this meeting is being recorded hey so U well welcome um we have a for today so is good uh so right now on the meeting is uh online is Art our team and Erica online U at the Town Hall is Ard John um Walter Catherine over here my right and myself Mark and we have a guest Tom uh so we have said we have a qu and I think we're ready to start it's okay with everybody yes let it rip mark all right so good right so first thing I think is we are opening the meeting which is at uh about 9:03 I'm going review the agenda and on the agenda is uh uh today is the public comments uh we're going to review the minutes from our last meeting which is which was in May uh we didn't have a meeting in June because we didn't have a quorum uh we have our we're going to review the current committee scope uh we'll look at the uh talk about the task force to investigate funding options to reduce storm water runoff and Sil contamination in the lake I'll give an update on one Dam activities and an update on the B Watershed based plan uh we'll talk about ecoar testing uh and uh and anything else that's that comes up does it does that seem reasonable directly good good U so first we have a a public comment and any comments from the from the from online from the room here time so I think we're good there thank you uh so let's take a quick look at the minutes from our main meeting uh I don't know if we have a chance to review them check a second to take a quick look at TR Miss anything they looked good to me Mark yeah they're good I wasn't there but they look good yeah can't say anything Eric I guess they W I'll put a motion out there to approve them second okay let's go one more second to give a chance here to take a quick look at him see how they all work yeah okay uh you that everybody yeah uh so we have a motion to approve a minutes and then it's second um vote uh Howard F John Walter yes cther yes uh Dave Dave says yes Eric stain I wasn't there yes okay and Mark is yes so we have a so the minutes are approved and I'll send those off uh to and get on get put on the website all right the next thing on the agenda is uh is to review the current committee scope um at our meeting in May uh Tracy brought a a couple of items that she including things like the the lack of road maintenance plan um historical board membership she reviewed um a couple of it B the scope uh propos a sewage treatment plan which was in the original scope uh and issues called Road runoff and I think she proposed um uh two things one is to eliminate the reference to elak as a being a liaison between the town government and the Lake Community uh and the second item was to eliminate references to members uh of membership of a Lake community community uh so at that point open it up for committee members to see what their thoughts are and U if you want we want to change the scope or what what's your thoughts what's your feelings I see no uh reason to uh make any changes uh at this time I don't think there's anyue there I AG da I don't see what I I was there specific reasons why she wanted to eliminate I I know one was the members of the Lake Community as it separated the lake from the town and it all really is the town and and residents um and on aison between town government and the Lake Community again I guess it was separating the lake from the town in that aspect but I think weren't we more of a liaison between I wouldn't say the Lake Community that's probably what it says but more the association and it's just giving them more uh balanced reference or guided reference to the town wasn't it yeah yeah I think I think my sense was that she wanted to have more membership from people who are not associated with the Lo more Town residents are not necessarily Associated their rate L is that do anyone else [Music] had that sense she not here unfortunately yeah I mean that's how I recollect it um but it's the lake wyola advisory committee so I mean they were nice thoughts but I don't think you like I said I don't think they're really relevant to what we're doing here and um I there's I to say I don't think there's any need for any change at this point in time and certainly anybody in the town who wants to participate can come to the meetings and or log in and that is that is correct it's an open form Committee just like any other Committee in town it's governed by bylaw so we're excluding anybody no we're not excluding anybody do you have a definition of uh [Music] late we we don't I think that might be part of the issue is that's associated with the lake those are two terms I've today and I'm just thinking that came up byw and I'm myself struggling to find definition could write down of what the way community is and Mark I'll do respect to uh I just I think that could be the weakness that had a definition first of what community is before you use the term so if you could Define it maybe that could be a solution okay Dave you say something I mean I'll due respect to um uh to Tom uh this discussion really should be held against members of the committee Tom is not a member and Tom has opportunities to present his thoughts during open Forum so I really think it's best to keep the discussion amongst the actual committee members and move forward please I'm gonna make a motion to uh to not act on changing the scope I'm going to second that motion um okay uh so comments on the motion so let's have a vote so motion FL to keep the the scope as it is and um let's our v on it so Howard yes joh yes Walter yes uh Dave yes uh art