##VIDEO ID:U## e hey Jim how are you pretty good Gail how are you doing great I wanted to ask you do you know the names of those who will be attending from sheld and HG and E I was going to put those into the minutes here um I don't yet they just said they they would have somebody here who could answer our questions so um yeah we we'll we'll see and I'll um hopefully you'll be able to see all their names and their Zoom uh handles there but but if not I'll ask everyone to identify themselves okay that's good they still haven't um uh finished all the polls on Lock lockon Road yet the move um that's still in the works I guess not not much has changed since I talked to you last about that well yeah because they the the ones that they couldn't do they're still waiting on Verizon oh I wonder why yeah well the ones that I marked there it was because they said they um when they put in the new polls the the the drops were at the wrong place and so without like tearing out the whole drop and redoing it um they uh they couldn't they couldn't move our lines and so we put variet is next to go and then um hope hoping that they will do what needs to be done and then assign it back to us that's kind of the order of operations they said I should put it in in the engine system Bobby seems to be one of the ones [Music] yep well hello Graham tornado didn't touch anyone else gaale we had a tornado yesterday oh no lever had a out funnel shaped cloud apparently oh that's uh that's frightening yeah I was actually in Orange yesterday in the place that I was staying uh lost power about 8:00 p.m. I was planning on working from there and I just gave up and got back in the car and drove back to Boston because their concast was out and I was running on the house generator so I just left yeah the times we live in yes Graham do you know that there was do you know if there really was a final cloud and Leverett um you knows on the Internet it's like I mean what I saw the National Weather Service my phone beep to say that was a tornado warning yeah I go to the National Weather Service and it said the the radar had pre had um detected a cloud formation that could lead to the C could cause a tornado to form I did see then later a funnel cloud was spotted in Hatfield which is in the wrong direction must have been but the storm system moved right across so you know you could have had stuff in Hatfield as well yeah know I heard you know my wife was reading something off the internet so you know it's it's like it's but but yeah that they told us everyone to go to the basement and so of course we went upstairs to do uh to do the tornado watch yeah yeah storm chases that we are yes are we expecting Craig Gail do you know um not sure what what his travel and teaching schedule is um we're still four minutes to early start start time so we'll we'll start right at noon but we'll we'll give him four minutes and okay um yeah so um on the Storm I don't know whether Bobby can tell us whether we lost any service is on the internet but but um the Broadband but um uh the top of our street the dirt part of window Road a uh a tree um fell on the on the high tension the power line and it started sparking and caused a fire and uh and fortunately from what I heard um I my my our our internet doesn't come through that part of the road so we wouldn't have lost it there um but I think it didn't um I think it was sparking against its own um uh neutral power line because it was a small hardwood tree um if it had kept on bending down lower then of course we know that uh they can spark onto the um onto the the the fiber cable and Burn c yeah yeah support cable yeah yeah so and the and the lashing thing as well so so anyhow um I think that uh it didn't sound like that would have happened but um but Bobby Bobby would know I didn't I didn't see any repairs either for Broadband Bobby how are you doing good how are you guys doing oh we're pretty but we got no tornado so mighty good yeah for a change I was looking at that front going by chabe North and it looked pretty uh it looked pretty tough but there was about um there was over a dozen um on dying gasps all from the window Road area okay yeah so that was the power going out the gasps right yeah and yep and you hit the nail on the head about the primaries coming down we uh we did a midspan out there was it last year Gail or the year after where the primary came down over by the reservoir on monu road yeah yeah yeah and uh B Hall and no one knew about it for a while until we looked at it ourselves yeah yeah yeah binoculars tell you uh yeah tell you what's going on when you can't see it from the street so it works pretty good you know well and that was on the previous watch so it it wasn't uh it wasn't fibers spring that had missed that that hole in the cable just out of Interest yeah I mean what I do notice out there when the primary comes down is that there's there's no cones out you know what I mean just to kind of advise people not to go down the road or whatever I've pulled up I've actually moved uh I went down the road to check and make sure the fuses were out of the primary came back threw a line check on it and moved the conductor off the road and two years ago but you know you shouldn't be doing that anyways unless you know what it's about you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah so you know plus you know people can't you throwing your gear on on this side of the road think that you're changing to go swimming in Lake wyola yeah so it's um you know it wouldn't be a bad idea you know in the future if like the DPW could put you know some Road horses out or something to kind of keep people away from those primaries that do come down when they're yeah you know um I I think I think the highway department would be very happy to hand that to our Police Department um um just because you know the highway department already no one no one wants to have that responsibility or that disappointment potential um but the police should be happy to do it and we seem to have plenty of police in town um and the police chief is now the Emergency Management uh person I saw so uh so yeah um it's a tough one but thank you thank thank you for you pulling the thing off the road man and whatever whatever that was that uh that's pretty gutsy I uh isn't there still a risk if you've got somebody with a generator running and their um the interconnect isn't uh configured properly that that line could still uh yes they could back feed the generator through their house connection if they don't have the main circuit breaker tied off and disconnected from the system but but but if you if it's a secondary power um line then and um then you know it's only going to be 240 volts and and if you you know if you grab it with a grab it with something that's you know a c yeah you can gr I know you're from Australia so 240 volts is no big deal no big deal right but i' rather not tdch it not to take away from the 12 o'clock start time but whenever there's a conductor down you always have to treat it like it's live yeah everybody around it and regardless whatever side it is you just got to stay away from it yeah I agree oh y all right well uh welcome any everyone um I'll just say a little Spiel to start off our um remote meeting that's required and then we'll get right into our debrief so welcome to the July 17th meeting of the MLP and Broadband committee I'm Gail Huntress MLP manager uh facilitating the meeting this meeting is fully remote participating also remotely we have MLP board members Jim Hemingway Graham sepon and Steve Schmidt um and also Committee Member at large Craig Martin joining us as guest today we have Bobby liswell and Adam St Martin from sheld and Tim hos from hoio Gas and Electric welcome everyone um thank you for making time today so we're going to kind of take all of our committee business and push it to the end of the meeting so we can make efficient use of your time and we will get started and just uh get right into the debrief of about last week's outage um this is one of our very rare um uh systemwide outages and so we wanted to make sure we have an understanding of what happened and debrief it so that we can learn from it for for future outages so that's that's the purpose of today's uh discussion so again thank you for being here um I'm sorry I think we have one more person from South Hadley electric Kelly Frasier I asked her to join us today as well I think she's waiting to be aditt oh I'm sorry didn't see her there got it course thanks Adam all right so also joining us is Kelly Fraser from sheld if possible before we go around our team on the followup uh in all best interests if we could keep this at a high level conversation it would be really good instead of getting into the green the granular part of things and uh I think Tim's got a real simple way of looking into this which is something that has never happened before but uh physically equipment wise I think everybody here would would understand uh what Tim's about to tell you and what took place sounds great okay welcome Kelly sorry I didn't see you in the waiting room there um okay thank you yeah okay uh well why don't we hand it off to uh so so Tim then do you want to take it take it away and just uh explain what happened during during the outage and um uh take it from there sure so at it was pretty much exactly 3 P.M last