##VIDEO ID:vXVhpxhkgoc## e hello Jeff hello Frank how you doing Stephen how are you doing the house are you [Music] getting not yet I'm still trying to get my finance good Lu hi Anna hey how's it going and how are you good Becky have you uh touch base with Steve Sullivan today do you know if he's going to be here Steve will not be here okay and uh Steve has resigned from the committee okay and um and his job at the highway department I'm sorry what was the last thing you said and his job at the highway department yeah okay sorry to hear that y do okay all right well it's uh 5:31 call this meeting to order first thing is to uh review the minutes from um last meeting August 21st and um I have a couple questions under guest um I see the name Mary Wells um I don't see Janice Stone who I pretty certain was there and commented on um the fact that the signboard in monteu was a replica was Marty Wells ah with a t a man okay so so then we just need to add Janice Stone but it was um I me go through the notes Henry gets Marty Wells Bert Fernandez right and Russ Greco right was Janice Stone one of the users that the other guys used I don't remember a female I think she was at the select board meeting Stephen and not at the planning the meeting oh thank you that's my that's where she spoke up yeah that's okay because I had made a change us so maybe you can correct yeah thank you okay people it's fun because other people do use their spouse's account or someone's else accounts the names are always there wrong so right yeah I was remembering when I went to the select board yeah but I did write them down nice okay um people had a chance to look over the minutes yes do I hear a motion um I made a few changes U do I hear a motion to accept the minutes from August the 21st I make a motion to accept August 21st meetings second I'll second the motion all in favor cook hi again ien Bush hi down asai thank you okay some uh quick updates so uh update on the shitry school uh Elementary School painting project I went up there the other day and put the uh weather stripping that we had taken off to paint the doors back on and there was one sign that needed to be put back up and I did that um Becky you have an update on the docks needed from the painting contractor um I gave Jeff a um they presented two notebooks with um the warranties on the paint and the PVC I think it was the other material um and then I received an email with all the outstanding payroll um documents um a correct invoice and I think that's all that was in that email so no the warranties for the work from Santos are also in the book aren't they they're in the book Jeff or were they separate I can grab the book yeah I don't have the book in front of me so I think I think they that completes what their required documentation um certified payrolls manufacturer for paint and and PVC uh warranties and and there we ended up with nothing on the punch list is that correct correct Co that's great nice yeah and here's the PVC okay and here's the paint Sherwin Williams the warranty that's not in there um I think it's listed in the contract so I have to go back to the contract and double check that um if the warranty is implicit in there or we need a separate document from them when you say the warranty who which warranty their warranty s yeah Santos warrant no that should be a separate document and it should be for two years I believe that's correct okay so I'll double check the email and if it's not there that would be the outstanding item that we need to procure from them and so I'll have Ryan hold the check till I get that so I assume Jeff that when you uh look through these uh notebooks that uh Becky provided you with everything looked okay I didn't see any issues good correct okay okay so sounds like except for uh getting that twoe warranty from Santos we're in good shape yes Becky yes we are in good shape and um so I submitted the check over the weekend it's not been printed yet and I'm reaching out to Ryan to ask him to hold it for me till we get the the warranty if it's not in addition to the invoices I received okay great school looks wonderful it's really update on the uh Dam keeper shed roof uh Russ uh Wilson um ordered the materials has the materials um another uh volunteer uh who used to work for us Dave moer is going to participate in um redoing the roof and that's happening tomorrow he also pulled a he also completed the waiver um to do the work the Town waiver as a vol good because I printed out one to take tomorrow and Casey hen no he's been in good good so what's happening tomorrow they're finishing or they're starting starting starting and hopefully finishing I don't it's not that big it's just all Logistics yeah falling into the water I'm just curious on two things um how are they getting the materials to the dam are they going over the neighbors property or are they going over the town property Town property except for the entry way that um zerah whoas have allowed um the dam keeper to walk over okay I mean they can they can enter and park there um Vehicles there I think step has talked to the dam keeper I talked to last week and um he said you know parking there was was fine um Russ has a little trailer which you know he has attached to the back of his van and all the materials on that I'll drive down there um or maybe just walk down there walk down there I I was asking about the parking because the neighbor at an end of summer