e something I had something that I was hoping to discuss with elwak but it may be more um prolonged than just a small window for public comment so if I wanted to propose that that get added to a future agenda I would do that at the end of the meeting and the format that that Tracy just mentioned I think I think you could suggest it now if you want add something to the agenda now for for another meeting and the committee will decide if I guess if the committee would vote on to see if that's a appropriate subject for the agenda okay so I have time to to propose that right now okay so um you know I live on lake wyola and um I have had a couple of discussions with both the furog people and also Becky Torres and a few other people about you know the erosion control questions and the difficulty of the association to handle that financially and then the problem that the town would have with dealing with private roads and whatnot and what I'm interested to do is to see if elwak would have any role in trying to help uh well at the moment it's me and a few other people uh do some work on whether there can be a public private partnership so I have a question for you I lost my button somewhere I'm not sure if people are hearing me or not because someone's talking about buttons no we're hearing you we're hearing you okay so anyway I would like to explore that with elwak and um I have a couple of case studies that we could use as examples so um so that's what I'd like to propose that there's a topic of exploring public private Partnerships in uh dealing with erosion and storm water runoff into the lake um the second thing I have is smaller which is that I have sent a number of emails to elwak this past week or actually the last 10 days with some updates of things that I'm observing but I have not gotten any response so I'm wondering if there's a different way to communicate with the committee than through the elwak email well I I did see those emails but you seem to be addressing uh you you you seem that your questions were focused on on the association and I think George did respond to your question he finally did respond so I guess if if someone is seeing them maybe that could just be acknowledged because I have no idea this is the first time one wondering that elwak even saw that or or who on elwak would have seen those so if someone could just give me a heads up yeah we saw that this seems like an issue that John's got a button um so he's gonna meet us there at noon next week's agenda but I'll I'll be better about the Bob Douglas has joining us here um I will add that as an item for the next agenda are you talking to me now Jennifer yeah okay all right well thank you very much okay um one thing I forgot to do some the backtrack here is I didn't introduce everybody um so let me start off with uh at the Town Hall is Walter and Howard at the Town Hall along with myself um uh Catherine is online Mary uh Dave Green is online Jen Jennifer's online Frank Tracy Bob Douglas just joined us and I think I have everybody there Eric Eric oh I'm sorry Eric and again if somebody somebody else jumps on to the meeting I go um I'll let them in thank you very much Jennifer um any other public comments good all right um so next item the agenda is item four which is review of the minutes from the mar February 17th meeting um I sent those out toward the beginning of the week um uh any comments or Corrections or anything this I'm making discuss I'll second it Oh I thought we have to discuss then we accept there's no change we accept it well you vote second it and then there's discussion then you vote on okay technically otherwise you're discussing a motion that hasn't been brought up okay very good then all right so do we uh so Walter has a motion to accept the minutes and Mary has seconded I think I heard now you can ask any com now is there any comments questions or suggestions looks good good to me for those who seen yet a couple of nice pictures that Howard provided of the of the old and new trash racks you can kind of see what the differences that don't seem extensive but they're enough to make a difference so that's worth take a look at I want to across pictures um so think we have a motion on floor to accept minutes as as and V of the committee yes Walter yes uh Eric oh stainy wasn't there but I assume they're good Dave accept [Music] yesy accepted yes okay all right I'll pass those off to Grace the website okay um next item is a uh just an update on what's going on with the notice of attent for both the draw down and the dam repairs and basically what's going on from the permitting perspective um on the very positive side we have the the contract between the town and GZA which is an Dam engineering company they do a lot of stuff including dams has been finalized and so they're actually starting to work on the process now uh to get their necessary perits to the draw down uh they've already submitted a um information request to the natural heritage and endangered species people uh to find out what's uh what is the protected species that's in the lake I don't know if anyone here knows that what it is the only thing I know is the last time they went for permits like this they no longer required a permits for the I gu the wood turtle in the brid Cher which was the big hang up we did Dam originally and uh now last time they did some work they said that they were in that area any so it still would would hurt so the plan right now is they they have our information request out IND dangered species group and to let us let us know what the endangered species is and then to have them determine if the draw down will be any issue with that and if if it is the the plans to go one way and apply and working National Heritage to you know figure out what can be done at anything to protect the species uh and we should have a response by the next meeting uh so 30 days from you know when they submitted it uh they're also starting to review all the existing documentations uh uh and working with the Waterway program and and supposed be starting to work with the Conservation Commission uh to to really understand the plan develop a plan um a lot is there is no real set path right now all depends on on what the all different organizations want to do uh for the for the draw down perit and so it's don't they're going to go through one organization at a time I guess and uh uh just find out what what's the views the draw downs and the Dam dam commit there also will be working on chapter 91 licenses for the operation of the D and for the D itself uh but there's a there's a chance because of the D