##VIDEO ID:Z_zNMrloqYo## hi Anna hey how's it going fine I I I put in three Zoom links on Monday which was probably almost yesterday and thought I had done the building committee and of course I hadn't and I thought it was me I thought I couldn't find it on the page properly so you're good and um Anna can you tell me what well you probably could you send me an email with your cell phone in it um because was looking for it and he would like it to sure do you want me to just reply all to the oh that's select board I won't do that I'll where am I see I will find it is this just the town admin one is that the okay yep I will'll send that to you right now thank you very much okay since we're all here I call the meeting to order at 5:33 good evening everyone good evening so did I miss minutes from or they uh I had the garlic and arts this past weekend it was amazing but I'm now a organizer on this and uh I just didn't have time the past week and a half and the zoom wasn't put on till sometime on Monday I didn't even look but it hadn't been up before that so we'll get to it next meeting okay great okay update on H Dam Keepers roof so um I guess a week and a half ago um we replaced the well we didn't replace we covered the asphalt shingle roof with a new uh sort of medium gray metal roof and I think it looks good should uh make uh hoe Kinder happy and uh the roof leak free for a while look looks good real good from this end of the lake yeah looks good from the road too so Jeff I know you have um contacted somebody about uh the leak at the roof at the library roof yeah the firm from lllo that Frank uh sent me information on they're coming their representative is coming tomorrow at 9:00 and um to take a look and try to determine what's going on the gentleman from uh Deerfield never responded to any of my phone calls so we'll see where we go with the blood L group and um MaryAnn's gonna be experence pardon that was also my experience with Hawkins but he would just show up and do it and leave me a bill in the mail box which was fine you know on on the personal level but not surprised to hear it okay yeah well he I met with him I think it was in the spring and he was gonna just you know show up one day and do it yeah but um that's how it goes up y so tomorrow around 9:00 somewhere between between 9 and 10 and then Becky um what are the what are the requirements in terms of um paying this and and would they have to pay prevailing wage rates and all and all that stuff yes if they're not a sole proprietor yeah which I doubt they are so I should order the roofing prevailing wages so you have them to give them might take a day okay I'll be right back guys okay you want some company Jeff um I think sten's coming okay yeah since she's already been up there once before twice before twice before so you're going to be the old hat okay right okay um so um recently um well this past Monday I met um Eric stalker up at Town Hall uh to essentially talk just talked to them uh the select board he was representing the select board about the meeting room in the basement of town hall you know they would like uh to make it a more we'll say visually uh organized and appealing space and you know I was making some suggestions but I had made it pretty clear to Rita she talked to me uh several weeks ago about this that you know that would be a low priority thing at this point for the building committee you know we have limited funds and we have a lot of what I think we would agree would be more pressing issues than making the Town Meeting Hall more attractive I mean I certainly agree it's not it's not a not a very uh what refined space and it' be nice but um but in talking with Becky this afternoon before the meeting she um had T was talking with Eric Becky I'm talking about U my talking with Eric and I was gonna throw this out and if if I'm wrong in what I remember that you told me basically the select board is uh would be interested in the building committee being involved I think physically in and doing uh work and you know one of the suggestions that I had made uh was that the heating pipes which are the copper pipes which are insulated with the black uh neoprime I think it is uh tubing that you could probably spray paint that without hurting it and if you paint it at the same color as the ceiling it'll kind of disappear you know low cost well Becky told me that um make peace was saying oh no you have to box it in and well well she just that was her suggestion to make it look nice yeah okay so she was when we were talking about and I said I after a meeting I had said well maybe we could just spray paint it and her thinking was more to make it more professional and box it in but it's a lot more work and I'm not sure who's going to I guess we have to hire somebody to do the work but I think it before I think I don't know what Stephen just said when I was talking to the fire chief but I the his thinking about this comes cosmetic stuff comes after all the priority stuff and and this is not a project all I said to the select board was that you know that this we we should shouldn't be looking you shouldn't be looking to the buildings committee to do any actual work they're they're here to advise and