##VIDEO ID:8Di-jSqHqwk## there we go all right um so so today at the recck meeting we have Christine Susie an and me that's that's it for now we'll see if um anyone else is able to attend do we need to have a certain number of people to make quum or anything like that but I don't know what it is Susie do you know what it how many people Al together we're missing three so you're missing three so there's six we're missing four saying four Barbara Baris Christine's here yeah seven is here we need a majority you need a quorum of four you need a little bit more than half one two I think we just did it Christine I think save the day I don't see oh here she is here she is excellent okay so we're good yep and and Christine so we're all here and um I motion to approve last meeting's minutes anyone in favor I think I shouldn't get involved in that because I take the minutes I never have I second and then any opposed motion passes is that it is that how I do it all right motion passes to approve last me meetings minutes great first thing we have on the agenda is the night sky event um Christine Robinson I'm G to turn the floor over to you when you're ready uh to tell us how that went okay so I'm gonna try to be professional and not let my true feelings come out so I was kind of pissed for a couple reasons because I was all by myself oh no and Barbara did come to one but um Tom was very gracious to keep adding on days that were not part of our agenda which you know whatever so this past weekend we had uh Linda and Steph I think is his name I don't remember their last name nice couple they showed up on Tom's uh invite again not part of our uh Recreation um agenda day then on the day we had for a rain date there were 10 people signed up zero nobody pissed I was freaking pissed oh nobody came to the Rain date no interesting and Dumb and Dumber which I I can call myself dumb and I called uh Tom the night of that like him and I are um not techno Weenies and we were expected to send blind emails because one dumb ass complained one time because their email blah blah blah so I saw Christine for a walk and I'm like Christine she's like I don't know how to do it I'm like wonderful I have to ask my 16-year-old kid who screams and yells at me the whole time and between Joan green my intellect which I do have a little bit once in a while and the kid I sent it out out and it was not blind and I don't care and um I I was just like I nothing against Tom but I don't think we should do it again I'm kind of jumping ahead that's my opinion it was very cool like it's very interesting to do it but if nobody shows up um and Tom doesn't have a teacher voice so here we have excuse me I'm elderly I'm 60 I'm 61 I'm probably Deaf from all the concerts I've been to um people couldn't hear him so when I saw him this weekend I do know how to talk to people professionally I was like Tom you did a really great job you know but like I know some of the people that have hearing aids and including myself like you have to like um be able to project your voice to all these people that are in a semicircle so what he said is well when they all show up I'm gonna have them all sit like side by side in the middle of whatever the this is people with masks on and whatever so you know I don't know nobody showed up anyway so whatever oh I'm sorry that didn't go out that sounds really really frustrating oh it was all good like I say me and um Linda and Stephen had him all to ourselves Friday night and it was predicted that it was cloudy but it was spectacular I saw double double planets on top on top of each other like two were on top two were on I mean I saw stuff i' never seen and that's what it's about in in being exposed to a whole world and I even got a book that Tom and Linda and Stephen have already read it but Tom is reading Galileo's daughter I went to the library because of this program and put that book on order so again I mean I got something out of it and shame on the ones that didn't and um I'm done thanks for listening okay so we'll have to revisit if that's something we want to do again uh in the future or like if there's a rain date if it gets rained out we just cancel it that's also another possibility too because it seems like people are interested initially they didn't show up like again like I actually think my husband was one of the Nosh shows to be honest now that I think about it I can relay your frustration happily but also it's the end of the summer and people are trying to get their summer in before today or yesterday first day school so again I was just gonna say that was like three that we had in the space of three or four months right I wonder if it's just it was like right Christine because the first one was really good and I wonder if it we it seemed like it had momentum but maybe it's good learning for not offering multiple sessions around the same thing um in August in August people are away it's I don't know it's hard month yeah it's big vacation month you're right was that the third time that we'd offered something that was the same program right basically the stargazing yeah yeah maybe maybe three is not a charm you know he he offered it in the beginning which I don't have all this information in front of me but he' offered it before August and then thought when the kids were out of school that it would be a good idea to do it well three's too many I guess that's just yeah yeah whatever not everything's a you know home run smashing yeah yeah all right well we'll keep that in mind for for next year or we won't keep it in mind at all one of the two all right we'll move on to family field day um so I reached out to what that okay does anyone have anything else left to say