is so old that it may not need the license anymore maybe grandfathered in so again these are all questions U that have to be addressed at the state level any questions or comments so there will Prov an update once a year once a month and just what's what's going on there and I'll keep everybody informed all right next item item six on the agenda is the dam uh maintenance repairs and these are I'm going call these maintenance repairs because they're just minor in nature there's no dam is in good shape it's not going to you know it's not going to fall over everything's in good shape um at the last meeting uh we we decided to ask the select board for funding uh for $80,000 the FY 25 budget uh to to to do those am repairs um and it turns out that someone needs to complete a capital plan planning process to get the funding from the town the on can't send a notes saying uh you know you put this in the budget yeah I've never done that before and I don't know how to do that I can on that okay I talk several times okay that'd be great I do have one thing it isn't the dam itself but the gate house the roof is leaking so bad now that it's coming down on the wheel and across my desk and I know I know the bu committee was down there last year and they were talking about repairing it but it needs it badly right now the RO that Capital funding process just I don't know maybe it goes on the building don't they have their own is anyone have idea she would be responsible for getting a new group on that on the gate house well my sense is the building committee would recommend it to the capital planning committee and then the capital planning committee would presumably endorse it and the town meeting would vote for it and bl that's sort of the process I believe I can't they um it's if the roof is leaking that bad now can they make an emergency request to the town to do we have any idea what it would cost to fix that before it causes any damage I don't know I don't know how that Works to be honest you might know Frank is Frank get his hand up there he might know he's on the building committee right how you doing um yeah we have proposed we've actually um mentioned at our meetings about getting it done uh now that we know it's leaking uh we did ask for extra money from the capital planning and it's going to be on the town warrant and we do have some monies now that we can uh look at it on Wednesday I'll bring it up Wednesday um to uh specifically Howard saying how bad it's leaking and we'll put it in the Forefront of our agenda on Wednesday's meeting and see what we can do because we have talked about having hiring a local person uh because of the size the problem is um the well you have to what we have to do with the Conservation Commission and how close it is to everything else around there if we need a building permit for it that's going to be a problem so I not so bad this winter that it almost froze the wheel on me I had a heart to breaking it Loose okay well maybe we can uh put a heavy duty tarp on it for now and um but we we talked about hiring a local guy to do replace it because that was on our list I'll I think I think if you um if we're going to do it you can make just make them request for an emergency repair to conservation committee and they'll usually uh fast track it okay good okay I'll bring it up Wednesday at our next meeting that's as fast as I've ever seen 10 government work Saturday to Wednesday that's pretty good I would also suggest if you want to lose a local guy Paul Lions would be willing to do that he lives right up the road it's a perfect job for him if he's not in Florida okay okay anything else about the you know what's going on with the the dam repairs one question I have all the academic question I guess is is it practical to get something for for for 2025 at this point I'm not sure where what the process how far along G plan is in that process find out it's too late to try it doesn't take long have all the figures although they may want multiple quotes well I think the intent here is to um is really there's two issues here one is B the scope of the repair work and GC working on that um and and so they'll be kind of managing that process as our as our dam engineering company okay so that'll help matter a lot right and I've already sent them a note on that and they're you they're not deling into that part yet don't you really need to at this point because it's entirely possible we don't get B to till 26 okay any other questions or some damn repairs uh okay thank you uh next item is U um just a any further discussions we had about the about the rock displacement to the trash um right now it's I I have sent a note off to GC to have them look at that but again I think they're focusing right now uh the fun that they have on um um on the the permitting process that's it's a big much a much bigger task I did after the last meeting I did check and make sure that the the anchors that I made to the boovies they were still at the fire station so I have those in my possession now so as soon as it warms up a little bit um probably make make time how we and go down and deploy the buies so and maybe just an extra sign saying you know no swimming fishing admitt whatever in the area you know Mark area that that would keep you know if in fact it was people walking there and knocking you know accidentally knocking displacing the rocks that it would at least keep them of that area hopefully we have to do anything about make any recommendations or anything related to signage we talked about according to sign that on the game house itself said no swimming around the booies I think there is a did we not was it just painted or is there just painted like the swimming and fishing in the designated area the trim around there the area needs to be run redone wording is still there on the concrete but if you did put a sign up you were talking about what no swimming and no no voting or something like that usually doing something like a sign done the past be it emergency management team or the L it's the know come up with the wording insides and then vote on it funding it um that's something that the emergency med team would said um I don't know how much the emergency management team is in existence or functioning right now um but it was that was done in the past because it involved so many different agencies a to all together come up with that stuff and it's usually funded through that the signs aren't really that expensive and actually there's a local company that you know the cemetery has been using now and they're very good and reasonable you can yeah may send