help they've got tons of projects they're working on That's So I I just was making sure because I've often ended up doing the physical work that makes things happen like my office and the other office and the one down the hall so it I was just making sure that expectations are set appropriately right yeah and I think I think we all agree that um it's a project that if we actually it's not even identified in the report the Cosmetic uh nature of that space But assuming that it was um it would be low priority I mean very low priority at this point and you know we have enough high priority items and things that that our we can spend our limited resources on before needing more money for more of these high priority things okay so when I was up there with Eric I then went um and stood on the parking lot of the post office and looked over at the uh two um I say War memorials and where the where a gazebo would go if you built it for the sign board and I have mentioned this I think in the past but looking at it more closely I think it would be say a visual mess um having a gazebo and then these two memorials um there's no relationship between them other than they're just kind of they' just be jammed together and um I was mentioning this to Eric and I also said you know one of my first issues was that the sign boards typically aren't protected and he seems to uh agree with that um but you know and I sent my that uh brief letter after our last meeting to the select board um the majority um just so you know Stephen especially the majority of the select board conversation uh they reviewed your letter at the last meeting I don't believe um I think Frank might have been there oh yeah yeah Frank was there and I was there and quoted in the newspaper and so he what am I saying I you were saying about the select board the select board started talking about not doing anything um and just leaving it you know putting it back out there and in 30 years do it all over again if it has to be done again um seemed to be the direction they did not make a final decision they will be talking about it more on the October 8th meeting I think okay so um I'm happy with that I have a quick question seeing it's October 2024 when is the new conference room at the library going to be opened hopefully in a year right mean the new library the new library yeah in the summer yeah so isn't that you put making that meeting room really pretty when we're getting another really pretty meeting room that the hybrid meetings can be met in I don't think we're planning to meet there why would that be because believe it or not uh we have things in this building that we utilize um that would mean taking all our hybrid equipment over there when they're setting up their own that wasn't that wouldn't make sense and the hope is that we can expand a hybrid meeting space not reduce it or keep it the same yeah so that's what that's what I'm saying that so if it's just the select boards having a hard time with Cosmetics um if the buildings committee had a hybrid meeting I don't think I have a problem with cosmetics in that room right now or you know so paint down the road and I think we need sand blasting at that end but that should not fall to this committee sand blasting is this in the I mean sanding or whatever to get that so we can paint that surface at the end you know um I know which one you're talking about typically goes it's all Pock marked right it looks like a handprints all over it right right okay uh moving on unanticipated items um I have U couple things um so you know Russ Wilson has been very generous helping out things I mean he say led the way on on the replacement of the dam Keepers roof and um I would like to know if the committee is comfortable with me scheduling with him when he has time other projects that he with some help and I'm willing to be his gopher helper uh can do like the ridge shingles on the fire department are shot um and I don't think leaking yet um but you know that's that's a project that we talked about there's also um rotted siding at the base of the front of the fire department each side of the entry door and then around back where um there's no kickout flashing there's some pretty significant rot in the siding there will be a second project and you know so we're just talking about material cost and um so my question is is the the committee comfortable I mean these two things would take you know probably until the time we have a next meeting if if they're even both done by then um but you know when we get the action levels all the action levels resolved and I think we're at a point where once we do that even though I still need to go through the elementary school I think we can make some decisions about where to say spend some money um and have contractors do the work and we know that's a process that takes some time getting the estimates and then getting somebody to do the work um so anybody's thoughts about so can you clarify what it is you're asking us well is it okay to go ahead with um doing replacing the ridge shingles and we'll probably need to replace the ridge vent because the shingles are nailed through the existing ridge vent um you know we'll buy the material for for a new