##VIDEO ID:3jujKXuksvw## hi Becky how are you good how are you doing good like my light is a little strange look at my hair I can't I know peg you're muted thank you hello everybody forgot to plug this in here we go hi we all set wait for Melissa hello hi Melissa okay well let's get this meeting started hi Becky hi an and Kathy and April and Melissa and me okay so here we are at our new 5:30 schedule that's good um any changes I heard heard from a couple of you any changes to last for the minutes for the last meeting Kathy I think Kathy n responded um April or anybody else no okay so there were a couple things before we get started I wanted to talk about um setting up the date for the next meeting uh it should be theoretically uh 11:21 which is the third week of November I can't be there but it can still go ahead the next Thursday is Thanksgiving so the choice would be you know go ahead and meet on the 21st or we could meet on December 5th what do you think does that work give me those stes one more time sorry I got to turn my volume up um no that's that's okay I was distraction here in the other room okay so um we could meet I can't meet personally the 21st I have a commitment um but you guys could go ahead and meet or we could meet December 5th or some other date in December and not meet in November either date's okay with me yeah that that that works um which for me sure does does December 5th work for everybody it does so Peg if we did December 5th Would we not have another would we still have a meeting on December 19th uh I don't think so what do you think Becky or April who knows this I'm not gonna be here I know I wanted to talk about that can we talk about that even though I found out too late to put it on the agenda yes it can be a agenda item that wasn't expected by the anticipated unanticipated unanticipated yeah you can talk about it under unanticipated okay I didn't know that okay so does anybody have a preference let's get this part out of the way December 5th December 5th Peg my input would be that you might you know why don't you look at where you are with all your projects and then come back to it at the end just because there might be some project that is in needs more attention um before the end of the year like like the Town Administrator job description yes yeah yeah okay so we'll hold on that until the end of the meeting yeah let's see Tuesday the 22 post okay um okay so we did the meeting in the minutes okay unanticipated let's go right away to unanticipated news Okay Becky you were you were going to move to Sunderland I saw that in the paper yeah we will miss you I'm love you guys all this is going to be a hard transition for me yeah but one you needed to do I'm assuming given all the circumstances okay um so when is your last day with us um uh my last day is scheduled to be November 8th wow whoa did you hear that that's not far away well it was two weeks ago yeah okay so I don't know I so I'm just gonna share with you what um the select board was talking about and Melissa if I'm you're you would rather speak to it I'm Happ happy to let you go um well I don't have um we haven't really met since the last time so anything that's new that we may have shared I don't know about right um so I've been in conversation with Rita um well first of all what happened at the select board meeting uh what Rita talked about there was wanting to work with concom I'm sorry with a Personnel Board oh my gosh uh to work with the Personnel Board in rewriting the um Town administrator's job description Rita is also now working on an interim Town Administrator job description um I had hoped she yeah I failed to let her know you were meeting tonight it would be been great I'll I'll text her while we talk to see if she can send it to you just so you could have a glance at it tonight if it's ready um so she was she's not in town I know okay I'm aware she's in Minnesota and she's still keeping busy evidently um so she so the select board has this two-prong approach so they want to work with the Personnel Board uh not the typical way which has been that this the Personnel Board will would um get feedback from the the person whose job description it was like we got feedback from Walter we got feedback from um Tim hunting when he left and so that was a typical way and then it would go to the Personnel Board the changes would be talked about reviewed and then figured out what you wanted to do and then the Personnel Board would submit to the select board for final review um on this one they want to be working with the Personnel Board on the first rounds I don't know if they want the Town Administrator to give any input or not um and then so there's two job descriptions and which would call for you guys meeting before December 5th okay um and it might be they might end up going with the interim one to give you more time um and just work with you on the Town Administrator job description but I think it would call for you're trying to meet again maybe okay tonight is what tonight is the 17th may possibly meeting again next week with them I don't know for sure they're trying to get this all worked out for at their meeting on Tuesday but I just wanted to alert you that they want to work with you on that which would probably require some a couple of meetings coming up quickly I would is can we