##VIDEO ID:8GKjCe-Lgqs## la la all good afternoon and welcome to the afternoon session here at the board of County Commission meeting here in simol County the date is October 22 2024 we are going to reconvene with the beginning of the employee service recognition which will be put on by Miss Melanie coz Miss C please proceed good afternoon chairman and Commissioners my name is Melanie C assistant County manager and today I'm standing in for Christina brandolini this afternoon we have the pleasure of recognizing our employees and retirees in their years of service we're going to start with the fire department and deputy chief hler is going to introduce his two employees and uh we'll take pictures afterwards great yeah once we get everybody recognized we'll have the board come down and we'll get photographs with everyone good afternoon chairman and Commissioners um um we have two employees that we are recognizing for 20 years of service the first is Beth Dan Beth Dan graduated from Jupiter High School and was a former Winter Springs Police Department dispatcher before joining semal County's emergency Communication Center in July of 2004 during her tenure Beth has served in numerous roles and in various capacities within the Communication Center most notably she's was promoted to shift supervisor and has also served in the capacity as interim training coordinator and Communication Center manager she currently leads the the men and women of sea shift as the shift supervisor Beth is married and resides in Winter Springs area of simal County next we have firefighter Christopher Christopher T firefighter Chris tulip has spent a majority of his life in Florida he went to Rollins College on a baseball scholarship before attending UCF later on in 2003 he attended semal Community College for EMT and minimum fire standards classes he was hired by the Winter Springs Fire Department in 2004 where he was promoted to the rank of engineer and was later part of the merge with seminol County Firefighter tulip has been part of the Pure Fitness team C Pat instructor rescue standardization team and was selected to be a part of the engineer training project he was one of the crew that opened up new station 29 and is is still currently assigned there Chris and his wife Megan share an amazing daughter and reside in Orlando next we'll have Rick dur introduce three of his employees for the record Rick dur director of parks of recreation I first uh acknowledge Rich Merritt for 20 years of service so a little bit about rich born in Lincoln Nebraska Rich moved to Central Florida in 95 he worked first at Mayfair golf course and then he moved on to a little place called Rolling Hills which is pretty interesting uh during that time six years of employment Rich developed his base knowledge in Florida horiculture and groundskeeping chemical applications and I'll describe what that is in just a second in August 2004 Richard was hired on at simol County was first stationed with a roving crew at Lake Mills Park just in time to start clearing debris from the trail systems from hurricanes Charlie Francis Ivan and Jean your job hasn't changed a whole lot since then Rich moved to the Project's team after a few years where he obtained his Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer service limited lawn ornamental license or spray tech for short in doing so rich took on a dual role as both a trades worker and as the County Sports field chemical applicator for the last 10 years Rich has played a crucial role in the health of not only the semal county uh sports playing surfaces but also for the players health and safety Rich thanks for your tireless efforts and being a beacon of positivity in your workplace we're grateful for your passion resilience and the creativity you bring to your projects your work has not gone unnoticed we look forward to seeing all the amazing things you'll continue to accomplish congratulations thank you and the last two are recent retirements so the first one is Gail Gail re come on up Gail retired as a circulation supervisor after 22 years of service in our library services division Gail's co-worker said she brought a kindness positive energy and a smile with her everyday to work Gail was always a supportive mentor to her Library staff and encouraged her employees she supervised to continue their education and complete their Library Sciences degrees born in Wisconsin Gail is an enthusiastic Green Bay Packers Fan she began playing billiards in college and went on to play competitively even traveling to Las Vegas and other special destinations to compete Gail also enjoys swimming and participated in the Walt Disney World Triathlon with her daughters on behalf of seino County we wish her congratulations in her retirement and we appreciate her years of dedicated exceptional public service thank you and last but not least Joe Jenkins Joe retired as Parks Ada coordinator after 29 years of service Joe was born in California and moved to Sanford at the tender age of two After High School Joe began a career in construction working for greater homes for 22 years he then accepted a position with simol county in 1995 where he served first as a trades worker and then most recently as Ada coordinator within Parks Joe's commitment to Excellence and unwavering dedication have not only only shaped the quality of our Parks but have also profoundly enhanced the lives of those in our community throughout his career in simol County he's exemplified the true Spirit of Public Service approaching every project with skill and determination as Ada coordinator he championed accessibility ensuring that our environments are welcoming and inclusive for all of our residents and individuals his tireless efforts have leg left a legacy that will benefit generations to come and on behalf of simol County thank you for your remarkable public service and we wish you all the best in your reti thanks and we had seven other that were not able to attend today so I'd like to just mention their names uh Bobby mchallic 30 years with Parks the wreck Michael Ben 25 years with Public Works jotty Rivera 20 years with utilities Nicholas Clark 20 years with utilities Ryan Switzer 20 years with resource management and a retiree Steven Thompson 31 years with the fire department and this concludes our portion if you would like to come down we can take pictures at this time please come up and join us for photos thank you for oh no you just put for for 9 seconds it'll be perfect just under 10 see there you go 10 is too long okay well this brings us to our portion of our public hearing agenda I would like to have some movement for proof of Publications please so moved second motion second all those in favor I oppose like sign hearing none pass unanimously uh any commissioner receive any exp party communication if so please disclose such and how it was submitted no sir no none none same here none submitted all right we will ask the County Attorney to read the rules of public engagement and speaking Miss Lor while the board welcomes comments from all persons with an interest in these proceedings Florida law requires that the board's decisions and quasi judicial actions be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the board during the hearings on the applications competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adade to support a conclusion there must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert Witnesses persons presenting testimony May rely on factual information that they present information presented by County staff information the applicant presented or on factual information included in the county staff report to support their testimony all persons who Present written materials to the board for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the clerk for inclusion in the board's record of proceedings and official minutes Mr chairman thank you very much our first item up is item number 29 Oak man or right away vacate and this will be presented by uh Joy Giles yes Skyles yes good afternoon Joy Giles principal planner for development services presenting the Oak Manor RightWay vacate request uh the applicants are requesting adoption of the resolution vacating and abandoning a portion of an uncut unnamed rway in the Oak Manor plat as recorded in plat book 11 page 32 of the public records of simal County her properties better known as 2340 Pine Street and 2337 palmway in Ido the applicants have petitioned SEO County to vacate and abandon a portion of an unnamed uncut RightWay along the north perimeter of lot 14 and 15 of the Oak Manor subdivision the RightWay is 30 ft wide and 270 ft in length abing in the north perimeter of both Lots 14 and 15 the portion of rideway subject to the vacate request is 170 ft in length leaving 50 ft of rideway at each end of the platted Street for the purpose of providing a turnaround for Public Safety fire and other emergency response Vehicles the property owners of lot 14 15 would like to incorporate the area subject to the vacate into their Lots the 30ft wide rideway is located at the end of the Oak Manor plat therefore if vacated the applicants uh or excuse me the property owners of lot 14 and 15 will acquire the entire 30 foot portion of the vacate the subdivision directly adjacent to the north of the ploted RightWay is separated by a uh perimeter excuse me by a perimeter fence for their subdivision the applicants have provided letters of notes objection from all of the utility companies and simal County staff has no objection to the vacate request uh therefore the um staff is requesting that the board adopt the resolution vacated abandoning a a portion of an uncut unnamed right of way in the Oak Manor plat as recorded in plat book 11 page 32 of the Simo County public records thank you thank you any inquiries of staff is the applicant here and wish to make any statements to the board if you'd like to speak to the board sir please come forward if not we can proceed you good thank you very much we appreciate that anyone from the public to speak on this Dominique no sir seeing then we'll close the public hearing portion and go to the district Commissioners commissioner delari thank you Mr chairman I fully support this and I think it's important to again just note that staff's recommendation to leave out the 50 Foot of rway on each side of the plaed for emergency purposes for turnaround for Public Safety and emergency vehicles uh with that I'd like to make a motion re resolution vacating and abandonment a portion of the uncut unnamed RightWay in Oak man of plat as recorded in plat book 11 page 32 of the public records of s County as presented here today second motion of second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppose like sign see none carries unanimous thank you Charles next item is our public hearing legislative portion of the hearing this is going to be item 30 disposition of County property for affordable housing this presentation will be put on by Miss Allison thaal Community Services director Miss Thal good afternoon Commissioners Alison Thal Community Services director for the record and I am going to be speaking to you about the disposition of of our property um so I'm here to present the updated affordable in property inventory and ultimately request the approval of a corresponding resolution I'll begin with a brief review of Florida statute 12537 which addresses the disposition of County property for affordable housing followed by a review of the updated affordable housing property list in 2007 Florida statute 125 379 was created for the purpose of requiring each County to prepare an inventory list of all real property within its jurisdiction that is appropriate for the use for affordable housing the governing body of the county must review the inventory list at a public hearing and may re revise it at the conclusion of the public hearing the governing body shall then adopt a resolution that includes an inventory list of of all such properties thereafter every 3 years staff is required to prepare an updated property inventory pursuant to the statute however nothing precludes staff from updating the inventory more frequently since 2007 approximately 40 county-owned Parcels have been identified and approved for use for affordable housing the inventory presented today includes 11 new Parcels when we last updated the inventory on February 28th of 2023 there were a total of 16 properties on that list within the past year eight of the existing 16 properties have been donated to area nonprofit de development ERS for the creation of affordable housing with today's updated list of 11 new properties we now have a grant total of 19 available Parcels therefore my requested action today is to approve and authorize the chairman to execute the resolution for the disposition of current County property for affordable housing for use in conjunction with affordable housing purposes pursuant to section 12537 n of the Florida Statutes and approve the county manager to execute Ute all forthcoming donation agreements under this resolution this concludes my presentation I'm available for any questions thank you thank you Miss Thal any inquiries with staff on this matter seeing none any public wish to speak on this matter sir seeing none we'll close the public hearing go to board action commissioner her Mr chairman I'll move to approve as presented second motion second under discussion I would only say thank you very much this is something that I have been pushing since I was on planning at zoning to try to get this pushed forward I'm glad that we are identifying these Parcels for the need that obviously we're going to have so kudos to you and your team we sincerely appreciate as well as our development services Public Works and all those others that have to weigh in on these these Surplus properties so thank you very much all those in favor I opposed like sign hearing none pass unly thank you very much next item is our county attorney's report I had a just a brief update on a litigation matter um involving the bear Warriors and Geneva citizens group they filed an appeal about a year and a half ago of a site plan approval uh of this board and it was related to a site plan that was approved for the yoro property since that property was purchased by the state we have filed a joint um order of dismiss missile so that case has has come to a close I just wanted to update you on that thank you very much I did notice that on the uh on on social media that there's some accolades that somehow they defeated the county through this process of filing this appeal is that a proper interpretation no there was an agreement between the county and the two entities that appealed to dismiss the the appeal since the state purchased the property it was moot okay great thank you chairman also I think on that same one they were congratulating themselves for forcing us to um pursue the um yeah yoro property well there's that yeah and then there's that thank you very much anything else that's aesome okay we will move to County manager's report thank you uh Mr chairman and Commissioners and just a couple items just wanted to give you a quick update um on the Animal Services review of the department as you know we're going through that now we thought we would uh be complete by now but the storm's kind of put us a couple weeks behind but um our outside U person that's doing the review has has uh interviewed all the employees and now they are interviewing the volunteers and some uh partners that we work with so I should have something probably in the next couple weeks uh for youall she's wrapping everything up as we speak so great um I have not and kind of anxious none of us have seen it or uh we don't we're not even talking with the uh reviewer or anything so um we're just letting her do what she needs to do and then provide the a raw report to us which you all will get as well um and then um you heard Allan Harris this morning with the um Emergency Management accreditation but we also got re accredited re accreditation uh with parks with cpra I think it's called cpra correct I asked Rick what that stands for hasn't sent it to me yet but we just got that notice uh uh yesterday as well so we've been re accredited in the Parks at Rec um area as well great um and that's it thank you a lot of things to be proud of Y all right uh any questions for the county manager or County attorney before we move on seeing none we'll go to District commissioner reports commissioner her yes on 10:16 I had the opportunity to uh be in the EOC when Congressman Mills came with his team and brought with him 10 starlink satellites uh to donate to the county these are to be used by our team to stay in communication when Communications are down or difficult and he also extended the offer that should we need more and I know our staff heard it loud and clear uh that he could secure them for us so the notion is that these would be um applicable in a vehicle so that the vehicles in the area could stay in contact in in true emergency situations which is really pretty phenomenal so thank you to Congressman Mills and his office for facilitating that and making sure that the county was in that uh in that gift exchange which I think ours was a handshake and he gave us 10 satellites so that was pretty good deal for seal County uh you heard the update from the ROM gratitude in in action luncheon this morning and I will just point out Chris was rather humble about that that he has hired some new team members there that are changing the way uh they're fundraising that was the most successful luncheon for rescue Outreach mission that I've ever been to um and I went to them years ago through all the iterations and ups and downs of that organization and I would also tell you that it R rivaled some of the organizations that have been in town for a very long time that do these things very regularly with consistent staff and Boards over the years so uh that was pretty exciting um I had the pleasure of uh hosting the mayor's update for the SEO County Regional Chamber and I just want to give a shout out to all the uh City commissioners that tolerated my sense of humor for that event because it's a rather dry event and chamber members don't necessarily need 45 minutes of talk about that so there are a few jokes that may have landed flatly at their expense so I'm just going to own that um I want to give a a huge shout out and I'm sure we will all do this but to the entire team for the work that was done during Milton um it's it really is heroic but I'm going to give a special shout out to some of the unsung heroes and I don't know if everybody sitting in this room realizes it but you're sitting in the seal County daycare center and so even when staff members have to be in the EOC and they have uh I would imagine this was be the place of Last Resort although it may be the place of First Resort we have staff members that volunteer to help other staff members with their kids while they're here I would like that duty at some point but you all may not want me there ask my children I was wondering what the bubble gum and rappers stuff everywhere yeah yeah that's that's what it's from so um they all we came we started with the number that we ended with and there was no blood and no bruises that's the measure of a good day with a bunch of kids right amen and they were the same kids and with that I will uh I'll yield the floor thank you commissioner commissioner delari thank you Mr chairman and I would also continue that same sentiment about all the county staff people uh working hard and also their families for uh uh being home while their family members are B basically helping those that are needing help during out the storm there's a lot of Kudos needs to go out in so many different levels so uh it's amazing to see the uh uh the team in action we've all seen it and other storms as well and it is truly uh amazing to see and to see how they practice with this day in and day out when there isn't a storm that they're fully prepared and it's nice to know that uh we have the best of the best working not just for the county but helping those that need help so kudos to all of you uh I also want to congratulate uh commissioner Matt Morgan uh last night he received an award from uh Congressman Mills for HomeTown hero uh that was presented to him uh by uh Congressman mills's office and want to Cong congratulate uh City Commissioner of Longwood Matt Morgan for uh being a part of the community and uh receiving that award from the congressman I also want to pass out a packet of things that have been happening drainage wise in around the South part of seal County and uh there's a lot been a lot of drainage issues uh staff is aware of this can you just pass that down just pass it down don't everybody picks one uh there's several homes that have been uh flooding even before the storms uh and obviously during the storm they've uh flooded a lot more and uh I want to thank staff for uh uh trying to not just uh solve the problem but there's a lot more work that needs to be done I know the county manager is aware of this I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention