##VIDEO ID:_-y7Jfd3a7M## now that we're all here and this so this is the meeting the Board of Health meeting of July 17th and it's been a long time since we've had meting we are all here we have all five of us um and to get the first order of business out of the way I think we had a meeting last time the first week in June am I right about that like June 4th or something and that that was the last one we had because then there was June 19th which was a holiday and we skip July 3r so I am looking for approval of the minutes of June four um I'm sure I've read them can I remember them I can't remember them either but I'm sure that if anybody had had any objection they would have voiced it yes in the in the past so I think that we can take these these minutes as written unless anybody objects No Object no objection no objection no okay okay do we have things to report what's new in the Board of Health World anything here got noren you got anything uh no just that we should probably tell the board that the uh permit for the camp has been issued oh good I was going to um bring up our earlier conversation noren but I have not I had not heard that they issued the permit okay right actually I was supposed to issue of an actual paper permit and I haven't done them that but they are technically Tech I mean they are in compliance and we consider them permitted and I will uh great I'll check with Megan and if I have to issue something I I will I totally I totally blinked on it I have not been at the top of my game perhaps we could for the purposes of the meeting because not everybody was was involved in this um say that we had some difficulties getting more Hill to be in compliance and get a permit um they I mean they've been they were closed for a few years it seems that previous um uh inspections were some perhaps somewhat LAX uh there are new requirements that they had to meet that they were not apparently not aware of and getting them up to speed and ready to go took quite a lot of work on the part of Loren and Arlene and Sarah and Megan um to to get them in compliance which apparently they now are so I think this has been a learning experience for everybody yeah and definitely interestingly enough it's not um it's not Claudia who did the inspection the physical inspection at the camp it was it was Megan accompanied by Sarah and um we were thinking that it would be a good thing if next year when this inspection happens um if Megan or Sarah would go with Claudia and make sure that Claudia is also up to speed on what needs to be done there's some some indication that perhaps is not I agree and I have to say I'm a little bit concerned about the um what I understand was essentially some nonresponsiveness on Claudia's part to many Communications from uh from Victoria at the camp you know laia Claudia alluded to in an email to um getting email addresses straightened out so it may be that when she switched from whatever email she was using to the one that she has from Irving um that she didn't set her forwarding and so she wasn't getting the emails that Victoria was sending them okay that's that's my guess I haven't ped I was hoping to have this conversation with her in um a district meeting either in May or June but those meetings have been put off so communication and um just closing the loop are going to be on my agenda for the next meeting that we have okay closer oh I'm sorry sorry what were the compliance issues uh norin yeah it had to do with a Med medical director and making sure that all the appropriate uh protocols were in place uh given various scenarios that can happen example beasting that kind of thing um infectious disease outbreak at the camp um the second one major one was um the they have a canoeing program and all of their certain number of um counselors per student needed to take an approved course um that that indicates that they are knowledgeable in in canoeing before they take children out on the water uh third one was building hasn't been inspected for a while that needed to be comp um completed and there were other minor ones but those were the ones of of major concern uh that's bad news the the good news is I think um I certainly learned a lot about the inspection process and all the different categories um that they need to be aware of and things that that that need to be done and I I believe I haven't talked to anybody there I talked to U uh Virginia a couple of times but uh you know I think everybody's learned a lot from this process and hopefully we'll we'll keep learning um when we Claud into the loop right and um her by the way her name is Victoria not Virginia I'm sorry Victoria my bad my bad but um my as it was described to me um first of all Victoria had a hard she wasn't getting a reply from Claudia so she was um you know what am I supposed to do my Camp is about to open nobody's coming to do this inspection and so it was arranged for me to do it and um uh Victoria has had this inspection happen for many years but she typically has experienced a 15minute inspection done over and when Megan came out to do it it was a twoh hour long inspection and it caught Victoria really by surprise and Megan did say she was very impressed with how Victoria was able to pull together a lot of the stuff that she Megan needed um on the spot she was able to produce most of it but these couple of things that um that Norine has just described were not done by the end of the inspection and then there was a lot of lag in terms of Victoria responding to um queries from Megan about so how we doing and uh so it was just a mess regarding Communications I I think speaking of communications I'm really grateful to norian and Arlene for for carrying the ball on this but I'm really surprised that I didn't hear from Victoria I mean why didn't she send an email to the Board of Health email good question that that would seem to me like the obvious thing that's what most people right I don't know what happened there does she not realize that it's the board of I don't know well anyway I was just as glad because two eager and willing volunteers took that really grateful for that so so there's been there's been that I have been in contact with Claudia about 56 w I think I told you last time that I sent um I sent a letter by usmail to Greg and Kathy Steve um uh referencing on the back I printed on the back of the letter um the the uh is either the order or agreement whatever um Claudia