e hi Pam hi maryan Brad o is the I have a air conditioner going is the noise really loud I'm not even noticing it no okay hi Mel hey hello how's it going good I just finished the third of my summer concerts and I can't think when I'm starting them the first two the first two I just I'm Bonkers and now I'm in recovery mode and I'm looking around for all the things I've forgotten right when's your next one next Sunday classical piano and and flute nice hello hello you have a veryy nice background Pam I'm sitting on my porch oh nice nice yeah yeah it's like in a treehouse I love it yeah great um let's see so Kate's not here and oh we just need um Elizabeth so do we have to still keep recording Maran yes okay yeah well okay that's what there's no law that we have to be recording um but there's there is no expectation that we're going to be recording and there was no that didn't even there wasn't even time for that to come up so okay well that's what I was wondering okay okay um M that painting was still there at the end oh that's such a shame it's gone though it's gone oh it's gone yeah yes yeah oh good yeah because that came home with me and got put and you know at the edge of my the edge of the road a bunch of that's oh excellent yeah she had quite a pile of stuff out there it's going you know that bed I was like couldn't believe somebody want that bed what a lovely the people who brought it brought it late um so it wasn't there you know maybe if it was there earlier in the day um and and it's that was Rachel's bed and we sold it at a tag sale you know in early covid days and then um and then the the you know those people there little girl got bigger and so they got something else and now so anyway that's out in front of my house and you know somebody can just take it someone will take it yeah I hope so yes yeah so and the we're not supposed to have rain until maybe Friday so I think yes yeah when our daughter vieta was really small I decided I had a fit and I said I'm going to clean out the house and so I would take some of her stuff so my stuff and I'd put on the street and I'd go back inside the house and I'd come out and it was gone and I would go back inside the house put something else and it was gone and then I saw this little shape taking them back inside the house that's funny I gave up yeah I put a kid's wagon out because it was by the time we'd already brought stuff down to the tax sale and it was something that came from Ryan's parents house and it needed to be be clean and Aaron was undecided if she wanted to take it to preschool and then she decided against it so I put it out on the curb and by the time I came back it was gone yes it wasn't out there very long right I've had that experience with the curb the curb is an awesome thing for it is it is yeah caring your goods yes it's so I watch stuff leave Old Orchard all the time because we're right across from it it's amazing the stuff that people will pick up think what is that yeah yeah anyway Elizabeth you're there okay great yes okay so um we're gonna start our official meeting now now that we've been chit chatting and um it's being recorded and we're going to start with the minutes um from May and we do we do have Kate is absent tonight so I had two things you found two I only found one okay what's we find middle building committee report water does not have it should be P FAS right that's the one I saw too instead of p h FAS s got it all caps is the way it's usually all caps yeah yeah and this might have been Our intention in which case I would leave it or maybe not the very end next meeting 7 p.m. oh yeah I already changed that okay okay I didn't even notice it okay that's it right would anybody like to make a motion to accept the minutes as amended I move we accept them as amended okay anybody want a second I second okay they've been seconded then we'll do a roll call Brad I and Elizabeth I Mel i m i and Michelle I okay so the second thing on the agenda was just information what about what happened at the um all boards meeting right so so mostly the discussion revolved around so that so there are several pieces of legislation that different state representatives and Senators have filed regarding meetings and some of them are um are suggesting that all meetings would be hybrid or it would mandate that all meetings would be hybrid which means that so like right now we're all meeting on Zoom because we can't meet at town hall because the select board is meeting at Town Hall and the select board trumps everybody right so right um uh and there's only one remote meeting you know hybrid meeting set up of in the whole entire town um and so there's legisl on the state level that would mandate that meetings be hybrid that somebody from the committee be in an in-person location and that people could be online but somebody be there so I mean there's even one that says a quorum of the committee has to be meeting in person um so so the discussion really was about so but people really like the ability to have zoom meetings a lot of committees most committees are just meeting on zoom and they hope to con continue just meeting on zoom and they have no plans to start meeting in person at all um and so and nobody's afraid that the ability to meet on Zoom is going to go away but for small towns like ours mandating that meetings have to the hybrid would be a burden that our town just could not meet and we and we wouldn't be the only town so so the select board took a lot of notes and then they're going to write to our our representatives in the state legislature about hybrid meetings and the burden that that if that were mandated the burden that would place on the town so that's basically what the discussion was about um at the all boards meeting and you know whether to record or not to record never even came up so okay yeah okay all right anybody have any questions about anything that Maran said no okay um so I just wanted to make sure the new trustees that have you been sworn in by the town clerk I can't remember if we talked about that last time you you both have I have been yeah I have okay great perfect I just thought i' put on the agenda so I can remember to ask good and the next was The Great Library director report yes a good one you see that email yes okay anybody have any questions comments further discussion lot going on sure is no okay uh and tax sale want tell people how much