you're not not [Music] right CRA one of us in a while I know there too long he said they're too long hey good what's that I saw your Carside oh yeah actually actually that's my wife that right yeah my wife was going to come and then I said was an executive session she goes oh I'm not coming yeah is you going to be short I don't know said I don't know you got executive session we uh my grandson he's eight he loves watching his on online oh yeah so he I always get critiqued and how I'm dressed what I said he's tough what do we what do we sign I even the volunteers for the bayfest the group okay they they deserve it it's pretty busy over there I thought it was more people than I ever saw I thought so too it and it was cold yep he go thought you did a great job there's more vendors more food I was work in one of the streets for them early in the morning get people parked that was that was fun how you doing got a lot of nice people look nice look think your hair looks so nice yeah thank you yeah I had a good time then they had the beer garden back open yeah that's what I heard I didn't go over there but wasn't crowded in the morning got bus I got a jump start on me you can hear earlier this week I guess sounds good thanks L hey hey buddy how you doing good man doing H we doing have a lot of fun man hey let I didn't see all right Lucy get him [Music] moving get by 5 after I'm leaving always want to call C I know you look take a Craig more than a Greg to me I don't know what I saw where did I see him at dentist office oh really he came in that's a great place to see people we have a bigger turnout than this the boat I bigger turnout with the boat fees and all that stuff we're you know I hope it works man why the street you know doing construction um across from the yacht place they put in a uh you're talking about on Bank yeah yeah they put in a walkway there so they dug in and they haven't laid the bricks in there so they it goes like it's it's uh concrete but it's down about that far until they lay the crosswalk in probably will do that tomorrow I guess there he goes oh Lord I drove down I flew down Saturday and drive my wife oh wow hour that's a I got these cup that's a how you doing everybody all right take two days I took three this time you know why cuz we were going to leave Monday morning through Monday and Tuesday this person but then I looked at the weather and it said well up down the East Coast Monday and Tuesday rain so I figured I'm going to not try to push it during the rain I'm going to get out of Florida on Sunday okay so we left around noon on Sunday got out of Florida and stopped and then it ended up not raining either day nice yesterday was beautiful on the other hand what are we doing missing may we just came out ofil yeah and they should they should be here unless they got caught up well Tom's back there so you could get oh you could do they could be meeing the St here they come PA by the by the word I just say one minute to game game time there you go that's when I left good job moving this to I mean was very veryy you're welcome Mr Smith how are you yeah so I just need you how you doing had an overflow okay I didn't see that already CR [Music] [Music] do don't oh great thank sorry [Music] about this meting is this meeting is called to order would everyone please rise for the flag solute to the flag the United States of America to the repic stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all may I have a may I have a roll call please council member hn council member Owen herec Council depan herec council member MCC here council member mcgan herec council member Dill here Council President Johnson here also with us tonight is Mayor tap administrator Frost city clerk samelson city solicitor Smith and city engineer Snider pursu to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City and on the city's website site Summers okay welcome everyone uh we're gonna start tonight with a special presentation um we have respective Eagle Scout Matthew Barnaby regarding a special project for the benefit of the community um he's gonna hello everybody my name is Matthew Barnaby I'm going to be doing Eagle Scout project around the city city streets I'm going to be painting malti crosses for the fire um Fire Company um um what my Eagle Scout Eagle Scout project is going to be is to help the fire company and uh so they can locate these fire to paint paint these fire Mal crosses we need painting them so it's easier to um like see so they can uh spot the fire hydrants in time so so it helps them uh like spot the fire hydrant so they can go connect their hose and go uh help the houses not burnt down um um talked talked to Mr Sweeney about this um he says it was okay yeah he said he would talk to me um talk to Mr M about this um um what you're describing is the multi crosses are going to be painted in the street yes yes sir how far from the fire height 2 feet 2et outside of the curve yeah what color are they yellow Mr Schnider here is our city engineer do you see any problem with that no and I did check with the uh manual uniform traffic control devices and it's not regulated under that because it's not a traffic control device um but it is permitted as a way for um to assist firefighters okay so with the bright yellow uh thing that the firefighters will be able to locate the hydrant that much quicker and get into service that much quicker years ago people hadt around I don't know if there's any of them any more last around town