something off Online mail comes out right wor about shipping so what's your um uh so won't be the appropriate point of action you think we need assign in addition to the paper right no Remar off the areas with the bo just have to do like I have in the past ask can C and read but at least there if there's nothing there they can say I didn't know that now at least there you know we have Bank saying no fishing swimming within Mark area if we don't need another sign I mean you start the problem is with signs you start getting too many signs and nobody reads any of yeah any comments from committee members suggestions are the no parking signs in place yet have there been updated when those are going to go in oh I can find out part of the ones that were there before all those but they're also gonna be curious to see what the activity is like after those signs are in place maybe we don't make a decision until we see the result of that there'll be no parking area once they get finished because I gu got to say they when they do the um lines on the road they're also going to do white lines on the edge so anybody parks by the fence or along that area they are going to be in traffic lane there's no doubt it's and they are going to put no signs on both sides of the road um before we go on that's not the end of discussion but it's the 25 after and so we might disappear for a few minutes when the generator kicks off right so I think the decision here the discussion say the same think we need signs at this point it sounds like everyone's kind of in agreement that we don't need bring any additional signs that living no parking signs and as David suggested that we just wait and see what happens with the no parking signs in the boovies and uh we'll go from there yeah I think that's the course help ask Tracy you have a comment a brief comment yeah I just wanted to say that um in a discussion after our last meeting when it was brought up about the potential causes for the rocks in the um the trash catch that uh and it seemed very logical to me is that it it it may well be um in addition or the actual cause would be uh the Wake boats because they would be eroding the shoreline fa that's a comment all right uh thank you very much um good Al the new trash rack should go like the old one up above and hold those rocks in place like it used to yeah I think we I think when you look the pictures it's pretty clear what the problem problem they didn't they just have to modify the trash Ro so that's like the historic one right a little bit wider ERS knew pretty well what to do someone knew what they were doing back in the 50s or 40s or whatever it was all right uh excuse me um next item on the agenda are we all done with that that that item think a couple of action items we'll follow up on um item eight is an update on the Watershed based plan uh from fog and they they're still waiting to gear back from Mass and uh and so from their perspective nothing's happened yet they still waiting for M to either approve the plan or come back the recommendations okay um any any questions about the per plan comments okay um item item nine items that cannot Rec be anticipated part of the meeting uh any any new agenda items or any uh any other items Mo on to discuss hey Bob dou has his hand up Bob go ahead muted Bob um my wife finds me much more interesting when I'm in when I'm muted um the um uh I I had a question for you uh I know that there's been um there was a report of potholes in one of the roads I I know that uh uh there was filling of those potholes that went on recently can you tell me just a little bit about that um I'm not familiar with any of that work is anybody else it was done on short it was done on short drive um um Evan in his good graces came over with his tractor and scraped down the Pooles and I believe put a little bit of the fill in um and it held up pretty good even after that hard rain but that was the work that was done Bob okay great thank you David I I appreciate it um so you said you said there was a rain that followed that work yeah I mean it's obviously it's been a rainy been a rainy year so um yeah there was rain that followed that and so there they appear to be a little bit more beat up so some of that uh that F washed away is that right the Phil always washes away where does it go David I would say um a lot of it gets pulled up around the pothole it's self it's very heavy trap that he puts in there I'm not going to suggest in front of the committee that all that feel goes directly into the lake because I don't think that's true um a lot of that ends up on the front yards of people who AB but the road because that's where it gets rhed into so um it's a pretty decent cover system on um short drive and actually there's a construction project that went on and they put in um as they were probably required to Mary probably knows more than this than I do a catch Basin um that is designed to catch that fill before it goes into the lake so you know I don't think it all pours into the lake Bob that's just my opinion all right appreciate it thank you you David So Bob the part of the problem is is the culverts don't get cleaned out um you know and then people do repairs like Evan did however I I'll say that after Evan did that it rained again and because of the way it was filled I now have a 12 foot 6 inch deep trench in front of my house at the rain washed down because it didn't get into the Culvert um so some of these are pictures that they've been taken and I know Jennifer has some more that she wanted to talk about too but it's it's been a huge problem with the potholes a big part of which is that if the even for the new thing that was put in if the gullies if the gutters aren't cleaned out uh it doesn't do any good and there needs to be a plan to do that because there's no plan or to so thank thank you Maran and just as a quick followup so you have a a 12 in 12 foot trench is that what you said it dug it dug out a whole area in front of my house that then created a whole another way for the water to go down and the more water went down the deeper it got and where did that water go it went straight down all the way down the road to in the ditch till it made till it made potholes and um and then it then it stayed there or did it flow off the roadway no I went down and dug I had to go dig trenches to get it into the into the G Gully into the culvert into the Culver okay where does it go from the Culvert it goes down through and then into the into the uh under the road into the new thing that that uh was put on Donna's West property and into the lake okay all right