but I think it's here they played Atlanta already so they're I thought they had backtack games I thought with with Atlanta they were in atanta yeah that's what I thought too okay I'm opening up meeting say hope this is marks on the agenda Okay so e oh where's Melissa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hi Robin hi Beth how are you hi Mary hi car you're doing great did you guys lose power last weekend Oh Yeah Yeah couple of times so yeah we it came back on after being off for like an hour but then it went off again from like 8:00 p.m. until you know the following afternoon so thank God for the wood stove we were able to have coffee in the [Music] morning yeah I heard a lot of people lost for for even yeah like 24 hours or so we didn't lose power so we were lucky you're just up monu Road right yeah half of monu Road did lose power like towards lever from us but where our house was about was about the end of where people still have power which was good we lost it the time before but not this weekend so it's strange it is weird Carrie you have a question you have your hand up uh more of like um so we're been of pickle uh so we were using Becky's account right now because the normal one was being used um typically Becky would open it make me host and leave but um I think she has it set right now so that there is no waiting room so we were able to enter no problem but I just I Tred calling her because I'm not host so that's an issue um and then I called Grace to see if she knew what was going on and I'm I just found out that uh she's helping recycling committee do a in-person hybrid meeting even though it wasn't scheduled so I can't get a hold of Becky Grace is going to try to get a hold of Becky if she can't then she's going to town hall to log in and make me host cuz right now have the ability to make anyone host and or co-host so they can share their screen I was just going to say all it really matters is sharing our screen yeah but since I thought how it worked as first person who entered in this situation would then be bait host but that is not the case unfortunately need the person whose account is to log in and pass it over so when I find out more I will let you know but I just want to let you know that's the case right now okay yeah that's a little bit I had some things I wanted to share and I'm sure some of the applicants have things that they want to share um so yeah we'll just have to wait and see but yeah if you if you hear anything let me know I'll just we'll just go through things that we can do without pres it says like I can share my screen so I guess worse comes to worse I can always share stuff okay yeah if it's if it's something you have that sounds good um well it's 7 o'clock so I'm gonna open the meeting um at 7M on March 28th 2024 and I'm calling this meeting of the shutesbury Conservation Commission to order this meeting is being recorded Mark has his hand up there yeah Mark you have a question uh no um I may have host privileges from my elwak uh assignment and I could probably transfer them to um to to carry not exactly sure how but I think there's a way it's only with the account user so this meeting was set up on Becky's Town Administrator account so since she's the one that scheduled the meeting she would be host in this instance and she'd be the only one to transfer it over to me okay but thank you you're welcome all right um all the first thing on the agenda is approving minutes we don't need to share anything for that so um has everybody had a chance to look at the February 15th and March 14th minutes yes looked good y I thought they looked fine too okay um motion to approve um either or both motion to approve but February 15th and March 14th meeting minutes second Robin okay um David hi Harington I Wilson I great um the next thing I wanted to talk about was the fee schedule and I did want to bring some I did want to share something with you guys um but I can't bring it up on the computer um basically I think I talked to you about this before that um I I brought the fee schedule the fee schedule is what's in our regulations that that we approved this year um brought it to this the select board and we went through the uh all of the uh fees and the only thing that they had questions about were the noi fees because in addition to a local fee when somebody files an noi they're also paying a state fee and uh you know the way the the state fee schedule is set up is that the local gets 50% of that um so what I was going to show you is our actual fee schedule and the the changes um what select board and I talked about was splitting the current local fees in half yes Carrie if you email it to me I can share it let's see if I can do that quickly put it for all right I just emailed it to Carrie um so that was what we decided was that these local fees to just cut those in half um you mean you mean the fees that we proposed to to cut it cut them in half right so we had in our fee schedule and our new regulations are are local fees which would be on in addition to what somebody who's filing an nli is already paying under the state regulations under the state regulations if you're paying so here we go so this is what's in our regulations so we've got the different noi categories um a category one I think category two is like single family house um so that we were going to have a $100 in addition to the state um fees which with the state fees 50% of it is already coming to the town um so it just seemed a little over over the top um so I agreed that cutting those in half uh makes sense so each of the categories is dependent on what the work is that's being proposed for the project and those categories are defined um in the Wetland protection act I actually had another sheet I was going to share with you I should have sent to Carrie too that just talks about what the different categories are um and I'm happy to share that with with Mary with you and Robin um just so you guys have a little better understanding but if somebody was submitting an noi for a single family house they're paying a similar fee say it's say it's $200 under the state and a hundred of that goes to the just to d a 100 of it comes to the town shutesbury plus then they're also paying a local fee so they'd be paying the total of $250 100 would go to the state and 150 would still be coming to us because we get half of the state fee so um I was I was fine with these changes um and I'm okay I'm okay with that yeah me too okay great do we actually need to vote on that we do yeah Carrie you can stop sharing thank you thanks for doing that Carrie no problem um yes we need to make a motion to um to change the fee schedule in the regulations according to the changes that we just made I'll make a motion to change the feed schedule in the regulations to reflect what we just