e hi Jeff um I just left lot 32 where I'm going back and just a few minutes um but I'm G to watch the zoom meeting on my phone um they're at about 180 feet drilling the well um they don't have water yet so I thought you were supposed to be on vacation next week oh next week yeah yeah next week okay where you going um Big Bend National Park in Texas Texas okay yes um but it's but we're going for the national park not for the State of Texas so okay yes um so um it's our 30th wedding anniversary oh congratulations thank you did your husband tell tell you that we we ran into him at the flower show yes ago yes yeah yeah it's funny he really doesn't recognize people you know and he keeps a pretty low profile um so that's what he said yes yeah yes so what did you think of Costa Rica I enjoyed it it was a little different than I thought it was drier than I thought uh you record hang on one second [Music] um well I know what were you in um guac coste no we were in Coco oh in Coco yes okay that's in Guanacaste yeah and that's a drier Area country yeah yes yeah in fact they were grass fires while we were there wow wow that's fascinating yeah and then we went to um you know what's the Big Lake Region um arol yeah yeah yeah that's a Arsenal without the S okay right yes and then we went to um the cloud forest uhuh uh Monte ver probably yes yes and then back to the capital uhhuh yeah okay yes well those two areas are and Monte Verde were probably nicer than Coco I would think yeah they were green yeah they were Greener yes it was it was very windy both of them okay yeah but it was yeah we enjoyed it it was fun good good yeah all right sometimes there's just a storm pattern that's going through you know um I was we didn't go to rnl this year but last year when we went we were there and we got quite a bit of rain so okay that happens sometimes okay yeah it was it was more a case where rain for a little bit and then no rain for a little bit then rain for a little bit then no rain for a little bit uh yeah yeah y y but it was fun it was good good good I wasn't that impressed with the capital yeah we don't even go we fly in and out of Liberia which is an airport that's closer to uh Coco Beach um and uh and we haven't I can't remember the last time we were in San Jose maybe 10 years ago so we flew into San Jose yeah on American Airlines and then put took a puddle jumper up to Iberia uhuh yeah then which was nice good because you know it flew so low yes yes yeah but I I've had it I think I don't need to go back to the capital okay neither do I we just wait for so Elaine took the minutes at our last meeting um she's not here but she's just taken the minutes I haven't had a a minute to read them um so how about if we just table the minutes until the next meeting does that sound okay fine with me all right sounds good okay all right there's Dominic I'm gonna make the do I'm gonna make Dominic um Dominic I'm actually going to make you the host um sounds good and then I'm just uh I'm gonna leave the meeting and then join on my phone and then drive back to lot o32 which will only take me a minute so no problem you can go ahead and get started okay okay no problem sounds good all right bye bye okay thank you the host okay good afternoon every body um so just to confirm are you all ready for me to um start the page turn or was there anything else that you as a subcommittee wanted to discuss first a page turn yeah nice let's get this Marathon ready and I've got a few comments on the specs if you towards the end we can review those there nothing major yep great I'm still in the process of reviewing the spec um that's I thought done my do yeah thousands pages is always fun um uh all right so let me so I was going to focus on the drawing specifically and then the spec I'm I'm happy to answer questions so let's see here so obviously we got this set off um last week and um we're currently looking forward to getting pricing back um I today I'd like to focus really on changes um so um and then of course you know as you guys have questions feel free um uh to to ask away um I do have a hard stop at 3 and I'm hoping I can do this in two hours so that's that's um and maybe even less so we'll see how we go um just to quickly update you um there there have been there has been some architectural progress obviously from last Friday so what I've rolled into this set is revisions because you know it was a 75% set so I think what I have to for you today is I would say 80% right there's been some follow-up cleanup always there's things kind of you know get to that deadline there's a few little oversights and cleanups and things so I want to present to you a week's worth of revision since that's 75% at least for architectural um that does include an updated rendering on this first page so this now represents um the intent to finish um the building um without the um rafter Tails so it's important that we represent the building correctly as things change um the front end of um the code and Ada clearances has not change let's jump straight to um civil um so the existing conditions plan hasn't changed so again I'm going to kind of fly through things um and really focus on changes um the site preparation plan has not changed the limit of work has not changed um uh greatly again we are looking at a stockpile area Central to the site but not at the building footprint so that's kind of like a um a site um materials drop off Zone that is controlled with um uh sediment control uh as well I believe um so again no big changes here um I guess and and during construction obviously you know we're going to have kind of this construction entrance gravel roadway and that helps keep lever Road clean um so that any kind of um trucks entering or leaving the site will not kind of make a huge mess so that's something that I know um uh we all need to pay attention to once um construction begins um so looking at side grading and drainage plan again the high level storm water management of the site has not changed um this site plan that you're looking at now does now incorporate the revised turnaround um which we are currently reviewing with um Conservation Commission so we have an amendment to the noi um application with them that um is what you see in front of you um I did want to highlight that we've been coordinating with um our PV consultant and um Bala electrical engineers that we will need to incorporate um a future electrical storage ready um concrete pad so that's just a part uh that's to meet electrical code so that's another component similar to the charging station for the um for the parking lot um we do need to incorporate an additional concrete pad so that was a m for the 75 but we'll make sure to have that it's small uh small scope but I just wanted to highlight that um again we will need Cape Cod burm um against the and predominantly along this um entry drive to help control um rainwater runoff and make sure that they go to the dedicated catch basins um we don't want that water running off into the Wetland condition here um we did get confirmation from engrid um I'm touching on utilities now which is the next plan but um it is represented here that we got confirmation that we can use the the nearest um pole uh to tie into which is great I think that um you know if we had to move to one of the other poles that would be a little bit more complicated we currently own um duck bank for that um as the base bid with an alternate for the overhead poles um back to storm water um we have a drip strip um around most of the building so this was um landscape architect decision to unify kind of that edge condition we don't necessarily need it everywhere but I think it's a good idea um just to control grasses you know growing right up to the building Edge um so we do have roof drains where I'm highlighting them here with my cursor um so we have some down spouts and they integrate into um the drainage system that is at the perimeter of the building so we have a couple of down here we have one here um this is a a operable drip strip here so that is connected to per pipe and the drainage system the underground drainage line um similarly here as well um at this portion is the upturn roof so we're cricketing the roof to allow water to divert to down spouts um at either end um this is also a drip strip here um so all of that is connect in to um uh this um uh uh what is that that's a drain hole uh um manhole so and then it goes into this water um this catchment basement here um similarly this upper um catchment Basin um collects some of the water that's um uphill into this Basin and then discharge is here at this rip W this is an overflow um uh in a Spillway in case anything here fails so that's kind of a fail safe for this system similarly here um if anything fails within this we have a Spillway here and um otherwise we will continue um the storm water collection into this lower basement um so um septic we can get to with specific drawings for that so this is a raise septic um system if we go to utilities again so we've got a duck Bank um that comes in leads all the way to the Transformer we also have Telecom data um currently shown going to the storage room um last minute coordination with Maryann um and her it um consultant we decided that might actually be easier um to control wiring within the building um if we get Telecom coming into the director's office so um this is a portion of scope that we're going to revise for the 100% um we uh that's pretty much it for utilities um are you gonna are you going to provide a spare in that duct Bank yeah so we're providing two two conduits two one inch um they they we reive clarification on what that section needs to be I don't know if we have it in the set actually um currently I was coordinating with civil on actually that might be in the electrical that's why I might