you're confusing my way here with your way here this will be this will be um every fire hydrant just the city streets not like route n or County or the state roads I live on a county do you do you have an idea uh uh I know that the I'm sure the fire department at least my conversation is with the chief is they they have some sort of inventory do you know what that number is uh roughly like I mean is it 200 300 I need a map Mr Sweeney's probably gonna show me and like how many but I don't know yet do we have a timetable and how long you expect this to take right like it's going to be done in August so once my project starts probably one to two days no no oh that's not a right a check you can't keep let's say it's at least two to three weeks I mean honestly let's just say how many hyr could you get in a day you know let's say you get 10 let's say you get 20 a day if that's at least 10 days there's got to be at least I don't know 200 200 fire hyds in town or more you got any idea Mr Snider I would be guess but please don't don't stay one or two days you it could be 500 what um how will you do it do you a stencil to do it with all exactly the same same size and you'll spray paint yeah oh yeah okay anybody else have any questions I think by using a stencil I think they could do he could do yeah it'll go pretty fast it go it'll go pretty fast not pain I would think but I the only comment I have is uh I think it's a great project and uh I fully support it and thank you for your will you be doing this by yourself no TR the whole tro Mr M be carrying the pain can to help you he wants to youl to make sure that there's like traffic while you're bending down somebody's watching the traffic um Mr that be like a yellow reflective thing right I could donate for even better first thanks yeah I think should definitely thanks there city engineer yeah I think it's definitely a worthwhile Eagle Scout project in any way that we're able to help the fire department and our Public Service you know people it's uh that's a great project best of luck thank you Mr H thank you very much for stepping up and doing it it's a it's a great Endeavor I'm looking forward to when it's completed and seeing the the outcome thank you councilman de pan it's a very worthwhile project don't paint any cars don't do it over a windy day right since it's on the city Tom do we need a resolution for this for him to do it on the city streets no but if we're all on an agreement I think you have some paperwork to be signed yeah I know maybe Mr uh I agree than thank you very much sounds like a great project yes it does [Applause] I think you yes to do all right so just I don't take Council I I can explain to you later if you he can't start the project until get and it just needs to be Mr Frost that signs it whoever is you designating as your point of contact it's called the person called the beneficiary they're the ones that are benefiting Mr Frost very good at that yes okay thank you very much you yes okay we'll move on to Communications anyone have any Communications to offer none uh Mr Mayor to me already I just have a few things um you know we had bayfest a couple weeks ago and it turned out great you know we'll have resolution so I won't touch on that but it was a great event it worked out very well uh uh May 27th we have our Memorial Day parade and service if anyone is looking to take part in that if we know of any groups Maybe the Boy Scouts would want to uh take part in that there's a phone number 609 833 5428 and uh talk to uh Thug sh cross to be able to get on uh get into the parade so it might not be a bad idea it's a Memorial Day Parade so um you know the Pal's got a blood drive it's still a little bit away it's June 28th but I know that the American Red Closs is always calling us right there council president June 28th uh and I'll be pushing that information out there it'll be at the youth center from 10:00 to 3 uh Citywide your sale is this May 18th and 19th and once again to get more information contact Doug shc Cross at 6098 33 54 28 uh uh and then lastly and I invite anyone else to jump in on this also but I want I want to thank our police we've had a couple tough days we had a w rescue off of 52 that uh in my opinion saved someone's life uh and there was a horrific accident yesterday uh just going into EHT from on Ocean Heights uh it was absolutely horrendous I just I just hope that the girl girl is okay uh we were First Responders there and I know that the police did everything they can and I think that from what I hear she'll make a recovery but it was a horrendous accident and uh I just you can't thank them enough you know you see these guys you talk to them every day everyone their friends their buddies but I'll tell you what when there's tragedy or something there you know they they they jump right into it they jump in and they take care and they handle situation and I can't thank them enough I just like to add that uh it also uh both the both these rescues involved the uh fire departments also yes okay uh we had to uh arranged for a uh airlift helicopter airlift from our football field and of course the fire department had to be called in uh as a precautionary measure and um it's a mutual Aid thing uh we had the uh water rescue also involved EG Harbor Township and uh we were first on the scene at uh at the accident on Ocean Heights Avenue because of mutual Aid we were closer than any eggh Harbor Township police vehicle and uh there was an article in the uh uh