so if there has to be any additional work done or any additional issues that you can uh uh get briefings from our staff because there are existing townhouse units that are flooding existing single family homes there are drainage ponds that should be working that sometimes are not working and uh there are intersections that uh shouldn't be holding water that are holding water and I want to thank staff for looking into this and uh as they get fixed uh I'll be reporting back to the board of County Commissioners I want to thank everyone end of my report thank you commissioner Glory uh District three commissioner Constantine to continue the theme um once again I I think all of us know how much the not only the emergency preparedness team but uh the whole team starting with our County Manager on down um what they do and how they respond to the people here in seminal County I think has H put us A Cut Above uh so many places in um in and around Florida but you know Florida itself does a great job you know I mean you practice makes perfect unfortunately but uh we do um you know the the whole state reacts to one another I was talking to uh the county manager in Sarasota who um was called me about something else and I had called him about something and and you know they they just you know each each County just wants to thank other counties for the service and the participation and the involvement and even when we're having problems our people might be somewhere else helping others and it's just it's it really is a a wonderful um cooperation uh the um I wanted to uh say that it wasn't Andrea it wasn't so dry he did a great job in the in all of the uh the jokes yes some of them were a little corny but they work they worked because the uh not the audience but the participants that you had to deal with are a little corny of and nice people and and it is wonderful to see how how much not only the Seven Cities cooperate with each other but how much they cooperate with us and how many Innovative things they are doing themselves and now we have two counties that are or two cities that are debt-free that we get to hear about all the time um also I did want to say that uh at the the rescue Outreach mission that I also attended that was a I have also attended a number of them and that was a wonderful program and I I thought that uh you know today you see the difference night and day from what we first recognized a number of years ago as being a real crisis has now turned into something that um you see some professionalism and uh I once again encourage the county manager to continue to work with them and bring forth uh things that we need to know about and can help and of course uh commissioner her and and her involvement um on October 24th the or 25th excuse me the Florida local government's Investment Trust board I'll be having um my second meeting of that and uh just wanted everyone to know um that that was coming up uh we have some fun things uh over the next couple of weeks that I just wanted to bring with um so many different communities in seol County the uh on October 26th the um the German American society is having their October Fest down in uh you know it's kind of like the corner of Castlebury longwind in alamont Springs it's really you know I think it is part of Castleberry but they kind of like merge right there part of it's an the unincorporated too though I think isn't it I'm sorry isn't part of it unincorporated yes it is and then you have then you have you know the parking right there at the uh at the cemetery yeah so yeah or near the cemetery and also the um Greek Fest is going to come up November 1st through 3D so we have two of the wonderful communities of seol County uh having uh events the in the next two weeks um I'm looking forward to the seol County Economic Development Hub uh ribbon cutting which will be October 30th and the Statewide opioid Council on abatement um Sheriff Lima and I both will be attending that as as part of the Statewide Council and I I I I hope you all don't kid me again about this but November 1st is Lyman High School's High School uh homecoming which would also be celebrating their 100th anniversary and yes I was at the new linan I was the first graduating class of the new linan um and with that what year was that that was 1970 so mil used to be Lyman I don't know if you all knew that but mil was Lyman and I was there um junior year and no air conditioning none and that was not fun going to summer school you went to summer school well now we opened it up weekend but it was to it was to get ahead on my college I didn't know see I was ready for that and um with that uh just uh look forward to seeing you all and uh in the next meeting thank you very much thank you commissioner Constantine commissioner lockart um I I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said but I will Echo the thanks to all of the folks who helped get us through um the preparation the during and the restoration of Milton and Helen I think some of us didn't realize that we were still recovering from Helen when Milton came um one of the takeaways and I forget which city mayor brought it up at the mayor's panel the the the question was what did you learn from this we always learn something new from each storm event and what was your takeaway that you learned and one of the Mayors said um talking about debris pickup and clean up before the storm hits which I I was surprised shouldn't have been but I too was surprised at how many people remarked on social media that they were unaware of what the expectations were for storm cleanup having lived here through the summer of 2004 and all of the subsequent storms that you know when you've been around you just know what the deal is you know you pile your stuff up at the curb and so I don't know if it's a function of how many new folks we have had move here or if it's just hurricane Amnesia but it's amazing to me um how many people have remarked that they it was too late to tell them after the storm what they were expected to do to clean up they didn't have power they didn't have internet and so pushing out messages via social media without After the Storm was too late for them and and so that was that was just a remarkable takeaway um not casting aspersions on our team by any stretch of the imagination I think our community information team did a phenomenal job putting out videos and the information was just superb um but it the thing that continues to to sit with me and I'm kind of marinating in um this many days after the storm is the level of expectation of some of our community members on how quickly they believe everything should be put back to normal after a natural disaster and and I don't know how to level set those expectations moving forward but I think it's worth it's worthy of a conversation um there and again maybe it's because we were here in 2004 and and I personally was without power for three weeks during that summer and so when I was without power for 3 days for Milton I felt like I'd hit the lottery um it was fantastic to only be without power for 3 Days um so for future conversation and as you're doing that followup with your team you talked about um doing your after action I i' just love to have there be some discussion about how we communicate expectations before the storm of what to expect after the storm that's all that okay thank you very much commissioner I will pick up on that that one uh and carry on the the hurricane narrative um many good points made and and we are we are certainly are blessed that we didn't receive the storm that we were expected to receive one of the big takeaways I had from from this event was uh now that we do have public information staff that are in the EOC 247 uh and those working behind the scenes to push out social media all the the uh film clips and and things that are given to us either by the state or the Feds that we pushing out and yet I still get calls what am I supposed to do what I don't know what to do we've done everything that I can't imagine that we could do anything more um from a social media outreach uh newsletters were going out via email uh we were do on press conferences in advance telling folks show some compassion show some patience you know this is not going to be a you know based on what we were supposed to get this is not going to be a a one two day event um have some expectations um but speaking to one of my pastors who reminded me when when I shared some of this with him you know he reminded me he says you know Jay people are basically humans by Nature are are selfish and and their expectations are that things happen very quick we we we we tend to have instant gratification expectations that we can quickly turn something around um and for those of us that have lived here either all of our lives or the majority of Our Lives quite frankly this was for all practical purposes and and you can't say that for people that had trees fall in their homes but in the grand scale things this was a non-issue compared to what we experienced during Charlie Jean tropical storm Fay and those things yes we have flooding yes we have trees and limbs down and yes we have traffic lights out and those kinds of things but you don't have to go very far west of here where we have Floridians that quite frankly don't have a home that they can connect power to um so it is it is it is a struggle and and trying to set those expectations of of what should somebody really expect you know how quickly their power comes back on yet when the power companies out turning the power back on I'm feeling calls from people saying hey they're cutting too much of the tree back away from the power line and we love our trees which we all do but somewhere in there's a balance um and and so I've resigned myself you know we can communicate all we want the best way we can as often as we want at the end of the day there's going to be some folks just for whatever reason don't see it at the specific time they want the data um or not going to be happy completely but I would assure you my observations and and and also talking to the Seven Cities and the school board we've done a pretty darn good job through this event and and and all of our employees and EOC folks doing great work to protect the the community get them the information uh deploy those things that are necessary so that that I think it's you know maybe some further conversation I don't know how you ultimately cure that I we even sent it to the news media um who are pumping some of that stuff out too so it's tough um also want to thank Congressman Mills um as you heard commissioner her was here to accept the star link but also we accepted uh a truckload of supplies for the community uh baby formula diapers uh wet wipes bug spray water um and those are things that are assets that have gone to good use um as many of you know my district uh Still Remains floated in certain areas um they still have those Services of the laundry mat and the shower rooms set up which it's really amazing to see how appreciative people are when they don't have power and their homes flooded they just want a good clean shower and it's just like it's it just makes their day if they got a place to wash their clothes because they have no way of washing their clothes um it it really goes a long way uh from that aspect outside of that the only other thing I've got on the radar that I'd like to discuss of my fellow Commissioners is the board of adjustment policy and procedure there is a particular case that is happening right now um that I've asked the county manager to look at for for the availability to Fast Track it to the County Commission and this is based on what at least from my vision is a pretty arbitrary capricious situation that should not have occurred of events that has played out um and I would like the county manager to get with my fellow Commissioners and have that discussion there there is nothing of value in my mind that a citizen would be forced to continue to spend money with an attorney to get all the way through the board of adjustment process and then ultimately come to us and I think we if we we need to revisit that policy whatever the case might be if it's if it's an egregious or obvious scenario um and how we discern that I think we need to come up with a way to do that otherwise we require $1,000 feet of appeal which we all know I think this board approved but then you've got the attorney's fees that continue racking up to even get there so for a citizen that is maybe financially strapped it's it's an unable case to get there um so I'll let them share that specific information with each one of you um and I've asked them to look into that if there's anything you need to add to that I know we've had discussion no we uh actually we're looking at it as we speak so Kate and I have not discussed that yet but we did talk about it on Friday so we'll we'll uh pref review and the board on it as well fantastic go ahead okay anything else for the good of the order so I'm I guess I just need a better explanation are you bringing to us a change to code or are you bringing to us an exception for this one person that's struggling with the process what are we talking about I've asked them to bring forward the specific case and have a discussion if it meets the code or doesn't meet the code or if there is a vehicle to Fast Track it to the Border County Commission so in the opposite order so if there is a vehicle to Fast Track it then bring It Forward correct and and right now correct me if I'm wrong our code does not allow it to come to the board for some it has to go through the board of adjustments but that's what you know we're we're discussing it's a Land Development code provision that requires this sort of decision to go go to the board of adjustment first so if you wanted to see that process changed it would be a code Amendment okay all right so there's part part of your answer but if you would have share that information with my fellow Commissioners I suspect they'll some have a different yeah and we we're going to talk through it as well so great great anything else for the good of the order commissioner her I just this is in response to the documents that were handed down the dis earlier and and I do think this may already happen I'm not saying it doesn't happen but there does seem to be a recurring theme of homeowners associations not necessarily either a doing what they know they should do or B knowing what they should do and therefore not doing it with regard to uh management of Retention Ponds ditches Etc and so some of this is that some of it's not so I understand that some of this is that which is the only part I'm addressing there's a lot of it that goes on and I wonder if there needs to be a more proactive approach with these homeowners associations in terms of Education getting them in here this is your right your responsibility and your obligation and it needs to be a regular not just hurricane situation I know we have homeowners associations in my district that have no idea that that ditch is theirs because they're the new board that just came in and yay you got elected president of the homeowners association which just right yeah re is right and so I I think there has to be some sort of approach as we're building to the degree that has happened in the community to make sure that they actually understand what they're supposed to be doing well to that point um Alan Harris at one time did have a comprehensive list of all the HOAs that were currently active um probably would be the best method to send out that information um although I don't know how we can police and make sure they do what they should do but at least you know it's on record I think we also during this this time as many of you know last year and the year before um I asked Rebecca's group to consider looking at this whole process of one of the problems we run into with this flooding of course when we first have to accept is we cannot control Mother Nature that's the first thing we need to be fair and honest conversation with ourselves as well as our citizens because every time something floods it's that ditch wasn't maintained or those houses were built all that plays a role no question about it but you can't control Mother Nature the bigger problem that I continue to observe is when a plan development or Community comes in there is a master drainage plan that is put put in place based on what is about to be built whether that's 12 homes 30 homes or 270 homes whatever that number is okay great Our People review it they sign off say yeah that that drainage plan is adequate for what you're about to build then what happens is half of those people come in and ask for a swim pool to be built another half come in and ask for a shed to be built uh another portion come in and ask for a shed and a swim pool others come in and ask for or maybe don't ask for that's what I was going to say they forget to forget and they widen their driveway or build whatever they're building chicken coups or whatever it might be um and and so with ch than they're supposed to have right then all of a sudden uh it Dawns on them that they're flooding which then becomes the County's fault and looking at other jurisdictions when someone comes in to build a pool or build a shed it requires some kind of civil engineering review drainage on how that's going to impact the original Master drainage plan of that community so if you take you know 500 homes and you're adding x amount of square footage of imper yeah non- perable ground and you've raised it up for your swimming pool and you've added storm gutters around your top of your roof and you're dumping at the opposite way of the drainage was supposed to go um this all becomes a problem and it's easy to point fingers at the government it's easy to point fingers at a developer it's easy to point at those who build houses across from you where there used to be trees but interesting enough and I think some of my fellow Commissioners have probably done this if if you've done your your homework on some of these it's amazing how many have called and said I've lived here for 30 years I've never have this kind of water this is absolutely ridiculous it's because of the road you put in it's because of this our staff has historic photos that go back way back and flood and it's very interesting when you go back 50 years or 60 years and you pull this piece of property that now has a house on it didn't have house on it then that had a pond right in the middle where the house is now at at some point in history and and allegedly sure it hasn't floated in the last 30 years but it certainly did float at some point um and I say that only as this is only going to get worse as these events continue to play out that you know stop Building Homes increase the ditches add this stop you know raising the road whatever the case might be but there are genuine Tools in our toolbox that I think we should be utilizing to help mitigate that in addition it's like these RightWay abandonments we do I'm not so sure that we actually look at those close enough to say you know what that could be compensating storage for this area if needed um so I think we need to take a real good look at moving forward for the Next Generation how we deal with these improvements that are happening in these communities that are having problems that arguably may be self-induced by the residents and the cost that attained with having to fix the problem corre after it happens corre that's right commissioner lockart so in that vein um I recently learned about a a software system called marksan and it's being um utilized exceptionally well at ston University with Dr uh Evans yes go Hatters um it was uh I learned about it uh through a field trip with Andrea Weser Broner and John slot and um whoever else was on that field trip with us out there um and we had a a follow-up discussion with um Darren gray and uh several other folks that weren't able to be on the field trip anyway long story short this system will be a is able to take GIS data overlap it in with um property appraiser data we can look at all of the properties that are either currently County owned or city- owned or um privately owned properties that may have a value attached to them for consideration for purchase in the future whether it's through seminal forever or some other means so that we can do some of this type of green infrastructure that will help to mitigate some of these problems I think one of the things that we've been missing is that type of tool in the toolbx because all we have are people that are able to drive around and go well that pond looks wet and that pond looks dry and we think we might be able to get that for that so this would be a wonderful way and I know I'm grateful that Darren and the everybody that's a part of that team that's looking at that um are are continuing to see how that could help us counties around us neighboring Counties have implemented it and are using it and we've seen examples of their mapping and it is truly remarkable um so hopefully it could be very benef official here in Seal County as