##VIDEO ID:Ym8HTL08-1Y## [Music] now [Music] good morning everyone and welcome to the board of County Commission meeting here in seol County on Tuesday October 8th 2024 if You' please take a moment and silence your cell phones any other electronic devices you may have we're going to start this morning with the invocation by Pastor Jim Lynch and the uh pledge allegiance will be led by Mr Jose Gomez from our development services division good morning everyone let's bow our heads please father we come to you today in the name of Jesus thanking you for all you continue to do in our lives every day today we pray that you will keep us safe and protected from the storm that approaches we pray that this storm will weaken as it moves across Florida and that there will be no devastating damage to our properties we thank you that your word says that whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty and that you are our refuge and our Fortress and in you do we put our trust I thank you for these men and women who serve the needs of the people of seol County and protection over them their families and all the emergency workers that will be out serving and keeping us all safe give them strength and wisdom to make the right decisions at the right time we know Lord that sometimes there's nothing we can do in the natural so we now put ourselves in your hands in everything we do and we ask all of these things in the name of Jesus amen amen I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Pastor Lynch and thank you Mr Gomez our first item up is going to Awards and presentations of proclamations this is going to be a proclamation proclaiming August 12th 2024 is alamont Springs bab Ruth league Cal Ripken 11U World Series Championship day in seol County Florida this will be read in by the district commissioner in the alamont Springs area which is commissioner Lee Constantine well thank you and uh I am very proud to represent uh alamont Springs but my cohort to my left is also or right is also uh represents part of Altamont Springs so I want to also bring that up but you know we are we in seol County have become the epicenter of Youth Baseball in uh the world and uh we are very proud of that um and uh so we've had uh like Mary earlier and to have the Altamont Springs Babe Ruth league Cal ripping Champions I I am so so very proud so I will move the proclamation of seol County Board of County Commissioners proclaiming October 24th and we have to make them change because it says August 12th here but October 24th 2024 as Altimont Springs bab Ruth league 2024 Cal Ripken 11 underworld Series champion chip day whereas the city of Altamont Springs has a long-standing tradition of providing baseball opportunities to Children throughout seol County and whereas Altimont Springs joins The Babe Ruth baseball association in 1994 and then established the Altamont Baseball Academy in 2015 to provide greater opportunities for children to focus on the core principles of baseball fundamentals and Player Development and whereas alont Springs Babe Ruth baseball and the Altamont Baseball Academy provide baseball services and opportunities to approximately 800 kids each year and whereas the program has seen great success in providing thousands of children with opportunity to play baseball while spend while sending multiple teams to State and National tournaments throughout the years and whereas we are here today to celebrate the incredible accom accomplishment of Altamont Springs Baseball Academy 11 under All-Star team who represented Altamont Springs in the 2024 Cal Ripken 11 under baseball World Series for the third consecutive year and made history by securing alon's first world series title in 40 years and its only Babe Ruth championship and whereas the team showcased exceptional skill and perseverance throughout their Journey to the Cal Ripken 11 underworld series after a tough five to four lost to last year's world champions in Florence Alabama on opening day the team rebounded impressively winning every game that followed their remarkable Journey included a six to4 victory over West Raleigh North Carolina in the quarterfinals an 11 to1 win against Hendersonville Tennessee in the semifinals in a thrilling Championship rematch the 11 under Allstars overcame Florence with an 8 to3 win securing alad's first World Series championship title in 40 years the 11 under Allstars ended the season with a stellar 20 And1 record outscoring its opponents 206 to 29 and whereas the youth athletes and coaches of the Altimont Baseball Academy 11 under All-Star team through their unwavering dedication exceptional teamwork and Relentless perseverance have become Hometown Heroes setting an in inspiring example of commitment and passion for the entire Community now therefore be a claimed that we the board of County commissioners of seol County Florida do hereby congratulate the 11 under Altimont Baseball Academy All-Star team for their historic victory in the 2024 11 under Cal rifken World Series Championships and designate October 24th 20124 as Altimont Springs Babe Ruth league 2024 Cal Ripken 11 Under World Series Champions Day commissioner for clarification um are you asking to change it to the 24th because originally this was scheduled for