reviewed and I second right Harrington I David I Wilson I great so now that change now that it's been voted on by us I have to bring it back to the select board again and they uh approve it at one of their meetings and then we have our fee schedule which is great because then we can actually start uh you know charging people again for we were charging before but we had these very small fees which is why we originally went in and and made this new fee schedule so miam I question do you need to have a new hearing to because it's part of the regulations I don't think we need to have a hearing I think it's just a change to the current regulations we're gonna have a hearing in the end when we make all the other changes to the to the reg to the regulations actually now that you mentioned that I think the process is we just voted on them they go to the select board to be approved by the select board then they become part of the various changes that we need to make to the regulations um and we have to have a public hearing for all of those changes so Miriam's right we can't start actually charging people until we have a public hearing for that change that we just made and then there's there's a variety of other changes that we've got for the regulations you could you could have just a kind of a quickie public hearing just for that change um because you don't know when you're going to get the bylaw reviewed the new bylaw reviewed back from the ago could be months um they were running about six to eight months last year um in their turnaround time so I don't know if it's going to be the same this year so yeah not sure we need to have another public hearing since this was dependent on the vote at the town meeting to approve being able to charge him so this is really just adding on to that that we were waiting for um but we can ask yeah I can ask um Rita if she thinks we need to do a public hearing for this little of a change I'm not sure about that but anyway it does have to first go back to the select board for their approval anyway so I can I can talk to them then about it um okay um moving on we can talk about lot H1 151s oad extension request um Mark did you want to add anything about that um I think we saw that everybody saw the email oh I think you're muted there you go is that better yeah well can hear me I don't know if it's better or not um I just want to make sure you folks received them and Carrie said that she had received and sent them all to you folks and uh Beth you you also responded that you had received so um my Wetland specialist uh Dan n did go up there take a walk through uh he was happy to say there were a bunch of ribbons that were still in place so he checked those and of course with those ribbons he could tell where other spots would be he saw nothing that had changed um and that's what he reflected in the in the email to you okay yeah that all sounds good um I was also gonna share I guess I could email carry all these things um I started filling out the D form for doing um an extension of an an oat or an order of conditions um it's pretty basic one thing I'm going to need from you is the recording information of the oad um the copy of the oad that I think Carrie found that was in our records here didn't have the book and page for when it was recorded but that needs to go on the extension form so you could find that and send it to me that'd be great absolutely not a problem I'll send it out tomorrow all right is everybody all right with that yeah but do we need to vote on that yep we need a motion to issue the extension so I'll make a motion to um issue the extension for Lot H 151 on Leever Road I second all right um David I Harrington I and Wilson I great um so I will be once you give me that information Mark I'll fill out the form um and then we'll get it to you and then you have to record it absolutely yeah Y is there would there be a fee for that uh we don't have a fee schedule right now I was listening but I wasn't paying attention there will be in the future very good so I'll get that to tomorrow and then we'll stay in touch sounds good thank you folks appreciate the help thank you byebye all right what time is it oh perfect time um all right I guess I should have said because I was going to bring up per form and show you guys that that extension is for another three years however our we'll get into it later but um all right it's 714 almost 7:15 I do my computer says 74 oh now it says 7:15 all right 7:15 we can um we can uh talk about the 74 Lake Drive we can talk about their continued public hearing who is here to talk about that hi everyone Ryan Nelson from AR Associates hi Ryan hi do I have uh screen sharing potential or is that something we're still working on we are still working on it um last time I heard Grace was driving up to town hall so that way she can log into the account and give me uh host abilities but I haven't heard back yet okay so verbally trying to explain the changes um you I sorry I can share the unrevised site plan if that helps be helpful yes okay oh wait I think I see okay there we go hi Becky hi Becky I think you're muted I had left it open for everybody to get in I'm so sorry okay okay Ryan I made you a co-host so you can uh share your screen now okay thank you you're welcome good timing perfect my apologies Beth okay all right can everyone see this yes okay great all right so uh quick recap uh applicant Tim Pickering uh owns this property he recently purchased it he's looking to um refurbish the existing house uh that includes uh redoing the foundation the decks around it Etc um there will be a new septic system um required suppos leech Fe or sorry tanks are going out here in the front Lee field will be here um this is some of this work is proposed within the buffer zone to Lake wola the bank flags are right here there are some existing docks or sorry any existing dock that will be brought into compliance in a chapter 91 simplified application um applied for in the future there's a Wooden Boat House near the lakefront that the peers are going to be repaired uh no Earth changes or anything or changes to the boat house on that um there is a proposed garage on the uphill side of the property closest to Lake Drive a short pav section of driveway uh leading up to that garage there's retaining walls located here just to resolve that gr change around the septic leech field in the existing home um but all of this work relate to the garage the septic and the retaining walls is located outside of the 100t buffer zone to the lake the 100 foot buffer zone is this line right here so really the work within conservation jurisdiction is related to connection to the B septic tank um the Reconstruction of the existing house and then select tree removal in the uh sidey yards and backyard area so there's an existing row