in FA on Facebook a somewh a resident of I believe egar Township was at the scene and commended the uh our our police department and Egg Harbor Township and the rescue squad for the coordinated effort that was that took place and uh I just want to add that that uh it was it was an effort between police fire Egg Harbor Township and Summers Point uh in both uh both situations I'd like to uh thank our police and firefighters you know you come on a something like that um you know horrific site and they and they keep their composure and are able to be very professional to take care of the the scen are just like to say thank you and that ends the mayor's report thank you very much Mr Snider uh I just want to report that the final Paving for the col Devon nexter Road Project was completed last week so now the contractor just completing punch list items but um the uh final Paving is done and I appreciate everybody that lives there their cooperation and patience for that project we had a lot of rainy days so dragged on yeah thank you Mr Smith you good I hope so have a baseball bat when you you said no of course not okay we'll move on to committee reports does anyone have any committee reports to Madam president I have a couple I'd like to shareff yes please uh eedc met on Monday uh they dedicated that meeting to identifying Economic Development projects uh to comply with um President Johnson's uh request for information as it relates to possible projects that could be within the master plan um Redevelopment re examination environmental and green team uh executed planning of six trees over by the senior center uh property and that's in addition to two other trees that were planted last year one was planted uh as I understand by The Garden Club and the other one by the city so that PLS a total of eight trees around the playground over there so it'll be neat to watch through the years as they grow and provide a nice canopy and the Garden Club um you know this group has a lot of volunteers that do a lot of beautification here in the city and I hope I've captured all the upcoming projects that they have plannings at the uh the Mansion they're doing uh the library plantings of the beds Kennedy Parks uh butterfly garden and the Four Corners they also have a garden tour that's coming up on June 22nd that's going to go from 10: until 3: uh you should be look for information on Facebook that you know if you'd like to participate in that that's all thank thank you Mr Allen yeah Madam president uh Arts commission uh of course they doing a great job uh come June they're going to have a uh water uh coloring uh at The summmer Point Community Center Senior Community Center starting June 1st 8th 15th and 29th through all Saturdays from 10: to noon the flat rate of $50 um and basically uh it breaks down to 1250 per class nonrefundable um first come first serve up to 15 people for to be registered um also uh to piggy back off of Charles Habor June 22nd 10 to3 at the Summers Point Senior Community Center the uh during the Garden Club tour everyone's more than welcome to stop inside the uh the building because there will be Arts display of uh from our third graders at dolls Avenue school and I want to put in a special shout out to uh Jenny Swift because she's uh our teacher over there and she's doing real well bringing this all to fruition 10 to 3 June 22nd [Music] okay thank you any other committee reports very good okay thank you could I have a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting from April 25th 2024 and executive session meeting minutes from September 28th 2023 approved as to content only I'll make that I'll make that motion second second [Music] all in favor any opposed the minutes are approved what number is that again 129 in the interest of everyone's time I'm just going to the agenda move the agenda around a little bit um I'd like to open up for public comment on resolution number 29 um could I have a motion to open up for public comment on resolution number 129 I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolution 129 can I have a motion to close motion to close second all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment could I please have a reading of number 129 please resolution number 129 of 2024 saluting the efforts of the 2024 bayfest committee and volunteers whereas the annual bayrest celebration in summers Point held this year on April 27th has become a cherished tradition bringing Joy unity and Community Spirit to our city and whereas the success of the bayfest celebration is a testament to the hard work dedication and tireless efforts of the committee members who volunteer their time and expertise to organize and execute this remarkable event and whereas the beest committee members have demonstrated exemplary leadership creativity and passion in planning and coordinating every aspect of the celebration from entertainment and activities to Logistics and safety measures and where as their commitment to Excellence has resulted in a truly memorable experience for residents and visitors alike while in a sense of pride in our community and showcasing the beauty and vibrancy of Summer's point and whereas their selfless contributions have contributed significantly to the cultural social and economic Vitality of our city attracting visitors supporting local businesses and strengthening the bonds of friendship and commodity among our citizens and whereas the befest committee is a volunteer committee that has taken