##VIDEO ID:vy5GqmzNKZw## Mark White and um I hav adap yet what's this for I think the cookies win for me I like the cookies okay screen now we just got to get the owl thing is the owl on I don't think on so it's not to I'm the participant in the back where where your finger is no no it's just a hey there oh my goodness it's a party okay yeah so is that are uh just the teacher doing oh I'm doing okay it's been a day it's been a day oh uh but it's Summer's nice hello Mark chaotic how you doing you he us okay we're just uh trying to get set up here so uh not a problem I started to wonder if it was me or you yeah I is the power not sure I was wondering how it was GNA go trouble shooting um well thank you so much thanks people brought food that was kind I just stuff two two slices of pizza in my face on the way up the pizza pizza I picked up my son at 6:30 in Sunderland and I got pizza from Frontier Pizza which was great it was good I ate it in the car who who makes cook what's your son doing so my son um has he's 15 he has a job at Thunder Mountain Bike Park which is Brier in the summer um and he arrives there so he we to got him there can your e it's like minutes there's another another there's two other young men from so I drove there this morning and no I don't think so cuz this is exactly what I did few weeks I got called to do the same thing you have I yeah Mark can you hear us I can cool we're just trying to get the um the owl tour so go on your Zoom meeting and and then choose no worries an option to oh that's really yeah yeah yeah yeah no that's exactly oh here it is no we're good that was brilliant oh you just left we're coming back there you go oh whoa who where where is where's that coming from right there yeah what's going on the hour will follow you really yeah that's right if I start talking follow pick your nose I'm sure it'll pick it up if I start talking it's taking too long okay here we go here we go that's good that's G look right at that thing on the table like I'm looking at the world okay so when you talk it it goes to you'll see it will go to me so it it's something to get used to it's it's weird we are not a Ricky D to we do have a um I don't see anyone online so you know Tom we'll say you're in okay I don't know if you need me for qu but we don't okay but appreciate it yeah you're here make you should be part of the that's the ticket in that's great okay so all right at 7:10 uh I'll call this meeting of the planing board to order finally um this meeting is a hybrid meeting uh with us most of us here at Town Hall and we do have remote participation as well and therefore the meeting is being recorded and the first item on the agenda is uh public comment is there anyone that would like to uh make a public comment I've got one if no one else does okay so this is just a this is a policy the update for those who have been following but I think last meeting meeting before I was talking about the upcoming climate bill that was going through the legislature yeah and so oh was it say today that it didn't pass oh yeah yeah I didn't have time to read it I just page yeah so the basic thing was that the legislature was going to limit the size of which municipalities could regulate so it could be a threshold top threshold of 25 megawatts for wind or solar and a top threshold for 100 megawatts for energy storage and then there's a whole bunch of other stuff and the Senate and the house because there's such a functional legislature couldn't agree so by July 31st the session ended at midnight they didn't agree so there was no compromise bill so neither house could vote on it so that whole two-year episode is now done um my personal read is that there's huge pack because they there's a lot of things that didn't do there's an economic bill there's a housing Bill all this kind of stuff um so the governor's threatening to call him back into special session but I think reading the quotes from Senator Barrett and R Ro who are the co-chairs they still don't agree so I don't necessarily think coming back for special session will get them anywhere if they don't agree basically what that means is beginning of January the next legislative session starts and then it's another two-year session and it's resets to zero so right now in terms of us what exists now exists until something else happens so well I'm really willing to call us into uh special session if that'll help solve the problem you have their power you know um so so when once it it ends uh you know it the legis the process that's got here so far is is WIP clean yes but like you know since they've done obviously done a lot of talking in work can't you kind of FastTrack some of that through if it or is it kind of like you are so rational so so the steps are the session starts in January and then all the legislators get assigned committees so presumably the chairs will stay the same but given the controversy from those and then all the members have to get assigned so by the end of January members get assigned to the committee this is a joint committee so it's Senate and House and one committee and then the first two weeks or three weeks of January all the legislators have to file their bills so the bills that started this whole process have to get refiled and they could build on the Past St but then they have to get a hearing and both and it's so so people are less likely to jump on board with legislation that person I I think they have to come to some kind of agreement I mean my my general sense from Reading I mean I've read both bills but the house was all about permitting and sighting and the Senate was about permitting and sighting plus a bunch of other stuff right um policies around any fossil fuel etc etc so it's either going to go wide or going to go narrow to get to agreement were they in the same place with permitting and pretty much yeah I mean the threshold are the same I do want to yeah yeah much as I do like the the topic um we yeah thank you um anyone else uh I I just want to quickly you know thank youone for coming you know it's uh I know Ashley has been juggling a lot I was more on the lawn like you know maybe 40 minutes ago um so thank you it's nice to uh see your faces in person I I appreciate there's no okaye we uh say our names for the people there yeah um sure uh yeah go let's uh starting with Michael I want to do a quick introduction for Mark and Liz and anyone watch this on YouTube Michael di tech support I'm Ashley P Jeff T th and I'm Nathan Murphy all right can I approve this message does anyone know the network security was just password I can tell you because I got into it now uh what's next on our agenda I'm G to skip over land owner education and guidance for the time being we might kind of circle back there especially if anyone comes on um we're you know we want to talk about uh Mark's special tourament um catch anyone up right uh happened was Mark emailed us he was asking about the conservation restriction and how that could play out if there was a transfer of ownership on the parcel and he indicated he got a curve cut and we said well you know that uh violates one of the conditions of the parment you're not supposed to get a curve cut until you get the conservation restriction um so there's been a little bit of back and forth uh in the Mark has emailed us and uh you he had some uh some questions that we can talk about tonight uh real quickly before we get into that part Mark um I touch department and you know their position on this sort of thing with uh the curb cut was you know they kind of look at it from a strictly Highway Department kind of uh vantage point you know they do have the Conservation Commission uh Pi a peek and and sign off on it um presumably for you know Wetlands considerations and if it doesn't have any snags with from that perspective they just issue the permit you know they're not they're not doing any additional research um so that's that's where that is right now that's like an FYI uh the second thing is I did talk to the building inspector Jim Hawkins up at burkov and essentially with a situation like this where the planning board or you know for for on T purposes any permit granting Authority whether it's a zoning you know permit or it could could be the concom in theory right um if there's some kind of thing like this where you have a condition and a perit um that it might not be readily apparent that it you know is or is not in compliance uh you know we should communicate with the building inspector's office about those situations so that they know yeah you know I can't issue any permits for this partial unless they have a conservation restriction in place or whatever the case may be right so that's something moving forward whenever we deal with this sort of thing and we should be and making sure that we're in touch with uh perog or you know the building inspector's office as needed um you know there there is you know some expectation that they are going to be doing their due diligence as well um and you know we'll probably talk about this more later um is it's kind of like a more of a focused item um but you know like just for example right another thing we're talking about tonight