of trees on this um easterly side of the property that are hazardous um to the neighbor structure so those are proposed to be removed and there was some concern brought up at the last meeting for a replanting plan so the applicant is looking to plant spruce trees in between the existing stumps of the trees that will be cut so all trees to be cut will be cut flush to grade we're not proposing to remove any stumps so the stumps will be left in place and like I said a spruce tree sapling would be planted in a row as a you know like a screen buffer along that property line um oh there would be 14 of those white spruce trees proposed um there's there's also eight additional rododendron shrubs proposed along the western property boundary and then three maple trees proposed in the backyard and these are to help mitigate for some of the trees proposed to be removed a couple of them being these mature trees locate at the rear of the house that are um you know just pose a risk to the house in terms of storm damage and sunlight and mold growing on the deck and house Etc um a lot of the other trees and the uphill side of the property closer to the road like this clump of trees on the westly line This clump of trees here and then most of the row of existing evergreen trees along the Eastern side those are all outside the 100 foot buffer zone um there was also some concern I believe brought up at the last meeting my cooworker Cole attended I apologize I had a conflicting meeting that night but um regarding storm water and how that would be managed so it's my understanding for single family homes um Mast storm water standards do not apply and the proposed structure is outside the buffer zone however um we are providing some storm water attenuation or mitigation um because we realize this is in proximity to the lake so the proposed pave driveway will have a cross slope to it that pitches the water to the west and the idea is that we're going to construct This Grass sale parallel to the Westerly property line in between the property line and the garage and that would convey Overland flow down towards the lake and it'd be traveling across essentially maintain lawn um we are putting proposing a dryw at the uh beginning of the sale and it will have an a open grate or a beehive grate they call it acting on the rim so that Overland flow coming off the driveway that hits this gutter line next to the road goes down this sale and then goes into through the top grate of that um drywell Additionally the roof liters could be tied into that dry well we're proposing a 500 gallon lowprofile dryw from Sha concrete products um we looked at the test pit data for the perk tests that were done on the site and similar area not too far away and it showed a well- draining sand with plenty of adequate separation to groundwater so we think a dryw in that location will operate just fine um and existing conditions there really are no um existing erosion issues on on the property so like I said the soil is very well draining we expect most storm water uh to just infiltrate in place on the site so ultimately it's it's all sloping to the lake with this improved or new impervious area although outside the buffer zone we're trying to capture and infiltrate it on site um there wasn't a whole lot of room to provide other storm water infiltration out front here near this garage because there are setback distances to the proposed leech field under Title 5 um you have to maintain at least 25 ft of clearance so that really eliminated putting any of infiltration for storm water on this area of the property um so we explain the plantings um oh I think the other issue I my cooworker explained to me that came up at the meeting was the issue of the docks so procedurally in order for us to submit a chapter 91 simplified license application for residential dock uh local conservation approval or authorization they call it under the weton protection act is required so procedurally um we can't submit anything to DP until we receive an order of conditions that shows the proposed Dock and the work to be done so um I think similar to previous projects uh like this um most recent example we worked on was for Mr Evan Jones just up the street where as one of the the conditions and the order condition would um require that a chapter 91 license be obtained prior to construction or certificate of compliance and Mr Pickering um intends on applying for chapter 9 to1 license and that is part of our scope for our services working for him um so happy to answer any other questions the commission might have um I just have a question um to the west of the um existing house where there's going to be the grading um and you know you're doing grading next to the garage and everything but that's not even that's not in our jurisdiction but all the grading around the house um is that just going to be grass afterwards that's just proposed to be seed yep so right now it's all grass around the house we're really not doing much grading within the buffer zone the only grading we're doing is for the install the septic in the front corner of the house and then we're creating just a slight swail on this side of the house so that water um is pitched away from the house and continues down to the lake so really the only grading we're doing in the buffer zone is limited to this section right here all the rest all the rest yeah you won't even be Excavating right there won't be any open dirt really it'll stay as lawn yep okay um and I guess access you know to get in to do things like lifting the house up and whatnot trucks will come down that the old driveway sort of and yeah right here yep yeah I'm just thinking of erosion but you've got erosion control up so that's good and then just in terms of the number of trees did you actually count I guess how many are coming down within uh the 100 foot buffer and then how many are replacing sure uh I could count those out so one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 [Music] 12 uh I see 12 about 12 in inside the buffer zone and propose we have about 25 total um all right I don't have any more questions um Robin and Mary do you have any questions no I think that actually answered all of the question that we had submitted to them yeah I agree I like the dryw I think it's it's right there because you know one of our main concerns down by the lake isn't necessarily uh drainage coming off of this particular property but Road Road drainage um during big storms um and having it right there next to the road it you know I think it'll it'll help it'll take a lot of of what comes off of Lake Drive and I appreciate the them including that yep yeah me too um okay and I did see in the notes that maintenance of that is is the responsibility of of the homeowner um I think we'll probably call that out in the