[Music] and welcome back to the board County Commission meeting for the afternoon session it's approximately 1:30 on May 14th 2024 I would ask that each and every one of you silence your cell phones turn your ringers off if you can't silence them just turn them off that's end up seem to be some of an issue this morning but U that said we're going to move into our public agend our public hearing agenda um so we'll ask each Comm commer to State any expart that they've had uh and disclose that please I've had none I've had none I also had none I have given it electronically and I had none wait a minute you had none you gave it electronically I give it to anyway okay I had none and did not submit electronically because I had none just saying um all right I will ask Miss Kate Lor the County Attorney to read the rules of public participation in the uh public hearing section of the meeting sure while the board welcomes comments from all persons with an interest in these proceedings Florida law requires that the board's decision in quasi judicial actions be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the board during the hearings on the applications competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion there must be a factual basis in the record to support report opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert Witnesses persons presenting testimony May rely on factual information that they present that is presented by County staff that the applicant presented or on factual information included in the county staff report to support their testimony all persons who Present written materials to the board for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the clerk for inclusion in the board's record of proceedings and official minutes Mr chairman thank you very much for those who are wishing to speak or have a written comment please grab a form in the lobby fill it out make sure you mark it for exactly the item that you wish to speak upon get that to the clerk Miss Dominique up here on the front and she will organize those and let us know which item is going to who's going to speak on which item and then we will move through that item as expeditiously as possible I will look to the board for proof of publication so much second second first and second all those in favor I oppose like sign hearing none Pro of publication is approved unanimously the first item is item number 36 connection Point commercial center rezone item good afternoon Annie silway development services senior planner the applicant is requesting approval of a rezone from A1 agriculture to C C3 General commercial and wholesale on approximately 3.75 Acres located on the north side of connection Point approximately A4 Mile West of State Road 426 in order to develop the subject property as a self storage facility in compliance with the C3 zoning District which permits general office commercial and wholesale distribution storage and light manufacturing the request is consistent with the Land Development code of simol County and is compatible with the surrounding trend of development in the area the requested C3 zoning district has been established along connection point and the surrounding Parcels to the north east and west um all have an industrial future land use permitting the requested C3 zoning District at the time of final the time of engineering site plan review the development must meet all requirements for parking access maximum Building height minimum open space requirements permitted uses and maximum F in accordance with the Land Development code of seminal County the Planning and Zoning commission met on April 3rd 2024 and voted unanimously to recommend the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance resoning the subject property staff requests the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting a reone from A1 agriculture to C3 General commercial and wholesale on approximately 3.75 Acres located on the north side of connection Point approximately a/4 Mile West of State Road 426 and that concludes my presentation thank you miss silway any questions for staff at this point no is the applicant here and desire to make any comments or presentation course I'm here Chad Morehead mad Morehead and Stokes 431 East ratio Avenue um agree with staff's recommendation just here to answer any questions any questions for the applicant seeing none hang close if you would in case we need you back up do we have anybody here from the public to speak on this matter no sir seeing none we'll close public hearing and go to the board this is commissioner uh deli's District Mr chairman like to make a motion to adopt an ordinance enacting a reone from A1 agriculture to C3 General commercial and wholesale on approximately 3.75 Acres located on the north side of connection Point approximately 0.25 miles west of State Road 426 as presented here today second Motion in second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppos like sign seeing none motion carries unanimously next item up is item number 37 IA properties PD rezone item number 202 24-44 n and this is the second reading of an ordinance resoning a property from C1 retail commercial to PD plan development good afternoon Annie silway development services the applicant is requesting approval of a reone from C1 retail commercial to PD plan development on approximately 13.66% site that is currently developed as a longwood Village Shopping Plaza there is an existing tenant within the plaza known as dotopia who provides pet daycare and grooming services The Establishment would like to expand their services to include overnight pet boarding which is not permitted under the existing C1 retail commercial zoning District the additional use of overnight pet boarding will be internal to the existing establishment and the Tenant will be required to provide interior sound proofing to reduce any potential sound pollution and outside kennels will will be prohibited at the time of building permit review for the interior renovation the applicant will be required to demonstrate the soundproofing measures required staff finds a requested PD zoning classification to be consistent with the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan of simol County the Planning and Zoning commission met on April 3rd 2024 and voted unanimously to recommend the board of County Commissioners adopt the requested rezoning a prop proper from C1 retail commercial to PD plan development and on April 23rd BCC approved unanimously to adopt the first reading of the ordinance resoning the property based on the Florida state statute 12566 staff requests The Bard of County Commissioners adopt upon the second reading of an ordinance resoning a property from C1 retail commercial to PD plan development and approve the associated development order and master development plan on approximately 13 66 Acres located on the north side of West State Road 434 East of Interstate 4 that concludes my presentation thank you miss silway any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here and wish to make any kind of statement No applicant here do we have anybody here from the public that wishes to speak yes I have one speaker sir hold on a minute we'll call your name Mr Angelo Drago Mr D if you would please sir over here at the microphone no no go around if staff will help guide him over there please sir you've got to state your name and address on the appr yes thank you uh Angelo Drago I'm at 170 Springwood Circle uh and I want to state that uh in the application it states to to go from Zone C1 to PD okay now uh one one of the problems is is that is he talking about one property he's talking about the entire 13 acres not just that one facility which which is the dog place okay now we already have a lot of traffic and a lot of congestion and as a one of the condo owners we don't even have a traffic light to get across we have to use his facility 13 acres to get to the traffic light okay because we don't have our own I4 what he did he's blocking our 300 residents from going in and out of our condo right now and the Department of Transportation is considering putting a traffic light and going after the federal government who didn't do his job initially and now is blocking our complete condo for 300 residents going in and out we have to use the parking facility of this uh this insurance man who has all this uh this commercial business going on right now so any change in zoning is it going to make it even worse for us because we have to use his facility to get to the traffic light so we have a problem on changing the zoning we don't want to change the Zone leave well enough alone is already in bad shape let's fix it step by step this is uh what I have to say and furthermore uh as far as a C1 Zone owning this this this gentleman who owns the facility is already parking his tractor trailers along our fence which uh joins our condo okay and this is overnight is he going to bring them in with the dogs that's my question they were already parked overnight and uh as far as I know it's not zone for that he's he's alongside our property in uh Springwood Village so we got to we got to smell the smoke and everything else when he starts up his tractor trailers overnight they don't go in with the dogs that's all I got to say Thank you Mr drgo Mr any other public wish to speak on this matter no sir okay seeing none we will close the public hearing we will move to commissioner Constantine this is your District well I do want to ask some questions but just a clarification back but I'll wait thank you Rebecca sure um as we discussed yesterday Mr drgo I appreciate your comments so I want to ask some of the things that are based upon what you said at our last meeting we talked about the first you know public he we talked about the fact that this is the only difference between what as far as business goes between what they're going to do is that the Dogtopia uh business could not be in a C1 facility so they're asking for a PD but in the development order that is the only that that is the only use that would be allowed outside of the C1 zoning is that correct correct So currently the C1 zoning allows The Grooming facility so they have in the Doggy Daycare So currently there is the Doggy Daycare there Dogtopia that's an existing use but they want to expand operations and allow for overnight boarding um but C1 does not allow overnight boarding so in order to permit the use then they they are requesting to rezone to plan development but it only the only permitted uses within the plan development are C1 retail commercial uses and overnight boarding for animals so I wanted to make sure that Mr Drago and others that might be listening understand that as we did before that there is no changes in the businesses that are there now there's a lot of really quality businesses there and none of them have come in with a concern about this the business already exists but they want to expand the business to allow overnight um so it's so it's an overnight Doggy Daycare essentially along with everything and they have to approve the the wall the sound barriers before they can open up the business that has to be done correct that is part of the development order before they can have the overnight correct that's what I meant before they have the overnight now the second thing that does not is not part of this rezoning but does concern me and I'm sure it would concern others about the parking of facilities along the um in the back and everything do we has anything been discussed about that or is this just something that was brought up today I I have not been aware of that since today um but it's perhaps a Code Enforcement issue if there's a Code Enforcement complaint that's made and that's what I wanted to get to if it is a Code Enforcement complaint Mr drgo you have the right to call up in code enforcement and we will get with you can get with this young lady right here and explain it and you can call up for a code enforcement violation if there is one but you have to do that not me okay so okay so I just wanted to make sure that his his questions his concerns or answered before I you know do anything more okay and you can get with him and explain the whole process and what he has to do on that one because that has nothing to do with the zoning we're talking about today Mr Drago thank you okay all right thank you thank you very much okay ready any further inquiries by the board commissioner Conant if there's no other further inquiries then I move to adopt the second reading the ordinance resoning of the property of C1 retail commercial to BD plan development and approve the associated development order and master development plan on approximately 3.6 13.66% next item up is item number 38 3066 Kingfisher point this is agenda item 20 24-4 62 Miss Robinson will be the presenter Miss Robinson thank you good afternoon Mary Robinson with Planning and Development as stated the applicant here is proposing to construct 1,244 squ foot boat dock slous this uh boat boat dock structure is a replacement for the existing dock Chapter 70 uh the Land Development code dredge and filling of is contains seven items to be considered prior to the issuance of any permit the the application does comply with those seven items and meets the height regulation uh as stated in Land Development code section 70.6 6G requires a public hearing for any boat dock over 1,000 square ft and that includes clud the dock the house and a walkway the any walkways that connect to the land the applicant was also issued a permit for uh from Florida Department of Environmental Protection and we request the Border County Commission approve the request for 1,244 Ft boat dock SL house located on the south side of king fisher Point approximately 3,000 ft south of Brumley Road more particularly known as 3 66 king fisher point that it second M Robinson is that it oh yes I'm sorry thank you um any inquiries by the board nope see none is the applicant here and do they desire to make any kind of statement or presentation to the board sir if you'd step up to the podium your name and address for the record good afternoon uh my name is alen Horn uh my address is 5106 leward way in Edgewood Florida representing uh both Mr Luke and Fender Marine construction who's the contractor on the project okay and what do you want us to know um we are demolishing a an existing dock um it's en enlarging not enlarging the entire square footage but we're lengthening it but uh lessening the width um so that it'll keep the same square footage um of the dock as as it exists sure anything else um unless you have any questions any questions seeing none thank you very much Dominic we have any people from the public that desire to comment on this item no sir seeing none we'll close the public meeting portion of that item and we'll move to commissioner delari Mr chair i' like to make a motion to approve the requested item for 1,24 44 ft boat do/ house located on the south side of king fisher Point approximately 3,313 ft south of Brumley Road more particularly known as 3066 king fisher Point as presented motion second any further discussion see none all those in favor I I oppos like sign carries unanimous thank you all very much Mr chairman yes commissioner lockart I'm I'm having flashbacks of prior vote dock permit approvals and at one point I think it was commissioner Constantine even said why do these necessarily come to us and I think the answer was because your code says they should and we said well maybe we should just change our code if this is a self-imposed um situation and so if you would just kind of maybe at another time come back and research that and remind us where what we thought we were doing yes we have the well you know that's that's Wonder commissioner I'm sorry Mr chairman go ahead um that's exactly what I told our our County manager at my meeting with him and the staff yesterday is you know why are we seeing this it was a different group but we all said why are we seeing these things um there's got to be a better way than us having to approve just because it's 1,1 ft you know is is there a legitimate logical reason as to you know why we do it on a certain situation that's so commission I think we should look at that my recollection was the last time we dealt with this those statements were made Agreed 100% commissioner Constantine's District but it was a little bit slightly different in that there were two land owners at odds with each other yes there was now that aside that was different correct yes um I I think we are all on the same page that there should be certain things that so if you all could look at it with our staff and maybe bring forward some proposal to us on why we should continue or how we should not continue sure down this path would be great or how we continue it yeah exactly thank you great thank you no no sir thank you very much for being here today sometimes applicants applicant usually does better if they just take their win and go away so have a nice afternoon thank you so you could call any of us individually and offer good advice how about or let Miss mat Robinson know about it before you leave all right next item up is item 39 which is uh agenda item 202 24-4 63- 589 be Lake Circle yes thank you Mary Robinson with development services um this is a request to consider approval of a 1,725 ft² boat do/ house on the north side of be Lake Circle approximately 418 ft West the lineal Beach Drive more particularly known as 5819 be Lake Circle um this like I said will be a new boat dot the property owner has demolished the previous boat dot in December of 23 2023 the county building inspector did observe some wood on the site and asked the contractor uh what was going on he stated be replacing the sting on the boat house as a result the building inspector posted a stop work order and as there was no permit uh posted the property owner subsequently did apply for a building permit and the review re revealed the need for board County Commission approval due to the size of being over 1,000 square ft uh as I stated before Chapter 70 dread and filling of the Land Development code contains seven items that be considered prior to the issuance of this Bo Doc House the application complies with these seven items and meets the hyp regulation uh required by the Land Development code uh the applicant was issued a general permit for a boat dock boat house by Florida Department of Environmental Protection we recommend the bard of County Commissioners approve the request for a 1,700 squ ft boat dock house located on the north side of be Lake Circle approximately 488 ft west of lineal Beach Drive more particularly known as 5819 be Lake Circle okay that's it and I believe the property owner is present okay any questions or inquiries of staff not yet seeing none is the applicant here or property owner who wishes to make any statements to the board you're sure question okay stand by thank you very much anyone here from the public to speak about this matter no sir okay we will close public input and we will move to the district commissioner commissioner Constantine well this may be the reason why we want set 1,000 square feet uh discussions because this is basically a house this is this is as big as my house okay 1725 sare ft um and more importantly it's asking for forgiveness not permission okay you you know this they went out and they built this and the the interesting part about this what are we going to do tell him to tear it down um I guess that could be the situation but the fact of the matter is in talking to um knowing Bear Lake as I do um no one has called me to complain about it and um I will suggest that