Thursday that our 1500 Main Street pop in Springfield went dark and uh we we knew it immediately and so we had three Engineers uh task to figure out exactly what was going on we were unsure of the exact cause and so we initially suspected a fiber cut because we've experienced that at that facility not in any time recently but in years past um we've experienced trunk cables getting cut uh out on Main Street and so that was the first Avenue we went down and uh so we opened the ticket with crown castle and the other uh side of that is Crown Castle's been doing a ton of work in the area and it's on their infrastructure that our ring uh through Springfield is riding on so it just gave us another uh reason um that to suspect initially why why it was fibera so we opened a ticket and as uh we're working on response with crown castle we're looking uh at 1500 Main Street from obser locations in the network uh at one fed uh and at West holy o basic those are the two connections from our Network in 1500 Main and what we realized was the spans were getting there and um through oddr on on our equipment on the other side so we could see that the spans were getting inside the building so at that point we determined that it it must be something to do with power and it was kind of surprising in the respect that we we've done a lot of work with power backup down in that facility um we have we have three three different UPS systems uh all with multiple battery packs and uh we thought we're in a pretty good position also uh about three years ago the building went through a major uh Power renovation and introduced a c second entrance electrical entrance into the building served from a uh second substation so the building has dual entrance on on power feeds and it's served from two separate substations so we were reasonably confident that we weren't going to experience however once we figured out that we had a power issue um so while that was going on and we realized that and we trying to figure out what the impact of this is and we realized that uh uh lever and shutesbury were out of service uh the ring protect uh worked so in other words when 1500 Main Street went down the crown castle circuits to you went down as well the L2 traffic rerouted to one fed but because your access router at 1500 Main Street was offline there was no place for the one fed traffic to go we realized that pretty quickly so we went into the one fed router so because with these when you're terminating subscriber circuits you need and and an IP router you need to terminate them somewhere you can't terminate them in two locations so once we realized 1500 was offline we went into the one fed router uh and turned up the interfaces and we're able to get Sho Berry uh internet back up and uh and uh little while after lever it U up again on the secondary connection at 1G um and as soon as we did that we saw the traffic come in but the the pipe was packed so um during that of course when internet was you know restored on the temporary feed which was like about 20 minutes or so maybe 30 minutes um the the pipe was saturated and so you're you weren't going to get a good uh internet experience and I and basically look to folks to confirm or or or not whether that was uh a true case because I I'm sitting here from a operations perspective and I'm just seeing the traffic coming through so I'm assuming that the internet was not performing that good over to the 1G pipe can anyone confirm that for that that is that is confirmed um and we had many reports of phone service not you know not not working was the lack of phone service due to the slow connection or because the connection to Big River was compromised at uh M the Main Street location yeah so that was kind of an ordering thing so uh we got the internet back up and then we had an engineer and rout to 1500 Main Street to to when he got there um we had seven pieces of gear that that were offline and uh so fortunately five of them we were able to cold start and and recover the uh basically uh one UPS was completely blown out uh the two others had dumped the load they had take such a hit that they had dumped the output load and and we know what that does to network equipment doesn't like that stuff so uh but we were able to get five of them cold started and and restored so we focused we figured rather than spending more time trying to get uh the telephone service because we had to do the same thing with the phone services we did the Internet service we decided rather than spending more time on the backup stuff we can restore 1500 Main Street quick enough we believed at the time that we can restore all all service by just getting 1500 Main Street back in line so that's what we did so while that guy um the engineer down to 1500 mainst Street was bringing the equipment back up I had uh the under engineer who was building the backup stuff I told him tear that stuff down and once 1500 comes back make make sure that uh everything's in tune there so there was kind of a a sequential thing of okay we know the pop is going to be coming back it's B we can we can get everything permanently restored back there so everything did get permanently restored with the exception of the phone service and that troubleshooting process began around 4:30 5:00 and it took us a very long time what we discovered was uh the a the aggregation node was not passing it was it was passing all traffic everything and there's dozens of services that run this particular aggregation note every single service but the lever and shoots very phone and so we're we're scouring through the configuration we're looking where're saring and compar were're like there there's everything looks like it's supposed to be operating properly so the first thing we did on that guy was do another cold start at about 6:30 p.m. we CA a bump in in Internet General overall by doing that just to see if there was something stuck there and uh that wasn't the case so what ended up happening was we ended up doing a complete uh Flash and restore on that aggregation box and it did bring it back and we're were able to validate Services um and now we're getting into it's like 10:30 11 o'clockish and and because at the time it appeared to us that also the telephone router because with your telephone system is set up on dedic icated routers and it appeared that the telephone router to us prior to restoring the transport switch was functioning properly we could see the connections coming in from shoots SP no problem it was delivering addresses out everything was good but it was not we could not get the thing to to uh talk Northbound so as uh the final step and this is after midnight we did a Flash and restore on the telephone router and that brought it back online it was like around 2: a.m. or so before the the final restoration of that uh happened so um that's a long and a short of it got it okay uh thank you for that um explanation it sounds like that answers the questions about just kind of General overview of what happened um and that the backup connection did trigger but because of the power outage it did not um uh it didn't it it didn't make the full connection um at at the Main Street location and why phone service was was the last to to be restored and why why it took so long um um let's see um can I jump in with a question um yes um have a a sepra Uma phone at home and it also was out during that time is that does that go through this phone router that you have or is the phone router dedicated to the to the phone service that you provide yeah just the phone service so was Uma not working all the way to 2 am uh I don't know about that but around in the evening it wasn't working I can say that yeah I don't have an If if internet was functioning and I know you guys were fully restored by that time evening it should have been fine okay also my my my iPhone's uh Wi-Fi calling wasn't working either so all right let's do all right let's do Graham and then Bobby Tim would the failover have worked okay if the um if the if your ring in in um the F main ring down down in Springfield if that had stayed up is that true yes okay but you wouldn't have had to ret terminate the end point or whatever stuff right correct routers are are each one of those routers are fully redundant um you know the aggregation router at 1500 Main Street has dual power supplies dual line cards dual CPUs so it's fully redundant in that respect and provided had we not lost we kept one link to 1500 Main Street it was real you know was kind of a uh an unfortunate event in respect that the the ups that got knocked out knocked out our main transport note so that disabled the ring and and that piece is kind of evolving because we're migrating the transport network uh at the end of August to our to our 100g plus infrastructure so the timing of it was kind of you know wasn't wasn't good at all but it was it was only you know power Power Hit everything and it affected everything at that location okay well that's reassuring that our our failover would have worked if if if the unlikely event of losing your ring was was was key and and the other piece is just a piece of information when I I just happened to be online at 3:00 when it went down and so I turned off so I I checked my cellular um service turned off the Wi-Fi or you know airplane the Wi-Fi and went to the cellular and the cellular phone call