about night sky we're all good okay family field day reached out to Mr carara he's also super busy this September he can't do he said maybe reach out to me at the end of September and I'll see if I can do something in October I feel like October gets B pretty busy for families too even just like Halloween and um like all the fall events um so he might not even be available um this fall however um marann emailed the committee that she's doing good neighbor day on September 20 I think it's 2 28th 28th yes it's the 28th um from 5 to 7 um she wants to have music uh dessert she's trying to get the food truck to come um there's G to be an activity for the kids and I thought this is just my own idea I thought that could be a pivot for us to just um she's looking for volunteers and $100 to help cover the music and that could be a friendly family friendly event um so what do people think do people want to Pivot to Good Neighbor Day or do you want to keep trying to get family fun day which might be a little bit more work for us um but a couple of just for the minutes did you say it was September 28th yes I think meble check my calendar I don't know I think it's a Saturday is it Saturday yep Saturday the 28th and you said maybe a food truck music what else sorry um there's gonna be uh like I'm gonna do uh an activity for kids okay um I'm going to do a craft um what else are we gonna do I think I think it's just going to be music and food and uh potluck desserts and hanging out Christine she's looking for setup cleanup uh people to bring desserts Share info of upcoming events for the recck committee that we're doing yep and to attend and I'm Yes sounds good and it's also I think it's a Statewide thing that Mara Healy is promoting yep um so that's sort of you know seems an important thing to do in some ways if she wants communities to come together and maybe we could have a kids's uh physical activity like that um something that would be along the lines of the field day activity we what if we bring our soccer equipment perfect and there's a yard in this on the side and yeah I often bring my own soccer ball there with the kids the Nets so what if we bring I'll offer to bring our soccer ball and Nets yeah then we have an act you know a field day kind of like activity I don't think to have the field day every fall that seems a lot too let's do this instead let's have combine the a field day activity at the Good Neighbor Day okay maybe yeah and we could even ask him if we wanted to borrow some equipment he probably might even if you don't want to use your equipment he might even have well we the rec committee bought equipment we bought we bought the cones we bought we bought it we have it so so it's the rec committee equipment it's the rec committee equipment yep there you go okay there go there you go perfect let's use it um and then she was also asking for $100 so do we W to vote to give $100 to the good Neighbor Day sure all in favor any opposed looks like nobody's opposed or Ann were you opposed were you an I didn't see you no you sounds good for opposed no for for oh okay okay okay really you're really trying to make me opposed no I'm making opposed I sent you the wrong email really nudging you out I couldn't see such a small okay um all right any other discussion on that so she's looking for us to help her MaryAnn's looking for the rec committee to help her with the setup and the um clean up and that kind of thing Y and um if you could bring a dessert okay so we should just tell her I can tell her yep okay I'm happy to help set up or you know make a dessert or okay me too who is I me Christine Robinson I will help with setup cleanup and bring a dessert whatever she needs okay okay perfect all right um the speaking of the library we're going to move on to our next item which is um to give $1,000 to the library um to support programming this specifically goes towards their exercise programs um we have to vote if we want to well I'll open the floor for discussion if anyone has anything to say about that uh Barbara noted that we have plenty of money go ahead Christine maybe we have plenty of money I don't even know how much money we have so and I don't know how much we're already scheduled for I'm always in favor of like planning our own stuff our own activities and budgeting for those and then giving what's over to the library that's I say that every year but um you know I I don't know how much we have I don't know what we're scheduling what we need you know I don't know any of the details I should probably know but I don't I think we have about $3,000 this is the new budget right Sam yeah this is yep the new budget last budget ended in July and then this is our first meeting since and we last year sorry Sam I don't know if you know this but last year did we have 3,000 do you know know you weren't here you're saying yes I think we did yes I think yeah and we were kind of scrambling at the end of the year to spend that money so do we know does anyone remember did we give we did it we go ahead Sam um I think we bought we did this last year for the library and the end of the fiscal year Barbara and I used the rest of the money to buy the soccer equipment so we like finished off the budget with that right so but we did give the library ,000 last year and we still were having a surplus pretty much at the end of our year that we had to is that right yes that's fine then I mean that's my understanding okay so that still gives us $2,000 to spend on our own programming um and if you know if we can support the library I think that's really good too so can do both things so that would be a thousand in addition to the hundred we'd be giving the library for correct we