it's only because we need the oh wait we're at 100% it would be helpful if it shows you more than little arrow going around Circle death I don't know something running that shows you how close you are wonder who Zoom user Becky um I think that Nick trink is going to be signing in maybe as a guest oh maybe he's Zoom user he might be Nate just got here Devon was first one here another this area is very cool yeah and the air conditioner was on just for a short time it's not much cooler than it is normally but I'll have the air conditioner going all night um to have it cooled off people I didn't I didn't I have a I don't know why but I don't tend to need cool air as much I usually just I'll probably if I get my air conditioner in I'll probably use it this week once I don't tend I like air flow as much as possible see in New Mexico they use um what they call swamp coolers a lot which is a much nicer lower lower cost solution it just puts you know humidity in the air and it cools it down and so they're more affordable than air conditioning too you have to have the right climate make get call can I tell people just we have some computer a computer problem that should be settled short like in a minute um or two so please bear with with us sorry yeah you're coming yeah there you are oh you can turn to face [Music] that sorry I can't get the mute to go it now let me put on our normal new new normal speaker setting did it held on oh it held on to it R can you hear us yes I can oh wow we can also hear you I'm going to turn us down a little bit in the room okay I think that's good all right all right shall we call ourselves to order we shall okay um so let's review the agenda we're running a few minutes behind I'm sorry we had technical difficulties um so let me ask Becky on the agenda review um eat committee charge amendment is is going to their committee and then will come back to us so it's not ready for us for the select and neither's the Google Calendar that was my fault I didn't get the um instructions typed up this this weekend okay so we'll put it on that next one okay forward yeah so then that makes the agenda uh public comment then we'll review two sets of minutes uh from April 9th and May 21st um then review the police Union contract I'd like to if it's okay with the other two um select board members move Devin's promotion up to after the contract is that okay we yes thank you um then we'll revote review the vote for the FY annual appointment list um our letter from the select board to legislators concerning the um inperson hybrid and remote models of meetings um open media law violation response letter um FY Town ad fy2 Town Administrator goals and objectives Town Administrator updates and then the select board will go into an executive session for reason number two um is there anything else we need to add Eric Rita Becky or subtract what about the lake wola storm water task force are we not doing that tonight no it's it was in between the Union contract she I missed that that was my my um and Jen is here okay perfect um anything else before we open it to public comment does anyone have public comment or would like to share please use your raised hand feature if you are in Zoom we do have Tom with us here in as a participant here in the room I don't don't oh Jennifer I see your hand you'll have to unmute yourself allor right I can't find the shared the hand raising thing I'm sorry okay um okay I can tell you where it is I can tell you where it is real quick it's down on the bottom of your screen where it says reactions if you and yep it'll there it is okay there you go reaction okay um public comment is just um I hope that um you all are aware of this really awful accident that happened on the lake on Saturday uh young these are our neighbors and the young girl is doing okay but seriously uh injured and I'm hoping that the select board might think to have a public discussion at some point about boat speeds and regulation of them on the lake um I understand the environmental police have some jurisdiction too but that's what I wanted to raise thank you thank you I do know that Kristen does have it handled with environmental police at this point so we can't discuss further um about the ongoing investigation and so um is there any other public comment no okay shall we go into reviewing our minutes from the fourth and the 21st and with that do I hear a motion to approve either one of those from someone I make a motion that we approve the minutes of April 4th April 9th April 9th I'm sorry I messed that up it says April 9th here yeah April 9th can I just make one very small super small correction of that the uh which says select Board review uh discussion topics the word fees has a Comm fee Comm S I think just be fees plur that's my sense discuss topics I see Fe f s down here where is it oh the next line down so the second line third word over the second time okay I mean as I said minor minor problem yeah no problem it's a plural thank you any other edits or clarifications that was it okay all those in favor approving the minutes from April 9th as amended frell I stalker I make peace O'Neal I and now the second set from do I hear motion for May 21st 2024 although it says 2023 in the final name so moved thank [Music] you second all right are there any um edits or or