uh later on the agenda is a a zba site plan review for an accessory dwelling unit on Leever Road here and that's a situation where a permit was issued by the building inspector before they even got a site CER review right and then was that was a someone new right so um the idea is you know we'll probably try and be you know proactive communicators in the process to try and do what we can do to make sure that uh we don't have any kind of snap booos like the one that's going on down the street right now we're going to talk about later um and now I would like to uh you know open up the floor uh from Mark you had email us and and more or less offered uh to tear up the curb cut um permit and uh you know I I said I didn't have any comment on that at the time obviously have have you done that at this point or or or no no our last conversation by email um you said why I'll come to the meeting we have the discussion so my the first thing I want to say is I apologize I'm uh I'm getting a little bit older and I've got some issues that are um taking away from my clarity I think some time so I was looking at something else and uh trying to meet the requirements of that permit and uh your permit says very specifically don't get anything until you have the Conservation Commission uh or conservation easement in place at after I went back and reviewed it when you had given me that first email so I do apologize for it my suggestion to Nathan the email was um you know cutting back the trees that's just reging of the maintenance in the in the um current Drive path I don't think that's an issue at all but the um obviously getting the curb cut was a violation it wasn't intentional um it's I'm fine with calling up the DPW and having them throw it away I mean it's a simple process to go through in the future for myself or or a buyer of the property and have them do that uh get the curb cut later on I've talked to the building inspector and he said there absolutely no concerns whatsoever Conservation Commission commission said the same thing nothing's going to change so um if it's me or somebody else in the future they can get it so my suggestion so I get back on uh in line with my permit is to call the DPW tomorrow or email him tomorrow and have him destroy the permit or the curb cut and then that takes care of it um again with my apologies it wasn't intentional to do I'm all you know sent you if I was trying to get away with it I certainly would have S wouldn't have sent an email saying hey you know I got my curve cut you know looks like I'm working toward my building but but you bring up a really good point and um I'm though I spent a lot of time with the board I'm not on it so I'll just throw this out is that uh you do bring up a very good point how does the building inspector know my 18 acres is buildable in the first place there has to be something that ticks his box that tells him that he can go forward with giving a permit on that piece of property so I would think that that would tell him there's a special permit obviously there's some sort of glitch there where he's well by the the sounds of what's going on down the street is that they're not checking uh to make sure whatever is necessary is in place is that his responsibility or yours I suppose it's a little bit of both to try to make sure the communication's open um but I will uh I will make sure on my stuff uh that I'm following that the permit I have it sitting right next to me right here and I'll make sure that whenever I go forward I'm very careful um going on my question to the board was I've called three conservation I don't know what what do you call them conservation easement people um conservation help me guys what do you call a conservation yeah yeah you know um Land Trust uh Land Trust like kestral trust yeah so I've called three of them and they've all said they're uh too busy and have no interest and uh that was one the other two didn't even bother to call me back I called three times each um so I think that's the same case with them somebody had mentioned earlier on that conservation commissions can hold the easement and uh I'm curious if that would be I mean I think that meets the requirements of the board I guess I would have to solicit the Conservation Commission to ask their opinion but it seems like the easiest way to do it uh my interest because I'd like to think I'm a person my word we' worked really hard and long to get this done is to um I say that and here I went and made a mistake on the on the permit but that was not by by wasn't meant to be so um I would I would like to think that while I own it no one will be doing anything in the conservation areas and when I sell it the per people in my advertisement I make it very clear that there's a lot of restricted land there uh you guys have a great system where you put all the permanent information regarding I guess every one of these online so it was great to to find that I didn't realize it existed one of the customers told me about it and um I've been able to share that with each customer so they know what permits are in place and what's required of them and I've told them that everybody I've had tremendous interest in the property nobody has well one person pulled the the trigger and actually put put it on deposit but they backed out days later because one person was interested and I think the other part of the couple was not as excited about building a house it's a lot of work so I think it's to Go Pro possibly before winter but if not whenever it goes it'll go but I'd like to get the conservation easement put in place um to solidify this and keep it moving forward I know we get two years so it's a year and a half or so left but I'd rather just get taken care of so do you see any concerns from the board if I solicit the Conservation Commission of shutesbury and have them get on board to take the easement I don't think we have you know from what I recall there's nothing in the permit that was prud you from uh you know having the Conservation Commission hold the lean on the U yeah you hold the CR on on the property we have in the past urged people to ask the Conservation Commission there you go say again it's hard it's a little hard to see hear you guys so can you repeat that um we have in the past asked people to ask the Conservation Commission to do this I mean that it hasn't worked out on those occasions but but we did make the suggestion okay is it because the Conservation Commission wasn't uh interested or it just was didn't work out time but it's not all the same people now so gotcha was that that was when when we oi the first one yeah the first one yeah yeah and and we urged deari too but in both cases the the concom didn't want to do it but but they're not the same right and I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of fee has to be paid every year for them to take the time to come down and inspect it and maybe that's you know and if itus something will help them feel comfortable doing it well I think they they do have a lot of other work that's for sure yeah okay I'll give that a try and if anybody has any suggestions on other um trusts that would be interested in taking this I would uh love to hear it because I'm having a I'm hitting a road block which ones did you talk to Mark besides I have to go back on the notes again I'm not as sharp as I used to be but it was KL trust it was the um was about Grace Grace yeah Grace and then there was one other and I can't remember which one that was Franklin County Frankin County yeah it's it's mostly West County but it it's still there's they're much smaller but if it wasn't one of those you could try them I think that was a third and I'm pretty sure that was the third and I think they said something about being a little farther out than they want to go and they would have have to charge a sizable amount to go do the inspection something of that fashion I could be getting them mixed up but um all three were roadblocks yeah I I will say just FYI you I think it was actually when we when we updated the open space design a few years ago one of the conversations was getting someone to do the conservation restriction is one of the harder Parts Just Because unless it's a really big parcel yeah feel like they know to monitor it given other responsibilities is so it's it's a good concept it's the operationalizing that is the challenge I think hey do you think an engineering firm would take it on I mean could that work I have I have no idea I think they they have to have some ability to do the conservation restriction and I'm not sure who who gets it I don't think you just get to raise your hand I think there's some process involved but I don't but I don't know you mean some sort of approval by the state or something before you can just take a conservation restriction I I I think but I you know it's only I only think that because it's usually land trusts or bodies similar to that right I'm just thinking environmental Engineers possibly say again I said I'm just thinking that if maybe if they have a division that's environmental Engineers that they might have something that allows them to hold land for their clients as well I'll