##VIDEO ID:CLGcG6p-TEA## e e e e e e for e e e e e e hi Gail hey Steve how are you good excuse me while I snack oh no worries at all e hi Jim daeve Gil hey Jim the rain is coming I know we need it but it's been so beautiful I know I know I know I sort of uh I'm going to miss these um these these days like today I went for another long walk today in the Wendell State Forest which I've been doing a lot of lately and but um and there's some beautiful Trails there but uh the forest is really dry and and uh what what how many over a thousand um uh wildfires have been um put out or dealt with during the month of O this fall you know from what I understand I just heard that you know on the news so you fired the fire thousand in what what area Massachusetts really wow yeah just an incredible number you know not a lot of acreage has been burned I said they said maybe th to 2,000 acres but um nevertheless it's uh you know when living where we do right now I it's it's been on my mind a lot but fortunately nothing so far at least in this area well I heard they had a brush fire on the UMass campus the other day up near The Observatory oh really yeah again it was a couple of Acres but you know they brought in a lot of uh I bet they did fight it and they didn't have a hydrant nearby so they were using the pelum tanker truck to to uh tank water to it thinking it's awfully close to the the water towers in ammer but ironically yeah speak on there yeah yeah we expecting uh Graham Andor Craig uh Craig's always an unknown I was well I I didn't hear either way from Graham but I I I think he's coming so uh we'll we'll give them another minute or two and then we'll start with the two of you we have Quorum so that that will work while we're waiting Gail there's something I could ask you about um sure I saw on the select board agenda for last night's meeting that there was nether it about a credit card and then a zoom account and I was going to watch the meeting and I forgot but I thought hm I wonder if they're getting a town credit card which they used to have and if so this could be useful for us for you charging the uh the security monitoring uh which you're having to put on your own credit card now which and then which I think is not that's not a good business practice no no it's not we have no other way to do it getting reimbursed it's just not the way we should run things and of course Gabe vulker is now the acting Town Administrator and you know she was the treasurer she would know how to go about this so uh I say I I don't know any more than it was on the agenda but I thought might be worth um following up on that hey there everybody Dave Jim Gale I'm just making a little note here about the credit card okay all right well welcome everybody um I'll do my little Spiel so this is the November 20th 2024 MLP Broadband meeting um I'm Gail hundis MLP manager facilitating the meeting uh this meeting is fully remote participating also remotely we have MLP board members Jim Hemingway Graham seon and Steph Schmidt uh absent tonight is broadband Committee Member Craig Martin uh first order of business is to approve the previous uh meeting minutes from October 16th as submitted by Jim and amended second second thank you in favor I I I I excellent thank you um all right first item is Hut report um Graham anything exciting oh good but we could both do it this way couldn't we G went we could we could we we did a we did a Hut visit together when we went to Becky's retirement party uh a joint inspection and uh the place looked pretty good didn't it pretty clean fairly order and uh as Gail pointed out we're almost at the stage where we go from the summer three season cooling regime of the heat pumps to uh to warming or or or so any other i' I've still been watching the uh temperature each night and it's not it's not getting below the the the it's the weather's not affecting it yet but I'll be shifting it this uh in the next few weeks and uh um and U yeah that was uh um I guess uh yeah that was it for the for that great gr just just fresh our memories H how is what what is the winter mode now the the winter mode the winter mode um because uh so okay so it it can only get too hot in the summer there's never a worry that the building will freeze uh in the winter time um it there is the possibility if it went down to you know minus five that the the heating equ the heating of by the equipment in the Hut um isn't enough to overcome um that coldness now it doesn't i' I've watched it sometimes it doesn't take it down very far but you know you don't want to you don't want it to be freezing in the Hut someone might leave their Coca-Cola in there or something like yeah so any you don't want um stuff to get too cold so therefore that's the reason for shifting it but so far the uh the heating equipment and the level of insulation of the Hut is totally keeping the Hut um just a few degrees below our set point which is 68 right now so let's see um so maintenance report we had a if you'll remember last month in September we had our lowest number number of customer tickets ever it was 20 total this month rather last month October we spiked to 53 tickets so you know our normal's around 45 so a bit busier than normal um I wonder if everyone just kind of delayed calling because September is a pretty busy month for a lot of a lot of people with back to school things um uh I did a little bit deeper dive because whenever there's a spike like that I just want to know what's happening um and um so there's a there's always a handful of the tickets that are duplicates because like a customer will call they report the problem and then another tickets gets