for e e e e e e e e hi everyone hello Beth can you tell me my my mic is working okay yep I can hear you great thanks so much all right it's 7 o'clock I see we have Jan Bob and I so we have quum so I will open the meeting 7 P.M on May 9th 2024 and I'm calling this meeting of the shury Conservation Commission to order this meeting's being recorded and um Scott's gonna join us but I don't know what time exactly he's traveling so I'm hoping I'm hoping pretty soon um the first thing on the agenda is actually the minutes and I was thinking again again that basically those those minutes from March and February we don't have three people on our commission anymore who are in those who are at those meetings so I feel like we can just vote on them with the people that we have um you know sorry but also Grace said that as long as people have read them they can vote on them doesn't matter if they were there or not okay yeah I mean usually when we have a set of of minutes where like say somebody missed that meeting and we have Quorum of people who were at the meeting oh then you know that person would would abstain typically that's just you know the typical way to do it but I think we're just in this weird situation where we literally don't have three people who were at the meeting even if Scott was here it would just be me and him we wouldn't have three people who were at like that meeting in February so um yeah so good I'm glad Grace Grace said that that's good to know um so let's look at those minutes um do I have a motion for the March 28th 20 24 um minutes I'm assuming you guys took a quick look at them so the ones I sent out was just the uh was the um sorry uh April 25th wait the one didn't you you sent some very recently that you said we're voting on next week which was our next meeting said in that email I sent out that's April 25th 2024 I sent it out really like 3 four o'clock so I wasn't expecting like them to if anyone didn't have time to read it I totally understand so I was saying if they weren't voted on tonight then like they would be ready at least for next meeting right yeah no I'm talking about the March 28th ones yeah I didn't send those out oh they're on the agenda yeah I put I put them on the agenda because that was my hope but didn't get there these aren't the ones that I've that we've looked at so we have none on here that we have April 25th oh so once a week yeah I haven't had a chance to run read those I knew we weren't voting on those I just thought the other ones that I had read some of the other ones but no my My Hope was to have our most recent one in the last two that I have finished but okay well yeah then let's move the April 25th ones to okay the next meeting and and we can vote on those then because they're finished um so that's good all right um okay har I have a question for you just other business I guess is um did you did you reach out to the 678 cck Corner folks about remember so Mary and I did a site visit there and they had ended up wanting to take out some trees and I had sent you an email this is a bit ago like maybe couple weeks ago a week and a half ago and asked because you were going to send um information on submitting an RDA yes okay I'm sorry I'm recalling now because I was also there was another gentleman who was looking for a different RDA one as well and I think he belied to ask both of them I did reach out to both of them with the information the checklist the form and neither of them got back to me okay yeah I just wanted to make sure because I thought that was weird that the 678 PRACK Corner people didn't yeah um end up doing anything because they seem to be in a rush to to get some trees taken down so H okay all right good um we did a site visit to seven Baker Road um the farm there at the intersection of pum Hill Road and Baker Road Bob was there and uh Scott was there uh it was it was a great site visit I thought it was a great site visit um that property has a conservation restriction on it um and they're new own owners um and they are farming they have quite a quite a group of animals um and they just they mostly wanted to install some new water lines and fix um some drainage that grows across the site and you know we have it's not on the agenda or anything tonight we need to kind of figure out with them what exactly they want to do and um which of the work is exempt under the agricultural exemption the Wetland protection act and then also I think Scott really looked he looked at the conservation restriction and thought all the proposed work was all right under the conservation restriction so it's more just you know looking at the Wetland protection act a bit and I think they need to just more confirm exactly what they want to do but um I just wanted to report on that Bob do you have anything else you want to say about that site visit yeah you know I think you covered what I wanted to to say is um you part of our mandate is uh uh to is to protect the wetlands we're not allowed to lose any Wetlands or decrease any Wetlands but there are exemptions under under the agricultural act that would allow them to drain those fields and potentially uh reduce the size of of the Wetland so that is kind of the key is where things stand as far as the agricultural exemptions are concerned yep yep so you know I think I think I was saying that quite a bit is exempt but I I guess I'm not quite sure exactly what their plans are you know like they need to come forward with more of a plan so we can very carefully look at it compared to the agricultural exemption um stuff and what else would I want to talk about well Mary resigned how about that probably should just talk about that I mean I think everybody knows um because she was at the last meeting so between the last meeting and now she resigned um so we have four people um and we should have five and um I've kind of checked in a little bit with with