##VIDEO ID:RsqsXFHh_oQ## n [Music] the December 4th 2024 s County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance un States this is a seven member board appointed by the border of County Commissioners a quorum has been established to hold tonight's meeting public hearing items acted upon by this board are referred to the Border County Commission for further consideration board members present tonight are myself chairman Dan Lopez to my left Carissa laern to her left commissioner Tim Smith to his left commissioner lordis Ager to my right uh commissioner Richard German and to his right commissioner Brandy I Apolo staff present tonight are Jose Gomez development services Chief administrator Rebecca hammock director Nissa borer Deputy County attorney Vladimir simonovski development review engineer manager joyy GES principal planner Annie silway senior planner Maya aenis senior planner Hillary Peyton planner Tammy Brushwood pnz board clerk tonight's meeting will go as follows staff will introduce an item the applicant will present their item audience members wishing to speak will then be heard audience participation requires each speaker complete a comment card you'll find these out in the uh in the lobby and uh give it to the clerk please comment cards are located in the lobby please indicate on the comment form whether you would like to make an oral comment written comments will also be accepted speakers should restrict their comments to information directly related to the item being heard when called speakers should approach the microphone clearly stating their name and address for the record the board may ask questions of the speaker after all speakers have been heard public comment will be closed the applicant will be given a chance for rebuttal any item shown such as videos presentations pictures or Maps must be left with the clerk for public record items shown from electronic devices should be emailed to the clerk a motion will be made and seconded where discussion may occur and conclude with a vote I will request a roll call for any split votes the first item on the agenda is approval of proof of Publications do I I have a motion motion to approve I have a motion to approve do I have a second second all in favor I I next on the agenda is going going to be the approval of the minutes do I have a motion motion go ahead motion to approve second have a motion to approve and a second all in favor I I I the eyes have it all right next item on the agenda the public hearing items agenda item number one 995 Mill or drive special exception pton presenting good evening Hillary Peyton Planning and Development this item is a request for a special exception at 9.95 Miller Drive for an outdoor recreational area at an existing Warehouse in the M1 zoning District on 6.8 Acres located on the west side of Miller Drive south of North Street the property is approximately 6.8 Acres with a warehouse on the Eastern side the Western vacant side of the parcel is the proposed location for the two concrete slabs for the outdoor recreational area the recre ational area will be used for the by the property owners employees and their families the first lab will be utilized as a handball court and will be approximately 80 ft by 52 ft with a concrete wall erected along the middle of it the wall will be 43 ft wide 16 ft tall and 8 in thick the slab will be constructed approximately 13 ft from the north property line the second slab will be used as a basketball court and picnic area it'll be located 15 1/2 ft East from the handball court slab and will be approximately 70 ft by 50 ft it'll be constructed approximately 25 ft from the north property line the hours of operation for the recreational area will be dawned to dust 7 days a week therefore wired lighting will not be utilized a site plan will be required showing compliance with the Land Development code and all other applicable code requirements upon approval of the special exception the property will be required to provide a retention area for the new impervious site in compliance with the Land Development code section 3.3.5 community meeting procedure the applicant conducted a community meeting on October 2nd 2024 this concludes my presentation V for any questions thank you does the board have any questions for staff all right see none uh is the applicant present please come up and if you would please state your name and address for the record hello my home address or the business address I guess the business address 995 Miller Drive Altima Springs Florida 32701 thank you is there anything you would like to add um no she explained it well I mean it's just it's a handle court for our family okay excellent any questions from the board see none all all right um at this time we're opening up for a public comment is there any from anybody from the audience who wishes to speak on this matter I don't have any comment cards at this point all right seeing none we'll close public comment at this point is there any discussion or I'm willing to accept a motion from the board okay Mr chairman I'll make a motion um to recommend the board of County Commissioners approve the special exception for an outdoor recreational area at an existing Warehouse in the M1 zoning District on 6.8 Acres with the following conditions a the special exception granted applies only to the outdoor recreational area as depicted on the special exception site plan B the layout of the proposed uses must be substantially consistent with that which is depicted on the special exception site plan attached to the development order as exhibit a C prior to the issuance of development permits a final site plan that meets the requirements of all other applicable code requirements including chapter 40 of the Land Development code must be approved D this development order will expire one year after approval unless a development permit based upon an incorporating the special exceptions obtained within the one-year period one six-month extension may be granted by the border County Commissioners e the outdoor recreational area is only for use by the property owners employees of the warehouse and their families F the outdoor recreational area will only be used from dawn to dusk 7 days a week G there will not be any sight lighting for the outdoor recreational area and H the concrete slabs cannot be increased in size nor can any additional impervious be added to the site without the board of County Commissioner's approval all right thank you for that very lengthy right second motion we have we have a motion to approve we have a second any further discussion on this special acception seeing none all in favor I the eyes have it thank you thank you very much thank you moving on to item number two of the agenda the Sanford commercial development PD reone Annie silway will be presenting good evening uh for the record Annie silway with development services um the applicant is requesting a reone from C2 General commercial to PD plan velopment to allow for C2 General commercial uses toel to develop two restaurants with drive-through facilities with a maximum Building height of 35 ft the subject property has a future land use designation of higher intensity plan development Target industry which allows a maximum floor area ratio of 1.5 the the PD proposes C2 General commercial permitted uses which would allow for such uses as restaurants with drive-through facilities medical and dental clinics and office uses the subject property is within the State Road 46 Gateway Corridor overlay District the applicant is proposing to meet all requirements within the overlay District such as but not limited to providing a 25- ft wide landscape buffer adjacent to State Road 46 providing a 50-ft building setback adhering to a maximum Building height of 35 ft and complying with all signage lighting and Landscape requirements under the proposed PD zoning District the applicant is requesting a waiver from the simal county Land Development code for parking stall size um under Section 30.11.2011 ft the applicant proposes all parking spaces to be a minimum stall size of 9 ft by 18 ft the subject site appears to contain approximately 5 Acres of flood plane on the subject property and approximately 1.5 Acres of wetlands on site a topographical survey showing the flood plane and Wetland delineation will be required at the time of the final development plan the proposed PD zoning designation and the associated Master development plan have been evaluated for compatibility with the Land Development code of simol county in accordance with Chapter 30 part 8 staff has determined that the request is consistent with the surrounding trend of development in the area and would result in a greater benefit to the county and is consistent with the simal County Land Development code as follows based on the existing development around the subject site it is compatible with the surrounding uses of C2 in the area intensity of the commercial uses within a plan development are measured in terms of floor area ratio and shall be consistent with the maximum floor area ratio for the development site established in the comprehensive plan and the subject site has an existing F of 1.5 based on the existing future land use of hip TI and then the proposed development is in character with what is currently established along the segment of the State Road 46 Gateway Corridor which primarily consists of commercial higher intensity plan development Target industry uses and office the request is consistent with the Land Development code of simol county in the surrounding area the proposed project supports the objectives of the PD zoning designation in that it provides the required minimum 25% open space proposes sufficient buffering to maintain compatibility between the proposed development and adjacent properties proposes a maximum Building height and building setbacks under the simal county future land use designation and allowable zoning districts the applicant is required to rezone the subject site to PD to be compatible with the future land use of hip TI per policy flu 4.5.3 small freestanding single or multi-use commercial operations are permitted along major collector and arterial roads on properties with the hip TI futur land use designation when commercial uses are are the predominant existing use along the roadway in both directions of the project site staff finds the existing hip TI fature land use designation with a maximum F of 1.5 and the proposed uses of C2 zoning district is consistent and compatible with the surrounding trend of development in the area staff requests the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting a rezone from C2 General commercial to PD plan development for two restaurants with drive-through facilities on approximately 5 18 Acres located on the northeast side of East State Road 46 approximately um 1500 ft east of I4 and that concludes my presentation thank you excuse me thank you very much do we have any questions from the board for staff yeah Annie um what is the applicant's justification or reasoning I guess for the request for the smaller parking spots um throughout um there was not a justification given it was just a request of waiver that they would like to ask for great any other questions from the board all right seeing none is the applicant present yes please state your name and address for the record thank you Rebecca Wilson 215 North theola Drive here on behalf of the the owner and applicant I appreciate uh Annie's report uh and just to to get into the question that was asked about the size of the parking spaces uh this property has uh a portion of it that is going to be undevelopable because of uh the need for compensating storage and so instead of coming to the county and asking to reduce the parking count we thought that asking to instead reduce the width uh would be a good way for us to be able to provide for the needed parking and when you look at that actual size there are a lot of other jurisdictions that allow that as their standard size for for parking and then just to address with regard to the PD and and the requirement that the request be consistent with the surrounding area um this piece of property is situated in between the Chick-fil-A and the Wawa as you're headed west on on um 46 before you get to to I4 so it it is an area that is is heavily commercial um likely we will only build one restaurant with drive-thru I know the request mentions two um with the secondary use just being something that complies with C2 because I don't I don't think we'll actually be able to get to restaurants and drive-throughs on there but that was just the max um that we included but the PD is for C2 uses great thank you very much thanks happy to answer any questions all right any other questions from the board [Applause] all right see that thank you so much let's open it up for a public comment anybody from the audience wish to speak on this matter seeing none we'll close public comment um we'll go ahead and uh open enough for any discussion with the board and also willing to entertain a motion uh Mr chairman I'll um um move that we recommend the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting a reone from C2 General commercial 2 PD plan development for two restaurants with drive through facilities on approximately 5.18 Acres located on the north side of uh East State Road 46 approximately 1500 ft east of I4 with the associated development order and to include the parking waiver second thank you very much we have a motion to approve with a second any further discussion seeing none all in favor hi hi hi the eyes have it thank you all right third item on the agenda is going to be the eego pass rezone Annie silway presenting good evening for the record Annie silway senior planner for development services um the applicant is requesting a reone from A1 agriculture to C3 heavy commercial and very light Industrial in order to develop the subject property for an office and self- storage facility and compliance with with the C3 zoning District which permits general office commercial and wholesale distribution storage and light manufacturing the requested rezone is for approximately 9.40 Acres located on the west side of State Road 426 at Eagle Pass Road the buffer requirements will be determined at the time of site plan review and the requested C3 heavy commercial and very light industrial zoning classification requires a minimum of 25% open space the request is consistent with the land development code of simol County with chapter 30 part 43 and is compatible with the surrounding trend of development in the area the zoning to the east and south is C2 General commercial and the West is the Alro Metals PD plan development of the site that allows for office and Self Storage use subject property has an industrial future land use designation which allows a maximum floor area ratio of 65 and permits the requested C3 zoning District the purpose and intent of the existing industrial future land use is to identify locations for a variety of heavy commercial and Industrial land use oriented towards wholesale distribution storage manufacturing and other industrial uses this land use should be located with direct access to rail systems collector and Aral arterial roadways allows infill development where this use is established and has direct access to State Road 426 a a minor arterial roadway that is consistent with the comprehensive plan which consists of industrial commercial and office use um in compliance with simal County Land Development code um community meeting procedure a community meeting was held on October 14th 2024 um which the details of the community meeting have been placed in your agenda package so staff requests the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting a rezone from A1 agriculture to C3 heavy commercial and very light industrial for approximately 9.4 Acres located on the west side of State Road 426 at eal Pass Road and that concludes my presentation thank you very much any questions from the board for staff all right see none thank you uh is the applicant present yes good evening if you state your name and address for the record please Larry Jordan 1507 blue water run thank you anything you would like to add or present no I think that uh Annie's done a good job thank you and appreciate the help and we're just looking to have the resoning done on the property for some future use as she stated and some storages uh our business office is going to be there and then uh possibly some warehouses if we have to depending on the uses and uh that we can have in the property great thank you thank you very much any questions from the board for the applicant see none all right we'll go ahead and open it up for public comment if you could send the uh the Green Card back please okay do we have a Ronald Manco available here all right please come up sir and state state your name and address for the record [Applause] please my name is is Ronald Manco I live at 2350 Church Street Ido which is on the if you're looking at the uh diagram on the screen now I'm on the opposite side of State Road 426 one second sir if you could start the timer please thank you very much I apologize I live on uh opposite side of State Road 426 if you're looking at the diagram on the screen that would be uh below the right hand corner my concern with uh the property in question is uh not so much the zoning request but the drainage there's a canal uh which begins way back by Aloma woods and runs um behind Wentworth subdivision through Wentworth subdivision which is adjacent to me across the back of my property across uh the tazinski garage which is um I can't see if it's on there or not but right where the canal crosses underneath 426 it exits onto the property in question here I've watched the drainage here for many years I lived on my property for 42 years and never had an issue with drainage until hurricane Ian two years ago when my home flooded about 2 feet deep I've studied the water drainage a lot in this area and I'm pretty much convinced myself that right now