on the responsibility for this event each year whereas the vest committee consists of the following individuals Steve horn committee chairman shell Bethal blal blal excuse me deardra cro Emerald horny Lynn mckin Jared manelo Ashley mats and Brianna McNair and whereas on the day of the event the community is joined by a group of volunteers who give their time to help execute the plan for the day this year those volunteers were John Brittain mura Patrick kasro Christine Carion Bill Falls Joe Falls Charles haor John hellig Janice Johnston Jeffrey Castro Shana sha Castro Ryan MCM Mike Owen Doug shellcross and Cen Tran and now therefore be it resolved that the city council of sum Point hereby extends its heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the committee members and volunteers of the annual day Fest celebration for their outstanding service dedication and passion in organizing and producing this Beloved Community event that helps make city of sumers Point proud thank you may I have a motion please I'll gladly make that motion I'll second any comment any comments yeah yeah council president uh just I would just like to uh thank thank the uh volunteers and the committee for another excellent J with bayfest it marks actually the beginning of the the spring summer season uh in summmer point has been successful for a lot of years and these people just picked up where uh it was needed and has done an excellent job not only last year but this year and uh I certainly appreciate everything that they do and have done uh for this city thank you madam president yes the coordination at the startup was amazing to watch all those vendor show up and have the volunteers out there instructed on what to do I was really really impressed by the leadership that was shown so thank you to those that uh put that plan together and executed it so well okay um all in favor any opposed um anyone that's on this list if you'd like to come forward please proba that's you will yeah come on out if you wouldn't mind just like to take a moment myself um obviously Steve Hornick chairman of the committee uh thank you for all those kind words but at the same time it's not just the committee and the volunteers we wouldn't be able to do this without also the city support that we get uh the public works department the police department uh the fire department both company one and Company two uh Lucy and the clerk's office you talked about the safety and the insurance aspects of all of this uh Katie calie and her team at Gateway Theater for opening up their facility for us to use as a home base uh for the day and uh Atlanta County Utilities Authority who uh comes in at the end of the day actually with their street sweeper and goes up and down Bay Avenue two or three times at the end of the night so thank you all it really is a community effort not just the committee not just the volunteers but you guys as well and thank you also the mayor and and Mr McAn who also sit on the committee um you know uh for their their efforts as well so thank you all all right stay there let me give you this glad just glad to be part of your team Steve that's itely no doubt appreciate that he was here for the SC it's all good thank you sir for you [Music] Spong ordinance number 12 ordinance number 12 of 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 242 trees and shrubs by deleting current articles one protection and two visibility at intersections and replacing same with article one tree removal and replacement and article two maintenance requirements SMI are we do you want to make your recommendations first or okay [Applause] um Mr helig and I have uh Mr H working on this with the committee we've uh gone over some of the uh language and Mak you certain recommendations are all minor in nature uh I've designated ages of for you to look at um some of things go down from Ines to feet ag2 P6 how there is no such as a pine a p these are minor Chang explaining the Chang we're recommending the changes so has to be uh V on I make a motion to amend the ordinance thank second I'll second it all in favor any opposed okay so thank you apprciate it that way yeah I wish they were already got open so now could I have a motion to open for the public for ordinance number 12 sh second all in favor opposed anyone from the public wishes to speak about ordinance number 12 please step forward see no one could I have a motion to close I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed could I have a motion for ordinance number 12 the amended with the Amendments I'll make that Mo I'll make that motion as amended second second uh any comments all in favor all right any opposed ordinance number 12 is adopted as amended clean copy to send to you madam thank you Mr Smith thank you number ordinance number 13 ordinance number 13 of 2024 ordinance amending chapter 250 V and traffic Article 5 residential parking permits section 25056 issuance of residential parking permits have a motion please so moved second second in all in favor any opposed this is the first reading for ordinance number 13 I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only I'll make that I'll make that motion I'll second I'll second in favor all in favor any opposed open for public comment on resolutions only evening FKS good evening just state your name for the record please Mrs Washington I have a question I have a question I'd like to ask you members of the city council but this we're open for public comment on resolutions