##VIDEO ID:NC3D1lPKOe8## can you did you ask everyone to rejoin there's three they here okay David can you hear me yes I can okay everybody else is going to have to rejoin because we were all on here when they kicked off yeah need some volume now yeah and I'll get it fixed for next time I'm apologize looks like we're going to be uh improvising here I got Tom got Becky here hi guys chiming in close quarters tonight good evening we're all in a phone booth up here at Town Hall um my apologies I um I had tested it but it didn't work tonight I will um do a better test before tomorrow night I mean before our next meeting again my apologies on the Apple I had the volume everything work but the we could hear everything you said but you couldn't hear us so um here we are all huddled about this small computer L there's only well uh so I'd like to open the meeting tonight um and as you don't have a chair I will um move ahead with the first agenda item which is organizational um to I'm just gonna open this okay um it's an organizational meeting so the first thing that we would need to do is to um take nominations for a chair um and then the rules being that anyone can either vote for themselves or someone else um and the second position to be filled would be the um secretary position minute are required for all um local meetings so do I um so I'd like to bring this meeting to order as the um person officiating and I am ask requesting nominations for chair do I hear any should we have like an introduction phase because I'm not sure everybody knows everybody kind of hard be hard to choose a potential chair or any or discuss a chair if I don't know who everybody is on the so introductions and what their backgrounds are what they make them a chair I don't know um so let's just go through and do General introductions if you are nominated or if you nominate someone please uh explain your reason for nominating and your reason uh for accepting a nomination but to start with can we go around um um the screen starting with David Green introduce yourself to the others uh good evening everyone I'm David Green um I've lived on the lake for uh 20 years I uh am on the uh Lake wota advisory committee um a committee which I previously served as chair uh I also served as the uh lwa president for four years um I am work for Greenfield Savings Banks active in that Community um member of several boards and committees um so I've got a lot of experience and uh I'm here to do my part to help this process move belong thank you great um Matt would you like to go sure yeah so I'll give a quick intro so been on the lake my whole life my grandparents have been on the lake since the 1950s so that puts me have 49 years of going at the being at the lake live at 16 wola drive now um you know experienced motorboard paddler canoer my younger life I was an eagle scout so life saving safety all that kind of stuff professionally a mechanical engineer in business um I was a general manager for many industrial manufacturing businesses across the country um where safety was a major component of that industrial manufacturing process so very familiar with rules regulations Enforcement Education done a lot of that type of stuff currently serve as a COO for a energy uh generation company in Connecticut named Kinsley so we do backup power generation and we're also work on decarbonization the economy and all that type of stuff with different uh different forms of energy generation also on the lwa board mostly known as a swag guy hence the V so if anybody needs any swag I'm your guy um and my my whole you know reason to join us is to just make sure that we have a safe Lake a lake that's safe for all that enjoy it in the future now and for you know the many years to come so including my next Generation my child and my family as well so that's why okay uh Tom Sebert would you like to go next sure thanks hi everyone I think oh thank go ahead um I think I've met most of you before um so hi again to all of you and to the others my name is Tom Seer I've lived in shutesbury since 2017 arriving as a senior lecturer in German at UMass um but I don't do that anymore um I left the academy so to say in 2018 yeah and um then I became involved with an adult literacy and English as a second language program here in Orange and pathal um among other things but that's my most recent um work and I live on the lake on South Laurel Drive with my husband Frank and our dog Carl um besides having been a German Professor U and in the German academic world for about 20 years I was also a protein chemist for a brief foray after college for about four three years um and in college I also studied Latin on top of the chemistry German was a later Pursuit um so uh I have a PhD I've uh had to do a lot of research in my life especially in written form u a lot of old documents actually in my experience but a lot of a very legal type documents as well and a lot of the educational um research I've done um I won an award for teaching German at one point I realized I'm going on too long um so I have an educational background I I have an interest in helping the town out and making safe and I'll let others speak I'm sorry I forgot it's different when I'm in person from when I'm Zoom how long to talk so thank you for listening wonderful thank you Tom um Mark Rivers Junior younger one you all can hear me right okay um paiz if I get cut out we are I'm down in South Carolina right now we're waiting for the tropical storm to come hit us um I think we'll be okay but if I disappear don't worry about it I'm I'm just uh going inside