##VIDEO ID:daDPEknlQYU## good afternoon everyone and welcome to the afternoon session it's now 1:30 December 10th border of County Commission meeting here in seol County we are going to begin by asking folks to silence the ringers or uh sound devices on any items they have that includes commissioner Constantine you'll never live that you know you guys I love it it's not you guys no you guys keep doing we got to have a little fun as a group once all of uh before we get started uh Pastor uh uh Bishop is here um to say a few words on the board if you would um Bishop if you'd come up here to the microphone and oh God bless this if you would oh sure sure sure sure sure Mr chairman modern chair and commissioner Bob darar commissioner Constantine commissioner Andre commissioner hay County Manager director Deputy directors and all the workers of the county um greet you in this Holy Name special season special season of the year Bob delar may say he to sees me this time of the year only but you didn't see me last year so I'm just dropping by to say hello I was here this morning to take care of some business and I said let me just drop in and say hi um to you guys for all the great work and wonderful work that you guys been doing all these years we have worked in the cost in the community doing a lot of things together with Bob Dar and commissioner Lee and so it's been a long long journey and to see that you guys continue to keep up the good fight and to do the awesome job that you guys been doing and it's a great time of the year so we got to be loving I mean we just got over a hricane political hurricane and Milton and thank the lord we have a same came to say after a storm there must be a calm and I'm glad that we are calm in both ways right now and another compliment I want to give to Mr chairman thank you so much for the work that you did with the canvas and board I have worked with the canvas and board since um judge brao and the cleaver long time all the way back to I think it was George W bush I've been doing it working and and I want to thank you again for you did a great job to ensure that everything were done decently and orderly and to also thank all the staff all the people that worked with the canvasing board and the election worker so before I take take my seat I also want to say the workers they did an awesome job and I think they need just a little bit more maybe a little bit more of you know incentive for the odd work this is that they've been doing it's it's been it's been a long long long time thank you and I want to thank you all for the opportunity give me this moment to say tribute to all of you great job thank you you're welcome have a good holiday season thank thank you again all right we will move to our public hearing agenda I will go to the county attorney Miss Kate Lor to read in the rules of public participation to the public hearing agenda while the board welcomes comments from all persons with an interest in these proceedings Florida law requires that the board's decision in quasi judicial actions be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the board during the hearings on the applications competent substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion there must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert Witnesses persons presenting testimony May rely on factual information that they present information information presented by County staff information the applicant presented or on factual information included in the county staff report to support testimony all persons who Present written materials to the board for consideration must ensure that a copy of such materials is provided to the clerk for inclusion in the board's record of proceedings and official minutes Mr chairman thank you uh Miss Lor is there a motion to accept proof of publication so move second motion to Second all in favor iose like sign hearing none carries unanimous uh please disclose any expart any Comm commissioner has received in the Chairman's case I've received nothing I've received nothing zero n nothing okay that said we'll move on to our first item which is item 52 Fifth Street right away vacate staff will give a presentation Miss Annie silway will be the presenter a senior planner once we finish with that we'll ask the applicant to come up and give a uh statement if they so desire and uh then we'll go to public comment silway thank you for the record Annie silway senior planner with development services the applicants Donald and hope Beverly and Elizabeth Corino have petitioned simal County to vacate and abandon a portion of an unimproved RightWay lying along the South perimeter of Lot 1 and lot 17 of the first edition to the San Lake subdivision as recorded in plat book 4 page8 and along the north perimeter of lots 129 through 134 of the town of Silvan Lake subdivision as recorded in plat book 2 page 69 of the public records of simal County Florida the town of Silvan Lake plat that establishes the unimproved RightWay was recorded in 1915 the abing property owners would like to incorporate the area subject to the vacate into their Lots the unimproved rway is 30 ft wide and approximately 334 ft in length if the vacate is approved 15 ft would be allocated to the north property and 15 ft would be allocated to the South property the applicant has provided letters of no objection from all applicable utility companies and simal County staff has no objection to the requested vacate Environmental Services has requested a 15t wide easement that is required and split between each property owner equally and will be placed over a portion of the area subject to the vacate which each applicant has provided the request complies with the requirements for vacating a right of way under Section 35.1 184 of the simal County Land Development code and the authority of sections 336.00 n vacating the right of way will not affect access to adjacent properties and therefore does not result in adjacent parcels becoming landlocked the required statutory notice was published staff requests The Bard of County Commissioners adopt the resolution vacating and abandoning a portion of uncut of unimproved RightWay known as Fifth Street in the town of Silvan Lake subdivision as recorded in plat book 2 page 69 of the public records of simal County Florida and that concludes my presentation thank you miss silway any inquiries by the board see none Mr Beverly do you care to make any statements or presentations to the board they have a question very well anyone here from the public to speak on this item no sir seeing n we'll close the public hearing this is commissioner her District I Mo to approve second motion to approve second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I oppose like sign seeing none carries unanimous thank you Miss silway thank you thank you Mr Beverly and M Beverly next item is item 53 consider adoption of an ordinance amending chapter 175 offenses this will be presented by Miss Trisha Johnson Deputy County Manager Miss Johnson thank you good afternoon chairman and Commissioners as you know earlier this year the legislature enacted House Bill 1365 which prohibits public camping and sleeping on any public property at the October 22nd 2024 commission meeting the board directed staff to amend county code consistent with Florida statutes and establish a uniform process by which persons may be trespassed from County property consistent with Florida Statutes this ordinance amends chapter 175 creating a new section prohibit prohibiting unauthorized camping or sleeping and creating a new section establishing a process for the issuance of trespass warnings and providing for an appeal process code changes include the definition of public camping and sleeping which is defined as lodging overnight in a temporary outdoor store habitation used as a dwelling or living space public camping or sleeping does not include lodging overnight in a motor vehicle or camping for recreational purposes on designated property public camping or sleeping is prohibited on any c County property such as County buildings facilities grounds and any counted RightWay persons remaining on County property without authorization shall be subject to the trespass procedures and be directed to leave County property with respect to trespass procedures we worked with the Sheriff's Office on this language the code outlines that the seino County Sheriff's Office May issue trespass warnings limited to the specific County property after verbally informing the person that they are not authorized to remain on County property the first violation notes that trespass warning for a period not to exceed one year the second violation is trespass warning for a period not to exceed 2 years and persons found on County property in violation of a previously issued trespass warning are subject to arrest for trespassing the ordinance also outlines an appeal process in which the county manager May authorize a person currently subject to a trespass warning to Intercounty property for purposes of County Business for example an individual who may have been trespassed from the county Services building can be uh allowed to come to the building if they need to do business with the tax collector Property Appraiser's office and so forth an appeal of a trespass warning must be submitted in in writing to the county manager within 10 calendar days of issuance of the trespass warning appeals shall be heard by the county manager within 30 days of receipt of the written appeal and within 5 days of the hearing the county manager shall issue a written decision and the decision of the County Manager shall be final some comments related to process before um we go to requested action the ordinance outlines processes at a macro level uh I did want to note that we are working with the Sheriff's Office to talk in further detail about the trespass warnings what those will look like who will manage them from administrative process and so forth additionally we'll be working on a process for our internal team for those for example in commission offices our real estate offices that get phone calls about individuals that may be public sleeping or camping on County property where should those calls uh go how should that enforcement process work from a staff standpoint and finally we'll be outlining a more detailed appeal process beyond what is just noted in the ordinance so with that uh our requested action today is to ask the board to approve and authorize the chairman to adopt an ordinance amending chapter 175 I won't read it all but it is up on this live for you thank you thank you very much any further inquiries of Staff seeing none Miss Dominique do we have any speakers on this item no sir seeing none we will close public comment and go to board action motion to approve oh sorry go ahead motion to approve second Mr chairman I have a quick question sure uh I will be supporting this but I think that there should be proper signage put up if there is natural lands depending upon who owns it in other words State and County so that people understand where the county Lin where ownership is and I'm hoping that we would look into that to see what that would cost an inil because we need to know you know if they're not allowed to be on County property they need to know where to line what boundary is that's by on the issue yes sir commissioner her I support that request as well and was heading down a similar path and want to put on the record that the state property the state has absolved itself of this regulation so you are allowed to camp on state property for the record and I just think the general public needs to understand that so you