um I wish that the that the property owner had done it a different way I wish he had gone and gotten the permits and everything but the pictures that I have now is that you know this looks like you know could be a auxiliary house that you could move somebody else into I don't know about the plumbing or anything else like that but um uh you know again it it it it goes to to the point that commissioner lockart said and you said and all all there we need to have some sort of consistency when it comes to boat docks and exactly what comes to us and what doesn't come to us and uh in this case there's in my opinion because there has been no complaints and because uh from anyone and um because it's already built um I would feel very uncomfortable in denying it so um I I will approve I will move to approve the request for 1725 ft boat dock house located on the north side of be Lake Circle approximately 400 118 ft west of linear Beach Road and more particularly known as 589 bare Lake Circle with with the uh request of anybody else that's out there listening get a permit before you build the dock Mr chairman I'll make a second to that motion you certainly don't want that last part that last part connect that was just an editorial comment okay in a second commissioner lockart yeah um couple different issues and and a follow-up question um the Forgiveness rather than permission thing has become pervasive yes because there is no penalty unless Mary can tell me that they have paid some sort of fine or there's been some sort of penalty um this particular property was scheduled for the special magistrate and I had a discussion with um um the building folks that do the code enforcement and it's been put on hold since he was applying for the permit not sure that answers what your question is okay yeah so um okay so let's put that over here for a second um whether or not and I don't I don't disagree with your statement about PE neighbors having concerns but we as a board need to make sure that we are making decisions not based on whether or not neighbors are complaining because somebody may be lucky or unlucky in their certain situation but have committed the same type of infraction and whether or not you have a cranky neighbor shouldn't be determining the um the outcome of your situation so um so I do have a question for the property owner for the applicant can I add one one piece of information since it was started without a permit he will have to pay a double permit fee okay all right well would the property owner come forward sir if you'd come down state your name and address for the record when you get to the podium please if I ask you a question you can hi hi my name is Brian Smith I live at 5819 be Lake Circle okay and so did you hire someone to do this work for you a friend actually okay and are they a licensed contractor I believe they are you didn't know that before you asked them to help you out I I hunt with him I don't know okay he licensed or not but okay I trust his work cuz he did some things inside my home also and I know he did docks and did you pull permits for those to I got the D permit no for they work inside the home no ma'am it was base boards and window and door trim okay that those require permits the windows do so well that makes me uncomfortable uncomfortable yeah so um so are are you the friend you're not the friend that did the work that's right I'm the contractor now the contractor now okay so come on forward then so I'm doing this because this is commissioner Constantine's district and this just makes it easier for me to be the bad guy so so you are the new the actual licensed contractor that the property owner has called in to do the work do you my name your name and address would be great yeah great Maverick vony list M Construction 717 Monroe Road s Florida um trust me I understand I'm on the planning of zoning board city of Sanford which is part of why I'm here today CU I obviously know some of the concerns that you guys will have I do want to um just say a second is that we're calling it a boat house or the screen's calling a boat house and a dock the boat house was already there so the dock what was happening is that there I got pulled in after I'll be honest after the mess was kind of uh made to light but Bo house was already there um he was doing some um some of the dock work and that's where this got put so I just don't want it to I know um Mr Constantine you looked at sya it's a 1700 square foot home that's that's not what it was that's the square footage of the overall dock that's there um so there again what what we're here today for is to add the extra 500 squ ft to the dock so it was already approved at 1150 squ ft something like that um what he's doing now is adding an additional 500 ft to the dock like the planks and that so that's interesting because that's not what staff's presentation was right so if you wouldn't mind just for a minute if you could have a seat so Mary my understanding was was that the the dock the structure had been demolished that's what the property owner had told me but that's not so and then they got to stop work order for replacing the siding on the boat house and the new equip new um materials were on site because he did take demo the dock without a permit also oh so okay so I have a question wait a minute any other board members have commissioner her just let me try to Circle this up you can demolish a dock without demolishing The Boat House the boat house is actually looks like it's sitting up toward the land so those are two different episodes you can't replace siding on the side of a boat boat house that you've demolished so so all of that is possible at the same time and it looks like and I would love to understand this there was cause for the dock to be replaced because that's what you've done you've demolished it to replace it and you just did that without permitting and so that's the piece of it I think there's multiple issues going on here with one thing and while you're doing that you thought you'd make it bigger which I bet you regret now because of our thousand foot rule that we're thinking about getting rid of I just thought I'd throw that in there for the humor of this conversation so I I think we're looking at this as though this is all mutually exclusive and it's not the the house that's there is not 1,700 square foot that's the total square footage including the dock the house could be there and not be demolished the dock could be demolished and the repair to the siding could still happen to the house that didn't get demolished that's the picture that I have in my head is that fair yes yes there you go so we've then we've changed the then we've changed yeah so okay so so my question is did the existing structure that existed there currently was it permitted the existing Boat House the existing dock has it been permitted through this County I would have to get back with you on that I did do some research on docks around the area and their relative size to this one and um there's only one that's like, 1500 square fet that this board did approve so I think this existing dock has been there for many years it's you know you built it I have noidea commissioner okay yeah so so I will to the owner as a fellow Hunter first rule in the field know the lay of the field doesn't sound like you paid attention to that rule knowing starting without a permit and doing some of these other things Mr mck's father can talk to you about that as well he's a big game hunter as well um but that said I think where I'm seeing this go commissioner Constantine I think there's a lot of unanswered questions than I'm hearing from this commission so we have to make a decision we're going to move forward take a vote on this um if there's no further inquiries do you feel that any concern we may be waiting into an area that we may have to come back and deal with because I I agree with some of the things that have been said by commissioner lockart that I'm not so sure we're talking about the right thing because of things that were not said by our staff in the original presentation and Mr chairman if I could comment seems like there is some stuff that's may be missed in in this uh through the review so if you would like we could table this and we could um I could get with staff go through it and then bring this back to the board Mr chairman set a table if we continue it it may be easier well that's what I'm sure s yes I'll be looking for a motion from the district commissioner but you know and and Mr chairman I and and fellow board members I I I think you could tell by the questions I I'm I have a dilemma here too I mean it's it's you know what do you do once something is already built I mean do you I mean they're asking for a permit um that you know and if we don't give it to them the only other alternative is to tear the thing down so uh you know where do we go from here I think that I and and commissioner her I do not want to get rid of this I want a better streamlined system you know if if a th000 fet is the right answer and the right thing to do then great let's do it but I it just seems that in each case it is a it it is something that we pretty much either have a you know he said she said to two citizens man one doesn't want to lose their block of their View and I was looking at this one and sure enough if I was the next door neighbor I've lost my view of some of the property if for the extension but it was already there so they didn't have the view in the first place but again we're talking about a a person that did not get a permit already takes care of it and now is coming back and asking essentially for forgiveness if if the commission would W would like us all to get better more answers I'm I'm fine with that because I feel very uncomfortable about this also and maybe we should extend it and maybe this could be helpful in finding the right answers for the next doc circumstance so with that I can I will withdraw my motion okay and I will if if the seconder withdraws his I will move that we continue this uh with you know trying to get more answers from the staff and the applicant and now the contractor not the previous non contractor but the contractor and let's let's see what we can find out about that Mr chairman can I ask for clarification commissioner delari can you do time specific so we know when it's we coming back next meeting want be more than happy to set it for the next meeting is that all right with you Comm June 11th June 11th second sir hold on one second second just Motion in a second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I I opposed like sign hearing none motion contes you have a continuance to June 11th Mr chairman commissioner lockart can can we get some clarification in the meantime too on what the process is for staying code enforcement action for what I'm sorry for well we kind of heard that someone just randomly had a conversation and decided to just hold off on Code Enforcement action are you going to get on that figure that out got it actually just discussed this you need a motion for that because I agree no I think we got fine great anything else on that matter great well okay anybody need a break or everybody good all right let's move on to item number 40 this is agenda item 202 24-6 46 considering a new ordinance adoped a new chapter 71 of the seol county code of ordinances entitled Economic Development the presentation is by Mr G Kun G welcome back again to afternoon thank you for the record gunia administrator Economic Development and Tourism from this morning's meeting this is the procedural ordinance that was discussed the vote just for further clarification is only for the procedural ordinance and as stated uh the summary and ordinance adopting a new chapter 71 of the seal county code of ordinances entitled Economic Development creating article one of chapter 71 entitled tourism Improvement districts to provide for the procedures and requirements to establish operate modify renew and dissolve tourism Improvement districts in seol County some of the highlights that were previously shown of a bond advisory Council established uh surplus funds allowable uh usage of surplus funds uh no more than two tid assessments throughout the county and the 50% of rooms within the tid uh signing for petition we are recommending the board of County Commissioners adopt the tourism improvement district procedural ordinance okay anything further no sir inquiries commissioner her I move to approve second we had public yet but motion seconds on the floor we'll go to public input none Madam clerk we have none no sir have you been have you been reading M that's pretty good okay we have a motion a second Comm Mr Constantine yeah I I didn't say anything this morning but I and I and I just want to say this very quickly I am so proud of the staff for putting this together because not only did you go out and do your homework and get everybody together but you know bringing clean healthy Sports tourism to seol County works so well with you know our moniker and what we're trying to do but more importantly only ebore City only ebore city has done this and um in in the State of Florida and that that's with the city I can tell you that so many other counties are struggling as to what they have to do and how they have to do it um and and I think that they've already had inquiries from four five six different counties already so I just so very proud of them I'm very proud of the uh hotel motel Association for putting for working together and putting this together and in all difference and salute to seminal State College I'm going to say go big go far and uh say you know let's let's do this and uh for my own University charge on all right well to to commissioner Constantine's point I will tell you I've fielded numerous calls from different uh cities and counties from around the state since this started you know becoming a public item very envious of how we pulled this to this point with the background studies I don't think anybody understands the amount of background work that was done by the hotel your Association the business Community our Economic Development staff all working in harmony for the best of this County County and I don't think that a lot of counties and cities understand it's just not like hey you decide to have a tid um so could work Absolutely I'll call the vote all those in favor I I opposed like sign heing none carries unanimously good job good luck good job great job get her done all right next item is the county attorney's report Madam County attorney I have no report today Mr chairman hey fantastic County manager just one one item just a reminder that there is not a second meeting this month so our next uh board meeting will be on June 11th okay anything else no sir nothing from staff no sir okay we'll go right into commissioner reports District 5 commissioner her included in your packet was a quarterly update from the rescue Outreach Mission I just wanted to share it with you uh some really good results outpacing where we were last year certainly outpacing where we were the two years before that good work being done uh we also celebrated the uh leadership seminal class project with a ribbon cutting to the new bathrooms there and a check that was presented for $22,000 that was the remainder after the fundraiser was done um so we're we're seeing great things if you haven't been out there recently I would encourage my fellow board members to go and visit and I would also encourage enourage you to walk through out the back door to see the garden that's in the back that is also feeding the residents um healthy clean food uh on a daily basis that was put together in part by the Lake Mary rotary and in larger part by pardeep who is passionate about that and out there every day with his hands in it's not necessarily dirt because it's hydroponic so I'm not exactly what in the clay pellets that I now know about uh but that that will conclude my report because I would like to put the exclamation point after that really good work being done great thank you commissioner her good report on Rah commissioner Dari district one thank you Mr chairman I'd like to commend the sheriff's department for the event they had last Thursday for the law enforcement Heroes Memorial uh it was quite moving and very done very well and with a lot of respect and want to thank them for that I did get some notice that we have a young man his name is Mari Jones who just qualified to participate in the uh 2024 US Olympics in the boxing uh division of U 71 kilogram he's currently in Thailand training and be returning to a veto for a brief period before heading out to the Olympic Training Center in Colorado uh later uh then the Paris uh like to commend him in all his hard work over the years uh I'd like to be able to send him with the Chairman's signature uh not just a congratul note uh but also wishing him well uh is there any issues with us doing that I think we should just congratulate him and wish him well sure perfect no problem with that okay and uh later on there's going to be uh it's going to be here for a couple couple of days once we get those dates we'll make sure that you all aware of it there going to have a big sendoff for him uh before he goes to Colorado and then to Paris so just want to wish him well it's a big big accomplishment uh any young person or anyone that's going to be going to the Olympics to train at that level uh we all have a they have a lot to be proud of so congratulations and wish you well in the my report Mr chairman thank you commissioner Lori good report next up is District 3 commissioner Constantine thank you very much um did want to report that on April 24th uh the staff had a zoom public meeting on Oro way and sidewalks and um there was no complaints on a sidewalk e either side so far so good think congratulations yeah Pearls of uh on the 25th uh you know there was the pearls of seminol county in Longwood and and I I just have to say that it was a wonderful event honoring um some very distinguished women in our uh community and um just really appreciated the the opportunity to be there um in on the 27th I think the commissioner her commissioner delore and I were all at the second walk for autism in Longwood and that was a uh also a wonderful event that was put on I did want to say talking about the rescue mission on May 1st count had a meeting they we were talking about we was in Ovito and the and the event was they were discussing the CRA in Ovito but then the discussion went on as we went from commit uh City to city um Sanford brought up the fact that they were in their budget putting in uh 20,5 to $220,000 for um Rescue Mission and I jumped on that to say all of you should be putting money in here whatever amount it is and 20,000 is thankfully you know something but we would love to see even more cuz we're putting in millions and uh and it's important because that is the only place that we have more than 100 beds in all of seol County um and U and we need to to support it so I just wanted to all of you to know that uh they got the message and I saw a number of them writing notes because they are going through the budget session right now um I wanted to congratulate uh shift B uh over in the life- saving award uh that was done in May 2nd at the uh Castleberry fire department um you know again saving lives and It's Just Amazing Just how many times this that that our firefighters paramedics and certainly uh police officers both City and our Sheriff's Office do such a wonderful job this happened to be as I think all of you know um former Commission of former state representative Scott pin's brother that was actually saved uh with a