##VIDEO ID:q2bmpu3-338## recording in progress [Music] [Music] is Eric Eric can you hear us okay and Donna's here good oh and Donna's here great okay we all set all right I am going to call meeting of the Sho SP select board order today is Tuesday August 13th 2024 and we this is a hybrid meeting um the third select board member is participating Eric staer is participating um remotely and we have one two three four five six um folks including along with the Melissa and um Becky in the room here with us um so the first order of business is I'm going to review the agenda um then we will do public comment uh after that we're going to have an executive session for reason number three to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the government's litigating position this is litigation specific to the complaint um filed by Kohl's um regarding the shoots so after that we had minutes to review um then a discussion oh let me just back up for one minute um so on the original um agenda the executive session was um 45 minutes 45 minutes we've now reduced it to about 20 minutes um so we'll probably be moving a few things up did you move stuff up everything up everything got moved up yeah um police are here at 6:30 the fire department has been moved up okay so um just because there might be more people showing up I don't know around that review of the um criteria for the um Lake wola committee maybe we'll stick with the original time I don't know if people see have to wait five minutes no no we could move some of this other like the PA the that now is at 705 all right let's see how we're doing and then we can figure it out is that that fair okay I just didn't want it you know people to say wait a minute I was coming on at 7:25 to put out an announcement on to announcing that this agenda item will be why don't you do that establish criteria at 75 oh it is on move from 730 yeah okay then the um police Union discussion with select board regarding their agreement uh for the new special the detail account um reviewing the September primary election warrant uh final review of special town meeting special town meeting um uh on August 15th a firefighter appointment then select Board review of regional request pursue phase two of regionalization of Fire Departments of New Salem wend lever and shutesbury um then we'll move on to the Personnel action forms discuss use of town seal letterhead discuss revamp of Warrant form then review and establish criteria for selecting applications for appointment to the new voting and Safety Committee then admin then secretary posting and then Town Administrator updates got a full agenda tonight um Pas can come off again I have most of them but you can okay work through them on all right just remind me when we get to those later agenda items that I'm Stu around um okay so I'm going to open it up for public comment if you have a public comment I would ask that you just um State your name um before making the public comment for those folks who are um uh participating remotely use the phrased hand feature which is at the bottom of your screen I believe um and if I don't see you somebody let me know if I haven't called on you so we're um open for public comment sure do you want that now because the last time you did it you did it when you talking about the actual well what we do so just um for those of you who who don't um come to our meetings routinely um public comment is really um uh not so much for items that are on the agenda because you know if we have time we take public comment then and and we don't we don't exchange discussions so it's like you make your public comment we acknowledge it and then um unless it's some really extenuating circumstances where you say what are you doing tonight um then you know we we don't we don't have a discussion during the public comment period we strictly leave it as so I should public comment if you have if you are here specifically about an item on the agenda yeah yes okay thank you um any public comments anybody else no no one on screen Okay so so um the next item is we're going to go into an executive session and um so everybody needs to who's not part of the executive session needs to leave the room and um forgot my and we can let you know when we're finished if you want you're just going to be outside I'll come Run picnic table up okay um so we need to have a roll vote um we have to M on line also everybody who's online please um sign off except for Donna and Eric Eric is that sounding okay tonight yeah y so sounds good I have it on a tripod not the table I like it it sounds clear very clear good thank you closed okay um so now we can go do I hear a motion to go into executive session for reason number three to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the government's litigating position this litigation is specific to the complaint received from kohs regarding the shoot SP solar by law so moved there a second second okay um we're going to have a roll call vote all those in favor signify by saying I make peace O'Neal I stalker ey Ferell ey and we will be going back into um public session after the end of the um executive session and I just want to make sure Eric and Donna that you're both in a place where um you have complete privacy I do okay I do great thank you um so I had um asked Becky to put this on the agenda because we had um a meeting scheduled yesterday we being um the negotiating team team for the solo litigation from on the shsb ID it's Donna um Adam Costa our outside Council um Michael diara and me and we had a meeting here in um town hall with there were eight of us in total um two and then one one two Zoom people one who's an attorney so I guess there were 10 10 people two who participated via zoom and um this is the third session Donna is that correct the third um negotiating session that we had with the um they're the plaintiffs right and um uh we had gathered they had had put together a lot of information for us but the first two times we met it was really more about um looking at at at what material we had received what additional material we felt we needed to get from them um they sent that all along prior to the meeting and um you know Donna Adam Michael and I had some discussions before this meeting about what we were hoping to um accomplish yesterday and and um so after 3 hours of meeting um I would say uh it was it was um sort of we like a little bit of the rubber hit the road yesterday um until yesterday I think there was a sense at least on the plaintiff's part um that you know the project is they had for presented it was I don't know if I want to say acceptable to us but you know we we hadn't really begun to um go through um the major issues with all the sites and um we did that we started that process yesterday um and Donna I'm going to let you characteriz how you think it went yes so um when I was thinking about how to describe this tonight originally we didn't know how much we would have to present but at this stage of the game there's really not a lot um as Rita characterized it yesterday was the first time we pushed back on them and I think to be perfectly honest they were taken a little a back and reading correct me if they think I'm characterizing anything wrong that they just had been basically oh that's what that was I'm like why am I hearing a fan no I understand that now it makes sense we were meeting yesterday they had all the windows open and the door and then the lawyers all went outside and I was like wait and I like I was in the hall I saw them and they were starting to Walk This Way it's [Music] like this way she shut everything all right I guess we have to let our peeps let the peep it was longer oh I don't wear well you know it's never short I guess I guess maybe a standard is half hour 40 minutes per ex I mean we said 45 minutes y you won't listen to her next time I know just 45 minutes any yeah [Music] [Applause] okay we're um back in public session uh so some more people have joined us and we have a number of folks um up there on the screen so um the next item on the agenda is the select board minutes of June 4th 2024 okay I'll make a motion that we approve the minutes from June 4th 2024 there second second any further um or any discussion about the minutes edits no okay all those in favor signified by saying I make peace O'Neal I stalker I arol I okay um and again my apologies for the delay we end up it always takes longer than we think it's going to um all right so the next item on the agenda is the um police Union discussion with the select board regarding their agreement with us with our board to put funding for the new Duty detail account on town meeting warrant and just a little bit of background um so we signed an agreement I have it here somewhere that couple of months ago um with the police Union to um set up an account no that's not it to set up an account for private duty um because what happens very often with private duty um officers is there's a really long delay and they're getting paid sometimes like four months so they do the work and because of the nature of the reimbursement and I think at times the reimbursement maybe hasn't even come through but um there's a there's a long delay between when people have worked and when they're getting paid so um we agreed and signed signed signed an agreement with the Union um saying that we would set aside in town funds um $25,000 and we would ask