##VIDEO ID:A8aptETKTms## e e e e e e e e e e e e hello e e e e hi April you scared me I'm doing David hello hello how are we all tonight a lovely night I guess I'm still at work what was I think I'm still play I know I should have been sailing today anyway hi David hi George hi hello I just came back from the dentist so if I start drooling I apolog I'm trying what Nova cane yeah on this side yeah I can see it's a little puffy over I'm sorry it's all I can do not to dribble the coffee down the front of me what are you GNA do not much we've all been there more or less it's worth it in the end yes I think you word for it it's painful until they finally take care of it that is for sure yeah yeah where's our fearless leader there he is there he is here I'm going let lesie know everybody's here he might have gotten into something she joined she just joined she's here hey lese you muted he is some new you're on mute before the pandemic talk about being muted hi har hi hi everybody hi har hi is every Leslie here yes I am okay Howard you ask me for a couple numbers in an email that I was just looking at and I don't know if you still want them and I wasn't sure what they were so okay yes I want them you're not but you don't have them exactly is that true I don't know what they were okay fine that that's okay okay um okay sorry I need a minute I just came in from outside I'm a little famished um okay um I'm gonna open the meeting um attending our board members April Stein and George Arvin itis chairman Howard spetner uh assessors clerk Leslie Bracebridge Town Administrator uh Becky torus and the administrative assessor David Burgess um the first item on the agenda is to review and approve the meeting the minutes of our last meeting on June 26 um does anybody have any concerns or questions about the meeting okay I them they look good okay um the spelling the corrected spelling on word from We R to e if somebody noticed it okay um I move that we accept the meeting uh I'm sorry I move that we accept the meeting the minutes of that meeting I second okay I vote I I okay the motion passes uh the second item on the agenda is to review and approve the accountant reports um the accountant reports are the uh motor vehicle excise tax reports from July and August of this year I think there's a total of three abatements on it uh does anybody have uh any questions or concerns I do not okay I I move that we approve uh the accountant reports okay I vote I arantis I and Stein I okay the motion passes um the next item on the agenda is to review and approve approve the fourth motor vehicle excise tax commitment Leslie sent that out it's 9,000 something um anybody have any questions or concerns yeah 6,992 no no questions 6,000 okay yeah okay um I move that we accept the uh I move that we approve and accept the uh fourth motor vehicle commitment I'll second that okay I vote I I I okay the motion passed uh the next item on the agenda is to review and approve uh the chapter 61 61 a and 61b renewal applications for FY 26 they have just started coming in as I understand it um Leslie what do you got uh we have like you say some are coming in uh four our four chapter 61 BS are ready for approval in 161a which is agriculture David had an opportunity to review them this morning uh three others I've sent back people either forget or just can't remember because they don't want to to sign their owner's acknowledgement so I've actually put out a form letter now to people I write it into their cover letter say please make sure to send it and so all I have right now are five that are ready five I'm sorry five chapter 61b 161a and four have been sent out for more information okay and the ones that they're ready for approval tonight they're all renewals they're all renew and no no new ones and and you said David has seen them all already right okay um any concerns or questions no okay I move that we approve the uh the 61b and 61a applications I'll second okay I V v i AR Stein I okay the motion passes um the next item on the agenda is to um is to approve uh the use of the signature stamps by Leslie on on the 61 61a and 61b renewal applications that we approve um apparently I guess we've never done that formally is that true we do it but I think it's wise to do it each year just okay rather than say oh let's see back back in 200 something we did it I just okay put it into the queue for every year unless you folks find it too much well I'm just wondering why can't we put that in the original motion as we approve chapter 61 also approving each time yeah yeah just meant one vote instead of two for each one yep okay we only we only have to do it once a year right is what you're telling me right well I I I hear what George is saying too I think as a matter of fact in one of the most recent minutes I did switch to a motion was made to approve and use signatures uh and use signatures yeah whatever works for you Leslie I'm fine either way I'm just always thinking efficiently you know I'm trying to be efficient too and I think you're right I was doing it these these votes just this meeting that would go for all of them that we get through the year but I see your point just put it right into the motion to approve well the only the only thing that I would agree with George because it would say you if somebody said where did you get permission you wouldn't have to go back looking through the minutes all the time yeah and which is why I was trying to do it annually so uh that's fine then if