##VIDEO ID:q877ldYmFAY## [Music] oh [Music] everybody ready good evening this is the October 2nd 2024 seal County Planning and Zoning commission meeting everybody please stand for the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America into the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right this is a s member board appointed by the board of County Commissioners a quorum has been established to hold tonight's meeting public hearing items acted upon by this board are refer to the board of County Commissioners for further consideration board members present tonight from my starting with commissioner lordis agir next we got commissioner Tim Smith commissioner Carissa Lan we got Vice chairman Mike lawence chairman Dan Lopez commissioner Richard German and commissioner Brandy I Apollo staff present tonight are Jose Gomez County manager's office Chief administrator Nissa borker Deputy County attorney Vladimir simonovski development re review engineering manager Joy Giles principal planner Kathy Hamill principal planner Caitlyn abgar planner Tammy Brushwood pnz board clerk tonight's meeting will go as follows staff will introduce the item the applicant will present their item audience members wishing to speak will then be heard audience participation requires each speaker complete a comment card and give it to the clerk comment cards are located in the lobby please indicate on the comment form whether you would like to make an or any oral comments written comments will also be accepted speakers should restrict their comments to information directly related to the item being heard when called speaker should approach the microphone clearly State their name and address for the record the board may ask questions of the speaker after all speakers have been heard public comment will be closed the applicant will be given a chance for rebuttal any items shown such as videos presentations pictures or Maps must be left with the clerk for public record item shown for electronic or from electronic devices should be emailed to the clerk a motion will be made and seconded board discussion may occur and conclude with a vote I will request a roll call for any split split votes the first item on the agenda is the approval of the proof of publication do I have a motion motion to approve second got a motion to approve and a second all in favor I guys have it next is going to be the approval the minutes do I have a motion so moved second have a have a motion to approve in a second all in favor yes have it all right the next item is going to be public hearing items starting with the Ronald Reagan plot rezone presented by Miss Caitlyn abgar project manager hello my name is Caitlyn abgar planner from planning and development services for the record the applicant is requesting the approval for a rezone from A1 Agriculture and r r1a single family dwelling District to R1 single family dwelling district for a proposed single family residential subdivision on approximately 4.76 Acres located at 62000 North Ronald Reagan Boulevard the applicant proposes to develop the subject site as a single family residential subdivision in compliance with the R1 zoning classification with a minimum lot size of 5,000 square ft and a minimum lot width at building line of 50 ft the parcel currently has split zoning the Western half retains the r1a single family zoning district and the eastern half retains the A1 agriculture zoning District the property is currently developed as a single family residence the request for the rezone to R1 is to allow the property to be subdivided into single family lots the proposed subdivision intends to include the current residents on the Eastern side the number of lots is formally undetermined at this phase but the applicant approximates about 14 Lots as allowable and in compliance with all applicable seal County regulations the property has a future land use of low density residential which allows a maximum density of four dwelling units per net buildable acre this equates to a density maximum of 19 dwelling units per acre for the subject property access proposed is via Ronald Reagan Boulevard which is considered an urban minor arterial operating at a level of service a there is an existing sidewalk along Ronald aagan Boulevard the the developer will be required to provide internal sidewalks for the development that comply with this the Land Development code of SEO County the requested R1 zoning classification does not require a plan for review during the rezone process therefore at the time of preliminary subdivision plan review the development will be evaluated for buffer requirements the R1 zoning District does not require open space the subject site is currently located within the city of Sanford's utility service area but will be transferred to seal County service area and will be required to connect to County Water and Sewer there is currently an interlocal agreement between the city of Sanford and seal County for the service boundary change and it is pending the memorandum of agreement for final execution in compliance with seminal County Land Land Development code section 3.3.5 community meeting procedures the applicant Comm the applicant conducted a community meeting on July 8th 2024 staff finds the request to be consistent with the seminal County comprehensive plan and compatible with the trend of devel El in the area the proposed subdivision of the property into 14 lots equates to approximately three dwelling units per acre which is in compliance with the ldr future landies maximum of four dwelling units per acre the standard dimensional requirements within the R1 zoning District provide a transition between similar lot sizes to the west and larger Parcels to the east staff recommends the board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed ordinance enacting a rezone from A1 and r1a to R1 single family dwelling for proposed single family residential subdivision on approximately 4.7 76 Acres located on the northeast side of Ronald Reagan Boulevard Southwest of Nolan Road thank you Caitlyn any questions from the board for staff all right is the applicant present yes please come forward please state your name and address for the record and uh Matthew Osborne and my address or the address my home address yes uh is 8562 duffan Lane Orlando Florida 32832 thank you anything further you wanted to add uh no not necessarily I think um she had just about stated everything we're here to request tonight excellent any questions from the board for the applicant are you the owner uh no my father-in-law is the owner okay I'll be the develop the contractor developer okay thank you yeah see no other questions from the board thank you very much any questions from the audience questions or comments I've got some concerns on drainage for the area please come forward sir and state your name and address for the record Robert Bradberry 4120 Brewster Court Sanford Florida 32773 I own the property directly adjacent to the north of this property uh back when I was a boy it was called the Citrus Heights the old Orlando Highway had huge drainage stitches on each side of the road carrying storm water to The Creeks to the East and the West Along Came Brady odm built sunant States blocked off overflow to two sides of of our property there um the next few owners before the current owner brought in a lot of field dirt which necessitated a drainage easement across the property the problem being with all the field that was brought in I'm at the bottom of the barrel now the