e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hi everybody hello oh no is that you Carrie no I think Scott was that you saying if anyone can hear you it sounds a little squeaky yeah is that that's your computer doing that oh I think he's rejoining oh it was Scott let's just wait for him to come back in is that better yes yep all right all right it's 7 o'clock I see we have four members here so we can start our meeting um I will call to order this meeting is April 25th 2024 I'll call to order this meeting of the shsb Conservation Commission um this meeting is being recorded how's everybody doing good good spring I know spring has finally sprung I love it um yeah I was out on the site visit that we had today and we had to do quite a hike but it was just beautiful and it was so nice out it was great I loved it um so we've had a few we've had some changes in our commission our commissioners here so first I want to um let everybody know that Robin um retired off of the commission and uh we want to thank her she's not on this call but um I you know I did thank her a lot and um you know she was on the commission for a number of years and did a great job so yeah for Robin she'll be around for the rest of the summer I believe before she's actually moving so um if you get a chance to see her she'll be around she's gonna have some yard sales to get rid of her stuff but they think they should be out of town by the end of the summer um and then we have two new members I see that Jan is here I I emailed dog Bob also today um but it looks like he isn't here and he didn't respond to the email um but I you know just invited both to come tonight even if you hav they haven't been sworn in but Bob um didn't respond but we'll see what his story is soon but Jan welcome to the Conservation Commission thank you Carrie you have a comment um I believe I talked to Grace this morning he has not been sworn in yet we should soon okay sounds good and um so yeah welcome danan um and sounds like you've been sworn in yep did that yesterday that's great that's great um I think since I mean we all sort of heard you know why you're interested in being on the commission before but but that was a while ago so would if you don't mind sort of just giving a little recap on your experience and sort of um why you're interested in the commission and well um what I said at the select board meeting the other night was I've spent half my life trying to restore natural resources and my field was Fisheries so trying to restore Wetlands or at least protect them is um kind of up my alley and I'm glad to try to help with that here in town great well welcome aboard um I guess maybe wa well Bob has a lot of experience with it already but um I'm happy to like provide resources for you and and for Bob um in terms of like you know getting copies of the regulations together and the and the bylaw and just just so you know our we have a bylaw that was recently passed by town meeting that's being approve uh reviewed by the Attorney General the State Attorney General right now um but that's a new a new bylaw should be coming back from the attorney general at some point and and hopefully all approved and good and then we have a new set of regulations that we pass relatively recently um the regulations are on the web page um but I can certainly I should probably put like a binder together for you of that and then there's the the state regulations and the the state Wetlands protection act um and then there's also the Massachusetts um Association of conservation commissions the Mac that has a wonderful web page uh they just had their annual conference in March which is always a good time um it's a big conference that they have in Worcester where you can uh you can go and there's lots of vendors and stuff but there's also they have their fundamentals of of education for being a commissioner they're sort of these little classes and typically at the conference they offer some of those but then all so um you know outside of the conference you can still you can still register with Mac to take some of those classes and all Commissioners we all have accounts with Mac so we can go in and use some of their resources and stuff like that so anyway I'm happy to put a lot of that stuff together just for new members um and I believe Robin was going to turn in some of her old references and things like that um Carrie I don't know if she did she leave anything in the office oh yeah I have plenty of stuff from her okay well if if you have any binders like that with some of that kind of stuff in it we should pass it on to new members as long as it's the most recent versions of the regulations and the yeah I haven't had a chance to look through it but I will when I get back in the office on Tuesday okay cool Beth is there specific training that's required what was that is there specific training that is required from Mac or wherever Mac um recommends that you do all of their they're fundamentals I think there's like 10 of them um it's not necessarily a requirement but it's a really it's a really great program Miriam you have a question no I was just gonna mention a couple things hi um uh you'll need to update Mac with the names and contact information for the new Commissioners because um they will get a login subscription to the handbook um the commission pays for each commissioner to have uh a subscription annually to the handbook which is a really good resource for understanding what the commission's doing I was just going to say that there is a Mac introduction for new Commissioners that's like a one-h hour training um and then there's the fundamentals which you just mentioned um but I believe the new introduction training is free I don't think there's a fee for it thanks okay thank you um anyway there's lots of info out there to learn about