for e e e e for for can you hear me yeah okay I can hear her too hiy Robin hey there where did you go on vacation see my kids in Virginia and North Carolina oh nice nice very Grand grandkids yes I have one grandchild he's a little over one and a half wonderful time with him that's great that's fun very fun everybody's having grandkids me lots of other people seem to be which is great for Hey Beth can you hear me okay yeah yep you sound great you made it home can you hear me now I can okay I said you made it home I made it home traffic was okay pretty okay yeah did you take Route two I did yeah I've I've been on route two an awful lot gota be on it again tomorrow my mom lives in Acton and she's you know 88 and needs a lot um so I feel like I'm on that road awful lot I grew up in acting you did no no way no IW up I grew up in Acton oh I went to uh there through sixth grade which school I went to Miriam yeah I went to Conan that's crazy that is crazy you're a lot younger than I am I don't know about that um where did you where did your family live we lived on brucewood road which is yeah it's kind of kind of hard to describe but uh it's off of it's actually off of Route 2A okay yeah um I grew up on Hosmer Street which is off a conquered road which is off 2A yeah right near the cemetery like across kind of that neighborhood in there there you go that is crazy it's TR we were mowing each other's lawers something get my glasses I'll be right back that funny is y Mary's here okay good got everybody all right it's 7 o'clock um March 14th 2024 I'm calling this meeting of the shsb Conservation Commission to order uh this meeting is being recorded all right um first thing on our agenda is minutes why don't we go ahead and do do that we've got two sets of minutes September 28th 2023 and October 8th 2023 uh anybody have any comments or change no I met with Carrie today and we made a few you know edits great Carrie's got her hand up yes Carrie yeah I just noticed that it's it's October 5th it says that on the minutes but I wrote it incorrectly on the agenda but thought I okay my bad good to know yes October 5th somebody's uh should mute themselves I hear background noise um all right if we're if everybody's okay with the minutes somebody want to make a motion I make a motion that we approve uh the minutes for September 28 and October 5th 2023 second all right Harrington hi con hi David David hi and Wilson hi I know I'm trying to figure it oh is that your is your Mary is it your background noise yeah I'm troubled hearing so it's okay don't hear anything anymore so it's all good all right um there's a lot of stuff going on um let's see I'm can start with um I met with the um met with this the select board select board looked at our our fee table so we we have fees in our new regulations that we just passed but the fees need to be approved by the select board so this week I went to the select board meeting um and shared a sort of comparison table which I can show you guys if you're interested it's comparing our proposed fees with fees from other towns something actually that Miriam had worked on a little bit before she left and it went really well um the select board was fine with all of our fees we we agreed that the notice of intent fees were a little high because with a notice of intent you have to submit a fee to the state and you there's a fee that gets calculated um through the state application and the town gets half of that anyway so say it's an application where the state fee is $200 the town gets 100 state gets a 100 so what we have in our table and in our new regulations are actually local fees that are on top of that state fee so we just looked at those and looked at some other towns like ammer for example doesn't charge any additional local fee they just take the state 50% with notices of intent um so we looked at that and we decided to keep a local fee but divide but divide them in half so like $100 for the simplest noi now has a $50 uh local fee in the end though because the state has a $100 fee we're going to get half of that so we get $50 from the state application we get 50 on our local fee we get 100 bucks for basically the simplest noi um so that's that's that's where we're at with that um and I think we just make that little change to to the fees and we make it one of our changes to the regulations when we we're going to have to go back and update our regulations be because of some of because of the bylaw that we sent had a few little Chang that ended up having to be changed in the regulations so we kind of have a running list of a few things that need to be changed again with the regulations um so when we go back and make those changes and do a public hearing for changes to the regulations uh we'll add in those changes to the fees um and if you guys have any questions I can share more info about that but it's pretty it's pretty and if you look at um you look in the RS and you see what what we've got in there what we're really proposing and then I don't know if you look back at our old regulations and bylaw you'll see that all we were really charging for were rdas and nois and it was $25 for sort of real anything that wasn't like single family home and then there was I forget now there was there was a little bit of an additional fee that you could add on but we just we didn't really have much of a fee at all under our old system so this this is great we've got a fee for certificates of compliance we've got um fees for amended orders of conditions so it's uh it's it'll be good it'll be really great to be getting