check with uh um yeah there's a big one down in um in Connecticut my guy worked for uh he's now retired as well my my envir environmental guy so I'll give them a call tomorrow and see if they can turn me on to who they use I mean they must have come into this all the time let's kind this off does anyone have anything else you know does everyone feel kind of comfortable with what's going on here does anyone feel like they need to know anything else I just wanted to express my thanks about the ripping it up I think that gets us back on track and I appreciate you suggesting that best I can do you know that's that's fine you know simple mistake you know uh you know Mark as far as this uh your issue with obtaining the conservation restriction um right now all I can say you know try the concom try the place and concut you know harass the people you've tried again already uh Tom it could potentially be costly I don't know it's allow but can an owner form a 501c3 that conforms to conservation I don't know but but you're you're welcome to you know uh pursue any Avenue uh that you see fit but you know essentially um you know I think you know we would talk we I would be happy to talk about this again um at some point closer to the expiry of the uh permit you know when that uh would lapse um you know I think we'll we'll check in with you and see where you're at with it but you know in the meantime you know I just got to tell you to to keep a habit and uh I wish you the best of luck and of painting um I appreciate yeah it sounds great what I'll do is uh I'll send the DPW an email tomorrow asking to resend the curb cut and I will CC you guys on their response showing that they've gotten rid of it thank you Mark and I'll just ask everyone here you know keep your ears open uh for this sort of thing and uh you if you do hear anything uh let me know and I'll Rel late it to Mark that'd be great mark thank you very much for your time um no know I just waving I was waving to mark but he can't see yeah we'll see you thanks again have a good night guys take care EXC okay so uh this um now do we let's let's uh let's talk about um the Wheelock site visit I don't know if you are thinking about leaving early Ashley no I'm fine you're fine okay fine I mean if we're here we're not till but you well if if if that's the case then just itation okay okay um very good no you know I was just you know I know you know so thank you you know Ashley mentioned you know she got leaving town in the morning oh okay um just checking where we're at yeah I can't look at well actually never mind that I can't look at my email to give you all the advice that oh because you can't connect get in oh you know what here really it's fine when we get to that I can here in the meantime try and try see if you can get that in there side Clos Oh I thought that was a thing no doesn't no you don't you know it doesn't even fit no it doesn't ethernet so right there's that to be a Wi-Fi password written down somewhere can I run around and look I mean yeah you can run around look now we're finished with that so um go to you didn't need it TR the I'm cursed with this kind of stuff is it okay well you guys are working on that start talking about there is a u oh No Just sorry I application for a site panel VI yeah for an accessor unit okay we're back okay did did you get it it's go ahead so uh they started work down the street here on Accessory apartment um it it kind of maybe it looked like a uh where is it exactly on Le Road no no like between here and like um yeah very close to town center um it's the har Hawkins House yes yeah it's the Hawkins house and I have some stuff up uh email about it that's it right there you to you want to pull up that one will be [Music] fine 27 pages is that 27 Pages yeah oh you know what go uh go back um and open up the other one this is 30 30 pages yeah so that has is this you want yeah that's that's the one um so you probably uh share that you want to if you want to sh well yeah yeah we can share it if you want um there's no like to share with huh there's no one like to share with yeah but if you well I guess yeah that's true well this is online I don't know if this is uh interested in this item but um okay you know kind of it's good to share it because that way if you know anyone goes on online there you go so uh yeah we're we're just you know we've been asked to look at this by the zba and you know by kind of giving them my response that says we looked at it no comment or we looked at it here's our comments we'll like be part of the process that allow them to proceed with uh dealing with this request um they've uh you know so what happened was the you know building inspector's office issued a permit and error because they didn't realize that it was a requiring site time review and didn't check for that and um yeah got ahead of themselves so that was uh from what I understand understand that was maybe someone new there and it it fell through the cracks I think they're trying to look more closely at things now but anyway um so then it kind of uh came to the town's attention and there was a stop work rep it for them yada yada y now I thought there may have been an issue with it I talked to John and initially there was this question of uh John Thompson at the zba right and there was a question of the setback from the front of the lot that was what the issue could have been however the zoning bylaw for accessory uh apartments on the bottom it say what's required yeah front set that require 10 ft I don't know they got the 10 that's two there's no there's no that's right yeah yeah was that that you oh the Z here interesting so uh the 10 foot um setback my guess is that that is a uh something maybe in the subdivision control law or something in State Statute that they got you know I don't know if you you remember like in the subdivision control law there's there's some things about uh I don't know if it's front you I think with Frontage every now and again they say you know uh it has to be at least 20 ft or 30 you know you know what I mean like there's some times where they say you know it's whatever the zoning says but at least this much um so maybe it's the number uh I think I think I think you're on the right track I I think that it is the case that in an open space design plan there have the setbacks are 10 feet okay yeah but but that's not what this is It's not what this is maybe they saw that and put it in there um this is prepared by the you know the contractor right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um So based on this right you know that that was it um now Michael you will find let's see uh we go to yeah page three is the site um is that yeah so we don't see a well or a septic system on this and from what I saw in here there wasn't any diagram of that um I think that the uh you know from what it says there's a comment down at the bottom of the document I think on maybe page 30 or so 28 29 and where they oh yeah uh on the top of page 30 letter B we go there yes please and then yeah if you want to try and any to rotate it oh try that uh oh do no here hold on one second all right oh it says the site plan review for an accessory apartment may only be approved subject to obtaining any required approvals from the Board of Health and they say we need to know how to obtain this information we expect that this approval has been obtained by the furog building department we cannot find a way to obtain this information uh so that would be problematic for them um so that's I think and then um you know I think John's aware John told me about this so he's aware of it but there's the uh the the diagrams don't show any smoke detectors and one of the places that uh this would go is the uh fire department okay you can stop buing your heads now so what do you want to to go to um page 30 top top that's it um be right there s review who need to know how to obtain this information so that's you know they're gonna have to figure that out I [Music] assum so that's it I think um you know does anyone else you know have anything they want to look at or any questions I did because I wasn't sure in the ZB knew who was going to pursue the questions that about the Heights and I don't know if it's the planning boards perie or what but the questions that I heard whether the height was conforming the square footage of the accessory unit the number of when I was going over this stuff earlier today I believe that the addition raises the height of the building from 23 to 24 okay because they talk about 32 yeah so it's those numbers are relevant the um accessory apartment currently is allowed to be up to 800 but CH La made a point at the last CBA meeting that the massachusett regulations are most likely going to become up to 900 and the one floor of this accessory un appear to be around 840 exterior feet but there is another story and so it was left as a question as to whether it would be over 9.4 ft um of heated fors and then um the question of parking spots was brought up because they weren't like this hadn't been handed in yet so I don't know if that's been addressed and then they said it all was on the footprint but there are decks I believe