##VIDEO ID:Wy8KRQ04d54## e yeah there we go hey Steve can you hear us Donald Trump's favorite [Music] you heard that can you guys hear me something else I don't want to say say it again can you hear me yes yes okay I think we're good that's good that's good all right do we have a quum let's see one do all right I will call this meeting on the planning board of order this meeting is being recorded for state law and uh we go see we saw a few people hello so is there anyone that U would like to make a public comment I think you're doing a hell of a job appreciate it I'm happy to be here it's good it's good I'm glad that we have a some good morale um land owner education and guidance uh I don't think we're G have any for this there was a someone that I was speaking with uh Mr Mr puffer Janet uh St um so he's got one of his Lots up there and there was a question about you know something about a th000 feet I think the driveways a th000 fet maybe or you know just some I don't know it was a little bit convoluted but I haven't had a chance to research it much so what does he want to do he wants to just uh I think sell one of the Lots he has is a building lot was just wondering if the set back still good so I just you know don't don't really have the information and it may be a better question for the zbaa anyway very he has his he has his property he he has a funky looking he has some funky looking boundaries we should we should probably be probably a good idea look at okay I would would uh be done to do it I think since it's uh given the circumstances with our agenda I'm going to not do that now and then I'll I'll look into that after afterwards um so I have updates on the chair on the agenda there's two things I just wanted to mention here one was that the uh there's been changes made to the zoning app right pertaining to what it two P units maybe uh accessory apartments and whatnot so we'll need to review those and uh it take some kind of [Music] action a few different things like kind of briefly reading the updates that we received um but it doesn't would try to take action on that prior to annual town meeting but I would certainly imagine that's been something I will need to make a a bylaw update for in order to bring our bylaw into compliance with the new um divisions of the zon at a state level or the change yeah that's that's at the zoning the state level statute and the other thing was what was the other thing well our our oh the attorne the Attorney General improved our zoning bylaw movements from is it special town meeting or annual Town annual town meeting which included the uh Amendment for uh special permit conditions right so that's now on the books um and that's uh that's fine and dandy uh they were they asked for a uh there was a general bylaw that they asked for an extension for so we'll wait to see what happens with that uh but yeah the uh no problems with the changes to the use table special permit conditions and Associate members thank you very much changes to the what table use table oh use T which were more or less uh insignificant even though they did seem to have some thoughts about um now one thing like that we should maybe you should just coordinate with Grace in terms of updating the website that we get the most most recent zoning bylaws up there because okay remember two years ago um with reading the wrong yeah we probably should should have done that back in April well now that it's approved more confidence yeah for us for us yeah yeah yeah I mean it's to have paper in addition to the yes yeah yeah can can I ask a question do do can we include the um great thank you in the letter that the Assistant Attorney General sent to us there were things that were underlined that they suggested be added can we automatically add those no no it would be another amendment so we probably should discuss if we w't even bother doing that or not okay or wait because there are specific things that were underlined that were I think of a value to us that were included by the Assistant Attorney General yeah I don't remember were but there was some things basically the thrust was they're V there's no specific measurements and so if you want to have they suggest that we better have for measurements but I think that's a bigger discussion in terms of what we do has arrived yes it's um we may be Al is working Steve has his hand up do you mind if I ask a question the I just want to know if they can hear us with this just's here but sure no there oh yeah yeah uh Stephen Keith can you hear us okay from from your Vantage Point through the owl yeah I can hear you can you hear me so this this is working okay for now and I can hear you as well emergency Steve your hand is up yeah I just we're still in the planning board meeting right yeah that's right okay so I just thought it might be good Michael to let everybody know I mean I can let them know but we can talk about what it means briefly that that special commission that's to streamline solar permitting did not pass the legislature yes they didn't come to any agreement and what that means for us and what actions we should think about taking as we move forward go ahead you want to address that um well I think you sort of summarize it I mean I think the bottom line is among other big issues the legislature couldn't come to agreement in time before the end of the legislative session surprise surprise um good news for us because that means that the municipal capacity to regulate clean energy still in the hands of us um for as much as as much way will let us um there was I something in the paper that they're informally still talking it's basically the house and the Senate have to come to agreement so there's huge pressure passed up on climate and there's huge pressure to get this thing done so they can do it in informal session I think the issue is as I understand an informal session