some money that we can use for administering the state and local rags and and stuff so that's that um also Scott and I met with um Steve Sullivan from the DPW and Becky and talked about doing an abund a bundled noi having the DPW do a bundled noi um Scott I don't know if you want to share some info about that meeting yeah be Happ to it was a really positive meeting I think um we talked just generally about you know the the bylaw that we had before the new bylaw and the state Whitland cons a act and how we can work to with the highway department to best support them and um ensuring compliance with all of that as they're doing their um Highway projects and really um I think we had discussed an approach of dividing their work up into three kind of bundles um there's maybe one set of activities that would be exempt activities under the byw Wetland Conservation act where we could enumerate those but they can just go ahead and perform that work um their kind of regular routine maintenance work um associated with the roads there would be another bundle of work where they could do that work U but they would need to let us know so maybe some activities like emergency type activities where they're needing to take care of things that they would coordinate that with the concom and then maybe another set of projects that might be a little bit more specific where we would need to spell out what some of those conditions were and so we uh we did talk about using some templates that we the other towns have used to kind of pull that bundle noi together that Beth was talking about and I think Steve is going to go back and take a look at projects that they had upcoming for the year uh to to bring those so we could talk through that further and um we talked about getting together again I don't remember exactly what the dates were but it was later on I think it was later on this month I think or early might have been early April but that a report I don't know if folks had any questions on that I thought it was a really positive meeting yeah I did too I think when we made some progress you know just in kind of setting up the scope of what the noi will consist of and now everybody's gonna do a little homework and um it's gonna be great I can't remember when the next meeting is either it's in my calendar all right right this time before I forget um okay um what else we got a assuming you guys saw the email from cestro um landfest about the Baker Fields Conservation Area did you guys see that yes yeah so um that sounded fine to me you know they wanted to put up these two structures one was a little Farm Stand and one was some kind of a Corral kind of thing um and I thought that was fine Castro thought it was fine so yep yep yeah look good yeah I guess where this is bakerfields must it's it's right at the corner of Baker and pum Hill right Jeff Lacy's old property does anybody know that that's from the M I think that's where it is should know but pretty sure that that's what we're talking about that area over there so okay what else oh um email from a resident on Pine Drive um I'm not sure if this ended up going to everybody but there was a resident from Pine Drive who emailed about drainage um and drainage sailes and these two little settling basins over there Pine Drive is off of shore drive down by the lake and I know I went on a site visit there with with Miriam and Mary I don't remember if anybody else if either of you guys were with us this was a while ago um but anyway it sounds like a lot of the same issues um maybe Mary do you want to expand on as you're down there you know what's going on yeah there's a the short drive has been really bad this year um with potholes and you know the water overflowing the culverts and draining down directly into the lake um it really they they really need to be cleaned out so there's a lot of emails going around about fixing the road up a private person fix did F fill in the poles but the culs are all filled with leaves and filled up again and that's why they're flowing over and creating the poles and trying to get the town or lwa because everybody has different opinions to kind of address the issue has been a real challenge right so this Resident was sort of reaching out to us asking for support um you know see if we can communicate with um lwa and and lwac a little bit um so I was wondering if anybody wanted to do another site visit out there um I mean I do think it's a benefit to take a look at it um oh yeah because beyond all the issues that people raise I mean I do live here you know I have holes in front of my yard and now I have a deep trench from the rain coming down um I can't fix the culs but um somebody needs to figure out a work plan and to work and to work with the town to see who who uh can figure this out yeah so I'm happy to do a safe visit our L meetings on Saturday too so I'll bring it up there um okay more discussion yeah that sounds good but it would be nice that other people besides just me to kind of look at what people are talking about um how I'll send an email around for to set up a site visit time you know maybe for next week okay okay all right all right it's um 7:16 um I found this official thing that in Hammer the chair always reads when they open hearings so here we go this hearing is being held as required by the provisions provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth and act relative to the protection of wetlands as most recently amended um and I don't have our article for our BAS I'm just going to say and the town of shb wetlands protection B this um