[Music] oh [Music] okay well good afternoon folks and we're going to get started with our afternoon session this is our quasi judicial portion of our board meeting today of the board of County Commissioners June 25th 2024 I would ask each and every one of you just check your cell phones make sure that they are silenced or turned off if you have any other electronic devices um I would ask that you silence those in respect of the presenters as well as our staff and the commission and all those here today with that said I will move for uh proof of publication move second a motion a second all those in favor I oppose like sign seeing none it's unanimous please disclose each commissioner please disclose if you have any expar communication and the nature in which it was submitted chairman I do have expar communication it's been submitted electronically I do not Mr lockart I have expart uh had meetings with the applicant and staff regarding the Reagan Center and they were submitted electronically and I'll them and I've had exp parte with um the consultant of the developer of item of of the Reagan Center as well as uh phone conversations as well as text I have had meetings and conversations on item 30 the Reagan Center PD major Amendment rezone item 2024 that show 671 all mine has been submitted electronically I will now ask the County Attorney to read in the rule of public participation please of course Naya borkett for the record while the board welcomes comments from all person with an interest in these proceedings Florida law requires that the board's decision and quasi judicial actions be supported by competent substantial evidence presented to the board during the hearings on the applications competent substantial evidence is such evidence as as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support a conclusion there must be a factual basis in the record to support opinion testimony from both expert and non-expert Witnesses persons presenting testimony May testimony May rely on factual information that they present that is presented by County staff that the applicant presented or on factual information included in the county staff report to support their testimony all persons who Present written Mater materials to the board for consideration must ensure that a copy of such material is provided to the clerk for inclusion in the board's record of proceedings and official minutes thank you very much for those who want to speak make sure that you get in the lobby a speaker form it's a yellow copy give it to the clerk Miss Melanie Co who's raised her hand down here you're going to want to get those in right away because we're not going to wait till the end of the hearing to start filling out new forms if you have a written comment you want to make fill out the green give it also to miss so it can be entered into the record it's also come to my attention that there may be some demonstrative AIDs that uh some of the parties have brought today and there's only a single copy uh I'm advised that if you desire to take a digital photograph of any of that evidence that will be acceptable to be put into the record so I would ask that uh before any of these parties leave Miss Co we ensure that there is photographs taken forwarded to the clerk uh so the record is preserved we will start our hearing today by staff giving us a presentation to the board it'll be followed by the applicant uh if they desire to give a presentation once that has occurred we will move to public comment once we move to public comment we've had off our public comment we will close public comment and we will allow any uh rebuttal from the applicant and then we will move for board action to the bard of County Commission the first item up is item 30 Reagan Center PD major Amendment rezone item 202 24-6 71 this will be presented by principal planner Miss Joy Giles yes good afternoon Joy Giles principal planner for development services uh the applicant is requesting approval of the Reagan Center PD major Amendment reone from PD plan development to PD plan development on approximately 110 acres located on the east side of US Highway 1792 north of County Home Road the applicant proposes to demon or excuse me the applicant proposes to construct a mixed use development on 110 acres with entitlements for General commercial and Retail uses consistent with C1 and C2 retail commercial permitted uses including but not limited to General commercial professional and medical off office and multif family residential the PD proposes a maximum floor area ratio of uh 0.95 and a multif family residential density of 25 dwelling units per net bual acre for a maximum of 1,3 dwelling units in December of 2018 The Bard of County Commissioners approved the Parkside Place PD rezone for the subject site however subsequent applications for development approval were not submitted and the PD entitlements have since expired the Reagan Center PD proposes a less intense floor area ratio and density than the previously approved Parkside PD which permitted a maximum F of 1.25 with a maximum density to 8 85 dwelling units per net buildable acre the comparison between the current request and the previously approved entitlements are shown in the entitlements comparison table in your agenda report the PD proposes four developable tracks and a 35 acre track designated as passive Recreation open space and Wetland Conservation a dedicated community park being a minimum of a half acre in size will be constructed by the developer con currently with the development of the regional pond on Commercial tract one as shown on the master development plan or prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the first structure bill on tract one whichever comes first multif family residential will be developed solely on track two and shall be developed in three phases the remaining uh three developable tracks in the PD will consist of General commercial retail and office uses it may be developed independently from the multif family phases a trip conversion Matrix has been included in the development order allowing for the conversion of uses between tracks as long as the total project trips are not not exceeded however as previously stated the multif family units are developed solely on track two and no additional residential units may be added through the trip conversion Matrix the site is located within the seminal County Utility service area and is required to connect to Public Public Utilities due to the intensity of the project Water and Wastewater system capacity improvements are required therefore a separate utility agreements a separate utility agreement will be required uh excuse me is required for the design and construction of each of the improvements the total cost associated with the water and wastewater system improvements as shown in the capacity improvements table under condition J of the development order shall be funded via a proportionate share contribution by the developer of 41% for water and 42% for Wastewater additional details of the utility agreement requirements are listed Ed Under condition J of the proposed development order and can be expanded upon by staff of the board so desires the development will access onto Ronald Ragan Boulevard and US Highway 1792 a traffic impact analysis will be required at final engineering review of each phase of development the Tia will determine any off-site improvements required in the county rideway and will'll also evaluate internal vehicular cross access needed to facilitate each phase's internal access to to adjacent land uses track J will also or excuse me will access solely from Ronald Reagan Boulevard and will not have internal vehicular access to the remaining tracks in the PD due to the existing wetlands and flood plane access through the existing median openings on a ronal BRI Boulevard may be adjusted if a traffic study and the County engineer determine significant safety issues or concerns with the existing configuration a staff has evaluated the proposed development for consistency with the comprehensive plan and the Land Development code the proposed development supports the objectives of the PD zoning designation in that it provides the minimum required 25% open space perimeter buffers a maximum Building height and Define permitted uses with maximum intensities the development will provide in vehicular interconnectivity between tracks and uses and uses to to promote a well-connected internal vehicular Network as well as ped pedestrian circulation system giving access to all portions of the development of each tract and phase as constructed the developer will be provide or will excuse me will be required to provide the construction of one bus shelter located on the east side of US Highway 1792 just north of Senator Lane staff finds a proposed development to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and the Land Development code with a mix of uses that are compatible with the high-intensity nature of the US Highway 1792 Corridor the Planning and Zoning commission met on March 6 2024 and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the request with the condition that the proposed development order be amended to include a condition that each site plan is required to be presented to the Planning and Zoning commission board followed by the board of County Commissioners for final approval however this condition has not been included in the um development order before you and is up for board consideration staff recommends that the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance in acting a reone from PD plan development to PD plan development and approve the associated development order and master development plan on approximately 110 acres as requested thank you thank you Mr Charles any U inquiries to staff at this juncture Comm lockart just a quick clarification Joy at some point when you were reading the backup I think it was for the traffic impact slide um you mentioned track J uh let's see and I so I'm oh forgive me track track three will not have interconnectivity Okay due to the wetlands and flood plane on the site thank you any other inquiries at this time thank you if the applicant is uh Desiring to make a presentation we will call the applicant forward if you'll give us your name and address for the record thank you uh Randy Morris uh 7150 South Atlantic Avenue New SM Beach um thank you all for hearing us and thank you all for giving granting us a delay so that we could work continue to work with your staff uh and before um I go off the presentation um I do want to compliment the county manager's office uh Christian uh working with Christian Jose and then miss Boker bo borkett borkett am I saying that correctly I'm sorry borer uh on this on this item is we brought this uh uh brought this to the conclusion uh of a negotiation a long negotiation particularly on utilities that was the real delay which I think you all aware of but just first a little history we lose perspective because so much time has gone by the original development was approved in 2015 um and and uh the application originally started being processed in 2014 and that was Sid Levy who was a benefactor uh to the community and also own Flea World um Flea World in terms of its uh original um configuration was almost 38 years in existence and the county had approved the original PD which is very similar to this PD the inter intervening PD that came about that we we were started when we started this process where we were going to amend that PD well it's expired so you basically have a new PD that looks like now a 2015 PD and the reduction in size of what we've proposed is is depending on which measurement you're looking at or which metric you're looking at is four to six times smaller than than the last PD you approved with four to six times less traffic impact with four to six times less School impact um and parallels what was a Redevelopment at the time that closed Flea World that was a partnership with the county both with your sub CRA which has now expired so a lot of History's gone by in a short 10 years there was a partnership with the CRA there was a partnership with the county on on some joint planning and Joint infrastructure agreement and then we've now led to a new agreement uh and a new PD that uh that that's covering a lot of ground that you all have talked about but never comprehensively done in any PD in the county I want to go over a couple of those very quickly um this PD of those I know you all have looked at it and I want to reemphasize that this PD um covers a whole new utility policy by the board of County Commissioners written by the staff this radically changes your 40 Years of policy um we worked extensively with your staff on this as I said for seven months um but it also includes the traffic a a traffic a version of your traffic impact that you have not seen before in this context far more defined than anyone you've ever done before these are not my opinions these are statements of fact it also has pedestrian circulation system that is included in the PD and in the order which will connect each track as they come online on development The Pedestrian walking paths will be constructed around each retention pond that's built with benches appropriately put we promote the whole walkable Community concept that your staff has been pushing for some Years yet you I don't think have seen a development yet of size that could have a walkable Community well this one will at 80 acres developable and we also are doing that with a vehicular Network in terms of the interconnectivity of all parts with the vehicular Network and that also that ties into a uniform wayf finding sign system which you've never done that will include sighting parking areas common Open Spaces that people can do also will site different commercial commercial uh objectives that that should be advertised for for either people coming onto the property or those residents living in the multif family we're also putting in something again comprehensive design standards that go with physical project appearance theme including architecture Street signage open space Landscaping we also are dedicating a community park at the request of your planning department that sounds very small on the one hand a half acre however it ties together with the central pond uh retention Pond that will be set up in a curval linear way that will give you a Park Vista look this will park will include table sparking and and and and again add to the walkable Community concept and be open to the public and be maintained by the developer not turned over to you and later then maintained by a uh a Business Association Along with the multif family all wet Retention Ponds will have fountains uh we also are constructing a um at the request of Staff a bus shelter uh for us 1792 for links um which was not done during the widening of 1792 um and we'll have a properties Association and then one of the ones that I really like and again that you've not seen before is we're promoting a dark sky lighting and if you need an explanation of dark sky either I or your staff can explain it to you um so all of those aspects are important we had a community meeting uh that was attended by uh almost 100 people about 80 80 80 plus and but we had people coming and going so it's hard to track some of them uh at the community meeting we basically met with very strong citizen support for what we're trying to do as long as we did it with quality but there were a couple of issues that were raised which I'm sure will be raised again today which will address if they're raised to you but we did put those in our report I hope you were able to read our report we commented directly on those matters that were brought up of concerns by the citizens one of them was don't build affordable housing one of them was could you do something about the vagrants that we think are living there that potentially could be a crime problem which we have been working with the sheriff on that boys and girls club has and one of them dealt with a number of them dealt with issues that we can't deal with which is current speed limits on current speeding on Ronald Reagan which you have a traffic problem there but the traffic moves too fast and we can only deal with what our traffic studies will show through the County's guidance on what improvements we would put physical improvements we put there uh and also there was an issue of Street Lighting on Ronald Reagan which is not something that we deal with again that's a matter for you all to deal with so you'll probably hear about these issues the last item you heard about you you heard heard about was flooding in an area that's been being flooded since every area we can look at look going backwards in time which we believe will be improved by this development because it will have modern retention systems unlike the prior development Flea World did not which has now has been closed now for the better part of nine years 10 years um and so today with me in presenting to you um I have David McDaniel from Integra land uh he's a CEO I have Robert Moon from KPM Franklin uh that's the engineer I have Dustin Brinkman uh also from KPM Franklin um we have um Christopher Godwin uh is's he's subbing in for Muhammad who you all know from from traffic Mobility uh who can answer your traffic questions or those that the citizens May raise uh and David gel is going to come up right now and he's going to present to you the multif family aspect of this project um in in the multi-uses the multif family obviously is what concerns the citizens we believe the most uh even though the other half of the development will be mixed use with retail and offices and all of that so he's going to uh tell you a little bit about U Integra and then also present to you a similar project a video of similar project to this David thank you Randy and um good afternoon Commissioners uh happy to be here and glad to be standing in front of you again um your name and address for the record please David McDaniel integral Land Company address is 3748 farmbell place in Lake Mary I've been a resident of Lake Mary for about 32 years now so um this uh location and project um has means a lot to to me just because that I drive used to drive up and down uh many many times down 1792 looking at the flea World site and um sort of wishing at some point we could redevelop it so and and here we are so I'm very pleased to be able to do that as Randy said we're the lead developer on this project and um the you know we were a multif family developer it's the company that I started in 2006 uh so it's about 18 years old now it's very much a family company um my four children work with me as as my wife and brother uh as well as a few other uh uh people u in in our Lake Mary office uh we've built U 28,000 apartment units uh throughout my career uh most of that is in Florida but we do Branch out into the southeast United States and a little bit out uh in the western uh States uh but predominantly we're in um Tampa Orlando Jacksonville and and Melbourne areas our primary markets um we have built four uh recent projects uh in semal County uh over the over the years um finding Land good property in semal county is not the easiest thing to do uh because it's very much landlocked and and um and we're happy to be able to find good locations because the atmosphere is great for development great for living and um again we're happy to be able to work on this project um in addition to the four projects that we've done in Seal County we've also done I think a seven or eight projects in Belia County so again very local um a lot of this is very important to us uh we want to make sure that we're good stewards of the land and and since we've lived here for 32 years we also want to be good stewards uh for the community um so with that I wanted to show you uh video that we put together on one of our recent uh semal County projects uh in it's actually unincorporated semal County uh over on International Parkway so this called intego Crossings [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] reason I wanted to show that is um just it's it's uh indicative of the quality and um the type of product that we look forward to bringing to the uh Reagan Center site um we've most of our projects have similar amenities to that architecture is always a little bit different colors are always a little bit different but the quality and the um uh amenities that we include I think are pretty uh representative of what we what we do um so specifically for our our project uh at Reagan Center our intent is to um build three phases out there over time um the market will sort of dictate how fast they go um the first project would be um something that we'd like to get moving on and started um sometime second quarter next year um depending on planning process that would be about 322 um apartments and um our unit mixes we have ones twos and three bedroom units um it's roughly 43% ones and 40 six or 7% twos and 10% three bedrooms that's sort of a typical unit mix that we have um assuming that is successful and we lease it up um we would then roll into the second phase um so it would roughly be three years from when we after we start the first phase and then the same with the third phase from there um so with that I will let uh Dustin and Robbie go through the actual uh site plan and some of the engineering uh aspects of Reagan Center be happy to answer any further questions as they come up we'll do just uh if the board ask questions we'll try to wait until all your presenters go and then we'll call you up if needed thank you yeah it's a given we not there yet [Music] techology technology is a little funky huh all right good afternoon Mr chairman fellow Commissioners my name is Dustin Brinkman I'm with KPM Franklin uh 6300 Hazel teen National Drive sweet 118 Orlando 32822 um we are the civil engineer uh facilitating um and helping out um integral land on the project we the ones that produced uh assisted and produced this plan that you're looking at here on the screen so I just kind of wanted to so feel feel free to move that mic around and make yourself more comfortable I'm sitting here with you all hunched over I was I was asking them earlier if I could extend it I guess I'll probably have to hold it so you can pull right off there if you want just hold it okay if you go into karaoke I'm going to interrupt though yeah I hear you okay so so what I'm what I what I'm showing here is just essentially the the current plan that's on file um right now and I just colorcoded it for the sake of of discussion as we go through questions are asked hopefully that'll help kind of refer to different areas of the site so just to summarize overall puds approximately 110 acres um green area here denotes the existing conservation easement which will not be proposed to be modified in any form or fashion it's approximately 35 and a half acres um then kind of going around uh around the circle here uh track one in blue is dedicated to a commercial blend um that's approximately 28 Acres um going down uh counterclockwise here is the track number two which is dedicated for the multif family portion which integr land um and David just got done discussing and track three to the far Southeast corner is dedicated to Commercial and track track number five as well is dedicated to commercial uh those you know ranging in