clarifications on this set I think these are are okay I'm good good okay all those in favor of um approving the May 21st as submitted arol I stalker I make PE O'Neal I all right um moving on to the police Union contract so this was um the contract that bring it up on my screen um the the negotiation team um Teamsters uh negotiated with some edits Jackie do you have um which article numbers there because I don't remember the article numbers themselves I have it right here and Devin's here can answer questions too I believe I think the first change was in article six okay um intermittent officers shall receive an allowance of 400 per officer per year so this is the uniform allowance so that was changed for full-time part-time and then intermittent officers um changing the allowance based on the hours of so that they that they worked in the department correct Evan I get that correct yes that's correct sorry and then we had another one further down for um hourly wages was the next one um or did iip is that before um is that before paragraph 80 that is paragraph 80 okay good so this paragraph that was uh negotiated was the change in language um for part-time employment being a minimum of 32 hours per month on annual basis intermittent employment less than 32 hours per month on annual basis and clarifications of employment for full-time part-time intermediate requires appointment by the select board okay all right um and the next one is a bottom bottom page 9 it was paragraph 90 This was um an adjustment in the wages and classifications um the chart was redone um to meet to meet the the um Market it was Market we did it on Market um we did it's what it represents is a 1033 um percent changes to a more limited it's not step-based anymore we're only identifying the full-time the part-time and the intermittent officers for those years the years of the contract for the years of the contract and if an officer were to start in 2027 they would begin at year one and move across um and then the did you have questions there well just related to paragraph 90 paragraph 96 mentions a step increase we need to edit that that that seemed wrong to me that's what I question mark and yellow red and all that stuff I don't I didn't see any other step inre that's the Bridge Academy officers will receive an additional step rate I think as the Bridge Academy will no longer be offered right because everybody will have gone through it Kristen do you WR The Bridge Academy it's done this is out we want to strike this do do you agree with striking that out since the brid academy is no longer yes I I agree as our Union Ste thank you thank you um we'll take out 96 and then the other one above that 93 that was already stricken um we had stricken that out in in conversations and the other part I don't we added juneth to the holidays in paragraph 21 to match up with the town holidays and then private duty details in paragraph 170 um there was quite a lot of language there to sum it up um it was partly to establish um a private duty detail fund and a rolling uh revolving fund with a balance of $25,000 so that the officers could get paid until a vendor paid the detail amount um back to the town so the um and I Rita and Eric you remember that agreement yeah we talked about that at the last meeting that I think town meeting the next Y at the next town meeting yeah Special or otherwise and then this one um includes oh the rate went to $60 I think I'm forgetting something else here I'm just going to scan it real quick we also struck paragraph 93 [Music] yep I think I think that's pretty much all of the changes does anyone have any [Music] questions er no good it changes basically what changes from the last contract yeah these are these are the ones that we yeah other otherwise they they it remained um in bulk the same these are the ones that we um worked on as a team together yep okay uh do I hear a motion to accept the contract between the town of shutesbury and the Teamsters Local 404 with our Police Department so moved second right um no further questions I don't think so all in favor Carell I stalker I PE O'Neal I thank you Devon um Devon was the steward and part of that negotiation um the next thing on our list is promotion of Officer Peter uh Kristen do you want to jump in hi good evening everyone I would love to um I apologize my voice is coming and going I ended my vacation with a fantastic cult um over the past couple of years that Devon has worked for the Department I have seen incredible growth in him he is always willing to hear uh the areas that he could improve on and he jumps on those improvements as quickly as they're brought to his attention he has learned the ways of leadership that I find to be very important and um in fact I gave officer pelet here an assignment I asked him to write me a two from which is in the police world just a letter of um what his style of leadership is and I emphasized that I did not want him to U take this task on to impress me but to dig deep and I can tell you uh he really dug deep and I have it in front of me there's just a couple of things that I'd like to draw to not only your attention but the residents of this town uh that he has really be shown to love and be a part of and U officer peler described his leadership as a balance between strategic leadership and