generated after we had that that site bus in March which said it was going to be done in two months and I um basically threatened him with receivership if something didn't happen and I haven't heard a single word and I haven't seen a single in indication that anything has happened there so I've talked with Claudia about it and Claudia said well she was going to be seeing Don on McNichol at um at court I guess on last Friday and I I will read you her report on this she said I just wanted to let you know that I spoke with Donna McNichol on Friday about this property and I'll get what files I have to her I'll send her the the letter that I sent also this will start as a first tier Court event mediation because the housing court insists that all new cases begin with this process between the board and myself we can work on a court ordered timeline for either demolition or rehab of the property if the property owner does not adhere to the agreement then we can proceed with a hearing after that and talk about receivership and she even has a suggestion of someone who could possibly beo appointed she goes on please advise on how you wish me to proceed so that we can get the process started it would also be helpful if a Board of Health representative could be in Housing Court when this case is presented for media so that you can specify the conditions and what we expect to see happen within the given time frame I don't want to hand this over to Donna until the board discusses this and gives the goahead before the town starts the meter running on Donna's time so yeah go ahead somebody was about to speak I thought no I just said hm oh very profound so are we all in agreement that court is the next thing we need to do it's our discussion on this my only discussion is I don't know exactly but it seems like we've been in discussions with uh um these folks for almost two years or over two years it's been a long time it's been a very long time we've been very patient yeah we've been patient and basically nothing at all has happened um I understand that there have been many obstacles in this process but um I kind of feel like we're being played here that that no matter what we say Greg say yes yes I'm working on that I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that and then nothing happens yeah well what do you need do you need a motion for c um yeah I guess I guess that would be good um well I I'll make an attempt at one uh I move is it 156 uh 56 m road 56 uh I move that we refer all of the materials and information that we have gathered regarding 56 Wendel Road um two Claudia and to Donna MC niichel for further um review or consideration by the courts okay second a discussion I think the only other thing that I wonder about is if with this property there have been other cons concerns for the town so I'm I'm thinking about uh property tax you know it's you know so is it just a Board of Health thing or is it uh is it more than that and and that it's it's that the receivership portion isn't just about the condition of the property but it's also about are they current with uh other requirements of the property that I don't know um I suppose that we can ask those questions or they might be asked in the preparation for going to court um but yeah that's a that's a good point I think it's mainly the Board of Health right that would be my thought that those other questions really aren't within the purview of the Board of Health doesn't mean they shouldn't be raised or that that others might be interested in them but perhaps Donna can help the town with all of those questions yeah correct right um as far as well there's the Board of Health and there's basically I mean it's also basically a safety issue so I suppose that that um it affects basically the fire department um who issued the conditions with which they had to comply such as the fencing off of that area the security of the building that is right we we did not give an order of conditions of those conditions right well I think that I think that I mean Charlie was on the case then and I think that he and Claudia they went they condemnation order they ordered that the property be secured both by an exterior fence which I was they already had an exterior fence so I mean that wasn't a problem um the big thing was um uh making the doors and windows secure so that no one could get in so it since it came from Charlie kenii then it really was a Board of Health um mandate okay it was just we didn't personally do it right not that not that present in our minds um so yeah I mean he did those things although you know under duress and imperfectly but he has not really made any progresses as far as I can tell on the the main the the demolition itself other discussion on this motion I don't think there was a second cat I thought there was I thought I seconded okay thank you I didn't remember that I don't know of any other recourse we have I think we've tried what we could imagine might be a less formal um way of approaching this with him and there's really been no progress not at all so we very often no response that's true that is true um so we have on the table a motion to um provide provide documentation to Claudia and Donna with the aim of um bringing this matter to court if I got that right correct okay and and I think as part of that we we also extended invitation to participate in meetings with the board um and that you know that there wasn't that level of direct participation by the by the homeowner [Music] owner okay any more to say on this motion before we vote all right all right let us vote Arlene yes whim yes norin yes Garrett yes cat yes all right so so will be it um I will I will make sure that Claudia has all the documentation and um I will direct her to move forward with us one um one thing that surprised me a little bit was this idea that a Board of Health person should be present at um at the hearing or whatever the the first thing would be um I thought that's what we had quoted for right well I don't know what if what if the judge I don't know what happens in these cases maybe Donna could let us know but what if the judge wants verification from a Board of Health number that this in fact is the action the the board took that's that's all I can think that you know might possibly happen What uh let me see again what Claudia said she said it would be helpful if a Board of Health representative could be in Housing Court