have 1900 left yep um and we'll our we have that new logo we we'll put on our um back to the Good Neighbor thing we'll put on the flyer and all of that so yeah yeah we want to get credit yeah that's right that's what it's all about and show off your new logo the new logo that's right um all right let's put it to a vote all in favor for giving $1,000 to the library to support activities I see you Ann anybody opposed no oppositions motion passes all right sounds good all right Susie hi you have the floor all right I actually also have last year's um numbers because finance committee gets them and so last year you had 3,000 and then as of June 20th you had spent uh just about 2,000 so um I'm not it sounds like you made another purchase and then the year closed so um and then this year the budget has 3,000 again perfect um and the other thing is that good neighbors day whoa there good neighbors day is National and so is it going to come back each year probably maybe um so that looks like it will be fitting into the fall schedule at least currently um and with that the um townwide birthday party which we did last year um and we had to move it because we had a rain date um so it came out October 1 they about 85 people that came um the the um event was um meant to just create a platform where there was no obligations no work no politics just come and it's um in we do invitations and there'll be about 250 invitations for people who um are having their decade birthday this year it's either they're turning 10 20 30 40 Etc um everybody who's 80 and above because we don't want them to wait till they're 90 to get another invitation and um babies who were born this year and this year we're doing about 50 invitations to people that are relatively new to town because it's really hard to find a way to get in we live in the woods and people don't necessarily know how to meet people um and so this is the platform for that um and um last year Bobby Brown and Joan green showed up with some pins that they made to give away for free we had cupcakes we had ice cream that was Handmade by Sally and Beth dictor we had drinks um and we learned a lot being it the first time around so this time we're moving the space over to the um east side of the church cuz the CH the commons belongs to the town only the place the church sits is their is their land so we can use the whole common we're going to use a shadier side we're going to use something that's a little more um uh circumscribed so that we can have people a little closer together but we don't we found that people really just want to sit and be with each other and there was um this year we have people um who want to bring hula hoops and um maybe a line dance and um maybe drumming bigger than one drum um but it's not um it's not a highly orchestrated event in fact it's meant not to be so um that's where we're at the COA um is going to donate $100 um we we have the LOL The Laughing old ladies have about $100 that they've just accumulated over the course of the year and um this year we asked Maryanne if she would co-sponsor it and um and now we're asking you um one of the things is LOL is not a town um entity uh official entity so by having co-sponsors we're able to use Town announce and to put information in the um School newsletter and the um possibly the town newsletter is going to come out at that time we don't know the timing but our timing is October 6th and that's a Sunday and it's from 3: to 5: so if you are willing we'd love for you to co-sponsor it and possibly donate as happened last year $100 sounds great I think we should donate $100 and um sounds fine to me sounds great yeah I love it it's so so fun all right let's let's vote $100 to the townwide birthday party all in favor any opposed all right we will do that for you Susie thank you very much I appreciate it we just have to go through the official thing of also voting to Coast sponsor you know to officially be a sponsor of this event we have to do that okay okay sounds good I don't know we'll do it just in case would do something like that so sounds all right let's vote to be a co-sponsor all in favor any opposed okay we're co-sponsors there we go perect thanks Susie y thank you very much and I hope you might schedule that in and come and laugh which is generally what happens so thank you yeah thank you perfect okay all right bye Susie byebye I'm working on that get the hell out of here day we're gonna make you a member all right the last thing on our agenda was soccer and I was hoping Sean would be here but he's does not look like he was able to make it so the thing with soccer is is like most my idea my heart of hearts I would love to do it myself but I think that this fall I'm G to be stretched a little thin and I don't want to do a bad job you know do something and not um give it my all so why don't I work on either connecting with Sean again or finding somebody else who's willing to run it um and remind me who Sean was Sean he's the recycling coordinator and he he has a kindergartener all right there you go and then his his parents ran the belter toown socer um so he I think is familiar with it um that's my only thoughts on that I was hoping to do just something like relax have all of our equipment and like have like Sunday mornings at 9:30 kind of an informal that's what we used to do when Elaine and I had little kids we did meet behind the fire station there were soccer goals there I don't think they're there anymore but there was a baseball field there and and we would just say nine o'clock every Sunday and whoever showed up showed up and it was all ages and you know we well that I can do that I can Comm to like that I could do it wasn't very formal but