not have seen that section um it's a pretty accessible conduit line um it doesn't have to be in a conduit in a concrete duck Bank um so have the two it's a one inch line I mean one in correct conduit I I believe it is yes yep we have two of those double check that that seems pretty small okay yeah what I I think it is a one inch what what we did include it was a direct coordination from the utility company from the um uh Telecom company I I forget the name Mary and you you may not be um accessible to chime in here um okay my only concern is we typically R um can you hear me 4 inch is what we usually use 4 inch right for everything got it um can you hear me yeah yes Maran we can yeah um so um I think it's a two inch but I'm gonna look while we're yeah let me follow up okay I I may be completely Mis quoting all right okay all righty yes all right but I'll I'll look and then I'll try them in again okay yeah no worries all right um so yeah Neil um at see recommended that we have an additional and I think that's a that's um that's appropriate um that way you've kind of you're ready in case any you you have additional needs in the future right um we we're pushing on engrid of Bala pushing on end grid so that they can have um their pricing for the overhead power lines so that we can have that in hand when we evaluate um the pricing for the 75% so that's another kind of um uh Sid trck um that's happening um while we're pricing the set um related to utilities um um so I just checked me maryan again and it it is the Broadband specifications this is from um our Broadband committee Jeff and Stephen uh it does say at least a one inch conduit um but you know but that's for one one cord and you have all the specifications I sent if if Jeff thinks a twoin conduit is better yeah then um that doesn't seem like that would be a huge price difference no so I'll make that change Jeff to have a a slightly bigger yeah from your experience let's do that and um we wouldn't want to be caught out um with that so um I'll make sure to include that so that's great uh um then moving on to um pavement marking so this is a fairly simple plan that really just describes um pavement markings and signage um so uh you know all the sign all the um Lane markings and parking aisles um are shown here arrows obviously um required signage um just to help direct traffic around um that's requ ired accessible parking um designations um we own to um uh of the EV um uh charging for this um I've asked this did this didn't make it into the 75% but I've asked that they omit that for the base bid we don't need it right because we're going to be um charging ready we don't need the signs yet so I'm going to make sure that they get taken off um um uh yeah so fairly um straightforward on this one moving ahead so now we get into details I didn't want to get too bogged down on these I'm happy to answer questions for those of you who who have them for this um one thing that I'm going to ask F and O'Neal about is this electric charging set we need to be charging ready right so we do need this concrete pad this is 2 feet deep um I've on a previous job we installed one but it was like five years ago and I'm trying to remember how deep we ended up having to go I know there's Frost heave considerations but it's uh it's substantial so this is one kind of thing that I just in I want a flag it's a lot of concrete there for for a charging station it it very well could be I'm sure it's not over engineered but that's a personal question for me I'm going to reach out on um pretty straightforward with everything else Spillway information you know a lot of these catchment basement basins and other civil um we have yeah so going into the landscape there's also other landscape elements that we'll be um that we can go through as well um uh moving on then to the septic so um the leeching field again is you know as shown and coordinated um sounds like everything is is um working well in the current location again it's going to be about 7 feet um tall if you stand on lever road so it's going to have Fair height to it um this will be seated um we can go over the planting plan in the landscape um this will be connected to um the um Chambers up here the septic tanks um we have two septic um tanks so we have the septic tank and then the pump chamber um we were struggling there was a concerted coordination effort about where to locate these um and so I think they are shown more accurately in the civils actually so that manhole access is properly located um the ti tank which is Plumbing not septic um needs to be um in a location very close to this unfortunately and it has to do with elevation and drainage um so you know we're hoping to move them upgrade um and that was problematic so unfortunately they will have to be where they are um and we're looking to conceal the access hatches um within planting um what is a tight tank so a tight tank um is basically a reservoir that will need to be maintained and um you you will need to have them serviced so that they're drained um it's basically um catching water specifically from the mop syn because that water is not allowed to go into the septic system um so the chemicals that you will you know discharge in that mop syn that you are not allowed to um imput into into the septic system um so we I haven't got any information on the maintenance requirements like the how often this this Reservoir will fill um I'm trying to remember I I had the dimensions over what you see here it's actually cylindrical um I think there's details of that actually somewhere so um our plumbing engineer is actually still working on the exact size of that okay thank you yeah yep um can I interject real quick sure so uh Jeff that a lot of people at the lake have tight tanks basically it's just a reservoir when it fills up to a certain level there there's an alarm that goes off then you get it pumped out it's when you can't have you know at the lake when you don't have the uh space for a drain field okay nice thanks Stephen um yeah so that that's um so we have the septic details here um we have some spacing um plans for those elements um and Then followed by details looks like we are going to have a candy cane element in that bra septic so it's something I want to discuss you know initially we had the septic field in the southwest portion of the side and and we're early days we're looking we're talking about how we might be able to disguise it now it's really front and center and I'm just wondering we do have some planting in front of this so I think that would be the strategy to help conceal this but you know it's it's kind of it's always that component of a septic leeching field um anybody who has one is familiar with it um it's required so the recommendation is painted out black flat black nice it's harder to see make it go away that's it that's what we did with ours yeah nice coulage spray paint works good too yeah nice all right I'll I'll talk to F and O'Neal and then um Heritage because obviously that they would have a lot of insight on that as well so um uh thanks for that recommendation um so moving to landscape so here we have our materials um layout plan um nothing much has changed here again the turnaround um is um re wi now for to meet the setback requirements um we do have overflow parking here one thing that's slipped in to this set that um was new to me and I'd like to potentially revise just on a cost basis is that we have a very low wood guard rail now I don't know if anybody picked up on that um it's something that I need to coordinate with Stimson I'd like to do whatever is you know most cost beneficial um we did a similar strategy at the turnaround here where we would just use reclaim Boulders you know there's excavation going on on the side so whatever we find we can you know have the contractor or the the side contractor lay out um to help prevent vehicles from um straying from um the designated Drive paths similarly for this parking the Overflow parking um my centered looking at this this this is not going to be insignificant amount of money has drawn so um it's not the same spec is what we had here originally originally here you know we had large foundations I quickly looked at the detail um so just wanted to mention that that's kind of in on my radar um we have taken away the concrete um foot paath here on the South Side um we do have concrete um uh at the main entry the drop off um handicap parking and kind of this front portion um binous pavement around um the other walkways um and uh this is uh Crush Stone um at the bike park at the bike racks and then we have Paving um at these three locations so again I think it depends on where we come in on the cost estimate I know there was talk about um potentially excuse me offsetting Paving from donations or you know we can we can reassess once the numbers come in there's very easy areas um and square footages that we can kind of substit subtract out of our estimate um the next two drawings are actually detail plans um so Stimson is looking at um at um proposing a blend um we've used Handover pre-cast on other jobs and um and with a blend you get an you know very nice layer um for Paving um so that is the detail here um at the three locations so it's a good drawing to have to really hold the contractor to you know the installation and making sure they um they perform the layouts exactly as desired um the next so I've touched on some of this this is really the material plan so specific to how all the materials are um uh laid out so again we do have K Cod burm now um all the way across to meet this concrete sidewalk again it's needed for storm water we'd love to emit it um but um so that is there then we do have um uh concrete um curbs um across this we we have the two planting beds and again I'd mention the pathways um previously is