##VIDEO ID:J2LoVhRVfog## well good afternoon and welcome to the afternoon session of The Bard County Commission meeting here in seol County the DAT September 10th 2024 we have finished our morning session and we are going to move into our public hearing agenda I will look for my board for proof of uh publication Mo to approved second Motion in second all those in favor I oppose like sign carries unanimously each commissioner if you have any expar on any of the items today please uh declare such I have xar that was submitted electronically I have none um I have emails that have been submitted electronically and I have here um an hard copy and the same I done it electronically and I have hard copy here I have submitted all mine electronically both all the emails that were forwarded to me as well very good I will now turn to the county attorney Miss Kate Lor for the Rules of Engagement for public participation thank you chairman good afternoon while the board welcomes comments from all persons with an interest in the proceedings Florida law requires that the board's decision and quasi judicial actions be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the board during the hearings on the applications competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion there must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert Witnesses persons presenting testimony May rely on factual information that they present information presented by County staff information the applicant presented or on factual information included in the county staff report to support their testimony all persons who Present written materials to the board for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the clerk for inclusion in the board's record of proceedings and official minutes Mr chairman thank you very much the first item we have up today is item 17 which is a board of adjustment appeal appeal of the board of adjustment decision approving a request for a fence Heights variance from six and 1/2 ft to 8 ft in the R1 single family dwelling District more particularly known as 100032 Bear Lake Road this will be put on by Miss Gates Miss Gates good afternoon for the record Angie Gates planner with development services this request is an appeal for the June 24th 2024 Board of adjustment decision approving a fence height variance from 6 and 1/2 ft to 8 ft in the R1 single family dwelling District located at32 be Lake Road Amy wheeler the property owner of 132 be Lake Road an applicant for the variance request originally submitted for two variances one of the request was for a fence height variance from 4T to 8 ft and the second request was for a setback variance from 30 ft to 8 ft to the normal high water elevation for a fence that exceeds 4 ft in height on a natural water body at the June 24th Board of adjustment hearing the board voted to approve only the fence height variance from 6 1/2 ft to 8 ft and denied the request for a setback variance from 30 ft to 8 ft to the normal high water elevation for a fence that exceeds 4T in height on a natural water body with conditions as set forth in the approval development order the original variance request for 93 linear feet of an 8ft tall privacy fence with a requested rear yard setback to the normal high water elevation of only 8 feet if approved would have allowed an 8ft fence to encroach 22 ft into the required 30ft rear yard setback for a fence exceeding 4 ft in height on the normal high water elevation section 3014 .1 19B of the seminal County Land Development code states that fences and walls are limited to a maximum height of 4 feet within the front yard and side street setbacks and 6 and 1/2 ft within the side and rear yard setbacks except as provided in subsection F paragraph 4 subsection F paragraph 4 states that any fence while hedge planning or other obstruction adjacent to a natural water body is limited to a maximum height of 4T any fence or wall greater than 4T must located a minimum distance of 30 ft from the natural high water elevation of a natural water body the original variance requests for 93 linear fee of 8T tall privacy fence with a requested 8ft rear yard set back to the normal high water elevation if approved would have allowed the fence to encroach 22 ft into the required 30ft rear yard setback for a fence exceeding 4T in height staff recommended a denial of the entire fence to be8 feet in height decision of the board of adjustment left the portion of the fence outside of the normal high water elevation setback remaining this portion of the fence which is permitted to be 6 1/2 ft was approved at 8 ft based upon the following findings staff is recommending approval of the amended variance request for a fence height variance from 6 and 1/2 ft to 8 ft in the VAR variance criteria narrative submitted by Miss wheeler included in the application attached to your agenda packet as exhibit D the applicant stated that her home was built in 1959 and her neighbor's home was built in 2007 and sits 4T higher than her property due to a change in elevation thus her property has a special condition that does not result in any actions taken by her she also stated that a 6-ft fence does not provide the same level of privacy protection and Security in her backyard due to the difference in elevation between the two properties and graning the variance would not result in a spe special privilege excuse me only the same level of privacy commonly enjoyed by other properties which have um adjacent homes on the same elevation level further she testified at the board of adjustment hearing that the 8ft fence would provide her with the Safety and Security she felt was necessary from her neighbor in the reviewing VAR variance criteria the board of adjustment found that the requested height increase in the fence was consistent with the variance criteria in section 30.3.35 3.2b so of the simal County Land Development code on July 10th 2024 Paul skew the appellant whose property is located directly south of Miss wheeler at 100026 Bear Lake Road filed a notice of appeal of the board of adjustment decision Mr ASU appeared at the board of adjustment Hearing in objection to the variant requests based on the application information and the record provided by the applicant and staff to the board of adjustment at its meeting on June 24th 2024 and the testimony presented at the aforementioned meeting staff recommends the board of County Commissioners uphold the decision of the board of adjustment to approve the fence highight variance from 6 and 1/2 ft to 8 ft in the R1 single family dwelling District additional correspondence was submitted after the agenda was printed and I wanted to make sure that all of you received a copy of that prior to today's meeting um this concludes my presentation and I'm available for any questions you may have thank you very much any inquiries of staff at this juncture seeing none is Mr ASU here in desire to make a statement if so sir please come forward good afternoon and please state your name and address for the record please good afternoon my name is Paul ASU I live at 100026 be Lake through um forgive me I'm not a good public speaker so I'm a little bit nervous we're harmless you're good just go with it um I'm here to appeal the variance approval of an 8T tall fence along the sidey yard setback of our property to protect the lake view and open air views of our backyard um as stated in the Sim County Land Development code um to Grant variances due to special cont conditions um there must be an undu hard I'm sorry the board of adjustment must first determine the variance won't harm neighbors is my opinion that an 8T tall fence will be harmful to our enjoyment of the property as well as to our value of the of the home I have photographs that I submitted with my documentation that if I can present if we can have somebody assist Mr ASU with the overhead projector Mr ascu are these your only copies um yes sir but I can we're going to need to retain those copies if we can please for the record so this is the current view from my port and this is a photoshopped picture of an 8ot fence was installed to the um variance approved 30ft mark from the mean high water level um and as you see it reduces um what I feel is a significant portion of my leg um so that is the basis of what I feel would be harmful to me as the neighbor um in addition there's a statement from the board of adjustment meeting that I need to address um per the minutes Miss wheeler was asked the purpose of the 8-foot fence and Miss wheeler responded that they want privacy and security because the objecting neighbor myself committed assault and battery I have a police report from the night she reference that also would like to submit for record where it stated that there was no crime committed um it goes on to further clarify her uh accusations which um were false and Sanders did you want to show it all you just presume with all that said I and in thinking of Miss Wheeler's desire for an OT fence and the the height difference between our houses I would not be opposed and would like to offer a compromise of an 8ft fence to be installed along our property lines but in Li of um from my back porch forward the corner of my back porch and in between our homes running towards be Lake Road and I created an exhibit to show that so my house is A14 her house is on top of that so if the 8ft fence began at the corner of my back porch and ran between the homes it would allow her yes it would allow her to have the 8ot fence where the the difference in our home elevations exist um there is not a difference in elevation of our yards only in the houses so this compromise would from my perspective give her the Privacy she's would like based on the elevation of the houses but it would not intrude upon my lake views which um think would be a fair compromise so that's my presentation okay sir any questions for Mr ASU commissioner her so it's a little bit hard to see this and I know you were trying to point to it so you're the bottom house yes ma'am 14 I think he said yes this is my house got it and so your home was built closer to the lake yes ma'am probably based on timing okay thank you this any other inquiries Mr asku NOP seeing none thank you very much sir we appreciate your uh willing us to speak with us today thank you is there anyone here from the public wish to speak on this matter Dominique uh yes sir we have one speaker form for Cheryl white and then I also believe the homeowner wanted to say if you work okay uh the homeowner she has she filled out a a form no the homeowner of the other next to Mr asu's House okay we still need a form filled out ma'am if you would mind grabbing a form out in the lobby all right and the first person person let's go ahead and call the neighbor down Cheryl white Miss White you'll have three minutes if you'll come down and just give us your name and address for the record hi my name is Cheryl white I live at 889 West Timberland Trail Altimont Springs um I'm here to support Amy in her request for the variance for the 8 foot fence um due to as as we were spoken um privacy Safety and Security reasons um we have I've have been to Amy's house along with my son and some other friends on multiple occasions and um during that time since Amy has built her pergola um things have been a little more tense than they used to be and um there are many occasions when the neighbors um come out they stare they stare which makes you very uncomfortable um the eaves drop on our conversations um and it just makes for a very uncomfortable situation for family friends and anybody who is there um and so I would I would like to support Amy's requests for that that 8ot fence very good thank you questions no ma'am thank you very much thank you Miss Amy you can come on down and you can finish filling that out when we wrap up just be sure the clerk gets it before you leave so we just have it for the record thank you hello my name is Amy wheeler for the record um my address is 100032 Bar Lake Road um I really don't have a whole lot more to say other than was presented um Mr asu's compromise in um in my opinion at I'm not willing to accept that their Hedges were 8 ft um up until recently and so I don't feel that their Lake View will be impacted with where the fence will end the 8ot fence all right and I submit appr proof with my my packet all right anything else no thank you thank you very much Mr thank you all right any more folks from the public that wish to weigh in on this matter no sir seeing none we'll close public we'll we'll close a public input the applicant will be given an opportunity for rebuttal Mr ask you please don't yell out just come on down to the podium if you have something to say yes sir go ahead um in reference to the hedges my hedges have not been 8 feet tall um we had them planted they about 6 feet tall when we learned about the code of 4 feet tall we had them cut down 30 ft back behind the mean high water line so that statement again was false just like our statement the Vance board meeting and I hope that that does not get used against me like the false statement she made at the variance meeting did get held against me so that's all great any further questions Mr ask you seeing none thank you very much sir thank you all right we will go to board action commissioner Constantine this is your district chairman I have a question to staff if I may please if staff would come forward commissioner delari has an inquiry thank you I see a retaining wall that separates the elevation between the two properties is that correct yes so would the fence be installed on the property side of the bottom of the retaining wall is that why yes it would be on her side okay so basically they're not looking for 8 ft above the retaining wall correct they're looking for the fence to be on the lower end of the retaining wall so that's why there's a difference of height correct okay just want to be clear yep no problem thank you Mr chairman you're welcome commissioner Constantine you know I think this is the um there's a lot of things that we do up here and this is one it's not very very comfortable um frankly this is a two neighbors that seem to just not get along this is not the first dispute it's hopefully the last um but um there were other issues in this neighborhood between them before that I'm not talking about the incident that Mr ascu referred to I don't think that should come into play because it was as you saw in the report um just that a report the at the committee there was a great deal of debate about this and uh I think the vote you when they said they voted for it doesn't reflect that it was a three to2 vote um so it was a it was one in which um a number of people had or it was was you know could go could have gone either way in talking to members that voted against it uh the variant they felt that um this would unfortunately set a precedent and was not something that um uh they felt that there was a hardship in the sense that they needed an 8ot fence originally the staff was uh against the um 8-foot fence I'm intrigued by the