that's oh great thank you oh did we get a yeah I just want I just thumbs up from someone on the screen that they can hear us y so I'm G to make that adjust can't see that over there um and perfect okay we call ourselves to order okay um so let's review the agenda so we have first of all our our usual public comments at 6:10 we're going to review our select board minutes um I have I'm sorry there's only the 57 for today okay the others are progress but they will be all cut up at the next meeting okay um then we have at 6:15 EAP to Review Committee charge with the select board um and ask for the aggregation broker um 635 an update on the EV charger proposal 640 Forest allly solar presentation um although there was a bit of an alteration in their presentation 650 10 administrative updates and the at 7:00 we're going to meet with the library building committee uh Library trustees and fincom to review the new library bid opening um and anything that we need to do that so is there anything that has come up since or do either you Rita or Eric have anything that you'd like to to jump in that you didn't have anything additional no the only thing I was going to ask Becky is just for an update on the class action suit I know you were going to on the p y you're going to follow up on that I have no update but I can do that okay let's open it up to public comment if you have public comment please pces on the on your anyone have public comment does anyone in the room have public comment I see your hand do you have public comment I do just as we anticipate the big bid opening uh coming later in the meeting I just wanted to say and to express my appreciation for the hard work that's gone in to date on this I just think that the library building committee has done an amazing job of working hard working with all sorts of different groups and uh keeping us well informed so I just want to say thank you very much that you can make me co-host does anyone else have a public comment um shall we review the minutes from 57 I make a m motion that we approve the minutes of May 7th 2024 M second okay any um edits or um clarifications they good all right all in favor from approve any minute Carell I st make pece O'Neal I okay well we have a couple of minutes before Becky you have any updates we can do um I can give an update on the admin secretary position um I have read a suggestion called J about 10 days ago and she said she might have some time on Friday and she came in last Friday for it it turned out to be more than three hours she took home stuff to catch up on on minutes um and we're we've gone through the whole appointment list and she's starting in on all the the reappointment letters which is wonderful and of course having this uplifting um help I received a a resume today from a potential candidate for the position so so things are are looking up and did that resum look promising it it I haven't had much time to look on at it today but it's it it has potential for yeah so this is just Ana Gena helping us out not yes well she gets paid no I know I know she gets paid it's not just yeah not she has some other more favorite places to spend her Fridays with right that's no it's great that she was willing to come that's great okay um any others there's a couple more in okay um well building updates the bathroom door was uh Chris and I found locked uh last week mysteriously we did our best to open it and we couldn't um so I called and left a message with the Amis lockmith and the door open spontaneously well when Chris and I were looking at it tonight but I don't they didn't check I don't know when they were here oh I I believe am Loi did they did come and pro you know it's probably Friday or this today when I was running around but it's wonderful new you have another restroom available to everyone and know especially good news for ahead of our all boards meeting mhm and I have been advocating at the Committees I've been at for um a Bake Off by committee at the all board meeting and I'm getting a pretty positive response so far Becky it's not on the calendar the all boards meeting the calendar for the 11 okay and then I haven't seen an invitation I've sent two did you send one to the Conservation Commission because said he hadn't received the Conservation Commission no I mean um ceter sorry I will check Susie you haven't seen it no I I did it to all the department heads oh I don't have a list that does all 1150 people well I should have been to the all the board chairs right right and they nobody forwarded it to you sus and I don't have any but we did have discussion about it at our meeting yeah they talked all about it and the meetings I've been at the chairs I've been bringing it up and asking for feedback on the issue let's put it on the calendar yeah Grace she normally does that for me so I she didn't do it this time so I will do that that's next week yes it is I could believe so in the future oh the future is here [Music] here is here mat is free to join eak if he is interested where's Michael no Michael yet no he's coming though you do expect him oh look at Mat ta's crying minutes can we um just talk about the old boards meeting since we had this opportunity because we've gone around discussing whether or not we were going to talk about one Topic at the old boards meeting or have everybody give updates and I'm not sure where we landed um that we would have maybe 15 minutes on the or 20 on the one topic and then do I think you said up to five minutes between two and five minutes for everyone else to speak okay and the the one topic is about the hybrid hybrid meetings yes the future of Zoom meetings hybrid and remote I'm sorry and in person right and then um I had asked Paul although I haven't Paul Lions I have Haven spoken to him just to give a really brief update on the and he can do that as a like a committee report right so okay um clickers on the clicker study yeah I'll I'll just make sure he's coming to yeah oh that was police funding yeah I see Michael has joined us oh great okay we are um do you does eak want to call themselves do you guys have a oh yeah now we do yay so I'll call the EAC to order at uh 611 thank you Melissa appreciate that okay and you're here to review the committee charge specifically with the relationship with us and you um and then seek approval for Community Choice aggregation prare cor Mundo where um why don't we do it in reverse order because I think that's a little bit the first thing's a little bit more concrete um so um with the Community Choice aggregation where we left it a long time ago was We There was a few firms I think there are three in total that um were possible and we came you know we had a conversation with you guys and then I think Nate talked to Becky we ended up sending out a questionnaire to the possible firms to basically so not doing uh a form of procurement but more a due diligence process so we sent out um a list of questions that Nate developed and he's been communicating with him has been our Point person um to ascertain who we'd want to go with for our broker um in developing Community Choice aggregation um I'll leave it to Nate to summarize um in case you have questions but I think the the winner was colonial U that's what we recommended and so what we sent to you guys was the letter with the recommendation from us to you all and then colonialist response um to Nate's question so you had a a sense of what it was um I think we're at now based on our shared understanding was that it's really for the planning uh for the select board to agree to go forward and sort of say yes we want to go with Colonial and then I think Empower Becky to to sign off on that contract and then once the contract signed Nate can pick up again and take the lead on sort of the operational pieces but Nate do you want to fill in anything just for context or understanding well I think that's a that's a good summary um I mean if there are questions from anyone I'd be you know happy to field them but I thought that was a pretty good summary of a process by which we um you know engaged the the various actors in this space and then um you know were encouraged to uh engage Colonial from one and uh the the other was unresponsive to our to our entreaties and then finally Colonial themselves were uh uh very enthusiastic to engage us so that's that's how we sort of arrived at uh this recommendation all which is detailed in that letter have any questions like Colonials references were good from the other communities you sort of included that in your in your packet of material so you spoke to other other [Music] towns so this is I would right ceg I'm sorry Michael I I just I just was saying this is a cont that doesn't involve any cost to the community it's simply we're picking this company as our aggregator [Music] okay has no cost to it we don't usually sign contracts like that right I know right um I I have one other question where where do we stand with regard to um the issues around the Municipal Light plan and Community aggregation Nate you want to answer that they said that was fine I missed that so oh okay so I missed that so that there's a an answer to that question in um in colonial power groups um response to our questions to them I can [Music] yeah it says that the looking at it absolutely eligible to offer a municipal aggregation program to its residents and small businesses the only U municipalities who are unable to petition the state for approval are those whose electricity is provided by mpal light so like Chi or ho they have their they do make their own electricity and that was that was was Don's Original assessment um and then as we discussed at eak we we figured if colon was giv F that response they know the field best because they're actually working with the towns and they're working with dpu um so it seemed prudent to just go along um because others are already doing it okay but yeah I knew that somebody had ra raised raised it okay all right good saying it's a problem but okay so um doing it so you need a unless they don't approve you you need a vote to um for