ask for your input in the job description even if the select board does not want that or is I'm not sure how that would work it just wasn't mentioned so and it wasn't raised so they might be happy to have it I just don't know okay we so it could be something you say this is you know you can ask them yeah I mean we met for weeks with Walter in that transition and we I know we don't have that but I found that very helpful yeah okay so yeah um that'll need to get sorted out and um some potential one or two meetings scheduled is okay sorry just one quick question I don't want to change what you're saying or interrupt but is the select board meeting for next Tuesday posted yet I don't think it is no it's not posted yet okay okay s Bey and I'll explain part of it would have been um we had we had too many meetings for tonight which required us to I had to establish a new Zoom account to get the meetings posted and it kind of squished all it it was you know you have to make a new email account and then you have to go in and every time it thinks you're on the different email account it locks you out and it's so unfortunately I didn't wrap up the agenda when I was hoping to um so Melissa is waiting patiently for that okay so we need to meet should we wait until like possibly after the select board meeting on Tuesday yeah you probably want to because we haven't um been able we haven't discussed any of that um right as a board so as as a board so I don't even know how to jump in on that question since the board hasn't talked uh in general or okay timeline or we haven't had any uh talking about it so I'm envisioning that maybe two weeks from now because wouldn't have the information in order to post in time for a coming Thursday meeting that that next week's Thursday we wouldn't have time to post so I'm suggest unless you posted it ahead you could post a meeting for next Thursday and then cancel if it doesn't work out but then if you posted it the select board could look at it and say that would be good for us too I'd have to post it for both of you both committees but it might be worth doing for Thursday um I can talk to Rita and Melissa separately on Monday and see what they think okay what do you think Melissa do you think trying to think about that and plan ahead or just wait the two weeks may I just ask one question before you speak Melissa I I can't make it next Thursday so do we even need to do a quick round robin to see if there's actually going to be a quorum of personnel that would be folks for next Thursday I can do it on the 31st but I can't do next week let me check my calendar I'll be right back go ahead Halloween and so we do oh right we have priorities I'll be on my broom that night but weren't we the the fincom is meeting with the select board on the 22 and I think didn't we decide that we needed to at least post a Personnel board meeting so we didn't get in trouble around the so we have to post that should the should the person board be there I mean would it make sense for us to also be there when the fincom is there I mean the issues overlap to some extent um how many of us overlap with the fincom and the enough to be a a quorum and I and there's Kathy and me yeah yeah that we ran into that yeah whenever Melissa Kathy and April are in the room you have a quorum of the Personnel Board so we were going to post it even though it was a meeting of the finance committee right just be post the Personnel Board whenever we post the finance committee right now you have to post the Personnel Bo April are you going what's your capacity for going I mean you're not a a fincom member are you or yeah I am is oh I did not know that yes got it I I represent that Personnel Board as a person at large and Kathy represents the P the fincom on the Personnel Board okay I did not know that when did that happen year and a half right oh well I did I was not aware of that um we didn't have any o um open meeting law complaints to make you aware that's right that happened it wasn't until Kathy joined fincom it became it's all my fault I thought it was my fault just reminded of what the rules are we have to abide by right so if I post for next Tuesday the agenda will be meeting with to discuss ta transition issues okay so would it make sense for that for us to meet then as well with the select board not just as a sort of a formality but would it make sense this is all very confusing say now who's and you can't make it is that correct no I'm on vacation next week Tuesday through Friday good for you good you it's great um I'm trying to look here I cannot be I cannot at the 29 uh the meeting on the 29th I'm heading out to Colorado because my youngest grandchild is about to be born wow oh congratulations thank you and and she's going to be induced uh I'm going out the the 29 30th I'll be getting ready the TW I just can't do it the 29th I'm leaving the morning of the 30th and she's going to be on the 31st but then she changed it to the first because she did not want to be induced on Halloween night so anyway I can't I just can't make it the 29th it would be P I would not assume the 29th I think the meetings the select board and Personnel Board will have will be um outside of the select board's regular business meeting um we do have to post the Personnel Board on Tuesday night and there could be some you know