##VIDEO ID:MXrPkOWWy-A## there we go recording in progress um since you and Kathy are here we have two Personnel board members okay and if we get a third we'll have to ask one of them to leave okay if we before the discussion that includes computer okay so we don't get you ready yeah I'm going to ask Kathy or someone on screen can you just let us know you can hear us yep okay okay great all right I'm going to go ahead and call the meeting of the shs fa select order today is Tuesday September 10th this meeting is a hybrid meeting um so we have the select board and Town Administrator and some guests here um in the town hall and other folks who are um participating remotely so the first item is to review the agenda um after that we will take public comment um we have two sets of Select board minutes August 13th and August 22nd to review then um after that we have a guest Glen fman from life that is going to make a presentation to the select board and the public um and we have an appointment of a cultural council member uh after that scheduling of the fincom rep and Personnel Board rep meeting with the select board regarding ta contract then the historical commission is coming to meet with the select board to discuss the guide board uh then Google Calendar um we have a request for a townwide birthday party County Administrator updates and then last item on the agenda is an executive session for reason number three to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the government's litigating position the litigation is specific to a complaint received from Kohls regarding the shsy solar bylaw pure sky and Kohl's with special counsel U actually it will just be with Town Council tonight okay and is the planning Bo joining uh they are not because I have a memo from them um yes so the planning neither the planning board or the special Council will be here for the um uh for the executive session so um as I said the first item is to um I'm going to open it up for public comment and I ask that you um limit your your comments to two to three minutes uh and and not address anything that's on the agenda this evening but rather um uh just make public comment and again a reminder during the public comment period um we do not engage in a dialogue we just take your public comments and um whatever review them um so if you could use the raised hand feature um there aren't so many people here tonight but um use a raised hand feature if you do have a public comment and I will call in you so Mary Joe you you your name is up there as Melody but we know you as Mary Joe thank you um yeah so um I'm speaking not just for myself but on behalf of the 104 shsb residents who signed the petition sent to you last week regarding glyphosate spraying for not weak control and I because I'm representing the concerns of myself and many others I hope you'll afford me about five minutes for these comments if you have written comments you could submit them so I would ask you we have a pretty full agenda we do have so if you could kind of summarize it but we will um take written comments and sure I will I will send them to you thank you yeah I wrote it out to make sure I didn't take any more time than I was supposed to so um our petition asks for a temporary moratorium un folar glyphosate spraying for knotweed control on Town property and calls for a less toxic plan to be put into place the petition gains for support every day and as of now has 211 supporters including at least 104 shsb residents um of the 2011 there are at least three health professionals with public health backgrounds two Wetland scientists attorne and many residents from our neighbor neighboring communities even Michael pill a local land use attorney signed this petition this much concern expressed after just a couple posts on next St over a period of only 3 weeks is I think worthy of the select board's attention and response we also sent the select board information about the human health and environmental risks of using glyphosate in the proposed manner for for those unfamiliar with this chemical glyphosate is the key ingredient in the herbicide Roundup it is a toxic chemical that harms human health and the environment glyphosate exposure has contributed to hundreds of billions of dollars in court ordered damages in recent years and it is a dangerous substance that harms human health native habitat homeowner properties and wetlands it's our understanding that conversations have begun to develop um to develop permit applications to the Conservation Commission for spraying projects near Wetlands um and there has been some discussion about applying for CPA funds for this project four plans for folar spraying with glyphosate proceed any further um we are asking the select board under its authority to take the time to consider developing a lesser toxic integrated knotweed management plan that everyone in the town can agree upon we share concerns about the expansion of unwanted species disrupting native species and habitat in shuts Berry but we believe that there may be a better way than using glyphosate that can be implemented as a community building project within neighborhoods for the more difficult STS of not weed to manage having Community Support would be preferable and allow us to spray less if it even proved necessary at all we think it would be worthwhile to try because spraying has only a short-term impact and does not fully eradicate not weed stands resulting ongoing efforts to manage knotweed will potentially lock the town into an escalating cycle of repeated spraying and ever increasing damage to human health as well as soil water and the native plants and insects that we need to protect Mary Joe I hate to stop you but I know we probably have other public comments this evening so if you could if you could submit your comments and I know we got at least one email um on this so I appreciate mind if I I could just skip to the end I mean I wasn't going to I wasn't going to talk more about harms of glyphosate that's all I have to say about that um the the further part that I want to talk to you about is a little bit about process um let me see what I could potentially leave out um let me just get is it does anybody else want to make a public comment this evening okay you have another couple of minutes then go ahead thank like to so um so if the SL board does decide to use glyphosate on Town property in the future it is our hope that at minimum people who might be impacted be informed this is accepted common courtesy and has been done with sign managed by private land owners since the beginning of lawn spraying decades ago in the context of the Town signage is about transparency in addition to being necessary to predi the health of children and pets that play and interact with the soil and plants more than adults who might be walking by as far as I know existing knotweed stands in Cho SP do not currently constitute a public safety threat herbicides and pesticides do therefore if they must be used similar to the opt out available for spraying for mosquitoes we would further recommend that the town Implement a butter notifications and an a butter optout procedure so that residents could object to herbicide spraying on roads and rights of way near them unless there's a legitimate threat to Public Safety in our cover letter we asked for an agenda item that would allow us to speak with you and make a