the select board to sign a contract with colonial power group is that correct yes okay I will make a motion that the shoot select board execute a contract with colonial power grout for to be our um okay energy broker said gave you the thumbs up okay yeah second second any further questions right all in favor Carol I stalker I mayal I okay great so I think just before moving to the next one so the next steps are I think Nate and Becky will just connect and uh do the operational piece but thank you very much for that we can we'll gladly move forward and then we'll report back on progress um so shifting to the other topic um I think this came to light for us when we realized that we had to pull the warrant article for town meeting because we didn't have the public hearing and so if you all recall when ecat got created um the way the charge read that we' be making recommendations to the select board about you know the MVP and the hazard mitigation plan etc etc and so our working assumption definitely mine at the outset going up until now is that we were really um working on behalf or for the select board we were making recommendations um and I think that's where the gap of the public hearing occurred because we ended making a recommendation to you all to move that Warren article forward and I think you had a different perception of what we were doing so no one ever said who's going to do the public hearing who's you know like who's checking um and so that was like a big Aha and so I think what our recommendation would be if it's okay with you but we should talk it through if not is after operating for two years that where we now get deemed to be all growed up committee um just like all the other committees um you know and so we would do what everyone else does so if there's a warrant article we would bring it to you but we'll have done all the due diligence and we'll feel free to sort of do a public hearing um you know if there's other things like that that we can sort of do independently within our realm of responsibility we would do it and then just sort of check in accordingly which feels a little bit different from how we've been operating which is all we really should do is be thinking about stuff and making a recommendation for the select board who then has to decide if we go forward or not so I don't know if that if that parses the situation clearly enough for you to understand but it seems like we want to be able to go forward and not have these gaps created unintentionally and I got to say just knowing your agendas you're your agendas are so full like if we can bring less to you in a timely fashion and sort of you know that might be just operationally better but that's what we're asking about sure I you know I um so I I went back and um and reviewed the original um uh charge and honestly you know when I read it I I drafted this thing first did it and I was kind of surprised that there was that much kind of coming back to the select board um so I think it's a a excellent idea to kind of give the committee some more autonomy um but I think if we're going to do that we should probably tweak the language in the original um charge yeah I don't know if we want to do that tonight I don't think it's an issue with it just takes a little bit of like going back over this and making sure it's um that everything doesn't come back um to the select work we have as you say enough on our plate um and as far as the public hearing goes I I didn't even I had no idea there needed to be a public hearing so I think that was part of the think we that and I'll own it you know like as you both as you all know like I've done enough of these policies that need public hearings that if I I thought we did I would have done it and I just didn't think that far down the line because I was like oh we have to recommend and then we'll figure out how it goes so I think it's this is exactly symptomatic of that that lack of clarity um so I don't think you guys did anything wrong like you didn't drop the ball no one knew who was holding the ball was the problem right um so if that I don't what do you is the language simply done maybe by adding another bullet um to where it just says that the the E will you know maybe yeah it might be just within the within the chart I mean a lot of it a lot within the chge a lot of it is saying you know study and make recommendations review PRI prioritize recommendations so I think we just need to acknowledge that the committee can act on its own with regard to um presenting and and yeah articles if you have some ideas and we could just we could do I don't see it's a problem to do this at our next meeting just revise the language is that yeah I I think this conversation is what needed to happen the language stuff is less less important I think so you know if Rita if you wanted to play with it and work and send it to us we could just do it via email yeah the reality is we're not going anywhere and you have to reappoint us because we all want to come back so I think when we when we get to language that you like and you approve you can just say hey eak this is your advised charge and we'll just keep marching along so um it'd be nice to do it in a timely fashion but I I don't think we have to do it tonight and I don't even think there's you know a rush for next you know two weeks from now either just like maybe before the end of the fiscal year no we need to get should done yet right no we'll get it done we'll have it for the next we'll have it for our next meeting I you know it's not it's just doing some editing than you you um the 17th is pretty full I just didn't want to set up meeting with a committee and spending 15 minutes at that meeting because the 17th will be full if we get it done ahead that's great yeah I I think it's just a question of of us adopting and you sing sending Edie edits back to to ours and then us just agreeing but we don't need to meet we don't need to have another joint comme perfect so if you have any suggestions um if you want to forward them to me and I'll I'll work on this the one comment that would make or suggestion or question I guess would be what about the thing we just approved I mean assuming I assume the select board still to prove any contracts I think I think I agree this feels like proceed yeah procedural for sure yeah I think anything that has a big impact we at minimum want to present our thinking can share it with you you know stuff regarding town meeting warrant articles anything Financial of course we got to bring to you um yeah yeah okay yeah cool glant Dale has a question I guess but it wouldn't hurt to specify in the case you know contracts do this way if there weren't articles yes we must get permission from select board to put the bus board but then it is a incum upon us to hold the public fors that if they are so required right public for yeah yeah public forums and hearings and they're not always required there are certain conditions where they are required yeah yeah when required yes I was just going to write that thank you Melissa when requir um is there anything else that you see you're being held back by virtue of this the car charge um no I mean I think you know just our our approach has been increasingly can we come up with actions or approaches that impact the whole town um you know so just as an example we had a recent conversation with the green community's representative about you know maybe moving away from solar and thinking about heat pumps so we would want to work with other committees I don't think we have to be able like that would be a good example where we don't have to get permission from the select board to work with the building committee or go to Capital planning but clearly you should know if we're going to be doing that so I think it's just a heads up either to you or to Becky to know that we're doing that kind of stuff but I don't with this clarified I don't think we're being held back at all this is this was unforeseen um and now it's clarified so I very appreciative okay okay I I'll move I'll should I get motion to adjourn and we can get out of your hair sure but feel free to stick around too yes anyone want to move to a journ I move we adjourn thank you Gale second I'll second any comments hearing none is how you vot I I hey I em and I we are officially adjourned thank you everybody good night everybody thank you good night okay EV charger update our famous charer really all right so we went back to the library to find out their concerns their concern was whether um it would be required to be always used as um buy an electric car um and no it is we set how it's to be used if we want an ADA electric car spot we can assign it as an ADA we can allow non-el electric cars to park there it's all up to the SEL you know our discretion on that issue which was the the lingering question from the library and at this moment they appear to have about a third of the funds left if we were to apply and again what would happen is if we moved head on these proposals both of which are over $400,000 um and the town would not be charged anything it should be at zero cost to the town um and if we sign and then they process the paperwork if we end up having our paperwork hit and there is no more National Grid funding for this project or it's been reduced or change then it would come back to us and we could withdraw at that point or pursue our $400,000 electric Chargers if we wanted but we wouldn't do that um we would say no thank you but there is a mechan mechanism in place that if anything changed on their end that would trigger cost to the town we can withdraw immediately at that point so it's um for the select board to if you're um comfortable moving ahead with this proposal um they are a national grd vender yes they are more um most of their clientele is in New York state at this point they do have some Massachusetts clients as well um I haven't gotten an updated list of who they might be um whatever questions you have I'm I'm happy to pursue answers to yes so it's free to get installed and whatever what is the maintenance