some timelines some figur out what how to move ahead but I after that I would imagine you guys need working meetings potentially or at least one or okay so okay so I will post it for uh the 20 22nd I think it is yes the 22nd at what time the meeting will start at 6 at 6:15 I think we could do it at 6:15 okay all right okay but I'll let you know if it's different all right um and then maybe as a group we can decide when when we want to meet next as the Personnel Board right okay we'll just sort of hold off on that though it sounds not unlikely that the 24th might be a time if it's it sounds like the the selectboard wants a lot of input on on this job description um and it's unclear whether they're asking you Becky to also have input but I think the Personnel Board would certainly want your input on the current job description and and how it may or may not change and so um meeting on the 24th seems to make sense for us the Personnel Board and hopefully Rita could join us or or somebody from this the select board especially if we have a draft especially if we have a draft draft even if it's just the interim draft job description yeah and I can't make it on the 24th so but you could still meet if if there's well Melissa will be there for sure yeah and an can you meet on the 24th I think she's on vacation yeah we're talking about October still right yep yep okay so two of us can't make it so three April and Kathy and Melissa can still make it is that true yes okay okay all right yeah and I think the sooner we can get any draft job description um the better you know even to start with a current job description I was looking around I don't have a copy of it I was going to take a picture of it but I I don't have a copy I can send a copy to everyone so you know what it currently is okay there could be huge changes in it I don't I'm not sure how how big the thinking is going to go well it'll be a starting point yeah the current one definitely is a starting point so is there anything so we know we're going to be meeting the 22nd with the select board and I'm going to post that um we're thinking a followup will be on the 24th yeah we could at least post that and if we don't need it we could cancel it okay we don't have much time right okay so in regards to that to the Town Administrator position and what's coming up in the next week meeting on Tuesday and Thursday Tuesday with the select Bo is the fincom meeting then as well or not yes yeah okay um okay in regard is there anything else we I mean right now what can we do as far as anything else we need to do woo you know Becky when I saw that in the paper I thought am I seeing this I'm sorry Peg surprise it was a surprise okay moving on is there anything else we need to do as far as this is concerned as far as the town administrative administrator's position anything else hard to until the select board talks because right we haven't been able to so um okay okay I haven't seen a a copy of the interm yet either because um hasn't been nobody has it's still it's still Rita is still working on it okay tell me about the intern oh the intern the interim Town Administrator So the plan the select board has outlined Peg is to um so I'm leaving in about three weeks from now and then the um I think what they're um Rita is hoping in my last week potentially to bring in this other person as well so I can review open items and where things are and then um that person will be here while the select board figures out um what they're looking for and uh how they want the Town Administrator job to to look and then they will um start a hiring process a hiring process for the Town Administrator Is Us usually at least a seveners committee representatives from Personnel finance and select board and then for at large people in the community and um they they'll follow the process you know they'll advertise I was hoping to get advertising out as soon as possible but it's you know given the uncertainty of you know we can't do it without a job description getting finalized so that's going to hold I might be able to get something U vague um with some to generate interest on the MMA but I think we need to wait um till till there's Clarity and so the select board will decide about the advertising schedule I think as well on Tuesday um does Rita have an interim person from what I understand um she spoke to the the woman who handled I gave her the name of dead Bradway who was involved in my um in the Sunderland process because Rita knows her and she followed up with her and I think they um she's gotten interest from possible retired Town administrators that she's reviewing okay and that she'll bring to the select board um on Tuesday okay all right okay so anything else we need I I think we're all set as far as that's concerned okay moving along uh I know you were going to interview the land use clerk on a Saturday what was the results of that meeting okay so what what happened on it actually we hi the selectboard has hired the land use clerk they he was hired last Tuesday our new land use clerk is Matteo pangallo he has been um coming in on the regular 10 to noon work schedule um that the concom clerk used to have and then um doing minutes and other work at home but he's um it's wonderful to have him on board he will be having a session with Carrie U Marshall to on Saturday