generated from from the Integrity side saying we're reaching out to tell you that the issue is fixed um so so there's that um there six of the tickets are from one person for one one issue um and it was an issue where a website was blocked about once every three to six months we have one of these things where and I I I it's it's on the website side where they don't recognize our ISP is usually with really really secure places like State websites or medical websites or BL or or Bank websites um and so the they just need to whitelist our our our ISP um so it it looked like um that was the the the problem um for that one [Music] um G you're looking at it I noticed on line 28 um someone uh Robert Castellano his subject was returning a managed router and I just wondered whether that was a Miss typo by sh n Integrity I I didn't see that one it's in there on line 20 line line 28 okay um line is it um line 29 sorry line line 29 is it if you have it in front of you is it is it um one of our customer like yeah it's shopre and it has a shopre address yeah okay I'll I'll look into it so I looked at uh inspired by Gail's dive into and she told me um some of the things she found with the repeat uh the the the the more problematic single problems um and and there were 13 actual service problems um out of the 53 tickets there were about 13 there were about 22 internet router issues which is you know this more General thing of of it's going slow or it's it's or there's something wrong with it what could be wrong with it and you know the best as we know the best they can tell you is to turn it off and turn it back on um after 60 seconds later um and then there were 16 of them which were customer service and administrative tickets so which is pretty average people who are turning things on or off for the season or or they have some something or other so um so yeah you know it was um uh 13 actual service problems people with no dial tone for instance I call that a a real an actual problem yeah um another router thing that um Graham reminded me that that we should talk about is that you know all a couple of of us on the committee and we have one to a community member at large are using manage routers um kind of as a as a trial period to see if they work and and um um Graham to I I looked into like our invoices that come monthly we're not paying any extra for those so but I'm I'm ready to I I I want to I'm I'm figuring that my trial is over um I'm I'm ready to buy the router off of uh off of sheld um and um and and pay the whatever it is $250 a month extra for the extra service and and I would suggest as other people decide whether um whether they like their us6 router or whether they want to go back to their um lynus router um because you know I I think that um it I did propose it initially as a trial and um and that doesn't sit well with me that I continue to get you know um an advantage that uh that that I that I'm not paying for so you know that that's my um I'm I'm definitely wanting to buy mine and to pay and now that we're going to the libr now the library is purchasing the um managed of service then there will be a there'll be a slot a um a service uh category that that obviously I can um I can say yes I'll be one of them so um so yeah don't know how the rest of you uh Jim do you still have do you have a U6 or you back in some other yeah I I have a U6 um but but I I don't have any need for the for the for the management part of it as you can probably guess so y um um what can I say um it it it it does perform better than the uh than the linkis router I can tell especially when downloading big files and things like that it's it processor is a little bit um stronger I think so it's there there some some some um there's some sign not significant differences but noticeable differences between the two but then again you'd expect that because one's a commercial router and the other one is not and it's Wi-Fi 6 so it's a little bit Wi-Fi 6 so the Linkus we're running on Wi-Fi Wi-Fi five they call it yeah unrelated to five gig it's it's just a a series of numbers yeah yeah it's gone up to seven now ah okay um well I have the uh the U6 or whatever it is also I I sat on it for over a year after I got it and finally thought well I should try this thing out and I for anything I'm doing I have not noticed any difference I thought you know the speed I was getting before was so incredibly fast that uh um you know files that I would have to like set the computer to download overnight in the past when you know using the the satellite or whatever um you know suddenly I it's downloaded before I even notice it started um with the with the link say so if you know if something's downloading in you know 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds I'm not really not really noticing Steve do you recall whether it was so straightforward to install the U6 that did you need to phone their customer service or not even I did because you know being a um probably something was package for commercial installers as opposed to retail sale there was no um quick start guide or anything with it and it just had this little sticker that had the um the the various numbers for it and I didn't know which one was the was the password to use I trying to use the one that's the admin password I remember that yeah I remember that being obscure yeah yeah and they needed to register your um they needed to register your service anyhow so so that that that that that's the answer that I I I was curious that yeah yeah so I called and they said oh no what you got on that and then oh use that one that's WPA uh number and so I entered in and I was fine so that's the extent of and and you had to also yeah and your ssids also had to change a little bit right if if you had many things on Wi-Fi instead of there being two different Wi-Fi um channels U you know the 2. 