cost of it so if something breaks who fixes it and what is the cost to fix it that's a very good point I will find that out yeah yeah right now I believe for the first 5 years it's under warranty but I will confirm that what is maintenance after 5 years because that's when things will start to go and there might be something that's not covered by that warranty bumper to bumper yeah all right and this is still for two charges right there it is where two Chargers stands each each charger really has two unit right right right you know they go they cover two different parts so the maintenance cost warranty and it yeah and and what is the what what cost have they experienced after the five years that's usually when a car will start to show its aging parts and they're no longer warranted right so or anything that's warranted they always there's a sweet spot what they say is after five years that's when you would pay $300 a year for the software that you charge um you know that's how we get the moneyy from people use the charger they they you know you put in dollar bills or credit cards and how many cars does it take to get to that $300 how many what how many cars does it take to recruit that $300 okay in fees and are we likely to have those $300 three are we likely to have that number of people using it to pay for it they should be able to tell you how many cars it will to to hit zero on your fees yeah because if we're paying $300 a year for software and we're not getting that back in then we're just paying for it yeah it's more symbolic than it is what is the Fe structure I'm just I'm I'm trying to recall do we do we get part of the so the electricity is coming from us us so because so we we get paid we get money we TR you know when people use it they pay to use it right and that all comes to us I think it comes to us is it net of the electricity yes it would be we my sense is we can charge what we want and but we have to pay for pis so we can make it a profit making not you have one or two cars c you can you can be paying 27 cents a kilowatt and charge 35 let's just remember that yeah and it'll take a long time to make up that $300 oh yeah yeah the $300 was there any other fees related software anything else no the software fee was and then the cost of electricity that's build by National Grid all right so i' got to find out the maintenance yeah maintenance cost and are they covered by potential buy these after 5 years what the warranty is and is it Bumper to Bumper how long do they last I suppose that's AG what's what's the what's their average age average age or something so the so what what he just asked so you want know maintenance costs like I maybe an annual maintenance cost if there is one I want at 5 years and want at 10 years how much would it have cost to maintain it for for five how much will cost to maintain for 10 for things that it might mean Parts they'll know which parts run out fast okay and then we'll talk about it one more time yeah I really want that be exciting um and Becky in the very small print um it says by signing this proposal we agree we agree to sign also need to agree and sign a scope of work agreement which will be presented after site verification has taken place so they will come out and do a side review like here they would they'll figure out the location where they can put it we had originally um allocated the two spots that are next to the retaining wall when we were thinking about doing it before um I think there that still has the electric power uh sufficient it was run to that corner so it we should be able to hook in there um so the scope they'll also break down exactly what they have to do like C pad and be everything and then and if it's the three phase power we don't have three-phase power currently to this building so they'll have to run the three-phase power through the building I don't know so they'll be an you know it all be determined when they come out and walk the project and the engineers and then is the um is there any issue with the timing I assume that they want to would want to do both the installation at the same time so that the library was done so is that going to be an issue if the library goes into construction this summer right won't be ready to do the installation until they're prepping the parking lot before they pave so it'll be next spring and I talked to him about that time did okay and that was not a problem no once he said once they you know once we submit the paperwork if we get approval of that we're locked in I see so the timing if it's a new build okay we're locked in so that by next spring if the program doesn't exist we're locked in okay so the it's reserving the money money be reserved yes being committ does new library have free Power do you have it anyone I believe yes Maryann told me that that some of the there they were able to include new technology so the system or something so I believe they're using it save them money boy did we get lucky on the Okay so so this is going to be on the 17th too this will be the be F you'll have the answers and I'll just have that contract actually if why don't you email us the answers to those questions so we can M them over yes that way we're more prepared to Y we don't have to have a long discussion right and don't hesitate to ask me followup questions after I until I see that I know but after that just so that if there's more I can ask I can ask ahead of the meeting and Eric you were the one who you you had spoken with them right and you were fine with yeah I mean bet more than I have but it's 17 yeah they were fine I me you're talking to sales right exactly you're just going to tell you I mean isn't why you should do it and it's free oh okay well initial yeah right feels like there's some cost oh yeah no they start sneaking in it's still pretty cheap if what at least what we have know about now right it's she yeah but if one of those parts we have to replace is $20,000 it's all over that's right go I guess you abandon it not a lot of Mark hurts no but it's electronic like the the elevator went out when an electrical board got hit by lightning is there lightning rods on any any like we really should put them on oh there is one on this building there's a few I really should be and everything okay um let's see what else do we have I think we're up to yes the forest allies responsible solar presentation right well not much of a present pre presentation well that is what it is actually funny you should say that um so yes we had the I think when we drafted that letter we had incomplete information um I thought that uh well legislators are taking public comment all along but I thought it was like much closer to a vote and in fact just today I learned oh no we have till the end of July well the legislative session ends at the end of July and that they'll be working on this right up up to that I mean I if any action gets taken we should wait until say July 30th but um but there is more time I thought it was like June 30th or something so so we pulled that back and I realized as I was thinking about this that I'm I'm not really quite sure how to proceed with the citizens par I'm not sure when the last one was in town that passed we usually have them every year lots of them of okay um and I don't remember in my eight years here of this select we're doing anything being asked to do something okay you know they they sort of live you know I think in in some cases Becky correct me if I'm wrong I think we may have sent it to the legislature that it had been voted by our c with a letter yeah you can certainly do that well we were wondering first of all like if you had a chance to think about it and if what you're thinking of how you would proceed so one of the things we can do is that um um you know send it to the legislature with a letter saying you know a town meeting Cien petition was brought for us this was right this it passed and send the vote count to them I mean that's something we can do um and what we had my group talking about this had talked about sort of getting language for you I mean that's sort of what that letter was that I initially sent to you um and then we realized that the things that are being voted on are still kind of I don't know how to say it like a moving Target I me they're still debating this stuff and I thought that was a surprise to me when I found that out so um once it gets a little bit more solid um which I hope will be soon I actually next Monday I'm going to be coming to the Aaron Saunders either him or his representative and then they're moving it just so you know just from them and they're not getting here until 1 oh oh okay is that Monday still I think it's the same Monday but they want to change to 1 to 2:30 one they used to be they I think they said let me double check it yeah that's funny I just talked to them the other day and I know they go to the palum library at some point that sounds like it overlaps one way or another either here and either here or in palum I intend to talk to him or his representative and then Joe Comerford is also speaking um Monday evening so we hope that will give us at least a little bit of better idea of what's going on but there's a lot being debated I just sat through um a day of uh a forum you ask had another solar Forum that was pretty comprehensive and my brain is a little bit um yeah fried fried which it all I mean this is somewhat confusing and confounding to me anyways and I'm learning a lot but that too definitely gave me a sense of um that this is still ongoing but yeah we were curious how we could help you because in general I wanted to say this at town meeting and it didn't exactly come out because of the other discussion and all this stuff but we do feel like we want to try to support you the select board as the lawsuit is coming up or whatever you need to do that we would like to try to set up some kind of supportive relationship I guess and then at today's meeting so the meeting the Forum today was really to talk about the recommendations from this Governor's Commission on sighting infrastructure and