Becky and saying let's just hold off on you know getting all into interviewing new people and stuff I don't know but we've you know what's going on with who would be interested um Tom Seer i' see he's on this call might be interested um but I just want to at this point get our our feet under us with having two new members There's Tom um and you know it's just all been kind of crazy so we'll we'll just we'll see how that goes going forward um if I may um we we're headed into into vacation season so it might be good to you know at least start the process for fulfilling that vacancy yeah and it's It's Tricky uh you know Scott really he travels an awful lot um so he he can end up missing some meetings so yep yes we should we'll move ahead with that I will talk with Becky um this week or next week about that and what time is it [Music] 7:09 I don't really have much else our first agenda item is at 7:15 um I don't think we have any other site visits that we need to plan at this point um and unless those folks over at South Floral Drive get back in touch with me which she thought they would so we might have that site visit next week but yep anybody have anything else want to talk about I do have a question um are we still going ahead with a public hearing for the master fee schedule for next meeting yes okay so I do have a draft legal ad that I will send out and then um I don't think it's perfect but it's a start and then I'm thinking we can edit it and then I could probably have it posted um this NE then a week so next Thursday so that way it'll be up for um a week ahead before the meeting so I need to submit it by Tuesday morning okay do you usually submit all the legal ads at the same time you know if you have two or three of them for a meeting um yeah like if if um a meeting has like one or two public hearings then yeah I usually put them out at the same time yeah because we we may have the one for the U amended order for 14 like I have those ready to go as well yeah okay um yeah just to bring Jan and Bob up to speed on that so um when we wrote the new regulations we created a new fee schedule and we did vote on the new regulations um and you know approved that fee schedule but then that fee schedule had to be looked at by the select board and so we met with them and they made just a few just one real change to it not not too significant it was not but they did make a change so then it came back to the concom for another review and we we approved I guess we voted on that change and then let's see I met with them I guess I met with the select board they wanted that change I came back to the comcom comcom thought the change was okay then it went back to the select board for a vote so then then they actually voted to approve that fee schedule and now it's come to everybody's conclusion that well we also really should have a little public hearing about it because regulations really need a public hearing so even a relatively small change of just one section of the regulations meaning the fee schedule um has to have a public hearing so we're going to do that at our next meeting um but it but in a way it's new to you guys anyway you know the rest of us have seen this changed fee schedule a couple times but um you guys haven't so I guess it's it's good to be doing we'll be doing the public hearing and then then they will finally be all set to uh to be used and we can start collecting fees again because we kind of took a break under our previous regulations we really didn't have any significant fees so so this will be good I just wanted to say I think it's a great idea to have a have a a notice public hearing when you do regulations changes it's it's um I believe it's required by the the the bylaw and and it's it really opens it up to everybody could see exactly what we're doing yeah good to have public hearings and to advertise them yep um so we haven't started talking about it but at 7:15 it's um we've got our New England power company um we're just going to look at the order of conditions problem is I'm not sure Scott is going to be here by then uh so let's see Jan heard it last week I heard it last week um Bob you did not hear it last week so I think I may be asking the applicant to kind of do a quick summary really but kind of represent almost uh the information giving you a fair warning I've got all my materials kind of set up but I I share my screen and show you the maps of the project areas proposed and anything you'd like to see that's perfect that's great we've had a big change over with our with our members and it's you know like it yeah doing a little catch up with all that all right mik BL says 7:14 Madam chair can I ask Carolyn what office she works out of uh yeah I am with the ecological division in BC so I mean technically I am based out of the Worcester office but I live in Arlington Massachusetts so I'm closer as the crow flies to the Boston office but it takes me about an hour and 15 minutes to take the bus to the train to get into the Boston office so I'm here in my living room okay in Arlington so I'm very appreciative of the uh the remote meetings not a lot of towns still do it um so it saves me a nostalgic drive out uh route two as nice as that is I was gonna say you're missing out did it for many years going back and forth to you Mass ammer my alma moer oh good yep yeah I didn't I guess I didn't realize that most towns are now doing in person are most towns doing hybrid like they're doing it in person and they're also you know filming it it's like half and half these days um it really depends on the town I'd say half of them offer the h option and if they yeah if they are doing it remotely like this some of them are meeting in person in a town hall and recording yeah Bob what what are you doing in your towns um we we uh do remote meetings for the Conservation Commission and it is well enjoyed by both Commissioners