being on the Conservation Commission um okay so welcome and it's it's great to have a have a full house have five members it's going to be really helpful because we have a lot of stuff to do and it's it's it's good to have different people involved in site visits and um and just sort of different aspects of of because I can't cover everything that's for sure um all right so next on our agenda is minutes we uh carry put together the minutes for April 11th everybody had a chance to review those great um is there a motion what was that Mary looked okay to me looked fine to me they look great to me but I I was not in attendance um we need a motion to uh approve the minutes Mary motion to approve minutes all right I'll second I'll second just because Scott wasn't there so David hi I guess con I abstain Wilson I Rowan do I abstain here yeah you abstain because you weren't there so actually I don't really think that vote passes so wait so I was talking to Grace because once I sent those minutes out and with new people I was like is this even possible to um approve these and she said that um even if you weren't at the meeting and as long as you read them like you can still vote on them oh I didn't know that I also did not know that until today excellent Scott did you read them I did nice hi there we go all right three eyes and too okay did you set up your email by what's that did you set up your shoots Berry email by chance I did do you mind uh emailing me just a quick like hey so I have your email and I can add you on to the um the mailing list I will okay thank you all right great so am I just changing everyone to an i or are we redoing the motion I think you can just change to an i it was an okay motion we got four four eyes all right we have a few minutes before um our first hearing and um I know Mary I don't know if you mind sharing a little bit of what you found out at the Lake wola Association meeting about the letter that we sent so um George the president did come to um the meeting he had been asked by them to come to the meeting um and he talked a little bit about how their plan goes for our developing a plan for this year for repair and maintenance and um Dave Boren who's the person that actually uh does the plowing over here um will be doing an assessment he does an assessment on a yearly basis of all the roads um regarding what needs to be updated or repaired um he then prioritizes that um and provides it to the board of directors of lwa um they then reprioritize it and budget for what they um think will need to be done for that um and from our letter did say we had asked him to reply back within the 60 days he said it should be done way way before that so that we should be getting something back from them about what would be going on with that um the other thing that they're doing is um there is a request that's going to go to the select board um to establish a task force um that can look at some of the solutions both public and private um regarding the wet um and some of the concerns that that people have um so Mark will be taking that to them for a discussion to see if if they'll actually set up a task force to look at some of the issues in regards to um brainage and in that um and they're actually still waiting for the report um to come from furog that's still with the D which is supposed to do the same thing identify where issues are what repairs could be done and then would need to be prioritized for doing that so they're still waiting for that to happen too I think it would be great if if if they do end up with some kind of a task force if again we had somebody on that task force and I don't know Mary if you're at all thinking of being on I mean who knows if the task force will eventually become a thing but um if it does it would be great to have somebody from the concom on it yeah I I think um well part of that will be once they decide to do it would be setting up the purpose and the membership and I and I do think it's important from somebody from the conservation committee I do think the highway department um also since they do a lot have a lot of experience with that um but that will be up to the select board to take a look at some of what should be who should be on the membership for doing that yeah yeah know that all sounds great I after you were talking about that I mean having a group like a task force that can spend some time and energy looking at you know specifically drainage around Lake wyola and working with furog and and applying for some grants and you know just getting some funding for some bigger repairs and projects would be be really great yes I think it's a great it's a great move to be able to do that so yeah cool right well it's 7:15 so start our first project um this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth an act relative to the protection of wetlands as the most recent as recent most recently amended and the town of shutesbury General Wetlands protection bylaw it's a hearing for the E5 F6 transmission RightWay noce 7 tent um and Heidi are you here to talk about that project I am yes great thank you for having me can everyone hear me okay y great my name is Heidi graph I'm with BSC group group I'm here tonight on behalf of my colleague Aras Cruz he was double book for meetings tonight uh he met Beth out in the field earlier this afternoon uh we're I'm representing uh New England power company for their geotechnical uh soil boring program for two structures along the E5 F6 transmission line right of way the purpose of the borings is to evaluate subsurface conditions to use for planning and design of the future structure types for a upcoming replacement project so there will be at a later date in future years the full uh replacement project that's presented to the Conservation Commission but in the shutesbury uh area