sighting Soler so um a big part of what they were talking about is what they call Community engagement and even that's kind of unclear to me right now it it's really a balance between what the state is going to be in control control of what they're going to give communities control of um what how to balance the need to you know mitigate climate change and and this need for for these installations um so one thought I had I was really listening closely today to some of the um organizations that represent this community engagement side of it and you probably know some of them I mean I I was taking notes to get get ready but uh Alison Gage from the Franklin County Commission Council uh the Franklin County Council of of government she had some really good things to say uh the mass Municipal Association people had some good things to say some of them have like road maps of of how does how do you bring the community into this and I thought wow that's kind of interesting and maybe that in some way as a role that we could at least help with you know as being one element of the community um but so would you I guess my one question is if you would feel more comfortable with us giving you some language of what you could consider saying to the legislators once we have a better idea of what they're actually voting on I mean how how do you want to go forward is the question yeah what was your sense of the of the timing I wasn't able to go today I really wanted to to attend but it was too much time I see hold on go ahead yeah I'm hoping that I'm hoping it's it's available it is it it will be available they were I heard several times people well they were saying um five or six weeks which you know that takes us to the end of July I'm assuming assuming that like I said I don't think we want to wait till the end of July um I didn't I don't quite understand how your timeline works like what kind of time you need for it to be discussed written I don't that's another one of well I think you know it would be we could straightforward right now forward a letter to the legislators yeah with with exactly what transpired and if there you know we decide there should be some followup but at least I think it would be documentation that town meeting this was the town meeting vote and I don't know if it's unanimous or close to unanimous what what the count was I have it written down strongly passed but it was not counted which was unfortunate oh it wasn't counted count okay we can tell them how many voters were people were there right because we have the number of Voters that checked in not at the end of the time well you don't know what the population was they had a um it seemed like they had this gradation and I believe it's it's closely passed or something I mean he had different definitions for some of the different bills I happen to notice I do see Michael's hand so want him to get in go ahead Michael um not to get into the details of it but the short answer of timing is the governor's commissioner released their report at the end of March um there's a house Bill H 4501 that's currently in play that might it seems like it's going to get revised it's technically it has ways and means but really The Joint Committee on telecommunications utilities and energy with tu is the Brain Trust that's moving it forward there's not currently a Senate Bill Senator Barrett's the Senate co-chair and so I would expect based on what you know just the timing what I'm hearing that the Senate version will come out in the next few weeks and you know then there'll be some kind of vote and then conference committee etc etc um so I think they will push the end of July deadline to get something if they do it um the two subst to things I would just share to the select board and if ever you want to talk about it more we can um and this this is not related to town meeting vote because clearly people didn't know about this but the two issues I think that are a concern uh Governor's commission recommended that projects of a a certain size 25 megawatts or larger um would go to a Statewide office that would do state permitting and everything underneath 25 megawatts would stay at the local level but the actual legislation in play H 4501 by my interpretation and others interpretation it would take every clean energy project regardless of size and type and put it at the State House house uh State Office Building so that's really a huge shift so that municipalities wouldn't have pering control and that would include as far as the language I interpreted as to be planning boards cbas concom and Boards of health so not just the planning board and then the other thing that's just worth noting is both the governor's commission and the legislation their whole idea is how do we expedite development of clean energy and so one of the other ISS that they're they're both recommending Consolidated permitting on the local level which is unclear how that would work um you know as I heard them talk today I was sort of imagining having just gotten a a building permit from furog you know that to get a B building permit the Board of Health has to sign off and the concom might have to sign off but if you actually had to have multiple towns and Boards working together to create a cons a Consolidated permit I don't think you know you guys like know living with open meeting law I don't quite know how it would work and there's all these committees are you know Guided by Statute so it seems really complicated it seems like it's a really nice concept at the state level for them to think about but practically implemented on the local level there's a lot of weeds to get through so just there's a lot of moving Parts but um just as an FYI thank you yeah yeah so that those are some of the things that I wanted to find out about a little bit more I mean it did definitely what he said but I don't I mean Joe ker was a leader of today's thing so I think that she would in the next week or two or three be able to give us something but yeah I mean certainly our petition could get sent to them I I think in a minimum we could start with that and forward that along to the legislators and then revisit this um so was there timing about a Senate Bill Michael um it should be the in the next few weeks but no no one committed to anything um so it sounds like the house bill will get revised in the coming weeks presumably you know it's June so they got to has has to be something in play soon for the Senate to actually get into the game and I know they want to be in the game so um by the end of June there should be a Senate bill as well okay yeah that P first yeah yeah okay we'll send a letter and then let's let's let's uh let's hear back as soon as there's we get some more definitive information about where this is going okay so one question I had too was you meet through the summer and take it you go so and it sounds like your next meeting is going to be busy and I might not have anything for you by then anyways but um you can always email us so when you get something too so we can ahead of time that's good to know might want to do a research to do a little bit you know yeah no and I could email it and then um I think I had well I heard back from Becky when I initially emailed and you like to get youro thing I was a little surprised but then I I get it yeah okay so I could email you and know that you're at least seeing things and which is good okay okay I think that's it for this evening yeah write that letter Becky you you're comfortable but it will basically just be our um citizen that and'll introduce what it is okay from the town cler will certify a copy so that what they receive will be very official vote for uh how you move forward with your online versus the Acoustics in here are very bad I decided to come in person because I was afraid figured out and I still just missed something we figured out a couple of um settings that that worked well those last time so we'll see know the last time I was online I after the meeting I thought that's it's greatly improved Mela figured it out oh okay all right um we are Becky we have about seven minutes can you do some of your so I'm GNA do I might 7 [Music] every yeah okay so the P pass litigation which we are um hoping to be part of I have sent that off to Donna MC nck and it is still in our contract pile I have bucked three times um but of course I ask her a separate question every time I call so it's not really helping her to have time to get it done so we do not have a response from Donna and the litigation was a little questionable on whether in the end if a settlement wasn't large enough we might in fact have to pay for um fees that the lawyer originally is paying for um and I don't think we want to do that so Becky this was in reference to the town joining in a class action you had done the research litigation um we've got a contract from what we think is the most viable vendor or lawyer that's involved because he's through um he's attorney Fogle it was recommended To Us by our um past LSP our licens like professional um so it's the out of the few that I research it seems the most attractive but again the contract is problematic and we need Donna to review it before we can before it's for the select board to sign so that is on hold um and I just want our as far as Town Administrator updates I just want to tell you about a couple of things the building committee has done our local not our library building committee but our um Regular Town building committee we just they just did the sill at the Old Town Hall um they put in a new sill I believe it's Maple is that right no mahogany mahogany so they did um the chair went shopping and they found a beautiful piece of wood um they have a volunteer to work with them uh do I won't brag about just because he's my brother but um he's a all he's been a carpenter his whole life so this and he's helping Steven stepen comes upon projects and um buys the materials necessary and us has been working to complete them like some come in the back room here as well as um the root repair at the um the old schoolhouse