presentation regarding the hazards of using viate given that the subduing naweed Coalition and its goals and strategies have come into the larger public view only in the last few weeks and that so many of us are opposed to spraying it seems that allowing an opportunity for Greater Community participation and comment during the planning process and seeking broader agreement if not Community consensus on on and participating in implementing solutions would be desirable if you agree we would like to make a presentation for your consideration at the scheduled meeting with additional information and suggestions and updated guidance from scientific experts about options other than glyphosate for management of knotweed in the immediate future that's all thank you all right uh nobody else said that they were going to have any public comments is that correct Leslie it has to be really short because I asked in order to because we we have something else scheduled so make it brief she's muted you're muted okay thank you I I also sent you an email today and sent it to all the Committees I could possibly think of and I just wanted to add one more thing besides the transparent Y is that I think shutesbury is considered a green Community to me being a green Community would not include spraying pesticides insecticides or any carcinogenic substance and last but not least we have goats and pigs in our town that can eat the knotweed which also is effective at getting rid of it I have friends who have used that successfully so that would save the town money it would also protect the health not only of our town and the environment but all these chemicals heat up the planet so it would lessen our carbon footprint and also protect the people who are applying it thank you for your consideration comments and we did get your your email thank you um okay so we um the next item on the agenda is to review the select board minutes and we have two sets of minutes um August 13th and August 22nd so do I hear a motion to approve the minutes of August 13 so moved second any edits comments all right um all those in favor signify by saying I I sarl I and and we have minutes from August 22nd D are a motion to approve the minutes of August 22nd so second uh any comments additions deletions all right um all those in favor signify by saying I pleas I st barl I all right um so the next item is we have a um guest this evening um Lynn Feldman from from life path is going to give us a presentation and I don't know the subject of the presentation but so I will turn it over to you if you want to introduce yourself yes thank you so much my name is ly Feld pull up just you're speaking today sure talk to the owl talk to the owl ow right my name is Lyn Feldman I'm the uh associate executive director at life path I'm here to talk with you tonight about the agent friendly project life path is the Area Agency on Aging for shsy as well as 29 other communities in Frankin County in the northin that means we provide uh care coordination Home Care Services information meals on meals primarily for people over the age of 60 but also uh folks with disabilities and careers as well um in addition to that work where we helping people to age in place we also have the AG of Dimension friendly project which was an effort to uh kind of re envision you know how our communities are supporting people as they age because we have a lot of folks who are over age 60 in our community that number is growing and our communities um want to be able to support those folks to aging placees as fast as they can provide everybody what they need as they age so in order to do that uh back in 2019 we kicked off the age and dimension friendly project basically what this means is um it's an World Health Organization model that looks at 8 domains that communities can um can of things communities can do to support aging well and following the World Health Organization model which is actually applied by AARP in the United States we embarked on this threeyear plan process so in that process um the idea is creating communities where you know uh that are a places that make it easy for older people to stay connected to people that are important to them helps people to stay healthy and active and um in this in this project the first step was uh letters of commitment from all communities and shsb sign a letter of commitment to this in 2021 um you may remember nor Al kabi stra coming to speak with you he was the previous program manager and he was probably the one who told you all about the uh project and um got a got sh fa to sign on as one of 27 30 of 30 towns in in the area to sign on the next phase Was A needs assessment and action planning where we commun we communicated with over 2,000 people across the 30 towns including a lot of folks in shsb got uh feedback from them uh through surveys and focus groups and um that information was analyzed by um some work groups who came together looked looked at the different domains and determine sort of what are the what are the core issues across the community uh that are critical to supporting people as they age defines what of the key problem areas and then from that the steering committee which is also made up residents of various communities developed an action plan so I'm here tonight to talk with you about the action plan and to hear you know what your questions you have what ideas you might have for supporting the residents of shuberry as they get older as we all get older um in ways of sort of Aging so this is the uh when we we completed the agent men friendly action plan we submitted to ARP you all probably received a copy of this certificate I have another one for you this is sh sp's um certification that you're officially an AG friendly community and you also would have gotten a copy of this in the mail but I had extras if people want to take a look and this is what we'll be talking about tonight all like okay so I has four cop that I brought hopefully that do so what I'd like to do with our time tonight and I'll keep an eye on the clock is just to kind of walk briefly through this plan and identify if you have questions areas where you support or things you've already accomplished and I know truths fa actually has done already a lot that's in this action plan um that we can we can take a moment and celebrate as well so um the action plan again is divided up into the eight eight domains and so if we go to sort of gone through the introduction background there's a community profile so if we go to page six this describes the eight domains of liability you can see they in the top um the domains start with the top Center at 12:00 no outdoor spaces in buildings Transportation communication and information civic participation and employment respect and social inclusion health services and community supports and social participation and these categor uh support most of the needs that people experience as they age we all need these things the problem statements are outlined here that the work groups identified and these were sort of the the things we were trying to solve develop the action plan so I thought we would start maybe focus on a couple of particular domains which are of um specific interests to select boards in particular because these are things that you all can be doing as a governing body to support residents this St AG um so for example domain number one this is on page nine