##VIDEO ID:K_Wzx1qYz8I## hi everybody that was quick how you doing Becky okay good hanging in there that's good it was a beautiful day huh a gorgeous day we were out on the lake today waiting for the Sun and as we left the lake the sun came so I guess that beautiful yeah yes it's all Eagles you know it's a beautiful and there's nobody on the lake right now so peaceful [Music] that must be unusual for the last week of August I know kids are in school has it been quieter Kathy on the lake this yeah a little quieter than usual I'm not complaining no oh peg we can't hear you what what's George doing here oh he's just being an interloper hello hello are you joining us just because you can't you just can't pass up every third Thursday it's like a moth to the flame uh well I thought um it would be um helpful for me to be here U for the discussion about uh appointing somebody to um Becky's review uh contract negotiation mostly I want to speak to that but I don't mind I'll sit I'll sit through the whole thing I mean I'll turn off my I'll turn off my microphone and you know no no happy I Just Having learned something at the last select board meeting um I'm just checking we have three members of the finance committee which is not a quorum oh if that changes we need to be careful um there has been uh open meeting law violation filed against the Personnel Board and against the finance committee uh for the select board meeting that was held the other day last Thursday was it Thursday no I think it was the week it was the one before 30th right yeah so an unexpected item um Peg I'd like to I don't know if I I don't I didn't get it forward to you but we have the open meeting law violation and you have that I have that I got something I think yesterday afternoon yeah I just saw it um so we can we put that on the agenda for now or do how do we deal with that well because it has to be dealt with before the next you know you have to respond in 10 days uh business days so uh this is unanticipated and we would um you want to get a response back to the um to the AG's office so write a letter and I've drafted um I've drafted something that we can review okay tonight and then you can make changes or you can have your discussion and then I'll change the letter and then then you can review it after you have your discussion about what do you want to say um I believe that it was a violation um open meeting law has changed it used to be if you're directing the conversation like Georgette said um to the select board and not talking amongst yourselves it was considered that you weren't deliberating but at this point um it is a clear violation because it turned out there was um a quorum of personnel board members at the meeting was George had was George then no longer at that point in time on the on the Personnel Board correct so it was April myself and Kathy Kathy nobody El I'm not so George might have been know there is um I think it's dependent on when Kath when Kathy was appointed Kathy spoke as well so is so is Kathy me me u p but three is a quorum of the Personnel Board you don't need didn't matter which one of us it was whether it was Kathy or me who were appointed at that point whatever we need to I think it makes sense to talk about it and whatever we need to make amends this perfect no okay so how about we call this meeting to order okay it is 6:33 and wa I'm trying to figure out where Melissa is I think she's on the M she she says she was GNA Drive hi Melissa is that montue road I think it's the highway is that Monte Road you're funny April that's not monu Road no my truck just passed her on monu Road yes okay Melissa thank you for trying to join us we if you if you go in and out we'll understand why she's trying to get her unmute I bet please be careful yeah please be careful it's nothing's worth it okay okay so why don't we go ahead and can you hear me yes I'm on I'm on H 290 ah okay well we are we much appreciate your efforts to get in to be here that's great okay so really dangerous so be careful yes be careful and just listen don't look there's nothing I'm not looking nothing to look I do this all the time all right okay well let's first of all let's go ahead and um check out the minutes uh Kathy sent me uh on the minutes from the uh July 18 meeting thank you George he these were his last oh I think we're picking up she's got on her oh yeah sorry I have to turn it off he wants me to go to the Mass Pike I'm not doing that no it's a mess so Kathy sent one thing that she wanted to correct it was a spelling error is there anything else did anybody have a chance to look over the me the minutes I did I did not that okay so uh do we approve the minutes of July 18 all in favor I okay Stein oh we've gota go Salvador I I Ross I the star okay so moving on oh Ann's not coming tonight I'm surprised that she's not here I thought it was last week she couldn't make it um I know her brother is visiting but I saw her on the road yesterday and I didn't mention that CU I was talking to her brother but her brother's out Vis visiting from California so it may be that you know it just didn't work for but we have a quorum so that's good one two three four okay so um why don't we get right to uh the appointment of the Personnel Board member to the select board [Music] um did yeah go ahead I just wanted to to uh nominate Kathy Salvador as that as our representative from the personel board I second that nomination I think her you know her her work in human Rel in you know human not Humanity human relations I think that's Kathy I think you would be great would you be willing to serve absolutely okay and we have been called Human Resources human relations industrial relations personel you name it but not Humanities I like resources okay I I think you you're going to