can be trespassed from this side of a line and not tresp from this side of a line in this County yes commissioner that is correct under the statute under the statute they just need to know where the line is at least until the next legis we need to know where the line is those that are enforcing it need to know where the line is I would Deed by support that as well um however I think the legislature is going to readdress this this coming uh year uh in the interest of not spending too much money money for signage uh maybe we use the universally legally accepted purple paint Mark along the boundary on certain trees to recognize where the boundaries at um before we go buy expensive signs and put them up just a thought I do think that staff needs to inform us of what they're doing and what the most expeditious way of doing it I'm not going to micromanage them yeah agreed either paint either paint or signage and what the ordinance does by adding the trespass language allows us to put signage up we don't even have that ability at the moment so uh that does allow us to put no trespassing signage up on our property we wouldn't do that all over right away but larger parcels and so forth right good judge good judgment any further inquiries or comments seeing none all those in favor I I oppose like sign seeing none carries unanimous thank you very kindly thank you next item is item 54 request board approval an ordinance for the 18th judicial circuit courts program trust fund this is going to be presented by Miss Lori Bailey Brown good afternoon chairman and board of County Commissioners item number 54 is a public hearing for the ordinance amending chapter 50 of the SEO County Code by creating a new part five to provide uh a fund for the Court's operation of various programs providing for codification of the SEO county code providing for separability and providing an effective date the ordinance creates the Court's operation fund to account for programming of the 18th Judicial Circuit Court specifically for the drug testing laboratory that is in operation through grant funding this is similar to the adult drug court trust fund created by Statute to carry forward revenues each year for expenditure of the program in 2022 simol County began providing limited laboratory services at the Criminal Justice Center for the adult drug court in 2023 the services were expanded to all courts through the coap grant which provided more funding for the laboratory Judicial Circuit Court Administration would like to continue the on-site laboratory uh and and expand it to be self-sustaining there are similar similar labs in P County Bard and Duval counties in operation the laboratory has decreased wait times for evidence which has increased Demand on the lab working through the grant program the court administration would like to continue the drug testing laboratory onsite with revenues that can be generated through programming and Partnerships grant funding will continue to support to support the lab functions through 2025 and staff will continue to maximize grant opportunities for the drug lab upon approval of the ordinance the courts will issue an amend administrative order to collect fees for the lab the ordinance will ensure those revenues are accounted for in a separate fund for expenditure of the program the recommendation is to approve the ordinance to establish the Court's operation fund and bar 25-11 that concludes my presentation thank you very much m brown any questions for Miss Brown seeing none Miss Dominique are there any comments from the public no sir seeing none we'll close public comment and go to board action move approval second all in favor I I oppos like sign seeing none carries unanimously thank you m brown thank you all right that concludes our hearing portion of this afternoon we will move to the county attorney's report I have no report today Mr chairman wow good job County Manager report I do have a few items a couple good news items but first uh chairman and Commissioners uh there are a few directors that will be departing us and so I just wanted to recognize them a few of them are leaving at the end of this calendar year some of them are leaving at the beginning of January but I'd like to recognize Mr John Dre he's retiring he's been with us for 10 years uh Rebecca hammock they don't know I'm doing this is she here where she at Rebecca is going to the private sector she's been with us for 10 years as well um Andrea Wester Broner who's not with us she's just been she's joined us for the last year she's going home to uh be with her kids she has two small children and as you know James guso is um well his wife retired and so for him he told told us for him to stay married and go over to the West Coast he had to to go over there and as you know this morning on the consent we uh that you all confirmed my recommendation to hire the new IT director so I started so I just wanted to wish all of them luck and thank them for their service to their residents in the business community of Simo County they've been a great great addition see if I told them I was doing that then they would all disappear they would have been here um two other uh there two other great news items as well is that the tid was approved as you all had known we got all the signatures from the hotel years we passed should say we surpassed the 50% Mark um I already had this scheduled at the first of the calendar year to bring you all an update and and how we are going for the next steps so that will be coming up at the first of the calendar year January or early February so you'll be uh you'll be hearing more from that and out of the nowhere I got a call from the superintendent this morning of schools uh Miss ban who said that the Winter Springs Council approved the school Ila last night um I did not know that was on their agenda and so now we have the final signature sprs thank goodness wow that's awesome so that is years years years and ironically they're remember the provision we put in the Ila we got a review in four years yeah yeah that's amazing so uh that was some great news uh this morning as well right and that's all I have Mr chairman thank you great thank you very kindly any questions for the county manager seeing none we will go to district report start with commissioner Constantine uh thank you very much first of I'm going to get um the appointments and it's going to be a little different than what you received I am going to ask in one motion the reappointment of M Mr Rex cloutz uh and Miss Shelley Nelson for the agricultural Advisory Board Miss Donna Bundy and Miss Rosy cook for the historical commission uh and Miss Christine tret for the library Advisory Board second motion second all those in favor iose like sign there is unanimous I would also um chronologically we've we haven't met for a while but I'm just a few things uh first I wanted to congratulate the zoo on a great you know Festival again with the Asian Lantern Festival and encourage those of you that this is a big fundraiser for them those of you that want to have something that's really exciting for your family during the holidays take the time to go out there it really is is remarkable and beautiful also want to congratulate U Mr skip Fowler who um after 43 years is the City attorney for Altamont Springs is re semi-retired he says he's not retiring he's semi-retiring but um you know that's remarkable when you think about it that a a county or city attorney could last 43 years and uh and I was I made the motion to um to uh to hire him so what does that say um also I wanted old me that's exactly what it says Bob and everyone else that's laughing um I would also uh say uh that tomorrow is the metr plan board meeting which um I just want let you know that you know the 5-year plan and other things will be on there and also uh on a sad note um I want to acknowledge the passing of two pretty remarkable folks here from Central Florida one is the Orlando hotel and philanthropic uh individual Harris Rosen who um uh one of the programs that he other than Tangelo Park and many many other philanthropic activities also started the Rosen School of hospitality at UCF which you know I I was always fortunate enough to get a number of uh interns that helped with my charity event one of them happens to be our employee now beatric Flores who uh went there and graduated from that uh program and also um the former state representative and or Airport Authority and longtime all his life resident of Altimont Springs uh Mr Bob hatway uh outside of that I just wanted to wish all of you a wonderful holiday season Merry Christmas and happy New Year looking forward to 2025 amen thank you commissioner conin our next we will have is commissioner lockart District 4 I'm sending you all an email right now about something I'm going to mention in my district report so when I say you have this email you now have the email true it is it will not be a lie um I also have some appointments that will be different than um what you have in front of you um appointing uh to the agricultural Advisory Board Mr John La Mercy for a term ending December 31st 2026 and Aaron Keefe also for that same term period um Board of adjustment a new member to the board of adjustment Mr Edward Levant um and a letter of appreciation um to the person who they are replacing on that board if we could get that sent out as well um reappointing Carmen beer and that that appointment by the way is um ending December 31st 2028 the historical commission appointment of Carmen Beerman ending December 26 Library Advisory Board is a reappointment it's actually commissioner her's appointee from last year that rotated to me Shan lucier which is um expiring December 26 um reappointing uh Dan Lopez to the count to the Planning and Zoning Board and that is ending December 28th and reappointing Steven Powell to the Port Authority board ending December 28 um those are my appointments for today second all in favor I I oppos like sign carries unanimous um this last couple of weeks there's been a lot going on I was able to speak to a Girl Scout Troop that meets at Ida wild Elementary it was uh there were a group of about 25 girls ranging in age from kindergarten to 8th grade so how is that for a target market to speak to and they have the best cookies well I wasn't offered any cookies for the record but I do buy some cookies I've got a supplier um but I get them from around here but um uh wonderful group of girls lots of fantastic question questions just really fun to to see their interest in local government and and what that looks like um was able to speak at the seminal chamber good morning seminal um this last week on the topic was homelessness and the um camping ordinance that we just passed served with um two folks representing nonprofits the Sharing Center and rescue Outreach Mission and um Chris fojo who's a commercial realtor in seol County so to get his perspective from the private sector and how homelessness impacts commercial real estate uh as well was was good I think it was there were about 140 folks in attendance and um I I feel like it was an opportunity to explore a topic that some folks may want to do take a deeper dive into it certainly is very very complex and the 30 or so minutes that we had to talk about it wasn't really enough to scratch the surface but um but well attended always a great event at good morning seminal um something that I want to draw your attention to and ask for well two things um the the letter that I just emailed you uh is from um fa the Florida Association of of counties at this um this last week's conference which unfortunately neither commissioner Constantine nor I could attend