##VIDEO ID:Z3Q6pRzUAg4## yeah I was there I know I was there I was like getting impatient I was like you know let's get this thing going gon go live gonna go live okay go live okay um it's a safety meeting followed by the employee luncheon like Creed by Charlie the safety meeting starts at 10: and then [Music] okay I guess we'll have to talk to Shelby I don't or might have to talk to Steve too because he's the one that coordinated the Charlie's ordered the food I did take your spot last night that's true Jack I did Tom thanks for answering those questions so early in the morning it was like 5:20 and I didn't expect an answer by I didn't expect 5:30 have an answer thank you Council MC Wigan how are you tonight I'm good how are you doing good I'm going to be asking some questions you're going to be making fun of me J I'm gonna go live if you make fun of me first I'm make fun of you okay right we're live I don't know what's going on with your face but I won't mention it that's from the rumble the other night you should remember that yeah I know just seen the other guy but I'm here Mo Mo looks like and Mike are wearing the same shirt dermatologist need some Christmas money so they bring the patients in that's it my Christmas not me I got go four sessions oh well you're screwed down yeah I get to Flap over and then flap back from the cheek I want it to come off the the tail yeah but they say it's too deep you got any video no but if I do I'll I'll send it to you appreciate that yeah all right you know they already got me they already got me on video anyway so take all the shots you want wait for the here it comes yep got his comes the mayor all right yes this meeting is called to order would everyone please rise for the flag salute to the flag of the United States of America to the for stands Nation indivisible andice for all may I have a roll call please council member depilis here council member Dill here council member G here council member hoorn pres council member mcgan here council member Owen here council president Johnston here also present is Mayor tap administrator Frost Deputy city clerk I'm gonna say your name wrong JM gam Papa city solicitor Smith and city engineer Snider pursuing to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers Point gov.org okay welcome everyone um could I have a motion to um bring resolution number 254 off the table we had tabled it at the last meeting we need to um put it back on the agenda for tonight I'll make that motion I'll second all in favor any opposed resolution number 254 is back on the agenda we have a uh special presentation tonight with our uh Deputy safety coordinator Stephen Steve hornig to give an update on the city's safety program good evening mayor council president members of council I'm here tonight to give a brief very brief presentation as required by our Atlanta County Municipal joint Insurance Fund also known as GIF GIF sets their members up for success with their safety programs through best practices and suggestions by GIF safety Consultants as well as their annual safety incentive program requirements according to GIF the two most important parts of safety in the workplace are wellness and training National studies indicate that healthy employees are less likely to be injured and recover more quickly from injuries additionally there is increased productivity among employees higher employee morale and less absenteeism GIF provides various safety training customized for each department in the city through webinars meetings visitations and digital newsletters to date the employees of Summers Point have successfully completed over 200 safety related training opportunities just this year the bottom line is that integrating Wellness with safety training has a positive impact on employee well-being and less accidents are reported in the workplace that is all thank you thank you very much thank you Steve great job thought you said was gonna be short that works yes okay good luck with that okay uh anyone have any Communications to offer hearing none Mr Mayor oh so much for short sweet uh just a couple things real fast uh the as maybe some or some might not know there was a little postcard sent out for the uh nrtc which is the planned neighborhood revitalization tax credit program and basically this uh postcard was sent out to all the residents ballpark say Harbor Lane all the way to Ocean Heights Bay to Route 9 and uh basically what this is is a um we're trying to put together a plan uh so this is let me back that up so this is really for a grant we have to put together a plan so we can apply for a grant uh in this 60% of the grant now we can get up to a million dollars uh a year for five years uh L City's doing this in three different sections of their town uh we qualify because of the demographics that we have in that particular part of town but 60% of the funding would go to uh uh planning design management for housing projects Rehabilitation and construction of commercial facilities uh Recreation and then 40% could go to infrastructure improvements including streetscapes uh crime prevention which could be cameras uh community outreach and so with that the flyer went out I'm hoping that everyone takes the time to fill out a survey uh and as well as there's going to be a meeting on November 4th at 6 o'clock here December December November December first time doing this uh December 4 um and really the meeting it's an open public meeting and we're hoping to get some of the residents that live in that area to come in to give us some more input in the event that they're not techsavvy and they can't do the survey online uh there's uh on the postcard it gives out the website uh as well as a QR code that they can use so they can go on that website and do that uh we also have on December we got we got a busy December 7th not November December 7 uh Pearl Harbor day uh will be at 10000 p.m. down at our William Maro Beach New Jersey and Bay for a little ceremony also we have on that same date December 7th we got the Christmas parade that starts at six o'clock starts at dolls Avenue