2.4 and the and the five um uh you only have one so did you notice that you had to change the names of of your uh of your signal oh well each each device I had to change it to the new um oh yeah router but uh yeah yeah is this is this one of the big differences between the Wi-Fi six is that there's only one channel always uh I don't know that that's how they all do it they could all do it how they want to but but the logic for for uh um the logic is probably that the router can know which is the best channel to be on right now for interference and for how far away you are and the signal strength so I suspect that's an interesting question Gail I don't know whether all routers do that one thing that I have noticed in looking at router diagnostic stuff over the last few years as we've been interested in it is that there are more and more router companies good creditable ones that say Hey if you have a really busy uh Wi-Fi you know household then once a month you should consider turning it off and rebooting it just the power cycling uh as a um as a because routers have memory and registers and things that get tied up cash memories and um and they they say you know um it's not a bad thing to do so they weren't saying that um you know a year and a half ago except in just a few places where they where people were saying oh yeah you know clear clear the down once a month so um if you're not a busy household if you don't have 20 things connected it doesn't matter you know you wouldn't notice it yeah um okay so yes I I agree that that we should start moving towards um you know the the the different payment tiers of service um um there's other things I think that are higher priority but I will start moving towards that in the in the coming year and um I was going to talk about this later but I'll talk about it now we have been approved by MBI for the digital Equity Grant so as with everything related to the state um there's more paperwork oh yes more now there's a whole app you know we we we put in our our our whole plan and now there's an application to put in to to actually get get the money um so and G that's we the town is it when you said we have been approved is that we shutesbury or we the MLP MBA doesn't really distinguish and and so um we applied as as shoot spet as the MLP so it it it is the money is going to come to us not the town yeah good to know I me technically I assume it'll be it's state money I assume it's going to the well it's it's it's state money coming from federal money yeah yeah has it already been handed down by the feds that's the question is it is it in the state coffers at this point I hope because yeah I don't I I I I I assume that it was because they preallocated I don't know what the language is for us for that 56 or 57,000 like they said this has been set aside for you shoot Berry that's real money okay yeah is jump through the hoop and and do all the things so that's that's that's next step the state money that goes to the town is an electronic transfer that goes into a specific Town account or state um State yeah so we just make need to make sure it gets from from that sort of uh uh like trim account into into the MLP so we're rich guys what what's the dollar figure Gil it's like 56 or 57 the towns can get up to 100 but because we're so small I don't I I doubt they're going to increase that for us at all uh but you know we'll we'll we'll see um and then of course the question is what do we spend it on that is that is the big question I have not I just got the email today saying MBI approved it so I have not done a deep dive into the whole application of like what exactly do we need to specify or can we just kind of be vague about like we'll follow our plan and we'll we'll do this and this and then they get the money um I assume that that it's going to require details knowing you know how how these things usually go of like okay how how are you going to spend the money give us the estimate show us the like you know like purchase orders or or or something um quotes for for what you intend to do with this um uh this money so um uh after I get into that application a little bit I will either combine the hey how do we want to say we want to spend the money meeting with one of our regular meetings or we may have like a separate special one if if it's really in depth um we've already done so much of the leg work of figuring out what you know what and how we're going to use the money mbi's approve that so it's not like it's a whole wide field we have to use it for one of the four or five things that we've already said we would use use it for so things like Library technology things like router upgrades things like um uh better um Zoom or online meeting tech for the town hall um and then and you know if we wanted to hire like a you know a digit digital Navigators um or something like that for helping out our elderly po population um there there's only specific uses is it's just a matter of what money we spend for which category okay a digital Navigator who is that what is that so a digital Navigator is a person that um helps other people learn well and navigate technology so um they would sit down with people I either visiting their home or people bring their laptops into a public place like a a library and the digital Navigator helps them do things like apply for SNAP benefits or um apply for a job or figure out how to pay their phone bill online okay got it