by our real Schoolhouse and those are all um projects that the building committee step Damas has taken on as well as some others as they continue to work on their spreadsheet um the last meeting of the building committee was in this building and they were exploring the Wonders that make this building work like our commercial dehumidifier that's running at the same time as our Erb is running um so I'm getting some pointers in how to reduce electricity and try to manage these big pieces of equipment that um you know that some the RV is new to the building and came in after the commercial dehumidifier so we have some issues to solve in this building about energy for sure and um I'd like to close there okay good all right three minutes we don't have a Corum so okay I see you're yes okay um thanks team um are any any of the members um participating remotely um possibly is that Steven is Sten don't know what St Sten are you Sten there he is okay so Steven's here um it is the only Weezy are you Dale H weey are you Dale cool no D I mean no I'm in shutesbury here and he's somewhere else he should be joining he's I know he's on being here okay okay I have one two three four five okay have four would you like to call yourself but it's not it's not seven no I know it's not seven but I'm say we have a forum I was looking for you I'm coming I'm coming and there's Molly okay all right as soon as our would you like a chair [Music] over so we all over and have to remember look at the owl and not look at theow so is someone sitting here no you how you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] you I can we can we can get all the committee needs to be here and you guys can sit toward the end too even though your back would be to the camera they'll still be able to see you cuz the camera is on the table not from the table okay it's 7 p.m. I am going to call the library building committee to order um um I am looking at our agenda and I would like to change the scheduling on our agenda I would like to move the review and vote on minutes the very end of our agenda and public comments just before that because I would like to start off with reviewing the construction bids and discussion with the select board and finance committee because I am assuming that that is why most of you folks are here does the fincom have to call I believe the fincom does I don't our chair so I'm uh we're calling the finom meeting to order at 70 okay all right the library trustees hi this is K with the library trustees I don't see a quorum of us yet so um you you do have a quum here in the back of the room oh I'm sorry I can't see that I apologize um then behind us then I'll call the library Board of Trustees also to order um thank you I'm going to sneak in for a second those that are in the room because we have that recorded of who's on our screen we don't have who's in the room so I'm going to send her on a sign up sheet just puts your name in print clearly okay okay so um can you identify all the members of the library I would ask for each one of libr building committee I would be happy to identify our building committee is marann antonellis Steven delmus Brad Foster Dale hul Penny Jakes Molly Moss Jeff quaken Bush and I am the chair elain poo all right so today at 2:00 we were able to see and look at the construction bids for the library as you may know we were expecting that we would have something around a 6.15 million construction project that was the cost estimate we had we received five bids the lowest bid was from construction Dynamics Incorporated for 6,386 th000 we received one from Cronenberg and Son's restoration for 6,688 th000 we received one from kider Builders Incorporated for 6, 830,000 we received one from J&J Contractors Incorporated for 7,17 th000 and we received one from da Sullivan and Suns for 7,370 th000 that 7, 370,000 so from there would somebody like to put up please share the um the screen that I am going to explain from um who and that would be George's uh I guess spreadsheet can I just ask quickly what the process is tonight I don't the process tonight is we are going to trying to get it up right now now what we're going to do is we're going to base we have have looked at spreadsheet and we are going to base our conversation on the lowest bid we are waiting for as um we can attest that um our OPM is looking into all of these companies and their credentials and we should know by Roger when would we know by I'll let Neil answer that one all right Neil you're there aren't you he was he is he is yes I am here yes he our owner's project manager Neil um why don't you go through what the process is for determining so we will um we'll do a detailed review of all of the bid forms and documents that were provided with the contractor's bid we'll evaluate um decam evaluations that are available on the top three biders and we will provide a memo in uh recommending award to um most likely what will be construction Dynamics Incorporated and then the committee will have to decide whether or not they choose to accept the alternate which will affect the bid price okay and so Neil should we schedule a meeting next week to review that memo and make that decision uh yes Maryann I will be I'm going to be out of town at the end of the day tomorrow returning on Sunday so I should have time to put it together either Monday or Tuesday so if we could do something either Tuesday night or Wednesday night of next week that should be fine okay okay we scheduled that at the end of our meeting okay yes so I just in in terms of the process that was a good question so you um the building committee is going to be making a recommendation to the select board yes um but we are not approving we're we're not making the award until we have Neil's thorough review is that correct yes Neil that's correct right Neil yes okay and does the mblc weigh in on this decision at all no no okay no yeah we have to make a decision on the alternate yes we have to make a decision on the alternate okay and you're talking about the alternate the bid alternate the bid alternate yes then there's we had one bid alternate and the the Prices range we can talk talk about that after okay so back to this Library funding analysis our final total you'll see in line four our final total project costs are $8 million 983 th000 we currently have funded 8 million that we are taking the low bid at this point that means we are [Music] $232,300 re EST that the select board spend the remaining arpa funds and earmark funds that the town has arpa funds for $63,800 to be able to go forward with this project I'm going to make an amendment to that that 60 63 should be just 6 ,000 should already spent 3,000 okay Maran you already spent 3,000 so that should be 60,000 6,840 just 60,000 60,000 I can't do it because it's not my screen that you're looking at so my screen and I can't do it either why can't I do it um do you have to it's not a PD it's not a PD no oh I just yeah you didn't open it I only just like the one person we can usually count on to be on top of I don't I don't use Google my personal okay so there it is 638 switch that to 60,000 perfect additional fcre the additional what is it okay y oh wait I have the right number it should be 6840 oh we do want the 840 yeah oh then 6,000 30007 yeah a 120 863 this one here yeah 8 okay all right so okay thank you do I hear talk about the other $120,000 we will after this we will after this do I hear any motion from my committee Molly moved it do I hear a second Jeff seconded is there any further discussion right we're asking the select for yeah yes we're asking the select for I'm going to take a roll call vote antonellis anelis I Delmas I Foster i h h i Jake I moss hi quacken Bush poo I the motion is unan unanimously approved so we are going to ask the select board to use those funds that they have available to them to go forward with this project that means we have $2,863 that we do not currently have in our pockets shall we say so is everybody clear in that we all on the same page here all right right so question this includes the cost for the well y yes it includes the cost for the well it includes the well this includes the well this includes um FFN um and it includes $100,000 for Landscaping on top of the Landscaping that was in the budget um in the contractor's budget I have a question so is there was there any Landscaping in that bit yes so we I would say about so in the bid there was um seaing of the open areas I don't want to call it lawn areas it's the rtic system the storm water detention basins and the open sort of field area that's not going to be be planted with shrubs trees or fren right and that is and then it also if I remember correctly includes planting trees and shrubs that are at the back end of that that would be damaged if we went across that to plant ourselves and so it's roughly half I think it was maybe half of the total landscaping and maybe a third of the trees in sh right right the ones that that would be harder to do once the site has been seated and all and the ones that were closer to the [Music] water Bas and the ones where it would be more tricky to them yes yes so all all of the things that are along the road around the building and in the wet easily accessible we as a town will take that on yes this but there's certain items that the grant will pay certain it exactly do you will see them let see so we have the total project cost under column F the total project cost 8,600 25,000 our estimate when we went out to bid was 6,150 the general contractor bid came back at 6386 then we add the well for 22,000 and landscaping for an extra 100,000 and those come up to the 8,900 83,000 this is 3.8% over what we expected which is not bad not bad not bad not bad at all EnV considering yes considering the environment and we received five bids which is is awesome awesome I mean some of them were high but but uh we still received five of them so can you scroll up do we have the is George is the is the eligible versus ineligible on the spreadsheet no no okay so so let me just open a spreadsheet you