everybody's okay with that that's how I will just do these minutes voted a motion was made in seconded to re to approve and use or to use signature stamps for approval of blah blah blah I can't think of I can't think of any situation where we would approve something but not approve you signing STS yeah it's just me getting used to the changing way that our meetings are going over these years thank you and trying to be correct so that's what I'll do with your if you guys say you approve that that's fine so let me just ask does this mean that we're going to approve the we have we have several things uh several forms that Leslie us a signature stamps for including like accountant reports and the commitments yes is that true and and the notices that go out to these chapter 61 people that their application has been reapproved but I'm reading right on these draft minutes a motion was made in seconded to approve for signature stamps the following but whatever was so that's thank you George that's how I'll do it so here is my question are we going to approve the use of signature stamps every time that we approve one of these things for which signature stamps because we already we already approved the accountant reports today right are we going to like have to go back and approve the use of signature stamps for the accountant reports and for the motiv and for the the commitments in other words everything that use a signature stamp for are we now going to approve the use of that signature stamp and I'm I think what George and David are saying is that just in the wording for all of those Mo motions it'll just include motion was made and seconded to approve for signature stamps the following accountant reports the following okay and that would start that would start in the future today everything is set in the future you would try to do that yeah can can we just do it with today's meeting minutes well if you if you're okay with amending your motions sure yeah if you guys are okay I'm okay okay it makes it more efficient and like David says it's got it both of you say it's got it right there okay yeah Leslie whatever works for you is fine um okay so I make a motion that uh we approve the use of signature stamps on the motor on the accountant uh reports on the July and August motor vehicle accountant reports and that we we approve the use of the signature stamp on the fourth motor vehicle excise tax commitment a second okay I vote I I Stein okay um so we're there okay now and we have all right so just because I have like my short-term memory we did approve the use of the signature stand for the 61 61a and 61b we were we just did that right Leslie I have memory lost too but okay I think everybody that's what I'm going to put in the minutes okay fine we did it okay and no one remembers okay okay uh we gotta get some young people on this board okay um we are young yeah yeah good now I know um oh goodness okay moving right along um item number seven on the agenda is the means tested real the the MTR exemption application updates um including any votes that we have to take tonight um Leslie and David phison okay I took a look at these today with Leslie uh the circuit breaker has changed dramatically from last year the maximum amount is 2590 last year we voted for 100% of the circuit breaker for everyone it was 1250 I think Leslie that is 1220 um okay 1200 1200 all right what you've got in front of me and I I should have a spreadsheet that we did today it shows you what all the people got last year uh the first nine are the same applicants from last first eight are the same applicants from last year and then how much they got uh in the exemption is it the far right corner far right column this is what I'm sorry I have to catch up here this is the thing that you sent out that we got just lately right right let me let me find it okay I'm sorry you want me to do you want to put it up on screen or George do you have it you want to put it up on the screen well I can do that I've got it's on my screen right now so if you okay yeah open that up I'm having a hard I'm at work and I'm having a hard time getting this computer to do okay Becky you want me to share all right if it's okay with uh David Howard and Lesley I was just a suggestion document yeah um whatever it is it's fine okay there it is thank you can you find yeah I've got it in my Chaplet but okay fine if you look at the First Column the first it uh lines of that are the people that got it last year got the exemption last year number nine is a new account and um the bottom one will not qualify so we can just let that go in the second column you can see the credit they got on their taxes this year ranges from U 668 to 2590 wow last year we voted 100% if we voted 100% this year we'd be looking at a $1 17,34 credit and that doesn't bother me but what does bother me is that the other exemptions the 41c the 17s the 22s they they did not go up so I don't see that we should give what basically amounts to 100% increase over last year uh values as the further columns you go across it tell you what 75% of the mtcb would cost us 50 25 200 175 150 125 I recommend this is only my thought is that we go with 50% this year and take that towards select board and that's basically it last year we had 8,221 and this year we would have 8,652 and this is your call so I was thinking about this there's a couple things if I may um first of all we have to be cognizant this all falls within the overlay so if we were to go