town meeting at our next town meeting be it a special town meeting or an annual town meeting um that we would ask for that $25,000 and it's it's in essence a a revolving account because um the police officers would get paid in a timely manner um but then when the funds were collected from um the vendor vendors um then they get put back into that account um so what transpired over the last few weeks is that um we determined that we needed to schedule a special town meeting because of a shortfall in money for um the pasas uh issue that we have in town so for testing and um a bunch of other putting the poet systems which is the filtration systems into um houses we run out of money and um uh we had an article at annual town meeting that was just by an oversight um was voted with a majority and that's how it was recorded and it was passed with well more than a majority we believe but we don't don't have a record of it um and uh the um we have to revote that article because we need 2/3 we need a 2/3 majority because it's it's borrowing you have to borrow we're going to be borrowing this um this money so we scheduled a special town meeting and um we did not um uh I did I certainly did not remember that we had signed this agreement even though it was fairly recent um uh to put the article on the on the next town meeting warrant and I guess we talked about it we did talk I guess we did talk about it in advance and um uh and the way Town finances work and I'm not an expert on any stretch of the imagination but the way Town finances work is um we can't just like go to town meeting we have to have access to money um in order to spend the money and we don't have access to the funds um which would be called free cash um that we wanted to use for the the police account so and I'm not even sure we we couldn't even raise it through taxation could we the tax rate well it's a one time it's a one time expense it's one time expense the finance committee had talked about using the pre cash and then preach get certified in the fall between October and November um we're planning a November special town meeting and we'll have um dependent on the preach being certified so the town meeting has the opportunity to make the $25,000 transfer and there were also a number of other um articles that people were pushing for and that was the problem we were just trying to just keep it this simple one article and then do everything in November as we had originally H yeah um well this one had a slightly uniqu um attachment because it had an signed agreement to it too this was different than those others there's no signed agreement right right right but the problem was the free cash that we don't have the free cash certific can you can you just say who you are for yes I'm Deon peler I'm a sergeant of the shb police department um I'm just kind of curious why the free cash wasn't a consideration before we signed the agreement only because at at that specific time we were talking about having a meeting I believe it was potentially having a meeting in July for the school so it probably would have come up as an issue for that meeting too so I was just hoping for some clarification on on that portion of it well I would say I mean while we were talking about I think it was June or maybe June that we were talking about because we you know we don't have we had an early town meeting this year it was April 27 so when we were still talking about maybe before the end of the year um it would have been before July 1st would and then when we started talking about doing it in the fall or January that's you know that's where we were heading well it it it couldn't have been before July 1 because we signed the contract at the end of June um but I guess what the Union's looking for really is to hopefully have the November meeting moved sooner um than November also to get um a specific date on that meeting and like a commitment that will be the first item on that meeting so the big issue is we we don't know an exact date for free cash certification that right so it's the Department of Revenue that does that they they look at all of our all of our numbers and then they certify the free cash so what's the is there ear there's two issues um we were just able to get this meeting in by the skin of our teeth because it was we have um primary coming up with our townser and elections and then the presidential election so they're facing the largest commitment her office is facing a huge amount of work between the time and it was very you know it took a we were able to squeeze this meeting in now and then we're looking at after the November election and hopefully before Thanksgiving in that time frame because of the the town clerk's election calendar and her ability to manage and do um another um special town meeting does not arise until that period we had lengthy discussions Grace and I went over calendars back and forth trying to figure out this window and then the next window potentially no I mean the union would be fine with entering another agreement that even if it got voted on prior to the uh free cash being certified that it wouldn't get until the free cash has certified if that is a possibility can so you're asking if a warrant arle can be stated for this revolving fund um and it say to be funded at the point which free cash certified or something just an updated agreement yeah so to get it to get it voted on to get it voted on but then it wouldn't be funded until the certified cash or the cash certified free cash and we had the specialty right um so if we if so say if I think this one I think you're thinking de is we have the the town meeting save free cash for whatever reason is not certified by mid November or whatever the DAT is November 15 yeah rather to have so where would it come from no no no I think he's at the the warrant article would say not that we wouldn't be using free cash it would be fre is CI guess language we something um I think that's that's fine let's I don't want to do the wording right now but we can do it and and get it to you and then vote it at our next meeting can we ALS will we also be able to agree on a date because that's a huge uh a huge issue because sometimes the meetings get moved around um and I would advise the select board ends doing that just because of if you know you try you know we do our best to hit the dates but when they get moved it's because of either you know a procedural problem and we're not allowed to or we only have one select board member or you know so I would advise against that um let's let's check and see what we can do um typically you know there's a there's a pretty long lead time into doing a special town meeting because the warrant has to be drafted and posted and the town clerk needs to be available so um and the constable and the Constable right um let's see what we can come up with I understand your concern I don't want to lose of the fact that we did have the agreement to do this and we missed the meeting essentially so um that would I think show a sign of good faith to the union that we at least have um we at least have a date that we know the meeting will be on let's see how we can deal with it we will draft some language look at the calendars look at the calendars and then um talk about it and I and I think the fact that the select board is working very hard to make sure that the meeting is in November I know you guys originally thought it was going to be January I think the select board is and has been acting with and I think that would be you know to think not would wouldn't be right no I'm not I'm Notting they not but we did sign an agreement then we should be held to it too so great okay um Eric any comments questions for Devin or no I mean I just I I just it seems like we're trying to do it as soon as reasonably possible and that's that's what I would shoot for I think that we did sign an agreement we should do as soon do it as soon as we can that's all yeah okay okay um all right thank you um all right so the next item on the agenda is the select Board review of the September primary election warrant and we have to sign do you have your copy or do you want me to put up on screen if you can put up on screen that'll be great because I'm sort of trying to work with one computer I have read it already but I didn't I have to admit I did not memor it so limiting I think this is it all right so I have to put it on the second one this takes a second for everybody in the audience I have to remind myself how to do it on a TV screen share choose this one and bingo very exciting stuff thank you this is the warrant for the 2024 State primary on Tuesday uh September 3rd 28:24 from 700 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and just lists who um will be voting for in this primary and the select Board needs to sign it so do I hear a motion to um execute the warrant for the 2024 State primary so moved second okay any discussion seems pretty straightforward it does um all right all those in favor signify by saying I make peace O'Neal I stalker ey barl I so today is the 13th y yep okay here we go I will stop sharing thank you so much okay the next item on the agenda is to do a final review of the special town meeting on August 15th 2024 that will be held at Town Hall and I think I just gave a preview if anybody's late joining us um this is a revote of an article that was passed at annual town meeting regarding um