we just have two borings to present to you at this time structure 443 is accessible off of Pratt Corner Road we'll be using the eversource right of way it kind of crosses um two structures up from 443 so we'll use an existing access um and cross into our right of way 443 itself is located in the outer Riverfront area associated with nurse Brook would it help if I showed a map and just keep rambling let me show my map all right at the right screen and let me get to 443 so this right here is showing the off- right of way access so using the eversource RightWay uh we'll need to span a stream here um unless the covert is fully functioning at the time it looks like we'll need to span that there with some matting um and then we'll cross continue up their right of way and of course my pages aren't transitioning got there then we cross into the National Grid or New England power RightWay and travel um Southward down the right of way there are several uh sections where we'll be crossing a wetland so we'll use temporary construction matting the wetlands in this area are outstanding resource Waters so there will be additional best management practices utilized when installing the matting making sure that there's no sediment or uh other material that get into any of the wetlands in the area so that is shown by the hatching and then we'll get down to the structure so the boring itself is not located in a wetland but it is um within the 50 Foot no disturb Zone the outer Riverfront area of nurse Brook and then they would turn around and exit the same way they came each borings uh typically take one to two days depending on how uh deep it is to the restrictive layer when they hit thatrock U but they've typically take between one or two days the machine if anyone has seen it it's a small tracked rig um it generally there's very minimal disturbance with the tracks moving in especially using the construction matting we're going to really minimize any disturbance in this area um any disturbance from boring will be temporary they'll be replacing any of the soils they take out after the testing is complete and during the testing these soils will be placed uh to the side so they can put it back in after and then stabilize it before I move on to structure 436 is there any questions on 443 so do they basically uh go as deep until they hit Bedrock is that the goal or do they have a certain depth it's typically about 30 or 40 feet but if they hit the that restrictive layer at 10 feet they stop at 10 feet right and and what if it's very wet um soils I guess are they still I guess able to put them put all the cuting back into the hole or is there any potential that soils are going to have to be taken off site I'm thinking of how wet would be wet because if it was they they typically try to avoid them if it's you know if if in this location they could shift it 10 feet you know Northeast let's say it's level and they can shift it 10 feet Northeast and be a little further away from that Wetland boundary the contractor will do that to try to avoid you know getting into those wetter areas but what they'll typically do if it is a wet soil they'll place it on Filter Fabric so they can put it back in the hole easier than if it's just dry soil o I'm wondering how it would work if it was like a mck consistency yeah that's what I that's really wet I mean and do they do they show up sort of like you said it takes two days but do they bring soil to the site if if they need to use it to fill in the the boring I guess if the like they could if they needed to and if that is something that the commissioner would like to have specific specs as a a condition that's something we can do okay anything else on this one one other thing before I change Pages the orange hatching here this is the natural heritage endangered species um priority and estimated habitat layer so there are rare species in this section of the right of way National Grid and New England power as a subsidiary has an approved operation and maintenance plan with natural heritage that allows for specific maintenance activities to be conducted without requiring a Misa checklist so the activities in here will be completely done under the operation and maintenance plan that is approved with natural heritage that's now structure 436 this one is accessed off of Sand Hill Road uh this one again we have that boring is right on the edge of that Wetland line so I expect this one would shift a little bit to get it out of uh the Wetland as much as they can the matting that we're showing here we we're showing the typical work area they like to have a 50x50 work area where they can but they typically would not mat they only mat what they need so if they contract gets on site and identifies that they could do all their work from right out here and maybe only need a few mats to just have a level area for the soil boring rig then that's what they would do instead of matting the whole work area if they don't need it so they'll only this is showing kind of that maximum amount of temporary disturbance that would be needed but they will only do what is necessary to safely execute the soil boring at that location so again we have uh outstanding resource Wetland uh we will not have any matting within the stream uh if they did we would have had to span that stream bank and shift that whole work pad what direction Southwest for them so that way we'd be able to span any banks and not have impacts in that area um we are in the 50 Foot no disturb Zone and access is in the 100 foot buffer zone again same deal with the so boring rig 1 to two days and they'll stop when they hit that restrictive layer in this area since they do have an Upland space to work with I think it would be conducive for them to place any soils when they're doing the boring in the Upland side of this area as