you can have one person object and that go forward and I don't think any of the Republicans voted for the climate bills so that their one Republican rais their hand and then it dies um if they don't act then they have to start from scratch in January um so I mean that's that's sort of the situation I don't I haven't thought Becky um believe Aon sers was here today and he was saying that they are meeting yeah like you said and he said that if they can reach an agreement before January something would happen just but he did say they were meeting and went through a number of different issues that they're they're Focus yeah I mean I think the big difference as I understand it is the house wanted just look sighting sort of like how you site clean eny projects and the senate had a whole bunch of other stuff that they wanted to add on it and the house didn't want to do that so they were fighting over that um I think there are mostly in agreement on sighting stuff um at this point which affects us um so I mean remains to be seen I think if something does get passed before January then we'll find out what the reality is nothing gets past I I don't necessarily anything proactively since us but that's thank you Steve for that I think it's TBD okay we got you got to Reve then it's two years they don't do it by genuine one say year proess you yeah I mean they don't form committees until the middle of end of January and then they got to get all the bills in and signed and it's it'll be at least a year One [Music] V thank you uh Jeff and uh Steve now I'm just taking a picture of this because I realized we don't have a an electric copy I don't have a in uh can you trans picture of this I can so we're going to move on to the anr we have we're trying to get a picture out um for sking key that got it all cool okay you can start and I'll post it when I get it so uh yeah we received this within the last week or so um it's got 828 in the form it's down janary hose Road uh there's currently one you know there's there's five lots that were sold together under conways it's now on by Dolores Conway and this anr breaks it and to Lots one two and three they uh ended up writing us a check for $14 still thinking yeah sorry but the thing that and the thing that I'm noticing is uh if you want come over and sure I mean I can can I just do this yeah yeah that's great I can see this one so these are the same yeah yeah are the same um lot one has an existing structure on it and lot two and three are uh seem to be uh building Lots right they've got the 250 ft of Frontage they're both uh two and a half uh plus acres and then there's this other piece that says remaining land of Dolores Conway so I don't you know they don't call this a a lot but it seems to me that it's a uh a buildable lot because it has 250 ft of Frontage it says so right here on the edge of it and it says so sufficient area in front uh remains assessed by current zoning so essentially uh seems like there's you know three New Lots depending on how you know so I think the fee could be um 280 or $210 depending on how you do it [Music] [Music] well I think uh so the d That's referenced um there was five Parcels that were in there that were sold and and so this anr you know more or less rearranges those into different shapes I actually I live in this area and I and I can't quite place it um is the actus Reservoir down here is this because as far as I know if I'm you look at the top right there's like a shows the thank you I wasn't seen that I just saw now too huh so this is the site that's being developed and the axis is where to this um the axis is Right Hill yeah jary right the whole parel yeah so but the axis isn't this no access to Kettle Hill Road as far as I can tell the No No the access is all January Hill yeah can you guys see that be see I can okay I so we trying to figure out right now how much to charge these people well no no I mean we're we're ring it and yeah I mean you know what the charge yeah that is I mean I think it should be probably um1 okay and also just see this is all well yeah I mean you know like the so the high level uh thing is that it it's is it a sub does it show a sub it doesn't right I don't know so because it doesn't show sub division you know we have the uh we can endorse it or if we fail to take action on it um then you know the the clerk would uh have the ability to uh create a certificate but you constitute an endorsement of the of it so it could be registered uh or or you know reported with the registry Feats and um if we were to uh you know formally deny to endorse it then that would essentially we'd have to show C for why we did that and uh and they could take action relative there too okay you know on the I don't believe we've ever we hardly ever there's got to be something really OD um you know and and also know that um endorsement of this plan does not certify compliance with zoning right that's always written on these plans right so you know we we we look at you the the frontage and that's mostly for determining what the Fe right um you know whichever way you want to uh you know cause a plant to be recorded is uh your prerogative right um but right if it doesn't meet the current zoning you know Frontage and L size then obviously it was not uh qualified for provisioning of the grandf follow Provisions under the zoning act that uh are applicable to approval not required uh plans okay which fortain to you know like if if the zon changes you know you have a lot that's not on common like for example if they sell a lot two or three to anyone explicitly separate people for for that matter right um these are buildable lots and even if we change our our Frontage requirement to 200 feet or I'm sorry to 300 feet more restrictive or or require more acreage um these are still buildable last because they were approved when they were approved right um so you