yeah yeah yeah can I'm trying to remember from everything we've talked about over the past a few years can any of this go towards supporting the um reduced fee for the limited means uh subscri subcribers um no no okay no no because they because you don't they want to see things that are a one-time cost here not a Evergreen okay subsidy I was just thinking I mean that fit sort of fits into digital Equity yeah yeah it does but not for this grant that's that they prefer not to have have yeah yeah they don't like recurrent things they like Capital things yeah yeah yeah so um yeah so we'll we'll keep talking about about that um and let's see and a similar um um I I'll I'll I'll give a SL a quick debrief whenever you want me to but it fits into digital equity in a way Village neighbors invited me I'm a volunteer for their Tech staff there aren't many of us for four towns and they invited me to uh to you know to talk at their board meeting um and U of course my interest most interesting support thing that I can think of for for people at the moment inexpensively is managed routers um so anyhow um when um is this a good moment or um or yeah yeah why don't yeah why as long as we're talking about it why do you you you go for tell everyone what you figured out from your meeting with them yeah the the three minute pry on it is uh that um village neighbors covers four towns interestingly they do um uh New Salem has managed routers um through uh West West uh WG Westfield yes um and um and I suppose Wendell does too I haven't spoken to anyone in Wendell but uh it's possible that they do but um but um new New Salem uh pay is in a 10-year contract with Westfield and um and it's considerably more it's like you know 25% more than what we pay not just because of manag routers but but there it's a different deal there but um anyhow the also New Salem does do um at the library I'm going to go to visit one sometime um they do Tech um uh Village neighbors uh in new Sal does um Tech assist days for or hours for people who just want to turn up and bring their laptop problem or their iPhone problem and and um someone if if there's a few volunteers here um then yeah um intergenerational things are suggested for stuff like that to to us to invite high school kids along or college kids if if they're around but um but anyhow that's something that that digital Equity might um lend itself to with a uh with you know with having days like that once a month um um I got the sense that uh Village neighbors would love to do technical support and help for people who struggle with stuff there's so many digital things now as we know medical staying in the home is is Village neighbors thing um over 60y old is membership uh limit so their membership is all in the you know the in in that category of of trying to stay longer in the home um technology is a way to do that for many um but um but technology is also a problem when um you know some members still aren't quite confident about streaming TV so you know there's a there's a range of abilities and there's uh um an amount of training and simple stuff that would need to be put out there if you can stream TV then you don't need your Direct TV 120 bucks or 50 bucks a month so you know there is a benefit to um to some of the technology cost wise um that um that some people haven't managed to leverage yet so um that's it I got the distinct sense that um that they were hoping that someone would turn up to help organize this Village neighbors I I knew that I wasn't going to be that person because a lot of it ends up being administrative um you know they uh just the driving help for people getting to things um has a lot of uh you know a lot of wheel wheels to turn that have to happen and uh so um you know I don't think Village neighbors is equipped to um to administer a complex um you know um educational program or technological support thing but U but um you know maybe Dei stuff is um um I know Gail you've got some ideas on that but we're Village neighbors is um is probably um you know not not a obvious vehicle for um for ramping up something like that so anyone got yeah Steve just you said the report excuse me four towns in Village neighbors I just curious what the towns are uh yeah New Salem Wendell shuberry and lever so it's it's our it's our same little you know um Bunch very similar that's kind of a good thing yeah I still I still think it's a need um and you know I I think it's also something that um you know as a as a well ISP provider um we can only go so far of of of you know I think helping people connect their devices anything with Wi-Fi in their home that's kind of like the limit of we don't we don't even do that now but in in a um in a more um personal way we could do that but then there's all this other stuff of help you know helping people um uh with other pieces of Technology um you know like fixing their email that is Way Beyond what we would want to get into but it's certainly a need um so as new Salems manager I asked Mary Ellen what she thought of the manag routers and and um and she said she read like like we do Gail she reads the reports of all the trouble tickets help tickets every month and she she says that she can see things that are resolving in ways with Services specifically Services mentioned that are are you know that they help with you know that uh you know a problem with blah blah blah and you know they sorted out so um uh so um that I was kind of pleased to hear that you know that she didn't just sort of think it was a waste of time and she's a pretty techsavvy person that was her business at one point so yeah um so I you know one thing I do kind of Wonder is