the 12th and that's Sor but it says August so I was trying to my mind go through so it's October 12th I apologize everybody it's October 12th but it read August 12th so I was on the Run trying to figure out the day that it would be the day of so no I would want it as a friendly Amendment to what I just said I would like it to be o October 12th okay second motion second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppos like sign seeing none it's unanimous congratulations and if y'all would come up join us on the floor for some photos Mr chairman I do have the names of the young boys that are here today if I could read them some you read them from the podium yes I would um if if you don't mind and they could stand up and then come down if they would uh Graham Cameron camera I'm sorry Adrien arcano Chase Lewis Easton clo and please forgive I mispronounced names Fernandez Mara Levy Merritt Liam rusen Messiah Washington and yosiah [Applause] Diaz good are the coaches here also they're not here today okay and later count [Applause] one bring the ones up that the [Music] [Music] everybody can see see the camera'll see you back one little step all right you got everybody on my count in three two one we fix it on the record what's that should fix it on the yeah like your own that's whoever gets up here yeah that's fine yeah um Mr chairman before they leave the clarification was that August 12th was the day that they won but October 12th is the day that we you know the day of um the day of what the their day you sure that's what you want I thought that's what the staff wanted it should be on the anniversary of the day that they won and and that is consistent with what we did with the Lake Mary little league as well which is August 12th okay so you want to ask for reconsideration we'll get it back on the record yes why don't we do that a misunderstanding but I thought today was going to be the day well today is August is October 8th I know commissioner Constantine asked for reconsideration so we'll move to reconsideration second all right very good everyone in favor all in favor I oppose like sign seeing none perfect staff we saved you some time of recreating it congratulations thank you g all right before we move to our agenda uh as many of you notice our agenda is quite short today and uh it's going to be abbreviated because we've got a lot of focus on preparing for the uncoming storm I was the EOC yesterday and the county is in good hands I assure you that staff and and all of our folks at EOC are uh are really doing Yan's work I mean we we we don't realize until you get to see behind the curtain um how blessed we are here in Seal County to have truly a great team of of folks that come together in the EOC and the collaboration between the county the cities the sheriff's department and all the other departments throughout the region including the health department uh St John's Water Management District the power companies uh cell phone providers and so forth really speaks to um the greatness we have here in simal county that we often take for Grant gr it cuz we just don't see it and understand it um until you see it play out in real time so I assure you that we're in great hands uh debris removal uh remind everybody that we're preparing for this storm we're out crews are out picking up as much debris as they possibly can from left over from Helen uh we ask residents to stop or attempt to stop putting additional debris at the curb side because all that's going to be be happening is going to become airborne in this Inc coming storm and will plug the street drains in your community we would also ask you that if you're able to that you just look at those Street drains although we have Crews running around checking things if You observe something in those Street drains that happens to be restricted please if you're able take the effort and just clear those out to the benefit of your neighbors and yourself the landfill is going to remain open until tonight at 5:30 the Tipping fees or the charges to drop debris there has been waved we encourage you whether you're in the uh unincorporated or Incorporated area of the county it does not matter please bring your debris to the dump site um on Oola Road and we'll be happy to take care of that next I want to say that you know there's going to be a lot of things that in my office has received a lot of calls and and probably you all have as well with some of the areas that have historically flooded I cannot emphasize enough to our our our citizens that you need need to take this storm very seriously uh this is not something to start playing weather man yourself with and believe it's going to go here or go there we hope and pray that it will not hit us directly uh and we don't wish ill on our neighbors but the reality is it is is steadfast and steadily coming basically right at seminol County and and those calls that have come in about flooding just understand we're at historic level s of groundwater we and you cannot control what this storm is going to do but what you can control is how you prepare for that storm and so what I would urge you to do if you're living in an area that historically and traditionally floods now is the time to make a decision to just