servant leadership and he goes on to describe his strategic strategic leadership skills in that he wants to look forward into the future in preparation and as a servant leader he knows that it is so very important to put your team first um he goes on to talk about it's important to create a culture where not only are we serving the town but we're making sure we have a good work life balance and that's something that's really important to me um with the team as well I have all the confidence that officer pelleter will not let us all down he will be an incredible Sergeant I've seen some major growth with him and one thing that I always say uh when it comes to Devon is you hand him the job and he gets it done sometimes to his own detriment he won't be paying attention to what he might need he just wants to get it done for the sake of the department and the residents in town we've built a really great Department here I want to keep it flourishing and as you all know it's important to me to prepare the next generation of leaders and I think this is the next step in that so I'd really like to promote officer peler and have him start that promotion as of July 1 if will appoint him do we have any questions or anything for sounds like a good idea to me okay do I hear a motion to appoint uh officer Devin peler to Sergeant peler as of July 1st 2024 so so moved and uh thank you uh Devon and thank you Kristen for that um description y second um all in favor of stalker ey make peace o I thank you both very much thank you very much have a good evening you too better better hope you feel better okay now going back to the appointment for the new Lake storm water task force okay I we received a list [Music] um that it yeah okay I don't think I saw that I wondering what was and there was one other one that she heard from um Okay so Jennifer um we have the list of appointees would you like to um give them would you like me to read them just their name is fine you're on mute okay so you would like me to read their names yes so um just for those who are here that may not remember or attend our last meeting um we did establish a um a rainwater or storm water sorry task force for uh Lake wola Area roads and to uh look and do some research for us so this is appointing them to that uh task force okay so just a little Preamble is that you know these are I didn't intend that this was an exhaustive list and was ing that uh the select board might want to uh appoint a representative too and also might have their own ideas but these are people who I've talked to and Mark rivers and I have thought they would make a good addition so uh of course there's myself um uh Stephen Sullivan has already said that he's I'm really interested in in he watched the meetings leading up to this and he is interested and wants to serve Tracy mcon who lives at Lake wyola is a former member of both elwak and the roads committee Joe Salvador also a lake wola resident has a lot of expertise in road maintenance Charlene galinsky is on the board of the lake wild Association and also a resident Jim Moore is a seasonal resident and also a member of the board Chris Cummings also seasonal and also a member of the board Tom Seaford is an associate member of the planning board and also a lake resident I thought his contributions to fine-tuning the document were really um spot on and he'd be a good addition some of these people I know are be really good at research others have more you know Road expertise others are good processed people so it seemed like a good mix um I put select board representative to be determined hoping that one of you would um think that it was a great idea there's one name missing from this list who had I'm gonna oh I can't let you see my screen Bob Douglas of concom uh and also um a lake wola resident who has engineering experience and is familiar with the MVP Grant he's been a concom member in other towns in the in the Commonwealth and he's interested in serving too so please um add his name to the list Bob Douglas and those are the names that I've come up with and how many is that in total I don't have the list in front of me one two three four five 10 10 nine 10 but does that include Bob I down so that's 10 including someone from the board well I'd nominate um Eric to serve on it on Eric be I beat you to the punch Eric we're gonna have a ball right I'll do it okay great thanks er er I was going to say that concom is obviously very obviously to me missing on this and so I think Bob dougas is a great addition to that list yeah right confirmed this participation after I sent the list on so all right good so Eric and Bob are on there does that make 11 no that still makes 10 that makes 10 is good 10 is good [Music] yeah yeah I think so so um select board members how would we like to do this do we want to do it each individually or do we want to do a motion with all their names included in one motion how would you guys like I'm fine withing all the names in One motion okay yeah so um I can I'll read it from list so do I hear a motion to appoint uh Jennifer Wallace Steve Sullivan Tracy mcon Joe Salvador Charlene ginsky Jim Moore Chris Cummings Tom Seafort Eric stalker and Bob Douglas to the storm water task force so moved second okay uh any further questions or discussion no it sounds like a great a great