outdoor spaces and buildings the goal that was identified was to improve access to town parks and public facilities for all residents equitably um so the idea is to have an accessible to all physical environment for every resident in town in including things like parks and public facilities um to comply with the adaa standards and there are some specific action items that we identify through our process um that towns can do to support this so for example action step one provide towns with Ada audits for recreation and public facilities and you can see the way this is formatted is under each action step we have a lead organization uh implementing Partners resources measurement of success so trying to sort of identify who's doing what and who's responsible for what um so Ada audits improve walkability of local communities by increasing the number of towns engaging the complete streets program which I know you all are um already engaged with so you can check that one off the list and um working with Town recreation committees open space committees to incorporate age friendly elements into Opening space and Recreation plans um assisting towns to Implement H friendly recommendations from open space and Recreation plans to expand access to physical activities natural areas places together for all residence equitably so this might mean um you know creating wheelchair accessible outdoor uh facilities or or the like and action step five is to work with Council and aging to conduct walk audits to develop programs to expand access to walking for all residents a lot of people in our surveys identify the the me and the wish to be able to to walk safely in their communities so most in domain one Franklin Regional Council of governments which is our main partner in this effort has a lot of resources to any questions so far um the pathways for wheelchairs do they do they are they usually just crushed down or P they can be crushed stone and still be considered Ada accessible but um if you have specific area that you're looking at or a specific path thing to do would be to um you know do an aviator walkability audit of that and per can help you with that if you have an interest in a particular Trail or a ra thank you and the other thing is that um just mentioned that life path and the reason I'm here is that there's instead of a program director or no is that the the grant ran out for the AG of venture friendly project but we have received new funding so we'll have be hiring program director who will be able to provide more active technical assistance to towns and we'll also have some Grant dollars to to give to towns to work on projects so that will be if if funding is needed for a certain thing this project um should be able to provide some support domain number two Transportation uh really is focused around things that communities can do that that look at things like volunteer your transportation obviously this this action plan focuses on things that don't cost a lot of money that aren't you know rebuilding the entire public transportation infrastructure um you all have access to um village Neighbors which is a you know one of the programs that we're looking at trying to support through the action plan to make sure that they have enough volunteer drivers to be able to support everyone at chsb that might need a so I won't go through all of the um action steps in domain 2 we can take a look at those in domain three housing um there might be some things to talk about here because um the goal is to create accessible older adult housing options with input from older adults um and increase awareness of current options especially those with you know particular lived experience of discrimination or disability um and the action steps here again it's not about necessarily although we do need to build new housing um this is really about um things that communities can do at low cost to increase um the friendliness of age friendliness of housing so for example researching and distributing information on Municipal policy barriers so we want um we want to understand more about housing affordability through zoning ordinance in frankf County we want to Advocate res zoning that supports more affordable and accessible housing options which is um for example accessory dwelling units which I know shs fa does it believe you have you allow both attached and detached avus through special permit which is a very age friendly policy so well done on that and that would satisfy your action step two um we want to advocate for State funding that supports more affordable housing options in rural areas and we want to work at towns um on older adult housing that is suitable to older adults and um we're working both with Franklin Regional Council of governments and the housing authority on those there's a few more action steps uh that involve some of Life Path programming um we're also looking to help Builders understand how to do age friendly building for example if you're renovating a bathroom a great time to um make a house potentially age friendly is that time when you're renovating it because you can install certain types of studs and infrastructure that will able you to better for example add rails and things like that safety rails rad bars and so forth and home repair is also another important thing for books we know um uh that was a big need that came up in the needs assessment which just had so I I had a question just um So within those action steps like supporting home safety and home repair programs MH where is there any discussion about where funding might come from or is it simply we could provide you technical assistance about what you have to do but if you have you have a lowincome household that needed help I know the Housing Authority in the past has had some housing rehab programs that have I don't know how much has been done in shsb what the volume is but is there more is there funding behind any of those initiatives yes and action St 7 particular life CL and that we just um fulfilled a grant to Village neighbors to do home repair work so they home program so the first call that folks should make if they need small home repair is to Village neighbors if that doesn't work folks can call wack and we may have some funding available for smaller projects for larger projects there is a partnership with Community Action of the Pioneer Valley loan life path home modification program where people can get zero interest loans and things like that to do more major renovations upholds so there um we can get you like a listing if you want included on your town website or something like that because that would give people an idea of who to call if they need that support yeah that would be that would be great and if there's already a um kind of established outline that we can just not recreate something to to be able to put up because I know in the past there was information on the homepage like when we had the the home repair program through the Housing Authority but this sounds more like there are more options so that would be really great to have up on our website yep I can follow up on that okay so just I know just looking at the time a domain for social participation I'm just going to skip over some of those things we know that the council's on Aging Villages are doing work along that you all aree to take a look at these on your own time respective social inclusion is domain