secure your your things at home and maybe move from that area to somewhere else a friend a family member uh we have some hotel rooms that are available within the county but those areas along the St John's river the WIA Watershed uh in econ the report we received this morning from the National Weather Service we are now expecting a great deal more rain than what was initially predicted as of yesterday's report we already know that if you look at the St John's and the Eon River they're extremely high already in addition to that we're going to take all the water from South areas the the counties to our South coming up through to the St John's Watershed so everybody at the county and the government is ready the First Responders are ready we need you as Citizens to help us help you and if we have to respond to a lot of flood victims uh that have the opportunity to have made other decisions it runs our resources thin so I only urge you to try to make a conscious decision it is also a time for patience and compassion as we know there's a lot of citizens that live here in this County that did not live here during an extreme uh magnitude uh hurricane like we did uh in the past if you have some of those folks that are neighbors try to assist them and help them understand um likewise if you have elderly folks in your community that you know that need assistance uh try to rally around them and check in on them from time to time during the storm and after the storm and if they need assistance of course uh prepares sumon o.org we have contact numbers there or dial 911 and we will get the resources out to you all as quick as possible of course we have uh a lot of citizens from from neighboring counties especially from the West Coast that are now traveling to Central Florida region because of you know the devastation that's happened there and about to happen again we need to have patience these folks are not from our community um they're trying to find their way they're trying to find their way to safety uh this is not a time to get upset and aggravated because traffic is backed up and uh get upset with somebody at at your local Home Depot or or Lowe's because you want to get supplies and it's a long line we're all dealing with this so have a little compassion and patience with your fellow man uh at the end of the day together we will all get through this so again pay attention to seminal or prepar cal.org and that will give you a lot of assets and information to stay updated and sign up for the text messaging as well so that you can be alerted at all times so with that said we're going to move on to our consent agenda and I will uh ask Mr Darren if he has any changes thank you uh chairman and Commissioners no changes to the consent agenda however to the presentations if you want me to handle those at this point sure go ahead and take care of those item number 27 which is the public camping and sleeping update and item 28 the rescue Outreach Mission update we are going to move those to October the 22nd okay due to the storm October 22nd okay Miss kit Lor County attorney I will move to you to read the rules of public engagement sure good morning everybody Florida law provides that members of the public shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard on propositions before the board of County Commissioners except when the board is acting on emergency or ministerial matters or conducting a meeting exempt from the requirements of the Sunshine Law individuals shall be permitted 3 minutes each for public comment or six minutes when the individual is an official representative of a formal Association or group the chairman May modify the maximum time for public comment at his sole discretion when appropriate public comments on quasi judicial or other public hearing items will occur during the board's consideration of those items public ments on pending procurement matters or on non-agenda items shall not be permitted at this time members of the public Desiring to make public comment must fill out a speaker form and pre present the form to staff forms are available in the lobby Mr chairman thank you Mr Lor we will go to our presenter uh good morning to do oh that's right sorry I'm trying to get y'all out of here a lot quicker Dominique do we have anybody here to speak on on the consent agenda no sir great thank you we'll close public input go to board action Comm I move to approve items 2 through 26 on the consent agenda as presented motion a second all those in favor I I opposed like sign seeing none carries unanimous we'll go to item 27 and 28 has been pulled by the county manager Mr Daren gray next item up is number 29 Oka Island Fall Fest 2024 special event permit this presentation will be by Miss Mary Robinson M Robinson yeah thank you good morning um this is a a special event permit for wava Island Fall Fest located in on Miami Springs Drive in Longwood it's for six days Saturday October 26th Saturday November 2nd and Sunday November 24th through November 27th the applicant um will have a Halloween costume contest on oops ahead of myself on Saturday the 26th and their annual Big Green Egg cooking demonstration on Saturday no November 2nd the hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. which