the the the only bottleneck left is on this property and that there are a couple of small coverts with which this canal needs to pass through and then one additional Culvert that goes under Eagle Pass road I think it probably belongs to the county I'm not sure who owns it but those calverts um are the pinch points for this canal the canal as it passes my property and further down my neighbors and along Mr tazinsky property is approximately I would say 10 to 12 maybe even 15 ft wide in some places and three to 4 ft deep and when we get heavy rains it fills up and then it's forced to go through these culverts on the subject property and under the one under eagle passroad and I believe those culverts are only 30 or 36 in in diameter so it's a real pinch point there um as I mentioned I flooded during Hurricane Ian I flooded this past year or couple months ago under hurricane Milton as well um so obviously you can see why I have a concern about the drainage in this area 42 years on this property and and only those two events put us under but I believe that especially now since outroad development has improved the canal on the other side of this property uh again I think this property becomes the pinch point I don't object to the reason I just like some assurances that the drainage will be improved thank you thank you sir any questions from the [Applause] board is there anybody else from the audience that would like to speak on the matter all right seeing none uh is the applicant um um interested in addressing the uh the audience's concerns the CSE that uh was mentioned by the uh neighbor um is actually that was put in by the county um way back um years back the pro the the covers are 36 in actually and the requirement for the Improvement of the property behind us um was actually the same size of piping that went in to those lines so according to what was required by the county I have one question is there a drainage easement underlying those CTS in that flow way currently they there there won't be any construction where they are when they are I mean is there currently an easement that exists there to benefit like the there is no there is no Asen it's in part inside of our property and uh the county asked permission to improve them and that's when they installed the coverts when the previous owner was in the property we didn't own it at that point so when you develop the property you'll protect the flow way in some fashion maybe including putting an easement for that absolutely okay yes okay any other questions from the board all right thank you sir all right at this point uh we'll close oh is there anybody else from the audience that wishes to speak give one more opportunity uh see none all right we'll go ahead and close public comment at this point uh we'll open up for discussion from the board and also willing to entertain a motion I'll make a motion to recommend to the board of County Commissioners to adopt the ordinance enacting a reone from A1 agricultural to C3 heavy commercial and very light industrial for approximately 9.4 Acres located on the west side of State Road 426 at Eagle Pass Road second we have a motion to approve and is second any further discussion seeing none all in favor I eyes have it thank you all right moving on to item number four on the agenda the seol signed school expansion small scale future land and use map Amendment and PD rezone Annie Sil present good evening for the record Annie silway senior planner for development services the applicant is requesting a smallscale future land use map Amendment from mixed use development and low density residential to plan development and a rezone from A1 Agriculture and C2 General commercial to PD plan development in order to develop the subject property as an expansion to the existing seminal science Public Charter School located on the parcel directly north of the subject site lying within the jurisdiction of the City of Lake Mary the PD proposes a two-story Public Charter School for grades 6 through 12 with a gross floor area of 73,9 Ft a maximum Building height of 40 ft with an overall maximum floor area ratio of50 an accessory use to the school will be a recreational field that is approximately 44,500 ft there proximately 06 Acres of wetlands and 04 Acres of flood plane on site Redevelopment of the site will address storm water runoff and Mitigation Of The Wetlands the applicant proposes to develop a portion of the wet wet retention pond on the parcel directly adjacent to the east of the subject site known as lot two of the Victoria Square subdivision located within the City of Lake Mary's jurisdiction an an interlocal agreement has been drafted between the City of Lake Mary and simol County that the per that permits and review and permitting between the county and the city for lot two the interlocal agreement was approved by the City of Lake Mary Commission on September 19th 2024 the interlocal agreement has been included for reference in the agenda package the interlocal agreement will be placed on the December 10th 2024 uh excuse me January 14th 2024 BCC meeting to approve um with this small scale futur land ju and PD zone the subject property is located in the simol County Utility service area and will be required to connect to Public Utilities however lot two is within the City of Lake Mary service area and the City of Lake Mary has granted permission to simol County to serve this project via a letter from the city of Lake Mary since simal county has connection to Utilities in the immediate vicinity the applicant provided a traffic study and no additional turning lanes are required for the proposed development cross access easement between the subject site and the existing school to the north will be established at the time of site plan review um landscape buffers are proposed around the entire property boundary review criteria for the plan development as per the simal County Land Development code section 30.8 point5 point3 States in approving a plan development the board of County Commissioners shall affirm that the proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan um greater benefits Innovation criteria in addition PD zoning may be approved only when the board determines that the proposed development cannot be reasonably implemented through existing provisions of this code and that a PD would result in a greater benefit to the county than development under conventional zoning District regulations such greater benefits much must include two or more of the following the first benefit is crime prevention the design of the proposed School building allowing pedestrian and roadway access around the entire building for parents and students to drive around the site this would allow more eyes around the school to allow for visibility of public spaces to reduce and prevent crime and the second benefit is neighborhood and Community amenities the applicant is providing an extension to the existing school which provides a community amenity the proposed project supports the objective of the plan development zoning designation and the master development plan provides permitted use uses which are limited to a school and related accessory use provides sufficient buffering to maintain compatibility between the existing development and the adjacent properties provides defined hours of operation to protect the surrounding areas from noise that may come from student pickup and drop off and the operation of the recreational field architectural renderings have been provided and the building will be developed based on the renderings provided to show the design and placement of the building of the proposed Charter School site and they are providing a 25% open space the applicant did conduct a community meeting on October 1st 2024 staff finds the proposed plan development future land use designation and the plan development zoning classification to be consistent with the comprehensive plan so staff requests the board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed smallscale future land use map Amendment and concurrent rezone as per the following based on staff's findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing the board finds the request does not does meet the identified portions of the comprehensive plan and move to adopt the requested smallscale future land use map Amendment from higher intensity plan development Target industry to plan development and second based on staff's findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing the board finds the request is does meet the identified portions of the seminal County Land Development code and moves to adopt the request reone from uh topi and the associated development order and master development plan and that concludes my presentation thank you very much does the board have any questions for Steph all right see none is the applicant present yes please state your name and address for the record please good evening chair well Bren Spain theak and Spain 1809 Edgewater Drive Orlando Florida uh 32804 and I have the uh privilege of being here on behalf of the seminal science Charter School obviously we're in support of Miss sway's uh staff report we do have a brief PowerPoint presentation to run through and each of you should have a hard copy of it I think you you may have to all right so on the front sheet that's our entire development team everyone's here this evening if you have any questions we also have Target dervish our transportation consultant is here this evening as well uh next page this you saw in the staff presentation this is the general location you can see we're on 1792 north of Ronald Reagan Boulevard next and then this is a aerial so obviously the site is in the hashmarks it consists of three separate Parcels totaling 7.85 Acres next and then we have split Lanes on it we also have split zoning so you'll see the yellow on the west side of the site is ldr low density residential and then the beige color nxd is mixed juice on the property next and then here you can see the rather unique split zoning that's on the property we have A1 on the majority of the West and then on the East and Southeast we have C2 commercial zoning and as Miss silway indicated you have two requests before you this evening one is a small scale plan amendment to go from the ldr and mixed use feature L use category to PD and then a companion rezoning application to go from A1 and C2 to PD as well and then the development obviously as a PD will be governed by its Master development plan uh some key things to mention about the op operator Orland science stem school was founded in 2008 serves orange seal and aola County they have five schools presently serving more than 5,000 students and every school in their network has an a rating as of 224 the seminal Science Center charter school which this is an expansion of presently is a K8 school has 540 students and has been a-rated since 2016 this is one of the architectural renderings that was in Miss sway's presentation this is the front of the school building again the expansion is to house grades 6 through 12 it will have a maximum enrollment of 970 students and will be a companion to the existing School building which will transition to become a K through five the operating hours of the school you can see are Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and then the field operations Monday through Saturday 7 a.m. to actually 9 900 p.m. next this is the master development plan obviously the small print can't be read there but some of the things I want to walk through are the traffic circulation uh and the site details so if we can go to the next page so again you have a 73,000 ft² twostory building capped at 40 ft for the development order a single family residential is 35 ft so we're not looming over any nearby residential homes and again we we have bicycle and pedestrian circulation on the site it's hard to see in that rendering but if you look sort of in the north of our on-site stormw water Pond you can see some white there that's the connecting sidewalk system that wraps around the storm water outside the storm water system to the existing School facil you also have uh the queuing that wraps all the way around the building in multiple Lanes we have Landscaping perimeter buffers and again we have the on-site uh storm water retention pond on the east side of the site next and Miss silway touched upon this but Mr gerish did a traffic impact analysis for the project there were a couple key things I wanted to mention one they did a turn lane analysis and no turn lane was deemed necessary they also ran through a queuing uh analysis on site to ensure that none of the traffic would back out onto the roadway and the U Synchro analysis confirmed that the queuing on the site is sufficient and you'll see on the last bullet point there we have 4,400 linear feet of queuing storage for vehicle uh student drop off and pickup that can accommodate approximately 17 vehicles at any given time next and again this is just a rendering of our site plan showing the que lines you can see they there are multiple entrances into the site and then the queuing wraps all the way around the recreational field on the west and then comes up the east side of the recreational field on the north side of the building for drop off and pickup next on the adjacency uh some of the buffering was mentioned you can see there's a lot of existing vegetation on the west side of the site as well as on the east side of the site and then north of our property there's an existing 60 foot RightWay you can see that in the purple on there and it's difficult to read on the slide but the distance from the building to the property our property line is 83 ft and then the distance from our building to the north northern side of that existing RightWay is 143 ft and then along that opening where you see the green proposed enhanced landscape buffer we're proposing enhanced plantings in that area of 25% above the Land Development code requirements and then this is just our summation we submit that the proposed charter school project is a perfect infill development used for the subject site and is a logical expansion of the existing charter school facility that is adjacent to the Northeast uh with that we certainly support staff's detailed findings in their staff report and recommendation of approval and we respectfully ask for your recommendation of approval both on the small scale plan Amendment and the concurrent rezoning and we have our entire team here for any questions thank you very much any questions at all from the board for the applicant all right see thank you we're opening up for public discussion I got a couple of comment cards here that have been filled out uh first Dell feras yes so I only have three minutes he had six minutes if you could state your name and address for the r please the applicant they get more time so they get more time I understand um address 315 Court Lake Mary Florida I have lived there since 1998 uh going through the list of concerns the major one is traffic I saw that study that study was done in the morning and in the afternoon from someone who has a degree in industrial systems engineering a one-time look at traffic is insufficient that is doesn't cut it having live there traffic is horrendous right now Lake Mary Police Department shows up there on a regular basis so how come none of that was ever discussed anyway going through the list the uh the pick up and drop off and wam is already a problem um if you extended it's just going to get worse into Ronald Reagan the visual impact the proposed multi-story structure is a directly view I we live right behind that so you're going to put this big building with lights right behind our house what are you going to do to our property value going on the parking lot and the blockade issues without proper mechanism there at the end of the car as car goes through Pew Street for d off for drop off and pick up you have all these issues I'm sorry I'm trying to go as fast as I can I only had three minutes the excessive noise no I can already hear the noise at the school the way it is now so you're going to make a high school schol what are you going to do I mean it's going to be to the point where we're going to have to stay in our house not sit by the pool because the now the noise is so loud the EnV environmental study there's been no environmental study there's a it's a green space right behind there so has anybody ever done anything about it the parking overflow it's already a disaster when you go in there in that strip mall has anybody been to that strip mall okay residential usage because there's back up then the traffic now goes into the development where people make urns in order to get back into that strip mall okay is there any Assurance on Pew street that it it will not be an entry point or an exit point because traffic will be so bad the increase service traffic um School maintenance the deliveries and other services likely will impact because it's now going to be a full High School you're going to have parents you're going to have student drivers traffic is going to be horrendous other issues the flooding issues back there by Pew there at a continuous basis we have flooding are you going to do something about that issue or is it just going to be something that we have to live by um okay the wetlands and the pumping state who's going to address that would that be taken away from our homeowners association and the county will take over I'll let all my other friends take over thank you very much sir okay I have a second uh comment card here from John melan good evening sir please state your name and address for the record yeah it's John mclen 409 Lake Road Lake Mary Florida 32746 uh I have some concerns too I live in uh the neighborhood and um I what what what is exactly how close do you have to be to get invited to the community meeting because I literally live a quarter mile from it and I did not know anything about a community meeting number two is uh I spoke with the SE County Public Schools facilities to find out