somewhere uh so I am third generation on Lake wyola um my mother grew up and her parents own the house next to one we currently live in over on 70 Lake Drive uh we were over on Pine Drive for a while um been there pretty much my entire life um off and on as I've moved around the country uh to do different things I'm a physical therapist uh professionally uh also a lifeguard instructor uh during certain portions of the year um water skier motor booer uh Whitewater paddling um used to do Flatwater canoe racing still do a little standup paddle board racing every now and then uh not as good as I used to be though so that doesn't happen as often uh and also do uh sailing um getting ready for our next trip down to the Caribbean in February so um like being around the water it's not fun if you can't do it again so you know being safe is really important for me um I used to co-chair the Lake wyola Association Safety Committee uh back in the before times uh before the pandemic uh then stepped away from that when work took me away from uh New England for a couple years um and so happy to be able to uh help keep Lake all the safe and uh do what we can to uh make any improvements excellent thank you very much um moving along uh Kathy Salvador that's me well I'm none of those exciting things that have already been talked about but I um I do have an interest in keeping the lake safe Joe and I um live on the lake we've been here um on Lake wola since 2008 um I used to serve on the Lake wola Association board of directors I helped rewrite the the um not the last bylaws but the previous um edition of the bylaws and I served on the Safety Committee at that time so I have an interest in safety um I spent my entire career with Smith and Wesson uh in the human resources department part of that time I was on that Safety Committee so safety is I guess is kind of my middle name um but um living on the lake now um rather than just um coming back and forth on the weekends like Joe and I used to do um when we were both still working full-time living full-time on the lake has given us a completely different perspective I think on on the lake and um how it can be used safely so I'm happy to be part of this committee hope we come up with some good ideas excellent thank you Kathy um Amy Luhan all right hello um so I'm Amy lehan actually nobody says it right so no worries um so I have been coming to the lake for my entire life um so more than 40 years my grandparents bought um our original Camp right when my dad came back from the Vietnam War um and my parents sold that probably 13 years ago and moved um out of the camp like summer home living situation and lived up and lived um sorry moved to a place and renovated and live there full-time now um on four Lake Drive so I am lucky enough to continue having summer living space up there um I spend a lot of time it's definitely always been my happy place um and I have used the lake in so many different ways I my probably top passion in life is water skiing um but I love to paddle board I love to um to watch my kids fish um sailing all all all manner of uses of the lake um professionally I am a nurse I'm a school nurse at um the Williston Northampton school um I have been married to a police officer for almost 15 years my brother-in-law who also spends a lot of time at Lake wola as a police officer so I have a lot of the that sort of safety background like you know my own interest in as a nurse but also hearing a lot of the the police talk and mentality as well all my life um let's see what else I don't know did I miss anything I probably I I probably covered enough all right thank you much uh Judy RL Judy you're muted sorry about that I did not um so we've had a place on Lake wyola for about 20 years that we would come in the summer and then we ended up moving up here I guess around uh five years ago um so I love to swim and boat sail boating and um just kayaking and I just would would like to to try to improve and make it a better place for everyone to hang out on the lake thank you very much Judy um Christine Bassel hi um I'm Christine brassel i g me they always can't pronounce my last name um I have been uh I I applied for this uh being on this board because I have been frequently the lake for about 11 years now I actually married into a family that has a family-owned house there uh on Lake Drive who has been there his entire life and it has been an absolute pleasure being up there in the summer we love to be there in the winter as well I'm an HR Director I am uh been in HR for well over 30 years and in each of the positions I've ever had it's always had safety and health concerns uh I work for a school system in the pyer valley uh throughout the entire P pyer Valley and um it's been an experience with safety especially with the uh school systems the way they are um dealt with a lot of unionization uh different agreements that have to be done and things along that line so I'm hoping I can be an added help to what's going on at the lake and uh again it is a wonderful place to be and it has been an absolute pleasure beautiful well thank you everyone so much for giving such um detailed backgrounds um I think that gives I hope each of you are taking notes um to give you some direction in our um Next Step which would be to um take nominations for a chair and uh once once you have successfully um elected a chair that person will take over the meeting um just so you have that expectation and I'll I'll step aside except for when you ask me questions um do I hear any nominations I would like to make a nomination yes