yes and Eric yes and Marcus yes okay think and that's not to say we can't look at it and maybe put some definitions in that makes it clearer right um I mean again this was the lake wol advisory committee it had to do with everything with the lake in the area and that includes people that lived there and and all that maybe it's not clearly defined I mean at that point I don't think it was really worried that much about definitions it was to get something to get the that area and those the residents down there more representation to the town and issues that were going on and that and at the time it really fulfilled what it was intended to do and the committee still fulfills its Mission so but anyhow we voted and more I I think to me the Lake Community is anybody who uses the lake uh whe they live there or or participates in like activities so thanks Mark [Music] okay next item uh on the agenda there is a the task force to investigate funding actions to reduce storm water runoff and self-contamination right so um there is a task force that was formed I think probably maybe 10 people on it people I believe are Curr yeah so it's a good siiz committee um there was uh their initial meeting was a couple we was couple weeks ago July 11th um and uh what they're doing is they're using the latest and have correct me if I'm missing anything here um uh since Tom's a member of that committee um from task force they're using the latest version or draft of the furog Watershed base plan which talks about all the all the silt contamination issues in the way and they're using that to prioritize uh you know where they want to focus their time things looking at probely so contamination over the roads um uh the final version of that plan I talked to perk this week and uh they were hoping to get uh that plan that they there plan done by summer but that's not going to happen it's not going to mean till the fall uh but still it's it's it's you know it's a very informative document and it has all you know if you can't quite list all the big issues around the way and um uh they also fog also volunteered to to participate in in in that committee and to come by and uh and say you know this is and talk about funding options you know from their perspective where could where could funds be obtained to reduce silk getting into the lake um and so U you know the task force has really just started and U I'm very optimistic it's nice to have you know we working on it working on this problem and U and it's really it really comes down to just money problems there I think we all know where the problems the major problems are and U you know uh uh Bob Douglas was talking about getting MB applying for an MVP Grant and I think he has s of expertise in that and uh so I'm [Music] optimistic um another Grant option might be education oriented grants um which but I agree it's exciting the next meeting thank you yeah that in significant part of the Perot plan is education and in Outreach the community to you know teach people what they can do on their own to to reduce self contamination and so like art you're on that Community I think aren't you also sorry I couldn't make that out are you okay I thought you were on that commit but you're you're not I guess no okay good um any uh any other just there also the also there's also the MVP Grant so-called which is um I think it's already been applied for this year but um that's another source potential source of money that I think the plan was to try to get U maybe Becky and I think Becky and maybe someone from the MVP committee itself uh to come and talk to us at the next meeting explaining what the options are and what they can do and so forth so that's another option that's all so there's two there's two resources that are available to me that committee to to explain potential sources of funding which is excellent uh any questions or comments about that task force okay excellent all right so we're moving on to the next item which is an update on the dam activities um so there's there's the the company called excuse me company called GZA which is the an engineering company that's out spr field there are Dam Engineers now and U they're focusing on two areas uh well one is U is on the actual repairs and divining the scope of repairs that are needed for the d u there's nothing uh there's nothing really wrong with a dam it's just just needs routine maintenance um and um uh so their engineer has has conference calls calls with Morris Ru who was our previous Dam engineer and so there's a nice transition here it's moris filling in and all the details what's going on um and U uh and so GC is really up to speed and uh they're just working on on the scope and hopefully we can come with a budget and get it uh into the town you know get to the town get money funding for that to do repairs um the second area they're working on is um is on draw down permits and they met with in June they met with natural heritage and endangered species people um that we haven't we have that the r Shina now is is again listed as an endangered species on the lake and so we have to get their approval before the draw down uh and when they met when GC and I think Becky was involved met with a natural heritage group um they felt natural heritage people Dev they didn't have enough information to to honestly say whether the draw not affected the viral Shin or not and so they were looking for um more engineering evaluation to support the to support the draw down specific things like you