and staff so um I I I I'm also glad that tetbury does it this this way as as well yeah I I I find that the public appreciates it really they they can be at home and come to more meetings than they probably would if they had to go to town hall but um all right it's 716 so we are looking again at the E5 uh f is E5 F6 that's correct yeah5 F6 transmission line um notice of intent with New England power company to um do some exploratory borings near to transmission structures and as I said unfortunately it' be great if you could kind of represent the project a bit um so Bob would be able to vote on the we we did we we closed the public hearing at the last meeting and we're just going to do the order of conditions tonight but again with our current situation I think we just need to review a little bit that's fine I can give a quick update uh for you based on um so this is this is a geotechnical soil boring program to basically look at the uh existing conditions subsurface for the maintenance of future structures along the E5 F6 line and so for this particular Town we've got um soil borings at structure 443 located off of Pratt Corner Road and structure 436 located off of sandill Road um all of these project activities just the soil borings and access and placement of wetland matting to access these locations will be done within the um existing managed RightWay right right of way um let's see what we're looking at right now um this looks like access to structure B boring uh 4 443 um you can see the soil boring itself is located this uh yellow shaded square is the proximate work area it's a conservative estimate of the space that the crews are going to need to get the drilling rig in there and to put their equipment around um so we have Wetland matting shown along the access route and in the work pad envelope uh where we where we will be protecting these Wetlands uh while the soil boring is accomplished and these borings are typically uh I believe it was 2 in in diameter um completed with a small drill rig uh they'll be going down drilling down to a sufficient surface to sufficient depth to uh analyze what these subsurface conditions are um right now no work is being done to replace or work at these full structures but that is plan being planned for in the future which is why these borings are taking place um there's a lot going on in this map right now but I believe this boring in particular is within the 100 foot buffer zone to bordering vegetated Wetlands it has some temporary impacts through Wetland matting to the wetlands themselves it's within natural heritage and endangered species priority and estimated habitat um 200 foot Riverfront area to this perennial stream and the 50 Foot no disturb Zone uh regulated by the town see if I can get the uh location of the other one this is the other boring location at structure 436 off of see 436 is lo located off of sandill Road um best management practices including sediment and erosion controls will be implemented during construction um so if there's any soil disturbance very it's very minimal soil disturbance typically when they do the actual drilling but um if they're anticipating any soil disturbance they will be placing erosion controls between the work and the Wetland resource areas I know that the um uh there's an exemption on the wetlands protection act for um for borings of this nature uh are did you have to file with a natural heritage related to the endangered species so I don't have that language pulled up right now but we do um the utility companies have an an arrangement with was it de that uh there is a a document that has best management practice practices for avoiding and minimizing damage to endangered species um and so we have requested the data for that area and National Grid will be following the bmps agreed upon in the um I can't I can't remember the name of that document but there is there is a working agreement between natural heritage D and the utility companies uh to have bmps for working in natural heritage areas great thank you so we didn't have to file any additional uh paperwork with them thank you it's a good question though yeah I just I just saw it uh in your noi it's just an established operation and maintenance plan with called yes National Grid natural heritage and D thank you Beth sure Madam chair you for a motion um if there are there any more questions on on Carolyn's summary quick summary no okay so so we closed the public hearing um actually at the last meeting we're just still Gathering a little info here just getting a review maybe we'll call it that um so now I what I wanted to do is bring up the special conditions that that I put together we can take a look at those carollyn can also take a look um and then move move on from there can everybody see my screen yes yep there we go all right so these are the special condition s um summary of the project right so it's so it's been determined that the project is exempt from the Wetland protection act regulations based on this the section of the regulations in addition the applicants planning to perform work in accordance this is what you were just talking about um speak The Endangered Species Act exempt review operation maintenance that are part of an oper maintenance plan approved by division of fisheries and wildlife uh and performed under the established operation maintenance plan so that so you're exempt really from the natural heritage requirements um the commission finds that the following resource areas under the shutesbury wetlands protection bylaw exist um Bank land underwater under water bodies and waterways that's for this the Stream um BBW was identified Riverfront for nurse Brook and the um buffer zone or Aura um outstanding resource water I believe it's mapped within that and natural heritage priority and estimated habitat Aban proposes to drill to soil borings um one boring is add to this