great thanks Mary I appreciate it Bob I highly suggest you come down and take a look at that catch Bas and that was put in like I said I'm assuming because it's new construction they were required to put that in um if more of those were installed around the lake that would do a lot of good I believe I'd like to do that David and but I I certainly wouldn't want to step on somebody's property without their permission who's whose property is that all no you don't even have to it's right on the road you just come by and look at it and and see what they did and I encourage anyone in the group to come by and walk around and look at the cover systems and Shore Drive and Pine Drive uh they're not perfect um I'm surprised that they held up as well as they did um Mary's situation with her Culvert somehow it got blocked um when that happens someone has to go down there with a pole and unblock them um I don't know who responsibility that's supposed to be but we had a similar instance um with a private homeowner whose culber got blocked and they called clarky in and clarky came down and unplugged the culvert so did they pay clarky to do that I have no idea um did they call the association did the association pay clarky to do that I don't know um but you know I've been living here for 20 years and this is how we've always managed the road I appreciate the feedback thank you David thank you Mary thank you for the time Mr chairman so conservation committee is gonna come down and walk that and take a look because a lot of that when the gets plugged up the goes instead of into covers goes directly into the lake and there's been a big problem with that it's conservation committee Mary going to look at the property in which uh the waterfall comes down and walk the source of that erosion at the same time because that's a huge issue for that property owner for the property owner across the street uh that road is constantly compromised by that prop by that water I'm guessing it's coming off of David Kay's property and probably coming off of wend Road and since dve mccay's property is unmanaged that's why that happens but that it's actually been determined to be an intermittent stream that comes down we've we have looked at it multiple times but again if the covert was cleaned out it would go in the covert both ways and um keep the water off the road the problem is Mary where the C is working perfectly fine and that water comes down so hard it still goes over the road that's why the neighbors have put that burm up there to prevent that from happening so again like I said if the the Culvert has never been cleaned out that's part of why the culbert got made on Donna's property was to go back and clean it out but even today under the road where it needs to go is totally blocked it's something we've sent to lwa from the conservation committee multiple times when we were walking through is that they needed to go send somebody down and clean the culs out then that water that that takes the water off that property is not blocked that water still overflows the road and the covert functions fine well take a look you can go take a look at it Dave I just took pictures it is blocked and we're going to look at it from the conservation committee again but it's blocked it that's why it keeps doing it and is there going to be anything done about the intermittent stream coming down the hill they can't change the intermittent stream regulations are you can't you can't divert you're not supposed to divert or do anything with an intermittent Stream So when the property owner bought that property she brought that problem yes and she and she knows that it's an issue we've had conversations with her too okay thanks Mary can um move on to Jennifer that's okay with everybody thank you um so we're part of that system too on Pine Drive and this is exactly the case study that I wanted to bring to elwak and also to clarify my earlier comment and and marks which is while there are Road issues uh it is not just a Lake wyola Association um issue to look at because the drainage issues are going right into the lake and I have photos that can document that it does involve this intermittent stream and Dave it's the opposite problem there which is not that the Culvert appears to be blocked it appears to not be sized properly to handle all that water that's coming down that stream there were never designed to handle an intermittent stream that's why Jen well there's more to that so so hang on one second so there was a drainage system that was constructed there um in 2019 I think and because there hasn't been maintenance there so though that drainage system is compromised it's nonfunctioning and the retention pool is filled and is now overflowing into the Cove in three places and dumping it's it's gouging out the lake bottom and also creating uh two additional kind of halfhazard drainage ditches because the ditch isn't got the capacity and is narrowing our roadway in some places by like five feet and it was already a narrow roadway and we have had issues with trucks saying I don't think I can get down there so this is why I I don't want to necessarily debate anything right now but it's a complex EOS system that involves properties that are not even part of what the lake association's responsibility is but I would think that elwak in an advisory capacity and interested in Lake quality could provide some advice or guidance on how to get the town and and the private road owners to work together and maybe get some attention for larger capital projects so I just wanted to give that input as you consider a longer conversation about this but the situation on Pine is the opposite it's not a blocked Culvert it's a culvert that's working too well almost but it's having impacts on the road serious ones not just for the lake but for Transit thank you oh comments from the committee members on how to proceed yeah Jen that's a very good observation for Jen like I said I want to reiterate I've never seen that cobbert blocked what I see is it unable to handle the amount of water that is coming down that Hillside and the association did do that work it seemed to do well for a while but that intermittent stream has gotten progressively worse and Mark I think I've sent you pictures of that over the years I've sent you videos of that um I think you know what I'm talking about and that's why and recognizing about this that it it throws the maintenance issue and the schedule for maintenance into a different light in other words cleaning out drainage ditches once every three or four years is not the trick right it has to be