well agreed yeah I think the Basin studies being completed and getting all that Baseline information is going to be this makes a basin study look like the Stone Age yeah I understood but the Basin study data needs to be in the system in order to make a good decision to garbage in is garbage out agreed and Darren I'm sure we'll be looking forward to briefing all of you with with on the um on the program I was pretty wild by it actually the what this what this model uh does and it just come at a unique time when the the storm came through and and what successes they've had with it so we're continuing to explore it and we'll be bringing that back to the board uh soon I'll be briefing you all on it great very good commissioner her I just want to go back to the whole ditch conversation permanent I think it got lost in you're in the ditch or the weed in the ditch in all of that and I'm going to use a real life example so we have a subdivision that is in the city of San that butts up to the county across the street and the tail end of it is is not theirs but is the cities so in this one ditch that I can walk in probably a minute and a half there are three people responsible for maintaining it therefore it's not maintained because everybody's doing this well I did mine up to here and they got to do the that can't be I mean I I'm probably making Tony cringe out there I'm watching you Tony you're like oh my gosh you probably know the but that's just illogical to me first of all it's expensive because we got three people going out there three different times but we really need to rethink that well typically you know you see some of those things to your point um and traffic lights are a prime example probably one we see every day is a maintenance agreement with the city or the HOA or whoever it is uh that it's spelled out on who's supposed to maintain that oh it's spelled out it's three different people in short span understood but but often those Agreements are we agree all three of us have ownership but you are going to do the maintenance on it and we're going to fund part of that maintenance I realize that's an opportunity but we didn't take it and I suspect that that's happening in more places probably with the newer development it needs to be addressed when they're coming in and it needs to be addressed retroactively to figure out what's the best solution for these or we're always going to be battling it that's right agreed okay anything else for the good of the order seeing none we are oh that's right we got public comment I'm about that I didn't see a lot of people from the public do we have anybody here that wishes to make any public comment no sir okay we are hereby adjourned thank you h --------- ##VIDEO ID:JvMMjZKPwVM## [Music] be well good morning everyone and welcome to the seal County border of County Commission meeting here October 22nd 2024 hopefully everybody and including your families are have now made their way through the unfortunate hurricane events that we've had in our community here in the past a couple weeks and are well on your way to finding uh brighter skies and and friend friender Horizons than what many of us have been through we'll get an update on that from Mr Alan Harris here shortly right now we're going to go to our invocation and pledge Pastor Andy serles will lead us in uh invocation and Mr John dredge will lead us in the pledge Pastor Let's uh let's pray God you have given to each of us different gifts and Graces but to those who lead you exhort us to lead with all diligence so God we ask this morning that you will help us to lead diligently where there is tension help us bring resolution where there is anxiety help us bring calm where there is frustration help us bring peace where there is complexity help us find the simple path where there is confusion give us Clarity and where there is potential give us opportunity help us to lead our County today God with all diligence so that those that we serve will have the greatest opportunity to flourish and it's in your name we pray amen amen Mr TR please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance I pleased ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all thank you both very much we sincerely appreciate your willingness Pastor to come in and lead us in the invocation and Mr dredge for leading us into the pledge next I'm going to ask Mr Allan Harris our director of Emergency Management to come down and just give us a a quick briefing on how things are wrapping up at the Emergency Operations Center and through the community thank you chairman Commissioners alen Harris director of Emergency Management uh hurricane Milton of course hit us a few weeks ago we are still recovering from that uh some folks are still responding to that is the flood flooded areas are remain flooded and they will slowly go down over a period of time it will not look like it's going down day to day but over weeks it will start to go down and um the one good thing that I can say is that we have received from the National Weather Service that the crest has occurred all along the St John's river from Sanford to Lake Harney so it is going down some of our closed Basin lakes also remain quite high right now and those will go down as well but but that is a slow process there is no forecast right now for the water to increase but of course if there are rain showers heaven forbid that occurs we'll have to look at how we respond to that I want to thank all of our partners I don't go through each and every one of them there's just too many of them but during the event uh we opened up numerous shelters special need shelters general population shelters and enhanced medical shelters and staffed over 895 people in those shelters we still have one family that that's actually being sheltered right now their home was destroyed uh during the event due to a tree inside of their home uh we received about $30 million wor the residential damage during Hurricane Milton uh we've been working closely with FEMA to set up popup registration centers for individuals to get assistance uh if they fill out if they need to fill out an application uh so far over 16,000 applications have been filled out or at least started here in Simo County and that continues to grow day by day uh Saturday and Sunday we had a popup site at the rural Heritage Center in Geneva I want to thank specifically the rural Heritage Center because they've been a focal point for appointed Distribution food water tarps uh as well as a FEMA site as well as a comfort station a lot of the folks out there there uh are on well and septic so that provides them a space where they can get showers and restrooms and washer dryers things like that so it it really helps the individuals that are out in that Community uh today we are at Westside and yesterday we were at the Westside Community Center uh boys and girls club in Sanford and that was open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. uh and then we'll be moving to um Forest City uh 7day Adventist Church uh to cover the Altamont Springs Apopka uh waka area there was a lot of of damage in that area from debris seemed like most of the debris was on the west side of the County uh when we did our quick damage assessment there is debris other places don't get me wrong but it looked like a lot of it was on the west side of the county which was pretty consistent with Orange County's damage assessment which uh they had a lot of damage in the Apopka area for some reason so it seem pretty consistent in that area that there was a lot of damage so we are opening that point of distribution I'm sorry that uh FEMA site that FEMA site will be open um for the next uh a couple days after today um we uh rece so far we picked up about 15,000 cubic yards of debris so we are out there we are picking up debris uh Solid Waste is doing an excellent job with our vendors to do that uh I know 15,000 cubic yards of debris that's hard to picture so two Goodyear blimps uh we have to put it in those terms right so we picked up two Goodyear blimps so far of debris so um I want to thank Kim and her team for for their strong support with that we also have the Army Core Blue Roof program that's open here in the county so far 20 applications there uh where they put the uh blue uh tarp roof over the the damaged uh roof structure and uh so we're working with those clients in the Army courp to to move that forward so that's a quick snapshot of what's going on EOC still operational great respond to it any inquiries Mr Harris good job keep it up thank you absolutely I would say thank you thank your team thank you to all the staff at the county and the public doesn't always understand that during these Unfortunate Events everybody at the county Works doing something related to the storm backing up other divisions helping in other areas that may not necessarily be the focal point of the actual storm but business still has to take place on behalf of the citizens so thank you to all the the County Employees the Sheriff's Office our firefighters and First Responders and by the way congratulations on your Congressional accommodation thank you uh that Congressman Mills brought and presented to you so now your name for your ancestors will forever be in in the Library of Congress thank you very much so congratulations thank you Mr conin thank you um congratulations as everybody um has indicated already Alan and always a great job by you your staff and the entire staff of seal County I think it's significant and I just want you to say how many sandbags we gave out over the course of time because I think it's it was amazing when I heard how many they were yeah it was it was the the most so far it was it topped inan 300 thou 300,000 over 300,000 sandbags were given out we still have a sandbag operation open right now at silven Lake uh Park so you can still go to Sil Lake Park and get sandbags if you need them uh hopefully there will not be additional rain but we still have that one open we just closed yesterday maybe the day before they kind of merged together after a while but it was either yesterday or the day before we closed the Geneva site in the Wayside Park and that was all in conjunction with the cities to yes so it's a combin in Simo County it's a combined effort everybody working together yes sir great thank you Alan we appreciate one thing real quick um thank you uh Mr chairman Alan you also have some good news that um that you just received some accreditation I think we I just received it last night so if you would like to share with the board I was going to do it this afternoon but since you're up here go ahead and well thank you sir I appreciate that so we're super excited uh we are one of only two counties to have no findings and our accreditation on-site review in the entire country that's pretty cool we are accredited an emergency management and accredit agency received a perfect score uh for uh from our team wow so yeah my team back you Stephen Aaron you know them Katherine uh just amazing amazing people put we put lots of hours into to doing that so thank you so much that was good stuff congratulations thank you thank you fabulous great next up we are going to go to our proclamations first is going to be our uh Proclamation proclaiming specialist Dennis Woodham United States Army at seminal County's October veteran of the month this will will be read by commissioner lockart then we will go to uh Veterans Day Proclamation by commissioner Constantine once we conclude both of those we will ask the veterans to come down for a photograph we will take separate photographs for the um uh month honor versus all the veterans at one time so thank you all very much for being here commissioner lockart um Commissioners it is my honor to move the following proclamation of the seal County Board of count Commissioners recognizing United States Army specialist Dennis woodcome for his outstanding service to the United States and seal County whereas the brave men and women of our army navy Marines Air Force Coast Guard and space force demonstrate a Resolute spirit and unmatched selflessness reminding us there are few things more American than giving of ourselves to make a difference in the lives of others and whereas throughout our country's history generations of service members have answered a call to leave their families their jobs and put their Futures and even their lives on the line to valiantly defend our nation and whereas for many service members the sacrifice has ended in permanent injury or death yet their Spirit remains in the continued preservation of our freedoms and the promise of Liberty and whereas there are more than 30,000 living veterans in seminol County who served our nation in times of peace and War through their service they kept America strong and whereas specialist Dennis woodcome was an an equipment specialist in the United States Army from 1970 to 1973 where he served one tour in Vietnam he has multiple decorations including the Army Commendation Medal Vietnam service medal with three stars Vietnam campaign medal and the Vietnam Cross of gallantry with palm unit citation and whereas specialist Dennis woodcome after separating from the US Army held various occupations which include the US Navy's Atlantic underseas testing and evaluation program the US Air Forces Titan missile program and Air Force civil service at Patrick space force base in 2013 he also completed an advanced standing master of Social Work degree at age 62 and whereas specialist Dennis woodcome is the current post service officer at the American Legion Post 53 in Sanford a volunteer on the seminal County veterans advisory Council the sein county homeless veteran standown committee and the retired senior volunteer program additionally since 2016 he has been the seminal County veterans treatment Court Mentor coordinator where he is responsible for assigning mentors to clients who are in court diversion programs and whereas specialist Dennis woodcome has brought great credit and distinction upon himself the United States of America the United States Army and seol County now therefore be it proclaimed that we the board of County commissioners of seol County Florida express our gratitude admiration and respect for specialist Dennis woodcome for his outstanding service to the United States Army and the residents of seal County be it further proclaimed that this Proclamation be is presented to specialist Dennis woodcome along with our sincere congratulations and recognition as seminal County's veteran of the month adopted this 22nd day of October 2024 second motion second all those in favor I oppose like sign hearing none pass unanimous congratulations and thank you speci with please feel free to come to the podium and share some words with us [Laughter] sir uh my wife my wife couldn't make it here this morning but you know um like uh if it wasn't for her support you know none of what I've ever been able to to accomplish what have happened you know and so I you know I'd like to go ahead and thank her uh I'd like to thank uh the members of post 53 uh for allowing me to be their veteran service officer uh the veterans treatment court is an amazing program that seel county has it's one of the best rated and uh I'm privileged to lead the uh mentors and the mentors they're unsung heroes to me they're they're all veterans and they're all volunteers and they give their time and their effort you know uh I especially would like to thank uh the folks from the uh s County Veteran service office um they're the ones who provided the example for me to do the work that I do so basically all I really am doing is just passing on what was given to me and thank you thank you thank you hey commissioner Constantine thank you commissioner and it is my honor to uh move the following proclamation of the seino County Board of County Commissioners proclaiming November 11th 2024 Veterans Day in seol County Florida and recognizing seminol County veterans for their outstanding service to the United States whereas at 11:00 a.m. on November 11th 1918 after 4 years of bitter conflict the world rejoiced and celebrated the signing of the Armistice of the Allied Forces and the Federal Republic of Germany for the secession of World War One and whereas to remember the sacrifices that men and women made to ensure lasting peace on November 11th 1919 woodro Wilson the 28th president proclaimed arm Day in the United States and whereas on June 4th 1926 the United States Congress passed a concurrent resolution requesting that Calvin kulage the 30th President issue another proclamation in order to observe November 11th with all the appropriate ceremonies and whereas on May 13th 1938 20 20 years after World War I Congress passed an act making November 11th in each year a Federal holiday a day to be dedicated to the cause of World Peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as Armistice Day and whereas in order for a Grateful Nation to pay homage to Veterans of all wars on June 1st 1954 Dwight Eisenhower the 34th president signed into law a bill introduced by US Representative Edwin Reese from Kansas renaming armus day to Veterans Day and whereas in 1971 Richard Nixon the 37th president declared Veterans Day to be observed on the second Monday in November and whereas because the commodation of a Veterans Day was a matter of historic and patriotic significance on September 20th 1975 Gerald Ford the 38th president signed Public Law 94-97 887 statute 479 which returned the annual observance of Veterans Day to its original date of November 11th and whereas approximately 200,000 service members transitioned to civilian communities and annually and studies indicate that a high percentage of service members experience high levels of stress during transition from military to civilian life active military service members transitioning from military service are at a high risk for suicide during their first year after military service and whereas the National Association of counties and the National Association of County Veteran service officers invite the community to join operation Greenlight and show support for veterans by by lighting our buildings Green from November 4th through November 11th and whereas seol County appreciates the sacrifices of our United States military personnel and Bel believe specific recognition should be granted now therefore be it proclaimed that the seminal County Board of County Commissioners does hereby designate November 11th 2024 as veteran day in seol County Florida and calls upon seol County residents to honor the contributions of current and former members of the United States armed forces second motion second all those in favor I oppose like Signs seeing none carries unanimous thank you all very much and if you're a veteran please stand to be recognized bless thank you and um Mr woodam if you'll join us down on the on the floor for a photograph then we'll get all the veterans up and get a big photograph of everyone o [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh e [Music] [Music] as everyone makes their way either out of the chambers or back to their chairs you know we have to reflect upon the the the service of these individuals that have allowed us to be able to gather here today peacefully and have the freedoms that we have in this country it's it's because of individuals like this our veterans that have made this possible and continue to make this possible for the American people so uh a great debt of gratitude to all of you and thank you again next we will move to our investment advisor do we have Mr McIntyre queued up on Team Zoom or one he's here oh that's right he's coming this week I forgot you said you will be here this week person he wanted to get out of Texas yeah good morning very much good morning I'm glad everybody made it looking around it really looks like this was this was spare and thoughts and prayers were certainly pointed in your direction I hope that helped indeed uh if you saw me standing up when you were talking about the veterans I I inadvertently did that I was standing up to applaud them so many people around me thought that's what we were doing but SP good owning it was really important though so we're glad you did that your draft C to be pulled tomorrow okay so where are we um obviously a lot of volatility going on um election is coming up and honestly I think the analysts have taken a hard look at the data and realize that I mentioned this before but both candidates have platforms that are very inflationary and are adding to the national debt so um the market is the 10year note this morning was at uh 417 that's about 65 basis points higher than the day after the FED cut 50 basis points if you can contemplate that of course we we operate on the short end and um that has also moved higher I think that there's so much uncertainty and so much uh debt out there that the market is just having trouble digesting things and they're going to need some time I'm I'm not real optimistic about a calm Market uh three weeks out I think we we've got a lot of settling in to do so the FED meets in two weeks um we expect a 25 basis point rate cut I think that