a two-hour session to review um you know to go he's been hunting and pecking and finding things on his own so he's got a list of questions for to put everything together but he's um been full of questions already that we've been working to answer he's doing great um and then we have yeah so that's that one okay um that sounds good uh we were going to talk about the personel handbook but I'd like to put that off for a bit uh we talked about the Town Administrator position well oh I had down when I wrote this employee contract negotiations Town Administrator position but that's all changed at this point yep okay um now I don't know how to handle this letter that uh how do we do that Melissa the letter that you sent you forwarded to all of us or you forward to me and I forwarded it to other everybody because it was requested to be sent to you and because there was email so I don't know how we handle that um I don't either what is this um the letter that we the letter that we received had a request that it go to the Personnel Board so um did be did Becky get a copy of that letter so are we talking about the letter from the old admin secretary yeah I requested that the Personnel Board see it as well so I forwarded it to Peg as the chair um so so I I think this is something the select board is has to take up Peg okay if there if there is reason to if there yeah um and then I think the process is if if we need other boards to get involved we will but um I think that's something for the select board at this point all right and what I've shared with Rita about this situation is um yeah I think there was communication miscommunications and um on a number of issues and I'm working to resolve it with Geneva directly okay okay good thank you thank you and I and I hope that all works out to everybody's uh satisfaction I guess I will say Okay um so we'll wait so at this point Becky's going to be working on that trying to solve it directly and Melissa said that if the board you know needs to get that read asked for it to be on our agenda for the next meeting okay great great okay so I won't even mention any of that stuff in the minutes um okay is there anything else we want to talk about except for the Personnel handbook as we've talked about everything else it was a short agenda this week okay Personnel handbook how are we doing on this um well I had to go but because there was a misunderstanding of what the purpose was for redoing it I I worked on undoing um a lot of the stuff I had spent hours to do so um let me send it out for our next non ta related meeting does that make sense in its enti okay and Melissa just following up on a question Kathy asked last time are you going to be able to send us a version that has track changes from the origin no I to to follow up on that so the initial version I did was a PDF and the PDF or that was a scan copy so there was no electronic copy to start with so I'm Reinventing an electronic copy well we'll have the original though to compare side by side yes yes I can get I'll send the scans out so you guys can see the original okay yeah y but I there's no way to do track changes um it was not in a format even that even after scanning with the AI not well for lack of a better word the AI part of scanning that identifies text the copy was so bad it couldn't identify the text so um you can see it on screen you'll be able to compare it to it um so I'll have the I'll have the original one I will make notes in it where I do do think though um I'll make little so that it reminds me that we need to update some of the stuff cuz it's grossly out of date um and I think we also have to even though Becky had said we had some policies that were voted on they are also grossly out of date and we probably should think about make doing some edits to those policies as well um for the select board to to vote on again um but you know you'll have it all you'll see what I mean lot of it was done at 2012 is before that a little bit after that so um that's where we kind of stand on that which reminds me of something real quick let me write a note down okay so I think we're all set um we're definitely meeting on Tuesday the 22nd I will post I will post for the 24th and see if I can uh see if I can be there if not we will definitely have enough people to be there it would be April and Melissa and and Kathy okay great so if if uh if Rita was planning on joining us that would also have to be a select board meeting I would I would personally because of this process and the position it is I would want one or both of the other members here um because the next time information could be conveyed was at the next select board meeting and it would just delay the process I think um yeah we need to post for joint meetings yeah I think and then and then if you know if they can't for whatever reason um you know three can't come but two can I just don't want to delay too much you know especially with the job description so like if we say if we didn't post it for select board and Personnel Board on the 24th and then there's comments to go back to the select board we don't meet until after election day for our next meeting right so unless we move a add in extra time so I think it might be just advantageous to do at the same time it just makes sense that way so Becky could you could you post that then