that I tried to make a few phone calls out of the area and that didn't work and I thought oh my God what how big how big a problem can this be um it doesn't actually I'm wondering if a lot of people in shoots faury were trying to make phone calls all that that might have been possible so then I I tried the cellular um texting and I was able to text people and so I thought okay so okay yeah your overload on that little cell tower might have been an issue yeah so yeah that's a good suggestion great um Bobby you had anything to add to that yeah Craig quick question were you able to power cycle your equipment at home your router I did yes you did and om didn't come back up I'm pretty sure I tried it after power cycling I'm not positive the order in which I did it okay uh I'm yeah I'm pretty sure I did okay could it be that there just wasn't enough uh Network bandwidth to run a call if it was before that you know like 5:00 pm restoration to get a phone call out oh definitely the the vo pack that's on just straight up internet where there's no quality of service mechanism are going to get dropped first did it a smallest no this this was later in the evening and I did check the the the internet was you know I was getting half a gig oh okay so no it wasn't that all right I'm sorry I don't have an explanation for that that's all right good enough Steve yeah a couple questions um we had a notification from you a month ago that crown castle was going to be doing network uh maintenance on that previous evening or night around on the 11th after midnight from your description it sounds like this there's no connection between that and and this outage no however in our troubleshooting of course when you're confronted with Darkness on a piece of your network you're trying to determine you know the first step is you know what's the cause right and so because you can't until you identify that cause you can't take action and so because of that Steve all the action going on with crown castle over the past several months in their infrastructure that's what led us to believe that it could possibly be a fiber cut but I don't believe the network maintenance um on those circuits had anything to do with do with the outage another question I've got you so this the power issue there at 1500 main was this specific to your facility there the building out pardon took the whole building out oh yeah there was a major uh cable fault on the electrical system through eversource downtown Springfield that night which was the result of the problems that power surge ripped through the 1500 Main Street Building and ended up knocking out the equipment that Tim and mentioned there and then downtown Springfield continue to remain out of power I think until the following day his ever Source was still working to resolve the cable issues it's day six or seven of extreme heat and overload that system was getting very taxed and you know by the end of that you know fifth sixth straight 90 degree plus Day downtown Springfield was was feeling the effects of that so okay so even the building has that secondary feed the damage has been am I correct in understanding the damage was done by the initial failure by the initial right the original surgeon and voltage that resulted from the cable fall hit the equipment tripped the circuit the backup kick back in but at that point all the uh the damage had been done so to speak okay yeah so the power outage we could we could easily and we have we've survived power outages there for hours and hours and hours we have you know seven plus hours of runtime on all of our UPS's there we refresh the batteries constantly um we don't have a generator on site there but we have three rollup generators that are on Queue and and tested every six months we so we we have all of these we just the for and and we buy the best UPS's so the ups that got blown up you know we got to replace that guy and you know that's a $20,000 bill okay so we got to do that but we buy these things with the expectation that they're going to hold and sometimes it's just too strong and you know this isn't the first time we this first time we've seen this at 1500 Main Street but we've seen it in holy YK in years past we've seen it in chickabee years past these these events are can be intense and uh it it kind of just rocks everything that's connected to it yeah yeah sounds like a perfect storm there just uh Power Surge to that took everything out there um all right um so going forward is there any any other way to prevent this or do you think all of the things in place to the UPS's and surge protectors and obvously generators on site um anything anything else we can do differently there to prevent this or is this just like oh uh do you really think this is just a oneoff really unusual thing that is unlikely to happen again it is unusual for sure if I can't say for certain if it's not going to happen again only because uh it it was just so unpredictable uh so you know I can't give a great answer on that I can say um you know we'll have a new Fresh UPS down there so we're looking at all of this again and we're going to go through all of it again um but unfortunately I I think we did what we were supposed to do uh and so I don't think I'm G to go forward doing anything different okay yeah um you know the things that work really well with this outage was um the notification shell did a wonderful job of letting me know right away that allowed me to get something up on the website I know that uh integrity was notified uh you know within a half an hour so that any incoming customers and I I was watching them come in and and customer notice were notified that we knew about it and that it was being worked on so all that whole system worked great I think um uh the one thing that that didn't work well was the um uh the emergency notification text message to go out to our our police and fire and and and and our some some people on on this call um notifying of the outage so we don't have to solve this right now um in fact I I think I'll I'll say this and and debrief with with Bobby and team later on that of of how can we make sure that that happens um because in shutesbury we have this unique problem with the complete not complete but most lack of cell service um that when the phones out um it's a public safety issue because people have no way no way to contact so um that's the one thing I want to improve in terms of communication is make sure that text message is going out to Fire and Police um and then internally the other thing is um I had I had luckily landed in Milwaukee an hour before and i' had gotten to my hotel in Madison and so I was online during this and could kind of manage the communications on on our end but if I'm not here or I'm on a plane or I'm somewhere else or occupied with my other job that that uh that's that's a problem on our end that we need to solve of what if I'm I'm not available what's our emergency protocol notification so those two things the text messages to um Us in in the case of an outage and and then on our end what happens if I'm not here to manage it um are the things we we need to kind of improve on this process any anything else that um that was learned from this that that we should do differently in the in the uh future from from anyone on the on the team okay oh Steve I did have an additional question I was gonna ask but okay um all right well go ahead um yeah I just want to ask a little more about the phone uh system when we uh um switched over providers to sheld and you explained how your network worked and that you had your phone service provider was uh Big River I believe out in St Louis and immediately you a little flag goes up wait a minute you know that's a long ways away got connections out to you know halfway across the country um you know was concerned there because telephone service oldfashioned landline service is still so critical out here due to the the the poor cell service we have here um you explained how you would thought this through that you had two separate dedicated lines out to Big River sounded like you know this was really well thought through what I want to know is in the the phone outage that we had it's sounding to me like there wasn't a problem with you connecting to Big River it was it was the connection Within your network am I understanding that correctly that that's absolutely true yes and and so where your connection came in there was nothing there was no place for it to go because that guy was not alive and so like I said and we can maybe that's something we can talk about as far as uh you know we're able to restore internet reasonably quickly had we it would have taken a lot longer to restore internet if we had worked to try to restore the phone first because we it took us so long we didn't realize what was going on there and so it was kind of like again when we brought 1500 main back online we figured we'd restore all services we didn't realize that there was going to be trouble um with the phone but you're absolutely correct the the connection from Big River stayed up through one Federal the whole time so when we when we made when we're bringing 1500 back up we made the decision not to keep going forward with the temporary Recon FID because we probably would have had your phone back up in 15 20 minutes on the one fed router had we not said hey we can get everything