opposed to you know if there is matting as opposed to staging anything on the matting um but if they had no other option they would put Filter Fabric underneath the the soil on that matting while it was temporarily displaced I can go into more details and discuss more of the narrative but that covers it in a big nutshell do you want me to go any other details no I guess my only um questions and maybe you have more information really is about the cuting I mean if you you pull out the cuting and it happens to be a rainy day you know there's you're not really proposing any type of um erosion control around the soil pile cutting pile for either of the two locations and then they also just concern like you start drilling and you you have you you find quite a bit of water and you actually have to almost dewater the hole um again like how is that going to be handled is there going to be an area for that a dewatering area again that has erosion control around it I get that these are pretty small borings I think arasi said like four to six inch so you know everything if if there is some fluid that has to come out of them it's not going to be a lot okay if there's soil coming out of them it's also not going to be a lot yep but um you know just just to maybe PR prepared and have on have in our conditions we can say that you know erosion control would be placed around these the soil piles absolutely yep that's absolutely understandable and they typically have do have sediment erosion controls with them in case they're needed so that is absolutely um a condition that is that's definitely acceptable okay great so Beth you went on the site visit today did you have any concerns about getting St things in and out or doing the work in those two areas I think the access Roots routs look pretty good especially if the machines got tracking um both access routes as far there you know they're they're way definitely good ways to get in but they were both wet in a in a lot of sections this location for example where the boring is um placed right now on this map um was was wet it had probably four inches of water it was you know a low area and it had water in it um but as Heidi was saying you know if that's the case they would probably move the boring up like if you move the boring to the north you would very quickly get out of that that very wet area so I'm assuming when you actually go to do the boring you're going to find a spot that's not you know got four inches of water um sitting in it um and then the access road for the other one is is quite a long distance and again there are some streams that smaller streams that come through but it looks like there the matting is going to be placed in any any area where it's needed to be placed so I'm all right with that too that whole access road that comes along the eversource is um like shrap shrap Rock large large pieces of rock is what that road is made out of so the road itself I think is very stable it's just that there's a few of these smaller streams that literally cross right over the The Rock uh the Rock Road there which I would think those are going to be matted right IDI yes they would span over um they would make a little air bridge over any um streams so that way there's no Timber mats directly in the water or impairing the flow of any of the streams um and they'll also sometimes they even will span uh culs depending on the weights of any Vehicles cross crossing over it or if the cul seems to be in disrepair to prevent any damage they would span those as well as they're needed mhm yeah I think that cover you were just showing is actually a a huge concrete I think that one's a massive one yeah it's a massive beautiful box covert concrete box covert it's the covert that they all coverts wish to be yes yes it is um so yeah know the access roads seem seem doable as long as the the streams are matted yeah and that's a standard um best management practice that is that any of their contractors or National Grid um New England power I usually I'm really good at saying the subsidiary name but not tonight um that is a standard best management practice they do great all right um um any other Commissioners have any questions no I'm I'm good okay do any members of the public have any questions about this project no guess not I can't really see um can you take down could you not share would you take sharing of course great then I can see the faces and see if anybody's raising their hands all right well I don't see any more questions on the project um so we can close the public hearing then um we need a motion to close the public hearing we make a motion to close the public hearing second I'll second all right David hi con hi Rowan hi Wilson I um all right um so the public hearing is closed and we'll work on putting together the order of conditions and we'll have them at our next meeting which is May 9th um so and we can put that on the agenda for 7:15 again is that all right Carrie does that work out we don't have anything else do we no we don't have anything else at the moment okay so why don't we say 7:15 for this project again on May 9th great thank you so much thank you thanks for coming good night you too all right it's past 7:30 so we can move on to our next um public hearing this for 5759 Shore Drive it's a amended order of conditions I'll do my Spiel this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws the Commonwealth and act relative to the protection of wetlands as most recently amended and the town of shutesbury General Wetlands protection bylaw uh hello dog dog yes hi Beth um hi everyone uh thanks for uh having us back um uh formally uh this go round um so uh my name is Doug s I'm working with birkshire Design Group we are working with Gary and Donna West the owners of 59 Shore Drive uh and here on their behalf to request uh this