hearing is for notice of intent for 74 Lake Drive all right so um Ryan who's who's here to talk about the project hello name is Cole Modesto for Arc Associates I'm here representing Mr Pickering for 74 Lake Drive property here we filed for a notice ATT tent uh if it's okay with commission I'd like to share my screen show the plan yeah let me know if you guys can see that I don't see anything yet now I see some me too okay well the project is uh consisting of a remodeling of an existing home there will be a proposed garage outside of any limit of work any uh sorry any buffer zones uh the project will include a silt fence around the entire limit of work uh there will there has been there will will be some trees taken inside of the buffer zone uh would like to note that a portion of these trees are detrimental they're leaning over the existing house uh the existing house it will not be growing in a a shape or form it'll just be some renovation going on with it uh along with this project there is also been a filing of the nhp uh because there will be there is an existing dock that we were bringing up to code and lure and we wanted to make sure obviously we're not violing anything so with the fin of the nhp nhp we have a determination back from them saying that there is a no Take that there is no no issue with the existing Dock and that that should solve that um the trees around the house are leaning heavily over the the house and they kind of are causing a little problem for the owners uh other than that there will be a new septic system uh being placed right if you guys see my cursor there'll be a new septic system be pump a pump system onto a about retaining wall here the reason for the retaining wall is because right up about here this the beginning of the site it is about like 9 feet higher than the existing house so this helps ease off the flow of everything um as well as a limit as little tree clearing goes there will be the only other work being done inside the buffer zone is the a new walkway access from the garage down into the existing house I'd be happy to answer any other questions you guys have any um yeah I think I have a few I'm sure the other concom members too um are you guys filing uh for chapter 91 for the doc uh yes needs to be for both the docks right I believe the intent is just is to reuse the existing dock it's just a uh it's just a removable aluminum seasonal dock you know the you know the typical kind that you place right down on those four legs it still needs to be permitted with the chapter 91 right right the file has gone through and we actually have a a comment back saying that it's okay oh I don't think I've seen that both I don't see it for both docks though I believe the intent is to reuse just the one so you you submitted permitting for for one of the docks I believe so I I can absolutely check into that yeah I think I think that'd be a question um because both of them are seasonal removable docks right yes it's currently just an aluminum dock that pulls right out right yeah yeah so we we need to see something about from the chapter 91 folks about about both of them absolutely okay um my other question had to do with um well I have a couple questions but one is just do you know how many trees within within the 100 foot buffer zone you're planning to take down yeah actually believe Mr Pickering uh had just did a site visit with the town and I believe the the total number that they came to was 10 trees are inside of the 100 foot buffer zone that are proposed to be removed okay yeah that that was me kind of like estimating but that's what I said but maybe maybe he walked around and actually counted them after we left but I was sort of just kind of glancing and I was like it looks like about 10 but I guess we would want to about correct okay um because I think what what might be needed is some kind of a um a planting plan for the project because just in terms of trees our our regulations do require replanting absolutely of trees um so we would need to see how many trees you're planning to replant um and and the species and then also just general um vegetative cover of all the areas that are that are going to be you know graded and and all that yep I would like to know all Disturbed areas will be loomed and seated to prevent any erosion runoff and we can absolutely provide a a planting plan for you guys that would be great yeah because I'm assuming you were thinking of replanting trees I believe that's the intent yeah yeah so we'd like to see where they are where where you're thinking of planting them and um the species and that kind of thing absolutely okay um what else was I wondering about yeah I guess one of my questions was the walkways so is there there was only one proposed walkway because it said Hardscape walkways and I I didn't see that on the plan unless there's just that one that's going to come from the garage right if you can uh see my cursor yeah coming out from the garage this top area parked area we'll come down here just for access to the house because it will be about a 5 foot retaining wall okay so no other I guess sort of like uh Hardscape areas besides impervious no okay and then I um we didn't at the site visit we noted that the um driveway isn't marked on the plan as as being paved yes the client would like to pave this you know he would like to park a car on there not provide any erosion or anything as well right so I think that might have to be changed on the plan just you know to have a correct record it doesn't I don't see anywhere at least there where it says