to 100% no no it doesn't go in the this gets add on top of everything oh that's right oh you say that every time the difference is amongst the rest of the rest of us PID this amount it's it's added to the tax rate yeah yeah spread across everybody so the Assumption then so I understand is if we W with the 50% that's recommended we basically add be adding about two cents to the tax rate like we accidentally about a penny okay all right I mean for me I think it's important that we're consistent year to year because people are planning these nine people or eight nine people are planning year-to year their budgets and we want to be consistent year to year on what their tax will be and 50% certainly achieves that so well I mean I just want to throw out there they might you know having gotten what they were what they got from the state last year they're probably anticipating getting the you know a larger amount this year wouldn't they I mean they got 100% last year right right yeah but if you did if you did 100% last year some of these people are going to see a $1,200 increase in their U over last year and all m concern is or my concern is that we're not doing that with other exemptions so why would we do it with this because the state did it we didn't do this actually the state did it that's right but I mean we have the actually the select board has the final say of what the percentage is right so I'm curious how much the circuit breaker change this year is it seems like it's really shifted things it went from 12200 to 2590 the maximum did the calculation hasn't changed okay you still you still figure it the same way except that last year you could not go above 1,200 and now you can go above 20 now it's 2590 and that's and so anybody who made them some people qualified for 2590 is what it comes down to um I was thinking that we would kind of split the difference here and maybe go for 75% so that there would be you know there would be a raise but it wouldn't be as dramatic as uh wind be as dramatic as 100% one thing that's um I will say about that is that um of the nine okay of the nine people who are going to receive this um and of the of the I'm sorry of the eight people people who are going to receive it and received it last year okay if we go with 75% seven of them are still going to see an increase in the amount that they're getting okay one of them will get a slight reduction one of them number four right will go down from uh 8 something sorry let me check this over yeah from 869 to 456 to 869 684 um and and they may or may not notice well I also I I think in light of the fact that they're really they're I like the idea of of splitting the difference between 100 and 50% know this I like the 75% it is an increase how much that would give what three cents on the tax rate probably no more than two okay you know in light of we really want to be able to help our senior citizens and and uh as we all know things are getting more expensive and this is not going to really cost the rest of us a whole lot um and this is a compromise what do you think um I I think it would be good I mean the select board makes the ultimate decision right I think if you you know if you recommended the 50 and the 75 for them to choose from I I think that would be good then they could go with David's recommendation if they're that's what they're most comfortable with and if they're have any of the other feelings or concerns they could go with a 75 I like that so basically you you you want to like punt it over to them well it's their decision both number you know you your your committee is kind of well you're with David is kind of split between the two I was just an idea you yeah okay present both we can certainly we can prepare two memos one for 50 one for 75 and let them see yeah as Becky says it's good Becky you all say really that is their decision I'm just a recommendation I I have no no talk in this SP no and it's good for them to get David's recommendation um and then yeah if we could do both I think it it covers all the bases I think I like that that yeah that's a I think that's good just tell them just basically tell the select board what we said you know that we have you know on one hand and on the other hand and so forth and then let them decide all right well if you're GNA for discussion before we go uh could we look at as part of this a discussion of when we're going to meet with the select board I I would like to sort of do it by the end of October if I could okay is that their next meeting's in two weeks yes so the select board meets on the 24th the 24th of September and then about the 9th or 10th of August I'm sorry October I can make either I can make both those I would prefer the October one you could meet on the 10th of October or the 24th of October about did they meet what day of the week do they meet oh wait I'm sorry I'm in sep I gon say that's a Thursday yeah I apologize so it's the 8th of October the or the 22nd I cannot make the 22nd the eighth works for me I'm the 22nd at the eth eth is fine okay and you don't and you guys don't want to do the 24th of September I I I would prefer not okay fine got it uh yeah and um assuming this we we're kind of assuming this will be agreeable to the select board that we'll just put it on the agenda and they'll do it oh yeah okay fine good this is one of the things they they have to pay attention and and they're going to see the same exact analysis to make that decision along with a commentary from