what size of a anage they would need for a k through 12 school to even start the site would have to be from 10 to 15 Acres this is 7.85 Acres it feels like you're putting 10 lbs in a 5B bag when it comes to it number two three um the field will have lights I noticed on the renderings there's no pictures of lights but yet he said it's going to be open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. uh and uh the traffic is definitely will definitely be a problem uh we already have the problem with them coming I'm going south on Welden every morning to go to work and they're blocking the traffic to get into the strip mall where they go there now uh so I don't know is that I was curious too if that entrance will be closed off or if that will just be another entrance for the school uh and then uh uh and then I know these traffic studies I've sat through hundreds of these Planning and Zoning meetings uh what they do and stuff and I do they take any kind of future projects into consideration because literally a half mile from where that that site is this building with all of its staff will be moving there within 5 years and you also have the Flea World across the street that will be a major development in seminal County one of the biggests ever there in who knows when but it's going to come soon and finally the flooding definitely a concern we uh we're worried about it because it's our lift station that uh we pay for as homeowners that could get a Brunt of overflow from them since they're taking up so many Wetlands thank you thank you sir all right I receive two more comment cards on this matter uh Richard Goodwin are you available please state your name and address for the record please Rich Goodwin 439 Lake Road in Lake Mary I just wanted to follow up on a couple of points the drainage issue is a a serious concern for Lake Mary Woods I'm on the board we have had a real hard time looking at repair and maintenance of the lift station that is in place now with the current flooding issues um this is going to impact the flooding the the drainage there that is going to directly impact the homeowners in that area that's one two the uh what the gentleman was talking about there was reference to traffic um yes it's good to see traffic of a a queing of 179 cars go around the school sounds really good you got 950 students how many are going to be of driving age how many are going to have parents drive how many are going to be driving themselves that's a I don't think 180 is all that impressive in the end sporadically you're going to have backup it's going to hit uh Ronald Ravens the other concern that the Lake Mary Woods has is there was reference to North Street and that was a buffer Our concern is traffic is going to build up within the parking and that area our fear is that there's going to be an attempt in the future to stop a hole in the back of the property and access Pew Street and allow any driver to come and in or out of the school through our Homeowner Association we currently have a lot of traffic Lake Mary police are there often for lak road traffic for speeding um it's a real concern it's not immediate we understand the intent is not to have that but the realism is in 3 to four years years it will be a problem that's where we're concerned thank you thank you okay we have a Scott Lightner please stage your name and address for the record please yeah good evening Scott Lightner 645 Pew Street Lake Mary so um I'm kind of in the unique situation i' I've lived um on that property for 18 years and this project going to impact no one more than myself because I'm the house directly uh adjacent on the North End of This parcel um obviously you know we know that there is going to be some type of development on this property I've thought about that for 18 years at this point um but I think the the rezoning to the PD is entirely too dense for for this land um you know we we live on two we have St John's protected Wetlands on both sides of Pew Street the the section behind me and then across adjacent from Pew as you could see there's no houses there it's all Wetlands um this project there there's minimal Wetlands on it the water still flows directly into that property if you would come out and I could show you pictures of what the uh area look like after Hurricane Ian and Nicole it was a river we were all living on Islands if I didn't bring in 22 trucks of dirt when I built my house I would have been underwater um the school's going to have to do the same thing they're going to have to substantially raise the land which is going to cause an increase in flooding in that area and the lift station and the and what's existing already can't handle the flood water um I'd mirror all the other concerns with traffic and whatnot um but mainly I think the the plan as is is just entirely too dense you're putting a 73,000 square ft 40t High building next to you know 25t homes I don't I know my home's not 35 foot tall um they're going to be peering directly down into me my direct rear neighbor right now is the existing charter school there's you said that there's 500 kids currently there I hear morning announcements I hear uh the kids out at recess every day um and I my wife and I we work from home and it's an issue if I'm I can't have the windows and doors open during the day during meetings because you're going to hear uh recess at a play now you're proposing to add another 900 students and this is going off the information presented they're now going to be a 100 43 ft away so it's going to be four times closer to us with double the amount of students uh you're proposing to put a a soccer field in that's going to be open till 9:00 p.m. at night starting at 6:00 a.m. in the morning I don't know I usually sleep a little later than 6 especially on the weekends um so it's just entirely too much development this close to a residential neighborhood having a 10- foot um buffer zone is not going to stop the noise even if they erect and that's what we ask is to make some concessions are they going to erect a block wall is it going to be 10 12 ft High um having 1.95 plants every 100 fet that's not going to reduce noise either so all we ask is that you know you guys consider the fact that what is appropriate for for this community we've our neighborhood's been here for 30 years this is entirely too dense you know we please ask that you make some concessions as to to meet the needs that our homeowners have thank you thank you very much okay Mark Kaminsky please state your name and address for the record good evening uh Mark kinsky 359 Lakewood Court just down the road from uh the last gentleman and I'm just going to really mimic what these last two gentlemen uh had stated you know the concern I've been on the corner of Lake Wood Court and Pew for since 2013 and since this the hurricane that came through in 17 all the the the additional storms and hurricanes the Colac floods you can't even get out of the cuac so my concern as with the gentleman prior to me uh is this going to we need to make sure that this is not going to cause more flooding to this area because it's it's it's it's a nightmare um we want to make sure that Pew will never be opened on that on that end there um that that is so important for the safety of our children uh it's going to completely ruin the Integrity of of that that that street now you know I was talking to the gentleman prior Scott you know we we don't know if we can really fight this battle but there's a few things that we need to make sure that uh that that try not to happen it open we don't want Pew to be opened we do not want that street to be opened and we got to make sure this Place do not flood worse than it already does because the livelihoods of us and everybody in that area and that neighborhood is is it's it's going to be bad so put yourself in this situation we just need these we just need the confidence of these people that this is going to be addressed um serious issues safety of the kids the the traffic that is already inundated Lake Road um and especially if if he was opened up down the road God forbid it's going to be a nightmare so so put yourselves in that situation if you all have kids here and families and um it's it's it's going to be a nightmare so really that's what I wanted to say is what might what the gentleman before me had stated is uh that's our concern amongst the other things that Scott had just stated so that's it thank you thanks all right and I have a Sean Lin please state your name and address for the record Sean Larin 304 Sprucewood Road Lake Mary Florida thank you okay there was a couple things I know people have been harping on it but when it does come up to the Pew Street and it talks about the 10 foot or the the um the easement that's going to go in that location it only seems to me that when that road Welden becomes backed up they're going to find another way to get to the school and if it's just something that you just have to walk over plants to get to the back of the property to get into the school on time then you might as well just go ahead and put open doors in that back area which again on that corner of Pew and uh I believe believe Lake Road has one of our main bus stops for our children so we would have vehicles coming in dropping off a bunch of kids um I did it when I was at Bishop Moore High School we would go in park at uh the golf course behind there if we were late so um I understand how kids sometimes act to uh to get to class on time um the thing the G before spoke about which I think is really important is there's got to be a concession about a wall at the end of Pew to where we have it blocked off to where Vehicles can't stop and drop off through of their friends while one individual gets late and then um I'm also a superintendent for a commercial Builder and when I went and talked to my guys the guys who do the horizontal construction they told me that on any project that whatever water that is on that project stays on that project or has a way to get out of there that would not affect any other communities or um apartment complexes or neighborhoods or anything like that I just want you guys to promise that also and I see that they have uh built up the um where they have the the Overflow uh the water overflow and then it seems like it just keeps going farther past that and that's past the property line I guess that's land that's just going to be giving to the school and then the one last thing I wanted to talk about the school was originally a uh a movie theater that's why we didn't have any problem with any noise we didn't have any problems with bells going off and people talking so now it's become a school and now we're going to double it thank you sir were there any other comment cards they're turned in none all right give another opportunity for anybody from the audience who wish to speak on this matter yeah okay did you development but I just had the same concern have okay did you have a card ma'am I do not have a card do I need a card um we do but you can you can come on up and just please state your name and address for the record and just please fill one out before you go I thank you first time at one of these so I didn't know about the card okay um my name is Brenda wiwam I live at 7:35 West Pinewood Court Lake Mary 32746 uh as a homeowner beh behind the school I want to also share that I'm like many of my other residents friends we are dealing with the noise of of an elementary school already between PA systems um the announcements uh conversations we already have that if you make this into a full High School um we're going to have a PA system on a ball field directly behind find our homes which will carry um I don't know if you're familiar with boomba uh which is on 419 is that the correct road 419 and 1792 it's right off uh there we already hear their PA system we hear the cheering of all the ball games uh and that is much further away twice as far as the school that exists already um the the lights will literally invade the backyards of our home and that is a concern because your home should be a place that is relaxing that you can go to and you respect each other in the neighborhood with your noise level but now we're going to have ball games going on till 9:00 at night literally in our backyard um besides the light and the noise uh we do have some traffic concerns uh I I go to schools every day um I'm with an organization that we do after school activities if we are not at the school an hour ahead of time the parents are already in the line and their cars flow out of every school that I go to on to whatever major road is there we will have cars backing out onto the roadway and so there will need need to be additional uh lanes and uh if you'll look at the traffic accidents already at silkwood court and Ronald Reagan um we already have issues right there and so we would you know I would like to not see this go through I think it's a real Invasion to us as homeowners um and so that is uh my concern as well is the drainage uh who's going to take we we cover the drainage for our neighbor Hood uh Lake Mary does not take care of that for us that is ours that our Drainage Field and now you're talking this ball field will literally be in the school right next to our drain field and so we're going to get the runoff for that and we're the ones that are going to have to cover that thank you thank you very much and please don't forget the comment card it's located in the lobby uh there was another lady that was interested in speaking um did you want to come up you would just need to fill out a Comon car afterwards my name is Nancy Allen I live at 316 Oakwood Court and basically I'm just here concerned as a concerned uh neighbor that of what everything they've talked about because we have a flooding problem already it's been spoken about that's our only way out of that neighborhood is to get off of North you know to get back on to 1792 and it's already a so to have anything more come along would make it worse that's our concern along with everything else the noise and that's it thank you very much and please don't forget the comment card located in the lobby was there anybody else from the audience yes sir I also apologize I I don't have a card this is this is my first time with this name and address for the record please Neil whitwam 735 West Pinewood Court in Lake Mary um thank you for inviting us to to this meeting that that was very kind um I am on the homeowners association of Woodfield Estates which is sort of on the other side of the project from from our our neighbors here from the Pew area uh I just want to I'm not going to talk my specifics you know yes we're concerned about the drainage we're concerned about the noise uh we're concerned about the traffic patterns and the and the safety secondary to those traffic traffic patterns uh between 1792 and silkwood court that the people get going really fast there and the corner of of uh Ronald Reagan and silkwood court is dangerous we have a lot of accidents there uh it was said it was stated that there's no perceived need for turning Lanes I I I dispute that I think some turning Lanes will be necessary there to be able to maintain the safety and then just from the the larger perspective um Woodfield Estates is a nice neighborhood and it's a relatively small neighborhood it's a quiet neighborhood and we really like our property values and we really like our quiet life and we really like the way things are I understand that that evolution of of society goes on and I understand that that property needs to it's not going to stay sparsely resid IAL forever but we certainly would appreciate you all's in and we do appreciate you all's insight and your wisdom as we proceed into this thank you very much thank you all right anybody else from the audience please state your name and address for the record please Chris Rich 633 Pew Street two houses down from Scott that spoke earlier Echo all the other sentiments that's been shared tonight there's one other thing to think about is the wildlife um we have constantly Bears uh in our backyard we got him on camera coyotes um deer has been seing um so developing all that's going to drive that wildlife in the smaller patch of woods that are behind us the wetlands that we have and also into the neighborhood as well so something should be considered thank you very much please don't forget to fill out the comment card in the lobby anybody else from the audience all right seeing none let's get the applicant an opportunity for we Botto appreciate chairman for the record again Bren Spain theak and Spain 1809 Edgewater Drive Orlando Florida so I just want to run through some of the comments because you you heard a bunch one we did do a traffic impact analysis as you all know we have to do a methodology for that that gets reviewed and approved and we're required to study the AM and PM peak hours so there's nothing abnormal about how the traffic impact analysis was conducted the comments regarding Lighting on the building you'll see there's a condition in the uh development order the PD's got to comply with the County's uh lighting standards which these days all the lighting is going to be downward directed and shielded it again we have limited hours of operation this isn't something that's open till 10: or 11: at night uh the concern there there was a comment regarding the lack of Environmental Studies the environmental study again is alluded to in the staff report but that's done at the site development plan stage that will also include analyzing and doing a goer toris survey again those surveys are only good for 90 days so if we did it now it wouldn't even be good by the time we start developing the site but again we'll be required to do that by state law looking for any Critters a comment regarding Pew Street and whether there's a con connection or not one we're not adjacent to Pew Street we don't propose any connection to that but I've confirmed with my client we don't have any objection to a condition being added to the development order that says that there will be no