we make we rais tax sale raised $2,100 um and there were gobs of volunteers who came and helped um and including Michelle um and Mel um and so I got there early and then got things started and then I left to meet someone to pick up stuff at somebody's house and then to go back to my house and get some more tables and some things I forgot and then when I got back there were just it like 25 people dropping off stuff you know at 8:30 in the morning it was amazing and it's always like that um so you know it was a beautiful day all the people came they all enjoyed talking to each other and shopping um and uh and then we were all packed up by 400 p.m. which isn't bad so and there's there's a little bit of stuff in front my house that um that will be picked up and if not Su Wheezy and Dale will take it to the dump and then um seark which is that company that um has that textile collection bin at town at the highway department they came and picked everything up today that we boxed up at the end of the day so um and they were terrific so yeah I mean I haven't gone to check and make sure they got everything but we had everything so neatly packed that I'm sure they did so yeah yeah yeah so yeah it was amazing how fast people were able to pack stuff up yes yes truly amazing yeah yeah I would say Mar mariann's the master Packer by the way yeah she's got it town I know well you know I've just done this so many times I know what works and what doesn't work I know where the problems come so anyway it was good yes um you know one person saves boxes for us for this she does all of her shopping online she gets all her groceries delivered um and so I emailed her today I said thank you for bringing the boxes we used every one you know so yeah we came with we came with a lot of boxes ourselves I think we must have had six with the book the books that were my father-in-law's yeah yes and of course I you know I also my second trip back to the house was I picked up my empty boxes so so it was good yeah so it was good I um it's a sort of it's a big event you know and it's a lot of effort but I think people enjoy it so much that it's worth and and it it makes good money um and I think and and it promotes buying used and freeusing things and but really I think people have a good time people hang out people come once and then go home and then come back again um so um so I think and and the Athletic Club letting us use the Pavilion is really that's not something I'd ever thought of before and as long as they'll have us back I think by next year I'll have the energy to do that again so and I'll probably have a carload of stuff to to contribute yes yeah so okay good yeah great okay we can move on to the new library building committee report and the cleanup of the property tomorrow no Wednesday sorry yeah so um so last Wednesday the library built if I think it was Wednesday Brad um but the library building committee had a joint meeting with the select board and um and the library committee building committee voted to recommend construction Dynamics who was the lowest bidder to the select board and the select board voted to award a contract to construction Dynamics um so you know they had good references they have the state state certification their decam certified DC mm um and those are all capital letters um what does that stand for um division of construction management or something like that so it's you know it's a state department it just means that they are qualified um you know they have certain qualifications um and then they have the so the OPM did all this research they have the capacity to to do a project of this size um so that was good so the um so the OPM has forwarded the contract to construction dynamics that so the um the architect had to do had to gather some documents as during the few weeks that the bidding process happened there were amendments to the bid documents and so the cont the architect had to combine all of those amendments or something into the um somehow that all had to be you know organized and put in with the contract and so that's all been sent off to construction Dynamics and now we wait to hear from them it'll take you know several weeks for the contract to be signed and then the then the contractor will get a building permit and all of that will happen before we even have a meeting um with them okay yeah so the building committee has a meeting scheduled I think it's July 16 um so we don't really expect to know anything more until then um and then Wednesday morning at 800 am um so so Elaine and Penny and I walked all around the site looking for surface debris um we found a couple of bigger things that the highway department helped us remove and they are at the front of the site on a tarp and then this week on Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. um because it's going to be such a hot day we decided to start early um any volunteers that want to are going to meet and bring buckets and gloves and shovels and we're going to go around and pick up the remaining surface trash most stuff is small easy to get you know um so um so we're going to do that Wednesday morning at 8 am then you mentioned a meeting on the 16th they assume that's the the smaller of the building no it's the whole building committee I'm pretty sure that's the date that um that Elaine said maybe you had already left the meeting when that happened um that could be true so do you know what time um yeah it's Tuesday the 16th I have it at 7 pm okay I'll put it in my calendar thank you the other thing that's happened with the library building committee is at the um so there were three special conditions well three things in the order of conditions that required further work on the part of the library building committee or the designers so one was a trash removal plan and another was an invasive plant species management plan and the third was just a landscape maintenance plan so we have um so penny and I have been working together on those um and Elaine some of the time and then Elaine helped with the trash plan um but we have submitted all three of those plans to the Conservation Commission they've approved the trash removal plan the invasive plant species management plan and then they'll discuss the um landscape maintenance plan at their next meeting which is a week from Thursday do you need people there no you think no Okay no Okay so is that just like the um