um compromise that has been put forth and therefore um I think that that is in the sake that we are not you know we don't know everything but that seems to solve the concerns of both neighbors I will vote that we accept the compromise of the 8 feet going into and I I I I don't have the specific you know location but I think it was to the end if if you could help me Rebecca or somebody could help me with that I would suggest that that would be the best line of compromise I personally live on a lake I think a lot of you would would object if you could not see your your view either but as far as the concern that the neighbor has uh that's building the fence that uh it would um that she would like to have more uh security that doing it to the point of the house end of the house I think is a very good compromise and so therefore whatever numbers we have to put forth to it Rebecca that's what I would suggest and that would be my motion I would second that for discussion and so does that are we talking about from what that compromise right there right where where the lines drawn across A3 and 14 correct that would be the fence would be 8 ft to that point and 6 it would be basically from the rear building lot line of the main residence uh of A14 moving forward and away from the lake correct yeah so the fence is on a13 correct yes so it may be the best is from the rear building lot line of the main residence of a13 commissioner lockart I I appreciate the fact that commissioner Constantine really does genuinely always try to find a compromise in situations like this um I can't support that um for a couple of reasons um one is I I looking at the view I think you've got a boat dock and a boat house that already obstructs the view of the lake and as well as a tree um whether it was a 4 foot high hedge or a six foot high hedge that blocked your view of the lake until you found out that you needed to cut it and make it shorter it didn't bother you then um if regardless of whether or not a crime was committed in that incident the fact that a neighbor felt compelled and it was appropriate to shoot a hose and water across a property line into someone else's backyard to take it upon themselves to put out a fire in someone's backyard I think there's enough tension there and enough um feeling on the part of one neighbor that they have the flexibility to take those kinds of actions that if I if I was a woman living next door I would also want offence down as far as as I could so um I I think the fact that there is an elevation change is is a fact of the of the land that needs to be taken into consideration and and I do think you've got extenuating circumstances um based on the relationship so but I appreciate your willingness to try and find a compromise but I I think the view issue is moot in my mind because they already had their own view somewhat blocked by their own Hedges and there's and and the the way that the property actually juts out it blocks some of the view of the Lake and you can look straight and you can look left that's my I live on a lake too so um I I'm familiar with how that works and I just I feel for the neighbor who wants some a sense of privacy and safety chairman commissioner Glory thank you like to ask question staff again the retaining wall how far down is the retaining wall go it it doesn't say on the survey that was submitted uh but it's pretty far can I show you the diagram show it to me the diagram while you're doing that could you clarify did staff confirm that the photograph that depicted the 30 ft back with the um um the black Mark that made it look like that was it was that confirmed that that was 30 ft it yes was it to scale not to scale so we we can't confirm correct so that may not in fact be the actual blockage of the view correct got it um so the wall indicated here did I just turn that you can hear me I'm loud um the wall that's actually indicated here that's on Mr asu's property it doesn't say how how long it is um but it is approximately 6 feet in height looking at old building permits uh for Mr asu's property that's what it stated on those site plans um as far as height goes but it did not state how long it was my issue is is that with the differential of the elevation between the two properties because of that retaining wall that 6 foot part of the needs to be above that retaining wall however long that retaining wall is and since staff can't tell me how long that retaining wall is that's an issue just for a point of clarification Comm gari your thought is that the compromise motion can't be clarified until we know that until I know what the the the elevation change because you understand that and because the retaining wall is the elevation change wherever the retaining wall is that's where the elevation is the difference so so I think what I heard and and and staff can correct me if I'm incorrect I think what I heard was the elevation of the two properties are the same the elevation changes in the pad where the home is built right no no it is to it's completely different and I can I can speak on behalf of that because previous variances that were done for Mrs Wheeler's property I went out there and I could see visibly the elevation change on both in the rear of the property and on the house pad um I'm not a I don't know what the elevation is and I don't know the exact feet but you could visibly see it and you can also see it from well not see it visually but it was stated by the officer in the report that was given by Mr ASU that it needed to be visually noted or to be noted in the report that there was a substantial change in elevation from the properties so even though you do put a six foot fence Mr ask you just be patient sir please so even if you do put a six- foot fence in because the elevation change you're effectively getting 4ot distance in elevation of the fence I'm sorry I don't understand the question if the fence goes to the bottom of of retaining wall mhm okay and the retaining wall is how high so um is it okay if I interject information for for the record Rebecca hammock development services director so my understanding from the appellant um the applicant for the appeal is that the retaining wall that is being reflected that Angie is showing is actually not a retaining wall that runs along the south side of the property there is a retaining wall that runs or appears to be a retaining wall that runs along is Wheeler's property but it runs um North South that's what I thought that's what I thought it was this is a wall right here this is just a wall right and the photo that I have in my hand that's in a packet it looks like it's a retaining wall because her elevation is so much lower and if you look at the photo it goes halfway up to the distance of the condensing unit and the condensing unit's on at least a 4in concrete pad or a wooden pad that's what I'm looking at yes um that's the picture that Miss ask or the excuse me Amy wheeler submitted that's what's in our packet yes I'm just going to show so if you have one resident that believes they need privacy by putting an 8ot fence that gives them six feet of privacy without knowing where the wall is I'm looking at the photo is it this one that you're talking about that's that's another one that's not the one I'm looking at but that's another one no that's a retaining wall oh what what's the measurement on that tape it is 4 foot 3 in okay well there a 4ot retaining wall marked in the packet but but the question is whether it's a retaining wall or it's just a wall in the packet it says concrete wall does not say retaining wall we've heard both today I don't know which it is well I would argue that if you look at the pictures it would be a retaining wall because dirt on the other side of it's right to the top I mean typically a wall does not have dirt all the way to the top of a wall unless it's a retaining wall if that's the section that we're talking about so these are very narrow sections so corre that's that's the piece of it that then I agree with you on the pictures that we can see but I I don't know that that's the entire direction of the we don't even know how long it is let alone Mr chairman corre I'd like to have some additional information okay well we have we have a motion a second let me let me call the call the question a motion by the district commissioner we have a second by commissioner her all those in favor like say I I I oppose like sign I carries three to two passes no I voted no I voted yay okay her voted yay Constantine voted yay got it so what did we just appr what did you just approve compromise the compromise which is what district commissioner suggested which is the wall that was suggested by Mr ASU to the end of the house to the rear building line of the existing home Rebecca is that correct if you just want to bring it up let's make sure we get it clarified for everybody I guess we won't find out any information that's retainable if I may just to clarify there was no dimensions on Mr asu's uh picture that he submitted so and so I think that the motion what I heard is that the motion that was approved was that the compromise is that the 8ft wall can only proceed to the edge of the building line for the neighboring property to the South Mr asu's House correct okay that was my understanding is that correct commissioner cone it is okay so we don't have an exact measurement for it because I don't think is there there's no numbers on that um document correct okay so staff will have to determine where where that is located sure understood okay so for the record then what will occur is he'll have she will have a 4ft tall fence within the 30t setback from the normal high water elevation then she can have um then she would be able to have the 8ft fence up to no she'll be able to have a 6 and 1/2t fence 6 and 1/2t fence from there to the building line up to there and then 8ot and then OT from there it'll be a step up but you would have to have a 25t set back from here it can't go all the way to the front set back correct okay so it'll transition from from 4 to 6 and2 to 8 correct if that's what she proposes correct okay staff and Council clear nobody's going to be Happ all good thank you all very much we appreciate you all's patience with us today we sincerely appreciate you coming down and talking with us all right next item up is going to be county attorney's report put Mr chairman I I don't have a report per se today but I would appreciate just a moment to acknowledge the uh too soon passing of former deputy County attorney Paul chipo um also your acting County attorney immediately proceeding to me coming on board um our office is understandably mourning the loss of Paul as is his wife and family and uh Paul was such an incredible help to me when I first started with the county about a year ago I really couldn't have done it without him and he was a great great friend and mentor to many in my office and around the county and our hearts are with his family in this time so I just wanted to acknowledge that on the record thank you thank you County Manager report just a couple auds Mr chairman thank you um one I know that there have been a lot of discussions regarding Animal Services over the last uh couple months I just wanted to let the board know um and I've spoken with you individually on this that I've initiated an independent review of animal services so that is is going to be kicking off this week I sent an email to all the animal services employees um again thanking them for their cooperation through this you know challenging time and that as soon as those results uh will be uh given back to our office I'll be reviewing those with uh each of you the County Commissioners as well I'm staying out of the total the review um County uh manager's office our Human Resources office our County Attorney's office we're we're not um in this at all uh this will be totally an independent review and then they will share the results with us so I just want to let you know I just want to be clear for the public so this is not a review that's being conducted by us it's an outside firm correct that will not have any input from our management or our staff correct uh they will do their due diligence and report back to your office correct which you then will report to us correct fair enough correct the only thing that we have given the uh Miss green who is doing the review is just all the um public records that have come in the emails so we have sent those all that information she's requested that that's the only thing that we have sent to her okay commissioner her uh just a follow-up question so the intention is to interview the entire team correct 100% And the intention is that all of that would be uh confidential blinded correct so individual responses would be kept confidential correct and then the last piece that I would offer is that when we're doing a review like that in an organization of our size I would like the response to be uh twofold one is animal services and then the second is if there are other broader systemic issues that are identified in there that could be touching multiple departments in the organization or gaps in terms of process CES that we need to implement for things that touch multiple departments that those be called out as well absolutely noted any other inquiries from the county manager on that topic commissioner lockart will you be sharing with us the results of that investigation yes absolutely bled yes BL right yeah but I wasn't sure if it was being kept for you or if it was going to be distributed for us yes I will distribute it too as soon as it submitted to my office I I'll distribute exactly what I get to your offices so you see exactly what I have okay right thank you MH anything else see and then just one other thing on a on a real positive not not that that wasn't positive because I think it is but a positive note that I won another world championship title last week with my horse so congratulations you mean your horse won and you were on top well I had to I had to I had to write it so it takes two to tango in that world somebody building the strategy and the direction I appreciate you allowing me time to go do that absolutely that's awesome good stuff well we uh we we we like our folks to play as hard as they work so it goes without saying all right anything else no sir all right we will move to District of ports commissioner delari thank you Mr chairman uh attended the veteran standown event uh this past Saturday and uh Jason uh at house was there uh ran it I think it was very well attended not just from our staff but uh from other agencies and uh I'm glad to see that they were able to uh assist various uh veterans not just in giving them services but uh allowing them to find their their way home uh to their famili so it was uh very well done I want to thank Jason his team as well the other agencies for being a part of that uh uh there's going to be an upcoming community meeting for Deer Run public meeting is scheduled for Monday uh September 30th to 6 p.m. at Sterling Park Elementary which is