on that's the reason why we're rescheduling it but I wanted to make sure everybody's aware of it and I'd be remissed by not saying uh and congratulating commissioner her for her 50th birthday so happy birthday thank you so I switch that up so the birthday girl could go last before chairman finishes out there all right well I'm going to be pretty Snappy here uh on 911 I did the patrion day Remembrance in oo and it was pretty cool I actually got to retire a flag that was my first one so I appreciate the invite out there I do believe that my office shared although I'm verifying it because it was put in great detail in my district report and therefore that we may not have shared uh but if we haven't we will it's the cfx project fact sheet for the extension to the airport I just wanted you to have it that's my probably my phone uh I wanted you to have it in your possession um I did also attend the Meals on Wheels and it was a great event I'm not going to repeat what you said but I do want to point out to anyone that's listening that if you are in need of a caterer Top Hat catering is a component of Meals on Wheels and the proceeds all go back to Meals on Wheels and they do a fabulous job I've had them several times Top Notch um from New Orleans professional chef he's he's the best I did attend the orange Boulevard rural Enclave workshop and it was uh a rather rockus group and I have uh I have some feedback with regard to those and I would tell you that if we're sending the team out there to talk about rural Enclave into a neighborhood where there are other issues like flooding they're just going to get their heads ripped off about the stuff that they're not there to talk about so I really think we have to prepare differently for these meetings in order to make sure that we can take those questions off to the side and get the questions at at at addressed at hand I did kind of move the conversation to what we were there to hear about and then did commit us to do a second meeting about flooding it doesn't seem like they're aware of the project on michig abenue like we haven't communicated much of that so they shouldn't you know the awareness is low at this point but we probably need to have secondary conversations in that area there may not be big issues in the other areas it may just be because of what we live through with the hurricane and the flooding and all of that but um it was unfortunate it was unfortunate for for our team and our consultant to have have to to have had to have done that by themselves I is that is that was that the okay commissioner Locker you have inquiry well I just wanted to say so um The Lazy Acres rural Enclave area which was in my district and I was out of town and couldn't attend but the feedback that I heard is that um because of some issues in in nearby Longwood there was a lot of concern and a lot of um uh kind of Suspicion what is this really about and and it took a while to even get through to establish the trust with the community that what we were there to talk about was something that would potentially benefit them and so I think during this time just where we are in this space of government and and citizenry anything we can do to help build trust going into meetings like that um will be great so I'm sorry that staff had that specific incident but I I think there are things like that that are happening in other pockets as well y quite frankly I think it's Nationwide it's not just here yeah no I didn't I wasn't thinking we were special no well it's been forever I mean right we're from the government and we're here to help right why would you believe like that's a so exactly all right well happy birthday commissioner thank you um milk and red it's milk chocolate and red wine for anyone that's uh I I also was at the Ovito VFW Post um with commissioner her for uh Patriot Day celebration service it was a great service um and and well attended by not only electeds but uh many of those from the local community um October 27th uh for those who want an event that's sort of Halloween driven at horsepower Ranch in my district in Geneva we putting on a this is a unique one a Halloween pumpkin luow and car show for the whole family so a little bit of something for the family the father the mother the kids can run around see all the animals and play with the pumpkins and all that kind of stuff so you're welcome to come out to the country and and enjoy those festivities a peanut colada and a pumpkin that's right exactly um of course with the impending weather that's coming um I know many of you all are in your districts but in my district specifically because of the the Geneva area Lake Harney area uh St John's river there's there's a very heightened concern from our citizens about the flooding and I know our Emergency Management people are paying attention to that I just want the public to know that we are monitoring We are following we are you know prepared to respond the best we can to what Mother Nature can deal with us with the understanding it is mother nature and she has told us time and time again who's in charge um so be be very Vigilant and watching the reports uh alert seminal um so that you're fully prepared and aware what's going on now would be the time to start making those preparations and not wait until something unfortunately may happen where that storm may be diverted more directly at us instead of not directly at us uh um affordable housing I know we had on the agenda and something that I ask our staff to to get into is um we've had to revise some agreements with our affordable housing on deed restrictions or deed covenants uh which has been on the agenda we approved through consent what I suggested was and one of these was Habitat for Humanity which did a lot split so obviously they could get more affordable housing out of the property that the county provided it would be wise for our staff to work with the legal team the county attorney's office to just put a deed restriction to run with the land so that when those things happen we don't have to take staff time in the 501c3's time to revisit to come back and amend an agreement being that we are the holder we could always change that at some juncture if that affordable housing entity no longer exists you know we're still in the in the driver's seat of that Covenant and deed restriction I don't know it's a wise use of time of amending contracts when you could just put a deed restriction that runs with the land until such time that we take the land back which then we could change it again at that point so I would ask that the County Attorney just communicate with our community services folks who can communicate with our partners uh we had quite the discussion at the aack meeting everybody seems to agree it would be the best course of action so we don't have to revisit at ahck revisit it board