have the new plan and the question was whether the decks might extend into any sort of setback area because it's a informing footprint at sub so the way I understood it was the height the size of the accessory dwelling the number of parking and whether any of the decks would affect sub I I was interested in what you said about that that our 800 foot requirement and and the state maybe changing it yeah Jeff brought up that there's a new housing Reg ation of sorts I don't know the name of it but it's essentially this is just for the last CBA moving it's more likely to not going to pass the Massachusetts uh government which would um change it would have the effect one effective effect would be that the definition of an accessory dwelling would the size of it would be limited to 900 feet or half the size of the existing blun whichever is small and that would contradict our 800 foot limit so would essentially shoots very limited to 900 ft but that's not the case today that's not the case today and then um another aspect of it is that it won't require the Massachusetts level regulations that it's a relation of their family or owner who lives in the accessory D Jeff brought it up as a caution just to keep in mind should this accessory delling be a little more than 800 but not 900 was essentially what he was saying could be a scenario that we the planning board might be able to accept seeing as it probably go up to 900 but there was no definite answer during that DDA meeting of whether of the square footage of was successfully exterior was 840 but given that the interior is smaller it's probably close to 800 as is on the one floor but then je bjin I think is his name said from fur oh but I don't put any s for the calculation I think the changes are part of the whole state push stre to address the housing shortage correct and so they're added to like because I last I when we were talking about this earlier in the year I think there's only 30 communities in the state that have accessory gring unit eys you know this is oneth of the entire State 21 yeah so I think they're cying it so that there's more flexibility and my sense would be based on what you're saying when it passes you might want to just revisit our bylaws and make you know make them so they're compliant but that's an easy fit once it's law I mean it's it's not like we can be different but reminds like that paperwork be the same so but I would just be a recognition that our R don't supersede yes exactly yeah I think when we had those really fun meetings with Chuck deari about height and uh the lake it became clear that this kind of stuff is it's it's zv zba perview for the decision it just would be us in terms of a bylaw making changes that's my sense be is that yeah yeah interesting yeah I wasn't sure in the evva meeting whose questions those were to discuss right so just repeating what I heard but in terms of measurement it's my understanding that that the exterior measurement of script think would include the bom and I don't think that counts oh I don't yeah I mean I think there are technical technical requirements about how you measure that may or may not be in beond this yeah I could see well yeah and it's just well and you know the that's def on the building code I presume right yeah but but but the exterior measurement is not going to get it to you right of course no no yeah he didn't have the site plan at the time of believe we you he was going up and what he had available I don't know what those uh yeah so anyway um basically uh you know I would uh I would say we can say I we looked at it and um you know the only thing we would say is to make sure you get the uh approval from the Board of Health as as needed and any uh required um you know and you know updates to the uh plans to uh as necessary to to show the well and AC setic you know if that's needed I don't know if we even say let just say yeah yeah make sure you get the approval the port of health and that's about it right good otherwise no no no further comment yeah I think based on what Tom said really the situation is as long as it complies with our current bylaw the planing words to it and if they want to wait a little bit until we get superseded that's up to them it's strategy but right now whatever is in place they just have to comply oh yeah we can just say yeah as long as it complies with the current bylaw we're good yeah because I did get the impression from Becky's note they would like to see this get get resolved oh yeah of course yeah yeah no I mean you know so um all right so you know I would entertain a motion that I'll I'll send a note to uh to the zba indicating that the planning board is reviewed and uh that the only thing we would say is that if we're okay with it that that as long as it complies with the so and a second second okay very good further discussion no all right I want to call the RO g hi P hi boner hi hi won and Zer hi and that's everyone okay very good thank you so much um so much easier transition just if you have a time it's not a long even that's EV was really I should go so much online you play it at one and a halfed or something but everything that Jeffy talked about and what they talked about with the perent accidentally being allowed it was glad I attended this just there did you have a problem in the past with perog not like the building inspector not knowing about special permits and stuff it's not a surprise no I mean he's been there a long time hins has but their largest schools can not getting hassles um I mean really I mean they're not they're not not going to be adequately attention to what want they want things to go smoothly and and this is part of what happens so when we approve a special permit I'm I'm assuming we have to file it with the county but the we well we don't file they the owners file the yeah so is there a mechanism where we like we send like if we have our new land use f so we just point of operations have them send a special perment that's approved C we have not and I think this gets back to what Nathan was talking about earlier hasn't been our practice and I think that you know given I don't know I think lack of hard ass quality at the building in I this is an ongoing thing and I think it's just the nature of the okay that's good to know what perhaps do with s he the times I think cynical is appropriate we we'll kind of check in once CL situated I uh yeah Michael said something about that earlier what do we well we know that uh we do have a new Landing SP H right yeah and I was here today I saw that the owl was here and I left but talk to Grace briefly um and and she said that he's met with Carrie and the laptop has been handed over so he has the laptop now and they did a training session because I walked in at them right and uh I just happened to I was looking for a meeting and they were both here so it was their first meeting and she was sort of orienting him but I was telling Dean I mean he was the reporter for the reminder you know so he's a good writer you know he's he's covered our meetings so he has good orientation about stuff so I'm PR helpful in that regard yeah yeah I get to sit with um with Becky and John and yes who's the chair of the Conservation Commission yeah I just yeah um so anyway we you know the four of us had a little interview with him sometime ago shortly thereafter you know Becky brought to the select board and they said has done deal I think Michael was there for EAP or something like that and kind of heard it like right away good so he is you know hired apparently he's done some training um you know I kind of you know he's a should be getting the uh maybe I don't know if he has access to the L use C email yet so that could be a gap where you know I'm kind of relying on the L supposed to be getting some of these emails and if he's not doesn't have access yet then uh that could be problematic I was trying to get in touch with Becky today but that didn't happen she was at a school committee meeting at the elementary school at the time that I was trying to get in touch with her and that's that so uh for next time I would imagine we'll be able to uh get in touch with him ahead of a meeting and uh you know we should be B then I would expect may he be as good as hard hard so who are the honor of okay now uh I do have a review and approved minutes uh but I realized that I was supposed to put the dates of the meetings for which the minutes we might review were which I did not do okay I didn't do it on purpose kind of kind of maybe but it within hours of our meeting they were the uh what's that the on that the ones I did yeah zipped them in you did yeah you did yeah after I just give myself credit that's yeah yeah credit go just where so you I don't know if anyone uh you know read them and does have any edits that they would like to talk about now for the last meeting pull up it was the one M right one with yeah yeah I got that July looks great yeah that's right unless anyone Michael unless anyone has anything specific I think we can just okay something no I said I read these these were I just had to look at it again to remember we make a motion the I sat in on this office she's she's H not wait