only at this point so okay okay go ahead okay sorry thank you what are they turned into the um siner Hotel other uh working on uh converting them into Apartments okay are those apartments affordable housing or no a portion of them will be yes okay and do you know a time frame when they will be ready or no that I don't know we're still going back and forth with we actually recommending that you have to be uh withdrawn tonight because we don't even have the Redevelopment plan finalized I expected to have it done on Monday and everyone's schedule sort of didn't mesh so that will uh that should be coming up probably at the next Council meting because the name has already been changed out there it transferred ownership a while ago back in in uh spring of 2023 ownership change okay so was just simply a grand okay it used to be a OT Marriot marot uh that changed in one the instead Mar this is really all they've done at this point is Chang the name they're putting together a plan can I ask another question absolutely what are they building on M Landon Road behind the golf the golf carts that that I can't answer right now because that's not a resolution but our resolution but just briefly it's uh there's an agreement in 2008 of the city a Redevelopment project and there'll be housing also part and Par that okay thank you for answering my questions welcome thank you good evening uh Christopher mosus and I guess I and I guess I have a question um on resolution 118 yes yes so could you explain what the recreation trust fund is for and purpose the purpose of it for the income that's derived from okay so the income that's derived from the boat ramp where does that go where do the monies go once it's in the bank account what do it use foror yeah we can use it for rec any Recreation purposes or just for the boat ramp any okay I'm just curious why is it a boat ramp um trust F trust fund then it's it's a recreation is it where the money's derived from okay so I have questions about the bo ramp should I wait until the public portion no you can ask them now it's fine okay um so I used so I used to vote ramp regularly during the summer and you might remember that I overed some documents last year huh okay yeah I remember so I'm not I'm not against the collection of fees for the boat ramp I am against the design of the the gate for the boat ramp and I met I believe is that Mr shellcross I'm sorry I met with the recreation director about two years ago and we went over a lot of the issues that a lot of the people have with the boat ramp that use it regularly um the location of the the the gate lack of signage the lack of road safety paintings you know telling people where they can go where they can't go um also also the parking there's a lot of people that park there with mobile homes things like that it doesn't seem he gets addressed I've called the police several times because there were people that were obviously parked in the truck and trailer spot that weren't voting and there's a limited amount of spots to use and it's a heavily used location um so what I was curious is they are taking money from people I just got my key fob the other day from public works and I want to you know I like talking about the good and the bad and I appreciate how the council has treated veterans I'm a vet and I appreciate the discount all right so I want to say Kudos and I think Summer's Point's a very patriotic town to that to that end my concern about the boat ramp is the maintenance of the boat ramp I've been using it for probably seven years I have a charter fishing business I bring people into the town and I always recommend they go to the summer Point restaurants to eat rather than go back toan City so I try to you know benefit the town you know since have the boat ramp and it benefits me and I try to you know make sure everyone benefits from it how come the maintenance at the boat ramp is almost zero I don't see any maintenance done to the dock I believe there is a plan there is a plan I know we've discussed what needs to be done so yeah yeah I'm sorry I'm not no I'm not talking about JFK I'm talking about Route 52 that's the one that I use so I met I I mean I called Mr sha cross I'm gonna say about two summers ago um I took my time out of my day I walked him for an hour and a half around the boat ramp it was a busy weekend in August I believe um he met other people got a lot of feedback from a lot of pretty much angry boat ramp users CU I don't think anyone really agreed with the way the thing was set up they thought it was unsafe the way it was designed um and there were a lot of issues that I brought up like signage rules of boat ramp use things like that is anyone planning on following up with the recommendations that were made to the rec department I don't know I don't know that addresses everything that you brought up with Mr ch um and beond that else okay soare I'm sorry that I'm talking about the placement of the gate so the state design that I opened the documents to try to figure that out to be honest but I try to do my due diligence and I could not from what I understand Public Works unless someone has a better answer Public Works set that up no that's not true create inst okay okay um so I don't know does anyone here use the boat ramp like the location really hazardous for people especially if you have a 25ft boat or larger it's really tough to to make the turns a lot of people have scraped their hubs on the concrete block that supports the meters