bring you know an a professional eye you know a real sense of um all of your experience in your work you know we're lucky to have you yes well thank you I hope so before you make a before you vote can I can I make a statement at some point before we go oh yes before you vote on this oh okay um I agree with April everything she said I think having you on board with your uh your work history is great so um all those uh do we all agree that Kathy will be our representative well I would like to in the discussion period if I may speak yes yes you may go ahead sorry well first of all working in Human Resources Kathy I give you a lot of credit I've worked in business and I know human resource a tough Department my boss used to say they're neither human nor resource but that's not an insult to you I'm just telling you I'm sure you've heard things like that all the time so I just I just wanted to remind everybody and and I want to iterate where I am on this thing because I've heard that there's been some complaining um around town and I've heard um there's been some a little political Pol politicalization of this but my the point I want to make is you know we all heard that the contract wasn't completed as of the start of the new year and I know for all of us that was that's a concern and I just want to remind everybody you know I'm going to be very objective in this conversation I'm also always try to act professionally I always act in the interest of the best interest of the town and I just urge you Kathy you know to to please I I know you I'm sure you are thinking the same way and you and you do business the same way we need to think about what's best for the town I've been volunteering on many committees over many years and it's always what's best for the town and the people in the town I mean ultimately that's it but we also have to be respectful to uh the employees and we have to be respectful to Becky the Town Administrator in this case and make sure that this is conducted objectively and fairly you know we have different mechanisms for dealing with different things in the employee handbook and in our processes and I just hope that you know we can take the politics out of this because from what I'm hearing it sounds like there's a political Buzz around this and that's just fair to Becky and it's not going to help us accomplish the things we really need to accomplish so I just want that in everyone's Consciousness and that's my statement thank you thank you George well taken a point several points well taken okay so if Kathy is willing to accept that what's our new alphabetical order I'm confused you I'm used to arantis eye you're not on this so I think it's is it Melissa are you the first in the alphabet now maybe but I'm gonna abstain from this vote because I'm on the select board and on this thing you know so I'm I'm obtaining okay and Ann's not here she would be the first so it would be Kathy can you want to vote is it appropriate for me to vote vote for yourself okay so do you vote to accept I do the appointment to the of the to this um contract negotiations for the Town Administrator April and Stein I yes oh Ross I I am before you but whatever Ross ey okay so that is uh that is determined and we will move forward with that I guess we'll hear from the select board when that you will hear from the select board Kathy when contract negotiations negotiations come up um moving on uh to the administrative secretary position Becky can you tell us about that um so I have posted both the land use Clerk and the admin secretary job on jobs inthe valley.com um and I have also submitted to the elementary school for the roadtown newsletter um so the jobs in the valley as it says um has a lot of listings from different um businesses manufacturers up and down the valley like ammer advertises there Northampton advertises there um Springfield and other some other little towns um so I'm hopeful that they get they might I had six views not and I haven't had a response yet but it's only been since was it Monday or Friday so I'm hopeful that we'll get somebody we'll get a nibble through that and and hopefully we'll get somebody local through the roadtown news and um today Kathy sent me numbers for the temp agencies um I didn't get a call into them yet but I will be calling tomorrow and getting information about the cost and what uh Kathy says that they could we could either hire direct um do just temporary or attempt to hire so um um talk to them and get their recommendation um I guess temp to hire is the most attractive to me because I the my concern about a straight temp is um it takes time to train people that's why this approach is not my number one choice because you know if they're just tempor and they cycle in and out um it'll be um it'll be a tossup of how much we can get done but I'm hope I'm really hopeful that that we'll get somebody um somehow between all these tracks and the other one I I don't know what you guys think about um what is that other jobs website um oh I get emails for it all the time indeed about the land cler uh I'm talking about both but not is it indeed indeed is one of themed is one of them yeah do you guys have any experience with that one or any others that you might think it's worth trying I do at work we use it quite a bit to bring in um usually office people okay we did as well we used indeed a lot oh that's good check that out too see um the jobs in the valley was just to do three ads for two months well it's only a month I guess was $200 and that's my other concern I really don't have a budget built um for the I have I have money in the classified ads that I think I can the accountant will let me use that you know that money for this uh because it does the same thing as a classified ad um and when you