[Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening this is the February 7th 2024 seminal County Planning and Zoning commission meeting please stand for the pledge of allegiance of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all this board is a seven member board appointed by the board of County Commissioners a quorum has been established Lish to hold tonight's meeting public hearing items acted upon by this board are referred to the board of County Commissioners for further consideration board members present tonight are uh me Vice chairman Mike Loren commissioner uh Carissa lhong uh commissioner Tim Smith commissioner lordis um aguera commissioner well our new commissioner Brandy iolo and commissioner Richard German staff present tonight are uh Rebecca hammock uh development services director uh Dale Hall planning and development manager Desmond Morell senior assistant County attorney valdemir simosi hopefully I got that right development review engineering manager Joy gills principal planner Tammy Brushwood pnz board Clark tonight's meeting will go as follows staff will introduce the item the applicant will present the item audience members wishing to speak will then be heard please complete a comment card which I see we have at least one um and give it to the clerk if you wish to speak comment cards are located in the lobby speakers should restrict their comments to information directly related to the items being discussed audience speakers will then have 3 minutes to speak or 6 minutes if representing a group when called speakers should approach the microphone provide their name and address for the record the board may ask questions of the speaker after all speakers have been heard public comments will be closed the applicant will be given the chance for rebuttal any items shown such as videos presentations pictures or Maps must be left with the clerk for public record items shown from Electric devices should be emailed to the clerk a motion will be made uh and seconded board discussion may occur and conclude with a vote I will request a roll call vote for any split votes all right for the agenda items uh the first item on the agenda is to approve uh publication do I have a motion motion second all those in favor I all those opposed seems like none motion passes uh next approval of minutes motion to approve second all those in favor I I all right all those opposed none uh that passes all right so next our first uh and only public hearing item is uh Stanford Avenue smallscale future land use map Amendment and uh Joy gills will be presenting good evening Joy GES principal planner for the Planning and Development Division the applicant has requesting approval of the Sanford Avenue small scale feature land use map Amendment from public qu Public quasa public to medium density residential on approximately 0.37 Acres uh located on the east side of Stanford Avenue approximately 800 ft north of South Ronald rean Boulevard my glasses on here uh the purpose of the future land use amendment is to to correct the inconsistency between the future L use and the in the existing R1 single family dwelling zoning classification in order to construct two single family homes the existing public quasi public future land use is reserved for public and private Recreation as well as educational and Public Safety facilities private residential development is not um currently permitted however the requested medium density residential fature Lan use does support the existing R1 zoning classification the subject site is comprised of two vacant Lots within an Antiquated plat which was approved in 1954 the individual Lots do not currently meet the existing R1 zoning districts minimum lot size of 8,400 square ft and minimum lot width of 70t at building line however both lots are Parcels of record and are eligible for a building permit the subject property is also located within the East Altamont Target area per policy flew 4.3 of the comprehensive plan the county shall consider code changes to allow for infill or Redevelopment of existing lots of parcels of record within the target area on a caseby Case basis the site is located within the city of Altamont Springs Utility service area for water however sewer lines are not currently available so the the Lots will have to connect to public utilities for water and septic will be provided for their sewage the requested medium density residential feature land use is consistent with the simal county comprehensive plan and the trend of development the area you'll see to the north east and south of the property is also medium density residential with R1 zoning classification uh in compliance with the simal County Land Development code the applicant did conduct a community meeting on December 14th of 20123 and the details of that meeting are in your agenda package a staff recommends that the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting a smallscale future land use map Amendment from public quasi public to medium density residental itial on approximately 0.37 Acres located on the east side of Sanford Avenue approximately 800 ft north of South Ronald Reagan Boulevard thank you excellent thank you uh is there um any questions of staff I just Joy after they get the complant amendment then they got to still come back for zoning is that the way this is going to work no their zoning is actually in place it's R1 single family residential oh it exists okay yes so they can build under R1 and and the surrounding zoning is also R1 I see that was in conflict with the yeah got it yes okay any other questions uh is the applicant present would they like to present it's up to you if you would like to present or we'll give you the opportunity if there's any public comments or you can do now either way okay okay okay so I don't think she wants okay all right um all right so I guess the next thing is we'll move to public comments um so I do have two up here that I think are from the same person uh Christina Watkins uh are you present and would you like to speak in favor or opposed or and well first can you um come up to state your name and um and address thank you appreciate it good evening everyone my name is Christine Watkins I live at 639 Lake Mobile Drive in altamount Springs and the reason why I submitted both forms is because I needed some clarity in terms of uh and it was clarified when it was mentioned that uh there are two will be two separate lots and therefore I'm still kind of on the fence with it nonetheless um I have some questions that maybe somebody can answer because uh as a subdivision name always been Homeville yes ma'am that's the name of the plats okay oh and can we start the clock by Chance the three minute ohes yeah just want make okay thank you trust me I down uh would you answer that again for me please I'm sorry yeah I think it was the um the staff was it if You' ask if home bill was always the name yes that was the plat a name oh okay thank you uh what are the steps after this what occurs yes ma'am so so the next step in the process for the land use Amendment approval would be be the board of County Commissioners they would be the deciding factor of the land use change if that is approved then the applicant can go to building permits okay [Music] um is there a map that indicates Blake Street uh yes if you look up there Show You Blake Street is right to the north of that orange area Okay um now some of the homes in there lots are in the subdivision of Lula Blake revision um where does it stop for home bill in terms of the subdivision or where where does it start I can show [Music] this is touy okay okay ma'am so the the parcels the subject Parcels for tonight are right here this is Parcels seven and eight and then these Lots further north are all part of the plat so they are part of Homeville yes ma'am what about on Blake Street going towards Ronald Reagan south of Ronald Reagan okay because those