vent but if we don't need it we can return it um doing that on the fire department and then um replacing this rotted siding at the base of the wall it's not as bad looking pardon Russ Russ has agreed to work on this you're asking us if if if it's okay for us to talk to or if you it's okay for you to talk to Russ oh no we're already if if nobody has any objections um we're probably GNA be doing the work next Wednesday I have no objection then I don't have that's fine with me okay just want to make sure we know what we were talking about okay um and then Becky do you know um yet what the material cost was for the dam Keepers roof no okay I haven't gotten the bill yet okay and then um other thing I have is um I asked Becky earlier today if um you know given Steve suin is no longer on the committee should we uh get uh try to find another Committee Member and um she said yes and there's a gentleman who lives uh at Lake wyola his name's Phil Parker and he lives um not too far a block and a half away from us and I've gotten to know him a little bit and he has he's retired and he has a skill set um so I actually saw him this evening uh just before the meeting and I asked him to consider being on the committee so he's going to consider that and um just yeah we to go through the process of the select board appointing to after the committee recommends somebody okay all right um I think he would mesh well with this he's uh I'd say a low ego guy you know I mean he's not uh gonna be trying to get his way um and given that he's retired and has a skill set you know if there are other projects that we want to try taking care of ourselves um I think he might be available assuming that he will he would do this um do you know what his work background is uh no no I'll probably need to let the select board know what he retired from if you might find out that would be helpful Stephen I I will I got his contact information and I can ask him past work experience what was his name again uh Phil Parker and is there are we looking for more than one person like is there a number of people we want on the committee that's um like an ideal number do we always want an odd number in case we fight about something or is what's our what are our general parameters odd is good five is a very workable number um if you have other people you're thinking of um I only because you brought it up it reminded me I met a new resident of shuberry and her background is in like City Planning so it's not exactly related you know direct building but you know pretty related as Town volunteers go um no clue if she would be interested or has the time but it just occurred to me listening to Stephen talk is she um working or retired working family oh yeah who is it um you're you're gonna make me admit on recording that I don't remember her name um I met her she is a kid in my kids class so her kid came to our birthday party and I I need to remind myself what her name is I think I know who it is okay my wife I think my wife met her last week okay as a third grader if that if that connects the dots okay that's and I our new admin secretary has um Abby Hernandez has a third grader oh cool okay because she was saying is that the grade where they all got together for dinner the other day a couple weeks ago I hope not because we did not do that oh can't read all the emails because I'm there's many and you're still a good mother I know right thank you thank you sorry about that I better out that story again it's okay I don't think it would I don't think it was us but I because all right all right whatever it is what it is subject we're going down the wrong holes here oh man I have some new news for us um if we want i' I've asked um I I taught uh Jen Malcolm Brown Ceramics and her husband Jamie I don't know if anyone knows his picture he a phenomenal photographer yeah and we were talking the other day I said it'd be really nice if we got a aerial view like you all ask for something to put on the website and he'd be happy to do it he went out there one day and the light wasn't just right so he must have the light right and everything else so hopefully we might be seeing something in the near future of a Drone footage of the shutesbury work that we did on the elementary school cool oh very cool he's got if you ever go he's got he's on Instagram and a few other places but some of the stuff he does is amazing what's his name Jamie Malcolm Brown he used to be our Web Master for a while he's got drones he's got a few other things he's got he does exposures to see the aurora boy Alice that was over Lake wola months ago and he's traveled this summer so he's widen his Horizons to bigger mountains in Mount mineral than shutesbury so no he um he sells his um beautiful work at the Cris at the Holiday fair if anybody wants to check it out okay does anybody else have anything else before we uh continue assigning action levels you w to make Frank co-host oh one last thing um this Sunday is the um what the shuberry birthday party celebration um and Susie moer who organizes it uh encourages committees to be there uh to answer questions yada yada so I did that last year and I'll do it again this year um I'm gonna have some photos of some of