think of it that way that fee isn't that bad but I'm sure indeed has a fee as well so anyway that's my I don't I don't know if there's a fee with I'm not at that level of posting uh position so okay is LinkedIn ever used in this way I'm that's you know I've never used it but it's just something I know it's out there is and I'm not sure even how Linked In works you know do we um but is is that also worth looking at that's definitely an option you can someone I could do it um log in and just post that there's a open position post some details and direct people to reach out to Becky oh that' be great that will go to the the people that I'm Linked In with so I can do that oh that'd be fabulous you're probably Linked In to more than anybody else probably a lot of HR folks I'm sure yeah that'd be great okay great now the land use clerk at at one point Didn't we think we had a land use clerk yes we had a land use clerk um he did three or four sets of minutes um so he's got kept them got them caught up a little bit um he didn't he was not comfortable um with the technology of the job okay um was I I unfortunately when I asked him what his preference for computers I told him that um we the current person was using a Mac was he comfortable and he he said oh he'd be fine um but I guess it was more it was less intuitive for him than he thought and unfortunately there were some other other events that um made it difficult for him to continue um and that with that start it um he stepped um away pretty quickly okay so we so we're we will be advertising for that as well yes and I have advertised for both positions okay wasn't aware of that I didn't realize he was no longer working okay um anything else that we need to talk about on this about [Music] um I think that that what we've said what we've been discussing is great and Kathy thank you for doing your link with indeed and sure Becky and all of the all the uh sources you've been going to seems like okay so we're talking about jobs in the Valley roadtown News uh maybe it are we going to go ahead with the temp agency what do you think are we going to hold off on that or give it a try gonna get all the information and see um okay maybe do an experiment because I also currently have um Geneva who has caught us up on all our minutes wow um she helped you know she's up to date on the minutes and um when I can get her back in the office which might be a couple weeks um I'm hoping she can get us caught up on the p on the P letters I mean if she with her help and um so I have somebody temporarily who's knows the job she's the person who left the job Kathy so um she's agreed to to jump in and do some hours on Fridays when she's so she's um come in four hours on Friday and then um taking the computer and the minutes home and gotten those done over the week fa fastic it really I'm not sure I I think with the temp I still get all the information because it could be helpful okay see what the cost is and stuff okay um um anything else that we want to talk about on that point I think looks like Kathy has her hand up oh I wasn't sure how formal we have to be since we're such a small group but no we're not we are not formal I just wanted to make sure that we had re reviewed and discussed everything we needed to but go ahead go ahead so the uh Becky the G that's helping out now obviously knows the job better than anyone right has have you asked her whether she might be aware of anyone who'd be interested oh that's a good point um I haven't I will ask her she's now working in the um what is it the montue town hall oh okay so I can ask her yeah she's local so she may know of someone who's looking for just that set of hours or that type of work so yeah she's she's actually lives in Deerfield okay but it was her her uncle our local ad okay Bruce one thing I want to get back to before we go uh to the fourth thing on the agenda um April had there was a newspaper article that was forwarded to her and she said and in regards to the administrative Town Administrator yeah the administrative position and I went to I went to hit I hit on it to read it and my computer went Bonkers I mean it was clicking and had it sounded like it had little pieces of metal in it so I shut it down and I got back to April and asked if she wouldn't mind just summarizing this for us yeah you know I what I'm also thinking this is suggestion that's come from a Community member Susie moer um forwarded some articles uh one from The Gazette I think and one from the Greenfield Recorder just sort of pointing out that other towns are looking at um due to the complexity of the Town administrator's job you know creating the position of not as a secretary but as an assistant to the Town Administrator but I'm thinking that you know even um that I I think we should set that whole thing aside while the contract negotiations are going on so it doesn't get tied up in any of the the potential politics you know I think it's something that we can certainly talk about it's not urgent but I I mean that's my my thinking and okay you know I I think it's yeah it it seems like not a good time to be looking at that given you know the workload that Becky already has and the contract negotiation all righty that sounds good that sounds good so just that's one of those put a an earmark there all right okay yeah well it really shocked me my computer's never done anything like that and I thought [Music] well it's it's you know these are um articles avail able online through the Greenfield Recorder and The Gazette you know just looking at how other towns are handling turnover and looking at the complexity and all of that stuff well keep those keep those handy I will and I I got rid of them that's weird it was very weird yeah Mike Mike heard it and he's more computer-wise