borrowing for um to pay for the costs associated with the pasas contamination um in the center of town and at the time we voted at annual town meeting um um it was the vote was reported just as a majority vote and it needs to be for um this is debt and when you vote debt um a town meeting it needs to be a 2/3 vote so it was an oversight um in not uh registering if it was 2/3 which I I believe it was but because it was not recorded by um anybody including Our Town Council or our assistant town clerk um we need to revote it so this will be a a brief um meeting on the 15th we need at least 10 people there I believe for a um nine nine people there for a uh Forum so um show up if you want to you counted um anything else Becky about lions and grace are both here have questions the town meeting will be held in this room at Town Hall uh we haven't done this in quite a while um since before Co um it typically for summer meetings like we used to have where we'd have 20 people maybe it was sufficient uh Grace has been uh concerned that we will have 100 people um in the in that event um she has made Plan B Grace did you want to speak to plan B yeah uh pretty I'm more worried that if we get like 50 people we're going to run out of space in that room um but like so plan B if it comes to that we'll just take the chairs and the tables and go outside on the lawn by the solar panels and the picnic table rather than reschedule and you know we're still at the same address so that'll be fine okay no no tent just cheairs and tables outside yeah I mean the I've been looking at the weather so far it doesn't look like it's going to be raining oh right right it's Thursday it is Thursday that's right okay Paul questions Paul do you have any um questions or comments about Thursday uh no no questions I I did get Grace's um uh voicemail message earlier about B and I'm totally in support of that so um looking forward to a quick and easy special town meeting okay all right great um thank you um all right um the next item on the agenda is um the firefighter appointment and I see our fire chief um Lenny zaka is here with us and I assume our prospective um Jason I'm not even going to try to pronounce your last name I try practiced at home a little bit and I was like I'm not going there um but maybe you could Lenny introduce Jason and Jason if you want to say a few words I'm bad at pronouncing it too than mine so Jason p uh he's been I can pronounce please pronounce course Papa Constantin Papa Conan all right okay great Jason P so he's been observing uh the way we do drills for the last several months and he's completed his physical and he's done numerous interviews and U signed a off and also set up with the the treasurer so like to get him appointed as an official firefighter okay um questions why would you like to be on the to help people to help the community to learn new things and expand my horizons and to make myself useful great Eric do you have any questions no no I'm all set if if he's okay with Lenny Lenny's the boss okay well it's great we like to see people obviously interested in the um in the fire department so um do I hear a motion to to appoint Jason do I have to say it okay that's good yeah okay thank you so mov to the shsb fire department so moved is there a second second sorry I'm getting supper served me here second oh okay I love these [Applause] meetings room service unbelievable yeah any um discussion no all right all those in favor signify by saying I make PE Neil I stalker I barl I thank you welcome thank you congratulations congratulations yeah thank you thank you very much okay um the next item on the agenda is the select Board review of a regional request to pursue phase two of the regionalization of Fire Departments of New Salem wend lever and shsy presented by Fire Chiefs from Lever and shsy and bran table um I'll give a very brief overview of um what we're going to be discussing so I um I just around a little bit so you can see you thank you Brian I didn't write down your last name oh yeah um so a little bit of background um the town of lever was interested in um in looking at whether or not it made sense to because we have for we have leverage shb lendell and New Salem we have four small towns um each with its own fire department I think there's a shared one now in wendon Salem but um shared Chief shared Chief um uh whether or not it made sense to um look at regionalizing there's a bunch of regulations and other things that are coming down the the pipe which um are a a going to be a challenge for small fire departments and um so lever on behalf of the four towns applied to the Colin Center which is a center at UMass that does um a lot of Municipal research I'm not sure what other kind of research they do but I I know they're very active um in uh working with cities and cities and towns and looking at all kinds of management and administrative issues and so the um the col Center did um phase one of a study and um Lenny um worked with Brian and and the other um and the folks from the the colins center and they came in and did a like preliminary evaluation um which I'll let maybe one of you talk about just a little bit more um and now they're looking to complete phase two of um which is more kind of getting they they made some initial recommendations we got a like a 22 page memorandum um uh with their with their recommendations and um they're looking to do phase two so I don't know if Brian if you want to summarize kind of what the from the executive summary if you know it I have here but the big thing was that out of all four departments Staffing is our largest issue by far especially during the daytime when people are working and then we don't have the call folks um shb has a full-time Chief L has a full-time Chief but and new Sal will share the whole time Che other than those three people for the four towns there's no guaranteed coverage during the day and if we're at meetings or trainings or otherwise unavailable it leaves all four town in a on position um so we're just we were looking and we got the community compact Grant last year to do phase one as you mentioned to see if there's ways we can regionalize this approach as things get more challenging hiring people trying to find people that being being a call Department need to live close enough to be able to respond um so where our BS overlap there's potential of sharing not only equipment and resources and personnel as well um and have a single person maybe take some of the tasks off the te plates is doing inspections and then when the trainings have a limited number of people they aren't as effective as having larger so if we can just combine resources so that's what this phase one was a lot of data collection so they looked at our uh financials they looked at response data they looked at Staffing training name it they probably pulled a couple data for from it and then this next phase is do the further analysis using GIS mapping to look at response data um look at Staffing models see if we can further and then one of the bigger components is public input you know without president input this Project's not going to go anywhere so we want have listening sessions in all the towns where people can voice what they want of their fire department what kind of services they want them to provide and in this instance you um would be looking for the town of shsb to take the lead in applying for the correct it's a community Compact and that opens on Monday um and it's kind of a rolling bases first come first serve so if sh we did it last year we're not eligible this year um and then same with wend so uh she Sanka volunteered along with Becky to put it to the if they interested in applying year and how much is the Grant I think it's the same as last year but yeah we last year we applied um for $20,000 we got 20,000 plus additional 5,000 from the perog to do phase one and then uh Becca from the col Center work us they're actually going to draft on approval um the application for the community contact Grant and give all the figures to but I would imagine right 20 25,000 is what I estimate they haden't given us finished the proposal but she did say it would be about the same range so I just want to um make sure we understand what the um what the Del iables are from phase two I know there's kickoff meeting additional data collection interviews and um they're going to make up a final report with a recommendation about how to um how to proceed because it sounded like um there were different ways about if we're going to do a regional agreement there's fire fire district or intermunicipal agreement and the other Community input is going to be a huge factor in what kind of governance model or how you know how it would organize if it were even work um so that's what the Del liberal but basically yeah produce a large report based on all the input and data points and looking at the data further as far as the response times and GIS mapping and where populations are um make that determination but yeah then give recommendations based on um Community input and what they find on the data as far as what government's model might work and how or ation might look how the structure might be with that a community engagement or Community input where they're going to do surveys in the different towns to ask residents what they wanted to recently did yeah so upon approval and then the grant funding is to put a