if this question of manage router is going to get entangled whether we like it or not with our new contract with sheld um and um and and it could go either way if it gets entangled in a way that's beneficial right if there they're willing to start supporting managed rouers and then drop the the monthly subscriber cost all of a sudden that becomes very attractive right and and if effectively absorbing the the management cost right and then the the the costs for them go down of supporting it um to um with with manage rouers it's like you know like there's less time Tech time I I don't know what their structure is you know the agreement that they have with Integrity on that of um if it would actually be a cost saving for them as well to get a a managed router so that's going to be a I think a conversation to have with them um did they get back to you on the library thing um Bobby liswell was about to give you a proposal right um and it seemed like he was right on the edge of that um do you recall Gil he didn't he didn't copy me if he sent a proposal for the install on the monthly for the library uh well they're all they're they have service they're they're all set um but for the the the whole Library project of of the the installation for the real building not the temporary fix no I yeah yeah he he he said he was on the edge of doing that okay yeah the um National Grid again made us look fabulous Maryann antonellis came up to me at Becky's retirement and was just very happy because it took like a month of fighting with National Grid to get their electricity there installed and three days after electricity arrived our technician showed up and installed their Broadband they were thrilled so like National Grid had never you know installed a new service before oh my goodness yeah yeah it look pretty sad for a long time that's yeah yeah um okay so financially uh we're still in good shape currently as of this moment we are $1,825 in the black um so um we're we're fine we've um have an income of around $888,000 and expenses of close to 70 um I me just as I remember from last month said um gawi had already put the $45,000 into the um stabilization fund for this year which typically she doesn't do until spring correct correct and so so that's that's the major expense half of our expense is money that's not really an expense it's just we're right moving it into our savings account sort of so right right you can you can see it right here um taken taken out um over half of our expense so far yeah yeah um I'm not sad that that happened because that uh Capital stabilization fund is getting great interest yeah yeah it's it's really good um so we are we are instead of having that money just sit there and do nothing we're um we're we're earning good interest out we're getting uh what is it 2.4% so you know way better than the like Point whatever that it was it it gets if it just sits sits in our account so um no complaints about that money not not being available for us right now no no I I was just saying but that explains why we uh our expenses were so close to um income at this point um so I think I talked about this at the last meeting of uh Steve suggested that I pursue some endof year earmarks um from Joe comerford's office for the $188,000 in the poll moves that we had of just um last fall so a year ago I had asked Aon Saunders office of of of like is is there any extra money and he said um uh no um and and and and we also asked the NBI at that time and they said they said no as well um but anyway a couple months ago I asked Joe Joe uh comerford's office about earmarks they were really responsive um they um said um word it's the budget is tight this year why don't you ask MBI so um I asked Michael baldino um the director of MBI for you know is there any way that there's any money available for this um he said none of their current funding including the bead monies cover anything close to this it's just it's not expansion right so it does not fit into their um kind of like approved uses for any of the money that they have um he suggested I reach out to Shan Cronin at the Department of Revenue uh to see if there's anything there and and the division of local services so I did that Sean said there's no funding from their Department um he was pretty like Curt about he's just like basically a one sentence no it's up to he said no it's up to the town to fund it period um so he directed me back to Aaron Saunders office so a Big C we just went in a big old Circle um but at Becky's retirement party um uh Elena Cohen is the the the district manager for comerford's office and I was able to have a live conversation with her and she explained a little bit further of what's like what's happening with earmarks and she said that um there's 25 communities in the district and they the way that they work it is they try to spread it out over all of those those communities um and so try to gain some like fairness and equality of who is getting the money um um there's a lot of communities that have actually never gotten earmark funding and shpy in the 2022 Economic Development bill got $200,000 so she said we're kind of not gonna give much or anything to shoots Berry right now because you just got this huge thing so in the name of fairness you're kind of not eligible especially for something that's not an absolute critical need um where you know our coffers are really low but we're not like about to go bankrupt so um I appreciated her explaining about their process a little bit more and why um it's just not g to happen so it was a good try but it just it went nowhere we tried who who was this sorry it her name is Elena Cohen