than I am and he said turn that off I mean it sounded like there were little bearings flicking around heard that noise it was bizarre it was really bizarre anyway moving on um uh here we are talking about the Personnel handbook and someone's driving a car so shall we go you um Melissa do you w to you want to talk to that or not um I'm in a little bit of traffic at the moment so could we come back to that okay uh sure sure um moving on uh about the police and fire department Chiefs we have strong Chiefs and they are able to make appointments without the um select board approval and we were wondering uh Becky was going to check with I'm sorry I'm sorry what did you just say uh we're talking about the police and fire department Chiefs being strong Chiefs yeah but that doesn't mean they can make appointments without select board approval oh I don't know why I have that and they can make why do I have that down there I don't know anyway Becky I'll I don't know why I have that um so what is the item the agenda item I have five I have five item five let see if I can can you read it I might be able to find it you could just read what the item is here's what I have item five and I I wrote it I don't know why I put that down there like that both police and fire department Chiefs are strong chief and that they able able to make appointments and then I had without the approval of the select board I remember saying that they could they had the the right to interview select and then bring proposed candidates to the select board and makes more yeah yeah okay and um Becky you were gonna look into consultation with legal counil to uh regarding you know the legal implications of of that and attached responsibilities we and I still haven't done that okay I mean there's been other stuff going on about that right okay so do you think you might be able you know you might be able to uh look into that yep okay I have no idea why I wrote that that way yeah I'm I'm curious what what is bringing this up at this time is it just a clarification clarification it's just clarification it's been it's been sort of uh for the last couple months I think it's just that we've been talking about um police and fire departments in general we have uh new Chiefs and we just right thought maybe we should look into that you know they do hand interview and make proposals to the select board so if Becky can look into that I think you I think you were going to look into the legal stuff you were going to talk to about that yeah Paul Brian okay labor Council and just um make sure we have we're not missing any we're doing everything correctly great um and future business as always because it's been busy um updated classification schedule and status of Select board employee in contract negotiations um so that's where we are with that and then our future meetings but I'm going to come I I'll let me run these by you before we come to Melissa see how she's doing with it looks like she stopped in traffic oh it looks like she's Frozen in traffic it's really is she's fro again okay there you are so let's go ahead to the Future meetings then we come back to Melissa um does September 19th work for everybody that's three weeks from today yeah Thursday and October 17th looking at okay that y okay that works okay that's the third Thursday of each month okay Melissa you're on okay so um let me um I didn't email it out I didn't look over a draft I was going to tell you I was going to read over the draft one more time and send it out so let me do that before the next meeting and then we can probably devote most of a meeting to just that okay thing you know okay well maybe another future item would be or maybe if we knew now what department heads contracts are coming up this year so we can be prepared it's the police Chiefs just the police not the fire no no he was appointed uh the year she was appointed at the end of June and he was appointed in September of the following fiscal year okay so who's coming up this year it's the police chief okay um and do we have I know we don't have any authority over it but is there any closure on the teachers uh negotiation there yes they are almost uh they work the agree agement has been reached um there were small changes that signed off on this week so I'm we're look anticipating a signed contract in another week or so and it's being settled with out um you know within yeah no blood no settles or or blood either so that was good so also would it make sense for us to talk about the the open meeting law what what is required of us um so basically let me just see um what did I write the person okay so maybe I should just put this on screen okay so this is my understand I'll just put up what I have so basically well how about we discuss it first and then I can tailor this so basically the letter um here I'll just put the letter up and then you can make changes to it um where do I share don't look at this Melissa keep driving I'm not I'm not looking okay can everybody see that yeah yes so basically um it's a letter to the person who complains and then you send that letter um to the AG's office um the open meeting law um part so basically you identify the complainant Amanda Alex regarding an open meeting law complaint um pound of shsb oops Board of personnel we've we get these almost every week for the select board it feels like but it's really only one or two a month okay so the Violet and then you list the data violation I probably should have put up her complaint first Let Me Wait a second let me because you guys haven't all seen her complaint right I have you're the only one who has right Peg I can find it [Music] um and while you're looking for it um were George were you you were at one point no longer on the select board when you came to that