structure another uh yeah so access routs to the borings the cross BPW will use temporary matting um to protect the wetlands temporary resource impacts include 4831 square feet to BBW and three square feet to Riverfront um from from temporary matting and drilling activity uh work within the or will include the work at the drill site including temporary storage of cting work will be um will follow uh the notice of intent there was not a separate plan set so the the mapping was all part of the not of intent and then these are just our general findings that are in all of our orders or conditions and then these are these are all our our general conditions we may enter the site yeah General conditions um and so then we always bold the ones that we really want applicants to take note of um to the start of work no later than 30 days from the issuance of the order the commission shall receive in writing a letter with an original signature from the applicant stating they've read the order of conditions and understand the conditions and also within 30 days of the issuance of the order before any work commences the applicant should provide the commission with proof of of recording at the Franklin County registry of deeds question on number nine y would an email suffice or do you require a hard copy with an original signature um yeah I think we want something with the signature so I don't know if an email would really work there it do have a signature no later than 30 days from the issuance of the order okay we'll do that okay uh prior to the commen the approved matting and erosion control should be installed um after the inst station contact the Conservation Commission for a preconstruction site visit so we in addition to erosion control we might as well just take a look at where the matting gets placed just to make sure that the BBW is all covered before you guys get out there with your drill rig yep um and then notify the commission 48 hours before commencing work and then the rest of this is typical erosion controls erosion controls need to be maintained Stock B version controls typical order of conditions usually typical stuff that National Grid does anyway so it works out yeah it's at this point I think so many groups have seen these same list of conditions you know that everybody knows what they're supposed to be doing but all the town are sharing the good good special conditions between each other yeah de he's got them too um the last one that's bold is RO control devices shall remain in place and properly functioning until all explo soils have been stabilized with final vegetative cover and the Conservation Commission has authorized their removal much removal is authorized erosion control should be removed within two weeks sounds good all right so do any of the Commissioners um or or the applicant have any questions on the order conditions or the special conditions I guess for Bob and Jan's um information so this are the special conditions and then what I do is I electronically submit um the D to DP uh you know their the order of conditions with this attached um and then under our bylaw we actually have our own order conditions form that's very similar to the D P's order condition form that we also fill out um and these special conditions get attached to that too um and we do have 21 days to get that back to you Carolyn but um I usually expect them I try to get them out by the next week so by next Tuesday or so when our land Clerk's in the office and she can mail them out that's kind of my goal next Tuesday Thursday is if you can also at the same time send us a scanned copy of this uh order of conditions when it's ready we always love having that electronic version so we can have it sent to legal for review and um Sometimes some we can electronically record them as well yeah yeah I'm not I don't want to speak for Carrie but that's usually what she does the land clerk I think she sends an email with the scan version at the same time that she's mailing out the hard copy wonderful great all right then oh I must uh I just noticed the applicant it's Michael Tyrell there's no I in his last name oh okay good catch and there's two L's though so t y r r e l l that's what it was supposed to be and there's two RS yes there are he i' I've misspelled it one time and he corrected me and I will never forget again and you said yes there are which is kind of funny ours he was a pirate in a past life yes all right well thank you very much for coming thank you for kind of representing the project um and I hope that it all goes well I hope it's a great little project thank you we'll be in touch and thank you for all your time okay thanks bye bye I'm GNA I guess I'll stop [Music] sharing prob I'll just have to share again later oh shoot um I just totally blanked on well it's okay that she's not there we need a motion to um to approve the order of conditions I'd like to move that we uh approve the order conditions including the special conditions as drafted second seconds all right um um Douglas hi Rowan hi Wilson hi great time is it all right 7:30 Scott is still not here where is Scott Scott is on an airplane probably um all right so our next agenda item :30 is 5759 Shore Drive amended order of condition request for Donna and Gary West D file 28630 um yes and Jeff you're here I am here yes good to see you again yes um yeah my understanding was that this um had been reviewed and approved at the last meeting so this was mostly just to go over the order of conditions or the amended order um but yeah I think uh and speaking with Doug this afternoon um and I think he had had some correspondence with you that yeah that and in terms of the impact numbers described in the you know in the original order um haven't changed at all um so um yeah I think you know it's it's really kind of a formality in some ways but um just a slightly different footprint but the