the projects we completed like before and after you know like some of the rot at the back on the South Wall of the elementary school and then that South wall after it's been all repaired and painted um so well the dam keeper roof you know what it looks like before what it looks like now and um that's between three and five if you're driving by you can stop and say hi um as we start this Frank could you go to the uh Dam Keepers building the roofing okay so if uh you scroll back to the first entry so I want to see if this is the way we want to do this so you can see under Roofing I have metal panel um installed 92024 to 2024 and then the question is should the comment which is no longer necessary be erased priority High be changed to um monitor I agree yeah and should we take out the original comment you could put that in the history if you want well you can see see what I did in history yeah that's that's answer everything so yeah I would definitely I definitely would uh clear that I have a building Sor you're saying get rid of the comment yeah I mean there's no need to if especially get rid of the comment in the level because uh well we could just change it to no concerns really is what now that there's the new roof no concerns Action level monitor does that make sense and and do you put redid the roof in history yeah you'll see if you look after Frank gets rid of the comment changes it to no concerns there you go and then if you look at history that's great yeah okay so as things are done in the future that's that's um yeah we'll deal with it yeah okay fine all right um so I can't remember if we were finished with Oldtown hall or not fire department there's still [Music] some things that need to be this is where we left off was Plumbing which which building is this this is a Old Town Hall Old Town Hall okay and what's our options for Action level well since the systems not function on abandon I I would assume that it's not applicable till they decide to make the place functional or or or you could put anticipate future needle in place well that's yeah I think that's good for the I think you'd want to put that for water heater because you'd want a water heater if you get the system function I would say for the well wellhe head because not really sure U what's going on there that maybe that would be a future inspection or additional inspection required further inspection required is that correct language well be shallow no see that that's the um that's the um person sitting at the keyboard should have put well appears to be a shallow Doug well monitor who decided that there's no concerns noted for the service entry I did you're talking about the wire going into the building yeah the service the services that attaches to the building and and the entry cable coming down the size side of the building and there are no no issues that I saw okay this is the fire department right no we're at Oldtown Hall oh we're at Old Town Hall yeah fire department we can go to next there's things that need to be uh rated there as well you want this one to anticipate few didn't need to replace so I think this is a high priority myself yeah let's do that monitor is there any problem with the wiring um the only issue um it's really kind of two separate things but the uh receptacle below the subpanel which is down in the basement ought to be ground Funk protected okay then let's go priority low yep since there's nobody in the building right future need to replace to upgrade to LED I see that's something maybe I need to take a second look at because I didn't enter anything there um Stephen I'm sorry going back to the well head at the Old Town Hall so you know that wire um wires and pipes run to the well on common for that shouldn't that be noted somewhere oh that's right you you told us that um I can change so the um the well the water for the Old Town Hall comes from the well on the common yes okay and is that a deep well or is that a shallow well it's that concrete Dome you see in front of the church well there's two I think there are I think there's a second we that's what I've always been confused by that I'm sorry there there's the handd dug one that you would assume is the only one there but I think another one was installed I have to go try to find it again so don't notate anything until I will can uh check that maybe tomorrow after we look at the roof so lighting I leave blank solar not applicable smoking uh carbon di dioxide detectors I think high priority and when the N when the battery dies and they go off and the neighbors called they call the police department or the Billings committee because no one's in that building they probably will never hear it yeah No One's Gonna Hear It that's interesting so do we we wouldn't want to go to the expense of like an independently monitored system that seems like kind of a crazy crazy thing to pay for right actually I like the idea because it's the records the Historical Society okay and the voting thing and if we have all those new ones are cheaper than they used to be because they all use you know instead of uh uh 5G they're all using one and two 2G Airwaves not used anymore and they just put this little antenna up and it goes to whoever