conditions um just to make sure everybody's aware it needs it'll need some maintenance all right um if there's no more questions Andrea are there any comments or questions from the public no can we stop screen sharing thank youan all right in that case um motion to close the public hearing so I'll make a motion to close the public hearing for 74 leak Drive I second all right David hi Harington I Wilson I all right um gonna take that information I don't have the order conditions prepared for tonight but we will um we will discuss the order conditions at our next meeting which is um April 11th okay and we can put that on the agenda um 7:15 does that work for you Ryan yes that's fine with us yep okay and and as you know like we don't necessarily have to attend when we're just doing the order conditions but it is helpful for you to be there in case you want do we want to question some of the conditions that we're that we're putting together sure yep if I'm available I'll try to attend great all right thank you thank you everyone appreciate your time and effort thanks time is it all right it's 7:30 um else that I want to talk about tonight um something that is on our agenda um is the 244 Baker Road enforcement and I you know I I was a little bit distant from that I think Mary you know more about that than I do but it sounded like we maybe the next step might be a site visit yes we we need to do a a site visit we said we do one in the spring so now that most of the snow is gone that that would be for us to do yeah that's probably the next next step to do there um all right well how about I will so I I see pton is here maybe she can give us a date and time hi um this is pton jinsky speaking um what day best work for you guys afternoons are good for me hello okay afternoon any date Robin do you have a special date to okay um no not really okay um so I'm not sure if you guys want Brandon um because he's the date owner of the house um do you want him also there while you guys are doing the inspection or it would be great to have somebody there just um just to kind of go through what's been going on and you I need to look into a little bit into this enforcement order a bit um so yeah it' be good to have somebody there okay um for him his best days are Fridays I'm not sure if that would work for you guys how about April 5th so next Friday does that work for you Robin and Mary yes in the afternoon I'm busy in the morning yeah after okay so what time are you guys um thinking just about 4 o' 4 o' on Friday okay and I will let Brandon know as well yeah that's fine okay all right I think that's a good next move with that thank you Payton that sounds good see you next [Music] Friday [Music] um well 7:33 anybody have anything to share Robin Mary the only the only thing to share that the um the the dam keeper did let me know that they would be starting to raise the level of the lake it's time a year for that um so that's letting the Conservation Commission know okay do they do they send us any anything official about that or is it just through you telling us or yeah they usually usually they just call um and then the town sends out a notice if they want to send out a notice okay gri I just adding um I had someone ask about this as well and I was talking to Becky because I believe she had just spoken with Howard about this and so I don't know if you saw my reply but um I just had informed her that typically around I think it's April 1st I think it's spelled out in the order of conditions for raising the L and then I because she was asking if these dates could be posted yearly and I told her that yearly they don't change I think it's they rise every April 1 and then the draw down has to be finished by November 1st I believe yeah they are the they are the same every year okay okay I attached um I think you Beth Becky and Howard just in case if I got anything wrong wrong excuse me um I think that the raising has to be completed by April 1 not commencing by April 1 yeah that's what I wrote in the email yeah that makesense so he started it because it goes over a few days I think with all the rain we've had it'll probably go I think it it's already starting to go quicker so I I'll let people know when it's I'll let you know when it's completed okay um Mary and I also did a little site visit of um shore shore drive and Pine Drive is it Pine Drive um just to look at the drainage there um just because we've heard from a few people that live in that area that the the drainage system that's there and then just some of the unfortunate incidents with rain events lately have caused the rain events have caused errosion and caus gullying in strange areas and then the actual drainage system itself does look to be um you know there's the basins need to be cleaned out and um so that's just something we need to sort of keep an eye on I think and and figure out how the concom wants to get involved in in all of that and working with the lwa on on those issues but it was good to do a site visit and see see the area and see what people were talking about so I do think that that we should just send a letter to the lwa just to say we did a site visit and reviewed it and you know that there are they we would appreciate them looking at it for some repairs that need to be done however we want to word that but just a just a notice to them that we have looked at it and there are several areas that need to be repaired yeah we can do that a letter sort of documenting what we saw and making recommendations in terms of how it affects the Conservation Commission what what we care about terms of sediment getting into the lake okay you want work on that Mary sure I can work on that that would be great Tracy MCN uh yes um so I was uh involved in planning that project in back in 2019 in the order of conditions uh it's uh from the Conservation Commission it's supposed to be cleaned out once a year are do do you have a copy of the order of conditions I think somebody yes I think um a resident who's been talking to us about this issue sent a copy but what I told her was I actually yeah I wanted to look at the whole file and look at at the rest of you know what what exactly the design was and just look at the file the concom file about that project so we do plan on plan on doing that okay great thank you could you if you have a copy Tracy could you just send me a copy so that I have it I'm sure it's in my notes but uh I I have I don't have I I I gave the file to a resident but I can that lives on the the road so I can I can get that I don't have a digital copy oh that's all right then I can go back and get Carrie to look it up for us okay thanks yeah I was thinking of you know finding the actual file back in the office and and looking through it um you know maybe we do that and from that we draft a letter yeah it seems