ends here at City Hall where we have Santa and little gifts for the kids and really the big thing here is is that on December 8 Fire Company 2 is having their breakfast with Santa which I did volunteer everyone on city council to be able to come help and cook and serve you only have to be there at 6:00 a.m. so we'll see if we can get everyone out so but um other than that that's all I got and Happy Thanksgiving thank you uh Mr Frost I could have said that made Mr Smith I first is the get their wa lice Department took a year to get January took a while I Council ex session taxy grou from house we were able to settle that although technically resolu beginning of the less than 0,000 each year have to come this I'm bringing it anyway um it really works out to about $5,000 of lost taxes on thee is just make sure was clear everyone there wasn't change in resolution 270 2024 we were hiring before HED as thank you uh Mr Snider uh yes the first thing I want to discuss is this received a uh New Jersey D grant for $ 343,387 for Amer Road um it's for the second highest in the county besides Lan city um we also had our preconstruction meeting for The Ballad Drive project the contractor a aak Paving is uh anticipating starting mid December and then on the uh agenda tonight is a a resolution awarding the bid for reconstruction of Ocean Avenue phase two that was also a DOT Grant and it came in within budget and then lastly the Shore Road pedestrial Improvement project is out the bid right now bids will be received December 4th um there is the issue and I am requesting city council to possibly do a special meeting the same day as the the uh steering committee meeting because bids um city has to award a contract by December 13th as per the state aid agreement and our next meeting is the 14th so we're a day short um so if we receive bids December 4th if we can award the sixth we were looking uh I was talking to council president we're to do immediately after steering committee meting after the steering steering committee is at 10: uh usually over by 11: we may not be able to do it hearing council chambers because it maybe booked for something else but probably the we're looking into doing it at the Gateway um but is any as long as we have a quorum is is just want to see who's available for that meeting and what day was that Friday the December 6th I would say 11 11 am okay steering is at 9: isn't it steering is at 10 it's at 10: M nrtc is usually at 9: I don't know if we'll have one oh maybe that's what I got yeah right I got both works for me okay yeah Mr D I think you'll yeah I'm fine with that yes I'm sorry you can you make it they're looking at you was he shook his head yes can you make the meeting or I know you have a work for schedule Friday yeah at 10 11: a.m. uh available by phone it'll be at work work Friday but you can call me have a quum so we'll speaker yeah that' be good Mr McAn yes all right we're good we'll have a quum okay right thank you we'll let everybody know as soon as we get confirmation from the Gateway if we can use that facility okay thank you thank you L we have a quentia anyone have any committee reports Madam president if I may yes please our walking group is coming up on the halfe anniversary on Monday so we've been walking uh Mondays for the last 26 weeks we up to about 20 people per per um time we walk starting in December we're going to add Friday to our schedule and we're going to walk Kennedy Park so that'll give people three days a week to walk Monday Wednesdays and Fridays and um we have a uh what we call a wise Group which is the wellness Initiative for senior education uh it's a six week course where we just finished our second week here and we're getting positive feedback to that so just update you on some senior Wellness things we're doing thank you thank you any other committee reports uh Madame President yes please uh the Arts commission uh shout out to uh Dan Myers uh he's leading up the uh photography classes there the uh senior slash uh recreation building uh Saturdays he has two more sessions this coming Saturday and the following Saturday on the 30th he has over 16 registered attendees which is pretty good and uh Recreation we just met um and we're looking at well the Police Athletic League is looking at uh partnering up with the city with the soccer coming up so look forward to that okay thank you I could I have a motion to approve the minutes from the October 24th 2024 meeting and executive session meeting of the same date as to content only and special meeting on November 14 2024 I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed the minutes are approved okay um well move on to you don't have any proclamations right nope ordinances ordinance number 21 of 2024 in ordinance amending sections 174 D1 2 3 4 5 6 10 and 11 of chapter 174 Mercantile licenses um I just want to uh preface that these four or five ordinances are all in reference to our merant till license and business registration and this is going to make it much simpler for both um the clerk's office and also the business owners to register and uh get their merti licenses uh and I thank um Mr Smith he's been working on this for quite a while it turned out to not be so simple we thought it was just a little change but uh we appreciate you working so hard on this uh could I have a motion to introduce uh ordinance number 21 please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed ordinance 21 is introduced number 22 ordinance number 22 of 2024 and ordinance amending sections 95-1 2 3 4 and 5 of chapter 95 registration of businesses may I have a motion please so move second uh any comments all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 22 is introduced number 23 ordinance number 23 of 2024 an ordinance repealing chapter 94 entitled business and rental insurance registration of the city code may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 23 is it is introduce number 24 please ordinance number 24 of 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 169 Article 5 registration and inspection of certain rental units