hard work and good effort of our our fire department um obj doing business in SEMO main 2nd uh commissioner zimbauer and others did a wonderful job on that telling everybody how wonderful it is to do business in SEO County um most of the people from SEO County but that's okay you know they'll tell everybody else and that was good um May fourth the runway for hope uh I was uh I was honored to be part of that U event that takes place in Orange County but is for um a pediatric cancer victims throughout Central Florida and they I believe raised well over a half a million dollars uh for that and that was great also on the uh upcoming um the we all know that we talked about sports and sports tourism today we are doing uh two events for NCAA division 2 national championships and uh the uh Festival opening will be May 20th um coming up I believe it's at Cafe mango in Orange County but uh it's for all of the events that are going to be taking place number of them wava River Basin commission will be meeting on the 22nd just so you all know there are still many things uh commissioner her certainly knows this um that we're still trying to work through on the Parkway and uh um that is a forum not necessarily an organization that will correct but a forum that we work through with all the um interested parties and the dot U force a number of those things and our own Rich theater is having an art auction and opening reception on May 24th go out and let's support um the Arts and seminol County and with that I as quickly as I can that's my report thank you commissioner Constantine commissioner lockar District Four y um I have for you all a very quick p paragraph of actually I gave you one too many thank you sorry sure there's enough there for you um as part of my representing this board on the central Florida Commission on homelessness uh part of the conversation lately has had to do with shelters and and what they should and shouldn't be and with the legislator's recent enact or the governor's recent enactment of the new legislation regarding um sleeping in public places um there's been a lot of discussion in the region about what what we want to see from a regional approach on homelessness this was a statement that the commission itself made and uh I made the suggestion that each one of us that represents a um an entity go back to our entities with this statement to see if it is something that we would want to put in some form of uh Proclamation or resolution and and adopt it as our own as as an entity in the region not just as a member of the commission on homelessness um giving it a little bit more weight so I'll read it out loud even though I know you have it there in front of you the central Florida Commission on homelessness is committed to creating low barrier access to nighttime residences for persons experiencing homelessness in our region while the central Florida Commission on homelessness does not support encampments it does support permitted sanitary safe indoor and climate controlled temporary housing Solutions and will use Continuum of Care Resources for such facilities how housing focused low barrier shelters should provide a welcoming and dignified environment the region should have adequate low barrier shelters throughout the region so that no individual or family is turned away um this is a very simplified statement that I believe expresses our position um on homelessness and encampments um and as we start to look at and I know our County attorney is looking at that legislation and its potential impact on us I wanted to bring this to you all for consideration if not today at a future board meeting motion to approve second further discussion seeing none all those in favor I I oppose like sign seeing none if um yall could work on that for the commissioner and get it back to us thank you we'll get it to you ASAP thank you that very much um I also have I believe this has been sent to your offices uh via email I wrote uh individually just as me again as the uh representative of the board on the central Florida Zoo uh a letter of support for a grant application to the Florida Division of cultural Affairs um that letter is it's very benign please give the zoo money they're great is that what you wanted to say exactly that's exactly what it says please give the zoo money they're great did you sign it don't monkey around with us no but I should have that would have been good um like the rest of you I am sure I had an opportunity to meet with our code enforcement consultant Mike rhods last week um so glad that we have been able to find him thank you to Trisha Johnson for somehow bringing him down out of The Ether and having him find his way here to seon County I think he's going to be a tremendous asset for us with all the things that we're dealing with with code enforcement um so I heard someone uh tell that Amy Kirkland from seal State congratulations on the prize we have not been awarded the prize yet um um but we are one of 20 finalists in the entire nation uh for the Aspen Institute which really is a it's a be it's a big deal I was going to say BFD but it is it really is a BFD um especially in the in the State College realm so very very proud of our team at seal State and everybody that's pulled together to make to just get us to that finalist um Place uh the National Weather Service and our emergency management team came together at the Sanford Airport last week to do a whole tour of the the hurricane hunter plane I saw a couple of our team members there um what a cool experience if you have if you ever have the opportunity to get into that those planes and see how that operates it wasn't just the structure that was cool we got a chance to talk to the engineers and the pilots and actually got to talk to the one of the guys that stands at the back of the plane and throws the drops on out like takes a special yeah Special Constitution to be the person who wants to stand at the back of an open plane and throw that out in the eye of a hurricane but it was just super cool so congratulations to Alan and his whole team for working with um the National Weather Service and the Air Force and the folks at the airport it was a great experience um I think that is actually all I have all of my other comments are actually are related to your item later on okay thank you very good thank you commissioner lockart great report staff will work on those yes statements from the board yes I'll try to get the quick one out of the way right off the bat um I need to make an appointment to the sanord airport noise noise abatement committee and I am nominating Aaron Archie to be nominated to that position second motion second any questions all those in favor I oppose like sign hearing none Miss Archie will be appointed uh May May 3rd I attended the national uh Day of Prayer event at the Antioch Baptist Church in oido um great event saw commissioner um uh delari there as well uh well attended uh it was it was really interesting to see all the faiths come together uh Under One Roof uh for a common purpose it really tells us where we're at in seminal County and how fortunate we are um that those from many different faiths can come together and have and hold prayer together in peace and the message was love love each other as a neighbor and so it was it was a great event uh as commissioner Constantine mentioned uh I sit on a board for obj doing business in seminal of course I promoted everything we could do in seminal um was pretty well attended it was u a great event followed up with an interview with the obj which some of you may have seen uh on the tid which we talked about today uh um a 7th I attended the Orlando Sanford Airport meeting as the lays on to the board and I will tell you that um things are are moving quite well there at the S Orlando Sanford Airport with uh increased flights uh the main carrier allegion is likely to bring on another 24 scheduled routes this coming year which is a great great thing for the airport they continue to take over all the operations and and tell you that they're very pleased with what's happening as they being the new operators the airport themselves instead of a third party um they've had a few little hiccups nothing serious but they really are finding their way and doing great work there so we really look forward to uh the Orlando s International Airport is going to be one of the big economic drivers you know in our County for the next several decades uh on May 8th I met with the medical examiners uh meeting in uh Wildwood uh not a whole lot has changed there there's still dialogue they're they have picked a CM at risk uh they're about to wrap up their uh architectural drawings which are due in not later than September they believe that if they are hopeful that a bid will go out sometime in January of 25 but yet we have no numbers we have nothing yet so I would say it's all in flux so stand by as things develop I'll make sure staff is is involved and understands on May 9th I went out and spent a day with the folks at Yankee Lake on one of my dirty jobs events um and my dirty job for the day and I would encourage each of you maybe not to do this but go go clean out all the master plant transfer units wow and you would think everything that goes sewer goes through sewage is nasty but I will tell you I learned something the nastiest thing about these transfer stations is the grease that comes from restaurants and and and those kinds of places unbelievable and how difficult it is to get the grease out of those with a pressure washer wand that's like 30t long uh to get down in there and try to get all that knocked loose it gave me a new appreciation uh and love for these these men and women that have to perform those jobs and I will tell you um the group that I worked with not only are they the folks that work inside the actual plants but outside in in the transfer areas but also take care of the pumps and those kinds of things and we had a a pump fail uh while I was out there that that they had had staff come and change and I got to tell you if you saw some of the things that they've done to save the this this County money there are odor suppression devices that are put in some of these so our residents don't have to smell the odors from some of these transfer stations and I look over and on the stack of one of these is a garbage can and I'm like is that a garbage can on top of that that isn't that like the exhaust the output they're like yeah I said why is it a garbage can so they showed me the amount of noise that comes out of the vent is horrendous to buy the specific Muffler that goes on there is like 20 or $30,000 our people took a trash can buil a muffler with foam and there's no noise coming out of it it's fantastic I I mean that's the kind of people that we needu absolutely I mean they're all mcgyver I mean which is great um to get people up moving the attorney's going liability I don't know it's not like something could happen it's just a noise of B St taped got it so it was a uh it was a great meeting great great trip great field trip I had um and I know most of you probably been to Yankee Lake and been around um but it truly is a an asset uh and the employees that are there are a huge asset and we have so much room to grow out there um and so I think it's going to be a an asset that we're going to leverage for many many decades to come I know originally it was set to be used by other counties as partners and that never manifested so that puts us in a pretty good position so that pretty much wraps up my district report um I will go to the Chairman's report which I concluded there a little bit the next item is um this resolution to updating the operating policy procedures of seol County and I'll I'll give all my fellow Commissioners due warning I brought this forward because I know we've been talking about this for an extended period of time and I know that staff has requested that people weigh in on it and give input over an extended period of time and I want to make sure that we are in a good place with this so if we're not and we need to Workshop this or go any further then just tell me now we won't get way down in the Weeds on this thing my hopes are as long as we've been talking about it uh we would be able to find our place to get there but with that said questions commissioner Lockard so it is every time I think one of us has touched this something has has changed and then staff has brought it back and there's been more changes which is not a problem at all that's good except I some of the changes I I wish I understood the intent behind them because the way I interpret them may not be the way they're intended and so I do have several things that just popped up as as just like well why would we do that which may be better suited for a workshop environment frankly um but just just a couple of the quick things that noticed on page 23 you know we even talk we talk about the order of business for board meetings and number three is the pledge to be led by a commissioner as designated by the chairman well I think I blew that out of the water because I started asking members of the public or staff members to lead the pledge so we either need to take that out and change it or we need to just have Commissioners do the pledge that's a very minor just something that I picked up on that I realized that we either need to do it or change it um the the T then on the following page on page 24 we we only say that we'll allow 15 minutes for presentation um items but we we clearly allow for more than 15 minutes and probably should when it's appropriate this morning was a great example of that um yeah so I I have a handful of things um several of them in the um uh code of conduct well we don't call it the code of conduct what do we call it um we talk about how we are going to treat one another and the public and staff and one of the things that was removed was saying that we were going to um we had in there respect uh diverse ideas and something else I can't find now the page that was on I've got several dog ears and and apparently we want to take that out which to me probably doesn't send the best mess message um that we don't that we're no longer interested in in um listening to diverse ideas so I think I can answer that one if you go and I don't have it my notes in front of me but just above that it talks about how we will conduct ourselves which in my mind reiterates what that one says Okay um the other thing that was interesting this is going to sound really bad so any citizens who are listening to this or any media who are here please hear this with with how it's intended one of the statements is was changed from that I will seek to understand other perspectives and it was changed to I will respect other perspectives don't skewer me I will always seek to understand I can't always commit that I will respect I I will treat you respectfully but I don't necessar neily respect all ideas cuz some ideas are really stupid and and I know that sounds horrible but the reality is I I will always treat someone respectfully I will always seek to understand but I can't say that I will respect all ideas because there are some ideas I may fundamentally just disagree with and can't respect so those are the kinds of things that I'm looking at there are probably a dozen or so of them in here and I don't know that we want to necessarily go through them all right now greated so I would ask that once again if you all you have two people commissioner her go ahead we can't keep going around I'm going to put a deadline on it or suspect so let me just what's happening because I have been I have met with staff every single time another round of edits comes then another round of edits goes we are in a loop we are in the spin cycle of the washing machine and it's not turning off we have to either Workshop this or sit here for an hour and go through it I have 11 dog ears myself there are things like um saying that we can vote on things without notice well we can vote on some things without notice but other things we can't vote on without notice so it needs to Clearly say that so we're not debating that from the dis and there's a series of other items one of them is the removal of the requirement for Mass mailings to go through state staff you really want to turn all five of us loose with mass mailings that seems like a bad idea for the public and an expense that we don't want to incur to the taxpayers so I think there are things that need discussion some of them I think are understanding and some of them I think are going to be things that we may not all agree with um but I think we have to have that live discussion Mr con and I guess what I want to say is I'm taking a different tag and just say that we're trying to solve every problem with this and and we're not going to no and the more specific and detailed we get the less flexible we get and and the and and and the less real meaningful this is right so I you know I mean like I again I you know I go through it every single time and and every time we go through it and send it back then somebody else comes up with a thing and they put it in and now we got a new dog ear right I I don't know what we're trying to accomplish with all of this and you know maybe you know I I don't have an answer I'm I'm not trying to I just want to make a statement that I think we're trying to too much and we're trying to solve problems too much and we just need to have some general you know operating procedures and not try to solve every single problem in the world don't disagree anyone else on this matter so so I will ask that staff put together a work session sir u in the near future sir and I would suggest that we have legal drill down through the entire item which I thought you had and if there is something that's inappropriate then of course bring that to our attention and then we can uh we can go from there it fair enough yes great all right anything else for the good of the order before we go to public comments I do I do just have commissioner lockart my apologies so I realized there's two versions in here one was the strike ad and the other was the cleaned up and so I've been marking both and that's adding to my confusion so I apologize for that right now I wouldn't going to say anything but I'm like that's not the last I know I know I it's my sincere apologies um two things that would fall into this category that I was going to bring up under my district report but I will throw it into this mix and if if other board members think it's a great idea fine if not then forget I said it um it it seems to me that over time in the last few years there have been instances where we have had members of the public whether they be applicants or people testifying for public hearings that maybe have said some things that were outside of the bounds of facts they lied yeah okay and and I've noticed as long as I've been here and I've noticed that there are other jurisdictions that swear people who intend to give testimony during quasi judicial I hearings that they swear everybody in at the beginning so that they could say I swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and it it I think that would have two several impacts one is it would make someone really potentially think twice about the importance of what it is that they're about to say before they're testifying in a quasi judicial matter and it would it would help to express that these quagi judicial items really are for us being based on factual testimony that it's not opinion it's not feelings it's things that are legally able to be legally substantiated so I wanted to throw that out there as something that maybe we would want to consider