##VIDEO ID:jpU1iOmDhP8## okay so for all our fans out there in TV Land um this is the Board of Health meeting of September the 4th and we have a quorum that consists of me Katherine Hilton also whim LaVine Garrett simonsson and Arlene Reed uh and we have I'm going for the record for a short meeting tonight I have guests and I want to get through this um uh on the agenda as I recall we have first of all the minutes second uh update on 56 wendle Road and we have um a a well permit thing that I want to talk about so let's start with the minutes I think they seem great and I um well there may be discussion so I won't make a motion yet but well you you can move it in second and then we'll discuss I move to accept the meetings uh the minutes of our last meeting second is there any discussion anything that you would like to have added or subtracted or expanded and they're fairly cursory yeah they're fine okay okay all right so all in favor of accepting the minutes Arlene yes whim yes Garrett yes cat yes now with respect to 56 wendle Road uh the um I sent out the demolition order I talked to the homeowner I texted the homeowner and made sure that he knew that he could request a hearing he has not requested a hearing within seven days of receipt of the of the order so we have we must assume that the the conditions of the order are acceptable to him he did tell me that he he seems to be on the verge of actually Contracting with somebody who can cut through some of the red tape says he does not need to have the well connected all he needs is to have some big some big Vats of water that um Greg can provide and he gave him a approximate date of early October so this I'm hoping commencing the project yes yes okay and I would assume that once it's commenced it'll go pretty quick yeah you know I mean you don't spend days slowly taking it down you just knock it down you see them knocked down that house up by the common that time they just came with this big back hole and they just started what is what is the 60-day point cat well let's see uh he would have received uh the order like last Monday okay and so what would that be that was at the end of August so we are talking about the end of October okay and was the well connection or access to water for the purpose of potential fire suppression or I believe so yeah I mean I would also assume that would there be communication with the fire department that it was going to happen just you know so that they're aware and that's a good point that's a good point as we get as we get closer to it I will I will inquire about that and and can you remind me please does the 60-day time frame refer to when he must have completed the demolition or when he must have begun the demolition or they must theoretically theoretically that it should be on the it should be completely demolished within 60 days you know if he's got it halfway done 60 days in um obiously we can we can stretch that a little bit but sure but and I and I tried to make that point for forcefully in person okay thank you so that's the status of that there's no action that we need to take except to note that we have not received a request for hearing okay now the other thing the other thing is um 30 suner Mountain Road that's Kathleen lugos and she has or her her W driller has um um submitted an application for uh um a geothermal well a closed loop geothermal well so they I guess they get they get make this Loop and they seal it with bentonite and uh it no longer has any connection to the groundwater um it's it's actually it's actually quite an interesting thing it's 500 feet of of loop um for heating purposes and the reason the guy from Connecticut Valley artisian well got in touch with me is that it doesn't quite meet all the setbacks that we use for a drinking water well the specific setbacks that we would have to vary are the um the setback from the driveway it's supposed to be 15 feet and he's asking for five and the setback from the property line supposed to be 25 and he's asking for 15 now my understanding is that all of these setback Provisions are for the purpose of securing clean drinking water which is not an issue here um and um the extent to which our well Rags really um intersect with these ger geothermal Wells is kind of uh kind of vague so what I am suggesting that we do is Grant these variances which are well regs allow us to Grant variances to basically any provision so we're in within our rights to do this but also I'm thinking that well the guy told me also Joe Dil senior of Connecticut Valley Artesian well told me that he was part of a I don't know a task force or some kind of committee to develop I'm not sure if it's state regulations or state guidelines for geothermal Wells and they have setback recommendations in that in that document that was created which I haven't been able to see yet um that I think these are the setbacks for these particular pieces and it seems to me that this would be a good thing for us to incorporate in some way into our whale Rags right so that we would have we would have our drinking water rags and then perhaps we would also have a fairly brief section saying this is all for drinking water when it comes to geothermal Wells we we um will use the provisions of whatever this state document is MH any thoughts about that I mean obviously we we don't know the details because I haven't seen it yet but I'm hoping he's going to send me a link in the next couple of days yeah that that's a perfectly fine idea but back to the specific case does the autter need to be notified if he's going to be within 15 feet I don't think so I don't think that if you well let's see from the property line is going from 25 to 15 I don't think that you have to have any kind of um survey or notification if it is um if it's more than as long as it's more than five feet but that's a really good question wh um I'm trying to think how we would find it out it's not included in our RS right there's no there's nothing in the RS about notifying a Butters so where would that kind of notification requirement where would that come from um concom has extensive a butter notification provision for any sort of um land Works um it's there right but I don't think that that would that that that they would have anything to do with us oh yeah I don't know when when when um a septic system is being being installed if they come within a certain distance of the property line it has if it's if if it over if it goes into this sort of buffer zone then they have to have a survey but I think that that is less than 15 feet I think it's like 5 feet great then that probably covers it probably what I could do I like this point that you're making what I could do is I'll look in title five and see what that setback is and if it is 15 feet or or more or more than um then perhaps we should revisit it but if it's like five or 10 feet I think we could we could follow the the example the model that we get from Title 5 sounds good and and just so that I'm understanding so is it that the well itself or the the piping for the geothermal comes within that my my understanding is basically it goes down and it comes up so it's basically yeah it's not going off horizontally horizontal it's basically it's basically a vertical thing okay so let's let's talk about how this plays out or in an administrative sense if by the example