do we does anyone know if we need like insurance or anything for an event like that I don't no nah okay so how do we feel don't get any lawyer parents involved okay so it's good to fill out a form are you a lawyer are you a lawyer no or people that Sue right that's too give them a test um okay I'm comfortable doing that um I'm comfortable doing that and starting it maybe at the end of the month and if you if we sponsor it as a Rec committee then again it could go in the town announce and if you want to make it a bigger um you know make sure people come and you have a bigger group we could I can share it with the school and all all that okay all right H Then There are kids that go to Waldorf and kids that aren't you know in the school newsletter you know that's yeah that's totally true what did we say we start that the 29th is September 29th sure there you go sounds good has anyone else interested in coming I could talk to Barbara too and I I can try to find another friend we'll plan on that I think I just need to make a flyer and advertise it and make sure that um we have the equipment there yeah simple and if I can wrote my husband into bringing his coffee machine I think it'll be a hit I think you're right about that I think I think you'll be signing up for soccer all right I like that starting it informal and that's that's what we'll do see what happens see if it grows and a casual meet up I know somebody new just mooved to town um there a parent in my kids's class that like is the ammer high school soccer coach so I'll have to meet them and um figure and do they have little kids yep pre a preschooler and maybe a first grader or something like that I think just going out through the school network you'll get plenty of people looking for something to do on a Sunday morning I think you I'll just make sure people know it's CA casual pickup soccer right and maybe you w maybe you want to put an age on it so that you don't get a lot of sixth graders coming who kick the ball really hard and yeah you know so maybe you want to say preschool to third grade or something I like that okay little people a height you could have a height limit you know are you a liar how tall are you how stick up you got to be under this height to be able to come that sounds good yeah because the older kids can get you know really competitive yeah usually they're in more organized things anyway but yeah that's true it's always nice yeah they're always looking for something to do with their kids though well it's nice to look have something to do and not have to drive to amorist to do it exactly all these things are good for that I know I Janette has a program which sounded really cool or not Janette at the library um for kids a marble run building Marble Runs did you see that yeah is that you it's me yeah and that's I'd love to help you with that if you want help well I would love that I was so my I was supposed to do it on the 29th yeah of September but I was marann called me about the Good Neighbor day and I said why don't I just do it at the Good Neighbor Day oh I'll help you with that at Good Neighbor Day yes that would be super fun great save your toilet paper and paper towel to and you know I have tons of cardboard from um doing projects from the uh hope and feather framing so I can bring I've got a bunch of cardboard oh yes perfect okay so you and I do that okay I love that Good Neighbor Day 28 on the 28th yep yeah great cool okay Christine yes okay I'm I'm psyched for that that just sounded like a lot of fun e you need more air time now that I'm a grandmother I have to learn how to do this kind of thing so what is that well you make you know like a marble run like you can tubes in tubes exactly yeah cool yeah cool that's all oh yeah I found it in um there was like a cardboard creation book at the library and I just picked one that seemed easy for kids to do that was yeah I think'll be fun just duct tape or masking tape I got it I've got rainbow masking tape right this is my pile my hoarding pile of cardboard right there all right very good I've been hoarding for months right cool okay and there was also something about a walk at uh the hikes at the um the new testeral trust yeah so the last thing on our agenda was to the last thing on our agenda was to brainstorm ideas for the coming year and so the two ideas are the Brightwater bog and um the the rocks of shuberry um yeah I think we should schedule some hikes in there um like it it could even be in you know late October or November when there isn't much else going on well isn't the Brightwater bog hike didn't isn't that part of our seasonal walk yes we talked about Seas walk so we were going to do a fall winter I thought that's what it was yeah okay do we have a date for that one Sam we don't no that's I think what we need to do okay um it's beautiful like my kids and I have gone aund times this summer it's so nice if you haven't been to the new trails how are the sculptures there Sam have they have they reconditioned some of those I never saw them before so they look great to me now oh yeah they were sort of falling apart so yeah they must have put some money into those too there's like a magic doorway you walk through yeah and that fallen off it had it had fallen down so great I haven't been there since they fixed it up so I know I'm so I'm always so I'm like oh I'm gonna go and then there's not going to be any parking because I'm always thinking of the weekend you could just park along that road you can yeah for sure thought there was a no parking thing beey I must be making that up I think there's a lot of spots I don't know if there weren't before but there's oh no there weren't before so maybe they've made