meeting were you on the and not on the select board at that point I was on the personel board I'm sorry on the were you still from the's Office excuse me one second okay because I can't remember the what was do we know the date of the yeah it was it sounds it looks like July 30th is that what it said it's July 30th okay so yeah on July 30th what we were at a select board the select board meeting because uh we were asking we were thinking and of asking the select board to put a member of the Personnel Board right on the negotiation committee for the town administr position and also recommending that the come do the same and Rec inome do the same so April myself Susie mom so I was on the Personnel Board at that point in time no I I think no you were on the finance committee we're on the finance Comm and so who's the fourth person from the finance committee there Susie April me Susie Kathy and me Kathy right sorry Kathy that's right so it's a double so we're double headers yeah we got to be careful I mean it won't be an issue for me in Personnel Board anymore yeah right yeah it could come up that's why I counted at the meeting I was like oh are we doing something to be alert to that's all so sorry that happened it was totally unintentional it didn't anyway well this is how we learn things you know and we do better next time yeah yeah um okay so cath yeah so I'm sorry I'm not finding though so AJ so so I'll just how about I read to you I apologize but here's her complaint so the description of the alleged violation is I contend that the shutesbury Personnel Board violated the open meeting law when a quorum of the board attended a posted hybrid meeting of the shutesbury select board on July 30th 2024 and deliberated outside of a properly posted meeting regarding the agenda item and the agenda item is in quotes Personnel Board recommendation PA contract since this agenda item was requested by the Personnel Board it should have been anticipated that a majority of the members would be present during that meeting members of the Personnel Board discussed matters within the Juris their jurisdiction that were not previously discussed I don't know why this has to do with anything discussed at the July 18th personnel meeting at which the vote was taken to make a recommendation to the select board members in physical attendance sat near each other and spoke as board members not as members of the general public they often spoke without being recognized in identifying as Personnel board members and occasionally concurred with opinions voiced by fellow board members this Behavior continued despite procedural concerns voiced by a member of the public and a request by the select board that speakers identify themselves so that's her complaint and then the second the last box is what action do you want the B public body to take in response to your complaint and she writes I want the shutesbury Personnel Board to post meeting notices Whenever there is an reasonable expectation that a quorum will attend the posted meeting of another public body Andor when a joint meeting is anticipated and to record approve and publish meeting minutes accordingly okay it's reasonable yeah the only thing I would say is and you know at that point I was on a member of the Personnel Board but I didn't realize that April and Peg were going to be there I guess I might have known that I don't know if I knew was going to be there but I was in the room George so that could trigger the um because I wear both hats Blackboard and person right right well anyways yeah I didn't know gonna be there we just talked about it was going to happen and it wasn't it wasn't a planned event no it was unfortunate but it is something to think about especially you know for me on the finance committee because we do end up with the select board many times and we really do need to be I guess when in doubt just post the meeting and if you don't have a form you don't for it's better to go that way than the other right absolutely yes but I I do have to say that they didn't have time to post a meeting um on this one because it was it you know you guys didn't know you were on the agenda well and if that's the case and we know we want to be there to talk then we just have to right assign three people in the case of the finance committeee the Personnel Board yeah I think it just happened so fast those that really wanted to uh be there just showed up and that happened it wasn't it wasn't a canive event no I will say inal No Malice yeah No Malice one objection I have is I thought I don't remember us speaking out without being recognized now maybe that happened I mean that was that that might have been me you know I I I can be known to do that well I think we all do we have something on our mind we want to speak and we forget and especially because I don't attend that many select board meetings I watch their I watch their videos of their meetings periodically and try to look at their agenda but yeah don't always uh attend the meetings well and I think for me what was unusual was being in the room like getting used to the zoom format you raise your hand and here we were in close proximity you know we all know each other um yeah we have a comfort level with each other where we just can do that right yes and when you're in the audience you're not aware of the screen of a bazillion people behind especially because it's behind us like for the select board they're facing set yeah the select board's very much aware of it but we're it was all to our backs yeah yeah we're we're working on different setup so it's a little bit more cohesive yeah okay yeah and it's unfortunate but you know I'm sure I spoke without being recognized I I will own that okay everybody that um so what is what do we what are the steps we