##VIDEO ID:yCgTwN1N7XM## okay so here we are this is the meeting of the Board of Health on September 18th we have a quorum consisting of myself Katherine Hilton and I should change my name to my name um and arleene Reed whim LaVine and Garrett Simonson hi Garrett okay all right the first order of business is as always the minutes from last meeting I'm assuming that I did send them out yes okay they yes you did and I I had uh by email asked for a clarification which you you rewarded one of the lines in it and I thought it was much better thanks okay and everybody else is satisfied with that change yes okay move to approve I'm sorry move move to approve second okay all in favor Garrett yes Arlene yes whim yes cat yes okay there we go um I got into a brief email conversation with Linda G well not with Linda directly but it's about Linda grico's place she had asked if she had to have a Title Five inspection if the septic system on the property that she has bought from Ted hajen um is going to be removed and I don't remember if we talked about this in um in a meeting or if I just answered her on precedent because I remember Bill saying you know no matter what you have to have it inspected so I said she did um but it kind of came up again in um email conversation with Claudia and with Alan Weiss so I asked Claudia if she thought because Alan seemed confused by it and I asked Claudia if she thought it was necessary and she said if um if the entire system is being removed I don't see the need for an inspection so I would be willing to reconsider that um and wave the inspection requirement which where is the property it's it's I think 36 um Shore Drive uh South Laurel Drive I'm sorry okay and um oh right okay I remember it's across the street from the they already on yeah the the only stipulation that I would want to make would be that all components have to be removed not just the tank and the debox and stuff but but the the leing trenches would have to be dug up and carried away because otherwise if we don't have an inspection we don't know where it is um we've got that whole section of basically dirty dirt out there and it seems like if if we're going to wave the inspection she should be completely removing the the system that makes sense with some authentication that the work was actually carried out right right presumably Alan Weiss would be in charge of that because he's the engineer of record on this and um he could he could verify it and confirm that it was done after it was completed so we would be we would be requiring um that all system components including the leeching trenches are removed all the all the used um sand and whatnot in the around the leeching area removed and that that would be um confirmed by the engineer and um we would be informed of it do we we're not in a position to specify what they must fill it with are we no I don't think so um I would assume that they would just you know bulldo some ordinary soil into it fill with soil on top or something like that yeah right yeah as long as it's something clean yeah yeah is it a mound or no oh no I don't think so it's because it's really old oh all right it's old and it hasn't been used um for for just about forever so you know those mounded systems are comparatively new I don't think you see them before about 1990 this is older than that I'm sure that's sounds good yep it makes sense to me okay would somebody like to make a motion I move that we uh notify Linda grico that she in fact does not have to have a title 5 inspection uh of the system to be removed um and that we specify to her that the entire system uh needs all components need to be removed at the time um that's not worded very well but it does the job yeah okay okay do I hear a second is there any um any discussion okay we have a we have a question from a member of the public Tom you have the floor thank you um I just wanted to know if this would affect any sort of um jurisdiction I guess for Wetlands if any of the existing system or if any of the Phill would be where there's a bordering area on a wetland that's a good good question yeah um I just wanted to know if it had to involve the Conservation Commission at all please um any any site work that is within the buffer zone around the Wetland is in the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission so I think that's a good point for us to follow that up um and I probably the best way to do it is is simply in our in our communication with Linda we could um we could add the caveat that um that the work would be subject to um the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission if it if it meets their their criteria for jurisdiction and there's some there's some standardized language for this that we could use um that would put them on notice they need to make sure that um that the area is be is outside the buffer zone and if not um to seek approval from the Conservation Commission go ahead Arlene is it that the homeowner has to determine whether it's within the buffer zone or we send notification of this along to concom and let them determine whether it's in the buffer zone that would be that would be a good idea usually what has happened with with us um is that the the engineer oh the engineer okay the engineer um checks in with concom in case there's a sure in case there's a problem not the homeowner that's that makes perfect sense okay right however it wouldn't it wouldn't be a Miss I think for me to send an email to the conservation Comm and tell them that that we are um we are prepared to take this action right but that um they should they should be aware of it and then they can they can do whatever kind of um checking or protection they they want to do I would feel most comfortable