um adopting as a part of our procedure there I'm sure there are negatives and positives to that but I saw it and I thought hm I wonder so just throwing that out there so my response commissioner would be I don't disagree with the thought process I would tell you that honestly many folks that come to testify to us in those quasi judicial uh settings they truly believe in their heart of hearts what they're saying is the truth so in order to flush that out I don't think swearing them in is going to accomplish that number one number two it should be the chair's job to stop anything that's non- gerine or incorrect during that statement or a fellow another commissioner say hey that's just not right um I would tell you even in a court of law when you swear people in doesn't mean they're going to tell you the truth and it does doesn't mean that they don't necessarily believe because of their own experiences their own education that they don't believe that is the truth that's why the five of us have to sit here and flush all that out at the end of the day and go okay well what what is the truth somewhere in between A and B I understand what you're trying to accomplish I I just not I don't think it accomplishes much more than what we're already doing but adds another layer of time time to go on top of these meetings but I'm I'm welcome to hear what others think commissioner he I think typically if so the term quas judicial is very interesting legal term to me I think if you lie in a court of law there's a consequence for that if get caught I'm specifically using the term lie I I do think there somebody can be inaccurate a misstatement of fact that's not a lie somebody can believe leave or have a different perspective um and I'd be willing to swear somebody in if we had any teeth in the back of that if we knew there was outright misrepresentation um I would also tell you that we have a lot of areas of this governance where we have the opportunity to have teeth and things and we don't use them so so if there is no chance for that then I would rather not and if there is um then we would need to be committed to executing on it I don't know how we would do that you want staff to look into that well I wondered if we could just ask the County Attorney at some point to look and see what why do some jurisdictions do it what are their teeth how would it be implemented is it worth doing or not it may not be sure I mean I can look into that I in my experience we've um in client cities I've represented we've always swore in w wies during quasi judicial hearings U the county I worked for previously did not similar to seminal um when you're doing quasi conducting quasi judicial matters it is best practice to swear in your Witnesses um it's just it's better for the record you're looking for competent substantial evidence and sworn testimony is is the best testimony and there's there's consequences if you know a misrepresentation were to be found uh going forward both legally for the the action that you voted on and for the person that gave the testimony so am a yes if we're willing to follow the consequences if there's consequen of the discussion yeah I'm I'm happy to have staff look into it report back to us all right thank you fair enough there's pros and cons yeah I just want to I want to have I want to hear I want to hear from the professional pros and cons of whether it's something we even want to do because some yeah okay chairman I'm sorry do we need a motion on 41 because there was a resolution to be approved no we just gave staff Direction okay thank you thank you anything else commissioner no thank you I'm sorry for taking so much time no worries anything else seeing none we will go to public forum input we have some speaker comments just have one speaker Mr Christopher ler okay we remind folks this is the time where you can come speak about non genda items from the public you're given three minutes for each speaker if you desire to speak you need to have your form turned in now not after the speakers have already begun and we'll get started if you'll put your name and your address on the record when you come to the podium and specifically what you intend to speak about welcome sir my name is uh Christopher Shan I live at uh 119 collaborative Springs Cove in Sanford um I'm here to uh advocate for the seminal County Libraries today um they're one of the most valuable assets we have in this community our libraries are not just buildings filled with books they're beacons of knowledge of Hope a sanctuary for Learning and a vital resource for all the members of our community regardless of their identity um the library is more than just a repository books it's a hub of community engagement and enrichment the library plays a crucial role in promoting literacy and lifelong learning it provides resources and support for students of all ages helping them succeed in school business and beyond for many people the library is a safe and welcoming space of exploration um in addition to its educational and cultural significance the library also has tangible benefits for economic development Studies have shown that communities with well-funded libraries tend to have higher rates of literacy and better educational outcomes and stronger economies by investing in our libraries we are investing in the future prosperity of our County I urge your continued support for our library systems by providing increased funding earmarked specifically for libraries in both the areas op of operations and Capital Improvements an investment in the art libraries is an investment in the future of stal County uh thank you for the time you sir the remaining time back to the chair thank thank you very much and and we appreciate your willingness to serve on the Advisory board for the life race thank you very much thank you we appreciate your will us to do so next up next is Sher Johnson okay if you'll name last speaker sh be the last speaker okay good afternoon Miss Sherry good [Music] afternoon we submitted a video you're all set to go no we had submitted a video I didn't know if we were able to watch it no you got three minutes okay unless you want to show a 3-minute video then feel free to show a 3-minute video no your folks reached out said he had a 9 or 10 minute video they wanted to watch which I said that's not happening um we we uh I'm Sher Johnson 172 Williams Road Lake Mary uh we did submit a video which um you should have received in an email today it is of attorney uh Christina es hoer her principal practices are civil rights and constitutional law in Naples Florida Coler County she is the author of the Bill of Rights Sanctuary County ordinance she graduated from Georgetown University in Brooklyn Law School Miss hoer is the former uh Chief litigation Council for advocates for Faith and freedom and presently serves as legal council to the American constitutional rights Union as an Allied attorney with Alliance defending Freedom Christina hoer is also a mother in public servant she serves on the worship team at her church as a committee person on our local Republican executive committee and as chair of the Faith and family subcommittee of that organization She was recently appointed by Governor DeSantis to the Board of Trustees of Florida south Western State College in summary of her points in the video which would apply to semal County the proposed ordinance if passed in semal County will make it illegal for seminal County to participate in carrying out any unconstitutional Federal mandates orders or programs this has been upheld by the Supreme Court as within the County's lawful Authority the federal government cannot force or pressure local government to act in carrying out their programs if unlawful per the Constitution the ordinance makes it unlawful for the county to car carry out federal government programs that are deemed to be unconstitutional this ordinance has penalties and is enforcable by law if the ordinance is violated it will go through the judicial system like any other ordinance to determine whether the ordinance is violated federal law is still applicable we want the Federal Constitution to apply to seminal County the ordinance only prohibits the county from participating in carrying out unconstitutional programs which is completely within the rights of the local government it is an essential part of federalism which is an American principle the county will not be jeopardized from getting all federal grants unless what they're asking the county to do would violate the constitutional rights of seal County Citizens we know our Board of County Commissioners would not do that this would protect the citizens in SEMO County from future County Commissioners that may not follow or understand the US Constitution like you all do a couple quotes Chris Hall caller County Commissioner said this is not an ordinance to go against any constitutional law that forth this is an ordinance that allows you the people to be protected by anything that comes down that's unconstitutional or what we would call an unlawful act sheriff Sheriff rambos of CER County when he was asked how he would support how he could support the this ordinance he said how can I not support this ordinance I'm a sworn constitutional officer I'm committed to upholding the Constitution that's all that this ordinance and we are asking you to do thank you thank you and here's about 25 more thank you Miss Dominique any other speakers no sir seeing none we'll close the public comment anything else for the good of the order this afternoon fellow Commissioners sir anything from our senior staff members no we're good thank you none the meeting is now adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music] --------- [Music] meeting here in seol County today is Tuesday May 14th 2024 it's 9:30 a.m. we will begin our um meeting with a invocation by Mr Pastor Walter Pearson of the Sanford Church of Christ please take Amendment and silence your cell phones and any other electronic devices you may have and respect for those attending today please rise uh thank you uh I'll be praying in the Christian tradition if you follow a different tradition please pray with me according to how you have been raised in your belief system almighty God and creator of us all who loves all of humanity father we pray at this moment that you would bring your attention upon this Gathering that you would bless those father that are going to speak today that they would do so with tempered words and wisdom father that would be a blessing to all father for the actions that are going to be acted upon that you would help all those that are involved to be able to complete them with such a way that is going to be a blessing and father we ask that you especially be with those in our community that might not be having a good day father for those that are struggling that you would bless them and continue to guide our leadership in this County father so that they might be able to be able to help lessen those difficulties strengthen all of us father bless our veterans continue to guide and keep watch over our First Responders keep them all in your care Father for they make it possible for us to be able to do what we are doing today these things we pray in the name of Jesus amen amen Mr Rick dur will lead us in the pledge please join me in the pledge I pled Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible withy and justice for all thank you Pastor thank you Mr dur and if those in the audience would once again please check your electronic devices and silence them or just turn them off we appreciate it very much next we'll move to our Awards presentation and proclamations the first Proclamation will be read by commissioner Constantine and this is a proclaiming Sergeant First Class Joshua marsol United States Army as seminal County's May veteran of the month commissioner thank you very much uh Mr chairman and I am very honored to move a proclamation of the seol County Board of County Commissioners recognizing United States Army Sergeant First Class and a fire fighter of seol County Joshua marzoff for his outstanding service to the United States and seminol County whereas the brave men and women of our army navy Marines Air Force Coast Guard and space force demonstrate of resolute spirit and unmatched self selfishness reminding us that there are few things more American than giving of ourselves to make a difference in the lives of others and whereas throughout our country's history generations of service members have answered the call to leave their families their jobs and put their Futures and even their lives on the line to valiantly defend our nation and whereas for many service members the sacrifice has ended in permanent injury or death yet their Spirit remains in the continued preservation of our freedoms and the promise of Liberty and whereas there are more than 30,000 living veterans in seol County who served our nation and times of peace and War through their service they keep America strong and whereas Sergeant First Class Joshua marzoff enlisted in the Army in July 2003 serving honorably until 2010 he transitioned to the Army National Guard and is still serving today he has multiple compat deployments in Iraq Syria guitar and a Communications system specialist for field artillery in 2005 he was assigned a security to the courtroom for the trial of Saddam Hussein and in 2010 he provided Communications between remote areas of Syria and international command areas aiding rocket missions and pushing Isis out of Syria and whereas Sergeant First Class Joshua marzoff joined the seol County Fire Department in 2015 already having four years of experience he currently heads e ms1 acting as Hospital liaison to ensure patient load is evenly spread among the hospitals and being the point person on high-risk medical calls he uses his 20-year military experience not only to help County citizen residents but also to lead the fire department's peer support to not only help County residents but also to lead the firefighters peer support team a confidential resource to assist his Department in connecting with needed resources to decompress and talk about stressful events on and off duty and whereas Sergeant First Class Joshua marzoff has brought great credit and distinction upon himself the United States of America the United States Army and seol County now therefore be a Proclaim that we the board of County commissioners of seol County Florida express our gratitude admiration and respect for Sergeant First Class Joshua marsof for his outstanding service to the United States Army and the residents of SEO County be a further proclaimed that this Proclamation is presented to Sergeant First Class Joshua marzoff along with our sincere congratulations and recognition as seminal County's veteran of the month adopted this 14th day of May 2024 second motion second all those in favor I oppos like sign hearing none carries unanimously congratulations thank you thank you I'm very grateful for the recognition I appreciate it really do um I am like I just said peer support team uh lead for Su County and this is May's mental health awareness month so I would just like uh to ask you all to find a veteran or a fresh respond in your life and just reach out to them sometime this month check on them say hi um thank them for their service especially when you see those people walk around in publ or wherever you go wearing the the military hats saying that they served or they're retired um feel free to chase them the aisle and just say thank you for your service um it means a lot to them I'm very grateful and lucky to have served in such a supportive era of military service um I've been thanked for my service so many times and it never gets old um however as we know those have came before weren't so lucky and fortunate to have that kind of support so if you find time in your day to say thank you to a veteran that'd be amazing they appreciate it and uh I will too thank you again thank you Sergeant appreciate it so for all the proclamations today we would ask as there's some going to be on our consent agenda those Desiring photos with uh their loved ones their family members uh or the commission stick around we're going to have a photo op session right after the consent agenda which won't be too long from now so thank you very much next up will be read by commissioner lockart the proclamation proclaiming May 27 2024 is a Memorial Day in seminal County Florida countywide Commissioner uh Commissioners I I would like to move the following proclamation of the seminal County Board of County Commissioners affirming May 27th 2024 as Memorial Day in seminal County whereas on Memorial Day we pay solemn tribute to those Brave Americans who served under the stars and stripes and laid down their lives to defend our freedom and whereas for more than a century this holiday was known as Decoration Day and originally honored those lost while fighting in the Civil War and whereas following America's entry into World War I Memorial Day evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all Wars including World War II the Vietnam War the Korean War and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and whereas in 1915 after spotting a cluster of poppies a brigade surgeon was inspired to write the poem in Lander's field giving a voice to soldiers who had died in battle and lay buried beneath poppy covered grounds the poem initiated a movement to make the poppy a symbol of tribute to all who have died in war and remains an emblem of remembrance to this day and whereas Congress in a joint resolution approved May 11th 1950 provided that Memorial Day shall be set aside as a day of prayer for permanent peace and requested that President Truman issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe each Memorial Day in that manner and whereas Monday May 27th will Mark the 154th anniversary of Memorial Day and whereas more than 1.2 million American soldiers have died in conflicts and more than 8,000 of these soldiers were from Florida and whereas today over 1.3 million Americans serve an active military duty 107,000 of whom are from Florida while nearly a million Americans serve in the reserves and National Guard and whereas on on Memorial day and every day the citizens of seol County must remember the servicemen and women who sacrificed their lives to ensure our own now therefore be it proclaimed that the seal County Board of County Commissioners does hereby recognize May 27th 2024 as Memorial Day and be it further proclaimed that the board of County Commissioners requests that at 300 p.m. on Memorial Day seol County residents voluntarily observe in their own way a moment of remembrance and respect pausing from whatever are doing to honor our military Heroes and their Valor adopted this 14th day of May 2024 second motion second all those in favor I oppose like sign hearing none carries unanimous thank you very much commissioner next item on the agenda is going to be the sgtv award um that we're so proud to announce this morning our Communications team was recognized at the 2024 Anvil Awards in New York City last week the Anvil set the standard for industry excellence and outstanding performance and public relations the silver annual award recognized the nation's best strategic public relations campaigns our team won two silver anvils for the following 2023 pause and Clause event campaign in seven days or less and most effective campaign on a small budget $5,000 to $10,000 for our 2023 pause and Clause event that's awesome fantastic right awesome Fant and of course that's um uh something is rarely won by government entities and it's like an Emmy absolutely it is and