same um same project overall yeah um so we have a little issue that Scott isn't here so at our last meeting where um where where it was more presented Jan was there I was there Scott was there but Bob was not there so um like our previous one if I know you're you were driving in a car you probably can you share any plans or anything yeah absolutely do you mind giving just another a quick summary of the changes absolutely um all right so hopefully you can see this Bob um so what you see here obviously their property line um outlined in in bold what was previously proposed um as a footprint is shown in sort of light orange underneath um and just for various uh personal and family reasons they've had to slightly downsize what they were intending to do and so now we're looking at um what you see in blue um really without the garage um it mostly has to do with a you know no second floor and some reduced square footage area inside the inside the house but the um in terms of um its proximity to the edge of um bank and flood uh flood plane all those types of things storm water none of that has changed it's really just a subtle adjustment into the footprint um and so yeah I think like as I was confirming with Beth all the numbers that were originally presented in the um in the original order and um are still valid so nothing really is substantially changed in respect to the the project overall great thank you Bob questions yeah so the um the rectangle that uh was likely a garage that would that would just be a area there yeah I think it's going to be gravel for now they're they're just looking at a pstone driveway so that would just be an additional yeah parking space all right um if Bob's got no more questions um that's great um you can stop sharing okay great and I I will share the uh draft order conditions if I can get to it all right all right this is um draft special conditions for amended order of conditions for 5759 tour drive so it's amended so it's going to still have the same date as the the original order conditions and what we've added uh is just information about the changes um the applicant proposed changes to the project uh since the original order conditions project changes include changing the layout and footprint of the house including removal of the garage storage room and retaining wall on the north end of the building in addition of a raised deck on peers at the southwest corner of the building um these changes decrease the overall footprint of the house the former garage area will now be part of the gravel driveway there are no changes to the approved stormr management plan or planting plan for the site there are no additional impacts to Resource areas including the aura from the project changes um and then all amended portions of these special conditions are in bold so you know besides that addition um the order is the same as the original order until we get to I think we just added in the new set of plans so it's the not 71 plans dated April 10th 2024 the changes I don't think anything else is getting changed for re where are conditions yeah [Music] no um think there's anything I should point out to Bob and Jan previously approved um there have been some revisions since that approval but it's shrunk in size is that correct the footprint of the building right so I'm just trying to um make sure I have understand where we are in the process this had been previously presented to the commission and and uh uh the meeting closed is that correct um so there was an original order conditions that was all approved and this is an amendment they came forward with these changes yeah so they're trying to amend this order of conditions um and they you know they came to last meeting and and presented the changes for the amendment um and then they had actually come to the meeting before that to determine if a whole new noi was required or just an amendment and we voted that an amendment would be okay and then they came forward with these changes so yeah this is an amendment so you take so you basically take that original order and just add to it so that so all the all the conditions of the prev of the original order are still intact the date doesn't even change from when it's issued you still have the three years from the original issuing of the order gotcha and and because it's shrunk in size it's less impactful than what had previously been approved right yeah and and and they I you know if say they had actually changed like the square footage of impact to bvw or something that would get recorded in the New Order but based on the small changes that they're making there actually is no real change in square footage of impact to to the aura or to um boarding lab subject to flooding is on this site so and yeah the only the only special condition I thought that's sort of interesting is this one about chapter 91 which is something that we end up putting on a lot of projects that involve that are by the lake and people are using docks because they have to get their docks um they have to go through permitting under chapter 91 so sometimes we add that as a condition not you know just that they apply and then they let us know so yeah so that's about it Jeff do you have any concerns about the order the additions to the no the amended order okay no I think it's all pretty yeah straightforward okay great um do I have a motion to issue the amended order of conditions I'd like to recommend that we approve the amended order of conditions as view tonight second um okay Rowan hi Douglas hi Wilson hi all right great I should be able to get this all together and and get it out to some point next week Jee fantastic thank you very much okay no texts from Scott he uh so his plane got delayed because his plan was he was gonna get on the plane and then he was going to land actually in Hartford or whatever and be able to then Zoom like in his car or