connection to Pew street so that we can put that issue to there was a question raised regarding parking you can see on the master development plan there's act actually a parking analysis it analyzes the County's requirement under Land Development code I think requires about 95 spaces you also see then there's an analysis under the state requirements for educational facilities and we meet the state requirement for educational facilities we have 138 parking spaces uh plus 6 Ada spaces there was a mark regarding Wetlands uh there's one isolated Wetland on the side it's less than a quarter of an acre we actually had St John's River Water Management District out last week walking the site they confirmed our Wetland deliniation and are okay with the impact to that isolated Wetland so it's not a connected Wetland to the wetlands that some of the neighbors have alluded to there was a remark regarding the size of the site and you all probably are aware charter schools are not subject to the school sighting requirements that perhaps semal County Public Schools uh follow uh Lighting on the field we currently have no plans for lighting on the field that was expressed at the community meeting but in the event that lighting is added in the future again the PD requires us to comply with the County's lighting requirements I was just involved with the new uh moving the football field in windir for windir high school I represent the neighbors there it's amazing what can be done on Lighting on field facilities there's no spillage onto adjacent property they're all shielded and directed immediately downward there was concerns regarding a lift station we're not using the neighborhood's lift station we have our own lift station uh off on the northeast part of the site regarding flooding and storm water you saw earlier on our uh aial we have our own on-site storm water retention in fact it actually improves the situation over what it is now and as I'm sure you've heard many many times my client the post-development runoff on this site cannot exceed its pre-development runoff so in so far as flooding concerns that's addressed through our St John's River Water Management District permit there was a remark about open space again it's hard to read but on the master development plan we actually have 52% open space on this site on the project so well in excess of 25% open space there was the concern again that people would just be dropping off their kids in random neighborhoods and the kids would be walking through neighborhoods or trouncing through the landscaping again the school has a drop off pickup policy that students and parents need to comply with you have to be either designated as a car rider or a walker so if I'm designated as a car rider I can't then suddenly walk into the school uh they will not allow the kid to enter the school in such a manner if you're a car rider you have to proceed through the what we call his appearance the Congo line the queuing and drop off your student at the designated area the sports field again there was a concern speculation that there's noise there's no press box at that press field there's no PA a system on that press uh on that Sports field either and again just alluding to what I already said under your own code we can't have light spillage off of our property onto the surrounding neighborhood so the suggestion that there's going to be this glare of light and we're going to be looming over them at 40 feet I think is just a red herring and a misn and then lastly I touched upon it in my direct presentation but the the traffic study that's in your packet and the backup specifically our consultant was required by the county to do a turn lane analysis there's a separate section in that study and you can see that given the increased trips the number that is anticipated from this project does not warrant the addition of a right turn lane if somehow that condition changes down the line then I suppose that can be re-evaluated but at this point uh no turn lane is triggered so again we would ask you to uh follow the staff's detailed findings and recommendation and recommend approval of the smallscale amendment and the reason okay thank you for keeping track of the audience's concerns you you touched on the items that I was making note of uh like to give an opportunity to the board to ask any additional questions I have one comment goad sir I think U your North buffer is a little weak against the residential area maybe about from the West corner to about halfway to the East Boundary it it calls for a 10-ft landscape buffer and that's all it calls for do you think you could do a little more with that buffer just for the directly with the residential to the north yeah well I think that's part of what we've tried to do and Chris clz I think is walking up and he can put uh image on the projector but we actually had our Consultants do an enhan landscape planting along that area and I think he has a image that can actually show what we're proposing to put to enhance that because again part of that RightWay I don't know how part of that 60ft RightWay got cleared but at some point a little portion of it did get cleared and that's where we're trying to enhance the landscape buffer over and above what the code where're would require on us Chris clots 421 south Summerland Avenue Orlando Florida I just wanted to point out a few things as as Brent mentioned um th this graphic may not be the best representation it shows a green highlighted area of a proposed uh enhanced landscape buffer of 10 ft that buffer continues uh all the way to the West uh and fully encapsulate that North Boundary and then likewise continues to the east uh our our proposal to enhance the landscape buffering in this portion was because it was uh naturally not as thick as some of those other areas so we didn't want to we didn't want to remove uh any any any any of the trees there and we're we're keeping all the trees inside that buffer uh in this particular area it's it's thinner than the other so that's why we propos to add the additional trees in excess of the code required uh uh plantings uh we we don't um and to further address your question we have no issue enhancing that further so um we do have a space constraint as you can see we're trying to maximize the amount of queuing and and that's why you see those um two lanes uh that add to the q line and then the two lanes for the drop off lines underneath that so we we we just simply ran out of space there but we're we're happy to um you know thicken that as much as um as the board would like to see there just to make sure that we're providing that adequate buffering in that area how about you put a PVC fence along there we're agreeable to that we do we do just want to uh recognize that that that fencing um again we don't want to tear out the the the the landscaping that's there now the trees that are there now but we can certainly put that fence in if that's um preferable to the boorder well I I only pointed out just if you look at that area just the area that really um is impacted to the north with the residential I don't there's no point wasting it farther east or farther west understood there's about 190 ft there that are along that green highlighted area uh we do have one other item that the uh County currently does not allow defense to exist in that area so we would just have to make sure the county um agrees with that but we we're agreeable to it is there any other fencing on the site so this is an open campus there there is so there's um uh in the in the plans but I can demonstrate it here so we uh there's a fence that that sort of encapsulates the Playfield area so uh the idea is that the um parents as they arrive on site they can they can enter the que line up into a certain point and that's approximately here and that keeps the uh parents Vehicles off the roadways and queuing on the site but also keeps any uh direct interaction between uh the public or any vehicles and students so uh this fence line it runs along the north edge of the Playfield and that keeps all that encapsulated and then uh returns back to the school comes up the south side of the Playfield uh comes up and returns back to the school so the idea there is to um uh create an area that's uh fenced in and secured uh for the students when they're utilizing the Playfield thank you all right any other questions from the board I have a comment that um I like the idea of adding the condition to the development order about no connection ever to Pew Street that makes the Neighbors in the back feel more comfortable um they should never have to worry about that the applicants agreeable to it so I think we should get it in there now applicants have a response for that oh absolutely we're um agreeable to that we have no intention of opening that uh it's it's not in our in our future plans at all so absolutely great any other questions from the board all right thank you very much all right we uh we open this up for any disc further discussion conversation with the board and also open also welcome a motion I'd like to make a comment and and to the motion so I as a some one of the neighbors said we may have children or grandchildren I'm a grandmother of nine and mother of four and I would just encourage the neighbors that have all these concerns first of all I'm sure the foundings of the staff is going to be um enough that will probably cover most of your concerns and you'll have the opportunity to even check to be sure that all of this is going to um you know cure your concerns however what a blessing to have a school with children that are going to be the next Generation into a charter school rather than I'm so blessed that I don't have to think of a nclub being before me to get approved which will jeopardize our community so I would just encourage you that once you see the findings of our staff and the things that you need to protect your the value of your property always look at the beauty that it is a school for children it is a good thing I would move a motion to request the board of County Commissioners to adopt and propose a smallscale future land use map amendments and concurrent reson as per the following number one based on staff's findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing the board the request does meet the identified portions of the comprehensive plan and move to adopt the requested small scale future land use map Amendment from the higher intensity plan development Target industry and plan development and number two based on staff's findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing the board finds the request does meet the identified portions of the seol County Land Development code and move to adopt the requested reone from PD to PD and Associated development order and the master plan development plan okay and uh commissioner does your motion include the two conditions we discussed the additional PVC fencing along the north side um and the no uh connection to P Street it does okay all right I have a motion to approve do I have a second second all right any further discussion um if I could just say one thing a correction to the um staff requests it's not higher intensity plan development Target industry um it's a future land use change from mix use um and low density residential to PD so I just wanted to put that on the record okay record counted for any further discussion from the board seeing none uh All In favor I I I I have it thank you very much like to make a a a reminder to the to the audience that uh this is merely a recommendation that will go to the Border uh County Commissioners next Reed it will go to this is a merely a recommendation so it will go to the County Commissioners next should go to the board of County Commissioners meeting next month they will hear you 900 high school students 400 sir you're speaking at a turn sir public comments over you're speaking at a turn thank you so much you can stay but sorry it's time to lawyer up I guess want to confuse you with sir you're speaking out of turn public comments over Carissa thank you listen to us anyway all right next item on the agenda uh State Road 46 Lake Forest otherwise known as terasina small scale future land use map Amendment and PD rezone Annie silette hi good evening uh for the record Annie silway senior planner with development services the applicant is requesting a small scale future land use map Amendment from high higher intensity plan development Target industry and plan development to plan development and a rezone from PD plan development to PD plan development to construct a self- storage facility and an area for outdoor storage of vehicles the development also proposes s retail uses excluding convenience stores and self-service laundry mats the applicant is proposing a floor area ratio of 66 and a maximum Building height of 35 ft and the proposed hours of operation of the storage facility are 7:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. 7 days a week the concept plan illustrates five buildings that total approximately 39,380 seven self storage buildings the applicant is providing a wall around the Northwest and East portions of the site and the south facing State Road 46 will have a will have fencing which is only shown in the architectural renderings the project subject to this future land use Amendment and rezone is comprised of two Parcels lot C4 referenced as a as parcel a has a hip TI future land use with PD zoning known as the State Road 46 Lake Forest PD acreage parcel 2p referred to as parcel B has a plan development future land use with a PD zoning known as a State Road 46 Lake Forest Town Homes also known as terasina PD on October 25th 2005 The Bard of County Commissioners approved the State Road 46 Lake Forest PD on 42 Acres with entitlements for Town Homes at a density of 10 dwelling units per net buildable acre for a maximum of 286 units and six commercial Lots permitting those uses under C1 retail commercial zoning District um excluding the convenience stores and self-service laundry Mets parcel a was included in this PD the original rezone request proposed town homes and Commercial out Parcels permitting C2 retail commercial uses however during the October 25th 2005 public hearing the surrounding community members including the lake forest homeowners association expressed concerns about storm water flooding the high density of the town homes and the intensity of uses under the C2 zoning classification during the public hearing discussion the applicant agreed to change the permitted uses on the commercial Lots from C2 to C1 retail commercial which was then approved by the board the simal County Land Development code classifies Self Storage as an industrial use which is not permitted under the existing State Road 46 Lake Forest plan development the applicant is proposing the following buffers 35 ft along the west adjacent to the lake forest entrance uh 25 fet south facing State Road 46 no buffer is being provided along the east which faces Bernini way and 25 ft along the north which faces via Pita run the requested PD zoning designation and the associated Master development plan have been evaluated for compatibility with the simal County Land Development code in accordance with Chapter 30 part eight and the surrounding area in approving the PD the board must find the request is consistent with the comprehensive plan and has General level of development quality the applicant provided an architectural rendering illustrating a wall to be located on three sides of the development which would would prohibit pedestrian accessibility from the adjacent town home community and eliminate the opportunity for a variety of commercial goods and services that may be provided under the C1 zoning District staff has determined that the request is inconsistent with the surrounding trend of development in the area and would not result in a greater benefit to the county than the current zoning and is not consistent with the simal County Land Development code as follows based on the proposed use of Self Storage it is not compatible with the surrounding uses in the area intensity of commercial and Industrial uses within the plan development are measured in terms of floor area ratio and shall be consistent with the maximum floor area for the developed development site established in the comprehensive plan the project has a proposed F of 66 which exceeds the commercial maximum F of. 35 this level of int of intensity almost doubles the maximum floor area ratio for commercial uses and is not compatible with the ab budding single family residential use the Lake Forest Community under flu policy 2.9 and the comprehensive plan the determination of compatibility in the plan development the land use designation provides for a variety of densities Andor intensities arranged within a development site to facilitate flexible and creative site design these considerations shall be Paramount in giving any project utilizing the plan development land use designation and increase in density and intensity alone shall not justify an alternative to Conventional future land use designation such as a low density residential medium density residential the proposed development is not in character with what is current Curr L established along the segment of the State Road 46 Gateway Corridor which primarily consists of commercial higher intensity plan development Target industry uses office low density residential and Suburban Estates the applicant has not provided evidence on how the project will result in a greater benefit to the county as required in PD zoning the architectural renderings provided by the applicant are not compatible with the area the renderings show a wall surrounding the site which is not consistent with the design layout of the retail site to the east of the subject property staff finds that the requested plan development fature land use designation with a maximum F of 66 and the proposed use equivalent to Industrial is incompatible with the surrounding trend of of development in the area and therefore inconsistent