that that's AB what the extent of the paved area is gonna be there I think it makes the most most sense just to pave in front of that that garage area just to park it and so it doesn't erod going down that Hill okay yeah and then um the other area that we talked at the site visit and is a little concern is drainage um I know you have the sale going down there um and there there there's no description here or anywhere of if that's going to be a vegetated sale um and I guess there's no discussion sort of in the narrative about drainage in general you know you're kind of the plan of what you think is going to happen with drainage so a little description would be helpful because it's it's a it's an area that gets a lot of water um I guess just for us to know that you put some thought into the volume that might come and the increase in volume from the little from the paved area um and if you think that Swale is going to be able to manage the drainage yeah um so we kind of looked at the amount of impervious area versus impervious that's going on over the site and it's such a minimal amount it's just the garage and the uh paved area in front of the garage uh we believe that a a lomed and seated grass Swale it would be plenty to infiltrate before it actually even runs all the way down the hill as well did you say vegetated yeah a vegetated Swale grassed Swale yeah grass s okay yeah um Jeff was saying that the soils there are pure sand and so it infiltration yeah thing should straight downhill yeah all right well those are my main questions does the rest of the commission have some questions no I think that just just as you already said that area for the drainage it really does need a a drainage and maintenance plan idea too noted and I think you covered I think you covered all the other things we talked about on the site was all right did you you have all you have your list there of things um because I think so it sounds like we'll have to continue the public hearing right I believe that was kind of where we were going at before we came in yeah just to introduce the project make sure everyone's comfortable with it obviously take all the comments and address them all and just a real um the number of trees taken out in that area but also the area that's outside the here that you want to take that you want to take out to um just to see where they are and then what the what the plan is for replacing so uh the immediate intent is to take out all the trees hanging over the house as well as this road inside the 100 foot buffer zone uh the client does tend to take out these trees these are outside the buffer zone uh yeah that's basically all it is so yeah even the trees outside the buffer zone we'd like to just hear what the planting plan is mostly because of water and drainage there's a lot of trees that are that we want to take down that are really not all damaged sure sure understand right you may want to take just a look at our new regulations has a section on um on tree replacement yes I did see that okay great that'll inform your Landscaping plan all right well if there aren't any more comments I think I think we have a good list there and I guess I would propose to the applicant our next meeting which is March 28th and we can the same time 7:15 if that works for you absolutely great all right somebody want to make a motion to continue the public hearing hey Cole could you stop sharing I'll make I'll make a motion to continue public hearing till the 28th that what time did you say 7:15 yep second I second all right Harrington I David I con I Wilson I all right great well will we will see you in two weeks all right thank you very much yeah if you have any questions feel free to reach out right thank you so much nice talking to you guys tonight thank thank you all right all right next on the agenda is um Lot H 150 one it's a request for an oad extension who is here for that project Carrie I don't see him I was kind of looking while the other project was presenting to see if he was coming in but I don't see him yet I think we told him 7:30 right so he might be here you know I'll double check on that okay um but while we're wait let me I'm just going to skip down to number six because I can just talk about that one and we can get it done while we wait for I think his name is Mark um that is lot zw- 20116 which is the address is 18 January Hills Road and what was sent to the town was um a request to take that property out of um chapter 61 because they're thinking of selling it it's a large parcel um in fact uh parcel 16 is only one of I think four or five Parcels that is everything that they're thinking of selling and in in fact I believe it's one of the others it is actually in chapter 61 the larger one like 25 acres or something it's I think it's Z W 25 actually anyway point is that we get to kind of evaluate that for um conservation purposes but at this point um the town's asking the lawyers for more information because the request they sent was very basic and so um our assessor David Burgess is going to reach out to the lawyer and ask for like more like some maps and some more just some more information on on the parcel and which sections of it are in chapter 61 um and even I think I think they need to provide us with um an estimated price and stuff like that so that we can evaluate whether we think the town um should use their right of first refusal um to potentially buy it if there's any interest at all by the town but anyway there just wasn't enough information with that first letter I put it on the agenda what we got that