need to do now Becky okay so we just have to respond in the letter and basically say sorry um so oh so that's what you put up in summary you alleged the Personnel Board violated the open meeting law on oh July 30th not June 30th right yes July 30th on July 30th by attending the select board meeting to respond to an item regarding the Personnel Board Personnel Board recommendation ta contract the agenda item don't need that that was um the Personnel Board was not aware about the posting on the of the select board agenda in time to post their own agenda agenda the Personnel Board chair alerted the other members of the Personnel Board that the Personnel Board was on the select board agenda four members of the Personnel Board attended did the select board meeting this was not intentional I just added that after Peg said it the members were not aware that they should have posted a separate Personnel Board agenda to participate in the discussion of the top back up you back up and say that the the um after unintentional that the the board members were unaware that the other members would attend I think it's important to have that in there and then go with what your that are you doing that now Becky yeah oh and I think I keep getting back to this I think there were three it was Cassie April and me George was on the fincom at that point Melissa Melissa that's right that's right sorry is already too many yeah too many hats Melissa too many so really it would you know either it either the Personnel Board could have requested it to be postponed if we figured all this out in advance or they could have just sent one additional member um right that way it would been less than three yeah that most okay the board members were unaware that all most of the other board members were going to attend right we were unaware of the attendance of the other members yeah I might lose you here because I'm now off the highway I don't know how long Verizon will hold me well we appreciate you being with us Melissa well I appreciate the company for driving think the time pass radio oh there you are I know where you are yeah I don't know where I'm two she's on 202 yep anyway I don't I don't go the mask like I always go 202 and lo myself down just to do good idea I would so how are you doing on that Becky okay so this is Melissa's sentence the board members were unaware uh so many of the attendance short it of the attendance of the other members okay I'm G to start over and read it the board members were unaware um that so many members of the Personnel Board would attend creating a quorum that doesn't work either yeah I I just members there was the the board members were unaware of the other board members attendance creating a forum right the other me other board me members of the Personnel Board would attend creating a and then I had the members were not aware that they needed to post a separate personel board agenda to participate in the discussion of the topic topic they had requested the select board to address compliment um complicating the problem the Personnel Board could not have legally posted their agenda in time um po say the meeting yeah oh that's not you guys can't see it right no no sorry I forgot it was not sorry that's probably why the sentence took so long I was Wai for feedback and I wasn't getting it except for Melissa who did can't look yeah go by memory yeah you still have that okay so there's a sentence that hasn't been I don't know if you've gotten to it yet Becky the paragraph that starts with the Personnel Board of the town of shutesbury now understands yeah the the last sentence needs to be finished yes um I was I wanted the select word to so let's move on to that paragraph the Personnel Board of the town of shutesbury now understands that they must be sure to post a Personnel board meeting agenda even if they are listed on an another board's agenda a violation of the open meeting law occurred the Personnel Board will be certain to always post meetings even when they meet with other communities in the future yes everybody in conclusion the Personnel Board believes your complaint is a violation of open meeting law and will do their best not to let it happen again we hope that this addresses your concerns um and and believes your complaint is a violation the right up above there in conclusion the Personnel Board believes your complaint is oh oh yeah there can I read I want to read the second paragraph again okay in summary you alleged that the you alleged that the Personnel Board violated the open meeting law on July 30th 2024 by attending a select board meeting to respond to an item regarding the Personnel Board Personnel Board recommendation ta contract the Personnel Board was not aware about the posting of the select board agenda in time to post their own agenda Personnel Board chair alerted the other members of the Personnel Board that the Personnel Board was on the select board agenda for Tuesday four members of the Personnel Board agenda oh say attended four members of the of okay so was it for four or was it three oh no Melissa that's four right okay I got that um I just never mind this was not intentional okay okay got it I just wanted to read that again I just thinking of Melissa sitting up on the select board I just you weren't part of the person before then yeah in that case like I I I wear the selectboard hats more than the Personnel Board hat but being in the room checks both boxes yeah so I'm new to all of this so had we understood what was required by the open meeting law um in that instance and had we posted our own agenda what would that look like on the meeting calendars it would just be it would have just been a um single line item with with um the Personnel you know Personnel Board recommendation to TA contract