party and there were two cars parked on the street right next to the no parking signs uhhuh were they ticketed no I was surprised that they were parked there and no one said anything after all the stink the town made the Committees made on that okay so I'm sorry Becky I was just um I'm not sure I I guess there's a stink that I'm unfamiliar with well Frank are you talking uh about what earlier this year or last year when uh there was uh concern about safety of people being on the dam and whether people should be permitted or not and there was a I think it was voted on yep and this town just did that uh charge or whatever got put down but it was the parking that came through the um Lake W the lwac board voted to have that no parking there was the idea that by saying it's no parking it would prevent people from going to stand on dangerously on the dam was that the concept my concept so yeah the idea is to keep the you know when they sign will put up and Steve put them up that day and I was just surprised to see Connecticut Place parked next to the things when the lwac made such a stink about no one parking there to use the dam I thought Steve put up the signs in response to the select board well yeah it was through recommendations through uh the lwac yes so I was just it was just interesting everybody's got different agendas I guess and we just want to fix the roof that's all we want to do make sure we par don't park on the streets and get a ticket right but I bet if I talk to the chief we might not get a ticket can't park there we're doing maintenance yep well I'd like to think um I don't know if you mentioned that to the police that will be there tomorrow Becky I haven't but I will do that right now okay thanks okay um Jeff any um anything to add about the spear uh Library roof no I called him that I just remembered that he's I never got a call back so I'll have to call again um you know when I met with him out there um and he went up in the attic with me and I told him about leakage around the chimney leakage at the Ridge and then the roof leak itself he was U talking about putting um a sealant I think silicone on the chimney itself um including doing the other work and I didn't ask him for any kind of estimate um so since he hasn't been there yet um I guess the question is do we just allow him to do the work he thinks needs to be done um or should we say uh don't put the sealant on the chimney um how bad is it leaking well you know when I was in there earlier this year or last year whenever it was now that it was raining um it was raining quite heavily was leaking through the roof at the point where the real leak is um quite a bit and it was running down at least a couple walls of the side sides of the chimney in the Attic um I don't know what it's like every time it rains though but but you're saying he's proposing just to put silicone are you talking about joint silicone sealant or are you talking about spraying the masonry with silicone um I I think that's what he's talking about I mean looking for for any you know say uh flashings that need to be resealed that would be one thing I mean the ridge the ridge has a metal cap but it was leaking um when I was in there and um you know I think he's talking about painting or spraying the with silicon is a masonary uh nailing can you poke it with a na do you know um the the masonry on the on the roof side that chimney has been rebuilt I'm guessing when they did the roof about 15 years ago okay so modern more modern mortar so mortar and and New Brick harder brick harder mortar um I mean I've never been a big fan of silicone because my understanding was that silicone um is not a total sealant but when the moisture Gets behind it then it traps it and if you get the Right freeze saw conditions you can start having brick fracturing um and I threw that out at him but he uh didn't seem to think that was a concern but and and that's the only thing he's planning on doing is putting silicone on the masonry or you think he's going to do something else um well I guess without him having been up on the roof around the chimney okay have to wait and see okay all right and then Becky under the under the lock and we just can we just hire him um would he have to do prevailing yes he would have to do prevailing wages but you he's a single proprietor single yes he doesn't have but he has to submit you know he has to submit his insurance that kind of proves that or um yeah if he's a Soul Provider he shouldn't have any problems I've just been conned by a number of soul pro Soul Proprietors so um but it was mostly Bob doing it so oh well um all right well let me talk let me talk to him then we'll go from there Jeff the names of the people because you've already so we have to solicit three bids legally you already reached out to one person who didn't respond if you could give me the their names so we have those listed no he's the only guy that I I think oh you're going back you're going back couple years now yeah there was there was another name that Library I don't know if Maryann had it but we called this fella came out and it turned out that the actual I think it had been his father's business and now he the gentleman came out is on his own um and he was uninsured oh um which one was the side of the road slate roofs that signs we had a few signs that were the side of the road that said slate roofs repaired right but I don't think that's where this gentleman