letter thinking we could talk about it but then heard that the town's going to request more information so so we don't have to do anything tonight about it and it'll just be on our agenda for next week I mean for our next meeting so that is that excuse me hi folks um my name is Maryann Mahoney and I was jumping on listening to when we got to that I live across I live on 21 January Hills Road across the street from that property so um I've heard a number of things about what they might be potentially planning to do and just was wanting to get up to speed with whatever the process is so I don't know the protocol when you're not at the very beginning of the meeting I apologize anyway um that's why I and I will blot myself out now so I'm not one more distraction in your process oh that's no no problem and um come to our next meeting meting on March 28th because because it'll stay on the agenda and maybe there'll be more information great thank you so much is the town asking that question too what the plan is the town is yeah the the town assessor um is is the one requesting it from the lawyer and and all that information comes to the Conservation Commission it also goes to the planning board I think those might be the two boards really that evaluate and then make kind of a recommendation to the select Bo on on the property yeah it's a Hu it's a big chunk of land I think there's a 47 acre parcel and then the house with the three 13 acres is I believe in okay separate um yeah so it's 50 acres yeah beautiful stream yeah it's a beautiful stream running through it there's a and it abuts all kinds of protected land so very interesting piece anyway thank you for the hard work you do somewhere in the not too distant future I hope to be able to join the commission I so appre apprciate so appreciate uh all your hard work for caus and dear we're always looking for volunteers thank you I'm gonna listen in but get myself out of your face okay thanks so much no problem I see Mark Whitman is here Mark you want to talk about um Lot H 151 yes thank can you hear me okay yep I'm trying to get the picture here hold on one second there you go For Better or For Worse how are you good good how always it's good to see faces yes it's nice to have a face so back in um April two 23rd 2021 you folks um approved the orad and um the process for getting the special permits to make this parcel buildable lot have been arduous at best and have taken three years so we just completed a few months ago and I called uh Dan NJ who's my Wetlands guy and asked him uh if there was a possibility for an extension to this orad and he said yeah it's very typical as long as nothing environmental or through the Conservation Commission stuff has changed up there um that a three-year extension is granted with the permission of the Conservation Commission he said wait until you're closer to the date because whenever you ask for the extension that's when the clock will start or once the approval is given so if it's given prior to the expiration this expires April 22nd so I started two months ago and I guess um missed your meeting in January and then you guys had a little discussion in February and now we're in March and now we have meetings twice a month so help it'll be more helpful nice yeah once this spring summer we meet twice a month um that all sounds good did did um Mr n n say that did anybody actually go to the site and walk around to see any changes with the wetlands whoever had originally delineated it no we we have um we've been through this process multiple times uh um I think over the last 10 years we've had three or ads I would have to check those dates but it's been 10 or 12 years uh I've proposed several things to the town um and I was trying to do things I thought would be positive for the town I own two other buildings up in town and I'm a taxpayer so I think of other things that would reduce the tax burden as much as possible on the rest of us and make me income um but this process of going through the delineation has happened at least three times and it did um there was a a um let's see after the first one we went for the second one and you folks hired a consultant uh to go through it with Dan she had different ideas than the board had had prior and Dan acquiesced and agreed because the small area she wanted changed um didn't affect the plan at all when we uh went for the third or ad uh there were no changes so um unless another Wetlands consultant is hired by you folks that has different beliefs than the prior consultant I would uh think it's safe to assume there's no changes there's not been any physical changes to the property okay um let's see rad was issued issued 2021 right that's correct all right um I guess my thought my thought but I'd like to hear from the rest of the commission um it's just that that it would I think the commission just needs to know that somebody's gone out there recently and just walked a little bit taken the delineation m and just checked meaning you know you're Wetland person you know just check and then if if they in writing just say I walked it on such and such a day and the delineation that was approved in 2021 hasn't changed at all um then then yes we're we can absolutely do an extension which is really easy to do um but I think we do need at least something that that sort of says that not a problem I'll text Dan tonight and um have him get get up there sometime he's he's been wonderful for me so I'm going to guess he'll get up there sometime this week um and um do you want it U I'm trying to think of how to get