of County Commission all the staff revisit it um to go back through it um with that said I would uh say that we enjoyed spending time with my fellow Commissioners at the governor's mansion even though it was rainy um it was good to see you all there it was good to see the kids quite frankly I think these these young children are are really really looking forward getting back to being children uh their their notoriety and fame they've been everywhere um not only around the state but parts of the country in celebration and I guess that's uh one of the prices you pay for Success sometimes is is the popularity of of being popular is as as young kids but um really a lot to be proud of there not only of them but also the alamont um Cal Ripkin World Series team which we'll be celebrating here coming October with that said that's that's all I have at this time and uh we will move to our next item which is going to be public input for folks that want to speak on something that's not on the agenda so if we have folks in audience looks like we have maybe two folks that aren't staff members so miss Dominique we will ask you to call those names we'd ask you folks to come up give us your name and address briefly give us a title on what you desire to speak about uh you'll be given three minutes to speak on that topic and uh we'll get you all moved through as quick as possible Barbara sabery and then Monica frell Miss s FY my name is Barbara sainsbury and I reside at 550 Buford Avenue S if you pull the microphone over close to you there you go don't be afraid to grab it move it around yes ma'am uh in fuchia County but I am representing uh Mark venois uh my pastor at uh St Thomas Moore in Sanford um many resolutions regarding Amendment four which is the uh amendment that is regarding abortion on the November 5th ballot uh many resolutions have been submitted to the respective County Commissioners and the majority have been approved so far uh and the seol county resolution I to my understanding was presented via uh email to all of the commissioners of seol County this amendment is not only dangerous but is actually irresponsible and deceptive to the citizens of seol County and the great state of Florida this is not a law that can be revised in the future it will be embedded in the Florida Constitution if it passes no law will override it under any condition heard the wording of the amendment so would anyone here be concerned if your teenage daughter a minor or grandaughter had an abortion without her parents consent or being advised they're being notified after the surgical procedure this would be the only surgery that a minor could have without a parents knowledge or consent many citizens will will not be aware that the lack of definitions in this amendment will allow third trimester abortions because viability is another item that is not defined vague L vague Lang language will allow citizens to be unaware that all health and safety requirements would be removed endangering the lives of our counties young women since a medical doctor would no longer be required our citizens going to be aware that as taxpayers we will pay for all abortions that are performed since this amendment encourages Florida to be an abortion destination since Florida is the only Southern State to have such a vague and deceptive abortion Amendment lacking any definitions have 30 seconds ma'am our County can also anticipate numerous lawsuits within the health care industry citizens of goodwi need our commissioners uh that we rely on and we look up to to open this resolution for discussion and eventually uh I'm hoping approval this will enable our citizens to be well informed and not deceived before heading to the polls on November 5th thank you thank you ma'am is it Miss frell Monica frell please proceed ma'am your name and address for the record okay my name's Monica frell and I reside at 1589 Willows Cove Court in Winter Springs so good afternoon the proposed amendment four to be added to our Florida Constitution would be a disaster for our beautiful state and let's look at why first of all unlike any other Amendment it has no definition of terms it reads and I've given you all one of these no law shall prohibit penalize delay or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient's Health as determined by the patient's health care provider so let's stop right there no law means that no law ever allowed in the State of Florida ever again when it comes to abortion would be heard because our constitution is our document that we must abide by so no law means no law no law shall prohibit abortion that means stop or disallow no law shall ever stop an abortion in the State of Florida ever again no law shall penalize abortion the only person that can possibly be penalized in an abortion procedure is the abortionist if the abortionist does one on a 12 or 13-year-old girl who is too young to consent to sex he's obligated to call the police she's a victim of statutory rape or rape if he doesn't do it guess what too bad no law shall penalize by the way what if he accidentally kills the woman what if he perforates her uterus she gets septic she gets an infection and ends up dying too bad no law shall penalize the abortionist cannot be held liable no law shall delay abortion the pregnant woman won't be encouraged to think about other options or consider her decision overnight and who do you think they will go after the pregnancy centers they are the ones who are delaying abortions because they show women other options like adoption they offer classes on parenting provide mentors for young women but it can be all be considered a delay for abortion no law shall restrict abortion in other words abortion is a sacred cow abortion can't be touched for any reason for any time your 24-hour waiting period in Florida is gone parents right to know is gone parental consent is gone safety and health protections are gone ultrasound legislation gone the sixe bill gone no law shall prohibit penalize delay or restrict abortion before viability 30 seconds m f viability of what the pregnancy the baby it will be completely dependent upon the abortionist interpretation what about Patients health Health it doesn't say the patient's life it says Health the average Florida voter would think oh Health means life but no it doesn't Health means emotional physical Financial Health whatever health is determined again it's up to the abortionist to decide also healthc care provider has no definition does it say physician no does it say doctor no Miss phell you're out of time you're have to wrap it up thank you we appreciate you being here today any other speakers for open comments no sir seeing none we'll close open comment we will remain we'll go and adjourn till 5:30 tonight for the public hearing with the second hearing of our budget session at 5:30 oh