five and there are some particular things we'd like to do for example um we can provide some um a technical assistance around how to become more diens friendly as a community if you're interested in that we have a trainer that we work with um I'll talk a moment for on domain six on page 16 civic participation and employment the goal is to increase equal opportunities for civic participation and employment for all older adults and um actually step one on this is to encourage towns that do not currently have a senior tax workof program to establish one and I actually I'm not sure do you all have a senior tax work off program no okay I looked it it so that might be something consider yeah we have we have something available but it's it's pretty limited and um the amount of money can make is very yeah it's very small and it's it's very very restrictive what they can do and people that have looked into it I haven't found anyone who qualified for it yet okay that so this can be a good way to get people engaged and involved in helping their communities and also relieve some of the TX for older elut so it's considered an age friendly best practice and we can help you to if you want to revise your senior tax workout program or you know revive it we can that here okay um make public meetings as accessible as possible um and provide Pathways to meaningful employment so um it looks like you guys are you know you're making the meeting accessible remotely and online right now there might be people who AR hearing that's important to consider so if you can ever do things in your meetings like have close captioning um things like that can really help folks and remember you know during Town meetings you know people can't just shout and expect to be heard you we really need to remind people to use the microphones and things like that so that everyone can participate and then I'll I'll sort of wrap up with domain seven which is communication and information and just say that if there was one theme that emerged from this needs assessment was really people feel like they don't know where to go for help they don't really understand the resources but we did notice that in the towns where there was a robust Town newsletter um that problem was less so we are recommending that folks consider a town newsletter or some kind of resource for residents to help them stay engaged and up toate about what's happening how to get assistance social opportunities learning opportunities volunteer opportunities all of that we have a quarterly well we have one three times a year but we only got it out twice last year yeah AG direct specific the G great so don't underestimate the importance of those documents and we saw it in the data and the importance of making sure that they get into's hands but even print if people aren't on the Internet it's important that people have the option to get a print copy and to include complete information in those and if um you're interested in um you know having more sort of uh social resources or social support resources in your newsletter to um to include more information about how to access home care services or meals on meals or um you know anything that folks might need we can help with that because we are pretty well connected with those all the different social service agencies and the resources that are available to Sho SP residents and the benefits that they can access like fuel assistance and SNAP benefits and um all all those kinds of things so let us help if if you'd like to sort of take a look but that's a really great thing to be doing as this um newsletters um so yeah and then domain eight is health services and Community Support you can take a look at that we're really looking to do like increase digital literacy help people um learn to use computers and there's a lot happening in this domain which I don't have time to tell you about all about today but um lot of interesting things happening around digital ual access um and you know for example trainings around how to help people use those those patient portals which can be great if you know how to use them if you don't they're atic so trying to um you know make sure that everybody can use this because they're a really great tool to manage your heare so I'll stop and ask if folks have questions ideas suggestions um ways that you know you all think that you might work towards age or diena friendly or support that you might need in the futurea all right yeah I I have a question I'll um just in terms of walkability you know it's such a CH such a challenge in in small communities I was wondering where we have no side do we have any sidewalks anywhere well down by the scho where school there's half of one that's right right right and then we have the little walking Track has anybody have any communities thought through um sort of creative creative ways to deal with that yeah so a couple of things come to mind one is that Warwick is a town that similar to Sho be and that there are exactly zero that walks they have created a walking a senior walking group um where they walk in numbers and so even if they're doing it and it's getting dark in the winter time at 4 p.m. because they numbers they feel safer walking without the sidewalks and they choose a route that is less well traveled um there's also in Peters ham where I live when they did the um open space plan they actually had invited community members to come in and draw on maps where they currently walk or where they don't walk but would like to because if it comes time during complete streets or you know another plan opportunity where a sidewalk could be created you want to have that information so that um you can pick and choose because you can't sidewalk the whole Community you're going to have to pick and maybe there's a route that could be created in the center of town that would support that so those are a couple of ideas um it's a real Challenge and and a lot of communities that we work with um but if you have a walking Track that maybe something yeah it's at the elementary school you can't do it when school is in session and it's just a you know it's a quarter of a mile around I think I have I've done it a few times it's it's kind of Muddy um I don't you know maybe there's an opportunity with the library of even thinking about Trails back from the library you know there are Trails there are Trails back there so that might be something to it seems like people will walk in groups in places that are less than ideal for walking our roads are really pretty narrow except but there's so many people walking on there are a lot of people walking and it's kind of fright I mean you kind of worry especially you know and not seeing people going around the corner well tap into your complete streets information too because they can suggest things like speed humps that will actually make it safer for pedestrians even if there aren't sidewalks to manage this this speed limit I know people kind of wiiz through shoots fa I accidentally do that once or twice myself to and I you know have to remember like this is a Comm people are walking their dogs somebody walking their dogs okay you know this is really important to stick to that speed limit but so there are ways that maybe we make walking on the shoulder of the roads for safe but the um complete streets would be a good resource okay thank you what sort of um I haven't read through this