group of uh people Jennifer thanks for pulling that together okay well we're gonna get to work now thank you very much um all those in favor barl I ster ey make p of Neil I thank you good job I'll hold on that um let's move on to the um review of review vote for vote of the FY annual appointment list fy2 annual appointment list [Music] um there's two in here which one's the most up to date the one of this afternoon yeah posted okay there a printed one if you need it all right um would this be helpful to have on up online probably share would you do we want to share it um S I think that would be good we will do that give me a moment I don't know if it'll do it this way let's try it NOP hold on oh it's up top there the left no it's not [Music] no I have to put it on the second screen all right and then I have to share my second screen this is the one of the things when you have dual screen share can everybody see that CU I can only see yes I can see it okay perfect yeah I'm going to move you guys from the bottom you don't need to be at the bottom I want you over here okay all right so here's the annual appointment list for anyone who um is new to seeing this this is all of the boards employees that are appointed by the select board each year uh some are three-year um terms some are yearly so um this is this is our list so how would we like to go through um doing this do we want to do look through it and then maybe Page by P motion okay um Ponder a motion to do it all at once or individually that's why I'll leave that up to you guys um do it all at once I think Rita did you have a preference of doing uh yeah I think we could do it all at once um I the only one I had um noticed and I don't know if it got updated right before the meeting was um Jackie Mendoza was on the Emergency Management and she's leaving shb so I was assuming we weren't and Mill so well um if you can take the edit of replacing Jacqueline mandza with an Mill and with a knee I think so but I've seen it written in in emails both ways so all right we'll I think it's with an E cuz that's how it was in the big news letter highlight okay there we go all right was there anything else that we wanted to glance at the only other question I had was like in on the Conservation Commission just for a point of clarification I mean I've read somewhere that someone like Bob duct just can't be on it I'm not saying he shouldn't be I'm not advocating that but is it true it's apparently not true it is not true not true it's not true if the town it is not true if the town adopts the appropriate legislation which we did and I'm sorry at the moment it fa I fail okay that's all I need to know the mgl but it we have gone through this a couple times now because of this changes on conom but we have we are you're not okay good good that's good better Bob is able to be an appointing um anything else why are these highlighted those are highlighted because they have very unusual term adjustments so you'll see the first three their terms all end by October 16th of this year and one of them doesn't get a new term uh because it says they can only go two threee terms and then they have to take a year off so I highlighted them and I emailed the chair of the committee to alert her to the timing of what is required of her membership so we probably will be looking at this again in October well maybe not the whole thing but we'll we'll have potentially new members uh one new member to be appointed U for Lory and the other two should be re appointments um let's see Miguel know there anything else the other highlighter ones are the planning board associate members unfortunately um I had originally connected with Nate and told him the dates of our meeting um and the time but he they weren't he didn't get the the agenda posted for this time so we're going to have to do that at the next meeting we'll have to do the associate members at the next so we minusing off the associate members we planning the board and the um um cultural Council and the Town Administrator the Adat okay right so all those will be handled in future okay anything else and we probably on July we'll need to change the superintendent because the new superintendent will start July 1 so I'm sorry I didn't have her name I haven't been able to find it okay all right um all right we're at the end I think right yes all right zba zba okay all right do I hear a motion do we want to do do we want to Appo I guess we have to because this is our last meeting for the year and we won't meet until the 9th of July um so I guess we do have to appoint except the ones that we just took out which was superintendent Town Administrator Associates on the planning board and the appointments to the C cultural Council that were highlighted yeah those were just highlighted for okay they're not running out okay so the other three okay yes all right um do I guess do I hear a motion to approve the appointed uh shury appointed officials list except for superintendent ten minator associate on the planning board to be done at a later date so moved second right uh any further questions or discussion okay all those in favor Carol I stalker I make PE o Neil I okay um let me stop sharing stop share bring you guys back up and we now move on to uh eek we're not going to Google Calendar select for letter to legisl