it to the easiest way would the letter that's emailed be all right yeah you know attachment that would yeah that would be fine um a letter maybe with u attachment of this the same delineation map that had been submitted and just saying that you know these same points haven't changed at all the um we're coming on April 22nd is the deadline for this so is this something that as long as we're in agreement tonight and you receive that document you you can um take care of the extension yeah um in fact I don't think you wouldn't even have to come back to our next meeting but yeah if I get it between now and our next meeting which is um March 28th um it'll just be on the agenda again and if everything's fine yes the commission can vote on issue doing the extension great I'll uh send him a text tonight and um I'm not sure what Tom he goes to bed so I'll uh I'll send a text tonight and get a response from I'm sure by tomorrow and I'm going to guess he'll be up there this week or sometime this weekend great that sounds good that sounds perfect appreciate the help yeah no problem thank you for coming not don't worry have a great night you too all right now we have um 66 l l Road Lot 032 um order of conditions Amendment request maryan Oh you mean the other Maran sorry I do I just thought of that I was like I need I need okay I um I'm I'm on two computers because I because if you like I have a file to share and it doesn't look good on the computer that has the video and the audio um so but anyway um so we submitted a site plan we submitted the uh noi application a couple of months ago and since then we've had a slight reduction um in the parking area um so uh the reduction was a cost saving measure um and also uh just simplified the site plan um the turnaround um at the end of the parking lot on the sort of the South end of the property um came within uh see um it came within 4 and 1/2 ft of the property boundary and then there wasn't proper room for grading so it required a a taining wall um and so uh we decided to eliminate one parking space and make the turnaround narrower um and now the turnaround round is 15 ft from the property line it no longer the the the buffer between the the buffer not the buffer zone the buffer between the property line and the edge of the parking area um can be graded properly um so um so their need for a retaining wall has been eliminated there'll still be a curb um all along that edge um and uh so um so the old plan had 23,44 feet of Paving the revised plan has 22,92502 2 feet of impervious surface and the drainage patterns won't change um because it's a small change um and and there's still a curb um so so there isn't any there aren't any changes to the storm water management system um we did send a picture you know with a sort of handrawn new line um when I sent you a letter um but if you like I have you know more detailed drawings from the architect that I could try to share or I could just send them to you yeah I think for tonight's discussion where we're just deciding um you know the this point the commission just decides if we feel like the change is large enough to require a new notice of intent or if we feel like it's it's it's not significant really to to the whole impacts to the resource area and whatnot that then we just recommend an amendment I think your drawing is it's okay for me I guess does the rest of the commission feel like it was enough yeah for this part they probably just for the record should send a formal one when you have it right when we actually you know have the public hearing with the amendment at that point we would want the updated drawings so all right so I my thought would be that it's it's it doesn't it's not a large enough of a change to require a full new filing of a no 71 I think um an amendment is is fine how does everybody else feel I agree I agree I agree great okay so the process then is that we we do have to have a full um public hearing for an amendment so Maryann you have to do a butter notification legal ad um and all that but um our next meeting is March 28th and let's see I just put that other thing at 7:15 so um we could say why don't we say seven 45 just in case some other things come up too but just to give it plenty of room so 7:45 March 28th work for you yep okay yeah great um I don't know if I'll be here but you know my other members of our team will be here you'll recognize them so and sure we will and so we'll do the um the Well Carrie will do the legal notice I'll do the abutters notices um and then I'll send you the updated plans do I need to send you anything else well if the um impact areas if the numbers that are in the notice of intent form um are changing like your proposed impact uhuh that needs to be updated okay okay um and then it's really up to you whether you feel like any of the narrative or anything else really changes from from these changes um okay but for me it's really the numbers because that has to go into the permit too you know okay impact numbers too okay um that's about it okay all right um okay all righty I can I can fig that out okay good okay so 7:45 on the 28 okay all right sounds good right thank you okay bye thank you yeah um Maran just left but well she may still be here but um just an update actually on that project do we need to do we need to vote on that do a formal vote on that no it's because it's not a public hearing I don't think we need to vote okay well yeah maybe we should let's make who would like to make a motion that we are uh that we uh don't feel like the requested changes require notice of intent