know draw down links down initiations time refill which I think we find all that stuff in the past and that's the state regulations it's all fine um and we're we're actually more conservative than the state regulations are um uh and so U and so they you know they they just want more information before they make any any determination um uh there also uh there was also a plan for GZA to meet with the Conservation Commission shair in Becky um uh to because the Conservation Commission hasn't inff in order of conditions that's operational right now and the Conservation Commission can extend that and so they can they because they have the issuing authority they can say you know for real we're just going to extend the the time of this or orders of conditions and um which would allow us to do continue doing dry Downs into the future um that's kind of where that sits so it's there's there's definite progress um there's definite challenges um but there's definitely there is a there's a pathway to continue to dra on and and maybe to do it without spending a lot of money on engineering times andur studies can I just ask in the in the minutes there was a thing about um there was a in the very end of it was talking about how if we had um document reviews that said that we hadn't increased the size of dam since 1984 and did we have draw down records and so forth we might be uh grandfathered in so to speak to um to not have to get all these permits is do we is there any kind of update on that um let's see um we we have see so there's the the records of draw Downs which I think I think we have enough information for that um and um and then so I think we're exempt from there um what was the other issue here increase the size which I don't think we've increased the size I don't think we have it's just the opposite we have that we have proof through the through the dam U uh draw engineering drawings that were done during the the repair that we haven't changed the size of the dam right that's okay so since 1984 the issue comes down with documenting the draw Downs do we have a docu documentation that's been going on since 1984 um and I think we we do not well Becky was looking into that yes at one time one book is missing yeah and at that time I was working for the conservation so they were going to check with conservation to see if they might have it U and I check the conservation records you got G in here it's off Town Hall working Carrie going conservation records and and we have a lot of stuff but we don't have like book yeah you know that says this year we draw it down this year we draw it down so there's some gaps all the records seem to be draw down for specific reasons um and as as opposed to um you I think you have him from 8 through one that's when I started uh I don't think we have is 92 or 8 that's well that's in the missing book isn't it no it's prior to that part of it yes I had notes that I gave [Music] from I think 1984 is the cut off right is don't it needs them since 1984 isn't that how it work works you have them since 82 that should well I got my notes it was it was it isn't every day that I just when we did something I WR it down all but what did documented that when we did the draw downs and all that right it it's somewhat has was more like I know work details maybe with a little interpretation on your it says here I opened it up and that was because we were starting maybe that would do it I think um right now the plan is to see what Conservation Commission has to say before they continue working U toh get the uh chapter 91 exemption and it is not saying we can't do that but I think the the path of police resistance is hopefully get the Conservation Commission to just continue to reauthorize there already some conditions and that's certainly the cheapest approach and in terms of you know engineering studies and stuff but but we're definitely we're there's still the possibility of getting the the chapter 91 exemption based upon what we information we have are we still authorized to do it this fall or I think we're aiz to do this fall because word conditions goes through the end of the year we can lower it right well will do it whether you want it or not but you know we're I think every I think the GC staff is hoping that we can know and is hoping that they work with kcom and you just just continue on basically doing what we've been doing for what we all know has been you know 30 years yeah it seems to me that getting that exemption would be really really good though then you just never have to deal with it period I mean you just would have the exemption right and save a lot of money yeah exactly and time like 100,00 it's like getting if we have to go through the whole kity process um it it's going to be a very expensive process it's like Grand worth of worth of engineering studies and U uh you know it isn't like the last time I just did it myself and and just we just all sail through now you know there's still a lot links that are doing draw Downs on a regular basis but I think it's because their conservation commissions they just approving it and the comp com is really the the the issuing authority you know they have they have control they can take information and comments from their ever You All State agencies and the public but they're really the ones in control but if if we had this exemption based on um past data then is it true they would not be in control um we wouldn't have to go through them uh we don't have I don't I don't know the answer