located at 905 Eagle Circle which is also in Castlebury if you don't know where dear run is and uh look forward to seeing everyone there that wants to attend also uh uh tomorrow is a day of remembrance for uh 911 it's uh 23 years ago it's aaz amazing how time goes by so quickly and I know many of us can remember exactly where we were when we first heard about that tragic event and uh our heart goes out to those individuals who lost uh family members and or were affected uh by that and also on that same note I want to Echo uh the county attorney's uh settlement about Paul chipo uh who was a great asset to this County and to this board and to this staff and uh hearing what happened and how quick everything happened was uh very upsetting and uh our heart and our prayers go out to his whole entire family and uh he'll be definitely missed so thank you for bringing that to our attention end of my report thank you commissioner commissioner Constantine thank you very much and um on a very positive note uh many of us um other than commissioner zimbauer because he was out with family responsibilities attended the Lake Mary Little League champion uh parade and um you know I got to give it to Lake Mary and every everybody involved because that was put together so quickly and it was such a wonderful wonderful event um and I know that the uh the the team was very excited but all but everybody in Lake Mary and I think that U from what I heard they uh had record numbers using uh SunRail also to get there so that was quite a community event for all of Central Florida and uh but again I've seen uh the Little League members of the Little League team around in many different venues over the last couple of weeks and uh they just continue to be such asset to this community and uh and such a good feeling for all of us another positive feeling um and it was about 911 as commissioner delori mentioned uh tomorrow is the 23rd anniversary of that horrific event but once again for the 12th year in a row at in Altamont Springs they did the uh uh run the tunnel to Towers 5K run and to see all of the first responders Police Department fire departments as well as uh so many children that were there that were born well after the event um there to celebrate and remember uh the the the tragedy the the the sacrifice of so many people and there was there was over a thousand people there it was really a well run and when you think about it they had to be there at 6:30 a.m. so you know on a Saturday so it just just an amazing amazing event uh later today the uh we have the best of Sanford Readers Choice and also the foundation for seol County uh SE SE seol State excuse me celebration of giving uh will be going on uh and uh I also wanted to uh let you all know that the Florida Association of counties will be having their Innovation and policy conference the one that we hosted last year which they indicated uh to then chairman uh uh no I know but I'm just thinking what I want to say thank you commissioner chairman lockart and myself that was the best one they ever had they're going to have another one in uh Escambia County uh and they they're the first day they're going to the day before the event they're going to have a special one for the Blue Angels which we already had at our airport so it's kind of nice that uh they're going to be following that but well done commissioner lockart good job so good work chairman lockart it was um it was a wonderful it was a wonderful event that we put on and they again are going to have it in Escambia County the 18th through the 20th and uh also on Fe on September 12th uh the the fdot is going to have a public hearing both live and by Zoom of the cfx uh meeting on the state road 4th 17 which I know everybody is very interested in that that lives in that area and so just wanted to bring that up and that's all I have thank you commissioner good commissioner lockart um just to round out the SunRail conversation and the Lake Mary little league parade I do want to um want to thank one of our employees Becky Nogle um who reached out to me shks and envir Al services and she said is there any chance that you think we could run SunRail for people to get to that little Le wow that's a great idea so in working with Kevin Smith the city manager and a lot of our folks here got in touch with do who got in touch with Al who got in touch with like putting everybody together and um the decision was made thank you um uh Deputy County Manager Trisha Johnson in connection with the City of Lake Mary to split the cost of that that was a special event train that we ran um and paid for at seal County stops and Becky was so excited that I'm so glad to see you get you got the train going unfortunately it's not running to um DeBry where she was coming from so Beck I'm still so sorry we tried and there was a lot of feedback from folks in the region who were very disappointed that it was not running into orange and and uh Oola County and and I think there was a just a misunderstanding that it was a special event train that was paid for not just a part of the regular SunRail operations and so um to anyone out there who is bitter or holding a grudge against SunRail please don't um that was it was a $144,000 expenditure that we shared with the City of Lake Mary um it was very well receive for those we do know that people drove to um Altamont from Orange and Ula County and got on the train at Altamont and drove it and what do you do you rod in rod in and um so that was helpful but 2419 people I think was the number and it ran from 8:00 a.m. to two I believe um that's a lot of people those trains were packed and so at some point in time when it comes time to start having conversations hopefully about expanding hours um that that could be used as an indication of how people would like to ride it of course we don't get world champions every weekend but um we do have some great farmers markets that are walking distance to some of our locations and maybe um partnering with Winter Park and some other areas we could start talking about expanding service um there was a planting event at what what we're calling Lake Lily and it gets confusing because there is an actual Lake Lily in maand on 1792 but apparently we've started calling the retention Pond out in front of the Criminal Justice Center Lake Lily how does maand feel about that I don't think they know so don't tell them or care yeah but wonderful planting event native plants using that as a a great opportunity to showcase um how to do different types of landscaping and Aquatic aquascaping and so thank you so much to all of the volunteers and our County staff who helped to coordinate that and make that a reality um there are some photos that we can circulate for that um from that event um talked about the policy conference oh I toured the arbor School in Winter Springs and I I don't know if it's in commissioner deli's District or commissioner zembower's District but district oh you're both pointing at yourself so I should that never mind it's somewhere out there and um it's South on South of red bugs every district one that's where it is that's where going I'm going to let I'm going to let him hash it out before I go on M of my district well I think we all are going to wind up messing in it because we all have the voters there well no because we all have um students and um family members who can benefit from this amazing school it is a private nonprofit school that specializes in um serving um special needs students of varying degrees and ages and um I was just incredibly impressed and they I know that they have reached out to all of your offices for tours so if you have not set your tour yet or been able to go highly recommend it they are trying to expand their services in the county so that more families and students can benefit and um was a a wonderful time well spent with um the arbor School in Winter Spring so congratulations to them and the good work that they do and that is all I have very well thank you commissioner commissioner her District 5 so I have scheduled an appointment with the arbor school and I'm glad to see services like that brought into the county uh for parents that did this years ago often those Services were only outside of the county which created a working mom nightmare uh I did attend the ribbon cutting for the grand opening for our veteran services Lobby and this is a walk-in opportunity for veterans in our community to come in and be served by our veteran services team and and so it can be uh rather unplanned an opportunistic uh chance to walk in and be served and it is fully staffed it was uh very nicely done so hats off to the county manager and the entire team for doing that and it was clearly very frugally done so um it's it's very comfortable and very uh manageable in terms of a cost so that's important to me because then that makes it sustainable and that that's the magic to that uh with regard to the Lake Mary Little League champions I would like to challenge all of you to learn the dance I just wanted to see how that would go over but I've mastered the dance and it's rather difficult and so you have to it's an up and down and a side to side with your it's really challenging so hats off to those boys I'm willing how about right after to those boys for um for all the work they did I do think that we should a proclamation for the young men and the coaches I I am not a fan of pulling them out of school for yet another proclamation to be read because they're already behind and God bless the teachers that are trying to get them caught up and the parents so I would like to plan that accordingly and maybe they're here maybe they're not here I'll leave that up to the chairman who's not listening oh messing around in class um I did visit the Central Florida home for good uh I did a site visit with them on the existing property and then a secondary property that they're uh starting to do the permitting and process for building another 10 units the work that they do is homeless prevention and so you know I'm a fan of prevention I would rather not take somebody from unsheltered or unhoused back to housed I would rather keep them housed in this first place and the work that she doing does exactly that it's a little outside of what the normal model is according to a you know HUD uh and I'm okay with that I would like to see us find more opportunities for them to expand they have the capacity to expand I did I want to give a huge shout out to our libraries and thank you for collecting school supplies for our kids uh we did do the handoff of the school supplies to the Tools for Schools uh facility and it was lovely this and I know it's appreciated because those the teachers in those schools shop in that or that uh Tools for Schools shopping opportunity and pay nothing so that when kids come into their classroom under supplied they're able to uh cover the base uh cfx on a good note cfx customer service won a uh best practice practices for customer value leadership award uh in the North American customer care uh Outsourcing industry and it is based on the partnership for their call centers and the outstanding results that they get and a part of how they won the report reward the award is based on the fact that their reporting is phenomenal and their dashboard capabilities are just Rockstar like the results are also very good to report but if you can't report them you can't brag about them right uh I will be attending the seminal State celebration of giving this evening so I will be missing the Sanford event so it sounded like commissioner Constantine might have that one covered I did attend on a on a more sorrowful note uh the services for Mr Blaine Darrow and I will tell you that he thr will never be the same without him um and as I was running for office he was one of the voices I had never met the man before but he was so kind and so sweet and so um willing to provide coaching that it it was really quite endearing so you can see how he throw is the neighborhood that it is although we do use too much water I hear you we got to fix that and I was working with him to fix that and they're willing participants as long as we're willing to get in the game um there's not enough words to say uh about Paul chipo but I will offer this on a more cheerful note I did see the obituary I realize that this that's those two sentences don't go together I've never known Paul without a ponytail I'm just going to say so I will always think of him as being with the ponytail but when I saw the picture I didn't actually recognize that it was Paul and there were often times when I thought and we used to have this conversation Paul I would just like to take a scissors to it cuz I just like no no commissioner no commissioner he will be very sorely missed he was a wonderful wonderful human and also very helpful to the new guy yeah agreed uh and my last uh request is and we did not talk about this when we did the uh benefits discussion but I have talked to the county manager about it and I would like to see us take our Pharmacy Management Services out to bid uh it's uh called a PBM Pharmacy Benefit Management Services out to bid this next next year does not mean that we need to change benefits and it does not mean that we need to change networks to be super clear but there is a recent court case uh Le and dowski versus Johnson and Johnson we would not fall under this category because it's governed by Arisa uh government entity is not but it does provide a reason for doing further due diligence and this has not been looked at for years and years and we probably need to do that so I think it would be very prudent on behalf of the board of directors or the board of County Commissioners to direct staff to uh have the consultant take that out to Market I've also expressed that desire for the sheriff's office as well it can have a positive Bud budget impact to both organizations without negatively impacting the employees and it is a recurring positive budget impact if we get it and that concludes my report great thank you very much I will try to get through mine and Chairman's report uh I won't reiterate a lot of things that have already been said most most of things that I have on my list a lot of you have already covered uh I did uh speak at the leadership seminal early this week as the topic being how County government impacts you as a citizen um great class A lot of people attend it um and I look at those folks is as representative of our community um because once they get through leadership seminal as you all you know many of them work for the corporations that we interact with and 501 c3s that interact with us and do good work for the community so um they're good Representatives uh for the county in in those places uh of course Patriots Day which is tomorrow has already been mentioned uh I did attend the sharing Shar in Center fundraiser um raised about $400,000 the Sharing Center did that evening and and forgive me because I'm two weeks removed and I want to thank each and every one of you for giving me the latitude to be