if if she is willing to accept I would like to nominate Amy lehan as chair of the board as chair of this committee all right I'd like to make a nomination for Matt baroak yes you I'd like to second that nomination for Matt if possible I'd like to nominate Kathy Salvador she was um on the board at Lake wyola and she's just great communicator and very levelheaded and can see all sides of a picture Wonder um do we have any further nominations if not hearing a second for Amy I would certainly second Kathy if you were willing to accept the nomination wow I appreciate the nominations I've kind of got my hands full at the moment what I fail to mention is that I'm serving currently on the finance committee for the town of shutesbury and on the Personnel Board um so I you know as much as I appreciate the nominations um I would like to Second uh the nomination of Matt heroic myself um we already have a second we have a second oh Mark did sorry um okay so do I hear a second I I I think Kathy is trying to gracefully withdraw yeah that's correct she's declined tried I believe we have three a second and a third from that so with that ask for a vote well let me just ask one more time do I have a second for Amy I actually would like to excuse myself from that nomination I I appreciate it Dave but I like Kathy I have a lot of my plate right now and I I would love to be I'm very excited to be part of the committee but I don't know that I'm up for being chair of the committee chair committee actually me does Matt accept the nomination um I was asking for a little clarification what the responsibilities of the chair actually are that's a damn good question before you accept it I am busy as well professionally so I just want to make sure I I'd be able to give you know what's required of the committee before I think Becky would answer that question best um so if the responsibilities for chair are that you would be in charge of well with the committee scheduling meetings but then you would have to post the meetings um through the town system um town government is the website that we use um to post the meetings and then uh Grace or well I will probably be doing the the zoom login for you once they are posted but you would be responsible for posting them 48 hours ahead if they are not posted 48 hours ahead they cannot have um so the system has this real Pleasant bright red post at the top that says your meeting is not legal so um it's it's an important responsibility and you can always um recruit somebody else to help you if you need help and I think um that is a good thing to do um aside from scheduling the meetings and posting them you would be responsible to run the meeting and in running the meetings you'll need to be a very well versed in open meeting law you will um basic things that you can do is you can set a time for public comment and then just make sure public comment only happens at that time as the chair you have control of so who speaks is your discretion um we don't like um have chaos break out during meetings so it's uh it's it's an a different art form in Zoom you have to learn where the the mute buttons are and how to eject um but luckily that we haven't gotten Z bombed in quite a long time right and and folks are typically well enough behaved you don't have to do that um but it's a skill you want to know committee here looks like a pretty Lev what's that it's those outsid outs those are the ones we eject Zoom bomb and all of a sudden a of um scandalous word starts coming from the speaker that's when you eject a person there sometimes hard to C you good with that Matt yeah sure all right so I would guess Becky you need to make a motion or can anyone make a motion to nominate him I would be happy to take a motion from the floor and that's the other thing floor uh motions should come from the floor if your chair says let's adourn the meeting somebody can say so move but the chair typically can't move things so so I would make a motion to nominate M Bari as chairman of um our committee can I get a second I second that discussion can we get a good pronunciation of the potential chair's last name please you read my mind say like my parent my parents heroic like heroic there you go oh thank you Mr Baro thank you excellent if you're polish just put put other than that all right so um I guess I would say I would elicit help from like you know the David greens of the folks I'm not as vers in like the motion let's the in first if anybody can help me with all that like when we need to make motions I would take uh Council for the first few meetings I would think okay and I want to make sure we actually take this vote because let's take the vote and vot never so um when you take a when you vote online you need to go um around the room State your position nay or yay and your last name because on the internet it could be somebody's phoning in and they don't know who you are so that's the reason why you have to give your name okay do uh do all those in favor of Mar Matt Vero becoming um chair of the committee please say I I David green and who I Judy rumel Amy lehan I Mark Rivers I Salvador I rassel I okay SE I okay and you want would you like to vote for yourself and that is abstaining all right I have a vote of seven that correct seven a uh yeses and mat I'd like to congratulate you we new chair of our committee congratulations Matt well done appreciate your support thank you thanks I will do my best and I'll let you take nomination for second okay so yeah so do we want to uh are there any is there anybody that wants to self- select themselves