but I believe um M Johnson was there and and Miss Lor um they are asking for and they voted to send a letter of support to request the State of Florida join the southern rail commission um there are a lot of AD a lot of advantages to this and um if the board agrees after reading what the letter is actually requesting um I'd like to see if there is support for the county manager Office to send a letter under the Chairman's signature to to participate in that um I think having read just a little bit about the background it certainly makes sense for us to be able to tap into all of those resour ources but I would support that um the only question I would have is being the Texas and Florida the only two states where a separate entity controls all Transportation funds separate and apart from the local jurisdictions how that would work and whether it would be feasible but outside of that I'm happy to support that request that'd be great are you recommending it I am recommending that we is let's do it yes that is a motion second it to for the county manager's office to send a letter there's a draft of the letter itself we could of course tweak it to make it personal for all those in favor I oppose carries unanimous you all have your thank you all so much thank you for dragging me over the Finish Line there um the other thing that that's um the county manager is is helping us with and other members of Staff as well and I'm putting this on your radar for a couple of reasons um the Mayfair golf course which is a course owned by by the city of Sanford had a situation during Hurricane Milton where part of their Golf Course was flooding and for whatever reason the golf course management company felt that the solution to alleviating that was to pump reclaimed water from their Pond and discharge it into the East Crystal Chain of Lakes um after multiple phone calls uh from me as the district commissioner and the county manager to the city manager um and our staff being involved phone calls were made to DP and St John's our team has um participated in a couple of conversations with their staff my concern is is multiple things but twofold one is um that same golf course management company is the one that we have hired to manage biva for us they do not believe that what they did was inappropriate I think we would disagree with that I believe I believe D disagrees with that um right now the folks that are engaged in the conversation at the staff level at the city of Sanford also do not feel that there is any need for any type of mitigation um although there have been alal blooms and um some other problems um stemming from that not just immediately but ongoing since those were impaired water bodies so I would like the board to give the county manager the authority and the direction from the entire board not just the district commissioner to pursue whatever need be with the city manager of the city of Sanford And um ask what the circumstances with this golf course management company thinking that this was an acceptable solution since they also work for us if that's a motion I'll second it Mr chairman and I was not aware of this so thank you very much for bringing this forward but you know if that group is managing our and that is in the Waka protection area that makes it even doubly concerning that uh you know with that um you National Historic um River it's already having problems uh with discharge and everything so yeah I would just good point 100% Mr delari first of all thank you for bringing to all of our attention I wasn't aware of it either you mentioned reclaim uh was there an issue with their reclaim lines that they had to pump it to a different I think the way that they have it set up is that they have a pond that is lined specifically to take Rec claimed water and the water was supposed to stay in that specific Pond for irrigation right for irrigation and when that overflowed and there were problems with getting carts around the golf course they just decided to pump that pond we have video actually had two pumps a pump that they rented and a pump that they owned discharging over the course of a minimum of three days water from that pond into the East crystal chain okay did my next question would be to the county manager and his staff what would be the mediation or the mitigation for we're already working as commissioner lockart knows she brought this up to my attention I think we found this out on a Friday night when we were all doing it so Kim orberg for environmental services and Shannon wetle have already started meeting with with uh the with the city of Sanford so we're working on that um and you're keeping track of all cost including Personnel cost yes we will yes so we may need to talk to someone about that yes okay well the thing that's very troubling to me is that the city of Sanford doesn't seem to con feel there's a concern with that that's that's very troubling uh so I think we need to have direct interaction with their with their folks um and I haven't had the opportunity to talk to the city manager yet cuz we were waiting for this meeting to take place the meeting took place um so now it's more that's now now my next step is to talk to the city manager in addition to that I think we should ask the county attorney in light of if we have the same management company at wava that we need to revisit the contract that specifically will spell out they will not pump any water off that property without proper permitting proper understanding from us right those and maybe there's some additional language needs to be tightened up in that um and that's the a problem you know you think people that run golf courses would understand you can't go pumping that kind of water into a into a public water body but never assume anything I guess commissioner delari thank you Mr chairman Mr Gray what state agency would be having jurisdiction over this d d and St John's as well shouldn't they that's water quantity would you be our staff contacted D in St John's and what has their response been that um that it is a violation they have told us that so that's what we're working through in that the the meeting that commissioner lockart she knows a little bit more about this she was uh in intriguingly involved in it as well so that was the initial meeting that we had that they didn't um accept any accountability basically for for it so now we're we're moving through the process okay great and I I'll keep the board up to speed up to date on that yeah chairman can you call the question all those in favor I oos like Signs seeing none you have your direction all right thank you all so much and then um look forward to seeing anyone that's going to be out speaking of Sanford they do throw a great parade Saturday night the Sanford Parade of Lights downtown Sanford starts at six o'clock great that's all I have okay we'll go on to commissioner her District Five yes I actually am going to approve my uh or ask for your approval for my appointees to the boards at as is in the packet uh agricultural Advisory Board uh JW yarboro term of 1125 to 1231 of 26 agriculture Advisory Board Yolanda McGee term of 1125 to 1231 of 26 the contractor examiner board Jeff Wallace he represents the pool U Services 11 of 25 to 1231 of 25 historical commission margerie Smith 111 of 25 to 1231 of 26 historical commission Beverly Mason 1 one of 25 to 1231 of 26 uh TDC Brenda uas 1 of 25 to 1231 of 28 and this is a new appointee library Advisory Board uh hero yida one one of 24 one one of 25 to 12 hold on a minute let me verify two different dates on this one 1 one of 24 to 1231 of 25 he is filling an open seat which is why the is backdated second all those in favor I oppose like sign carries unanimous I did want to let the board know that at the last cfx meeting uh in November we held a work session to move to all electronic tolls uh referred to as AET and it's coming sooner rather than later the transition actually started 20 years ago uh at this point we're at 1.9% of the revenue for the Expressway Authority is Cash the rest is e pass transponders invoices Etc um there is a transition plan for Workforce and customers so that everybody has smooth Landings it is consistent with the Turnpike Authority so the state is moving in this direction there's no immediate this is probably going to be the biggest question from citizens there's no immediate plan to start tearing down the toll booth sections uh and do something else with them that will be put into the long-term work plans and we are adding uh the opportunity for PayPal Apple pay venmo and uh you can do cash deposits for those that are non electronic and completely off the grid you can do cash deposits at Walmart no Bitcoin no Bitcoin oh man no no plans for Bitcoin so I just thought I should make you aware of that in case you get phone calls into your office um I did attend the Sheriff's Office Memorial Highway dedication ceremony that uh took place for our three fallen officers that don't have a highway dedicated so far and that was uh extremely moving I want to give a shout out to commissioner lockart she did an excellent job at the chambers good morning seminal repres representing the county on the homelessness issue and this morning we passed on the consent agenda an item that was related to the Midway a drainage project and I want to give John dredge and his entire team credit for being exceptionally created creative um including Christian Swenson uh around that particular item it could have shut the entire project down and it didn't because we got created to figure out a way to do it and with that I will wish you all a Merry Christmas great commissioner delori thank you Mr chairman first I have a question for County manager and his staff uh there are still large amounts of storm debris from the hurricane in the uh Southeast portion of SE County which is chilota I know they're out there today ala Southern tusca as well as berther and I'd like to get an update when that will all be picked up uh I actually have some residents that actually resorted to burning it and I actually have photos of people burning it in the streets just FYI well in my district we actually have tree companies actually dropping and unloading their trucks on the side of the highway and now we have people that are dumping appliances cardboard and everything else on top of those piles I wasn't going to go to that level but it's happening but that's what happens in a rural area I mean they get out there and there's not a lot of population they just start dumping on the side of the road I know the governor's order uh was to expedite 247 I know that we asked for uh an exception to that and we were granted that but with that said we're going pretty long in the tooth and getting this handled yeah I can give you a an update if you want I actually have Mr Bond here uh from and we're at about 85% and just to let you know we are a little bit better than some of our surrounding count to let you know but I could definitely give you all an update on where we are and is there any projection that'll be done before Christmas you would you like to yeah Oliver if you want to come up please sir we knew this possible Mr great in all respect because other counties might be doing worse than us I know does mean we shouldn't be accelerating but as you thought Mr chairman during this the whole after the fight of the Hurricanes you were actually even pleading out to this stuff it's going to take some time to get it all picked up especially the two backto back hurricanes and the FEMA authorized um folks that are authorized to pick up that it's there they're scarce so right yes and I appreciate everyone's concern on this um