to me that it would be better than you know I mean the residents here granted some of us might have some of the documentation but it's it's concom documentation and I think it would just be cleaner if the concom was just going to their own files I mean if you're missing anything feel free to give me a you know a text or an email and I'll see what I can do but I think you should have everything yeah y thanks yep so Carrie if you can just pull that file I'll come by and look at it sometime what was what do you think the file name is for it it should be um Pine Street drainage do we know a year what what was the title of the project Tracy I would uh I me we were calling it the pine pine Shore Drive project um it was 2019 it was the fall of 2019 uh I mean I do have I know I have a digital copy of the plan the site plan what else do I probably have the Clark's estimates probably with a with a description of the work but you you should have all that because you know we went in front conom to get it all approved but I mean if sure can't find the file then I can dig through because I I usually just keep all emails but they're not necessarily in one location so I'd have to like dig around but um but you should you know Penny Penny was the penny was the lead on that at kcom at the time she's pretty organized so I'm going to guess that you know you got a file there I'm sure we'll look it up [Music] doesn't look like it's being done if in the end nothing still gets done you can certainly issue an enforcement order um enforcement orders are designed to be used when orders of conditions are not being followed um okay so thank you that is a me is that all under you know the the wetlands protection act you know the authority to yes to do that okay all right thank you very much yeah miam yeah hi I just wanted to remind the commission that we wrote to lwa last October um asking them to do some maintenance on that storm water feature right thank you yeah so it's something we we need to deal with um h can't really think of anything else to share at the moment Robin and Mary are you guys around for all of our meetings in like April and May I am not because since we are moving and it has greatly moved up we are moving in the fall we are taking over my daughter and her fiance's lease starting May 1st even though we're not going to live there till the fall but we're going to be making several trips moving things down getting settled down in North Carolina and so I am going to miss the second meeting in May okay and if anybody is interested in living on a five and a half acres in a nice house on pelum Hill Road we'll be selling our house so you're G to rent it for a while is that what you're saying we're g to go down and we joined a retirement Society but they haven't finished building their facilities so we're going to help Kathleen and Brian out because they just bought a house and they couldn't afford to pay rent and mortgage until their rent their lease ended so we're taking over their lease and we're going to rent their house until the retirement thing is built and then we will move into that so I will be in Chapel Hill starting in the fall and you're you're selling your house here in chb right oh gosh yes yeah we have a wonderful garden a beautiful shed a beautiful house a lots of wildlife we see everything at this place well you got to my favorite sighting advertisement was a bobcat that came and wandered into the garden and I was like what is it doing and it found the patch of catnip I planted from my my cat and it was long lying on its back just rolling around and they're probably stoned out of its mind and the best [Music] time oh you should have videoed that I immediately dug up the catnip is what I did that would make a good YouTube video it would it really more like that's funny all right 7 45 we have the 66 lever Road Lot 032 amended order of condition um public hearing so I'm going to read my this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth an act relative to the protection of wetlands as most recently amended and the town of shury General Wetland protection bylaw who is here to present the amendment uh Dominic Whit hi Beth and committee I'm Dominic Whit with Odin zel architecture so I'm happy to present the amendment I believe that um Maryanne um was at the meeting at the last meeting and was able to review some of the items and subsequently we did um make a submission to you which you've had a chance to review so I'm happy to um discuss any of that Amendment um uh present plans potentially going over again what what we're submitting and um answer any questions yeah I think I think there was a little bit of I don't think last time she talked about the change in the um uh footprint of the building sure yeah I think that was something that kind of got added afterwards or something but sure yeah I'm happy to explain that as well so um the the basis for the application for the amendment to the noi was really that we needed to revise the parking lot turnaround um that freed up um the way that we were grading near the eastern boundary um we were able to eliminate um a retaining wall and simplify what we were doing there um as it relates to the building um we learned recently of a plumbing code change that required us to incorporate an additional restroom for the project um so we were able to shoehorn that restroom into the plan but still keep it within the footprint of the roof so we're constrained by the size the maximum size of the roof at 4,999 Square ft we're currently 4,998 and um so the roof has stayed the same area therefore not changing the storm water management but the footprint the building footprint beneath that roof has increased so we were previously at 4, um 400 uh Square ft and we are now 4530 so there's been a slight increase to the building area itself the roof again has not changed and um our civil engineer uses the impervious roof area for their storm water calculations um so therefore there's not been any change in the storm water calculations um related to this uh Amendment application did we get a copy of the new footprint um in the application I think we gave you only [Music] [Music] like a 43 page packet to you yeah no you did so we got um we got the Civil the updated design plans right y right yep Jo it is in that packet I just missed it it it is yeah so um any of the civil and Landscape plans reference the latest update of the building footprint that's correct yeah yeah and they show the the parking area change too that's correct yeah so there we wanted to update you on the building footprint change along with the parking lot change as part of this amendment just to be transparent with what's going on in the project um and then understanding that the building footprint change is not affecting the storm water management uh