letters legislators you want to put that on the screen oh yeah I can put on the screen I just have to swing it over and do the same thing your screen number two so we um at our last meeting for the public lit here we did meet and talk about in our all boards meeting about our trials and benefits such of different formats of meeting um hybrid in person or Zoom um we have learned that there's many uh things bouncing around a state legislature that do have these things connected so out of that meeting the select board decided to write to our uh senators and let them know uh what our concerns were being from a small rural Town um and the issues we felt we had um some of those were Tech issues access issues um and everything in between Financial Financial yeah yeah Financial issues because equipment is not cheap so um so these are the bills that are currently going through and working their way through their various stages um and these are the ones that we were addressing in our letter um does either the select board members have questions or it look good to me did you have no it looks good okay having uh I do see one slight this one is not like that okay there's AO says I mean I saw a missing comma in an hour and it shouldn't be there in the first okay show me where did you see in the very first sentence we are writing to you to express our support for Sen Express and to express our opposition or our opposition I think Express is extra to express our support that don't know if to change it just read it Rita would you like to change it or keep it as it is whatever um Express I like to express opposition but it's we can take it out if you want to express T like are you fine that's fine I'm leaving that maybe a comma after bills in the second comma after bills speak up a second Tom after bills the town FL provided no all the bills oh yeah it was the fall so that does have come okay could you fix cord take out the R thank no it is cumerford it's c o m e r r f o r d sorry I'm going change this to Black so you added the r read yes thank oh that won't go black why won't that go dark I don't know all right um all right so do I hear a motion to sign and send this letter to um Senator cord and rep Saunders so move second um I can't find it um all those in favor signify by saying I Barrel I stalker I make peace on L before the end of the other all right let me stop sharing this one and move on to our next item which is let just open medium open medium law violation dated May 8th 2024 response letter so I will pull this up too all right I have is it the one that was done this afternoon there's two in here one is done 3 3:32 p.m. today and the other one was right I would go with the newer one yeah that the old one is the complaining itself it's not the letter okay now let me pull this over here and I will share share so this is a um response to an open meeting law complaint um dated May 8th 2024 um in which uh we had um listed oh here we go thank um the notice that we had posted for April 23rd the meeting um agenda was insignificant and that it did not include the names of individuals to be uh interviewed or actually appointed to the Conservation Commission or the person to be appointed to the Council on Aging um this is our response letter to that um I think I see a tip I two alls there's two alls there yeah you yeah so I'll toss that up um is was there and did the s word get to read through this letter and did we have any um adjustments to other than the first one that I just made um the two walls no I that was better just highlighted it Eric you just highlighted it oh I'm sorry that's me that's you cuz I'm in it and you're in it at the same time wow yeah um and there should be a comma after the Deep okay uh Rita or Eric do you have any questions or discussion further on this no okay um all those in favor of uh signing and sending this letter to Amanda Alex with a copy to um the Attorney General's office do we need a motion Melissa or just a vote that's what I just asked y oh my name only has one o sneak L's on there okay do I hear a motion to um so um okay um all those in favor FAL I st ey make peace o Neal I just give me one little second um oops that was Brian that spells it with twoed and I miss it yeah I have a funny story about that it actually is filled with TLS for some of the members of the family um okay so uh moving on to Becky will print that so we can sign that the new version yeah okay um it shouldn't be period after reading Farah co-chair so oh thank you just say no you're right no M your problems well yes but we want it to look nice right so okay um I will stop share that it should be in just go to the Google um and we're now on to the uh Town administer fy2 goals and objectives so we had a little bit of homework as the select board was to come up with some goals and objectives um um for Becky we we've talked about um performance reviews but this is we're adding some of these things um for the year going forward so Rita and Eric what kind of objectives and goals did we have for Beck R I don't know if you want more of an introduction than that and or er no I just have to look back at some of my notes so if Eric can start okay um I think just sort of the timeliness of the uh some of the postings for meetings that was one thing I thought of but that's that's pretty