apartment units and dwelling units section 16947 to require liability insurance for rental unit owners may I have a motion please I'll make that motion any comments all in favor any opposed ordinance number 24 is introduced number 25 ordinance number 25 of 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 169 article 3 regulations for hotels and motels to include section 16932 liability insurance may I have a motion please I'll Mo that motion second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 25 is introduced number 26 please ordinance number 26 of 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 169 article 3 regulations for hotels and motels section 16928 registration forms filing contents and section 16939 fees may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 26 is introduced may I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only I'll make that motion second all in favor I any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only yes good evening uh John hellig 106 East dos Avenue I just had some questions on resolution number 273 and somebody tell me what that's about a resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an escrow agreement for repair work between the city of Summers point and West Maryland LLC it's to repair the uh fence it's that project next to the VA Fields there next to the U yeah yeah I'm I'm well aware where the project is I'm going to read a section of the zoning board resolution of approval for this project back in March of this year if the aforementioned Street vacation is approved then this Council approved a street vacation which essentially donated over 6,000 square ft of property to this applicant the applicant shall replace the chain link fence at the south side of the property to the approval and satisfaction of the Summers Point City Council as that fence is located on properly currently owned by the city of Summers Point that's the subject of the required Street vacation so this was clear at the zoning board meeting I mean we gave this project a use variance D1 variant um you granted them a street vacation um they cleared clearcut this property if you go over there now it's a it's a mess um but you know I don't know why the city's involved in replacing this fence this is pretty clear-cut the applicants that's their responsibility it's a security fence from their from from their perspective so just questioning that thank you explanation Mr Smith explanation explanation Mr dep asked pretty clear comping with the council contractor you have that attached to your pack and so paying for the because it's on city property we appr but they're paying for it mayor sign the agreement right thank you no no I was just wasn't sleeping wasn't it wasn't clear to me that we weren't paying so we're not paying for they're paying for it good that's what the esro that's what the escro agreement for yep but we're Contracting directly with somebody to fix that fence that is correct who's managing that contract my office thank you at the'll thank you motion to close oh I'm sorry go ahead mayor council president members of council good evening my name is Michael arario I'm an attorney at the firm of neat Davis and gold Stein I'm here this evening on behalf of LBH LLC in connection with the pending application for a 5-year tax abatement uh I I supplied a letter to Council on November 7th I hope Council had an opportunity to review it I wanted to go through a little bit of the contents of that letter and try to respond to any questions Council may have in connection with this ping resolution are we talking about this would be the executive session oh okay going to discussing ex Su understood then then again I I'd appreciate the opportunity just to explain a little bit of of the contents of that letter so the property itself it's 101 East Maryland Avenue it's block 910 lot one it's the existing mexic Kila restaurant um as I'm sure many on Council are aware that the city of Summers Point has a 5-year tax abatement ordinance in effect right now it's chapter 228 Article 4 which allows for pursuant to the state statute for the city to Grant tax abatements in certain situations and your ordinance actually provides guidance on the types of projects both residential and Commercial which would qualify for a fiveyear tax abatement and under 22812 intent and purpose it talks about promoting the rehabilitation of commercial structures in the city improving property values fostering Civic Beauty protecting and enhancing City ATT ractions for Citizens and tourists alike um and again the the purpose of this is really to allow for a a relief from the tax obligation for a five-year period again for certain residential and Commercial projects uh LBH LLC currently holds title to the mexa site they purchased it in July of 2022 um it was the former clany by the Bay Restaurant as I'm sure many of council remember and the building at the time that they purchased it was in pretty significant disrepair um it really was approaching it was coming off the the covid-19 pandemic it was in need of substantial Capital Improvements LBH came in they spit an application to the planning board which was approved um and they undertook some pretty significant renovations to the site um a new roof foundation work there was asbest for mediation the windows were replaced interior Renovations exterior Renovations the parking area was repaved and and um restriped again really significant improvements to bring what was an outdated building into the 21st century and I think the results largely they show for themselves when you drive by the building it really is a a sharp attractive modern looking restaurant um during construction an application was filed with a tax assessor for a five-year abatement pursuant to the city of Summers Point ordinance um upon submission there was a question raised I discussed in my letter as to the application fee required for these types of applications under your ordinance it requires a application fee of 1.5% of the anticipated construction costs now for a project of this scope the anticipated