##VIDEO ID:5FcKaFR4Wyg## for for for for you for e for for e for for oh spe hey Bob that's cool hi Eric hey how are thanks for that email oh yeah that's kind interesting yeah I I haven't seen it yet but I knew they were working on that you know it's just it's another one of those ones you just go I don't know what you know it's like 700 you know Cs and half of them are broken and you know I you know Bob you're here yes I'm just a special guest star at the opening my other my other mean is coming online I want to say hi yeah that's good well we're gonna make the next one so that you could come what will it be tell me that I know we we're starting to get a handle on and what's happening are you going the winter schedule now yes um I'll find out the before I leave the tonight's meeting I'll find out the date this this tonight was a self-inflicted uh wound I gave just gave the wrong date so I won't make the same mistake again okay great well good to see you take care everybody yeah okay you if it ends early drop in again absolutely okay yeah so oh I gotta ad so yeah lots of culbert and they're all broken yay well you know they're actually not all broken it's a six 6% I think it said are CR critical the other ones that then there's some that are not so bad and but like 70% of them are actually pretty good they say as I'm recalling the numbers I can't remember exactly yeah that's good yeah I'm going to um mention that report when we get around to uh things like that yeah I I fed to the last email that theoretically had all of our emails on it so I I'm just an interesting thing that's all so same same subject so what the heck how you doing good thanks how do hi Eric hi Tracy hi Charlene I don't see oh Charlene's camera's turning off here Joe so we just need Jim the link worked fine for me three four five yeah on the calendar yeah it did work fine Tom and I just just so you know we're trying the select we're trying to work all the zoom stuff out it's all you know technology is just getting away from us here as you're probably aware last night Tom and I worked last night on trying to create the zoom link because normally Grace does that right so we figured it out I have the host instructions and Tom helped me uh answer questions I couldn't answer well you probably know more about it than I do at this point but theoretically I think we have to get to the point like the idea is to get to the point where every chair of every committee can o can open can set an agenda post the the zoom link and open up a meeting that's the idea yeah perfect that's GNA be in a more expensive account to what the the town now has um so we're trying to figure out how to do it the most economical way but it's sort of at the point where you can't allow Someone Like You know the former Becky or the Becky person to just have to start all the meetings and be there just too crazy so we had um Tracy here a minute ago here she comes Jen can you hear me yes oh because it says you're really echoing though it's like you're a rockar on reverb well I'm on my phone and my computer should I do one I would do one yeah all right hello hey Jim Jim okay can you still hear me yeah yeah then I'll stay on this and get off my computer text Jennifer Wallace Tracy Tracy is talking to Siri we can hear you say for some reason Tracy are you muted or can you hear us hear anybody there she period oh are you able to hear me yeah we can hear it says for some [Laughter] reason so Tracy if we can hear you can you turn your camera on okay someone's Tracy someone's got a radio on in the background or something that might be me I'll go to another room my husband has the TV on but it's on very low the mic is picking it up y I'll go to another room okay and Tracy can you hear us now U let me just she's texting me um yeah she can't hear anybody so H I guess she should maybe sign out and sign in again that's always good unless it's her speaker or call in yeah she texted me I can't hear you guys can you tell the group um I think signing out and signing in again is probably a good idea yeah I'll talk to that are you GNA write to her about that Tom yes okay then I won't so now with and Joe I think Joe is here I don't see him but he's turned off so if we have me I'm here okay Joe hi one two three four five six Tracy's here but she can't speak that makes seven right okay so um then we can have our meeting so now I am recording this even though I didn't set do anything it just was automatically recording but I think we'll all say our names and uh and we can open the meeting just a technical Point can't we have a meeting with less than because we're we're we're nine now not 11 that's right we could be six we could be five five we could be five okay good I think we're to we're ready to go no matter what happens Tracy's gonna try from her phone she said that's what worked for me mine was for some reason I couldn't get the video to work or the audio um but then my phone worked okay all right good we had a few issues last night with our host getting cut off it was the shsb host account and it just so just be warned there were some SN snafus last night too okay um so let's see I'll say 7:05 start time is that right 7:05 we start the meeting and can everyone just say their name for the minutes Jennifer Wallace is here Eric stalker J Moore charling Joe [Music] Salvador well we can start I guess Tracy's not in yet but you can oh here she is she's wanted to be admitted all right so now Tracy can you hear us on the phone she's connecting it's now maybe Tracy are you able to hear us yes second can all right good so Tracy say your name for the minutes okay Tracy MCN all right good okay so the meeting is open and I don't see any public members so we can move right to the next agenda item which is to review and approve the minutes and Tom do you want to put those up do we need because you had some questions about some things yes let me just take a moment to do that sh I'm gonna meeting through my laptop too so I can look at the lapt my laptop for the docs okay okay I think I can do it both is it displaying that yeah we see yours Tom yes we do okay and you just see the meeting minutes no other documents correct cor correct great okay so um okay so Eric confirmed he was not there is that correct Eric that is correct um and this item for the motion to approve the minutes I'm sorry it was the only one I didn't capture who made the motion and seconded it I don't know if Charlene you have any memory of that I wanted to suggest if we had to we could just wait for the video to be posted and um correct it at that time and just leave them pending except for a little detail like that it comes down to it but does anyone remember specifically motioning or seconding to approve the minutes of that last meet I remember something but whether it was that point was that the only time we had to do a motion no because you also I'm highlighting now on the screen you also I know I moded in my book that you seconded the next vote I don't so yeah I I feel bad that it's such a small technicality but um we can still submit the minutes even with yeah I think technically speaking I think you can say a motion was made and seconded I don't even think you have to say who did it maybe obviously better if you do but I don't think you have to okay then um great um I'm just scrolling down to where I see my notes so excuse me if I'm ignoring anybody else's notes this discussion number six was where I have in my notes that Mark Rivers mentioned something about uh an importance for him to that he was thinking about are prioritizing five or six items that seems to be the only part of this item that people I know Jen had a question about that um I just don't remember I don't remember that yeah I mean I I wrote down by hand things people were saying here and there trying to like catch the key words they were saying and I did write that phrase and it was in the context of he was suggesting that I think when the different groups work together they might try to come up with a collective five or six item list um it in no way meant to reflect what anyone else thought of that it was just simply a record of what he said in your notes Tracy you have your hand up yes I I recall that as well okay so if that's recalled by two people I think you can confidently put that in the minutes okay um was that the only thing if it was in that section then I'll take that highlighted thing out I didn't have any questions about the minutes other than the ones you raised oh on the site visits um the highlighted part here for number seven was about whether I kind of got a complete capture of what we discussed about the September 12th site visits which were the ones on the High Roads lock Pond and Wendell and Watson Straits [Music] um and no one told me anything was to be changed there I just wondered if I was capturing everything because again I only have my own note um I think are you raising your hand Jim no oh just scratching yeah I think it's good okay um the next one was actually um a little twofold because it was when Jennifer displayed a document so I would need a copy of that document I don't think I made a point of asking you to email it to me yet I me I'll just attach it at the end of these minutes yep but uh I didn't know if I summarized the discussion of it to to uh tur Le uh saying that Wallace displayed a document with a basic outline of what a report from the task force for the select board might look like and what such a report would include because I didn't have more notes about it I'm sorry I remember seeing it but is that essentially what we saw or what you displayed I just that's exactly what I displayed and I don't know unless other people have a different opinion about it because the document will be there attached to the minutes you know if any you know for more detail people could just read that document there wasn't any discussion about it if I remember right except Tracy that's what I guess I was wondering about the like what felt like a gap in my notes but maybe it really just was a here's what it could look like I think Tracy said it was helpful for her to see something that begins to lay out a kind of a map of our process but uhhuh right Trace that's probably