would be more disruptive if it didn't cut than uh than if they did so I think they're going to move forward and feed members have come up and and found podiums and have pretty much been on the same um song book as far as that's concerned obviously rate cuts are positive for the economy um mortgage rates are actually higher they go in lock step with the 10e so interestingly enough um we're probably 50 basis points off the recent lows on a 30-year fixed so um one of the reasons is that inflation is not coming down that the FED had that 50 basis point jumbo rate cut because a they felt like the labor market was weakening and B they felt like inflation was in check core inflation has actually crept gently higher each of the last three months very very gently that excludes uh food and energy prices so it's expected to be more representative of underlying inflation that's a little bit of a concern to the market right now overall inflation is moving lower at 2.4% year-over-year but a lot of that has to do with gasoline prices which is settled in not sure how long that necessarily is going to last but nevertheless a little bit of an upturn since the last time we talked and in the inflation rate uh again I mentioned that the Fed was able to cut because they felt like the labor market was weakening and then we got a great big solid uh employment report for the month of September not only only did 254,000 jobs get added to to non-front payrolls but there were revisions upward revisions the previous two months and the unemployment rate fell to 4.51 which rounds up to 4.1 um a couple months ago was 4.3 so unemployment at least in the headline number seems to moving downward and again that probably puts it limits how much the FED can cut so um the market is is fact to that end this is just for you to take a quick look at I highlighted a couple things this is the last Bloomberg survey as of September 25th there's going to be another one Friday I would guess that the Friday will look quite a bit different I think that these uh economists are going to believe that interest rates and yields are going to be slightly higher the economy does not seem to be crumbling that's a plus um but of course an economy that's operating well um really does generate probably a little bit more inflation than we' like to see right now so um as you can see yields are higher than they've been um pool rates are lower as a result of the FED cutting by 50 basis points the thought going forward is that yields are not going to get as low in 2025 as people thought that they would be a month or two ago I really don't know a lot of that's going to depend on who's elected it's going to depend on in the event that Trump is is back in the White House Trump would like to see lower interest rates he will be able to influence who the FED chairman is and and that's that's a pretty easy bridge over to understanding that he would prefer a Fed chairman who is likely to cut rates other than keep them the same and cut fairly dramatically so we'll see that's the big wild card I I think is who winds up getting elected so you're you're spending money you've had your your Sheriff's draw you've had a number of expenses um as as I've talked to the controllers off or to the the clerk's office which is a good thing um your 80% fixed Investments you're about 20% variable rate Investments That is generally like where you'd want to be for liquidity purposes um as I roll forward I didn't factor in your big draw so you're actually for the month of November going to be below 20% liquidity so we're in a good place uh we're also in a place that's very uncertain uh I would I would having talked to the clerk's office I think we're good sitting till your next meeting which is after the election I don't know where rates are going to be I can't even begin to imagine you can make a really good case it'll be dramatically higher you can make a case that they'll be lower but for right now given the fact that we have done some investing given the fact that you do have a a portfolio of fixed income securities I think it's going to make sense to hold I just want to mention before I end here that that your year right now is 482 on the portfolio on the overall portfolio and um the the 2-year treasury note got down to 355 uh recently so you're in a pretty good position what we really wanted to do was be in position for next year and and honestly I'll be back in front of you virtually at the November meeting and we'll we'll talk again so I'm um we're not asking to purchase any securities at this point in time you are in a drain period you're spending money uh you know in a perfect situation we're we're seeing opportunity and saying let's put more on longer but for right now I think we're okay staying where we are great any inquiries Mr McIntyre seeing none I go to board action chairman i' like to make a motion to implement the recommendation of the financial advisor presented here today based on a report submitted and recommend the clerk to implement said what recommendations second second any further questions seeing none all those in favor I oppose like sign carries unanimous thank you Mr McIntyre safe travels thank you all thank you all right next up is our consent agenda items Mr County Manager are there any updates to the consent agenda thank you uh Mr chairman Commissioners yes just one uh change and that's item number 10 under Community Services we're going to pull that one we'll be bringing that one back to the board but poll number 10 yes other than that everything else is fine okay any commissioner want to have a need to pull any of the consent items commissioner delari Mr chairman i' like to pull on item number 13 for discussion number 13 anyone else all right seeing none we will go to to the county attorney for reading of the public participation on the consent agenda good morning everyone floor to law provides the members of the public shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard on propositions before the board of County Commissioners except when the board is acting on emergency or ministerial matters or conducting a meeting exempt from the requirements of the Sunshine Law individuals shall be permitted 3 minutes each for public comment or 6 minutes when the individual is an official representative of a formal Association or group the chairman May modify the maximum time for public comment at his sole discretion when appropriate public comments on quasi judicial or other public hearing items will occur during the board's consideration of those items this afternoon public comments on pending procurement matters or on non-agenda items shall not be permitted at this time members of the public Desiring to make public comment must fill out a speaker form and present the form to staff forms are available in the lobby Mr chairman thank you Mr T the uh any public engagement Desiring to speak on this consent agenda written comment being passed around and no additional speakers no additional speakers with that said there there is a a question that probably deserves to be addressed sure well we'll get to that then okay I'll let you address that when we're done we'll close public comment and go to board action Mr I move to approve items 4 through 22 with the exception of 10 and 13 second motion second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppose like sign carries unanimously next item up is uh item 13 commissioner delar you desire to have this pulled for further conversation yes Mr chairman first of all it's just about the uh o Economic Development uh group on our agenda uh it commits us to paying a little over $400,000 $46,000 and looking at the performance reports uh first quarter SEC third quarter and second quarter there are some discrepancies in it and just in the first quarter alone it says here job creation is zero but I know that in the first quarter of last year we did approve uh jgi of uh exam room Ai and I know know that there's at least 162 jobs that were created uh those should be uh reported in the uh reports but more importantly the reason why I asked this to be pulled first of all I think oep is doing a good job but we should have a bigger discussion and I know we needed to be doing a work session coming up on economic development and I like to have that conversation about where and what we're going to be doing for economic development for next year before we commit to spending another 400 6,000 for o uh to make sure we have the right performance levels in uh in place so we can actually track it so we can actually look at what we're trying to do in relation to oep as well and so that's the reason I like to continue this until we have our briefing with our staff for the work session about what we're doing next year for the economic development okay any other input from any of the commissioners commissioner her I actually think that the notion of doing a work session is important I think the measurements are difficult to set with regard to this work I think a significant amount of it is US deciding where our focus is I think there's transition in that area within our organization but there's no question in my mind that the organization that we're going to do this with is Zoe So postponing the decision that's in front of us today the the the two are are not connected in terms of a work session and US figuring out where we want to be directed as opposed to who it is we're going to do the work with in my opinion I would think that we would pass this and then still do the work that we need to do any other input the only thing that I'd like to add Mr chairman is that it's hard to set measurable uh data points if we don't know the direction that we're taking internally sir commissioner lockart um I had an opportunity in my briefing with the folks from oep to talk about benchmarks and metrics and I I think there are some folks here from the organization that if they are interested in addressing that uh maybe they'd like to have the opportunity to do it I I think that um The Briefing I had was very positive and I feel like they've made some changes in their organization as well that will help to improve um that specific concern well I you know I'm I've been briefed as much as I care to be briefed on it um if the commissioner needs an addition briefing I'm I'm sure oep would be happy to do that um I understand trying to measure uh the benefit can sometimes be a challenging one but it also is is beholden to us to help lead that charge and direct uh and focus oep uh for what we are looking for and I think Trisha and her group and G and those folks have done a good job in interacting with oep uh and and moving that ball now that said we have to remember you know as a region simol county is not the gorilla in the room uh so you have to understand that you know there's going to be bigger things happening in Orange County uh Oola County and there's a number of reasons for that not only are there a bigger Market but they have a lot bigger economic engine than what seol county does um so you know I will be supporting this moving forward if there is a motion made commissioner Constantine well I will make that motion but before I do that I think all the comments are good and I understand that commissioner delori you know once to um looking at setting benchmarks and other things in my discussions with oep and and we all you know have had this year in year out you know we can always improve but the fact of the matter is is that as the chairman pointed out we are in a region um this you know we are we are team players in this region especially when it becomes uh when it comes to Economic Development and and as a matter of fact I feel very comfortable in competing with our fellow counties not not in a way where we're trying to take from them but when we attract businesses to Central Florida individuals will select this County to live in especially small businesses will select this County to open up uh their their their Commerce and so I think that when we work together in this in in a region like Central Florida we all can benefit and so therefore I will make the motion to approve item 13 second motion second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppose like sign I all right passes four to one thank you all very much for being here and now I'm going to ask Allison if if if you could come up real quick and just stand by in case we need you for answering some questions but the County Attorney is going to answer the question that was posed uh by a citizen a few moments ago on the consent agenda Mr Tor the question that was presented was to the the request was to explain the benefit to seal County to allow bonds to be I think the word is fronted by valua and Oola so there were three agenda items on uh today's agenda consent agenda where the county the board is authorizing valua County Housing Finance Authority and Oola County Finance Authority to issue bonds for affordable housing projects located in seminal County seal County does not have its own Housing Finance Authority um any County can create one by ordinance and Valia has done so and so has aola um they are authorized those housing authorities of the other counties are authorized to operate within seal County and since seal doesn't have its own Housing Finance Authority Under statute and federal tax law the seminal Board of County Commissioners has to consent to bond financing by those other County Housing Finance authorities because the projects that they're financing are going to be constructed within the jurisdictional boundaries of seal County so the benefit is that it promotes these Housing Finance authorities promote more affordable housing projects to be constructed within our County the debt that is being issued is being issued to uh nonprofit organizations or affordable housing developers the county is not taking on any debt when we approve these it's a it's very much a perfunctory approval to allow these bonds to be issued for these projects that are being constructed in our County but it is not um this the countyy is not taking on debt and the county has no liability should these Developers default on their obligations thank you Mr Tor Alison do you have anything additional to add to that um good morning Allison Thal Community Services director um I I do not have anything to add other than I will tell you it's it's very beneficial to our whole affordable housing attainable housing program so we we support our developers who are able to bring these tax credit units into the county sure thank you very much thank you well a little history for those of us been around there used to be a Housing Authority in this community that is now defunct um that's a whole another topic because of misappropriations of funds and all kinds of crazy things that that happened many years ago uh that's long before you all were were here so there there's a whole history that goes back behind that um but to to sum up I think for for the public is we are simply authorizing them to act as the the the arm that is doing the funding and we are not assuming any debt on behalf of the citizens of this County that so hopefully that satisfies the question there next we're going to move to presentations next item up is the public sleeping and camping update Miss Trisha Johnson Deputy County manager will give us the overview good morning chairman Commissioners Trisha Johnson Deputy County manager today I'm going to provide you with a brief overview and update regarding public sleeping and camping legislation that passed Florida's legislature in its 2024 session so what does House Bill 1365 allow this legislation allows a county to designate property owned by the county or a municipality within that County's boundaries for the purposes of public sleeping and camping I had the opportunity to hear from the Bill's sponsor Representative Sam Garrison earlier this year he noted that this legislation will not eliminate homelessness it's simply a tool that local governments may use to preserve and protect protect public spaces while also managing one of the many components of the difficult problem of chronic homelessness Governor D Santa signed this legislation in March most of its Provisions are effective October 1st it's important to note that this new law provides that a County May designate property for public sleeping en camp however counties are not required to do so this has been Mis misrepresented in the media a few times recently so I want to be clear that counties are not required to designate a public site for camping and sleeping however in order to establish such a site it must meet certain criteria it must be certified by Department of Children and Families the local entity must demonstrate that there is not sufficient open beds and shelters within that County I have been asked how do we dem demonstrate that and unfortunately I have not been successful in achieving an answer which leads me to believe there may not be one but if I'm able to secure an answer I will certainly follow up with this board the county M must also ensure the safety and security of the site and those that are lodging on it sanitation must be provided and maintained which includes running water and clean restrooms access to Behavioral Health Services must be provided which includes mental and substance abuse resources and illegal substances and Al alcohol are prohibited so what does House Bill 1365 then prohibit a county or municipality is prohibited from authorizing or otherwise allowing any person to regularly engage in overnight public sleeping or camping on any public outdoor property and rights of way under the jurisdiction of that County or municipality this does not include individuals who are sleeping for two hours on a public bench this does not include individuals sleeping in their car this does not include individuals camping at a designated public campsite and finally it does not include individuals sleeping on private property as you know earlier this summer the US Supreme Court heard a case challenging the constitutionality of similar restrictions in Grants Pass Oregon for the record I wanted to mention that the Supreme Court ruled that that ordinance barring camping on public property are constitutional and do not violate the eth amendment restriction on cruel and unusual punishment therefore reinforcing Florida's new legislation so effective January 1st 2025 a County resident a county business owner or the Attorney General may bring a civil action to order the county or municipality from authorizing public sleeping or camping without designating property for that purpose however it's important to note the county or municipality must fail to take all unreason reasonable actions within the limits of its governmental Authority I'll get to that on our next slide and the county municipality has up to five business days to cure the alleged violation once written notice is received we have a working group of individuals from community services county manager's Office county attorney's office as well as the Sheriff's Office each municipality and our partners not for-profit Partners who really focus on homelessness Services who've come together to determine and implement the best approach for proactive enforcement unfortunately at this time there are more questions than answers but the good news is we're not alone in that uh the bill sponsor has stated that the legislation was intentionally written to not require a one- siiz fits-all solution to this the bill is left open by Design so that local governments can learn best practices from one another as communities address this issue based on what works for their location there have been some discussions and let me State just discussions at this time that this legislation may be Revisited during the 2025 session which commences in March there are two factors that may be discussed a funding mechanism for such sites if a county or municipality chooses to uh create a public camping site and also to clarify the language around the who is responsible for homelessness the bill really puts a lot of ownership on counties and we know that is not simply a County's responsibility but also cities and business owners and community members so that language may be Revisited this this uh legislative session but of course that remains to be seen as I mentioned in the previous slide a local government must take every action within their authority to cure a violation so the role of board Comm Board of County Commissioners as you know with respect to this legislation is to execute the necessary ordinances to reflect the requirements of state law and the policies and procedures for notifying the sheriff or mun ipal police departments when a perceived violation has occurred several counties and cities have already or in the process of updating their code of ordinances to reflect this new law so that then the sheriff's office or Municipal Police Department know what they need to do to then enforce the legislation with that staff recommends the seminal county code of ordinances be amended to expressly prohibit public camping and sleeping on County property and rights of weight