done probably twice a year at this point and there needs to be some kind of more comprehensive issue which with how to handle that much water because that's probably not going to change and I don't know what that looks like and that's why we need kind of like a task force I think so this is why I'm hoping that a discussion can get pulled together with this group to see what next steps would be thank you um I know I in the past L has tried to get funding from the town and work to the town but the town has been kind of event about not doing any not putting anything funding or resource private roads um I like the idea of a task force and I think it's wor about to investigate that um in our discussions with burkard um they feel that there is an Avenue to get the public private uh funding together uh and they're and they're waiting on mass D to uh to approve their Watershed base plan which looks at the entire watershed or the way Lake wola Area uh and um and so I believe that there is a there is a mechanism that based upon conversations with Bard that there could be the public private partnership and I think that's that's really what we need and as we're talking yeah well we're talking a lot of lots of money to do it to do it right and to really Design Systems that are going to be um resilience for the long term U and not just building popes and you know getting shovels up I think there's more to it than that Mark any other comments I've had my hand up for a while Mark can I can I go part of this discussion say that again this is part of this discussion yes okay good yeah so that that the system that that's being talked about was the system that I was when I was the roads committee co-chair and on the uh lwa board that's the system that I worked on um and the uh intermittent stream spot it's supposed to be split the catch Basin that Donna West just replaced she's basically replacing an old an old Basin um on her new property and then just diverting it to the side of her property rather than a direct shot because that's where her house is going to go um what has happened is is that drainage ditch that the intermittent stream comes down into it's no longer splitting and it's going most almost all the intermittent stream is going to Pine Drive it was supposed to be splitting so that half was going to the drainage basin on Don West property and the other half was supposed to go down Pine Drive um that's no longer happening it looks like the intermittent stream just decide you know they take their own route and we've had a lot of rain so it's carved out a different avenue than it was was sort of going before we've talked about putting a tea there you know a culvert tea as opposed to just a a pathway um and perhaps that that might be the solution there but that that catch Basin on Donna West property is only handling a very small amount of water from the road it is not like a road catch Basin um there's um drainage there there's big long sections of Road on Shore Drive that don't even have drainage ditches and so there's there so the roads are the drainage um which is part of the reason that there's so many potholes um so that section you know clearly needs to be tightened up and cleaned out it was put in in 2019 there has been no clean out of the system at all so that's you know it's been it's been five years and and that and at this point because everything's going down Pine it's now no longer even able to handle it overflowing into the lake and like Jennifer says taking out Pine Drive which is the reason we had to do the project in the first place because Pine Drive was being eroded so all right so where do we go from here any suggestions for the public committee members we wanted to do a subcommittee uh look at these issues um um we have kind of have this discussion on an ongoing basis and unfortunately we we are an advisory committee and not we don't have funds to say let's do something is this this this particular issue that is being brought up now is that covered under the wed plan y That's my question too that is that is all the roads around the lake and the whole watershed area should be in that plan there should be that plan and that plan is to get funding to come up with the design uh I think it's 319 Grant or 60 something Grant to come up with the design for the the roads around the around the lake uh to you know correct the problem uh we did look at Bob's suggestion uh we did look at an estimate for just U the west side of um and the design I forgot the number was maybe was 35,000 something like that just for one section of the leg uh let's see Mary you have your hand raised muted so yes it may be in the whole Watershed plan but right now the uh the issue is really maintenance somebody needs to go in clean out the gutters clean out the culs um it's no plan or whatever you put in place isn't going to work if there isn't a routine plan to help those culverts stay free of debris and keep the water flowing and right now it's creating a huge problem so you know they may eventually fix all of this with that plan but right now we've been trying to encourage the lwa to come up with a plan to go through and help clean out all of those things and and I think that's what Tracy's talking about you know is there a way to get lwac to help or ask lwa to come to the meeting too to talk about what's a plan that we could do right now to clean all this out and a maintenance plan until such time as it's redesigned that's I think that's an interesting idea is to invite U you know several the o to board directors to our meeting and have this discussion they're really ones that are that are going to either hire someone to we gut or created volunteer Group which is what we do on the West Side to kind of building kind maintain the roads I would remind the committee that AR Keen is a member of the elwak association I believe it's the second VI president so we already have an lwaa president on on the committee so why don't we wait until AR comes back we can discuss this next week when Art's here and see what he knows already is happening what discussions may already be happening that we may be on aware of that's why we have an lwa member on the committee wasn't able to join us today was today so I'm sure he would able to add some callor to this discussion and I understand that I I sense from an email from George to Jenifer that the association is working on plan maintenance plans right now did you have that sense from from George's email I'm not good I'm UNM um what I got well Verbatim what he said is that he was certain that the drainage ditches on Pine would be put