the issue of tre companies and everything was brought to our attention and that was how we actually uh priority uh prioritized um commissioner deli's area in particular uh cville Road in particular was suffering from tree companies knowing they're off the radar just add to the pile save a few few bucks here and there uh but yes as as the county manager said we're about 85% done um that is approximate but what we do expect is we will be done with a majority of the waste by Christmas not to say that we will be entirely done because the last sticks and drags of material uh always take the large uh the longest amount of time um but we we still have about a month left on that 90-day time frame um which uh which was that commitment um uh to avoid 24-hour operations which we didn't didn't feel were necessary with the quantity of debris we had so are they also saying that they'll be picking up storm debris during the Christmas holidays we are looking into that right now uh we we did let some assets go over the Thanksgiving period uh Our Hope at this time is to keep assets running other than the holidays themselves to to ensure that but over the next week or so uh we'll see where we are at that time um as I say uh you know it's an approximate amount we completed um the the number of calls and issues is certainly reducing um and some of those last areas of the county which hadn't previously been addressed there's now a higher concentration of assets so as they finish out other areas in those um so I think particularly uh commission nar's area in the last week I don't think we've done anything in some of those areas approximately a week ago and today I think we are closing in on completing out whole are areas so um as we get to the end they'll be a lot more concentrated um and we'll see faster turnaround in particular areas I even have one neighborhood it's actually decorating some of the debris we had that after and you know we enjoy it but uh getting cre Christmas spirit so so my question Oliver is I I just drove all the way up and back to the DC area and in North Florida I stopped at a rest area and there were a couple dozen of these debris haulers so I made a point to talk to them they had just come back from the Carolinas no long no longer dispatched there they were returning here to Florida have we reached out recently to to any of these companies to see if they are FEMA approved and whether we can bring those assets in or yes certainly and most of that's done through a contract to D&J who who are in this process um but since Thanksgiving we had a little bit of a l with Thanksgiving but since then we've actually to increased the number of assets we've got working uh so as other communities and areas of the country close out we are constantly trying to bring in additional assets so uh we have more assets this week when we did last week and we hope to continue that Trend great okay can you give us a list of what neighborhood you're actually going to be doing um we do have a list of all the HOAs and private neighborhoods we work in um one thing that has been issue this time is right of entry forms we cannot go into private neighborhoods without those forms and emergency management works on collecting those and they start at the very I believe they start in may um but unfortunately uh what we've seen this time is people filled them out last year and thought they were good for this year so they're ignoring the emails ignoring the phone calls thinking that they're already ready um but we we constantly working to try and get those in but surprisingly at this time we are still getting them in the areas I'm talking about not private neighborhoods those are public neighborhoods uh the way we work is generally from a g map it doesn't generally refer to the neighborhood names um but if you have addresses or anything any anytime we get a call in through customer service or commissioner AIDS it is added to a spreadsheet and we've been working with the gis um to create heat Maps so if we're seeing Trends or particular areas that are Troublesome then we're directing assets into those areas y commissioner ctin thank you um it's wonderful that we're doing better than others our County Citizens expect that it seems and we all know that that they would call but one of the things I've observed and it is it's because it takes so long to pick up the debris is that law maintenance people will then put it out again and a third time and a fourth time and it's not the folks that at that house that are complaining it's their neighbors that are complaining exp why haven't you picked up their garbage even or their their debris even though they picked it up two or three times so um you know it's frustrating because I get I get those calls all the time and I've said hey they've been through that neighborhood twice already um so you know I just want everybody to to you to understand that that happens and to be a little patient thank you commissioner lockart question for the county attorney is there a reason why we have to to do those annually could we do those right of entry forms good for every two or three or four or five years or is it I mean they could be written for different terms I think it would depend on the underlying contract that we've entered into uh we we actually asked that and and I believe it's just purely because it's a femur document and that's the terms of theirs because we we would love to see that too um whether or not that's still ability to do that yeah that's correct we'd have to look at our FEMA grant funding to see what how long they can be for okay because then we risk that not getting the grant funds if we don't understood if there's a way to extend it boy I would support that let absolutely it would make it a lot easier maybe that's something for our federal lobbyist well to to that point with the FEMA gr the obvious to me would be may it seems that there's not too many years we don't go without needing debris pickup there may be few years that we didn't need it because there wasn't any hurricanes is the FEMA grant money available to purchase our own trucks our own equipment I think Oliver just had a borderline stroke right there from well that's not a question for me I'd defer to Emergency Management on that I would be interested in knowing from that aspect and then finally my office had a couple calls where there seem to be this confusion about tree debris versus construction debris damage from the hurricane that we weren't accepting it or picking it up to go to the landfill and when our website when our website said we were right and we we are uh we are collecting construction debris uh if storm generated um is done separately and I think that is possibly where the confusion arose it's not going to be the same truck it's not processed the same um so it's done at a separate time with the very small amount of construction debris generated in this St um it was very late in the game we only really started doing that in the last several weeks so I think that's where the confusion arose yeah because the constituents who called my office said they actually called out to the landfill were told no we don't and then the consan said well you better look at your website because your website says you do yeah we we can double check on that and see where that confusion arose great but I will say in this this scenario this year was particularly difficult because we had uh hurricane Helen right which was not a designated disaster and we were putting out uh very particular advice on how to process your material right and then right on the back of that we had a hurricane and we flip-flopped on that advice entirely and we're telling people to do the exact opposite right um and that definitely made it a little more tricky this time um but we are very grateful that we uh um we got great partners and we were able to Asain asset very early on um uh to commission Conant teams Point uh in some ways that backfired a little bit because we went through areas very early on and then we uh essentially cleared some of the uh Northwest areas of the county right uh but then very quickly we would see more material come out so we realized we had to go through those communities again so all right okay any other inquiries thank you very much sir thank thank you very much Mr chairman yes sir I have some board appointments if I may yes I have a list I handed out from The Advisory U agriculture advisory I have Dennis langos I have also Tom Minter Board of adjustments Larry Wright code enforcement Kevin Ross contractor Examining Board James deploy history historical commission Paul sukum ski uh Ernest man and Judith Smith part preservation Davon Hampton Planning and Zoning T Tim Smith scoper Bill Skyy and also Dana McBroom that to the court okay commissioner lockart I'd like to pull um Kevin Ross for separate consideration sure okay so I'll remove Kevin Ross from it and then I'll do it on the separate and second or agree M okay all those in favor of the motion to accept the entire roster Les Kevin Ross to the code enforcement board I I I oos like sign seeing none carries unanimous on C enforcement board i' like to nominate Kevin Ross second motion on second discussion commission lockart yeah the reason I pulled this one is um during my recent opportunities to interact with m Mr Ross I've been made aware of some personal and professional challenges he's been having and I feel like it would be um a a service to him to relieve the responsibility of the code enforcement board and to take this burden away from him during um all the things that he has going on right now and I'm sure once those get off his plate um it' be an opportunity to maybe look again if he wants to serve but um seems like one more thing uh to keep on to everything he has going on right now commissioner delari have you had a conversation with Ross recently I will tell you that our office has reached out to all the P people that I've recommended and everyone wants to be serve again and so that's why I'm recommending them I've actually checked their records and uh they have uh been at most of the meetings uh some that have been unanimous some that have been you know 80% 60% but everyone's been above 50% so let me ask you this it it doesn't appear to be time sensitive we're going to have one more meeting before the term expires do you want to re Circle back and have a discussion or I have no problem asking him again and seeing what his personal commitments are and I'll be bringing it back uh with a recommendation at the next meeting fair enough that's fair be more than happy to okay so I'll withdraw my second on on that particular position the motion is withdrawing lat dat to recommendation at the next meeting great all right sir into my uh in closing I just want to wish everyone happy holidays Merry Christmas and I want to thank all the staff members for all their hard work throughout the entire year as well as all the citizens that have been interacting with us uh especially the faithful people that come to the meetings at the uh regular basis that sit along the back of the wall and I want to wish everyone they're here longer than usual today that's true uh I'm sure that they'll have something to say at the end of the meeting normally and uh but uh look forward to hearing what they have to say but more all kidding aside uh this is a time to reflect uh all the things that we've been giving Grace over and uh happy holidays to not just us and the citizens but to their family members and uh thanking everyone for their hard work and for the things that we've been given throughout this entire year so Merry Christmas everyone right thank you uh my report