##VIDEO ID:2sVRGBTxtR8## the recording right so here we are the Board of Health meeting of October 16th and we're all here namely myself Katherine Hilton Arlene Reed whim LaVine Norine p and Garrett Simonson and first order of business as always is the minutes are they okay y yes yes okay I will I will disseminate them um we have we have two disposal works construction permits one is for 70 Shore Drive and the other is for 564 West pelum Road they are both um they're both repairs um 564 West pelum Road is requesting a local local upgrade approval or looks like a reduction um in separation to high groundwater um it's got what does that mean then it says three fet of naturally occurring perable soil not 4 feet before ledge encountered so they're asking for a one one foot reduction in the um the separation to groundwater and Claudia has has um recommended approval of both these systems any discussion or question or comment we're just talking about the one now cat well let's yeah let's talk about that one 564 West pum Road that's okay doing um a local upgrade approval for um a one foot reduction in the um this distance to groundwater you know if they're well ahead is downgrade from that let me have a look and see if see if I can tell that from the plan I can't tell by this if it's down gradient but it's quite far away it's about it's a good 100 fet with the house in between yeah the um the new leech field and the well good does cat does Claudia comment at all about the local upgrade other than recommending approval does she discuss why it is not a concern on her part um in this case at least she she did not she did not okay um and she usually doesn't um you know these are pretty routine yeah right so it's not really considered a cause for concern okay all right well I'll go ahead and recommend approval I'll second n in favor Arlene yes whim yes noren yes Garrett yes cat yes okay so that's 564 West fum road now over on 70 Lake Drive I do not think that there is a local upgrade here did you say Lake Drive or earlier did you say Shore Drive I wrote down Shore Drive but maybe it is Shore Drive it's short drive okay I said like that was not right and who who is 70 Shore Drive Walter Chate oh okay but it appears I was going to look at this in in the records it appears that Walter and Lori may be living in a different place on Watson Straits because it seems like Benjamin Tera who I assume must be their son um is in this place however it's Walter that's taking out the permit so you know it's that place okay we know so this one is pretty um pretty straightforward as far as I know there are not there's not a local upgrade okay and has Claudia reviewed it she has and she recommends it okay so I move that we approve signing the permit I hear a do I hear a second second okay any other discussion hearing none let's vote Arlene yes whim yes noran yes Garrett yes and Cat yes okay so we will do that and if you will excuse me for a half second my timer is calling me so did I send you did I send you the letter from the not weed people okay um I I don't know if we really need to talk about it I mean it's just the fact that I wanted to get on the record that we have received it and every body has had the chance to see it it seems to me that we aren't specially being asked to do anything and I'm I'm not sure it's really in our in our purview to do anything about it um after our meeting last time I ran into Becky and she told me that Rita wants to know wanted to know our opinion I guess and I told her that we had not taken him a position and uh by me it can stay that way um so that's really all I think we have to say about it but if anybody has any comments about it please uh please go ahead and make them okay hearing none I I just have a question and we may not be able to answer it but I I assume that no spraying took place this summer that's correct as far as I know know it's correct yeah there there's one of the patches that it it's um on pelum Hill Road right before the hes spray pelum Town Line as you're heading toward pelum and it's on the right um there are a couple of big big stands um and I was biking by it the other day and one of them looked like one of them looked dramatically different from the other like something had happened to it it was all brown and had dropped most of its leaves whereas the other patch was still quite green and flourishing was it a whole patch that was like that yeah I mean I didn't stop and inspect it I sort of noted it quickly as I was going by um I'd have to take a closer look to really confirm all that but anyway it looked like somebody had been doing something that was the control patch after they sprayed the Roundup on the other one I see anyway um I don't know maybe they did well didn't when when she gave us her little presentation it sounded like they were gonna go ahead this fall and treat because that was the question and they said yes fall is the time yeah it is the time but the the person who was going to uh be certified or in his case recertified as a sprayer was Steve Sullivan who has resigned from his position with the highway department oh so um he's not spraying I whether there they've designated someone else in the department to go get certified but I think that was a wrench that got thrown into those Works got it right well when how long ago was it that Steve resigned I mean possibly this is something that happened just a couple few maybe three weeks ago something like that three or so weeks ago I don't know I got I got the impression I mean I I shouldn't have said so quickly before no praying hasn't been done because I don't actually know that but I got the impression that it was still kind of an an open question and there were all kinds of things to be solved and they were waiting on um some kind of ruling from the Conservation Commission and I don't know what all else so I have no idea really yeah what going on so one of the things on the agenda oh I'm sorry was there anything more to say about this not weed thing anybody okay let's go on one of the things I put on the agenda was about the the vaccination clinic which is on Friday October 25th it goes from 3:30 to 6:30 I asked Sarah to check