construction costs were $2.45 million a pretty significant sum so 1.5% of that is approximately $36,000 would have been the application fee now what's interesting is your ordinance goes on to say that this fee is for the cost of legal review and administrative costs in processing this application and that in fact really tracks what the case law on this says is the municipality's fees have to have some Nexus to what the actual realistic cost is to review and and administratively review this this application um this this issue was raised with attorney Jim Franklin who I know was working on the city's behalf in connection with this application that ultimately the position of the applicant was we understand there has to be an application fee but there has to be some Nexus involved with the computation of that fee to the actual cost and a $40,000 application fee didn't share that Nexus with the actual cost for this process for this application to be reviewed what I think is interesting is your ordinance goes on to Grant this Council the authority to amend that application fee via resolution so Council does have some leeway and the hope of the applicant was that this would be resolved with app with the council to a more uh reasonable application fee in consideration of the existing case law and again that was the end of of 2023 in January of 2024 the applicant received an email from the tax assessor indicating that the tax abatement application had been approved um as part of that email was the tax abatement application stamped and signed by the tax assessor indicating that it was approved it was the property record card showing that tax abatement in in effect and the tax records for the property were updated to grant that 5year or tax abatement and the Associated Tax savings um for the tax savings for five-year period the phase in that that is provided for in the tax abatement ordinance would Grant the applicant uh approximately $105,000 so it's a considerable considerable amount of money that the applicant received notification that that application had been approved and based on that notification from the tax assessor and the associated documentation that money was reinvested back into the business certain improvements were planned for the site um both to the parking area to to the building itself to the landscaping and you'll hear a representative of LBH tonight speak a little bit more to some of those proposed or anticipated improvements of the site but ultimately the applicant received notification from the city that their application was approved and in Reliance upon that planned certain improvements to the subject site fast forward to October of this year we received notification um from the city that that approval was actually issued in error and that Council never formally granted the assess or the authority to do that um as you can imagine that came at pretty significant shock to the applicant having received this documentation relying upon it taking the steps necessary and then being told well in fact that that $115,000 over the five years you thought you were getting actually it's not approved and there's a question as to whether or not it will be approved it's got to go before Council so I I can tell you that there's certainly a level of shock with our client um and and I think there's really two issues that that Council has to consider I think the first is looking at this application strictly through the lens of your tax abatement ordinance and I think if you look at what this site was previously that it was an older restaurant becoming someone of an eyesore potentially could have been a future of being a blighted sight the ability of the the applicant to come in to invest this significant sum to improve it visually to make it an attractive structure really that's the purpose of the abatement is to provide a certain tax relief to the applicant to the developer in that situation just to be clear here the the tax relief is only on the added improvements assessed value here so it's approximately a million dollars of added assessment for the improvements we're talking about the underlying tax obligation that's not changing it's really just a phase in of that tax obligation for the that added Improvement value um but really we think if you look at your ordinance this project can be this application cries out for an abatement it's it's it's a a really strong strong situation that that a tax bait would apply for um at the same time what I'd ask Council to consider is the equities at play here uh this is a situation where the applicant received notification from the city and relied on that notification and that notification in in no no unequal term no unequivocal terms stated it was an approved tax abatement application I know that documentation was was provided to members of council based upon that documentation certain Investments were made and again I I know I said I had a representative of LH LLC uh Mr Bowman if you could could you come up for just just a brief moment Mr Smith I don't you want to have him worn in or is that this is public com okay that's just wanted to make sure so m r if you could could you first just introduce yourself uh good evening uh my name is pton Bowman I'm the operator for formerly CL now maxila and uh thank you for listening to us tonight um we appreciate the time and as Mr larer said uh when we received the letter we were in shock uh I'm not sure how many of you come into the restaurant or driven by but we we did take a a pretty strong stance of um deciding to come to Summers Point originally we're from the Philadelphia Cape May region and uh with a development opportunity um you know one of the the strong senses to kind of influence us to come into this area was obviously very uh uh Pro bus favorable uh development uh just as far as South in Philadelphia there was a strong recognition of um the upand cominging area for the future of Summers point and we believed in that as well uh Mr lario kind of addressed some of the the um Investments that we put into the building for the original let's talk about