this pre-cast concrete or port in place concrete curve uh I believe it is preast okay yep uh I think that's what is it RC that's right um raise curb it'll be in the details yeah I believe it is um preast yep um the the details show the various elevations as well of the um pre-cast curb so do need to come down to meet this Ada um curb cut so this will all be pre-cast in there um now we're moving on to planting plan so this is um had a lot of uh kind of back and forth and revision and um uh I think we've got this in in a really good place now um with a very sensible strategy on the base bid for plan planting and then um the uh complete scope of planting to be carried out within the 3year um period so the strategy here was to make sure that the whole site was um finished in um seeding or mulch um to ensure that we don't have any exposed soil to make sure that the site for storm water will perform as designed then the only plantings that are going to be made are the ones um that are difficult to access after the site is finished so um when you go to the next plan you can see that you know there small shrubs um and plants and trees um the shrubs are easy to plant by hand but any of the larger trees um are easily accessible from either Leverett or the entry drive and parking um parking lot so um the base bed has been paired down and um we're interested to see how that prices out um again kind of these inaccessible areas will be focused on for the base bit and then um the three-year plan and and um completion of the planting plan is then shown in this plan um also includes um the small plants and shrubs around the building in the garden bed um yeah so that's that's kind of like a high level of that um then we get into the details again I won't stay with this uh one detail that we still need to include is the drip strip um that that surrounds the building there's um uh the landscape architect will would like to specify what that top um gravel will be and then civil owns the um the scope of um assembly beneath the grade so all the different layers of drainage um to the drainage pipe so that will be included for the 100% um here we have all our various curb Cuts Cape Cod burm um Boulders um so here you see the timber guard rail um it's it's definitely more simply detailed than the one that we had at the 50% but um again I would like I need to coordinate with them and I'd like to admit it if we can um I'm hoping that setting Boulders um unifies the site plan for one and um will be adequate um to help stop people strain um from that parking off the um overflow parking uh signage details again we're just owning scope here um we haven't really fully vetted fonts and um you know how what you even want the sign to say um but we are owning scope of work here so um we'd like to unify the signage um font strategy with this sign as well what's happening inside the building the building signage itself and then this sign um moving to structural kind of skim through this there's a lot of you know specificity here starting with foundations um uh Foundation uh walls and um we also have a footing um wall that that um carries through the spine of the building um how the structural walls will be framed so we have some tall um spans of studs and um these are lvls I believe to meet that height um because we have a near 20 foot Central wall um and then the sheer walls will be sheathed in ply structural ply right um so some um roof details uh we now have deleted the um the rafter tail so this um they're calling this a glue Lam beam um so that rafter condition previously was protruding now that we have reduced our Eve we're able to simplify this we do have backs span 2x4s um which will be required just to um uh reinforce that overhang and make sure that we meet snow loads and and um occupancy so that you can stand on that um it's it's simple detail but we think that the fussiness of you know it's a result of where we ended up now with the new roof and and we see this as a cost saving actually um so again going through um you know we need some reinforcing um structural cords around the um uh building footprint on the roof um we have the foundation plan um and it shows some wall framing above that um depending on how we go with tile and whether we're going to include that we would need to include a depression a small depression because it's thin set um I think we could get away with um like one and a half could be less than one and a half Ines actually I'm trying to remember exactly but I'll coordinate that if if we do get TI we will need to represent a slab depression in that the entry Lobby and circulation space um we have any slab depressions for fin tube one time we well they're trenches and it's not fin yeah for the electrical um heat Source at the meeting room so we have three trenches and on that wrong I couldn't find them no that still needs to be Cordon they missed that so we've got to include that um but yes we do need them it it requires a thickened slab Edge to allow for that depression that's right yep um we also depending on where the tight tank goes um it may uh there may be a conflict of it being so close to this Foundation War so I have asked that structural um own currently an increased depth of this footing um if the footing is too high with the ti tank being adjacent um there's um conflict between the two so um we may need to so at least we own that currently um for the you're going to step the footing down or you goingon to move the that's right well I think the tank um access the access hatch to the tank may end up in the pathway in that adjacent um concrete pathway so we're reluctant to do that um it's a question we can um POs to our cost estimator on that amount of concrete um currently we own step down footing for the 75 and we'll see how that plays out how far down you stepping down uh 18 inches oh okay yeah yeah all right yeah it's not a lot there's it's called a zone of influence I forget the term exactly and um basically I think the tight tank will get there is some sort of pressure issue if they're too close together and you need to drop that um Foundation further down so that you lower a zone of influence away from that tight tank okay y um so moving on this is um the uh header framing plan so here you see the shear walls and the lvls required to bridge openings um reinforce sliding doors the security gate um uh so that's depicting that structural information that's kind of mid it's kind of like at the 9 foot datm or thereabouts and then the next plan is the roof plan so that um describes uh the glue lamps and um the upturned roof framing and um what we've done what we decided to do is because we do not have the exposed rafter taals anymore we thought it would be a cost-saving measure to revert back to 2x2 Standard Lumber to support this side of the roof um we're also going to lvls which is cheaper than glue lamb in this Zone because you don't see any of it okay um so we're really interested to see that savings you know as you go through the stages of design you you're refining scope um so yeah we're hoping that this will help um you know bring costs down so um I think that was a smart choice for this and we'll be interested to see how that plays out um nothing nothing really has changed other than structurally what I've described to you so really the essence of the building is um has remained the same for quite a while other than this um the roof rafs um framing has changed um some more structural details um and then we have elevations I'm going to skip through them so this is really for um the um the contractors to use um to frame correctly some more spec um specifics on connections this connection here was finessed um quite a bit um this is at that main spine grid line to so that runs north to south in plan um holding up the roof Ridge across here and what we are hoping to do was Center the um roof Ridge this line um with the finished face of that wall so that when you're at the Children's at the North elevation and you're standing outside the building looking into children's you read the jam and kind of the roof Ridge in line so this was a bit of gymnastics but uh um uh L measure were able to work that out so that's great um and then you know other details about we do have some steel tube that is required um for Windows support um we owned some of that at 50% I think there was one or two additional members with coordination with Pella because we have ganged window systems um because of wind loading um we do needed we did need some additional um HSS steel tubes um across window openings so if you um uh scrutinize some of these elevations in structure structural drawings you'll see those um and so you're seeing you know attachment details to stud framing here all right now to um architectural again I'll just try and highlight changes and um not a lot has changed here right other than the layout of this space which everybody has seen and reviewed um there's a little bit of coordination in the storage room that still needs to happen I would like to have all the building controls fire alarm um mechanical um on this small wall here um so that's kind of a coordination element um but in general um you know nothing else has changed um water service restroom um as you've seen it um pretty straightforward um moving on to the adct plan we felt this is a oh before I move on we will include a slab plan so that's another drawing that the architectural um drawing set we'll own and that really specifies exactly where we want the slab Edge to be with relation to our architectural finishes and if we go with this you know the trenches obviously and um a um dropped slab if we need um for the tile um so then moving up to the attic plan we felt like this is a good drawing to have to really show these Open Spaces you know describe that teens and study has