task force with a few members from each Town serve on that task force to then kind of guide and steer um the research and the project going forward I know Becky's been on all the conversations with other Town administrators and town coordinators we want to engage further a larger audience as far as maybe select board someone that they appoint to serve as on the task force Eric do you have any questions you're muted um I'm just wondering how how I guess I'm just a little confused about whether we have to whether we should be doing this or not that's I don't I don't have a specific question it's just a lot to to put in my head that's [Music] all Becky at the last meeting the fire chiefs were together um meeting with the Collins folks people and they kind of shifted where they were focusing to a district model at that time um so the different models have different pros and cons as you can imagine so it'll the fire chiefs will be hashing out more where they want to focus the the research and the data at their next meeting I don't I I think it's more exploratory at this point I'm trying to get questions answered I know Lenny you've had a number of questions about the mapping and the gis yeah I was hoping the gis would be more in the phase one to really have a better you know it's that I think that should have been done honestly phase one just have a little better information before we start doing other things cuz that's going to make it break a lot of is issues to me but that's the way it worked out so yeah so I think it's um like you Eric I I think all the Fire Chiefs are are um it's a lot it could be huge change but I think they're responding to the potential of the OSHA change in laws that could be um really debilitating to their ability to have call Firefighters so hopefully it won't be as dire as people are projecting now um like they're finding ways in the police um changes in the police academy to to keep continue having small departments so they're going to have to listen to the little towns at some point um but the better prepared the towns can be um the more research we do ahead since it should benefit we also know from our police study group that our community does like things in their own community at least as far as policing goes so I think it's important as we go through phase two that that the residents have an opportunity to answer a survey and answer those questions is those answers were very valuable in our decision and our research there um so anyway that's also so it's it should at least include a community survey in each town to the residents to see what they're what they want and what they feel like yeah and I I think um education about you know the W the the the wise and where force of of doing this so this this report details a lot about like the OSHA changes and that sort of thing that I think would be really important to articulate so people understand sort of why we would even um contemplate this um and I the only thing I didn't see I mean there was some budget numbers here I don't would would those be refined or okay so it didn't I don't think it said um did it say anything about um updated budget numbers I would just assume that in Phase bring yeah yeah bring well it's like what is it because they're lot lots of costs associated with okay so um other questions I don't have okay um so you need a vote authorizing the town of shutesbury to apply to the col Center or the phase two of the leverate fire regionalization feasibility study do I hear motion to that effect so mov okay you said it I Wasing was reading it so I Wasing got a second okay any further discussion no not for me okay all those in favor signify by saying hi make peace on your eye stalker ey barl I thank you briann thanks Lenny [Music] don't you're welcome to [Music] stay good night Brian good night um so so originally we had 7:30 for the criteria right so I just want to um so I think we can move through these others and then maybe get to the Criterion next we through these others um quickly I think I put out my the notice that be at 7:05 though oh you did yeah oh okay it first is everybody comfortable with that with going ahead yeah that's fine okay all right so um uh we um next week are going to um meet again so we're going to be we're off cycle um we're going to meet next Thursday which is 22 the 22nd and um so to do the appointments to the lake wola voting and Safety Committee and I know we have lots of people here tonight um uh what we determined that we wanted to do was to develop criteria since we've had I think close to 30 people who have volunteered um most of whom I don't think we we know we know a few of you but um you know we got a great a great response um a pretty good cross-section of folks um and you know because it's sort of difficult to pick when you have 30 people and you say well you know we were going to pick seven um what what criteria we want to use so I thought it would be useful for the select board just to come up with some general criteria and then we just need to talk about process um because I don't want to yeah yeah anyway we'll talk about process and talk about my concerns after that so um Eric Melissa um would you guys start with um kind of what we're looking for in the committee I mean we said we wanted um cross-section of people who who lived at the lake and didn't live at the lake but I thought if we could refine that a little bit um that would be good um yeah so I think to having the definitely a diversity of uh thoughts on the committee is a good idea to equal out to be a great discussion um and conversations in those cases so um I think the you that um I think having certainly someone from the direct Lake would be one and maybe somebody from the way around the Okay you Okay Waterfront I guess right is the it's called The Waterfront there so the Waterfront is a good idea um and certainly a boat owner i' I'd like to see someone who has um had some committee experience maybe also speak oh I'm sorry someone who had I could hear the thing I'm sorry um the committee someone has had committee experience also um and is potentially Al they all will have to be um open meeting trained so that was a couple things that I had thought about okay um Eric you're muted again Eric Eric you're muted I wish I you're still muted there you go there we go there we go okay so uh one thing was um it seemed very clear to me that we should probably have someone from elwak on that I know that from being on the lwac uh as the SE slood representative I know this the uh the lwac lake wol ass uh advisory committee that's what LX stands for um elected David green or David Green volunteered and was was um sort of voted as a potential member by lwac and I I think that type of thing should be considered I also think that um we should definitely have someone from um Public Safety or at least one or two people from Public Safety I mean whatever we we come up I mean we have bylaws right now we may not change a single bylaw there's certainly no evidence to me that suggests necessarily we' have to do that but it does seem to me that we might want to think about or the enforcement of those bylaws and they're the ones that do that enforcing so those two things come to mind as well as obviously people that have uh you know different perspectives on how the lake should be used um I think is a great thing that's all okay so we we had already determined that the police chief and the fire chief or a representative from one of those departments would be um kind of EX officio members that they might not go to Every meeting with it they would be resources but I would expand upon the public safety to say that you know in going through all the um the emails there were clearly people who had um Public Safety background um so I I think I would look for that beyond our um beyond our public you know our town staff um that are the you know that there are people who have expertise let's put it that way right um so I had that um so a couple of other criter IA that I thought um when when you talked about diversity of opinions um different representations so so non-resident Lake users and obviously resident Lake user users um also water safety experience again that kind of showed up um and uh kind of made me think um representation from the lake OA Association board and um making sure that um and some of these will be you know cross cross over that that one person could be um you know could have a number of these different criteria um so making sure we have yearr round residents which you guys already talked about um and then um U maybe a summer resident you know somebody who's not there year round but lives on the lake um it occurred to me as I was kind of going through the list that we might need to expand the number of people but [Music] um I guess maybe if we we you know go through a process I was I was thinking of ranked what is it rank Choice voting um uh that you know we I don't think at the next meeting we can sit here and like pick apart these the 30 applications but what I would suggest as a process is that each of us independently kind of does a does a ranking and then see um you know based on on the criteria we talked about um then then see how many of us have votes I don't I'm not exactly sure how rank Choice voting goes but I think you put like your top three people but we'd be putting our top seven our top seven and then um you know as I said if