came from I no we I I probably can I think his father did the last repair at the library so does that count as a solicitation I think it does okay I mean you spoke to him he couldn't do the work um well we wouldn't we wouldn't allow him to do the work because he wasn't insured right right um Jeff what is the name of this person um I don't have my notes in front of me okay you know this guy he's the one up in Deerfield OH Mitch Hawkins Mitch Hawkins Mitch Hawkins great yeah but that's only two uh so we need to come up with a third who was the first name again um I'm trying to figure out where I can find his name the fastest and I can call somebody um yeah we just need three slate roofs I'm not coming up with his name I'll just check in with Maryanne oh um well this is really old um anybody know of Peter Hosmer no Roofing do you have any anyone else to suest Anna um I think Sho does slate I thought they did um wonder if I could just look that up I don't know about their workman's comp situation because I think it's a Family Partnership but I might be wrong or have old information I think he didn't want to do a project with us at another time so he's a great one to call because he'll say no oh I mean since we have somebody hopefully hopefully so we just need to contact a roofer we need to contact a roofer who actually does slate yeah well Show's website I just pulled it up does say they do slate so it's probably worth a phone call if that solves the problem yeah okay advertise a lot okay so we had quality [Music] Renovations have you ever heard of them nope don't know their quality or not I don't know I once saw an ad for a contractor named not Aon Contracting great it's on like the paper menu at a diner it's just delightful call Sham that'll take care of it right y just using Google uh Maps there's a company called slave slate roof repair in lllo Massachusetts I'll send it to you Becky okay I think we're good if we have sham okay Hawkins and the third person that I'll find from marann if I and then we can and this guy that I could look into these guys that Maryanne can't find the name SL roof okay oh Robert's roofs this again is from 2013 okay we can make this work okay so uh moving on um continued discussion about historic uh commission's proposal to erect gazebo over a renovated signboard so um on the 10th uh they presented to the select board and I attended the meeting and um you know they presented their proposal and um you know I said that um you know that the building committee was not uh in support of it um we felt that it overwhelmed it and um that was that was sort of our main main objection if you will and um they um I think Bert Fernandez explained that based on Jeff listen to this based on Jeff quackenbush's comment they um came up with the idea of in installing plexiglass panels on the sides for the winter from the Gazebo on the sides of the Gaze Zebo you know same same design um Good Luck to him right um still gonna look like it's crushing the crushing the board but okay well I mean you know putting Flex ass panels on there I think creates all sorts of issues I mean you know how do you support it how do you attach it um Becky brought up a good one when I was talking to her about it you know it'll reflect light I mean if you're driving you won't you know when the sun is shining and hitting the the face that uh you see on coyville road probably won't be able to even see it um how you get the dead bugs out of there well they said that you know um it'll it'll have space at the top and bottom for ventilation but these are meant to go on for the winter these panels Tak off in in the warmer weather um the select board um decided to say table it I mean they didn't make a decision but they wanted to discuss it um was it um make peace um I forget her first name Melissa Melissa Melissa I think Melissa also said that she thought it overwhelmed it um there were a couple comments about it being too low um so I actually started a um a letter which I think if you allow me to screen share I think I can put it up and like people to look at it you know a letter from the committee saying that um reiterating that we're not in support of it um as it is why do we need a letter well I think my my feeling is is that I don't want the select board to approve this okay especially if they apply for the uh CPA grants right get the money all right yes Becky one of one of the big issues for Henry and remember Henry was in a big rush because he said the CPC had moved everything up and he had to get it done immediately so they didn't have time to do any more work or research well what we what was made clear at the select board meeting is the CPC is going to do two rounds this year they're doing the early one and then they'll do a normal one in January through April for the annual town meeting so they have a reprieve to work with um and hopefully they take advantage of it Becky am I now a co-host yeah oh that's good oh it said host sign board Becky it says that host disabled participants screen share oh you did me Becky I did both oh I did Jeff instead of you Stephen I'm sorry sometimes say move when I'm in process but is co-host now everybody's co-host but Anna because they weren't going to get the sign board back till next spring so that gives them plenty of time to work now that's good yeah and I think Stephen had a good idea I mean even if they get it back and they haven't solve the problem they can