approximately 5 Acres total there so um just to kind of summarize you know some of the items not to try and Echo what was previously discussed but you know we're we're proposing um intensities and densities that are much less than what was previously approved um as Randy Randy noted you know we're were proposing for the the multif family portion approximately 25 dwelling units an acre um in comparison to the uh previously 45 I believe that was approved in the Parkplace along with the much less um floor area ratio for the commercial of a cumulative .95 F in comparison to a 1.25 uh and then just kind of touching briefly on you know points of access to the site uh similar to what we we annotate on this plan here you know there's there's proposed access to each of these individual tracks along Ronald Reagan which summates to four total access points um the far Southeast would be a dedicated separate access that would be required um to that that small portion with with limited Frontage there uh then coming around to um the commercial parcel here would likely have a a shared access between um the the multif family tract and the commercial tract uh that would be at the the intersection of of Hester and then coming down to the West which are noted as numbers three and four here would be separate access points to those individual phases of the multi family portion um in terms of you know offsite improvements those would be analyzed at the time of final development plan to really understand what these uh these traffic demands trip in terms of requirements um to accommodate you know proper access to each one of these properties uh in phases so and then um off of 1792 to the the main commercial hub here you know there'd be a proposed access which is an existing driveway apron at the existing signal intersection at uh sener and 1792 and then a secondary access at the northwest corner which would ultimate be a right in right out limited access point for for secondary means um then just to kind of touch on you know overall storm water of this site I mean we've had uh as Randy previously mentioned you know we've had the the the previous Public public meetings where the community was involved Express concerns it was noted that that there was you know adjacent flooding issues um I think primarily just to kind of note U I understand it's within these residential neighborhoods over to the east um just to kind of re iterate what this existing storm water system consists of on site to date I mean everything everything was designed to accommodate standards when this Flea World site was originally developed and there's I believe three existing storm water ponds uh that were constructed to accommodate the Flea World site itself and then there was another Pond that was constructed in a future phase so uh currently you know these ponds some of these ponds were designed for to meet previous state standards now when we design this site overall I mean all of all of these proposed storm water systems are going to have to be designed to meet state or local state and federal standard so the enhancements of the storm water systems are going to be much better in the post-development conditions than what they are to date and you know just in terms of any any adjacent flooding you know that's there's really you know that's um on other properties that are out of our control so the most that we do with the design of this site itself is we design it to make sure that everything is properly accommodated um within within our region of the Pud such that no adjacent properties you know are adversely affected by the overall development of this site just like any other you know property that's developed in in Florida to date so um I think kind of overall just kind of a general summary there I think me and uh myself Randy and David um Robbie and the Chris from the Transportation team be glad to answer any questions that you may have and um yeah we appreciate everyone's time thank you okay um so uh that would conclude our presentation any questions you might directly have we're we're not going to do a transportation presentation uh because there's really no need to if you have any direct questions about that or based upon questions that are brought up by the public we can get back to Transportation too because it's always seems to be a big factor in items like this we we will we will allow rebuttal after public comment thank you very much I was going to request that and I also you know with to to qu to to quote Hunter and Garcia what a long strange trip this has been and we hope you will support this in our journey and building out over the next 10 years with that we'll take public comment or any questions you might have thank you Mr Morris any inquiries from the applicant at this time not yet seeing none those who are present make sure if you want to speak on this matter you fill out a yellow form right away give it to miss the clerk so we can get you staged if you don't want to speak and you just want a written comment fill out a green form make sure you give it to miss CS we're going to open public comment let's call the first three I have tally Sinclair James mckenny and it looks like Jean Michaels okay the three that were just called if you all would line up and we'll ask you to come to the podium you'll each be given three minutes to speak I would ask in respect of the audience and everyone here today don't try to duplicate what's already been said of something has already been said by a previous speaker you'd be happy to give us a thumbs up or a thumbs down if you don't like it um we we don't want anybody yelling out or or or or shouting across the room so miss Co if you'll call their name again P ma'am come up to the podium your name and address for the record please uh my name is tally Sinclair and I live at 603 driver Avenue in Winter Park Florida please proceed okay my husband and I own the north ad joining 16 Acres of the property being discussed today sixmile Creek runs through the property being discussed today an area that was once zoned agriculture I'm going to reference seminal County's own storm water master plan that describes the area being discussed today as follows marshes and forested wetlands characterize much of the lake Jessup Basin whereas Upland areas that exist have been largely converted to residential land uses seasonal flooding occurs in the forested wetlands and Marsh areas on an annual basis and seminal County staff identified several known flooding problem areas within the lake Jessup draining Basin locations in the vicinity of sixmile Creek and its tributaries the very property that we are discussing in today Six Mile Creek in the Sanford Avenue Canal as of May 20th 2024 holds an impaired water status for feal coliform a common occurrence from the Overflow of domestic sewage Lake dot holds either a poor or Fair status due to an over supply of nutrients in degraded water quality and the same can be said for Lake mini oddly water quality samples ended in 20121 and 2022 that both showed poor and fair quality readings on the very same day it is further baffling that nearly $1 million in amenities was spent on the lake dot Park in 2024 without addressing the water quality cited by FD water where children are fishing and playing seal County's 2018 Storm Master Plan also includes five areas of the Sunland Estates totaling $9.8 million for pond enlargement and drainage structure improvements outfall area drainage pipe structure improvements water quality storm water improvements and the up sizing of storm sewer systems as November of as of November 2023 the progress of this master plan is still an ongoing study phase as you well know with a hope for further discussion with the city of Sanford you will hear from other neighbors today that can better attest to the flooding issues in this area I mention your own study to you so that there is no assumption that the accounts that you are hearing from the citizens who live in this neighborhood are in any way anecdotal rather the reports from the neighbors are a mere confirmation of what semal county already knows to be a real current and unaddressed problem an unaddressed problem in an area where approximately 70% of the homes are owner occupied not investors these are homes where people live with their families your own storm water management report contains a gold pie chart of which your evaluation criteria and weighing factors reflects that 50% of the plan is to address flooding and water quality that's your reported number one goal we feel that this development plan before you only fits into the community enhancement category of that plan which Again by your own studies measure is only 5% of your master plan phase three of the proposed development would drastically impede the natural flow of the Six Mile Creek there is no reasonable argument that can prove or guarantee oh I'm so sorry ma'am you're you need to wrap it up that can be tained or redirected on 35 acres in such a manner as to not negatively affect the day-to-day quality of living on of living of ajoining properties the future resale value development of these properties or prevent a further strain and pollution to the water body it relies directly on thank you uh James McKenna was that next Mr mckenny that's okay I'm for the project okay he he's for it he says and then next up te Michaels hi and I would ask you folks try to keep it to your three minutes I'm going to give you latitude but try to keep it as concise as possible all right name and address please my name is Jean Michaels and I live at 370 Miller and the young woman who spoke before me uh covered Six Mile Creek well Six Mile Creek impacts our little road tremendously we're getting a Culver a new Culvert after 40 years because of it because all the water Upstream comes down and heads to Lake Jessup um so I'm glad to hear that that's addressed uh the other thing was we've grown up in that area and there was a spring called elder Springs on that property that's in question I don't know if it's still there or not and I know sixmile Creek goes through the property and I'm curious is sixmile Creek um part of the wetlands that are supposed to be not touched that was that was one of my questions and to preserve the wildlife and um it's good about the dark area that I heard in the presentation um um so that was my three concerns and that's it yes ma'am thank you thank you very much for being here can you call the next chairman we don't have any more speakers no more speakers in an abundance of caution is there anyone else here from the public that wishes to speak either in favor or against this project at this time seeing none we will close public comment and go back for any rebuttal comments from the applicant if you all would like like uh we could call up Robbie Moon from KB Franklin who can go over in Greater detail the storm water issues here but let me summarize on one thing the concerns obviously raised by the first Speaker are concerns that we have on every development that occurs and this is a development in the urban area it's not one in the rural area and if if not here I don't know where it goes otherwise this development in this County this is an urban Services area of the county um and it's important to note that the Overflow you all are developing Five Points right now which is you know roughly a parallel pro project to this project this project originally was a dri just kind of contemplate that for a minute dris don't exist anymore but Mr Constantine of all people with all of your experience at the planning Council you're well aware of the intensity of that development you're well aware of the intensity of the last development we're telling you now we're declining the development but what's more important is why I mentioned five point is underneath 1792 your overflow comes to our property it then goes to the wetlands those Wetlands which are so critical and are not being touched and have a conservation easement so they can't be touched they don't even allow us to put a boardwalk in there because that's a conservation easement you all put on this some years back so that conservation means means they can't be molested but let's take that sponge of those wetlands and see where that water goes from there it goes due east to Lake Jessup through a SE sequence of wetlands and also piping that ultimately goes to the St John's that's the path it takes and it takes your water on overflow of storm events it takes this now will upgrade the sheet flow because of the totally inadequate system of the current retention that was put in for flea World all those years ago so if you all would like it's up to you Mr chairman if you want to pull the board and see if they'd like to have a full explanation we Mr Moon up here can walk through all of this but I just gave you a quick sum I don't know if we need a full explanation but as a district commissioner I am going to want a question answered by that individual when the appropriate time arises so if he would get ready with his map that he had up earlier I'll have a question but I'll go to the board and work our way down you want you might want to okay we'll start at the far you guys both want to come up I think this is seems to be an issue that we need to address and with that when they conclude this then we will obviously if you have any additional questions we'll get up and answer them sure mine's a relativ we ask you for your support for this project this is a relatively I think very simple direct question as it comes to sheet flow which was one of my questions Mr Morris just was that up can you show us on this existing parcel what is the inherent sheet flow that's occurring versus what it would be post development is it flowing from 1792 all to the east is it flowing multiple directions can you be helpful in in in your analysis and and sure telling us what it looks like yeah certainly so uh oh sorry let's pull it out way um so so as Randy had mentioned there are offsite flows that are coming from 1792 that are routed to approximately what was it this location right around this um area where there's a Inlet that discharges into the existing property uh in terms of of sheet flow on the individual site itself I mean everything currently flows into so this the portion of the red and yellow flow to depressional area that's circled right there and from that that that was an original storm water Pond that was constructed to accept the drainage of the existing fle World site so uh in addition you know there's two existing ponds right here that were constructed to also provide water quality of treatment for that entire development which you can kind of see faint in the back backround I mean this existing site is still pretty much you know largely impervious you know right uh surface area that was previous pavement that served the Flea World site so all of this water essentially gets to these depressional points where they're stored they have control structures that were designed you know those structures are interconnected between these ponds here and when certain flows from this drainage basin get to here they they discharge to these systems and then those systems hold and store water for those respective basins would discharge into the ultimately into the Wetland now there's previous permits that are associated with with all of those those models that restrict a development discharge rate which will be you know strictly held to to not exceed those rates to where it changes um you know in any detrimental way in the post-development condition thank you that was my that was my next question was you're going to adhere to the existing requirements for discharge in the wetlands that's correct yeah okay great thank you very much we'll start at that end commissioner Constantine thank you Mr chairman and I I have a series of questions both for the staff specifically probably our attorney for most of them as well as Mr um McDaniel which now we have two David McDaniels in the audience it's one in the media and one in the development um do you want to start with the staff first or what what I'm going to go back and forth some of them I need the questions back and forth a little bit and it's it's like I said Tesa uh I first want to say that I have been a supporter of this area being a a intense development because it is a I think perfectly situated for this County to be able to develop that area in in a manner in which we um have commercial multif family residential um certainly conservation and I appreciate the fact that this is coming forward um since Randy mentioned the the the Flea World or the drri that was for flea World so there was a lot less intensity for flea World Randy when we when you and I did that back in the 80s I think it was um but I wish we had a master plan we do not we are having as we have many times in the recent past the multif family residential coming in first with the hope that um commercial will follow in in in the very near future and so saying that I do say that I do understand that we really need a catalyst if you will uh maybe hopefully with the density would be able to bring in um the commercial but I I still have a couple of concerns number one and this is to you nesa when we are talking about the the biggest the biggest reason the concurrency and transportation failed in Florida is because the first guy in was able to get everything and then the last guy in had to pay for everything and I just want to make sure that when from a concurrency level that did that we have a solid rock solid agreement between this developer and the other developments you know in the in the in the do coming in that those costs will be shared proportionately is that is that just that's that's one question right there yes so the way that the do is written as far as utility conditions go is that de the developer there's there's phase improvements system capacity improvements that are required the developer's proportionate share and by when I say developer I don't mean this developer developer I mean any developer that develops within the project the water will be paid at 41% I believe and waste water at 42% so all the system capacity improvements that are included in the development order for example the first one is upgrades to the Hampton Master Li Hampton par Master lift lift station 41% of the cost to improve that lift station will come from the developer the rest will come from the county and that's obviously because the lift station Services just more than this property but what the effects on the lift station was by the um by our utility Engineers determined to be around 41% that would be the prop share and how that will be paid is through subsequent utility agreements so when a developer comes in for any portion of the site they will be required to pay their prop share they can use their um they will be credited for their utility capacity reservation fees um if they choose to review capacity but that will be credited towards the proportionate share and that will be done through the utility agreement so the utility agreement and I heard that it was revolutionary and I think Mr Morse used a few other words but you have gotten you feel very comfortable with utilities what about Transportation internal to this facility um well as far as internal Transportation goes I believe the and you may have to get the specifics on staff from this but the traffic impact statement as portions of the development come in they will be required to provide a traffic impact statement and that will determine what type of onsite and offsite improvements that are required to be made for that to for the capacity for that development Okay so Mr um uh Mr McDaniel could you step up to the podium please and and just last couple of things uh Naya this is a PD this is a request for a PD therefore as we've discussed multiple times we have the potential for give and take negotiations is that correct that's correct thank you very much so the concurrency sounds to me like we have solved or at least addressed that problem the other Pro the other concern that I had from the very beginning and i' I've told this to Mr Morris and we've had numerous conversations about that and the concurrency was the um multif Family paying for itself and we have all discussed and have been in front of audiences and I've heard each one of you um agree and say that one of we need multi family part of the reason that multif family is good is it pays for itself um pay for the services it provides and that's all wonderful and Mr McDaniel I want to tell you that I I have seen integral Crossing I've seen other Integra projects and you do great work you have great project products and I am excited that you are going to be um the the the uh developer for this let and since you brought up integral Crossings let me ask you when was that built sir I believe we finished it about two years ago go we we in so 20 end of 21 I think is when we finished it and leasing it into 22 and from the records that I found um it was sold to another company in December of uh 2012 21 is that correct that is a company out of I remember the date but yes it was sold after of Farmington Massachusetts um was sold and you know that's the concern if we had Mr um McDaniel and his project stay you know I wouldn't have the concern but what I have what I do have a problem with and concern about is what we've talked about with the live local um Integra Crossings the project we saw today has 348 units doesn't look affordable housing to me at all but 156 of those units with the new not you sir but the new uh purchaser has gone and gotten the units approved for the 120 am Ami which means that they are getting a complete 75% discount on their advalorium taxes for that project another project that you sold Integra 289 Exchange in valua is doing the same thing literally over um nearly half not from you but from somebody that you sold in the real estate business Mr Mr McDaniel is a great velop ER but part of his job is to sell that project and the concern I have is the affordability and the sustainability of our taxpayers when it comes to building these projects um and and and being under the live local now nesa at 1:20 Ami in in seol county is that not approximately $80,000 I'm not 100% sure on that maybe someone from planning the answer I'm not I'm not 100% sure in talking with you earlier and and and also Kate that was approximately the number that it is so that means 156 of the 348 units in integral Crossing is is with people that have 80 have approximately income of $80,000 doesn't sound like affordable housing to me Mr chairman point if I may please I'm I have I just have a I have a legal question hold up commissioner I have a leg I'm going to I'm going to get to a point Comm I'm I'm doing a point of order there's a legal issue here in my opinion because you're talking about State Statute I'd like to have the County Attorney weigh in because with State Statute I want to make sure that we're not crossing over a line that we could be in danger of a lawsuit inquiry by commissioner delari to the attorney commissioner delari which statute are you referring to live local act you know cuz I want to make sure that there's a there's a Nexus here that we're not causing issues with us and the State of Florida Commissioner I haven't heard anything discussed or mentioned by commissioner con that c concern okay thank you so