minor what are you say well like I know some of the some meetings didn't get posted that should have got posted I remember when I was in the lake o all the committee uh we were supposed to I mean the um what committee was it but the meetings didn't get posted what no no I'm not the that's not even my responsibility well they they were cuz I don't I can't do it and we can't do it yeah we can't post any no maybe we got to change the way that works but we can't do it we can't post a meeting it was about the damn commit you would like to be able to post your meetings which would be fine you there many chairs post their right okay that's fine that's that would solve the problem but that [Music] was so this is supposed to be kind of a a back and forth right I mean it's it's both from us and from you Becky as to what goals and objectives you have so I just I have some some notes about um some things that I would like to to have you focus on and um one of them is is training and delegation so that that has to do with new staff that's being brought on that's directly under um your supervision um another one is um document management and that is um making sure that that files are up to date that stuff is getting filed um I guess under document management I would also maybe it's not document management but um uh just processing of invoices and sort of how that happens um and making that a more streamlined process um and then I think the other one is just is is time management I think you know this is a position that um has a tremendous number of Demands and um I think there's got to be prioritization and and delegation sometimes because I think Becky you take on too much and there are instances certainly over the course of the last couple of years where I felt that you were doing things that should should have been done by by somebody else and I would you know Ed as an example that comes right off the top of my head is is the the amount of work that um was delegated to you to deal with with P um everything from delivering water to being present when there was installation of the um the poet systems and I think that could have been delegated it should have been delegated I am not present okay um the the one thing that I um had thought about adding to to the list is uh an organization and and I sort of mean let advance planning so um looking ahead you know a month 2 months 3 months to know what's coming down um and I think to work toward posting our meetings prior to 48 hours in advance with a an an agenda mostly put together um and limit the changes after we've posted if we can um [Music] and then with that goes um giving us the documents as soon as we know it's going to pop on a meeting at some point so we can start looking at them even uh as as soon as they're be able to look at for questions that we may so Becky have you given any thought to um what you think yes IEP I prepared my statement that I was going to review with you about 6 weeks ago but then um that plan did not um move forward so I will read to you what I had prepared um so the way this is supposed to work it's supposed to be a conversation between the chair and the Town Administrator this select board chose to do the whole select board um which is a different format uh so not as relaxed as we're all um at a formal Open session meeting so the first category is long-term goals um I identified promoting Civic engagement through education making sure that departments um were able to do workshops ahead of big decisions when they're working on new new things um especially the boards and Comm IES like the planning board the the work they did to get information out about their two projects about their um you know that are very helpful to the public they worked hard to get information out um one of my goals is to build a framework um that will make sure that the open meeting law and Comm committee practices and committee responsibilities are clear to all committees at the beginning of the year we have had quite a few occasions where open meeting law has not been followed um so the focus would be on making sure our roles and responsibilities of town officials are um are kept up to date um my primary goals have to do with revenues and Investments um lowering tax rates increased Services higher quality of life for our community um many of much of my work is focus on the [Music] budget I want to encourage all ongoing formal Communications between employees and um their evaluators so that we can get very you know we can learn a lot from each other and encourage growth coming out of an evaluation um an evaluation is not supposed to be um a just a list of shortcomings it's supposed to be goals that we aspire to and I am hopeful you know to achieve these things that the select board is focused on um I don't think time management is the appropriate um element I think I prioritize things quite a bit I think the burden on this position is enormous I think each and every new select board has a different set of expectations so it's like having revolving bosses over the year years I think I've had about 15 different bosses okay and it's always um you know a challenge to to try to understand people and know and build relationships so you know that you're servicing them as much as possible I do strive to do that um I find that the