open that spreadsheet I won't so Mar is doing that who wanted the names I give it to Becky for the minute I don't I don't think name is on there I have anything to write oh write her name down on it okay I'll WR me so can I go back I just I just have another question about the Landscaping since it's been you know put out there separately is that is that an mblc requirement or why are we adding that at this juncture if it wasn't in the bid well because it's part of the total project cost so we we can't say the project is done until all that Landscaping is done because the Landscaping is part of the order of conditions from the Conservation Commission we're taking down trees for the project we have to replace them in accordance with the wetlands protection bylaw okay okay but it is not a requirement by the mlbc nor does it have to be completed until 3 years three years after the order three years after the order of conditions right so we have 3 years to do the Landscaping we will have hopefully many volunteers we will hopefully have many donations of Trees and Landscaping and that $100,000 is sitting right now in we will need it if no one shows up okay is that the 120 that we need to raise is that that is in that that is in at 120,000 yes so what the mblc in order to execute the contract we just we have to make sure we have the GC that we yes are happy with goes through the whole due diligence process then we can execute a contract and that would be for the amount the 6 whatever the 6.386 okay great the contract is for 6.386 the m mblc is interested in the building not the landscaping and is there a time what is the time frame on executing that contract we need to have that so that the nblc can sign off on their monies by the end of June so um so the so the s estimated ineligible costs are $827,000 so the eligible costs are about $8 million a little bit more than $8 million right now okay any other questions on that question on the construction of the well for example that 22,000 is that is that a firm number is that like it's done it's done okay very firm it's a very firm number it's gone another quick question the earmark money is that we were trying to get earmark money that's that money or that's money we already got no that's the money that you already have right so we still could get more ear Mark money theoretically we have put in for a commun congressionally directed funding which is an earmark a congressional earmark we put in for $250,000 to both Senator Mary and Senator Warren's offices and Congressman McGovern's office Congressman McGovern put us on his short list they can only put 15 projects on their short list and we are on his short list um he G made me gave me a call on Friday and said um you can look on his website it's there but um we are actually like the second lowest amount um that it's being requested which is a very good thing because sometimes when somebody is requesting $100 and you're requesting 10 cents your 10 cents is going to be given to so but he did say that it has to go through with the budget decision and most probably they are not going to get to a budget until after the election but that still gives us plenty of time still possible for um shelving for materials for furniture for audio equipment and for landscaping so we have plenty of time to use that money okay we also have two other grants um in process that we are we have proposals in for so we have a lot of requests going out so it it is possible that we won't need everything that we're asking for but we can't guarantee that and we need that to go forward okay cool thank you yes related question what's the source of that current a mark at, 62 that's joke com from Joe comford Joe cord's office gave us, um she gave us $200,000 in 2022 I think the award came in the year we were voting the library um at that point we were very much needing the new roof to get funded and the of the school the new roof for the school and the S board decision was to take the 200,000 EMP to the new room the budget came in for the new roof so we only had to use a small we only ended up using about less than 50,000 and then we applied it to the next school project which ended up coming in at 100,000 so we now have a balance to go to what I think Maran will tell you was its original destination well and I just want to say that at the time when the slug board suggested that the earmark go to the school roof instead of the library we thought the library was fully funded we had just voted and you know and we thought it was fully funded so it it you know we were thrilled to have it go to the school Road um so but now now we're thrilled to see that there's a little bit left and we would like some of them to do her hard work so what else do you um does your committee need to review because this comes to the the next portion of this will be the select board discussing the request for the AR funds and right should we do a well update sure okay so so the well was on installed there's a lot of questions about the wells and we still don't have the final pumping report but we should have it tomorrow um but so the well was installed and the 24-hour pump test required by the D was done the beginning of April um the well water does not have two paws um and nor does it have any other contaminants um from a whole you know battery of testing pages and pages of testing required by DP except it does have radon which exceeds the uh the you know general safety requirements um so uh so we've proposed a DE he approved um filter for you know a carbon filter point of entry filter for to filter the rid on um and that filter while while the well does not have p p now it was non-detect for p um that filter will also filter out peas because it's a carbon filter um so uh so and then you know things that you know might dis color the water like iron or things like that that just are sort of natural things that happen um in Bedrock Wells but so it's really good news um and we'll have that that final report which goes to the D for the permit application um hopefully tomorrow um they keep saying tomorrow but I think tomorrow is really going to be the day and then we'll post it on the um the building website let's see and then the next step after that is the approves permits it per well yes do you want to give an update should we give an update about the orders of conditions the three special conditions that we're working on love to have that so the order of conditions means that uh we have been working with the Conservation Commission um concerning the site and I think Penny you have the most um breath of knowledge there uh okay uh we have we were required in the order of commissions to divide three plans to the Conservation Commission before a building contract or before yeah yeah before before building before the beginning of construction right um the first one was oh gosh I'm sorry the trash trash we had to we had to prepare a trash and removal plan and Maran ele and I scalled the property and mapped all of the trashing degree and uh presented that with photographs to the commission and they approved the plan and we're starting some of the trash removal tomorrow and it should be done within in a few weeks um so that's number one the second one is an invasive species management plan we hired Brian Colin to prepare the plans Maran and I did a site visit with him um the good news is he felt most of the embas of plant can be dealt with with volunteers but there are a few places that um need more attention and he is preparing a plan I just received it today I haven't had a chance to look at it but hopefully it will will submit it by Thursday to the concom and they will review at their meeting next week and third plan is the landscape mainten maintenance plan which I received Friday Friday I think it still needs a little bit of work but I think we'll be able to submit that by Thursday and have that discussed by the commission at the meeting next week as well great I do see Bob with his hand up as a oh is a fincom member okay Bob oh hi thank you right can you hear me yes yeah go oh good two questions one as a member of the fcom I'd like to know if the select board to uh discuss and vote on this motion made by the library building committee tonight or is that going to wait for the Neil Joyce's report before that's discussed number one number two I'm curious of what the square footage for this building is um looking at these numbers they're pretty large you like to know what what the size of building is if that information's available but first first I'd like to know whether or not uh the thcom is here to presumably to weigh in on this uh proposal and whether the select board is going to entertain that proposal tonight or not thank you we were thank you we were going to ask the fincom to discuss it now since you are here we were going well typically what we do is we would make the recommendation and then the fincom oh okay I'm sorry I thought it went the other way around that they would make a recommendation and you do it yeah either way can can I answer the square footage question cuz that's an easy one e uh so the square footage of the building and this is off the top of my head Bob is 4530 Square ft yes same as my head that's good not not that we not haven't memorized it but okay could you say that one more time 4,530 ft thank you very much that's the footprint the footprint yes the footprint so your pleasure do it how would you like to do it would you like the fincom I mean I sure we can let the fincom go all right yeah has the fincom called itself to order yes they have okay fincom their chair is online AJ are you there hi folks can you hear me yes we can okay great um uh sorry to not be there in person by the way I'm uh as you can see I'm in my car but I'm pulled over uh so it it sounds to me like what the the fincom needs to do is um weigh in on the specific recommendation to allocate remaining arpa funds and earmark funds that's that that's the the specific decision that's being made tonight is that does that sound right to folks yes yes it is okay