oh I wonder if two if um I me I never use these like I don't want to use the smart um you know the nest and all those like smart Co monitors because they I just I don't know I like using the thing we're all used to um but I wonder if since it's not a huge space if like that is the kind of thing I don't know whose like phone it would be hooked to but it you know there there's some possibility they're using a smart smoke detector that could be monitored you know directly to someone's phone potentially it could be the town clerk Andor the the Town Administrator I think that's a good idea not the fire chief and the fire chief oh yeah we'll put just the fire chief yeah I was just thinking it's really it could be really a nuisance but at the same time if it's an alarm it's either an emergency or a false alarm so maybe fire chief does make sense then and he has a town um cell phone key it is has a key to that building yes an axe yes so should we be polite and ask him what type of thing he'd like in there next to you know hot wire that goes right into his station or something yeah low budgeting stuff and ask what his recommendation would be would be my suggestion I I like that idea whoever is going to be the one monitoring should have some input on what system we use it's a good idea do you want one of us to ask Lenny or Becky would you like to oh I don't think we need to do it now do we we hav't prioritized right okay that's in the future in the future thank you Jeff I didn't make it high priority it feels like a easy like lwh hanging fruit right it's on high priority yeah oh I see that thank you I can read I just don't sometimes the end of the day monitor for 10.1 y I'm going to say this is uh priority low because we all still talked about getting work done there that someday they were going to vacuum out there so people could go in the crawl space and if they vacuum underneath that old building in the future we could um spray the exterior foundation with uh foam and all the gaps would be taken care of from the inside well the building committee is in charge of that vacuuming yes project so that we've been talking about for four years but uh now that we have a a list we can put priorities on it we'll figure out where that vacuum stands so let's go with I think priority low on this which priority 10.2 low priority yeah okay I didn't hear the low part okay monitor monitor monitor monitor priority low because it matches the exterior well I need to um is there any comment needed right the reason I don't have a comment there is because I actually haven't finished uh the inspection of the crawl space I need to go up there with coveralls and my other crawling gear um so um you know when you're when you go into Oldtown Hall as you walk towards the rear where the platform is where say the select board or whoever's whatever committee is having a meeting there's quite a bit of undulation and then a significant drop in the floor um and I would love to see if I can't understand from within the crawl space what has happened um because when you look at the building from the outside it doesn't suggest the kind of movement in the floor on the inside um on the doesn't suggest that on the outside I mean it's not perfectly level when you sight the window sills but it's much more dramatic inside so is move the it's the slab that's undulating or you're saying you seeing the walls well the the uh floor you know it's a wood frame floor and we're talking about the floor of the Town Hall Old Town Hall I thought you were saying the slab in the cross space the actually there's no slab in the crawl space there's the only slab is where there's a small basement which is the very back of the building where the additions are and part of the talk about clearing out and vacuuming dirt out of they've asked several people to do it some said yes some were very expensive in the past and the vacuum seem to be the cheapest way is because you can't get access to some of the peers that are rotting into the ground on the on the stone and that's probably what caused the sinking in the floor and what are you suggesting rotted the base of some of those posts is what what someone had mentioned once that they're sitting on Old stones that you know get temperature driven in the middle there and they think they might be a few of the posts sitting up the head did well that's why I want to get in there because what I could see from uh the access to the crossface and I was in one section where there's a lot more head height and I could sort of do a duck walk um there's some a few massive stones or Boulders on which there's uh short posts sitting and I didn't see anything suggesting rot Decay compression so that's why I want to spend more time in there um or if anybody else would like to join me oh we're GNA get you let me know when you're G to do that and you'll be where out of town yep I know I have a challenging schedule but I'm happy to happy to do that if we can work it out I was planning on volunteering an it's fine I whatever spent spent enough time in Cross spaces and addicts it's good oh well then maybe maybe we could team up on that sure sure okay yeah we'll take we'll take you out that's fine just grab an