will start with um reappointment of board members you all receive my list code enforcement board Katherine Townsen historical commission Deborah Bower historical commission Katherine Townsen and scopa Andrew van Gale second I think it's ska it's on the paper yeah ska yes I'm sorry you run scop so he can't on of scop I'm sorry he seconded I did one of us did all those in favor oppose like sign carries unanimous thank you all very much I'll have some more next month to finish out my roster um I want to uh thank Deputy Mark easterly uh um who's retiring after 24 years with the Sheriff's Office who has been here uh at the County Services building for the last stin of his career so we wish him all the best in his uh next adventure also want to announce I think maybe many of you already know Mr Bob Ami has joined the Orlando economic partnership team as senior VP um and of government Affairs some of you know Bob of course and uh I think that's a good move I really do I think we're going to see some some good stuff come out of that um also uh the Winter Springs in our local agreement what was mentioned already that's good news uh the other bit of news out of U that District in my or Winter Springs in my district which is Kevin site uh will be the new County or the new city manager he starts on the 16th of December he comes from Town Massachusetts um so I would ask that uh our our County manager and staff be prepared to offer any sightseen tours or uh things as he arrives coming from another state not working under the Sunshine Law um he's probably going to find himself in you know some some learning curve and and learning the communications and and the community as a whole so uh we look forward to better things out of the city of Winter Springs I also want to take a moment and uh thank all of the County employees who this past year allowed me to come interfere for a day or so in my dirty jobs Adventure um and doing sidewalks and pumping sewers out and uh being with the planning department and many others using heavy equipment out at the landfill yall are pretty surprised how good I can do that weren't you poor guy says don't mess up my dag on hi ho I got off foot and he goes you've done that before haven't you I said yeah anyway costing us anything in workers no no I didn't I didn't damage a I didn't damage a thing uh I could actually stayed there all day picking up mattresses and putting them in the dumpster though that was pretty good uh toys with toys that's right but I sincerely appreciate you all letting me spend the time with you and it it really does give a an inside view of of what our our staff and employees are really doing uh for the people and and some of the challenges that are there and some of the challenges that aren't there um and I think it's good stuff it really gives me a genuine sense of of how our staff really cares and you learn a lot of stuff from the people on the ground that we never hear you know I think one of the things really I was thrilled about when we were doing sidewalks one day and there was a broken sprinkler in the woman's yard that had nothing to do with the sidewalk that we were replacing uh and one of the employees noticed it and basically just said look if we don't take care of it we're going to get blamed for it anyway we keep him on the truck um off to the truck he goes puts a new sprinkler head in voila um I mean it's just that's just good customer service um so you know there there are those small things that you know we never hear about you know we tend to hear about sometimes a lot of the bad things we don't always hear about the good things um I don't know if that homeowner called in to say thank you for fixing a sprinkler or not but it was done so that was that was a great situation of course it was mentioned earlier about uh Mr Bob hattaway's passing um I won't go into details but also just want to mention that you know he was also a founding and Legacy member of the Private Business Association of seminal County um and was a huge in instrument instrumental role in promoting private business here in County um I think he and uh Brenda Cary were both founding members of that which helped push that uh small business community and help the small business Community which of course helps the government and helps make a much better community so that's the end of my report I sincerely appreciate it next we're going to go to public comment notman can I one can I interrupt sorry and I forgot two things one I was listening the directors who is leaving but you all also know that Mr Bob Pike is is retiring as well he's retiring at the end of the the calendar year as well he's been with us uh for quite some time as well our head building official yes so he's our building official and um commissioner her and commissioner Constantine and I uh went to the Orlando City Pride uh event the women's team the pride won the National Championship this year was first time Orlando had won a championship and they as you all know they practice at our facility at silven so uh we uh it was a great event and we wish them wish them well so got excited very colorful language good stuff than that's it thank you very much all right we will go to public comment that is not on the agenda if there's anybody here from the public we will invite you down to speak on any matter you desire about the county for 3 minutes we will go to miss Dominique do we have any speakers yes sir we have two James Gorman and Bill Hyde okay Mr Gorman and Mr Hyde you'll each be given three minutes hi uh James Gorman uh Li oo your your full address sir for the record okay 2996 Cedar Glen Place in Ido uh for the last two years um we had a uh a restaurant that turn a number of times to share so they can't do anything they they never bring sound equipment to measure the sound decb um and there's a discrepancy on how the uh the measurement is supposed to be taken it's supposed to be taken on my property or the property line where the noise is coming from MH um it is for the record the restaurant is coma and Casa it's at 1056 State Road 426 district one Bob Del's um I've called code enforcement of course the sheriff's department and also on April of this year there was a shooting in the parking lot um gunshots were heard from our subdivision and I being and the president presid of the HOA uh got involved and researched it I got the original uh reports there were no arrests there no they never found out who did it uh nobody confessed to anything so uh I would like the board look into the noise ordinance also their their ability to turn a restaurant into a night club with loud music Amplified music all weekend long so till 2 in the morning um the noise ordinance I guess the chapter 30 um there's three ordinances I figure that are being violated it's uh I guess uh M paragraph M sound and intense volume then the other one is uh physiological and psychological harm to anybody anybody has to endure that um there're also in indoor amplifi music that is far from indoor levels sound levels I mean I'm about a football field and a half away and and I it's pounded through my walls so I would request that uh you look into this and try to help us out Mr chair sure we do have a Sound Ordinance of course that is enforcable um and we do have code enforcement of Sheriff's Office capable commissioner that that road splits yours and my district can you help me it's it's solid it's completely in district one uh it's overed by uh ala Woods area by the 417 not too far from it if you can wait till after the meeting I can sit down with you and we can actually talk to staff about what we could do okay next all right we should be in another 15 20 minutes at the most all right and I appreciate your patience all right commissioner lockart um Mr Gray when we go through the topic of code enforcement and this the reorg I think one of the this has been a Rec recurring theme of having a struggle with code enforcement enforcing not just loud noises music but also barking dogs it seems like anything that happens late at night um we have a hard time getting people deployed um so just as a good note like com maybe combine those two if you could sure and we've been pretty successful with a new noise ordinance we have to an extent um well it's you know I agree it's subjective um the question of the line is a recurring question where do we stand where do we put the do where do we put it do we put it out there when they clearly know it's out there right and then if it's you know a neighbor situation then well then you just pipe it down for until sure so yes I don't think we have we don't need any more laws we need enforcement those laws exactly okay thank you just give us a couple minutes down Mr Hyde welcome it's good to see you today good to be seen at my age right good afternoon Commissioners my name is Bill Hyde I live at 2379 odley Street in Ovito um like to bring to not just the commission but everyone's attention uh this Saturday uh December the 14th is reath across America for those who are not familiar started in Arlington National Cemetery and has spread throughout the country uh there will be uh a re Across America presentation at the oido cemetery um this Saturday at noon um I invite everyone in the community to come out um they we'll be honoring all all of the Armed Forces including the Merchant Marine which is why I'm so nervous and so and so happy to be able to to to bring this to you because uh uh it it it does recognize uh all all of our Poland uh the mission of Rea Coss America is very short and and I kind of get squiggly when I hear it remember the Fallen honor those who serve and teach the Next Generation the value of Freedom hope everyone can attend thank you thank you Mr Hyde M Dominique is there any others no sir and we'll PL we'll close public comment on open Forum we will now move to election of chairman and we will pass the gavl to the county attorney I don't know that I need the gavel are you all going to behave I think that's the only reason it was brought down today oh I'll take it then and by the way the senator gavl has been found love I'm told you're told you don't know yet well I haven't seen it yet but I'm told it's over at the Museum oh good yes it is that's a mystery okay your policy and procedures require that you elect a chairman and a vice chairman every year um I will open the floor for nominations for chairman first and um a nomination is a motion so you don't have to make a formal motion and a nomination does not require a second um once we hear that there are no more nominations we'll close the floor to nominations and I will call for a vote on the names in the order that they are received and then upon the election of a chairman the chairman will conduct the same process for a vice chairman so that's the process we're going to follow at this time I will open the floor for nominations for chairman I move Jay zow I nominate Andrea her hearing no further nominations I'll close the floor to nominations all in favor of J zow as chairman say I I I all opposed say nay nay that was a vote of three- two for Jay zow to be chairman the the Nays were commissioner her and commissioner lockart for the record I'm going to pass this back to you chairman okay so we will open up the floor for nominations for vice chair I move commissioner her second are you you seconding or are you asking for a second I'm seconding that oh we don't need a second that's we need a second any other nominations seeing none all those in favor opposed well nay commission do do you want I guess we should ask commissioner her would you like to be Vice chair for the third year in a row thees be the brides again yeah absolutely