restored if we bring it back to 1500 Main Street not knowing at that time that we were going to have trouble restoring a couple of devices at 1500 Main Street is that clear okay it does and I and I and I agree I think you made the right call there of No we can get every don't waste your time over here when you can get everything up up over there but you had no idea to know that that other things were out yeah more and more people are doing Wi-Fi calling so therefore the the um you're restoring telephone when you restore the internet um but but Wi-Fi calling didn't work for me right but when but once the interet was been if I had been having a heart attack one of us some of us might be looking at at a lawsuit or something right I mean that's a concern um yeah but if your internet gets restored uh the quick quickly to to shoot for restoring internet is is probably I would think the best thing but and more and more so as time goes by that that um the other thing does I guess that's a question I like like to ask is so if confronted with the same situation again should we act the same yeah I think I think the one the one thing I I would maybe change in the process and and tell me if this is like just not possible with personnel and equipment in two different locations but once you figured out that oh it's not just a 15minute fix at Main Street and there really is another something else going on with the phone going back to the original and saying okay let's get One Federal up um and prioritize that phone service would have that been possible not with the primary uh so when we brought 1500 Main Street back up we brought the 10g the uh the 10g link to shoots SP backup so everything was flowing back over there so in order for us to get you up to one fed um Telephone router it has to come through 1500 Main and go up to one fed but that service was broken we tried we actually tried doing that before we restored to transport node we tried bypassing it and sending your telephone traffic from 1500 main up to the one fed router and we couldn't get it to connect it was the same thing that service was down and it and it was not passing so the the choices really were either you work on the backup connection and everything's really slow and and you you get it back up or you can have 10 gigs down here yeah full internet and we can suffer through and try to figure out what the heck is going on with this telephone service yeah would a backup phone router be useful or would that be um adequate um is that possible so there's two in place now there's a live there's a live backup in place now we couldn't with our service down we couldn't get the connectivity into it it's on a different location okay so you can see how the compounding issues were presented to us and how we had to dissect and and each issue to to get to the full resolution and why it took so long there was we didn't know what we couldn't see and we can never see what was going on in the boxes after these power heads you know no Bobby everybody has to think of it like this if that equipment at 1500 was up in shooty it would still be approached the same way to do process of elimination to get Services back online then you you still would have followed the same order of operations of diagnosis regardless yep yeah a power surge nobody can predict the physics of how it's going to affect electronic equipment or it's going to travel through metal or anything and at the end of the day the response that was given from hoil cast electric and the shell team was superb from down at 85 Main Street with Adam customer service Lee myself whatever Gail you whatever we needed to do um we were very proactive on it again this is a this is a catastrophic hit this is not a common uh predicament yeah yeah yeah thank you and and this isn't a uh the purpose of the debrief is not to like assign blame or or or say you know do better it's really what can we learn from anything so I think this has been really informative yeah but balancing the scales is like you know it to take a really local look at it if that equipment was up in shutesbury the same approach would be in play for sure yeah Tim the power surge do you monitor like how big a surge that is does it show a recording can one make a claim against the power utility later um what's the status on something like that uh I have I suppose we could I could look at them um but I wasn't our intent wasn't to go after I don't know who to uh assign fault to whether it's uh the building or the power company I mean who's really liable here you know what I mean you to see this the magnitude of the of the uh search uh is there testing is there monitoring equipment that U that that logs a history of surges yeah uh well I mean upss keep some sort of log I can check but we don't have any monitoring equipment sitting on the line that tells us um well I don't think we have that really anywhere uh on any of our equipment Bobby gr I can tell you uh you know backing up Adam's um eversource notification with the Main Street having a a power outage down in Springfield it went all the way up through Forest Park to the X this wasn't very small this was a large electrical outage no all right um okay well we we are at we are at time so I W to I W to uh make sure to release the other other teams here because I I know everyone's really busy um and we have a the rest of our um meeting to go through um and for Action items um I'm going to connect with the sheld team about ification protocol um and uh and today if we have time we'll talk internally about what's our uh backup plan if I'm not available for for cases like this um and any any other final comments on this before we uh sto Steve yeah I would just say and this this may be clear to uh Shel n now but going forward if another odd event happens like this to just keep in mind that in shot Berry the landline phone service is a priority and probably a higher priority than it would be in a more urban area um we're not trying to micromanage you and say oh well you or look back and say you should have what have you know that's not it but just to keep in mind that uh it may be a higher priority it is a higher priority here than in other places I'll just leave that thanks Steve for that reminder so Gail we'll reach out and coordinate time to get together and talk a little bit more about the the notification yeah yeah um uh yeah that uh can be something we can do over the next month and um again thank you everyone for your quick responses and and and work on this um this was a major event and it could have been so much worse and um you know I think our customers were really pleased with the fast response and and being uh you know notified and that within hours um most Services were restored and and everyone really appreciates that yeah yeah give you hands total Bravo on that yeah yep oh all right so we'll let the rest of you sign off and um I'll be in touch to schedule followup thank you folks all right thank you bye bye thank you all right um did everyone get what we wanted from that yeah and my Wi-Fi calling um Craig my Wi-Fi calling was working by 4:45 because because Jim phoned me so so yeah I I know that I know that I could yeah so um so as soon as they got back to the 10g um I think you're you're unlucky or some bump there somehow or other yeah but but I mean I think Steve and I are both of the opinion that um this needs to be considered more carefully I mean if if restoring it requires resetting routers and all that your average person is not going to be thinking about that and again if if it turns out that the really freaky happens and something like this happens and somebody has a medical emergency excuses are are not going to be um yeah it's going to be a concern emergency could go on Internet services being down too though surely because because the fact except for the fact that everybody's we've told people you can get 911 service on the landline that you get from us so I'm really it's really more the loss of of other modes of communication is only secondary it's the landline that we really have to have prioritized as St as Steve suggests Steve does your wife's um land does your your wife's cell phone work um yet um in your location Steve uh yes because uh I I initially tried to call the uh sheld number with her cell phone and it came up call failed which was curious to me made me wonder you know again yeah no I was getting the same kind of thing y what's down but then I called Gail and got her in Madison Wisconsin and uh oh that's what start in fact that that was what started the uh notification so yeah as as I said I was getting cold filed on all my calls out on on my cellular and I think Tim H's suggestion is that well um anybody who who lost the internet was suddenly using their uh um it it was failing over to Cellular and and and maybe that little Tower up the hill didn't have the tra traffic um capability so yeah I was getting same thing on Co found yeah I mean did did I understand it right that that um even if they had kept working at One Federal trying to get the phone service up on this super slow connection that it's still it still would have failed because of how the phone gets routed through the One Main Street which was completely blown out did I understand that correctly the kind of like there was in this case there was no other choice that they could have