okay if we don't capture that though no offense to Tracy sorry I gotta get the right audio thing I'm hitting the wrong way um so yes I did mentioned that to you but it wasn't at the meeting are you sure yeah I remember texting that to you saying what what what do you want us to read on the furog report what I'm not I it would be helpful to know like what we need to be doing without moving forward no we're talking about two different things here oh sorry yeah what are you talking about I I screen shared something that outline that was a very um barebones outline of What Not only a draft of the report to the select board might look like but that we would follow that in our process okay and and that's what we're referring to in the minutes here and and but if you don't recall saying it then we don't have to put that in the minute I I don't don't I mean but it doesn't mean I did this is good I well never mind I I'll leave all sides aside yes Tom oh Jim's got his hand up I have to pen my dog in for a off for a second I do remember seeing your screen um image of that page so that if it could just be attached to the minutes I think it would be fine yeah that's what we're going to do yeah all right so he's not here but he's going to ask the question we can see here whether we adjourned at 9: did we nine seems late but did we I guess it was a long meeting last time it was a long meeting yeah I think it did go an hour and a half so then that would have been 8:30 right we said 7:30 start sorry I scrolled on everybody there without warning you um but oh maybe we started a little late I don't remember that but I guess I don't remember very much about that yeah it was 7:30 on the calendar as well and I did add here that the documents use would include the report that Jennifer shared so okay I'll email once I get that I'll turn it into a Google link and just add it to minutes okay so can we get a motion to approve these minutes I'll make a motion to approve the minutes uh presented this evening I could second second it okay approved and Tom will post right Tom sure we just have to do a quick roll call vote all right okay I cord I Salvador I gleni I Moore I MCN I stalker of stain that wasn't there that's everybody I'll stop sharing okay so um the next thing on our agenda is kind of an open discussion of um people's observations about the field trips that we took last weekend and uh just a chance for us all to sort of share observations if anything um you know bubbles up as being something that we don't want to get lost from there I mean I will be uh using well and you probably saw a little bit of that in the thing I sent around for you to look at but you know I'll be um using this part of this discussion to focus our um you know how we sort of begin to isolate out the things that we're thinking need the first round of attention um and overlay that with the furog report so Jim's got his hand up first okay I just wanted to kind of restate my idea about the mission and that we do on the lake have a number of areas where we can see storm water discharge and so we see sedimentation occurring and that in terms of the discussion and the priorities I would just kind of like to put that forward that those areas when we come to what interventions might take place we should you know I would suggest um addressing those as the issues that are we we U develop and we didn't really look so much at the actual discharge points right we looked at places that's maybe delivering water but we didn't really walk along the shoreline and see where it's actually discharging well again if several times we did talk to people who were mentioned that there were discharges that were taking place there so when we were on Shore Road I think Tracy if I can put words in your mouth um mentioned a couple of places where the water was discharging into the Cove and into the lake um and I think on on Lake Drive um there were a few places where people mentioned that there were were so um again just sort of things to keep in mind I think some times we in the walk arounds that when the field visits um were distracted a few times from issues that directly affected the sedimentation and the flow of pollution into the lake fair enough and I think there is a report if I remember right it was the habitat study and um but I can look that up to that actually identified you know outfalls I guess they call them or discharge point so I agree I mean that is reducing sedimentation and storm water non-point Sol pollution sources is the goal so so that makes a lot of sense to me all right Tracy your hands up yes I I was just going to mention that um report that you were just speaking of because that will show uh the discharge uh areas that the people who did that um study found and also um I think that a spring uh site visit when we've got the melt off going which you know I mean hopefully we're going to get some precipitation through this winter um and then we can actually literally see which I think is is going to be very helpful um but yes you know on on our this side I can definitely um point out areas where we have sentiment Jennifer you'd be able to too but the other issue is that when the roads are used as drainage there's going to be sediment that goes into the lake just over people's property um when it runs off and and because of the type of gravel that's used by lwa that just runs off into people's property and ultimately goes into the lake um with rainfalls so I think that materials is going to be very helpful okay that's helpful um how about other observations or comments tell I don't know how to put my hand up you can I see your hand you see my hand no that's me it's Joey we hear your hand Joy yeah I I got because I'm fighting a c if I start coughing bear with me hey at the says reactions just click on that and then you'll see a little hand I see the hand up in the corner now so Tracy you have to click off your hand um that report that was out some of the coverts that are right now that need to be replaced is that something right now while we have no rain we could put on a like a super priority list to try to get them fixed before we have a lot of rain there's a couple coverts that they determined around the lake that are really bad and probably right now is the best time to get those coverts addressed either cleaned or replaced while our ground is so dry right so this is a question for our Lake wola Association members if the culverts that you're speaking of are are the ones on Shore and Lake Drive and I guess there was another Culvert on King maybe I mean Lake wola roads actually well the one the ones I looked at were like on window Road locks Pond Road there were more Town covers the bigger ones okay that needed to be addressed can I ask Joe for clarification do you mean the report that Eric just sent out yeah because I was looking at some of those um yeah they had all of them and those that was really good because it showed pictures of them and everything and some of those it it said which ones needed to be cleaned which ones needed to be replaced and maybe now we should address those and uh get those taking what we can get taken care of before we get all this rain again it'd be a great time to do that that's all and I'm talking about not the Lake Association coverage I'm talking about I see right that's a good clarification so Eric I guess that's a question for the town more like how or do you all have a a plan of approach about addressing some of the things identified in that report no we don't have a we don't have a specific plan of no we don't we just got this report today I just saw for the first time today so I guess I gather the highway department has gotten it you know I if they did they just got it today I mean I think it just came out today I think that's least I I think that's what happened I got from the Town Administrator today she forward it to me and I forwarded it to you but um it was all today um I certainly don't have any problem with talking to Dave about that um I have no idea what you know like I just I don't know the answer to that question because I don't know what we have I don't know what we have in the budget I don't know where the budgets are at in terms of that exactly I really don't know yeah I think that's something to respect really and um it would be great if we could just go on out there and fix all those culs whenever we felt like it or you know we by we I mean the collective we yeah no no Joe makes a good point and um we have a pro you know every of these agencies or departments have a process that they're just getting this report now if they have it at all so right right I mean I know they've been grading roads today because my my road got graded so so I know that uh I know they they weren't sitting in front of their computer waiting for that report to come along the line I know that much but um I'm glad to I'm glad to stop in and talk to him and just sort of mention it that it's a it's I think Joe makes a good point who did the report come from furog that report was made by fog okay that that was a really good report by the way yes I agree it was it was interesting if nothing else I mean I sort of was tearing out what's left in my hair reading it but but but yeah it's interesting I like the way they made the breakdown based on priority they prioritized all of them some of them are are 50% somewhere 75% so they really did a good breakdown on it where very detailed yeah no I agree the the detail was good but I noticed they didn't mean I guess it was really just town roads they didn't refer to the ones say the way we're just talking about on short driving they didn't talk they didn't talk about those no the um the lake roads the covers weren't mapped out either yeah these Town owned roads that report was about the one that I sent today yeah how about any other um site visit Impressions from people who haven't had a chance to share yet I have one one of my Impressions was just it's going to be an interesting going forward um it seemed as though the closer we got to the lake the more private property came up as uh oh that's a person we're going to have to ask or mention or on board or educate um I know it's always been with us because there