amended order of conditions uh this evening uh the uh reason for the request was that uh they found that they changed the they did some architectural changes um uh still in the in the design process uh which resulted in a slightly smaller footprint uh for the proposed dwelling um as uh one of the big moves was uh not wanting to build the garage uh at this time but still have a parking area in in the space that that would be a garage so to still hold a kind of potential footprint for that but uh uh and then uh changed some interior architecture so that it had an overall reduction uh in the in the footprint of the proposed house uh it's it's largely uh in the same location um and uh no other uh site work is is uh proposed to change that would impact uh adversely impact uh the buffer area or the flood plane um can I share an image oh nope not that nope not that either sorry slight complications there we go can everybody see this uh image here uh this the plan that I'm currently showing was the site plan that was approved uh in the order of condition i s in November 10th 20 23 last fall um and uh the uh uh this is the driveway this is a 59 uh Shore Drive uh with um a pstone driveway that was leading to uh a two-car garage and a two-story single family home uh the home is located uh within the setbacks of the property and uh is this line here that I'm following with my mouse which is 85 uh is 8 35.7 is the 100-year flood plane um and uh the uh old proposal was slightly AB budding that so there was a little bit of of regrading into the flood plane and then some additional flood storage added by uh a change in uh the Culvert drainage system that that previously had cut directly across the property from uh the road Culvert uh and then directly uh exited the lake uh that pipe was uh removed uh there was a a new uh drain manhole installed previously there was a kind of an open hole um and so now there's uh actually a covered manhole that can be cleaned out with a sump uh and then that uh drains around the proposed house and then doesn't daylight into the water but but uh Daylights about 60 feet away from the water uh through a runnel with vegetation and uh a larger cobblestone in order to uh slow and filter the water before it would eventually exit uh into the lake uh and be uh just having a little bit cleaner so this is what was approved um the uh change is shown here the old house is in this sort of salmon color orange pink depending on how you see color uh that's that's in the background um and the footprint of of that uh the dwelling unit uh with garage that's sort of under this space and the shed area here uh is a total of about uh 1,875 1875 square feet uh front PCH was here and on the back uh there is a a a porch uh here access to to the backyard in this light uh blue is the proposed uh modification of that design so it uh abuts the uh flood plane uh 100 foot flood plane uh here but doesn't en encroach it uh and then uh this uh uh footprint for this house uh is only about, 1300 uh square feet uh if the space that they're reserving for the garage is about 470 square feet so we're looking at uh 770 versus the previous footprint of of 8 1875 so there's approximately 105 square foot uh reduction uh the area that's shown uh here in blue is a is a a covered porch covered by the second story and then this extension here is uh an open deck that just has uh 4x4 uh Pier footings in this area so um uh it is a little closer than the previous footprint but it is a nominal um effect and is still uh outside where the posts would go are are outside of this uh flood plane location uh the line that I'm dragging across here was the uh proposed regrading so would would would result in being the the new uh uh 8357 uh flood 100-year flood plan line uh with the new grading of the plan so so the result of this largely is a reduced footprint of the house uh and none of the other proposed uh site work uh vegetation um and uh along the edge of shrubs and proposed trees uh and the uh Meadow buffer along the edge uh of the lake uh and uh the way that storm water is being managed uh none of that is is proposed for uh change um it it seems to be in a net benefit for at least storm water management where there's a reduced footprint uh uh and reduced uh overall impervia surface uh and that um uh that would then be uh leading to be uh captured into the drainage system and uh and and processed in that regard the challenge with the house it has a uh tight tank is what it's using instead of a septic field so this is what get regularly pumped out this is located uh to be a minimum of 50 feet from the well which the existing well is to be retained in this location here and also uh require the tight tank requires being at least 10 feet from the house so the house is kind of restricted to be in this uh location based on these other uh requirements that that the dwelling needs um but that uh isn't pushing the house uh further uh into the flood plane uh so uh so that's that's uh largely the change and wanted to see if there were uh any questions about this was the the regrading that you were pointing out that then then uh brings the level down to the the flood plane level um was that all approved previously it was yes okay so that's where we needed the comp storage that you you're already providing that you were talking about with the sale and the exactly exactly correct there was a little bit of fill and there was an additional cut so we ended up with a net uh increase a nominal increase but uh uh a uh we did not lose any flood storage in that uh compensatory storage requirement okay and the garage area is that going to now be pstone is like the driveway going be this uh it would either be pstone or it would be uh uh p I think their plan is to is to is to keep it uh pstone to follow the driveway but this would