it's uh great Pio team thank you all very much Chris do you have some words you'd like to say oh wait a minute the public the public information guy has nothing to say really the question is do you have words you'd like us to say well that's a whole different here at the right time we could be here for hour communications director just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to represent the county it was a great um event and we look forward to having it again next year great work thank you very much we appreciate it good [Applause] stuff and I will tell you that uh the the Pio staff and and communication staff have have really brought um a new capability to the county and communicating to his citizens which all of us have desired to do uh for quite so many years and we appreciate all the diligence you and your staff have brought to to communicating and getting getting messages out to all of our citizens so thank you again next up will be our uh County investment adviser Mr Scot Scott McIntyre I think he's appearing remotely do we have him keyed up can you guys hear me we can welcome Mr McIntyre thank you thank you see you guys in June after Memorial day but um so I can't you got the screen up uh bear with us one second we're going to increase the volume and try to get you on the screen okay hey Scott can you uh test it out now yeah can all right we're good and we're waiting for the screen to cast have to call nothing against him but we can hear what he has to say if we went to without seeing him well I think the public would probably would like to see it we all have copies in our agenda there it is there we go okay very good sir fantastic okay and uh so if we can advance to the first slide all right so some major economic things we get cor CPI tomorrow that's the Consumer Price Index that is arguably the most important econom IC indicator that we've seen this year because January February and March were too hot so we get April tomorrow uh the FED met last week they're confident they're on the right path they stressed patients we may have to wait for patients or we may have to wait for tomorrow but tomorrow is a very very important day the labor market appeared to weaken in April that actually sparked a bit of a rally and push bond yields down a bit uh the labor market like CPI has been hot for the most of the year so it was welcome to see a little bit of relief there then finally GDP growth economic Scott we've lost you if you just hold for a second is it on our end or his end I see he still connected Tim do you is Tim here in the audience Tim do you have can you get him on the phone just let him know that he may be talking but we're not listening government come back he is remote so we can do that tell you well we'll give we'll give just a minute to see if we can get that reconnected if not we're going to move on and when you do talk to him we'll just come back to it after the consent agenda see if Tim Ducks back in here okay if it if it drops off we'll let him know that we'll revisit this after consent agenda if it continues to drop out thank you very much yes okay tell you what we're gonna Tim if you just you hear me I know this is work around you hear me okay Scott it's it's not a good connection what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and U move to our consent agenda while you all work on that that technology and uh we'll get to get come back to it after the consent agenda y thank thank you thanks all right next we're going to move on to our consent agenda items I will first ask the County Attorney to read the rules of public participation sir good morning everyone Florida law provides the members of the public shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard at prop on propositions before the board of County Commissioners except when the board is acting on emergency or ministerial matters or conducting a meeting exempt from the requirements of the Sunshine Law individuals shall be permitted 3 minutes each for public comment or 6 minutes when the individual is an official representative of a formal Association or group the chairman May modify the maximum time for public comment at his sole discretion when appropriate public comments on quasa judicial or other public hearing items will occur during the board's consideration of those items this afternoon noon public comments on pending procurement matters or on non-agenda items shall not be permitted at this time members of the public Desiring to make public comment must fill out a speaker form and prevent present the form to staff forms are available in the lobby thank you Miss Lor those forms are yellow if you want to speak green if you want a written comment you need to get those to Dominique the clerk right here at the front before we open the public comment we appreciate it very much next we will move to the county manager any changes Mr County Manager thank you uh Mr chairman no changes to the consent agenda however there is just one change to the regular agenda item number 33 I'd like to pull and we will be bringing that one back so consent agenda remains as is and item 33 under public hearings will be pulled correct okay any questions commissioner chairman I move to approve the consent agenda items 4 through 32 as presented second we have a motion second all those in favor I I oppos like sign hearing none carries unanimous okay now let's move on to Mr McIntyre I assume we had no we had no public input because I didn't see your okay do we have him now I think we're doomed I take pictures let's take photos can can you just get him on the phone and lay it by the microphone give me give me a number to dial here Valiant effort let let's all right let's uh Jeremiah is it on is in yes okay so let's do this um let's just go ahead and scrap that well we need a motion right are you SC well I'm scrap to to come back maybe later this afternoon or if staff will work with Mr McIntyre verify that technology is working give us the double thumbs up check it three times before you give us the double thumbs up and then we'll we'll intervene and bring it back in for presentation fair enough if you'll let Mr McIntyre know that fair enough okay our next item up is going to be our work session program I'm sorry that's right let's take a take a break and get our pictures for those that got the proclamations if you'll join us in order down here we'll get your proclamations delivered sounds famar love one is number good Jeremiah I'm fine how are [Applause] you yeah I think this is I think this is on my end feel like my headphone is not adequately charged so is this something I iite here that's okay I guess you took [Music] yes got mcar is now joining [Music] can you guys hear me that was a rough one especially leave us all in the clip so are going to be so got for everyone here how you do thank you very much than you than [Applause] all right everybody here thank you awes one more photo hey Scot can you hear us I I can hear you lot lot of noise but I can hear you [Applause] can you guys hear me [Applause] [Applause] hey Scott can you uh can you test it out though yeah yeah can you hear me can you hear me good hey Le check that AC cranking down about can you hear me okay pardon me can you hear me okay it's not the ther that's the isue what are you trying to say are you trying to say what my wife usually says it's your fault 68 but it's at 72 so it's just working hard and notat 67 72 so it's it's an undersized unit it went out on on low bid too many hey too many people we bought it on low bid SC we do where it is well do we have our investment advisor I'm told we M can can you guys hear me okay can you hear me at all yes let us turn it up we can hear you give us a second to turn the volume up can you hear me at all yes oh that's great okay okay can we get a screen there yes he's right to my right for goodness sakes okay without much further Ado first slide oh boy so and I'm not sure how much you heard before but um tomorrow is Corp CPI that is the Consumer Price Index and that's the most important of the economic indicators feed met last week they feel like they're on the right path they stress patience labor market appears to be weakening GDP growth slowed in the first order that's all good for future inflation with with any luck at all we'll see you tomorrow next slide so this is this is CPI this is the economic report card and you can see that we did get a much slower than expected first quarter GDP growth so we've seen slowing over the course of the last three quarters um whether or not that continues we don't know but that certainly that slowdown is welcome next slide investment choices um lower today but you can see they're lower than they were the last time we spoke at least in terms of Treasury yields uh they had been elevated again as a result of the higher than expected consumer inflation for the previous three months and again we get April tomorrow so that is a very very important number and going on to the next slide it's kind of the where the meat of what we're we're talking about here is we've been talking with the clerk's office and talking with the folks in budget because there's been a lot of uh money that's been spent over the course of last month or two so it's sort of in a drain period and what we're looking to do is is look at cash flows and ascertain what the cash flows are going to be very few maturities happened in April um obviously tomorrow is the 15th we've got two matur three maturities and substantial maturity is coming up so there isn't a whole lot of money now the money has been taken out of liquid funds to be able to pay expenses from the previous months we're looking at cash flows we're looking at the market um and we've got a whole lot of maturities coming up so the the recommended purchases are to pause until June to assess cash flows which is ongoing uh reinvest the Palm term maturities in early June Cash Flow permitting we should have a better idea of the County's cash flows at that point in time any monthly expenses that come before well of course tomorrow we have a lot of maturities but monthly expenses would be paid from those maturities and balances in Florida Prime um and I and I do believe with all the maturities coming up over the course of next month by the time we're back in June we're going to have a lot more to discuss we'll also have two CPI reports that will be revealed so we have a better idea of what's going on with the market so this is a pause which which seems probably like a real letdown in terms of how long we waited for me to be able to speak I apologize for that that's on my side I know your time's valuable um but if you guys could uh could then I guess I'm asking for a motion here to approve no Investments at this time chairman I move to improve to approve no Investments at this time second motion a second all those in favor I oppose like sign hearing none carries unanimous thank you all very much staff and Mr McIntyre for um struggling with this uh technology and thank you for all those thank you for your patience thank you for that was on my side I will see you guys in June have a good Memorial Day be well thank you you as well okay next we're going to move to our regular agenda and item 33 has been pulled by the county manager is now exiting item 33 has been pulled by the county manager that is item 20 24-5 34 just an abundance of caution I want to make sure is there anybody here that came to speak on item 33 any speaker forms no one here for 33 just want to make sure last call Item 33 very well we'll move on to our work session part portion of the program this presentation will be committee on a aging annual report it will be put on by Allison Thal community service director and Kelly Welch will be the presenter for Community Health division manager item 2024 0558 hi hi good morning Kelly Welsh Community Health division manager with community services and I'm here today to present the simal county um committee on Aging annual report and to provide a little bit of History the committee on Aging was established 16 years ago the simal county Administrative Code directs the committee to provide an annual report to the board the committee is made up of uh 14 community members representing 13 distinct areas such as local law enforcement the faith faith-based community local senior residents veterans healthc care housing Etc the committee is an advisory committee whose purpose is to provide input and recommendations to the board regarding senior issues here in simol County according to the US Census Bureau SE the senior population growth is happening Nationwide the older population in the United States grew rapidly this past decade between 2010 and 2020 the population 65 years and over saw the largest and fastest growth in any decade and over a 100 years Florida is the third most populated state for all ages but is ranked second in the country for the percent of the population that is aged 65 or older the senior population in simol county has has been on the rise for over a decade with projections showing senior population growth continuing until at least 2028 we are very fortunate to have an active and involved group of individuals who serve as committee members this slide shows the current members and the areas that they represent and this slide shows a picture of some of the some of the committee members we did have some missing that day in 2023 our wonderful committee members accomplished quite a bit 10 committee on Aging meetings were held the meetings are open to the public and we consistently have many visitors join the meetings and we encourag them to share their thoughts and opinions on the topics discussed this past year we prioritize increasing the knowledge of our committee members by having educational presentations at nine of the 10 meetings the trainings uh included topics on veteran services housing Pathways to Care Community Assistance and several other presentations regarding resources for seniors and Healthcare programs the committee members have attended several meetings or Outreach events to engage with the community and share senior resources and finally we task the committee members with conducting a senior needs assessment by soliciting input from the areas that they represent we compiled and prioritized the data to bring you the areas of highest need facing seminal senior residents the findings align with several other community assessments including the most recent Community Health needs assessment and the recently completed Community Services block grants needs assessment the top identified need was affordable housing and the second most pressing senior issue was Transportation other identified senior issues were home repairs information sharing in food insecurity Mental Health Services Service Agency funding loneliness and isolation counterfeit drugs and medication dementia and me memory care and covid fears at a recent meeting we asked simal County Community Development staff to share information regarding several housing Pro projects that are in progress and planned those planned for the future staff are able to answer many questions and increase member awareness of the efforts simal county is taking to address everpresent health and concerns in closing our recommendations for are for our committee members to increase Community engagement with their respective areas and the senior semal senior population as a whole we will continue to host presentations to ensure the committee is able to share resources and information with their with the senior community and committee members will assist us in determining High need locations for Community Health Outreach events and finally the committee voted and the majority agreed to focus efforts on Transportation needs for senior residents at our next meeting this Thursday we will develop a plan to learn more information regarding transportation services currently available to our senior residents and engage metrop plan and or links to present at our next one of our upcoming committee meetings and we hope that those entities will be able to answer the committee's questions and discuss unmet senior Transportation needs and with that I'm happy to answer any questions thank you Miss Welch any inquiries on behalf of the board commissioner lockart this is not directed at you okay I always like to give that qualifier um talking about Transportation immediately my you know we've been talking about links and what is Transit that's a a question that commissioner delari has been asking for quite some time and since the board recently asked that the county look at alternatives to links and transportation rather than just having Links come and give a presentation to the committee on Aging perhaps we could do a more holistic deeper dive with our staff that's already looking into the links options and fold this in um because I I think clearly we are spending tens of millions of dollars on transportation for our citizens and if we still have seniors who feel like that is their second greatest challenge in our community we're we're not doing something right so um I would love to see that be a primary focus moving forward and I hope see Christian see Christian swon he's on a call right now for me um but I just I would love the data that um Christian and John slot and and uh Tim JX were able to pull together in in recently and present to me which I know will be presented to all of you shortly um just is is eye popping so the timing on this could not be better for our seniors so thank you commissioner her then commissioner gari I think the term that you used commissioner lockart was rather than and I would I think it's in addition to I I think that there's opportunities to learn about what's happening currently before you can start to think about what we need to change and and I will tell I mean I fall into this category I'm very proud of my age um I I don't I've sat on the lynx board and I don't NE I I don't know that I could catch a bus and get somewhere without a real serious study in advance to make sure that I didn't get stranded somewhere and and I grew up as a public transit taker so I I think there's a learning opportunity so that we understand a baseline in addition to looking at the bigger picture of how do we improve this go forward so I said instead of intentionally I know that's why I'm that's why I'm opening the discussion like I read that into what you just said so from your perspective it may be in addition to and from my perspective I'm willing to look at it instead of but both options should be on the table Mr Lori thank you Mr chairman I agree both of you are right instead of and in Li of your spot on uh but I think what uh staff is talking to us us about now is Agent in aging population so when we do this we should be looking at the Aging population Pockets because there are pockets of them around the county and where they want to go because they'll have different needs than different age groups right you know because I can tell you when my dad was here it was all about doctor's visits and about not missing a doctor's visit and if you missed a doctor's visit you know now you're pleading with them to fit you in next week if not next month so I'm not trying to be Cure's appointment person but we need to understand where those pockets are where they're trying to go so when we do this we should be looking at that as well but just both of you have spot on commissioner her you want to respond no I want to add okay I would also I think that we have a responsibility for Education um Uber and Lyft are fabulous and when you live in a densely populated area the cost to Uber is very inexpensive It's relatively safe it's