that Captain I think the answer is yes you don't have to go through them that's my guess is my understanding as well I mean the other thing occurs to me that if if in fact over time it says 1984 is the cuto off well if we wait two years is the cut off 1986 like just I'm just asking I mean in other words do we have the records from sometime in the relatively near future from 1984 in other words if we just wait a couple years can then we get the exemption that's I'm I'm maybe I'm asking too many questions here but that's that's the question that come to my mind yeah is it a hard date or is it so many years prior EXA that's my that's the question thank you yeah so that doesn't change if you wait five years and still January 198 okay all right all right all right that's that answers the question you that's for all chapter 91 licenses like you know your docs for Doc licenses things like that if you if you have a doctor that's been in place since you know since 1984 then you don't need a license oh really yep and it's all lot of well for some people does some people you have the documentation that's part of the problem and you you can't you can't have changed the DI you can't have made you know increase the size or configuration things like that I'm going through I'm going to a doctor doctor right now working I have one but expired so uh because when I bought the house didn't they didn't have it so I'm not I'm not exempt so it's up one of those things a process okay that's any more any questions on Dan activities well in addition was it last weekend or two week two weeks ago that we put the new anchors in yeah last weekend one or two weeks ago we put new anchors in for the ropes that mold the buoys and we've got new ropes made up for the anchors that will hopefully be able to be left in place that float with we'll waited so it stay underneath the water surface but easy to you know get in the spring time to just go out in a boat take a hook and pull them up there goes the generator oh generator they're gone they're gone they'll be back back good I thought we were going to make it this time oh it's not an oak meeting without a little half time you know give me an opportunity to give my cat some more food we're joining all our Microsoft Brethren so we're out there trying to figure out why they bought Microsoft Stu no I spent I was at the bank at five o'clock this morning still trying to clear up the the wire system from yesterday it's it's all set now it's done we're all set but yeah that was a nightmare yeah no you know it's amazing it is I mean I'll bet I was saying to my son today I'll bet that company uh crowds whatever yeah I mean their stock probably went from whatever it was to zero like over Eric it did it dropped like 10 or 133% and honestly on Monday morning if it's down again I'm gonna buy it yeah well maybe either yeah and it'll be either a big they're not going they're not going anywhere and you know the what's amazing about that is you could how widely spread the product is used that just demonstrates their market share you know yeah yeah it does well that's M it's Microsoft's market share right that's what it boils down to that's because that's deal Crow strike crowd strike it it's own publicly traded company and Microsoft just happens to you know they they're they're they're they are they talk the software essentially so um but yeah it was just it's amazing I me finally happened 24 years later yeah well and it just it just it just points out how fragile the whole system is at some level it's like it's all these all these little things that have to work and they keep working but you know when they don't Hello the classic was I was uh scrolled on my ex account and somebody posted a picture of their refrigerator and it had the giant blue screen of death because it's one of these new fangled electronic refrigerators he couldn't open it oh yeah that's great yeah and then did you guys see the picture of the um you know the Dome thing in Las Vegas they had that whole thing lit up with the blue screen of death was hysterical when I was a kid or before I was born my parents when they were young early in their early marriage bought a westing house refrigerator and it had a one-year warranty and the day after that it died really when I when I was a kid you couldn't even you know you'd go to the store like with my father you'd say go get the light bulbs if you brought back a pack of westing house light buls you'd say put those back we're not buy he I don't think he ever went bought anything from westing house the rest of his life he was so pissed off I had a when I bought this cabin 20 years ago it came when the general electric refrigerator that was probably from the 70s I just got rid of it this past year unbelievable yes they should be back on soon I didn't realize that we kept in the meeting do this Happ I can't remember this this happened before where the remote people because we're all here in the zoom so it's you know oh yeah yeah we're not we're not going through the generator I suppose you're right hey did you go to Green River this year ER I did most of it most of it not all of it um they're coming back did you see cake Friday night I did they were good they were great huh yeah they were good I liked uh Bonnie light Horsemen that's that was a band I I like they were they were good they were good did you have to were you working there or uh I worked on uh I worked on Saturday for a good chunk of it Friday night I snuck in just for cake I