are even driveways like on lock Pond Road that might entail a private property discussion with the person but just seemed as though that was getting to be more of a point um like on Pine where the buildout was on the two sides there uh by the water um on Shore Drive I remember coming up a few times so I wasn't there for the Sun day visit but I don't know if it also came up more as people seem it seemed as the closer you get to the lake it up yeah I say it was pretty parallel yeah I think oh sorry no no go ahead well uh through the visits though we found out a couple other properties that the town does own by the water to utilize those town properties for uh discharge would be great and if we could you know use them more maybe change a couple coverts so that they use those locations it would solve a lot of those problems um but using the town property I guess we'd have to I don't know what the procedure with that would be just a thought yeah and I had some something about that too but first let's let's see Eric was gonna say something and then Tracy well I think just to follow up and I I think more or less one of the part the things that hit me on Sunday was and I think Tracy mentioned it tonight it's like much the roads is sort of used for um for water removal and so so like basically every and then it gets into the whole private property thing so people have private property and they put a burm up on top of the property to keep the water off of their property can't blame them for doing that because they don't want water in their house I get it but the where's the water go well it goes in the road and it runs so does a river down the road and takes the road of it down into the eventually into the lake somewhere because it's so it's a it's a very complicated issue and that gets to um my observation and then we'll get to Jim and Tracy which is we talked about I mean that's great what Joe is saying about let's make sure we can identify these town properties and use a water drainage system to to get the water to the town properties but we've also said we think we need some kind of engineering expert to uh identify you know the right way for that to happen and I just wanted to I keep I keep trying to not have an engineering study because we have so many studies you know but perhaps if that's part of a commitment on the part of all the stakeholders that it's a multiphase plan and that's the first plan and I think that there are if something large like an engineering study with and diverting water to town-owned property is part of the plan I think there's other smaller components that can get implemented while this larger one is in the works is what I'm hoping um but Tracy has her hand up and and then Jim um well just to comment on the engineering study piece to me the way I look at an engineering study is that it's the last step before action gets taken so it it you know it's it's different than these studies it's actually being you know a plan that can be implemented so and in some areas I think they're going to be really key especially if it's going to impact Property Owners but I was just thinking that um you know in regards to the culverts in the study that Eric sent out that need repair it seems like it would be a good time to take a look and Dave could maybe jump and help us out here is what instead of just going ahead and repairing all those covers maybe this is the time to look at whether or not we need to change the coverts up a little bit so that they're discharging onto some of the Town property instead of going and repairing those and then like maybe those some of them are not in the best locations I really don't know this is I'm just sort of picturing this idea in my in my brain because I'm not looking at um the a map of the culs does anybody know but by looking at the study that that uh Eric sent if any of those culverts are near some of the areas that we talked about on Town property Jo did you pick up on that good question I do think that the there were a couple yeah I think there must be some of them that one was on on locks Pond for sure but I don't remember the diagnosis of how it got categorized but I do remember one at least being mentioned on and then on Wendell I think there were a couple that were also where there were either and again I think there was only one that was collapsed and needed to be replaced the others were a matter of Maintenance and clear out as I remember reading it but it was this afternoon and I read it quickly so it seems like one thing that could help be helpful here is in the same way that I attempted to Overlay the furog recommendations with with you know what our ultimate recommendations might be this cul study has to come into that too right so that and and then again I don't know what the towns process would be for prioritizing that work on the part of the highway department so this is where it gets into the weeds a little bit about how are these different stakeholders and the work that has to happen going to get um coord I agree with what Tracy was saying as far as um some of the coverts that they may be fixing may not be in the right place if it if if you're going to use the town property or divert the water down by uh unlock P divert the water to the left and go right down to the to the Dam Area instead of even trying to cross the road to the to to the lake and get as much water going down that side there's ways it can connect the covers on the opposite side of the road so you divert a lot of water without having to worry about the covers on that side right I like her idea but that would take again maybe an engineer just to look at diverting the covers at the top before you do anything at the bottom so it sounds like also we need to it's time to bring Dave in from the highway department and give him an update on where we are and how we want to try to work with these different um components um Jim and then Eric okay a couple different things one would be it that to with the town in terms of the grant writing and the development I think they the idea of putting it into saw um Brooke or whatever um would need an engineer hydraulic engineer study and and maybe some environmental considerations about putting potentially some salt water runoff into that stream um but that is you know again that's one of my big priorities is to try you and move as to to address issues before the the water gets through the culverts um so I I would think that an engineering report and our proposal would be for an engineering report to see about the feasibility and that we have the county and the town um and and our report um backing that up um the other thing is that I've I think for all of the interventions for the best practices you know interventions would need some smaller engineering report just to make certain that the capacity that's installed matches um the capacity um coming down but during the walk and this is where I get back to your original question that I think we were able at least on the west side and I think on the East was to take almost every problem along the shore back up to a culvert where the water entered and it wasn't that all of the water entered there but it did set up the flow in the the the course of the drainage after that and there were a good number of cases again where um agree with the observation that we're talking about land owners that um but the there is a trade-off to look for an intervention that would be in the grant that would help them uh keep the location of their Shore I mean a lot of people are having erosion on the shoreline as well as dumping sediment occurring so that something is being offered them to stabilize their Shore um and I do think you know that I think Tracy has a point about the general wash um but the on the west side of the lake as we go in from Lock Pond a Long Lake Drive um there are three places that I can remember easily um where there were known um what what's the word again the where the flow of sediment is you know the um is visible and it and that along discharge points as discharge points well above the discharge points and almost every case is one of those homemade um collection points so that across from the new house on Lake Pond there's on the other side of the road that old piping that hooks up to the new pipe and it could probably be very useful to put a um like by Donna's house I don't know what that best practice is called but the sediment TR called like a su a sum something yeah with sediment trap with an outflow is something that would um the other one is where there's an you know locally group of neighbors digging a pit and putting an outflow there that is somewhat of a sediment trap but is fed by two streams coming into that sediment trap I see where you're headed with that so it's like start with these discharge points and Trace them back to the place which is ultimately either on Wendell Road or locks Pond Road that's delivering the water in that direction well I I would suggest yes that it's both though I'm a little bit skeptical about I mean the rain does fall on the other side on on the association side of of lock Pond Road so there will be continued drainage issues dealing with the drainage along locks Pond would alleviate some of those right but then not trusting uh that that I can I think we could name three points I could name suggest three points um the two that I mentioned and the one by Bob um Douglas's place that would address a number of the outflows that that the the and solve them and I think that several of those homeowners would jump at the suggestion of getting support to replace the jury rigged thing that's there and put in um a much more professionally engineered uh type of drainage and so that okay and and a similar yeah cut it short um cut me short is that I think on Shore Drive it's much the same issue of taking the W the water that's coming off the road um that the water that's collected in Watson straight um would and then have a few places where getting the water under the road with a sediment trap and then an out flow would solve a number of problems and then I would suggest we consider The Laurels which we didn't walk over but certainly on South Laurel there's a place I can imagine a sediment