um but we're recommending or we're voting for an amended order of conditions I'll make that motion as as stated by Beth sorry it was okay I think second second all right David hi con by I Harrington I Wilson I all right um oh I was GNA say um that they did they recorded the order conditions for the library project they're now going to they're now obviously going to amend but they did record um the original order conditions because they have moved forward with the well I don't know if you guys have seen they've been doing a little bit of workout on the site they put erosion control all around the um well location and I actually went and inspected it and said that said it was fine um and I think all they've done so far basically is put the erosion control up and I guess MaryAnn's not on the call anymore but I think she said the drilling the Drillers and whatnot uh is next week the Drillers will come to the site and U the well in way in the back so they'll get that done they needed to do that they needed to get some information from the wealth that had to do within the um some of the other stuff they're figuring out for the building um so I think that's the only work that's going to happen under the old permit before it gets am amended and then re-recorded um so that's it um next on our agenda is just the uh update on our search for a new commissioner um where we're at is we've got our questionnaire finalized but it hasn't been mailed out but I think uh tomorrow I just kind of wanted to talk you know mention it to you guys and then tomorrow I'll have Carrie send it to our right now still have three people who have come forward who are interested in being on the commission so we'll send out our questionnaire um and I wonder if I could put a time limit on when they need to get it back to us we suppose we could just in hopes that by our next meeting um you know we hope we'd be able to get it back so we could do something at the next meeting yeah so maybe the email that we send out will have a little time limit on it or we would like it back by a certain date Carrie so I unfortunately don't have any envelopes with me at home I wasn't expecting to mail anything out um would it be okay if I did it on Tuesday or if we email or if we email them the forms and then I can also additionally in paper just in in case if they'd rather it in paper yeah I that seems fine we have their email do you have their email addresses Yes actually if you email it it'll probably be better because then they can just expand the area if they have more things they want to write in it yeah it's not they have electronically they can just yeah it's just a word document they can expand it and add more comments what I could do is send out an email in the morning with everyone just informing them that attached is the questionnaire and to email it back to us individually and that if they would like a paper copy then I can either hand it to them during my office hours or I can mail it to them and go from there sounds good um let's maybe ask to have it back by the 22nd that'll give them that'll give them a week I think that's good I think that's a good amount of time yeah okay I can drop that email tonight and then uh in the morning I'll send it out and everyone will be attached okay okay great so if we get them back on the 20 by the 22nd then we have a few days just to look at them I think we them back and Carrie can share them with everybody and then we can discuss it on the 28th that makes sense so that's where we're at that and I just W to chime in and say that when my term ends at the end of June I am definitely out because now confirmed to move down to be closer to our kids Jim and I signed a lease agreement today starting later on we're not going to probably move fully until the fall but we're actually going to take over the lease on Kathleen and Brian's house because they just bought one closed today and um we'll just every time we go down to visit in the summer and the fall we'll move down more of our stuff until we hire the company to move us fully down later in the fall but when I sign out the end of June you need somebody else it's been wonderful but I'm GNA be near my kids I mean yeah no that's that's that's wonderful actually yeah that that whole plan sounds sounds great because it's sort of like a a slow move down there you know and if you know anybody who would like a three-bedroom house on pum Hill Road with a half a finished basement with a twed guest bedroom down there and a family room and yeah we might be look we might be interested G have you over sometime yeah I'll come take a look before it goes on the market um that that all that sounds like a good plan we'll be sad to lose you that's for sure Life Goes On been an amazing 26 years here in shutesbury WoW Hawaii in 98 from Hawaii H here from Hawaii I have to hire you as a consultant for our invasive species oh I have tons of invasive species pamphlets and books and stuff that I need to get rid of because I only need one cop of each when I move so I'm going to pass them on to to one of you at some point we'll take them they can just go in the lot our live you know the the comcom library Town Hall that's where all that stuff should go definitely we'll do good all right um that's I think all I have all my notes anybody else have anything to share No motion to adjourn absolutely second second all right Harrington I con we go hi hi and Wilson I all right that's a short meeting 7:56 good meeting yay we'll be talking thanks we'll be in touch thanks good night night good night thank you all