Elena Cohen and she's uh Joe come for's district manager okay just trying to get this all down it's a little complicated what year was it that shutesbury got those funds do you remember uh 202 Jim are you aware of that this 200,000 yeah and what it went for SCH I'm not oh the school roof all right well yeah oh I I remember some money but I don't remember you know being sort of um okay they they div it around yeah the school roof was sounds like one of them yeah and that's a that's a big one too yeah it's big that's a lot of money all right um just looking my notes here um oh so I got the the Grant application in by the deadline for the um National digital inclusion Alliance Trailblazer Awards um well we I'll see wow does that make a word an acronym the ndi oh well of course yes the ndia uh so we we'll we'll see if we got that it was um uh yeah I I mean I I felt a little bit not silly but I don't know like some impostor syndrome or something even applying because it's like cities like De Moine Iowa are getting these Awards right of like 100,000 people and we're like yeah we're we're like 1,00 people but we're still doing it I I think that makes us more of a Trailblazer I mean granted lever was the real Trailblazer it's true on this but um we uh you know I think it's more significant when a little place does something you know de Mo Iowa probably has full-time staff just to do that sort of work we we yeah well I was annoyed by that that one of one of the they had like this rubric for the application and they're like one of the the the ways that you can like get the the points is do you have a full-time staff dedicated to digital Equity I'm like we don't even have a full-time staff running the network of so yeah I kept I kept trying to emphasize over and over just like how how absolutely shoestring and and Tiny we are um and and the amazing things that we've done in our 90% um uh take rate in town right we're serving almost every single resident I think that's pretty impressive yeah it is not to mention the speed we all get so yep yeah one of one of the one of the things was you had to send a speed test in so I had sheld send me a like an official speed test from their system pretty proud of that app n Dia a certified test wow yeah yeah I did just see that um a private business in Northampton is building out a uh P to the home system as an overbuild um and so uh you know it's not it's not going to be municipally owned or operated no I forget I forget their name um yeah I I I looked on their website briefly um they're hiring local looking for local texts to do do installs hey Jim if you want to come out of retirement yeah Jim you want J quite all right no thank you a lot of fun all right well that that's pretty much all the news that I have uh kind of next up in the queue of what like what are the next projects happening is um working on the digital Equity Grant with MBI or the application rather to actually get the money um working on our fiscal year 26 budget draft believe it or not it's time again time to start working on that our meeting with the fincom has been set for February I believe um so um I next month for next month meeting I'll I'll be submitting a draft for all of you to look over um it's uh no no big changes this year um except for making sure that revenue is separated out from the expenses so we don't have the debacle on on Town floor um and what else um I'll be reaching out to Sean Fitzgerald before the end of the year about our contract renewal just having that initial conversation um assuming well not assuming but asking and like would would they like to talk about a contract renewal um and can we um you know come up with a Arrangement that's going to work for both of us uh without having to go through the whole bid process um with a with a contract extension if the terms are favorable and also um working on the Broadband manual update um so we have this long like 50 page manual that I I keep of of all of our operations the departure of Becky Tores reminded me that we need to keep that up to date um for succession planning so that um if something happens to me or um I need to you know stop doing this job that the network won't be left in the Lurch and we have something to hand to somebody incoming to say here's here's all the important things to know about our Network and what needs to happen so um yeah I it should just I think be kind of reviewed every two years to make sure it's still current A lot changes you know kale remind me where where does that document um abide yeah yeah so all yeah so it's it's in a um uh I I sent copies the like the original one to all of you when I made it about I want to say it was about two years ago I think and so I kept revising you know when when things when I kind of remember I change it and update it um but this is to just go through it fully it's also saved electronically on the Dropbox account that you all have access to that's okay that's the question yeah yeah yeah couple things Gail um one you mentioning the budget and the one other one thing that I'm thinking that should be changed on the budget for FY 26 the $5,000 line item we have for the um limited means support as an expense we we talked about this um after the town meeting I think realized that really can't isn't shouldn't be in the expense even though it seems like an expense because we're not expending that money we're just reducing it's a reduction of the income is handled so we need to work that into our income side and then probably put a note in the um the income estimate that a certain number of subscribers are reduced by so much just as explain why the the projected income's