what on What making you're like no I'm D on cookies I do like do those have nut butter in them as well as like are they like molasses Nut Butter it's peanut butter with um brown sugar regular and like cus and cinnamon andil but none of them very much so they kind of so good yeah somebody something something like peanut butter do the C in wanted to try PE I like it yeah it's a nice re I love Theon you guys realize why he made peanut butter cookies oh yes they got they could be called TB cookies because you know we are the PB okay I'll say it the um the dessert award for the plants of the um I uh univers meeting I can't remember did you I did not pay for that okay I the competition the first time next to it one participant has Ood like these guys are just eating chips and salt now we just get to watch ourselves up there okay so um we site visit so we're good with we're good with minutes yeah yeah we can't approve them the data um okay so it looks like it is set for 10:30 on the 8th um which is is that Thursday um right I don't know I don't know the address I don't know the address I should yeah I don't either and so that was something to talk about but so he says please he says 10:30 sounds fine just ensure that all participants are wearing pants have at least closed toad shoes preferably safety Tow and have safety glasses and hard hats oh he said we have hard hats if they need them yeah I think so okay and I said got it thank you and I said I would relay that to the board and yeah I have no idea I mean I know it's on PR corner but I don't I can tell you where it is yeah I can't go I'm G be in the ocean next summer I'll plan things with and sorry I think it's a problem we bring our hard hats but not our pants I think you should try and see what happens I think wearing pants is really good [Laughter] F so if you go down let's see how to describe it next to where Miram lives is it it's Pastor huh it's Pastor so if you go to the junkyard where the hard turn is yeah well from which direction from the top of the hill okay oh yeah if you're coming up so if you're coming up the hill it's on the left right that big thing on the left no it's hard to see it's it's on the right for you if you're coming Warehouse it's coming you're it's on the right it's almost the top I don't have you go right corner a lot you know I don't even know I know there's um right corner his Sand Hill the Sand Hill goes up oh yeah keep I'll tell you what go to Google Maps make sure it's on satellite it's the only solar field in shsb you can see it from space it's the only one it's the only solar field in shoot is address yeah it has a technical address because the fire department needs to go there so oh so it's past Miram on the right no no no is it Center it's before V add is CRA Point yes looks like a drive oh I see so yeah when you're cor it's here oh at oh mik is doing the same so here's Clark that's the the big junkyard this is the hard turn if you're coming up the hill and soon after that on the right and there's one house across from it and so Miram would be further down on the left Miriam is this is Reed Road which you'll know there's a little there's a pull off now with big rocks yeah when you go up there you you'll see it you know that's my house you know you look down the road and there's a chain link fence gate right there there's some telephone poles with big electrical equipment on there you're like oh there must be some electric stuff yeah I see that but that's not where it is that is no Street people no Street people CRA Corner my God that's just rude where where's the all the electrical stuff by the side of it's it's it's right there um no no no no no he's talking about the substation no no no not the substation that's what he's asking that's what I'm asking about substation is down here the cemeter here okay it's wait okay that's drive you drive you drive you go past the Amorous watershed this is all the Amorous Watershed in here and then just keep driving till you make the hard right okay and you'll see the the clks it's a smidge down but yeah I got it I got it in my head just if you hit Leever Road You' gone too far that's true when you hit the New Hampshire line definitely turn back definitely turn back I know New Hampshire hit the New Hampshire sou North I know New Hampshire right so it looks [Music] like Michael what yeah what day it's th at 10:30 1030 about two hours oh um will it really be only yeah I didn't know if that you went last time I mean we wed we had something to look at last time which was Troublesome you know so we had to expect but I mean once you get through the gate you walk up the road and then you get all the panels on the left and you can walk around there as much as you want but that's not B exciting and then what we did last time with the concom is we had an issue with the raining water rules whatever they're call um so we looked to that a bu I can't imagine there something yeah exactly does somebody have a list or well I don't think we know anymore because we didn't return after you told them to fix it they reported that they fixed it and I think Jeff went down there oh he did yeah he did like he didn't need to go onsite either because it's outside I mean so there's a gate when you go from crack Corner Road you know within like 50 yards of crack Corner Road there's a gate that would prevent you from passing with a vehicle but it's just a gate that crosses the road you can just walk around it right and you can walk up to where the facility is and the detension pool is outside of it right so that was where the work is being done um and you know in addition to some other places that you know was there was some wash out on a road um going into it and then there was something about uh you know the the drainage by on the side of the road um actually inside the facility um you know you would have been able to see that through the fence if you wanted to but basically at some point Jeff came to the board and said hey you know I took a look everything seems fine um and I was like it was on the report report it was on the annual report for fiscal year 2023 so uh that's when it happen and uh that's that anyway um yeah you know so unless you you know you see some stuff that you want to look at you'll be going yeah and you'll be going think everyone here except for where will we meet I mean go there the I mean I I think I'd just be looking to see how the growth is happening because it was not very successful what was growing back ter of the poat met up which is really so as far as your list um the special permit condition that makes sense yeah and um so yeah that's that um I think uh we're done on this up problem yeah I'm really glad that someone suggested I think it's good that it's happening I wish I could go it seemed like it was hurting cats for a little while yeah like two different people and uh they they just you know threw out a date like three days in the future they're like hey we're going to be there like sorry that's not work was a little bit of back and forth but worked out did we have a discussion a few months ago about the content of their report I remember feeling like it was the annual report spinning back so not much helpful information yeah um I think yeah I was talk about you know it's uh but you know nothing okay nothing came of it so that would be you know if somebody wanted to talk to them about that you could um I looked at the report you know with the L of you know what is the uh the clause on the special perment say give us a report I give us a report yeah I don't know I don't know if there's any yeah once a year by some date right but I don't know if there's any any further kind of you know stipulation in there that you know you could say is not being met I'm just want toer active and say this is the information that we would find ful to know you know like it would be nice to know you know energy generated um you know any known issues that came up that required maintenance um you know I don't know if what kind of health and status because there is energy storage on the site if you get to know what you any you know because it's automatic it's monitored from Florida remotely so you get to know that there's any trouble calls I mean all that kind of stuff St you might be able to uh well I I won't be part of that obviously I mean I'm happy to relay questions like that to them in the future and some establish I think we should probably talk to them about um what sort of inspections they do following significant yeah I thought we required something no that was in the new byw we reort something but yeah we should ask that question that's that's what bad stuff happen and those seem to happen all the time you say these days yeah so there is lithium battery storage there you got approve by the planning board before there's General awareness what it was you know I I understand from a conversation with someone in in pum that there are two types of energy storage with energy storage there one with Cobalt that catches on fire and there one with um Iron that isn't quite as effective but doesn't tou oh that's good for yeah so that would be good to know in terms of um yeah you know if