what sort of services do you have for someone need a personal attendant or something has a lot of options for people who might need a personal care um life path can serve pretty much anybody with a disability um who needs some support with that there's a couple ways they can do that one is that there's a state funded Home Care Program where we actually do the care coordination and we would actually Eng engage with a vendor to come to that person's home or there's person attendant program which would support a person to hire and fire their own pcas and use like a directory that we maintain of that are available there's a few different options to have you found it difficult to get um DCS to want to work in the smaller communities and R you like this it can be a little bit more more of a longer wait for a town like shsy for someone on home care list although that has gotten better in the past I would say 12 months for a while right after the pandemic at Le so was long pretty long weight list but that's pretty much resolved at this point and especially on the Home Care Program if someone's willing to work with a variety of different uh pcas can work well the other thing that can work is If someone knows someone like a neighbor or a niece or nephew who might be willing to serve as a PCA there might be money that could make that relationship um you know longterm stable longterm sustainable so the thing to do we just call I'm really not expert there's people who answer the phone like that who know a lot more about this than me but yeah options are available and we serve people with any any income as well so if you're low income or lower income you probably would get access to free services and if you have higher income you may pay as SL skills okay um I just want to if there's anybody in the public we get like a couple of minutes any questions for Lynn um good well thank you so much for coming I learned a lot tonight um and I think there's some followup steps that we could definitely take and be back in touch that' be great I'm just going to I'm going to leave I'm going leave some cards behind you'll know how to reach me and then the next step will be you'll probably um receive our newsletters about there'll be a program director that's hired who will be in touch with you guys offering technical assistance and you know potentially BR funding if you have something in particular like a you know a crush Stone Trail or something like that you want to work on or bench or doing a better Town newsletter whatever there may be some resources available to to do some of those things so you'll hear about that a and I really appreciate you inviting me to come today and for all the work that you all have done um so far as to be part of this project it's really exciting to see people you know getting excited in doing things in communities that prioritize the need older adults because we're all aging and we're all going to few of us fall in that category need they're we're well represented here and in PSB as well I know you have a lot of older folks here as well as they in my town as well and um in some ways we're different than the rest of Massachusetts in that sense because we're we're actually our older population is growing even more quickly so we need to be leaders on this and show the rest of the state how you know we support older adults with really strong good Municipal policy um good programs and what we see our is bringing resources into the community to make some of these things possible so that's what we'll keep looking great great thank you so much appreciate your time um and I know that Martha Fara was on early some um the chair of the Council on Aging and something must have happened technologically or something but she was on earlier and because she was uh hoping to attend but we did this on YouTube so she'll be able to see the video and she should feel free to follow be happy to have a conversation with her directly if that's helpful at any time about this I love my cards in the car so I'm going to go grab them I'll let you all carry them okay great thanks thank you okay um so the next item on the agenda is the select board appointment of a cultural council member which is Cheryl David Cheryl has joined us this evening welcome Cheryl again um I'm not somebody else here from the cultural Council I don't see car Ro no she's she emailed me that she her husband's ill tonight so oh okay that's what yeah she originally was planning to be here but she was um okay I do you want to just introduce yourself Cheryl and I I for those of you who don't know some us know you I'm sure I moved here God I think it's six years ago now hard to believe anyway um and I've been involved in the cultural activities here in town a fair amount so I was really honored when I was asked to join the council and I'm really looking forward to it excellent great yeah they're a Rowdy Bunch sometimes I remember when they were meeting upstairs and the the it used to be an empty office it's now the accountants but the whole building was full of laughter um but they got all their work done okay so do I hear a motion to appoint Cheryl Hayden as uh shsy cultural Council M so moved second any dis further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I st I darl I than your willingness to serve um and Cheryl needs to check in with Grace Grace um you do need to get appointed and um yeah yes you have just gotten appointed oh yes did that for the police commission or whatever we were called I don't remember anymore so if you'll stop by Grace's off the I will pack it again okay thanks so much you're welcome to stay but we don't have to no don't my thank you cherl um the next item is the scheduling um of a meeting with the fincom rep and Personnel Board regarding the select board with the select board regarding the TA contract and um I know after discussion with Town Council um that what she recom recomended was that we have um the fincom rep Personnel rep which both of whom have been appointed I believe um fincom is George George caritis and Personnel is Kathy Salvador yes kath's on line right um so what what she recommended was that we have one select board member and that um um Donna also participate with because I think there are things to discuss about the the contract um so I'm going to ask for a volunteer um to as since I've been involved to um fairly closely with the contract I'm happy to to do that also with d in connection with the contract that makes sense that makes sense yeah um okay that makes to the okay um who's here Kathy's here but not GE uh so I can contact both of them and see and then coordinate with Don okay do you have a time frame you'd like it to no you know I think it should get underway quickly um so um do we need a vote on to designate what to be safe why don't okay um so do we he a motion to designate Melissa M piece O'Neal as the SL board rep so move all second um all those in favor signify by saying I st may I I so you'll you'll take care of getting that scheduled okay great um the next item on the agenda is the historical Commission meeting with the S board to discuss the guide board and Henry's here yeah let's see anybody else J Janice Janice Stone Sten doas is here Sten on the B historical commission right and Stephen on the no he's on the building commission weeks ago okay so is somebody going to speak for the that would H you are okay good greetings