consistent with the requirements of the new legislation and with that I conclude my presentation thank you Miss Johnson any inquiries of Miss Johnson at this time commissioner lart well one thing that um I think is also interesting that has been omitted and correct me if if I'm misinterpreting this but it is not in this statute prohibited for people to be sleeping or camping on state property is that true that is correct okay it's it's local government County City yes are you advocating equal treatment under the law well I'm just no she's just pointing out the obvious pointing out that um you we have a lot of property in seol County where property we own AB buts state-owned property and um it's just a it's just an observation for future conversation we have some quite large state parks don't we same M Dominique is there anyone here that desires to speak on this matter from the public no sir seeing none we'll close public comment and move to board Direction board members what are we what I believe the recommend I'm sorry are we look direction we're looking for direction yes we need to adjust the ordinances to accommodate state law second all in favor I I have we talked about what those are are we going to be going to be a little bit more specific and talking with they'll come back to us all we're doing is giving direction to move forward continue to work on this okay is that your understanding yes yes sir I'm so sorry I thought we'd already done that previously but I okay right all good well thank you very much thank you enjoy the rest of your day I want to recognize um another elected official that happens to be in the audience today Mr Matt McMillan from the city of Longwood thank you for attending today sir uh good to see you I don't believe we have any other elected officials as I look around the room try try to catch yall when you sneak in our next item is going to be the rescue Outreach Mission update and this is going to be put forward by Mr Chris ham Mr ham thank you Mr chairman for the record I am Chris ham executive director of rescue Outreach Mission I want to thank you all so much for welcoming here and personally and professionally over the last three years as I've served as executive director I want to thank you for your support I was brought on board in January of 22 but your support and your care continues even before that today we're going to look back a little look where we're at and hopefully look towards the future together if you will recall back in 2018 and 19 things started looking very dire for the rescue Outreach Mission and in 2020 this commission and the Sheriff's Office really stepped up to the plate to St in the Gap to ensure that we would remain open and operating as our only homeless emergency shelter in our County you were very grateful in securing arpa funding for us and in 20202 when I arrived I was employee number seven today we have about 25 employees or 26 we just brought on somebody the other day uh when when we started all of our residents at that time were instructed to leave the campus between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning and return on 400 p.m. for dinner and we are averaging around 60 residents per night we had maybe one or two working computers and the donor database that I was handed when I walked in the door was a piece of paper with four names written on it today we're averaging over 110 guests as we refer to them every night we do allow them to stay on our campus and off the streets of seminal County every day we reconstituted a new board in 22 that is moving forward in a very positive way as you're probably aware from some of the work with our partners with homeless service network and I know Martha is here we saw a fairly large increase in 2024 from 2023 from the point in time count a 53% increase that's due significantly to the fact that the fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment from 2019 to 2024 climbed $700 a month the increase in those who are experiencing homelessness is directly attributed to the lack of affordable retainable housing which I was thrilled to see that you just passed that bond issue to add more units into our Market that's going to greatly help the citizens of C seal County so thank you for that but due to the current fact that rent is on a rise mortgages are going up my own mortgage at my house here in Seal County due to Insurance just went up $500 a month and that's a huge increase for my family of five where we live and absorbing that is going to be a challenge and so just have imagine that for families that are living on the edge and really the role of rescue Outreach mission is I like to think of us as an emergency room a trauma informed Care Emergency Room of a hospital our guests as we call them now because guests are shortterm they're not residents they come to us often in crisis experiencing trauma the loss of your stable home sleeping in your car sleeping on the streets can create unsurmountable obstacles and Trauma for many of our guests that come in our doors and our staff is fantastic and I'm very proud of the hard work that they do to show respect compassion and dignity to every single person that walks inside of our doors we work hard to equip and Empower and not enable individuals we're also thrilled that we can operate as a cold weather shelter when we had that dip in temperature last week we had 25 additional people show up we're also thrilled that we can partner with with the office of emergency management and our very excellent director Alan Harris to help out the unhoused unsheltered population when Milton came through we opened up our doors so we wouldn't have to open up Emergency Shelters in the county and we added any additional guests when Helen came in we had an additional 40 individuals that were unhoused that came to us for that time period that we were able to help out in partnership with Emergency Management and yet we remain committed to our core which is to find permanent affordable housing for those in need in our community we're proud of our board as you already indicated mayor Matt McMillan is our current chair um we have got a great Board of folks from businesses from colleges from faith-based organizations and truly committed caring leaders who come alongside every single day to help us in our work of providing a safe shelter and a path to a home some threeyear statistics for you and originally we were supposed to come O October 8th and so I actually have some updated statistics for you and I'll be happy to share those with you when we originally submitted our proposal we didn't have those yet so I have those and I'll give those to the clerk that she can share with yall so as you can see I like trend lines to see in 21 obviously we prepared 27,000 meals and this year we're actually projecting to serve about 104,000 for our guest that's on the paper that we just got for you we just did our September numbers so year to date actually our meals prepared is 78,000 we provided over 26,1 shelter bed nights for Neighbors in our community we'll do about 38,000 this year uh men women and children aided uh we have provided 561 services to men women and children we're projecting between 750 800 and this is the most important number that I like to show is transitioning into permanent housing so when we started in 2022 and we really started getting serious about what it means to be a housing focused agency as you can see in 21 we helped 70 individuals find permanent housing in 22 23 1 in 23 222 and as I just placed in front of you year-to date 174 individuals they're no longer sleeping on the streets in tents or in hotels but in permanent housing and this year I'm actually projecting that we should be able to help out over 238 individuals um as I visit with other shelters and other agencies um our staff really does amazing work in caring for our our neighbors in need and those statistics are are pretty amazing I like to think as I talk to other folks around the community as you just heard from Trisha about the new law that was passed and addressing homelessness without us and I'm grateful that we can work hand inand with your staff really fortunate that you've got a fantastic County manager and your staff in community services is second to none and we've been able to have some healthy conversations around this and a lot of what we're doing like Trisha just mentioned is that we're kind of in a wait and see we do operate over 115 beds and we regularly open up for additional Cs and we're still remain committed to that work and I think we can all admit that no one should be sleeping outside we live in the greatest county and the greatest State the greatest nation of the world and none of us want to be like Washington DC and a variety of reasons but especially when you visit I visited with my children in the lake BR the band a couple years ago and saw tons of folks camping everywhere when you go out to California or Portland we don't want to be that so the good news about this bill I think is it gives us an opportunity to have conversations around this important issue for our neighbors in need and so we are here ready and willing to work together but funding as you know is always limited I mentioned when I arrived we had one or two working computers I was handed a piece of paper with four names on it for a donor database it came from an agency that had over 20,000 names in their donor database and we've grown we've over almost 1500 names in our donor database we had our lunch last week that many of you attended thank you very much for that we're actually proud to announce that at that luncheon we will net over150 ,000 over the next 5 years in pledges and gifts and this year alone we're going to realize $87,000 just this year alone so we are doing some amazing work I like to think in our fundraising and it's due to some corporations like these from Grants and Foundations everyone from the Orlando Magic to the father's table Foundation here locally has come alongside and you can see all of these and are in your packet I'm also proud of the year-to-year revenue comparison that we like to show from 22 to now our first year we raised 173,000 and then 416 and then January through September was 429 We Are projecting $ to 700,000 this year alone we have been selected as an award winner for the national philanthropy day Association of fundraising professionals as the creating change category in just a few weeks we'll be celebrating with our probably 6 to 700 other individuals in the Tri County Area for the hard work that we're doing I really like to think that we're almost like a startup when we started three years ago and starting from nothing to this is um honestly pretty amazing we're also thrilled that on Friday thanks to your support we're going to be part of the new empowering good program to the Edith Bush foundation with a group of other local nonprofits here in County and we'll be spending all day with our senior staff focusing on that empowering good program and I want to say thank you for that that's terribly important Mr ham how much longer do you have here I'm a retired minister so I can take I'll take two minut I know that okay thank you I'll go fast all right uh here's our 2025 budget Uh current is 27,000 we're projecting corporations individuals donors about 800 uh which is about a total of a million 25 um our current expected expenses are 1.6 million so we're looking at a shortfall of about 600,000 I view us as a four-legged stool that's why I have that up there I think government corporations individuals and Faith Partners uh my next slide is a um f minute video that I'm going to skip you guys can watch it on your own I'll see past it um but I will end with one quick story if that's okay Mr chair let me tell you about Jessica who is a seminal County resident who came to us this spring she's been married for 15 years she met her husband in kindergarten in public schools he was working two jobs and she lost her job and they couldn't afford the $2,000 a month because they had four children as they were looking for apartments the rent was over $2,300 a month which means she needed to save $6 to $7,000 to move in her husband was working to jobs one of which was for our one of our local municipalities a very good job but not nearly enough to cover their rent the maximum people you can put in a bedroom is two people so they were forced to find one they attempted to live in some of our local hotels but they were spending six to $700 a week on that plus food they came to us that began to save their income her husband was able to save from his two jobs he was working in the morning and then coming back showering and heading out for another 8 hour shift the staff our case managers Christine and Caitlyn and our other team really came alongside and and worked with this family to help a find a place to live their children are enrolled in our public schools here and today they're thriving living in their own apartment that we help them find so behind all those numbers that I shared with you that's what we do every day yes as we help our neighbors in need and we're desperately needed in this community because if rescue Outreach mission is not there that's an additional 5 six 7 800 individuals who be out on the streets of seal County uh I do want to recognize we have our former board chair Michael Towers with us our director of shelter Services Christine schaer and our current board chair mayor Matt McMillan and I stand ready for questions any inquiries from the board commissioner lockart um thank you so much Chris I was one of the Commissioners who had the privilege of serving on the rescue Outreach Outreach Mission board in its prior form and I can tell you that I have just seen your board grow Leaps and Bounds and you're doing amazing things and with commissioner her um serving in that capacity representing this board we are we are very well represented and she's probably the best Advocate you could possibly have serving with you so Kudos on that um one of the things I I think we need to be talking about and maybe giving staff some some insight into at least I'll give give you a peek inside my brain um the public camping law and how it correlates to ROM is is a little gray for me for a couple of reasons and preface everything I'm about to say with I fully support you you're an incredible asset we can't do this without you we need to put more resources toward homelessness now I will say I'm not sure that all of the folks who will be um needing to be moved living Outdoors a want to be moved I'm not sure what our strategy is with the sheriff's office or other law enforcement on moving them without their will and I'm not sure that they would be eligible to stay at ROM because of some of their prior interaction with law enforcement so as we're having this conversation about that camping ordinance or or the the ordinances that we're going to be putting in place to be moving forward to help us deal with the new state law there is definitely a piece for Rah to be to play a role in that because there certainly will be folks who will have to we will have to be standing up ROM to accommodate for those but but how do you see Rah if at all being playing a role for those folks who may not qualify or be willing to accept your services sure let me address the the barriers our only barriers are a charge of conviction of a violent offense like murder charge of conviction of arson because we're congregate living in charge of conviction of a sex offense um we have upwards of 30 children per night and we're 1600 ft from groom's Academy which is just beyond the sex ofender border of 1500 ft and I want all those people protected so I'm Notting that we collocate we are not as long as I'm there we are not because that is just not acceptable to me um and many of the folks don't necessarily fit in those categories that don't have those barriers um that we come across so I think that's a very small subpopulation of those folks that you're thinking about um we stand ready and willing and we're trying to work with the city of Sanford to increase our capacity as much as possible within current fire code regulations we're in the process of working through the city of Sanford's fire code to increase our capacity as much as possible okay any other inquiries if there's no if there's no other inquiries I'll just weigh in and say that the work that's been done by what was a skeleton board at the point that we were here and there's another name in the audience that I'm going to shout out and that is uh Mike towers and Lisa sprigs who were both part of a four or five member board at the point that I got on there that was literally digging in and crawling through the ceiling to find receipts and bills and all sorts of things to put together the financials we have uh the audit process is now uh fixed and that was a huge hurdle in terms of getting funding from other nonprofits that will not give unless the audit is clear and I would tell you that the board still has some open seats and we are very strategic about how we're placing them so the trajectory for the organization is uh very strong I think we can stand in the gap between what the state is requiring us to do and what needs to be done the better we get with the Social Service side of this the less people stay in the bed there's a piece of that that has to come into play in terms of it's not just the number of beds it's the number of nights somebody consumes a bed the occupancy rate so uh we're starting to look at that and monitor that that requires adequate Staffing in order to keep folks moving along and and by the way getting that hand up so that they're now moving through life in a better way and actually paying taxes etc etc um supporting their children and the rest of it so I think we are on an amazing path a lot of that is due to Chris's leadership standing on the shoulders of the board that was there before we all got there commissioner tari thank you Mr chairman Chris thank you very much for the update I think you and your board do a phenomenal job as well as your staff uh the question that I have is more for the county manager uh Jaren do you believe you have is proper information to so we can prepare and move forward to make whatever decisions we have to make either holistically or financially is there anything you think you need that you don't have no um in fact um as Mr ham and I meet monthly okay um and so we we this is we don't have a a magic ball and to see how this is all going to work out but he brings um me data every month and then we work to see how we're going to how this all will play out so as this moves forward if um if the board will allow me to continue working with ROM and uh Mr ham that you know if I need to bring something back to the board you know for consideration I would do that but yes I just want to make sure you have everything okay commission lockart so that I'm not missing a memo because sometimes I have to be hit upside the head with a brick bat because subtleties sometimes Escape me we've been busy with hurricanes we all missing things these last we yeah power's been does a lot to erode brain cells like lack of power um are are you asking for whether or not this board is giving direction to you to meet the request of $600,000 additional funds no okay no I know this board at the last meeting gave um you know through our community Assistance uh grants gave 200,000 to our shelters um that that 600,000 was something recently that Mr ham and I discussed it wasn't brought up through our budget process you know and stuff and which was it's fine we can you know discuss it later but um no not at this time I'm um not asking for your consideration on that unless you're giving me direction on on that no I just wanted sometimes we speak in vagaries and at the end of a board meeting staff will go back and they'll watch the video and they're like gosh we really don't know what you said so um so that we don't wind up in that situation again I just wanted to make sure we had it I tend to be on the opposite side or spectrum of vague but that said I well it's a collective Direction so I wanted to make sure so I'll go back to when this County originally got involved with ROM I was the unfortunate commissioner as a junior commissioner that was picked from the flock to to be sent over by then chairman Cary to go put some business sense over there and see if you can get this thing straightened out and uh I walked into quite frankly it was a mess financially otherwise management wise and so forth and I walked in and went oh my well what does that really mean what it means is we have community members that are wanting to do good work their desire and heart is in the right place they're not equipped to do so they may not have the management skills they may not have the business skills they don't have the fundraising skills we stood the mission up at that point um the Sheriff's Office also helped Lisa sprigs came in on the board shortly after I arrived um thank you Lisa for killing so many brain cells and working through the numbers that we were chasing all over the maps and trying to find documents