they plan on if things happen that that is required another s right oh you know other thing that's huge is the annual report updating contact information because the Personnel Chang and just you know the whole idea is that an emergency we want know who to call not be Googling yeah now there's a few things in that permit that you yeah go down thank you but I don't think so right lithium um large lithium battery storage in the town or there others how about I don't know no there are not others except the one that's going next to your house they can't there a veral pawn but excuse my ignorance and what's going on this your house I just made it up uh oh that's a fire it's the Intruder Alert now excuse my greator this is the we we're talking about the we site we are yes yeah that's how it was okay just yeah making sure that I am it was about I'd say maybe two years after the site went in they came back for the the battery storage I think that was roughly speaking and this is how many acres of um Sol you know about is there like 30 CLE 30 cleared I'm not sure what you're ready total 30 cleared but less less than that less that yeah yeah because you got to have AED yeah might say like that sign right there just make sure that's the right thing look at the decision H is that the decision report which we got in March so if we wanted to put a thing on our agenda for maybe like September yeah we PR for febru it's due in February 15 2025 so just we could say we'd like to know these things yeah like you do the site use site plan you know after that you're G you maybe things maybe invite one of them to the meeting right you can kind of C all that stuff should be relatively straightforward there's nothing no no action items whatever from visit and was this um Po's land oh still no just I'm just I'm trying to get up to speed with because this happened before I got on PL utility leases the next flid I know they the land behind my house to what was one before before it was the two guys from Chicago cred to fall 40e leas of lak side L side there you go behind yeah this is this is the third big okay but it's the land that's two probably not gonna happen but that happen like I don't know deal those guys cared about our they bought a membership for the AC did they oh yeah that's still US Energy well they literally were in the credit Thea swap business before they did this yeah that's had that in 2008 true environmentalist what maybe before they lost somebody and and that's here say folks that's not any statement individuals that's a broad uh statement about financial services lienes so I'm looking at this report maybe it would be good before you go on the visit to have a look um is that sent to us was that already I can re forward it to you I have it like buried in a folder that would be great I'll just for it the planning great I think at one point I might have I the last you're so close we're talking housing yeah yeah we done with we okay yeah so I don't have uh too too much on this unfortunately yeah I'm not sure uh what we'll do OB you know we can do something to you know make uh accessory dwelling units easier um and we could do something tiny house oriented but that's problematic right because in doing so you're gonna have one of two things right one would be the current building lot requirements which you know 200 250 ft of front edge and what's the acreage 90,000 squet 90,000 anre and a half 9,000 is just over two just over two that's so uh you that's that's kind of a lot of land for a tiny house right if you're just doing one um so yeah it's um it's not clear how how you know zoning changes specific to tiny houses could be beneficial and you on to the the issues with economics but there being no sewer or water right so doing I think that's I think you could do I think open space would provide some relief on on the price of right but but but this but the well and the that to make it work from an economic point of view you've got to be able to develop some sort of system where a tiny house that's not P great for well an accepted of its own I okay before we um I was G to build on that yeah no I do too so uh but with an open space design you you don't have friends requirements and you don't have lot siiz requirements right so you can have smaller ons yeah yeah but but it doesn't solve it doesn't do anything for the well incepted yeah what you well two thoughts one I mean on the open I mean on the tiny house issue the other scenario that I thought of last year which is problematic is that I don't think it changes what you're saying Beacon but even if you were able to Cluster them you're effectively creating a funkier version of a mobile home park because you have lots of little you know you're you're changing the character of the neighborhood by having lots of people living close proximity to each other so that's a townwide discussion like you're saying okay in this part of town lots of people can live in close quarters which is different from the Zoning for the rest so that's a big conversation but I think where I've gotten to thinking about this a bit given what Deacon's saying about the requirement for water and utilities I haven't looked into what we require for multi- dwelling units but it seems like that's the that's where you create affordable housing where if you have one structure or you have a couple of structures that have multiple units in them then you only have one we and you only have one septic or you only have whatever and I don't know how much how many human beings a septic can hold but it seems like that's a way to do it but I haven't looked at what our zon allows and then there's the practicality of like how much water can a well how many people can a well support and how much how many people can a septic support if you had 15 people 20 people is that those are but those are questions from the board yes yeah again and again we kind of come back to Bo so maybe I should or you know maybe we have a arrange some sort of a joint meeting or at least I can reach out to them they may have some ideas but but I do think that those that those those infrastructure cost for for living space just have to be have to be smaller yeah so why did we uh prohibit trailer we when we redid the zooming we we we carried over that prohibition from very very old zoning that preceded all of us because we didn't want to so was already on the books has a little mobile home yeah at the bottom of the hill well it has went across from the school yeah yeah yeah right what's that Helen has a little mobile home yeah place across from the community center yeah that's right um and they're building you know what what you're talking about a multi-unit delling and it's affordable housing so they must have something for that well I think the two I mean the two things to strike me one is just conceptually moving away from the requirement of single family homes is important then there's like some of hel I think might have water and sewage from Amor so if you have that all of a sudden it opens up possibilities different thing it would be interesting to look at other towns that are similar with infrastructure to shury and see if they're what they're doing and I'm curious if if you all know I mean is it true that if you don't have a certain percentage of your housing in your town as affordable that your zoning bylaws can be superseded if someone wants to come in like what's happening right because I remember you saying we should be paying attention to that because yeah we faced that thre we have we have with PS I figured where were they thinking where they want possible I think they were they were threatening that before before the town decided to pay the inflated price2 hey Roberts and CO's were getting together wow that's a that's the 90s right yeah well been yeah yeah it's It's Tricky I mean I will say I remember like 10 years ago through work I had a so perog P valy apping Comm have a website with all these stats about all the municipalities they serve and one of them is that that about how many towns have the 10% VI I mean really Viti and I think it speaks to the rural character I mean there's there's some places like you know presumably like a b they have water in septic and maybe they don't want that but then there's a lot of small CS going right I mean there's no public transportation you know you're your 15 20 minutes at best from a grocery store you don't have a car and a lot of times obviously with affordable housing issues but I I look at what's happening in ammer and all these these units that are being built and I and I look at all the land in shuberry and I'm I'm curious what will happen um and I also have to say you know as a teacher like in western Mass we're hemorrhaging families and our schools are struggling and it might not be the worst thing to have you know 15 or 20 affordable housing units in town to bring children to our schools and yeah s you know uh well affordable housing also comes with a very a very bureaucratic definition it doesn't mean that the housing is actually cheap right it means that it's complied with state regulations qualified right so that so that there are situations that have happened in