put it in the old town hall until they do I mean hopefully not for years but you know for a few months yep hey can people see what I just hopefully put up y so um people want to just read through that um see what they think um love to hear comments suggestions in I also like Jeff's idea about um the font in case it in a glass case seal it Marty Wells said those was you know he looked up the price of metal was within you know that type of thing so mentioning something like that perhaps encasing it all in glass smaller it wouldn't stick out it wouldn't hide it there's probably anti-reflective glass too you can get it with your eyeglasses Jeff is that what your thought was to actually encase the thing in glass I think it again I'm I was just trying to tell these guys there's more options than that little pagot right and again I'm not saying that the solution is encasing it in glass I'm saying think of think outside the freaking box a little bit right and um you know one alternative could be to enclose it in glass like we saw or I saw up in Canada I'm not saying that's the answer I'm just saying that's that's another possibility Alternatives yes yeah so um do people think that that should be in there what should be in there a statement saying one alternative would be to no I think I don't think we need to tell anybody that in fact I kind of question why we need the last two paragraphs isn't the issue that we just don't endorse it yeah why do we need to tell them how to fix it that's their problem that's why I want them to think outside the box well when I was at the meeting um um uh who was it um who's the gentleman who's uh sort of running that Bert Fernandez asked me if the building committee had uh come up with any ideas or work you know any redesign huh and the answer was what I said no yeah that's not yeah not our job um that's why I don't think we need the last two paragraphs okay Anna what do you think about that um yeah I mean I I get what Jeff is saying I would maybe quibble with like the second to last paragraph at least explains our reasoning why we don't support it and maybe that could be shortened to like a sentence that the you know the a plexiglass panel will is not a is not a once I fits all solution it will require a lot of you know detailed decisions such as blah blah blah blah blah which is what you have listed there so maybe it's not any shorter what I just said but I suppose you know that to me that paragraph at least explains why we don't endorse it because without it it's just saying we don't endorse it I think it's good to explain um so one of the reasons I included that very last paragraph Was that um Janice Stone so now I'm at the right meeting at the select board meeting um explained that the sign board in monu I don't know if people have seen that when you drive through monu I mean it looks quite lovely that's a replica and it's like you know so I guess I as myself why do they decide to spend all this money on a historically correct restoration why not just why didn't they just do a replica that you know would weather well and um I assume be a lot less expensive but now they're having the pain analyze there's all kinds of detailed work being done analyzing each layer of paint and it's like we know Town's people have have touched it up you know I know one person who talks about you know lying on the ground touching up the letters with black paint at different time you know so it's this is it lost its I don't know how much of the original is left but there can't be that much does monu have an original somewhere I don't know probably it's under the other one right okay um well I still believe this letter is okay but kill the last two sentences I think last two I mean the last two paragraphs I think in my opinion the last sentence on this thing should be in you know our opinion is that further design studies are necessary and then it's up that's up to them to to to go from there so for whatever it's worth Mr mcin what's your uh op I kind of agree with Jeff yeah I know what they said they want to do something and they use Jeff as an excuse for encasing or plexiglass but you gave him a bunch to do about it no one we didn't like the design it was too low they didn't want to raise it that much I mentioned Annie you weren't there about the Ada hitting your head and they said we can we can raise it three inches and I like no no no no no it's going to be you know that seven foot guy is gonna whatever so I said come back with a you know I know someone's doing Sun as someone's doing all the drawings come back with something that's not going to be ugly you just just come back with other ideas and they should have had two or three proposals I think um and the problem that they have is they're paying very much attention to this historical commission and they you know who must who's playing God saying you know you got to really protect this thing if it's going to last another hundred years but put it in a museum well that's what they talked about doing originally they were gonna I think Miriam wanted to put it in the new library but um that wasn't there wasn't enough space so yeah it's I just think just just say that we'd like to see more design studies and leave it at that and don't do their job because they're going to be frustrated okay so um do I hear a motion uh that uh this letter will um is okay to be sent as long as I remove the last two paragraphs send this to the