continue Mr conin so Mr McDaniel I I I have I have all the faith in you and I really want you to build this project the concern again I have is that 8 80,000 Market values the folks and and that is part of the the system here that you're going to develop it and if you have a good offer which many times you do you're going to sell it and what that company out of Virginia or Massachusetts or wherever they're from uh they don't have the same concern about as you do 32 years living here in seol county and building a good project I just pulled from the property um appraiser the amount of money that Integra Crossing with 156 units of people making approximately 880,000 but but being able to apply for live local um through the company not not the individual is costing the taxpayers of seol County this year and it's nearly $400,000 with over $157,000 in the school board 142,000 for the county 80 3,000 for fire if I commissioner let me I am I am getting to a point one second I want to make sure it sounds like you're you're talking about the state statute and what it's costing the taxpayers I'm talking about projects that have been approved by the Florida Housing Finance Corp okay let's try to wrap it up because we need to be Germaine to this project if you could all possibly be is very germine to this project m one of the things that I know that you have said in the past Mr uh McDaniel through Mr um Morris is that you do not intend to apply in this project for live local is that correct yeah that's correct sitting here today I mean we've looked into it on other projects but we haven't found that it's um something that one I understand and secondly that um works works for us today you may understand it after this meeting yeah well I understand that it's there are other things that are going back through the state legislature too because there's a lot of confusion with it so uh I'm not really sure exactly what we're going to end up with at the end of the day the the concern that I'm trying to point out is the viability for you and sustainability for the taxpayers of seminal County which is my responsibility is all of our responsibilities and we are working on a live local act right now because we um we would have to approve it every two years and and qualif every two years that we would not be able to um that folks cannot would not be able to apply but it it changes every two years and my only concern is once this is built once this is developed and it goes on the market I would love to see and I'm asking you I understand this is in negotiations I understand you can say no but I would very much like to see that you all agree in the development order that you would not um sell it to anyone that would apply for the live local act if you're asking me that directly no I can't I can't agree to that at this point and Mr chairman as I've been interrupted twice but I was trying to get to a point I'm done thank you very much uh next commissioner lockart need a blood pressure cuff I have cookies they're really yummy right over there too so so I I had some very specific questions but I feel like there needs to be some opportunity for some clarification um for staff to um let's go ahead and take the time that I was going to take to ask my questions to have staff address some of commissioner Constantine's questions because I think there were some assertions there that this project is somehow costing the taxpayers of seol County hundreds of thousands of dollars I can we just some get someone to clarify the record on that before we move on because it's like we pulled a pen on a grenade and and I I I don't know that I unless Mr McDaniel would like to have someone in his team address it but I think our staff would be best equipped I don't know who which one on staff it's legal or planning I just I don't want to speak for commissioner Constantine but in prior discussions with commissioner Constantine his concern is that moving forward a future owner of this development could apply for the tax exemption under the new amendments to the Liv local act and receive quite a significant discount on their adorm taxes which potentially in the future could cause the county to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax revenue and would the is that I mean is that a fair interpretation commissioner yes and and is that illegal that is not illegal okay and and is there some reason why we do do we typically put items in development orders of uh Three Degrees of Separation into the future of what may happen I I'm not in favor of that no I'm just asking historically not in my both of us rather new I don't have a lot of history unfortunately of all the years I sit on P andz in here I've never seen it occur okay we can ask yeah no so all right let me just go to my questions so um one of the things that Mr Morris mentioned was that uh there was not a links um stub out and actually I got on Google Maps and there is in fact a bus only uh Lane right in front of bargain Boulevard there is is no um there is no covering there but actually in the development order I was going to see if if my colleagues and if you Mr McDaniel would be open to changing some of the verbiage in the do and items T and you that reference links specifically um there may be a time in the future when the county is not utilizing links and could we not just say for transportation agreeable to the district commissioner is that something that you would be amable to to change the verbiage um addressing the links right now we're required to build the the structure I guess for it so if you're asking to remove that from the do I think what she's asking the word the name link oh the name links instead of just links system we're going to need specific language because they have to approve well um okay chairman if I may I think it can be rectified by deleting the last sentence of T in the last um the last sentence of you the reason I'm asking is because over the course of the next several years when you may be working through this project and getting to this point in time when you are required to coordinate with links the county may be in a different relationship and I would hate for you to be stuck with that requirement if that's no longer our situation and when we get to that point in time so giving you flexibility to coordinate with whoever that Transportation Authority or or that's fine I think as long as it specifically States what we who we're supposed to coordinate with or or generally um uh okay the plan of what you want then yes that that's fine and then the question that I had for staff is is it typical for us to withhold and I understand I'm using typical and both of you are relatively new so I will ask you in your in your experience in your the in your respective Fields do you is it typical for us to to withhold a certificate of occupancy for a a a residential building for the development of a bus shelter like so no one can move into their apartment until the bus shelter is built well typically you have to have all the required infrastructure in before a certificate of occupancy can be issued so you know whatever is required utilities Roads Transit all those things are required to be in before your Co is issued um probably someone from the building department can answer that specifically but typically in my experience that's what's required before you allow people to move in okay and it's mostly to make sure that they actually get completed yeah rather than that's the one thing you can hold you know understood and then I'll just make an editorial comment about the um school capacity letter of determinations and and looking back at the prior the immediate imately prior do we were going to look be looking at the need to build almost an entirely new Elementary School to to meet this capacity um in in this scal I believe it's an additional 130 Elementary School students that are over that it would be putting it over capacity to the Zone schools so we're going to be looking at the adjacent concurrency service areas for schools um and I'm only bringing it up because it is yet another indication of this organization needing to get one of the cities on board so we can move forward with our inter local agreement for the school district for capacity this is going to um it would it's a shame at Winter Springs that we did not have this fixed in time for this very impactful project very unfortunate um that I believe is going to cost this community more frankly um than anything else so um the other questions that I had were also related to um storm water but I I think that's you you've addressed that um if if we were to uh try to develop this in a master plan and have all of the tracks come forward at one time do we even have the utility capacity to do that right now I will defer to um Mr Gomez Mr Gomez hello Jose Gomez Chief administrator for development review uh at this time right now there's sufficient capacity for phases one and two of the multif family in our water treatment plant there's some projects that the county is going to have to do some diversion projects that in order for that um capacity to be available in the future okay so e so even if the request was if we were to demand that the other tracks be put forward into Master planning we wouldn't be able to deliver the capacity for that at this point now anyway uh not at this time okay all right that's all I have right now commissioner glori thank you Mr McDaniels please take a seat poor guy as you know from your side of the development it's definitely a long and Winding Road and that song was actually written in the 70s and I know that uh Mr Morris was croing lyrics as well uh County had a CRA some of us have been involved in it some of us heard about it uh but it's CRA was involved in this County for a number of years probably started in the early 90s and went up and down 1792 it involved uh multiple cities except the city of Longwood and in the 2000s because the CRA on 1792 was so narrow we actually asked for a planning uh session to figure out how we can actually move that CRA forward they came back to us or the board at that time and said that there needed to be three Catalyst sites the first site would be over by the Flea World area or Fern Park the second site would be this piece and Five Points the third site would be further down uh into the Sanford are area of uh Walmart at that time we were all ecstatic about trying to make this happen uh because of that we were putting CRA dollars uh in those three different Catalyst sites to help move the projects along then came Mr Levy and uh he wanted to move this property forward the First Development order which was I believe 10 years ago plus or minus there was a lot of uh discussion about multif family commercial all kinds of products and it was all great it was a catalyst site it was definitely everything everybody wanted and then another development came along that didn't happen and that was another group I believe was out of Toronto and uh they wanted to go a lot bigger sometimes bigger is not always better 20 stories I don't know how many stories it was but it was high to the point that we needed a new ladder truck and all kinds of stuff with it unfortunately between the beginning of that until now Mr leevy uh passed away I was ecstatic that he left the property in trust to the girls and boys club and uh now you come along Mr McDaniels and we're going back to the first plan which I think is a more realistic plan I think this is a good product uh unfortunately we waited too long in my opinion uh because it is a long and Winding Road and I'm glad to see that you're moving forward with it and I'm glad to see that the girls and boys club will be uh the recipiant of the revenue of the purchase or the selling of the properties you purchasing them selling I understand that multif family does make sense to go first you know what happens what comes first chicken or the egg everybody wants rooftops because I know we also did another plan back on Fern Park and they talked about the highe property we needed more rooftops to convert to have more commercial so there's a whole thing here we've been looking at for a number of years here so Mr uh McDaniels thank you very much for going forward uh I'm glad to see that Mr Morris has been very involved in this he's been involved in this property for a long time uh he's done some good work and I'm glad that we're going back to the original vision of this project and not the 20 stories that commissioner Locka talked about because it was very ambitious and they were going to put Gardens on the roofs all kinds of things that uh I don't know why they went there but that's what the development order that time allowed them to do I'm glad it elapsed I'm looking forward to the moving forward of this Catalyst site because the Catalyst site over by highlight is still where it is hasn't been moved forward yet we're still trying to figure out what to do at Oxford Road and we haven't even talked yet about the Walmart piece down the road even further so at least someone's moving forward with the plan that even though it's taken 30 plus years so thank you very much for coming forward thank you very much for taking down this property and moving forward with the dream and thank you very much Mr Morris for bringing us back to reality and the first iteration of the real development plan thank you both commissioner he so the good news for everyone here is that I don't have 20 years worth of History to share and I'm going to be really fairly quick uh number one I'm going to weigh in on the pnz request for to change to literally change our process and I have no interest in doing that I don't think we do that development by development so I I know we I got the sense that no one else did either because you didn't bring it up but I support staff's position with regard to that um I would tell you that the live local Act is an issue with the legislature and I do think there are glitch uh proposals that are going through I think that's for us to work in Tallahassee not for us to work with individual developers as we go along and I have no interest in restricting trade after you build the development I think the negative impact to Future positive development in this community is is far outweighs the potential of a tax reduction based on the fact that we're attaining housing for folks that make 80,000 affordable housing is determined based on not only the income but the cost of the unit and the income being that high driven by the cost of the unit still makes it difficult to afford so there is validity to that need in this community additionally we all we got a briefing this morning on the homelessness situation and the fact of the matter is affordable housing is determined by simple economic principles of supply and demand we have more people moving into the community than we have the housing to support and so I I love the fact that the density has come down I do also appreciate the fact that this is between two major arteries and that it can support that level of housing I think attention does have to be given to make sure that the flooding conditions around that property are not harmed but typically what we see when development comes in is Al albeit easy to blame them for flooding that existed years before the requirement is that the water on that property now remain on that property where currently that may not be the case so I'm not saying it's going to improve it I don't want to be misquoted but the potential does exist um I would I would congratulate you on the walkability of it the internal infrastructure in terms of connectivity I think the dream is real I would love for you to retain it in your portfolio to manage because managing it local is Magic but I would never dream of putting that restriction on you God Bless America you get to do what you want to do with that so uh that's my position okay well as a district commissioner I think a lot of things have been said I could certainly say a lot of other things but a wise man once said least said often is the best I will move for approval adopt the ordinance and act in a rezone from PD plan development PD plan development approve the associate development order and master plan on approximately 110 acres located on the east side of US Highway 1792 approximately 550 ft north of County Home Road second motion second any further discussion just one thing just one commissioner Constantine just real quickly I am glad that Integra is going to be doing this I am I I'm very happy that we have this Catalyst I've just very concerned about the viability and this and the um sustainability of this in the model if it goes and is sold and um I I did not ask anything I I would not put it in there either it was a request and the request was turned down and so be it and and Clarity to amend my motion also inclusion with the discussion about the Lynx bus shelter yes chairman I believe what we can say is um is that to amend the development order to delete references to links and supplement with the applicable Transit Authority perfect second everybody agreed to the motion amended motion yes yes commissioner lockart that was all I was going to oh okay great any further discussion all those in favor I oppose like sign oppos one oppose four to one thank thank you all very much for being here today we're going to take a quick 10-minute break and we'll reconvene afterwards [Music] [Applause] the [Music] a [Music] h h la [Music] oh oh [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no not always just that it's good for the kids to give us a laugh end of the day my son sends me the text great that's awesome commissioner thank you well he'll show up sooner or later okay next item on the agenda is item number 31 Land Development code Amendment item 20 24-8 this will be presented by Maya AIS Maya good [Music] afternoon there you go Maya AIS senior planner Planning and Development Division this is a request to consider an ordinance amending chapter 2 definitions Chapter 30 zoning chapter 35 subdivisions chapter 60 Arbor and chapter 90 uniform building numbering system of the seino County Land Development code this amendment will correct typographical errors and emissions and provide clarification in certain sections of the Land Development code identified after the adoption of the LDC rewrite which was approved by the board of County Commissioners on January 9th 2024 and went into effect in April of 2024 this amendment is primarily needed to address omissions from the newly created permitted use table in Chapter 30 however those typographical and scrier errors in other chapters have been corrected I will summarize the proposed changes but a more detailed summary of changes is attached to the agenda um changes to chapter 2 include adding one new definition and revising one definition chapter changes to chapter 30 include updating code section references reinserting and updated code sections updating and updating the permitted uses table to reinsert the P zoning district and adding a section to establish a defined process for UNC combining platted Lots changes to chapter 5 chapter 35 include updating position titles and changes to chapter 60 include updating position titles and design references and reinserting and updating the authority to impose fines and finally changes to chapter 90 include minor text edits updates to position titles and the removal of alternate subdivision naming further I want to expand on the changes proposed to the special event permitting process this amendment proposes to remove the permit exemption for churches and schools it adds that security personnel must be Off Duty Officers or deputies unless none are available to staff the special event a provision was added that allows for repeat special events that have gone to the board for approval to go through staff review only if the special event is the same as the event previously approved by the board this does not apply if the special event is different or if the conditions imposed by the board were ineffective the required security plan will be sent to the Sheriff's Office for review and comment language was added to specify that firework launch locations be shown on the conceptual site plan and references to certain Personnel were updated the attachments within the staff report include the following one a summary of changes spreadsheet which outlines specific revisions and updates two the ordinance which include strike through an underline in the document indicating the changes three a private property rights analysis which states the proposed amendment will improve Clarity of the code and for the economic impact analysis statement which state's changes will have little to no direct economic impact the Planning and Zoning commission met on June 5th 2024 and voted unanimously to recommend the board of County Commissioners approve the project and with that that concludes my presentation staff is here to answer any questions staff recommends the board of County Commissioners adopt upon the first reading of the ordinance a amending chapter 2 definitions chapter 30 zoning chapter 35 subdivisions chapter 60 Arbor and chapter 90 uniform building numbering system of the seal County Land Development code thank you Miss Maya um just point of clarification yes on the uh special event with the law enforcement um off-duty law enforcement officer yes just for clarity that's off-duty seminal County or seminal County related off duty police officer is that correct that is a good question I may have to refer TOA for this sure the way that the language is written is to allow for uh police officers off duty police officers or off-duty Sheriff deputies right so it doesn't specifically say they have to be from seminal County the requirement is that they you know are trained as an as a police officer or sheriff's deputy okay all right I'm address that here shortly okay any further inquiries from staff commissioner lockart then commissioner delari um one of the questions that I had clarified for me just now so I apologize um and and Maya you may want to you may want to pass the Hot Potato on this one um so regarding the guest house or Cottage additional language that's been added um there's clarification for the purposes of this this definition temporary and intermittent occupancy shall mean a period of less than 30 consecutive days which does not happen continuously and has periods of time in between stays I was just curious what the impetus was for this to be included and clarification from Miss hammock just now was that code enforcement was asking for clarification um I I feel like we this is a um if I have some if I have a family if I have a guest cottage which doesn't have a kitchen and I understand the difference between an accessory dwelling unit unit which is meant for permanent residency which would have a kitchen and it's a different uh impact fee structure and all that good stuff but if I have a guest cottage which is ostensibly much which wouldn't have a cottage and yes would have a less uh uh lower fee for a um impact fee or maybe not an impact fee at all um if I have a family member that I would like to have stay there because they are maybe home from college for the summer or a someone that's looking for a place to live temporarily I don't plan on them staying there for forever they're not going to be a a permanent resident but if if they are there for 