of Title Five it is legitimate for us to issue this well permit without requiring um a surveyed property line that's plan a right I look at Title Five there's no objection to our his going 15 feet 15 feet right from the property line um then I would like to be able to go ahead and sign the permit okay what about if it's not I mean for all I know there is a surveyed property line right we would have to we would have to find that out okay so if if 15t is a good distance per the example of Title 5 I would like to be able to sign the permit if 15 ft is not a good distance but but there is a surveyed property line that's marked on the property I would like also to be able to go ahead and sign the permit if 15 ft is not good and there's no surveyed property line is the sense of the meeting that I should require a survey that would really slow things down well it might be NE Neary though because what if it is over the prop right there's that yeah there's that um Let me let me look for a second he did send me a plot plan as part of the um the submission and I will find it and share it with you but it might be kind of hard to look at okay so I want [Music] to share my screen um and I'm not knowing how to do that should be at the bottom of your screen cat a an arrow a green mine shows a arrow and a green background labeled share I don't seem to have that oh oh oh oh I found it I found it it's one of those things that comes and goes okay so I'm sorry that this isn't easier to look at um but you can see that the the subject property there is the one that's outlined in yellow [Music] and um so suar Mountain Road common driveway wonder if this is one of those Doug Doug Co projects from way back then well this doesn't really tell us anything that we would need to know except that quite possibly it has been surveyed yeah so how would you like me to proceed I think the way you laid it out before if it's greater than 15 feet go ahead if it's less than 15 feet but I would say but greater than five feet and this line has been surveyed go ahead if it's less than 15 fet and there is no survey please provide a survey perhaps um and if it's less than five feet um maybe that's a sticking point well if it's less than five feet if Title Five says you can do whatever you want up to five feet of the property line without getting a survey then this guy's golden because he's got 15 feet right yeah that's what he says yeah yeah so so it's a matter of if 15 feet requires a property line survey then we need that but if if like five or 10 feet require a property line survey then we're then he's good and I can go ahead and and issue the permit would somebody like to put together a motion to express all that I could try I move that the permit be approved um in accordance with the title five Provisions um if the proposed work is 15 or more feet from the property line or if it is 15 between five and 15 feet from the property line with a surveyed boundary okay that sound right does that sound right yes okay do I hear a second I second any further discussion I I would um not to complicate things but I'm just curious to to know whether or not I'm curious about whether Title Five applies to non drinking water wells we know that it does well no no um um Title Five doesn't really apply to Wells at all except as right as setbacks from SE so well I'm just curious about our role as Board of Health in permitting non-drinking water wells do we have have a mandate to do that I know this is a this is sort of the a question at the root of this whole well yeah that's that is a good question um the only answer I can really give to you is that when when we got our first application for uh G geothermal well which I think was in 2006 on West PM Road um bill was in charge and he had them get a permit I'm pretty sure okay so president has been set I believe that is the case the level of our operations just so that we continue to have the information on our files about what's been drilled into the ground okay got it okay right and the only reason we're bringing Title 5 into it is that title 5 gives us some precedent for how close you can go to the property line sure without having a survey or notification or whatever got that y okay okay okay any further discussion on this motion so I'm just doing some quick Googling here just trying to understand this so there are it seems that there are some Provisions in the D I got to get to the top of the document here hold on in the D private well guidelines but that's private drinking water well gu lines yes um for geothermal well permits oh including Dual Purpose geothermal system is not yeah um so but but here what they mean by dual purposes that it could be or both or one or the other I think is what it's what they're getting at here I see um I don't see just in quick glance of the document I don't see anything about setbacks per se um so I I just just throw that out as a discussion point that well the did say that there were setbacks and he I guess he thought he was within them and then he looked at our well RS and saw that he was he was not because ours were more stringent but of course ours are for drinking water well I mean the the other things the other discussion points that I'm seeing come up are around in terms of setbacks are around the withdrawal rate [Music] and that and you know this is out of Connecticut um but that higher withdrawal rates require a greater setback uhhuh well there basically wouldn't be a withdrawal rate and this a CL it's it's not like it's gonna draw down water yeah but this is talking about Clos Loop too that's interesting I don't know that is interesting I don't have a lot of knowledge in this area so yeah no no me neither it's interesting that in almost 20 years this is only the second one of these that has come before us I have an idea that there might have been one or two others but they didn't have this the problems with the setback so they were easy to to for us to um issue okay I think my neighbor the Scott the at that time it was the Scott lundbergs I think they have a geother well uhuh okay yeah I know I know that there's more than just that one but there aren't very many not yet but I think they're going to be more and more sure okay do do we know the setback from the neighboring well we possibly do I'd have to get a you know a better look at the um at the plot plan that he sent all right we're talking about 500 feet of a comparatively narrow uh tube basically so it's um um you know probably not going to draw down um you know there's going to be an initial draw down but when you consider a drinking water well right it would be a like a constant draw right this presumably if I understand it right is a a one-time draw and then it's just constantly recirculated okay so we have a motion on the table is there more discussion on this motion hearing none let's put it to a vote whim yes Arlene yes Garrett yes and Cat yes so if all goes if all goes well I'll issue it and if not I will request um a a survey y okay that is all I've got is there anything else that should come before us any updates or information or questions or awesome we are at 7:24 I don't think that's a record but it's very close are we are we ready to adjourn I'll move to adjourn all in favor yes G yes okay all right thank you guys thank you Cat goodbye see you in a couple weeks okay bye bye