select board Jeff yes you want to the historical commission too though right sure copy the historic commission yeah with this letter yeah that's fine Jeff motion I'll second okay all in favor cook hi M hi Quack and Bush hi down on the side so there's the uh revised letter that that quick great job thank you that was easy okay I will um send this to the select board and to the historic commission great okay what time okay do I have do we have any uh unanticipated items to talk about nope um can I throw out a couple okay so about every other time I go out the back door um the door's open um back door Town Hall Town Hall back door so frequently is not closing on its own um and the front door um the police Sergeant tried to move the um locking the plate to make it open easier but I still have people like having to like pound the door a couple times to escape Town Hall just so you're aware now did you say that's the front door the front door we can't get out and the back door isn't shut if you'd like I'd I'll look at my old notes from two years ago when they had a year or whatever happened it is a extruded PVC residential cheap back door and back door I'm nervous because it did come completely off its hinges last I think it's time to have a a full handicap door put in there and not find out what Kohl's has cheap right now to replace it so I'll look into that Becky thank you very very much so where do we stand with our um you know the document we've been preparing on all the the outstanding issues of the different buildings so that we can then prioritize what we want to start working on right are we done with that uh no I've been um spending time uh this past week I'm um pretty much done with Oldtown Hall I need to get into the attic at the fire department um Len's been out um because he's had some issues with his back that was operated on but I'm going to try and do that and then um you know the elementary school is going to take more time but I would like to think that you know with the other buildings being completed um that we could start to formulate a plan of attack right so um you know we need to go through and assign action levels to everything else that I've done and um and then start start to work on prioritizing but you don't want to prioritize until you've gone through the fire department attic um I think that um I mean we could certainly look at you know after we assign action levels to everything else that hasn't had action levels assigned okay hopefully by that time I'll um will been in that attic okay so next meeting do we want to go through the rest of your list and assign act or yeah make that a priority meeting yeah right yeah I mean we have until do we have until 6:30 Becky yes yeah I mean you could um you can go I mean you have as long as the committee wants tonight oh we won't be knocked off the zoom no I had to cancel the meeting that was going to be at 6:30 because the committee hadn't gotten sworn in yet oh okay um well I don't know how much longer people want to go but we could um go and uh look at the um certainly Old Town Hall which I spent quite a bit of time in this past week you share Becky changed me to I did everybody but Anna co host or host I accept less responsibility well if you think of something I'll make you a host too I would suggest we just go to 6:30 since we've all accounted for the time and kind just on schedule okay yo can see that yes oh one quick question Frank yeah I noticed um when you get to history um history is the only word that's all caps and I didn't know if just for the sake I copied and paste whatever I was doing the history is not going to be printable when we do history and we talked about that if we put all this history and then start printing it um when you clean something when we clean up something and move it from you know comments to Action level to fix that's where we're going to dump the history and that was actually not going to print out for the Committees that we were going to send this to that was just an internal thing that we were going to be looking at so I can I can I can change it if you want it doesn't it's not going to be a printable thing well personally one thing I like about the history is then people can see what we have done and I thought we talked about it I know what uh well then when they go to look at the Committees go to look at that every year they're going to add 10 15 pages and we thought it would be cumbersome for them to look at all those things they won't even look at anything you just want them to look at we want the finance committee and the select board to see what we want to fix and spend money on is what I thought and the history and then you know we can bring it up or put it on a separate report but putting it there and having it print up every time we make that larger it's going to make this report larger and larger and larger over over a couple of years and I thought we found that uh you know laborious just to go through and read you know we just want to hit them with with a money we can do it as a separate entity as a SE separate book but my understanding was this is what we need done on the town's buildings and at the time and once it's done we can show you they'll they'll know we spent money on the school because we it's all looks brand new um on the outside that is um and things like that so that's what I thought we talked about with the history that was my understanding um Anna Jeff