on the enrollment because they said if you if we didn't have 25 people pre-registered they would cancel the clinic um so I asked Sarah to find out and she found out that 68 people had signed up and that was that was like a week ago wow so and so now I put out another thing saying if you're having trouble because a few people are um just get in touch with Sarah and she'll help you do it basically she'll do it for you um by phone so she told me that um she can't stay to the end of it and Katie Harrington the school nurse can't stay to the end of it either and she's gotten Kristen to come at 6:30 and lock or whenever and lock the doors because apparently nobody from the school I guess the school custodian can't stay that long either um so I told her that that um some one or more of us would be on site just because it doesn't seem right to me that there would be something going on in the in the school and there wouldn't be some person from the town um there just being responsible so um so um I'm happy to do it because I can also I mean I do they have timed appointments yes oh yeah that's too bad because with two people doing injections they could plow through faster right I don't know how many people they have doing injections I don't know anything about it really yeah no I mean I could do that uhhuh well you know you can always you can always offer if you're if you're I'm happy to do it mhm they may not have you vaccinate because I think it they hired a state vendor for it so the vaccinators are paid for by the state got it um I'm not available that Friday so can't commit to it I don't think I have I don't think I have anything planned but I I'm happy that I'm happy to go there okay great I'll remind you and and um if possible I'll go as well and anybody else wants to just come and yeah I am one of the people registered for the and I'm meant to receive mine at 420 and I can stay afterward as well and I be happy to do so yeah and I I'm also registered to get my vaccine about the same time 410 I think I am oh okay th those are really good numbers I was on a call today where uh Public Health nurses were saying that they're not seeing uh signups for their flu clinics in to I don't I don't know how many people have signed up for flu and how many people have signed up for um um Co oh right you know or if getting both or what I don't have any numbers on that I just wanted you know the raw number to make sure it was going to happen so another non update I can give you is that um um we're coming up on the expiration of our demolition order for 56 wle Road right and I have haven't seen or heard anything I sent a text a couple of days ago asking for an update and I haven't heard anything so I don't know I'll see what I can find out can can we renew it or what what would happen next cat well you know it's our order it seems to me we can do anything we want right um but we need to see some progress you know yeah or something when I spoke to to Greg in person he said he had he had a demolition company on the line and they were prepared to to um uh get to work at some point in October and they didn't need um Power hookup and they didn't need uh running water as long as water could be supplied in a in a car boy or something um but I haven't seen anything and as I said I haven't heard back I I assumed that this meant that we were going to mediation and a court process because we had ordered the demolition cat well we gave him till we gave him 90 days I think oh we did okay and so we have to wait till those 90 days are up and that's end of October is that right it is right I don't have the exact date in front of me but it's roughly end of October so we would be taking that up at our first meeting in November okay and I don't really know what the procedure is for even getting into mediation if anybody knows that please I'm sorry can you say that again I I you don't know the procedure what for getting into mediation I just don't know how that I don't know how how we would address ourselves to that it it seems to me that Town Council would need to be involved at that point point right and I feel like I recall something about that Donna had said that it would have to go through the housing court the Donna McNichol said that yeah is that right cat I'm sorry I missed it my my recollection was that Donna McNichol said that would have to go through the housing court I think you're right I think you're right so well see seems like we should research it for the next meeting and find out if we need to reissue that order or what steps we need to take next to make sure this keeps moving along keeps moving along as if it's been moving along at all right I know yeah yeah you about that abolutely yeah and to hear from Donna McNichol like what what are next steps are there any that we need to do or is it out of our hands at that point and right into hers or who's right yeah um it turned out I mean we talked about this before it turned out to be a lot more complicated than I had imagined some guy some guy called us several times um who is um a certified receiver and he would like the job of being the receiver for this property and I said well send me everything you know send me the information but you know you should know we're hoping to avoid that as a yeah let's option I don't know if the question is best directed to Don MC nickel but um I think we need to be we need to get really clear about what our role is in any next steps what are the procedures to follow and uh who who takes those steps is it is it us is it Town Council is it select board it could be yeah yeah select board right or is it [Music] um uh our agent who works on this um in combination with Town Council I think we need to get really clear about it yeah yeah um I did ask Donna about it and she asked a bunch of questions that were just so shocking that I I kind of backed off and didn't know what to think but I will ask her um more about it and I'll also ask Claudia because I mean Claudia dealt with this probably up personal no doubt she has yeah and also I will I will let the owner know that um that this is what we're talking about talking about mediation that would have to go through Housing Court