David okay perfect I will be removing the parcel IDs yes okay and that's what and oh shoot I'm sorry there there will be no partial IDs on when I give them right so I'm sorry is the parcel ID not public information right it's because this is all Anonymous it identifies the the person okay but okay I thought that but we're looking at it yeah weekend we are but not on screen yeah but this is a public oh this is not part of the this is not part of the record right this thing okay okay fine fine fine fine okay um you can pull up from the screen George is it on screen I never saw it there oh it was on the screen it was on the screen it was you couldn't see Becky everybody else saw it it's so weird I don't know why I never saw probably because you're saw all of no maybe I did I did but I mine's right my spreadsheets open right behind it so no can oh so we we can we delete that last section because that not really I think we should move forward yeah okay keep going all right okay um sorry okay the next item on the agenda is to is to vote to approve the use of assessor signature stamps on the Mt applications and approval forms um let me ask so I have a question about this um it's for David in terms of approving the Mt exemption the applications formally how does that work I mean do we vote does the board vote to approve those applications exactly the same as you do for an exemption yes okay so we're okay so we have to votee to approve those right so what I would suggest is that once we have the meeting with the select board to decide what we're going to do at your next meeting after that we will approve them and get them signed off on in an executive session an executive session yeah um somebody educate me why executive session because you're at that point you're saying a document that has got the people's information on it their income taxes and everything else we don't want that what we have done pre what we previously did last year and others is say vote to approve uh the applications as recommended by the administrative assessor something to the effect the administrative assessor has reviewed them all and made the following and by just doing a blanket vote of what the administrative assessor has done and you folks have all had the opportunity to come in and look at these not public docum that's how we've avoided bothering with executive session okay that would work okay but if you want to see them and talk about each one then it would be executive session or you can just come in and see them just not as a meeting group okay okay okay so if we were to actually discuss applications with you know like look at the application on during a meeting that would have to be ex okay yes and we and like we've never done that with 61 BS or anything like that no 61b is more public because it's not income taxes okay we have from an Oldtown Clerk's position getting people to you know eventually executive session meeting minutes are public and it's just so cumbersome it's so much more efficient to just rely on the administrative assessor with the understanding that anybody who wants to come in individually and look at these papers they can Howard did that last week uh just yesterday and I know that April and George if they ever wondered if this was somehow not correct they'd be in here looking at them themselves too but once you start going over each application in public or at a meeting then you got if it's income taxes you're going to have to close it and then you got the minutes that last forever or eventually get voted public and you have to hide them forever it's just easier not to go there and and as oppos the 61a and 61b were really the basis for it and all the information required is already public information that's correct yeah but with exemptions you're talking about people's level of income yeah and that's private yeah okay so in that case regarding um item eight on the agenda about the signature stamp um why don't we put that off until we actually vote on them at the next meeting yes we'll we'll I'll start I'll use the wording that I did on the June 26 meeting minutes okay um item number nine is FY tax rate setting updates including estimated growth and timelines for any signatures that I would guess is David going to tell us about that that would be me okay David all right so far we're on a good Pace the La 3 and the la5 have been approved by the Department of Revenue in other words they've agreed about how much we should be raising the value overall our next step is the la4 and the LA 13 and I will need at least one of you to sign those when uh when we have them ready um I haven't finished them yet because once we sign off in the la4 and the LA 13 I can no longer change values and I don't like the idea of sitting for three months if somebody comes in and says we've got a problem i' would rather address it at that point instead of going for a abatement later on if we can do it so my thought at the moment is that early in November at your first meeting in November we'll approve the 4 13 and at that time we'll also set a meeting with the um select board for the classification hearing before the end of November or the middle of November if we can and once that's done we'll proceed and move forward uh did that alen deal with the uh billing process and that's really where we are at the minute the other thing is that uh interestingly we have about $115,000 in New Growth this year wow which has been really good wow and that's nothing we have done