trap and and again the outflow to the edge of the lake would solve some some sediment wash out okay that sounds good all right so we have um I think Eric's hand was up and then Tracy and then Charlene yeah I was just going to Simply say that just um I understand Jen your your reticence to engineering studies like you know it's the classic academic oh study it let's study you know then whatever here we go but on the other hand I mean if you look at the lake right now a lot of the problems it seems to me are that you know house a solved the problem where they got the land the water off of their land and they dumped it on house B and then B bu B said well okay I'll put it on number c and whatever you know it's just it's just it's just too mid crazy there is just I think we're we're our own worst enemies many times where we've so I think that's the that's the defense of the of the engineering study that I would have is it's sort of coming down from top and saying let's do this and I would agree we'd sort of start with the top of the hills and sort of say let's let's let's do this in a unified logical recession here that that's the thing that I think an energy study might I mean sorry energy an engineering study might um help us with that's all yeah and I think that's right and you know as Tracy said it's not um it's a it's a study but it's it's it's the first phase of an implementation to do that kind of a study rather than the research is it's not a study like is there a problem here it's a study like we already know there's a problem and here's our first crack at how we're going to address well I think when you when you when when they did the study when they did their study they their implementation plan they they could say that it has to be we could say that we're we would have to do it in phases because of the expense so you the engineers prioritize what has to be done first right and how would what's what's your plan here for like how would you make this work over time right that's all that's that's helpful Tracy yeah and I just wanted to say that kind of payy back backing off what Eric just said I feel like what has occurred here is that culverts were put in on the wendle locks Pond um without sort of a plan of what was going to happen downhill from there and then and probably over time new houses were built and the culs were there and the um and so there there's nothing in there doesn't seem to me that there's any interconnected plan there's cover on locks Pond they dump off somewhere whoever's dealing with that is figuring something out at that level and then by the time we get to the lake um there is no you know uh I don't think sediment into the lake was probably even ever being considered it was just getting water off of property um and so it seems to me that we should be looking at all of the culverts from at on Wendell and locks Pond and looking at them from the perspective of what is their function like and what is you know what what where they're being directed is this a good place for them to be directed and if not change it um and I I feel like I know that kind of sounds like a maybe a slow process but I feel like if we don't start from the the beginning then then we could just get just continue to get a tangle of problems that could occur uh you know after that right and you're saying you know a point that that was echoed or you're the echo of a point that was already made which is rather than replacing culverts that are identified let's say in this new report that we just got it's like okay well let's look at how this interconnection is occurring and what really needs to happen and where is this water going to get directed for the best results reducing the sedimentation and for example I think that we can really look at the culs on either side of Sue hoy's house who has now had to try to create her own little engineering study get the water off of her house because those coverts were probably just put there because you know from the perspective of water coming down locks Pond it seemed like a good a good spot um because but but then then we've got this whole erosion happening around and behind her home um so that doesn't seem like it was a very good plan well there it wasn't a plan right exactly so but this is I mean I think that this is exactly what we are about what this group is about you know is is starting to create an interconnected way of looking at this whole phenomena of what's going on with water and sediment coming down to the lake so so this is the beginning of the interconnected plan and starting to think starting to think interconnected Le you know that it's not here's the town's issue they're going to get the water off lox Pond Road and here's you know homeowners and Lake W Association issue and they're going to do what they're going to do now we're I think we're and I hope that we're connecting the dots among each other and with each other and that that's going to be the beginning of of some solutions that address the fact that water is is Flowing across both kinds of properties for me it feels like the best way to be able to visualize this is that if we map each Culvert down you know Culvert you know a on locks Pond where does that go what's impact like we've got a written and and maybe what we could do is we could we could bring them out and give each person a couple of them and do sort of like a write up of you know it starts here and it ends up on such and such a property on that property they're having whatever issues they might be having um I don't know it just it seems like that would and and I feel like that would also in terms of an engineering study it might save a little money because we could be giving them a lot of information that they could therefore then use um from you know from that point forward okay I I would like to see an engineer set up a plan from the top of the hill all the way to the bottom because you could set up a covert on the top and then somewhere in between somebody decide to build something or do something and it changes the direction of the water so the covert you're working on by the road below it may not even be with a place where the water's coming out again because a couple places on short drive that's what happened somebody did something on top and now the water instead of going to the right it's going to the left but having a plan from the top all the way down that says the water is going to go in this direction and it's going to end up here then it people on the lower part of it have a plan where the water is going to come out by their property we can almost direct it right and everybody knows that in other words when concom is you know giving a site approval for some development on the lower end they're also aware that this Culvert is draining water and that you know whatever is going to happen there or be altered there has to be altered in relationship to this thing that's already been built to deal with water flow you understand you know that so there's policy that's the other thing that it is a very complex issue but there's also not only are there best management practices for structural stuff there's maintenance there's education but there's also policy Town policy about how preserving um the solutions that we come up with but right now maybe the best time to set up a plan because if you put an area where the water just charges up like in Watson's and everything instead of having the water just go everywhere it actually makes it go in a the direction and the location that you want so you would think your whole property wouldn't be totally wet just the area where that collect system is right that catches so it's actually beneficial to the people that live on that end you don't have water going everywhere so your whole backyard isn't wet if you set it up to the right program where you direct the water so that it goes into a discharge area all the way down to the to the lake just a thought it's a good thought and Charlene you've had your hand up for a while I just would like to reiterate I I feel we've done a lot of looking at the culverts and where the erosion is where the sediment buildup IS and I'm I'm wondering personally um if we do need to take that next step with the engineering because we're maybe at the point where we can second guess some of those culverts but an engineer would be able to be a lot more uh affirmative in letting us know certain coverts that are working well and certain ones that aren't and I I still go back from way back to the beginning of our first meeting when I think it was Jim um mentioned how important it is for us to look at the top of where the problem starts and um because we did both site visits at the top uh I think it we saw what some of the results were when the water um escapes basically and and starts coming toward the lake so I'm all for the engineering study I I know it's expensive but I think I think we're at a a place in in our meetings where we can keep going and looking at things and finding more areas but I I feel maybe the experts can give us we can Define it a little better because it it's so peac meal around the lake right now and I I think of that deep pump catch Basin that's on Gary West's property that was fabulous and maybe that's something we should look at putting in around the lake and in different spots where the heaviest erosions occurring I don't know but I don't know much or anything really about that but it's obviously it's something that's going to work well for his area and that's one of the areas where there seem to be a lot of problems on the roads so I just think I think we need to to look at an engineering study personally because mapping all the culverts and doing all that work would be great but I don't know how you feel but how do we know the water is definitely coming down into that Culvert from way above we can't look down through the property to see exactly what's under there and I know when Joey gory came out um I was talking to him after and he cleans out that area and as long as we have people like that who are willing to do it that's great but we can't always depend on that so we need a a more meaningful plan that will uh keep us you know doing what we need to do with the