joint could you do that and that's for the Thursday the 24th the 24th what time do you want to meet the select board usually doesn't meet until 6 what time would you guys like to meet on the 24th six Works does that work for you Kathy yes and if we can have have a copy of this of the current administr uh ta's I'm gonna send it after the meeting and iting uh I was asking Rita if she could um forward the interim one but she she doesn't have it with her she'll send it next week when she gets back on Monday feels like there's a lot of pressure yeah exactly and this is yeah there and yeah there's a lot of pressure we're a bunch of women we'll get it done exactly exactly it's a little bit easier to be proactive can I quote you on that put yes you may yes yes so let's let's wait and see what happens before we even think about let's think after this we might be meeting for the first time in December when things or do you want to go for later the other meeting I'm talking about the Personnel Board I mean we don't know what's going to be happening um it could be the 8th of November or the 15th of November right shall we go for the 15th that'll give us more time or would it be better to go early I think it would be the 14th I think the 15th is a Friday Friday the it's the 7th or the 14th yes yeah uh the 14th I I can't make it but if you guys have been at all the other meetings that works I'm coming back from Colorado that day okay um are we talking about Peg we talking about November for the Personnel Board when know more about and you know we'll know more about what's happening with all that any I'm okay on the sth or the 14th yeah I am as well I'm still here on the seventh that's right I go for the seventh let's go the seventh then okay unless we have to change it we'll go for the 7th of November okay well actually I won't be obviously I won't be there I'm gonna I'm I will try to post it from where I am on the and but and I'll know so right now the fincom and and Personnel Board are meeting with the select board on October 22nd this Tuesday and on the 24th the Personnel Board is hopefully meeting with the select board and Becky Becky's going to post that it will be okay and we'll have everything set okay okay in which case um I'll I'll post for the sth of the no of November or which is it that's three weeks isn't it or not yeah y okay y so I'll post it for the 7th of November at 5:30 on on the 7th we go Becky will still be here that will be good and maybe I can join you from where I am I'll take my computer with me yeah okay sounds great yeah are we missing anything if we I think I think we've got this scheduled I think so yeah I think Becky and uh Melissa any thoughts beyond what we've already done that you think uh it's hard to know it depends on the discussion on the 22nd um yeah and Eric's not g to be there too so yeah it's just read and I that day um you'll get it all worked out which is maybe why it's important to make sure that the select board and on the 24th is you know it's both um it's both the the two committees um yeah it's hard to know Peg like yeah not having seen the the documents yet either you know um to be able to judge how close it might be to to you know a good good draft um I guess we'll know more after the 22nd certainly on the 24th we'll know you know have that session um the select board itself does meet in in a hybrid schedule so um Reed and I likely will be at the town hall for that 24th meeting so you're all welcome to join them at Town Hall yeah I I will be there um so the the plan so the draft you're talking about is for just for the interim I believe yes I think that's first step so if I could if I was doing it I would do the interm first we got to get that done and and started so that we can hone in on the other stuff so um that's my thought without knowing what Rita's or Eric's thoughts are um right and as far as you know is the select board open to having the the Becky's input on the dra on on what we're creating I know you can't answer for other people but well I can't I mean there's always been input to a certain extent from the person that that's out although oftentimes we have more uh we have had more time for that um Becky when was the last time your job description was done in 2018 and then it was yeah it was yeah it was the last time was 2018 okay so um I think there might have been some no I don't I think that was the last time okay um because I know I have the final from there I have the final one we voted on from there um can you do you have it so you could um email everyone yeah could you Z that out hang on including me so yes give me one second I have to upload it because I have it in my file here so give me and I know Becky doesn't have anything else to do I'm sure but it I I would really really want your comments on on the current job description and anything you know that you you see needs to be shifted or you know not that you have nothing to do are you going to get a break between these two positions or are you going from oh yeah no I'm good I got a long weekend my job after 22 years to the next one I only gave really going to IND weren't you gon to go to India was it India that yeah that had to go oh I'm sorry but it was a couple of different issues it wasn't it wasn't just this but it my trip India would have been nice to do but I