that's all down to uh the tel phone company don't sell don't spend it Char well it's just lowering our tax rate you know I mean that's great because we were digging in excess Levy capacity to balance the budget and this just eliminated that problem right I hope I don't know about the budget that's up to you yeah yeah the budget we were using a much lower number I can tell you that yeah well we were surprised when it came in uh but it has been verified Roy Bishop uh did the work the numbers and then he called the people uh the company to make sure we were right and it's all been verified by them and we have their lovely email so that's that's good oh so you got confirmation that's great an upgrade I'm sorry I was just want the upgrade in the um sub the substation on cck Corner Road isn't that being upgraded that'll be next year if that is okay that's next year th this is money is for all the phase three work that was done down Leverett Road and Wendell road wend yeah last summer when we had those road crews out there all the time yeah it was like4 Million doll David of new new B something like four and a half I think some from berch or gases that's utility companies I forget who they are so that road work that was going on that involved utilities that wasn't just public roads no oh that was the utilities all of the work was utilities and then the um MLP also had to move all their wires they spent over $100,000 doing that so it cost but that's not new value right no no yeah and and by the way the electric an electric storm already hit the hole that's just about opposite 2121 it's amazing it's at the bottom there's about 4 in off of the base wow you'll notice it when you drive down if you think to look for it when did that happen Leslie sometime in the summer I don't know exactly when and I when I you don't it's not at the top of the pole it's at it starts at the bottommost wire but when you look at it you go oh it just took a good chunk off of that pole so if I right about at 212 W I will try to report that if I can find our guy from last summer um get out here I can look for a poll number okay but this good start um I'm still getting Kristen's tracking the name down for me I'll have to ask her to do again I have another question about them so all right that's that's really all I have as far as the tax rates going okay well that is a wonderful news d yeah that's one it no it really is that's the taxpayers are always you know try want to see the tax you know their tax bills go down and this is going to help uh two questions if I may sure regarding the forms that are done the la3 what was the other one that's complete the LA 15 basically the la3 is a report of the of the sales and the level of assessment we brought them up to from what they were from and the la5 L just to breakdown to show the um by the different classes of property we have to make sure that the same classes of property are within 5% of each 5% of the major group which is a residential single family so commercial industrial everybody has to be within 5% of the sales which isn't really hard because we don't have any commercial right and then um just back to my finance committee hat so with the work that's happening at the substation that's going to affect our our tax rate in two thou starting in fiscal 26 will we be able to get a reasonable estimate for that I know Becky it's it's your department but finance committee would love to be able to get some kind of a a estimate of what that might be the million project that that's being done there is that that's my understanding again it would be talking to National Grid to see if they can um give me an estimate of the value of the project they're working on is that how you go about it Becky you contact you reach out to them yeah that's what I would do oh okay all right that answers my question thank you and there's a bunch of new houses being built in this town which is amazing that's hasn't happened in years so that that will also help as long as nobody has needs for education or roads or anything else all right but please let's be careful this is this is one every seven or eight years you get a bonus like this so just don't bet on it for next year this large anyway yes yeah okay okay so item number 10 on the agenda is what is new in Municipal law meeting registration timelines I'm guessing that's Leslie yes and that was just simple end of meeting just so you're aware I think you also get these do do um notices but uh both at the Franklin County Clerk's meeting it was emphasized this is uh there new changes coming along and Ellen Ellen is going so I can pretty pretty certain that Ellen will bring back plenty of information it's it costs $100 it's at the Log Cabin Bank Meeting House in h yoke and the reg it's um Thursday October 10th and the registration closes beginning next week I doubt that you're interested but I just trying to be thorough and make sure nothing's being missed there's also an opportunity to do a virtual seminar it's still the $100 but presumably everybody could meet together if they really wanted to do it divy it up I am happy waiting for the notices the O is going to send us notices of anything that we need to now but you can if you want to do it and you it's always good to rub shoulders with um assessors and the Franklin County chairman of the the president of the Franklin County Assessors Association was encouraging us to all get together and sit at one table so that's why I'm letting you know but