if we really feel like we get a better cross-section we could entertain increasing the um the group to maybe nine has the odd number so yeah yeah okay Eric does that sound reasonable that sounds good yep um so we would do that and then Becky either you or maybe there's somebody else who would volunteer somebody to do the kind of sorting um like a I already started a GD okay I had education as one of the criteria but yeah I think I think the uh yeah I stick to what you guys yeah I think the um kind of the experience and the you know the the train I wouldn't want to say somebody who didn't have a certain level of Education couldn't do this if they were you know had taken both safety courses and did all kinds of other stuff um I didn't wouldn't want that to exclude anybody so um we'll take a few questions if anybody has questions or comments yes hi George AB out 56 North oral Drive thanks for saying your name George okay um I I'm not personally looking to be on it but I did nominate somebody because U my duties are pretty full right now yeah yes so we got all the nominations we've could I made a of everything put that out there so oh yeah yeah so Melissa did a spreadsheet and um we did get a few more names since our last meeting um so you know we're going to update that and um thank you you know thank thank you everybody really you know it was a great was a really great response and um yeah we we appreciate the the level of interest and stay tuned for other volunteer opportunities we have to make a um I have a hand up there and then I'll take you um Jennifer I uh so at one of the earlier meetings there was a discussion of reaching out to the environmental police as Public Safety Consultants is that still on the radar um yeah I'm sort of leaving that up to Kristen um yeah she's she's got that under control okay and then also on the diversity of users the only thing that was mentioned was resident and non-resident is there um a possibility that diversity could include people who are swimmers and kayakers but maybe not you know skiers or motorized craft yes yeah okay thank you you're welcome just you got that okay um I'm sorry go ahead Megan M um sorry your name Megan M I was just curious if you're still accepting means I know that there was a date but it got extended we we would yeah yes but like I would say if you know somebody like do it in the next um day or two we're meeting next thday Thursday so um and you do all that in front of everyone or is there a private meeting no there's no priv all of our meetings are public we we go into executive session only for certain very specified activities like earlier at this meeting for litigation um what I was suggesting is that um in instead of going through 30 some odd names at that meeting um that we would nominate that each of the individual select board members would nominate we can't talk to each other outside of the meeting it's a violation of open meeting law so that we would put the names kind of put our priorities and then they would be sorted by fourth party not not one of us and that's just um I I just want to remind people um so this would be a uh Town committee which is subject to open meeting law um and so open meeting law means that um all of the meetings take place but you know it's for transparency sake is um Grace still here in public anybody can come um and uh there's you know if if you get appointed to the committee there's like a packet of material that would be given to you by the um by the town clerk as a is maybe special Municipal Employees is that is that the characterization I'm not sure that other one yeah there's there's some category but anyway it it's um need to to be special Municipal Employees this left Bo would have to designate the committee but we have designated the committee no but as a special Municipal oh I see okay see okay yeah I don't I don't think we right this is a this is a finite amount of time that um and you know we're looking for a report back from the back from the committee not this to go on like you said still open meeting law so but still open meeting law right um go ahead to charl ginsky W Drive in Lake um since you just establish the criteria tonight people who uh placed letters of Interest may now realize they should have added things to their letters because it's a it's much clearer now what you're looking for um is there a way you're going to rectify that so people can put in credentials for instance if they have taken cour work etc or have some background in committee work sure I guess what we could do is we could send we have a Master list email so we could send that out to everybody I would say um you know we people were really thoughtful and and forom forthcoming yeah about sort of their experience so we got really good I don't think we got any like two sentence you know where it was just like I want to serve and that's it but people yeah it was yeah but we can we can say if there's anything else you want to add um that and the other thing that um I'm losing my place for some reason I'm wondering about is um there'll be I assume a lot of discussion about motor boats and knowing that is you know most likely going to happen I feel it's Paramount that you have people you know more than a few people that at least have Motivo experience they know about horsepower they know how it affects you know getting a water Speed Out of Water Etc um so I didn't hear uh about voting experiences whether it's kayak or anything so unless I missed it um but I think I just think the motor vote is probably going to be discussed a lot and if you only have a few people on the committee who actually have owned a Mot of boat gone through all the you know situations that you have to do do with a motorboat it might not be as easy for the committee to talk about that without know the expertise of somebody who has own motor V because I can tell you um I I I don't know have you ever seen this from the lake o Association oh you have the the safety card I was curious after I um there are 11 bullets about voting REM and that includes all kinds of boats however if you look at it it's more than interesting eight of them out of 11 are targeting what motorboats have to do three of them are non-motorized boats and one of them was um about swimmers so this safety card has a lot for motorboats then it dawned on me we really don't have a lot about padle bers or kayaks or canoes and obviously we've heard more than a few people say that there are more of those now on the lake so that really has to be part of this formula in the discussion and I I just want to tell you a very quick story again that happened to my husband and I this weekend on Sunday we were uh going very slowly around the lake with our um fum B and we were outside the 150t mark and then we saw in a distance coming toward us three kayakers and as they got closer to us we couldn't figure out how they why they were so close to one another and as they got closer for us to see what actually was going on what was happening is uh the kayak in the middle had a a young girl in it only in her 30s and she was smoking pot the kayak to the right was holding that side of the kayak the kayak to the left was holding the other side and they were paddling while they were moving her forward and they were well beyond the 150 limit which is perfectly legal I they have all the rights what became a problem for us as a motoro is we now have to make a decision do you go within the 150 and basically break the rule of putting a motorboat too close to Shore or do you go to the left where I think we saw three boats out there and put another boat a little further out we decided just don't listen please we went into the 150 because we thought it was less um difficult and we went further than we probably should have because we didn't want to create a bigger uh weight for this boat but it was the problem for us was with the kayakers and very specific on here is kayakers paddlers have the RightWay so we were doing the right thing however as a motor vat it became a difficult decision so somehow there has to be some real clear understanding about everybody's um uh need to use that leg in the best way possible I was going to suggest to these three we have a Cove which is a non Lake Zone um I'm going to stop you shling because I think we're getting into far more detail anyway what I'm saying is I think this committee uh that's coming about it's really important to have you know motivote representation on there um as well as others because I don't know how someone who doesn't own a motor vote could really understand all the and I think that's our inent um other comments questions mark Rivers will the select would be choosing the person to chair the committee as well or is that going to be something up to the committee to kind of figure out mostes themselves typically committees pick their own chairperson we don't like to dictate [Music] that I can Envision to to I think answer your question um is if there's some expertise needed or such that the committee will reach out to someone that has that and have a discussion with them and bring them into the fold right so um that it's not just the people on the committee making those that discussion if they need more information they'll bring those people in and and have that okay any comments from our participants remote participants uh I don't see any okay Tom go ahead hi I'm Tom SE I just wanted