30 days or more I either have to move them out for a day and let let them come back in or I have to I I'm just not sure why we are trying to limit people's ability to use their private property in the way that is that they see fit and is not illegal other than the fact that we've just created something that makes them now not compliant with our code for the record Rebecca hamic development services director So currently we have an existing definition in the code for guest house or or Cottage um which defines it as intermittent or temporary occupancy by a non-paying guest so we've had a complaint the impetus was a particular complaint to code enforcement about use of a guest house or a guest Cottage and the complaint was that somebody was renting it or using it for an extended period of time and so code enforcement came back to us and said well what's the definition of intermittent or temporary occupancy because they can't enforce the um code um for guest Cottage without having a definition like that's specifically um applied um so they were saying well how long is intermittent how long is temporary and so we used vacation rentals and long-term rentals as a guide so long-term rental it's anything over 30 days and so vacation rentals are temporary um short-term vacation rentals are 30 days or less but I'm not I'm not paying this person isn't paying rent no but I'm just saying we were using using that as a an example it what is considered a long-term rental is anything after 30 days so we were using 30 days as it as as the guide um for anything shortterm or intermittent I just think we're creating a pro we've you've had one complaint you've had it could be more but that's to your knowledge you're aware of one complaint in a county of 47 th000 people that one neighbor is feeling snippy that another neighbor has someone living in their guest Cottage not on their property they didn't prop a tent in their backyard they're living in the neighbor's guest Cottage and now we're going to infringe upon people's ability to use their private property and let someone stay there for more than 29 days so I'm just I'm I'm just I'm sorry that I'm taking this out on you right now but with the blood pressure cuff from earlier I haven't had time to I'm just don't understand why we are trying to be in the business of limiting people's ability to use their own private property and so there and like you said at the beginning there is a difference between accessory dwelling unit and a guest Cottage guest Cottages are permitted by right in in the agricultural zoning districts and they're permitted by special exception in the residential single family zoning districts an accessory dwelling unit is a permanent dwelling unit and it requires impact fees granted discounted impact fees but if somebody but if they do allow permanent residency they should be paying for their impacts to the County's infrastructure a guest Cottage as defined currently is for intermittent and temporary use so what we're trying to do is just clarify that definition of intermittent or temporary if you don't feel 30 days is appropriate then we could certainly uh revise that to what the board thinks is a is a more um appropriate time frame commission what do you recommend just get rid of it tell whoever whatever the problem is with this person with this particular code enforcement officer can we take care can we take that up when we deal with the Code Enforcement issue that's my that's my personal preference at this point because I feel like we're we are trying to create a solution for a problem that may not really exist well and where the issue comes in is somebody makes a complaint to code enforcement then code enforcement says well I can't do anything about your complaint because I don't I don't I can't enforce this clear this is more about a defition right and then we can't be responsive to the person to the complaintant well I mean honestly I I would be the person who would say why are we saying that a guest house or Cottage can only be for intermittent or temporary occupancy I mean I understand it being a non-paying guest it's your guest house it's for a guest um but I because then it becomes an ad you well there's no kitchen in it you're not paying rent it is still different microwave right well I'm here to tell you people are retrofitting these things and putting kitchens in them after building department is left anyway Unfortunately they are yes yeah so here's the thing I I just in my neighborhood in my district we have a lot of older homes a lot of older established neighborhoods where um garages have been converted or they were boat houses that were converted to guest cottages and and people have they have people coming and going it's a great way that when family comes to stay during the winter they stay there and and I mean now these people are going to be able to be because we put a definition on it of less than 30 days now code enforcement is going to have a way to get them if they are unfortunate enough to have a neighbor who's a nin and and like I said before if we don't think 30 because I I certainly understand your point like you were saying for the summer like if a child comes home from college I understand that um so if 30 days if we don't think 30 days is appropriate then we could certainly add you know 90 days um it just gives an enforcement mechanism for code enforcement if there is an issue or if the board doesn't want to clarify that then we can we can take it out no I feel like I'm turning into a Libertarian commissioner her I thought I saw commissioner glor's she has a question related to this why I do let me just try to wrap this up I think the suggestion isn't an either or here today I think the suggestion is to take it out today and retake it up when we're looking at code enforcement to see if there's someplace else that it can go if it's an interpretation so my perspective is I I I agree that if you don't have a kitchen in there unless you've retrofitted it and you shouldn't and you didn't pay the appropriate fees to get that done then there's probably some reasoning here but 30 days in my opinion is way too short cuz we're going to be managing this this is going to cost us staff time um because they're still not going to want to enforce it let's just call that like it is too and and so I think we need to take it off separately take it out for today and then just address it in the next round with code enforcement absolutely it's my suggestion as well so I'm okay with that if that's something what we decide but I'm going to go to public comment before we get too far down commissioner L yes in looking at uh page three of six on the special events we're actually deleting the exemption for schools and churches we're going to the same category as you did with the we just did I mean you really want to do special events for every school and churches chairman I'm happy I mean chairman I can address that if please NAA borker Deputy County attorney so we weren't overseeing special events for schools anyway because public schools have their own special event process asking us to remove that we're not over yes as it pertains really just as it pertains to private schools because public schools has their own special event per even with private schools I still wouldn't right so that's what that's what staff the revision staff has made and that's based on a request from the fire department that we had that requires that in the fire code that's required to um get permits from the fire department for special events outdoor carnivals things such as that same thing with churches now too yes I just and the fire department's here if you have questions on that specific don't need to ask fire department a question I just don't think that we should be uh the exemption should should stay I think that's my position on it okay so my my position on this is I would concur with the this Cottage definition going with further conversation with the code enforcement conversation um I will not support this under the current language of uh just open law enforcement officer be hired I think it needs to be a law enforcement officer that has sworn within this County uh under this interpretation arguably somebody putting on a event could bring up a a police officer from Hawaii or wherever who doesn't know our code doesn't doesn't know you know their way around the county and I understand that's the extreme but that is the interpretation I would take if I was going to have to interpret this this code um I don't necessarily disagree with commissioner lockart and and I don't I don't sense that what is trying to be done here is we're taking away property rights and of course that's a that's a scale of balance I mean I could argue that you know should we be able to put a firing range on any property that we own in this County regardless of who lives next door what happens next door daycare child care whatever is adjacent to it um there's a lot of things I think a lot of people in this County would like to do with their property because they have property rights and that's the reason why we have to balance those scales of what makes sense what doesn't make sense and I think clarification wise if this is truly just a definition which is how I interpreted it we need to make sure that's flushed out during the code enforcement uh portion of that um otherwise I'm okay with it um you know notwithstanding those two issues but but I'm pretty adamant about the Law Enforcement issue being uh a sworn officer of either simol County Sheriff's Department or one of the Cities uh within the county who for obvious reasons uh best benefit to commissioner deli's point concerns about the churches and and schools you know I think at the end of the day we've been very fortunate with some of the things that have happened I don't want to put too much of a burden on those Charities and so forth but the reality is we do owe it to the public from a safety perspective that our fire marshal our fire department as well as our Sheriff's Department clearly understands what's going on at this event for any number of reasons you know we we've unfortunately arrived at a place in our society where you just can't assume the way things always happened or the way they're going to happen tomorrow the next day and the next day it just takes one move of the needle one way or the other and now we're in national news with some unfortunate event whether that' be a fire whether it be some criminal activity that we never we never imagine would happen anywhere nonetheless in seminal County so I think um I understand the concern there and I would just say that we haven't had the problem yet and I understand your point we just got to find that even Keel of weighing that um and of course our fire department our fire marshal is sort of in a bad place because something goes wrong you know where was the fire marshal and that's going to be the first question that's asked um if something criminal happens like has recently happened which was like where was the sheriff I mean who who did the sheriff even know this was going on so I think all this is good from that aspect um commissioner her I think you had your hand I just want to uh give you food for thought with regard to the jurisdiction restriction for uh law enforcement I can't speak to Hawaii but I can speak to Bia County I can speak to Lake County so I believe the way it reads right now is that if uh sworn law enforcement is not available they can go to private security so when you narrow that down to seminal County only if they cannot get Staffing for the event they're going to go to Private Security who are completely untrained so I would rather have sworn in if you want to put a surrounding County there's multiple surrounding counties that we can get there to just not restrict so so to that point I think probably both both of those can be handled because the sheriff is going to have to approve the security detail is that not correct the Sheriff's Office reviews and comments on the security correct so so comments that may Nix that but I would say that reviews and comments is going to be pretty strong if it comes to back to us and and the comments from the sheriff's offices like hey we've got a problem with A and C we're not so sure these are the right people to be doing this or whatever the case might be we could um add language that says um should be staffed by off-duty police officers or sheriff's deputies from agencies located within seminal County or surrounding counties or as approved by the the sheriff sheriff himself or or sheriff's office here in SEO County yeah I will have to run that by the sheriff to see we ran all the language by them previously so I would have to run that language by them right to see if they'll actually give us approval they will review and comment sure of course and we will definitely take their comments and do whatever they're asking right so so it sounds like to me and I want to run this by fellow board members this is sounds like it's not necessarily ripe for the moving forward or you want to move forward with the asking to come back and amend what we've discussed notwithstanding what we're telling them to move off to code enforcement what is what is the flavor of the board Mr chairman I think the vast majority of it is is good I think that there's some questions to be brought up they can review those questions and bring them back to us um I don't I don't think we need to slow this down at all I think we can do that chairman there's two um public hearings required for this so if you approve this we can go back and make the changes as directed if you can give us Direction on the the changes that you want made which I heard two three um one is to remove the last sentence of the definition for guest Cottage to is to add in um police officers and Sheriff deputies from within the jurisdiction of seal County or adjacent counties we say adj approved by the sheriff or our Sheriff yeah as approved by the sheriff we can I can run that in that by him and they may have language that they would like to to weigh in on regarding that which I'm fine uh because it should be collaboration between you know our staff the Sheriff's Office the fire marshal and our firefighters um to make sure everybody's moving in the right direction the current language was that I just want to clarify that the current Lang AB the current language was reviewed by them so all right well we'll leave it at that is there any public comment on this item yes there is Cindy holler Miss holler if you would come forward immediately for your input on item number 31 the Land Development code amendments anyone else after Miss holler not on this item no okay thanks Cindy holler 1731 be Drive Sanford um you didn't bring it up so I didn't really want have to weigh in on anything that was discussed so far okay you can go back however I just wanted to State the arbor protections I mean the best Arbor protections that we can have I think it's really important yeah great so anyway thank you thank you very much appreciate it any other public comment on this item no no sir seeing none we will close public comment and move to board action move approval first reading of of the uh Land Development code ordinance uh changes with the if with the discussion that those issues brought forward would be would be evaluated and brought back and flushed out before the next second reading is that what I'm hearing yes okay not sure that does it but sure does yes I understand you understand yep we're clear we are clear great second motion a second all those in favor I oppose like sign I one opposed uh passes four to one so the direction is I guess you all have some work to do before bringing back for the second reading and and we have some time yes we have plenty of time okay next item up uh commissioner Constantine just so everybody knows he's not going to be rude but he's going to have to uh he's on a time constraint leaving here at 3:30 let's move real quickly to the county attorney's report Mr you have a report today chairman um the board asked me to review and provide feedback regarding an ordinance that's been presented to the board on a number of occasions referred to as the Bill of Rights Sanctuary County ordinance uh if adopted that ordinance would declare invalid any legislative action violating an individual's rights under the first 10 amendments or the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution and it would also prohibit County Employees agents officers and representatives from participating in the enforcement of any such illegal or invalid legislation after review of the ordinance and relevant legal Authority it's my recommendation that the board do not proceed with adopting such an ordinance on its face the propos osed ordinance violates more than one provision of the Florida Constitution and if adopted would disrupt the separation of powers on which our government is based Additionally the ordinance creates a private right of action for County officials and employees to be sued in their official capacities and for the award of Damages and attorney fees for violating the ordinance and I'm not in a position to recommend that you adopt anything of that sort further there are legal procedures in place both at the Federal State levels to challenge the validity and constitutionality of laws the county should utilize those existing procedures to declare a law invalid as opposed to making a broad Declaration of a Law's invalidity and unenforceability in our jurisdiction alone finally I question the Practical effect of the ordinance I don't see how logistically speaking a local ordinance can protect citizens from unconstitutional federal laws simply by sitting that such laws are invalid in our jurisdiction even if it could it's my opinion the county lacks the authority to refuse to enforce a law it believes to be unconstitutional without that law being declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction or repealed by Congress and that concludes my report I'd be happy to discuss it with you further individually any point any inquiries to the county attorney seeing none we will move to County Manager any reports or any uh thing from any of your directors no uh presentations for directors we I'll spare you that um because I just and the reason I say that not that offend any of our directors that are here is that I just want to thank the board for our budget work sessions that we had last week I know that it was long and it was um intense at sometimes and U just a lot of information but you did provide us a lot of great feedback as we move forward with this so um what I'm planning uh to do is all the follow-up items you will you will get uh for all the questions that you ask we're going to give you one communication back with um each of the questions and we'll get that to all the board and the uh responses back for that any other items like we had discussions on the links uh issue um as well as the building fund as you know I'm going to bring that back prior to the budget public hearing at a regular uh County Commission meeting so you won't have to have any special work workshops on that we'll do it at a regularly scheduled um meeting most likely around August so um but I'll I'll schedule uh I'll talk with you all and schedule that and then lastly on um the budget work sessions it's the next day PRI after the budget work session I did get a call from the supervisor of elections office um scheduling a budget review meeting to set up with myself so and and staff so we are we hav't we do not have a date yet to uh get that scheduled it looks like it's going to be the month of July sometime but I'll provide the board feedback as soon as I um meet with the supervisor and then any changes I'll bring back to the board for your consideration okay uh I have a question along those lines so does that mean the supervisor is not planning on doing anything in the public as far as presenting his budget and I can if you like I can ask him that that question what the board had directed me to do is meet with his staff um and they and I believe based on the information I got the supervisor will be in that meeting with his staff with with me and my staff to review the budget I can request that if you would like the board would like for him to uh come back to the board I I just wanted some clarity I mean as as you know and my fellow Commissioners know that you know a letter was written from my office to the supervisor Friday afternoon related to the budget work sessions where there was a cancellation initially a recommitment a second cancellation um and I'm not sure if anything's moved beyond that I've I've seen no response based on that so it sounds like you've had a a conversation they're going to bring and give us more information to staff which you will then share with the board correct um and I want to be clear with the county attorney have we have you received as requested in my letter any of this evidence or anything that's come to your attention that there's been some kind of uh concern for the safety of of Mr Anderson's family and children uh wife and so forth that have been brought to your attention no I haven't received anything nothing okay all right thank you all right uh anything else sir that's my report thank you chairman thank you very much commissioner g under the county manager report I know dur in the budget process first of all thank you but there's a lot of questions about uh different things that we would have more Dialogue on and can we see that list sure to make sure that we know cuz one of the things I was talking about and we kind of agreed but there was no formal vote because it was a work session we talked about leveraging dollars for metro plan because of a tip and I didn't see that in there at metop plan and I just want to make sure we're actually going to be doing that yes I'll put that whole list together I'll meet with each of you all and just to make sure I we covered everything we're working on that at this point that's all I don't want to at the end say what about this right great just all good for the I don't remember that part of the conversation but I've zoned out at various points in time across the two days so if you could show me where that conversation was so I can go back and watch it I've gone back actually and watched quite a few uh presentations because it was a lot to absorb and just for so if you could send me the link of where we discussed that that'd be great great fair enough good all right next up is District reports we'll start with District three commissioner Constantine I suspect he'll get it and be on his way he's running late have safe and healthy Fourth of July and enjoy thank you very much thank you commissioner be safe enjoy the conference and next up will be District Four commissioner lockart so I will be joining commissioner Constantine and several hundred other County Commissioners from around the State of Florida and staff and County attorneys at the Florida Association of counties conference uh over the course the next several days um this is the annual conference um where a lot of good work is done for the organization but also a lot of great information is shared um this year we have one of the um the keynote speakers is Senator Rick Scott a very excited to hear from him it's nice to have him back in Central Florida um miss him