easy to do but it's intimidating it's wildly intimidating and and so if we're looking for educational opportunities I think there's opportunities out there for educating around what is available commercially for Transit it's not just a taxi cab that's going to cost you 100 bucks anymore it's an Uber that's going to cost you 10 and that will create a freedom that is you know wildly beyond what can be expected but it is a very difficult conversation because we have it in our own household with a 90-year-old like why would I get in a car with somebody I don't know right she taught us not to do that for all the years of our life and now we're saying no you should do it good luck so I think there are opportunities to educate around the new wave of Transportation assistance that is beyond public assistance and commissioner dor again and again let me expound on because I think you're you're going down the right path I think we all are where there are grant money out there through Metra plan to help assist us and the general public with that with with some type of ride share combination whatever that is we just need to explore it so I I will weigh in on on a couple of those items and well covered thus far I will tell you that I don't know where the educational part is for those elderly uh my mother is a prime example um she will not take an over I don't care if it's the middle of the day 5:00 in the morning to get to the airport just will not do it um I mean even to the point I've offered to buy her you know an annual pass to do whatever she needs to do and and that age and and generation for what whatever reason they they don't trust it and ironically she's been in Uber with me and my family so I'm not sure H how you educate you know H how they get there and I think it's more of of the fear of being stranded or the fear of not being able to get to where they think they're going to go and having that certainty um as far as holistically looking at at this Transportation need I agree we need to understand what the seniors real true concerns are and narrow this down what I will tell you is that and I think I've communicated with you as well as we've had conversation when links has come to present here there has got to be a more efficient cost effective way to move the citizens of seal County in and around this County and the region um I don't know that that's the pure answer at the end of the day the whole answer but if you look at the actual numbers of people actual not number of trips but actual number of residents that were actually moving the cost per resident were moving and the cost to even by example deploy our own two or three vehicle shuttle with employees to do those kinds of things on the par Transit side I will tell you we will come out on top and provide better service but that's a whole another conversation and I think that's commissioner Lockhart's point is we really need to drill down on this and understand what our options are there there may be other options in the region uh that we will possibly be able to uh partner with uh but I think that discussion needs to happen sooner rather than later based on the amount of money we're spent right agreed and so if I could just add um and agree with both you Mr Lockhart's already in it um with her what was it your third meeting or second meeting at links uh yes they're very happy to have me yeah so uh she uh she has asked staff which we have done and provided her some de just as you said uh Mr chairman some detail drilled down to the numbers and it's pretty eye openening on some of the stuff that we're finding about these fixed routes um and the lack of of passengers on them and the amount of subsidy that we're uh looking at on these routes so anyway we're going through that commissioner Lockard as you know as I send you an update yesterday has asked me to meet with each of you all and share that information as well as other options and so uh you will be uh scheduled with that very soon great very good anything more on this topic on the and you will see links will be coming to us in June at our budget work sessions on the 18th so you'll just give them a heads up and tell them make sure they've got everything yep scheduled and ready to present in appropriate seminal County fashion thank you anything else good job thank you very much we appreciate it all right next item up is item 2024 0645 um item 35 tourism improvement district uh goo yeah g tourism and economic development administrator and Rick dur Parks and Recreation director G welcome thank you for the record gee COA administrator Economic Development and Tourism uh before we start off I want to rec recognize our uh team that showed up our internal team of course staff uh the hotel years the tourist Development Council Members Central Florida hotel Lodging Association greater Orlando Sports commission seminal State College semino County Public Schools Career Source Central Florida Sanford International Airport and all our other tourism Partners um one of the things that that we're going to discuss throughout this presentation is we have thousands of rooms present and we also have hundreds of jobs currently that are being affected by this presentation and G do you suspect you're going to have a lot of speakers I would say uh five to8 so possibly let's make sure if you're going to speak you fill one of these out make sure you get it to the clerk right here at the front so we make sure we've got it thank you all very much go ahead so partnering throughout this uh presentation we're going to have uh Rick Durr our director of Parks and Recreation and also our Sports tourism director Danny TR will be jumping in and also excuse me for uh Sports references that we're going to go through throughout this presentation I'm sorry I was a former coach so uh I I get into coach speak very quickly but as we start off here we'll review our present State look at some future opportunities discuss what is a tourism Improvement District and how does it fit our current model and then we'll even take a a look into what the future can hold for the tourism improvement district if it were to be enacted so this is a continuation from May 9th 2023 tourism work session when we were before you uh some of the three key points that we we took from that work session is explore our present state of travel demand what would for forecast look like with and without an indoor complex refine the specs of a possible indoor complex that we discussed and explore a TI formation and what that funding model can look like our next slide here we're going to discuss research there's going to be a bunch of research being thrown at you we want to take a a quick review here uh you'll see Smith travel research referenced as St Str this is your hotel research zardo is the sports facili visitor data so this will be both drive and overnight visitors Hunden strategic Partners was the indoor complex feasibility study destinations International is who we use for our event impact calculator uh Downs in St Germaine conducted our most comprehensive and latest visitor study and also we worked with them on a visitor Eco impact analysis with all these uh research organizations Consolidated and of course citas advisers who's been our subject matter expert when it comes to tourism improvement district so according to our latest visitor study we're seeing an economic impact of over $1.2 billion we're also looking at tourism supported jobs above 11,000 almost 12,000 when we look at our top five job markets within the county tourism accounts for over 20% with accommodations and Retail being two out of the top five and we're looking at tourism wages over $363 million so what does this mean we took a deeper dive into using Smith travel research specifically Hotel numbers we see overall the plateau effect that we discussed Plus - 3% but our visitor demand when discussing weekend versus weekday is vastly different I would point out the uh third column Revenue per available room rev par plus or minus refar is the indicator most closely aligned to a tourist development tax it accounts for occupancy and average daily rate so when we look at weekday we see down in occupancy there we're looking at a larger Decline year-over-year and these are record highs that we're comparing to larger decline year over year than we see weekend so then what can be seen the negative side of that is are we wholesaling the weekends is average daily rate plummeting on the weekend and that's leading to occupancy increase that is not the case we say our average daily rate is vastly superior vastly higher to our weekday rate so we have room to grow on the weekday to help our hotel and that's when we'll look at this consistent Plateau stabilization effect from the record highs of last year so when we Benchmark what does that mean when we look at the other submarkets in our area orange of course is a major Market we are the submarkets we lead when it comes to occupancy so our occupancy mainly driven by weekend demand keeps us at that pole position and then from an average daily rate we had the most room to grow so when we look at our record tourist development tax collections from last year it was mainly due to that bar right there showing the highest average daily rate so we had a very strong occupancy uh last fiscal year but we had a record high average daily rate even with that record high average daily rate we were still the most affordable option in the region so we tied into zaro let's let's dive even further into the weekends and said zaro can you run a report for our sports facilities and bring back our top three analysis as it pertains to overnight visitors who's staying in the hotels so they have over a 100 points of interest within seol County they ran the report from October 2022 to September 2023 and that sample size was over 23,900 and they came back with these three indicators the top one that we want to look at is 42% of the visitors and they look at drive and overnight 42% of the visitors to our sports facilities stayed in accommodations that's 78 % higher than any of other average visitor to any of the 100 plus points of interest throughout the county now I'd like to invite Danny to speak on some of our numbers our indicators that we had for our tournaments at the sports complex and all the other complexes thank you ge for the record Danny trit director of sports tourism it's hard to believe we just celebrated our eighth anniversary since the boomba Sports Complex was opened so eight years ago we hosted our first event and uh since opening in May of 2016 the boomba Sports Complex has become one of the top youth sports complexes in the country and a lot of Thanks goes to this commission to the county leaders who had the vision and foresight to build this type of facility I'd be remissed if I also didn't thank all of our partners uh greater land of sports commission our hotel years our tourist development Council our Parks and Recreation staff it is a total team effort to be able to put together a successful uh facility like the boomba Sports Complex the numbers speak for themselves as you can see on this slide uh the boomba Sports Complex has far exceeded our economic impact performa projections as a matter of fact we exceeded the year five economic impact performa projection and only our second full year of operation so from fiscal year 1516 to fiscal year 2223 in 7 and 1/2 years we've hosted over 400 events over 22,000 teams 965 th000 visitors 150,000 room nights and over $214 million in economic impact for fiscal year 2324 we are projecting to exceed $45 million in economic impact for the events host of the boomba Sports Complex as you can see the boomba Sports Complex has been a tremendous success and we've created a sports tourism venue that is driving economic impact room nights and visitation to seminal County and has also become a tremendous asset for our local community this slide right here also indicates all the other venues outside of the boomba Sports Complex that's generating an economic impact all other venues include soldiers Creek Park which was constructed one year after uh the sports complex in May of 2017 San Lando Park Sven Lake Park Park seminal softball complex seminal soccer in the past 7 years we've hosted 289 events over 11,000 teams 515,000 visitors 96,000 room nights and over $102 million in economic impact this year for fiscal year 2324 we're anticipating to drive $22.8 million in economic impact for 40 events the success of soldiers Creek has allowed us to host several girls fast pitch softball events in 2025 we have 48 softball tournaments scheduled for next year and with that I'm going to turn it over to so as Danny touched on it projections so we've been partnering with Smith travel research on a yearly forecast for over five years so they know us pre pandemic po post pandemic as well prior to this yearly forecast we've also been contracted with Smith travel research as far back at 20 uh 15 2016 so they understand seol County so during this year's yearly forecast Smith travel research told us get used to stabilization get used to this plateau effect as it stands without any current reinvestment or without any current phenomenon that may deter the market or geopolitical uh we know the tourism Market's a little sensitive to all but we see there the Revenue per available room when we're talking about percent change 2023 actual versus 2024 forecast for the entire year we're seeing a minimal increase of 0.2% so what does that mean across the US Smith travel research said hold on this is not uh specific to seol County we're actually seeing the plateau effect not just within seal County our region our state but also within the entire us so one a couple of uh indicators that may break that forecast is if you have an increase of room Supply that's been constructed currently we do not if you have a market that's mainly for international visitors that's on the tail end of the recovery our Market is mainly driven by state and Regional uh Drive markets so tourist development tax we expect this year to be our second highest collection ever at 65 million and we use downs and St Germain research we had them put together all the research and create an analysis on a forecast all the way to a fy3 so we expect by fiscal year 2030 if there aren't any changes made to be about 6.9 million a couple of interesting points of reference here fiscal year 2015 was the last fiscal year full fiscal year prior to the construction the completion of the sports complex from fy15 to FY 23 we saw a 48% increase in tdt now if we go what was the growth rate prior to that let's go back 10 years if we go FY 20055 to fy15 2005 we collected three pennies so we have to compare the three pennies to three we started collecting five in 2009 so if we go the same three pennies from 05 to 15 we saw an increase of 18% some of the factors that we look at as future challenges we know we're seeing the travel demand Plateau we know we are constrained by the amount of tourist development tax that we can collect we are at 5 pennies that is our threshold legislative uncertainty we know that every now and again there's conversation on the expansion of the tourist development tax increased competition throughout the entire region and the state and also increase uh risk due to our venue limitations we're all outdoor venues so with that we want to see what can we do to mitigate the risk and to take a deeper dive in Rick dur thank you g for the record Rick dur director of Parks and Recreation so you've heard about the economic uh indicators and what the trends look like there and you've heard the theme of the plateau effect looking at our existing facilities that host all of these tournaments you're seeing the same type of effect uh we're making great use of those facilities they're getting uh very very popular uh there's however there's really not a lot of places for us to be able to grow into the future so what you saw back on February 27th when we presented the 10-year Parks and Recreation master plan you saw the same themes we're pretty much maxed out with the existing facilities that we have if we're looking to grow and move the needle in collection of Tourism uh development taxs uh we're very very limited we're making really good use of our existing facilities so looking into the future uh one way of doing so is to Al make sure that you're acknowledging what got us to today so in terms of the indoor sports complex this is not a novel concept uh this is something that the county was looking at as far back as 2013 where uh while we had a proforma created for what would to become the sports complex the wuba sports complex we also had an indoor sports complex proforma done and in 2014 when the uh architecture and engineering design Services contract and the construction manager risk contract reward boed it included the development of an indoor sports complex but third on the list behind the boomba sports complex and boomba soldiers Creek Park as those projects were completed and Danny mentioned we had our just had our 8th anniversary of the booma sports complex uh as we headed towards that that completion we did a uh an update to the indoor sports complex uh project however at that particular time we didn't necessarily have the revenue to be able to pay for such an investment as we proceeded forward so that that the thoughts were put on hold at the moment then we continue to develop and analyze and Shack not just the economic uh impact indicators but also how are we doing sports facility wise and what opportunities for growth there could possibly be so when you talk about the tourism development tax funding right now in our current fiscal year that 6.9 for example that was collected last year these are some of the commitments that we have that are going to our existing County facilities that make up that entire program first one on the list is 1.64 million annually to pay the debt service on boomba sports complex and boomba soldiers Creek Park in addition to that we've got about $300,000 annually that's paying on our Sports lighting that will sunset in the next three years so we'll have some freeing up of some limited funds and currently uh we're also funding to the tune of about $431,000 in this year's budget for maintenance and other facility upgrades that are needed especially at some of our older facilities last but not least in our tdt reserves we've been safeguarding those reserves to be able to pay for What's going to be needed next year which is the replacement of the artificial turf of the boomba Sports Complex to the tune of$ 5.5 million you we discussed previously about the park system master plan that was uh presented back to you in February that Master Plan also identified some ongoing needs at our existing facilities so that first line about 14.5 million of identified needs were where we just have owner facilities that are reaching maturity some of those might be the the seal County Sports uh excuse me softball complex and so forth we also identified almost $20 million worth of sports facility opportunities now these have been in discussion at various times we had uh opportunities for other Revenue sources such as finishing up Hub D at the sports complex to gain two more two more Fields uh from something of that nature all the way down to improvements in technology at our existing facilities to make sure that number one we're still being competitive in the market and we're staying ahead of our competitors as well so that $ 33.8 million right now um as we have identified we're chasing other Revenue sources as well so this isn't a an all-in deal we've got a number number of different ways that we're