on the 2024 list of things that need to be done um the board has to approve that and then the question is well what's the extent of what's going to be done and I I just want to underline what Mary said that Lake oil Association owns the roads and definitely has responsibility for um making them passable and maintaining them no question however these issues that we're talking about are an ecosystem wide problem so so if they go in there have a contractor who goes in with a backo and creates a deep deeper Culvert and empties out that retention pool of in which there is a lot of debris and probably the whole project will need comcom involvement to even do it where do that debris get put Etc um because it's an ecosystem-wide problem it's a town consideration too because the quality of the lake and the the source of the problem isn't on lake wyola property so I keep trying to make a separation between maintenance require you know they toss the football back and forth to each other you know is this Lake wola issue is this a town issue and it just gets log jammed well it's really two separate things and I think that yes George hopefully will prevail the board will approve it it will be um a temporary fix of course just like others have said so we still need the board to approve it and my sense is that given five years have gone by with no maintenance the expense of doing this re this current maintenance is going to be above what they're used to paying so you know it's that old thing this deferred maintenance ends up being repairs that are um not affordable and then the whole thing just continues to get worse so no I wouldn't say that that my sense was that George was going to take care of this it was that they're going to attempt to get some money to alleviate the current symptoms I hope that was clear I'm sorry if I went on too long but it's complicated okay U not sure who had their hand on first Bob and Tracy but Tracy Bur this time I start with Bob last time go ahead um I actually um was was just going to comment on what Jennifer had to say in terms of it be a systemwide issue because you know the properties's all around the property all around Lake wyola is mostly owned by the town and the other thing that uh tamson said at our walkthrough for the furog walkthrough I think that was last August um she was commenting when we were in the parking lot about how they don't generally uh deal with situations at Lakes where the roads are owned by a private entity as opposed to being owned by the town and I raised my hand and I said well what if the roads were open to the public because the owners were um have a 1c3 public charity and therefore their roads have to be open to the public and she said oh that could make a difference so I think we really need to go down that Avenue because as a public charity the roads are I know there's still some signage up that says that they're not but they they are um in addition they have to be open to the public because the town plows the roads and that's based on chapter 40 I can't it's it's it's on the town plowing letter um the town um the town towns can only plow roads that are accessible to the public so I think that that needs to be highlighted because that may be our key to getting this furog um uh report to actually start you know bearing some fruit uh but you know that's going to be a long time in coming and so I think that uh it is important I I you know I know art is on the committee but I think that other lwa uh board members should be encouraged to come because they're the decision makers and we really don't as as um just even as lwa members we don't really have an Avenue to have any discussions like this that we're having today which is awesome because we don't get to go to the we don't get to go to the board meetings we don't see the minutes we don't know what's going on we we have two meetings in the summer and very barely any room for discussion about anything um so uh it's just not you know it's not working the whole way this whole thing is is it's just not working so um I think that we should encourage more board members to come okay uh thank you uh Bob yeah thank thank you Mr chairman I appreciate you being generous with with with the time um I know that lwac um is kind of an interface between the town and lwa and we've got a a selectman Eric stalker on on board uh to kind of be a uh you know keep the town in touch with what's going on and one thing I'd like to ask is if I could have a future agenda item there is a there is a set of Grants uh called the MVP Grant Mass vulnerability plan and um they have considerable dollars at at the you know my full-time job we we've gotten in about a million dollars and uh our next ask will be probably about $5 million and uh unlike other grants they're not just for municipal roadways they can be uh work can be done on private roadways in order to uh PR run off and and things like that so I think I think that is a is a uh a p way that the the town may be well advised to go um and if I could just get five minutes on a future agenda I'd be grateful I just want to follow up real quick with Bob I I worked with I forget who the town member was uh we did do do an MVP Grant request unfortunately it was denied so we have made that attempt it doesn't mean we can't make it again though I just wanted to let you know that sure yeah know and I understand the MVP was looking at at solar projects and things like that it certainly is multifaceted but uh it can be used for drainage issues like we like we've had and will continue to have uh at the the the lake wilda Watershed ours requests focused on the townwide water runoff issues uh that was our MVP request and um the the state just chose other other other more what they felt were pressing projects you know that that's always the case with with grants it's kind of a crapshoot but uh I do think this is something that uh has gone on a long time and does have the attention of the estate and I think it's probably worth making a uh a concerted play for this particular area and and really that's that's all I want to say so Bob your your request for an item for the agenda is about applying for MVP Grant uh discuss discuss MVP Grant I think would be thank you I'll try to get some more information on what I mean I know that that this town is applying for MVP grants and I know that we've as David suggests we've had trouble getting MVP grants uh I think more than once I think maybe two times we've been denied um and I know solar as you suggest Bob is is one of the things that um has been talked about because that's something we haven't