uh as Governor us a lot of the times um wanted to uh report that we had um the opport to talk about at pbas uh panel discussion uh chairman Zen Bauer and I participated in in some form or fashion talking about the penny sales tax um other Commissioners were in attendance it it really was a great opportunity for the community to ask good questions and have there be some good dialogue um it was there were two members of the public who actually participated um in the panel uh debate back and forth and that was that was um very well received I think I also was able to take a tour of the new Orlando Health Lake Mary Hospital on Reinhardt Road it is a fantastic building and um campus state-of-the-art I'm so excited for our entire community that we have that level of care um coming to right here in in Lake Mary um so congratulations to everyone at Orlando Health for that um a very valued member of the community in Altamont Springs longtime uh seal County resident um Apostle Bishop Dr Preston R passed away um his um wake and funeral will be this Friday and Saturday he um is was uh the founding member of the Church of um the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ of alamont Springs um commissioner delari shared the value adjustment board meeting I serve on the value adjustment board with with him and with uh Abby Sanchez from the school board and other members of the community uh of course always grateful for our value adjustment board clerk Miss Terry Porter who does a phenomenal job keeping us all in line and getting all of those petitions gathered um so kicking off that season and also happy 4th of July Independence Day to to everyone um celebrate safely and meaning in with meaning thank you commissioner lockart next up will be commissioner herd District 5 thank you chairman uh on the 12th of June I had the pleasure of uh doing a dedication and celebration for the leadership point which which is the first subdivision built in Seal County by Habitat for Humanity it was in collaboration with our team it was the uh one of the first projects to come out of the ground and actually be occupied where the arpa funding mechanism whereby we front it and then get it back after the homes are sold and then do it again to create affordable housing in our community was started it was pretty cool to be out there with six fam local families that will be living in that Community um so congratulations to Habitat for getting that done and for having the courage to do it and thank you to the county for funding the infrastructure that created the street in addition to uh Community Services Department for putting together a very very wellth thought out program I did celebrate 100 years with the American Legion Post 53 uh it was their 100e celebration not that I've been there the whole hundred years use of the English language matters and and that was really joyous there aren't many things in Florida I find that survive a 100 years and the fact that that organization is still robust and serving the local veterans is pretty cool uh I did leave the budget hearing the final the budget hearing to go to the seminal County Port Authority meeting and that meeting did go well um we did uh vote on the lease that's being held by the marina in terms of all of the Redevelopment of the property that has to happen at their expense so all of the work that was done by the staff to get it there including the Fire Marshall the um building manager Etc finally came to fruition and no easy lift for Trisha Johnson Who's down there yawning because we're boring her to death um your microphone does work so that's the good news I do want to point out though that they do have a subtenant in that uh facility and nothing has changed with regard to the subtenant that lease is legally theirs and the advertisements for those events are still happening and and it's so we haven't solved that issue and the reason I'm bringing this up is because questions were asked you know how did the board meeting go it went well from a contractual perspective it is not going to meet the need that you want and that's for those events to stop happening out there we are not there yet so that's just for the record and then I do know that there is uh work being done on the part of the rescue Outreach Mission board to make sure that funding is secured to make sure that we are moving people from homelessness into transitional housing and the good work that rescue Outreach Mission has been able to accomplish they are going to have a funding Gap I have let you all know that they're going to have a funding Gap there is debate as to how much that funding Gap is but there is a board member that's calling you all of you Commissioners I agree with commissioner Lockhart's recommendation this morning that we have a work session with regard to that that I do know that uh Darren and Trisha have been meeting with Chris who is the re rescue Outreach Mission executive director to the end of determining uh how we move forward with them I will tell you that Chris has done a phenomenal job of moving from the ability to raise close to nothing based on the reputational damage that had happened to that organization and the records that were kept which were none um and the board members that we pulled together that's prior to me being here to pull that organization back literally bootstrap up uh did a really good job so they are passionate at making sure that the work continues to happen out there um I would ask that if you haven't met with them please do so and more to come on that the good news is is that we're I I can see a vision where they are consistently able to raise in excess of a half a million probably beyond that uh that's not what it takes to run the shelter so there is a Delta and we do need to address that with that that concludes my uh report thank you commissioner her commissioner delari district one I'm sorry inquiry by commissioner lockart I just I wanted to um ask commissioner her if she would be willing um you mentioned your time at the American Legion and this morning we had folks from the American Legion here um and support of the veteran of the month and you shared a very uh personal story about your father would you be willing to reshare that uh I'd sure I'd be happy to reshare that so I uh I have a hard time getting through the veteran of the month proclamations just on a regular basis but my this the gentleman that was recognized this morning was a Vietnam War Survivor he had been hit by um uh an explosive device and was injured had a a sustaining injury and so so I clarified beforehand that I was reading that with the backdrop of being the daughter of a World War II veteran my dad was a Navy Corman and for those of you that don't know the Marines don't have Corman Marines land with navy Corman and so uh what a Corman does is what a paramedic does in essence although well beyond that my father had a GED that he earned in the Navy he was very proud of that he didn't have the opportunity to get a high school education and uh my parents were married forever my mother supported him uh and my mom had a fifth grade education but was able to keep us all together he was then asked after he retired after 22 years to go back to Vietnam he was asked through usaid he had a very high field survival rate he did field surgeries with a GED to say that we never went to the doctor as as children is the understatement of the century he just solved you know uh probably by today's standard child abuse but um take an aspirin you'll be fine I'll give you something to cry about type of thing but um we he he spent four years in Vietnam as a civilian building the field hospitals that that gentleman probably crossed through uh and we had uh he was commended for what the work that he did there as a civilian and that's that thank you and and and I I do get choked up during those I know you guys all know it and you just ignore me yeah no we don't ignore you try we try to cover for you the best we can it's very aable that you never get I usually grab a candy bar suggest somebody have a chocolate while I'm reading it's very the way you remember your dad and rightfully so commissioner delari yes Mr chairman so on Monday uh June 17th the county did a ribbon cutting for Lake Mills broadwalk uh I know it was down from a number of years and I want to commend uh the staff because they've spent a lot of time in doing it as well as consultants who are actually the contractor that uh helped build the broadwalk but our staff put a lot of time and effort not just into the ribbon cutting but into bringing that section of Mills Park back so they all should be commended for that uh I did also attend on Sunday this past Sunday the 23rd Rock Hill Mission Baptist Church honoring Pastor McKinnon Fernand uh for his anniversary uh the pastor does a phenomenal job in that small little church in that community so I just want to make sure everybody's aware of that and then on Monday the 24th the city Castlebury did their ribbon cutting for the new police station and uh they should also be commended uh police station is truly a state-of-the-art as well as uh the dollar figures that they use the way they actually put that together they should all be commended spending the Public's money very wisely and uh the the city did a phenomenal job with that and that being said Mr chairman I'd like to wish everyone here and everyone in the public a happy 4th of July God bless you all thank you commissioner darari I we'll move on to District Two which is my district and I'll I'll dance around and combine that a little bit with the Chairman's report um of course there are many events going on for July 4th uh the Geneva parade we have the Sanford events we have some events going on city of Vito city of w Springs I would encourage you to get in the Great Outdoors and enjoy a celebration of our our great country on July 4th uh wherever you may be or wherever festivities you desire to uh attend uh I won't reiterate the PB meeting that commissioner lockart and I attended um what I did take away from that was um and I suspect commissioner lockart did as well is how inform of the folks felt after that that shared with us that they were thankful that we had shared you know the history uh specifics of of some of the things that have been circulated in the community that just simply are not true um and that we uh clearly made available to them at their um request line items of of projects that were done with that infrastructure sales tax for the last 30 years so this mystery that somehow money went into a big pot somewhere and can't be accounted for and there's all this money left over is just simply not true um and I want to thank our budget people and our finance people who have that capability just simply go you want to know what happened with the lake silven sidewalks or Indian Trails this it's right there on the line item every cost on each line so you don't have to go and mystery shopping for these projects that were were put out there so we attended that that was a good good outing and and a lot of interaction with the public um as many of you know uh we've gone through some election process I'd like to uh congratulate commissioner darar and commissioner Constantine for being reelected to those districts without opposition so congratulations to you sir and uh the now dismissed commissioner Constantine uh for that and of course uh there's others that are still have you know viable races that that are going to be taking place uh as many of you know I I will my next quote dirty job will be at the Oola landfill I'm not sure what they're going to let me run the bulldozers the tractors the big dump trucks whatever it might be um but I will be endeavoring upon that uh as my next followup to pouring concrete sidewalks and spending time with our our planning people and I got to tell you it's it's been very enlightening we really do have a lot of good people here um and and how much the public appreciates them when you go out and work with these Crews and how our residents actually will come up and can I get you something to drink can I you know they see you out there sweating you know doing all these things so it it speaks volumes of of our staff and it speaks volumes of our community that that that interaction continues U to take place um finally uh from a Chairman's perspective um we spoke a little bit about during during yall's report is the letter that came from the supervisor of elections um and I replied back to I have deep concerns as as I put in that letter that there is some concern for the supervisor elections uh personal safety as well as his family and children um and allegations that have been levied against members of this board and but not named correct know who it is and of course um you know I I've solicited and suggested that that be shared with our County attorney because we certainly do have a code of conduct here at this County Commission um and and that certainly would not be tolerated um so hopefully that information whatever it is either comes forth or or it's dispelled one way or the other um and moving forward it's it's not conduct that that I think any of us would support it's it's uh if true um would be unfounded so uh I just want to make sure that you know we we recognize that we are sensitive to anybody whether it be one of our employees or a fellow constitutional or private citizen you know want to make sure that people are not in fear of their lives their family's lives their children's lives lives and and those kinds of things so um with that said uh I will wish everybody happy 4th of July and enjoy some of those events that are out there and that concludes my report we will now move to the public participation open for commissioner lockart if I may just add a quick addendum to your comments about about the letter that we received um last week from the supervisor that is not the first time that members of this board or our staff have been vaguely accused of inappropriate behavior this this is a pattern um this is not a one-time occurrence and we have asked repeatedly every time that an accusation has been made that he come forward with the evidence with the the individuals um and and I don't want to exaggerate but it's been sir sir no no back back down please it's been at least a half dozen times it it's been you know somewhere in the neighborhood of a half dozen or so times that these accusations have been levied and every time we have attempted to get clarification so we can follow up or to pursue um anything so that we can alleviate or or remedy there has never been a followup so I I I'm so glad that you brought it up but I I want wanted to go one step further to say that this is a pattern of continual unfounded accusations we continue to ask for the evidence and it continues to not be provided understood to your point it's just not to the board of County Commissioners it's been other constitutional officers of of this community so Point well taken thank you all right we are going to move to open public forum quick reminder if you want to speak you'll be given three minutes to speak we would ask you to fill out one of these forms and you need to do so immediately if you want to be speaking because I'm not going to hold the commission here and the rest of our audience indefinitely if you don't want to speak a green form just a written comment which will be shared with us entered into the record we would ask you to when you come up introduce yourself with your name and your address and the specific topic that you're speaking of we would ask you if speakers are going to be speaking on the same topic try to to not be redundant uh or or say the same thing over and over and over um if if you like what somebody is saying in front of you um just give us a thumbs up if you don't like what they're saying just give us a thumbs down you don't have to shout out and say well all these kind of things this is not a time where we have a lot of dialogue back and forth between the commission um and the public but it is open for inquir from the commission but we're here to hear whatever concerns that the public has so we will call you up three at a time if you would uh limit yourselves to three minutes or less if you are representing a legally organized anded group you will be permitted 6 minutes that doesn't mean you come up here and say you belong to the fish collector's Club in your neighborhood and you get six minutes um it's going to have to be legally organized and I will give as much latitude as I can as long as we're moving forward and not being redundant and making sense and moving forward so with that said Madam clerk we will call the first three up please Dennis shopner Ryan Allen and Cindy holler and would you like me to share these now with you yes if you if you would if you don't mind so we know in advance because some of these written comments may be related to the spoken comments here's seven copies of my testimony in in the three slides uh and here's the three slides that I want to present um here's 45 coms so let me address that real quick I think I understand what's written comment forms are intended for the Po Folks that are currently present and want to make a written comment if there are people that are not here they're welcome to email the commission offices we'll get all that information and so forth those are not intended to be used as a petition process the intent is if you're here you don't want to speak instead maybe you're afraid to speak maybe you're don't want to speak but you want us to have your input that's what the written forms are for they're not to take and distribute through the community and gather up this is what I want to say so please sir continue okay my name is Dennis shner I live at 1167 Oak Creek Court in Winter Springs good afternoon Commissioners I'm here today as the chair of the seminal County election security task force following up on the questions from our public testimony on June 11th I was it was asked quote how was the baby made referring to the process of going uh referring to the process of going from government provided election data files through the data analysis to the citizens C citizens audit files the first slide that I have here graphically depicts the data analysis process it starts with the Florida Department of State Division of election CD which provided two sets of files each one each with one file Per County one is the voter history or voter voting record files and the second is the voter detail or the voter roles the two files related to the SEO County were imported into a SQL Server database each file contains a unique voter ID number as instituted by the help America vote act allowing the data from these two files to be linked together next is a series of information queries were applied to the database to answer questions like list all the voter IDs registered to a single address or list all the names where the name equals Donald Duck uh Mickey Mouse or the name f the name fields are blank no there are more than 75 SQL queries performed the data response responses were saved in Excel spreadsheet files from those Excel files a summary of audit findings was produced uh slide two please the next slide provides a summary of these audit findings for suo County I don't plan to walk you through all the numbers my short time here to testify today doesn't allow me to do so but I will explain the structure of it and I know it's very difficult to see on the slide there hopefully you have my hand out because the slides are in there and for clarity this was sent to us last week correct uh I sent this file to commissioner lockart our office distributed it to all your so we Reed was trying to answer her question and and and I sent it to her office just want to make sure that was it is the second uh second from the last file or P piece of paper that's in that packet there um so this provides a summary of the audit findings for suo County um I'll provide the structure these are the three tables on the slide the first table the biggest one at the top lists the apparent violations column one list the various violations by type column two lists the number of apparent registration violations and the last column is the number of apparent voting violations so for example for inv with addresses found there were 2,34 apparent registration violations with 534 of the of those registered voters voting in the 2022 general election the second table lists the results of the official vote history for S County it shows the number of votes counted and the number of Voters who voted that reveals that there are there were 964 more votes counted than voters who voted the last table addresses the allowable error rate per the help America vote act the allowable error rate is one in every 125 ballots means that simil County we can have only two allowable errors however it appears that there may have been as many as 1,461 the number of voting violations the board stated at June 11th meeting that only the soe and not the commission ERS could address these violations I want you to know that I did meet with the supervisor of elections and his staff on June 19th uh supervisor election uh Anderson stated that he's making no commitments no promises no guarantees stated twice he requested to meet in July with a DAT analysis team which I'm working on scheduling slide three that said this is what I'm asking of you all of which is within your legal Authority number one sign the resolution read to you last time on on uh June 11th number two act on those viol parent violations Florida statute 98.0 75 states that the SE soe does not need to accept identification of registered voters as potentially ineligible from anyone other than an official governmental Al entity I am not an official governmental entity by definition of the statute in fact the soe had legal council send me a letter telling me so and to go to and and that I should go to the uh Florida Department of State not the SE soe's office on those issues you however are an official governmental entity therefore I'm asking you to accept from me these lists of potential ineligible registrations and illegal votes then you singly or collectively submit them to the SE soe for investigation and subsequent action under the Florida statute number three authorize appropriate funds under Florida statute 104.4 I for the S soe to investigate these potential fraudulent registrations and illegal voting should the S soe exercise his authority to do so and need additional funds my last number four I ask you to continue to serve on future canvasing boards when the election campaigns and endorsements do not disqualify you in accordance with Florida statute 102.1 141 and to not certify election results if questions exist on fraudulent registrations and illegal voting in the election and finally after the June 11 meeting I contacted offices of two of the Commissioners and provided one of the offices with the following information um with similar information that I provided today some of it neither office contacted me back even after stating in the session that you wanted a further meeting you wanted to understand things more you wanted me to answer questions the topic I speak of today is an issue with citizens here in suo County okay we're getting getting Beyond the latitude if we can try to wrap it up sir I'm I'm concluding right here I brought 45 uh written