gone down but then we take out take the $5,000 line item expense just take that out of there agreed agreed yeah so so um I I have a note to do that Steve and when I send around it if if it does if you can think of a better way to do it than what I come up with certainly let me know of how how we represent that so in a way that makes sense and that um uh Gail Weiss is going to be okay with yeah yeah the other thing I'm thinking about is our contract renewal uh sort of proposed with with sheld just wondering if we should get going on that a little sooner on that on the with the possibility if something happens and we can't reach an agreement with sheld on a contract renewal we'd then be sort of scrambling to go out to Bid And although obviously simplest from all the ways around if we're just able to uh renew or continue or whatever the term would be our existing intergovernmental agreement with them um we don't want to be kind of in in at the last minute saying oh this really isn't working I guess we really need to go out to bed and see who's out there um that's just a a thought I no AB absolutely um our I believe our contract officially starts with them in or like ends ends with them is like August 1 uh okay see I was thinking yeah I had in mind July first so okay so we got a little more c yeah yeah we have but but you're right it's it's it's not much and what we learned last time is if you change Pro you know change providers you actually need some overlap yeah between them right you can't say this provider ends on this date and that's when starts no you actually want to unfortunately pay two providers for at least a month overlap between those in order so that the transition goes smoothly and um yeah so lots of things to consider with that with a um yeah that porting over the telephone oh my God yeah yeah so I absolutely hope we don't have to do any of this it would be wonderful just to continue the way we are but um yeah and they've and they've been I you know they've I I think yes hasn't been perfect but they've they've done a really good job um you know in our and so um I think that we're we're the first effort is to try to get a get a renewal here and we can do up to three years again right that it sounds good okay so so would it be next month that you were going to reach out is that what you had said okay so that's December to yeah okay yeah kind of do the feel out and so that by January 1st r around we know what we're doing and get you know get some um yeah just just have have an idea of like okay are we actually looking at a bid here how much are the costs going up I can't imagine they're going to go down in the contract um but you know how how how bad is it and like Steve you you uh said that the the two things that are going to be changing is um the hourly labor in the contract and the um mainten maintenance yeah yeah the maintenance yeah yeah the maintenance and um the um subscriber portion um so those yeah that's that's that's kind the entire contract right there of of what what's what's changeable yeah equipment costs I guess that's with the labor maintenance yeah yeah M materials although I think that we've kind of evened out with those where um the you know between I was worried about over the last two years with inflation everything but it it seems like we we've kind of steadied out on those that um those and and because we have so few repairs those costs don't don't break the bank so to speak I imagine the price of an hour of a bucket truck has gone up is what I mean as well yeah yeah we'll see yeah um but yeah I brought that up because I thought well the the customer charge the ISP charge I mean that's the obvious thing here's what it's going to be in each customer's bill you know it's it's direct from sheld to the customer um and then our be is rolled into that or or added to that um but the I thought well yeah but they're they're charged for maintenance services that's nothing that's not an obvious thing but it's a big thing um so so we got two different areas there um expense that are critical to know Gail I don't don't mean to be pushing this but do you think it be possible to uh have some preliminary answer for us by our next meeting by the December meeting sorry what' you say have something something from sheld yes I can I can set that goal to to at least have the initial conversation um before the before the next meeting okay yeah yeah that gives that gives them a uh a deadline too so well you know it's not you're not putting pressure on you say well the board wants to hear about this um so yeah yeah it's it's going to be a really friendly reach out of just um you know I'm going to send an email to Sean saying it's you know we need to start thinking about this would you be open to a phone conversation um and just talk about it [Music] so all right any anything else all good y all right Jim you good with the minutes any questions uh probably but I I'll just have it's really complicated uh um I'm not sure I I I've only gotten a part of the details here but I'm working on it so it's okay listen and like if there's parts that you just miss feel free on the minutes just to put a parentheses and say like just Gail fill this in please well you you always have you always have that out okay well something I anyway I I'll do my best and um and please add to it whatever is necessary okay like our next date is December 18th that sounds very credible that sounds like correct okay even better y all right well thanks so much guys um and have a wonderful Thanksgiving yeah yeah there is that isn't it next way it's coming here it is yeah wow okay all right bye don't work too out Jim