the plan prelimin preliminary plan for the landscape stuff about you know making sure that plants are cared for properly to ensure their survival so things will need to be watered and they'll need to be mulching and weeding and then it's and then there's a sort of a replacement plan so you want to they'll want us to ensure survival for a certain amount of time and so if there's failure you know so if a bush is alive after three years it's going to live unless something catastrophic happens right so but like plants that they're going to die usually die early so they want to make sure that when we plant everything that we're watching it and that if you know in the first couple of years some of the shrubs that we plant die that there's a plan for replacing them so it's it's pretty typical standard stuff um okay yeah all right good to know yeah okay anybody have any questions about that comments anything else we need to know about the building committee then I don't think so no yeah okay well seems like a pretty smooth meeting here it's going pretty fast um is there anything else that we need to talk about before we choose our July meeting I can't believe we're like almost done already I don't think so you having the director's report ahead of time did help Mar and I know you have been rather busy haven't always had time for that but definitely yes for a long time I would send even more extensive director reports than that and then I just haven't had time and then on right Friday I did I send that on Friday I think I did I I think so yeah look at this I've got all this stuff done I can put together a director report you know and yeah that was really helpful yeah there's a lot going on yes busy time yeah so I was surprised to see it but so thank you that it helps yeah I I think I have a question about the um the concom so initially we were saying that one of the costs that we have is going to be taking down trees or move uh and planting similar trees yes and so is that something that we can talk to the concom about or that's going to be an inevitable expense or or is it they've already been quite flexible about actually so so the Conservation Commission they're they have regulations and um and in their regulations they have a chart of um so if you take down trees in in the buffer zone we're only you know this project is in the buffer zone that they have a chart for replacing those trees and or bushes and so if you take down a tree let's say you take down a tree that's 10 in you you replace it with you know there's they then have different things that you can choose to replace it with and um and we're taking down more than we are putting back because we we don't have room to put back all that we're taking down so they've already been quite flexible and and it's um and they they're also flexible with the timing um their regul ations say that all the plantings have to be done within six months of the start of construction and they have waved that and it's within three years of the start of construction or within three years of the of when they issued the order of conditions so so they've been quite flexible and then that gives us the opportunity if the contractor is planting PL plants it's much more expensive than if the highway department is doing it or if volunte years are doing it so and once once the building is finished the contractor will put in plants that would be hard for us to get to um because they're behind the building um but once the building is finished then we can just you know then we'll have two years left and we can plant those things as we have the money to do it great nice they've been flexible yes yes any other comments or questions just wanted to ask Elizabeth is that the my father's dragon dragon it is yeah I was wondering what that is too great Father's Dragon birthday party oh that's so cool what a wonderful book so this is the map too behind me oh that's so sweet oh well any other comments or questions I guess we're ready to do the July meeting huh feels like way too easy every once in a while you have a l though like I feel like right now a little bit of a l and and it's going to ramp up again you know yeah yeah okay um so usually we meet let's see like the fourth the fourth Monday do you have any do you have any Monday things in New Salem anymore Brad no no don't well not yet I expect them to ramp up again but nothing is okay okay would it does a 202nd work for people 202's good for me the earlier in the month is really either hard or I'm out of time I am away but I could probably join remotely it does it doesn't matter for me I'm pretty darn open so how are other people's calendars I just can't do the 15th okay okay Elizabeth are you good I'm good the 22nd yeah okay okay well it's up to you Pam you know if if you want to try to join us that's fine we do have the ability put it in the agenda and if I manage it I will okay yeah we just usually like to know if we have a quorum or not it seems like you did yeah yeah we did this yeah I think so I mean you know it's hard to know with Kate but um when we made when we said our meeting last time she didn't know that she was going to have to go to DC but that's why she put it out there to see make sure there'll be enough people okay so we'll do the 22nd at 7:30 awesome and if if it can be in person yeah those that can come can come and those that can't can do the the zoom version that's what we usually do at that for July meetings we have to elect new officers right or renew the same one recycle them right okay alrighty I can't believe we're done so early remember when some of our meetings were like really long yeah starting about a year ago we're working on that building program yes they were long they were intense so we get we did deserve some easy ones huh okay well thank you very much Maran for the bers report that's why it went so smoothly and I was really surprised to get it because you have been very busy yes okay thank you all right I guess we're done unbelievable nice to see you all it's really strange to see you virtually everyone virtually we haven't done this this way in a long time true all right well have a good evening everyone and we're going to adjourn the meeting officially we're going to meet on just review meet on July 22nd at 7:30 and I guess that's it is there anything else I forgot no okay good see you soon thanks everybody bye stay cool if you can bye