all right um so I guess what I would do is make um a motion and we can we can entertain comments from fincom members but I'll I'll go ahead head just to get the ball rolling and make a motion to uh recommend um transfer or utilization of remaining arpa funds and state earmark funds uh for the purpose of the new library construction project okay so I think we've got a couple seconds um so do any fincom members want to um ask questions or weigh in with comments about whether um that sounds like an appropriate and and useful uh decision for the town to be making all right so I see April so I'm gonna go to April and then Bob yes thank you I I think it would be a really good use of the funds and I'm also wondering if there's any of the fincom reserve funds that could be added as well I I believe we have a significant amount to last us through the end of June and and that's that's just something I was wondering I think it was 70,000 may I could be wrong but no what is yeah I've got I've got a I've got the number I'll pull it up it'll just take me a second uh we've got 4,314 okay uh remaining so I guess I'm I'm wondering if through this discussion if we could consider adding that to offset the cost of the project this is George speaking that's not an option where we can't do that fincon Reserve funds are strictly for covering overages in the current operating budget and we can't transfer Bon reserves outside of anything that was approved in the operating budget to any lines that were not approved in the operating budget for fiscal for in this case it was a thought that was a good thought Bob you have your hand up uh how about Bob yeah hi thank you um I just want to weigh in on this uh thank you for that information George that Accords with my understanding as well uh on this arpa and earmark I think I've supported for a long time using arpa money for the school I supported using arpa money for the project also I want very much supported the notion of providing the school with a whole building ventilation and filtration system which would really improve the health of our students and our staff there and I think that the money the ARA money the proper use of the money regardless of whether the the flight Administration has now just made it completely um up to the towns how to spend it when it was first issued it did have they had specific projects which should be funded with it and and most of those projects had to do with public education and I still think that that's where the money should go should go through a uh filtration system and as far as the earmark well similarly the ear Mark was uh the product of of Becky and others who applied to our representatives in the stain house to help us with the roof and to help us with uh repairs and uh improvements on our school and that's what the money was uh meant for and I still think that that money should go to that kind of project which we're going to continue to fund uh after this round of improvements and repairs is complete so I don't support transferring that to the library it's not doesn't really uh make sense to me uh the library project if it needs more money that should go through the process of raising money from the from the town meeting as usual so that's my point of view on these particular on this request thank you J George has his hand up here in the room yeah go ahead George yeah so to respond to the arpa first of all I think everybody needs to be aware that we have to earmark we have to um vote on how we're going to use the ARA funds by the end of this month or we don't get to spend them at all so I don't think the fin but is that that's a correct statement right I I haven't I haven't they might have extended they might have extended it okay well my concern is if we don't if we don't apply to something now we're going to lose it so that's number one concern number two concern we've got all the capital items that have been brought to us through this fiscal year funded so I don't really see any need for those right now it's not to say that there but couldn't be helpful somewhere else but I think this is a great place to put It ultimately if more money does come in we might even be able would lower our loan on this building if we were to get that to $150,000 for instance so you know it's I think this is a good use of the ARA funds and I am concerned about losing it as far as the eart goes didn't I hear somebody say originally the ear Mar was for the library building yes Maryanne wrote wrote the reest I I support then I support using the Mr so I support using both of those I my personal recommendation support to make transer J has all right Susie go ahead this project has been voted strongly by the town both in the political vote and in the money vote for the override and we are within finishing distance and these funds that we're looking at are appropriately used to help finish this project and the work to keep this project under control is has been significant so so I support having the araund and the earmark that was intended for the library to be spent okay I'll just I'll just chime in really quickly on on some of the concerns that uh Bob raised I mean I I don't see the personally the logic to us imposing additional restrictions on ourselves that are not being imposed by the entities that have awarded us those funds so um you know if I was if if I received a grant for my organization um I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't feel compelled to apply additional restrictions on how we use those funds that are beyond what the entities restrictions are that have awarded the fund so I I I I would um I'm not persuaded that that would be like a great idea and and then the alternative is for us to utilize um you know cash reserves um and so um I think I think this current plan seems to make sense to me so I'm inclined to approve it um or to recommend um approval of it are there any other fincom members that wanted to chime in before we take a vote on this I can't necessarily see everybody in the room so is there anybody in the room your hand up yes yes Jim Walton okay go ahead Jim Walton go ahead regard I think there was something thr out there about other possible projects and I those projects aren't fully vetted defined approved and whatnot here we have a project that's up ready to go it is going going forward um you regarding these other potential future projects we can review those once they are approved and decide how they should be funded and maybe this future are or future whatevers that could be part of those future projects but I think for now we should focus on the projects that are finded and are ready to move [Music] forward uh anybody else in the room from fincom no okay so I think we're ready to I think we're ready to take a vote then uh if we want to vote in our usual order George if you can kick us off Arbon iov a Hemingway nay all right cashew I moer I Stein I Walton [Music] I all right so I think that was 52 did I count that correctly yes did okay um okay so I think um as far far as the fincom is concerned I'm not sure if there's anything else any other action for us to take tonight but I'm I'm still going to be in the meeting muted so um I think uh I guess maybe I actually do have one question which is there was some discussion of um a backup bid that will be selected at some point um and I'm wondering if at a future fincom develop a plan or a proposal for how um the project would be funded if we had to pursue that backup bid or is that something we would just tackle at a later date if and when it turns out that we need to utilize um I'm not quite sure if you're speaking of the different construction bids or when we talked about alternate bids cuz the alternate word were add-ons to our original project and so we had the construction companies giving us a bid for the project plus a bid for an alternate in the event that we lived in Fairyland and their bids came in so low that we could do both which understood that yeah okay so that was my that was my misunderstanding when you were referring to an alternate bit I thought that meant a backup bit so scratch what I just said all right thanks everybody hopefully we're going to be a able to accept this bid from construction Dynamics for 6, 386,000 this is a group that uh Neil has worked with recently and um hopefully has vetted well and everything will come out as we hope so um we're we're not looking at anything else right now we're looking at our got it great thank you yep yes it's back to us so it's back to you the select board okay you got it um yeah does the select board have well I suppose we should make a motion before we talk about it so do we hear a motion for the use of ARA funds and earmark funds to do the shortfall for the libr uh I make a motion that we approve $60,000 in ARA funds [Music] $ 6,840 in arpa funds and 50,62159 [Music] [Music] Library stalker ey make PE thank you thank you so much of course that still does mean that we have $1 12,865 that we are going to need to raise before the end of the project um I'd like to invite you all to the lasagna dinner on Friday I'd like to invite you all to clean out your garages and then come and join in the tag sale which is the day is Sunday June 16th June 16th Father's Day Father's Day I'd like to invite you all to come to the roadtown jerkey tro next it's the Saturday before Thanksgiving Saturday before Thanksgiving and liary funding Library funding oh yes it's special Library funding the turkey tra how much did we raise from the Turkey Trot last year I think we profited $133,000 $113,000 last year and that was our inaugural year so keep it in mind folks and there will be Library giving days and there will be projects of landscaping to help with this but I think we are over the finish line now the big question is going to be when do we get this shovels and when are we going to break ground well so first we have to sign the we have to sign the contract and then we have and then we'll you know and then then we'll schedule that at the first meeting probably okay so so let's schedule a meeting for