uh sheets most of those people wanted to be here but they couldn't and that's why they completed those um if you kindly listen to what I say and then sit back and do nothing you're accepting registration and voting violations which will likely be higher in 2024 than they were in 2022 elections are not going away this issue is not going away sir I'm going to ask I'm going ask you more time let's wrap this up real quick yes sir what message would you like me to take back to those people I'm scheduled to speak with a number of groups and clubs and I would like to take your message back and provide that to the citizens thank you very much for your time and attention today and your diligence in providing the important leadership that you do you absolutely do for our County thank you I greatly appreciate it thank you thank you next up Miss Co hello Commissioners my name is Ryan Allen I live at 2493 North umbrea Drive in Sanford Florida been a longtime resident of semal County I want to thank you all for this time I'm also going to ask that you give me a little bit of latitude on time since I am the President of the Florida Republican assembly we are fully chartered uh in SEMO County and uh we are chapter of the greater group the Florida Republican assemblies um I'm not going to try to take up that much time I don't think I need six minutes anyway um I did not know that we were going to have a a recommendation from uh the County Attorney day on the um the um efforts that we've been putting together regarding the sanctuary County however I respect it and I appreciate I appreciate the uh uh the recommendation and I also understand the reasons why and the reasons against it um we never thought this would be easy um I don't think governance really ever is especially when we're looking for things that have to do with our rights and I know that if you think about it you're all sitting there saying but we already have the Bill of Rights in place we know you know we understand um we're not here to Badger you bludgeon you keep beating up a dead Point seriously but the point of the matter is is that if we didn't continue to see violation after violation after violation across this land of breaking the rule of law from judges to legislators to Executives that do not seem to care but trample on due process again and again and they take their political ideologies and they only work for those if we didn't see that happening so much and becoming more and more prevalent we wouldn't have as much concern because it's not you that we question actually I have to tell you I know several of you several of you sat down and talked with me we've had meals together you all are honorable people that's why we continue to come to you I mean that I don't just say that you're honorable people you all care about your constituents you care about SEO County we know that and that's why we keep coming you with this because we see the trends and the trends are what concerns us this is not a sky the sky is falling or the you know the chicken running around saying that the sky is falling this is It's a concern because we continue to see the same things happen which is the breaking of the world of law which we are a federal republic as you know a constit republ and the following of law is important so when we also see this we see the mainstream media and that is a big concern because there are still those that listen um and we know that if you tell a lie once or twice it's still a lie but if you repeat it a thousand or 2,000 times it becomes the truth and yet it's still a lie because people's perception of reality often becomes their reality so that being the case I've got just a couple things I'd like to quote to you as consideration as to why we're here because what we're here for is to talk to you about us partnering up with the cspoa which is the Constitution sheriffs and Peace Office Association of America and how they work for furthering the Constitution and holding the Constitution as that rule of law and making sure that's enforced in such a way that fits within the rule of law that's been set as that law of the land so there'll be those that'll talk about that a little bit after me so just a couple of things there's a quote out of the Bible which I think is important out of Timothy for the time will come when people will not put up with sound Doctrine instead to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear and we see this again and again we see semantics in words we see 69 genders and Counting I'm not trying to judge whether that's right or wrong but where's the science we see that term tossed around but we don't see people following actual science you know we see all these other things and so there's a couple other quotes which I'd like to read to you which I think apply even though the term is interesting I never thought we'd see it to the point of where it is today which is orwellian and some of those are this the further Society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it and the most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history we see it happening every day all tyrannies rule through fraud and force but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on Force while we're not there in this nation we see examples of it look at j6 are all of those people should they still be there not even having had a trial I'm not trying to ask you to decide on that I'm just saying well this is why we are here petitioning you thankful that we have the ability to redress these things to come to you and ask you to hear us because that's what why we elect you that's why we believe in you and that's why we still believe in the system we do not believe in violence we believe in the rule of law and we uphold it Mr Allen I'll ask you to try to wrap it up here I will just a couple more every record has been destroyed or falsified every book has been Rewritten every picture has been repainted every statue and Street building has been renamed every date has been altered and that process continuing day to day and minute by minute history has has stopped nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right what we want is not for some dystopian future to become a reality what we want is for what our founding fathers put together we believe you believe the same thing we voted for you I voted for every one of you you know so my point simply is this um thank you for hearing us let just understand that what we're seeking is to collaborate with you we're not asking to approve a document yet we're saying collaborate with us work with us see if there's a way to come up with something that makes sense for you and for your constituents and if that's the case what better way in governance is there than that thank you thank you sir next three please we still have one how many how many more speakers do we have Miss C we have five okay we may take a break we'll see here um do you want me still to speak yes please okay okay all right Cindy holler 1731 Beacon Drive and so I do also I was going to say I appreciate the County Attorney speaking up um regarding the uh bill of R Sanctuary County ordinance um Coler county has it uh Tom and I actually own property in colier county and I don't understand sual where why colier is good with it some of those not I'm a little confused by that but I guess I'll continue to listen I wanted to read something from the start reading something from the Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association the Bill of Rights Sanctuary County ordinance on and an almost daily basis we see the federal state executive judicial and legislative branches of government enacting unconstitutional acts administrative orders executive orders as as Ryan said judicial rulings legislative act mandates proclamations regulations rules and treaties which violates or unreasonably restricts impedes or impinges upon individual constitutional rights and violate the fundamental American Doctrine of separation of powers during the 2020 Co CR crisis or we could have any emergency right looking forward this was especially true just stating history and was used to usurp um god-given constitutional rights that are enumerated in the Bill of Rights when the very structure of election process is compromised to ensure the selection of elected officials in such a way as to ensure that special interests are placed above the will of the people and these officials are insulated from accountability and impeachment what can we the people do the last help we the people have for any help with the protection of our constitutional rights is our Sheriff's local government which includes the BCC and police force many counties and cities have worked together with their law enforcement agencies to establish Sanctuary counties for the Second Amendment and Bill of Rights as a means of not having these rights illegally revoked in the name of an emergency to this end the cspoa Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association is organizing to empower counties and cities throughout the State of Florida to have their County Commissioners and count and City councils within the counties enact ordinances and resolutions making their counties and cities a sanctuary for the Bill of Rights that will be enforced by the local sheriff and police departments a Bill of Rights Sanctuary county is a county that according to the doctrine of the Lesser magistrate which includes the BCC interposes itself to protect all of its residents from state or federal governmental encroachment upon the god-given rights and privileges of its citizens that are guaranteed and protected by our original Constitution and Bill of Rights and I just wanted I'm going to stop there someone's going to continue um but I would like to see the ordinance added if possible to an item on the BCC agenda and I wish everyone a Happy Independence Day thank you thank you very much Mr Allen yes how many of these folks are with your group how many if y'all could raise your hands okay well you just spoke for six minutes on all their behalfs representing the organization and I don't want to preclude anybody but do they have anything new to add other than what you have said already only um only certain details would be something if if I could ask for consideration for everyone's time here today if you can shorten up not be repetitive technically if an individual is going to take six minutes and speak on behalf an of an entity then that's who speaks on behalf of the entity each member of The Entity does not come up and continue to speak um so with that said um if I can ask be be conscious of of everybody's precious time I want everybody to have their input um so if you all would start lining up the next three I will let you go with as much latitude as I can if you start to get a little duplic duplicative or redundant I'm going to cut you off so if we can then based on that because we do respect time no understood um we appreciate it um rather than continuing to read to you from this one doc was prepared it can get um we'll just give it to you we'll continue to come communicate with you offline fair enough from this meeting and and appreciate your consideration thank thank you very much and then that I only have one more Cindy holler wants to speak about black bears okay I asked P res excuse me okay Miss holler yes I'm back again so so so miss holler I I was Miss holler Miss holler you have one minute you've already used part of your three minutes already it's not per subject it's per addressing the board so you've got a minute be quick if you can so here's what I I didn't know that chairman rules are rules um I was going to say I was actually going to I was actually going to ask for 6 minutes on this topic I didn't realize uh but here oh wow you're down to 30 seconds oh my goodness no stop okay Cindy holler 1731 um be uh Beacon Drive Sanford um so I'm an advocate for wildlife um I the state as you know we have the the governor signed the um bear taking bill on Friday night um I'm un happy about that I'm just wondering what's going to happen in our Natural Choice County um some of my neighbors are very misinformed on what exactly this means so I sent some I sent Ashley an email to the county uh a residents you know there's a lot of neighbors who know how to live with our bears but then there's a lot of newbies who who are afraid and they don't they don't understand um are we going to have residence shooting in Lake Forest Heathrow I mean these are things that think about our natural areas our Parks um I I think we need more education signage bear prooof garbage cans um I have seen some new signage on Markham Woods Road with the mama bearon Cubs and I think that's a really good sign and um I look forward to hearing more from my County regarding this so thank you thank you Miss holler no that's fine thank you very much any further comments okay we'll close public comment I I just I I think it's appropriate I at least this commissioner needs to make a statement to those that are here um this commissioner sees and observes and feels some of the same concerns that many of you do I think as we all step back and reflect the state of our Union and things that are happening in different parts of our country um I'm an 100% agreement with a lot of things that have been said um not only at this meeting and others I think it's wise that we understand that at least here in seminal County we find ourselves in a pretty fortunate place that you have good leaders you have good citizens um from time to time you know we don't always agree uh on everything but at least we have civil discourse and then we continue to move forward and work uh collaborate with each other and trying to move forward I think it's also important to understand that we are simply just County Commissioners uh we're not the governor of the state uh we are not the federal government uh we are not uh the Secretary of State we are a lot we are not a lot of things um and so I would ask that each and every one of you I I encourage you to come and and speak to us and ask us whenever you want but I think a lot of the things that you share concerns we share but it's at the wrong place other words it needs to be shared and the efforts directed at a level that actually has the power or the discretion uh or the wherewithal to help make those changes um many of us have conversations with legislators uh and our Representatives very much like you all do um and communicating those and so I think it's important um that that we understand that that you know most of us if we thought we could do something real quick and change and change things in this country um we we would absolutely do that in a second um to to go back to a time that uh has has obviously since past and hopefully we find our way as a union and and get back to that but that also said this should not also be considered as a as a place or a venue for giving political statements from the standpoint you're welcome to speak but it's not a place to grandstand your political views a as many of you can expect there are people that have views that are in contrast to each one of you each one of us uh and that's what makes this country so great uh as long as at the end of the day we do the most and the best for the outcome of our country and our fellow man uh is what we're truly looking for so I would just ask that of of each and every one of you all have been very respectful uh But please understand what powers we do and don't have um and we just don't have some of the powers you're asking us to take and and some of the other things which you heard the County Attorney speak to earlier today um just don't make sense for for us to put our taxpayers In Harm's Way financially uh to go down a path that arguably uh could be problematic so commissioner lockart um I have two quick asks um would the County Attorney at a later date be willing to review items number two and three of Mr sher's ask and let us know what the interpretation of those statutes are and if that is in fact something that we would have within our purview and um my other ask is um to outline what would be the legal remedy if this board saw something that we believe to be unconstitutional happening in Seal County would it be filing a lawsuit would it be what what would the board's remedy be if it's not the ordinance or the the Declaration or whatever it is if it's not that and I and I'm not disagreeing with you that it's not that but if it's not that then what is the board's remedy when and if we see something unconstitutional happening and that's not for now but for future we'll do thank you Mr chairman Mr glar i' have a question for the county attorney almost on the same lines as commissioner lockart uh there's a Citizens audit here and uh there is significant number of issues not with the audit because we didn't do the audit but if this is even remotely true it raises eyebrows uh what is the appropriate direction that we should be taking with evidence that citizens are giving to us to take into account do we give it to secretary of state do we go to the supervisor of election what do we do I'm probably going to have to research that a little bit and get back to you okay we I would appreciate that I'm sure we would too yeah that's said we yeah I just want to make sure that we're acting and I want to be clear I think this if I if I'm following some of the communications this has already been sent to the secretary of state is that correct some of this data all this in much more detail understood I just want to make sure I understood that I don't I don't want us to be complacent I want us to be understood I hear you um chairman yes commissioner I believe that we also received an email from the supervisor of elections regarding the meeting with Mr schopner and I have now painfully found it and forwarded it to you right um so that you have that for your documents as well yeah I just wanted to make sure along those lines that as you said you had met with the supervisor and last time you were here I think and I don't want to mischaracterize what was said but the supervisor refused to meet with you is that what was said I I said refused maybe I didn't choose my words correctly it and his staff um failed to get back to me okay on anything okay yeah okay great thank you for the clarification no that's good and and we've got this email that came in so I was like okay great we're getting together okay anything else for the the good of the order well I want to remind everybody before we dismiss we don't have another meeting until the 23rd of July we we the holidays fast upon us so we've got got a little break in between here and I wish each and every one of you happy 4th of July and hope that you get to spend some time with your your family and friends and everything's enjoyable and everybody stays safe anything else from management no sir nothing from the County attorneys no sir seeing none we shall be adjourned thank you all very much the I [Music] [Applause] [Music] --------- oh [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone and welcome to the seminal County count border of County Commission meeting June 25th 2024 what a beautiful day in seminol County as I as I traveled here this morning and looked out at the Clear Blue Skies and and the moderate temperatures so far the the day is young as you know it'll get very hot and humid this afternoon and rain but really reflecting on how how well and and and and how we do in seol county and how blessed we are here and we're going to see a little bit of that today from our uh our veterans that are present in the crowd as we approach the birthday of our great nation uh coming forward to us next week make sure everybody reflects upon that reflects upon the ultimate price many have paid for us to have these freedoms and liberties with that said I'm going to uh introduce Pastor Bob melhorn from Integrity Church who's going to lead us in the in the uh prayer and then our building official Mr Bob Pike will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Pastor good morning everyone it's our privilege to pray with you let's pray a holy want I ask your blessing upon our commissioners and all the employees of this great County for our commissioners today I would pray that you would fill them with wisdom that you would show them your light I would ask that you would make them sensitive to the neediest Among Us and I would ask that you would give them the courage of their conviction bless them their families and All Those whom they hold dear Lord of every season this is a time of uh relaxation and refreshment for many these summer months but for us here in in Florida it's also the be the beginning of of hurricane season and Lord we would pray that you would spare us the effects of any harsh storms but should it be your will that that would not be the case then we would pray for the safety of the emergency personnel and we would ask that trying times would bring out the best of us and Lord we uh take a quick glance at the agenda for today and we see that there's much business to be conducted and we see that so many agencies and commissions and departments and organizations are part of the great work that is to be done today and we would ask that you would Deliver Us from a a spirit of needless competition and show us how we might work together teach us once again that we are strongest when we are one I ask for your guidance and I lift up these prayers in jesus' name amen amen e I'll lead the pledge after me I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Pastor and you might want to track down Mr Pike as Mia uh I'm sure he's had something come up all right next up is our uh item 202 24841 is our proclamations proclaiming Sergeant Milton wasburn Jr United States Marine Corps as seal County County's June veteran of the month and commissioner her will read this into the record I'm going to ask uh just for a few seconds of indulgence before I read this so as I read this the backdrop for this is that uh my father was a World War II veteran who was a Navy Corman with a GED that he got in the Navy and he had a very high success rate in terms of field survival he retired 22 years later he was called back through usaid to build field hospitals in Vietnam and so in that civilian role he spent four years in a live combat zone building field hospitals so that's the backdrop of how I'm reading this fellow Commissioners I move the following proclamation of the seal County Board of County Commissioners recognizing United States Marine core Sergeant Milton wasburn Jr for his outstanding service to the United States and seminal County whereas the brave men and women of our army navy Marines Air Force Coast Guard and space force demonstrate a Resolute spirit and unmatched selflessness reminding us there are few things more American than giving of ourselves to make a difference in the lives of others and whereas throughout our country's history generations of service members have answered the call to leave their families their jobs and put their Futures and even their lives on the line to valiantly defend our nation and whereas for many service members the sacrifice has ended in permanent injury or death yet their Spirit remains in the continued preservation of our freedoms and the promise of Liberty and whereas there are more than 30,000 living veterans in seminal County who served our nation in