a sloped ceiling um what spaces are open to the decking um it also helps describe some of these dropped software conditions and what the wall types should be in those cases um the roof plan nothing much has changed here again we own the um uh the gutter at these two locations we have a rain diverter at this location um and then we have two down spouts with the CRI roof to drain to either side um PV is indicated here um and uh snow guards we're going to own snow guards um around the perimeter not at the upturn roof um but yes everywhere else um and um we want to also make sure to have a gutter cover um at these at these two gutter locations um um then we move into the restrooms um pretty straightforward um we expect them to meet code and the requirements um we're missing a mirror here um so we already have that um on our list we've got to include that we'll make sure the cost estimate includes that here for this additional um restroom that we ended up including um floor finishes we owned um resilient flooring um but I made it clear in the cost estimate that we wanted add alternates so that um we could potentially have tile throughout um and we're also pricing epoxy flooring um for the restrooms if we were to go with lolium other than that we have lolium throughout um a simple sealer in exposed concrete um for the mechanical spaces um we have carpet in adults um and the reading Nook and the director's office everywhere else's um resilient flooring we have a carpet overlay in the children's then the reflected ceiling plan um these fix fixtures uh um pendants which we have as an ad Al for the cost estimate so we're interested to see what that would come out as so um we can evaluate that with a cost estimate um currently um again the um main track um light fixture with a light heads and track system is showing additional tracks um to the fix mounted to them so I got I finally got explanation from lamb our lighting consultant so they're showing fixtures on one side of the structural Bay on these tracks and not on this side but they actually need to locate one of these fixtures on each side so three need to go over here and three need to go in here and that is a result of the sloping ceiling and the fact that these fixtures need to point down against that slope um so they need to be directed away from this sloping rafter to which they're mounted on um they're worried about scalping um and you know not being able to supply effective lighting if they just used one side um the intent for all of this is that the fixtures are in line with the bottom of structure um you know if we were to mount on the Rafters we feel like that's very distracting and we're trying to keep it fairly clean to um pull them up so lamb says that the tracks themselves are you know fairly inexpensive so I think um what's misleading here is that they're representing these fixtures on one side Justified to one side and not alternate on each um they explain that what they want to do is when they're being installed they actually go on site with the lighting installer with the electrician and they will actually go through each space and decide I need the light over here I need it over here you know move it a little bit down on this track it's got to be angled a little bit this way and so there's a coordination effort about getting the light heads on the tracks where they want them so this is it's kind of a placeholder for scope and then that final layout of of Lights would be done in field when it's being installed but we own the track the fixture heads we need so there wouldn't be an increase down line um Stephen yes so um am I understanding that the tracks are going to be set on the side of the glue lamb up high enough so that the fixture kind of disappear if you will yes so um will they uh you know if we have uh things displayed on the wall are those tracks going to be able to illuminate the wall fixes on those yes y okay so the intent again is to make sure this wall is illuminated these side wall you know the side walls on either side of the screen and then also this wall here here um yeah um thank you yeah yep so and that's also going to be um wired in a way that that can be controlled independently right so you have zoning that'll be zoned in the same way as I described so you can specifically control the track heads or the fixture heads in those zones um in the other rooms where we don't have ceilings we have suspended linear pretty simple um just to you know um provide the lighting required um at the front entry we have um we're going to have uh fixtures mounted to the decking but in between um these two uh Rafters so that'll be a nice resolution to um installing the fixtures and providing light out here um then we have pretty simple uh fixtures mounted in um acoustic ceiling tile um we have hard jip GPS and um board for the ceilings in the restrooms that's pretty common practice um before I move on another thing that we're going to coordinate is um a few access panels we don't need them for most of the building because act panels can be lift but I do believe we will locate one in the vestule and the restroom I think we need one in each of these restrooms depending on wiring um to get to the storage room um so that's a coordination effort we're also is currently underway um and then we have suspended fixtures in crafts children's um in this study um we also have wallmounted linear fixtures um on an offset arm um to illuminate Stacks at the walls uh Heather hello um could you go back to the circulation desk area sure yeah so those um I see you know uh looks like four little lights and then those three larger circles with little dots in the middle are those additional fixtures that are yeah sorry I I glazed over those they are suspended fixtures to illuminate the circulation desk okay and are those going to be space sufficiently to cover the whole desk I've had a lot of circulation desks where there's dark spots and illumination issues so I'm just sensitive to this one yeah absolutely um yes I I'll make a point to make sure lamb um is providing sufficient um uh foot candles at that surface thank you yeah no problem um we also have and and kind of while we're in this area we have um a wall grazing linear um recess in the act and that's for the browsing and Library things over here [Music] um so that's um the RCP um in a nutshell we're also describing finishes here right so acoustic ceiling tile throughout open decking um as you see in the major spaces and then um some of these smaller spaces doesn't have a ceiling so it's open to decking and um the restrooms have hard uh building elevations again nothing has really changed here bar um the we've tried to simplify things a little bit here with the rafter tails so we did have vertical wood and horizontal wood component um at the at the eve condition so now we have a detail where the Slate actually goes all the way up to the underside of decking and um the vertical boards go all the way up to the underside of the under up turned roof and similarly at um the staff work room um we've simplified that detail so we're hoping to see some savings there in general um you know it's a less fussy detail um at the roof Eve um other than that material choices are the same Alaskan yellow cedar with a pre-stain um a pre-aging um stain applied to it so you don't see you it's uniform aging um over time because the roof Eve will you know have create a shadow line and so you might have a lighter color above and a grayer the graying out of the Alaskan yellow cedar will happen faster in the more exposed areas um the same slate um and [Music] um uh we would be the intent here is to use um a a light gray color for the metal trim that will tie in with the um aluminum clad window frame so you kind of get a uniformity there um then we go into building sections I'm not going to really focus on these These are really a keying drawing so from here you can reference where we pull out from the building section you go to the wall section and from the wall section you then go to the specific um detail section so again we have a bunch of sections through the building uh in one orientation and then we do the same in the opposite direction and again it's a keying reference um I did want to highlight again we are now we do not have the perforated um drywall um gypson board for the acoustic treatment here um we have a fabric wrapped surface mount acoustic panel so again we're looking this we're interested to see the savings there for that um we have a linear light that was another lighting component in the RCP I I um did not explain before again the strategy is sorry I'm zooming around here um let's go to the meeting room so the intent here is to have that um indirect linear uplight and that is in all the main spaces adults children's and the meeting um there's an indirect light strategy that lights the seal in and bounces light in you know throughout the space that way um and then above that we're going to have um Supply air into the space so it's not shown in this section specifically but we do have a detailed where we have Supply Air the plenum and the linear Grill is above that and then above that we're going to have the acoustic panel um so we do describe some of that in these sections um then we get into the wall section specifically um you know where we need them what are all the unique connections of different materials um these exterior wall sections again highlight they break down where all these um connections are and then you um can go to those specifically um to get all of that information um I'm going to kind of just speed through these I'm happy to answer questions um you know specifically here at childrens we have the um shelving Niche so we have an LVL to help support that overhead Niche um we also have a HSS steel to support this um window system