your thoughts yeah I guess I I guess I had a similar thought I think it was just if we don't keep the history like none of us are going to remember especially if something goes from one Action level to another yeah but I I don't want to make this document so huge that nobody's GNA read it just out of fear I think the key is the formatting so if there's like a long history in there it's not changing the you know line height or it just it's just in there so if it lives in digital form not in print form someone can click on the cell and read it yeah well I'm kind of liking the idea that history is not is not shown and then we can go sure I mean you can hide you can I mean I feel like that's all formatting you can like design the print area you can hide the column I think for the buildings committee we need the history yeah we the the select board doesn't need know the history even after it's fixed you know they can ask questions but my understanding was we're only going to give the select board and finance committee and all these committees a PDF of this with and then the PDF will have hyperlinks to pictures and that's it and there'll be no history involved well the history will always be there but it will never print on the PDF that we give to committees right yeah so in that case it's all it is formatting you just you can that cell can have as much data in you know whatever as many words as we want in there but we just don't let the cell get bigger you know to accommodate it so it stays rolled up in there yep y but you're saying Frank if you if we wanted to um say for the sake of demonstrating projects that have been completed we could just print out history yeah but what an is saying is if we put in 50 things on that first box that box will then become 10 Ines wide long oh I happens with all of them we don't want to do that we want that history to be a compact thing so that when we do send the spreadsheet out it's exactly what you see there and those uh the way the comments are like you when you type in the comments if you put in 30 page uh 30 sentences it becomes a very thick thing we don't want the history to do that and have something next to it saying none comments none and you know Action level no you know what you know uh but you know then that whole thing is is excused so it's a formatting thing so we'll we'll do the formatting but the history isn't for anyone other than the buildings committee is what I [Music] understood well hearing everybody speak I mean that sounds fine but um my question was if you want to if we want to print out history to say just demon demonstrate projects that have been completed we can do that independent of the report am I correct okay that's all I needed okay are you determining an action level yes hold on a second yeah so asphalt architectural type Old Town high priority I'm not understanding the comment yet no drift Edge noted at base or rake of lower roof rear roof so there's a rear addition and there's so essentially there's a there's a uh it's a lower gable roof and when they put the shingles on there's no drip edge either at the base or along the rake the main roof that's got drip edge on it is it is there and is the wood rotting yeah well you can see if you continue reading rotted sections of trim noted along rear rake right rear rake okay yeah I think it's high I think so how you're going to do it put the rake on the trim on is another thing okay same with that if going do the roof be high prior this is another high yep not applicable not applicable hi hi monitor inspection I got the chimney cleaned about five years ago I thought further inspection in the past we've been doing monitor instead oh okay monitor [Music] monitor na oh well for skylights is na oh up above on skylights oh yeah go back up right clicked that reading over yeah so the lightning arrestor I think is uh intact um but with my binoculars and the Sun and the Shadows it was a little tough to be certain about but I think it's intact let's go priority low okay I'm thinking hi I am yeah especially if you think of all the other stuff that could be done at the same time seems like that and the and the windows are all together you know yep H we need another category although I feel like if we're if if we were approaching a project with siding and windows like the door would be a part of that and maybe it just says priority High because it's part and parcel with those other um other items right unless you want to close off that door right now this is where the like the old loading dock is yeah yeah and that was added after the fact that could all be taken down where's the side where you look to the left you know you look to the left it bumps out a little we wouldn't walk on it because it was all rotted that used to that used to or that provides entrance to a little back hall that gets you into the kitchen and then to the bathrooms and I assume Becky told me that it point that building was used as a school kinderen the year they transition to the new elementary school I mean the year before they didn't have enough room in the town hall which was the main school and I suspect part of the reason for that door is secondary ESS there's no other uh way out of that building you probably should have it if it's a public building secondary y all rotted so that would be high if we're putting everything back for a second egress what did what is what is that side steps steps removed what there