calculations so um we just wanted to be clear that the the storm water management calculations generated from the roof plan um the roof plan hasn't changed and therefore there's no alteration of the storm water management plan uh and that is also the case because of the parking lot turnaround revision so the parking lot turnaround has slightly changed the geometry of that turnaround and has slightly changed some of those numbers in the buffer as as far as impervious and um landscape um square footages that we had previously submitted to you in the initial noi yeah I had I had one question in the actual letter um yeah you say the total reduction of impervious area for the entire project is 772 square feet yeah so that that's that's from the amendment from the changes that's correct but so then when look at the the chart that's part of that letter under change with the row that's called permanent structures so buildings and paved areas it says positive 335 square feet so I was what's what's the difference between the 772 and the 335 right it it it is a little bit confusing I'm happy to explain that so that 700 square foot change is um a complete impervious reduction for the whole project so that's within the entire limit of work so a part of this amendment the limit of work did not change the impervious area as a total reduced but when you break it down into the buffer zones the 0 to 25 that if you make that calculation for the the change in that parking lot turnaround we only see a reduction of 10 square ft within the 0 to 25 buffer then when you move up to the 25 to 50 you actually see an increase so just by virtue of the geometry of that turnaround changing we had to reduce the size of the rain Garden we're calling it The landscaped area within that turnaround that actually had to change um shape reduce in square footages and it's then taken up with asphalt and so where the change is happening is part of this amendment um there's actually an increase in that 25 to 50 foot buffer and that's where we're getting those numbers so um and and similarly then for the so then when you move to I'm sorry it was uh 1 to 25 is zero change 25 to 50 is a reduction in 10 square feet and then 50 to 100 we're actually seeing an increase um of 200 60 square ft because that rain Garden has had to get smaller um and then you know you take that the Zer to 100 is a total of 250 um and uh so that change then is uh 335 Square ft as um a total ad so where does the 772 come from so that so yeah so that reduction is happening outside of the 100 foot buffer ah I see yeah I see okay y I'm happy to share a plan potentially it it might be I know we we submitted all that documentation I don't know if I'm allowed to share a screen uh my screen to um show that plan no sure you're co-host you can make you can share thank you I'll try and increase the size here for you um so this was the original plan go so I'm just going to zoom in um again just for reference we have lever road to the right we have the entry Drive getting into the site and the parking turnaround here the library building um you see here everything else on the side is unchanged um again the limit of work has not changed as I zoom in here um and then focus on the turnaround quickly just to mention that um this is the small portion of building that has increased um small square footage here but it is still all captured underneath a roof that has not changed in square footage so it is this small area here um so this is what we submitted in the previous noi and you can see here that the term turnaround um is about 4 and 1/2 ft from the property line we needed to incorporate a retaining wall um we also had a vehicular um guard rail here we had um a sidewalk that met um with the other sidewalks for the site and now if I move on to where we are today I've overlaid um that previous plan and you can see underneath that the turn has tightened up here um and that has given us an additional 15 ft here that we were able to grade um we were and deleted the retaining wall we don't have the um the uh vehicle guard rail anymore we took away the um the sidewalk here and you can see here that the um you know this Central rain Garden as we were calling it has reduced in size um this is the nearest um Wetland resource So within the 25 ft buffer there's no impact between 25 to 50 you can see here the difference between there's a slight reduction here in um uh in impious area and then it's between this 50 and 100 that we have basically you know as a total there's a slight increase there but most of the reduction is happening outside here and this is where we're getting that Delta okay thank you for explaining that it it was a little bit breaking it down into those buffer zones is where we generated those numbers right right okay all right um I don't have any other questions Robin and Mary do you have any questions no no all right are there any questions or comments from the public we stop screen sharing now too oh I'm sorry sure thank you all right I'm not seeing any questions or comments um so we need a motion to close the public hearing for the amendment I'll make a motion to close the public hearing all right David I Harrington I Wilson I um all right um Carrie if I could share I have put together um in amended order conditions that we can look at and possibly get through tonight and be able to ISS it tonight okay you should be able to share your screen okay great see if I can find what I want no got it had to go through everything in my uh Chrome all right so this is a special conditions um for the amended order of conditions for 66 lever Road um basically what I did I took the original um special conditions and um added this little section describing the amendment to the finding of facts so the applicant proposes to amend the original order conditions changes include altering the parking and driveway removal of retaining roll and the other things that they're doing changes result in a reduction of 772 square feet of impervious and allow for the addition of um two plantings oh Penny you have a comment um I just think it might be valuable to include that the um roof footprint has not changed because I think that's relevant to the storm water uh management plan and I think it would be good to acknowledge that in your findings of fact if you would consider doing that sounds good we can put that b maybe increasing the footprint of the [Music] building um oops I'm assuming that the changes to the driveway and whatnot did have some kind of an impact on the storm water according it did not Amy Bell our storm water designer um reviewed it and felt there would be no no changes necessary okay what do what do people think of that Robin Mary Penny of that statement the roof print the roof footprint is not being changed if there was no change to the storm