we would which would mean we would have to take him to court and that might put the fear of God into him um one of the things that he told me was that apparently apparently he's still in negotiation with the insurance company um and he is also preparing some other property that he owns for sale to basically cover the cost of this while the while the insurance negotiation goes on so there's a whole other layer of of um stuff that's going on and that doesn't that doesn't cut any ice I realized that but I just wanted to yeah that out that is it's part of the the whole picture here but this has been what yeah five seven years since the damage was done I mean come on I think it's five but I'm not sure at least five for sure yeah yeah no I'm not trying to make excuses I just wanted to let you know what one there's another issue in it yeah so I'll see what I can find out and share it with you when the time comes um I went to a district meeting today um it was it was pretty much uneventful Pia told me that that what I sort of knew is there's an awful lot of septic activity going on in town including new construction there's several places where lots are being created out of you know people's Backlot and whatnot and so there's uh there's a surprising amount of new construction given given the state of the economy and stuff so it's just a a little fact how about other things does anybody have anything to report about I don't know the the collaborative or any other any other thing we belong to um last meeting I volunteered to uh talk to Kristen and Lenny about uh what their experience had been if there's any data at all on what the incidents might be of uh drug illegal drug use in town and I talked to Lenny and I haven't talked to Kristen yet she hasn't return my call but he said they the fire department has had no responses requiring Naran or um you know any incident since he's been fire chief so he said for you know a couple of years U before that he recalled that there were a a few incidents so I then asked him you know told him about the op money and asked him if he had any ideas about um you know best use of those funds um and one thing he said was he could use and we might be able to get this through the collaborative maybe Garrett can chime in here um he could use some more Naran um that has suppli he you know didn't have much left and uh I could look at my notes but I think it's about $100 for two for two canisters he he looked it up so it's not inexpensive to purchase it um so that was one thing noran noran can I can I jump in here um if he hasn't had any calls for using Naran how come he's I don't know maybe it expires does anybody know oh maybe so yeah so I'm sure it has an expiration date everything does y well that seems like a good use good use of of funds yeah and I think it's probably in our budget in the collaborative so it may be that we could get some through the collaborative it's a question we can raise at the next at the next meeting um and the other thing I asked him if uh he thought you know educational programs for young people would be um helpful and you know the thing he said that he thought was of greatest concern to him was he sees I'm not sure exactly how to phrase it but not necessarily drug misuse but lots of seniors who are on pain medications not really understanding how to use them and perhaps um getting into some difficulty with um use overdose of or or using too much pain medication and not knowing how to handle that and then he was suggesting that perhaps some education around that might be useful anybody else have any comments or no I mean that seemed to make some sense to me he said people who are you know dealing with chronic debilitating kinds of conditions or cancer um sometimes don't really um understand completely um I guess this the strength and the uh you know the the toll that some of these medications can take on on you over a series of months or years or however long you're using them that sounds like something that Sarah could do yeah yeah that's what I thought program so related to the settlement funds um we do have a reporting deadline shury has a report reporting deadline on that and I uh saw um Town Administrator last week mentioned it to her again and I'm supposed to give her a call tomorrow to remind her one more time to uh finalize the reporting on that she said that no funds have been spent as of yet and and I reminded her that we had received approval from the select board to pull those funds with the collaborative um but in talking with Greenfield it sounds like we're maybe the only community that did that I don't know if they talked about that at the last meeting noren if they've um I unfortunately didn't go to the last meeting and there was not a quorum so there were only two people that attended that meeting unfortunately so okay yeah um so I'll I'll talk um with Becky tomorrow to re- remind her on the um reporting and then I guess for the next meeting they'll probably carry that agenda item over because I think they were going to talk about the pooling issue yeah is that reporting something that we could do or does it have to come from Becky or from I mean how does that work I think she has all of the credal information for it but in talking with her and you know where she's going to be leaving soon um I'll ask her if she can provide us with it um because I think that she originated the login oh I see it's done online yeah it's it's an reporting um so I'll I'll ask her that question tomorrow okay with the uh the resupply of Naran if if you think it would be useful um we stock and distribute quite a bit of it so um I can try and find out about um costs of different sources of Supply I I don't know if it's a uniform pricing thing or we could get a deal somewhere but I think Lenny was just quoting what his price would be if he bought it through the fire department so and it cost a little more than I think he thought it did so I I can look at it I mean yeah I can try that and I'll report back okay great sounds [Music] good so did we have anything else that we needed to do do you want me to continue to um P to uh see if Kristen has any more input for us yeah I can give her a