very good all right there being none then we will move on we have a chair and a vice chair and uh we will conclude this meeting I appreciate everybody's participation stand oh that's right we got to bless the standards again has everybody had an opportunity to review the standards of conduct does everybody agree with the standards of conduct yes if not forever hold your peace all right all those in favor I opposed like Signs seeing none standard of conduct for simal County Commissioners is agreed upon we wish everybody a a happy holiday season hope you get to spend plenty of time with your family and friends and again thanks staff and and the commission for the great work we've done this year we won't be getting back together until after the holidays uh I'm sure we'll see some of you during the holidays with all the Christmas parties and events and parades and so forth going on we shall now close CL the board of County Commission meeting on December 10th 2024 thank you all very much Mr chair manager and I know the meeting's over I'm just asking --------- ##VIDEO ID:3KERfcWQsec## [Music] if you'd make your way to your seats [Music] please good morning and Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all welcome to the bard of County Commission meeting December 10th 2024 the time is now 9:30 a.m. if you would take a few moments and and turn your ringers and any uh audible devices you may have in your computers laptops telephon so forth and silence those we'd appreciate it do that include commissioner con that includes commissioner Constantine our invocation our invocation this morning uh is going to be by Robert Bradley the bread of Life Christian church and then Mr Bob Pike will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Bradley let us pray Our God and our father we come today to give you thanks to give you praise honor and glory for all that you are to us and all that you have done for us we thank you Lord God for today's sufficiency of Life health and strength thank you this day Lord God for our daily bread thank you Lord God that in spite of all of the challenges that we may experience in this country we do honor and and respect the fact that we live in one of the greatest places that is upon the Earth father we ask Lord God in Jesus name God that you give us peace where there's confusion strength where there is weakness Clarity wherever there may be confusion we ask your blessings upon this commission today Lord God as they go forth in this meeting father that you guide their minds and their hearts for the decision that will make for The Guiding and the betterment of this community and so father we pray for these proceedings and we ask your blessings upon it all in Jesus name we pray amen amen am I alleg to of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Mr Bradley thank you Mr Pike our first item of the morning would be a proclamation proclaiming Cadet Kathy corza United States Air Force Academy is seminal County's December veteran of the month and this will be head H yeah read by commissioner lockart right um Commissioners I would like to move the following proclamation of the seol County Board of County Commissioners recognizing United States Air Force Academy Cadet Kathy coralisa for her outstanding service to the United States and seol County whereas the brave men and women of our army navy Marines Air Force Coast Guard and space force demonstrate a Resolute spirit and unmatched selflessness reminding us there are few things more American than giving of ourselves to make a difference in the lives of others and whereas throughout our country's history generations of service members have answered the call to leave their families their jobs and put their Futures and even their lives on the line to valiantly defend our nation and whereas for many service members the sacrifice has ended in permanent injury or death yet their Spirit remains in the continued preservation of our freedoms and the promise of Liberty and whereas there are more than 30,000 living veterans in seminol County who served our nation in times of peace and War through their service they kept America strong and whereas cath Cadet Kathy corala entered the Air Force Academy in 1999 majoring in foreign area studies and separated in 2000 after a training accident she was the recipient of the Air Force outstanding unit award during her time at the Academy and whereas Cadet Kathy coralisa from 2005 to 2010 provided direct support for operation enduring freedom and operation Iraqi Freedom working as a theater Logistics support contractor for the US Army she maintained five communication Supply warehouses throughout the Middle East spending all 5 years in Iraq Kuwait cter and Afghanistan and whereas Cadet Kathy coralisa has been a chapter service officer for disabled American Veteran seminal Chapter 30 since 20120 and is a current Junior Vice Commander she has advocated for countless veterans and families by providing information on benefits and has conducted numerous outreaches in collaboration with the seal County veteran services office to assist many veterans as many veterans as possible her support has been instrumental to the success of our local veterans programs and whereas Cadet Kathy coralisa has brought great credit and distinction upon herself the United States of America the United States Air Force and seal County now therefore be it proclaimed that we the board of County commissioners of seol County Florida express our gratitude admiration and respect for Air Force Cadet Kathy coralisa for her outstanding service to the United States Air Force and residents of seol County be it further proclaimed that this Proclamation is presented to Air Force Cadet Kathy coralisa along with our sincere congratulations and recognition as seminal County's veteran of the month adopted this 10th day of December 2024 second motion second all those in favor I I congratulations thank you all very much join us on the floor for a photograph session thank you ma'am you um i' just like to take a minute to say thank you and it's a it's a great honor to be able to serve the veterans of seal County um and give back to my fellow brothers and sisters so I really am honored and I appreciate the honor and thank you for the opportunity thank you for your service thank you for your service all right our next item up will be our County investment advisor report Mr Scott McIntyre good morning and Merry Christmas Mr McIntyre me off a little bit here this is uh it's very early okay obviously we're kind of in a bit of a transition again I I would like the day to come when I come up here and say that everything's really clear we know exactly what's going to happen but we don't as usual um tomorrow is CPI by the way so um the market could move a little bit more if we get a warmer number than expected I doing this wrong PR SES okay obviously you guys know there was an election and we've got a new president coming up and the policies that are ultimately implemented what the Market's going to move on right now there's a lot of speculation we read a lot of information from a number of economists and I I will tell you despite the fact that their predictions seem to to Cluster around a central point because nobody wants to be at on that limb I do think there are a lot of varied expectations about what ultimately happens the FED did cut in November by a quarter that was not a big surprise there's a meeting on the 18th of December and our expectation is that they're going to cut by another quarter but we also think that they're going to signal that after that it's possible they pause to kind of reassess um the big question in a lot of people's minds is the tariffs and uh how they will be implemented what it'll look like whether that's a negotiation point or whether that's a hard stance and obviously you know in the event that there are tariffs and and uh other countries uh wind up in responding uh to that we could see significantly higher short-term uh inflation which would not cause the FED to raise rates but would certainly cause the FED to not want a lower rates to further stimulate the economy um another question is the fiscal policy that goes into place so there are big tax cuts that fed is not going to want cut more to continue to stimulate the economy so there's a lot of things that need to happen before you know we have a really good idea about ultimately where things go then obviously military conflicts are another um issue right now and the idea that there are escalating military conflicts means a flight to Quality flight to Quality means lower yields at least Market lower yields not what the FED does but what the market does so with all that in in place what am I doing thank you um this is a little bit hard to see but the only thing I would focus on with a CPI graph is is the red line on top that's core CPI and that's what the FED one of the things that the FED looks at as far as an inflation gauge is concerned it's actually moving slightly higher it's expected to move a little bit higher tomorrow so um you know the thought is if inflation is is moving sideways or moving up again that really um signals that the FED is less likely to to uh cut going forward although I think a pause and ultimately Cuts will happen thank you um this is nonfarm payroll thing I want to mention here is that we had a really really weak October payroll number that was storm influenced um got a big bounce back during the month of November uh jobs are still being created the unemployment rate is is still very low relative to where it is is a 4.2% um full employment is considered or used to be considered somewhere above 5% so we are at full employment this is not something the audience can see real well I understand that but I want you guys to see this this is the Bloomberg survey 83 economists weighing out on where they think GDP is going to be over the next year and a half where they think interest rates are going to be they expect that that economic growth it's going to be right around 2% next year not too fast not too slow uh I mean again to me these economists are not wanting to be out on a limb so they're sort of clustering together in terms of where they think things will be uh there are a lot of in my mind various outcomes that could happen these guys expect or these people uh expect that interest rates will be cut basically by a quarter every quarter so every other meeting going forward um and they expect that the uh two-year rate will get down to about 3 and a half% by the end of next year so with that in mind um deals have moved around quite a bit as you can see they they are up from where they were a couple of months ago which is kind of ironic in the sense of the fetus cut rates um and the pool rates off to the right have uh actually Fallen they will fall lock step with the fed's actual Cuts so we expect that the money that the county has in pools will fall a little bit more and ultimately drop aways the tail end next year my thought for what it's worth is that you know the the FED would like to cut rates they really have to listen to what's going on the fiscal side the incoming president would really like the FED to cut rates and probably exert some pressure on pal to do that so it's going to be really interesting to see how that Dynamic plays out the the FED chairman versus the president who wins but the thing to keep in mind in my mind is the idea that the the FED is not going to raise r R next year so it's either gradually down or down a little bit quicker but the idea of them raising rates I just don't think that I don't think there's any appetite for that appetite for the idea that fed's going to try to slow