Mar design for the site fine looks good okay thank you yep and then um all amended portions of these special conditions are in bold that's just so you know we've got the original order conditions and now we'll have an amended order condition um this is this has absolutely we'll go through it but it has all the same all the conditions that were in the original but there were changes just based on the amendment so things like um a 4530 foot square foot building um so I just made those bold so that they stood out as the the changes from the amendment um so I added that bold section about the amendment and then the rest of it is what was in the original order just so the sections describing what the project is refers to the plan sets and the noi and so I've added the plan sheets that were changed with the amendment and the letter that we that was included with the amendment documents and then the conditions all stay the same let's see if there's anything above that no it's all fine yeah so all the same conditions um and then these bold these were bold with the original order they're just calling out some of the particular documents that are being required and that's all I haven't changed any of that um and that's really it that's all all I did um making sure I didn't change anything else no so that's it um Mary and Robin do you have anything to add or do you see any questions on anything all right great let me stop sharing I think you do need to change the date on the issuance oh yeah the the part that was highlighted yellow yeah I don't know what day I'm gonna actually you know we can we can we can vote to issue it but um you know I don't know what exactly what day I'll be putting it together and and sending it out to but I will add that Gail Gail do you have a question uh yeah as a document editor I would like you to add something about your remark at the beginning is about bold as marking the changes and then the later stuff you say verbally is not new does not changes but there's no way to know that from reading the document your remark at the beginning about changes are in bold would imply reading it that all those things that are in bold in the conditions are new and that's not the case I can I can go back and make anything that was in the original order use a colored font instead of bold or bold and color something just to distinguish it from the bold that was already there is what I'm suggesting yeah that makes s what penny I would say bold italic I'm worried if you do color and it's ever reproduced in black and white ah good point show up yeah and I'm thinking of um be just making anything that is in the original order not bold anymore it doesn't need to necessarily stand out um as much and I'll just leave the things that are from the amendment bold good that yeah I like that idea okay do that Miriam yeah um I just want to remind you that um the expiration date of the permit does not change when you uh amend an order of condition I conditions you have the that's right expiration date and also just because I was looking at my calendar when you closed the public hearing earlier for the project over in Lake Drive I just noticed that your next meeting is 20 days from today and you have a 21 day limit for issuing an order of conditions so I just wanted to make you aware that you're you've got a some time pressure there b say that again when you close public hearing you have to issue the order of conditions within 21 days right and it looks to me I didn't I did a quick count but if you meet the second Thursday in April which is when you usually meet in April that would be 20 days it might be 21 days um so I'm just bringing this to your attention because if for some reason you had to delay that meeting you would have a problem so um well we're no we're meeting on the 11th which is 14 days from today oh okay well yeah um yeah but when I did the count that came out maybe I counted wrong it's two weeks from today it's 14 days okay so I guess it is I counted wrong sorry never mind that's okay um and yes you are you are correct that um Amendment does not change the issuance date of the original order so that will be on there um so let's vote to um issue the order of conditions as discussed motion make a motion to um issue the amended order of conditions by second all right Harrington I David I Wilson I um so I'll I'll get that together get the form and and those special conditions all together we'll get it issued um next week at some point thank you very much for hearing us today thank you thank you very much may I ask uh of the commission a question regarding the three Pro tasks that we were assigned which are coming up with an invasive removal plan coming up with a final planting plan and a trash um plan specifically I'm interested in knowing how much specificity you want in The Perennial planting plan are you more interested in the trees and shrubs or do you want to know every perennial that's going to be planted around the building um I I think we're more interested in the trees and shrubs what do you guys think I just think it should have a compl complete plan of everything we're doing y yeah so that if there's ever a question we can go back and look at everything that's a good point um they will all be native plants we have all the trees and the shrubs um defined their locations are also defined we're still discussing somewhat what will be planted in the beds right around the building I'd love to have someone from the commission um consult with us on this to make sure we're all on the same page sure I'm happy to do that that would be great okay frankly I think our landscape architect has done a wonderful job but I don't think they're they've grown plants in shots Berry and some of the things they have proposed I have some concerns will not be viable here so I've been going back and forth with them to try and make sure we come up with a mix of plants that are uh perennials that are native plants that have high pollinator and Wildlife value and will survive in shoot SP but I Beth I would love to consult with you as time goes on we're actively working on that now okay yeah send me an email that was good we can get together and Robin and Mary if you want to join too the more the marer the more the marer yeah we can send just send some emails around and we we'll see that sounds great I appreciate that okay all right sorry moving my papers around looking for something okay so the last thing on the agenda is to discuss the um questionnaires that we sent out to the potential applicants to be on the Conservation Commission um Mary and Robin did you guys have you know enough time to to look through yes question yes I don't I think we've reviewed it all I don't have any more questions out of any of the candidates yeah I don't I don't either okay and I don't you know