no they've been removed there's only the little platform that Jets out and then it's like a three and a half four foot jump okay it wasn't really a loading dock it was a side entrance but now with the steps removed it looks like it was a loading duck okay yeah how about how about low yeah about high Y [Music] low so I mean while this is not ideal obviously is it actually causing a problem like is there water seepage or just that like we know in principle we don't want things back pitched well what's interesting is when I was in the um crawl space uh there's one area that I can get in without having my cover oin and there's an area where there's actually two days ago or three days ago when I was in there there was two inches of standing water and you know we haven't been having much rain so I thought that it's a fifth record in the state of Massachusetts but having Rain by the way fifth longest so my first thought was the um the Vault the storage vault which is kind of above that area has a mini split so I first thought oh is the condensate drain leaking so first I checked the discharge drain which uh dumps outside the building that was totally dry you know it hasn't been hot so I don't know that it's really been running a whole lot in terms of cooling um but then I went into the Vault and there was no signs on the floor the wood floor around the drain of any leakage but the other thing in the uh crawl space is the uh water feed line from the well uh comes in right near where this standing water is and the well is currently not in use I mean you know nothing's connected so my thought is is the well somehow leaking in to the building because I talked with Becky about it and um she doesn't think the well has been abandoned and I'm guessing that it's a shallow Doug well and not a deep well because there's no well head outside um the well is actually on the common oh ah so it could be gravity it's that big can on the common that gravity feeds it down that takes care of your theory Stephen yep okay so let's how about priority low [Laughter] y same what you want to anticipate uh I mean further inspection required on the slopes just say monitor yeah I did clear uh some of the vines and uh weeds away from the mini split so I could get access to it to see if the condensate drain was leaking so that's that's currently taken care of okay thank you I know the highway department spent a day clearing it um before we put in the mini split it was just a massive vegetation that was back do you know that uh the dating code on that you'll see when we get to the mini split that unit was made in either 1999 or 2009 because they only give you one number on the minp yeah do you think it's newer than that oh yeah yeah yeah it was when Susie was Town Clerk and they would yeah we put we put the mini split in it's probably been about eight years like 2016 or so 17 I have to double check the cereal in there oh jamro installed that so is there any desire to heat this building um it's really the time it's uh rough is when the town clerk has to get in there and look for records in the middle of January um the boiler died a couple years maybe three years back now uh jamrog declared it dead um yeah so other than the occasional um public records search that you know she has to do you know it's just really uncom you know you just bundle up and you go in well I'm just thinking trying to heat that building is going to be a bear because I'm sure leaks like the Titanic and um we used to keep it at about 50 45 degrees in the winter just keeping the boiler going um sorry okay let's go priority low okay same priority loads all the yeah so what happened to the building you know back in the late 90s is they um they did turn the heat up and they did not um drain the pipes so they all froze and exploded well I guess there's also the question of if you wanted to have a functioning heating system in there do you stick with a oil fired furnace or you put in a mini split and um you know just run that when you uh want to go into the space that would be room the record room could have a mini split put in another mini split on that side of the building the current mini split just serves the Vault right it's in the vault but I think another mini split that's a small enough space if we put one in there because the M the bigger thing would be for the air conditioning and we try to run dehumidifiers over there um if we could you know the dehumidifiers are problematic all the time there's a and a mini split in the main room would Sal we wouldn't have to run the dehumidifiers and the um I think the mini split would probably be less costly to run than the dehumidifiers yeah yeah but they wouldn't function at the well below 30 so but you wouldn't be running it that frequently I mean if how often does somebody go over there to do to do a record search would you say on average every couple months okay so so every couple months you know you turn on the mini split and H give it time to warm up the space up to 45 degrees and then you go over there and um no we used to keep it at 45 degrees all of the time but we could do it that way too we could just turn it on when we need it so that's that's the beauty of a Min a mini split we wouldn't have to keep the anything running continuously right I mean I keep wondering why we're heating a building we don't go into because the town clerk does have to get in there yeah but do like Stephen's saying yep