potentially as a secretary or does anybody want to nominate somebody as as the secretary I'll start by U offering my secretarial skills please second second [Laughter] I that was easy in favor I was going to hopefully I think it could give us the opportunity to help each other remind each other yeah because I do attend a lot of board committee okay so we can have a vote on this thanks for the prompting David moving quickly on the secretary um want to roll call vote I David Green I Judy rumel I Christine brassel I Amy lehan Kathy you first this time so or eye River's eye all right we should do what some of the other committees do and make sure we all understand the alphabetical order of our names so that we can go in that order when we vote it makes it much smoother fabulous suggestion good idea we're learning so have two successful elections great are we alphabetical by first or last name thank you everyone last last so I didn't hear the answer guys last last name see it all right where we at the agenda okay I think Tom is already taking minutes so that's a great thing minutes and the okay agenda the agenda tonight was election of officers chair and secretary set meeting days in the calendar for future meetings we're going to share contact information which I think we can get that from Becky and get that the time organizational items and then review the charge Jour for the so let's talk about meetings and frequency let's talk through how often do we want to meet um what what would make sense I I think these evening meetings by Zoom is most likely going to end up being probably the most popular is my guess just everybody seems to be I do we got us all here on 6:30 on the Wednesday night is this going to work for us all permanently works for me depending on work but uh I will do everything in my power to to make those happen I guess what I'm thinking about is what's the Frequency is it monthly is it is it is that enough we start get going what do you guys think one question I have about that is just to review kind of recall when we are supposed to have our proposals set my recollection is that it's for town meeting that is happening in the spring correct is that right and when in the spring is it because that that's specific remember late May okay no it's not May anymore the official day is the last Saturday of April we changed it the last Saturday in April right before covid hit and this last year was the first time we ever did that date um so you're all remembering we met in May and June um but it's the last Saturday in April now which means that we really need the language about halfway through February I would suggest we meet in two weeks and then take it from there and hopefully we can schedule a monthly depending on how much we accomplish agreed there I'm just looking following we have opportunity to we don't have to set all the dates in stone tonight right we yeah then I I like Dave's idea of starting off next week let's see how things go and uh we canek two weeks Mark I'm talking meeting in two weeks the uh which is the eth of October oh I'm sorry the nth I I will not be around on the 9th I'll be flying back from a business trip on the nth I am available on the 10th I can do the 10th I can do the 10th so far I can do the 10th the 10's gonna be tough for me um how long do we expect the meetings to last an hour if you know anything about David Green he likes to move things along um should it be any longer than an hour we're all going to go crazy um what do you want to hold the meeting time frame is a good time I mean but have augment for ma he's the chair so if we can meet on Thursday we don't have to have full quum necessarily right yeah four would be what the majority so we would need six or four five it would be six five here right five five yeah five for warm but meeting um work slows down when you have four attendance because then you're updating half the people that's correct you if people miss a meeting you really wna watch the video on YouTube so that would it keep would a six o'clock start on that Thursday be possible for people I'm fine with that yeah there's the erosion task force meets on that night um it you know theoretically possible but we'd have to be very hped well why don't we why don't we try to do it we'll do an hour meeting at least that gets us started and then we uh we see where we get with an hour and then we can make a judgment do we need me to meet the next you know two weeks after that I guess kind of take it let's let's get through the first meeting first I think you know this is just kind of the opening meeting and I think during the next meeting we'll get into more of the details start looking at the bylaws I think something Tom and I can probably put together before the next meeting is just the agenda try to have something that's meaningful that we can actually accomplish yeah yes something that we can accomplish you know public comment for five minutes if there is public so am I hearing the 10th at six o'clock Matt that's what I'm saying 10 at six all right that's thank you so much and it can only be for an hour because two of your members have a another meeting at 7 that's fine the meeting shouldn't go over an hour we should really agree to that as a committee there's no need for that I second that you know I don't we don't have meetings longer than a half an hour at my bank it's not allowed I'm not kidding you have standing meeting so we can go just got to keep the public in check well that's what public comment for that's Math's job figure out where is there like a is there a email address