with the simal county comprehensive plan the applicant held the first community meeting on June 14th 2022 and held another community meeting that was scheduled for October 10th 24 but was rescheduled for October 22nd 2024 due to Hurricane Milton staff requests the board of County Commissioners deny the smallscale future land use map Amendment and concurrent rezone as per the following based on staff's findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing the board finds the request does not meet the identified portions of the comprehensive plan and moves to deny the requested smallscale future land use map Amendment and second based on staff's findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing the board finds the request does not meet the identified portions of the simal County Land Development code and moves to deny the requested rezone and Associated development order and master development plan however if the land use Amendment and reone are ultimately approved by the board staff recommends the following conditions for the board to consider adding to the approval and incorporating into the development order first one is the applicant shall redesign the site to include a minimum of 6,000 ft of bottom floor C1 retail commercial uses per building the retail and office component of the self- storage facility may be included in the minimum required square footage calculation for the C1 uses alternatively the bottom floor of two main self- storage buildings must be designed to appear as bottom floor retail and architecture for example faux retail facades outdoor storage of any kind including boats and RV is prohibited and then the single outside entry self- storage buildings shall be fully screened from off premises view by utilizing site design and buffer components that provide 100% opacity buffering components may include a solid wall or a decorative open fence with Landscaping to screen the building from view from view from West State Road 46 the Lake Forest community and the terasina town homes enhanced architectural renderings for the proposed development must be included as part of the development order with the following conditions the building facade must consist of Earth Tones the windows and the roof of the self storage building be of a tile design consistent with the development adjacent to the East and the terasina town homes adjacent to the north um and that concludes my presentation thank you very much any questions from the board for staff any under under the PD what would be allowed normally on this site then I don't know what the PD development order says is this General retail along here is that what's what's allowed yes C1 retail uses yeah with with a. 35 F AR you said they're asking for 66 yes sir okay thank you yes you're very welcome any other questions from the board all right is the applicant present they are okay thank you please state your name and address for the record please Chad Morehead uh mad Morhead stoks 431 East ratio Avenue also like to point out that I'm a resident of Lake Forest Community this is right at my front door um just give a little background Mr hadway um unfortunately was recently deceased less than two weeks ago came to me two years ago on this property asked you know Chad what do you think about doing Self Storage on this property and and I said well you know Bob you know we're really going to affect the terena folks so I think you need to we need to come up with a plan come up with some architecture you need to go sit down with Tera Community to the north and um let's show them you know pitch them so Mr hadway who got up a plan he went and he did that he met with him and met with the board and you know felt like you know the board was on on board we'll say because they would rather see um what we're proposing at that time it was three stories 130,000 Square ft um so we went we had a community meeting went into staff staff's biggest issue it felt like besides the fact that the seino county um Land Development code considers storage and Industrial use straight zoning you can only do that in industrial zonings and C3 that puts it in a pretty tight box especially based on what I'll call the new storage by the way I've been doing this 25 years this is I can count the number of times I've come here with a recommendation for denial by staff on one hand actually on three fingers but um you know we always try to work with the community on this stuff but the new storage I will call it is it's not the old storage it's not the orange rollup doors it's not the the metal buildings on the back so on and so forth but um back to my story we we submitted stat had issues About Storage use uh I believe architecture um floor area ratio you know several different things and the fact that we're not technically per the Land Development code um allowed to do um storage in an area like this so we went to the community meeting the community had probably bigger issues on the the height so after the community meeting we went back and we redesigned some things lowered the build from a three story 130,000 well roughly 130,000 ft building down to two twostory buildings and we've done liner buildings can I use this now this isn't a laser pointer is it okay so we did that we came back and I'll go through our our site plans but I want to start out on this story showing you what Mr hadway showed the Tera folks to begin with So based on the existing zoning right now we can get and we can do three fast food restaurants dumpsters out back grease trouts out back you see the proximity from from these fast food restaurants to the um the teraso community it's pretty close there's um a 50 foot right away easement between the backs of those buildings plus we're required to do a 25ft buffer so they get pretty close with dumpsters and things in the back squawk boxes um different things so nobody really I definitely don't want want to see this living in Lake Forest and drive by this every day um so you know we did this ni they're seen us said yeah we really don't want this either so we also did you can't see this I don't think it zoomed in but um this is a traffic analysis and this shows 13,000 ft of storage versus the three um fast food restaurants and it's minuscule the the amount of traffic that's generated from the storage facility is a lot less probably I'd say 5 to 10% of what a um the fast food restaurants are so so that's kind of where we started um and then after our community meeting we came back with um a plan this is what we call phase one okay so the big building in the middle is a two-story building less than 35 ft High um what I'll call the liner buildings you have two on the North you have one on the west and one on the south just south of the the twostory buildings those are single story storage facilities and in the old storage they would have metal backs on them we're going to have eus sighting on the back so that it looks like stucco or concrete we'll get to that in a minute but with doing this and just and coming back and we'll show to you face two here in a second we needed to be able to do some outdoor storage for RVs and boats no construction equipment there's a develop order in your packet that we actually prepared which is what we're proposing that does allow outside rvn storage um we didn't put a limitation on that I was told today that we could put a limitation of 10 years on that um and the reason to do that is to get the place leased up actually make some money so that you can afford to build the second phase so keep that in mind as we go through but that's kind of how we arrived at this um where you see the vehicle storage on the West Side just south of that we have a barn so we don't have a wall we have a fence we have a barn with Landscaping I I don't know about you but I'd much rather see a burn with Landscaping than a wall especially in this area so as we go through this you know we spent I think this three and a half acre site I spent more time on this than most other sites in my career but um we've gone and we've created this um landscape plan you're not going to see any Landscaping on the west because according to the original PD and actually per the pl there's a 35- ft undisturbed buffer on the west side so you don't see any Landscaping there but along the South we have a BM hedge trees and then we kind of we dye the BM we could extend the BM all the way across if the board saw that was something that they thought they may like but uh more Landscaping along that lineer building on the south and then on the North we've gone and and we've got trees in there um to try and block the Second Story Windows of the terce units that look down towards the storage and what we're willing to do is is during construction go somebody goes stands up in their second story unit says okay little to the left a little to the right we'll plant the trees that way to try to block the temporary RV storage okay so and this obviously if if it's approved this landscape plan would go along into phase two um we did some renderings so we went and had um the architect you I said all right Dan farmer is the architect I said Dan we need to show Terina or excuse me show Lake Forest what it's going to look like from the entry so this is the entry to Lake Forest looking back in Phase One and based on that 35 ft undisturbed Bufford and everything that's there you don't see anything there we go so now we go to um another rendering that shows the two building I've got this is from pontino way which is in the back so this is between Terina and the community and you can see it's heavily landscaped and then this one is in the northwest corner at the very end looking back from the units and again you can see that that it's pretty well screened from the um RVs and boats right there um this comes back to the intersection of via pontina and Bernini way looking back um kind of Southwest towards 46 um and you can see the uh the architecture on the buildings it's not real clear here but I will say on the record that those are um Barrel tile roofs that do match the rest of the community so the architecture was done in a style with what's out there that was done on purpose you can see along this is kind of looking parallel to 46 the building on the left side of the screen there um looks like a wall it has Landscaping out in front of it so I think there was some mention by staff that that we weren't proposing any walls and we are um but they're buildings so they they look like walls this comes back looking um a little bit outside the Lake Forest Community looking back to the north at the RVs and in the beginning you can see some behind the fence you can see some in there but as the vegetation fills out you won't see it um and again not having cranes and there not having heavy construction equipment and things like that that are stored we feel it it does fit within the community and it actually serve the community is it thinking yeah to point it towards okay I'll point it in the wrong direction okay okay and this again this is is phase one kind of looking North right between the building and the um where the outdoor storage would be see the BM then as we go to the east there in front of the building the BM goes down again the board thought it should go all the way across there's plenty of room um another thing that that Annie said that's not necessarily true for the storage use only we're proposing a 50ft landscape buffer on the South Side not 25 it's 50 that's in that proposed do um after the C1 uses are done then it'll be 25 foot landscape buffer um I keep pointing at the screen okay this is phase two um this would be um hopefully before that 10year number but um this would be the second building the everything else is the same landscape buffers would be based on phase one um we did the renderings again um in the same locations believe you can see a little bit of this building from um the lake forest entry yep let go back to that one again you could see that you that's that's less than 35t high you could see that based on what would be approved today we could come in there with a a building and build that high this is looking again from the north between um terasina Community looking back as phase two is built again that that picture hasn't changed from phase one um this one hasn't either um you can see that building somewhat from um close to the lake forest entry as you're looking back kind of to the Northeast and then there are the two buildings and the uh in the finished state that it yeah I think so did you put the other two pictures on by chance I don't think so okay if we need to um I know the storage facility to the west of us that's over rough orange Boulevard was mentioned and and I actually got a couple of pictures of that that show what I call the old school um storage it's done with the metal siding um they even have yellow rollup doors that you can see from Orange Boulevard um very minimal buffer very minimal Landscaping so um this is our presentation we feel that it does fit within the community um is it different yes 20 years ago when this was approved would the type of storage that was around then been appropriate no I don't know if you've been around State Road 46 lately been up and down it but it's six Lanes it's got street lights at night it's lit up it's changed a lot in 20 years um so we feel like this is uh much less of an impact to the community based on what we've shown here hope that you guys would actually um approve what we have in the uh in your packet in that development order not necessarily what staff the conditions that staff had we don't believe that commerci having a couple of commercial buildings or commercial facilities in the bottom floor that's going to do anything this is a facility down the road um you can barely see it in the back but you see the yellow rollup doors can you go to the next one you're get that that's not what we're proposing that's old that's the old storage just one make sure that that everybody understands the difference between what we're proposing and what the Land Development codee's written about and written for um so with that I'll I'll field any questions i' also like to get up in rebut but um bigger buffers less um traffic um less impact on the facilities you know no dumpsters that's what we're proposing um and basically we're asking to be able to do self store storage with the temporary outside um boat and RV storage it's it's as simple almost as adding that to the existing development work with the 50ft buffer but that's what we've proposed so development order in there is one that I actually prepared we'd be willing to add that 10year stipulation as a condition in that so excellent thank you uh any questions from the board so the outdoor storage of any kind being eliminated that's a deal breaker for this what I'm what I'm hearing yes okay as I stand here tonight that answer is yes so if if if if you guys made the recommendation that that go away I'm not saying that we would be for that um but if that's what you feel yeah let's um we would ask that you move it forward um one way or the other that's what I would ask tonight is this has been going on for over two years now so any additional questions Chad um I'm old and I've been on this board a long time that was perhaps one of the worst staff reports given to an applicant I've seen in a long time maybe ever so congratulations you get that award um honestly the last one we had was another storage facility two of the three that we've had recommendations I am I am really opposed to the outdoor storage at this location I'm I don't like this on the entry to the nice Community anyway but neither here or there I really don't like the outdoor storage it becomes I know you put some language in the development order I don't know that it has enough teeth becomes a Code Enforcement issue if whoever's running this place or you sell it to and they they decide to put something else there besides a camper or a boat then it becomes a Code Enforcement issue and it really becomes something that's a problem in my opinion uh the L renderings you showed um I'm not sure did you bait and switch us there's trees on there that are probably 10 that's 10 year old stuff that ain't going to be there in for 10 years I mean to that dense and that size are those existing those are not existing there are some uh trees going out there today as a matter of fact um that are going up 4 you go back to those you go back to those renderings that that's some pretty dense stuff and some size material that maybe it's 15 years it's going to take to grow into what you showed there I don't like that I think that's not really a proper representation of what people are really going to see the the landscape architect or the excuse me the yeah the landscape architect and the architect that prepared those renderings got together and those are supposed to be two Scale based on what would go on the ground I'm not sure there's no way I'm sorry there's just no way I I don't I don't think so if you bring your landscape architect in here let him tell me but there's go back to the rendering from the rear Rebecca can find that one and there are some existing trees that are on the terasina side um of that roadway I don't I don't believe they're in there but those have been there 20 years and they're pretty big but what what we're proposing to plant I understand what you're saying Mr German um that that they do look a little bit more well that's let's go to there that's a good one right there put that up there Rebecca please sure I mean really really and you know I'm in the business and I I plant that stuff I don't if I could find find stuff like that I'd be thrilled myself I mean that's it's it's all on the um on the landscape plan we'd have to look at it but I believe those are probably 15 20 ft tall and that is the intent is to have that type there are you know actual that landscape plan that's not conceptual that's actual um and then also Mr German on your um your comment about who they sell it to or whatever uh Robert Williams is with us