looking at to help fund those in the future and we will continue to do so throughout the course of this discussion and this particular program as well knowing that we do have some needs in our existing facilities moving forward so going back to the indoor sports complex now that we've discussed the current state of where we're spending our dollars on and on which facilities uh we Revisited this this concept back in 2017 after the proforma was finished and basically found that the market had changed even in that short amount of time what we had done in the proforma originally was about a 990,000 foot facility over that time these are just four examples of other indoor complexes that opened between 2014 and 2017 and they were growing them a little bit bigger than that so these were all in about the uh range of about 120,000 ft to maybe 140,000 ft all of them moving forward now one of the facilities that we uh came across back in 2017 when we did look at this again was lak Point Indoor Sports facility uh near Atlanta Georgia um some of these particular Concepts behind the design and construction of this facility were at a little bit better alignment with some of the conversations we were having back in 2017 about what type of facility we would look for so we're at least able to pull a lot of real world information including the design of this project to help inform future uh decisions that were to be made by the board overall speaking not just in the 2017 study but also in last year's tourism uh work session we really looked at opening up the opportunity for other sports markets which we currently are not participating in these are all indoor Concepts these are all places that we need a home because we do not have the facilities to be able to host these now so that goes from everything from larger basketball tournaments down to the ability to have graduations and some larger special events at a larger facility to move forward so back in May of last year we discussed the opportunity that potentially developed the more station Fields project which is currently owned by the county which is right down the street on Lake Murray Boulevard from the boomba Sports Complex you also saw this sketch a year ago and and the responses that we had at that particular time were right off the bat too small this does not check all the boxes that we're looking for uh so can we look at maybe a different concept at how to potentially enlarge that so as we went back we took a look at that 2017 update that we had done and said this starts to check off a lot of the boxes that were discussed last year in the tourism work session with the exception of on the top of that right hand column uh looking at a parking deck and a number of other features that could be uh potentially located at this particular facility we also ran a new check and that the question was is number one is is this the type of mix that we're looking for number one will it fit on the site that we have and number two what's the range in today's dollars in terms of potential cost estimates so the range that we had run working with uh contractors here locally were somewhere between based on all the bells and whistles that you put into the development somewhere between 66 million and about 100 million all in that incl the parking deck moving forward so we needed a new sketch so we took a look at that uh the 28 Acre Site at more station we looked at the indoor complex at about 172 plus th000 Square ft as well as potential parking deck and you'll notice right away number one it fits on the property so that was our first check mark are we are we still talking to live within the bounds of the property that we own uh secondly it does leave about 8 acres worth of green space or flexible development space or whatever you might want to call this the bottom line however is we needed to run a check on both the financial investment that would be required for a facility of this type as well as does it fit on on our current site and the good news on those two fronts is yes check mark on both of those we're not just to be clear we're not asking for any kind of decision to be made on a particular site plan today this was a check mark for us this is conceptual in nature and hopefully as we move forward with the program this will devolve into a whole lot of hard work that's going to be required to work with the board on nailing down the exact design development program and exactly what this might look like so with that I'm G to turn it right back over to G thank you Rick uh just wanted so this was the feasibility study that was done by Hunden strategic partners and um this slide right here basically talks about what are the projected total number of room nights uh that the indoor sports complex uh could generate and as you can see by year five uh we get just shy of 30,000 hotel rooms so to put that in perspective I like to call this a boomba 2.0 because it is about the same amount of room nights the boomba Sports Complex generates on an annual basis so for the hotels this would double our demand um so from a hotel perspective it certainly uh it's it provides a very appealing case uh for the amount of room nights that would be generated on an annual basis um the next slide just economic impact net new spending as you can see by year five we're at $22.5 million um and by year 30 we're at $ 47.2 million so again very similar numbers to what the boomba Sports Complex generates on an annual basis um and that's it I'm going to turn over back to GE so we worked with downs and sture Main and said okay we have all this information but what does it mean to out of count visitors so what would it look like since they did the forecast what would it look like if we did not move forward with a capital project versus if we did with a project similar to the indoor uh complex so we're going to dive into these next three uh charts talking about the Eco impact visitors and room nights so the blue bar graph indicates our current Trend without any further investment we see here by year five our economic impact of AD of County visitors specifically a bit over $30 million in economic impact if we were to make that investment currently as the demand numbers indicate we're looking at 64.5 million in economic impact now we look at visitors year five bit over 67,000 visitors on our current trajectory year five if there was an investment of this magnitude 152,153 visitors which is projected to equate to over 85,000 run knites an increase from the current forecast of 4235 so as we move on to the agenda we know this is fantastic but how are we going to fund it one of the funding models that was discussed last year that we want to take a deeper dive into is the tourism improvement district so when we look at tourism improvement district the overall summary is it's a tool to supplement current tourism funding on specific projects or programs that are mutually agreed upon so this is a true public private partnership so today later on today we will solely be discussing the procedural portion of that some of the big points that that we look at that will be discussed on the procedural side the assessment the assessment would be through the hotel years there is not in effect two residents there it has been shown over the 200 plus tourism Improvement districts in the entire nation to provide for Community growth using visitor income and like we discussed it is a true public private partnership for long-term supplemental Revenue Source what is it supplementing our tourist development tax outside of the sports facilities uh uh maintenance upgrades all the funding The Debt Service that's there here's some of the main four points that tourist development tax also funds in seol County we' we know we fund the central Florida zoo on a yearly Grant uh we've been doing so for upwards of $3 million and they've been Pros for us because of it uh we have our Main Street grant program that now funds two main streets in seol County our marketing programs that also has an agency of record and our internal staff that's done a great job at attracting over 2 million visitors and our records that we're seeing both on our website analytics and our social media analytics and also the sports tourism business development side which also includ includes the marketing that Danny showed it's over $300 million in economic impact so we would add the ti to supplement this current effort and now let's get into some details regarding tid so today the only vote later on today will be for the procedural ordinance that is the sole vote this will establish the guidelines for us to move forward some of the highlights of the guidelines can be seen there a board advisory Council will be established there are some safeguards that are put in place and this would have to not only be approved by the hotel years through petition but then come back to the board for approval so checks and balances there is not one side that can value over the other so this is what we've done since May 2023 we've determined some of the uh well we've determined the legal parameters for the procedural ordinance that'll come before you today our Outreach efforts and consensus building amongst the hotel years what is it that they would like for a possible uh District plan to look like so we we kind of have a base to start from our uh County review of the procedural ordinance working with the county attorney's office with Kate has been phenomenal uh civitas Kade and our internal staff have been working to draft the ordinance that would be best for seal County and then the next steps would be for the procedural ordinance later on today so step two this is what could be in the future this will not be voted on today this is step two okay so we can possibly look at a district plan that would need 50% of the rooms to approve through petition and these qualified rooms are Hotel years above uh hotels above 60 rooms within the county these are the hotels that we can track the benefit of sports tourism going to the room nights going to they are staying mainly at these type of hotels three-step process upon approval the tourism business which would be the hotels would uh pay an assessment that they agree upon collected by the government and then managed by the destination management organization or DMO which in seino county is part of the county manager's office and in a perfect world what could the timeline in the future look like caveat perfect world so if the procedural ordinance is passed today we will then take uh all our staff and and our hotel years and the association and we will begin a petition drive for what a district plan could look like once we reach that threshold we will then be bringing that back to the board of County Commissioners for a resolution what we expect and again this is perfect case scenario perfect case scenario uh the assessment effective date could possibly be in January 2025 so in a perfect case scenario which is not voted on later on today what we can look at is collecting this assessment in February 2025 for the month of January similar similarly to what is done currently and with that I want to open up the floor for discussion and questions okay any questions from the board commissioner her I I'd just like to hear it out loud again that this uh is not requiring the local residents to invest in the plan this is not requiring the local in uh residents to invest in the plan and for future discussions not for today but for future discussions I do think that we need to add two additional components for consideration and that is any impact to local traffic and potential infrastructure Investments That we may be required to make in order to move people around uh including some of our existing facilities and then in relation to the conversation earlier today perhaps we don't need to move them all around in an individual car perhaps we need to figure out whether there's a transportation investment that we make locally that shuttles folks around to the facilities that are uh frequented by by these residents the good news for seal county is that our geography is relative ly tight and so running a shuttle is is probably rather effective um I would just like to point out that um the last time we had this discussion we went pretty far down the rabbit hole around uh interior decorating the indoor facility that we were going to have and I'd like to caution us not to do that I heard you loud and clear that is not what we're here discussing today uh what we're here discussing today is the proc procedural ordinance for the formation of the tid so that all of that can come into play if the the 50% is met and with the work that's done by the folks that are here that's it anyone else I want to hear from any public and then I might have comments okay sure commissioner delari I know commissioner har spoke about this but this is not a tax on our residents it's the hotel 's taxing themselves uh it would be an assess but yes sir in the spirit of it yes so this is not a tax on our residents just an assessment of the hotel use that is correct sir assment on the visitors to those hotels not themselves right yeah so the hotel years will have the opportunity on how they will remit um they all will be assessed at a flat rate per available room per night got it if passed by the way if passed 50 yeah well my input is go big or go home so we'll leave it at that uh so we have any speakers here today yes sir if you'll call them in numbers of three and have them line up please first is jacn luran Dwayne wiam and Bruce sarlo and when you all come up if you'd be kind enough just give us your name and your actual address for the record good morning jacn luran for the record 2467 waving mossway Winter Park Florida 32792 good morning I'm Jaclyn luran I am the general manager at the Hilton and Altimont Springs we have 309 rooms I've been employed with this Hilton Hotel for 21 years I've lived in semal county for over 26 years my children attend semal County schools and very active in the community as well as doing cheerlead and competitive cheer which all of these big events are outside of the county because seal County does not have a facility in place for these type of events currently we are spending money to support other counties other than our own we have seen that the sports tourism has not only impacted hotels restaurants and local businesses but it's an impacted throughout the entire Community stating some facts for the hotel uh at Hilton Elmont alone even during Co our hotel closed its doors for 2 months if it was not for the resilient Sports industry to allow us to reopen our doors it has saved many jobs and it has kept our hotel alive and has remained stronger than we've ever imagined this is also an opportunity for the local government to support the tourism industry through no expense policy I am here to say we support this and hope you do too this gives the county the opportunity for sports and community events thank you for your time thank you very much good morning Dwayne wium 6 East Par Street Orlando Florida Mr chairman and honorable Commissioners uh I have the honor of being the general manager of the embassy SES Orlando North in elamont Springs on beautiful Cranes Roost Lake by the way my father started a business in Longwood in the late 1960s and as it prospered he moved our family to Altamont Springs so I am a proud I am very proud to say that I am a product of SEO County schools and SEO State College my hotel career started out out of college and now spans 41 years with the majority of it being here in Central Florida I've also had the privilege to support tourism and our community Through organizations such as experienced CMI board of directors chairman Oola resort area Council downtown Orlando development board of directors Central Florida Coalition for the homeless board of directors s Harvest Food Bank Central Florida hotel and Lodging Association board of directors also board of directors on the governmental Affairs and the pack and PC for the central Florida hotel and Lodging Association and I was also the 20 chairman of the Central Florida hotel and Lodging Association more recently I was asked to participate in the seol county tourism improvement district task force Sports tourism's economic impact to SEO County as we've heard is over 300 million since the construction of the boomba Sports Complex in 2016 Sports tourism has allowed for us to continually fund the central Florida Zoo establish multiple Main Street programs and continue the expansion of the Sanford Airport SEO state college has built a Hospitality program and SEO County Public Schools have developed the first virtual Hospitality program in our region Sports tourism has had a major impact not only in our business but throughout our entire community in 2023 suo County government concluded a tourism improvement district feasibility study through civitas advisers that was requested by the tourist tourist development Council in 2021 and the feasibility study supports the concept that there is a need for an indoor facility to support overnight visitors demand a dedicated funding source is needed to cover certain costs to support this idea the purpose of the tid procedural ordinance is to establish the procedure for the establishment operation modification and dissolution of tis within the county and to ensure the tid assessments conform to all constitutional requirements and are determined and levied in accordance with the procedures set forth in the ordinance this is not a new concept as there are over 200 tids throughout the United States this is an opportunity for our local government to support the tourism industry through a no expense policy decision the assessment does not affect the residents of suo County and it provides the community growth visitor using visitors I'm up right income to bolster existing tax revenues I ask that you approve agenda item number 35 entitled Economic Development to create the procedural ordinance thank you very much thank Wayne thanks way good morning Commissioners Bruce garlo general manager of the orol mar Lake Mary 1538 cherry blossom Terrace in lovely Lake Mary Florida um don't go number three because I'm going to just say ditto to all that because it looks like we're all singing off the same page I think the biggest thing I can bring to this is is is my personality and my my opinion of of what you all have done to us uh you've successfully taken hotels that were literally crashing two years ago when Co hit uh to making us successful we wouldn't have done what we did if it was were not for not Sports tourism and thank you all for bringing that to us I think we uh sat in a meeting about about 18 months ago and one of our general managers of the Hilton left and we were relishing the success of uh the bumba sports complex and he tasked us I'll never forget this what is next we've got to figure out what is next we need to continue to build tourism and that's what I'm here to talk about just saying this is the next step how are we going to continue to fund the zoo well guess what I've seen when we were funding them $200 ,000 since I've been here we've given them over almost $5 million that's going to continue that could even grow the beauty of this is It's a self-imposed fee on the hotel years so citizens will pay zero I can guarantee just as there were naysayers before when the boomba was coming including from my company uh and our ownership I can tell you this this is going to drive room nights this is the next step this is what we need to do we need your support I supported after 22 years and 4 months today being at the Marriott and a little more as a resident of SEMO County uh I believe