above for the clear story we show Shades as well so um we're going to to have all manual Shades um so one thing that we do need to coordinate in this one specific area is how that is going to be done manually um so that is still a coordination effort um but on all West and East windows we have we own manual Shades so what do I find dimensions for a lot of this stuff I go to the bigger details and they're not dimensioned either as an example lower right corner detail yes I I would have thought you'd at least give a dimension this well something yes yes so that's that we will own some Dimensions um but the plan will dictate a lot of that and for instance like the shade pocket we specify the shade and yes there are some critical Dimension strings which is you know as a result of the 75% we still got to kind of do our due diligence and get that stuff in so okay y while we're here could you move up a little bit on that detail there you go yep and this kind of relates to the spec all that metal work that's sitting at the edge or the roof Yep this here when I read through the specs y it implies that's sarna clad but then when I look at another section of the specs it's not sarna clad it's it's it's bent aluminum so just go back to your specs and make sure everybody's understanding who who owns what yes no that that's a good point and there is a concerted effort to do that specifically for that because we are we have our own spec Rider Y and then we have um G who is helping specifically with this spec and so there's you know we need between 75 and 100 just a last concerted effort to make sure that those two spec sections are talking to each other correctly so correct thank you yeah yeah thanks for bringing that up um so that's yeah so that's kind of how the layout of of the drawing set Works um keying in the wall section to the specific detail um and we have SGH reviewing this detail we're still waiting to hear back from them um so because I don't understand that detail good yeah so this detail here was about making the um the standing seam the metal standing seam roof independent of um the PVC roof needing it and so um we have flashing um that stops at this location and then we have the TPO that comes up to this location and um with kind of an integrated connection detail um with an exposed um kind of sealant why can't the TPO go up under the metal the motivation here was so that you do not need to disturb the the standing seam metal roof at all uh yeah but my my point is when it comes time to re roof they'll slice it there and then they can patch the new TPO into just the old piece of TPO I would still provide your fancy Dancy detail but a little belt and suspenders taking the TPO further up under the metal right yeah as so and I understand you what you're saying there but the way I understand it is that tying so it was the motivation was around warranty and so we're going to have a 40-year warranty for the standing metal seam and a 30-year which is maximum for this PVC so if you're just cutting and rebonding to to existing 30-year-old material I don't know if that voids your 30-year warranty that that's my understanding of it right so yes the superior detail is to have the PVC go all the way under the standing metal seam roof that's how you would detail it um if you were not considering these alternating warranties but because the standing seam has P um PV on it the PV would have to come off the metal roof would have to come off when it's time to then replace this no I'm just saying well okay you know what I mean I think there's a way around it but yeah I my was that can you get under this metal seam roof with it's still in place but I don't think you can come up high enough also your specs don't call for a 30-year warranty it's a 20 year check that yeah I will for the for the TPO yep so double check that great thanks I will yeah okay uh Stephen well uh going along with what Jeff talked about um if if you kept um that additional metal piece that is uh starts under the metal roof yeah that comes down to where your essentially joint is yeah with the TPO if you had a piece of TPO under that that went further up the metal roof yep then you would never replace it I mean it's just I mean it's not subject to any weather um and it seems like it would be and I think Jeff and I talked about this a little bit it would be like a another uh line of defense if you will um and then when you need to replace the TPO you cut you know that could even be uh two separate pieces so you're just taking up you know what runs down into the upturn roof um you're never replacing the other piece I understand so you're basically double layering there so you have something to tie back into at the 30-year replacement exactly yeah that's a good point and I'll ask that specifically if the warrant if the new warranty right that new replacement roof will then come with its own 30-year if that's allowed right on that connection now as I'm looking at the detail uh raised up if you come up to where that bead of sealant is okay and then you look at the the metal part that's under the standing SE metal MH um I see I see a way that if you sort of start on the top of the standing seam metal and you come down towards the sealant if something backs up what keeps you know that as a totally watertight joint because there's this where your thin I'll say dimensional line is yeah right where your cursor is Yep this is the weak point just yeah why doesn't that fold back over and interlock but still you can see yeah the right the Right freeze thaw kind of thing maybe water somehow a little bit gets up and that's I think that's part of the reason why it seems to make sense to then have additional TPO under all that that goes further up the roof um in case something like that happens right right yeah and again we do have multiple layers of Defense right this is all so waterproofing down here yeah B pucky Okay but well let me just ask so um when it says uh roof membrane is that something like a um ice and waterers Shield material yes yeah okay and then that's under the protection board am I reading the detail right it's on the protection board yeah this is that's on top it's on top yep okay all right well that that makes more sense you know when I try to find the where the arrow point goes to sometimes it's a little hard oh right right yeah yeah I see down okay yeah great so that same detail what are can you blow it up again what are all these extra thin lines I see further behind the detail or know kind of where Stephen was pointing what is that vertical line there what's oh this here what's all that stuff yeah so this is that's the standing seam J it is but it should actually terminate here yeah that's what's confusing me what's yeah right what's it doing way out there yeah that's right that that's the model element of the roof needs to be pulled back to match this detail right yeah so we generate all our drawings based off a 3D model and yeah you need to learn how to use a pencil yes hasn't back in the I did once you need to go back to the old days I did drafting I remember that back back in the day back Australia actually yeah it's a good skill to have when I started we use myar oh nice nice yeah that's great one one last thing Dominic yeah sure on uh a 6.02 and a 6.05 if you haven't picked it up already you're still showing seven Ines of roof insulation not five yes in the that's right that's that's uh very good point U we did have we did catch that and we've still got to review that that's correct it is drawn at five just to clarify so dimensionally we have it we've got to chase the uh notes and double check some of your details you're still calling out for the I call it the burnt wood or the aaro wood or whatever it's called yeah AOA there you go okay um nice so um let's see here just to kind of see what to kind of bruse if there's anything else you haven't seen we're trying to we would like to recess the shades in the um study room and the um the teens room um this needs to drop down a little bit so that it's actually in line right so that's that's going to be flush here yep yep um we have uh Lou air intake details so there's two locations I'll cover that when we go to the Mechanicals so for our mechanical system we have we have intake air Louver above the director's window and then we have exhaust um that's at the Water Service room so we detailed that this was an in attempt to detail the heat Source at the Children's window but we're now going with trench throughout um okay this fin tube is a hot um water or steam system and we don't have that we don't want to pipe hot water and and kind of create a whole new system around this so we're going to go with electric which will be trenched in here so okay that's going to be revised y um we included the thickening of insulation at the vestibule so now we have ample um insulation um we are still working through we have three vent pipe penetrations through the roof um we're revising this detail um to adequately seal to have adequate boot around the penetration and the pipe because the um the standing seam roof is undulating it's not a flat surface so um just to take note of that we're still working through that detail as well um and um there are three rafter penetrations actually at the lobby exit so um that is one location where we already have the glue Lam and we still own this penetration okay um so we needed to incorporate that section there um moving to the plan sections we show you know specificity about how that gets um sealed correctly as well um again the the Slate is now going to be terminated up against the roof Eve and so we have a um aluminum uh a cover that's going to hide that top course of nail heads um so the a question about that detail yeah can you go back up to the bent metal above it so is is this one piece of metal