everywhere um but at the end of the day you know mother Weaver had a mission and it was always this board's position that mother Weaver's Mission would be fulfilled and we would not stray away from that my concern is we are now five years into this and the commission has made it very clear that we need to see additional fundraising efforts and we have seen some movement there there's no question albe it it's been a struggle to get there that may be with appointing board members that are going to go out and raise money whatever the case might be government has a role certainly in one of the legs of those stools in helping stand up and support homeless uh shelters within this County however there's other things that need to come to bear and what I've asked our community services people to consider is when we look at the needs assessment study that was recently done last year and this commission blessed and gave certain entities certain amounts of dollars arguably there are some entities that we're giving you know pennies to $115,000 $225,000 and I question how far does that really go this community has always been a collaborative one and and we've always done so much better when we collaborate together whether it's the county and the cities and the school board whether it's the Charities I think there needs to be quite frankly some candid conversation through our staff with Rah with the other partners in our community how can they all come together with the county combine those efforts for the best outcome for this community and for those that need to be served and I understand there are certain entities that do something a little different a little more specialized and that's fine but there is certainly some overlap with a lot of these these Charities that I think should collaborate and really find the best path for this issue and it's only going to increase uh we understand that and we've got to do our best to do so but I think it's it's best that at this point ROM have continued dialogue with our staff and the staff brings something to us in in options or or how we get there I'm not interested in the government funding ROM 100% I don't know what that number is going to be but I'm a little taken back that we've gone through this needs assessment awarded $200,000 only to find out after the fact and after the budget hearing that there's $600,000 still needed that concerns me that that's that's something that should been should have been brought to us prior to the budget hearing and I don't know what the answer was did something slipped through the cracks we were not on top of it we were expecting other money to come in that didn't come in I don't know what that answer is so I'm in favor of letting the board push it to staff and continue to work with ROM and those folks to figure out and I would say reach out to our other Community Partners see if there's some overlap that we could assist each other with commissioner her or commissioner Constantine so uh the $200,000 amount was based on the total amount that was budget allocated allocated from an initial budget number that was taken from last year put into the budget for all of the homeless operations in the county and it was allocated based on beds some of the work I agree with you 100% on the number of nonprofits that we're funding and if you'll recall I advocated that we stop funding startup nonprofits because we were doing that for quite a bit of time and so then they're on a shoestring and now we have a new executive director no offense to executive directors and now we have a new staff and now we so so we're part of that problem and I think we've stopped that now um I think the request I I want to be clear that we're not funding all of Rah that the expenses are anticipated to be a million six that we think we're going to generate a million total uh that includes the 200 that was originally in there so we're we're half of it if that and it's up to the additional 600 not in addition so I don't think it will go beyond that if you want us fully functional and moving people in and out of homelessness in into the shelter and out of homelessness I should say so the less funding I think you're going to see a balloon effect elsewhere given the new law with other requirements to have folks not be on the streets um there is a significant amount of uh nonprofits in the community I would tell you we're the only right now that is the emergency shelter in the county most other uh municipalities of our size have more than one we have one and we've moved to a housing first model which is why we are fulfilling mother Weaver's Mission and going beyond that from the perspective of you cannot move people from unhoused to housed when you kick them out during the day they can't actually find work they can't go to a computer now they're just loitering so uh we've changed the entire Dynamic and that does change the expense trajectory because of the number of meals Etc so better work better outcomes measured and sustainable that's the goal commissioner conin you know I I I think we all recognize the movement the positive movement that we've seen and rescue Outreach Mission and I do concur with which I think is the uh consensus of this commission to allow the staff to continue to work with them but a number of it may have been more than a year ago uh uh when we were going through this and we were looking at not only homeless but other Charities and how their requests all seem to ask for the same thing in many cases I said why don't we put together or somebody put together a summit uh of of Charities that can sit down and see how they can interact and and and work together on maybe sharing and or uh putting to putting together some ideas as to how they can cooperate and build a cons build a a a a a system that they're working together in in um you know in in a similar goal and now that we have this law and we're going to be looking at the ordinance not only to change it for law but also to see if we can work through that law as well as Rescue Mission I think this is a coal this is is something like the you know dovetail together all of these things and I really do believe that it would be whether leadership seminar or some group or ourselves you know through our community services puts something together that they can sit down have a summit and talk about this because I can tell you in running a not not not profit not for profit so many groups um I just you know they're all they all need the same thing they don't talk to each other not because they don't want to but because they're just so busy and so I mean this this this is not directly you know to uh to the subject today that I think we've talked about um with the staff working with Rah but I do believe that all of our Charities that have some relationship with homelessness uh uh Sheltering uh camping might do well to sit down and talk to one another and see if we can cooperate commissioner lockart we'll try to wrap this up anyone else I got one more okay commissioner GL two questions what is a reasonable time frame to expect the draft ordinances if they're plural to come back to us on the camping public camping part yes well the the last two conversations and how they are some somewhat correlated what is a I don't want to I don't want to have an expectation that is unrealistic so from the county attorney and the county manager what is a reasonable time frame to expect these related topics to come back to us in ordinance form I think the goal is to bring an ordinance back to the board before the end of the calendar year because the remainder of the statute goes into effect on January 1st we want to make sure we have the right the right things in place before then okay and then my second question is actually for Carrie longsworth so can we get a date certain of no later than the second meeting in December second meeting of we only have one that's right yeah so our first meeting in December we'll have it that's going to be the goal yes good Carrie would you be willing to just run through briefly the last time staff brought together all of the nonprofit agencies for the purpose of what You' have just heard described and when that was and if you would be willing to do that again through the county manager uh good morning Commissioners Carrie longsor uh community Assistance division manager for the record um so we actually um have had social Services forums uh groups together in the past we've had different variations of them the community conversation on homelessness some of you might remember um seminal action board had several groups that spun out of that with the providers meeting together but it has definitely been preo since anything has um been brought together and met oneon-one uh we do have the working group that Trisha mentioned that does have our homeless specific providers that are dealing with those that are out on the streets or in shelter that are meeting and those are meeting a little more regularly but the overall nonprofits in the county I would say that's been four or five years since they have all convened to meet in a organized fashion okay the last time I remembered attending one of those meetings was at the community services building at um Reflections and I was on the school board at the time so I knew it had been a minute absolutely but that way I remember there was a lot of good discussion that came out of that and a lot of collaboration and and some um identification of duplication of services now whether or not those agencies agreed that they would cease duplicating those services that was up to them but it there was a lot of good things that came out of that so just so you all so the community knows it's not that we have not ever done that we do it regularly and have done it consistently and maybe time to do it again in another fashion I like it absolutely commissioner delari thank you is more for the county manager Darren uh way before you got here and way before uh Chris Han and his board got established uh when rescue Outreach ran into some Financial issues we were told at the 12th hour that they were out of money and that they weren't able to uh exist I want to make sure that that doesn't happen again so I want you to keep us informed so that we're not being told the day of a meeting that we have to make a decision that we have ample time and that they have ample time so that everyone knows what's going on sir thank you for your trust delari well I do have trust but the thing is I want to just make sure that our staff is telling us yeah real time what's happening because we can't discuss things right uh outside of a public hearing we do great staff has Direction yes thank you very much thank you all very much for being here today appreciate it very much next item up is we're going to move to our regular agenda the Fall Fest Church Nativity special oh sorry special event permit Mary Robinson or Rebecca hammock I'm playing Mary on TV today so for the record Rebecca hammock development services director um am Mary couldn't be here today so I'm going to present on her behalf um this is a request for a special event permit for the Fall Festival for Nativity Church they're requesting the special event for Friday October 25th 2024 through Sunday October 27th 2024 uh the subject property is located at 3255 North Ronald Reagan Boulevard in Longwood the subject property is located on the south side of Ronald Reagan Boulevard at the southeast intersection of country club in Ronald Reagan the applicant is requesting approval of a special event permit for the Fall Festival at the church of nativity the event includes food Raffles auctions rides and games a costume contest music and youth performances outdoor amplification of sound will be utilized during the operating hours of the event the applicant has requested a maximum of 1,000 attendees throughout the event the hours of operation are Friday 5:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday 12:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. and Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. off duty Sheriff's officers deputies will be provide security and traffic control and overnight security is being provided by a church parishioner who is a retired law enforcement officer staff is requesting that the board approve the Fall Festival special event event permit for Friday October 25th 2024 through October 27th 2024 subject to staff's recommendations included in the special event permit and with that that concludes my presentation I'd be happy to answer any questions thank you any questions for staff see none is there any public comment Miss Dominic no sir see none we'll go to board action commissioner lockart this is your District motion to approve the special event permit as presented second motion second all those in favor I oppose like sign see none carries unanimous thank you very much next up is going to be Mr Durr naming of semal County asset to Lake Wildwood Park Mr dur good morning for the record rck dur director parks of recreation department for seol County U this is the application for the naming of existing County asset which is the lake W Lake Wildwood property Lake Wildwood is EST is an established uh county-owned property within the Sunland Estates neighborhood on in unincorporated seol County uh the Sunland Estates neighborhood if you recall is kind of sandwich between 1792 and Ronald Reagan uh just several blocks south of Lake Mary Boulevard um the current property was platted back in 1959 and was given the name Lake Wildwood at that particular time um earlier this year as we were presenting other items to you for consideration with our Park system master plan it had been requested that we go ahead the parks department go ahead and start maintaining this property and the same cycle as we do Lake dot which is just several blocks uh east of here excuse me west of here um we've been in the process of doing so throughout the course of this year um about middle of the summer we were provided with an opportunity working with Community Services to expend some uh expiring cdbg funding that had not been used uh we're able to go in and quickly begin putting in some minor improvements a sidewalk that will connect around the lake to the existing sidewalk Network um as well as some places for folks to sit and some trees to be planted so very minimal types of improvements being made on the property we then moved this through the process the application process in agree in accordance with County policy to officially name this and designate this we've gone through the addressing uh process as well and the county is bringing forth to you today that particular action so um the requested action by staff is for the approval of officially naming this particular parcel Lake Wildwood Park and that's the conclusion of my presentation any inquiries of Staff see none any public comment Miss Dominique no sir seeing none we'll close public comment go to board action motion to approve second second all those in favor I oppos like sign C none carries unanimous great work by the way out there if you all ever get a chance drive out there the people love it I mean and you can see the excitement in the community I've actually started cleaning up the community uh a great deal so good work good example how Park helps instill some some confidence in a community and they start doing some things things that make everybody happy thank you Mr D thank you all right next up is going to be our work session this is rural Enclave small area study Miss Rebecca hammock again miss hammock how long you perceive this presentation will take so we are estimating about a total of 45 minutes including presentation and questions okay then we will uh we'll ask you to try to expedite that as quickly as you possibly can we're going to limit public comment because this is a work session we will take some but the county manager and I have a drop dead deadline we have to be at okay please proceed sure um good morning again for the record Comm hold on commissioner con you have something I was just going to say you want to take a short break before we go into this well we take a short break it's going delay it even further okay so I'll be back okay proceed you you've got a quorum okay so I'll forgo my introductions and I'll hand it right over to Harris Juliano she is our consultant with kimley horn um to go straight into the presentation great thank you very much um good to be here with you this morning in the interest of time and standing between you and lunch I will I will go even faster than I was planning great um so uh the timeline here we are uh at the second Point here which is the BCC work session we've already had Community meetings there will be more Community meetings and more work sessions before any sort of adoption hearing um the background I think most of you are familiar with we are doing a pilot study for three potential rural enclaves this comes out of our work on Envision seminal 2045 which started to establish the idea of rural enclaves as well as outlin some of the um the parameters that would be appropriate for a potential rural Enclave it established a three-step um program for establishing a ro Enclave establishing the program which was done as part of the comprehensive plan establishing the criteria also done as part of the comprehensive plan and developing standards for a designated rural Enclave which is what we' be doing as part of this process the comprehensive plan you have already adopted the criteria for Rural enclaves there are six criteria not everyone has to be met in order for a given rural Enclave to be established but several of them should be met and that's up to the board to just to determine now I will say um of the objective criteria uh four which are about four out of six of these all three rural enclaves meet the four at least four objective criteria um the the fifth objective criteria which is borders of Conservation Area is most certainly met by orange Boulevard the other two also have significant Wetlands um and then the the last criteria is uh not in order but number four is are the majority of property owners in favor of the rural Enclave designation of course we didn't know that until we asked um I think you'll see as part of this present ation that north of 80% of the people that we talk to within each of these rural enclaves support the idea of establishing a rural Enclave so let's talk about those Community meetings um we had we had one in each in each potential Ro onclave area for the presentation we're going to go from north to south so we're going to start at Orange Boulevard um this image shows both the aerial give you a little bit of a sense of the character as well as the County maintenance of roads so the yellow roads are County maintained paved roads and the other roads are either County maintained or County unmaintained so they're their dirt roads that are controlled by the county or their private roads this particular rural Enclave is to split um for the purposes of the study into two pieces a transition area and a what we're calling the core area the core area is reverse of how how how we normally talk about cores the core area is the lower density area the transition area is the area that already has a significant number of higher density PDS and the thinking is that if you got a PD on your left and a PD on your right that there might be a reasonable expectation that you might be able to do a PD on your land in the middle or some sort of higher density development now that is absolutely Up For Debate um but that is that was the thinking of establishing those boundaries um so uh we did a very preliminary poll within each of these Community meetings to get a sense of of the people in the room were they generally supportive um we also actually did it before and after the meeting I'll say this one particular we lost some people before the end of the meeting so we didn't get as many responses which is why one of the reasons that we're planning to do a more formal survey over um in the the early 2025 2025 in order to get um clearer responses on this but you can certainly see of the people that responded in both the pre and the post survey pretty overwhelming support for this idea but there were some opposed um we'll talk a little bit more about parcel sizes later but the average and median parcel size are both in the 2 acre range for the core area of the orange Boulevard study area um the transition area which is where the PDS are substantially smaller as as would be expected this gives you a sense of the character of the area um if you've not been out there I know many of you have um when we talked to the community what they said they liked about uh the orange Boulevard area was the wildlife of course this is right adjacent to the black bear Wilderness um they Lar Lots serviced by well and septic mature trees and just generally fresh air and natural beauty um some of the things that that we heard them support either something that we proposed or that they they proposed um that there's generally support for the idea of the rural enclave and the idea of if there is new