made that would have gotten phone service up faster or is that un clear no it seemed like they could have gotten it up faster but it would have slowed down the internet restore or is that what you just said no no I I um that they well yes what what am I saying they had to make the choice either at One Federal we run the slow one gig backup and get phone or we do it all down at the at Main Street and and they said we're going to go after because we know we can get the internet up the fast internet and and our what we what we're saying here is that in the future if there's a choice go go after the slow connection and and phone service I yeah I mean yeah I don't know so so I didn't want to get too argumentative with them but is can they set up another route to the second phone router so that it doesn't have to go through all through right now it sounds like the phone traffic has to go through one spot even though there's two potential routers and maybe that's a a weak point that they need to fix yeah I will ask let's let's ask about that if there's a second phone router uh for One Federal um that could completely replace um the one at One Main Street if if needed if that whole place just get out can can be a second router can they make it more res can they make it more resilient in some manner yeah or in many manners yeah because they said they had two they have two phone routers yeah at different locations yeah sorry yeah I missed it are the two phone routers in the same location are they no different locations different location okay yeah yeah but to get to them goes through one place oh yeah yeah yeah St um yeah so got their ring that connects one 1500 M to One Federal um in fact that was the thing that delayed our going online with them initially was getting was that connection within Springfield um their Ring went down they said it all went dark so uh um so that that was an unlikely event because the whole thing of the ring is you know is redundant and robust and resilient you know so and that was why Tim was a little nonplused and embarrassed that that you know the the uh yeah so shouldn't happen doesn't rarely happens y there was a um outage with our previous provider there was also a power issue at 1500 uh Main Street but as we questioned them got a debriefing on it it sounded like it was not a building outage but it was an outage specific to their facility it wasn't really explained to mean was it a bad circuit breaker to that room or was it a power supply to their equipment they never really explained that that's why I asked about this outage and they explained no it was the whole building and then it's like you know we finally learned well it's eversource it was it sounds like it was all of that area of Springfield like it was you know like this wide area and of course trouble today is it wasn't just that it went power went down which then you could back up with generators but going down with a surge that damaged all his equipment and that seems to be what what triggered the the the waterfall or whatever you call it here right yeah because he said they have seven hours UPS on most of their stuff right so yeah it didn't it didn't it didn't get to didn't get to exercise that I mean it does bring up the question of surge protection then is is the surge protection they've got at that facility adequate no as we know on a small scale with some of our well I can ask about that the surge you know wondering about that surge protection like is it in place or did it work as kind of the only way you can design it which is the like the UPS takes the hit and and goes out and protects the downstream equipment or is you know is there something else that could be put in place because yeah it wasn't it wasn't even the power outage that was the problem here really right it wasn't it wasn't that the surge was the problem yeah I don't think they I don't think they have um a way to evaluate or measure that surge uh in other words a technical way um which I don't know whether anyone has that capacity or not us my my the service the service on the The Surge you know it would it would vary All Over Springfield in terms of um you know in in terms of the outage it would be a very difficult problem to try to evaluate exactly what kind of a surge it was and how how how big of a one and how long the surge lasted I mean it's it's it's it's a tough one and I don't think that they have any way to monitor that um and maybe others do or maybe um you know ever source does but eversource seems to be good at creating situations like this unfortunately so one tell you what what the what the problem is yeah all right well I will I'll I'll follow up with them um and the thing that I was alluding to in the outage process that didn't happen uh that was a Miss was that when a any kind of widespread outage like this happens they're supposed to send out a text uh a text message and I have like a a preformed uh message is like approximately dot dot dot one of our mail lines or or whatever the description is this means several shoot SP residents or all shoots SP residents are without internet and phone Communications in the following area then it should say all of shsb um and then that that goes to um uh Chief Leonard um uh his second um our police Chiefs um uh text message Graham uh and Becky so what's that oh me yeah yeah so it's just supposed to be like this automated not automated but like as soon as they know like this is supposed to go out to to to let everybody know so that was a miss so that's one of the things I'm going to follow up with them about is making sure that we've we get this followed um uh the thing that we need to discuss is what happens if I'm not available like I just started notifying you guys and Becky um I did since I didn't know that the phone service was out until much later I I never did get a message out to the police or fire um saying that that that was down um and um so I I that was a Miss on my part I I should have I should have gotten that out and I didn't um and I posted a message on our website and then every 20 minutes or so just kept updating it but you know if I'm not they were they were good that was that was wonderful to see that thank you thank you yeah what if I'm not here you know or unavailable yeah um what I'm thinking is they you know my service came back I didn't know that the phone was still out until I got an email from you saying would somebody check and see I you said you've had reports that the phone is still out I said oh let me go check and then I pick it up and I'm getting the rapid uh busy signal and I look at and they see oh the 's got the red light on it for the phone which interestingly did not happen initially with the initial outage I was getting a dial regular dial tone but couldn't make a call and the on was green so who knows that but it seems when they got it got internet service when shell H got internet service restored but were having difficulty getting the phone service restored they should have notified you sent out um that emergency text message should have gone out saying phone service is still down and particularly since that notification goes to police and fire Emergency Management um so that's I think that's where that um that's another area of improvement on their end that could be done yeah if they missed the initial send out or you they're just frantically trying to do stuff and didn't get that out you know an hour later when they had internet up and they're like oh we're still having trouble with phone that that was another opportunity for them to send that out so um I I did look up because I've often thought I've occasionally thought about it's an unusual event to lose the connection the when the backup to the town so it's it's sufficiently unusual that it doesn't seem like worth using a lot of energy to to solve the potential problem but there are um Communications apps I looked them up um that you can just run in a local ethernet sort of uh uh subnet and uh and it is it is possible that that um that you know it might take um maybe KX would have to do something or someone would have to do something but but when we all have ethernet when we all have ethernet and we all can talk to the Hut there are things that um that already uh there are apps that exist that that um possibly free apps I don't know or I can't remember but any so that that we could talk within the town but it's sufficiently rare that it's kind of almost not worthwhile um you know because we should have been able to talk to the Hut all through this yeah you could network was working yeah yeah you had the right app yeah if you had an app that ran uh um you know just entally we could the town Network all was not exactly it would be a process that ran at the hut possibly um and and if the Hut was alive and and not blown up then um then and you had a link to the Hut you know so um you know with the storms ahead or the weird things that go ahead um it might still be worthwhile but that was certainly down the weeds and and I wasn't going to about to ask that question to those folk but um we could look into that yeah maybe getent money for oh yeah yeah yeah if it if it costs anything uh um is it is it worth it for us to have a second to me who can do things like post on the website or do you think this is rare enough that it's just like you know not not worth pursuing a um a