allow them to park in this location um one thing that I do want to point out there was a and I'm going to flip back to the previous approved site plan there was a retaining wall that held the a turn around for the driveway uh and uh abutted this little uh extra this was a shed that was attached to the garage and part of the main uh footprint of the building uh and that retaining wall we were able ble to um remove that retaining wall so that we're having kind of less of an impact and now we've been able to reduce the slope on the Northern end of the property so that will that will help in um slowing down drainage and and uh and having less infrastructure on site but yes that that should be pstone in this area I think is the current plan okay um and forgive me but I I know you said send a revised plan but did did you send revised an actual revised noi or well just revised numbers I guess for impact and stuff like that because we need to for the amended order of conditions we need to have any changes to Resource area impacts and stuff if there's number you know the actual values if those changed uh I I did send over uh the this plan over uh to carry but did not include a a summation of those numbers I'd certainly um you know I'd certainly be happy to to do that uh after this uh call or or it could be um you know added as a you know a condition in in the memo for for that Amendment certainly be happy to send that over if that is something that you need it is yeah because we we basically revised the order of conditions we make an amended order of conditions and and if there's changes in um like the impact numbers that go in the actual D form that's what that we need that there's not uh yeah I'll have to look at that there's not any changes to the uh bank or the uh flood plane and it would be uh I guess a change in uh a slight change a reduction of 105 feet uh within the buffer right yeah so actually so not necessarily the D form but we also have our own um bylaw form that we fill out that includes the numbers so that square footage in the aura um is is needed okay I don't think uh yeah I I can look at that uh I think when this was approved it was uh grandfathered in on the previous uh Wetland regulations prior to the new regulations being uh implemented but uh I'd be happy to look at the aura if that is something that is required yeah it would yeah we have our our form that we've been using so yes yes I'd be happy to do that um okay is that something that I could uh just email uh to you and to uh Carrie yep okay great perfect um besides that I have no questions um any other questions any other members of the commission have some questions or concerns no no no okay um do any members of the public have questions or concerns oh Miriam hi thanks I was just going to say that we did um when this uh order of conditions was issued we did Issue two separate permits one under the byot and one under uh the wetlands protection act um so the form did quantify the amount of alteration for buffer zone impact right those are the numbers that we just need to change because the impacts have changed a bit great yeah I'd be happy to get those numbers over to you okay all right any any other comments from anyone nope all right do we have a motion to close the public hearing I motion to close the hearing ni second can I ask Beth just on that point if we close the hearing they can that can still send over the information we've asked for he can still provide to us correct yeah I think that's fine yeah we've asked for it and he's going to provide it so I second all right um David up stain con I Rowan I and Wilson is I all right so again just like the previous one we'll work on the order conditions um and we'll get that information from you Doug that would be great okay great so then we'll we'll bring back um a prepared um order conditions to review with you on May 9th okay and Carrie should we put that on the agenda for 7:30 I can do that okay sounds good if that works for you Doug 7:30 uh that should work just fine yes okay great great I'll get those numbers over to you guys uh promptly and we'll go from there all right thank you very much wonderful thank you all right 10 of eight we're doing so well um next on the agenda is site visit scheduling um let's see we heard this week from the folks that own Jeff Lacy's Old Farm on U pum Hill Road Baker Road corner there um and I I it sounds like they have some areas where well yeah we'll see what they want to do they they have some areas that sounds like they're a little wetter than than they would like um and so in addition to all you know the Wetland regulations there's also a conservation restriction on that property um so right now we just thought we would go do a site visit and talk to the owners and see what they're interested in doing um and see where to go from there so if we could schedule that next week there's my phone the um the woman I think it was a woman um Mariah Shore I think is her name she seems to be very flexible with her time I think the only day she said that she's normally not available for is Wednesday afternoons all right um Tuesday or Thursday work for me in the afternoons what works for you guys Scott you have any availability you seem to be back in town now this so exciting you're muted yeah thank you I am back in town I um I can go Thursday but it wouldn't be until after work but we're getting more sunlight now so I don't know if that's too getting too late or not but um that would be a possibility if that worked out um how how late are we talking five Thursday the 2 is my last meeting is at 5: so if I get out of there and get home it would be like 5 30 or or so if I did on my way home okay yeah that's getting a little [Music] late um I don't know Mary and Jan what do you what's your availability and feelings about a site