um I was kind of I wasn't really planning on coming here tonight but um I did quickly I saw that councilman if I mispronounce your name mcgean sorry about that you um were asked about public restrooms at the February meeting and what it says councilman mcgean will investigate the request I was curious if there was an update one bathroom this the minutes from the rec meeting so I'm just going off that oh oh at the recation commission yeah this was the recreation committee meeting minutes I think there's been discussions with regards to pter parties I don't know it's going anywhere yet right all right but we could have that you have that discussion so how do so how do we how do I get involved in the discussion or because the Summer's approaching we have may your your concern I guess words in your mouth your desire is to have a porta potty down there correct because there used to be one there a few years ago there was a porty PO portal potty there now the problem is I take people out on the boat for several hours they used to be able to use the porta potties now I have to ask them to use the water front Marina on the both for a couple hours I have women and children I understand and you're your uh certainly desire and and the reasoning certainly sound and certainly is down on the record so okay so I just curious so what what'll happen is I'll have a discussion with with the other council members as well as the city administrator and Mr sh cross and see uh right so to have a further that discussion and see if ultimately a porta poty could be put down there or or if it's mared okay so since February there's been no movement on that is because people have asked me I have a Facebook page and I just want to be able to say so there's really nothing set in St yet but as stated here tonight we'll have those discussions made your certainly have made a case for okay um and next the trash can well a trash can our our facilities and this is often on social media all our facilities are like all national park are car to carry out you create trash please take it with you we if we put a trash can down there and as I'm sure as an experienced voer you're going to realize that that trash can is going to uh attract every seagull within the shouting distance and that becomes a real mess right so and we had this carry on carry out policy for uh decades and it's worked pretty well that's on our on our Park it's everywhere and that's a national like I said that's National Park uh protocol as well so okay um so I guess really I'm concerned about the upgrades like the cleats you can't tie your boat up the to the dock and that's a basic safety you know Hazard I'm talking about Route 52 I don't use kened park is there just one cleat there there's I think two well I don't I think haven't been down there I was going to stop by tonight but I didn't but from what I heard because on my Facebook page someone told me that the cleats are still not there and that's that's been like that for two years I had to buy 25 foot of rad to be a we'll take a look at that it we'll yeah um and that's pretty much it for right now I wanted to check on the bathrooms oh I'm sorry there's one more question there there's always an issue of an discussion about who owns who who actually owns the boat ramp um [Music] um talking about 3 Jason State you know you know what that's there was a comment about jurisdiction and it said the state had jurisdiction over it so you control the ramp it's Summers Point Property okay all right because I just want if I could find it quickly it said it incorrectly in here it said that it was State jurisdiction in the minutes it was a state project initially right yeah and so there's um somewhat convoluted uh jural matri for everything down there okay all right so I appreciate your answers to the questions I'm not here to be aeral like I said I don't even mind paying fees for the for the dock because I use it I just want to see it maintained thank and and and traffic lines so boers when they come back um I was in the Coast Guard for 5 years I did safety training I was trained for a boater safety course guys coming off the water they've been there maybe theyve had a few drinks they go pull out of the boat ramp maybe their Vision I think we understand i' I've let you go past the way past our three minutes so I don't want to get that's why I thought we appreciate your comments and we'll definitely thank you thank you thank you motion to close the portion for resolutions so move all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment resolution number 116 please resolution number 116 of 2024 dedication by Ryder vot ramp gate fees Recreation trust fund may have a motion please I'll make that motion I'll second I'll second com any comments in favor all in favor any opposed resolution number 116 is adopted number 117 res resolution number 117 of 2024 authorizing estimated tax billing have a we have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 117 is adopted number 118 resolution number 118 of 2024 resolution authorizing the imple implementation of fees for the use of the boat ramps located at Route 52 bridge and John F Kennedy Park may have a motion please SM second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed res resolution number 118 is adopted number 119 res resolution number 119 of 2024 appointment of consultant for the scoping project for the Gulf Mill storm water pump station in accordance with Hazard mitigation assistance grant fiscal