the economy down so um you got in your your property tax money you had a number of maturities and um as we did last year at this time there's a lot of investing to do there's a lot of money right now sitting in the pools uh the pools to a degree of vulnerable um in my mind I think it still makes sense to step out way out along the curve and invest above 4% now while we have the opportunity to do that so we can assure that you've got healthy uh interest income in 2026 and into 2027 um some of the upcoming materal is about 52 million that that continue to mature this month um again a lot of tax money has come in had some recent Investments um but as you can see there's roughly I believe 165 is that is that is I'm proposing to be invested um almost all of these spots are spots where you need money we're trying to basically fill in a ladder so you've got maturities coming in so uh and this is one of those odd months where I don't have data yet for the end of November to put in to go forward into December to show you so the only thing I can show you right now is October 31st and the portfolio uh was was yielding 471 at that point in time 82% of the money have been invested into fixed rate Securities and 18% was in floating and uh that is your that is your performance over the course of last couple years so let me go back up here to the recommendation and also ask for questions if any of you have any questions or comments you'd like to make any inquiries seeing none I'll look for Action from the board Mr chairman make a motion to implement the recommendations of our financial advisor based on a report submitted today and recommend the clerk Implement said board recommendations second motion is second any further discussion seeing none all those in favor I I I oppose like sign seeing none pass unanimously thank you than very much sir Merry Christmas same to you all right next we are going to move to our consent agenda items I would encourage if anybody is here to speak on items 3 through 50 that if you desire to speak before the board on any of these items in the lobby you will find forms if you would fill those out fill out the item number of which you want to speak about give it to the clerk right here at the front Miss Dominique and she'll make sure that you get called up to speak on any of these items with that we'll go to the county attorney Miss Lor if you'll read the rules for public participation of course good morning Florida law provides that members of the public shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard on propositions before the board of County Commissioners except when the board is acting on emergency or ministerial matters or conducting a meeting exempt from the requirements of the Sunshine Law individuals shall be permitted 3 minutes each for public comment or 6 minutes when the individual is an official representative of a formal Association or group the chairman May modify the maximum time for public comment at his sole discretion when appropriate public comments on quasi judicial or other public hearing items will occur during the board's consideration of those items this afternoon public comments on pending procurement matters or on non-agenda items shall not be permitted at this time members of the public Desiring to make comment must fill out a speaker form and present the form to staff forms are available in the lobby Mr chairman thank you Mr Lor County Manager any revisions to your consent agenda including constitutionals yeah thank you uh Mr chairman and Commissioners uh just a couple uh couple items uh there is one addition of 9A under the county manager uh consent agenda also I'd like to pull four items number four 29 35 and 46 um and I'll bring those back to the board okay uh time certain on those probably at at the next meeting or in the month of January or early February on those great so is there anyone here that was here to speak on item 4 29 35 or 46 no sir okay any questions from the commission on those items I do have one question on number four number four I I know that County attorneys at looking at that but it's not lost on me should the clerk of the courts not be the person doing the initial review on that as the comproller you know I don't know that I know the answer to that we are paying the bills of the supervisor of elections because he has to get this approved because he doesn't have the line item in his budget after October 1st um so everything that he needs to have approved to be paid for has to come to the board board um the clerk does also look at the payment um I've looked at the invoices I can't really speak to the hourly rate or you know what work was done um the issue with the invoice that we need to bring back in the future is that I think the legal work was built to the wrong case there are multiple cases going on at the same time so in order for recordkeeping and so the payment of the invoice comes from the right County budget or line item we need to have that remedied sure um where the clerk comes in with looking at these I think would be double-checking that we're paying what the invoices are asking for but I don't know that we have a lot of say or that the clerk has a lot of say in the dollar value or the the dollar amount right the dollar amount is not what I'm concerned with what I'm concerned with is the board took action related to this topic uh I think three meetings ago two or three meetings ago and it would seem to me the clerk would be on notice of that uh so when these bills come in it would be properly reviewed and flagged and brought to our attention that it may not be what this board's action and Direction was fortunately uh you folks are looking at it um but it would seemed to me that that is the controller's job yeah and actually if I could just weigh in what we have done we have communicated with the uh Supervisor of Elections office with their staff and asked them to for it to us and we've Al also have been in communication with the comp controller as well so we're all in sync with each other so we all know we're all on the same page so great thank you all right then that leaves us with items three through 50 L 4 29 35 46 and a carry on of 9A move to approve with the items removed the items removed okay second got a motion and a second anybody here to speak on any of these items Madam clerk no sir no one here to speak we'll close public participation all those in favor oppose like sign seeing none carries unanimous thank you very much next item up is going to be number 51 this is part of our regular agenda today this is a reduction of lean request this will be presented by Alexis Bron code enforcement clerk Miss Bron for the record good morning my name is Alexis Bon I am clerk to the code board I am presenting item number 51 which is a request uh from applicant cha Studio Inc second okay owner of the property located at 4384 Francis Avenue Sanford parcel ID number 14-20 D30 d503 000000 d130 this is an appeal of the Deputy County manager's denial of a request for a reduction of the code enforcement lean resulting from case number 19-1263 from the code enforcement board lean total of $689.95 to the administrative cost of $80.99 upon applying for the requested reduction the applicant's request was denied by the county manager based upon seminal County Administrative Code section 3.20 b2a as the applicant purchased the property with a recorded lean in summary the proper was originally observed on December 18th 2018 by the code enforcement officer concerning the violation of seminal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in section 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation this matter was brought to the code enforcement board on August 22nd 2019 and a findings of fact conclusions of Law and Order issued requiring the respondent to be in compliance no later than September 6 2019 or a fine of $50 per day would be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated the respondant did not comply with the order given by the code enforcement board and an order issued on July 22nd 2021 finding the respondant not in compliance and imposing a fine of $16,800 to continue to acur at a rate of $50 per day until the violation is remedied this order is recorded in official records book pages is 10002 9 943 944 next one okay on April 4th 20124 the property was transferred to the applicant via a warranty deed which was recorded on April 17th 2024 the applicant Char Studio contacted the code enforcement officer to bring the property to compliance and achieved compliance in approximately a month and a half of owning the property once the Total Lean amount recorded on the property was sent via certified mail to the applicant they submitted a request for reduction on June 6 2024 following the denial by the deputy County Manager the applicant filed the appeal to the board of to the board of applicants denied request for reduction the requested action from the applicant is that the board of County Commissioners consider and make a final determination on the applicant's written appeal from the deputy County Manager denial of applicants request for reduction of the lean to administrative cost of $580 and 98 cents and should the lean amount be reduced authorize the chairman to execute a satisfaction of lean upon payment of the approved reduced amount that concludes my presentation thank you any questions for staff I do have one um have you followed the history of purchase on this property and if so can you tell us how it ended up with cha Studio very briefly um the original respondant had passed in February of 2014 um and the property was transferred to the air in April of this year and in April of this year it was then transferred to like a warranty deed to a new owner and then on that same day was transferred to Sha's Studio the same day so if I'm following right it stayed with the family until some point yes and then it was transferred sold whatever given to another party yes and then that same day cha Studio purchased it from that individual correct okay great commiss lockart do we know if there was um any sort of History um done through when when a warranty deed goes into effect is is it the same process as if you're purchasing a property would there have been a title search done do we know if there was a title search done I don't currently know if the applicant is here in the audience we're going to ask in a second okay okay I would I would direct that question only to them because I don't I don't have that okay and the answer I hope is yes it should be um okay is the applicant hearing wish to make a statement before the board applicant here for this lean reduction discussion and wish to give a statement or comment to the board staff are we sure that the applicant was made aware of today's hearing yes sir I spoke to one of the um Representatives yesterday afternoon so they were fully aware oh ma'am here are you the applicant I'm just ging you I'm so sorry no come on down please thank [Music] you good morning good morning so this is your time to make your appeal to this board uh I note that in the backup material there's an indication you were aware that there was a lean on this this property so Mr chairman for the record they give us their name and address sure I'm going to get there okay um so we're going to want to know about that and if you would give us your full name and address and your relationship to Cha Studio my name is Isabella cido I'm the owner and with ch studio and I have my partner here she should be getting here in a second um my address for this property is 4384 Francis Avenue Sor is that buy this property as an investment property is that your legal