big process for it um I want to call it rare at the moment and it is so far it is rare so okay yeah you know Becky's another one who can shoot out a a blast email to to the town which is what you know I did um within that first hour or so um if if that's needed um and you know I think maybe probably well I know our town clerk can do it too you know Grace can do it she she has the the power and the knowledge to to send those blast emails so um okay um we won't go we won't go too deep on that um and you know it's not extremely often when I'm completely out of touch um and but like next week for example I'm taking my annual trip to the White Mountains and I will be completely gone all week just no no Communications whatsoever um so anyway on top of Mount Washington that actually get a good range that's right there is if I am if I am up on Adams or Washington you're right I will be available but if I'm in The Valleys not so much okay you've got to plan your route so you're not down that's oh yeah the whole way so I can stay in touch sounds route that's funny yeah so um but anyway um speaking of which um sheld already knows out next week with with no no Communications Graham you're their second to call in case anything happens but we've already statistically we've already had our big thing it's not it's fine nothing's gonna happen right be careful don't want to be superstitious all right well um let's let's move on um if you think of anything else let me know I'll I'll make those followup questions um with Tim um and well Bobby too and see if we can get that text message notification as as something that they make happen next time that there's there's a major outage um okay so um first order business is to approve the previous meeting minutes as amended from June 19th I have a motion thank you all in favor of approving the minutes I SE and I thank you and thank you for saying your name so we're following uh protocol here um all right uh Graham Hut report uh yeah um I I as you might recall the excitement of uh the the a slamming door possible um jamming uh as we talked about last month um and it was just a thing and I did get it reviewed by I'm not copied your I certainly told G um I got a builder a retired Builder Russ Wilson lives right next door very competent guy to look at the door and just say you know is there something weird about the hinges or anything like that and he agreed with me and agreed with what Le Masters had sort of thought was that the um the the the the little compression pads that had once stopped the door um closing so tightly into the jam were sufficiently damaged that it was time to replace them so right now I I I found the right depth thing they possibly were always too slim to prevent the door jamming because as we might recall the the door had done something wrong um you know two years ago a year and a half ago in the winter time we thought it was freezing but it might not have been freezing it might have just been just last winter H wasn't it just last winter gr wasn't it just last winter yeah yeah last wi you're right yeah yeah yeah so um so anyhow I I now set the the thickness of the of the pads that are on the door jam um so that I cannot slam it hard enough and the pads aren't so thick as to ever stop the door closing locking um so you know it's one of these things of you know it was empirically um you goldilock that you got it just right yeah yeah exactly it was a goldilock uh design yeah so um and yeah I you I sweep the floor in there once a month and the floor look good I turned the you know no Critters or any or any any invasive uh signs and um I turned the um I uh as uh you might recall from Gail setting the the lead and the lag um on the HVAC so that if the if the the suspect system which is leading um fails then we will be able to tell because it'll fail over to the to the lagging system which has never been a problem and is always as new um but I I did because of the hot weather Gale and the uh and the the temperature in h i um I I set it down to 68 from 70 so it's still right around the same thing um it uh it extends yeah that the the argument for um running Huts a little warmer to save electricity on hbac and carbon footprint issues is neutralized by the the longevity thing that if the air is a little cooler the um the active equipment lasts a little bit longer and uh is a little more reliable so it's good to you know it's good to not let that get too high for too long um and man we are having hot weather these days aren't we and and we are in the easy place compared to the places that are really getting hot weather so any nothing else on the H great yeah and and and uh HVAC number two is has had no problems I just want to mention that since since our last test so it seems like that Louver fix did it um which is great it's looking good yeah yep so just to understand it sounds like there's been a change on the protocol on the hva from just having one on and one off now they're both on but at separate levels separate thermostat levels to so to get the lead and the lag and you reverse that instead of just completely on and off is that I probably want to reverse it because I think at least for a while because um because I think that our newer system well our newer system is the backup um you know uh the reversing the lead lag is is great for optimizing if everything else is equal um and wearing out things equivalently but I think with what I think as a compromised system I think that it will fail first um rather see it fail sooner rather than later I don't know so okay but but still it is a change in the protocol from having one on and one off is it um in the winter time I think we probably just go back to running one because um um but I can look now and see what the power difference is um um maybe running both is in the winter time it's not a problem because the cooling air outside is is is plenty cool enough and um and the yeah so so you know we've got the backup of the outside air um in all the in all the times when the when the air temperatures um doesn't go above 70 degrees okay yeah it seems like this new system of one running is main cooler and then a cooler backup for the summer month makes sense because um if you know if it's 90 degrees outside the back backup of opening that that vent to say okay let in the outside air nope it means there's no backup so I think this is a this is a better thing for the warm warm months running one of them as main running one of them is cooling back up um instead of one completely off why you know this is why we have two is so that one of them can can kick on automatically without one of us having to make an emergency trip to the HUD yeah and I always did that in the summer yeah great okay okay and I completely agree with lowering that temperature 68 I mean the the reliability of the system has got to take precedence here over uh saving some bucks on electricity yes yes Y and grahe thank you for the low Tech solution you came up to the the door yay after all the the high-tech issues we de with you know finding the right thickness of uh of rubber bumpers for the door is uh it's kind of refreshing to to hear that g said Goldilocks y y um oh one more one more hot thing I am still working on the key problem um I I'll keep you posted I uh uh Becky said she was going to call uh she just didn't follow up so I just took it back and called the called the locksmith myself um but they have not called back yet so I'll keep I'll keep working on it um all right so um our service report um we had 39 tickets in June it's an uptick from the slow month of May with about 25 but four of those were dead air there's a robo call some wrong numbers coming into the Tex support so really it was only about uh 35 calls um and there's a handful of those that are doubles too people like calling back to check on so I'm not worried about that the slight uptick and as long as we stay under like 45 tickets that's very average for us per month um yeah one of one of those triple calls the same customer calling three times and and one of the things was cancel the service I just wondered whether um whether it well if you want to look at that um WEA WEA 35 weatherwood dve I I don't remember but any I I'll send you the I'll send you the screenshot um whether whether um I don't know it would be a customer that you could contact and just um perhaps and just ask you know uh what was the issue did you cancel the service because of any particular thing I don't sure sure I'm glad to follow follow up on anything we get cancels a lot with tenants moving out and so if it was if it was if if they were cancelling for May or June my guess is it was a it was a you know the end of a lease um that that happens more frequently than you would think of people just cycling in and out of rentals canceling their service and then it it re-ups um you know the next month yeah yeah could have been a rental the N the N yeah so um here's a fun one we had our first dig save error and a line was cut down over in the January Hills area um so it was uh it was done by an excavating company um I won't tell say their name on this public meeting um the system worked as it should have and at first I I was freaking out I'm like oh no I missed one you know and I didn't get it and and do the appropriate dig sa but uh what happened and I was that the excavating company called