to try to get a good feeling about whether there's a good feeling among the select board or what you have so far are you feeling like this is going to work out yeah yeah I think there's a crosssection yes yeah that's great news yeah thank you and I would say um you know if a couple of other people I think we have a good um but if there's somebody who just you know wants to in the next couple of days maybe we can get the email out and we could say um would you would the SEL word would the ENT UST me with sending out the email and prompting them to send it to the select since I have all the information I can just do put oh yes yeah if you want to do that for the um ones that right if you have other so if you vote for me to I guess you have to vote for nominate me to do that just to I have all that information just okay you just want me to just say if you have anything else will'll be it's more if there was somebody who hadn't submitted their name um oh that would maybe that should come from that should be a town announc you know a couple more a couple more days yeah um about Friday by Friday what's today today Tuesday Friday's good we're busy Thursday this Thursday yeah we're busy Thursday okay by pray that's that's great and that they'll handle the one that the ones that came in just to prompt them for anything want to add to their and you'll do the yeah okay so Eric are you um good with Melissa sending out um just people have already submitted that's great okay all right I don't think you need a vote to you I don't know I just I don't know what we have to do officially sometimes it's not yeah um uh one more question Jennifer I um will there be I don't know whether this is specified in the charge to the committee but will there be ample opportunity for public comment during the process of the or as a draft will there be a draft that's prepared and then is that available for a public comment thank you yeah so I think there would be a um what we uh put in the charge was that there'd be a report to the um select board and then um we could circulate it for public comment um if there are recommendations um that need town meeting um approval then that would be up to the the select board to um uh prepare the Warren articles for um annual town meeting so I think we'll take responsibility for that rather than have the committee Do It um engaging public comment that's yeah why not and then we're we're receiving the report but they're going to want to look for public comment ahead of that yeah yeah I I know but like they want they want everyone of their meetings to be no but they would you know circulate okay draft okay drapped out and asked for input because they might make dramatic changes before they come to the select board okay so yeah I just um or did you want to manage the public input well I think they're going to need to manage the public input I don't think we can manage the public input that's just a caution to all of you you know who are on a committee and it's public just like you're all here tonight um you know if you don't want to have meetings that are five and six hours and people are getting all you know meetings have to be managed pretty tightly you're the committee just like we're the select board we take public input but we we manage that public input um make our decisions and and this committee you know this is a this is a topic that has raised a lot of emotion and interest and so so the meetings are you know going to have to be run well and I would say you know you really need to think about um how you take public comment when where how um um and my recommendation would be you could you could do something similar to what we do when you're running a meeting you take public you open your meeting you take you know a limited amount of public comment at the beginning of a meeting but when when the draft report is done then maybe it makes sense to have um or Midway if you want to have a kind of public comment um meeting you can do that so I don't want to dictate too much um but kind of in terms of good public process yes getting some public input is important so just to clarify yeah so there's no prohibition the is at the committee's discretion if Public public comment is allowed during the committee meetings yes the disc the chair cor and is the ultimate goal to have something ready for the annual Town meting yeah I think we um put you know set a timeline of about 8 months thinking that that gave us an adequate amount of time if anything needed to go before town meeting that it's in in enough time to to get the warrant um together so we meet on the last Saturday in April um so and that that in process in and out itself has a hearing process as well so there's also a process within that yeah so so eight months is probably longer than you're going to want to meet because it's we're going to bump up against the we're going to bump up against the deadline so we only have six months because we need the warrant by April 1 yeah so April 1 Warr has I I I don't need to keep asking but things keep coming up when you answer something what if this committee doesn't feel ready to present that's that's fine the committee can keep going could come back to the cect board and just say we're not ready um and we don't have anything for town meeting there's no you know there's no absolutes here I think if if the discussion is really good and and communication lines are open and you know people are feeling satisfied you know we don't we don't have a drop dead date more us um Lauren hey there um sorry for the delay in this question I think I got off a little track but um I was thinking about what one of you said about education qualifications and well I totally agree with you I don't think we should exclude somebody based on their level of education at all I do Wonder um if it might be beneficial on the committee to have someone that has education experience so meaning educating the public or educating a role group or something like that it might be beneficial with the you know what we're looking to do possibly with the bylaw increase education in the public I just thought I'd throw that out there I didn't want that to get lost if that was what that person meant yeah that's good thank you Lauren that is what I oh was okay I didn't I I when did you say education I immediately go to do you have a ba or PhD was person with educational background that could help out information right okay so it's education experience right at education um okay anything else all right um so uh you have the you have the list I have the list okay I'll do the email tomorrow okay and ask for it for Friday as well okay need I don't think we need no no not yeah thank you all huh oh that works work during the day okay I just have one more question just a quick one so I just wanted to clarify the process you're going to have this seven each of you will have your seven right yeah and then what happens if they don't line up are you going to then be bartering amongst yourselves in front of us is that that's fun of open Mee that's be so you may have someone who's I just wanted to clarify that'll be all just out there for all and I think to answer your question like with maybe what it makes sense for us to do each is give our top 10 and then you can do a ranking so that you're not just doing seven so let's do that so top 10 car okay yes yes yes yes I'm here and then if we don't get to 7 we'll um we'll just deal with it in open meeting yeah [Laughter] interesting okay yep all right all right the next article on the agenda is um discuss use of town seal and letter excuse just close the door inter no we understand thank youate us or getting reused to it this year okay great thank you good thank you just close the door when you go so we can continue okay this um this this particular item was something that I had um since I I've been doing a little bit of research on other Town stuff and this something that popped up was the um we don't and and it may be just as it was simple oversight so I don't think it was anything you know malicious or intentional is we don't use the town seal on a lot of the things that we have um like our town our minutes don't have um I noticed out there doing some looking around other Town websites that they use their Town seal much more often than we do um so our our select board minutes or other tr minutes don't have the town seal on them um our warrant uh for payment um um various other things don't have the town seal in it so I wanted to have a discussion on increasing the use of town seal and giving a more professional look to our town paper and our town um documents so just kind of opening that up um it's pretty easy to use you can use it in a picture format in a Word document um or other way I know we use it on the town we have printed town letterheads so I know we have that um but so that was kind of how I wanted to open it up because it does give a professional nature to to the things that we distribute through public records requests or other forms and and things that we send out I don't know how the other select board member feels about that as well so did you would would there specific documents I mean you mention our minutes minutes is one of those I saw across the board is something um that and I know our town meeting warrants don't have the town seal on when we have them the first page just the town meeting she about the vendor the