with my daughter and and my newborn grandson and and those medical concerns and and thank goodness we're through that they're they're headed in the right place and I and I appreciate you all you know having the patience while in my absence and picking up the slack and commission her standing in my Steed as as the vice chair when necessary so sincerely appreciate that um kids house 25th anniversary celebration is going to be uh this Friday September 27th uh 4: to 6:00 p.m. not this Frid I'm sorry not this Friday yeah I got head us the 27th 4: to 6: p.m. everybody be getting real invitations yep um of course Sanford Airport connector PDN study has already been mentioned um I will not be there because I have prior commitments often uh these things come on our radar too late for my calendar um that happens to a lot of us um also want to thank uh Danny trit and and ghee uh when I when I was not here and removed in DC being with my family uh watching the little world World Series I immediately reached out to them to uh discuss about having them come in for a proclamation as well as a parade and a law like Mary got the parade done um and they were supposed to be here tomorrow night for a proclamation because tomorrow night is our first budget hearing right uh but we've just recently learned they will not be able to make it so I've asked the county manager to continue to dialogue and reschedule them to come in uh for proc invitation yeah well they they will be in Tallahassee at the governor's man on Friday and I will be there with them um you want to ride together I've got I've got another car mate I drive pretty fast G to talk about the speed at which we car you drove in today I bet you will do um so we've got all that and of course the budget uh first budget hearing is tomorrow September 11th at 5:30 p.m. uh we encourage anybody that's interested to come on down and and visit with us we know for sure there's going to be one individual there that is there each and every year to uh tell us how gracious things are and and uh how things used to be in the county and so forth we adore him immensely uh also I need to bring to the board's attention uh some developments on the medical examiners um Coalition that we belong to in District 5 and District 24 uh we're at a point where we're going to need some direction to be given to staff um so basically what the latest developments are let me back up nine months ago we knew that the agreement that we currently are operating under was going to expire in the near future and the discussion amongst the board members was they were going to bring an interim contract to us for all the parties to review and then sign that why we waited to move forward under a new contract which would include a new building to be built including the property procurement in Maran County that did not happen instead what we've been presented with is a contract that includes the building in Maran County that has no prop share calculations in it no real cost analysis in it and basically gives all the decisionmaking powers to Marian County and none of the other partners uh they would bid it they would build it uh they would fund it and then they would prop share to us as part of that as a development of that I've reached out to FDLE and they are working um through the process uh one of our partners in Lake County has showed interest in coming and joining us in District 24 that is going to take a signature by the governor ultimately to happen but that process and discussion is underway and occurring uh so we're at a point where we're going to need to give some direction to our staff whether we desire to continue down that path or stay where we're at ultimately we're not we're not sure where it would all end up it has to go through the whole process but in my opinion it is the best course to at least explore continue to explore um Lake and seminal joining as District 24 so I'm asking each and every one of you if you're input and direction for staff to continue down that path or enter blindly into a contract that we know nothing about there's your choice I think you should enter blindly is Lake in five currently what is Lake in in five they are in five we are 24 corre on our own on our own so we would be adopting Lake in that scenario correct okay and there's some benefits to that which I won't go into that I'll let staff share with each and every one of you um from a cost perspective um and I think that's the big the big thing not to mention there's been angst by some of the other partners on how far of a distance it would be to now travel all all the way up I75 in the turnpike to get into Maran County instead of where it's at currently which is Lake County which is much easier now that we have a Parkways open for us um but some of those still have to travel but it truly was pretty much centrally located in Lake but now Marion is where it's going to be can we convene the stakeholders to have these conversations and give us input before we give our input so and by stakeholders I mean the sheriff the state attorney public defender if appropriate I'm not sure who I think it's a very small group but I I don't feel like I mean I can tell you what I think so to give you some comfort I have had those discussions with Phil Archer our sheriff and others and likewise has staff that's why it's an FDLE decision and of people were surprised to understand it's not a health department issue when it comes to the medical examiners it's FDLE it's it's Florida Department of Law Enforcement that has the oversight on that so the sheriff is aware um and I would encourage you all to speak with the sheriff and Phil Archer and so forth to get their input but and and I and I have um actually I talked with them both um several months ago many months ago but if there are new developments and you're ask I just I would if there's one person from our team who can get all rather than all five of us calling each of them individually and deciphering if we just could sure so I have asked staff to do that so that we're not all running around but I would never want to preclude anybody from inquiring with those entities but yeah I'm I'm staff is aware of it and staff has been having conversations behind the scenes and just know this conversation we're having now was the first time our partners are ever going to hear it so they're going to be somewhat concerned in District 24 that this move could be taking place well they might not be terribly concerned they might be cheering I'm not well they might be like finally we get rid of them I don't know um I can teach them the Lake Mary dance there you go perfect want us toate for long so I mean without going into all details I'm just asking for consensus to let staff to work yep and get Mr chairman there's no reason why staff can't continue and I think that's what you're asking for Absolut we can all be talking to staff on a one-on-one basis we and things will develop and change and timelines will change I'm sure so a non-commitment yes great all right can I add one more thing in there yes regardless of which scenario or how many scenarios you're looking at can you give us a ballpark dollar figure attached to each one sure absolutely well you can't give the Maran County cuz we don't have the numbers on that true well so I can give you the numbers that were floated at the meetings we've had well that's fine but I'm just saying all of this is great and location is great and partners are great and all but you know we're budget wise here's tell we have more and more people with their hand in the till it's a it's not a um it's not a refilling till understood and and to to be clear and give some level of comfort to my fellow Commissioners I would not be going down this path for even a second of wasting my brain power or breath if this was not a more conservative approach to go the way that I'm asking us to let staff go down I don't think that's the question I think the question is more related to we we really don't have any vague idea how much it cost to build a examiner office we need to start thinking about that as it relates to all the other stuff that we're being asked to and this is a reoccurring cost that's correct exactly is not something that come comes and goes so does staff have yes I can do that I'll set up individual meetings and then we we'll go over the different proposals and if you want to brief them all starting from two years ago from the cost that they originally said to the updated cost to the cost of the property to the cost of the property development to the cost of option A B C D and E sure we'll definitely we got all that y we got it so great very good sorry we're we're planning things over here for we got it are figuring it all out we got an empty building we would have put it well um anything else from the commission seeing none we will now open the open portion of our public comments session if you are here here to speak on a non-agenda item please be sure to fill out a speaker form you will be given 3 minutes to address the commission um we will start Miss Dominique do you have a list of folks that wish to make a statement we just have one speaker Dennis schepner okay Mr schepner if you'd come forward please okay good afternoon Commissioners I'm Dennis schepner I live at 1167 Oak Creek Court in Winter Springs first I want to thank uh each and every one of you for the three decisions that were made on the July 23rd BCC meeting um quickly review those number one agreeing to submit the 18,6 63 apparent election violations in suo County to the supervisor of election for investigation and remedy number two placing a suo county TV camera and the canvasing board meetings to live stream and record three amending the administrative code regarding Commissioners role and participation in election canvasing boards okay having said that regarding the submission of the apparent election violations I have been unable to confirm that the apparent election violations were sent to the SE soe as decided in that meeting I have requested multiple times from both the county attorney's office and through public record requests without results what I have received twice were copies of the previous letters August 7th August 9th August 12th as well as the most recent letter of August 13th to the semal office of State Attorney which included our primary uh which included our public testimony in the three recent uh BCC meetings as well as additional election matters dating back to March of this year what I have not been able to learn is whether the board's July 23rd decision and guidance to the county attorney was executed I see no evidence that the election violations were sent over to the supervisor of election and I'm here to request the cover letter of that transaction if it has been completed if it has not been completed I ask that it be done so immediately and expedited regarding the suo county TV coverage of the county camping board I have heard from a number of citizens that agree with my email that I submitted uh to a couple of members of the canvasing board requesting changes to the positioning of the camera among other recommendations the camera is too far away from the action of the canvasing board people are blocking the view between the camera and the canvasing board table the overhead projector that the canvasing board and the supervisor of election office uses is too weak to be easily seen on the screen and quite often what is happening on the table is not presented in that overhead projection it it misses it so I have not been able to learn progress as to revising the amendment amending the County Administration code in regard to the clarification of the commissioner's role on the election ceny board so I ask that you kindly direct me to the person that can explain the current status of that for me to me second I want to publicly announce that the United Sovereign Americans lawsuit against the State of Florida was filed ini out of time if you'd wrap it up please okay it was initially uh or it was submitted on August 29th I provided an email to you I urge you to read that if you haven't it will be very enlightening so in conclusion here's a quick review of my four asks that I have today please share with me the cover letter the election violation submission to the soe uh number two make uh plans for better uh TV coverage of future campusing boards three direct me to the changes made in the administrative code and fourth read the lawsuit filed if you haven't done so yet so thank you Mr as always thank you for your time and attention thank you um County attorney would you like to address the mailings um I was copied on those mailings that were sent to the supervisor elections Council as well as the Secretary of State um as well as the state's attorney yes many many letters were sent to those entities in the weeks following the July 23rd Board of County Commissioners meeting um the initial letters were sent within a week of that meeting Mr sher's Data came in um shortly thereafter and was sent under separate cover on the same day that I received it um if he has not received the appropriate cover letter transmitting that I do believe that was sent on a thumb drive because it was such an extensive amount of information but I can attest that it was also forwarded to the supervisor of elections the division of Elections and the reason it was submitted we were waiting on Mr shner to supply that information correct and so our letters did go out and I insisted it get out as quick as possible without the data and then the data finally did come in which was sent after that which is the thumb drive so if you'd be kind enough to provide that um information to Mr shner I absolutely will I think that would be appreciative uh as far as the administrative code if y'all did something while I was out of town I'm not aware of that um has there been some kind of administrative code change that I'm unaware of no there has been no Administrative Code change yet this was an Ask um from commissioner lockart several months ago that we establish a formal policy of how the board will appoint its representative or an alternative representative to the canvasing board um that just has not we've not had a chance to work on that yet but it is something that is on the list and that will get done and so is the anticipation or duplicating the existing statute um more or less uh with maybe a little bit more detail on how often we will or the board will make that appointment um there's been a practice that it was only done every every two years um this not not necessarily how it needs to happen but I it's it's going to be a little more granular than the statute as and go into your your you know into the policy of the county on how that happens okay well and I I would tell you from on the canvasing board um there's there's no question a a better room or format would would be helpful um but I would tell you that um my experience of sitting on that board I've gone out of my way to ensure that everything was being done in front of the TV cameras and