something but then his I don't know where he was flying from but um so a little a while ago an hour ago or so he texted and said that his flight was delayed all this what it's worth I I spoke with Chris Chamberlain from our office a little while ago and he said his flight got canceled entirely from Atlanta so yes and did you make it to the cape I did yes yes good job yes nice nice not to have traffic on a Thursday yeah it's good good day to drive down down there yes we got three minutes so we'll just wait it out actually I guess now we don't need anyway we needed him for the other two now he can come and really wouldn't matter Bob are you at your lake house or you at your I am yep I'm I'm in beautiful shsb massachusett nice and and Madam chair I think it's okay that I bring this up now um uh that I do live in um on the same street as the mums uh you know I remember nodding to Donna during CO as I I walked by um but I I don't see any conflict of interest in in in in that and just for the record um and I will submit the required paperwork for that additionally uh I have worked with the builder John before again I don't see any uh conflict of interest related to this particular project thank you for getting that on the record that's good all right so it's 7:45 so we've got on our agenda 14 Lake Drive um it's a request for amended order of condition Donna and Andrew McCollum um replacing a failing steel drain pipe to prevent catastrophic failure and to resume construction it's on the agenda um so Jeff yeah great um yeah so again Jeff Squire from the bir sh Design Group here um behalf of Andrew and Donna um Chris Chamberlain as I noted is out is out he was uh managing this project from our office but um here here on his behalf tonight so yeah I think we're um I'll I'll let Andrew and and Donna speak if they want but I think generally we're just seeking a um an amended order of conditions um due to the discovery of a drain pipe that wasn't um in the location that we anticipated based on the existing conditions plan um I'm happy to share um bring these up um so it was originally so just to orient you Lake Drive is on the bottom of the page here uh Lake wola BS the property um on the top um there's a culvert that ran underneath Lake Drive there's an outlet that's clearly visible um in Lake wola there's a section of um plastic pipe that that um sticks out into the lake so it was presumed that you know you connect point A to point B and um that's where the pipe was and unbeknownst to everybody was that it it came under the road and then did something different because as they were digging for the New Foundation in this location discovered um the pipe and sort of severed the existing um pipe that had run to Lake wyola which was an old steel uh smooth walled pipe that had crushed and and rusted over the years um but it had you know somehow been routed through the property and reconnected to Lake and so it's sort of halted construction due to you know obviously that that condition and so what we're seeking to do as part of this amended order is essentially reconnect where it joins at the road um replace it to a point and I'm happy to you know we engag in a discussion about um either connecting it to its current location or daylighting it um I know there were some initial concerns with daylighting um due to the adjacent septic system and Title 5 regulations but one of the discoveries we've had in the last several weeks um is that this this is in fact a tight tank it's not a leech field so um you know open surface water is a little bit less of a concern uh adjacent to that to that um septic element um yeah Andre Donna I don't know whether you have anything to add but I think um yeah we had a safe visit today and and um had a great discussion and so happy to happy to answer any questions or thoughts or yeah I could say a few brief things and then turn back to you Jeff or or to the Commissioners first I want to thank the Commissioners for your time in the site visit today our original request included two candidate amendments um and as Jeff just said now that we understand that the neighbors have a tight tank uh um then I think uh what we are proposing is to follow the second of the two plans described that indeed sends the water to Daylight and those plans are also detailed on page three of the amended order of condition plans uh um uh shown here um um and I'm happy to turn over to the Commissioners for any questions um yeah actually Jeff would you mind we could zoom in a little on this and and maybe you could just talk a little bit about the design for the daylighted section yeah so I think um where do we go here um so uh why ises this keep doing this so I think one of the um one of the nice discoveries of doing property survey was finding out that the the the existing outlet that outlets in this um short pre-cast section of of um or section of concrete wall um is is not actually the defining property boundary it actually extends you know 14 12 14 feet beyond that there's a uh dry stacked uh stone wall just beyond that concrete wall and I think it was originally conceived just by the way the vegetation has set up that that was the property boundary so we were pretty limited as to what we could do and there was concern about the Integrity of that concrete wall um so one of the you know again nice discoveries is that the property corner is actually Beyond um that that concrete portion and so it does provide some ability to regrade without you know a lot of work at the bank there's a couple of horses of stone that we would remove and then regrade there's a large um black Birch that's leaning in this loc actually it's right here um that leans you know at a at a pretty good angle toward the lake but it's it's withstood um it's withstood the last several years and you know it it was is a one of the few shade trees in the area and we'd really like to