next week back from the number we [Laughter] um let's see next week um Tuesday is the 11th it's an all boards meeting it's an all boards meeting how about Wednesday the 12th yeah Kate still has a question oh Kate yes you have a question we wait till you're done thanks okay thank you um the 12th works for me Neil does the 12th work for you wednes Wednesday 12 you're on mute Neil I believe the 12th is fine Roger is the 12th work for you I believe so Dominic does the 12th work for you yes it does by the way Dominic hi and congratulations to us all okay and then Heather and Andrea does the 12 work for you or one of you at least I see Heather there it does it works for me oh great thank you okay and then and then the committee is there anyone on the it doesn't work for you okay we have one member out of town I'm available you're available penny I'm sorry so busy taking not the 12th are you available Dale are you available on the 12th yes step Delma Steven I'm available okay m no Alex is home for a whole week and last evening at home all right so we have two members that are not available are you okay with going ahead without okay all right so just let's be clear what's happening at that meeting we are going to sign a contract you don't sign a contract I mean we are going to we I'm sorry I have we we're going to we're going to recommend to you so would you like to make it a joint meeting yeah I am I am only available I'm out of tent yeah and I am only available until 6:30 all right so the question is do we change the the day are you gone that whole week I'm gone at 12th to 16th or something like that yeah oh umon timee so now that we went through oh you and you need us um can we we don't have to do at the same time we don't can I mean you can they're going to recommend it and then you can act on their recommendation then you can meet okay but the what I mean it's holds that the contract the mlbc needs to have this contract signed by June 30 by when we need it we have to have um the payment ready to go by June 21st so either we do it on the 11th or the what about earlier in the day on the 11th 12 yeah you could do cuz it's a oh but NE needs time to get his stuff ready what so but you leave what time on the 12 I me 5:00 in I don't know 6 early I'm going okay so but we the two of us I'm I'm available earlier if you can it depends on if I can work at home and sneak out um or 5:00 or we do 6 a.m. meeting I get at 5 you're welcome to have a 5:30 meeting if you want I mean ear it just not I don't want to be yeah I can make I I get adjust we can do it at 5:00 I don't want to do a 5 you don't want to do wait a minute could you do a 5 o' in the afternoon meeting if it's only going to be an hour yeah it's only going to be an hour yes and I might do it from home I promise oh yes absolutely and that's the 12th the 12th 5 5:00 P p.m. on the 12th Neil does that work for that work for you Neil should be fine okay I might be able to even buy zoom into that I don't know does matter somebody else yeah I'll be at the destination question 5m we can start 500 P p.m. on the 12th Wednesday June 12th exuse me we'd like to adjourn our finance committee meeting I think that's what AJ stands up for oh I'm sorry exactly now no no problem mik I just uh yeah I don't think we actually officially adjourned so um I'm going to go ahead and adjourn the the fincom thank Youk you thank you for being here all right congratulations thank you is it a roll call vote a roll call vote to a Jour yeah George Geor you want to start us up did he did great Mr Groves he might he might have left okay all right Jim yeah yes I'm in favor of that adjournment cashew I close your eye fine ey walon I thank you for being here okay you're welcome take care everyone okay I I see Kate is still there she's she's patient I know she's patient um she's been waiting a lot of time for this so is there anything more that we need to discuss about funding and the project right now Maryann do you think of anything Neil can you think of anything more that we need to discuss on the funding just no I think we're [Music] good okay do we need to discuss anything about the alternate at the time that you make the award to the general contractor you'll have to identify whether the town wishes to include the alternate in the scope of the project or whether it declines the alternate um and that's a decision that can be made I assume at the building committee level uh when we next meet okay as long as it's know as long as it's no okay if you fund it then we all have to meet again correct correct great all right all right so we're going to move on from funding issues and now Kate if you have something you would like to say yes thank you on behalf of the board of Library trustees I would like to thank the building committee the professionals who've joined us the select board the fincom the friends of the library the town of shsy our Representatives who've supported us and Maran antonelis and it's been a long time coming and I am so fortunate to serve as the spokesperson for the board so that I get to be the one to thank as many people as I possibly can if I didn't thank everyone I should have please forgive me I include you all in my prayers and in my heart and I would like to take a roll call vote to adjourn the board of Library trustees I'm gonna ask uh in order I I really difficult for me because I can't see who's here um Brad Foster hi m sh Mel the Silva hi Elizabeth Murphy hi I'm I'm sorry I'm forgetting someone and [Music] IAM pam pam I'm so sorry pam pam is Hy I beg your pardon I and I also say I good night everyone thank you good night thank you thank you um all right I would like to entertain public comment now if we since we have time is there anyone from the public that would like to make a comment don't mind Gail Gail I would just like to thank this committee for all the hard work and the Beautiful organization and perseverance through every step along the way for making this happen for bringing us through with understanding for clarity to us to understand what's going on behind the scenes it has been a a real gift to this community and I thank you thank you is there anyone else who would like to speak have a question that we didn't address I'm sure there'll be lots of questions and lots of things to discuss so um stay tuned to our meetings and uh we will keep putting out announcements as much as possible okay so back to [Music] our sorry I I I move the table the minutes until the next meeting yeah okay we will table I second motion my second motion roll call vote please anel is I Stephen D Miss ey Foster ey po I Penny J poo I um I don't hear any more business is there any more business do I hear a motion to ajour I move BR to ajour I hear second second oh you're taking okay Antella I Elma ey po I I thank you everyone great thank you committee [Applause] job thank you Dominic thank you everybody Dominic yes and Neil thank you so much Neil and Roger you too yes Neil thank you welcome no no we haven't adjourned yet we haven't adjourn I I just wanted to talk a little bit about scheduling because I have one got the agenda for the 17th move closer yeah [Laughter] again [Music] andless night waiting for this to come either the same or lower or I don't know 2:00 project wait until last minute it was [Music] last I well but the shelving is so yeah but we might yeah the always right a little bit okay can everybody clear out the can finish our meeting okay guys we need space in here bye work thanks I'm just giv Brad a cookie I just thank you for bring the [Music] [Music] cookies okay um so I just um I just told said to Melissa that I am not I'm actually physically out of town on both June 17 and July second the June 17th meeting I can participate remotely and I know it's a big meeting so I just thought we could run through what the agenda is not that it's make but what were we doing on the 17th well the we've got the appointments and we have p so I mean there it's it's more in getting prepared for it it's not as much of in depth that okay all right all right so that's so if I'm if I'm remote it's not going to be a problem I don't think so you should be fine all right and then um can we possibly instead of meeting on July 2nd meet on July 9th so go three weeks is there going to be any problem is there anything else that's really pressed we have done all the appointments and everything by it's just if there's a contract you know and it's we just want to be sure the library contract is set and it should be before that they're talking about so we might be able to do it on the on the 17th that's my oh the 12th the 12th is Sunday they already sched right but we don't know I mean that's for to recommend the contract to us if they choose that well they're just doing the award letter there they're they're just doing the award and then the contract falls but it should be okay to do the contract right on the heels right of the award right especially if it's the signing we send it out do that or maybe we could figure that out about the contract we could always do a well we could always do a Mee that last week in June right like the 24th or something but they need the contract they need the money by the cont to the 12 it's just Neil will I know I know that's possible yeah it's following it up with the yeah okay oh you want to sign it first no problem so Neil you're still here oh shoot you just left okay all right fine as long as that's that that works 1 okay so I think we're good actually you're not in there okay I'm the one now yeah but you're co-host okay that's good yeah okay that's all I needed to I just wanted to make sure I'm SCH okay so then then we'll move to July 9th now the and everybody's okay unless yeah you guys okay with July 9th should be fine for meally great thank you that means we all go voting we must have lakes in Minnesota lak in that's what it's all about is 10,000 I make a motion that we adjourn I think now we the meeting is so do I hear motion to adjourn so move second second okay all those in favor barl I st than PE on thank you very much great all right