everything was being done on the overhead projector um the lighting in the room arguably may not be the best uh We've we've turned lights off an attempt to do that um I suspect as things move forward we'll be able to change that and what I would like to uh ensure that we do from the county side is have a clear delineation uh and make it abundantly clear whose canvasing board it actually is and who will set the tone for the layout of those rooms and so forth I know that there is a vision long term and maybe not so long term that we will be uh doing some additional development at Five Points which includes the supervisors of Elections office um that would be the time to make sure that we have deployed as much technology as humanly possible uh that's reasonable to give that oversight um I think we we do a pretty decent job with the tools we have currently um and I had several people call me after those canvasing boards that said they were watching it on sgtv and they said if they heard me say one more time duplicate and replacement ballot they were going to lose their mind because I I purposely did that to try to memorialize the record right of what ballot number it was the duplicate and and the the new ballot um it certainly could be made more efficient there there's no question about it and it could be made made I won't say more transparent but maybe easier to observe um and granted sgtv this is their first go at it I mean so and they've got to be very careful because you can't video or take a photograph of somebody's signature um and so that becomes problematic as well so it's that fine line um of where to go uh on that same note I wanted to bring to my fellow commissioner's attention uh I was contacted by a resident related to some mail election mail they received at their home that was not addressed to them but was addressed to a different party at the correct address where they have lived for over 30 years and come to find out it was a voter identification card for somebody that has never lived there in the 30 years this family has lived there and nobody has lived either with them or visited them at that address that would have had the ability to be known to be at that address uh I have turned that over to the county attorney um they're having discussion with uh soe and and Secretary of State but then 3 weeks later another voter ID card came to the same address under a different name but the same name apparently as the first voter ID card so we're not really sure why that's happening and and the our legal team's looking at that digging into that and to give you some background there is a procedure and if I restate this please correct me Naya I know you spent a lot of time on this the procedure is that is supposed to return be returned to the soe who's then supposed to do something the fear of this family is is somebody Ste in our identity because we've lived here for 30 years this person's never lived here we would like to have some kind of explanation is this somebody that is out registering voters at bogus addresses and Minds one of them or is it somebody trying to steal my identity at my address etc etc that family has shared with me they have not seen any other activity like on their credit cards bank accounts or anything else that would lead them to believe there was an identity theft issue but they they're monitoring it so I only bring that to your attention to put it on your radar in case you hear of similar incidents I have given both of those the resident has brought those to my office I've given them to the county attorney's office and they will work their way through it um I've asked them to soon as they have some kind of answer that we can give to the family that we try try to provide that um the best we can so just just so you're aware okay chairman if you'd like an update on that I'm ready to give one so um there is an administrative code process it is correct that you write on the document Return to sender and then there's a um rules in place um of what the soe has to do once they receive the documents back and different um notices that they have to send out and investigations that they do I did contact and spoke with the s soe's attorney and she is going to um she was aware of the administrative code but then also look at to see if there was any internal policies so to give more information to the property owner about what the process is exactly when it comes back and who handles it and the means in which the citizen can track that and who they can get in contact with with the S soe's office so I spoke with her late last week so I would be expecting something back from her later this week or early next week great great thank you yeah I think I think some of the fear in the environment we're living in is that you know this could be just a simple honest mistake made somewhere we don't know uh and I think that's the real explanation that this family is looking for if it's an honest mistake hey got it you know things happen I make mistakes on a daily basis some of you experienced that earlier today in one of the documents out with some spelling errors and so forth but there's this ongoing narrative that regardless if it's an honest mistake that there's something nefarious going on and we just need to understand you know these things happen is it widespread or is it tip of an iceberg to let the Secretary of State or others know hey this this is what's going on and maybe it's happened in other places and maybe it's just not a oneoff Mr lockart were you able to find out why regular ballots mail ballots were sent in the red Ada envelopes did that ever get resolved the the answer I was given was you request an ADA in order to get that what I can't confirm is everyone that got an ADA valot did they actually request such that I do not know yeah okay um and I'm I'm also told that when an ADA ballot is sent out they can either fill the ballet out if they're capable just like anybody else with a non-disability could or there is an electronic version that they can perform that then the camping board has to then duplicate into a regular ballot in order to go into the machine to be counted so good question don't have the answer don't know that we can get the answer um in that same vein uh I made a public information request to the supervisor of elections now 30 days ago and I've yet to get a response um I would like our our County attorneys to see where that might be standing um and and my office will be happy to supply you with any documentation regarding that anything else nobody else here for public speaking no sir we shall be adjourned thank you all very much we appreciate it --------- ##VIDEO ID:ANf_jhTIBtE## all everyone and welcome to the seal County Board of County Commission meeting the date is Tuesday September 10th 2024 if yall would please take a moment and silence your cell phones any of their electronic devices you have we' sincerely appreciate it we are going to ask uh Mr Robert Bradley Bread of Life Christian Church to lead us in the uh Pledge of Allegiance as well as the invocation sir please stand let us pray Eternal God our Father we thank you Lord God for this opportunity and privilege you've given unto us to gather together we thank you for this day and the beauty of it we thank you for the sufficient amount of grace and mercy you've given unto us and strength for this day God we ask you Lord God to bless these proceedings today as your word has declared that if we acknowledge you in all of our ways you will direct our paths we thank you Lord God that regardless of our race or our political affiliations Lord God you love us in spite of us but you've also commanded us to love one another so Lord we ask that love be the only motive the most prevailing motive in everything that we say and do throughout this meeting today let all be done for your glory and for the good of Simo County and its residents bless these Commissioners Lord God those that are on the Das that the decision be made Lord God be for our benefit but all For Your Glory for everything in advance God we give you glory honor and praise in Jesus name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Mr Bradley we sincerely appreciate it next we're going to move to our consent agenda this is a public participation portion we are going to ask U Miss Kate Lor the County Attorney to read the rules of participation Miss Lor good morning everyone Florida law provides that members of the public shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard on propositions before the board of County Commissioners except when the board is acting on emergency or ministerial matters or conducting a meeting exempt from the requirements of the sunshine law individuals shall be permitted 3 minutes each for public comment or 6 minutes when the individual is an official representative of a formal Association or group the chairman May modify the maximum time for public comment at his sole discretion when appropriate public comments on quasi judicial or other public hearing items will occur during the board's consideration of those items this afternoon public comments on pending procurement matters or on non-agenda items shall not be permitted at this time members of the public Desiring to make public comment must fill out a speaker form and present the form to staff and forms are available in the lobby chairman thank you very kindly so that you all are aware of it if you do want to speak or have a written comment you need to grab one of those forms right away fill it out get it to Monique d d Monique here at the front desk our clerk so she has that ready please identify the item in which you wish to speak about and whether you are in favor or against that item thank you very much all right I will move now to the county manager is there any changes Mr County Manager thank you uh Mr chairman and Commissioners regarding the consent agenda there are two items that I'd like to pull item number six a vacate item will be um researching that a little bit more and bringing that back and item number 11 there's a few things I need to add to the agreement and I will bring that back at the next meeting other than that everything else is good so you're going to pull items 6 and 11 correct cor correct okay items 6 and 11 all right we will move to public input M Dominique is there any forms anybody wish to speak on any of these items no sir seeing none we'll close public participation and go to board action Mr chairman make a motion to approve items 1 through 13 excluding 6 and 11 second motion second any further discussion all those in favor I oppose like sign seeing none carries unanimously thank you all very much next item up is our regular agenda this is the Greek Fest 2024 special event permit to consider a special event permit for Greek Fest 2024 November 1st 2024 through November 3rd 2024 located at 1217 Trinity Woods Lane matland Joyce yarbor is the applicant Mary Robinson is a project manager Miss Robinson yes good morning for the record Mary Robinson with plan and development services this is item 14 on your agenda and it's a request for a special event permit for the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox church located on Trinity Drive in elamont Springs excuse me this is your location map the applicant is requesting the event is scheduled for Friday November 1st through sun Monday November 3rd the hours of operation are 4 to 11: on Friday 11: to 11: on Saturday and 11:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. on Sunday the estimated attendance is 1500 guests at any time with the exception of Saturday where they're anticipating 4500 attendees the event will include Greek dancers and a live band a variety of food vendors um the special event permit does include conditions of of approval and we do request that the board of County Commissioners approve the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Greek Fest 2024 special event permit for November 1 2024 through November 3rd 20 24 subject to the recommendations included in the special event permit um and if this request is approved and there are no substantial changes in forthcoming years the event permit will be processed administratively and will not appear before the board and I can answer any questions and the applicant is present also for any questions thank you M Robinson any inquiries from M Robinson seeing none is the applicant care to make any statement to the board if not hi um yes you ma'am you'll need you'll need to come up to the podium and if you'll just give us your name and address for the record please yes Sophia Cordova 1840 Bridgewater Drive Lake Mary uh Joyce is not here today she is out on medical leave so I'm taking her place uh just want to welcome everyone who wants to come we've been doing this for many years and we'd appreciate your approval thank you thank you very much Dominique is there any speakers on this matter no sir seeing none we will close public participation and move to board action commissioner Constantine Mr chairman uh once again it's my privilege to move to support the uh special events permit for the Greek Fest 2024 it's been a great event Community event for years and years and we look forward to being there again this year second second motion second all those in favor I oppose like sign seeing none carries unanimous next item is item 15 serbfest special event permit consider a special event permit for serbfest on October 11 20202 2024 through October 13th 2024 located at 1990 Lake Emma road and this is also miss Mary Robinson yes thank you Mr chair for the record Mary Robinson with planning and development services this is a new special event for the board to consider called the Serb Fest 2024 like you said it's on Lake Emma road and this is the Serbian uh house of worship the applicant is requesting approval of the special event for the serbfest they will include traditional Serbian folk dancing and music uh additionally dances from Romania bulgar Bulgaria and Greece will be featured there will be a variety of food and drink stations the number of attendees is anticipated to be approximately 750 persons daily the event hours as stated uh it'll be 6: to 10 but I want to advise the bo I did receive a phone call from the applicant this morning that they made an error on their application with regard to the time so he is going to address that with you um the security plan was reviewed and approved and traffic control will be provided by off-duty uh deputies with simil County Sheriff's Office and request the board to approve the surfest special event permit for October 11th through October 13th subject to the recommendations in the special event permit and as previously stated once this approval is given and the Serb Fest comes back next year uh with no major changes it will be approved administratively through the staff and the applicant is here to address the board thank you M Robinson any questions for M Robinson I do have one question Miss Robinson yes sir uh when you say no major changes is what do you what does staff consider a major