it time and money are valuable for everybody so let go ahead sorry no just going to say I could let if you want to let me know and you wanted to register we could arrange it sorry Becky I apologize David did did you ever make it a practice of going to those sessions I haven't because I get this similar stuff at MMA and the uh legislative breakfast that are free I mean the legisl breakfast are free I went the few times and it's terminal board them so no I don't go there's an endorsement here's a sales pitch I'll make sure to put that in the minutes but I went once with Kevin and that was where I was at man after my own heart okay um the item number 11 are updates from the August 27 Franklin County Assessors Association Round Table meeting in wwor and Leslie you went to that I did go to that that was free and we even got free Cofe and past stre all right and did anything else happen of significance yeah yes we have a new president or chairman or whatever after so many years it's the principal assessor in monague as the one from Irving who was marvelous handh holder and helping people through everything is retiring and the new woman is very professional too and actually ran the meeting as a training session and taking questions and showing us things and there was nothing um except as I say she also wanted us to be more of a a team and meet at the log cabin and that kind of was the end for me but I sent you a couple documents and it really doesn't have that much to do with um the KP law document it doesn't affect us that much probably mostly David who would be the one if any who was involved in this deciding whether a property is a building lot or not as as zoning the governor Healey signed emergency Le legislation in August so that there would be more opportunity for starter homes and it seems to say the KP law article seems to say that any time that towns increased their zoning Frontage or acreage and people lost property if they had it mapped out uh drawn out as lots that they lost because they were together and had to be merged from the doctrine of merger of Doctrine now if as long as you get uh it's at least 10,000 square feet and the house that goes on it it has at least three bedrooms and a minimum of 1,800 square fet and a few other things those are going to be allowed now across massachusett there's no it's overriding the local zoning so it's significant for us to understand that I think David is the only one who might need to work with it ever but just that was the big information also um they mentioned that you folks probably all remember that in 2011 Our Town voted uh to increase all the exemption benefits to whatever we could which includes cost of living um increases each year on some of the low income uh exemptions now there is legislation that the town would have to approve just as they did in 2021 that those same cost of living increases would be available to Veterans and it's hard to allow it to give them to one and not the other and it's not for this meeting to decide upon but it is something to think about and it will be on a future agenda do you want to put that on the uh annual town meeting to do the same thing for veterans benefits that you voted in 2021 for uh Senior Citizens lowincome senior citizens that's really um quick summary of it and just from my lay words but it's called it's part of the hero act and just uh also not from the meeting but also uh this is the second year of our means tested exemption if don't forget that that has to be renewed every three years by annual town meeting if you want to continue it so not this not 25 but by 26 we've got to be deciding whether or not to put that on the annual town meeting warrant right but mostly that prior to that that I just said that's all that happened at the meeting but the pastry was very good that's very so in order to get the um the veterans ex the COA on the veterans exemption uh in order to get it on the town meeting when do we have to have it approved by it's going to be an anual town meeting so it's gonna be Becky would say by the end of March or like okay third week in March or be yeah in March if you approve it in March and get it to me before the end of the month it'll go on I'm sure theel board will add it to the okay um I definitely think we ought to address it I agree um do you want to put it on the next you want to do it on the next agenda just to get it out of the way or do you w to uh okay it could be that I was going to say and David may know better than me I'm not sure I I'd have to read it carefully to understand what the state will be reimbursing if anything and then maybe there's they'll not be reimbursing anything okay there you go so there's no charts to prepare no so we need to know so it's going to come out of our it's going to come out of our funds that our overlay yes come from the overlay account okay yeah it's already come out of the other one so and so Ball Park how much money you think we're talking about cost of living is 3% right I thought it was 1.34 that I voted this year yeah you're right how many veterans uh well there's all different categories there's two that are $1,000 there's uh maybe eight that are 400 so you're you're not talking much you're probably a couple hundred dollars yeah okay nothing okay okay um just think it's respectful yeah agree uh yeah okay so um so Leslie if you just get it on an agenda soon you know okay I'll put it on the next one and if it's too busy we'll push it to the next one but I think