in the Dig Safe it was entered Faithfully and the Dig Safe ticket went to ammer not us because it's January Hills yeah yeah yeah too yeah yeah so I called Dig Safe to get a better understanding of like don't you guys have things in check to you know checks in place to prevent this exact side kind of thing and the answer is that they do um so um uh they the the question that comes up and I'll read it exactly is the user is asked when they're entering does the exact location of the Dig Safe site that you Pro provided fall within the blue shaded area on the map and the user is shown a map and they're supposed to look and say oh yes the the address is there um but um my guess is that the excavating company just whoever was entering it just didn't check um carefully and so it it went through we were never never notified and um the lines got damaged um in a fortuitous event sheld was already there on another ticket not in in shoot SP in another ticket they noticed that the ENT went missing they just like no I'll just do a driveby they immediately assessed what was happening they immediately hung an aerial line and got the customer back online the same day um so that they they did a wonderful response there um but now unfortunately it's up to the customer to wrestle with the excavating company to get this fixed because it's it's on them uh and it's an expensive one right it's underground damage uh so the the whole thing has to be remade so um but couldn't Dig Safe be held a responsible liable here because they failed to follow their proper oh they didn't no it it was user error it was user ER the person entering was like oh yeah January Hills and amest yep check check check they did not look on the map and say oh whoops this address is actually isn't in the Shaded area that they're asking me to check so it clearly was the the enterers user user error um and um I asked dig say is like is there anything else you can do here to like made a make a big popup or something for for the user and like we and they said we've done everything we can in our system with these map checks um to to make sure that uh it's in the right area um um it it really was a user mistake here um so that's the contract the contractor is putting in the Dig Safe so then they yeah they take the hit yeah yeah yeah um so let's see um so that's uh that's the Dig Safe so again we're not it's not going to cost us anything it's on the it's on the user to figure out how they're going to pay for this um and I assume they're going to charge the excavator um but Shel knows that that the it should just be paid directly by the customer in some way um let's see um I put this on our agenda item uh before the meeting a couple of days ago because um we have an unexpected expense that's coming up related to library costs um we have about $4,000 in auditing uh costs uh now and then another 4,000 in January and then another 4,000 next fall in unexpected auditing costs so this is above and beyond the normal audits that we have done every three years because the special audit required by the state in order to make um uh sure Town finances are all in order in order for shy to receive the grant for the library build so when the state gives a grant that's is this large they want to of course make sure that the receivings town's finances are in order um so they do three full years of audits for that town because we run an Enterprise fund there's special rules on how these audits have to happen or has to happen actually separately from the town and so it's the the town is paying about what is it 14,000 per year for just their portion and ours is is four grand uh so fiscal year 23 24 and 25 um are all being done by the auditing company um and you may wonder why it's so expensive um and uh the answer I was given is that this is just what it costs it's an estimate given by the private auditing firm um this is Tom scanland and and you know he's he's the one who does all our audits they've done it town for years yeah yeah so when it's all said and done it maybe more a little more and maybe a little less but this is the estimate that it was it was given um and uh let's see just to clarify again this is separate than the the audit that was is done by the do to uh certify retained earnings you know this is this is a completely separate process than that um and let's see anything else that's relevant here oh our normal auditing schedule should um resume after 2025 so when this is over the next audit will happen in 2028 under the towns and discretion about what else is going on with our finances but we usually only do this every three years um so so it's not going to break our budget but it is an unexpected expense and it's puzzling to me because when we were considering you know when we were presented by the do we have to go with um Enterprise fund uh accounting system uh and so Leverett was using the what chapter 164 um uh MLP accounting and the DI says yeah but you can't do that if you're uh if you're an Internet only MLP and it was this back and forth and we consider well should we still try and go with the uh chapter 164 uh accounting system but one of the downsides of that was that required a separate audit every year which was an expensive undertaking which the Enterprise fund did not so um because we've have an amount in our budget I think it's $800 a year for auditing which is just our percentage is is to cover the T when the town has a general audit done we would kick in our our percent of that um but you say we're informed that we need a separate audit just of the Enterprise fund because of the town's is is it the granting or the borrowing for the library do you know I don't know but it's something that's required by the uh by the state um it it sounded like what did she it was it was for the reception of the grant that this this is a requirement to make sure that the money isn't going to a failing town so um yeah this is uh something that is just being put as part of our budget um on the upside or I I don't know we have not been we're not getting charged for the normal audit right so we have like 800 what is it uh 800 no that's right not right um 800 yeah we said the difference something like 850 a year for for the audit that that has not been used because this you know it's going towards this kind of like uber audit instead of the the normal three-year so um um it's a good suggestion Steve suggestion G ask them just in case you can push them to to just make it part of the town as as the normal audit is because that framework is probably already in place and I don't know it's worth asking is there someone you can ask uh help help me understand what what what the question is like can the question would be away from an Enterprise fund at the moment we our audit is just a is just a a within the work of the whole town getting audited do I understand that correctly St no no our audit is done separately from the town as as an Enterprise fund okay I missed that but the I thought the the money we have in our budget for the audit was just a portion of the town's audit that is correct that's how we that that is how we calculated out the auditing expense whether that audit is done as part of it or is charged separately and the process by which the audit is done is like they look at the book separately or together I don't know I mean it seems to me the auditor is going to build the town just auditing services that you know this audit needs to be done for this Library Grant and you know it wouldn't it would not seem unreasonable for me to just ask the town to accept this is part of the cost of the library where is that because we don't have anything in our line item other than that $800 um to cover this so actually we'd need a special town meeting held to appropriate this like a building cost it's it's a project cost Dave is yeah so I I think this just thought of going to cost of the library okay I like that logic I agree Jim I agree as well okay I will um my pen just ran out should check if it's a reimbursable expense on the uh on on the library Grant as well it might be yeah all right I will uh keep you uh posted on it on that um and just say no we're not going to pay this because it should be part of the library um expenses it's a it's a capital expense uh related to town finance we're happy to pay the 850 in our budget for it um that we've already allocated for for auditing expenses um let's see um I'm going to move into manager report next um just a we're uh getting close to time here so um I'll just say that we got an amazing uh number of responses from the digital Equity survey we got over 350 responses which is nearly half of our subscriber base which is fantastic for any kind of survey like this usually you expect like maybe 10% um so the fact that we got so many is really great um and um on the 29th we're going to have a a u listening session um at the Leverett town hall for anybody who wants to attend and give additional feedback there also be kind of like a preliminary presentation by furog of our results I've gotten um uh at least one one report kind of going going over uh the the results um the thing that's relevant to us the most relevant in the short term is um is how we're going to use the state grant for this um and so we um uh let's see what can I I touch that's the most important um well 95% of the respondents said they have access