call again yeah you know Kristen really gets around and talks to people and right she's kind of the de facto social worker so she might have some good Insight on it okay oh can I just ask one other thing did he any indication of how many doses you might be interested in he did look hold on let me grab my notes I can't remember off the top of my head when but I've got them right here I'm finding those different moldings there in noran's room mesmerizing yeah and I see noren and I both participate from a lounging position you guys really know how to take a meeting well I'm I'm I'm with friends on the cape so I'm in a uh anyway uh he says 1020 I suppose it depends on how they're packaged I think with what he was looking at in terms of packaging that were two canisters per package all right I don't know where Sarah gets them but it seems to me that she um she she has one or two out for people to take I would think there would might be available through the collaborative you know that's another thing I think we it was oh here we go it was $112 for a pack of two whim all right all right and they're looking at something like he said 10 to 20 doses all right thanks sure thank you so so these these settlement funds they're not something that we have to spend or we lose them right I mean they can just they just stay there my understanding was it can accumulate from year to year M which was part of what the collaborative was thinking about doing you know doing some planning and really thinking about you know how they might want to use it so no I don't think it reverts I think stays in town so if the collaborative will pay for for naram that'll be fine and if not we can use the exactly settlement money yep and maybe well Sarah's already working for us but if she wants to you know I don't know if she would need to you know if we decide to do some sort of workshop for seniors um around uh pay use of pain safe use of painkillers or I don't know what you call it safe use of Narcotics someone helped me who's clinically correct I don't think it's really crucial to get it right okay you got the right idea thank you but but we're I I don't I can't imagine seniors taking so many pain killers that they would need Naran no no no no but I think so those really are two separate things right no but I think you know appropriate pain management you know I don't think a lot of Physicians really are good Educators around those kinds of issues so apparently not because look where we are right um all right I'll mention to Sarah that we would be interested in in have her doing a um a presentation on that I think Sarah might have her own ideas it's just you know one one thought right well yeah I'll I'll mention that we would be we would be interested in that she she does have her own ideas and she's been working with late but I haven't yet heard what the ideas are yeah okay I will I'll ask her what uh what they're thinking about in lever okay good I did talk to um John Hillman you know from the Leverett board and he said they'd be happy to you know work with us on any if we wanted to do some sort of joint effort [Music] also I know I mean functionally we're already kind of doing that because is shsb that's right do we know how well attended her program uh two weeks ago tonight was on stroke awareness do we I have no idea I can find out I I asked that just because you know she's does outreach whatever Outreach she does do to try to pull people into programs that was one directed at seniors or their caregivers and it might be an indicator of um the level of response or Readiness for people to come to presentations of hers you know people from that demographic seniors and their caregivers um right I don't know like if nobody showed up for that stroke awareness program what does that say about how receptive the demographic is to coming to programming yeah so I don't know I'll I'll ask her how many shoot fa people came in person and how many people attended online um and you you may not be able to generalize from one topic to the next right she's doing we we just got information too she's doing that UTI prevention at the yeah coming up that's right yeah yeah yeah and she's doing that after the senior luncheon and I wonder if she would do more things at that time um or that place because I think I I don't think that a lot of people from sh fairy really want to go down to the leverage safety complex I don't know right there but um right I went to one thing it was the tick one and there were maybe three shoot fa people and maybe maybe eight leverage people it wasn't hugely well attended and there were some people online and I think there were two there might have been two sessions so I would think that next year this time we could she could be doing these things in our new library yeah and maybe um maybe we'll get better attendance then maybe so maybe she and maybe she can Circle back and revisit some of these topics idea okay I'll have a I'll have a chat with her and see and see what's what is there anything else we ought to be talking about tonight I have nothing all right I will um so our next meeting we won't have another meeting now until November um can it be it'll be after the election it will be on let's see no November 6 November 6 day after the election wow we probably won't know anything probably not but it feels like you know we get to November 5th and we just fall off a cliff I can't even imagine life after it you know either bit or ill and I'm gonna be in North Carolina oh for the election well day of uhuh yeah okay go knock on some doors yeah that's what I'm planning on doing right so you won't be here for the next meeting or um I I can probably it depends I'm at a wedding it kind of depends on I don't know what the schedule is there but um I will try and just zoom in okay okay and if you can't we've probably got it covered yep I'll be here all right I will reach out to you guys um um closer to the vaccination clinic and just make sure we're all on the same page about about giving some some coverage there great sounds good yeah okay I move we adjourn second okay all in favor yes yes you're here okay thank you guys thank you Cat good night good night by