land to the south of me this property um was raised six foot in some places and at least two foot just about everywhere when we have a 10-in rain generally what happens before the water starts flowing through the drainage easement my SE setic tank stops working and then about the time that it starts flowing through the easement my yard is flooded at that point my only recourse is to block off the drainage easement and pump over a burm to bring the water down on my side just to get the water to go into the storm water system along the side of Ronald Reagan I'm concerned that with the uh the roads and and the roofs are going to create so much runoff that even a smaller rain will put water in my house the Hurricanes we had two years ago I prayed for a miracle because one inch was all it needed before it was inside my house uh I think that the amount of retention on the property is willfully inadequate in in size and in depth and that's my concerns I would appreciate as part of the engineering that um Topo levels are taken and and to see where my yard and the Overflow and the drainage all works but that's my concerns thank you sir any questions from the board for the for the gentlemen would the applicant like to respond to his concerns I know when our I know in the community meeting uh this gentleman expressed his concern and our Engineers who are't here today um kind of directed and explain that we would that would be in consideration with the PSP plan and everything else moving forward um I know they're developing behind they're doing around 18 or 20 homes or something very similar uh a little bit good bit larger and um of course it'll be taken into consideration in terms of design you know the drainage and whatnot you know is there any member of Staff maybe that can speak to to when that will be addressed if there will if there will be further consideration given to the amount of retention or anything yes so Vladimir simonovski development review engineering manager uh staff is aware of these issues with a drainage in that area uh we have already made comments and those comments are actually include some of the Mr bradburry's comments and concerns so this will be addressed at the final engineering uh the pond of course will be required we required minimum 25 24e storm uh prepost not to exceed the volume right from the existing one and again it will be addressed at a at engineering level and right now it's just a reson process so I have a question of is this a closed Basin basically they're going to have to retain all their drainage on site or is there an outfall anywhere there an outfall at the road right in front of the property that will take it everything to the southide and into the existing uh storm water system that is owned by the county okay any other questions or comments from the board whether it's for the staff or anybody else okay thank you um any discussion or also chairman chairman yes please um we need to close public comment oh I'm sorry yes and see if there's anyone was there anybody else from the public that was interested in speaking on this I apologize see none okay we'll close public comment um any discussion from the board any motions at this time I'll um I'll make a motion that we recommend the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting rezone from A1 Agriculture and r1a single family dwelling to R1 single family dwelling for approximately 4.76 Acres located on the northeast side of Ronald Reagan Boulevard Southwest of Nolan Road second we have a motion to recommend adopting the ordinance has been seconded any further comment or discussion seeing none all in favor hi the yes have it all right moving on to the second item on the agenda the Master's Academy special exception Amendment presented by Miss Kathy Hamill project manager good evening Kathy Hamill development services I'm presenting an amendment to the Master's Academy special exception this amendment is to allow three portable um buildings to become permanent the Master's Academy special special exception was approved in 1998 and over the years the school has expanded there have been amendments and the school now is requesting for temporary Portables that were allowed in 2021 because they were renovating the school they wanted to put these temporary Portables and now what they're requesting is for these Portables to become permanent and that requires an amendment to their special exception um this amendment will not increase the number of students it will not increase the number of Staff therefore there will no be there will not not be any additional trips on the road and it will not impact the surrounding area therefore staff is recommending for the board of County Commissioners to approve the special exception Amendment and for the permanent placement of the three temporary Portables and I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have okay thank you very much any questions from the board I I do yes sir um I'm I'm just curious so it was approved for 6 months in 2021 and we're in August of 2024 were they cited what what happened did it fall through the cracks it came to our attention that the Portables um were still there and so therefore we started the process so we have we have been in the review process with them getting to them them to this point okay any other questions from the board for staff okay is the applicant present good evening service just please state your name and address for the record my name is Marcus maning and I live at 1235 Stone Harbor Road in Winter Springs Florida 32708 how you doing good please proceed I don't really have much to comment on it other than we this is um not something for expansion like she mentioned um it is really because we we are at our Max possible um cement or drainage options on the campus and so in order for us to be able to move students into these portable classrooms um and add on or refurbish other buildings to take that capacity later on we're going to need these for a few years longer and so the next step recommended to us was to apply for a permanent status but we do not plan on those being permanent on our campus by any means right thank you sir any questions from the board for the applicant not seeing any all right thank you so much thank you all right this time we'll take any questions from the public from the audience anybody wish to speak on the matter all right seeing none uh let's go ahead and close the public comment any questions from the or any comments from the board I also willing to entertain a motion yes um happy to make a motion there you go um I'll make a motion that uh the board of County Commissioners approve the special exception Amendment and Associated development order for permanent placement of three portable classrooms in the A1 zoning District on 3.79 Acres that's all you need P second that all right we have a we have a motion to recommend the approval of the special exceptions it has been seconded any further comment see none all in favor hi you guys have it all right we'll go ahead and we close the public hearing moving into closing business anything from uh from staff today for the board I'm sorry that I missed last month's training I was in get I was getting some training on my own so um I'm I'm sorry I missed you I'm here this evening and uh we have nothing further to discuss that I'm aware of excuse you this time outstanding does the board have anything to discuss having no further business this meeting is adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music]