for this specific committee that people can send things in if needed how do we set that up we will um who has access to that email you can reach out to web at shots.org and ask for a voting safe uh voting Safety Committee email can you email that to me later y then I can make the request yep because I think that's important because if we are going to limit public comment you need if people want to be able to send us something they can send it to us so we can that's the best way to do it then we have time as a committee to digest it rather than get bamboozled you know what I'm saying absolutely and typically public comment is um you don't need to make any response to nor should you yeah you shouldn't you take it in and and then if you're gonna respond at a later point you have you can do that but you don't have to okay sounds good next thing is we have the contact information so you sent out the email today that has everybody's contact information those are all the emails that everybody wants can we I was advised to make a shsb email address for the committee by the um by Grace is that young lady s um and so I'd like to start using that one if possible I also created a shutesbury one following that suggested format do we have an action that everybody by the end of the week sends a email to Tom with what our contact information preferences that right absolutely wonderful and maybe you know include a phone number you know as well too cell phone number do do cell phone number and email address anybody need to call anybody we all have our contact information do all of you know where where my address is or have it because it's in you sent an email out to the group at one point time so is that what you prefer yeah it's streets fa Tom Seer yeah okay thanks okay what I sent tonight what is it the right one or wrong ymail.com I'll do the same I'll create my own while everybody will have their own send me the you're. can you give me please if copy bomb did we mention telephone numbers yes preferences Etc thanks right that's the contact information organizational items what did you mean by that you all right um making sure people if reminding you of what Grace told you all the oml the um open meeting law is really critical to have um you operate as a committee for the town um so what that means is if you happen to be gathered together say at the grocery store and six of you are I know it's crazy but if you just six people get to even five as a quum if you have a group conversation about the issues that are under consideration by the committee it could be deemed an open meeting law violation you want to avoid those at all costs um there we do get we have a number of Watch Dogs in town um that will um will notice if there is an inappropriate action that takes place at a meeting or even in email exchanges in email exchanges you have to be very careful the only thing you can share as a group group is um scheduling information you cannot express an opinion about anything in your emails to each other um you know if somebody just emails out to the group wow I just um found a perfect I I don't know but if you if you express your opinion that you favor one aspect of the bylaw and you discredit another you should not do that outside your meetings save your conversation for when you are together as a group and even if it's three people talking um you want to be careful so the easiest thing in being careful is not to have these conversations outside you know if it's a couple people sharing some ideas that's typically okay um but you don't want to get you don't want to get conspiratorial you don't want to impact voting you just have to be careful okay and the ethics test I think Grace all reminded you of each of you uh need to do that within the if you can within the first 30 days uh from getting your materials um I think she gave you all the um ethics link so you want to get that done right away has everybody done the ethics yet so just ask a question has anybody done it yet yeah I have not raise hands done it yeah I not I I I will okay I haven't done it either yet so I will make sure I get that done so if everybody could accomplish that by the next meeting would be great best we all start on an even Keel makes sense the uh next agenda was view the charge so what time is it here now 630 we have 10 minutes so one of the things we we can look at is just I I read the charge over again today and you know what I like to do is I like to kind of bring a structure and a plan agenda for the next meeting we definitely review the charge here now but I think we should kind of break it up into chunks we'll have the exhibits we'll have the existing bylaws we can I think we should talk through each of them go through each of the bylaws as they're stated today and have conversation discussion if there's things that we want to augment change educate and we can kind of start to create a uh a plan for what we want to propose to the town whether that be education whether that be changes influence things getting more feedback doing research just depends on what what it's going to take to go through that but has everybody reviewed the charge recently yes no I would love it if we could review it tonight yeah for sure I think you know well I think that if you haven't read it you should read it right so maybe the email that should be sent at everyone Matt perhaps maybe an email with that and a copy of the actual bylaws so everybody's on the same page about I think that should be if we all don't have copies of that we should all have that I would think all right so I'll gonna