change um I would say like the times and the um not necessarily the dates but if there's extended hours or if there's uh uh additional functions that they're going to do um chairman I can I can help answer that too Mary um so yeah um so it'd be if say they were number of attendance was doubling they were adding things such as carnival rides or something like that and it's also I'll just remind the board because this is a new provision that we just adopted it's not just if it substantially changed it's also if and this applies to the last one too it's also if the conditions that were put in place for the special event permit did not adequately protect the health safety and Welfare of the public so if something would to were to go on with a special event and next year something went wrong or they need to change their security plan or something like that that too would come back to the board for consideration in a public Hearing in additional conditions could be put on to address whatever occurred you know at the special event um so it's really for those two reasons if there's substantive changes you know a huge maybe they're adding alcohol sales or like Carnival rids or they're doubling attendance or something like that or if the original conditions that were put on the project did not adequate protect the health safety and Welfare of the public and as far as continuity from one year to the next with staff in the event of staff changes we have a tracking mechanism that there is a debriefing post event that somehow is documented so that staff in the following year will be able to bring that up and identify that relatively quickly or are we just going to rely upon memory of something that happened well oh sorry Darren no like we we definitely do debrief after the special event and then we review each special event application as it comes through with with our senior staff so we'll be comparing if there's anything that's out of line we'll be bringing that back to the board understood but I'm more interested in the actual mechanism that documents something that could have happened this year that staff would need to know next year if that came back in right and that will come through the debrief right after the special event right through the uh planning department through events and then we take that and we bring that back the if they wanting to do it the following year we bring that back to the following year and review review that and again I know we this is a new policy for us and so if there's anything that's just slightly out of line for cautious we'll bring that back to the board great thank you any other inquiries from for staff commissioner her um you didn't mention adding days adding week weekday versus a weekend day so I just want to get that on the record that that would clearly be an additional uh significant change but we didn't say that and I don't want to be held to the standard of that doesn't matter the next time somebody comes in and is trying to add Thursdays Wednesdays Tuesdays whatever that would be a substantive change but if the date changes next year say they're going to do it on a different three-day weekend and still do it three days I don't think that would be that wouldn't be a big change obviously so y great any further inquiries for applicant here and desire to make a statement welcome sir good morning my name is Father luos I'm priest of St petka church and um uh we have this event more than 15 years but it was uh a little bit smaller we are lucky that we have our sister Church Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox that helped us a lot with the organizing the first one and from there on we start growing and growing so that's why we appeared today before this before today we we never had to have to apply for for a special event permit because we were um excluded of of that U um specially EV permit so um You probably saw the church at Lake Emma road it was recently built a beautiful Sanctuary so we consecrated that last year and um since then we are growing significantly and the festival is growing as well so we have as we said probably around 750 people that's kind of not probably the right number it's going to be maybe even more even less but it's uh the only thing that we uh messed up with the application was uh the the hours um Saturday is 11: to 11: instead of 11: to 10: or something like that I don't know I don't know what and we going to start on Friday at 4:00 4 400 p.m. so 4: to 11: and Sunday is fine but um uh that's the only thing that we we want wanted to to um fix on on this application also also I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for um giving us you know like opportunity to present our Heritage our culture our dances and you're more than welcome to to come and enjoy the the food and music and dance for very good thank you very much sir we sincerely appreciate it and we appreciate your involvement in the community sincerely thank any questions yes commissioner lockart um I I do have a question I know you've you've had the event in the past for many years and uh what's the relationship been like or the reception been like from your immediate neighbors since your surrounded on two sides by single family homes uh I I I think it's good I think it's good cuz uh even we have we have even sometime few times like in in the past like probably 10 years ago they some of them were complaining about the noise but um we have we have always the uh deputies over there of Duty deputies and they are in charge if there is you know like some complaint or anything you know they come up to to the to us and U ask to to you know like to do whatever needs to be done so it doesn't have any any any issues with that and what have the hours been in the past it was it was up to 11:00 at 10:00 we we shut out the music at 10:00 so another hour until people leave and take some food going home and that's it so we are closing at 11:00 but music is uh stop at 10:00 okay do we have that in in the agreement for the event that we we we can add it and I just want to just verify the hours of operation that they're requesting so on Friday you'd like it to be 6 to 11 on Friday 6 to 11 to 11 okay Saturday 11: to 11: 11 to 11: and then Sunday 11: to 8 to 7 or 8 that's that's fine and um the condition then are are you asking for a condition that the music be shut off by 10 yes okay and a condition added um for the Amplified sound um to be right com done by 10 o' no problem at all um I I think it sounds like a wonderful event and I love that you're involved in the community and sharing your heritage and your faith I think it's fabulous I I am somewhat concerned about the expansion of the size and the impact to the surrounding neighbors so I would I would like if we could I know our new policy allows that this to just go automatically to staff but I would like since this is the first time this size for it to come back to the board for the for next year's event so that we can actually have presented what the impact was and if there were any neighborhood concerns just to to be a little proactive if everyone else is okay with that we can do that okay let's uh let's go to see if it's say public then we'll move to the board is there anything that we can do about it to to help with that to be a great neighbor trying thank you very much and father just to be say you just you told us 4:00 on Friday and you just told told our attorney 6 o' on Friday is it four or six at Friday what would you like four four okay it's at six it's yeah that that was okay that's what I thought I heard at first and then you said six I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I'm sorry and I'll go over all this to be used to be 7: to 11 on Friday but at 7:00 everybody had their lunch and you know dinner so very good that's why we moved at four o00 thank you very much sir we appreciate you being here thank you thank you Miss Dominique are there any public speakers on this matter no sir seeing none we'll close public participation we'll go to board action this is commissioner lockard's District I know there were some things she wanted considered uh commissioner if you would include those in your motion I think would be great sure um uh make a motion to approve and authorize the chairman to sign the serbfest special event permit for October 11th through October 13th with the modified times as taken by the county attorney's office um and subject to next year's event permit coming back to the board for approval sorry and the Amplified sound ending at 10 yes and the Amplified sound sound what everything that nesa has described Amplified sound ending at 10 that's the last thing yes motion and second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppose like sign seeing none motion carries unanimously thank you M Robinson thank you next up is item 15 a which is electronic Public Notices update this Miss Melanie Co is going to give us an update this is a item that we requested come back uh last year to back after review um and it it's the anniversary date so we're here thank you for being here good morning Melanie Co assistant County Manager as the chairman said last year I came and presented to the board um and gave you an update of some new legislation that allowed for counties to post their Public Notices electronically on their page um and so we're coming back to you to give you an update on what other counties are doing and if there's any new legislation so we're going to go over the uh Florida statute go over um what our costs have been Which counties are currently using Public Notices and some options and a recommendation finally um this is a it was house bill I think 7049 and as a result of that Florida statute 50.0 311 was amended to make some changes and in that it allowed um for counties to use their website as the publicly accessible website um it needs to be prominently noted on the page somehow whether a button or something so that the public can easily identify where these notices will be posted uh it has to be cost less to implement this than what we're currently using to pay to advertise in the newspaper and then it requires that um we let residents or any interested party register to receive notification via first class mail or electronically um the second statute was just that proof of publication as we always do right now we're required to provide the clerk with a proof of publication if you go electronic it can be produced electronically and provided to the clerk automatically which is a maybe a better convenience for everyone around um so this is the estimated cost in 2023 the BCC Department spent approximately 40,000 and the tax collector spent 32,000 to do the delinquent tax notices and which isn't a great amount but we feel like that possibly we could do it for less if we want electronically and make it more accessible um the table just kind of make it hard to read but these are some counties that are currently using and have been using electronic Public Notices for over a year and they um they all have different uh means of doing that so if you'll notice manate does it in house and they only post theirs whereas Sarasota is doing it in house but they offer it to the county the school board sheriff and tax collector so they all have a different way of um offering their services after they implemented this program um so these are our options we can continue doing it as we do now no changes we advertise in the newspaper there's an advantage of that is that it is a current process and everybody knows it maybe a disadvantage would be I think we could probably do it for less if we did it electronically and it requires when we advertise in the newspaper a little bit more notice they the paper like for instance the Sentinel requir it be sent in seven days before the date of publication so that's probably 17 days before the board meeting and it takes a little time if we did it electronically we could do it at a faster Pace we could have it published 10 days before to meet the requirement of the statute of advertising inous we could control the look and feel if we did that we could decide how it looked and um again immediate placement just like um we can't do with the newspaper some of the disadvantages might be that we have to create this program the staff time the cost and um we don't unknown cost for mailing we don't know what it would might cost for people who decide to require to have these by paper mail and then finally we could Outsource it similar to what we do with granicus um I think it was Bay and Bard outsourc to column and um this would allow us to have an immediate placement like I said and it allows for us to um see a quick a quick implementation they've already this they've done this they know what to do and it allows for us both of them potentially to be a revenue generator if we decided to if the for instance if the school board or the cities wanted to advertise on our page rather than the newspaper if we wanted to build them we could do that we could invoice them for their ads and reduce our costs and reduce theirs as well if for instance if the paper was charging 350 and we chose chose to come up with a number of 150 it would be savings for them but revenue for us to help pay to off the cost offset the cost for outsourcing but we we're kind of with that one of the things we can't control the look and feel it's it's what it is if you if you're outsourced it's what they do and so it looks it will look the way the other counties do not that it's a bad look it's just we can't control that so with that I might conclude my presentation and my update I'm going to answer any questions but I am looking for um a recommendation that we go and we create a scope and we seek quotes to host and administer this on our website very well any inquiries from the board see commissioner wart um have we talked with any of the cities and the school board to to gauge their interest I did a year ago I talked with the school board this morning and and luckily for them they have spent some new legislation for them that they are they spent about 10,000 a year they no longer spend quite that much because they don't they no longer have to advertise certain they can advertise on their website now whereas the in the past they've had to advertise in the paper however they still would be I think interested for their budget um they have to advertise certain documents and they have an interest I know the city of Sanford was interested before and I think if we did decide to go this route we should just get ours up and running and see how that works for us and then we could up to the board if you want to open it up okay thank you is there anyone here from the public to speak on this matter no sir seeing n will close public input um commissioner Constantine just to just to incore you one of the things that you said was that um we we couldn't we don't know how many people approximately would ask for the and therefore the cost you know for for those to be mailed but we have five counties that have done this have we looked at and