vendor no no no I'm talking about even when we doesn't the annual town meeting annual town meeting warrant doesn't have it the one next for the next meeting doesn't have uh town meeting doesn't have that official seal it makes it look official and it gives an official flare to that um right you know um I think we could use it more often like a business uses their time Town letterhead and town seal I mean their business seal and business um such thing so that's kind of just wanted to bring it up to make our stuff look a little more professional going out to the world um like some of the towns that I've seen as I'm looking at things and researching Stu so um let's use an as an example the Lola committee that in in draft form would I have put this seal on that or do you do a seal once it's a like a finished document likely finish the finished adopted document anything that's approved should have it on there so approved documents should have it on there uh drafts you know right I don't know about a draft because often times they use various formats of programs so I'm not sure but I'm just talking about the ones that are official and improved um and just that that's that was my thought anyway so I thought I'd bring it to us since we're the policy makers for the town Eric two comments and then I'll takey I'm certainly okay with that I'm not sure how crucial it is I'm certainly okay with that I understand what Melissa's getting at and it's fine I mean I think it's relatively simple to do so I don't think we're really asking people to do anything that's particularly hard but so that's I'm I'm in favored I guess so the only only thing that what made me prompted is so and this is a bad example because it's an agenda offline so this isn't a good agenda but if you just have somebody that says town of shsb and you send it out then there's nothing official that gives it an official look um people may not may think the person made it themselves that has it so it just doesn't have that that look right to say hey this was an official document from the to she do it um all Express concern um I've been having a real problem with the seal when when it's on documents and maybe Melissa can fix it but we cannot um it's not visible I don't know what's happened to this sealed file so when I'm looking at you know before I print stuff remember there was one time it had it needed select board on the top and it had the Town Administrator well I can't see that ahead of time so adding the seal the documents has become um more of a problem but going back to statute um State Statute says papers or documents issued from any office or Board of the Town may be attested there with so there's no requirement for any specifically to be to have the seal and in fact the only letter head that I've ever seen printed in town hall did not used the seal the seal was adopted more under after about the when I came in I started using it when I I had gotten um a PDF or something that add add to things so before that there was um an image of town hall with the two trees in front and that was our letterhead it wasn't the seal at all well just the seal was what came out as something we that I see on other Town things and and we can be anything we want it to be I just it just like things to look more professional as they going out of town the the U the police department used it I just and and I honestly I grabbed it from a different document to put it on this yeah that was emailed I did all our forms have those seal yeah I I don't see why if we can work out the logistics could I just ask for one could could we wait till we have um an admin secretary making these Chang on top of not having any support it's not something II I can make it easy for you I can send you Word document that has it locked on it's having to put it on every word document I do I have to do it on the warrant I have to do it Becky when you pull up the document to do it you pull up the template you just start it right on there and save it as that so you don't have to worry about putting it on I am asking for this not to be instituted until we get somebody in and I know everything is much easier for Melissa I just well I can make it easier for you that's what I'm saying but there are so many unpredictable things when you're not around that would have to be addressed in that fashion that you know to have that as another concern when I'm drowning um I I I'm just nervous about it and great idea when we have tools to to do it efficiently I I think that would be really helpful um I'm just concerned that you know I'm going to be you know forgetting at times having to add at other times I do it as often as I can um but I'm just I'm just asking for some relief and not have additional changes ATA um yes um but I would like I compromise if something comes through the select board and we vote on it um if you're not able to put it on that official document and you you have the I took off one of the other documents that we received and it's not hard to it's not hard okay but but it's I mean if you're not used to doing it right I can understand um a template can made and have it locked so you can't remove it it is on that first page right you know proprietary right I mean nobody else should have access had people mimic it send out Town mailings um you know to the public it's online so it's easily snap they didn't lock it on ours um and that's also going that also something we should talk about too is that in that public documents that are sent out should never be in word format they should always be in a PDF for that reason so that they can't be changed yeah y but the PDFs changed all the time they can't I'm not saying they can't I'm not saying they can't but if it goes out as one then it it's not as likely as someone sending that over that's just a standard that's all um it can be changed there's there's things out there that can change it but you can also look at the background of the document and see if that it's been changed too um so that was just it so yeah as long as until we have admin secretary anything that the select board does then I'll just add it if if you don't add up So speaking of admin secretary oh yes uh so the job was posted again this is Melissa's yes so um I saw that Becky had posted again I I um I wonder if thanks hi de I wonder if we should think about thinking about posting it Beyond shoot I know that we've primarily done it in sh spr and I know we always want to help our shb residents but we need someone here and we need them here quickly um if we do do it that way and I don't uh people don't send resumés and cover letters in anymore everything's usually sent by email or in a electronic file that so um I think we should think about that if we want someone to come in and get someone here quickly um what formats we could do any of the I'd have to look at the cost of them I don't think there's too much maybe for one but there's there's the electronic versions of um posting the job Grace has recommended jobs in the valley and I had trouble getting the out of but she's going to help me and have them email the I think having them email it in um is because people don't it's not as um people will fire off a me and cover letter in email do we require people to send something paper the ad said to send cover letter mail cover letter and the ad that was sent out said the mail mail cover leather and such okay um yeah nobody does that yeah and in case we get a furry do we want to have it to the select board just to help Becky out with fing if we go outline thing so she's not adding that to her task L I would appreciate just continue to cover that yeah I think that's fine so yeah it could be to uh um just have them email it and do we do we have any response from from the recent posting okay and I have well get on to another agenda before I share bad news before you do what share bad news so hopefully our new method of hiring works because we will also need a land oh okay he's G already so we should consider also doing that electronic okay um all right and I guess the next was the revamp of the warrant Eric I'll put this up on screen um just so he can see it CU I I didn't um email it out you gave me yeah um where did I sa it ala I I realized is that a word or a PDF this is word I hadn't changed it to PDF yet so all our my vendor Wars are all um Excel oh they can easily be done in Exel I was trying to figure out what was odd about that and then I realized it must be word and not Excel the vendor Wars definitely have to be an Exel my computer's now decided to slide it over to two c on and then share Eric can you see that I can't see it but I think that it's probably frankly it's probably my computer setup right here right now I'm sort of drifting in and out um um so don't worry but I I think I'm okay with this one all right so this just it took the reg the vendor form we've been signing and um I added the Seal of course based on a conversation we just had um and then at the bottom instead of having the box for the three of us to fit our signatures in I made lines um okay and then I put the official um badly spilled um at the bottom the address just to make it look overly official but it was just to um take everything that we see all bunched up and um and primarily give us three lines to sign on because I know you the three of us have to sign all three names in the box that we normally have Becky can problem um I can