was actually on the stage backstage for that show and uh yeah well that's what you get when you work for the primary sponsor I hear I was there all day on Saturday though after I get out of there I uh we closed it out I don't know if I didn't like that last band though on Saturday night I wasn't very happy with them but whatever I think we left by then we were water we had a 2-year-old granddaughter with us and she was getting kind of water loged it's time to get out of there all I think they're all back so sorry for Interruption but we all know the we're te here all right so we were talk we were talking about just finishing up on the again activities um and U so possibly by this weekend we'll have the new ropes in there too okay tomorrow maybe we'll see if not next weekend and uh but then then they should be um taking those in and out should be a lot easier lineing go there a or something right and the these angs will be adjustable too so as the water level changes need to be out there with with the new water you with a different changing water level they're fairly easy to adjust good all right so just so everyone knows what what we're talking about there's these there's booies that are around the inlet or Inlet or exit dra the dra pipe yeah for the lakens keep people away from that because you can get there quite a bit of suction although yeah yeah group down there and the guy was swimming he thought he was supposed to swim in that oh even though it clearly says on two signs and it's printed on the ground you know do not swim within swim or fish within the mark area there are fishing there and you know we said to him you know that's not a swimming area you got to get out and he he acted like he didn't either understand us or just ignored us but finally how we went over and talked to the the parents and he says you know it's dangerous because you s up there and it drops off really quickly she go he goes oh yeah I know I found that out I was Hing on son was like right and that's why you're not supposed to be doing it plus in doing that you know some rocks have been displaced and and all that so we're trying to keep people out of there oh okay yeah it's a good idea it's like but there it is clearly written but it was interesting okay hey Mark can I ask uh can I ask hoe If there if there's been any uh effect with the no parking signs as far as the amount of people accessing the dam I'm curious about that much better much better okay yeah U was two weeks ago when Walter was coming down I pulled up and I pulled down into the no parking so Walter could get into my parking space and then I'd P after him and two cars came along and parked behind me but the good news is the EPO officer stopped and asked us what we were doing are you the damn keeper and how he goes well yes I am that's the first time I've ever had so they are because the state park was full they weren't opening and again till 1:30 no parking so that's just what used to happen people come over but other than that no it's been really good much we had good presence of the environmental place in the lake these days yeah it's a it's a well you know it's good it's nice to get some attention now the reasons we're getting attention are not good but but it's you know it's it's nice to have you know someone coming on checking you know making sure people have life jackets and boats are not overloaded um and um people have fishing licenses and you know doing it's a it's a it's a good thing are you saying that you've seen environmental police on the lake yes yeah they they um I think know I know at least four cases where I've seen the boat out there really I haven't seen it once yet so that's interesting no that is a good thing yeah okay um next item on agenda is just an update on the fog Watershed base plan which I kind of already talked about um the mass uh d uh has given their their comments and back to burog burog will incorporate those comments and finalize they're hoping to finalize that by summer but their workload I guess is increased for some reason and so they're looking at the fall to finish that up and that's kind of critical for us to get real state fund or so called there's a couple of there 50 501 503 grants and there's a 604 grants um that are available uh that we can apply for we can't apply for them until we the The Watershed based plants done and so everything is you know moving along to slow slow slow and we have a sou group other task force is looking at you looking at other funing actions too so things are moving in all the right direction um any questions on there or comments uh if anybody wants to see the draft i' I've got I have you know draft uh of that plan that was from last year um it's you know nice work to they did yeah excited to get it finalized right next it on the agenda is just call data update U anyone you SE the data look good still we get I have not been getting part data but I do get a link to the association data and that's been exemplary week after week it's been quite low I also got a report from which quite low yeah yeah he gave me his um his historically we don't really get Ires until like August I think so so the fact that's low now it's all all positive um and you said that they're W in the stfe beach for ter packing [Music] so T here pull up some data from okay so the they are on the looks like 16th they had a high reading and limit is the threshold is is uh 61 and there are like over 100 that look like and so that's why that GRS in the reach um more that