greetings everybody I want to share a very brief presentation in the interest of efficiency uh if you give me the sharing capacity sorry I'm going to adjust one second can't see this I'm going to adjust the volume just ler for so how you doing Henry I'm getting there just a second I'm trying to get my uh this thing up on the screen well I uh I I'm going to run through the the my presentation without the visuals um second can you email it to Becky I do you have it Bey I think we have it no no I actually have a I think I can get it up Henry can you see that at all no no did you share screen did you press the green button yeah I did yeah okay uh hold on let me check to make sure it's not something here Henry hold on we're good it's not hiding no that was me one more try here uh jeez no I didn't okay I'm I'm going to just go ahead and uh speak to the presentation um the uh so the guide board is undergoing restoration by Williamstown art Conservation Center otherwise known as W following the guidelines from Massachusetts historical commit commission and the secretary Secretary of the Interior standards for the treatment of historic properties completion date six months to one year from now it's undetermined at at this point secondly what uh recommended storing it indoors to preserve the piece however this seems impractical and inconsistent with preserving its historical function Outdoors wack recommendation was was covering it to protect from water damage especially over the winter um I've been in touch with the uh Massachusetts historical commission uh specifically the local government programs coordinator uh and she didn't have a lot of recommendations but she insisted that we not we not uh uh made replica of this piece uh and as far as the design goes that uh you know the suggestion was essentially prioritize Simplicity viewability and minimize the covering as much as possible that was from Jen dhy so the sh the historical commission proposal is is to to create this gazebo with plexiglass sighting over the winter months to be removed in late spring through early fall this would protect from weather uh and uh uh provide maximum protection providing full considerable visibility of the guide board minimize obstructing view from traffic meeting at the intersection which is where it's mostly going to be seen and remember the common is raised it's a slope there's an upward slope on the common so that increases its visibility placement to avoid interference with adjacent monuments uh simple structure that profiles the guide board and blends in with surrounding buildings these are the criteria minimize maintenance requirements using durable materials uh and finally deploy a model prior to construction to verify visibility from the adjacent roads and from the common uh there's a list of of materials I won't bore you with them I I'll attach them uh as well as the diagrams for how it would be built funding would essentially amount to about $5,000 uh labor would be volunteer funding would come from CPA or CPC funds and the historical commission uh we did get some input from the buildings committee uh useful uh we looked at other options however the guide board is quite unique there's one in New Salem uh it's similar not not exactly the same uh and it is out in the open uh as far as a GL you know something like a glass enclosure it's it's beyond our technical skill set and would likely involve moisture mitigation uh if it's covered that way uh so finally in conclusion there are three options here and we'd like the select board's input on it uh one go with the historical commission's proposal and apply for the CPU funds by September 19th uh this would uh uh this would involve of course the the urgency to protect the guide board from winter weather since we don't know when guide board is going to come back uh that's kind of a priority want to protect it from being out in the winter uh the uh second option is to wait for another round of CPC funding that would take another year uh would necessitate perhaps storing it over winter third option is to return the guide board Asis uh uh you know given the investment that we've made uh all of which has been paid for uh through CPC funds and historical commission funds so there you have it uh so the um the building committee I see Stephen dmas is here the building committee met with the historic commission to discuss the design is that correct is yes that's correct few weeks ago okay and do you have some well um we had some say concerns uh questions one was um when when we uh were presented with this proposal we also saw uh elevations uh and sections well I guess elevations of the Gazebo and how it appears to interact with the sign board and we were concerned that it seemed to say overwhelm the sign board um second concern was you know historically signboards aren't protected I mean I know of one other one in monague um which is unprotected I've seen others I've never seen one protected um also in their plan the signboard uh and gazebo or the signboard and the Gazebo to protect it are being moved I think 6 feet um away from uh the corner um sort of headed towards the library um you know and I guess I mean the sign board is typically on the corner so I mean that would be an easy thing to resolve but I think the two main concerns were how the gazebos seem to overwhelm the sign board and the fact that historically signboards aren't protected and was there can I speak yeah go ahead just use the raiseed hand feature okay um I I think that um I mean the the the way that we set out to uh to design the G Evo was for it to be simple not to overwhelm the uh uh the sign post and um I I think we actually um did a pretty good job of doing that I don't think it would overwhelm the signpost and the other thing is it it's it's okay uh that usually the S post are uh you know out in the open but when you spend $220,000 because this is a historical thing and um and and you don't protect it then you're going to be looking at in 10 years 15 years doing it all over again so for that reason because it's mostly a a a historical thing now not really a practical thing um we thought that it would be good to to protect it with a Gazo uh as as the best option after considering what the uh the feedback from from the uh buildings committee and from the uh uh other involved agencies that we've been talking to um that's our best option I mean it's either that or leave it in the open and let it get U Decay again thanks um Janice do you have a comment I just wanted to say that the sign board in monu is just a replica so it's standing out there and I don't know if that's the original spot or not um the new Salem one um has a little plaque that talks about the number of different times people have repainted it and all and it is not in the original place um but you know it's probably a similar vintage I would guess to the one that we have but our ours is pretty um unique or unusual um to be able to find you can Google and Google and not find anything so we thought it was important to restore it and it's an important symbol of the town on some of the old uh postcards and letterheads and things like that and so we thought it was an an important feature to try to maintain and the question is what do we what do we do if we don't put up the um the Gazebo around it to to keep it from deteriorating again thanks Janice um questions how how old is it