protect it so um you know I think in the site visit today the the idea was that um we would try to locate the end of um that Culvert section as close to the tree or as adjacent to the tree as we could without uh jeopardizing its root system and um uh the sort of Integrity of it but then create a Swale that meandered down to the lake um in a very naturalized way um I acknowledge that this was drawn by my um my coworker who's a civil engineer so it looks a little bit more like a civil engineer would draw it but um we've done one we did one very similar to um to this at Donna and Gary's house across a lake that we were just looking at um so it'd be really to you know remove there's a number of invasive species um there's some multifloor rows and honeysuckle that sort of comprise this hedro so is part of that remove those and replant this with a you know with a um with a restoration planting that was more appropriate and fitting for um for its location so you know U Mountain Laurel and um Winterberry and potentially some Holly something to still provide some privacy but also um you know really be an asset to the landscape um and give um storm water an opportunity to to Daylight before it um gets discharged directly to Lake wyola so so you're saying it would actually be a little longer than what's shown in this this I yeah I think we would try to extend it as far as we could um you know as close to the tree as within reason I think you know everybody really wants to save this tree so this would be some very careful excavation to understand where that existing pipe Culvert ends um and how to how to Daylight that in a way that produced the least impact to the tree um and so yeah it's it would be in this approximate location it's tough to say exactly yeah that's good and and you know as much as you're saying it's engineered I I I think it's good that it's um it's got quite a bit of of rock and boulders I mean I would want I would certainly want it to be planted and vegetated too but I think it's gonna have to have some beef to it because it's going to take some some water coming out of there something to dissipate the energy of the water um but I think that's a great um proposal um it will certainly be an improvement you know in the end it's actually surprising that you didn't get sort of sink holes in your yard because I it doesn't seem like that pipe was probably carrying much of the water the water was probably leaking out of the pipe all over the place um I think it was leaking into our basement yeah so it was getting into the soil and getting into your basement yeah yep um all right so other Commissioners you guys have questions at all um I I do how different would the uh H how different would the design be from what what you presented uh now Jeff I mean um go ahead go ahead Andrew I guess I would say I mean I think it's just very much has shown with just asking the commission for the leeway to determine the length of the Swale as you know determined on site when we're looking at the root of the tree system but other than that I think this represents exactly what you like and it's also described the text of the letter sent uh um the first three paragraphs after alternative analysis and the letter that we sent that's helpful is the 12-in pipe um in the uh same location as it would be as it as it follows your property boundary uh further closer to the road I think it is our best estimation that that's where it is yeah I think um ultimately just because of the experience of you know where we encountered it further into into the site um we would certainly you know investigate exactly where it crosses the road where you know where it comes out on this end and and Chase it from there um but I think this is yeah as good a guess as any at this at this point but that's helpful thank you very much yep and consider any kind of sediment trap that you can use to maintain the Swale into the future I mean I think part of the idea with the stone filled um you know Swale and the daylighting is that would serve as a sediment trap um that that you know that's that's where we would anticipate sediment to fall out and and dissipate rather than getting you know before it reached the lake um as opposed to a separate for Bay somewhere else I guess is what you're asking yeah um yeah I think the challenge is just how far back into the site we have to regrade and you know the type of storm water system that we're creating um indicated that you you should expect an awful lot of sedimentation sure in time and and that means you'll have to be able to clean it out and you don't have a lot of access to do that you know with Machinery right so one thing we could certainly do is that you know asking about changes but I think you know we'd often soften the edges of this Swale a little bit to be a little bit more naturalized but I think one thing that we could certainly do is um you know directly after the outlet of the pipe is create a small depression and just use some of the stone that we're filling um you know the the larger stones to to create sort of a sediment trap before it it you know Manders down to the lake um but that's something that we could certainly do as as a function of the design yeah I think that would that might be something to include sure yeah um yeah so tonight we're just really voting on um to whether we think it needs to be a notice of intent or an amended um order of conditions so if we go with the amended then there's going to have to be a public hearing which would be at our our next meeting um so Jeff or Chris will have an opportunity to kind of uh re revamp these plans according to kind of what Jeff was just talking about and present it to us again um at the uh next hearing just so Jan and Bob know how that would go um so I guess to Jan Bob do you guys have any questions in terms of determining whether you feel like this is a new notice of