to the devices they need um another interesting point that I thought really stood out was 74% of households said they have no children in their in their household which kind of highlights as something we kind of already knew of the kind of the Aging of of of our of our population here um and and or the ones with kids didn't have time to respond or that's true too good point they have no time and um what else when asked directly of how we should use these funds you know we had that question there just like how do you think we should use these funds uh the majority of people said that it should be used to um connect the unconnected subsidizing anyone who's yet not yet connected and the second most common thing that they said was we want new routers ah but but when asked well how much do you want to pay for new routers they said oh I don't want it if I have to pay for it actually actually so we'll do so again we'll um we'll do a deep dive uh probably at our next meeting in into the results and what they mean and how to interpret them um and and make some of those decisions H the meeting on the 29th uh this is an an inperson live in IRL meeting it is an IRL meeting um or on Zoom in fact I am going I I can't attend in in person so I myself am going to be on Zoom but it was it was the only time that we could um have it uh with everybody's vacation and travel so furog decided to go ahead with it even though I couldn't be there want to send out a notification of that it gets closer yep I will yeah it uh uh by tomorrow I'm going to send it out to everybody um using blast email and stuff saying hey if anyone wants to come to this um to see the results and and provide your feedback it's available and this is when Monday uh July 29th and I believe it is at it's either 5 or seven I'll send clarification it's it's that evening so I think it's probably seven um all right the last thing I have on uh the agenda for today is to go over our um our wrapup for um the the our budget unfortunately uh Gail we still does not have the posted Revenue so some of those things are are just kind of like well I I think this is our Revenue but it hasn't it hasn't posted yet um but unless the checks were lost or something that that that is going to be our our bottom line um and Steve I know you sent some some questions about the back hul um I haven't had time to dig into that yet but I will um and um any other questions or concerns about our financial wrapup for fiscal year 24 the only thing I'd say gails I had a number of things I went through your report that had questions about um and it might I was wondering if it might be better to put this off this discussion off a month till you and I could uh go over some of these things I I was having trouble following certain things you had done and I thought if we discussed that maybe you could get it into a format that would be a little easier to read and if we combine that with getting a final figure from Gail Weiss then uh we'd uh definitely know where we are sure yeah yeah uh yeah glad glad to do that um and Steve yeah uh we you and I can meet separately um does anybody else have any other other questions that they'd like answers answered about the financial report besides Steve's questions g i i i my incompetence on getting the receipt for the $3.9 did you go into the Hut and find the receipt was that I did I did get your $3 in whatever receipt and I submitted it for you I'll buy a coffee on the strength of yeah I thank you sure thank I guess the only other thing I'd raise right now is it see you know my reading of report is we got the money the 40,000 change from uh uh wge for the calf 2 the big one that came in in time it looks like we did not get the money from new saling yet for the uh the connection there that that is correct um I asked for it and they said we just we can't get it together in in time for this fiscal year deposit it's just it has to be next year so they yeah it wasn't a big deal and that's fine no that 44 was was the the bigger one so that's good all right um well if there's nothing else um we'll we'll wrap it up Steve I'll I'll make a time to connect with you um anything else yeah I did I did have something I'd been thinking about when we were with um Crocker we had a significant um inventory of equipment and we built that up more and they were storing it at their location we switched over to sheld we moved that equipment down to um shelds Warehouse in South Hadley we actually saw it when we were down there and then some point later you reported to us that sheld did said it doesn't make sense for you to carry this separate inventory we'll just use our you know we have a an inventory of equipment that would be needed um and so that seemed going forward okay we wouldn't continue to restock our inventory we would just um sheld would work it down but I'm just thinking well there was still that significant inventory and is that being um monitored we keeping an eye on on that inventory are we inventory our inventory of of uh equipment yes Bobby was maintaining a spreadsheet of our inventory and the idea was that we would use it up as much as possible um and then um go to using shelds equipment after that in other words just stop stop restocking our stuff um uh so um I will see where we are with that okay and routers router would be the piece of equipment that shell doesn't have uh lynxes or anything equivalent to except for yeah gig correct correct that is the one the one well that and the power cords yeah yeah I've ordered actually a couple of times because they're being used Fast and Furious out of the library because I the the battery supplies continue to fail very regularly um so that and the routers are the only thing that have been re-upped and and and ordered but yeah I can get a report of where does our inventory stand um and yeah where the thought about that inventory of equipment so it's it's like cables and related equipment that are the main part of that inventory I would assume what sort of process do we have Assurance we have that when shell goes out to make a repair are they using their um parts or are they using our parts if they're using our parts then we shouldn't be build for it you know if they take one of our cables then we shouldn't be build for it but if they take one of theirs we are how is that tracked yeah well my understanding is this was one of the big reasons why they said we really don't want to use your inventory and and keep a separate one it is way too hard to like which inventory did this this come from is a build and not build and so in the beginning um I did a lot of back and forth with them about that like where did this come from and why are we being build for it um and so um I'll we have been build for the equipment for like the last year and a half at least so my understanding was that they just stopped using our inventory um so I'll I'll see where we are with that um and if there's any problem with it and they charged us for using our own stuff yeah that's not okay yeah and I'm wondering would they be willing to buy us out yeah oh that's an interesting idea and then it just cleans book you know clears the books they can you know take the separate lock off that being um it just becomes theirs we assume we're going to pay for equipment now and just a thought yeah that's that's a really good idea let me um see where we are with with what's left um I unfortunately I know they didn't they didn't love our pre-c connectorized stuff um do you guys remember this of like we went through all this stuff of getting pre-c connectorized stuff because it was it was easier to install and sheld was like it's actually not because the cable management that you have to do for things that are too long takes up the time when you you can just the the tech can just splice it in and get it exact and move on instead of like doing all these wraps with it and looping it around yeah Loop looping it around and so they they're like it's a vulnerability point when you have all this like spare cable just hanging out and get pulled out easy so they they don't do that as a practice and they do not care about pre connectorized so um yeah we'll we'll see if if they want it and need it um we could also sell like see if somebody else wants to take it off our hands um if uh West you know Westfield is is using uh pre- connectorized um it's not doing anybody any good sitting in a warehouse and it just taking up space so I'll ask yeah I I think I think the standard is they just clip off the little connector at the house end at the nid end um because it has to be pre it's pre- connectorized on the MST and because that's a fancy connector um and and I think it's trivial for them to clip off the the $5 thing on the end of you know the they clip off the tail and and put a connector on and that was how the installation that's how the gotta run guys I have another Zoom meeting sorry thanks for coming good to see you by bye yeah yeah so so clipping clipping the the connector off at the nid end I think is is uh trivial so and I think that's what they do you know but so therefore I think they can use them that's my that's my all right um anything else okay all right great um we'll talk to you all soon okay very interesting meeting thank you I know that was fun yeah thanks for putting that together Gail sure thank yeah yeah good job thank you okay bye