see what you know what was their numbers uh especially you know we did okay good and zero so so potentially the cost would be very minimal yes yes so commissioner what's the price for the software so I don't know exactly I think it's based on how many ads that you would be placing and I did ask for just a rough quote and it was roughly 5,000 a month so that's isn't that more than what we're spending well we're spending 72 right now right so we're starting at 60 plus we're transitioning to a new mechanism yeah so I I'll just you asked for feedback I'll give feedback I if we go down the path of electronic I do not want to do it in house I just don't I I just don't think that's what we're good at that I don't care that it looks like every other counties it's actually a benefit that it looks like every other counties because those folks that are out searching Public Notices are trying to find uh similarity and it's easier to search that way I think we have bigger and more important things to manage inhouse and so I if we go down that path I would definitely externalize it um and and I'll just leave it at that commissioner delari thank you Mr chairman and I would agree with commissioner her that if we do do this it needs to be external but more importantly there's a lot of people that we all come in contact with and there people that I come in contact with and they say you know they sort this in the newspaper something that's coming up that is a Val valid concern now everyone's going to have to go on the website or you know are they web Savvy and that's what I'm concerned about and you know it's a valid concern but yeah I'm just letting you know you're asking me for feedback I'm giving you feedback thank you and you know right now I'm not seeing a big outcry for the public to do digital so right now I'd like to keep it as is okay commissioner lockart so I I think having the information and going out for RFP and getting quotes however I don't know how many different companies are in this game certainly wouldn't hurt us to have that information to make that decision I agree with doing it um outsourced and for the record our chief technology officer was vigorously Shak it's no to sta uh in any way shape or form yes so um you know I think there there certainly are um folks who do read the paper and that would be a concern and if we can if we if they suddenly stop seeing notifications in the newspaper we can certainly direct them to um apply for the the paper notifications being sent to them um so I I would be supportive of of at least going out and seeing what we have available and the County Attorney has asked to weigh in I just wanted to give a little bit of information that I've acquired in working with Melanie on this we've checked out some of these websites that are currently providing this process to other government entities and you know I wanted to see is it legally sufficient how easy is it because before we recommend that you go this route we want to make sure it's it's going to work and that it does what it's supposed to do and I found it very simple to use uh very easy to search if you're looking for something regarding procurement you type in the word procurement if you're looking for storm water you type in storm water and it's all divided up by the particular local government entity it would bring up all the ads the date that it was originally posted so it is user friendly and we're required to have a link on the County's website that would take you straight there and it's required to be in a a prominent place on the County's homepage so um from an ease of use perspective um it is easy to use I am not technologically savy um and and it is legally sufficient yeah so I have gone out to some of these counties and used their their notice and what I would say is specifically to your point you can't do that in the newspaper no way number two how many people subscribe to a particular publication of a newspaper regardless of which one that we award a contract to to publish these documents um and our whole goal is to be more engaging with our community more transparent with our community uh allow them to use and leverage technology to be able to get to where they want to be on their County's website and understand what's going on I will 100% uh support going electronically uh I'm not so sure that we completely need to Outsource it um I believe Outsourcing is not a bad plan but I think there's some portions of this that can be done at the staff level with the proper software now that said I I'm a proponent of if we don't have the expertise maybe we should have the expertise because the expertise to do this arguably would also do expertise in other areas that this board has pushed to have technology improvements um but that said I think that's something we would want to see come back to us on a on an Roi and and how that actually works so I'm okay moving forward to to at least come back to us and give us the you know from the attorney's position is it legally sufficient and the cost Associated and what that would give us commiss her I think when you bring costs back it would probably be beneficial to bring back a cost for a transitional period of time time if we were go if we were to go down this path for placing ads not the full but a small directional ad that says Public Notices for seal County can now be found at boom and so that addresses the folks that are picking up papers and looking for Public Notices and it would be for some period of time to be determined later as a transition and then that cost would eventually go away the statute which not that you'd ever find this the statute does require an annal placement in the paper to let people know but you'd have to just be lucky that you saw it that day that's a good idea uh very well any other inquiries does staff believe you have the direction you need yes thank you thank you m appreciate it very much all right our next item up is we're going to move to our work session this is item 16 this is our utilities master plan and this is going to be initially presented by Mr Johnny Edwards our interim utilities director Mr Edwards thank you very much butt the right all right good morning Mr chairman Commissioners uh I am Johnny Edwards the interim director for the utilities department and I appreciate this opportunity to talk to you about the utilities master plan um brief agenda I'm just going to provide a brief background uh regarding the master plan and then turn it over to uh Mr Steve Riley of Jacobs engineer in to provide more details uh looking back the uh previous uh master plan effort was presented to the uh Board of County Commissioners in 2013 and it included a 20-year look ahead um through 2033 that uh had a uh Capital Improvement plan in financial projections uh staff has largely been following that plan but having to uh adjust as conditions change um changing regulations um projects for Rod and storm or development that weren't contemplated or included in the 2013 look ahead uh in 2019 we engaged Jacob's Engineering Group to update the master plan in 2021 uh late 2021 that uh draft plan was presented to the board uh but staff was directed to expand the scope of the utilities master plan uh and specifically looking at a holistic water policy to uh address the protection of the aquafer springs and surface water quality uh since that time we've had several Staffing changes both at the uh engineering uh direct uh Department director level even the county manager level since that time but we have brought back a holistic water policy and a water conservation plan um earlier this year towards the beginning of the year we reviewed that video from 2021 uh summarized it and met with each of the Commissioners to talk about expectations uh in this master plan and as we work over the next year through a series of work sessions you know we will have more detailed discussions uh as we update the master plan it will again have a 20-year look ahead and go through 2045 um and with that I'll turn it over to uh to Mr Steve Riley morning Mr Riley and welcome thank you thank you members of the board Steve Riley project manager with Jacob's Engineering located at 200 South Orange Avenue in Orlando uh today will be going over the master plan objectives and these include uh preparation of a well documented plan for projects policies and programs for your utility department for the next 20 years it'll include projections of future customer growth identifying known and potential regulatory requirements a plan for future capacity expansion identifying renewal and replacement projects and creating a Capital Improvements plan for that 20year period based on an acceptable funding program a little bit of background the master plan is going to focus on your four regional service areas they're shown here in color in the upper left left and orange is the Northwest system the blue in the center of the county is the Northeast system in the bottom in green is your large Southeast system and in the lower left is your Southwest system these are the four Regional systems that the master plan is going to address we also show on this map in Black uh areas that you serve these are called your consecutive systems in these systems you don't have treatment facilities but you do own the piping infrastructure and you purchase service from the adjacent municipalities we've begun uh some of our work by analyzing your customer billing records and the main takeaway from this message or from this analysis so far is that the majority of your customers are residential in nature on the left side of the graph here you'll see water Demand by your billing categories with blue being single family residential homes and orange being multifam they make up about 80% of your accounts uh I'm sorry 80% of your water use and on the right side you'll see the various meter types again predominantly single family residential comprising over 90% of your customer accounts oops also um one of the enlightening things from our early work on the customer uh billing data analysis was we took a look at um residential accounts that have both indoor water meters and outdoor water meters and this gives us a lot of insight into how much water is used outside for irrigation on the left side you'll see Indoor Water use and there's four lines representing each service area the line on the top on both sides is the uh orange line for the Northwest system and this graph goes back to 2008 you can see that indoor use has stayed relatively uh flat and the average for last year of all these categories was about 150 gallons per day that's Indoor Water use on the right side you'll see the outdoor water used from the irrigation meter records uh you'll note on the top the Northwest system has quite heavy water use for outdoor purposes uh the de there was a steep decline from the late 2000s into the 2010s and a big part of that was due to the three uh neighborhood retrofit projects that you completed where you went into some of the highest water use neighborhoods in the Northwest uh retrofitted them with a reclaim water distribution Network got them off portable water and onto reclaim water so while all the customer use in general for all four regions came down from 2008 it is is tending to tick back upward and so this high water use especially in the Northwest presents a possible area for targeting conservation efforts some of the benefits of water conservation include preven over pumping of fresh groundwater supplies deferring the need for advanced water treatment of lower quality alternative supplies achieving goals and requirements for regional resource protection reducing wear and tear on infrastructure and reducing energy consumption this uh graph here is meant to depict uh an approach we'll be planning to take as we move forward in the master plan uh the this shows on the right um I'm sorry on the left axis demands in million gallons per day the red line depicts actual use of your customers up to present the black line presents forecasted demand and this is for I'm sorry this is for the combined Northeast and Northwest systems the green line shows your consumptive use permit allocation from the St John's River Water Management District it is a declining allocation that flattens out in 2006 and then stays level through the expiration of this permit which is in 2009 we don't know what the future allocation will be but for the purposes of this today we just showed it as that um dashed Green Line moving forward you mean 26 and 29 uh yes I'm sorry 2026 um the well the permit expires in 2029 correct just want to make sure I'm sorry um and you can see you're at risk of possibly exceeding your cup allocation um fairly soon and this is a graph that if you don't do anything really uh other than uh in terms of implementing uh your conservation plan from 2022 so we intend to look at factoring in the uh conservation plan recommendations into our analysis there are some indications in there on what the maximum benefits could be if you were able to achieve the maximum benefits you could actually lower Demand on your freshwater system too below your your consumptive use per allocation as shown furthermore if you were to um expand reclaimed in addition you could further increase that that comfort zone between your um projected demands and your allocation so looking forward uh we will be preparing demands on your water Wastewater and reclaim systems through 2045 and we'll be incorporating the impacts of some known growth areas including the Reagan Center and the Oxford Road area we'll be incorporating the conservation plan elements and we'll be looking at reclaim water system expansion we'll be doing a Regulatory Compliance review with focus on concerns on drinking water quality and some of the emerging contaminants of concern developing a renewal and replacement program evaluating fir flow requirements coordinating pipeline work with County roadway projects determining customer uh rate impacts from the new CIP will be developing identifying candidate projects for state and federal funding and for all of these identifying and evaluating options and Alternatives and of course we'll be incorporating the H holistic water policy elements that we presented to you a couple of weeks ago uh those include the main categories of enhancing water conservation mitigating septic tank impacts developing alternative Water Supplies enhancing watershed management and implementing water utility projects and program so four of the five key elements of the holistic water policy do involve your water utility system our schedule uh there'll be five workshops moving forward prior to all those workshops there's going to be an interactive process with County staff to receive continuous review and input they'll be buyin from the county departments throughout the process senior staff including the county manager's office and of course input from the board you see the schedule here for the five sessions the first one happening today uh they'll continue into next year and our goal is to publish the final