with that yeah okay all right I will I will how about this I'll send an email to the Conservation Commission and also to Claudia Allen and Linda um saying that we are prepared to wave the requirement for a Title 5 inspection provided that the um that all of the system components and soil are removed um in such a way as is um consistent with the requirements of the Conservation Commission if it is determined that they have jurisdiction there does this sound good it does yes okay anything else from the Board of Health okay have we voted on this I don't think we have not yet okay so we do have a motion on the table uh we're finished with discussion so all in favor Garrett yes when whim yes Arlene yes cat yes okay I will take these actions as soon as possible okay another thing I have to tell you about is that Sarah um has um well for one thing she has more covid tests and I'll be putting out a message about that but she is also in negotiation with um with the elementary school to put on a did I tell you this before to to U host a a flu Clinic that U basically a vaccination clinic for flu and covid apparently and um that would be open to members of the community oh no kidding yeah and does she have a staff um to back her up or is she GNA be needing apparently the state I suppose it's a dph team comes in and does it I don't think I don't think that we are going to be called upon to assist I was a little taken aback by this because she didn't she didn't mention it to me before getting into conversation with Katie so I was I was kind of surprised that I mean I told her basically she doesn't need our approval but I'd kind of like to know what's going on in advance I told her a little bit about our experience with that in the past it at the elementary school yes yes I think she said they would set up in the cafeteria but open to all not just the school I believe that is the case um and it's not it's not um finalized yet and actually I haven't heard anything about it for a week okay so I mean on the one hand we could ask if we could use it for our same old EDS exercise the way we used to do on the other hand we've done that so many times I could just about do it in my sleep yeah we're no no longer required to do it right yeah so right yeah I I I think probably what she's been operating off of is that dph has a contract with a vendor to um to do these vaccination clinics I thought it was only flu but maybe they're also they also have uh because the state's not I didn't think the state was funding the covid vaccine any longer but I think that's right well presumably it would be like the flu Clinic I mean they weren't funding that either when we had flu clinics we took insurance cards um um gosh you just made me think of something Garrett and then I went and opened my mouth and forgot it um oh the question about vendors do you have any idea who these vendors are the reason I'm asking is that at one point we wanted to have um one of the pharmacies come in and give the flu shots but it turned out that they were not authorized to give shots to anybody under 18 so last year the vendor I think was catalo Ambulance Service uhuh um but I don't think it's an ambulance service this year well I'll follow up with Sarah and see and see what else she she can tell me if [Music] anything do we have any any thoughts about this any objection to to it any any wishes for it no I mean if she needs help um you know just to let us know yes absolutely and I should add on that that on October 4th my RN license expires and I have made the decision to let it go so due to the expense involved and the CEUs needed to renew it I'm not going there so um that will change my ability to participate in a like as a as a you can still set up a tent I can set up a tent that would make it an intense experience oh ouch yeah presumably we would not need to provide people to administer vaccine okay yeah I I can though if they if they need it yeah okay good yeah good point oh here's somebody here's somebody coming in um okay well I'll I'll talk to Sarah about this and um yeah let her know I'd be available what was did you mention the date we don't have a date oh and really it's not even it's not even a a done deal okay at least wasn't last time I heard from Sarah she she was discussing it with Katie Harrington and the school principal and stuff and and it hadn't really been really been decided on so who just came in Joseph's iPad is that you Joe um I can't I can't think of your last name right now but we need a full name name right right we do need a full name so I can put Joe Salvador Salvador that's it that's me right okay thank you I'm gonna I'm gonna change your name here to oh not Will's name where'd you go um so Garrett you had some stuff that you wanted to talk about so one of the items was related to an animal availability of an animal inspector through the Val Health Regional collaborative oh right and and that was a notification I received because I go to the Valley Health meetings um it's I I think for our purposes it's more just to say that through the collaborative they've hired a new health inspector that that person does have the capacity and capability to do animal inspections but I think we have a designated Animal control officer for the town don't we we have a dog officer that would be Nancy long um and I don't know if she doubles as the Animal control officer I mean the animal inspector or not I'm not really very clear on the distinction I I think the distinction ends up being more primarily around rabies cases and rabies and animals and an individual who's able to do what's required to send the animal for testing to the state lab is my understanding um so I I don't I don't know if if she has that capability