more a select board member communicates with me openly about concerns they have um helps build um my ability to understand what their needs [Music] are my major goal for this year is to complete um the evaluations for the department heads and the financial people but I have kept up over the years um over the last two or three years that have been um for of various sets of reasons um very very busy and I have not gotten to the evaluations of the department heads I'm working on it now but we have um successfully replaced the three major department heads over these three years we have a new most recently a new highway superintendent prior to that we um we have a new fire chief who's come on board and prior to that a new police chief so this has been a time of change and I have worked and spent my time always having my door open to the questions of these new department heads to try to make sure that their performance is as high as possible and that will be my continued goal and I'm sorry for um I ended up grabbing I mean I I'm sorry if I don't have more to share right now um this is an unusual format and I guess we'll have if we can have another session after I write specific responses to the things that you all have brought up um that would be helpful um I I'll just step in I think Becky the goals that you outlined are they're good goals and and I think um some of what you already do um I think some of our concerns were um on more specifically your um management of your tasks and duties um and not so much outwardly of of other committees and such although those are important too not not uh discounting them um but I think that's where where our ideas of goals and objectives were unless I'm missing that I don't know if that was what we were really focused on was more specifically Becky or um but these These are important as well um do you have any ideas on how you might work the things that we said into um the goals that you have just given us I've already um as far as the document management Melissa I know that's a an area where you have expertise and I don't um I've been try I've taken one short workshop on Google Docs um and there are a number of other things I found there are not um I've talked to a few people about finding time management courses um and and look for some myself and have not found any so I think I'll have to brainstorm that one myself on how to approach [Music] it as far as Rita I guess you were alluding to the situations that arise in accounting where I'm responsible for all the um all the payments on the credit card and things like that where there's multiple people involved that have been trying to track um and where the payments the credit card has a very small it has about a $1,200 limit and we sometimes run we run into trouble uh where some people sometimes bills don't get reported and then it stops working um that has been an ongoing problem that I will work to address and have been working to address as you all know um with Geneva gone as far as bill paying um I have stepped back in to try to make sure those payments are up to date and kept up to date um I appreciate Gena being back helping with things um it she has not you know in the few hours she has available they haven't been in that area of bill pay um but I will work to in um to improve my skills to make sure that expectations are met in the [Music] future Eric arita do you either have any other I know we were going to formalize this in a list of some sort so I have notes Here I can certainly go back and do that yeah I think it would make sense to take um Becky's written comments um our suggestions and see if we could come up with one document and if if it makes sense for one of us to meet with you Becky we could do that before it comes back to the um comes back to the select board yes I think that would make a lot of sense because um there are some other there's another you know there's I'm sorry there was another section that um was more immediate in response to yours that I don't have at my fingertips so it would be helpful to go through that with with you all so it can be added into your evaluation okay I'll sit down with the recording of this to make sure I catch everything um Becky if you have those written and I have my notes so I'll put it together and then um does that sound okay Rita yeah that sounds fine um and then Melissa do you or Eric do one of you wanna sit down with Becky you want me to do it whatever that's up to you guys I one of you two should do that yeah I think read have you and I taken up the kind of the thing with all of that stuff so I mean I don't mind doing it okay y okay so I'll get this together in the next couple of days if that works great thank you all right um moving on to um T Minister updates um this week last week I um was going back and forth to formalize the return of uh Mas building uh the contractors that did the cohort are will be sending out their landscaper to redo the the grass and areas around the Culvert I've asked him to come out to do that um as the way it's growing in is completely inadequate they will be spraying compost and then spreading seed um um and afterwards for seven days our highway department will be keeping it wet um once the that type of the seed is put down it can't be allowed to dry out the hydro seaing can't dry out