report a year from now that concludes my presentation with that we'll be happy to take any questions or input you may have thank you very much Mr Raleigh any comments or inquiries from the board commissioner delari then commissioner Constantine thank you I just go by Page by page so on uh your slide eight I know we talked about the uh four different uh areas uh but we have a blended cup I'd like to see a blended line as well so we can because it's not you got to look at it and I know that you realize a blended line will show a different uh analysis because of that and it' also be nice to see other cities and utilities to see how they compare with our as well and then on slide nine uh when you talk about reduction wear and tear infrastructure I think in the master plan should also have uh engineering standards you know what what is the standards that are out there that we should be looking at to make sure that we're uh in accordance with as well as uh the benefits of water conservation we should looking at Regional effects as well how that's going to be happening to the acfer uh in your slide 10 uh I know they talk about projective water demands it'd be nice to see other cups as well to see how the surrounding areas are uh addressing it and then when we go to uh slide 13 I'd like to see options of uh uh unused capacity uh that's in reservation that's not being used because there may be some out there that depending upon our agreements uh do they still need to be reserved and can we be using them for the better of the whole so to speak and then when you go to slide 14 uh I know we talked about coordination of the pipeline work and the road uh County Road projects that really the water Wheeling project that we did a number of years ago and we've talked about it many times as well as coordination with the one sales tax as well when there's a road project that's what the water reeling report uh talked about moving water from one area to another and then uh already talked about Regional concept and then on 15 uh they talked about uh the program policies uh we should also be talking about surface water and uh new technologies as well as posos scada cyber security but the one thing I didn't hear yet is that I know we have a bond that's called callable that was issued in 2014 I want to make sure that we have everything in line so that when that is in the window of being called that we can if there is capital that we can exercise that to maximize that so not going out on the market twice just one time and I want to make sure that's in the master plan as well and I think that's it thank you commissioner conin commissioner Glory made a lot of good points that uh I I was going to mention but so I'm going to go back one thing about the um the the map of the four locations and this is certainly not to suggest that U commissioner um here we go her bring it on no no no no I am trying to suggest that first of all we you know conservation is the key we all understand that um clearly I I can look you you mentioned irrigation I can mention a lot of other things larger Lawns you know of car car wash uh swimming pools whatever the case may be to use more water and and potentially use more water in that area but the fact of the matter is is that the in talking to Johnny about going forward the key is you know trying to reduce the amount of irrigation people need people do not need the irrigation in Florida that they think coming back down from the north that they think they have to do up north um and so many you look at what we're doing right now um you know with the the water can the ground can't even absorb the water but we've got to find a way to to get to all the communities all the areas and and convince them that they don't need I I pulled out all of my um irrigation and uh fortunately my my grass is as green as everybody else's because in Florida you don't need that we understand also and many of these many especially in in some areas have HOAs that are telling them you know you see a patch of brown that you've got to improve it we've got to find a way to get also to those homeowners associations and and really explain to them that you know we that it's more important to preserve the water than it is if there's a brown spot on somebody's lawn so I think that that's something that needs to be added into this you know discussion we will definitely include that all right um commissioner lockart and then commissioner her sure then commissioner delori we be um looking forward to upcoming work sessions so we can dive into some of these um topics in more detail um I would love if someone could include Pierce Jones with the University of Florida who has done a lot of research in this area specifically in suol County he has looked down on us for quite some time for our outdoor water usage um and uh we he came and presented as a part of a symposium that we did with the outside collaborative um at the seminal County extension office I I was there too oh were you there fabulous um so I would I would just love to have him be incorporated in some way sure very good Mr her so I'll own it uh part of it is the way that all of the properties in the Northwest were developed and the expectations that are around the homeowners that are there but part of it is and I think a significant part of it is on us um and by us I do mean the five of us in addition to our teams we continue to request more and more and more and more in terms of the studies and the I need 17 more slides or whatever and quite honestly we know what we need to do let's just do it we've been talking about this since the day I got here and we're still in the talk stage and that's what's frustrating to me we know there's an overc consumption in the Northwest we know why it happens what we have not done is effectively Outreach to the homeowners associations out there I have volunteered to be part of that Outreach we just aren't doing it and I'm going to just be blunt putting stuff on our website and putting stuff in our little Flyers doesn't work nobody reads that stuff the communities are out there living their lives we feel like we've checked a box but that's not real box to be checked so we we the five of us need to be thinking about how we Propel this forward into action and out of the study stage that's my two senses because you're willing to study this forever right you would like us to start moving to action but but it's difficult to do that when we need direction we need direction we need direction we so we we are part of the problem and we just need to own it that's my two cents Mr DOR just one last statement and Steve I good engineering report good you guys are solid and I know we want to reduce our consumption so we can save the aquifer but also we need to make sure that it's affordable so that we're not pricing people out of their homes and so there's a balance there and so when we do this master plan it is about rates is about infrastructure it's also about conservation it's a delicate balance and uh we just can't raise rates just because it's the what you think from an engineering perspective is the right thing to do we need to make sure that we are getting to the right gallons per per day uh for consumption but are we putting in the right type of technology and the right infrastructure so that it's cost effective so I just want to make sure when you conserve water you also sell less water I understand that there's a lot of ways to do this well maybe my district has a answer to a lot of woses for my good friend in the Northwest Corridor because we have lots of water that people don't want yeah and we like to get rid of them so if we could put a pipeline from Geneva all the way up to Heathrow and pump that in so they can water Lawns everybody would be just thrilled similar problem right exactly in seriousness um I'm not going to reiterate what what commissioner had to say but this should have been we we should have undertaken this in 2021 quite frankly when it came to us I think we all need to have an understanding this is a living document this is going to change based on a number of things legislative process uh you know requirements from D EPA all those things will mold and guide this as we go through to 2045 or whenever but I would like to see us look at some real technology and how we leverage technology and thinking outside the box on things that maybe are being done in other parts of the country like using the drainage water for for purposes of irrigation uh how that may look whether that makes sense uh we also need to be looking at newer Technologies and also one of the reasons one of the main reasons that I supported the Waka Golf Course purchase was it's in one of the best high recharge areas in the central Florida region and and how that will impact us then finally seminal county has first right of refusal on a utility here in semal County that's in the Eastern side in commissioner deli's district and actually almost touches into my district and we should be looking at that as into the future as far as what benefit that may bring to our our citizens here and seol County uh the cup size all of those things which arguably is limited because the infrastructure is not going to expand where it currently is and they are currently discharging water because there's no reclaim connectability so um I I think this is a good thing I'm I'm I'm happy we're going to move forward but it can't happen quick enough and I think this is a a robust schedule and I would just hope and urge all of us to have an open mind that none of this is ever going to be perfect it's never going to be exactly what we want at any given point in time but if we don't start we're never going to get to even a Midway Point um and have the flexibility and understanding that this is going to change as time progresses and we'll have to adapt accordingly so thank you all very very much for being here uh any other questions real quick commissioner con just one thing that I I was thinking when we're looking at the Northwest and and and and you know the Southwest is also increasing it's still wait but the point is right now alont Springs is sending their excess um water to a popka is have we ever thought of you know I mean the possibility of that going to the northwest and also in the Southeast because you know it's nice that we're sending it to our friends in Apopka and in in Orange County but I don't know what the you know what the you if if it's even possible but I I would just like to see if we have even looked at that as a possibility we can take a look at that great so how does that solve the conservation problem it doesn't solve the conservation problem SV the surface water and the portable water concerns about taking the water out of the portable because it is uh it is um um I don't want to call it gray water but they're using uh um that type of water from the Cranes Roost area and pumping it to a popka so aapka is not taking water out of the Waka to a water certain golf courses and other things they are act and and homes they're actually taking almite Springs um water and and using that so it's not so it is different it is as the as commissioner zimba we're talking about we're talking about gray water we're talking about non-portable water right so I think one of the I I I think that was a good clarification I think one of the things that we have to be cognizant of the fact is that when we uh and I think it's a great was a great statement that you made but when we are doing this and giving input that input is often received as well if we do that then we don't have to do the other and so I just want to make it really clear that just because we're throwing an idea out there and I don't think this is what you were trying to do commissioner Constantine by any means but but I also do appreciate when you're sitting on that side of this equation if that was perceived to be a solution to the Northwest problem in my mind it is not but we need to be thinking and instead of but on all of these things that will change the dynamic of how we're going about this I I think all the tools need to be included it's it's not and and we have to rely upon you all as the experts to know what's going on in technology you know what's being done in other parts being what processes have been vet and what makes sense for our community and what doesn't and then we all have to ultimately make the decision based on your recommendation cost time all those things so to commissioner H's Point yes uh don't don't go away with some fixed notion this is all we want done or we want what you've already brought us and this hey if 3 months from now some new technology breaking ground develops we'd want to know about that we'll definitely bring those to the table and have that understanding and I think as well and this is a discussion I had during the last master plan discussion about reclaimed water versus ptable water quite frankly if people are using portable water for irrigation it should be a much higher rate M that will dissuade within itself continuing to use portable water to irrigate your your lawn so in my district as long as it's green we don't care if it's weeds grass whatever it gets all mowed by the lawn mower everybody's happy horses eat it the goats eat it everybody's happy we got way more water than we need commissioner Constantine if you want to wrap it up yeah I just commissioner her was making a very good point that I I was trying to reiterate when we use this you know this is just another tool and if we're sending it again to Orange County why can't we send it to our own County and and this is uh you know this is if we can take the lack of portable water and use reclaimed water which is what they're doing with their apricot project I I don't see why we should not be able to do it in the northwest of course getting it there is going to be the problem but if we can get it to a pop kick we we might be able to get it to the Northwest exactly very good thank you sir we sincerely appreciate it very much we'll look forward to our future updates likewise thank you very much thank you Johnny appreciate it all right uh County Manager you have yeah I just wanted to just to comment just on one thing as as I have uh come on board here I know this was a probably one of the top three priorities that this board had had we have looked at it for the last uh six months in house I I know we have the right team uh together and if you looked at that schedule the series of a couple Workshops the intent is then to come with that final plan so we can come up with our five-year master plan for the utility plan that this board fills uh that the direction we want to move in to so appreciate any input we're going to continue the dialogue with you um throughout this this year so any input but you know please definitely get with us but we'll be following up with you all great yeah none of us up here tend to be very shy when it comes to those thanks anything else for the good of the order we'll remain in recess until 1:30 this afternoon thank you all very much [Music]