address mailing address address is 304 Lake Stanley Road Orlando Florida 32818 okay and so you are a principal of Charles Studio yes okay proceed please yes um we just purchased this property with the intention of fix uh do a flip um with the company the title company did the uh search a title search it came out on the closing table with $16,800 in fines which was not the right I normally use another title company which I feel comfortable but this is the title company we will assign for it to use it was a very it was completely different that when we close and we check everything the way it was and we find out that it was $86,000 in leans when we purchase this property and we get into the property all the neighbors came in to talk to us and well everybody was very excited cuz this property has a very very bad issue with homeless drug actions in their transactions actually only in The Last 5 Years more than 27 calls to the Sheri Department would me three weeks ago my neighbor called me they arrest someone in the property he said something about it was a woman involved and some rape trying to happen in there this is a very quiet neighborhood it's pretty nice and they fixed the other property was um in the same condition that's why they have it was two properties for more than 10 years completely abandon this being a very loss for us when we been find out all this issue not only that when we get into the property the property was not in the conditions we would talk with the gener contractor with normally used deals the house was completely eat by termites so this are completely lost that's why we're here to see if we can back for help it's not even a negotiation so so my question is are you in the business of flipping homes and buying properties fixing them up and selling them I'm doing it with some friends okay it's been more than 3 years that I didn't get another one this is pretty much my first one okay again all right any qu other questions from the board commissioner lockart um you mentioned that you used a different title company this time than you usually do um but do you have the ability to go back to them have you confronted them with the fact that they didn't clearly produce all of the information that you needed definitely and the was like well that's what I present you and you signed a hardship letter yeah interesting okay it was it was it was surprising we trying to do everything we can and every every place we try to go every route we try to get it was just at dead end with more problems and more problems sure okay but you knew that there was a $16,000 lead on the yes we were aware and through all the friends that they do that cuz I don't have the most experience I'm I justed to learning little by little the process and they said don't worry 16 is not that bad for the property you're getting you maybe maybe they can help you so yeah okay perfect but $86,000 it was extremely surprising thank you mhm I'm sorry I do have other question I do have some pictures from the neighbors they've been taking cuz even though I've been making a very nice relationship cuz I did the cleaning myself with some friends so I met all the neighbors and they say they've been trying to keep this place on compliance but they noticed they never stopped doing the leans and the neighbor was trying to see if he can buy the property and he cleaned it for two more than two years on the road he showed me pictures he gave me everything but the Lans never stop that's what he says so we've been trying to talk to everyone that understood anybody have an interest in seeing the pictures I find value and seeing the pictures I've seen the pictures from the codly Cod enforcement I'm good package every else good no further inquiries okay ma'am thank you very much thank you all right this is my district um so although I I feel bad for the cha Studio it's clear to me that they are in the business of purchasing and flipping homes uh you know every every title company I've ever worked with uh holds the appropriate insurance and bonding to go back and and make those claims for misrepresentation uh I think you have a legal action there number one number two um good practice for future references call those lean holders yourself and verify what's being represented are correct a good lean or good title company will do that anyway uh many times in writing asking for you know proof of what the actual lean is so with that said I will uh make a motion for denial commission lockart I do want some clarification on the number in our agenda it's I'm sorry can we get a second for purposes of discussion sorry I'll second for discussion for discussion thank you sorry um in the agenda book I see 689 but I've heard 86 so can we just clarify that so sure the the applicant was initially advised that the total value of the County's lean was in the $86,000 range has since been corrected there was an error in the calculation that staff discovered so the actual value of the County's lean I believe is 6,400 correct and commissioner her U I wasn't going to second I was going to let it fail um but I think the piece that I'm struggling with is the are we 100% certain that we did everything we should do to have it show up in a title search 100 100% well I mean it showed up to 168 so well that's what makes me question whether or not we actually did what we needed to do the file what we needed to file so that it shows up in a title search which I guess could come back once the applicant goes against the title company and the title company then comes to us and then we're back we're all around the circle again um I just question why it would show up at a number that was a number that was in play at one point but not in play now and that is that just gives me cause for concern and what I will say to that I understand your your concern and I have transferred a lot of property a good title company will make phone calls and typically send a written request for verification before they ever go to closing I I don't know whether or not they receive that what the testimony is a different Title Company than typically was used by these individuals was used that they may not be familiar with I don't know why that is but um you know that is the job of the title company regardless who it is it's you know buyer beware that's why you get title companies to do the search and represent it as what it is or what it's not I can have Mr Gomez if you want to comment yeah my understanding is that the applicant was informed that it was 6,800 at the time but it was still acre so the additional amount was the amount that was acre at $50 a day for that time period until they uh came in and and tried to um address it okay I'm sorry the applicant was informed by the title company that's the conversation we're having that was my understanding and the applicant can verify that applicant says differently I can clarify I just get the letter from the city never from the title company that was PR the county attorney says she has verification or inut I can clarify your the the issue you're referring to commissioner her um at the time the lean was imposed the total cost of the fines was 168 um when the when the magistrate said okay the lean's being recorded So the lean at the time the lean was recorded had been so many days of the violation it was 168 lean is recorded it's getting us $50 a day fine for however long couple of years until the date that it comes into compliance so between the 168 the day that lean was incurred until the day the property came into compliance the value of the lean accured to 684 so the lean is recorded in the public records so that should have come up on the title search I just glanced at the document that was recorded it seems to have the address the parcel number um and it did come up in the title report at 168 because the value in the lean says 168 but then it does say plus $50 a day for every additional day the violation exists so that's typically how code enforcement Lings are recorded they don't always have a value in them but um sometimes they just say $50 a day and then you have to count the days um this had a starting Value Plus $50 a day and if I could just speak to the warranty deed you know warranty deeds under Florida law are warranty deeds because they guarantee title to the property so the title insurance no matter what which company she used it's an insurance policy and if they made a mistake the the remedy is to file a claim with the title insurance company you know how does any other inquiries either the County Attorney applicant staff I we have a motion and a second M go ahead Mr chairman I want I I was going to ask Kate the questions go sure go ahead no but she was going to say something I was just going to recommend you open it to public comment as well because we don't have public comment on this item is there anybody from the public that wishes to speak on this item no sir it's y'all's money okay we'll close public participation Mr chairman as the second I do feel that you know what you have indicated and what has been said here today is reasonable is understanding and and um that you know the if if the vote goes to 684 um I understand that that would be um I I feel legitimate request but I do think that um in light of the fact of what we've heard today that maybe a more um I still believe that their their main responsibility is to go to the title company I think that they are at fault I would just simply indicate that I think that maybe a slight reduction or half of that would be more reasonable um for uh the the as she said the first time um uh f this is a very expensive lesson yes it is but I would if if we could amend the amendment the motion I would amend it to 342 commissioner her so I actually think that makes it worse for the applicant if the if the remedy if our lean was in fact filed correctly and it mentions the addition of the $50 a day and there's no Clarity in there around the notion that uh it ended then the argument back to the insurance policy is that this is yours to own if we take a bite of that we're actually hurting her case in my opinion with an insurance claim so we either need to go at the 684 or we need to reduce it to the number that and was in the then I would say to you thank you very much because that's exactly what I was hoping somebody would say so you understand that even though we feel very uncomfortable in having to do this it's not us it's your title company and I'm you know I'm then without a second the motion stands ma'am we'll give give you one minute just one minute they I already went back to the title company and what they did is like well it's your loss cuz you signed um Harmony I mean a hold Harless whole harness yeah again there's no way to do against the well there is what I would do is I would recruit legal assistance in the matter um to move forward I mean I I I've done these transactions 100 times and I've had title companies mess up and I've had title companies tell me well that's tough too bad well then you have to go a rough Direction but hopefully you never have to go there but if you do that's your other option again we feel bad for you that you didn't get the services that you paid for through your title company but that is truly your remedy I would also tell you that the office of insurance regulation is the regulator for insurance companies and uh writing a nice letter to them might help you as well thank you for the advice thank you thank you all those in favor I opposed like sign seeing none passes unanimously thank you very much that concludes our morning session we'll be in recess until 1:30 p.m. this afternoon thank you all very much for attending [Music]