is on Friday and Saturday and approximately 395 persons are to attend daily they'll have Amplified sound on October 26th and November 2nd to deal with the costume contest and the big Green Egg uh Award winners the applicant has requested to extend the operating hours on Sunday November 24th to Wednesday November 27th uh to close at 9900 p.m. rather than the 700 p.m. that is in the development order there's no activities scheduled for that day Security will be handled by off-duty seal County deputies we request that the Waka Island Fall Fest be approved for six days on Saturday October 26th November 2nd and November 25th through November 27th subject to the recommendations and the special event permit that concludes my presentation great thank you M Robinson any questions for Miss Robinson seen none is Miss weog here in desire to make a comment uh Miss weog had to change a flight to uh leave town for a family event and she she called me yesterday and was not able to make it okay and all the staff at the island are busy securing furniture and and buildings great thank you okay commissioner Lockard I do have a question for Mary I'm so sorry um I'm looking at um the special event permit and item number one underneath I don't see uh there's no page number on here I'm sorry so special event permit on the first page of the application number one says the hours of operations are going to be 8 to 11: on Saturday uh the 26th and 8 to9 on the 2 or no it's 8 to 11 on Saturday the 26th and Saturday the 2nd but then when we look down at number four am I the 26 says is it 7: to 10 700 p.m. to 10: p.m. what what I just helped me out is that the outdoor amplification those are just the so they're not going to have amplification after 10 but the event will still be going on Cor yes got it and the Big Green Egg demonstration ends at nine no ends at nine but amplification ends at 4 that's correct okay the the the hours of operation are until 9 p.m. but the Amplified sound ends at 400 p.m. okay all right thank you for the clarification I was trying to tie it together I have my sound off I swear I saw that dirty look well it can tell you how to change that so it just vibrates I like to be informed you asked me to be informed I'm tied into all the newest alerts M Dominique is there anybody he from the public to speak on this matter no sir we'll close the public hearing go to board action Mr Constantine this is your District yes and um in talking to everyone uh including the homeowners everybody seems to be in agreement again um this time so I will move the approval of the wava Island Fall Festival 2024 special events permit as uh presented by our staff second motion second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppose like sign seeing none carries unanimous thank you very much next item up is number 30 wava island Winter Wonderland special event permit this will also be presented by Miss Mary Robinson thank you um this is a request to consider r k Island Winter Wonderland special event which is a yearly function on December 1 2024 through December 28th 2024 there's your location map uh this uh the caran island winter wonder CL will include daily activities and that is shown in attachment to of your uh agenda item the applicant has requested a maximum of 4 50 attendees daily and extended operating hours from the usual 700 p.m. closing to 9900 p.m. during the weekdays for the event the Amplified sound will be for family friend friendly movies on the dates shown on the monitor the 8th 15th and 22nd and also proposed on December 28th for the VIP party and again s County off duty sheriff's deputies will provide security we're requesting to approve the rava island Winter Wonderland special event permit for December 1 2024 through December 28th 2024 subject to the recommendations in the special event permit thank you Mr Robinson any inquiries from Mr Robinson commissioner conin M uh yes you said um 450 which is difference from 3595 is but the requests are the same for the same days as they were last year correct they're not asking 450 for every single day from the 1st through the 28th only the days that they're going to have the events um and uh just like they did last year just like um you know because that that is what I believe that Mr Towers who's sitting in the front row and Mr stammer agreed to so it isn't 450 every single day it's just on the spe the days that they're having the special events that's my understanding yes sir that's what it reads yeah I know but she said 450 every day that's I just wanted to make sure we I was just trying to summarize my apology I understand I understand I'm just clarifying all right um Mr gr strikes again we we understand that miss weog is not present so we'll just state that for the record uh Miss Dominique is there anyone here from the public to speak on this matter no sir we'll close there's we'll close public input and we'll move to board action commissioner Constantine this is still your District yes ditto move approval everybody has seemed to agree motion second all those in favor I oppos like sign see none carries unanimous next item is item number 31 City fest special event permit and this is also put on by Miss Mary Robinson Miss Robinson thank you this is a city