ankle don't you know you go left I'll go right right I'm the one that doesn't mind the craw spaces and doesn't mind the the critters that sometimes you encounter so somehow that's become my job here monitor monitor y 1012 monitor you're okay with the with water doing that should be high you want that monitor too Stephen oh in the Attic yeah I think you know I could see the uh framing pretty well and um not everything and one day I might try to uh carefully move through that attic space but um it looked pretty good monitor I'll leave that one blank because you haven't gone there ventilation is something you're going to put a comment in or well I didn't see any concerns from from the Scuttle you know I didn't see anything suggesting any mold uh growth um so even though it's not I mean I guess you know because the building really isn't being heated um there's not a lot of moisture additional moisture in the building so I'm guessing that's why there's no sign of any real issues so you won't put no concerns noted yeah why don't we why don't we do that for now I was seeing 11.4 Becky did you talk to Grace about my um cutting a hole through the uh roof that's in she said as long as you fix it when you're done it's fine with her so okay she's not going to know if I I I was thinking of using a wholo I got a three or three and a half inch Hol so when you're in the Attic that's above the defunct bathrooms and kitchen at the back of town hall there's a uh previous hip roof over I think the um the Vault so I'm assuming the Vault was installed because that has a poured concrete foundation whereas the bathrooms and kitchen have a concrete block so I'm thinking those were two different additions anyway um you can't tell how much insulation if any is over the Vault and that's the one space that's heated and cold so that would be the one that ought to have the most insulation but can't see it so I was thinking with a whole saw I could just cut through that roof from the attic and peer in there and see if there's any insulation over the Vault what's of the Vault pardon what's the ceiling of the Vault um I think it looked like plaster or dry wall and then there's there concrete above that or is um I don't know because I mean you know it could be concrete for all I know but there's there's no way to to see above the Vault right now okay so we don't know if the roof of the vault is really a vault I'm sorry do we know if the roof of the ceiling roof of the vault is really like a vault like concrete um don't know I try a drill before you try that six inch a Dr a small drill to go up in there before I do a six no I'm not going to go try and go through the ceiling of the Vault I'm going through the old asphalt shingle roof that's above the Vault okay can you do it from the siding on the outside no because it slopes the other way no because when I think when they put the uh kitchen and bathroom editions on they Chang it to they put on a another Gable so when I go into the attic that's above the men's room I'm under the back Gable and I'm looking at a lower Gable which is for the vault if you can picture that M like the uh elementary school every time they change something they added another roof it's a priority low 11.5 y since it's not heated monitor so under animal infestation you can see I didn't uh spell material or my fingers weren't working properly Oh I thought it was Italian okay thank you monitor I'm priority low like we should fix those but not comment want there sorry1 um I would just put uh what like normal wear noted wasn't any real issues so then monitor for 12.1 yep thank you Jeff further inspection required yes stairway is not [Music] applicable monitor priority low low anticipate future need to replace actually monitor you want to monitor that there's nothing to do with powder post I would say monitor [Music] okay anticipate future replace you want to get rid of asbest priority low monitor that's a good one yeah is would this only come up if the building was undergoing a major renovation or what or or a change in use who uses the building now just Grace in The Historical Society right well record storage right record storage yeah yeah I don't know what to call this priority low okay great because until they change what they're doing with it everyone can still walk in unless they hire someone in a wheelchair and then becomes a record clerk we'll have a problem okay now we'll accommodate Y and uh just as a um point I I just looked at um the inspection for the spear library and again there was a small amount of um mold in the basement area and that got a priority High um and I don't know if you want to be consistent or not when for concerning mold yeah yeah that's an occupied building this isn't so that's our justification for High versus low okay yeah I would agree also with like age this isn't a building that children you know under six are frequenting and it's also not a sealed building it's a low use building um low low priority we can have someone go in and with their spray bottle their bleach and something nut bleach whatever Steven's uh recipe for that isn't spray it Priority low for lead and that is that so you wanted to go to the fire department next Stephen yes copper