when this case is presented for mediation so that you can specify the conditions and what we expect to see happen within the given time frame [Music] um my read of what she's saying there is is different than the historical perspective but it's about our expectations moving forward through the mediation and but again isn't that Claudia's role as an inspector I think so and as our agent I mean she's to act for us and and um it also seems to me that she knows better than we do what is and what needs to be done in her role as an inspector she knows the conditions that must be met for uh health and safety in h in um I guess I don't know that we're talking about housing code here but right because basically what we're talking about here is a demolition and what we want I don't see having any particular timeline just knock it down right well do it now right um so it's not like we say well we want this done by this date and this done by another date that's not something that we can even um right imagine so we know cat you and I we we K and I accompanied Claudia to this inspection with Greg Steve present in March and he's got all these plans for somehow rescuing the first floor of the first story of that build building he you know he wants to take it down to the ceiling of the first what's that cat I was gonna say I know that he wants to what did you say I'm I'm telling you now um I know that he wants to maintain the front wall and I think he wants to save that fireplace but I don't know that he wants to save anything more than that oh well then he was talking about building a wing out from that and making it a on story dwelling um so he's not he's hoping to not demolish the entire building and it's not clear to me exactly what he's hoping to save though I know and I clear to him but whatever his hopes are and however unclear they may be um that may be one of the things that's got him styed you know is but it the very least to get that top story Dem right that would be I don't know whether able to say listen does this whole first story need to be demolished is it so unsound at this point that there's nothing salvageable here I can't I can't reach a conclusion about that I would imagine there's been enough deterioration to all components that maybe nothing salvageable but I don't know that I'm not an inspector so not knowing that I'm not sure that any of us or that we as a board are in a position to determine the conditions that we expect to be at you know if he says I really want to save this wall and that fireplace and is any of it sound I don't know right and that would be that would be either up to Claudia or possibly up to the building inspector right I'm not sure how that is is determined even but I mean it does seem possible that one of us could possibly accompany Claudia and just be there even though I don't think we we I don't think we have any particular role here I she's she's meant to be acting on our behalf but I'll talk with her about this and meanwhile I'll instruct her to go ahead and communicate with Donna and um start getting this on the rails okay thank you anything else on that as far as I can remember that was pretty much my main thing we've talked about more s we've talked about 56 on the road we did the minutes um you Pro I'm sure you all know that Library groundbreaking is on August 2nd and um Maryann has asked for the use of our tents and I said of course we always share our t with everybody um yeah but I'm not sure exactly what the what the requirements are for setting it up and who's going to be needed and stuff um and I'll let you know what I find out um it strikes me that we won't have a meeting between now and then really because this is 17th and our next meeting will be August 7th sth okay oh yeah right you're right if there's a need for help to get the tents there or whatever I'm happy to do that so am I thank you thank you schedule permitting in August we'll see right I think Maryanne has a key to the shed I think she got the spare so um so we're you know she can she can Mastermind that but I'll I'll tell her that some of us may be available to help with the setup I would assume the groundbreaking I'm not I go ahead okay I'm I am not available I don't think my sister and her husband are coming to stay with us for a few days the starting July 30th and going through the second so I'm not as available sorry okay well it doesn't it's not going to take all of it um okay I I'm not sure what the what the setup is going to be it seems to me that um it would not be smart to set the T up the night before and leave them unattended out there in the in the field so it's probably going to be something that we'll have to take place on on that morning just FYI so I think that that's that that's all we've got cat can I just ask Garrett um I didn't go to the last collaborative meeting so I was hoping maybe he'd take a minute and update stat us and what's going on we were we were contemplating finalizing the um work plan for the upcoming year in the associated budget um but the other thing I'd like to say is um and I may or may not be biased I hope I'm not but um in my view the collaborative um has really been working and they've been excellent um you know when I was interfacing with Megan with regard to permitting the camp she was back to me with within half an hour of my texting her with very good advice and also I think um from what I saw she provided lots of good counseling and resources um to Victoria well while she was trying to um get all the documents together that needed to be so I just want to mention that um I couldn't be happier with the response that we get or I've gotten when I've interfaced with them yeah Megan's been great for this Garrett do you have anything you want to add you're muted you're muted Garrett uh Megan and and also Sarah I you know I've been very impressed with Sarah Fisk um and the work she's been doing so on the budget and the work plan the short answer is that the state pushed both of those back and said we need you to make a few adjustments um it you know minor things just in terms of a little bit more detail in the work plan and more specification in the budget but other than that um you know things were were good so so nothing else how are we coming with hiring um inspectors for the collaborative because that get so the the hiring part I I think that they had a couple of applicants um maybe not as strong as they were