or it's ruined so luckily our highway department has um has the equipment they have a 250 gallon tank to be able to do that Becky is there any are there any issues with the Conservation Commission do do they have to be notified if that's happening just curious don't want to um not one that I would think of um but I will touch base with Beth and raise your concerns it's probably just yeah better safe I'm sorry yeah they're not they're not touching any trees they're just um fortif fighting and I think that this is an action that comcom would support yeah that needs to get done so I can't they're working in a sensitive area so yeah oh actually I did email Beth after I talked to him last week and he said it is not a problem oh great okay thank you anything on um sorry um Keest or gasoline clean up that we have no we're still working to get the two new wells in on um the Watkins Pro not the Watkins on um the Valentine property that's ongoing that needs to get done soon we have um the Council on Aging is stepping up to the plate and becoming very active they had their first lunch in last week um in preparation for that um I had assistance in getting the kitchen cleaned um all the boxes and things we had had stored in there cleaned out and then we had um some more help cleaning out the Council on Aging room itself we still have 900 um face masks if anybody needs face mask um please let us know I'm going to um I have a call into to cmk at Maryann suggestion to have to find out if they might take them um they took all the leftovers from the tag sale and um they might take them we're trying to find a home where they we don't want they're huge there's like 10 boxes this big so we're we're hoping to get rid of those and could we offer them to people in town if there are people who want face masks they're not face masks they're Shi they're plastic Shields oh jeez yeah the thing we used 10 of and they're still in the drawer over there um and never needed them again so we have a thousand oh okay so getting rid of that will help um but the council aging is stepping it up they had their first book Clinic back in town hall on Wednesday Unfortunately they picked a holiday but um we're going to use that to our advantage um as everyone knows the heat is going to be very high for this entire week that being the case this room will be open throughout the week um we're not sure about Friday we have a conflict on Friday and we'll have to Clos um but the Hott supposed be Thursday Yeah Tuesday um Wednesday till 2 and then Thursday will be this will be a pooling Center for everyone and that do you need anyone to sit here while it's open I would really appreciate somebody on [Music] um Wednesday okay because I can work from here it's not so I can what hours is it open it's open from 9 to I could open up if you could come from 2 to 5 we've got or even earlier because they the nurse the nursing program will be in that room the fo clinic will be operating so people can come and hang out but at they leave at 1 if you wanted to come after 1 it' be helpful then we could keep it open right now I've only scheduled keeping it open till 1 five yeah because it's a holiday so yeah let me just make sure five works hold then sure 1 to four maybe and have I I'm double checking on the uh on the Friday meeting it is happening I just don't know uh the exact time so I do 4:30 Bey great that's great so that could now we can if Wednesday's longer I think by Friday people will have maybe found good places to go um we'll see how it goes sometimes we get 10 people sometimes we get nobody so we just don't know Wednesday 4:30 and Friday you can't do okay those are my right okay so the select word itself is going to transition into an executive session um so we need to no this is tied into a regular meeting so we can just go into an executive session right yes all you need is to vacate the room and you already John M is the only one um so so I'm going to prepare this pile of things you need to sign and leave it on the table upstairs for you yeah is that good yeah can you use my stamp on any of those sure the letter because I'm not back till Wednesday morning okay okay unless there's anything you need a wet signature for and then I could do it on Wednesday oh no Wednesday's a holiday right well you could still sneak in if you yeah the door is going to be open yeah right okay I don't have a let me know if there's anything I need to come in for um okay so sorry I'm almost out do I well we have to go through our process so do I hear a motion for um going into an executive session not to return to open session session so move for wait a second we got to do more for reason number two you want to read that just read yeah I can read that to conduct strategy SE sessions in preparation for negotiation with nonunion Personnel or to conduct exe uh collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non um Union Personnel in this case the town the Town Administrator um um do I hear a second second okay uh John we're going to have to remove you from our meeting when we go into executive [Music] session John can you just take him out yeah and the recording is stopped it will in a second okay we just need to have the recorded vote so all in favor of going into into EXA roll make peace o Neil ey so I'm going to stop recording now