development that there would be some sort of vegetative buffering um we heard people talk about maybe one unit per acre as the cap now I'll note that this area already has a Suburban estate State's designation which is one unit per acre um one of the things we talked about was do you want to go bigger because many of the lots are bigger like we said it's more of an average of two acres um pretty much supported the idea of keeping it at that one acre um in the course of the history here is that some properties have been rezoned to PD looking at 2 to four units an acre and that's what's in that transition area um there's opposition to more development on orange Boulevard that includes from the public um not necessarily supporting the idea of that transition area having higher densities um lot a lot of discussion about flooding which uh which is going to be dealt with uh you know as part of not necessarily as part of this project um support for the idea of having a super majority board for any changes to the area and we'll talk a little bit more about that later there was not a lot of interest in uh kind of design regulations we're limited as to what we can do anyway on design regulations but the the main design regulations might be around lighting there actually already are regulations around rural fencing which would apply to this area because they are A1 zoning and also applies within the the East rural area um but we heard desire for better storm water management concerns about actually the public Street lighting might be bright and might not be with in character of the area particularly on the redesign of orange Boulevard um on the desire for bike paths we did have some owners request in both directions to be moved we had some owners request to be put in the lower density area whereas we had designated them as the transition area we had some owners request to be put in the higher density area whereas we had put them in the lower density area because they were next door to those already developed areas um and another owner who was kind of on the edge of the study area to to opt out um moving on to Lazy Acres so this uh this area looking at the yellow that's the generally the paved roads um you can see those are generally on the edge of the study area whereas most of the internal roads are private Andor unpaved um again you know 95% support here for the idea of a r Enclave which comports with what we heard in the room uh the partial sizes here both the median and the average are are north of 2 acres in terms of typical lot sizes some idea of the character the area what we heard people say some similarities for sure to what we heard in the other area that they like about it large Lots Wildlife Wetlands well and septic um we heard people specifically saying that they like that their Lots don't have a lot of Regulation and they can they can build on their residential lots more or less what they want um they they didn't they don't want to be in an HOA they don't want the county to behave like an HOA um they're concerned about traffic now they don't you know we heard from on the one hand don't want this the sense of an HOA we also heard people don't want concrete walls so that's a regulation right um uh we heard uh kind of the the consensus seem to be around one unit per two acres so that a little bit larger Lots than what we're talking about in Orange Boulevard and that's again something we want to validate through this survey that that would be coming up early next year um discussion of something like a 2 and a half acre minimum lot size conern concerns and opposition to annexation or or development uh of scale um right now this area and we we've I think you all are aware of this but this area has a ldr comp plan designation which would be four units an acre um so there is discussion of can we bring this back to Suburban Estates which is what Orange Avenue H orange Boulevard has um which would be one unit an acre in the comp plant or even lower density than that um to to preserve what's there now essentially um there's also a significant discussion of the wetlands Wetland area that is there today so moving on to okalo again you can see in this image a significant Wetlands there in the green um a lot of private roadways in the blue again there's some public roadways on the edges but really this is almost entirely private roadways uh the other thing I note here is that just south of the county Border Orange County has their own rural Enclave called rocking horse which they have designated which kind of mirrors this so um looking at the the polling we did here 80% support now these are even larger typical parcel sizes so median uh half of properties are four acres or larger U and the average parcel size is just under that four acres again some images of the character of the area um some some new things we heard here uh close-knit Community talking about horses livestock that's part of the the character and lifestyle that people are enjoying here appreciation of the gravel and dirt roads we did hear a little bit more interest here in terms of the what we call the design requirements so the idea of controlling the aesthetic of the fencing the idea of um this come up later the the Dark Skies a little more interest in this meeting than in in the other meetings around those um so again majority support here now here there was discussion of as as much as five acres as a minimum in fact um some people were discussing when the community was established 5 Acres was the minimum lot size it based on their memory we don't have a record of that um the uh there's some discussion of retention so there was concern some concerns about flooding here I mentioned the Dark Skies we did have some again Property Owners requesting to opt out so there were property own owners who either didn't support or didn't support it for their lot uh so there's a little more detail on the packet for you on the parcel sizes I don't think we need to get into that detail have for we all have the packet hope we've all reviewed it um so all of these have a strong rural character large Lots there's majority more than majority support um we'll talk a little bit about the holding capacity what could be built under under some different scenarios and generally speaking there's not a lot of urban infrastructure we are not aware of anyone who has County water or County Sewer everyone seems to be on well and septic there are a few um there's a little bit of paved roads and that's the extent of the the county infrastructure that we're talking about here um majority are homestead so that was another of the criteria that we were looking at so people are uh you know living in the community on their on their Lots they all have A1 zoning they're generally PR approximate to um protection areas so uh in addition to the blackbear Wilderness there's also the econ protection area that comes into play on the east side um and we mentioned the rocking course rural Enclave of course property rights is the big counterbalance here so to the extent that there are um there are properties that specifically want to be excluded exclusion could look like that if they develop their properties there would be um some sort of buffering requirements between them and the balance the rural Enclave there could be design requirements around um fencing or Landscaping that could apply so those kinds of things could be uh could be in play on the properties that still want the higher density so looking at Orange Boulevard um the constraints it's it's at um one unit per acre in terms of suburban Estates but there is is a history of up zoning those properties that are uh right up on orange Boulevard there's a lot of existing PDS we heard a lot about flood risk and concern as I mentioned um and there is uh you know orange Boulevard is being upgraded because of the traffic and infrastructure needs in that area Lazy Acres one of the big concerns historically has been potential annexation primarily by Longwood but Lake Mary is not far off either um Lake Longwood did actually pass a resolution essentially saying that they would limit um any Annex properties 2 acre lots of course Longwood is in control of that in the future so they could change that but that is that is what the current Council has approved um so the idea is that if that if there's a rural Enclave designation here there might be a need for a jpa with the with the city of Longwood a joint planning agreement um Lazy Acres again majority private roads so even if the county doesn't constrain these there may be additional constraints associated with the the private roadway access uh significant amount of wetlands and flood plane in this area and again okal just private roads so we did do the holding Capacity Analysis I'm going to skip this slide and go to this slide because it shows more information essentially for orange Boulevard even at the One units an acre theoretically there could be through lot splits um because a lot of these lots are two or three acres you could have say 100 more units even staying at that that um that one unit per acre and that's just within the core area that's just within the area we're saying is not the transition area uh Lazy Acres in okalo what you're seeing that much higher bar that's the ldr because they're theoretically allowed to go to four units an acre there's a significant amount of additional units that could go in should that ldr be triggered um now what you see in the the medium orange color there that's a one dwelling unit per acre scenario so if we stay at one dwelling unit per acre people can still lot split people could still if they have a 5 acre lot subdivide to um five five Lots so it's not a no development scenario but it may be somewhat less likely not everybody's in reality going to lot split this is the maximum but it's not a zero development scenario um and I will say we also we limited to Upland acreage so we did take out all the wetlands when we did this analysis so we're not not developing on we're not assuming that those Wetlands would be um removed or mitigated and this is just digging a little bit more into the orange P of our transition one of the ideas that's been discussed here um some of the more recent PDS have gone up to nearly four units an acre um so in that transition area the discussion one of the discussion points would be is there a middle ground um where we're not at one unit acre but maybe we're at two or two and a half units in acre similar to the lake silven transition area so we're not going all the way up to four which is much more urban density but maybe there's a middle ground there um so going into the policy options kind what we said at the very beginning is we'd be considering each rural Enclave as unique so the standards don't have to be exactly the same so as we've already talked about it may be that one's one unit an acre one's two units uh one's two acre lots and one's five acre lots um so those those can vary we're not regulating architectural style for residential we really can't do that legally uh because of some some recent state laws um and that there while we've designated a specific transition area in the orang Boulevard area there could be transition standards in any of these we do have lots that are differently situated so for those lots that are right on a public roadway right next to the sewer line if they wanted to urbanize one scenario is that we say that's okay you just have to buffer the remainder of the rural Enclave or we say no they're limited to that lower density period so that's that's one of the policy options that um you will eventually be asked to consider if you have suggestions today you know we're happy to hear those as well as well um there like we I mentioned earlier one of the things that was discussed was the potential for super majority vote that could apply to either changing the rural Enclave boundaries excluding a property from the rural boundary after it's after it's been defined changes to the Future land use map changes to changes to zoning within that boundary um minimum lot sizes we've talked about again a range that could be from uh one acre lots all the way up to as as much as 5 acre Lots within okalo there also could be changes to the um to the comprehensive plan the most discussed has been a change from ldr to Suburban Estates for those ldr um which is ollow and lazy acers uh or it could be some a specific density limit that is just for that rural Enclave uh now this is a little bit redundant to the lot sizes if the lot sizes are maintained at that larger acreage you don't necessarily need the comp change but that's a that's a discussion that we can have with legal and and within um the planning team as well um we want to want to be specific that there could be different standards that would apply to individual existing homes or lot splits versus new subdivisions whether those new subdivisions are at low density or or particularly if they're at a higher density we've talked about if if those new subdivisions are allowed at the higher density for instance from property owners who want to opt out um they might be required to have more buffering they might be limited one of the rural enclaves in particular has kind of a a tunnel of brick wall going into the rural subdivision as their entryway that's the kind of thing that we might we could use design standards to prevent something similar like that happening in the future uh we can't do anything about what's there now um signage could be another thing that were new subdivisions to go in with signage they could be limited to more of a rural character the other thing that we could discuss would be uh and this is not something that we have yet discussed with your public works department which which we will certainly do before coming up back with anything specific um but we could consider stronger storm water or Wetland protections that are specific to the rural Enclave not allowing as much mitigation opportunity as you might allow elsewhere in the county because of the specific character here and because in some cases of the significant flooding concerns um there we've also discussed potential to limit A1 uses this slide shows all the uses that are allowed throughout the county within A1 the only one that really kind of got attention from some of the residents was elementary school now it's not likely that an elementary school would go in into any of these locations anyway it's not particularly well situated but it might give the residents a comfort level if Elementary School was excluded from that list of uses we also talked about dark sky standards um okalo again that's where the community seemed most supportive of of some sort of dark sky standard s Lazy Acres there was generally pretty averse to to those additional regulations um orange Boulevard was kind of a mixed response we did have people with those kinds of concerns I will say from a kind of a pure planning perspective orange Boulevard is does have that significant black bear Wilderness right next door so if for if you were looking for a policy reason to have those dark sky standards that would be the place to do it and also to note that if you were going to impose that on private Property Owners certainly we want to make sure the county was also doing its part with any any public lighting that is in that area to to conform to similar standards um so in terms of the orange Boulevard transition area specifically um we discussed that there's possible for that transition area to be limited rather than one unit per acre to something like two units per acre or two and a half units per acre or it could be kept at what it is now in the terms of the one unit per acre uh the the question is will that is that maintainable going forward realistically um and we talked I've talked several times about enhanced buffers if new sub subdivisions occur adjacent to that that core rural area mentioned the joint plan potential for joint planning agreement with Longwood and possibly like Mary so potential transition standards this is the instance in which you do have a subdivision going in for whatever reason what would you be required to do to kind of protect the character of that rural area enhanced landscaping and buffers we've talked about a Prohibition on masonry walls that could apply uh both in transition as well as to Residents depending on what the preference is um transitional densities so that's talking about limiting it to not necessarily the maximum allowed within that flu we're getting close to the end here um could include enhanced setbacks along certain certain routes talking about not allowing septic if you are going to increase the density that might be something that could be put in as a requirement talked about dark skies and Rural signage um and you know this question last question on the slide here is that that question of should we be considering transition some sort of transition standards in not just in Orange Boulevard but also in the other two rural enclaves or should we really just say this is a hard boundary if you're in you're limited to the density and again that does go to the question which we haven't fully fleshed out yet in terms of the the request for opt outs um some specific Community requests were the sorry let me back up a second so um a bigger policy question and again we don't have to answer this today would be do are we viewing these rural enclaves as kind of forever are they um should they be one thing that was brought up is should they be Revisited periodically kind of reaffirmed have a Sunset and be reaffirmed every 10 years or something like that um or another option would be to have kind of an orderly opt out process if you're at the edge you can opt out but you still have to follow a certain set of Standards so that you're not just completely um uh so you're not having as much of an effect on the character of those who want to stay in Orange Boulevard again lots of storm water concerns um this was a citizen comment not a not a staff comment but uh something like a moratorium until the storm water is dealt with that was one of the requests from some of the citizens um and the another request specific to Orange Boulevard was to treat the those in the core separately from the transition in terms of any sort of survey or voting understanding that the people answering the survey in the core area might have a different perspective than those answering the survey in the transition area and a lot more people live in the transition area so they kind of easily outvote the core area if that was the uh the desire so with that I'm happy to take questions or comments or okay let's start at the far end commissioner Constantine and work our way across try to do this in an orderly fashion any questions no question okay commissioner lockart so I am privileged to have Lazy Acres in my district and have um actually coveted that neighborhood for many years I I begged my husband to move there many many years ago and he said I don't do dirt roads so we we missed out we could have been great neighbors but um I I love the way that that community and others like the others we are looking at have been able to maintain their autonomy and their the way that they've chosen to live um in the middle of so much uh development and and really it's the best of both worlds because you can still get to Target in five minutes it's really kind of fabulous but anyway um I think that one of the things that concerns me is kind of working backwards in your comments was um having these Sunset I think that from a a consistency and knowing what you're buying into and what the value of property may be moving on if that's something that's going to be up for debate you know 10 15 20 years down the road I just see that as being a nightmare I I would not support that unless you had some like aha information to share with me that that's fabulous um I do think it will be interesting to see when you get the the feedback from from a a more in-depth survey that's more technical those what those transition areas might look like Lake Emma is a is a busy road there's a lot going on on Lake Emma I can't imagine not allowing there to be some transition but I'm open to hearing what that might look like when we talk about the rural boundry in seol county for years we've talked about what what that would look like had there been transition allowed and and without that hard line um could we have done a better job and and so learning from Maybe things that we could have done differently in the past I'd like I'd like to see some pros and cons of what those transition areas might look like recognizing they'll be different for each of the three um the the slide for Lazy Acres didn't show the number of votes it just had the percentages right um we can provide those okay all right that'd be great um the other thing that I think is interesting is um can you share with me the feedback related to the super majority vote for BCC changes were they requesting a super majority to enact it uh I don't believe so I think they were certainly could but regular simple majority to enact but a super majority to dismantle