consider a special event permit for City th on Friday October 25th the location is 1711 orange Boulevard in Sanford this is the location this is uh House of worship the applicant requests a special event permit to um for City theft like I stated the event includes rides games consistent with a carnival the applicant has requested a maximum of 2 200 attendees during the event the hours of operation are 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and will include Amplified sound during this time and again off duty Simo County sheriff's deputies will provide security and traffic control we're requesting that the city Fest special event permit be approved for Friday October 25th subject to the recommendations in the uh special event permit and this particular one is one of the ones that had the exemption for houses of worship removed when we updated the Land Development code so once the board approves this uh if there's no substantial modifications in upcoming years this will be an administrative approval and that concludes my presentation okay any inquiries from M Robinson see none uh is Mr Smith here the applicant was going to be here there he is Mr Smith do you care to make any statements thank you for being here we'll go to public input any public input Mr Dominique seeing none we'll close public input and this is commissioner her District we'll go to board action I move to approve the special event permit for City fest on Friday October 25th 2024 second motion is second any further discussion all those in favor I oppose likes on seeing none carries unanimous thank you Mr Robinson all right Madam County attorney do you have anything for us this morning I do not very good Mr County Manager do you have anything for us this morning just a few items I have been in the EOC for the last couple of days this is the best team I will say that I have worked with we are prepared and ready for Milton um I will my commitment is to keep the board updated along with Deputy County Manager Trisha Johnson we'll be as you know we've been keeping you updated as well as our communication team the only thing I would like to add on your promise this morning Mr chairman that our sandbag operations have extended today to 6 p.m. okay great and that's the only that's all I have thank you great thank you very much we'll move to commissioner District reports and I'm going to change this up a little bit I'm going to start at this end and go right down commissioner her let's start with you for the go to the order I have nothing to report Mr chairman for the good of the order no report God bless you all and hopefully everyone will be safe and God bless everyone that's working Mr lockart I'm gonna break the theme I'm so sorry I have an appointment that I need to make um I'd like to appoint Dorothy O'Brien to serve on the SunRail customer advisory committee for a term of one year second all those in favor I oppos like sign seeing none cares unanimous thank you commissioner that's all I have very good commissioner conin and I just have two appointments also I for um the library board I have uh Miss Carol Henshaw and for the ca I would have Mr Bob Levy and would also ask that we um send congratulatory proclamations or whatever to the two folks that have been serving which was R Rosemary Clawson and Scott Sturgill second second motion second all those in favor I oppose like sign seeing none Carri anything else commissioner thank you very good uh I will foro um uh any kind of district report I will say uh some of us were on the call this morning at the EOC just a reminder as much as some of us may desire to go to the EOC as a commissioner I think we learned this morning that they have limited space I I'm not sure what's going on to get more people there than they typically do and they they've asked people not to come in until later even some of the employees because of sleeping quarters and the Close Quarters um there was a comment made that the next e is going to be much bigger so I'm not sure that I caught that I messaged Alan through that chat I said LOL I heard that right where is where is I think we know where he is exactly um sleeping and and so I would say that um we we really are in good hands and and please keep all of us updated as things go along if if you need anything from the commission of course reach out to us and I'm I'm sure each and every one of us will be there to help whatever we can whether it's run an errand or if you need a document executed or something like that um let us know uh I will have my office phone for the public will be on 247 and forwarded to uh my Aid and myself cell phone number in the event someone needs something but we encourage you to go through prepar seminal domor and if you need certain things I necessarily may not be able to help that but those Folks at EOC are well equipped to do so so that's all I have I want everybody to be safe want my fellow Commissioners hope you and your families remain safe um and we will move to any non-agenda items from the public Dominique do we have anybody from the public that wants to speak on non-agenda items no sir seeing none anything else for the good of the order seeing none we shall be adjourned thank you all very much and be be safe [Music]