year 2022 emn 2022 FM 003 0010 golf mills Pump Station have a may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 119 is adopted number 124 res resolution number 124 2024 calling for the modernization of open public records act Oprah and the Swift passage of Senate Bill 2930 and assembly Bill 4045 may I have a motion please I'll gladly make that motion second that any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 124 is adopted number 126 resolution number 126 of 2024 acknowledging and approving the hiring of a fulltime labor may I have a motion please move second second any comments both them pass both have them already okay good great thank you no no no I I I assumed that you were doing your job correctly Mr administrator um all in favor any opposed resolution number 126 is adopted number 127 resolution number 127 of 2024 acknowledging and approving the hiring of a full-time laborer may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor I agree any opposed resolu resolution number 127 is adopted number 128 please resolution number 128 of 2024 authorizing purchase on state contract 2 2025 for utility inceptors for Summers Point Police Department may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments any comments a question uh these uh Vehicles they were appropriated in last year's Capital not this year's Capital is that correct yes yes okay and by order hope we have by the end right yes okay thank you I just wanted to make sure we were uh all in favor any opposed resolution number 128 is adopted um did 129 right res resolution number 130 please resolution number 130 of 2024 authorizing the mayor to sign agreement to Teamsters Union Local number 115 may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 130 is adopted uh we are going to withdraw resolutions number 131 and 132 um until a later date we're not ready to make a decision on that yet um resolution number 133 please it's okay res resolution number 133 2024 resolution authorizing tax Council to settle the pending tax appeals of HPT IG I hg2 Property Trust regarding block 2020 lot 3 also known as 900 ma Landing Road in the city of Summers Point have may I have a motion please make time motion second any comments any comments I'll just say thank I'll just say thank you to Mr Smith I know he's worked on that for a very long time um all in favor all right any opposed resolution number 133 is adopted number one 34 resolution number 134 2024 amending designated depositories calendar year 2024 I have a motion please sh move second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 134 is adopted I have can I have a motion for the consent agenda please make that motion I'll second it I'll second it all in favor any opposed consent agenda is adopted okay moving on to Old business uh discussion of West Maryland Avenue street vacation so technically Mr I should have picked up on that it should be discussion relative to the implementation of a decision and recomendation resolution of the uh the zoning board concerning the uh construction of a fence on the back and of the property on vacation of the street and the developer uh has written to the city requesting a a clarification request as opposed to them being required to go out and they uh handled the installation of new fence in the back that was required by the DNR uh they have suggested that the city uh take over this and we build them for it and they pay it for so I just need some directions help respond to that and uh Mr Schneider can jump in if he feels it's Neary remain Qui I fence is already existing it was to replace the fence why do they want us to do it is it our fence I didn't hear you that's the uh that's the consensus I guess is that they don't want to have to do well think that it may be easier as a replacement I think they have to amend their DP permit if they have to because it's in the wetlands buffer so if we do it we don't have to amend any perit we can just do it well it's in kind I mean I have I would still file not I we probably still need to file an application to get clarification that okay so there would be effort on your part so there they're agreeing or they they recognize that it's not just the wire and the or whatever involved in getting the fence Thunders like we would like to call soft course they're going to cover all that including solicitor Khan and administrator KH they're going to pay all the costs incurred I don't think the uh administrator has cost ass well it only about1 he can assign some hours to it um uh that is what has been proposed we can we can if that's the direction you want to go in we can tighten that up but if you don't want to do that there's no reason for me to engage in a lot of discussion I need some Dire from counil as to what you want us is is there specific specifications for the type of fence that needs to be put up there well it was an odd thing I'm assum I'm assuming zoning the zoning board would do that you're dealing with issues that never even heard of but when they were here on the issue of the street vacation uh Mr lario mentioned the fact that there was a portion of the DNR that dressed defense was unaware of it um uh uh the fence located southern boundary of the property shall be moved at appens inside the property boundary should be located outside theate surve so the current fence is not in the right place or no this isn't there I'm sorry apologize I apologize if the ACC Street vacation is approved the applicant shall be placed the chain