intent or or uh an amended order Bob yeah I I think it makes a heck of a lot of sense to do it as an amendment um this this has been in front of the the commission um uh and um uh I think they've rebounded very well from a a horrible situation to find a pipe right at the corner of where their new building will go and have done a a very well-crafted um plan to to cope with that so my recommendation would be that uh we continue to handle it as a as an amendment yeah me too um Jeff anything else to present or no I guess I would ask one question just in again it's purely to help them um you know keep the project moving just because this has stalled things for for a little bit longer than they anticipated um you know for everybody's standpoint um understanding that there is is an existing order of conditions and that um you know it seems like the majority of the clarification is going to entail you know how the end of the the outlet is treated is there any do you see any issue with them proceeding with you know construction of the house and Foundation knowing that this this pipe section is going to be replaced and that you know we will we will finalize plans for the outlet and you know how that discharge is is dealt with um you know again just understanding that this was all originally part of the original order yeah I'm I'm all right with that um you've basically continuing construction sort of under the existing order um with all of the things having to do with the pipe sort of being dealt with um at the same time to create an amended order yeah um Jan and Bob do you have any comments on that yeah I I I concur um and Andrew you're currently handling the storm water now correct um and you would be able to continue to handle that throughout the the the the the construction that you're doing correct yes absolutely yeah I I think it makes sense sense environmental sense to continue with the project yeah I think so too you've got that big hole there right it's just goal is to revegetate it and stabilize it as soon as possible right right um all right so I guess I'm looking for a motion um to make the decision that a notice of intent is not necessary and that we are requesting um an amended order I would like to make that motion all right second my second great um Douglas yes Rowan I and Wilson I all right so you guys will be on our agenda for May 23rd perfect wonderful thank you so much for your care and attention um yeah we really appreciate it yeah yeah thank thanks for the site visit today it was great yeah good day for it great to have you we had we had good weather for it yeah I appreciate your attention and to it all in your time yeah we appreciate you taking care of this this pipe and kind of doing the right thing I think it's great okay great thank you so much have a good night you thank you Jeff thanks Jeff all right bye bye [Music] bye all right um I have no unanticipated business does anybody else have anything nope no Carrie you have anything no I do not great all right then uh oh Bob yeah um I I was interested in um uh with with the the conservation trust that I work with uh and uh the commission that I work with um we uh we do hikes and it's often a good way to meet different people in town and show off the wonderful conservation property so anyway I just kind of wanted to put that on the table of something to think about um for this year I think that'd be great do you want to organize them I I I have found two locations that sound good and I'll try and flesh that out for our next meeting oh that would be great yeah that would be great I uh all these there's you know there's so many special things commissions can do and it's just um I guess having each commissioner kind of take on some you know tasks is is the way I'm finding that would be good to do it that that sounds great I would love to do that I'm sure people would you know people who live in shb if they heard about it would want to come all right um motion to adjourn oh Tom seford thank you sorry for the last minute thing um could I just ask you please is the public allowed to go to a site visit I heard you're going to have one on South Laural drive or to find out when or where it would be or when I I live on South Laural drive so I thought I might be interested or is it not public is allowed I think public members are allowed to come on site visits it's a good question Bob do you know do you usually yeah the um uh generally uh yes um the the property owner um Can exclude a uh a person from coming onto onto a property um and um if it's a publicly noticed um meeting uh in addition to being a site visit um any deliberation has to take place in a public place like a roadside or something like that okay um so yeah so Tom I I think I have your your email so I can let you know thank you I was gonna ask how I might contact somebody I appreciate that if you can thanks yeah and it might be next week I'm not sure the property owner had some stuff come up so okay so she just is delaying it and I I don't really know for how long she's gonna want to delay it but I'll keep you in the loop appreciate it thank you okay Carrie you have your hand up yeah my only thing was um I know in the NY packet there's like a site access authorization form that usually the um Property Owners give so I don't know if it had to be something similar with a member of the public I mean I'm assuming the property owner would probably have to provide some kind of like consent of some fashion yeah I think when I reach out to her I can you know mention that members of a M of the public would like to attend and see if if she cares at all yes yeah that sounds like a good way to go okay all right let's try again motion to adjourn oh I'd like to make a motion to adjourn Madam chair seconded great Douglas hi Rowan hi and Wilson hi all right thanks everyone thanks everybody have a great night you too good night