had to I had to cancel it but I have a rain check that's good to India to India I was going for my 50th High School reunion wow oh my [Music] God say anymore April no I'm past that yes I didn't say no I'm oh yeah yeah my my 55th is coming so Becky's a child older than me yes I a lot so you'll have a long weekend and I beat all of you guys well beyond well beyond and we're grateful for that absolutely so so it sounds like we've got meetings planned posted um we'll have a copy of the job description y momentarily hold on I have to find it I know it's in here because I've seen it like four okay why don't you just why don't we don't need to we wouldn't be looking at it now anyway I think I'm just trying to locate it in here to send it to you and if I know Melissa if she's got uh she's wearing a ton of hats so it's always better to get it done right then okay so what I'm gonna suggest she wants to get it done right now she can send it to us we'll I'll have time to look it over before the meeting on the 22nd um I will I will uh Melissa are you sending to the select board as well yeah I can I can in everybody that's fine that would be fabulous and that's a check mark off my my to-do list thank you so Becky do you want to also the uh meeting on the 22nd that will be joint as well so do you want to post that one as well or shall I just post Personnel Board if you would just poose Personnel Board that would be helpful okay I will do that and Eric is not going to be around I don't think no he's not back for another week until and the main meeting of the select board uh how shall I word that on the 22nd Town Administrator position um transition okay yeah okay or just put in job descript and job description review okay got it w actually it would be amazing if we could get that done I don't I don't think we'd have the time at that meeting but by by the by the 24th it's not the sole agenda item for the select board no it's probably not maybe on the 24th yeah you're not going to get anything done on the 22nd except good communication and every getting everybody yeah getting decisions made and everybody feeling okay with what you're doing I mean that you have enough time to do it so you're gonna have a long commute are you ready for this Bethy I might have to buy a car no it's skateboard you do skateboard it's all downhill that's the it's all downhill one way one way one way yeah yeah so how many people live what's the size of Sunderland they're twice the size they're 3500 is that I'm surprised yes I'm surprised it's not the population isn't higher than that yeah same you'd be yeah you'd be really surprised that the budgets really aren't and much different it's just they're they're very I mean the total dollar the total is not much different but there you know there so much there are so many different parts than we have and so it's a lot it's it's really interesting with the business you have industry there yes commercial yeah what a foreign term we have business we have business but not industry I think of I think of Sunderland is having industry or maybe just business yeah I think a lot of those um manufacturing sites are actually in Deerfield oh yeah it's also because they're also close to Deerfield right the that gives the sense of you know sometimes you think you're in Sunderland you're actually Deerfield and then you know vice versa well they do have frosties sure they yes they do thank God and I they make um fried fiddle heads in the springtime never had them I'm curious I used to collect mik and I used to you know collect fiddleheads we haven't done it in years oh my but they're good you would like fried fiddleheads they're delicious that was a thing of my childhood was fiddleheads my uncle show this big paper bag full my mom would clean them which is not a fun process mind you um but yeah we'd have F heads for weeks weeks a couple weeks at least two to three mom would freeze them or gram would Freez them how did you cook them did you fry them um no they were how did she cook them she usually well it's probably the only thing she steamed appropriately yeah I think you steam them and then you can put butter on that's what i' I've steamed them and then finished them off in the frying pan with little olive oil garlic salt and pepper growing up we had them steamed with vinegar on them um Al actually more I that was uh cider vinegar that's all we used in our family and then um I married my husband was Italian and balsamic vinegar made its entrance in yeah well is there any other thing we need to be talking about tonight I don't think so we will be hearing from Melissa when she can get this momentarily and Rush whenever you can do it Melissa but do it while it's I have it I have it on the screen so I don't forget but I don't want to lose you guys so okay andon not to do too much at once you can lose something one of one of you're doing gets worse yes true I can contest I can contest to that so we will see um everybody on Tuesday I might be able to see you on I'm GNA have to figure that out on uh the 24th but definitely we'll all be together on Tuesday at the select board meeting and on the 24th okay all right so I we are all those in favor of adjourning the meeting say I I I I okay Melissa okay it's 6:19 okay well we'll see you all on Tuesday sounds good thanks Thane good night good night night