times of peace and War through their service they kept America strong and whereas Sergeant Milton wasburn Jr enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and was assigned to the first Battalion first in hoan Vietnam during combat operations he encountered a landmine explosion while on patol that caused serious bodily injury he medically retired from the military in 1968 and whereas Sergeant Milton wasburn Jr received numerous Awards including the Purple Heart Medal Good Conduct medal National Defense service medal Vietnam service medal and Vietnam campaign medal and whereas Sergeant Milton wasburn Jr obtained his engineering degree after his military service and worked for various companies he moved to Florida in 1983 and worked for Florida Power he then re relocated to Chula in October of 1996 where he worked for Florida Power Progress Energy and retired December 5th 2013 and whereas Sergeant Milton wasburn Jr has dedicated 7even years of volunteer service to Hope helps in OVO which while also celebrating 57 years of marriage to his wife Joyce together they tirelessly work to provide essential support to families in need including food clothing and toys during Christmas and throughout the year additionally he actively contributes to various community events as a devoted member of the American ameran Legion Post 243 in Ido and whereas Sergeant Milton wasburn Jr has brought great credit and distinction upon himself the United States of America the United States Marine Corps and seal County now therefore be it proclaimed that we the board of County commissioners of seal County Florida express our gratitude admiration and respect for sergeant Milton wasburn Jr for his outstanding service to the United States Marine Corps and the residents of seal County be it further proclaimed that this Proclamation is presented to Sergeant Milton wasborn Jr along with our sincere congratulations and recognition as seal County's veteran of the month adopted this 25th day of June 2024 second Motion in second all those in favor I oppose like sign hearing none it's unanimous congratulations sir thank you very much sergeant if you'd like to have a few words if you'll step to the podium and we're going to switch it up a little this morning we'll go down and take photos with our veteran and then we've got some other requests after the consent I don't know whether I need this thing or not I'm part of the one of the things I lost and when I was in Vietnam with my when with my wound I can no longer hear with one of my ears so it's kind of hard to hear once in a while so I've I've gotten used to talking very loudly as my wife can attest to so anyway I would just like to say that it is indeed an extreme honor to me to be recognized this way they made it sound like I have done much more than I feel like I've done and that's one of the reasons I never expected to receive this honor is because I just never viewed myself as doing anything other than just being a human being to other human beings and that's another thing that that another reason that I joined the American Legion Post 243 is because that is their view also they just want to be humans to arrest of the humans in this nation they don't make any beans about who does what or anything you're still human and that's the way I view it and that's that's what I say I never expected anything like this I am extremely honored I thank the commission for voting me in as the volunteer of the not the volunteer as the veteran of the month it is an extreme honor and I want that I can't say that enough I never expected this anytime and I appreciate it and thank you thank you all thank you welcome home sergeant if the commission would join us on the floor for a photograph please like [Music] little [Music] right there one thing else I would like to say I me to say it when I was at the microphone a while ago but you've heard before from one of the Commissioners up here her father was a Coran Marines right have cor they don't have Army Medics or anything like that they don't have their own Medics they have Corman a Corman is responsible for saving my life in Vietnam that day I was wounded we really appreciate Corman they are like Marines to us they are as much Marine as Marines are and I think any Marine will tell you that too so thank you to the Corman thank you Sergeant thank you sergeant and it would be lost on us not to recognize the the families of of our veterans who diligently waited for their men and women to return home and their families that put a lot aside not enjoying the everyday life that many of us do because their husbands or wives or children were out serving on behalf of of our great country next up is item 2024 this is going to be our County investment advisor report Mr Scott McIntyre hopefully we have him here ready to go yeah okay good morning morning good to see you guys good morning morning okay forward got it so and I mentioned this many times before but right now inflation is everything there's lots of economic numbers that come out but the bottom line is inflation that's what the fed's looking at if inflation cools they have the opportunity to cut rates and if inflation doesn't then their hands are tied so um whereas before we might have looked at a number of different slides I'm just going to keep with the inflation slide um the FC which is the Federal Open Market Committee that's the FED policy makers met last on on June 12th so very recently pal the chairman stress patience uh even though he had seen some better numbers he wasn't get a signal that the Fed was was ready to cut yet the next meeting is July 31st um usually the FED will signal a meeting ahead before they start pivoting in policy and they did not in June so we don't believe that anything's going to happen in July September right now is is more likely than not although there's a lot of time between now and September and several inflation reports between now and then that will be that'll be pivotal this is the uh the CPI this is not necessarily the inflation measure the FED looks at the most but this is the one that we all look at because this determines the cost of living increases as you can see in that red line which is core inflation it did move lower during the month of of May and that's after really 3 months worth of of flattening out and and one month worth of slightly lower so got two months that are cooperating but that's not enough yet so we're going to wait for the next uh number and the FED is going to watch that very carefully starting to move a little more in the right direction but this has still been really really stubborn so investment choices you can see yields are lower than they were in fact they were actually a fair amount lower a few days ago um but again yields are bouncing around this very volatile Market but they are lower than they've been um the overnight rates are still high they're not going to start to come down until the FED actually makes those cuts so whenever you're investing out along the curve you're giving up some on the front end but we're trying to be methodical in this and understand that we don't know the direction that the economy or interest rates are going to go so um upcoming maturities I know that we are past June 15th but I wanted to leave that first maturity on there because that's one that was bought during a time when the possibility of negative interest rates existed you're probably wondering why a 48 was on there and that's why um I stood up here for a number of meetings and said my recommendation to not invest at all which at the time seemed pretty crazy but frankly we're at record lows and it didn't make sense this one actually did believe it or not it's coming off the reason I've got it on there is because it will affect the portfolio quite a bit at the end of June when that leaves um there is several other maturities that are coming up we're we're trying to obviously position for cash drain periods um there were a couple of palm which is basically a term pool maturities that happened on the last recommendation we said we would talk to the clerk's office about cash flow and determine whether or not they could be uh renewed or extended uh they could be so those were both extended at 542 and 540 out roughly 12 months so recommendations with these maturities coming up um a $10 million Palm term we expect that'll be at close to 530 um to June of 2025 that's really to to fill a cash load need uh and then another 10 million in a treasury probably to the end of July at 510 and then taking a little bit more going out um to June 2026 at a 475 so and I want to just sort of mention one thing and I know this is really hard to see but at the bottom line there the bottom two buckets if you will those uh little graphs there are uh three different maturity buckets one is is essentially inside of 90 days another is 90 days to a year and the third one is beyond a year the first one is liquidity the first bucket is for liquidity the second bucket is actually for your annual cash flow and the third third one is core if you're ever wondering why those buckets happen to be those buckets um so I guess what we need is I know I always trip and stumble over this but I need uh one of you take it off my hands well any questions from the board Mr chairman motion to implement the recommendations of our financial advisor based on report submitted today and recommend the clerk implement the said board's recommendations second a motion second I do have an inquiry um great Mr McIntyre I know this has been a tough market for you and and experts like yourself who who are in this vocation of of determining where this is all headed as I reflect and and look I'm a little concerned and want to know what your take is on it looks like we have an emerging what I would say concerns in that we seem to have a evacuation of the middle class and when I say that is and we look it it appears we have Rising credit card debt record debt but it seems to be at the middle class level whereas arguably those with more disposable income are paying their credit cards off on time we have increasing uh mortgage defaults we have increasing defaults on auto loans uh uh and when you break that down and really do the research it appears to be in that middle class uh part of our population and it's it's beginning to get to a record point that we haven't seen since the Great Depression do you have any opinion or or any take on that or or input I I do um and so this take is about about 60% of the economy owns stocks about 60% of population owns stocks about 60% of the population own their homes um that other 40% is having to pay higher rents they're having to pay record not no not only record credit card balances but also record credit card interest rates they're approaching 22% on outstanding balances so there really is it really is a case of of two different populations stock markets are all-time record high so household wealth in general is increasing on the flip flight if you're not part of that if you don't own a home and if you don't participate in the stock market then you're saddled with all kinds of problems right now so there is a there is a definite bifurcation of of the economy and of the population and that's not that's not reminition of a healthy economy idealistically middle class lower middle class are participating as well but it it is it is becoming a problem I'm not again like many things I'm not sure how that's going to play out but in terms of a healthy economy going forward that's not a good recipe right yeah so uh and and I don't really know how again I'm not really sure how this plays itself out the the best case scenario again is that inflation moves lower in the FED Cuts interest rates and and eases all of that up right um it is somewhat unprecedented obviously when you get to record high credit card levels and and default rates on both credit cards and auto loans at 12 15 year highs you can see it Brewing right but right now you know the economy is still growing and it's growing because of this side and not this side yeah that was my concern we're we're we're taking a certain portion of the population which is arguably doing well and another portion that's not doing so well and and whether one ends up dragging the other down well thank you very much for that we appreciate it we have a motion the second all those in favor I opposed like sign hearing none it's unanimous thank you very much Mr you all very much safe travels next up is item 2024 0857 this is a presentation from the center Florida Commission on the homelessness Leadership Council 2024 point and time count be presented by Miss Martha R welcome Miss R thank you I appreciate the opportunity to be back before you it's been a while yes so um I'm I've given you more slides and what I'm going to talk about just so you had more information should you care to peruse I'll try and get through this fairly quickly um in our point and time count this year which was done the last week of January that's where everybody in the country does it at the same time uh in simal County we had identified 439 people I'm going to give you this the the core of that is one of the things I want you to know about 2023 is that since 21 we didn't do a street count we didn't do an unsheltered count in 21 because of covid in 22 and 23 HUD was encouraging us not to use many volunteers to focus on having staff go out just because of the medical vulnerability of the people experiencing homelessness and so in 2023 region-wide we had 97 Volunteers in 2024 region-wide we had 452 volunteers and so I would say that your 2023 count was probably a more significant undercount they're all under counts but that was probably more of an undercount than your 24 count we think that the 24 count is the most accurate one that we have done in many years but I don't think that that entire growth of your home homeless population happened within the last year I think it happened over the last two or three years as the rents have gone up because the rents going up is the only driver of the number of people who are experiencing homelessness that's what determines that's what distinguishes one Community from another in terms of numbers of people experiencing homelessness how much of your rent's gone up what's your vacancy rate when you have a growing Community that's growing quickly like all of Central Florida it is hard to have the infrastructure keep Pace housing Transportation schools it's hard to have that keep Pace with the growth of the community any Community where you have that you see increases in your numbers so that's what's driving your increase we were uh we did a better job of finding people this year because we had a lot more capacity out there I could almost just stop there that's that's that's what you that's your takeaway great next um all right so the majority of of your population are were adults very few families with children here you have your subpopulations people with mental illness you know just a couple of your key subpopulations um please note that your adults with serious mental illness was uh 100 out of your 439 so that's about a little less than a quarter um when you're talking to some of your State Legislative counterparts that is not a figure that they are being told they are being told a much higher percentage so I just want you to know what your percentage is a little bit less than 25% not 75% which is what's some of the information that's going to state right now all right sheltered count you see is somewhat of an increase in your sheltered count um that's because back during Co we reduced capacity for the shelters in your congregate facilities um that's been going back up you're probably going to level out at about this level for now because you don't have any new shelters you don't have any new shelter programs in in simal County what that means is that as your numbers increase as more people become homeless because of the increasing rents by default when you don't have more shelters to go to they will be be your unsheltered numbers are going to be increasing so we expect this trend to continue because our uh our housing market is still on roughly the same trajectory and we don't have new shelter capacity for fols to go to we still see significant uh differences amongst race very disproportionately people of color especially people who are black this is where people are staying the unsheltered population um what's important about this one is all those folks in the first group who are streets or sidewalks and then the woods not so much the vehicles abandoned buildings those are persons who are most likely going to be impacted by the state legislation that um that's going to go into effect um in October this one is compelling this was your youth your 18 to 24 year olds what you want to take the takea away from that is that the majority of your unsheltered youth 18 to 24 have been homeless for more than a year which just breaks my heart um makes me very glad that we've got this new brighter days initiative where we have the federal and state funding to help support that age range but that's an important factor for you to know then I've just got several slides in here with your Trends um Regional Trends what you see here is again your sheltered count doesn't change much um but your unsheltered count does and will um another important thing for to know is this is I want you to pay attention to the orange columns this is our Supportive Housing inventory this is what we use for permanent Supportive Housing people who are experiencing chronic homelessness they've been homeless for more than a year they have disabilities that's who's uh targeted for the Supportive Housing Programs we've been working very hard to increase the resources for permanent support of housing so just from our HUD dollars back in 2017 where this starts we we were getting roughly $7 million a year we're now getting $19 million a year regionally from HUD most of that is for permanent support of housing we also have some uh local jurisdictional dollars across the system for that even so we C we maxed in 2020 of how many people we could support because the uh increases in the dollar amount has have not kept up with the rent increases and so we can't house as many people as we did since 2020 and the majority of that decrease happened in the last 2 years so that's more than we've lost capacity for more than 200 people just because our dollars won't cover as many units because the rent has gone up so much so that's another 200 people across the region that if we've been able to maintain that capacity would not have been on the streets and would have been impermanent housing so we're kind of getting hit at we're getting more people coming in and we're also not able to house as many people as we have in the past this will be of interest for you this is the regional view this is the heat map of our unsheltered count so the darker the color the more people we counted and here you see Sanford other parts of seminol um so what we know is that where people are congregating or along our major thorough fars right so it's out 50 it's up 1792 across 436 down 192 in our region it's Crossing major thoroughfares and so as we're talking to communities about what are we going to do in preparation for uh the new state legislation where do we need to put uh low barrier shelter opportunities some sleeping opportunities we're encouraging folks to look along those thirds let's try and place things where people are already congregating and that will do the best job of getting people off the streets and into something uh better some some folks are starting to talk about what do we have in um in strip malls that could be renovated there a lot of empty empty stores right now along all those corridors you know so some create some different options like that so just leave you with that um again that sford and then seol in general any questions you didn't think I was going to do it that fast you saw the slide thank you very much uh any inquiries from the board commissioner Constantine thank you for the presentation um couple of O observations number one we've gone up more than 100% And unsheltered in one year um almost 150% maybe more and one of the things I've noticed I live along 436 right across from the hospital and one of the things I've noticed is not only a lot more folks with shopping carts and such but more women and I didn't see break down men to women anywhere and I was wondering if there are more single women now um living on the streets because it you know it's it's a very good question um and I can get you that information we do have it I was just anyway it's not only more women it's more senior women yes all right so the the fastest growing groups are are young children but then also 55 and up and 65 and up and so region wide we had more than 700 seniors over the age of 55 and about about 185 of those were over 65 but the more disturbing part was more than half of them are not in shelter more than half of our seniors who are experiencing homelessness are unsheltered because we just don't have enough places for them to go and women are outpacing the senior Men by about 4 to one oh my gosh so it's a rent thing it's it's able on a uh for many you know on a and flat income rents gone up just couldn't couldn't keep it up didn't have their leases renewed and um now and it is heartbreaking I'm sure Chris can tell you when you have like a 72y old grandmother come in who's never been homeless before has no idea had never dreamt that would happen it is a shock um it's a shock to to her and it's a shock for the all right any other inquiries commissioner Lockard then commissioner her um a couple of things I'd love for you to touch on if you could um we talk about our homeless families and I know that number is is um percentage wise a small number but in our educational system we count homelessness differently can you address that because I think there might be some people just comparison and saying well wait a minute that's that not the number we got from the school district good good point yes um so we do our count to make HUD happy um that's the that's the fun that's requiring us to do account and so we count the people that HUD considers homeless for its funding and the department of education does its count to keep the Department of Education happy and they have two different definitions of who they count the predominant difference is that in the school system homeless also equals unstably Happ Ed which can be people who are cou surfing people who are self-pay in hotels other people who are vulnerable who are about to become homeless whereas with HUD um it's it's a different definition a a more narrow group um and so that's that's the difference I'm glad you asked okay my uh second question has to do with um how much data is being collected when you have these interactions with folks that are unhoused um unsheltered are are we gauging how many of them CH are this is going to sound crazy but are choosing and even if offered a um a sheltered environment would would go Kicking and Screaming because they choose to be in an unsheltered environment versus where are we with that and I'm think I'm thinking about that through the lens of what may be happening in the future with the legislation yeah no it's a good question um that was not asked at this this point in time count um we we did do another uh