in other words I'm I'm a little confused about the like like B's discussion about like it's 10 or 15 years you have to do it again I mean I live here for years I remember we did it every 10 years to fix it so it's been done it's been done I know it's been done every about every 15 years it's been done three times yeah okay and and this is um I know you have to go to the U CPC for funding but ultimately it's under the jurisdiction of the select board right because it's on the town common you guys you know this is not uh a design you're comfortable with it's your call it's a little hard to tell what it's going to look like from that um so how how top heavy is it um like it's a it's a regular it's a roof I can't it's just going to be a roof with four posts and um the plexiglass the plexiglass that that was a that's a a consideration that we've taken lately at the uh recommendation from the people who are renovating it um just to protect U from the uh from the snow in the winter um but it is really a simple structure we try to make it as as simple as as possible with the help of U of the architect who happens to be my son and from Ross Greco who is a a builder um you know we set out to make it simple I don't know how much more simple we can do it without um without not protecting you know without uh giving on some of the protection for the uh for the okay it is the is the roof solid or is it the clear Roofing I'm sorry is is the is the roof um I see the structure it looks like it's it's metal roofing no it's not metal roofing it would be uh shingles um and just on the inside that it would be wood oh so what we're looking at here is the inside yeah that's Stone and groove uh from um you know from um made from that would be made from uh from fur doglas fur have a side view of that there Bert I I I didn't put it up so I don't but there should be a side view yes yeah there's a side view below this this this this particular slide there's a side view go down there you go there we are okay that's much better and we we actually yeah just ra me just how and I can't see the dimension from where I'm sitting how tall is the the structure not the roof part but it looks as though it's pretty low no it was it would be just above the height of the structure which would be about which is about 82 in so it would be about 7 feet we should be fine for anybody who is uh under seven feet has yeah that in the in the picture the structure that the the Gazebo looks as though it's going to dominate the structure where it's not as open air as it looks one might think how tall is the is the guide board again how the guide board is 82 inches tall 82 in and the height of the roof line before the roof line of the Gazebo is the the height of we figured we'd do it about 84 in and it's 82 in yeah and and it would be really visible anyway because it would be higher than the road and higher than most of the common I mean the placement would be I'm not sure this is just an OP my opinion I'm not if if you're going to make it it should be at least a foot and a half or 2 ft above the top of the guideboard that would look weird that would look weird you want to explain why that is B well I uh that's the opinion of the architect that if you make that really tall Not only would it look weird but it would also um it would also not have as much protection you know the the height of it is part of the reason why you know what what what what's going to protect things from flying in like water or snow or whatever and so another with the plexiglass if you put plexiglass around it and seal it up what is there for air flow so that it doesn't end up rotting because this is wood this was a a a a new suggestion just to put it on the sides and we were thinking that maybe would just go partially up on the uh you know put in against the columns in such a way that it would be easy to take on and off so and and yeah I think Henry said taking it on and off like having it exposed in the summer and spring and summer and fall and then for the winter so is the biggest is the biggest concern like salt and snow and is that the yes yeah yeah the idea would be to have openings at the top of the plexiglass and below it so it'd be air right completely sealed right okay Janice I know you've had your hand up um I don't you go ahead um I just wanted to say I believe the date of the um of the monument is about 1913 I'm I don't have my records with me but it's something like that okay thank actually it dates back to the 19th century actually yeah I think I think it's about 180 years old yeah it's like n 1830 something okay thank you the original Becky I know you had a question and then Mary I'll take you after that are you Bey you all set yeah I oh okay um Mary L hi yes I'm Mary L Hanka sorry I'm coming in late is the historic commission asking you the select board for additional funds am I understanding that correctly or no no they're they're not they they'll be seeking funds from the community preservation um committee but the select board has oversight for anything on the town common so we have to approve any kind of um design structure that goes onto the time town com thank you uh I have a question for Steve dmas U at the meeting there were really no no concrete uh suggestions as to how an alternative to to this do you have any anything at this point um no I mean we we did not P we haven't had a meeting since that meeting and we haven't pursued any uh discussion about other options I do have one question if you are putting plexiglass on that is that going to be a clear span from corner to corner I'm wondering how thick the plexiglass would have to be and it would seem that it would need some uh reinforcement plus I guess you know the other consideration is if you're putting the plexiglass on there which um uh will say capture the wind or the wind will be uh blowing against it um you know how do you take that into consideration as far as the structure being able to absorb that kind of wind load the after the uh the meeting we had with you guys um with the building committee that's when we got the uh feedback from you guys that uh you thought that it could be better protect data and that we should consider other things that's when we consulted uh the uh people in Williamstown and the massachusett historical commission and this is the only other thing that they came up with that we could do so we really haven't had a chance to think that through as to how high it's going to be if we put any plexiglass on or not how high what it would cover uh how we would attach it we haven't thought about that but that's one option on how to uh uh provide additional protection that came in as another suggestion yeah I I uh hello okay Henry go ahead yeah I I actually found uh what seemed to be the the structure in Quebec City that uh Jeff crockenbush was referring to that is encased in glass and that that is a fairly substantial structure uh and uh it's a climate controlled glass encased Swiss giant Swiss clock if that's what it is I I don't think that's uh what he was referring to yeah well uh I I I you know I just seem really beyond anything that uh yeah uh yeah and then we're going to have to move what je described was um glass building a that when he was in Quebec there were different um objects that were put in glass enclosed structures you know 100 you know six-sided structures or whatever and that's what was recommended