tonight that's um Bob's grandson this facility would be owned and managed directly by well I mean if you could be I I still don't like the outdoor storage at this location but the language is not good enough in the development order it just becomes a Code Enforcement issue and my last comment is I really think you're being overly aggressive on your F I mean to almost double it really double it over what over. 35 you have a lot of parking in that when you do. 35 and that's part of another thing I think is an issue with our County right now is we're closing in those floor area ratios need to go up some we can't spread out anymore maybe right I mean that's so I get it and storage tilts out a little bit you know can do agree I I think the last facility we had in here was actually way more than than 66 that we had on one and half acres it's a four stories tall so um it's just as these storage facilities go up that floor area ratio gets out of whack you know similar to a hotel if you tried to put a floor air ratio on a seven story Hotel it goes crazy so okay thank you I'm done any other questions from the board done all right see you that thank you very much we're going to open this up for public comment I guess we'll start with the ones in support first thank you huh we got three well if they fill out the right forms we got three in favor we have a uh Kristen Del Del Rosario I might be sa saying the first name wrong I apologize um Kristen Del Rosario address please uhhuh 5117 fella Lane sford could we put up the picture of the proposed I guess where it shows the streets inside terasina is that possible one like the in where the gate kind of splits it on in the inside of Tera was it on his slides or on the county slides yeah Chad slide okay so back further I think more toward in the name that's Lake the beginning of Lake Forest kind of right there that that's fine so you see the the second the gate entryway I'm the second one in from the gate I'm sorry one second uh 3 minutes please so I'm the second unit in from that gate I don't want to open my door every morning and see RVs I don't want to see boats I don't want to see animals I don't want to smell anything from water that has accumulated on of these um things that are stored outside yes I was for the storage unit when the storage unit was going to be three stories it was going to be a drive-in facility where they the car was actually going to be able to drive into its facility there were going to be no outside units so they're doing one building now but then what are you going to tell somebody when they've been storing their vehicle there or their RV there or their boat there for a length of time I'm sorry you have to go now because we've decided to build a second building I don't I don't want that I I think that there will be Wildlife we have experienced coyotes bears we've we've had skunks we've had a lot of um unwanted Wildlife I think that's an invitation to them I also think it's an invitation to people that not necessarily need to be there um there's trash on the the outer uh banks of the property um who's going to be there after 10:00 to come to make sure that nobody's living in one of those RVs as a home um who's going to be there to make sure that the place stays clean like you had mentioned the Landscaping there's going to be no Landscaping that looks that vital so every day when I open my window on a day like today I'm going to see a a building a top of a RV about I'm not going to see beautiful landscaping that he proposed osed and that's not something I want to see I understand that Mr hadway had proposed a a different um building type in the beginning but this has all come to change recently and that's not what we're looking for thank you thank you okay uh Harry price name and address for the record please good evening Harry 5596 Syracuse Elaine we don't want three C Quick Service restaurants out front um and I realize as zoned now I don't even three Quick Service restaurants could come in and just be built and I don't even think that would go back before the Commissioners okay I think Self Storage could be a good neighbor operating hours traffic noise smell trash I think the use is smaller from what my research says people go visit their junk about five times a year and we've I've done some work to look at self- storage facilities okay and to see how crowded they are what the traffic is things like that but having said that okay I think Self Storage could be a good alternative to three Quick Service restaurants okay I think staff has made some great recos and I would like to see um the applicant work with staff specifically what's included in that staff report as the previous speaker spoke of which is no outside storage and that's just I think important to all of us I just we just don't want that okay could Self Storage be a good neighbor potentially has the applicant been very very forthcoming and tried to work with us and figure things out absolutely but I would recommend that the applicant go back work with staff and come back thanks thank you all right we have Fred Patton name and address for the record please good evening I'm Fred Patton address is 5510 Syracuse Elan inter terena at Lake Forest um I I basically have a question uh in phase two it wasn't clear to me whether there would be RV storage or not so that's a question I'd like to have answered um I like Mr Price said I'm of the mind that self storage unit if well-designed is much preferable to three more you know uh fast food restaurants we've got three already being are completed or being built right now on the other side of 46 on the other side of where this facility would be um I think we got enough I can really eat so much um but I uh in in general I think I think is a better neighbor to have a self storage in if it's welld designed and I appreciate um Mr Christian's uh response that um making sure that the outside parking um of RVs or whatever is um uh virtually un Unis invisible to our neighborhood would clearly be perceived as beneficial so that's all I have so thank you thank you very much okay next we have Karen Capone on Deck we have George selery oh um I'm sorry you did check off now did you want to speak we'll give you an opportunity com that's all okay I'll share the comment with the with the board uh next up is going to be George celery then orang deck we're going to have gray Wilson can you put this up sure hi there George S 5231 Shoreline Circle I'm in Lake Forest I am basically one of Chad's neighbors but all 732 other homes disagree with this proposal except for him okay those pictures are fantastic they're not real the last picture he showed with that storage unit that ugly looking storage unit that's a code violation the original development order said that would never happen and that's there's no residential within a half a mile of that we have pictures of that but again that's what happens when you're shown great photos and they don't materialize the big issues here is that ped is C1 it was C1 in 2005 Bob hadway himself who I have a great deal of respect for he was a great man he developed both terena and Lake Forest he voluntarily went from C2 to C1 zoning and he said it was retail commercial um commissioner KY made the motion for that over the years there have been challenges to that and in fact one of the biggest ones was in May of 2014 when Express Oil and Service Center wanted to put C2 there the most the best comment ever made was Mr German who said he stated by approving this the commission would be violating the public Trust of what people relied on with the original approval of the entire area in its zoning it was true then it is true now um the other thing that's important about this is you know when you're told hey you're going to get fast food um you're going to get fast food there if you don't and with a squat box facing your house that's kind of scary of course you're going to do anything to avoid that but I can tell you we have one of the heads of McDonald's that lives in Lake Forest he said with Chick-fil-A chipot and Starbucks there nobody's going to do that nobody's going to put fast food there and you could never even get more than two and they'd have to be right up close to the road for traffic patterns it doesn't make any sense but it done it is scary and we've worked closely with teren over the years to make sure everything's correct but the big thing I wanted to also mention to you is for two and a half almost three years you folks were instrumental in redoing the Land Development code and it finally finished in 2004 I mean um 2024 early January in that you took out public storage and it's only in C3 that is industrial it says in industrial not near residential we if you do this you open up the whole Land Development code everywhere in sual County why can't they do the same thing aure at the Parkway was told no next to tall trees because it was C1 they can come back down and say he got it why can't I have it so again stay with the Land Development code making a C3 in the middle of a C1 PUD if that Fifth Third Bank goes down and they plow it under does that mean you can put a C3 jippy Lube there or something please stay with the code stay with the staff on this one thank you very much thank you gray Wilson and on Deck we're gonna have James Vander name and address for the record please yeah gray will pardon me gray Wilson 5044 Shoreline Circle uh I got to uh give you some institutional history I I lived in like forest in 2017 2019 I served at the government liaison to uh to to the board and at that time the only uh property in this area that was developed was the Fifth Third Bank it already had the orange roof and we worked with uh Mr hadway uh on the auto parts uh facility and the HCA walkin clinic and we uh were able to to get them to agree to match the roof lines and the accent pieces that with Terina and so we're worked well well with them uh we also worked with him on a couple of different issues on the billboard the illegal billboard that was there and some survey problems on the wall and uh Bob hadway did build a beautiful uh facility here for uh for us living in Lake Forest uh and one of the reasons it's so beautiful is because of that commercial property uh that's in front of us it is a rare thing in the county it is a boa Raton facility leading very similar to what they have down in that area that enhances that area this uh this particular storage unit is like George says it's in violation of the the original agreement is a it's a it's a trust breach and and and what's in front of you is does this comply with what's standing now what's in the comp plan so I I hope that uh the developer of The Proposal Chad and Chad and I served on Pac committee together you know I've met Chad that uh ironically when we work with the ER uh controversy the air folks came in and did a presentation for us and we had over 300 residents show up in Lake Forest on that presentation and here we have this right next door literally to us with a neighbor that's representing this and none of us were informed they have not come to us to do a presentation and I think that that is what I would recommend for this this committee that that your board do that have them meet with us it it it meet that's our entrance and see if we can come up with something better that's what that's what we do we did it with Bob uh and it worked out really well and for some reason they haven't come to us they hav notified us about anything on this I didn't even know about it until I saw the sign in the yard so that's what I encourage you to do so thank you thank you very much James Vander and on Deck we have Stephanie northcut name and address for the record please hello everyone I'm James bandag and 305 Terina Drive Sanford Florida 32771 my main concern is with the uh kids we're getting a ton of kids there now there is a bus stop that goes from K all all the way to grade 12 literally right there it's been moved from the uh Plaza right down the street over there because of the reduced amount of traffic flow Self Storage is statistically drawing in a more trun level of clientele they're more you smell some things that you don't want kids smelling sometimes I know at the facility that I rent from I've gone there and I smell some things that I would never bring my kids around I would ask that if this is approved again just please think about the kids figure something out to make sure the kids are safe I know there's a bunch of speeding cars going down there now I'm assuming with self stor that will cause it even worse um if you look right there there's actually a exit on pretty much right before where the bus stop is I know that's not a main one and that's only supposed to be used during e emergencies but how is that going to be controlled um I would really just want the board to really look at that next thing is we are built on very wet land drainage is a major concern for my lot where always are to sync this is going to reduce the drainage even more because we're reducing Green Space so what can be done about that as well and the last thing is statistically values of homes go down when storage unit is right in front so because I bought back in 2022 I bought at the height my that value now is going to go down because of this this lot I'm not saying that I would want fast food but also at the same time you know as has already been shown we have a ton of fast food here who's to say that that will actually be approved that too or who's to say someone would actually want to buy that and build something there for fast food I would highly recommend that the board takes into what the staff has already said and if this is approved that the staff recommendations are included as well thank you thank you okay and Stephanie northcut hi Stephanie northcut 5096 fella Lane Sanford Florida 32771 basically all I want to say is I agree I don't want to see any RVs any boats the outside storage is a hard no for me and I want to point out something I think the gentleman from Lake Forest who had the other photo was showing that right now I know everybody talks about fast food fast food fast food yes it's a possibility but there is also the possibility for office or retail which we have right now to the right of where they want to build the storage is Fifth Third Bank to the right of that is AutoZone to the right of that is a medical facility to the right of that across from the other side of our Entrance Road is the um dental facility so there are no fast food there that is still a possibility is office or retail which I'm I'm okay with that's how it's currently zoned it doesn't necessarily mean that there's going to be fast food I'm honestly okay with fast food also I don't think it would be three there maybe it's Zone that way but again I think somebody else on a previous agenda item had mentioned something about uh realistically I don't think that they would do that but hard no for the RV's outside storage and it could be office of retail I just want to make that note thank you thank you all right I don't currently have any other comment cards um anybody else from the audience interested in speaking uh please come up Sir state your name and address for the record and a reminder please fill out a Comon card that can be found oh you have one I see hi um I'm Francis Caruso I live at 5624 Syracuse Elane at terasina and uh I agree with practically everything that the other people have said um but I have a few other comments the Mrs sway's analysis that this is not right for that location is 100% right I like all the pictures and the trees but it's like putting lipstick on a pig it doesn't belong there does not belong there and about property values I just ran into a man who bought there at our in our community less than 30 days ago he's a professional he owns lots of properties he's an investor he knows what he's doing he said had I known that there was a possibility of a of a storage facility there he wouldn't have bought there he says I don't have relatives here I'm not buying this place for to live close to my kids this is an investment and I would lose money it will devalue our properties no doubt uh the other thing is last lady said we don't necessarily want a fast food place there but Bob has owned that lot since 2005 he could have built he if he wanted fast food there he could have built it for 19 years and he never did somebody said that it's important about the traffic flow fast food is on the other side of the road for a reason the traffic is going into the the builtup area and on the other side of the road it's going out of town which is our side of the road and they don't want fast foods there in fact we had a couple we had did chicken place that went bankrupt recently and just got revived recently but uh it's not a good place for fast food I and of all the things that could go there I'd rather see and and they could put in a Planet Fitness Pates studio uh hairdressers all the things we need we don't need a storage facility because as the applicant said there's one right down the road five you know 5 minutes away we don't need another one uh and what else uh well that's uh basically it we we' be deprived if he built a storage facility of all the things we could have like as I said the Yol the hairdressers Etc so please stay with the staff's recommendation keep that as is thank you very much thank you anybody else from the audience wishing to speak on the matter all right seeing none let's get the applicant and opportunity for rotto um wow that's what I say about that um Mr um Wilson um when we did our SEC when we did our first community meeting there was a notice sent out to the property um management and there were several people from uh the HOA board that actually showed up for the second meeting I actually called George Cel personally and said George don't know if you got it but we're going to have another community meeting so we've had meetings on this having another meeting is not going to resolve anything so just want to say that um people show up yeah yeah from Terina or yeah from Terina we all