that so some the Investments made origin and again these were inity appliations and speak a little bit as the work to be uh sure so um again Mr lario it indicated you saw the building we recognize the building was in disarray uh when we came in we had some choices uh one was to originally just kind of repair what was in place um or completely replace what was in place and um so as we started getting into it obviously throughout the construction process there was many of the improvements that we felt it was better to just kind of wipe the state clean and uh he had mentioned the um the ASB bestness uh certainly we could have encapsulated the aestus but um you know we chose to remediate the espes uh other things the roof um you know it could have been repaired we decided to replace the roof um uh the list would just go on structural replacement there was water damage in the parking lot that was um you know fast forward to some of the savings and attacks you know when we originally took it over there literally puddles in a parking lot with seagulls floating in it and you know it was all uneven so there was a a lot of consideration going into obviously what we felt Summer's Point wanted to see obviously we have a business to run and what would take that business to um kind of put us in to the Forefront of you know the development of the summer Point uh community and and also U the future of Summers point so once sure uh well obviously we're in a restaurant business we work on low margins uh we are a penny savings um you know kind of measure in terms of the restaurant industry every every penny counts uh when we had some savings we had went ahead um you know just some some small examples of landscaping project we had a two-phase project uh you know we were going to use that money to continue with the the landscaping and the lighting of the project um you know some of the other little small areas again these are all just touches to the property to the community but when we have that kind of money at our disposal to help uh although not a lot of money you know as he indicated it's a good amount for us in a small business of small margins um you know some of the things we heard certainly were um prior to even occupany you know some of the we talked to we spent a lot of time talking to the neighbors and what were some of the issues with the restaurant one was the late night uh the noise coming out of there at 2 am so we we kind of changed our business model uh the second was the employees parking throughout the neighborhood um as Mr lario said you know when we got we realized we're going to be able to save some money on some taxes we actually rented the property next door store for the employees to park in uh we felt that was good and it really to this day the the neighbors that come into the restaurant really thank us they said it's much cleaner much there's no noise at the end they appreciate every aspect so they certainly seem to recognize um that you know having employees not Park throughout the neighborhoods and the streets um right now you know during the season we're up as high as 65 employees um so uh we felt that was one and again that's just where some of the savings that you can see into the project um you know we're hoping to kind of get back to the community with it andat it it is well it is it it doesn't helpt the situation I mean obviously we're in a business to make money and obviously survive um so every every again in our business every little penny counts and uh so certainly things of this nature would have to to rethink of you know where that money could go or where it's not going to go and um if we don't have the savings then we'd have to kind of reevaluate everything I'm sure as everybody else would in our situation thank you thank you thank you just briefly in closing again I I think this is certainly a unique situation before Council we certainly don't want to be here making this presentation the circumstances that they are um it's something that that's it's unfortunate but ultimately again we feel that putting the the approval aside just looking at this project as it stands it would qualify under your ordinance and we feel strongly like that I think if you look at the building and the work that was done it would meet that requirements I think when you factor in the equities at play here and and the fact that an approval was given to my client and he relied on that approval and the potential cost savings I think when you when you combine them together I think it strongly supports Council uh granting this fiveyear tax abatement for my client and and I understand you can't ask me any questions but uh if if there is anything in the future sure I can provide any information please let me know thank you motion to close make that motion second all in favor I any opposed we're now closed for public comment resolution number 254 please resolution number 254 of 2024 awarding bid for the fiscal year 2023 Municipal Aid reconstruction of Ocean Avenue phase two may I have a may I have a second second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 254 is adopted number 257 resolution number 257 of 2024 best practices inventory so moved second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 257 is adopted number 258 resolution number 258 of 2024 chapter 159 resolution sustainable communities environmental Steward stewardship to fol Lane environmental and interpretive Trail project I have a motion please no move second any comments yeah I'd like to make a comment Madam president if I may certainly the uh I've had the opportunity to walk that property with Mr mcgan and Mr helck a couple times and I think this would be a great um opportunity for the city to to enhance Recreation and education over there so I fly support the project I agree um all in favor I any opposed resolution number 258 is adopted number 259 resolution number 259 of 2024 chapter 159 resolution 2025 neighborhood preservation program may I have a motion please that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 259 is adopted number 260 please resolution