and has done that for us in the past if the Situation's presented itself but okay well and it's it's fairly unlikely that the situation will present itself but it sounds like if it does we have available the services of this this new health inspector in Greenfield is that right not for free I understand not for free not for free yeah so so I guess maybe it begs the question of is she able to perform those functions and if not then it seems like we would have to determine if there's you know funding in the event we needed it do you have any idea of the the cost of this person's time I don't I can I'll follow up with Megan and Greenfield about it to try to better understand and I I can talk with Becky too to understand um what what did you say her name is Nancy long Nancy long what exactly her Duties are and if they fall into this category I know that she's a veterinarian so on the town's website which I was just peeking at um she is just listed as a dog officer M um where did I find that now departments yeah under under Department all says it's dog officer and there is no animal inspector anywhere that I am seeing on okay the town website okay so it under inspectors under inspectors I just see building electrical and plumbing and gas right I'll follow up with Megan about it okay okay great okay so there's the animal inspection thing and then there was something about the opioid funding yes so so I think through the Board of Health email and to Al also to Becky um there's an upcoming requirement that we report on any spending related to the opioid settlement funds we've received as as the town we we had gone to the select board and asked for their approval to pull those funds with the Valley Health collaborative to you know to get more for the money across the towns right um and the select board did approve that I spoke with Megan today and she said that you know a number of communities in the collaborative haven't Advanced it the way that we did um to to try to get that approval that in fact Greenfield was against pooling their funds in the collaborative oh interesting Sarah Fisk has been talking with Leverett about ways that they might utilize their funds locally Sarah reached out to me today to to say you know this is these are the conversations I'm having in Leverett I'm willing to have similar conversations in shutesbury and you know try to figure out how we could use those funds locally so it doesn't seem like we're going to pull the funds or that there's not a lot of um that there's not a common view that we should do it within the collaborative and so I wonder if we should in a future board meeting have this as an an agenda item and hear from Sarah about what she's started to do with um with Leverett and try to determine if that makes sense basically she's working with the um I think the police and fire chief there to identify ways to utilize the funds are there any other towns in the collaboratives that um are willing to pull my read from what uh Megan was saying and Green Field is that the other communities really hadn't done the leg work that we did so if they haven't done it yet I mean it's something that we could bring back to the collaborative ask if if others are willing to do that and we could certainly check with with Leverett I mean if they've already started to put a few things in motion maybe we could do something jointly with them okay well why don't we put it on the agenda for next time and I can I can see if Sarah can come to that meeting okay okay and and perhaps when's the next collaborative meeting it's good question noran and I sort of juggled that one she typically goes and then if she can I go uh let me see if I got it there was just one recently it's probably within the next two weeks Sarah will would not be able to come if our next meeting is the first Wednesday in October because that is the night she's doing a program I forget what the topic of the program is but I think she's doing the program in lever and I I know that just because I was thinking oh I can't go to the program because I have this meeting okay well maybe we should try to put it later I'll I'll talk to Sarah and see if she can make herself available for one of our meeting meeting times and then we'll we'll move it onto that sure evening and and then I think the more pressing matter is just getting in contact with Becky about doing the reporting to the state about what if any funds have been expended to date which I think is probably none I would assume none yeah okay oh what I was gonna what I why the reason I was asking about the meeting is that at the next meeting perhaps um you could or noren depending on who goes um see if other towns are interested in in um making a little regionalized area even though Greenfield's not interested yeah because um you know so deerfields uh Deerfield monague Sunderland Leverett uh they may be willing to do so right and that's a kind of convenient contiguous area too monague however might want to might want to go on their own I think that sort of the bigger entities might want to do it on their own like Greenfield but perhaps the smaller towns would like to um to throw in together y if you can find out about that or have noren find out about it at the next meeting that would be that would be ideal I think was there anything else on the agenda I don't have it in front of me that we're supposed to be talking about no it was um generically updates as needed and unanticipated business are the only remaining things okay all right does anybody have anything else that they want to uh bring up in that case how about a motion to adjourn move to adjourn second all in favor show hands okay there we go thank you guys thank you thank you a couple weeks okay bye