I don't want to we're not going to go through the questionnaires now um I think we should just sort of discuss um you know positive things that we see about different people um and then so process is going to be that tonight we can um we can make a recommendation for one one person to this to the select board give one name to the select board we could we could give two names considering Robin um you know has announced that she's leaving the end of June um those are our options but we're basically coming up with one or two names to give to the select board uh the select board is the appointing authority for Commissioners um and then they will at one of their meetings um make the appointment so maybe first we should discuss do one or two I think we should do one and because that's what we put out for doing that and then I think we should uh open it back up again and and do another interview for if there's other candidates or any other people I want to say I was thinking of Select ing two even though one of them might wait a month or two I'm going to my term ends the end of June I don't think a new person should start on July 1st a whole bunch of projects will have gotten going and they should be involved in site visits and you know seeing the beginning of these projects and even if I don't quote unquote resign until I mean or you know until my term ends they should be coming to meetings going to site visits whatever and not just showing up you know to these places out of you know at the beginning of July 1st that's just my feeling yeah no I get that that that does make sense I guess I had been thinking of one at this point just because you know then then if we're looking again in June we could have you know whole list of different other people who might be interested too um inol and I agree with doing I agree with that and just doing one now because that's that's what we put in the application for and like I said there may be other people who want an opportunity if there's another opportunity for people so I think we should separate it up I just want to point out I'm going to miss at least one meeting possibly more between now and when my term ends at the end of June just just putting that out there so yeah that's okay yeah so you like a motion for one person now is that what so I don't think we need to make a motion for that I think that was just the beginning of our discussion just deciding uh if we want to do one or two and then we we can kind of discuss um the positives about the different candidates and and then we can vote once we decide on U who we are making a recommendation for um I feel that um that Bob Douglas has a lot of experience with Conservation Commission work obviously he's a um he's an agent in another town so he he knows the ulations he knows state regulations he knows um the whole process of how conservation commissions work um you know and as we move move forward it's it's important to to have some experience like that I don't know if I'm going to be able to stay as chair forever and ever I've got a lot going on on my plate you know so um I think I think Bob's got that going for him definitely um yeah I don't think I I mean I don't have anything negative to say about any of the candidates you know I do think um I I do agree that Bob is the most appears to be the most qualified of the people that could jump in and be able to uh and be able to run get started running um and not have to learn as much as as either of the other two candidates U might have to I was actually most impressed by Tom sefor just the times I've seen him you know present at meetings or whatever and just and I think it's good to get people on board you know so they can work their way up through we don't always have to get everybody on who's you know been a commissioner or something for a gazillion years but you know lives here and wants to make positive changes and could be on the commission for a really long time so yeah I feel like all three have have sort of scientific backgrounds and certainly interest in the Conservation Commission um and and all seem to have the time to be a commissioner which is which is great um um I know uh yeah gonna say um yeah I think I think in the end they would all be good potential candidates again I I just looking at how they answered the questions um and where I'm coming from in terms of feeling uh like we may get some pretty big projects coming through um in the next in the next year um having somebody like Bob on board would would be really helpful um so so I'd like to make a motion that we recommend Bob to be our C volunteer candidate to go through the select board do we have a second I'm not sure I can be a second can I be a second yeah you can be a second you got a vote too second okay um David hi Harrington can I abstain or whatever what do I say if I wanted somebody else nay nay um I oh that doesn't pass we need we need three we have a our for we have we need H three three s's for something to pass now I feel awful don't feel awful this is the way it goes that's the way committees run you you can change mind need another person because I'm I'm leaving very soon I'm going to be missing [Music] meetings yeah change your mind on the vote right we we would just do another motion and vote again if uh if want to I mean we do Scott's just he's not here tonight but we you know we have really we have four people um who are all active right now so we certainly typically always seem to have Quorum at most of our meetings and this is the first time since I've started where we had an issue with with a vote Carrie um I didn't know if maybe since Scott isn't here if may be easier waiting for the next meeting when he is here I don't know if that was an option at all just so you can get his word in as well it's definitely an option oh I'm I'm feeling really bad now don't worry about it can we make a motion to rese Tom will you promise to the motion failed what can we make a new motion then then I'd like to resubmit the motion to submit Bob's name yeah okay second I'll make a I second that Harrington I David I Wilson I all right Tom you have a question oh oh thank you I thought your hand was up with a question oh no thank you Tom thank you Tom by for the next one all right so that will be our recommendation I'll put put something together and get it to the select board um next week and that's it does anybody have anything else for the congratulations Bob well at least it's just a recommendation um okay motion to adjourn second second all right Arrington I David I Wilson I all right thank you everyone that was the stupidest thing I've ever seen did Beth leave yeah we voted to leave so oh I missed the motion to adjourn okay yeah that's we just did the motion and voted on it so yeah right we can go ahead and close the meeting thanks Carrie