visit we have this other site visit for um another amended order conditions at 14 Lake Drive um that actually would be great if we could combine the two I like doing that one day of site visits um available what you know earlier if that's is it that you normally take two people to do a site visit as many people as are interested to to see the site um is great and it is good to have at least two I feel like like um so next Tuesday or Thursday Jan you sound like you might be available Mary are you available at all me yeah I could probably do the Thursday if that's the day okay all right well why don't I check in with the folks at 14 Lake Drive maybe we go to 14 Lake Drive first Scott if you don't mind missing that one and then yeah then okay and then play the Baker Road one for a little bit later so that you can join for that one yeah and that's on my way home so I could maybe make that one a little earlier too okay like if they say five 515 yeah but I think 515 might be doable yeah all right that sounds good just because you know we had kind of thought that you were you were going to be the you know conservation land and then conservation restrictions and all that you know if you kind of want to be the man for that so this one has a conservation restriction which um actually hey Carrie yes if that conservation restriction is around and it's not too large of a document and it's electronic so it's not electronic and are you talking about just the like agreement the Restriction itself like just I should be able to scan that and send that the file I will say is quite large but it's probably not like it's probably like all the documents before it became um conservation restriction and then any kind of like monitoring so I'll flip through it and I'll try to concise it down that would be great yeah if it's if it's if it's small enough thing that you can scan and send yeah I can figure it out okay well and if you have questions let me know too okay but anything that we can just distribute to everybody so everybody has a copy of it would be great um when you're talking with them Beth I don't know if you have any flexibility for Monday or Wednesday but I have I don't have meetings as late in the day so if that one doesn't work for Thursday if those other two are possibilities let me know okay yeah I think the owner and Wednesdays didn't work for her um Monday Monday works for me um so why and I check in with both of the two property owners and see what we can set up but maybe mon Monday or Thursday so all right um I don't have any more business does anybody have anything else oh I actually do have one question so when I was going back through one of the minutes well finishing up one of the minutes there was talk about the um the master fee schedule and whether it had to go to a public hearing or not in order to go have you talked to Ria at all about that um I haven't um I think it does I think actually they already voted on that at the select board didn't they yeah I but for them to be because I know that the regulations passed and then they had to wait for the uh warrant article to pass at special town meeting and then they voted on that recently so I was wondering if it was just automatically connected to the regulations now that it's been approved as such or if they had to go to public hearing because I talked about this with Grace and she feels like that they don't have to go to a public hearing and it should be okay okay well that was before me asking today so yeah the only the only reason why I think it it might is that we changed the fees a little bit yeah you know select board wanted a change we made a little change we we approved the change as a committee but we didn't necessarily have a public hearing but yeah I can find out about it and um hope hopefully we don't but even if we do um maybe at the next meeting we just you know put that on our agenda as a as a public hearing we open we talk about the change we see if any public has any comments on it and then we close it um it's not a you know a huge deal to just have that be part of one of our regular agendas we'd have to to to post it you know legal ad um I will say that for the regulations for public I don't think we ever me and maram ever put out legal ads oh really yeah okay so yeah um so that's something else we can talk about but um what was I gonna say uh yeah the reason why I asked is because with these amended orders of conditions with these new reg uh regulation fees I believe there should be a flea a flea fee that we um collect so that's why I I brought it up because we've had so many so I was trying to figure out if I should be asking for the fee or not but it kind of seems like it's up in the air whether it's right now or later after a public hearing so yeah let me find that out I will'll find that out and and let you know um and if we don't then we can start collecting fees right away okay all right all right I had one just update too I've been talking to Penny about uh meeting over the Quin Woodlands track to take a look at possible parking for that and I think she had looked at that before so I um I was planning to meet her on May 19th in the morning that's a Sunday morning I think we arranged to meet at 9:00 if anyone is interested in joining or I can cover it too I want to put the invite out there so just let me know all right thanks um also just looking at my calendar Scott I saw May 3 um DPW noi I think we had tentatively scheduled another meeting with Steve um to talk about the noi on May 3 I don't know I have that in my calendar yeah I do too actually so okay cool um okay I have no more business if if nobody else has anything we can make a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I second all right con hi David hi Rowan hi Wilson all right see everybody in a couple weeks everyone bye