two pieces of mudal and where's the cleats yeah so this this is one piece of metal got it that acts as a cleat for this piece which is then um we need to incorporate this is a cleat for this piece okay we need a cleat down here yeah you need a cleat down by the bottom that's right that's my point okay yep so we need so then it's we two pie we can emit this cleat and put it down here basically it's turning all right yeah got it yep um yeah so the Slate shingle coursing will start at grade and work its way up to the roof um and they counter they pilot hole the nail um holes and then they're simply nailed in um and that top course we want to conceal that nail um yeah Roger can we go back to the uh The Edge detail there are they going to be horizontal joints that need to have folded seams or such on these metal pieces um horizontal seams so you're talking in elevation yeah as you look at in the length of these what's the length of these pieces is going to be and right be joints where we need an overlap and Joint will places yeah we tend not to detail them in the elevation um but we do have a comprehensive like well I'm trying to think we have through wall flashing so we have specific details about how through wall flashing joints need to be made um that these I think are simply overlapped oh my God what do you mean the overlap what do you mean by that so they come in standard lengths of if you're looking in elevation this one piece is not going to be able to run 150 well there's no roof that runs that long but whatever the length is I forget the standard length is um my sense is they break that up like 12 foot segments yeah right and what I guess Roger is asking is there a detail to capture the overlap requirement yeah I think Roger's asking a good question because we had we've had this we just had this problem at the elementary school where they didn't sufficiently overlap and now well also um they ended up pop roving every section together and it found its own expansion joint and created it yeah in not a good way yep my God this is one of those details that I think with the shops once they come in you can kind of hone that but I agree we should roll that into our set prior to that so I've never had that be an issue on other jobs where we detailed these but [Music] um we'll make your day it's good to own this stuff prior and then there's no questions after yeah that way Steven won't get all over you keeping me honest um uh yeah so thanks Roger I'll look into that and make sure we include that in the set as well [Music] um then the plan sections again detailing um for instance there's um the Alaskan yellow cedar vertical boards we want to own a corner a vertical Corner trim um this just allows that straight the vertical corner to be finished well and so if there's any expansion contraction on these sideboards you kind of own a better detail at that corner um and um yeah standard connections throughout um we back sheet yeah now go go back to a section wall the the wall section keep going one more yeah let's see I want to what I want to do is see the bottom of the wall oh at the um at the um slab well you've got some blocking near the near the slab but I don't understand how you're supporting the blocking slab um okay this detail on the right y blow up that [Music] um so you've got your slate on the outside yeah which is then sitting on I touched the freaking screen and it got small oh you want you want oh I see I think it's me I mean using my wife's computer and I don't know how to use it is it do you want me to zoom in yeah uh so the start to finish assembly of the Slate from so we have a hat channel in here okay but there's a piece of wood at the very bottom that's horizontal yep what's it attached to so I think this should be attached to the Hat Channel So this hat Channel needs to come down to pick it up yep exactly yep like this and then it can sit on the on top the way these are um let's see um yeah so kind of standard connections there's a few connections that we still need to include like 90° slate um slate to slate um so similar to this wood detail what are we doing at the Slate um it's going to be similar to this we've done it on previous jobs where we have um uh this he like a heavy gauge breake metal and that um gets installed on the um 2 by and it allows the Slate to kind of terminate this is a connection at the um building Notch where children's this is a children's room in here where we have slate and then we go to the cedar so it's a way of creating a nice clean Edge um so we need to do the same it it here's a that condition slate to slate um I also wanted to mention that we um have an offset fin so because we have expansive window assemblies um Pella is not recommending that the fin be uh clipped into the actual Mion and that it is independent um and so that way you can control um and you get a more rigid fin um at the the larger lengths of window assemblies so we use that throughout so that you have that same um relationship um the next sheet here is an assembly sequencing diagram and it's a it's to explain um what we need to do to seal um the structural tongue and groove decking so the exterior wall framing and sheathing um goes up to decking and is then wrapped in AVB in um air um water vapor barrier and that then turns up against the decking um the decking has tongue and groove gaps and um that needs to be filled with butil sealant um which then needs to meet the um the roof um water vapor barrier as well so you can see here in the sequencing we explain um that after framing the decking needs to stop at that exterior uh wall you need to apply the butal sealant at that location then continue the assembly then comes the structural sheathing which goes on top before the first layer of AVB and that kind of laps down on the decking board then the next sheathing layer goes on with the AVB on top of that and that basically explains to the contractor how that connection is made um we also have perpendicular conditions where the the um decking is um perpendicular to the exterior wall that's on the south and the north um exterior walls and we explain that we need butal sealant between each board at that location that's to prevent air flow coming into the into the building um makes for more efficient um uh treatment of air uh and more efficient use of your mechanical equipment um interior elevations I'll kind of like skim through them um the meeting room again we have the acoustic um tiles uh sorry the um fabric wrapped acoustic panels applied to the um walls this elevation needs to be revised so that it is cut right at that wall because you're seeing um the section cut to produce this elevation is um is showing this little lower when really the acoustic panel is um offset from that structure uh Stephen I see your hand up yeah um real quick thing on the um in the meeting room I see the picture rail yeah I would suggest including that on the north wall each side of the large pocket door and then on East Side left of the kitchen you know just depending on what kind of items are being displayed um those spaces even though small would be useful sure so really it's um on every wall around other than the screen yep yep yes great thank you yep [Music] um everything's pretty straightforward I know we've gone through the um stuff work room and the uh [Music] um uh library of things wall um everything else is pretty straightforward [Music] um then we have interior details um this is our trench um heating supply for the um those three locations so we need to coordinate this with structural um just to make sure that the slab incorporates this trench um we're showing connections again of the Interior glazing um so this is a condition at the teens room where we have the circulation space out Bo we have the glazing connection uh to Framing and then the upturned um act um we're showing sections of the Air Supply at a few different locations so we have linear diffusers um and we're showing the relationship of that through the framing um various elements and then the acoustic panel above um um we're still in progress of supplying all the details of the sliding doors this is at between adults and childrens the clear story condition above we have fixed glazing um to create an acoustical barrier between um adults and children so if you're standing in um the adult's room and you're looking two children's above that is this um overhead glazing so we're showing sections through that how that meets um the gam elements um we are we've Incorporated details of that system um the interior glazing and the doors we have a sliding door at um the study [Music] room and then we show a full page of our security um screen so this is the after hour security screen um again we're showing all the details there for that double track so that you can have a smaller pocket um to um stow away the security um screen the mesh fence um sliding door details are also on this sheet again just working through all the details make sure we have the scope covered um pitchet uh we've gone over in um in previous meetings so not much has changed here um just some final revisions and coordination required here um the um here we go my mouse is dying nice um the microwave will need its own um support here so we need that as well um so that'll still be incorporated here oops I got to use my trackpad [Music] um um my zoom is going to be horrible it doesn't like that um again all this mill work we've gone over I'll fly through this um some details of shelving um between the staff workroom and the cir desk uh some wall assembly details there'll be some final coordination there make sure that all the scope is as required um some finished schedules okay so we're nearing the end of the architectural then we have um window assemblies step away but when when we get to so 350 and um some more