various towns where where the quality ified housing was more expensive than than the nonot yeah mean I've looked at the prices for the affordable units in uh in anhur just out of curiosity and I can afford it you know I not a teacher like I don't have a great salary but it's pretty good it's it's a it's a it's a clunky way to deal with the problem yeah I talked to someone here on I think it's the Amorous land trust it's like a small land trust and he was explaining to me and I ran this by Rita and she shot it down for some reason I didn't understand but the land trust bought some land and then they leased it they lease it out to the Builder so you can build a house so the person living in the house owns the house but not the land and there's part of the ownership agreement is that when you sell the house there's a limit to how much profit you can make on it you know so you can't just lip it to make money yeah and and the value is always deated because you don't own the land and I mean we have yeah so there's a trust that owns the land right and then the house is on yeah and uh and then we have we have our CPA money none of our CPA money for housing you know because there's three categories you can do Recreation housing this start and I don't think we ever use our housing like just building up so you ped that to Rita and and she shot it down yeah she said there's some reason it didn't work but I didn't I didn't understand her didn't work I can forward you the email I didn't understand why she said that won't work in SHO spray or something like that and I just didn't I didn't push to get clarity I was like this is a little complicated she's the housing expert I was just passing on an idea here yeah you know I mean I encountered that like you know looking at some properties in poo was like a row house that was under that and I was wondering why the price of was so cheap you know it's it's an interesting concept because on one hand you're you have uh you know something that's within in reach for someone uh to you know be you know own their own home um but then on the uh on the other side of the coin right then they're robbed of the benefit of home ownership if you get some Equity they just don't they can't maximize it right so like if you bought it for 200 maybe you can sell it 250 is close to four you know that kind of thing right right I mean just you know yeah it's uh that's so interesting yeah and I think it that that part of it I think can get pretty complicated Yeah well yeah what you know how long they've had it and how much the Market's you know how how do you determine the valuations and you know so on and so forth right so uh it's cool to hear just the different things that are out there so I have no idea I think in Laurel Park too in North Hampton yeah I think they don't own the land or something like that and um they're limited to how much they could sell it so I don't know anything more than that I know someone who lives there and it might be I mean if we get to that point it might be figuring out so down you know near than where you are you're closer to amoris so I don't think anyone on shsb road has amor water but know but it's it's more possible to get ammer water on shsb road than it would be up here um yeah we could get we could get it theoretically if one was to build a line and live maybe as the Cs maybe 300 yards from of the okay and how people string Electric just steal the electric you just get off well to be honest when we lost our water I went down there with the bucket and used it for toilets don't tell any we won't tell them I needed some water has anyone looked at the uh master plan it's updated what' you ask well there's a SE housing and I I was kind I haven't looked at that I haven't looked at that I was just generally speaking it's out I haven't uh looked through it it's 40 pages so I feel like that's gonna have to be I mean one thing I would is that a planning for thing or like it was it was not a it was not a planning board docum it had a lot of planning board [Music] which is this from 2008 Four something but yeah it wasn't just it never and it was never form really no the master plan right we weren't sure would so just posted everywhere yeah it was not it was not a but it's a common law master plan it's a master plan that might well been completed interesting and and you know that's interesting and and you know I've always been a little fuzzy on on Master plans to begin with like you know because I know it's out there it's it's a master yeah but uh it doesn't seem like um well we should look at it I know we had a lot of good ideas and we talked about a couple of months ago I know Keith and I were talking about updating the adding a climate section but we could also do a Housing section well there is a Housing section no no we do it like add a clim I mean one thing I we could do which I don't know if we've ever done but you know like in ecap we've had these public forums to sort of introduce ideas and solicit feedback so I mean it could be the planning board going to the select board well not even and saying we want to do a public forum to find out what people think about housing solicit ideas find out you know what gets residence what gets resistance I I do like the idea of a public forum potentially U some sort of survey or something I know a lot of Bo have done surveys the the other thing I was thinking is you know like what what seems to be like a real need in town is like a a senior house right I think there's two I mean we I just in our budgetary fights for libraries and stuff I mean the two things that that come to my come to my attention one is people who are getting older in town and you know you're on Social Security to have limited income that with the tax situation that would becomes less affordable so if you could stay in town but live somewhere else that was affordable possible and then I think to Ashley's point it's the young family like right up until Broadband we had no one moving in the way you sort of create a non- dying canvas to have new families moving in that's usually kids because we has that changed in the last four years it's a little better definitely I think my son's class in like 08 in the preschool was there was two preschools that year and there used or he was born in sorry um there used to be I think regularly two preschools and then it went down to one and it was really tiny and I feel like there's more you would know better like I think there's more is there one preschool this year or two there's um I don't know the last two years there's been one class with like you know both year you know like the threey olds and the four year olds aren the same yeah so you're saying there used to be two was two yeah when Phineas was 34 so like 10 years ago so yeah so the three and four yeah so and then just Dred like a lot and I mean the class ahead of him only had 13 kids and then it was just one when my 25-year-old was in preschool the first year she couldn't get in because it was full yeah like only only certain kids didn't get in y I remember that time period too with older friends that people couldn't get into the presol this inter understand yeah we dropped a lot like my years on the PTO there was a lot more students than there were by the time we left it was significant and it's not just Sho fa it's everywhere in I think East Hampton and Northampton are the exceptions but am Hing people B Hing people school age families well they can't afford to live here no yeah I mean if I sold my house there some way I could buy well it may not you know it might be an issue of affordability it may be an issue of demographics because if at this time there's how many people in uh your 25y Olds class oh a bunch yeah l so so you know you have these families right and you know their kids are going through the school and you know maybe they still live here and they're taking up you know they're living in houses but they don't have kids in the school system right so there's that to you know and you know so like the depending on what the you know the demographic um curve is you know with the housing stuff in town um you know if if there was all of a sudden you know I don't know what happened over the last few years obviously but obviously a lot of people moved into town bro broad yeah Broadband happened and the pandemic happened yeah I don't think there's been I don't think there's been a lot of building there has not been a lot of building but um you know there there's been plenty of real estate transfers and you know people have moved out you know people down you know probably that gets back to your point about the Dem Graphics right yeah so you know some people have moved out aged out whatever and and now you've got you know some people have moved in um that's not to say that you know affordable some affordable housing wouldn't help the issue uh what I would also wonder is if there was any say we you know Snap My Fingers now there's a senior housing facility here in shsb right here in and uh I don't know three four five six houses that you know weren't there were there before uh being occupied you know with uh some otherly folks now they moved into this I