ultimate goal of stopping that sediment or decreasing the the sedimentation so it may be I mean something to entertain that the focus of this group because it's not like any of the stakeholders are just going to go out and hire an engineer for a 50 Grand or whatever they identify it as so so we're needing to suggest to this as far as I think our charge was is to identify for the select board what we think the main issues are what we think would be needed to address them and some potential funding sources and maybe our role is to define the scope of the engineering study you know these are the things that we would like an engineering study to look at specifically and and and and US applying for a grant is to ID is to do an engineering study as the first step of implementing these things that these systems that we already know here's the discharge Point here's the Upland effects of it and we're narrowing the scope of the study potentially you know by saying here's what we're trying to raise money for you know just not a huge in other words I think we have to put the Fisk Pond sedimentation off to the side here I mean that's something furog mentioned and that's you know maybe not to be lost in the process but but our role might be to you know identify well what would be the initial scope of this engineering study dealing with these same drainage systems that we've been dealing with but we have to articulate it somehow to in a grant you know we have to say here have been the findings these are the things we know are happening these are things that we know are potential problems and these are the things we know that we could do to Pro to ameliorate them like use Town owned property Etc I don't know I'm that wasn't very articulate but I had thought in my in my own mind I know we have to do an engineering study and I just want to get on with the construction projects but now I'm wondering if our scope is more yay Bob's here um Define in what an engineering study would be but Tracy your hands up I was just going to say that it would be so helpful if Bob were here he would know what need provide an engineer with what information like what more do we need to do and maybe we don't need to do anymore like Charlene was just saying maybe you know just get an engineer in here and we don't need to go map these coverts um you know or would it cut C if we were to do some steps like that so we should get Bob up to speed and see what he says so Bob where we've been is everything from replacing broken culverts now while there's not much water to trying to figure out how to fund an engineering study to to really look in an integrated and compr interconnected way to what's happening up land to specific plac places where we know water is now dis sediment is now discharging and we just before you stepped in I was saying maybe the role of our group is to really Define for a grant what we think the engineer would be doing what would they be studying and whether that's the right way to approach something like this so you just stepped in Jim's got his hand up but is that enough information for you to jump in yes please thank you very much so what do you think about that what I well I hate to jump in front of Jim Jim do you defer for the moment go yes uh go right ahead yeah I apologize um no I think that's honestly I think um that will be the our best bet is to take the alphabet of uh different grants that are available that some of which were mentioned in the um the furog um some we know about already and uh get one of them in um the the town doesn't have $700,000 to buy a piece of land uh nor does the uh uh Association but uh there may be grant money out there that would allow us to put in detention basins or or do studies Etc so I do think that grants are a good a good possible [Music] use Jim oh just a short point that I um wanted to two actually that um I believe it was suggested that we try and do the each of the micro drainages um have someone trying to take it from a culvert down to the discharge point at the sure Bob Douglas oh yeah he was just on someone's got their mic on is that you Mike f Mike I think you need to to mute I'm muted okay can I just should I just keep yeah keep going okay um so I mean one they would be getting the information for an engineer and I do think there'd be an advantage into breaking up the engineering suggestions rather or at least having a priority of them um and two different would be to one study that we might ask for that um certain you know um Tracy would would go for is to get advice as to what sort of gravel or or material should be put on the roads to that would meet the the the requirements for not getting washed out so easily so um that's that okay and Eric yeah I mean I think we're at the point where we should we should say that I mean not to disband this committee or anything I'm not suggesting that for a second but just s to say hey look we're at the we're at the point where we think an engineering study has to be done then the question is how to do that how to how to go about that does the town do it well isn't it isn't just a town problem a town problem you know it's also the Lake Association so I don't I don't know Bob suggest this the alphabet soup uh version of of Grant I mean who would take who is who is we who is we that's asking for this engineering study we have to figure that out but I really think we should be very we should be sort of effectively be the committee that sort of says say look we want to write this we want to write a grant to have the to accomplish the following things and we think the town should do that you know that with the we should do it with the town how we how we decide how we that part of it but that's the tricky part I guess the town and gown what what you to call it you know that whole thing is going to be a problem Italian bathing suit yeah whatever it is and who generally Eric who who usually writes grants for the town do you have a a go-to person or I think the Town Administrator does unfortunately we don't have well we have an interm Town Administrator very good when I suspect and I think I'm sure she is um but that's she we're two or three months away from having a real a real Town Administrator um a full-time Town Administrator is working for the town but um I'm not so I'm not really sure who who would do in this in this particular case whether she' do it or we I'm not sure how fast we'd get to it or whatever I think that um we could apply there are some grants and Bob has mentioned these and you know I have I was thinking one thing that we could do as a you know whoever wanted to be involved in helping here is to research a couple coup of these grants that are mentioned in the furog report but they could be applied for as a partnership in other words it's not just the town that's applying for the grant it's not just nonprofit you know we're applying as as a public private partnership who writes the grant you know that's you know any number I mean I could probably write the grant I'm not a great but I could write a draft and then have it reviewed by a grant writer I mean we'll find the right person to write the grant they're usually pretty specific in terms of the kind of things they're asking for and most of the agencies that I've ever worked with as far as granting you know they have staff people who who will sort of mentor um people who are applying I know that um the MVP program has couple of workshops during their cycle where they give people coaching on on how best to approach their project the kind of things they're looking for in the grant so there's but we just you know if we can agree or I mean our job this task force job is to Pro propose something to the select board right so if if we want to propose a a public private partnership that applies for Grants to do an engineering study to study these particular systems that we've identified as being key I think that's completely seems like a right way to go to me but it has to be a public private partnership unless if we don't then if Lake wild Association could apply for things as a 501c3 on their own and then we're not coordinated with the town or the town could apply for something on their own but you're not coordinated with the private um entities I think it has to be a partnership for it to be um integrated Tracy and that would be something at least since the time I've been on the board we have not done any grant writing um at all and I'm not I mean we have some pretty smart people on our board so I assume uh that's something I'm I'll bring we haven't had a meeting uh since our last meeting so I could bring that up as a point of discussion at our meeting um to see how people feel about or or if there's anybody on the board who has some confidence level in in grant writing to make it a joint Adventure yeah well before we even get to the writing part the question I think for both both the select board and for the Wake likeo Association is do we want to do we each of these major stakeholders I don't know if the state is involved as a stakeholder or not but do we want to enter into a partnership you know that's like like the fundamental question do we think that's you know required and then make the commitment to it both in resources and time once you do that then everything else kind of begins to fall into place um Tracy and then Eric yeah so um back to back to Bob um what what what I was really asking about from you is before you came on we were discussing what more we as a committee may need to do when we talked about you know mapping culverts and their flow from up above to the next level and down to the lake and you know What What In your experience is required in order to uh secure a grant like what information would we want to put together to help out with that next process of the grant writing to make it more successful or do you just kind of go from where we are right now to apply for the grant and let the engineers do all that how how does this work Bob you're [Music] muted I'm much more interestly muted um the um uh the uh the there are a few different ways to go the one that one that has been massively successful I found throughout the ages is you take a look at all the grants that were