convert it to excel so this was just the revamp and really it was just adding the three lines taking away the boxes and I tossed the seal to be as the example for the conversation earlier um so Excel yeah it has to be in Excel that's what we're using okay what an Excel okay all right I'll send it in Excel um does anyone need it in fillable PDF that doesn't need it um I think it just get a little complicated in the purpose section because how many rows I mean it yeah could make one but you can enter yeah it could be a text box okay all right so that was want to make sure we can still the computations are done in the right column CU it helps good okay so that was it that was my all right it's 8:00 um administrator updates last item on our agenda so tell us about the lands CLK first since you mentioned that um what happened well I I think there was there's just um too much going on right now and there's personal issues oh I see and it was a bit of a um yeah the I think it was more about the technology starting off um he wasn't as comfortable with the Mac as he had thought um so that was something we were about to address and then there were some time constraints um we was facing so where um it might pull back together but I'm not optimistic at this point so the next the best thing on the TA updates is we have been finally after try number three awarded an MVP Grant yeah yeah it'll be for $222,000 um it does require $21,000 match um I did talk to which potentially this is for the library solar um and and a Truck and a Truck which is foring to act as the backup for our library solar it's a F50 it's electric truck F-150 Lightning forward pickup truck um and I believe it's because of that um that we got the award it's a little bit more it's untested and the MVP likes to um award uh new projects new types of projects so this is going to be um starting very soon they've already sent the next packet of um contracts for you all to sign tonight um so we can keep this project moving um this just came in today that's why it's not on the agenda um and so I think that for this one I just read it because I had to typ in the other part um and then the tomorrow R you could come back in and and do the not read second page we can do it all tomorrow you okay yeah that makes sense okay we have to vote on it first right have to vote on it okay so so we have to vote to accept it um accept accept and execute yes accept and execute um okay do I hear a motion to um sign the contract with the municipal vulnerability program for for a $222,000 grant to be used for the um solar on the new library and a truck so moved second okay any further discussion all right all those in favor signify by saying I than peace O'Neal I doer ey bar ey that's great are we going to um will they put out a press release or something or is it was in the paper already it was well that's me I'm so behind the times yeah when was it in the paper last week oh Thursday or Friday was it buried in a um Susie saw okay I'll have to ask her where it was and yeah they they wouldn't let us say anything and then all of tell us when they anoun because some of them they were announcing like in person the Governor Oren Governor they invited us to go I I didn't they invited me to go and I had no time oh when was that it just came last week it's right when quick turn around oh okay all right if you can't go to something you could ask one of us too sorry no that's okay I I probably wouldn't have gone anyway but just you know keep it in mind Eric and I are they're retired retired retired retirees we have nothing but time well well um so we should probably vote on that signing that did we we made a motion a second to okay all those in favor signify by saying I make peace O'Neal I I I maybe I missed that okay good catch right and um yeah and Geneva asked me remind you guys to finish your votes so finish our votes yes okay very good um so the next something El deadly bille dam removal will be happening third week of August oh okay um the fire chief completed not only his ICS 300 but now has completed the ICS 400 okay um the AG's office requested a 90day extend mention on the Standalone battery storage General bylaw so that'll go another two a few months has that um has the planning board well that was a town bylaw right and submitted as a general bylaw submitted as a general by the second time this year right so um can you notify the planning board and dcap just great you um and just so Eric's aware I might have mentioned it but the generator test officially will not happen on Saturday morning ever again nice all right was moved to Wednesday and we had two hair raising Wednesdays when the whole town hall went down at 6:00 in the morning no at night at night and he wanted to set it on Tuesdays oh God I didn't let him sit on Tuesday this break brought to you byak from the brought to you by the generator test yes so the generator um test last W this past Wednesday was officially change to non load I guess we had he had to change it three or four different we do it on Friday at 5 or 6 well we don't notice it I was here and I was like I was in the middle of a meeting going oh no oh no nothing happen it's all fine and the generator is still working right um that's interesting so can I just go back to the um the dam removal so is that is the road closed or anything down there that's we already have asked for um police presence the majority of the work is going to be done on either side of the dam with excavators not not from the road but from either side okay so there should not be it should not be shut down for long probably when they have to move all the equipment into place it'll be down for a little bit but we'll get a notice out I've got to get the um I've been waiting he back from Susie res to let me know if they and is there a lot of water behind that D now or no so I mean it does it does it affect Downstream once that when that's be a increase yeah not for a long time though because once it it'll it drops yeah then it's not as it's fairly high now sound like taking likea down [Music] no not quite that yeah okay so it should be it should be all right um and the excellent news is the teacher's contract is almost it it could be be settled we just waiting to hear back from uh the official word from the union after they meet with their members okay great so that's good news and the final walk through for the painting job will be done on Thursday for the third time but that way all the members can can be there Jeff was out of town and they all have they look for different things so this is the bills building committee yeah going through yeah and so much progress on the library site oh my goodness yeah doesn't take long doesn't take like holy cow and 12 fires who yeah I saw the on my yard went a lot of impressive looking equipment came up the hill and then and then I drove over the hill drove back up around and back up like oh oh that's what's going on yeah um by the way that just reminds me cuz um uh Michael deara asked me he he had sent us a um uh an email saying kind of after the you know after the accident with the truck at the bottom of um that's pres um is there anything that could be done regarding Google Maps a or post like some posting cuz you know as you're going down the hill I don't I don't think there's any like steep grade or like check your brakes or like you have on on Mass Pike you know where you have those those Runway truck Runway truck things um because that is it's a really steep pill and a lot more trucks are using that Google certainly helps them come through yes so I don't maybe we can um ask Kristen and Steve um at a future meeting the only reference point I have for that is if you're having a construction site you can contct Google and they will detour people um to Google Maps or whatever the platform is um I have to be road construction I don't I that was only that's my only experience he was talking about more permanently trying to discourage because I know like in East lever you know where the stop signs are now part of that thinking they used to have all the trucks routinely kind of go go through and go into that um parking parking area for that apartment complex so we've had a number of trucks go straight across 202 and yeah so anyway just um can we can you put that down Becky as a future agenda item I I think it's a legitimate question I was hoping Melissa was going to say we could use any construction we could report the library building like that is so that I noticed they put up the sediment the sediment um catch Bas thing about that too so you might be able to use that at least in the short term to have a suggested Che up um yeah and you may may consider putting a sign as they approach top of the hill construction side ahe um just you know so that's a you could use that short that's like a year yeah yeah it well it would be something and then it give you about right yeah kind of more more permanent signage for dealing with yeah or you know like and Google Drive so much now or like again I don't know what the platform the if it's a one that's across maps and and all those garments and if it's across the whole thing which you can use it to do a suggested track route or truck rout okay do I hear a motion to adjourn so moved second all right all right all those in favor signify by saying I stalker stalker ey stalker thank you thanks everybody thanks for coming thank you all e