presented at select board meeting okay and that would have covered us with regard to this okay does this happen a lot that that we get complaints like this um does get a lot of lot of um a lot of filed complaints which we answer we've we' received a lot in the last um couple years okay Kathy to resp as far as Personnel Board this is the first time it's happened since I've okay yeah me as well I think it's the time for me too yeah and the finance committee also got um the same complaint for mostly the same people the trade-off it wasn't Melissa it was Susie moer making the quum for fincom um so yeah and they've got they haven't they used they they've gotten open meeting law um complaints before and public record complaints but not in a number of years so so mostly it's just the select Board gets them so I want you to say down at the bottom PS we do our best you could in there that we are you know a we are volunteers and you know some things are are unintentionally missed yes yes we do our best well the sort of the the underlying thing is what would have been different if we had had posted that meeting I mean I think that's what I was trying to understand what what difference would it have made in the grand scheme it's a technicality right yeah right I the law if someone regularly followed Personnel board meetings they would have they would have missed it oh okay they wouldn't I think that's the the governmental view is you want to inform the public and we failed to inform the public directly so they would have had to read the select board agenda and Personnel issues aren't always on the select board agenda so they might might have they wouldn't have known a personel board agenda that's okay so we'll just do our best right there was no malice so um do I need to come up and sign that um yeah do you guys want everybody's name or just pegs on here I think it might be a good idea to have everyone's name on and show a a a um you know commitment yeah yeah yeah okay Peg somebody's got their hand up yeah I just wanted to help you out with one more typo please great thank you hi hi Melissa um in the sentence that Melissa suggested I think you want the word that after the word unaware and not the word of and you might want a comma after the word attend but it was mostly the word of would probably that they were un that the other members of the Personnel Board would attend cre a quorum you know and I was trying to get that in there but I couldn't find it you said it out loud but I noticed when I read it it wasn't there and I that was all I wanted to say thank you so um Tom before you go so it was the that was there a comma somewhere or maybe a comma at that sentence after the word attend attend creating a quorum but it's not as critical as the that okay well that makes sense thank you I appreciate it thank you Tom's becoming our Town copywriter Pro reader it helps to have multiple eyes on those documents definitely help absolutely it does all right so I'll print this out um for you guys to come and sign it okay oops and great thank you for I'm glad there was a meeting right away so we don't have to worry about this anymore okay because when when you say my bad then they usually agree and just do our best and it's and she shouldn't have reason to appeal it because we're doing what she asks to do that what they do so hopefully things will just move along and get back on track yeah yes p is that the last item I yeah I think that is the last item yes does anybody else have any any suggestions for what we should be talking about next time on the I'll put I'll make an agenda and um anything coming up in anybody's thoughts anything well it sounds like Melissa is gonna have the handbook ready yeah so that probably will take a good chunk okay so that'll be that's what we'll sort of focus on and yeah there could be something that pops up know and do we know do we have any idea when the uh Kathy will be attending the next meeting of the select board about the administrative the administrative secretary's position not yet I have to let the select board know who the two people that were chosen were okay and Kathy thank you again for serving much appreciated yeah thank you no problem you're welcome I guess but we we should put yeah an briam we'll have to one of us may run into her in the woods and let her know because she I I'm not sure if she's aware of any of this I run into her on the woods or on the road occasionally okay but if if I'm with you we're not talking about it yeah good point yeah I'll just text her and ask her to just head up to town hall right right I'll explain it to her okay so Becky your hours tomorrow are I would like to do it tomorrow for myself what are your hours tomorrow regular hours like 9 to 5 I'll probably being closer to eight but I'm not sometimes I don't get I end up at the school or highway so nine o'clock you can count on okay would it be easier to put it anyway yes okay so anything else we want to uh address tonight I think that's all of our agenda and we talk we agree on the next the September and October meeting dates so that's good all right so all in favor of closing the meeting Ross I Salvador I make o i and Stein I I had to take a picture Melissa because people wouldn't believe it I I do this a lot so when we have when we have calls and stuff we have to travel to field offices it's perfect because most of the time I just have to listen into those I'm really only there to chime in occasionally so it's like listening to a podcast as you're driving you just have to make sure you don't you don't look at you don't look at the screen right so that's the only thing you just have to ignore the screen yes okay so we're your podcast thank you allive okay be well take care everyone you bye bye bye night thank you everyone