take that action item that we email out so we get the all the email addresses I'll I'll send out the charge I'll send out all the bylaws I downloaded those today and there was there was two different bylaws there was one there was one that was back in updated in 2014 May of 2014 then July of 2014th and there was another one that was updated there was one that was done back in 1996 where they banned the uh jet skis so I think I saw those as well yep so good yeah so I think you know just look at me look at the charger really quick so if you look at the work plan of the task force obviously you know the whole premise of the charge was there's a boting ACC bylaws had have been reviewed in over a decade the idea was is there anything how could we look at what's changed on the lake how's the lake being used how can we be over how can we present new safety measures potentially to make the lake safe and the work plan is review the current bylaws and recommend changes if any I think that's what they said in the in the discussion the Bas C for any current usage P patterns on the lake review how bylaws and force and make recommendations to select Bo regarding any needed changes that way and I know I spoke with the chief at a few of these meetings she plans to be an adjunct member so we should probably copy her and on all of our Communications as well I also I think the fire department was also going to be a talk about environmental police I don't know if we have anybody no chosen for that that contact for them so we don't we don't need to bring so I think it's important that when we send out agendas or we send out what we're going to discuss we should definitely so that they're aware of what we're we're going through yeah was aware tonight but she had and there is one person I think on the committee that isn't here tonight is that is that true Leah wi okay and I have [Music] her uh email that I well you should have it too it was in the group it in her last email saying she couldn't come to here she did I believe have dates of when she was available does that second meeting fall into those dates do we know sound like she was out of the country for a couple 16 yeah um doesn't mean that she won't be able to join from Zoom that that's true yeah we'll send a zoom and we can hope that they'll have that she's pretty resourceful good the uh the last work plan was identify ways to educate the public about the bylaw including but not limited to signage lwa Communications and on the town website and then the last part of the work the charge was make final recommendations to the shsb select board on you know what we find as a group and what we recommend on different items February 15th by February 15th to March I think that last part of the charter is very important those words make final recommendations the select board that's what this is these are recommendations y the select board does not have to acknowledge them we should all realize that but if you connect with them you know meet with them maybe halfway through your process or um when you feel like you're starting to formulate what you want to do it's probably might be a good idea to check in with them and see you know just to get some confirmation that they're in support as you go so you don't end up totly diverging I'm sorry I'm just looking at the bylaws here is there anything else here that's within the Realms of the agenda Matt no that pretty much hits it I I was just looking at the bylaws with the idea of how many how many pieces and parts do we do we think we can accomplish in an hour's time frame dur our next meeting I think that's what we really need to spend the bulk of our time on is just going through the existing bylaws and see if they apply they don't apply changes discussion and I think we should go through there's some of them that'll probably have more discussion than others you know you start thinking about you know water skiing speed limits you know uh where people are supposed to you know what the speed limits are are within 150 ft there's a lot of things that I think you know we'll probably all have a lot of good input well you'll need to send an agenda out I think what is it three days prior to the meeting Becky um it's required um by 48 hours but okay know as soon as you can get it ready ahead of the 48 hours is good so the sooner the better on that mat that way we'll all have a chance to input if we want to make any changes to the agenda or any suggestions to you yeah like might be easy for you to structure that way once you start getting some guidance from the rest of the group don't put it all on yourself it okay all right I Think We're Off to the Races and who's going to help set up the next Zoom meeting is that I have to go to the uh you send people teach you how to um I know how to use zoom very very free right perfect um I need to guide you on the town government website okay actually Grace will do that she gives you a login password and everything for I also know that Tom is very um good at this computer stuff so yes he is fair enough yeah so I'm gonna make a motion to adjourn you without even asking no promises I'll second uh David's motion to adjourn what happening while you guys were chatting yeah we have a motion to adjourn we're ending our first second okay you have to do a roll call vote when you conclude the meeting so please don't jump ship yet till a roll call vote is completed Dave I I heroic ey Ramel I Rivers I lehan I Salvador I rassel I peace South folks see you next time thanks everybody thank you guys bye bye all right good night Joe good night