hoping for um so there was a gentleman who works in Green Field in Megan's office who sort of jumped onto the call I don't I don't remember what his name was an inspector for Greenfield and you know what and and I think he had been in awam as an inspector and they brought him into Greenfield and you know he was saying from his perspective that um you know for a lot of these roles what's going to end up happening is that you're going to steal someone from somewhere else that there's not a lot of new um qualified applicants yeah okay thanks by the way one of the the things I had to communicate with Megan about is noran reminded me to find a certificate of doing that foundations course and get it to Megan and I wondered where we all are on that has everybody done the foundations course online has anybody done the foundations course online or so I did it at deadline approach they said you have to download your thing because it's going to disappear well I remember all those urgent emails you probably all got the same ones that I did and I did that but when I went to get my credits it I communicated this with I'm sorry is it Megan we were communicating with about this yes um it it said I hadn't done it or it said I had only done the first unit or something like that so something got lost but I had done the whole damn 35 hours or whatever it was but the but the the uh certification I I she didn't she didn't seem worried about it I don't think she even got back to me about it but anyway I something got really messed up for me in terms of the record of it so you Ed you Ed the old platform whatever that was I used the old platform now I'm I'm hesitating because I'm this is a while ago that I communicated with her but probably what happened I used the old platform but I swore that I downloaded the certificate and then when I went to communicate with her it was like nothing could be found um this is the first I've thought of it since that communication so I will go back and explore and see what I can find okay I thought you had communicated that you had found it Arlene and you'd been able to forward it but I guess that was not accurate I I'll go back to my communication with Megan and see where it was left sorry be so unclear and I will make a commitment to do my best this winter to get to it if I have to I'll do the whole thing over again they say it takes 35 hours but in fact I found that you could do all of them in about 20 minutes each oh good was that that on and maybe the second time around I [Laughter] could is there Moran is there a is there a number of us that are required to do it how how does this work I remember no I think it's I think that it's it's one of the the items in our work plan I believe Garrett backed me up on this I think that's what it is and that they're just trying to demonstrate each year that you know we have an increasing number of people who are who are doing it so okay I don't think there's any great Rush by anyone in other towns that I know of but but I could be wrong so I think we have two this year if one or two of us do it next year we're demonstrating that we're you know moving toward 100% compliance with that I should Ace it the second time around boy you're an now maybe you can tutter me Arley right I remember when we had to have some IC trainings that there was a there was a specific requirement you're supposed to have 80% of all the various departments that had to have it so that meant four out of the five of us had to do it okay it's in our workpl but on remember off the top of my head not it's not crucial just tell us what to do we'll do it okay thank you why not you know oh just one other question while Garrett's on the line I understand the emergency management team met last week Garrett and I I wasn't available for that one okay I didn't I didn't get a notice so I guess I should let the chief know yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm surprised you didn't get a notice on that I know I am too so I'll let them know we get we get the notice at the Board of Health email if I realized that you weren't getting them Nori and I would have forwarded it to you yeah I always got them in the past and then um you know we hadn't had a meeting for long time 18 months two years long time right so I'm I'm glad to hear they're meeting again I think it's a good good thing for the town for everybody to get together I think that I think that the person to ask to put you back on the email list would be lesie gracebridge oh really okay okay is she isn't she doing the minutes Garrett yeah she does okay oh okay yeah fine she she meeting notifications as well okay I I'll get to Lesley then thank you right that's all I'll stop asking questions or bringing things up anybody else have anything to contribute well then I think we should adjourn and 'll see you all on August 7th if not on August 2nd and I'll let you know what's going on with the tents I I can tell you right now I won't be here on the 7th you won't here be here on the seventh correct okay okay Arlene will you be here for that meeting I will be was that you will you won't I will be yes okay great all right so presumably we'll be able to have a quorum okay and if not it doesn't seem like there's a lot going on these days so if we have to miss another meeting it won't be crucial I hope okay all right my dear thank you so much LS of oh and thanks for the nice mosquito report I forgot I meant to say that was very well done right yes oh oh good thanks yeah yeah we get these nice big reports from from John but they're kind of too big to um to just turn over to the public they're just really bulky but if you would like me to send them on to you I could do that to you all I could forward them to you like weekly reports don't all I get I also get some extensive reports I think because I'm on the list of of arbo virus contacts uh so oh great I don't need anything further I get them too and I don't know why um then don't our numbers get rolled into all the State numbers count I would think they would well they do but also we get kind of specific um Town numbers from John um I think he found something like seven or 13 of the one of the um particular species he's concerned about but um but it was pretty it was a pretty low number okay and no none are positive I take it for no no it's all good okay you guys see you soon thank you happy trails thank you good night thanks everyone night good night