it's the right thing to do this is going to be wonderful for our citizens when you want to go see your kids at high school you want to go see an indoor sports venue we're going to stay in our County I strongly recommend this what I I got time good strongly recommend this for your of moving this forward now with that being said I am not going to be here CU my last day of working at the Marriott uh is going to be Friday however I am confident that our company will support this and the general manager after me will be involved and that's speaking from the head of the TDC uh right now so I am still the chair of the TDC I will be turning that over as I lose my position in the hotel but I will see you in the community I look forward to being there with you and please move forward with this thank you thank you br and please enjoy your retirement I will all right the next several that you may have Madam clerk next three are Sarah Reese Jason with greater Orlando Sports commission and Steve Fussell and with that said we sure and and recognize Miss Sarah ree as the alamont Springs council member from the city of alamon Springs welcome thank you I have several hats but um for the record Sarah ree 846 bab breze Lane alamont Springs Florida um and as commissioner Zim said I am a City Commissioner in alamont but I'm actually here um representing CNO on the TDC so and I'm also a mom and a grandma and everyone up there that I know personally and I love all of you by the way um no I'm a sports person and um between uh bab Ruth baseball and the tournaments that we bring and personally from my sons and grandson that play at booma um I'm all about sports and youth and of course my buddy Bob program for special needs I don't have to reiterate everything everybody's already said you know the positive side of having uh moving forward with this project and I just came to voice my support for it thank you thank s Sarah for the record uh Jason seagull 1865 East Adams in matland uh good morning morning Commissioners our County manager and staff honored to be here today you represent uh the 119 members of our board including uh our seminal board members Kurt Esser Frank aapola and John Gillan uh I want to uh uh just share a couple of uh thoughts on the opportunity today uh goh Sports was founded 1992 uh and we've partnered with seminal County since 1993 driving events into the region with uh 31 years of partnership under our belts thrilled to have recently signed a new 5year contract extension through 2028 uh with the county uh some highlights just to share a little bit of uh the investment that you've made in our organization and where that has gone in the most uh recent months uh we've seen more than 330 teams and 7,000 participants travel to seino county for ecnl boys and girls uh on the girl side 15 consecutive years of building that relationship back to 2010 and with that success adding on boys which was established in 2017 for the last eight years just an example of these continuing Partnerships that have Beed significant and incremental fruit to the county uh this may in a joint effort with seminal County and Orange County we're going to host the NCA division 2 spring Championship Festival which is going to bring Six National championships to our community in the same week uh three of those national championships will be hosted in seminal County uh this event dates back actually to 2004 when seal County hosted the festival uh and it has become the blueprint for what the NCA uh uses uh on an ongoing basis so we're thrilled to be bringing them back here 20 years later uh we're going to be at uh soldiers Creek for softball and men's and women's tennis is going to be at San Lando Park and we're really excited to work with the Hilton Embassy Suites and Spring Hill Suites that are going to host both the student athletes uh coaches their families and also the officials from the NCAA uh in 2025 we'll bring the NCA men's and women's D2 Tennis Championships back to San Lando Park as a standalone event and most recently we just hosted uh the FHSAA tennis uh state championships over 45 high schools from around the State came to seol County to compete and good news there we've extended that contract uh through 2026 with an option for an additional two years all of this to demonstrate a number of the relationships with stakeholders and rights holders uh that we work in concert with to bring opportunities to the county and we've had uh in preparation for today's meeting you're going to hear from Steve Bishop with the Florida region of USA volleyball uh conversations with aaou the FHSAA uh some great opportunities uh for the future so with that I know I've run out of time um but we look forward uh to continuing our support of sports tourism in SEO County because we do want to secure our spot as uh the number one sports destination in the United States for many years to come so thank you all thank you Jason thank you Steve Fussell and who do we have after Mr Fussell after him will be Sean Harold Amy Kirkland and Kurt Esser okay in in an interest of being efficient try not to repeat anything that's already been said by the other speakers got it we got it but you can do this anybody agrees thumbs up if you don't agree thumbs down thanks for the advice I'll be brief good morning Mr welcome home yeah thank you for that Commissioners Mr clerk county manager and staff um my name is Steve Fussell for the record I'm the chief strategy officer for the Orlando Sanford International Airport and I'm also a resident of simol County I reside at 203 Adelaide Boulevard in alamont Springs the Orlando Sanford International Airport strongly advocates for the uh creation of a tourism improvement district within simol County with nearly 3 million passengers annually primarily um Leisure Travelers a tid offers a strategic approach to capturing a greater share of the tourism Market over the past few years the airport has expanded uh and improved our terminal facility so we are we are very well prepared uh to welcome the passenger increase driven by Sports tourism our neighbor boombas Sports uh complex thrives on Sports tourism and you just saw Danny just showed you the actuals seems like a little a little over 120,000 uh annual out of County visitors that's just incredible a tid can help create and enhance synergies between the the Orlando Sanford International Airport boomball other potential venues including the proposed indoor venue also near the airport withough there over 500 Acres of prime development land we're attracting a lot of interest from high-tech businesses including Aviation um and uh and Aerospace and these businesses that we meet with are telling us that quality of life is very important to them it's a prime consideration in their decision to relocate by creating a more welcome and vibrant visitor experience we can capture a larger share of the tourism market and generate economic Prosperity this in turn attracts these businesses uh to the Orlando Stanford International Airport seeking a high quality of life that their Workforce of their Workforce further strengthening the County's economic engine thanks thank you Mr fussel good morning my name is sha Gard Herald 4706 uh lauring Place Orlando Florida uh I am the assistant superintendent for E Pathways in seminal County Public Schools thank you for allowing me the opportunity to express our support for an indoor multi-use sports complex it is with great anticipation and a willingness to partner that I stand before you as a representative of our a-rated school district in 2324 school year scps has over 3,100 student enrollments in hospitality and tourism culinary business and or marketing programs these students upon graduation may be seeking opport OPP unities to further their education at one of our local award-winning postsecondary options such as seminal State College or UCF or enter the workforce directly the proposed complex provides our high school and college graduates with the local option to apply their industry standard skills within our community while growing our local economy and speaking of graduation you know that only a handful of our semal County Public Schools graduates from our virtual school and special centers actually walk across the stage um within the bounds of seal County the vast majority of scps graduates walk across the stage at venues with a capacity for our 700 graduates and their invited guests excuse me at this time seminal county has no indoor venue for an event of this size and scope likewise as our graduates celebrate the culmination of their K12 experience so too do their families and friends who reside both locally and afar with nearly 5,000 graduates annually each receiving 10 tickets for graduation we realize approximately 50,000 restaurant going Hotel lodging potential guests seeking to eat sleep and play in our community within a single week if just 10 to 15% of those graduation attendees are staying in hotels that's 5,000 to 7500 heads and beds in SEO County during just graduation week alone finally my team and I had the uh opportunity recently to host a career fair at for the scps new graduates at the boomba sports sports complex and the weather couldn't have been better but the sunny 78 degree day was nothing compared to the exceptional service provided by the buba Sports Complex staff and the phenomenal showing by various departments from seal County governments but had the weather not cooperated none of that would have mattered as an indoor multi-us sports complex allows us to mitigate these risks and do what we do best serve our community rain or shine the partnership between SEMO County government and seal County Public Schools is strong and will only grow stronger with the addition of an indoor multi-use sports complex that could potentially house graduations Career Fairs District sport events and so much more thank you for your Forward Thinking and your vision for SEO County we can't wait to see what the future holds thank you good morning good morning Amy Kirkland uh seminal State College uh um Sorry my address 215 Citrus Cove Drive oito Florida on beh of seminal State College I'm here to offer support of the tourist improvement district and as a partner in the community we recognize the economic impact that this will have for the county keep it short and sweet because of everything that everybody else said as well and then Kurt Sr athletic depart director has a few words and and by the way congratulations on your award good morning everyone Kurt Esser director of Athletics at s State College uh 1675 Redwood Grove Terrace Lake Mary um we are the guinea pig um we have one Court we have no salese we have a limited staff and we've done 15 days of rentals in the last 10 months build it and they will come okay thank you thank you very much Madam clerk point of personal privilege yes commissioner um so in in my awesome other volunteer position as a trustee at seal State College I was um I had the opportunity to support building that one court building and realized in hindsight what a huge miss it was that we did not build it larger um there was you know we were trying to be fiscally responsible and be conservative and what's the need let's not overbuild blah blah blah go big or go home I own it I own it I said no it was going to be too big um you know we didn't want to build it too big and boy was I wrong so um lesson learned won't won't repeat that again good point Madam clerk any other comments we have Steve Bishop eston salal Raga Robert ausa very good record I am not Steve Bishop um Steve Bishop uh is the USA volleyball state director and he had to leave he had to catch a flight but he did submit a letter um in in support so I will just give this um to the clerk and uh you guys can share it but I just wanted to share one quick paragraph Florida USA volleyball has grown to over 20,000 members across the state for a bit of perspective in 2006 usav membership in Florida was around 4,400 uh 4,400 total members so they've seen over 350% growth uh Steve Bishop and the USA volleyball team is very excited about this project um there is a lot of uh indoor volleyball as well as beach volleyball um that he would like to discuss with us in the future so I will submit this letter great thank you very much good morning Commissioners good morning County leadership uh EST Stan for the record EST St saraga seal County Business Marketing Manager uh and co-chair of the uh seminal County Chamber Economic Development Committee um I will be reading an exert from a letter on behalf of Rebecca Arthur president and CEO of the chamber uh as well as submitting it for the record we know that tourism grows our economy that's why we applaud the commission and our County government for considering this in initiative to truly bolster and our offerings and give our community the ability to host significantly more visitors thank you thank you good good man uh good morning uh chair Mr chairman Commissioners uh it's a delight to see all of you Robert ausa president and CEO of the Central Florida hotel and Lodging Association 6675 uh Westwood Boulevard Orlando Florida uh thank you again for the opportunity to be here today as you have heard from all of our speakers here Sports tourism is Big Business uh and it has been big business here for seal County uh and many of you have reaped the benefits of not only the investment in the boomba sports complex and the other sports complexes but you've seen the results um all those presentations just backed up a lot of that evidence there and recently I know Jason didn't mention this but we have just been recently as a region been named the number one sports destination in the entire United States and a lot of that is to do to the partnership ship here with seminal County uh and the growth that we've seen over the last several years so this is a perfect segue into this conversation about an indoor sports complex but I just want to give a couple other statistics um that may uh have been shared but really kind of dive in deep $4.2 billion in economic impact including the $300 million in uh economic impact for sports that was just in one year that was in 2022 $1.4 billion was paid in wages to employees who work both indirectly and directly within the industry here in Seal County 24 uh 27,000 whove been employed by tourism here in seminal County and uh three uh $318 million in state and local taxes was collected in 2022 to help support our local community here so tourism has been big business as well here in uh seal County and we really appreciate the opportunity and I know we went back and talked about um in 2014 when there were there was a discussion about indors SPS complex and obviously I wasn't around at that time with cfhla um however I knew there were several questions um that were at that that moment I will tell you today those questions have been answered and those questions have been phenomenal to work with the team uh here at seal County and with G and Danny and many others about addressing some of those areas that we we raised back in 2014 and we believe this public private partnership is a long-term and stable um opportunity to address the economic opportunities for the future while meeting some of the community needs as you just heard from uh at semal State and others um and since 2021 this feasibility study has shown the tremendous opportunity to significantly increase overnight visitor demand um as well as it allows our tdt funds to continue to do what they are doing which is driving tourists to our destination through our destination marketing as well as investing into the sports uh facilities and Fields um and then lastly as we talk about this the excess of these potential funds could go back uh to help Drive even more more business to our community here so uh I want to thank all of our speakers including many of our hotel years who showed up here today to share um just firsthand experience and not only the impact of Tourism and what has done to their businesses but also where can we go into the future and what is next um yeah as as Bruce mentioned there we've all been talking about that over the last couple of years and this is really an amazing opportunity and I appreciate all of you for the time thank you for your interest in this and we certainly look forward to uh moving forward with this uh endoor Sports Complex thank you thank you Robert good timing last speaker is Gary Carney and who is after Mr Harney or Carney that is the last speaker okay good morning Commissioners my name is Gary Carney I'm at 304 relle Avenue here in Sanford and um yeah I definitely stand in support of what you're doing here I think that is absolutely terrific that uh we're investing in sports and I just like to throw in while the play are here um that you're sitting on property that could um absolutely answer all of the questions and more of what we're trying to accomplish here with this Indoor Sports facility which I absolutely support but um in terms of uh being a number one leader in the United States and terms of sports tourism I would propose that you start thinking about crew and Rowing and what this property here could do for St John's river and for uh for our County on a national level on a World level um we could expand our educational opportunities adding crew boats to our high schools our colleges our state seal County Sanford this property that you're sitting on that I know has been in discussion about getting rid of this is public property and all these people I think can imagine what the universities across the country what the universities in our state how the people of seol County themselves how our middle schools our education could uh could benefit by using the property that would live on for sports tourism for sports education for the health and wellness of our citizens and um by adding a Sanford seminal crew dock in the public property that we have the touch of St John's and using some of the property that we have that we're sitting in and behind us with the parking lots imagine the number of crew boats of rowing boats that could be in this area right downtown Sanford and we could fill that lake with a natural sport that doesn't affect our environment that doesn't hurt anybody that just helps everybody can you imagine seminal County Fielding an Olympic team rowing can you imagine Central Florida thinking about the Olympics coming up in our future and what a seal County crew dock could do think about the ones on the John excuse me on the uh the rivers and famous cities across the country where you see crew you see hundreds of of boats and thousands of people lined up on the beautiful Riverfront in Sanford to watch people from all over our country coming for a sport that we don't typically talk about we talk about basketball we talk about baseball we talk about volleyball but let's talk about a sport that will bring International tourism for engineers for colleges for people all over the country that are interested in more than just basketball so that's my two cents I appreciate you listening thanks very much and by the way we do have a cre cre organization the Evans crewing uh property which is out at Lake picket which is run by University of Central Florida where there are competitions that take place on a regular basis uh with colleges throughout the country uh as well as colleges and and higher education places from all over this world um so thank you very much anyone else sir we'll seeing none is there anything else that the county manager or County attorney have before we go into recess no sir anything else from the commission seeing none we'll be in recess to 1:30 thank you all for being patient today [Music] [Music] [Music]