tried frankly and that's so but I think this would be a great thing yeah that's a yeah we should consider it and I would also just point out this whole issue as was probably all of us know this whole issue of public private Partnerships and whatever that has been going on as long as I've lived in shopr probably before that I mean because it's it's just it's it's a you know it's it's an issue that is hard legally to deal with and that's all it's just been sticky it's all I'm not saying can't be done or we shouldn't try to do it we should but it's it's tough yeah totally understood and and that's one thing that was attractive to the MVP with with me is that uh most grants are available to towns but this one is available to go on both town and private land no that's great that's good to know Bob I have a copy of what we submitted so I will send that to you just so you get you can look at it and see what was done in the past end send it to me too David if you would please I shall there I shall can you send it can you send it to every everybody there we go sure I can send it to everyone very grateful thank you David you're welcome it's at work so I won't get to it until Monday okay so Mark um I just can I make a comment on that absolutely so I know we go back and forth on the issue of public and private and the state um I what we we forget and I do want to point out that you know the town is responsible for maintaining for emergency purposes and everything passable roads private or not private um but I would also point out that everybody here around the lake pays taxes to the town even lwa on their building and on the road pays taxes to the town so I think I would think that out of that should come some kind of partnership where the town shares with lwa getting these maintenance things done um because otherwise I would contend that I'm not getting the same benefit from paying my taxes as other people in the town of shutesbury are so just a another thing to add in there are other private roads in town just so you know just to throw that out there that we did it I'm not saying we shouldn't do that but it's a can of worms that's all I'm saying um uh I think Jennifer was next um I just wanted to and I'm just going to throw this out here from a total newbie and it might be a completely naive um thing however it's come to my mind when we have these log jams like this or I want I mean it's just understandable that the town would be reluctant to get involved on private property and the the private nonprofit property needs the town and and the Watershed issues ETC you know I don't know whether our elected representatives can be helpful in Breaking log jams or accessing these grants you know and and maybe there's a way that we could bring in other partners you know and I don't know yeah basically we're doing my agenda item for that I proposed right now so if you guys are busy you can take that off or we could continue the discussion but you know I don't know whether shutesbury has a good relationship with its elected representatives and how that whole system work to ask for help but um it has in previous situations that I've been in uh that has occurred and it often is very useful so thank you um Tracy and I think we'll wrap it up after Tracy yeah so I'll just put both things in just to um continue on this this topic and then I had another topic that I wanted to put in the agenda I just wanted to remind you mark that uh at the last meeting um we discussed that Gazette article about the grants that are available just specifically for this um uh type of a thing I I can't remember what they were called but you were going to get that article out to everybody um I sent it to you I sent it to elwak I think I sent it to the select board too Eric so you probably have access to it it was it was like three weeks ago a Gazette article and and it was focusing on um over uh at rattlesnake Gutter and it was uh an article about uh grants that are being made available through the state for um specific issues of private um dirt road wash out private and public dirt road uh storm water issues so that seems like a really good thing to be looking at um the thing the thing that I would like to have put on the oh oh and I just did want to make a comment um to Eric about the roads I I really appreciate today hearing like I I I hear in the comments that you're making Erica you you're starting to get this and you're and you're thinking about you know how the town can help you seem to be open to that and I really appreciate that um one of the things that I've been thinking about just what uh Mary was saying is that even with the other roads maybe it needs to be just everybody if if any towns people are having to um any any entities like Lake W Association or even you know homeowners association roads like um Old Orchard I think it's called and then there's couple others that are um roads that don't have owners at all they're very short roads with not a lot of people on them um so they're kind of a you know a small category but regardless so there's nobody having to pay taxes on those particular roads but it seems that some tax relief for Lake wyola Association just right now maybe specifically on the roads you know having to pay taxes like for for a for a deficit piece of property doesn't seem very fair um so um I don't know I I have a copy of a tax bill that breaks out the lake wyola taxes from you know the building the beaches and the roads and I if I recall the the tax dollars for the the roads is the lowest amount because they they don't they don't have much value um but still it any little bit counts you know and it can add up over a few years and the other thing is Mark that I had sent I sent two I think you're changing subjects here I'm just I'm I'm just want to add to the because you said one more and I just I have an agenda item and it's in the uh an email that I sent you you can just look at it well I'd like to summarize but I think we you know we think we're this is this Ro discussion is just so that before we go before we move off it and it seems like we have sort of three action items here one is is add to an agenda for next time the idea of creating a Tas force uh and um uh to look at Al sours of funding look at working in lwn um and I'd like to add that as an agenda item for next for our next meeting and for those who to consider who should be on that and how that should be how that task force should be organized so that's one item uh I think uh I think I heard that we would like to have someone from lwa uh come and uh just talk about the maintenance plans that they're