know I I think I would just let them know hey you know we see uh you know that there you know this actually creates three new loss and therefore we we we want to collect a fee of of 200 um $10 and I can arrange that with the applicant and uh you know exchange either an additional check or a new check um after returning the one we have for um for $140 and uh and take care of business so I would entertain a motion uh to that effect to uh endorse say anr plan um with that I will the chair will follow up with the applicant to uh inform them that we determined the fee was $210 as there are three buildable lots that are created as a result of this plan so well were now four rather than on what's that there were now four rather than one right MH three additional yeah so uh Michael so move right here a second okay any further discussion any any misgivings uh on the on the line there does anyone have any questions or concerns apparently not no imagine this land goes up to where bordering Chuck and Jo with chu Jon had their land that we we talked about before it doesn't really matter but I believe that's the one of [Music] um okay um all right I'm going just call with the plan board members present [Music] um B hi hi I boners hi wrestler hi okay and I'm and I we'll say motion passes unanimously I'll follow up with the applicant and I take care of what need been taking care on that okay that's great um that is uh going to move us early to our next section your agenda I'm going to hand the uh meeting over to Michael to proceed unless you want to call you guys order order so before you do anything I I'm just going to note that I'm GNA depart and uh and then you can uh also designate the uh associate fers make sure you say that do that information just yeah sure but I mean you know oh no but he we're going to do that they're going to do that and take aot call and all that good stuff packing up I'm just I guess second here this is your other material you don't get the benefit of the explanation I get the KE yeah just burn it after you do I'll burn after read do you have the um agenda handy or should I look it up I uh can yeah I can I can get that up for you I could do it too yeah here we go okay um so planning board and the select board will enter to Executive session for number three to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the government's litigating position litigation specific to complaint proceed from calls regarding the shutesbury solar bylaw and Pierce guy the Town Council and select board not to return to open session so we should roll call roll call yeah so the two things we should I mean we should roll call in we should also decide I mean if we be we have to officially have Becky and the associate members be joined in if we were so wanting to do that are you leaving if discussion gu let's get oh you want us to go into executive session first before we so you're going to turn the repord off well I was thinking before we go into executive session we should figure out who's going in oh good point so or the associate members will the planning board will invite the associate members in so that's easy so um anyone have opinions not to it's a little aw actually hey Becky you me a favor you just step out so we can decide and not make it awkward sorry just giving you your daily exercise opinions from the planning board and then I don't feel I know enough to make a decision okay opinions regarding Bey should join us I'm not sure okay U we have Don yeah I'm not well she's our Council I this is what I would propose the first part of the meeting would be correct me if wrong so what we had talked about is basically using this time to inform both Boards of the backs and then the planning board is going to go deliberate after the select board is going to leave and then these guys are going to deliberate with themselves tomorrow so I think having Becky here so we can all have the same backs yeah rather than playing telephone tag it's probably the best way to go and then after that after that the select board will leave us and Becky can leave us and we'll just talk as a planning board good co thank you so you want to use your screen as a dual screen like rather than the single screen on the or no um hold on one second let me get back to where we were there we go what were you suggesting you can use this as one screen and your screen as another oh more cookie okay is that a is a a zoom setting or Windows setting Windows setting okay here let me roll little a roll call it so um sorry so roll into executive session you planning for first um what's the W in in yeah uh Steve is your hand still up for a question no well you do know we're still recording we're we're about to go in once we go I guess we should stop okay that was that was my only question that was it go into executive session then you end the recording okay yeah so Steve you joining us I I you want to ey eye for me yeah and on I so the plany board is now an executive session would the select board like to um yeah um so um the select board is going to go into executive session for Lisa number three discuss strategy with respect to litigation of meeting may have detrimental effect the government's litigating decision litigation specific to complaint receiv from HS regarding the shoot SP solar bylaw Town Council and the planning board I guess should be um second okay all those in favor by saying I st I make be o i I cool the last thing we need to do Michael is just make sure that everybody um on the screen is yes is alone not enough place for anybody else Steve Keith can you verify that you're alone and don't to hear you yes yeah yes Keith can and Steve can okay thank you Donna Donna's you okay I'm just going to look for the setting to stop recording H display display display display display may I come on look over of course you can stop recording here we go I got it