approved last year and then you shamelessly plagiarize them and put in your own information um that's that's a very effective technique another one is is you do a um um a a preliminary study of um uh where the the trouble areas are you bring in an engineering firm in for a few thousand dollars and they kind of pinpoint the the the areas that that that need uh need working on maybe we already have that um with the uh furog stuff um but then you use that as a springboard to then go for the the big money the the million dollars or or whatever in order to to fix the problem so um the reason why I brought up um uh chair chairperson Wallace uh the uh the many different grants is I think if if we kind of maybe share those out we'll we we'll be able to find one or two that really do hit the nail on the head for our particular uh process and as collectively as a group if we could we can find the right one um we we find out what they're looking for and then try and hit each one of those uh uh touch points let me I will go back to that in one second Eric no my I had a very quick question was just whether or not for might be of help in in writing the you know Finding putting us together the grant the right grant which what to apply for and so forth would would furog be able to help that's all and I don't know the answer that question but I think they probably I mean I think they probably would and in a sense they already have because yes they've identified the only thing I feel like they really missed was what's going on on Shore and pine but they've identified a lot of what we're talking about and and they've proposed all these different possible funding Vehicles some of which are limited to public some are private Public Partnerships and some are are just private I wonder if they'd be the next people to talk to frankly I mean I wonder if they'd be the next You Know M next people to talk to just s of say well here we are we've read report now what do we do well I think as Becky suggested before she she left when she was in touch with them on our behalf which is when our task force has some um cogent questions for them pointed very specific questions that then they will be a resource for us you know but we need to identify what we're going to be asking them so I think and you know I have reached out to them just last week about meeting with us even though we just have an interim admin istrator given um the length of time it will probably take to get a full no I think that's a good idea I didn't hear back but I'll I'll keep pressing that so yeah I mean I think we should arrange but I think if we could get familiar first with some of these um sources so what I was going to suggest is that each of if we wanted each of us to to look at that list of funding sources that they've identified and really look at them on their website and what are their criteria and which ones could be um do you think would be useful for us start to narrow that down I don't know that furog hit on all of them either you know there might be others we could ask them that I guess yeah for sure but I don't know I mean do you think are we at a place where as a group you know some of us will volunteer to take a look at one or two of them that are on their list and see if they apply does burog itself have any money no I don't think they do I don't think they that kind of money they have some money but just just to do their own studies and this and that but I don't think they've grant money that kind of money they don't have real money as we say in the military business or whatever right I Tracy um am I muted no um so I think that one question that we need to get answered in terms of of uh the you know the public private partnership is I I do recall then we when we were doing the walkthrough with furog two two years ago I asked it was I had asked hamson because she was initially saying that you know the fact that this was Private uh private roads you know was was a possible problem for grant funding um and I let her know that the Lake wolo Association was a public charity was homeowners association was and she said oh that may make a difference so I think that that and I do know that back in the day um when Lake wyola Association before I lived here but you know I've gotten the story from from several people that the reason that they applied to be a 501c3 public charity is because Bill Elliott uh who used to work for D and was the former head of our Board of Health had said that is going to be your key to getting grant funding because you're going to need it because you're not you know you know you're not going to be able to maintain uh the roads with um you know the way you're with the way you're operating um which was operating you know just more as like a you know Social Club so um I think that you know that that's a key for us because it seems to me that then we can easily partner with the town yeah and it may I mean my I don't know these grants here in Massachusetts on this in this particular area but it makes an application Stronger Yeah I would say it totally makes it stronger you know because there are more resources being brought to bear there's ink kind contributions in other words the the contribution isn't only coming from the town highway department so these things normally strengthen an application rather than weaken it then weaken it I think the it's a matter of finding ones that are that are eligible for for these types of Partnerships right and I think that that's a key piece because if you think about it if we were if if this was a homeowners association which means that each homeowner owns in their deed owns the part of you know the road that's right in front of their house up to the midline then that would be a very difficult thing to get grant funding because there would be all these little pieces of Road you know um but we don't have that situation like wol Association owns the roads the roads are complete cohesive thing that can be you know with the grant funding um I think you know that makes it it it because that's what tamson originally thought she thought it was a homeowners association and that was a barrier but we don't have that so that's good yeah and it's good because let's say you know if the town couldn't make improvements if the town was trying to protect the lake and it has you know some town-owned roads it couldn't make the improvements that would be needed to protect the lake without dealing with the 501c3 you see where I'm headed with that we need each other none of these plans can work without a mutual cooperation anyway that just strengthens our case so we're already at 850 can I ask a quick question of Bob Bob you mentioned that um one of the strategies for grant writing is to actually get already written grants that have been approved and sort of take pieces of it or I think you use the word plagiarize yes um where can we get our hands on those I mean is there a a place where they're all Consolidated so that we could maybe look at some of them you know the the one specifically that I had in mind Charlene um uh uh coincidentally I I I got a grant from U the MVP um and the the grant that followed it in part of the presentation that the state gave was for the Town of Chester in western Mass and they got a specific muddy Road uh Grant um to to help with with the with with their muddy Road erosion problems so so I thought well that would be that would be perfect if uh if they're if they have a problem just like ours yet and were able to get this uh large windfall from the state so that's that that was one that I kind of made a mental note look up chest Town of Chester Massachusetts MVP Grant um and uh so anyway that's that that that's one of them okay and didn't Eric didn't we get an MVP grant for something else in shuberry yeah we're sort of in the process of getting one um we got one the LI we got one for the library to put solar panels in the library the library is going to be built so it's not there's no petroleum burning capability there it's all solar um and we got the grant for that um is as as I understand the situation is a bit of a snag right now because MVP wanted us to have a backup system to that solar system that is to say they want batteries and for some reason they can't and I'm I'm talking out of school I don't know I don't know exactly what the story is but I think they the bottom line is that that they finally agree with MVP that they would have a truck they the MVP would fund an electric pickup truck of Ford Lightning that would um be a backup source of power for the library well they don't make the Ford Lightning anymore if they stop making it and if they if it was a backup Source would only be good for a couple of hours so I mean I think they're in there I'm not sure what's going on there right now um but hope they haven't said no yet they have actually given us the grant but but but but so I don't have more details than that can I I'm gonna share my screen for a second here okay um let's see I'm doing it what do I have to do to one participant okay here it is okay so are you seeing this now it says uh potential funding sources yeah okay this is on page uh 75 of the furog plan and each of these are furog suggestions of potential funding sources for implementing many of the solutions that we're talking about and I'm proposing that that we look into some you know some of these are actual you know some says Lake wild association dues or town community preservation act funds you know those probably we could look at separately but you know what kind of projects does the Massachusetts environmental trust fund you know would they fund an engineering study to do the kind of things that we're talking about this is where we have to kind of look into you know which one of these might suit us or which combination might suit us um you know let's say if the this is just hypothetical but if the Lake Association decided that their contribution to this joint effort would be as a nonprofit to try to get a grant raise money to use only the this right material for the roads because it is more expensive and it takes more maintenance also all the culverts on the road take more maintenance so so what kind of sources of funding could they