aware of right now and just to give us update what the what the plan is for the next six months um and then the third item is U and this could maybe handled by the task force but Bob had the idea of of looking um more diligently had other sources of funding specifically NDP grants um does that seem like we got a reasonable summary of what we've discussed so far yes Mark it does all right so so I'll contact lwa Art and and how what what task force should look like um uh I know I cut uh Jennifer this about the rose or this is a new subject yeah no it's about the road just one oh sorry yeah it's just one little thing that okay okay move on okay Eric this is just for you and for all of the um people here uh regarding this um question that comes up about all the public roads and I just feel like at this point it's it's really important to distinguish between issues on roads that are impacting a conservation and a a watershed uh resource and those roads I think should be treated differently than other private roads because the impacts are different and they're more pervasive and and they're they're affecting you know the the integrity and the quality of this resource that we're all tasked with protecting so I think that's one way to um start to talk about the difference between some roads compared to other roads and I just wanted to point that out thanks I'm sorry to take up so much time no that's a good point I remember there was a town meeting or you know I think it was it was not select boy meeting about whether or not to incorporate the roads down toward on The Leverage side by the dump down there a lot of those roads are private roads as well and it was a it was a Donny Brook I mean there were like a 100 people there screaming each other oh doing oh yeah so I'm just telling you that's where I come from saying it's it's a can of worms it is a can of worms but I that's a very good point you're making okay thank you okay um I it was a good good healthy discussion about the roads um and uh we we have some good item good agenda item and have it uh is there anything else I think Tracy might have had something that she want to talk about different subject well yeah that's what I was saying before is I I sent you an email so what I did is I I just wanted to take a look at the um changing scopes of elwak from when it was started into today and there were three iterations you sent me the most recent that was um on a uh in some minutes from 2017 because we had discussed this uh back in September and I was trying to get the uh the originating document and then recently you sent me an an email that said that actually the scope was changed in 2017 it's never been put up on the website so you might want to do that but I think that we should compare and sort of look at what things were added what things were removed and is there actually um you know I just I just would like to discuss that because I feel like because the very first thing that was added to the 2017 one is to act as a liazon between the Lake community and the town and so this seems to be uh the lake community's main um source of being able to speak and so I just feel like that needs to be uh strengthened and and and encouraged more people participating over here by maybe some reach out from elwak um if that's you know if that is the because this is the first function that you wrote in 2017 and I was very glad to see that so I'd like to just review that so I sent a document that has all three iterations of of the the purpose and then the makeup the of the um of the board and the changes that have happened and then put that on as a discussion for ideas that people might have that we might you know switch things up look at you know what's working what's not working that kind of thing so for the commit members do we want conversation among committee members here uh we want to reevaluate the scope of the committee now opening up a discussion I mean I don't know if that's necessary but I don't think it hurts to listen as an agenda item does that make sense Mark I'm asking you guys yeah I said I don't I think I agree with I don't think the of the committee needs to be necessarily reviewed but I would like to hear Tracy's ideas because I could be wrong okay um anyone not want to move to discuss change to go time are changing make sure make sure we don't go against you know I'm not sure how this was originally formed by the town and what the charges were on there who's who the charters town so I mean to be discussed later I don't think that the original charter is relevant anymore because it's not accurate I think we should discuss the the current scope that the select board approve and and if we need to modify that so that's what it is still have to any ch right necessarily suggesting that the scope would be changed I'm just wanted to show what the changes were and how there's some questioning about where certain things fell off um for example in the the original scope it said that a uh a road maintenance plan would be created and I just I've never seen one so I was hoping that maybe somebody could check and see like was there one um what did that ever happen because that was kind of the key part of the it was initially an ad hoc committee um and the uh but I do think that we might want to look at the makeup of the membership that's the area that I think some changes might be helpful to be able to get more comprehensive input and to get the lake to be looked at from a broader perspective not just as this sort of separate Community that's separate from shutesbury because the more we get people in town interested in trying to protect the lake then the more support we maybe be able to get for Capital campaigns that lwac I mean lwa might want um propose we because people are want to protect the lake but right now we're just sort of like this separate you know treated sort of like we're this separate entity from the rest of the town and so you know there's not enough people over here to to raise enough money there's just not so okay so we'll put that on the agenda for next year next month that's meeting that's meeting any other open items on a positive note I hope everyone noticed that the generator didn't come on this street so either the generator is broken they change they change time maybe it's coming out oh daylight savings daylight savings time yes oh yeah at 10:30 beautiful never go uh any other questions comments of the motion to adjourn okay thanks everyone thank you that was the most productive lwac meeting I've ever been to that was awesome bye [Laughter] bye guys take care take care thank you