data you Mass this p okay we should put I'll put the L for both of these things the different and I'll put it on the um website make a note for myself so um any comments on I or questions I know last year we had talked about the possibility we had last year I think we had talked about the possibility of of using some of our budget money to do some uh some eoli testing at the State Beach when they were closed I know anybody wants to do that I just to get comparable data you know we're we're talking about basically gut bacteria in both cases I don't think that we would actually learn anything more tting okay any comments any suggestions I agree with Catherine on that okay all right so uh let's see items that we not not recently anticipate prior to the meeting Mark I do have a question um do we think it's necessary appropriate etc etc to have anyone on this committee uh join the discussion of the bylaws of the voting bylaws committee that's being formed that that that's good that's good comment good good question so what dav's referring to is sort of one of those items that we didn't anticipate is that there are there is a the select board has formed a new committee uh to look at the voting bylaws of of the lake existing bylaws uh and U they haven't appointed anyone yet uh they're looking for volunteers um we could certainly if someone wanted you know if we could say we could recommend someone if someone wanted to join that committee that's up to the select board well so so what's happening here is um you know I think as a result of the accident that's occurred in the lake um that there is there number of people want to you know look at bylaws and U and say do is time we need to make changes to them we need to add add stuff take stuff away um and so um so David suggested one is so David's question is should elac recommend someone from our committee to be on that U on that committee and with that I would I would volunteer to do that I think I might be a good choice because I'm not a Boer I'm a kayaker um lived on the lake for 20 years so if the committee seems think this might be a good idea then I'm willing to to serve anybody that's outside thee um or suggest somebody outside we we can we can suggest anybody we want I mean it's it's the cour is looking for recommendations uh they it's my understand they want to mix people from the lake but people from the community at large um there's a the fire chief and police chief will participate in in the me in but they're not on the committee but but they you know they're more in tune to what's the issues around the way the safety issues around the way yeah I would recommend somebody Megan Megan I think is will be volunteer to be that I mean I think they're gonna they're going to have 50 people volunteer to be on that committee and there's can I just interject we we have we have had speaking from the select board I'm not speaking for the select board but uh we have had a lot of people already that have suggested including Megan who have said they want to be um on this committee so yeah there' be no problem getting people I think David someone like DAV would be great I think and I think the idea really is first of all the idea is not to change the bylaw it's unless that committee decides it needs to be changed they may decide it doesn't need to be changed which is what that's what they decide um but if but but certainly the idea is to get a diverse group of people who both are as David suggesting not voting boter not boter you know everybody swimmers nons everybody um the idea is to try to get because everybody wants to use the lake from all areas of this town including obviously the people who live on the lake so um the idea is to try to get a a committee that's diverse in opinion and ideas and share it basic figure out how to share it that's the the bottom line getting back to David's question I think having a repres representative from this this committee wouldn't be a bad idea no I agree I agree that's great is that something you should go I I'll make a motion that we recommend David to be on the from representative of this of L to whatever the name of this committee is by Viola bylaw Review Committee okay there'll be good second um uh so let have a vote uh yes Walter yes D yes art yes Eric I'm going to obain just because I'll be one of the people choosing the members of of the of that committee so I think I should just lay out of this but I I think it's a great idea but that's just sort of off the Record if you will it's my name I to abstain all right so so we we have a the committee is approved to recommend that Dave be part of that committee um I'll contact I'll do I'll go through the formal contact I believe I there's a number to call call the selectboard or Eric are you gonna just put my name no I I would say right I think it's the idea is to write an email to the select board saying I want to be on it blah blah blah okay for for I'll do that first in Monday morning yeah that'd be great I think that's the way to do it thanks that's good thank you and so I don't have to do anything sounds nope I'll take care of it Mark okay excellent I like that all right any other items on that we didn't anticipate or any other new items new business okay motion to aour it's uh I think so we have a second second all right um I think everyone's in favor Journey so it's it's 950 right now and uh we'll see you all next month great meeting thank you Mark thank you Mark thank you all take care take care than meeting here