Ling fence at the south side of the property for the Improvement satisfaction Sun Point City Council that is located on properly currently owned by the city of sun point that is subject of the required Street vacation that one makes much more sense yes doesn't [Music] specify okay I just I just wanted some clarification on what type of fence had to go had to go up there I would just recommend that it be vinyl coded I agree with that what's the estimated cost for the replacement um I haven't gotten any prices yet but probably around if I had to guess it's fairly long it's probably around 10,000 why would we want to do this a lot of the posts have to be what type of uh what type of agreement would they enter into to assure us that they're going to reimburse us well it's just a letter to me that was the that was the nature of my question how you know how do we how do we guarantee that we get the money back we put the fence up in there to get okay you have to have uh do it all the time M well the DNR says that they'll replace the fence so do they have to have that Chang they have to go back and change that it replace replace I just need some Direction counil I I'm fine with us as long as we're going to get reimbursed that way I think we have we have control over the uh the quality of the fencing and things of that nature like the engineer said vinyl coded if they put the fence up there's no guarantee it's going to be vinyl coded I think there's uh there's a legitimate reason why we should they're requesting that we should take control of that uh f yeah I agree as and especially as long as there's an S account my only concern is we get into this and we find out as unforeseen situation to our engineer is going to know that yeah he'll research it and well the cost is going to be what the cost is until the end of the day so I'll also get a few quotes just to so we know what the escrow should be as long as all the as long as that's of course as long as the estimates are covered that includes labor too the material complete project sure tax well that um include they're going to be responsible for installation and maintenance last what this says and see we didn't we didn't include anything in the street vacation on this um this was just imposed by the zoning board well they're asking us to install it but mainten it should be on maintaining it should be on them we might we might get another the ratio yeah we don't want to maintain it well I believe it's our fence it is our so the maintenance of our fence would be on up I got confus think I would think You' be a onee guarantee correct yeah should okay so it is our fence okay all right I'm okay with that everybody's good with that y okay all right is that all you need Mr Smith mrar was kind of when I was reading the wrong yeah it's certainly confused me but pull his Bat Out yeah okay um does anyone else have any old business to discuss hearing none any new business to discuss okay uh discussion of the bills Mr Mr Frost sure uh this evening we have a bill list of 3,632 68073 as well as a record of payments for $200 if I may comment on a bill list yes please on page 12 there's a bill list uh halfway down the Page or Bill listed down the page that uh is to me it's a reimbursement for some bayfest expenses I'll be refusing myself from that particular Bill thank you okay thank you I may have a motion to open for public comment please Sub sub second all in favor I any opposed we're now open for public comment good evening everybody John hellig 106 East STS um not to beat a dead horse or talk about this West Maryland Avenue job anymore than we need to I just and I would defer to our engineer one thing I think Council should be aware of they have submitted for their D permits they don't have their D permits they've been waiting 15 months it's a very contentious application so I'm just not sure that the city auto inject itself into that whole issue in terms of the permitting the construction I don't have a problem with if they want the city to run the construction let them get the permits you know that's that's how I feel about it they're already into this with the DP that'd be my recommendation thank you thank you motion to close the public portion so moved all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment may I have a motion to please make that make that motion second second all in favor any opposed Mr Frost can pay the bills are there any further comments for the good of the order from the governing body I don't know it's a comment I just have a question now that the budget's been passed uh when are we planning on moving for with a bond ordinance because we have many items the city is requested AB on that okay hopefully next council meeting will the first one in June probably first okay that's fine I just want a timeline that's all and that takes two readings yes I have a question as well is is Lucy is this your last meeting um for this okay all right didn't mean to jump the gun but where you going you're leaving I didn't know that you know appreciate everything you've done for the city over the years just want to give you a shout out kind of early but thank you appreciate it oh and kind thanks for bringing it up I'm going to get dressed up for the next Meek hey dress like leprechauns right why not there you [Music] go okay can I have a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion all in favor all right opposed thank you everyone mck we are you in Rush very you good covered a lot