we did do some work on a particular encampment we were just we just we were working with one um in Orange County just kind of as a a sample we were just trying to figure some things out and start a process and like so we did do some surveys there and the vast majority said they would go if there was a place that they could go especially if they could take possessions all right so you've got people who've lost their houses lost all kind and like they get down to a certain level of possessions that are just hard to let go because that's kind of their bare minimum and so faults who say if I could take my possessions people who say I'm partnered with someone but I don't have children but I don't want to be separated from my partner and the other is I have a pet or pets and when and it's usually dogs not always but it's usually dogs and when you are unsheltered those pets are frequently your alarm system they are they're part security I mean it's emotional also but it's actually just physical safety and people have a hard time being willing to give up that pet in case something happens and they're back out there and then they don't have their alarm system anymore that's a hard ask for people so those are the those are the they others those are the three dominant things that keep people from being willing to come in some of them you you know it's a criminal record they know they can't get in you know things like that um we are getting ready to do another survey of unsheltered people because as we're looking at how do we create more uh 247 sleeping opportunities how do we reduce the barriers we're going to be uh going out and talking to people and really getting a better idea about what are the barriers that uh that the unsheltered population are experiencing um so it's it's an excellent question we'll be getting you more information on that okay thank you commissioner her yeah um Martha I'm pretty sure you said this but the the point in time count is is is simply not an accurate number it just simply not accurate it's one day it's volunteers the fact that we were asked to use less volunteers to justify a revenue stream from the federal government is a lot concerning um how under estimated do you think it is oh commissioner well you know it's unfortunate because you have to report 439 which looks like an absolute number when we all know it's not and and I would say that HUD knows it's not it's a statutory requirement I I understand so it's one that you know a public relations nightmare yeah it is it is a it is a tough it is a tough number um it is you know it's one that gets Medi attention it's easy for people to understand and so it gets a lot of attention and it gives us a snapshot all right so the trajectory is compelling even if even if we say that the some of the increase from 20 24 we should have captured in 2023 it's still a trajectory that aligns with our housing market um and so that is helpful information you know in itself even if we don't get too caught up on the actual numbers the heat in my mind the heat Maps this is something that's newer for us we uh shifted to giving everybody access to doing the point in time count with their phones and so you know when Chris went out to help he could drop a GPS on when where he's interviewing somebody so this you know this help can help us figure figure out how it gives us more information to be more strategic as we make decisions um but I really couldn't tell you what what the undercount is it's you have to find people which you can't always do you know and every we every time you know we go to some campsite we know they're there we know they're sleeping there they just weren't there at the time that we went and sometimes we go back a second time and they're still not there um you also can't count somebody who tells you they're not homeless even if you're really convinced that they are but if they say they're not we we can't say sorry we're counting you anyway um so you know there's there's a couple of hitches you know in in that get along but we we do the best we can and then my next and y'all had great staff that really worked very hard on this thank you you really you really did they uh Carrie and her whole team they were phenomenal what we know is that 80% of the people get counted by 20% of the counters of the enumerators right um so yeah uh your your team was was really good well thank you thank you for saying that do you anticipate that state and federal funding is primarily going to go to new shelters particularly at the state level given this new legislation um so the state increased our challenge Grant by uh 10 million Statewide and the uh DCF gave us a preliminary kind of signal of how they thought those dollars would be spent and then the governor's office got involved and so now they're we're being told that we won't get that contract for probably another couple months um and that it will somehow be tied to unsheltered people experiencing unsheltered homelessness but we don't know exactly how um in its most limiting form it could say you can only spend it on the potential encampments that were laid out in the legislation now the Florida co uh the Florida Housing Coalition determined that for the first year setup of encampments to that to serve everybody who was identified in point and time count as unsheltered last year um it would cost over $400 million Statewide so we got 10 um and so that so we don't know if if it's going to be that limited um or if it will be anything else to serve people who were currently unsheltered or if it will be anything to support shelter to keep people from I I we just we don't know um so we'll let you know and we know well the last thing that I would share is that Martha has been instrumental in working with the team and some of the members of the board at rescue Outreach mission to put together data around what surrounding counties are doing with regard to homelessness uh investment and the investment in R turning people to homes in the local communities and that information will be forthcoming I know Darren and Trisha have been working with Chris and so Martha thank you for that work uh we definitely need your help with that grateful to do anything commissioner delari thank you Mr chairman Martha thank you for all your hard work and I also want to thank Alison and Carrie and her group for all their hard work as well uh you did talk about some additional funding that potentially is coming down from either the state of the feds locally what can we anticipate uh uh the additional funding could be here in seol don't know yet okay when do you think we'll know that couple of months okay so by the end of so they'll they'll give us some Regional dollars it'll you know it'll be for the region um but we don't we don't know how much and we don't know what the eligible uses will be okay but there will be some that we need to be paying attention to correct yeah so I mean hypothetically if they come down and they say it can only be spent on an encampment and if nobody can afford to do an encampment they may not give us any of it okay you know they might they might end up split you know splitting that $10 million between three communities to give them enough to do something I I just I don't know okay thank you yeah I don't I don't think that's going to happen but I've been partnering DCF too long I don't know what'll happen thank you for your honesty well I think I think this is a topic we certainly could probably spend two days going through um information and and there's a lot of entities and this is why it's so important that here locally we embrace our our uh 501c3 and our nonprofits who can help with these needs but but I got to tell you I've looked at this HUD and I've been tracking this HUD deal for 10 15 years it's broken uh the model is is is not specific enough to really get these individuals to where they need to be it it is based on funding models that I would argue all day long is based on keeping people homeless and lacking a lot of the wraparound services that are necessary additional funding for those uh especially in this 18 to 24 year old uh category you know we could drill down to why are they homeless from the standpoint okay they have they parted from a family unit uh for whatever reason uh is it uh some kind of addiction is it mental health is it they're able to work but don't want to work or they have no formal training to work um we could literally drill down through this it's certainly a problem and and I think that you know we got to continue to Foster it local the best we can uh and rely on our our nonprofits to assist us be our eyes and ears out there uh and tell us what's needed as well as our community services people who keep a close pulse on that and do do good work so thank you for those kind words um and moving forward so I think this board has been very very forthcoming and and trying to do what we can do best uh for these Charities and our Our Community Partners and I think we've we've got a a lot of work left to do so I I agree chairman the you know again the the the whole reason for the numbers that the numbers are going up is because you're a growing Community you know and but the infrastructure is hard to keep to keep Pace that you know between 2010 and 2020 Census Bureau says your population grew over 11% your housing number of housing units grew a little over 5% and it's just a number thing you know that just means that there are more people coming in not enough housing for that not you know not enough to maintain so the the nonprofits are doing Valiant incredible work but they cannot solve this right you know it has to be strong Partnerships it has to be strong public private Partnerships and you know uh Chris's organization cannot do anything about the increasing rents in the community right right yeah and I you know I always questioned this point in time count it always struck me as and I actually said it to one of the legislators when I was in DC I'm like okay so HUD does this count and we do it in January okay the weather in January in my community is pretty nice in in in in brainer Minnesota it's not so nice uh and why wouldn't we do a second count you know Midway through the year when when when Dynamics have changed because I've looked at a lot of studies where it amazes me that some of these individuals are actually in a certain Geographic part of the country certain parts of the year but they're 2,000 miles away other parts of the Year and that just baffles me if if the there's such a problem in their life how are they getting other than hitchhiking um or or hitching a ride or getting a a Greyhound bus ride getting from here to there and then coming back here um so so it's very amazing to me that we do this count uh in January uh for any number of reasons right so um our account what we found and um was regionally was that 75% of the people who were un sheltered in this region came from this region the vast majority it is not a you know faults come in here the other 25% some from neighboring counties and you know in all transparency we we see a pop of people from Puerto Rico after they have a storm that's pretty common but that's because they have other family here right people come where they have some level of support they usually don't people are not moving around because they heard that Chris has the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich you know that that's that's just not why folks come they come because they're they they have something there that attracts them and it's not the services um and so the majority of the folks here are are our people right um and and other folks say I know I know folks come here and I got to tell you I was up in within the past year I was up in Joplin Missouri you know where that you remember where that is that's where that big tornado came through and just decimated that and they're still in Rec rate so I was up there and the I kid you not the third person I taught to well where are you from Central Florida I was you got to be kidding yeah but she had family there right fell in hard times and went to go went to go where there was some support right yeah the the from here definition I think is is the big category that really needs to be delved into from the standpoint of you're from here because you moved here two years ago 5 years ago or you've been here in your entire life yeah and and what we ask is what county did you live in the last time you were housed right exactly where where were you when you became homeless right and those are people who were here yeah yeah great very good will we sincerely yep commissioner lockart another inquiry well I just feel like we've got a lot of loose strings right there's a lot of unanswered questions so I would love it if there's consensus from the board that we go ahead and plan on there being a followup I know staff is working diligently um in work groups to try to figure out next steps weeding through the legislation and and I I just feel like we got to go ahead and plan for that I I'm okay if we do or consider a work session at some point but I think for me I would like our staff to really do some deep dive and get things teed up for what is is on point that's exactly what I just asked for because they're doing the Deep dive now and so if we just can work with Darren so that he knows when that's going to be all wrapped up in a a pretty little bow and bring it back for us um so we're not caught off guard we can go ahead and get it scheduled because scheduling is a big thing for us yes we'll go ahead and put that on our longrange agenda actually Trisha Johnson and I are already working on that so great we'll do that okay that's good with everybody MH great very well thank you very much thank you for being here we appreciate it very kindly thank you okay next up is we're going to move to our consent agenda I'm going to ask County attorney Miss Kate Lor to read into the record the rules of public participation good morning everybody Florida law provides that members of the public shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard on propositions before the board of County Commissioners except when the board is acting on emergency or ministerial matters or conducting a meeting exempt from the requirements of the Sunshine Law individuals shall be permitted 3 minutes each for public comment or six minutes when the individual is an official representative of a formal Association or group the chairman May modifi the maximum time for public comment at his sole discretion when appropriate public comments on quasi judicial or other public hearing items will occur during the board's consideration of those items this afternoon public comments on pending procurement matters or on non-agenda items shall not be permitted at this time members of the public Desiring to make public comment must fill out a speaker form and present the form to staff Melanie at the desk in the front forms are available in the lobby thank you uh M Lor we appreciate that very much uh we have consent agenda items 4 through 29 consent agenda item four is constitutional officers count County managers consent agenda is 5 through 29 Mr County Manager are there any changes to your consent agenda thank you Mr chairman commissioner just one item I'd like to pull and that's number 26 and I'll be um bringing that back to you all l number 26 so we have 4 through 25 and 27 through 29 correct any commissioner desire to pull any of the particular items for separate discussion Mr chairman I don't want to pull it I just have a statement about an item okay well do you want to move the consent agenda along first and have a a statement whatever is I'm good either way I I'll tell you I fully support out on number 23 it's about the Tipping floor I think it needs to be done I know it needs to be done but I also know that there are some fire prevention issues with that pump that's in that uh uh transfer station I just want to make sure that our staff uh because it's been a number of years that they've been working on that that we coordinate and allow our staff to coordinate that not hold this up but uh just coordinate it to make sure that it's done on a timely basis that's it okay is there anybody here from the public with a speaker card willing or wishing to speak on consent item agendas m co no no no sir okay thank you I'm you're sitting in theat I'm s just looking at me I'm like I'm just looking and I we appreciate you sitting in for the clerk today so thank you very much Mr chairman like make a motion to approve 4 through 29 excluding 26 second motion second any further discussion all those in favor I oppose like sign caring none carries unanimous that wraps up our consent agenda I do have a request to speak I'm going to take a little latitude as the chair we have an individual um uh here today that was uh perhaps given improper information when a call in came to the county on when the public was allowed to speak uh this individual traveled here uh to speak on behalf of SunRail uh and had some input Mr Tom Conley if you would be kind enough uh Mel if you could assist Mr connley to the podium there you go okay there you go welcome Mr Conley and I sincerely apologize for any misinformation that you may have been given but hopefully we get you and I greatly appreciate you making a cons you know consideration I am sorry I misunderstood whatever the person I was speaking to yesterday on the phone uh I I'm going to be try as quickly within the three minute limit uh if you first give us your full name and your address if you would please sure my first name my name is Thomas Connelly spelled Co n n l l y I live at 552 wind Meadows Street in Altamont Springs uh 32701 very good go ahead and proceed sir uh my reason coming here is that I'm very concerned about what's going on with SunRail because I've been following this project for 20 years first uh with I was working for City Lake Mary for a while and then since I've retired my concern is there's 2.5 million people that are in the service area for SunRail of that only about 2,000 residents a day get on SunRail twice a day five days a week for 250 days a year it amounts to for a year about 1 million people being uh using it but the thing is the number of residents is only about 2,000 to support this the fabox the cxx and Amtrak are all contributing $2 to3 million for a total total of $10 million the cost to run this SunRail has been about 60 million a year that leaves 50 million that needs to be made up by federal state and County taxpayers I think that is excessive it amounts to about $25,000 per resident is what is being necessary so that they can enjoys their SunRail commute I think that the with the city being excuse me the county being asked to become responsible for SunRail through both state and also Federal that with the needs for the county to be very cautious about how this will this service still continue the way it is or should it actually possibly be discontinued because over this 10year period the public has basically said thank you for offering but we are not taking advantage of the compu commuter railroad system many things have happened over my 20 years with this thing a simple example is SE All State College used to have horrible parking problems now all of a sudden 80% of the classes are being given by um what do you call it over the computer so they parking and commuting for that is not uh not there uh there's other changes on we we started this Pro lift in uh uh Uber were not available and also my my children children two of them are get doing their work at their homes they're not going to offices and the last thing is even my wife is now ordering almost not only food but all types of other objects for delivery to our house she doesn't go out and use her car to go to the malls so things are changing I I so I hope that the county with the attorneys and the people coming on board will review what's been going on and uh fix the system or make it discontinue it so it's not a that type of a burden on the taxpayers um thank you Mr Cony thank you thank you very much for being here we sincerely appreciate I would assure you um based on your comments we are watching this very closely things are developing and of course obviously changing commissioner lockart is our leaon for this board uh who who sits on the SunRail uh board and reports back to us this is an Ever evolving thing uh one question I have for you sir are you have you been personally riding it at all do you ride yourself SunRail yes I do not ride it okay just wanted to just wanted to inquire about that thank you very much I think commissioner lockart has a question also sir while you're there well Mr Conley the first time I I saw you speaking publicly was actually down at a SunRail board meeting um I remembered your comments and um actually came back and we're looking very closely at SunRail ridership as well as links ridership both of those um have a significant impact to our budget and involve transporting people around the region so the interesting thing is just this morning uh one of the uh folks from the Florida Department of Transportation sent an update I just wanted to share this with you that he must have sensed that you were planning to be here because he sent uh a a June ridership report so last week this is SunRail the SE June 17th to the 21st ridership increased to more than 23,000 which represents a 177% increase compared to the same time period last year year-to-date ridership retains a significant 10% increase compared to the same time period last year there's also a new ticketing system that thankfully mostly people are using their phones now so we're not printing out so many tickets that's a wonderful welcome to the 21st century um uh update and um there's some other updates in here as well but I wanted to give you those numbers just because they came this morning and they're hot off the presses so thank you I'll be I'll wait here until after the meeting if I could talk to you directly I'd appreciate it absolutely by the way I I I don't want I think everybody at SunRail has been doing everything possible to try to make this a successful project it's just the public is not coming out for it and it's it's a tragedy actually it's a sad situation because Mo you know I and many other when we in this project we romantic ideals but when you get after 10 years you got to look at the numbers and say ah I wish it was better but it's just not sorry we understand I don't want to fault the SunRail people I think they have been really trying hard oh I don't think they take it personally at all thank you Mr I have also yes I've attended you know several of the meetings up there and express the same same concern but I'm living in the county I'm worried about you know the impact on the particularly the county and I'm a taxpayer I pay federal state and County taxes as as we are again thank you very much for being here and I would encourage you uhu I'm sure commissioner lockart would be happy to spend a few moments with you uh during the break okay before we take our morning recess anything else from the board pictures anything from PI senior just your pictures yep we've got photo ops coming up next um I think we'll go ahead and recess and take photos um so we'll remain in recess till 1:30 this afternoon the photo ops will take place right now anybody that wants those pictures come on down thank you all [Music]