right um they're on the list you can you could look at it but um as far as um I believe Mr Patton asked about phase two storage yes the um the outside stuff would go away at that point um Miss um let's see Kristen I believe the first one not for the outside storage I understand that yes we we did originally have a three-story building that had a drive-through in it um the building on the North top left on the far left and on the South have always been on the plan what we did is we took the three-story building and we split it into a two-story building and a one-story building on the North so there not not a bait switch there um the RV storage was something that came up new and that's why we had the last community meeting um school bus stop I went over the traffic um if we wind up doing um whether they're fast food restaurants or whatever they are fast food came up because Culver came to Mr outway and said hey we'd love to buy this he got with me and what do you thinking I don't I didn't want that there but that's where this came about so it wasn't just threatening just to threaten there was actually an offer on the table that's where the fast food comes came from and uh and I showed you a Cy plan actually shows three fast food restaurants with actually a lot of room left over so it is a reality that that could happen will it don't know but um yeah a school bus that would get worse um with with anything else that's proposed here so um as I said we you know this is our proposal proposal um with our development order we would be willing to go with a a 10-year limit on the outside storage but that's that's where we stand with that answer any questions if you have thank you I'd like to give the board an opportunity for to ask any additional questions of the applicant chairman yes if there's no questions by the board I'd like to ask the applicant a clarifying question the board's ask their questions I've see none from the board so please go right ahead uh so you stated that the outside storage you're willing to agree to a condition to limit the outside storage to 10 years yes so that would be um you would only have outside storage for 10 years and after that point in time the outdoor storage would cease yes or you would you it would cease regardless of if you put up another building or not I was going to say it would cease and hopefully we would be in before then to build that second building um and as far as um I I believe somebody sorry to elaborate a little bit more on that but um Mr hadway owned a outside storage facility and yes you do occasionally call your people and say hey I'm selling and he did do this I'm selling this piece of property we don't have room for you right now so that is a reality that does happen in the business so okay sorry no that's okay I just wanted to make sure I have the condition that you uh said you agreed to correct correct all right thank you all right final opportunity for questions from the board see none thank you so much all right uh at this point we like to um open up an opportunity for any discussion from the board and also willing to entertain a motion I'm in agreement with this St recommendation okay that a motion I I rather as a discussion I don't know how I I just feel that um it's important it's important to to honor what was there already what was established as part of the vision of the county and I think culturing that is really um losing the faith that we will always stand and and abide by what we said originally so if it's going to be approved or recommended I would go by the recommendation of the staff that have thoroughly seen and read everything that was proposed previously Mr chairman I'm ready to make a motion okay um I want to make a motion um that the board accounting Commissioners uh denied the proposed smallscale future land use map amendment in concurrent rezone as part of the following based on staff's findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing the board finds the request does not meet the identified portions of the comprehensive plan and moves to deny the requested small scale future land use map Amendment two based on staff findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing the board finds the request does not meet the identified portions of the semal County Land Development code and moves to deny the requested reone and Associated development order and master development plan I have a motion to deny the proposal do I have a second denial to recommend denial do I have a second second all right I have a motion and a second to recommend denial of The Proposal any further discussion on the matter all right all in favor I I I the eyes have it all right thank you very much were there any Opps oh I didn't know if you remind the crowd that he can still go forward yeah just a reminder to the crowd that uh this this merely recommendation this uh may still be brought before the County Commissioners all right at this point we're going to go ahead and close public hearing moving into closing business Rebecca do you have anything for the board tonight yes uh I actually have a few things so for the record Rebecca hammock birth management director um so first thing we have and I believe Tammy the clerk to planning and zoning commission board provided a proposed list of meeting dates for 2025 um so those dates do need to be reviewed and approved and if we need any amendments to those dates due to holidays please let us know um so if you want to take a moment to take a look at those and then let us know if um there's any issues with those I move I move we adopt the meeting schedule as presented second that we have a motion to adopt the meeting schedule as presented with a second any further discussion I all in favor I right to the all in favor I guys have it and then um Tammy also provided at commissioner German's request a copy of the board appointments terms and um and reappointments and the term limits so just for your information um that should be proved Ed to you to at the Das yep received thank you sure and then we also have a work session this evening on Rural enclaves so the planning division is um conducting a small area study for three areas within the county there three areas came to our attention when we were working on the Envision seminal 2045 study if you recall we were doing the visioning as well as our ear-based amendments and our updates to Our Land Development codes so throughout those processes we had a number of community meetings and it was brought to our attention that these three areas of the county although they are within the urban area and um some have lowdensity residential future land use or Suburban Estates they H have been developed with in a rural character and have larger Lots um so we committed um as the county to do small area studies for those three areas and our consultant uh kimley horn is assisting with with that we are at the very beginning of the process we've had the three Community meetings um and we've done one briefing with the board of County Commissioners but we do want to update you because ultimately if the board gives staff the direction to create these rural enclaves through overlays we'll be amending the comprehensive plan and the Land Development code and those things will have to come to you um so with that I will hand it over to Eliza Harris Juliano she um is our with our consultant kimley horn and she'll be doing the presentation this evening okay thank you thank you Rebecca uh thank you for having me this evening and do have a a few slides here um as I am standing between you and your evening plans I will endeavor to to move quickly so if I'm moving too quickly please uh the direction of the chair I'd be happy to to stop and answer any questions turn the clock on please I don't think I can do it in three minutes but uh I will try to move it along [Music] that was good it's okay see is this going to work if it doesn't work I can just tell me switch okay um so uh Rebecca already went over the timeline but you'll have this available to you we will be back with another work session as well as hearings assuming this continues to move forward oh I don't think this is going to work I will just let me know and I can switch it yeah sure um so as Rebecca mentioned this did come out of the Invision seminal 2045 study in in fact a lot of the details of how um rural enclaves would be established were detailed within that study and those were um subsequently adopted as part of the comprehensive plan so there are six designation criteria um you don't have to meet all criteria to qualify to be a rural Enclave but the places that we're looking at I think all of them meet five out of six criteria and arguably um at least two maybe three meet the the six criteria which is bordering a Conservation Area um so I'm going to talk to you a little bit about what those study areas are as well as some of the community feedback that we received the three pilot study areas that we are looking at are um termed Orange Boulevard up on the North End of the county Lazy Acres which borders the city of Longwood and Oak Hollow at the very south end of the county and we'll talk a little bit more about each of those what's true of all three is that they have a strong role of character they consist primarily of larg lot single family uh use they all have A1 zoning in fact that's a criteria of designation uh the majority your homestead which means the per property appraiser the majority of these homes are owned or occupied um two two of the study areas are adjacent to conservation or or um within or adjacent to protection areas for the Waka River or the econ the okalo is also um adjacent to an Orange County Rural Enclave so it's mirrored by that on the other side of the county line um the uses that are permitted today in A1 are listed here um single family accessory dwelling units basically majority residential uses um there are also some of course agricultural uses because this is an agricultural Zone as well as recreational facilities and elementary schools some additional characteristics um these these study areas have Urban infrastructure nearby because they are within the urban service area but they don't have Urban in infrastructure within their boundaries all or almost all we couldn't find any any sewer or water um Within These so we assume everybody is on septic um they have a mix of roadways but a lot of unpaved roadways or in some cases not even right away but just easements along property lines to access individual homes um there in some cases is a lot more development capacity in the comprehensive plan than is what what's on the ground a pretty big disconnect there um we'll show these polls but we did uh kind of informal polls within each community meeting and got very high support um 80 80 plus% in each community so not 100% but 80 80 plus% and we will be following up with a more formal survey that will be mailed out to Property Owners at a later date so Community workshops were held in September and October um one for each study area this is the the furthest North study area orange Boulevard um it is right up there as you can see against the black bear Wilderness Area so um this really is certainly clearly up against a a Conservation Area Wildlife Area um some key points within this um this diagram this is the only one of the three that we have showed so far and the the black line is the boundary um which is obscured by the roads on the south there we have a lot of maps but we just wanted to show you guys one um so we won't be here all night um but the uh there this has two sub areas within the rural enclave and this is the only one that has two sub areas there's a transition area which is that hatched area and then the rest of it is what we're calling the core area kind of backwards to usually the core is the densest area in this case the core is the least dense rural area um so the other thing that you see in there is the blue lines those are private roads actually most of those are within the um within the transition area and the white roads are not maintained so um that's evidence of there's just not that much infrastructure now the Yellow Roads those are the roads that are maintained you also see like I think there's a red Road in there that's one of these that's just in Access it's not even publicly owned or emergency access that's another one that isn't isn't a real Road essentially so these are some character images to give you a sense of what it looks like back in these areas this is that survey that we did um we actually did the survey twice um and so this was 90% um in support we actually had the earlier survey with more respondents that was also over 80% support characteristics that the community identified as wanting to preserve included large Lots well in septic systems there there's a lot of focus in this meeting on the wildlife as well as mature trees and that natural beauty um things that concerned the community in addition were um if there is any new devel velopment that's allowed that there would be vegetative buffers that this is the one area that actually has the lowest existing future land use so it's one unit per acre Suburban Estates future land use um that's different than the other two but the history here is that within that hatched area what's been approved in the past has been planed developments that are higher than one per one they're um up to three 3 and a half 3.7 units an acre is what's been approved in that area recently so um there there are concerns about essentially slowing down that conversion of of these more rural areas to more urban plan developments um a lot of concerns about flooding um which aren't aren't exactly part of this study but things that we pass on to the appropriate departments um one of the ideas that's been passed around is you know is there a need for like a super majority vote and we're looking at the legality of that the logistics of how that might happen um if there were to be any change either to a ro Enclave once established or other future land use changes as I said in this area of the history is these are all designated one per one but they have been changed over time to be more than one per one um so storm water management again that was a big Focus uh we did have some discussions about what it meant to have rural character and different communities felt differently about what that was one of the things we heard from the community was rural character means nobody tells me what to do so um I don't I I you know I have a big piece of property I don't want I don't want to have a lot of Direction on what I do on my property I want to have a lot of flexibility so that's one thing we heard um now when there's discussion of new subdivisions coming in there's a little more interest in um more significant buffers maybe limiting the lighting um looking at how you would reduce the impact of that on the existing homeowners um there was also concerns even related to the the new construction of the roadway coming in and the increased lighting that's going to be coming out of that um as well as the need for multimodal Access um we did have have owners within each of the study areas requesting to change how they fit in the boundar so we had some that were asking to opt out completely we had some that were um requesting to be moved from that lower density core area to the transition area we actually also had some people who were asking to be moved from the transition the higher density transition area to the lower density area because they felt they really wanted to be part of that more rural character in a in a meaningful way um so just talking about the again the constraints here within orange Boulevard it's already at one per one but the history is that those those that has changed over time they're right up against um a lot of existing higher density plan developments that are already there and that's essentially why there's the proposed transition area here because you've got um undeveloped properties that are essentially sandwiched on both sides by these higher density PDS so that's where they're not they're still at one per one but doesn't necessarily make sense to keep them at one per one indefinitely moving forward whereas the properties that are not surrounded maintaining the rural character in those still seems feasible um so moving on to the next area um Lazy Acres so this is the one that's kind of in the middle of the county um on the border between Longwood and Lake Mary now this one if you look at those colors it really really starts to tell a story so the blue here are private roads so the majority of these properties um on the North side are are served by private roads or emergency roads there are a couple of County roads in here but a significant amount of um dirt roads or or unmaintained roads you also see the green is the wetlands which are around some of these borders as well as significant amount of flood plane on the south there um and again here we had a significant amount of support for this idea 95% support for the idea of having a rural Enclave these are some photographs giving you a sense of what that looks like and a few more um so you'll see some some recurring themes here in terms of what the community wants to keep open space large Lots U minimal traffic they're very happy not having the the public infrastructure um no HOA so that's again hearing that theme of we kind of don't want you know we live out here for a reason it's because we do want to be able to do what we want to do on our property um but you no concrete walls so if there is a subdivision that comes up against the Ral Enclave we don't want to see that uh that more Suburban Frontage facing our properties so peace and quiet favoring the low density so this is an example of an area where today it's actually in the future land use map for four units an acre so there's a big difference in what's there now and what is on the future land use map that could be in the future so we're hearing um that of course that the citizens there many of the citizens would would not want to see