shocking I just wanted to make sure I was clear it wasn't the super majority to enact was never discussed understood and sorry I do want to add one thing um the number total number of votes is on the bottom right in the slide right of the slide of in kind of small print so that is there but we can provide the the full breakdown okay yeah that'd be great thank you um I'm excited about this opportunity I I understand that the county attorney's office has a lot of work to do and looking at this and determining what OPP options and opportunities there are for individuals in these areas that would be impacted but um I think this is something that's been a long time coming we've certainly discussed this for years and so to finally have the community give um input and have you here giving this presentation I feel like is just a huge um a huge step in the right direction and I don't know Mr chairman are you going to allow public comment I am going to allow some understanding that we've had Community meetings with the staff and that staff has shared those comments with us but I will not prevent such uh it's it's a work session which we T typically don't take input from the public because this is an ongoing process right and there's plenty of community meetings to weigh in through our staff which then gets to us before we ultimately make any decisions so yes awesome because I know there's some folks here that I'd love to hear from if they have time that's all I have good commissioner L thank you Mr chairman uh I'd like to thank staff uh for their hard work as well as the citizens I was at one of the meetings and uh it's interesting to see the uh questions that staff has as well as the questions that the citizens have uh questions I like to get some more information on is uh opting out and especially on the perimeter and then I'd like to get some more information at a later date from our attorneys uh regarding the birth uh birth Harris uh regulations how that would uh if there's any issues with that and storm water requirements I think depending upon if they're closed basins or not we'll have a bigger uh play with it and i' like to be able to Overlay the Basin studies with it so we can actually see how the Basin studies that we've done in these areas would uh uh uh interact with what we're trying to do thank you Mr chairman sure commissioner her I'll be brief with the with the orange Boulevard meeting a considerable amount of time was spent talking about flooding which was not the topic of the meeting but right uh is the topic of the day for sure um I think that the the the different voting requirements for transitional versus core is significant particularly in this one and uh that that's going to be an important step I think we need from the county attorney's office the UN understanding of why it would take a charter amendment to do a super majority in one instance but possibly not a charter amendment to do a super majority in this instance I'd at least like to understand that before we're asked to put one in um and that's it okay so my observations are are I didn't see anything on economic impact which is one of the things that I had requested when we endeavored upon this uh so that in full transparency the property owners who are considering this would actually clearly understand what the economic impact may or may not be to them under their current designation versus a change in that land use designation as well as an impact to the county from a Services standpoint financially and revenue standpoint financially I'm a little concerned about one thing that was said in the orange Boulevard that those residents although some of those lots are 2.8 Acres or whatever the actual number you actually had up there the maximum um that they want to remain at one per acre is that what I understood correct they wanted the ability to lot split if they were to sure so so what strikes me there is they don't want development we have flooding but we want to maintain the ability to split our lot and sell and this comes back to the economic impact portion that everyone knows what their economic impact is going to be before they actually vote and decide and the split of the the the voting power on the outer edges versus the core I think you're walking into a quagmire um I'm not sure how do how we how do we work through that um but to the point that was was raised already maybe we need a super majority of the residents to approve actually doing it like we do with an msbu correct interesting I would also like to understand I saw the numbers and of course I I've saw the numbers because I had some of those numbers before today's meeting and I just run that and match it against property owners it doesn't seem we have a lot of people voting specifically V lot owners versus how many actually voted I also didn't see any triangulation on verification that those voters are actually lot owners so I think some a lot of that needs to be flushed out um and understanding um where this this all goes and I think the attorney's office is going to have a lot of a lot of work to do and and I suspect at this juncture there's going to be as you've already seen some people want some people don't want we have the flooding issues in certain areas um that's a whole another matter so with that said I will go to public input and I will forewarn you I will limit you to as little as I need to to get the information try not to be redundant understand we are having Community work sessions that everybody attends and welcomed away in on and this is not where we're making decisions at this juncture of the process so miss Dominique if you will call them up three at a time let's line them up and let's try to get them through Gary Patrick Philip Holden and Nancy Harmon and I would tell you if anybody has a form now is the time to get It Up's I have some handouts and when each of each one of you come up if you will folks as you come up you need to tell us which one of these enclaves you actually live in okay uh Gary Patrick uh ollow Lane Mr Patrick I'm part of the okal rural enclaves great go ahead sir I have some handouts here that uh I can save a lot of time by uh I guess you'd say uh if I have three handouts per commissioner that's 3,000 words I've saved and I I'll wait if I can for your distribution oh please please go ahead we can listen and watch at the same time all right the first one I have um I have uh three other family members that couldn't be here so they each wanted to contribute something uh the first one is the illustration of why do we need Wetlands um I I'll include in that that I believe that every one of the properties in our rural Enclave have wetlands attached to them so that's very important the second one I have was uh my wife had picked this she first uh worked about a day trying to draft a letter up to all five of the Commissioners and in frustration to that she said I think I'll just give them a picture and that would be this one okay so Gary let me help you out along here all right this is to address whether you want to be in or out of an enclave and tell us your your thoughts about that as being a resident there we're fully aware of wetlands and how wetlands should be maintained and treated and so forth this is not about something's going to be developed or not developed as this juncture this is strictly a work session correct so what we're looking for is you tell us yeah you think staff's doing something well or they've overlooked something consider this or you're in favor of moving forward with you know this whole ideology and what your thoughts are there okay uh yes we are in favor of moving forward with the initiative of the rural enclaves great all of us are in our family um the last one is a picture that was recently posted on a website called Reddit uh this isn't uh thankfully this is not in Simo County I believe this is in Valia County it's uh uh part of Edgewater and it's a picture of a uh billboard that's out in the middle of a field that uh sir again I'm not trying to be rude and I want to give you as much attention as possible this is not to talk about something in fuchia County this is not to talk about some flooding this is to talk about the role on clave initiative that the county has kicked off of which you're resident of those areas so I need need folks to understand keep it gerine to the topic we're all aware of flooding we're all aware of traffic we're all aware of all those things this is the purpose of this work session speak directly to what was put on these slides and whether you're in favor not in favor or want us to consider something that's been overlooked or you want to add something to the narrative that's great um but we're not here to talk about mhm what happened in Valia County and those types of things the importance of that is that the same exact thing happened in our neighborhood where where okay we had a a developer come in and want to develop a property that looks right now exactly the same as this property here underwater how do you mitigate something that stays underwater okay thank you very much sir for your comments thank you sir thank you Gary we hand these out there's only one copy I have to pass it around I Philip Holden I'm one of the property owners in fact I own two properties in the rural Enclave which one okalo I'm sorry okalo Enclave um the the the county lists uh six items uh designated uh criteria uh with without a doubt we meet uh all five number six borders of Conservation Area we we are in the preservation area semic Conservation Area for little econ so we meet all all six of the of the criteria uh going around is a picture this is going down okalo um I have to give a shout out to our commissioner delari who's been out and talking with the property owners and getting getting comments on this along with Miss hammock who also has been doing quite a bit of work on the on the effort here's our neighborhood I agree with uh commissioner lockart beautiful place five minutes to to Target next slide please some of the things that people seem to gloss over uh this is this is a diagram coming in there's a pave road that stops just just in front of our enclave and from there on uh there is no Road per se there are private easements uh that allow people to get to and from their property uh there is a we won't go to just next slide shows the U the the easement on the 40 foot coming into the property which specifically does not allow Water and Sewer so my point is people don't know this this area was subdivided already it was subdivided back in the early 1970s into 5 acre plus Parcels their deed restrictions they went through everything they could to make sure that there was no 30 years from now we'll think of something else we'll put a nuclear waste dump in the one comment that did not want okalo reserve was from a a realtor that bought a 20 acre parcel immediately on buying it put in to subdivide it into 19 1 acre Parcels uh which which shot down by the county subsequently wanted to put a nursing home in there that's I think being shot down but we're being bait and switch we had the deed restrictions we had the restrictions on easements coming in and every once in a while a developer comes in wants to put a nuclear waste dump or put 40 houses they're 366 Acres there's 50 homes there 366 Acres 50 homes you go to 1 acre lots you're going to have 300 plus more home sites more uh uh nonporous land you're going to have four you're out of time sir thank you very much uh I do have a question for you however sir is is your HOA still functioning there was never an HOA how are you in foring the deed restrictions that run with the land or they have not been resurrected because there's no HOA it falls to the individual homeowners to to enforce the deed restrictions unfortunately Florida passed the law basically says they're only good for 30 years understood that's so we're fighting that that was the point of my question thank you very much next up please miss Dominique if you'll call the next three up real quickly please sure thank you Tom d Cindy holler and Scott Richards okay if you'all line up please Nancy Harmon 752 Pioneer Way Geneva Florida while I do not live in these residents area I want to point out that it was about three years ago that this whole conversation came up orange Boulevard I was here and one of the things that the group of people were promoting not those who live in the area but those who also live outside the area was to give the opportunity of a rural Enclave to protect these rural areas to protect the lifestyle that the people that own in these properties have come to enjoy and have the right to now uh commissioner zimar you were talking about liability cost uh I believe with regard to the county what the county would be involved in so it's a taxpayer economic impact not not liability but she okay okay but as a taxpayer you know I've watched on the on meetings all the money that's being spent in Orange Boulevard to uh undo or hopefully protect homeowners from the flooding it's improvements that have been taking place um these things happened because development happened and it was not a foresight and planning that could ensure that peoples were not being flooded it's like in the lazy uh oh sorry the lazy acre area that that's a beautiful area and when you think about right now there's probably some people have worried about flooding but they haven't had to deal with with it because they haven't had the development you make the development you start moving the water like we're seeing today there's no way to stop the water it's coming this way and this way so again I support the r Enclave the one thing I would like to ask is that on the web page that that represents this action that there be more information that dates for the meetings be put out sooner than just a two week notice that the meetings that are held actually put paper and pencil to a design so that when it comes back to you you're actually seeing where people are uh talking about transition or not transition looking at the flow of waters and things that even the the residents that live there need to be more informed themselves about the impacts of water the impacts of development and the impacts of not development thank you thank you my name is Tom Daly with uh not what daily Design Group 265 lazy Acre Lane on this side of the podium uh I just want to thank the commission especially commissioner lockart for for um initiating the lazy acre study I want to thank you guys for uh directing your staff and I want to thank Rebecca and her group that for following through on it you know you know I've sat on the other side and uh it's important to just start establishing these boundaries you're not going to solve every problem with this study there's going to be other down the road things to consider but the most important thing is to essentially create a um a jurisdictional wall with a bar that usually you usually find that in the comprehensive plan just like you're you know how do you change the rural uh Urban rural boundary you do that and don't get bogged down in the architectural standards or all the dark sky stuff the folks that live my neighbors I mean you've got houses that I bought a house that was built in 1974 someone just built a brand new house two years ago it's a transition a lot of the folks have lived there forever so all I'm saying is try not to get in the weeds try to set those policy directions make it hard for people like me to do something and then as you go forward then you can start decide transitional areas and things like that as that happens but anyways thank you commissioner thank you Bor thank you Tom bye appreciate it fer how many more do we have out there no more after Mr Richards great but we're glad you're here so glad to hear from you hi please proceed Cindy how I I don't want to make y'all wait until after lunch to come back yeah I know you have a deadline to get to um so the community I live in uh St John's river States I have to actually and I'm also a prop owner in Sanford Farms um I have to drive by the lock her Smith canal and uh it's it smells like um human waste that are coming from communities that have been approved by the board of such as Estuary River's Edge and Bart's Landing so yeah flooding is a problem when the lift stations fail that's a problem imped water goes into Miss holler yeah we know floating's been a problem we just had a hurricane oh I'm just saying this is here's here's how it relates thank you commissioner Z to the um keep gerain to the topic please exactly if the if that area would have remained without those PDS we wouldn't have that issue so the PDS brought that problem orange Boulevard was for former farms and um a lot of people don't come to these meetings because in Sanford Farms and other rural communities they don't want to be bothered they want to be left alone so that's kind of the um just the character of that type of people that live in there uh yes to rural Enclave yes to keeping our Oaks as many as possible yes to keeping as many woods um along orange Boulevard and yes to more bear signs and that's all I have thank you please good morning everybody Scott Richards um Michigan Avenue uh Orange Avenue area orange Boulevard area also we call it Sanford Farms um first of all I really want to thank everybody for pushing this forward and having these discussions I know as Miss Haron indicated we really were asking of this a few years ago with some of the developments coming in and frankly as a community we just want to know where we stand moving forward right there I've been a resident there for 20 years and raised a family there and we wouldn't change it for the world um but we see a lot of new families coming in now that want to live there for the very reason of that character the community that many of you have spoken about and I think as a community we want to know that we can look forward and the people that moving in and people moving out understand what they're coming into yes there's been some PDS that have come in um and Mr chairman I think you indicated about value I don't think we're opposed to growth um but at the same time nobody there I may been misconstrued nobody there is saying I want one acre because I want to split my Lots I think what we're saying is we're not trying to make it more restrictive if the county elects to go to two lots I'm sorry two acres that's that's great I think we would support that um but we also understand there is a transitional area and I think from my perspective what we what we don't want is PDS that are literally walls with one entrance and a gate that's not part of the community what we're asking for if there is growth is that is part of the community open Lots open open to the community and we have to laugh because the folks in the PDS go for evening walks down our streets right so let's make it part of the community that they're moving out there to be in and we cherish the bik bear preserve uh the parks Department's done a great job with that and it has become part of the community so all we're asking for is that plan to look forward so we all know where we stand and really appreciate the County's effort on this thank you thank you thank you Miss Dominique anyone else no sir okay we'll close public comment any comment from the board to staff continue working anything different direction I'm fine if they keep on on the schedule that they're headed on um I'm okay with that Mr chairman I think that this has been called for by the citizens of all three of these areas for a long time and I think that uh we're moving in the right direction we have to get their input first we have to know exactly where they want to you know end up with and I know that there's still some you know um not disagreement but just uh challenges and and discussion along the way obviously when you when you're looking at um uh making I mean if you're changing zoning you have to look at private property rights and other things but I think that by doing this we at least know the lay of the land and we can start moving in the right direction and we can avoid the mistakes that I believe that have been mentioned by not only our staff but by uh citizens about how you know not planning it properly does cause flooding does c cause problems that uh now we have to go back and fix so commissioner lockart um I was hoping that mayor McMillan was going to stick around for this entire conversation I'm glad he was here earlier we have had a lot of conversation with the city of Longwood about that parcel to the east of Lazy Acres um and so if our staff could continue to have um very specific intentional conversations with the city of Longwood and communicate to those neighbors there's a lot of um misinform and um angst that's being caused by the current property owner to the yeah to the east I'm doing my NorthEast Southwest to the east of Lazy Acres and um it would just be super helpful for all of those folks and for for my office if we could make sure we're having intentional conversations that we can share with the community anything else we shall be in recess to 1:30 thank you all very much we're going to be late [Music]