along Old wendle Road they're not I there's a problem I haven't R we need to pick a date for a walk or something we need to pick a date and I don't know if you got I don't know anything about who's like usually the guide or anything like that or who to contact that's out of my realm of knowledge or Helen Anne or Colleen Kelly any of those people would be good Colleen just retired from the Hitchcock Center and she's so much fun to walk with in the woods because she knows every scat there ever is can identify what animal has been here and she knows bird she's a birder and she'd be I'll ask Colleen if she'll do it do you want tell her a date yeah I'll ask her what's good for her how about that in October beey are you thinking or November either one see what's good for her yeah just don't do what's the Turkey Trot y when's that November 23rd November 23rd yep well we need like a calendar with all these written down I know we should and the Turkey Trot is a library thing right uh yep Friends of the library yeah so are we gonna be able to have um the geologist um the rocks and um Cliff again for the bird watching because that was really good I think within the throughout the whole year I would say but I doubt we can do that all by winter do you what do you guys think yeah as long as we do it like it doesn't have to be um second what if I asked Colleen like the first um week in November at like post thank Halloween Halloween takes over the that sounds good to me or any really anytime in October October is be will be beautiful I'll ask her what's good for her how about that yeah I think that's a good idea Bey okay except do we want to with the only exception be do people get is indigenous people's day a week void do people go out of town for that or I don't but not everybody will there will be enough people I'm sure yeah okay all right so we'll do that the Brightwater bog in the fall and then who's the geologist and just does anybody here have a contact a is willing to contact him and basically ask the same I think it's Elaine Elaine knows him yeah he was at the birding thing that Christine and I uh attended and he really wanted to be asked to do this he just retired from UMass his name is like will do you know M Bey will or Walt or some Tim Walls is coming to our town oh my god wow we're on the map now coach is gonna run the soccer Sam you're off the hook sounds good oh boy all right all right um no I a geologist wal his name is I don't know yes I could check the old minutes but Elaine knows him and know will know how to contact him so I think we could just let's table it for next meeting yeah and yep but that was an outdoor thing right Christine like he wanted to go on a walk to look at rock formations you know what you can do that when it's cold in the winter too that's like a good yeah rocks don't go anywhere no they don't they're still here yeah that might be the good winter walk right yeah I think that doesn't get too icy like December's actually probably fine still yeah it's fine okay um and the birding we want to do again but maybe in this in the spring yes what biring in the spring yeah with [Music] Cliff with cliff and like April let's say okay does anyone have any well I'll do the Kite Festival again but maybe in May when it's a little warmer so we weren't committing any um just money to the alltown birthday party right they don't need us to help run it or anything right doesn't sound like it okay so I have a question relating to birding sure like they some of them migrate yeah so I'm I'm just wondering if April is going to be a good time like Cliff would be the person that would know when they're here because certain species do migrate yeah so we should just ask him basically when what do you guys think I'm willing to go south and see the bird there you go the rest of the money let's use the money I'll drive we can save on a flight love it perfect sounds great and we can leave our kids Behind [Laughter] wooo too good um okay well I guess we don't really have any Ironclad dates for anything else but I think we have ideas of what we do want to do next and we just have to reach out to Colleen the rock guy and Cliff does anyone else have any other ideas oh go ahead Christine when oh when like does anybody know when Elaine is going to be back like she's the contact person for Cliff I believe from D yeah her son's getting married this weekend coming up okay we'll excuse her yeah she a good um she she'll be back after next weekend he's getting married on Labor Day so she'll be backet yeah so do we have a meeting for September I believe it would be um 24th the 24th y yep the 24th at four thanks Sam and thanks for everything that you're doing you're very good at this you know thanks I was actually very nervous I wouldn't even be able to get the meeting running so I'm glad it worked out I only ostracized Ann a few times I like what you said about like he bringham 12 is going to know all about our meeting it's like yeah but but like the weird thing is I just put that in from the wreck email like it autof filled oh that's totally weird I know like I didn't type that out or anything the agenda like email address was wrong her email address no but your agenda was really good too you did a good job Barb Barbara did most of that too we that was teamwork teamwork y cool I gotta go I got another meeting okay bye bees bye everybody thanks Sam for running a great meeting thanks all right should we motion to adjourn seconded all in favor have a good one bye everybody thank you thanks Sam Christine is there anything else I have to do now no uh stop the recording the recording okay good is great I'll send these minutes right out thank you all right thank you bye bye