Pally to look at you know we didn't wind well we checked it out Ian it it's not you know you wouldn't have the roof I think the roof line the whole roof is it's is you know that close to the guide board it really takes your focus off the guide board and um so they were trying to think of something that would wouldn't do that where you wouldn't have to have the roof structure there if you could do it with um a glass enclosure potentially it would have to be you know bulletproof glass yeah temper yeah and then you have the sun beating in on it and causing you know is a moisture issue a moisture right it in that case oh God it would have to be modified temperature so what's the pleasure of well you know were you looking for a decision from the select word tonight in order to have that before you go before the um CPC well I guess we're looking to see I mean as I mentioned there are three options we could drop it all together put it back out there uh uh or we could apply for the CPC FS to do this gazebo uh or wait another year figure out what to do with it in the interim when it comes back from the renovation so the CPC this would be in a a special round that's right there's a special round here uh submission date is 19th September right right um are you going to do a normal round as well as the yes yes it would be a normal Henry was aware of that oh Henry knows yeah cuz he's been on the I mean we there there'll be a a regular round um for the next annual town meeting so there's a special I I think they wanted to come in because we already have another um we had the request from the Regional School I think he's concerned that uh he's talking about waiting another year because he didn't realize there was an annual town meeting yeah yeah there'll be another round um it's you know late winter or I think the applications are due by mid February or even J end of January and then they get recommended to town meeting um at the Amal I guess I may have misunderstood that I was under the impression this was there are two yeah this I think there was the interest because if this if the guide board came back in January um to have something ready for the guide board in January but there's not it's a yeah this would be a a a special application um okay so 're running behind here um make a suggestion behind let's skip over the Google Calendar to get the other things done because we don't know when is going to okay Donna's here Donna's here okay oh is she yeah oh there she um so Eric Melissa what you want to um Ponder this and yes like to ponder I want to look at the plans a little bit more okay um yeah yeah yeah I don't it sounds like Eric yeah well part of me says it's it was started in 18 it was let's say Pi number 1830 yeah why are we deciding in 19 whatever this year is dating iang know sorry I didn't know dat anyway I joined the club you know what I mean that's just a general question to ask well it's because it's we just we're in we invested a lot of money prior to this it's been you know not as extensive a restoration as as happened just talk professionals um okay I I think we will talk about this a little bit more uh maybe at our next meeting and if there's more information that SL board members want to get um Henry should they get in touch with you in terms of questions sure okay um all right well thank you for that um information uh thanks to the historical commission members whove come this evening and um and also to Steve delas um for attending so stay tuned I think we all need to think about it a little bit okay um um let's move on um we have a request for a townwide birthday party on the town common I believe there was one of these last year and um oh it be behind town hall and on the town common it says describe oh parking site parking parking okay all right Deborah O'Brien is here are you here representing the party the party girl yes okay well there is a large group of women residents who get together and we just saw it would be a fun thing to just have invite the town and have fun uhhuh great fun is fun um all right so you need the select Bo to sign off and insurance stuff Becky is that all um yeah all kind of cover okay um Christ and everybody yeah yeah um and it's on uh October 6 Sunday afternoon 3 3 to 5 okay so everybody put that on your calendar 3 to 5 Sunday October 6 and um there'll be cupcakes ice cream and cider and uh do I hear a motion to approve the special event uh for the townwide birthday party second any further discussion questions no all right all those in favor sign by by saying I I st I might be out of town no I was out of town last year um okay all right uh CH administrator updates um I'm going to keep it short I received I received a resume today from a person who's interested in both jobs oh great the Land Clark and the administrative secretary great and um my concern is that I've written they're over 40 hours and I can't yeah I know Linda used to do it and we would keep it bounced at at 40 so I have I have I've left her a message I'll have to talk to her but that's one concern about doing both jobs okay um but and I T second person um asking a lot of questions and I it appears that he must know somebody interested in the land use Clerk and I'm very optimistic that he might um there might be a second person really focused on the land okay um great hopefully we can figure it out between those two things quickly great okay excellent um anything else um not today all right and we um we meet again in two weeks yes I just want to make sure there's no changes in the schedule yeah okay not before what is that date um 24 24th okay oh there it is it's right here okay um all right so uh the select board is going to have an executive session um so folks who are um I'll just read again as I did um we're having an executive session for reason number three to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the government's litigating position litigation is specific to a complaint received from Call's regarding the shsb solar bylaw um pure guy and HS uh Town Council is joining us and um we will record the executive session in uh rooll call vote and we will not be reconvening an open session after thanks um okay so uh do I hear a motion to move into executive session for reason number three so second okay um all those in favor signify by saying I I st I Carl I and I just want to make sure Donna you are alone okay M you're muted okay are we going back we're not going back we're not going back okay so just going to stop the video I'm to shut this all I'm right no no you can't Don you need Don only after I know I okay so I have just a couple of things to oh extras this is this is not from um last night I assume whatever you had from last night you need to return to me this is some additional material from today you want of these you to um well since mine was in my office mine's deated all right to keep it from anybody would you want to it for the meeting and yeah I doubt you're going to need it but um all right so if you recall last night um we we met with the planning board and um then the planning board met um just on their own and dat was not at that um portion of the meeting either and uh the planning board was asked to discuss um their reactions to the proposal from Pure sky and and Kohl's for the five different sites um the the reason we were the timing was because we have a meeting schedule oh it keeps I'm sorry on got