lines monitor [Music] mhm when you say terminate are they capped or they're just dumping or pulling from the bathrooms are venting into the attic okay okay you think it's high venting gases in a building aren't they very toxic oh it's just the plum the attic they huh you're talking about the plumbing vents right yeah the plumbing vents should go through the roof yeah they're probably more pulling air than well actually over the one for the toilets that's the one place where there's a little bit of um indication of excess moisture on the underside of the sheathing um okay I'll stay with high for now yeah I mean we can we get to our highs we'll have low medium and sure sure low high medium high high high I think this is just monitor I mean this is really just a note you know yeah when it goes It goes and we have to replace it right what was that go back to our options for um Action level anticipate anticipate future need to replace same one for here I think anticipate replacing because most of the new newer toilets use less water and be more efficient right but wouldn't you want to um rep the the toilet in the lady's bathroom runs you know probably needs a new flapper because it you can hear it every once in a while refilling what about splitting these so that we recommend high priority high for the toilet and then for all the other like weak flow anticipate fusure need to replace I don't know how to do that uh um or is is that the feeling that we would want to replace the toilet like sorry fix or replace the toilet sooner than later but that the shower shower seems less urgent right well then let's do priority High yep and then and then we'll fix what we need and then change it yeah well we fix what we need but this way we identify that it's something needs to be done sure monitor monitor I had that water heater installed I think it was around 20143 go back to uh where where I suggested age yeah 2011 to 200 15 so yeah I think it's right in there I think it was around well I don't know when it was manufactured but when it was installed was around 2013 2014 yeah there was no date code but it was uh manufactured according to a 2011 ANC standard so and I think maybe in talking with Len came up that sometime between 2011 and 2015 so sounds right monitor yeah so who who does this filter change um Sam Evans from Ty and bond oh okay again I think for 9.3 you want to put Priority height to get the gfcis installed that's interesting there's no G gfcis when you're dealing with wet tanks or wet trucks right what I have a question um I mean I get the GFCI in the wet locations bathroom and kitchen but what do you mean by where concrete floors exist is that a you're grounded standing on concrete yeah it's come in and the floors get W wet you know doesn't have to be wet no I get it in practice it's just in like the residential if we have a house with like a concrete floor is there finished floor we don't GFCI every Outlet in the house just kitchens and baths is it exposed concrete or is it carpet covered exposed yeah I mean we don't do that them that um we don't do that too often but I have a couple times just sort of thinking out loud like if that's a hole in the code or something we should have been doing differently or something well I I mean I could be wrong and maybe it's you know being in Baltimore I don't know if they had some amendments but you know it's like a garage all garages all recepticles have to be GFCI protected all basement ticles where it's unfinished have to be GFCI protected yeah I'm familiar with the same yeah basement garage bath kitchen or within feet of water but bath kitchen yeah all right anyways I'll just I'll ask my electrician about that next time I see him by the way I got a laugh out of this comment because it is the fire department right the other they have they have updated smoke detectors and all these other places but going up the stairs and why they have one on the side wall of the stairs I don't know but there is one there and it's ancient um I'll put prior I just got to kick out of that because every time they sell a house they got to go look at everything so right maker kids they're not worried about selling yeah haven't lost a foundation yet right that's funny I saw um fire station had one at one point was advertised on a real estate website for sale for five I think it was $480,000 or something I was like what is going on there's that the old fire station in South Deerfield is a residence it's super cool oh nice Becky did you say you had to leave at 6:30 yes 6:30 to oh thank you okay thank you Becky bye so do people want to continue on or um table this until next time I'm going to t it okay okay then make a motion I make a motion to in the meeting I'll second it okay all in favor cook I again hi quacken Bush hi dmas hi um so Anna you're not gonna be able to attend a meeting in two weeks the 16th right correct yes do we want to um just pause for [Music] um a month and then um do it on the 30th would be two weeks after that and then I can um also start to um do the elementary school okay so we'll have our next meeting will be in a month okay great the 30 okay thank you all thanks thanks everyone see you tomorrow bye bye good night night