homes are those properties are considered in Lula Blake revision U so Blake Street is further north so this is where the subdivision for these Lots ends okay and then this would be a different uh plat okay now the existing homes that are on Blake Street where do they get their water uh I I'm not sure I don't have that information I I don't believe lines are in in the area even in this area so they would most likely receive their water from the city of Altamont I'm assuming well based on what I found it indicated it's FG it's the Florida government who told it oh it's FG what does that that's the florid government okay which is a government entity that manag the water system in the area okay maybe a small area it may have been part of of a private system in the past okay usually this FG the state will take over and they will manage it from that point on they Associated to the county or to the city at some point okay all right thank you because there's an adjacent subdivision that get their water and it's huge and that get their water and based on the map that I looked at it has the same spot that the Blake people would uh get their water so I'm thinking that they probably won't be part of the alter Mount Springs but that's neither here nor there uh what else what else I think I'm done am I under my 3 minutes you are well I'm good thank you thank you thank you very much thank you uh do we have any other uh public comments or can we close public comments seeing none that's all right I'm going to go ahead and wait I have one more question joy since there's there's two existing lots that don't meet R1 size requirement yes they're just grandfathered in is that what happens yes um under the comprehensive plan uh policy flu 4.3 because they are within the target area they are grandfathered in okay so to close public comments um to the applicant want to uh review it all or present it's your option and chairman if it's okay just for additional clarification to respond to commissioner German's uh comment uh for the record Rebecca hammock development services director lots of record which were platted prior to 1991 are considered lots of record and and they are um grandfather in so this was ploted prior to the adoption of the seal County comprehensive plan thank you thank you for that um so I'm with Habitat for Humanity uh we were donated this property by simal County um we're very grateful for it we are looking to develop a single family residence um it is zoned for the Quasi public and we're hoping to rezone it to be able or the land use amendment to be able to develop single family homes um it would be an affordable we put an affordable home buyer into the home um we would like to even go further and look at a lot split um it kind of matches what's in the existing area of the two lots that are already plotted um but we wanted to focus on the land use Amendment first understood appreciate that yeah that's really all that I had we we didn't really get any um negative feedback from the cap meeting we were able to explain to everybody what we wanted to do um habitat we BET our home buyers so we only put people in the homes that have gone through extensive um training to own a home um they typically have to get about 150 hours to even pick their lot so these are people that take very good care of the homes because they have to work so hard for them so we typically see them really um this creates General generational wealth for our home buyers and they really are an asset to the community so is there any questions for the applicant from the board okay thank you thank you any discussion or a motion or Mr chairman I have a motion uh recommend the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting a small scale future land use map Amendment from Public quas public to medium density residential on approximately. 37 Acres located on the east side of Sanford Avenue approximately 800 ft north of South rold ran Boulevard second second I second okay um all those in favor I I anybody oppose no motion passes unanimously all right um so that's uh it's our one item for today uh closing business we've got a director's report Rebecca um do you have anything for the board tonight sure um I wanted to introduce myself to a couple of the the new members we um have two new members here tonight um again I'm Rebecca hammock I'm the development services director um so my department includes the Planning and Development Division which is the team that prepares the agenda for the Planning and Zoning commission we do have a new Planning and Development Division manager um which I would like to introduce tonight um he is replacing Mary moscowitz um this is Dale Hall and I'll have him come up and introduce himself and say a few words and then I have a couple of other updates following that perfect thanks Rebecca I am Dale Hall I'm the new uh development services manager and de our planning and development manager so I wanted to say that uh I'm introd ucing myself to all of you tonight for the first time and I'm Midway through my third week so I'm still you know working with staff learning staff and learning our processes Rebecca has been very nice to me to um allow me to uh adjust and and get to know our processes and I'm sure she'll push me off the cliff very soon and I look forward to working with the Planning Commission and the board and the citizens in the near future thank you just out of curiosity where'd you come from I was born in Maryland no no no I'm talking about you you most recently I came from the City of Newport Richie which is on the GF west of Orlando a great little small town so so any others so we can start your training at our next meeting exactly exactly thanks thanks welcome so we we're happy to have Dale here so welcome aboard Dale um the other couple of of uh items I have um as you know we just finally adopted amendments to the Land Development code um so they will be effective April 1st so any applications that were submitted prior to April 1st can um be reviewed and approved based on Land Development code updates um but as of April 1st the new regulations will be in place and um we are planning on having in the spring sometime we'll be having a orientation training where we have the ethics training and then we also have um just a general planning uh 101 Planning and Zoning commission training so for any of the new members we'll have that and I believe um for the two new Commissioners uh Tammy did send out um a welcome email with a lot of the items but if you do have any questions let us know and if in the future if there's if you want briefings on any of the agenda items and this goes for any of the Commissioners if you want any a briefing you can reach out to me you can can reach out to Dale or the project manager we're happy to discuss the uh the items with you so and I'd be happy to take any questions um from the commission and but other than that that concludes my report okay any other discussions is everybody good good thank you all right meeting adjourned chair if I if I could hey um I was speaking to a few of you all before the meeting but I just wanted to go on record and indicating that this will be my last Planning and Zoning meeting with Simo County um I've accepted a position in Orange County um but I did want to thank you all for the time spent together I want to welcome the new members I think you all are in excellent hands with this board um as well as our uh wonderful staff here um but if there's anything that I can do in the future uh feel free to look me up um pretty easily accessible but I did want to thank you all for uh your professionalism during all of this so thanks a lot be messed up just one quick are you sure you want to go to one i i i well the the bigger your question is can I go back to my wife and tell her that yeah I said no to you know so a good opportunity there you go thank you of course thank you all all right [Music] [Music]