number 260 of 2024 authorizing agreement with Fred w catrell Jr may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 26 is adopted number 261 resolution number 261 of 2024 hiring a full-time Public Safety telecommunicator namely Jacob Bell may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I I I any opposed resolution number 261 is adopted number 262 resolution number 262 of 202 for authorizing purchase of playground equipment through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey National Cooperative purchasing program for contract number 2425 01-01 playground equipment site Furnishings outdoor circuit training equipment and related products for the Summers Point Public Works Department may I have a motion please I'll make that motion say any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 262 is adopted number 263 resolution number 263 of 2024 authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to cancel Grant Balance may have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 263 is adopted number 264 resolution number 264 of 2024 budget appropriate a transfer I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed number 264 is adopted resolution number 265 resolution number 265 of 2024 a resolution approving a short-term tax exemption application for two wood Lawn Avenue may have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 265 is adopted number 266 resolution number 266 of 2024 approval of short-term tax exemption application for Sunset Avenue Redevelopment LLC may I have a motion please so moved second second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number number 266 is adopted number 267 resolution number 267 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of councel and attorney client communication regarding potential litigation in connection with the tax abatement application of LBH LLC 101 East Maryland a block 910 Lot 1 Summers Point New Jersey may I have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 267 is adopted we'll be going into executive session at towards the end of the meeting um in the interest of everyone's time uh number 268 please resolution number 268 of 2024 authorizing the city's assessor and tax counsil to prosecute matters at the tax board and in the tax Court may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 268 is adopted number 269 resolution number 269 of 2024 a resolution authorizing tax Council to settle the pending tax appeals of Atlantic Synergy Group LLC regarding block 2021 lot 1.05 also known as 500 me Landing Road in the city of Summers Point may I have a motion please second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 269 is adopted number 270 resolution number 270 of 2024 part-time hiring a Fire subcode official namely don don Ley may I have a motion please I'll make that motion any comments is there anything that kid can't do I know right I know we're um all in favor any opposed resolution number 270 is adopted number 271 resolution number 271 of 2024 chapter 159 resolution NJ do Amer Road phase one may I have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 271 is adopted number 272 resolution number 272 of 2024 approving prop proposals goods and services 2024 may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 272 is adopted number 273 resolution number 273 of 2024 a resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an Esco agreement for repair work between the city of Summers point and West Maryland LLC may I have a motion please I'll make that motion I'll second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 273 is adopted okay uh anyone have any old business to discuss um go moving forward to new business yes Mr Frost Council should have thist this letter of intent relates to our need or potential need for two trash trucks um going into next year it's anticipated that as of January one the Advanced Clean trucks act May in to Long times to these trash trucks we estimates of 18 months so these trash trucks were going to be budgeted um for the six-year Capital plans for 2025 and another one in 2027 um the concern is that we may not be able to get them we we until January to do so this Loi is a nonbinding Loi what it does is essentially gets us in line toar two of these trash trucks next year we still have to pass resolution the budg certifi funds but obviously the concern is if we get into January that we may not be able to so the LOI is I'm requesting Council approval to send Loi to the vend under a coop contract to basically them without obligating us to purchase so we're not this is non-binding no obligation we're just doing it right caning it cancel sure no obligation just us in so we're not 18 months without trash talk yeah anybody have any other questions no anybody okay with Mr Frost proceeding Yes sounds good okay yep thank you good catch Steve thank you okay any other new business to discuss hearing none discussion of the bills sure uh this evening we have a bill list in the amount of2 29,45 could I have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed we're now open for public comment anyone wishing to speak please come up and state your name and Rec and name for the record motion to close the public portion second all in favor I I any opposed we're now closed for public comment uh any other um comments from the uh governing body before we go into executive session uh Madame President yes Mr Owen I believe December 5th the hospital is going to have a tree lighting ceremony at 5 o'clock okay thank you good to know are they doing the trees again Long Bay Avenue far as I know okay I could be wrong but we'll check any other comments if not they have the tree in the you know visitors section so I'm sorry I forgot could I have a motion to pay the bills please I'll make that motion second uh all in favor I I any opposed okay you can pay the bill uh we'll take a f minute recess and then we'll go into executive session we don't anticipate do doing anything after executive but you're more than welcome to wait in the lobby and we'll come out and tell you when we're done thank you