bring to the table either their own or otherwise but so furog has already identified these as being what they think are the first goor round first first kinds of sources it's interesting that they have the MVP Grant here is only Town eligible to apply Bob but you were saying your understanding is that no that could be a partnership yeah so I I think what they're what they meant by that is uh not all towns within our our particular area are are eligible to apply um shpr did go through the uh the whole process of um having the initial meetings so it is it is available eligible to apply I think that was the the hurdle and and shitsburgh indeed has has done those meetings Okay um but interestingly enough uh that that is one grant that mvp grant that can be used for both public lands which usually is and private lands so I think it might be a very good match for um for our particular problems surrounding the lake right so does someone want to take this and dive in to its details and see how how it might help us to um to use it to fund one of these engineering studies you know they say in another place I'm going to scroll fast up here okay also in this section of the report which starts on page 72 they identify I mean this is really their summary of funding needed to implement their plan now there's is way comprehensive you know but it's a starting point for us so they talk about a hydraulic and hydrologic hydrolic study and that those could be combined for cost savings so they're saying uh we need an engineering consultant and we might need $30,000 these you know this is just ballpark so what's the right where's the grant you know who would we approach for such a grant how could that be done um sediment loading study you know so they have a lot more in Road surface study I think they've identified already that the current material that's used to surface the roads is you know not adquate by any means and I think we see that too we were kicking sand around on the roads when we were talking but anyway all of that goes to say that then they follow all of this up with these grants so if they've done this leg work already can we then dive into each of these and say okay this is out this is great potential for us this is out this is great uh so what do you guys think at 819 Tracy I suggest how many are here that are how how many how many what how many red I mean how many blue one two three four five six seven and how many of us are there not eight there might be seven people here tonight oh seven right I say we all take one I'll take um I'll take the section 3199 point source competitive grant program yeah hey Tracy way to go first person to sign up okay Undertakers going going yeah I I'll go ahead and um poke my head into the MVP because I that one that one I am familiar with okay right I'll do the Massachusetts environmental trust I'll do the chapter 90 fund since that's sort of what I deal with anyway so okay I am no preference because I don't know anything about any of these yeah well you will when you're done researching it I just hope I can give the time we're in the midst of redoing our house um with that fire but I'll give it a shot how about if I try the section what is it 319 nonpoint source competitive grant program I think that's the one Tracy picked oh you did Tracy yeah oh I'm sorry I didn't think you I didn't think that one the ones that are open are Long Island Sound Futures which probably doesn't apply to us so much um but they thought it did so anyway Long Island Sound fut I'll try that one okay and how about the 604 water quality management planning grant program I'll give that a shot okay and is someone doing FEMA I think I'll take what Joe doesn't take I think we only need FEMA now right that's the only one we don't have yet Bea will probably be gone now just saying oh gosh I'll take it um all right I think we covered all of them okay can I ask a question because yeah being more familiar with New York City and New York State kind of politics is there such a thing members money for the State Assembly oh Eric you're talking about ear marks basically ear marks effective we call them depends on how it gets the rules around it but yeah approaching assembly man or or yeah there there are ear marks there are ear marks we you know we in fact I think we've got an ear Mark for the library recently from Joe there's a chance of going to a politician because it it with a you know requesting a small get us up a level type of Grant um from that I I I think again I'm not familiar here it gets used for planting you know uh three blocks of Street trees and stuff like that from the city council of New York but um and the other was is there you know who administers the great ponds of of Massachusetts given that lake wyola is a state designated and I think that's the Massachusetts fisheries and game but I'm not sure about that yeah I was just wondering if if they administer and if they have money for you know a great Pond if if that status gets us anything I thought lake wola is owned by the town but it's also designated as a great Pond it may be that the issue of ownership I've never really understood to be honest but um at one point I was told that the state had you know designated it as a great Pond I don't know if that gives the state any obligation um or oversight over what happens on the lake at all it must because the D had to sign off on this draft from furog before it could become a real report okay we're going to take questions from Tracy and Bob then we might have to consider wrapping things up a little bit but let's hear from Tracy first well I was just going to say that as far as my understanding of the grey Pond um designation is that and maybe Bob Douglas will know a little bit more but that um that I I remember Becky saying at a meeting recently that that made it open to the public so was public you know Public Access has to be given um to to the lake and in terms of owner ship the um the town owns the land under the lake it's kind of weird thing but they own like the the ground and the state owns the water so that's you know so I don't know what that really ultimately means I mean I know that it means like the water is under the jurisdiction of like like the environmental police and um the Environmental Protection Act is enforced by the environmental police that kind of thing um but and they you know they enforce the the rules of boating and and swimming and stuff like that um but I I don't know you know it I'm feeling like there must be some benefit to owning the land under the lake like I feel like we should find that out and that maybe like along what um what you're saying Jim is that maybe that we we we can access some funding based on that ownership yeah that's what I going after that's good and who has oh Bob you had a hand up right no the um I think the uh the state does have the rights to the entirety of of the lake it's a great Pond and it's under State jurisdiction I I'll I'll do a little bit deeper dig into that and I'll I'll have an answer for you that in your next meeting thank you okay good and Eric I'll just quickly I will um I'll I will look into a town community preservation fund as well just rough just get a rough sense of that I think there is some money there that is possible to use so I think we could use it in a public private partnership I'm not 100% sure I'll check it out and we also I mean I know that there's ear we call them ear marks I know that the Lake wildale Association has designated uses for its environmental fund but there are some chunks of money in there and um maybe there's some some thought to be given to that but one thing that I don't want to lose here I think this is really important before we adjourn is Mark from elwak as as was identified when we reviewed the minutes feels pretty strongly that that there should be a a coordinated choice of priorities that's Co the coming together of lwac and concom and our Task Force and and what I'm unclear about and I don't know if Eric you have any insight into this is that we had a specific charge from the select board to report back on initial recommendations about dealing with you know delivering Deliverance of sediment into the lake and and while I'm all for coordinating with other you know committees and departments and whatnot it wasn't my understanding that we're to have joint uh decisions about priorities I always thought that and I think in the charge it was that we were to you know present our perspective to concom and to elwak and the lake Wy Association and you know sort of get some feedback or Buy in even but if we're moving along we're moving along right now you know pretty focused on raising money for an engineering study for a particular set of drainage issues that we've identified we haven't coordinated that with anybody else yet so I guess I'm looking for some perspective from the group about Mark's belief about needing to prioritize together I think I think once you get the engineers involved they're going to have to coordinate with the conservation and some of the other people like the lake wola part of it only because of the way the water would run true except that this isn't really it's about even prioritizing an engineering study that is targeted to certain areas like if we're saying we want to fund an engineering study and we're applying for a grant and the study is to Target these specific areas do we need to prioritize those areas along with these other key players in the town and and maybe I'm too narrowly reading our charge Eric yeah I I I would I think we're fine just doing it doing it ourselves and I think um Joe is suggesting eventually I mean other people are going to have to be involved in all this anyway and there'll be there'll be a good reason to have everybody involved in it but I don't I don't think right now we could we can do what we're doing right now investigating grants and that kind of thing for the engineering thing I well here's an example here's an example we're not touching on sedimentation into the North Cove at all even though that was identified as a as a site by furog and it could be viewed as a priority to deal with that sedimentation into the Cove before any other sedimentation or discharge