was facility and their house is uh on the market presumably and uh so that creates that availability for families to move in I know that senior housing was always thought it was a possibility on 32 yeah the in the back yeah yeah so that's Library yeah sort of like there's the library in the front and wetlands there's a lottery in the back it's I think it's a 22 and you can get access the West is that right yeah there's a Woods Ro going in is that um my my my pitch to the CPA was always to get a walking path across the street from the school go through the woods path and then come back behind the library so the kids can go to the library after school saf how dry is it I don't know I think it's dry the are more the side there's wetlands in between the library and the back which the back land I think is high it's I think it's pretty wooded and that but that that woodlock is that on CO's land is that a CO's road I don't think so where is it uh it's on off West but it's farther down I mean I want it feels like I feel like I remember someone saying it was um m it's something it's it's not C I know that well I apparently had a tow anyway but if you had new say you had new people moving into the hous was vacated by people moving into senior housing it still doesn't address the affordability because presumably the people selling the house would get market rate right right no it it it doesn't uh necessarily address affordability but it could it would um presumably you know assuming some percentage of U you know resulting real estate transfers are uh you know households that are going to have you know school age children um it would address the need to you know get kids into the school yeah to to an extent so there'd be some relationship there I got one thought then I would suggest maybe Jour because that my wife part down the hill um bring to the mechanic but the one thing I was thinking about like with the land requirement is even if we make building easier it doesn't necessarily make it more affordable like if we said it's only one acre to Bild you would just build more houses but you wouldn't necessarily change the affordability that's part problem you I'm not married to you know the idea of affordable housing with respect to how as it's defined in in State Statute right and know but it seems like it's uh kind of a mix back and uh you know probably an uphill battle in this town to um to just make it economical right for a marri of reasons um but the uh and you know the the question of affordability is a reasonable one but it's it's a it's a silent need you know we don't have you know anyone in town is already uh here maybe they you know they may be struggling um but you know nothing I don't think much of what we're we could do with zoning or anything like that is going to help someone that's in a house in shsb that they can't afford um maybe I don't know you know what I'm saying though it would be interesting to note again to see if pounds or how pounds done for affordable hous if that happens or if everybody just sort of Waits For That 10% rule to not exist and so people bigger developers come in and just the other thing though like I was talking to the chair of the Ashfield energy and climate action committee about some how they proceeded with some things and there's the policy we almost brought forth about um the specialized opt-in code which would require you know electrification and solar and stuff and the conversation they had was it cost marginally more to do that for houses and what she said which was interesting was the push back of support was from young people who said you know we grew up in Ashfield we're trying to stay in Ashfield we trying to move back to Ashfield we can't afford it so the marginal difference of whether it's an electric house or not is irrelevant it's like there's a bigger affordability issue and so just from a population group point I mean I know how expensive like my older kids renting a Boston it's astronomical but if they wanted to come back here here like you know there's no way if your kid wanted to move back like unless they're moving into their old bedroom it's probably not going to happen I have a friend trying to move back right now it's like she has a job it's too expensive yeah but but these are economic forces out of our control yeah I mean it doesn't mean we shouldn't think about it but it's bigger than us of course of course and you know yes yeah so I'm I'm just not sure um where we're going to go on but you know this question of you know senior housing seems like I mean I feel like we would have to work with someone say you know one work with other entities in town I select word you know what have you but also you know start you know solicit a developer that might you know or or you know a firm that might operate some kind of P like that line it up how do you how do you kind of do that and you know is that even an appropriate role for for the planning board to to initiate that kind of a a project which I mean that's a valid question I mean I would be inclined to say you know maybe but I don't agent could do it too imagine either individual or group of individuals who are part of the board that were motivated to research it and learn the laws and talk to developers you know that's a force that make it happen well I mean I guess like you know that's obviously getting doing the work is uh the one piece of it but the the question is um is it appropriate for a planning board to you know is it within our powers you know is uh provided by Statute and or you know or or or could there be anything inappropriate about us doing so I think we can look at from a a zoning bylaw perspective to figure out if this is a goal we want the T to move towards we can draft the bylaws and bring it to town meeting for discussion but the other stuff which is looking for developer doing that that's that's probably the select board saying we want to create a working committee to figure out how to bring senior housing and that's not us so I mean I guess we could potentially you know put some pieces together and hand it to the select cour and say okay you know we see this as a need and town you know we we're willing to try and do you know whatever would facilitate this you know by way of zoning but it's kind of out of our hands in terms of the rest of it that's that might be the extent of what we can do right yeah if you think about it s it might be a good conversation with the verog for is that right people that you ever have time for that like are any of your towns talking about this and is that an appropriate thing I was just going to say like you you can imagine the inverse where there's a big push public push to create senior housing and the planning board doesn't want to see it so they don't change the zoning bylaws and they never can happen so I mean I think both has to have you have to have the the popul movement you know right and I think you know the senior housing might be something the populist could potentially get behind too so all right you know I was going to say I think we sort of mentioned it with like the transportation access and other things but I don't know if I'm sure we all think of it um there's no business and no tax spas in this town Beyond residents taxes and I think that's a huge factor to consider and it almost Works apathetically to any sort of affordable housing or affordable living once you are housed here unless you are a certain class or and if I'm correct Even in our master plan of maintaining some sort of rural character and that's almost saying maintaining is not an affordable housing structure so I just think that's got to come to the four along with the talk about affordable housing is we just going to work ever in this or one of the four neighboring as rural towns that we are and things like that so want to throw it out there another track to consider housing facility would be commercial I would hope they might have you know an opportunity to shop somewhere close by and accomplish any sort of retail needs you know we're asking people who are probably even less mobile it's always struggling there are so few businesses yeah I mean you know that's uh that may or may not be an isue yeah I I you know like uh obviously they need you know certain they have certain needs that need to be met but um you know there's always uh Russell Street just right Transportation Sol l so anyway I think it's time to uh wrap this up right um is there anything else on agenda that I was supposed to oh I never did homeowner yeah that's sorry homeowner education and guidance is officially cancelled and that's it uh so anyone make a motion all right discussion I just am uh somewhat surprised that the person who always wants to have discussion when it's time to adjourn it's not here at the inperson meeting who wants to he miss you should discuss it this is a good meeting yeah thanks everyone again um I appreciate it I you know I like this I uh you know we're going to probably have to go for a regular scheduled meeting in uh December right this Labor Day conflict Labor Day is the first Monday of the month yeah yes so second Monday we should be good um yeah we can maybe try a