it select board likes to have these things sooner than later right back okay yeah okay um okay Rel question in terms so the overlay account apparent you know I'm new to this the overlay account apparently we' like to keep like $40,000 in it roughly think that's what weed this year I can't remember yes that's that's what we've been using okay okay and how much do we usually spend out of the overlay account annually depends on how many bment we did but we really did very few this year on exemptions I think 16 or 17,000 that much 16 or 17,000 I believe but I'm not sure okay it's not okay so it's it's it's not that far from 40,000 40,000 is not a is not a overly High number to keep in there no okay okay fine so we've been over 40 before I think really okay okay okay okay and then what do we do often but I think it it has happened and then what do we do we raise it the next year but but don't we have to pay out the money at some point the overlay goes into a negative balance is that true well uh little bit of a lesson here okay it used to be that the overlay was considered individual years and you uh you raise an appropriator every year for that a few years ago on one of these offe midye changes they make at the state they Chang it the the overly balance we could not have used the previous year to pay off this year's taxes if we wanted to but now the bottom it is a bottom line budget and it's all there all the money from the previous years is in a pool so it's harder to overspend it okay beforehand you on a year-to-year basis a weever spent FY 25 we had to raise it in FY 26 but that shouldn't happen anymore as long as there's money on the overnet okay okay so maybe we need to budget for overl next year okay we have that chart that the accountant prepared for us in this spring vote right okay okay I'm just I just want just wondering about the mechan the mechanics of it all that's all um okay any items uh Leslie anything that we didn't that you want to raise that we didn't anticip ipate I'm not aware of anything okay okay so we just need to set the date for the next meeting um David or Leslie uh any suggestions when do you want this to happen if it's in the evening I'm fine I don't really mind we know we gonna meet on the o October um October 8 October 8 oh yes there it is so I guess that's just to meet with the select board right and that's a Tuesday um what about the following week 16th works for me yeah 16th is fine 16th that's the 17th I mean yeah 16th a Tuesday sorry 16th is a Wednesday 16th is a Wednesday okay October 16th Wednesday wrot that works for everybody works for me yes okay let's do it okay is that true I'm sorry uh I'm doing something in my head okay just give me a second I let me just grab my calendar I'm a little nervous I had the wrong date for the select board meeting um the wrong cycle yeah they met yesterday right so where are we it's the opposite so it's the 24th would be their next meeting and that would mean the eth I think you're right Becky she's gone I know you know I started using this paper thing called a calendar yeah they're meeting on the 15th based on that the 1 to the 15th yeah yes the 16th works all right is a select board meeting eth is a select board meeting yes which day 8th of October so but if they met yesterday no that works 10th 24th 8th yep that's right yep okay so I'm going to put on my calendar the 8th we're meeting with the look board yeah and you'll let us know where we are in the agenda or we can look it up can't we yeah okay so so I do go to India I will not be at that meeting but I've got some family issues happening so the the Trip's in question oh dear oh yeah oh Becky I'm sorry to hear that we'll see how it goes I think that one if everything's prepped you'd be fine you don't need I mean yeah it doesn't matter if I'm know somebody else can host somebody else or we'd have to meet Pur person you can uh I mean it's this the select board it meets um it's a hybrid meeting so you can come in person like you did last year or you could zoom in but somebody somebody else can host this besides you is that true oh yeah okay can you I'd be leaning on they haven't done it before but um has George or April ever done it it's a select board meeting so you know it's got to be somebody in the select board because they've got a whole lot big agenda with lots and they're GNA meet for a lot longer than we are I was thinking of the Wednesday October 16 that's not in question be that's not in question I'm back on the he'll be back if you okay yeah okay wow Becky India wow well being a little deflated at the moment George well I just I I hadn't told sand but a funny idea if you had a whole bunch of silk when you brought it back she wouldn't argue a whole bunch of what fabric oh I know it all that Silk she'd go nuts that she already nuted The Good the good thing is you can't hear me yeah it's only a public announcement you're making wonderful you know what she does when you're at a meeting mayy watching yeah I'm sure after the meeting that's the first thing she wants to get on YouTube it's not instant no okay so we're all set now ready to go okay I move that we adjourn I'll second okay I vote I over I and I okay thank you everybody and I'll see you all on the something 16th okay good night thanks for all the hard work Leslie you everybody perhaps on the eth you'll see us Howard if you go to the select board meeting uh I very well may okay thank you good night good night thank night good night thank you all