point was was dealt with and I don't know how sensitive we have to be to that uh my view would my personal view would be we we don't have to we can certainly mention it or whatever in any kind of engineering study or request for engineering study but it seems to me wearily about the roads and you know about the roads and people's property that's what that's that's our priority it seems to me I could just be wrong about that but that's my sense of it Tracy you've had your hand up for a little while um yeah I feel like that looking at priorities based on the people the N like who's impacted um you know with ultimately the the lake being impacted I guess you know kind of getting more bang for our buck like we have a lot of homeowners that are impacted and Roads you know Road erosion causing sediment into the lake um sediment going over uh residents properties uh into the lake um water erosion causing property damage and then ultimately still all of it going into the lake so it feels to me like that is the priority with um then you know going after that sort of you know kind of to me secondary sediment um that doesn't affect as many um people directly but still is a problem I and also the The Cove is a much bigger issue because we have to deal with FIS Brook which is another town it's just that's like that's just a lot bigger issue um you engineering study would be difficult because we'd have to get Wendell's permission right so I've been invited to give an update to elwak on Saturday and I've been invited to give an update to concom on December 12th of what our work has been and you know what we're where we are what we're what we're thinking about we could um also invite I think we had talked about a joint meeting at one point you know I don't know if we're there yet but but we could also invite um concom and elwak to attend one of our meetings at one point I just know that I think it's going to I think because of Mark raising his desire to to do this in a coordinated way and Sh and prioritize the projects prioritize how things get worked with the furog report that um feel a responsibility to to answer that or honor that request but don't you think Jen by you going to talk with them you're basically beginning that process rather than to have all of us all the time together which you know when you get too many people sometimes things don't get done and I think when you go to speak with them you can say how you know you're you're very good at summarizing and putting things in a a nice neat package and just explain to them you know that we did site visits and this is what we've you know some of the things that uh came out and say that you know you we are all assign different um grants that were proposed in uh furog and we're looking into it and then sort of get their feedback as to what how they see themselves becoming a part of that or are their steps they can take independent of what we're doing I think that that is the better way to do it because I know we've all probably served on huge committees and they are the least effective I feel right okay that's helpful um Tom well it does seem to me that we can re we can when we're actually we actually get a when we're actually writing a grand proposal and it's done before we hit the send button we can say well okay Lake Way what do you see about what do you see about this um you would change or whatever you know I'm not I think people should definitely be involved right yeah so so before I move to Tom whose hand is up um Charlene what do you think in the same way that I'm going to give an update I know you know you're that you're giving updates also to the lake W Association but do you think that I should come or some representative from our task force should come and give the a you know I I say presentation and quotes but kind of an update to the lake W Association too so everybody's all on the same page I think that would be fine um I'm trying to think when our next meeting is if let me run and get my calendar a minute yeah well you know you could okay and Tom your hand is up thanks um it's going to be repetitive I'm sorry but um kind of in agreement with everybody was saying on the topic of uh coordination of the Committees the select board is technically over each of the three committees you aled about the concom lak and us so I think the coordination exists already technically there and Eric brought up how like when it comes to submitting something it's probably going to go through the select board's eyes and so that kind of forces it into everybody's Court anyway um I think there's a lot of strength and separation for the different little groups doing their or groups doing their things little or not time will tell and I think it will grow into something that we do together somehow we'll find our collaboration it might not be in PR prioritization but it will exist but time's also important not to get caught up you know too much with the other groups where we have to do our work so I think if each group just does their own work and is open about it and telling the other groups it's going to be fine um invitations are a great idea but technically all the meetings are public anyway so people can come as much as they yeah but I think they're a great idea yeah the issue here is to get on the agenda which so I'm on the agenda for these other oh yeah I meant inviting them to our groups too and everything no I'm so just I probably repeated what everybody already said okay I think you're a greato um spokesperson Jen so you should do you should do all those groups I agree all right all right butter me up I have one last thing I was going to bring to the table too yeah mention some of the roads actually Paving them that we have problems with like gray Pines uh a few spots just put out there when they're doing their engineering too because maybe Paving some of those roads is going to stop a lot of that and furog had that same recommendation yeah just a thought and um Tracy's hand was up but I don't think it's up any longer and Jen just to know uh our next Lake wola meeting is December 17th at 7 PM so I I usually put the agenda together would you like to come then or wait till the meeting after that no I can come then I'm going to be in Puerto Rico for all these December meetings but that's okay as long as the internet is working I I'll be able to sign on okay I'll I'll put you on the agenda okay all right so um we skipped a few things but not um key I had that sort of first round of integration our approach with fur cogs I did the west side it's just helpful for me to try to move some of things things around in different categories because I do think like I said that no matter what we do if our initial recommendation is to uh obtain funding for an engineering study there are other things that can be done simultaneously that don't require an engineering study and and that funding would be um applied for separately you know like funding for public education programs or homeowners incentives for one thing or another or funding for Road materials that are the right Road materials or funding for you know like I was going to suggest and have already suggested that we float to the lake W Association creating a another committee not just roads but drain and culs and not just Road surfaces that that becomes an active committee um so there's things I think that are beyond the engineering for the hardcore stuff that we we shouldn't lose and that they can be worked on um while the big stuff is being applied for and implemented let's say so I'm going to do that I did it for the west side I heard back only from Tom I'm going to do it for the east side to just and so the um I think you guys got it but it basically is taking fur cogs um recommendations and our site stuff and putting them in those categories of best management practices maintenance and um management and education so I'm just going to do that for the east side too and and I'll also send that around and I just wanted to make a quick comment Jen that I thought I I really like that format thank you for putting the time that it's really helpful thank you it's helpful to me because it's so complex Bob do you know how much an engineering study has for a price tag do we have any idea of what that amount might be yeah the one that that was just shown in the in the book was $30,000 right iog estimated it to be 30 okay thank you okay so last thing we need to do is pick another meeting date for I hope December Bob is gonna lead us so that we make sure we get him uh fully this time uh not November 12 that's my meeting I'll be there no not no I don't know what's happening on the 19th of December yeah please I'm okay we sure it's not a concom meeting yeah Bob says no oh sorry okay is is there anyone who cannot make it on the 19th 7 to n is two oh that's a long time we got to do better but don't forget we have to research these grants and we have a little bit of work to do right so are you saying don't have it in December no I'm just saying I thought you thought the 19th was a long way away oh no no huh no that's what I thought she meant too no so anyway anyone who cannot make it on the 19th okay good the 19th it is it's 700 p.m our time 7.m okay unless you want to start sooner and if we run late like we did tonight maybe our meetings will get simpler I hope so I would love a six o'clock start if that works for everybody else can you hear me yeah can we start at 6 I can do six okay six is good for me I I I don't get home by then oh oh okay we need you Jim yeah that um can we the differ I finished dinner 10 minutes before we started so time frame I live in but we'll keep it at seven thank you try to have the agendas I'll try to keep the agendas more uh streamlined okay so now we need um someone to make a motion to adjourn the meeting I make a motion to adjourn the meeting any seconds meeting a oh do we have to take roll call again yes please was it Jim who seconded yes yeah okay so Wallace I glinsky I Salvador I adios thank you J thank you everybody a great night thank you take care have a good night have a good Thanksgiving oh yeah Thanksgiving right here we go too you too okay the holidays are here I gotta stop recording all right how do you how do you