that for unit breaker future they'd want to see something much more similar to what they have now a little bit later we'll talk about what the numbers look like from the acreage standpoint um you know they'd love to see their uh future land use be Suburban Estates like what orange Boulevard has now um and they're concerned about annexation so this because this borders the city of Longwood the history here is that they've seen most of the development actually hasn't been in the county it's been in the city it's been annexation from uh Longwood into unincorporated areas what we we did talk about during the meeting actually um I believe the vice mayor of Longwood showed up and talked about how the the city of Longwood had taken some steps to say that they were not going to Annex and increase the density of this area so um there seems to be support from Longwood but there were probably be a need to coordinate with Longwood for this rural Enclave to be meaningful um I mentioned already the four units per acre the annexation issue um majority of those roads as we said are private um in fact you know there's a if if somebody did want to develop it might there might be some hurdles there just because the private roadways um okalo so this is our third and last rural Enclave um this one again you see that blue that's the private roads so uh really all the properties within the Ral Enclave are accessed via private roads and in fact as I mentioned earlier roads is generous these are along the property line they're not even separate tracks They are um they're just dirt roads along the property line along within a shared um shared area between properties significant amount of wetlands um this is within the econ protection areas you see the pink line there this is also the one I mentioned is right on the border of the county and the hatched area you see to the south of the rural the proposed rural Enclave is Orange County's rocking course rural Enclave which is already been adopted by Orange County um some character photos here as well this one again 80% um positive response from the people that uh that participated in the survey large Lots natural feel hearing about Wildlife um really this was the one one Community where we heard them talking about that neighborhood feel and really a tight-knit community dirt roads beautiful trees as you can see from the photos and very happy to not have public roads to not have public utilities um now this property we'll get into the acreages a little bit later but um the this is the largest lots a lot of these lots are actually five in the five acre range um we when we did the analysis we took out the wetlands so many of them might be 5 Acres if they included the wetlands that are on their property but even without the wetlands they're in the 2 to three acre range at a minimum um some of the things that were discussed were if you know if there is any sort of increase in development how is the water going to be handled because they're they are concerned about flooding we heard a lot about flooding within all three areas um this was the area that they uh were most supportive of ideas around Dark Skies lighting that you would try to minimize that um effects of lighting even on maybe individual homeown properties so that you could maintain that rural feel and maintain the abil ability to view the stars as well as the other positive um attributes of the dark sky program there were some owners that requested to opt out um most of them were on the border of The Enclave there was one that was more interior to The Enclave that would be more challenging like um lazy Acres this is also 4 units per acre so big difference between uh four units per acre and the future land use plan versus five acre lots which is what's essentially there now um for all three areas of course uh the the counterveiling wind would be the concern about property rights and that is something that we're very aware of um there might be real or perceived property rights associated with the existing future land use or the existing Zone that allows smaller Lots than what exists there today so that's one reason we're we're really focused on the community uh Outreach to the property owners and making sure there's strong support for this before moving forward as well as those conversations about opting out and really trying to facilitate opting out if it makes sense from a planning standpoint so um just going to go through some of the the lot sizes um here so this one again orange Boulevard is always going to be the most complicated because we got two layers So within the core area which is again the more rural area the median lot size is just over 2 Acres within the transition area that's where all the existing PDS are we're looking at much smaller Lots um less than a quarter acre on average um and then you know median the average are pretty close together um we did a detailed parcel distribution analysis analysis so we could see how many Parcels were in each bucket on the right you see that where the PDS are so a lot of very much smaller properties here that have already been developed but there are still some larger properties that essentially are are uh not developed in a Suburban or Urban fashion yet and in the core area the vast majority of properties and again this is looking only at the Upland acreage um are greater than 2 Acres there are some that are um a decent number almost a third that are less than an acre most of those are right up against um the black bear Wilderness preserve and if you looked at the whole property they would be more than an acre but because we're looking at just the Upland their properties tend to drop off um behind into lower uh lower areas number two rur Enclave number two Lazy Acres median parcel size here is 2.3 Acres average is 2.9 so again looking at um the larger acreages here the vast majority of properties are over 2 acres and okal we we start to see here where more than 50% of properties are over 3 acres leading to that median partial size of four acres after we've taken out the wetlands so we did um run the numbers to see if the future land use was uh was maximized what would that look like what you see on the left because orange Boulevard um the future land is already one per one there's a there is a difference between what's there now because we do have a lot of two acre lots that could theoretically Lots split um into one acre lots and so you there are about uh sorry my glasses don't work quite that well but about a 100 lots that could potentially be built through just through lot splits within the orange Boulevard core area but as you can see Lazy Acres no h much bigger numbers in terms of what could be built there under the ldr future land use that would really significantly change the character of the area if that were if that were to move forward um so the light color here that's what's allowed under that four units per acre future land use the Orange is what would be allowed if it was reduced to Suburban estate Ser bur Estates which is one per one we don't know if uh folks want to do the lot split but we did hear particularly in Orange Boulevard that they didn't necessarily want to be limited to exactly what they are now if they want to do a lot split the future if they have a 2 acre lot um generally there was support for that but not to go all the way to you know much higher density 3unit breaker subdivisions um we did a little bit of additional analysis on orange Boulevard within just the transition area the Orange shows the existing dwelling units so on the right those are the existing PDS so those are already developed they're not really going to change um on the left what you see is those areas that are effectively undeveloped those are the ones that um do not uh that are still on those large lot single family for the most part or I think there's a nursery a couple of other agricultural uses so looking at what they're allowed today um they would be there would be another 45 units that could be built under the Suburban Estates what has been discussed is actually giving them a little bit more density to make them more compatible with the fact that again they're many of them on both sides have a three and a half units per acre um or two or three three and a half unit per acre subdivision so the expectation is that it would be compatible for those to go to a little bit higher density um one of the things that's been looked at is the lake silven transition area as a standard that's two and a half units per acre so we looked at um those kinds of numbers so two units per acre that would increase another potentially another 117 units that could be built within that area so moving into specific policy options um that we're exploring at this point in time um we the framework for the overlay which which again is in the comprehensive plan um specifies that there's not just one rural Enclave set of Standards each rural Enclave can have its own specific standards that are appropriate to the character of that particular location so that's part of the story they don't have to be the same um when we're talking about rural character as we said there's not it doesn't seem to be a huge appetite for regulating rural character from a design standpoint but even if we wanted to regulate architectural design on single family homes that's not legal from from the state standpoint so that's not on the table uh the other thing that we've talked about is that you've got individual properties that are situated differently Within These enclaves some of them are right up on a county road that is four lanes so that property might have a might be differently situated than property that is on the back of the Enclave in a p in a on a private road so there might be an opportunity for transition standards within the other enclaves that would address those situations um either by policy or by map to say yes if you are the property that's on the four-lane road you know maybe you have to buffer the properties behind you but you could go to a little bit higher density you're already essentially have access to sewer um whereas the the internal properties that they would be more restricted so that's that's an option that's been discussed um so we're looking at uh some of the levers that we're looking at pulling are the minimum lot size right now they're all A1 zoning which is one acre lots um the the rural Enclave could do a couple things for one thing it could um kind of reiterate that say within this R Enclave going forward say not looking at regardless of the future land use we're going to stick with one acre lots um it could even go to higher acreages as we said the the history of okalo is that it's five acre lots so are we looking at 5 acre lots 3 acre lots we're going to be doing a survey coming up or we're going to ask some of these questions of the public to get their feedback and of course we're also having this data available to you and to the board so that you can um give feedback on what's most appropriate based on the existing conditions the other lever that we're looking at that is the maximum density within the comprehensive plan um for instance potentially changing the ldr designation to Suburban Estates for those two rural enclaves that are at the ldr the higher for unit an acre density um or it could be a special density uh um description that's specific to the rural Enclave but doesn't change their designation uh we talked earlier about the potential for a super majority vote which we would have to again we're reviewing that with legal to see how that might work um the other thing that that's been discussed is we've already talked about the opt out process um relative to people who are requesting to opt out during this process should there be a opt out process in the future for those properties at the edge of the rural Enclave or not and that could go either way it's a policy option that that we put on the table um there's also the design standards elements discussing whether any design design standards that are put in place should have should apply to individual homeowners um or just to new subdivisions and depending on what those standards are they only make sense for new subdivisions there are already rural fencing requirements that have been put in relatively recently to try to maintain rural character within those properties that are zoned A1 or within the the rural boundary area um there's also we're also investigating the potential because we heard so much about water whether there's the opportunity to to um put in stronger storm water or Wetland protections within these areas above and beyond what was would otherwise be required when we looked at that those uses earlier um the one that kind of stuck out to people was elementary schools um we had a con there's a conversation about schools earlier today um maybe the rural Enclave is not the right place for a school given the very very low intensities we're talking about it's not no one's proposed to school it's not like that's on the table particularly but it might give the residents a level of comfort that it's been recognized this is not the right place for that um dark sky standards we've talked a little bit about okalo um generally was supportive of that um Lazy Acres and orange Boulevard had more mixed responses um our senses there would be support probably for subdivisions to have those dark sky sards but not necessarily individual existing large lot homeowners um there's always an educational option as well particularly for those properties that are near the Black Bear Wilderness preserve where you really do have um a nature preserve that that would benefit because there are impacts to Wildlife when you have that uh that light seeping out of the properties when we're talking about the subdivisions um there's a number of tools that could could go into place for subdivisions that are adjacent to the Royal Enclave the most obvious condition here is within the orange Boulevard in the transition area but it could also apply to any properties that opt out of the Roll Enclave or that um even properties that are undeveloped that are adjacent to the roll Enclave to this the extent those exist that they would be required to have a little bit more enhanced Landscaping buffers um a Prohibition on certain types of fencing or walls as well as some of those Dark Skies features um actually requiring a a connection to Water and Sewer if you are going to go to the higher density that makes sense um as well as potentially rural signage for those subdivisions basically basically what we've seen in some cases is the the kind of entryway to these rural areas gets very disrupted by the Suburban development and there's ways to soften that that allow development to happen while still maintaining more of that rural landscape that people have become used to um specific to Orange Boulevard um we have this discussion of the transition density potentially two or two and a half units per acre the other alter being to try to hold on to the Suburban estate's density or to kind of see what happens in terms of the the PDS if those continue to be approved I mean all of that is subject to board approval of course but the question is should we sort of set it now where there's a compromise that uh it's less than maybe what's been approved in the past but a little more than than what's there now just to kind of validate those property owners who who didn't sell first um other community feedback again we heard a lot about storm water um significant amount of M storm water and uh generally support for um there was also a discussion of dealing separately you know when we're doing these surveys to make sure that we separate out particularly for the orange Boulevard those respondents who are in the core area from those who are in the transition area because you've got a lot of residents in those PDS that could just buy the numbers if they so cared to could easily outvote those who were in The Core area just because there's more of them not sure that would happen in any case but it was a concern for the community that we that we saw and make sure that we will tally those separately for the information of the board um mentioned earlier that blazy Acres should it be established is really critical that that be done in coordination with Longwood probably through a joint planning agreement and that's rural onlies very nice very clear thank you so much any questions for myself or Eliza regarding the RO Enclave studies any questions from the board or for stuff all right a map we don't have a map of all the boundaries where the study was done yes so we do have one of the slides in the beginning um did it's in there it is yeah it's in and we can we can provide if you'd like we can provide um larger Maps this is kind of more of a general map that show show the three areas um a couple one sorry Eliza has lots of slides so we have these kind of maps that are more specific to the area and then we had a overall map that showed the three areas on the one map so they should if you have copies okay perfect great okay excellent thank you so much does the board have anything else to discuss Rebecca do you have anything else you want to add yes I have one last item oh maybe um so I know I've worked at least with a couple of you for many years um particularly commissioner German and commissioner La hunt um you know when I was the planning division manager you both were on the the board and I got to work with you quite often um some of you are newer but I did want to let you know this will be my last Planning and Zoning commission meeting with the county I have taken another opportunity in the private sector so I will be moving on at the end of December so it's been very nice working with all of you and I really thank you for your service on the board and we appreciate everything thank you for your service did a great job for the county thank you so much I appreciate it we appreciate you all right thank you so much um that being said I think nothing else to U discuss right meetings ad Jour all right [Music]