schedules window details signage so we started to incorporate some scope there's some coordination required here with Maryanne and just confirming where we have some AG again um we're including that here um before I go on I might actually get my spare Mouse real quick do you mind um give me like one minute um it'll just be easier for everybody if I can actually operate this thing properly hang on e Dominic I have a uh something about the bathroom signs oh not back yet he needs his ears yeah uh for the bathroom signs could they uh not be gendered I I think the the trend is to go to just showing like a toilet or like what's in the facility instead of showing this because even having the picture of the the man and the woman is not inclusive you're muted Dominic sorry about that um yes we will in I sorry you might have seen I was busy taking a note I absolutely agree um we can change that icon um uh for gender neutral restroom thank you yeah no problem sorry for the short delay there um of course my mouse died um so yeah we are working through the signage schedule and and making sure that we have that so it's still a work in progress there are a few wayfinding signs um because it's a small um building there's not a lot of requirement to um fourway finding signage but for instance the major spaces will have um you know the meeting room will have its own sign um all of the the main public spaces will have their own signs for wayfinding um we decided to incorporate um a way finding uh signage at the entry um from the lobby um go so the meeting room for instance will have its own sign so when you enter through the vestibule to the left here and you look at the meeting room it'll have its own sign there when you turn to the right um you will then look at um browsing and the library of things is to your left here the restrooms are to your right if you go through this opening and so we wanted to just indicate you know what spaces you can get to um further ahead um so the libr the wayf finding signage um is is explaining that um which is different to code related signage and so for the code signage each space needs its own sign next to the entry door um needs to have Braille um room number and so we're we're capturing that scope here um so we incorporate some plans on those locations um we will be and um this is the furniture the FFN um plan which is really it's not necessarily a contractor document but it's more of a CO coordination um plan and um uh so we include that as well um moving on then to Mechanical I'm going to go straight to kind of the the larger scale plans for MEP um and happy to answer you know more questions about specificity again but um so most of the equipment is going to be held in that Plum space or the attic space let's say um in the center of the building um above the circulation area and all of this equipment will be hung and all the access and maintenance uh access requirements for this equipment is is um being coordinated around the acoustic ceiling ties so um we are making sure that you can get to filters um and things like that easily from the acoustic uh by simply removing acoustic ceiling tiles um we have intake air above the director's office exhaust air outside um above the um the Water Service room um the ervs um uh in these large two in the middle um so Supply Air is throughout the building is really going to be across the plenum space on this side of the building so for the meeting room the Supply Air um will be at this side and through lard diffuse is going to serve the room that way um we have Supply Air for the lobby itself coming in from uh overhead linear over here um we I'm still trying to work out exactly the need for this Air Supply on this side um because I know we have again linear supplyer on this wall for both adults and childrens return air is going to be in the open space in the reading Nook um through um a panel in the ACT um and similarly in children's we return air um in these Open Spaces below um and these other small spaces like this study has Supply and return you know within it um Supply will be near the windows um and director's office the same um teens the same uh so all these independent spaces have their own Supply return um I think the only AC we have is in the Water Service room so that's specific it's one of those wall mounted um air conditioning units at the water service and um the electrical room here um yeah sure so when I look at the meeting room the air handing unit itself is sitting pretty far back Downstream yes I'm just I'm concerned about um so that's going to take a lot of fan power is it going to transfer noise into that meeting room yeah um we have you got to throw the air a long ways across yeah right yeah um our acoustical um consultant is reviewing the 75% so we're doing a last minute you know this now incorporates a lot of detail that the acoustical um consulant is reviewing so we do have um another coordination effort with them and mechanical engineers so that's a good question I'll bring it up with them okay thank you yeah um and then we have excuse me Dominic yeah sure couple questions um in the uh spaces the main spaces like the meeting room the adults the children's um are there any returns high up on the wall no so the returns will all be at 9 foot um in the ACT um panels so the reading Nook is going to have the return so Supply will be across that linear which is I guess my my question then is yeah so in the summer um if you're doing some cooling you're not taking the Heat from those spaces because of the convection currents heat wanting to go up you're saying the heat at the very top here how is that being um returned returned yeah um I'll ask that question I'm sure that there there is some sort of strategy with air flow okay thanks yep why why do you want to return that heat I want to leave it up there potentially well if you're I mean if you're cooling you want to take the warm air back to be recooled not really you just want to cool the the people Zone which is from 9 foot down that could be it um but let me get the um input on that um so that's and then again we have heat at from the trench at um you know these larger window areas um then we have kind of specific mechanical equipment details schedules um next is electrical [Music] um so this is the electrical side plane again we've got the duck Bank Telecom and electrical coming in we're going to revise the Telecom turning to the director's office um electrical goes to Transformer and then into the electrical room um we are showing the concrete pad here for future energy storage so we do have it in electrical we need to coordinate with civil um and then we have uh parking lot light poles shown in their plan and um we have uh uh ballards is there a poll box at each one of these light poles yes there there there will need to be yeah yeah okay so HH is the handholds um I have an outstanding question with them on the electrical duct one there doesn't seem to be a handhold anywhere there along yeah I think there needs to be one at least in the middle yeah you would think so so I have that outstanding um one scope um that's coming to mind is security cameras um so that's another that I want to make sure because I know we wanted to mount one on a pole in the parking lot so I've got to make sure that we've got that um there was also a last minute coordination effort with Maryanne and um um technology um with this plan um so that didn't make it into the 75% I think we reduce some of the scope um so we'll make sure that um we pull that out um for the cost estimate um but generally um you know the floor boxes and Outlets has all been coordinated with um Maran um and the library [Music] team and [Music] um moving on to the lighting plan um I did mention again um that the way this is being represented in actual it these track heads are going to you know half of the track heads are going to be mounted on the other side so um this is all going to be we need those tracks to get to afford US the ability to Li properly um and then schedules um moving on to the fire alarm um I I I want to review this this is the first time I see this from um you know our coordination effort so I just want to get a good sense of what we have here from um our engineers and um I'll get back to you um we my understanding is that we have a fairly simple fire alarm um just to meet the fire chief's request um these are horn strobes yes okay yeah yeah and we're GNA have control panel um in the storage room um then on to Plumbing I'll go straight to the plumbing plans so really the added scope here was for the additional restroom um we also Incorporated a new spet um to the north side um this water Line's going to be um run in the plum space overhead location um we have one sper here and here um we have the water room laid out um so again um once the well drilling you know once we get the the final uh water testing information um we can lock this in hope you can get a person in there yes um then PV is the last um we have our output um per year which um meets the demand of the the systems that we have in the building um there's a lot of information here um about layout and then all the the technical um uh infrastructure required for it this plan um is showing some uh penetrations and then the wiring um there is a a section showing this um connection to this system on this side so there will be an exposed conduit Line running from the electrical room through the meeting room um structural Bay there it's going to um it'll be you know mounted on the deck so it'll be fairly um inconspicuous but um and then you know a real specifics on the wiring at each of the panels um this is the section showing the supply to those systems um so this will be um a conduit that we will expose in the meeting room then we have um layouts and attachments to the standing