yeah is there a need for air conditioning periodically because the minis I wonder like if we just need to heat it periodically and you want something to come up to temperature quickly would just like electric resistance B you know baseboard heat just do it it's cheaper and well Becky mentioned about the problem with h uh controlling the humidity in there in the summer oh yeah I'm sorry you're right yeah it's because of all that there's ton there's boxes and Bo boxes of Records in in the main space outside of the Vault um and a lot of them get re you know they get to their seven year and we can throw them out but there's a lot of stuff in there that's his you know where the historical commission has yeah filed all different kinds of papers and um that's that would be the reason yeah it seems like a tough sorry well I think at some point it would be a good idea for the committee to uh meet at Oldtown Hall and discuss options for use one of the thoughts that I had was um to strip out the bathrooms and the kitchen and create that into storage um you know as say uh What uh economical in terms of use of the space as possible which could eliminate a lot of the things that are just sitting around and if you did that you could actually put if you get the majority of the materials back in there you could put um a door at the entry to that area and have another small mini split just to heat or air condition and deify that space But I think that you know to discussion and consideration and as Jeff would say thinking outside of the box um in terms of how to go forward with the use of that building something we should do seems they like somewhat at Cross purposes like if we're storing materials that need to be protected from humidity and we need a space that's comfortable for an employee to get access we shouldn't put all that stuff in a space that doesn't have any of those controls so either should be looking at fixing it up like Stephen say or finding a different place to keep all that stuff which I don't have any good answer to that maybe the answer is nowhere but it's a documented nowhere Susie moer as town clerk um had a record storage committee for three years where they try they put together all the all the current situations they did uh temperature testing in in downstairs of town hall and um the Old Town Hall and tried to come up with a recommendation and the recommendation is we need more storage in town hall and in Old Town Hall could that be the old library yeah that's what I was about to say can't we can't we use the library well you might want to talk there's a number of different departments that have their eye on that building you could take it up with anybody so many fun ways to solve that yeah so that's the beginning of a lot of different answers um to that one one big thing is going to be about that building and its use is it doesn't have a bathroom storage is right up the alleyway to put a bathroom in there we've already gone over that there's no way to put a any type of leeching Feld and we'd have to tap into town and we'd have to probably upgrade the towns I think there there have been uh reasonable proposals of adding a bathroom set back in the ledge there's no setback and ledge to the uh to add it you won't have there's a septic um there's already a septic on Town common for the church um I'm just saying okay I don't think it's 100% impossible a tight tank could possibly work then we'd have long-term maintenance on that cost anyway that we're getting ahead of ourselves I was going to say it's not the issue at the moment try to get through this Old Town Hall yeah oh so you get so you're GNA say uh um further inspection is required because you're going to check the date Stephen um you don't have to put that there I'll I'll check the date but I had think in 2016 what monitor on there y yeah there's no thermostat right or is there well I was unable to I have to find where the um control is for the I mean the heating system the thermostat's nonfunctional but I I couldn't find the um the thermostat for the mini split it's in the vault yeah I I need to just you know I mean there's a lot of stuff in the vault so just put monitor okay for thermostat once we find it guys want to stop almost done yeah well it's 640 or just about oh it's got a lot of pages here finish this that's yeah this one you said finish next time correct yeah yes um how does everybody feel about a meeting in a month rather than in two weeks sounds good any reason why not two why not two weeks just to get this freaking thing done okay the 16th or the second second I have no idea the second seconds in two weeks yep works for me works for me yep I'm GNA be um away most of next week so I won't be um I won't have um hopefully I can get into the the attic at um the fire department before then I should be able to do that St I I noticed um Lenny has had um some of his other officers covering the covering the fire station when he's not there I'll try to find out um when that happens so you can stop by I'll try to give you sometimes that somebody will be there even if Lenny's not back yet that sounds good because I um I mean I could Friday I might have some time okay okay good do I hear a motion to uh close the meeting I make a motion to close the meeting a second a second all in favor cook hi Yin I black and Bush hi Eli thank you everyone see you in two weeks y good night night good night thank you Becky thank you [Music]