seam uh roof so how that all Lays out spe uh specific attachment to our Roof System so we're calling out um the Garland roof um uh the seam profile so this works exactly to that to the roof that we're specifying and then um so this is a section detail showing um the roof the connection to the roof and um the penetration through um the roof we've got in that architectural we're going to own the waterproofing for this and then panel layouts in the electrical room um some connection details hanging details and then also the metering on the exterior um we're trying to get all our electrical metering on the south elevation um of the plan um and we're hoping we can do so we we're yet to see if we can get the generator hook up the rollup generator hook up you know all the metering electrical um cabinets on this side um we we are tight for space because we have the um um condensing units out here as well kind of holding to that line right here we'd like to not Mount anything on this side um so that's another coordination effort [Music] um so uh that's really the drawings um Jeff I know you had some spec questions um one of which was the [Music] um uh you had mentioned the um the metal panel make sure that we have the correct um specs between our metal yeah who owns it yeah right yeah um section 07110 by two minutes damp proofing and I don't know the answer to this but do we need by two minutes damp proofing if we're slab on gred um I think we do yeah for um see the for the Finish materials on the slab I'll get back to you on that okay and then um section 07200 thermal insulation yeah you didn't seem to they didn't pick up um the rigid insulation on the outside of the building they got the rigid under the slab but not on the side right the okay I'll double check that okay and then 074 600 slate siding yeah the spec is like less than a page long a lot it leads a lot more meat yes yep okay yep we we're working with um Vermont structural slate on that so we'll just get yeah right okay 074 07 5400 the thermoplastic Roofing you're specifying an electrical breach detect detection system and I'm kind of wondering why we need that especially under such little bitty piece of roof yep those are expensive system system and they're pain to deal with yeah okay 078 100 you have steel fireproofing where are we fireproofing yeah that's going to be a placeholder I don't think we need that um we we do have Steel on the job but it's not a um rated room yeah so that's um that is not required okay there's a spec section 081214 called trimless door frame what is that and where is it um different it's different from your hollow metal back yeah it is and I think it's because I think we had a note somewhere for the meeting room electrical and storage rooms to go trimless there um if we were going to do um the gallery up you know to kind of maximize your hanging space there but my sense is that spec for that door and we don't own it in our door schedule is it's expensive and there's no need so just going to pull it okay yeah okay then you got a spec 096 400 wood flooring yep that doesn't need to be in there okay right and then the last is 108 211 coiled wire gate and where's that yep so that is our security screen so we have okay there's different systems and the one that we've used previously and we really like is um it's an aluminum um coiled system it's like a um uh a mesh and um it allows for um you you can have much smaller pocket space for that to stow away um it's fastened with a footbolt system okay yeah so that would be for that okay it's the nman clure that was kind of throwing me off yeah yeah sure that that was going to be my guess but I've never heard of it term that way yeah it is a bit unusual actually you're right instead of kind of more specific to the fact that it's security gate yeah because it's usually under the security spe that's right that's right yeah okay that was it nice um thanks Jeff I appre you've kind of got to jump on the what I still need to do sorry for not being more prepared on the spec specifically um I'll reach out to you if any of I've written all this down so if anything I have any other questions on your questions I'll followups I'll reach out to you or okay so yeah fine thank you nice um so uh looking ahead um so from today we have four weeks with 100% we're looking to get the cost estimate back uh next week on Friday um and then we want to communicate that with you as soon as we have it in hand and we have like a reasonable understanding of where we stand what will still need to happen on our end is um um you know review period with our cost estimated and make sure that the scope is clarified um you know um and substantiated um there's another there's one other kind of coordination meeting with the committee that I'd like to do and that's interior finishes and um it's something that we can include other than I think the depressed slab for tile um that's the only real coordination effort within you know with our consultant otherwise it can be added and subtracted fairly quickly but I kind of want to um be proactive and maybe meet with a group um when we can with interior finishes and just review both epoxy and tile and resilient in in you know those spaces where we have ad alternates um and then of course you know the the potential selections for uh resilient flooring in other spaces carpet choices in um the adults room um so uh it's something I don't know if you know I know Mary kind of on site and it sounds like she has a lot going on with the water well I don't know if this forum is a good coordination you know whether we set a day um when we could meet that's kind of the next step for the committee um for me in the committee so um maybe I coordinate through Maryanne um can you hear me yes yeah okay so um so the so you're talking about the full Library building committee um and of course they're all you know everybody will have opinions about the finishes so we should have it be yeah so there's a meeting scheduled on April 10th and that's to review the cost estimate yeah do you want it before that or after that I think before that okay um so I will email everybody um when I'm you know at a at a full computer um and come up with a couple of dates um I know we had kind of a hard time coming up with uh April 10th as a date that everybody could me um so um but I'll I'll throw it out there and we'll see what we could could it be that April 11 or could that be a really long meeting I mean I actually I don't need a I don't need a longer meeting on April 10th are you free the 11th um uh during the day I'd so I'd like this to be in person or you know obviously I'm sharing actual material so I'd like to meet you in person so that evening I'm not so it would be difficult for me um I could let let me let me just let me email the committee and you and we'll because it's G to be too hard to try and do this by sure um so let's do that so the well driller is approaching me so I'm going to um step away okay yeah no problem great um Dominic yeah sure um one other thing just struck me um was there spec sections in your specs about coordinating with the commissioning agent and making sure everybody plays well I got so freaking tired of that where yeah the contractor the GC say I don't have to coordinate with these people and I don't I want an extra forward yeah that's a good question um Roger maybe I reach out to Neil about that and and make sure that the commission because I know the commissioning agent which coordinate on what we should own with your commissioning agent because we have um and I'm blanking on their name we already have them engaged um so that would be a good question I agree with you um that commissioning is always difficult yeah exactly it's always that painful process at the very end when you'd hoped you know you're already open that everything is is good and then you've got to go through that finger pointing starts yeah true I mean the hope is that with a commissioning agent engaged early on you know throughout construction they're kind of doing their checklists prior to the end of the job in a sense right so they already have a presence [Music] um yeah but you know checklists are as good as the paper they're printed on yeah it's true yeah yeah getting to mechanical equipment after everything's closed in is is a always that's always tough too um yeah it's a good question I'll coordinate with Neil and see what his his take is on that yeah usually there's there's a section in division 1000 yeah or in the old days we used to call division 1000 nice um ni so that that was everything I had for you um but please feel free to reach out with questions you know as you may be digesting more of the spec or the drawings um and um and how do we do that how do we contact you I through Maryanne I guess if you don't have my you don't have my email no it's Dominic odeno do okay y when when you have sent us um drawings in the past your email address would be part of that yeah I've responded to you a few times that's right yeah um feel free though to reach out to me um if you have specific questions okay thank you yep um and yeah so a bunch of coordination still going on you know it's going to be a busy four weeks for us um looking forward to showing you um finished samples we'll review those um and so we have that meeting on the 10th set soon as I get information about pricing the cost estimate um I'll reach out to you um and that's it for me if there's sleep over the next weeks again these bags I'm I'm really you know I'm looking after the bags under my eyes getting bigger and bigger yep I remember the days um is there anything else from anybody nope I'm good thank you very much and they're nice set of drawings by the way thank you thank you Dominic thanks everybody appreciate it take care have a good weekend we'll be in touch thanks s bye